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17r. 983-3.1 5 June S I Ox Cro NOM= AMAMIS, (Cont'd) S/204/63/003/002/001/006 where M is the molecular weight, a-and b are constants, and T is temperature ih *K This forIA141a is valid not only for alkanes, but also for alkenes, alkynes, arenes, and cyclic hydrocarbons at temperatures frond the melting point to the boiling point. The ternpqrature.c9efficient of surface. tersion for normal alkanes varies from, 0, 08 to 0. 12. There wereno anomalies near the melting point. The Parachor values d; inished at low te er IM mp 4tures. The parachor temperature coef-ficient was 0. 03 for hexane and 0. 05 for octane and decane. [EDW C*aej -yz k Ps-4/Fc-4/ MYRIEWN ACCESSION ITA: AP3002771 8/0204/63/003/003/0310/0313 AUTHOR: Be 0; BogoslovskaLa, T. M.; K&ko, L. D.; Nauruzor. M. Kh. TITIB: Index of refraotionlor normal aj~nLe 9 bt low temperatures SOURCE: Xeftekhizdya,~ve 3P 110*~ 3p 1963t 310-323 TOPIC TAGS: refraction indext normal k1kane, IRF-22 refractometer.. hexane,, haps. tane, octane, nonane, decane, iandecanes normal alkane refraction index I'ABSTRACT: The measurement of the index of refraction at low temperatures presents' a groat difficulty.- The condensation:of moisture on the prisms hinders the mea- surement. The use of special plastics, as suggested by others, proved to be a failure in this 9 eriment at a'tempirature below 243M.A new ~nd simple method XP w has been proposed in determining rekiactive indexes at temperatures with an IRF-22 refractometer. The refractozedter vas hermetically sealed inside a metbyl- methacrylate box inside of which were placed,moisture absorbents which absorbed the moisture condensed on a copper cooling coil betore this moisture had a chance to condense on the prisms. This arrangement made possible a measurement of the ref~ractive index at temperatures as low as 160K. The refractive indexes of the following normal alkanes were measurodt hexane �ktane,joetane, nonane. h decane, Card ~/2 HENIKOVSKIY, V.G. * DRIZO, Ye.A. I Ion-exchange resins from heavy residues of petroleum refining. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.706-58 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Ion exchange resins) (Petroleum products) RMS~~r4up-TAOIL-1 , Corpus luteum In the gonads of fishes. Hauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.l-.21-26 160. (MIRA 13:2) l.Rekomandavana kafedroy ilr-htiologii Moskovskogo gosudaretvannogo universitsta im. MoVe Iomonosova* (CORPUS UNIUM) (FISHES-ARLTOW) BOGOSU)VSKAYA, Te. V. "Physiological and Biochemical 11roperties of Cotton Plants Adapted Before Sowing to Salting," Sub. 23 Jan 47.. Moscow Oblast Pedagogical Inst. Dissertations presented for d(,grees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947. SO: Stm-NO-457,t 18 Apr 55 pk~ftt to two Trody Ogj Piti,,J.Naimoli bulty of protoplasm to 7 No I Rcl. tuid, act was 04 tl itb v"'t-floff- Id lo" Amt wbow Wds wm PmtftRl,,&MVMlygb up to 40. R01111 WW- Itt KCNB a c"-v4k ?= Of Ptm~abU'ty" Min. to dwation Wdicated W"m *6; at in 'be 'I' ka' I b Wot IOM Octvn Cc Itewu IN t Moming sup the eWd KCNIL The CC$ ~ -- to t .4scl Mid K ~om Why respintion 001 tble a - of I, zick bi jVw *ad WW"ts"" am SIMON BOGOSLOVSKIY. A. Conference of representatives of the socialist countries on problems of coordination of research in the field of health resort therapy and physiotherapy. Vop.kur., fizioter.1 lech.fiz.kul't. 27 no.3%276-282 Yq-Je 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Uchenyy sekretart TSentrallnogo Instituta kurortologii I fizioterapii. (THERAPEUTICSY PHYSIOLOGICAL--CONGRESSES) A BOGOSIDVSKIY3, A, .The bottom of the Indian Ocean. Tekh.mol. 30 no.1:6 '62& (MMA 15:2) (Indian Ocean.-Ocean bottom) BOGOSLOVSKIY,A.A. Health resorts of the U.S.S.R. Nauka I shizu' 22no.9:48-5o S'55- (MMA St12) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl TSentrallnogo inatituta kurortologli (Health resorts, vratering places, ate.) BOGOSLOVSKIY. A. A, 1- 1 ; I How to relax better. Most. ugl. 7 no. 6:31 Jet 158. (Km 11:7) 1. Uchen" sakretarl TSentrallnogo nouchao-isaledovatellskogo institute Imrortologit. (Minor*-Diseemes and hygiene) ey BOGOSLO 'Oki Session of the Central Institute of Health Resorts devoted to reports. VopAurdisioter. i lachefiz, kullt. 23 no.1:90-92 158. (MIRa 10:3) (MALTH IMBMTS, WATERING PIAGIS, ETC.) BOGOSLOYSKIY, A.A. Session of the State Institute of Resort and Physical Therapy in Koscow. Up.kur..fisioter.l. lach.fis.kmllt. 25 no.1:6,946 160. OURA 13 :5 ) 1. UcbeAff m9kretarl Instituta kurortologil I fixioterapli r Moak", (ARTERIOSMMOSIS) (ftml-Tammic USE) PERTSOVO A.N.; BOGOBLOVSKIY J& Report session of the~Re#earch Institute on Health Resort therapy and Physical Therapy of the Ministry of Public Health of the R.S.F.S.R. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kuilt.'.-26 no.1:91- 94 161. .. (PHYSIGAL THERAPY) (KEPLA 14--5) VINOGRADaVA, Effect of Borzhomi mineral water on the motor-evacuatory and secretory functions of the stomach (X-ray study). Vop'. k-ur., fizioter. i lecho' fiz. kult. 26 no.5:431-436 3-0 161. MTRA 14:11) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta kururtologii Ministerstva zdravookh- raneniya RSFSR (dir. - G.N.Pospelova). (BORMIf-WERAL WATERS) (STOUCH-OCRETIONS) PLOTUSHCHIKHIN, K.Ye.; BOGOSLOVSKIY, A.A. . .............. --- Annual meeting of the Central Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy. Vop.kur., fizloter.i lech.fiz.kullt. 27 no.2:183- 186 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:11) (HEALTH RESORTS, WATERING PLACES ETC.) (THERAPEUTICS2 PHYSIOLOGICALI BOGOSLOVSKIY, A. 1. "Effect of Local Preliminary &ccitation of the Retina on the Process of the Following Visual and Electrical Sensations of the Eye", Fiziolog. Zhurnal SSMS Vol. 19, 1935. 1/4 1\4 WGOSLOVSKIYj A. I. IlZur Frage der Beziehla~gen Zwischen Unterscheidung, Erkernen und Differenzierung- shemmung," Zhur. Fiz., Vol.28, No. 4, pp 283-01, 19ho "Der Einfuss von Seharbeit auf 4~ Inige Sensorische FunIttionen des Auges.11 ibid., pp 292-302, 1940 BMU,.ICvIITMA,I,, ar~(I *rRAV!:CV,,S1 V. "Effects of 1,4oise of Aircraft Engine on Visions" Probl. Fiziol. Optiki, Vol 1, publ of Acad of Sct of WSR 191a pp 69-75 ONI BOGOSLOVSKIT, A.I.; SEMENOVSKAYA, Ye.N. --------------------------- Conditioned changes in the human electrorstinogram. Biul. eksp. biol. i ne(l. 47 no.3:3-7 Mr 159. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologicheskoy optiki imeni S.V. Kravkova (rukovodi- tell-kandidat med. nauk A.T. Roolavtaev) Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issle- dovatellskogo institute glasnyk bolezuey imeni Gellmgolltas, (dir. - kandidat med. nauk A.V. Roslartsev), Moikva. Predatavlena, deystvitellrqm chlenom AMN SSSJi V.V. Parinym. (RMLEX, CONDITIONAD conditioned changes of human electroretinogram (Rua)) (RICTINA, pbysiol. same) GAMVI,.R.A.; ROQQSI~V~SIT, ~A-I. Surgical therapy of old retinal detachment [with summary In EnglishJ* Test.oft. 72 no,l.:18-26 Ja-F 159. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Gosudarstvanr7y muchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut gl-aznykh bo- lezney iment Geltmgolitea (dir. A.Y. Roslavtoev). (RITIVAL DITACHMENT, enrgw7. of old cases (Run)) SEMBOVSK'AYAj Yo. No; BOGOSLOT&IT. A.1.; KWOLZSi, Go Tas ------------- Share of the cortex. the subcortex, and the retina in the act of human conditioned response reproduction of light rhythm [vith summary in English]. Vop. paikhole 6 n0-1:99-113 Ja~7 16o. 1. Laboratoriya fixiclogicheakoy optiki im.S.V. Kravkova Goeu- darstvennogo naucbno-Issledovatel'skogo, instituta glaznykh bolezney im. Gellmgoll'tx~. (CCIDITIOM IMSPOISE) (ANCTROPHYSIOLOGY) (aMRAL CORTU) _ SENENOVSKAYA, Ye.N. ~,BDQgSLOVSKIYP ..~ Blectroretinogram and its olinical significancej survey of foreign literature. Vest. oft. 73 00. 5t44,-54 8-0 160. (MIU 14: 1) (ELECTRORETINOGRAPHY) ZHDANOV, T.K.; BOGOSLOVSKIY~A.I.; SPIENOVSIMIA, Ye.N. Electronic low-frequency analyzer and its,use in electroretino a Biul. eksnj biol. i med. 51 no.5:121-3.24 My 161. (MIRA .14:8 l.- Iz laboratorii fisiologich9skoy optiki.,imeni S.V.Kravkova (rukovoditell A.V.Roslavtsev) Naiuchno-issledavatel'Bkogo instituta glaznykh bolezney imeni Gellmgolltsa (dir.' A.V.RoalavtsGv)F*"kva. Predstavlena doyetvitelinym chlenom AMN SWR M.Parinyin. ' (ELECTROI(ETINOGiIAP11Y-EQUIPME.v.T AND SUPPLIBS) SIKHARULIDZE, I.A., zaal. deyatell nauki, prof., oty. red.; MADZE, N.I.) dote., otv. red.; ARKIIANGELISKIY, V.N., prof., red.; ABULADZE, V.A., red.; ANTELAVA, D.N., kand. ned. nauk, red.; BOGOSLOVSKIY, A.I., doktor biol. nauk, red.; BUNIN, A.Ya.,"kE~ia*."'~m'ea".--nauk'red.; VILENKBA, A., doktor med. nauk, red.; VISHNEVSKIY, N.A., prof., red.; ZARUBIN, G.S., nauchn. sotr., red.; ITSIKSON, L.Ya., kand. med. nauk, red.- KRASNOV, H.L., zasl. dayatell nauki, prof., red.j MACHARASHVILI, P.D., zeal. vrach Gruz, SSRI red.; FUCIMOVSKAYA, N.A., prof., red.; RABKIN, Ye.B., prof., red.; RSHZHECHITSKAYA, O.V.j kand. med. nauk, red.; RISLAVTSEV, A.V., st. nauchn. sotr., red.; TARTAKOVSKAYA, A.I., kand. med. nauk, red.; FRADKIN, N.Ya., prof., red.; KHAYUTIN, S.M., prof.j red.; CHERNYAKOVSK.U , G.Ya.p kand, med. nauk, red.; CHKONIYA, E.A., kand. med. nauk, red.; SHATILOVA, T.A., doktor med. nauk, red.; YAKOVLEV, A.A., nauchn.sotr., red. (materials of the Second All-Union Conference of Ophthal- mologists) Materialy Vsesoiuznoi konferentsii oftallmolo- gov. Tbilisi~ Respublikanskoe nauchn. ob-vo oftallmologov Gruz.SSR, 1961. 498 P. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vaesoyuznaya konferentsiya oftallmologov, 2d, Tiflis, 1961. 2. Chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR (for Arkbangellskiy). DORISU, A.V., inzb.; STRE'LETSKIY, D.N., Analysis of labor required in the mechanized assembly of a 0250" mill. Mont. i apets. rab. v atroi. 24 no.7:10-12 a #62. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Normativnc-issledovatellskaya stantsiya NO-5 i Hauchno- isoledovatellskiy institut stroitellnoy promyshlennosti Ministerstva at-oitellstva RSFSR, (Cherepovats-Rolling mills) BOWISLOVSKI 3 A. If. RUSSIA(1923- Us' S. S. R.) Ministerstvo morakogo flota. Mavnoe up- ravlenie uchabnymi zavedenilami. Textbook for ship mechanics 3red class on ' ifiternal combustion engines Do~ushchano dlia. kursa kratkosrochnoi podgotovki. Moskva., Morskoi transport., 1952.' (Mic 55-3516) Collati.L)n of the orginal,, as determined from the film.- 779 p. BOG03LOVSKIY, A. M. BOGOSLOVSKIY, A. M. - "The Role of Russian Science and Technology in the History of Shipbuilding.r, *(Dissertations For Degree3 In Science and Engineering Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions)(30) Min River Fleet USSR, Gorlkiy Inst of Engineers of River Transport, Odessa, 1954 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No 30, 23 JulY 1955 For the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences. BOGQSWVSKIY, A.M.; ANDRINEVICH, YU.N*, Inzbener. Wacbine for supplementary braiding and repairing of electric cables used in welding. Stroi. prom. 34 no.9-46 S '56. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Nachallnik HIS (for Bogoolovskiy) Ollectric eablea--Repairing) AMMOSOV9 Boris Innokentlvevich; BOGOOLOVSKIT, Audrey:KikJuq1ov1oh; HATUM, Yevgeniy Nikoldwvich; P=H=fiKO' Viktor i~~i-O*ich; SAPRYKIN, Aleksey Petrovich* Prinimall uchastiye: KOVOR, R.I.; PLAKSIONOV, NOP. LUBOCHKIN.-B.I., obshchiy red.; SANDROV, L.A., red.izd-va; TIKHONOVA, Te.A., (Manual for third-class mechanics of marine steamships] Uchebnoe posobie dlia mekhanika III razriada morskikh parovykh sudov. Pod red. B.I.Inbocbkina. Izd.Z., perer. Moskva, Izd-vo 44orakoi transport," 1936. 646 p. (MIRA 12:7) (Steamboats) (Marine engineering) -AMMOX-RUL And 1rha * ZDANOYICH. Vasiliy Leontlyevich; MAT 17yiffk4oeyyeivich; MUKZI, Georgly Fedorovich; MSHAMUSKIY. Boris Antonovich; NEBISHOV, Viktor Ivanovich; NOVIKOV, Georgiy Nikolayevich (deceased]; XUDIGA, Pavel Korneyevich; BAPRYKIN, Alekeey Petrovich; SACHKOVSKIT, Georgiy Semenovich; FRM, K.TS., obshchiy red.; HELEM, A.S.. red.; TIKHONOVA, Ye.A., [Textbook for engineers'on -ma-rine internal combustion engines) Uchebnoe posobie dlia mekhanita III razriada po sudovym dviga- teliam vnutrennego sg6raniia. Izd.2.. parer. Pod obsbr--hei red. M.TS.Frenka. Moskva, Izd-vo ONorekol transport," 1959. 711 P. tKarine engineerir4) (MIRA 12:9) -BOGOSLOVSKIY, A.M.; XASMSKIY, D.Ke; AGUSM, Tu.F.; MAZHETICH, P.Y., A.S.,; 05M0, L.X., (Uniform time and pay standards for construction, assembly, and repair operations in 19601 Idinye normy i rastsenki us otroi- telInye, montazhuys i remontno-stroitelinys raboty, 1960 g. Xoskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. Sbornik 22. [Welding] Svarochuye raboty. 1960. 79 P. (MIRA 13s6) 1. Russia (1923- U.SeS.R.) Gosudaretvaunyy komitat po delam stroi- tel'stva. 2. Normativno-iseledoystallskaya otantsiya No.3 (NIS-3) Ministerstva stroitelistva RSYSR (for Bogoalovskiy). 3. TSentrall- naya normativne-iseledovatellskaya stantsiya po stroitallstvu nagistralinykh truboprovodov Qlavgaza SSSR "TalISStroygas" (for Xashinskiy)..4. TSentrallnoys normativno-looledovatellskoys byuro Ministerstva stroitel'stva alaktrostantsiy (for Agushey). (Wages) (Blectrio welding) (Gas welding and cutting) BOGOSLOYSEIY. A.M.; KOSTYUKOV, A.A.; HATTUSHINA, S.P., red.; LAVMIOVA, N.B.. [Phenomenon of the reciprocal attraction of ships] IJkvleuie vonimnogo prisasyvaniia sudov. Moskva. Izd-vo "Xorskoi transport." 1960. 77 (mm 14:2) (Collisions at sea3' (Ships--Hydrodynamics) A. S. Y iiag erg Oct -50 Paver Amplifiers "Graphical Method of Analyzing and Designing Ferro- magnetic Power Ampl#~ersy" A. S. Bogoslovskiy., Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Folytech Inst imeni Kalinin "Elektricheotvo" No lOx PP 54-61 Graphical method of smalyzimg operation of subject amplifiers enables simple and accurateassessmentof -voltage and power in receiver, given receiver resist- -ance and supply voltage. Method will enable deter- mination of optizam operating conditions for control element and will lead to increased amplification. PA 171T31 5 ba d f vozu ihon ~tuf~k vi 31 kA T~*Ulofl OTAL zva!%39jw% 0! cimkiij. lv:~11--, illi ~xtgll tb(P med to 411SC-:311ilanC th, 0z"cuillytL, p"I It i, oil pErhAle locatlon of tile ILI isplalt:,m) Vitt ~.f lb-~. aLutf 1 vo;tal", I 13 CLirmt-eted to tbej3rt~md tbru-tgh. r ii-t 1. 131~w Avitz BOGOSIDVSKIYj A.So-kand. tekhn. nauk; SHIKUOV, Ye.P.9 inzh.-kapitan CHAYAYEVAj, R.I.j, tokbn. red. (Magnetic amplifiers ]MagnitzWe usiliteli. Moskva.. Voenizdato 1962. 93 P. (Magnetic amplifiers) (MIRA 15:9) BOGOSLOVSKIY. A.S. (Sobinskiy rayon Vladimirskoy oblesti). %-0, 1 i:eVw--; Instrument for demonstrating the topic:*tatary motion." Fiz.v shkole 14 no.2:49 Mr-Ap '54. (KIRA 7:2) (Mechanical movements) BOGOBLOVSKU A.S. Use of the students# practical experience in teaching physics. Fiz.v shkole 22 no.I:W83 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1, Takir, kaya arearyaya ahkola Vlarlimirskoy oblanti. (Pbysics--Stuay and teaching) BMMLOVSKITO.A030 ... Pamadicranophoras verae, sp.n. and Iocane chanimnsio, op.n., two now rotifer species [with summary In lbglishl. Zool, zhur. 37 no.4:622- 624 4 158. (MM 11:5) 16- Biologichaskays, laboratoriya biologo-pochvennogo fakulltota ;oskavekogo gosudarstvennogo uxtiversiteta, (Rotifera) BDGOSLOMIT, A.S. Now data on the reproduction of hateroganous rotifers. Observations on the reproduction of Sinantherina soeialis (Lin.) [with summary in Inglishl. Zool. shur. 37-no.11:1616-1623 N 158. ..~ I (MIRA 11:12) I.,Biologicheskan laboratoriya blolqgo-pochye=0go fakulltata Moskoysloigo-gosudarstvannoge univermlitetas (Rotifera) . BOGOSLOVSKIT, A.S. Recent data on the reproduction of rotifers. 13iul.MDIP.Otd.biol* 64 no.1:155 Ja-IP '59 , (IGRIL 12:7) (Et6tif era) BOGOSLOVSKIY, A.S._ - -- - Distribution of rotifers in the section of' the KlyazIna River, its backwaters, and the pond located in the influence zone of the dam. II . Trudy Gidroblol. ob-va 11:54-81 161. (jAjRA 15: 1) 1. Kaft-dra zoologii bespozvonochnykh Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Moskva. (Klyazlma River--Rotatoria) il- BOGOSLOVSKIYv AsSe Systematiess geographical distributiong and habitats of the rotifers Brachionus nilsoni. AhIstrom and B. bennini (Leissling). Zool. zhur. 40 no-4:6(LI-604 Ap 161. (MRA 24:3) 1. Department of lavartebrate Zoologyp State Univeroity of Moscow, (Rotifera) BOGOSLOVSKIYY A.S. L----Materials on the rotifer fauna of China. Zool. zhur. 41 no.9tl327-1333 S 162. (KRA 151l1) 1. Department of-Invertebrate Zoology, Biological-Pedological Faculty, State University of Moscow. (China-Rotifera) KUTIKOVAY L.A.; BOGOSLOVSKIY, A.S. - Brief news and information. Zool. zhur. 42 no.11:1748-1749 163. (MIRA 17:2) L Q96-66 EWr(1)ft11T(nj)/EEC(k)~r2/TAW P.W/p b JIEW I pt JD ~(h) _ACCM991_0N-NR: Apsomoz UR 0 15 651 7 65 0001009?66 l5t 536.5t621.314.62 -AUTHOR: Bogoolovskly. A. S. TITLE. Measuring the teMperaturo'cif an electron-hole junctlo~lln high-power silicon rectifiers ek SOURCE: Izmeritellnaja tekhnikat no. 6, 1965, 65-67 TOPIC TAGS*. semiconductor rectifier, -silicon rectifie r ABSTRACT: The forward -current method of measuring the junction temperature is less accurate than the forward-voltage method in which the temperature is e ermi Irom U . f.( 0), where V is the forward voltage across the rectifier d t ned I. measured at a constant forward currento Fox modern power rectifiers operating at 20-150C, the above relation to practically linearl hence, only two points need to be measured, which Is another advantage of the forward-voltage method. The possibility, of uvl,,tng more accurate measuring Instruments (a hookup In which the a /Z JPP~~wg.tky- A.Jpk!M-42~ev~icbkand. tekbia. nauk; FEDOROV, [Power semiconductor rectifiers Vyprla,,iteli_ Vc S'l'vye PoluPr-vOdnikovye 'enizdat p 1965. 2o7 P. (MIRA 18112) BOGOSLOVSKIYA A.S. Materials on the resting eggs of rotifers, Report No. I* Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 68 no.6s5O-67 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) BOGOSLOVSKIY, A. V. BOGOSLOVSKIY, A. V.: "Increasing the dynamic stability of hydrogenerators by mechanical braking." Min Higher Educatic.,,n USSR. Moscow Order of Lenin Power Engineering Inst imeni V. 1,1. Nolotov. Moscow, 1956 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 18, 1956 14M InVownwat 'At ft d)~,Xwjc shunty ly rhKbWCA) bmuq 4 . h)*opQMlDM -.L-Y. 'I L vsKiL Pebri rp,,aw% A). 12, 41-50-1 a in R m br;c p(mm xy~" *!;h Songvanurl,4ion 116to 4 93 a rulo w=Ucr tWiliKorborriparabis steam trrbo, i~~ of $be dynzmi~ Away of lbaj;~~ IlDft " t-w~w governors wAb lbclr Mow mpam (owjaj~ to tw iromia of ts)c waia mmato-:be toziroDed and The I danger or water hAmaff) are unsatistactory rnder fault conditions. a Shwi circult lif tht Splem 1=t"j- tba jru-xe diffCM= bctw= dw:C~Mf. of thet hydro-pwratof and Osttm, volta~ ur,4 ft tlectrical bmkW u"Is so up after the cleam"Ift of ibe bult will mostly be to MITM. ft ~ teDdrMy 0 3YISIM and of step of N'PDORIOT Is O= 4.1 ObAma ibmw. It ?An fouw that ft asual lype of braking aya= of is V456MOY pawaral and q&A. acting (ammina the '1zqnvMf3orAl " of S01MV14 CoDtfol MW pneumaroc ,PM . to countersa tho dangerous Drquc~ Particularly Sb= It Is cully vDn"al, f1i iulomatic control and AU the improwntat, of Ot dynamic slabilily obtainable; In this Vay reprwalio, marked prvrl=, D'Y'a"Us ,, A.V., kand.tokhn.nauk; SOVALOV, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, 9W&WdQ�KU I Testing of the stability of the power transmission system between V.I. Lenin Volga Hydroelectric Power Station and the Ural Mountain region. Elektrichestvo no.8:1-9 Ag 062. (MIRA 15:7) (Electric power distribution) (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (Lenin)) 295-s&.65 EvT (d 13.) Pg-h/~k-h/P0-hJFq-h !JP(c) MIRB /01 51651060/60i/000,1 I A 's 0 1 P50030681: 0007 ~AUTHOF.: Sin'kov, V. M. (Candidate- of technical sciencea), Bogo-SlovskiYA_.V.! 'kffizW*M Yu. ,(Candidate of technical 6ci'encbs)i:Fedotovl-,.I~.V,(.'Engineer); _F-01' JEngineer); Tsiptsyura, R. D AEngineer) TITLE: Computers. in a conaplex-4utornated 12ower Hystern L .'SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 1, 1965, 1-7 TOPIC TAGS. power system, automation, electric power production, compute r A gene?-aldiscussion~ia-proisented-of the -possible role of computers -Lin rhaintaining econd mi-y riegimes at imanual--controlled partia-Ily-autornated power ---.!'plants. The reducing of fuel consumption by 1% may save 150, 000-200, 000 rubles per 1, 01D0 Mw installed capacity. Thu optimization of load distribution among power plants and of electrical and the_-rmal load distribution annong power- producing units may bring about a fuel savinp of a few percentages w1itch would quickly 1"Irom 3 months to 1. 5 years) pay the cost of the computers making such an optimization possible. A corni~,ilned system of frequency-and -active -power control Card 112 -_71 Ib CCESSION NR- AP5003068' A 'is being developed by the Xiev Institute of Automation and Energoset 1proyekt (Moscow),' the power-system operation will be based on predictive calculations for the system and automatic operating control at individual plants. The problems .arising with power exchanges over law-capacity Interconnection ties and d-c interconnectionB are noted. A sketch showing the recommended disposition of computers in a complicated polver svotem is present,4~d. An IPK-2 special computing device for determining fuel -conBumption relative increments is mentioned. (No actua4 installation of computers or automatic -operation devices in Soviet power systems is cited. Abstractex's note). Orig'. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION' . Kievskiy institut avtomatiki (Kiev In;qtitute of A!jtomation SUBMITTED: 2OFeb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: DP, EE NO R127, SOV: 009 OTHER., 000 Card L -103"-67 ZW~(Ij 7ACc- NL -Mb03126 WRCB COM; MV00291"10W1006100351W36 AUTHOM lowskir ORGI none TITLE1 Generator with a capacity of a million billion terr&wattjj SOURCEI TeMmika-molodezhip no. 6# 1466, 35-36- 10PIC TAGS1 neutrino, earth wust, earth maVwtic field J aggin can be considered ABSTRACT: The autbaral twPothesis ia that thtv Xarth!!- gleantio- nuclear reactorp wbose fuel to found in the solar neutrinos PWMI- 'ter "oo, At the enormous pressures tratAng the crust* and mantle from cu that must exist at the core apeurond wdsts Part-10103 resembling PlAama. vuch" iare formed from Vdghly oopqweseed atOW Of 63dsttng Slemt nd whi t ,binsivith other particles to form different elements, Solar antineutrinos lattack the cores partially transforvdng the protons Into no-atrons and pro- t ducing zions t positrons 9 and anwa* It is this eneva which in responsible fields. Man, for the rotation of the Forth and Its magnetio and electric be living on the Earth's orustq in thus abivilded from the core reactor by t dense, cold layers of the untale and crust, and frou the radiation nuz from Outer space (at least partially) by the atmospberep vbich is nor=237- a dielootriog Kw~,, if fte, terrestrial power souroe vere tappedo mid - cay - Abp4aw~~4 par. of Its ewo A~op. Oil vm2d be the -"uivs1sqt of anpe t" -i Card 1/2 .;10000 bi.111M kWg or 4000 timi the -the to now existing on the ft-4 CAP&Olt* Of i0a ojoc~o he This Idght Power fftla i An Imized. odum CC air 4bm be dene by oonooting t he pmw Lby (Ionized are Using ohmdftl fuels -or )&Bar beafts) , at. the bjsttom or bich positiTs. obarges would be ooilect On & oopper grid* With 4 conckoting wift tipping it :used as a ground (a a Considera Boom wire b3A omirm would us deep w9310 10~ated kt_ &. Psat to ovuld &U6 be obtained b,; distimoo _:~43 i-Pable, pr b - each othei bF Asam of ,y laying wir 0-surtkoe .condi of- the tiOm (On" the bot .-Aarth vn_dmr,oW tca a: . , 1, 1 -r-___. , . 'SUB Ca)z I 4~,-ti.: V: -""!tC .1,W ~i A. - Y~ ? A, Wol- '04 ?: X COW 2 L 1035 ?89-;677 BC;GC~l CI,'),\'Jyl "', -':.. Cand. Ccio,,;raph. IDIc I. D is,-, r)..,tation :"Th'mrial colliitLo D In Durinf, tho I'PricA." ~'-!oscaw C.'r, --n- of T,onbi `jlo U V. ~:) Jun /,/ 1 .2 b. 6 .- I SO: Vache myzkya 1, S-nol-va, Jun, 1947 (Project ,,'117036) BOGOSLOVSKITY, B.B. Thermal condition of the Glubokoe Sea during the ice-free period Vop. geog. 26, 1951 .BOGOSLOVSKIT, Boris Borisovich; MURONTSKIT, Sergey Dmitriyevich; , - - TmOlD ri .' ' ' ' ' "' I I L.Z';' professor, redaktor; SIM-MIMN, G.N., redaktor; 7-fULIN, Te.V.,t;khnicheskly redaktor. [Studies in linnology] Ocherki po oxerovedeniiu.[Moskval Izd-vo 14oakovskogo unversiteta, 1955. 174 p. NLRA -9:8) (Lakes) BOCOSLOVSKiY, B. B.- "Water Balance of Lakes in the USSR European Territory" rePOrt PrIeffellted 41. tbr ~rd A13-11atati ffydrolog,~--%j oorZm$t;, ?-I It ain~~ 1 7 Oct. 1957, Ak Houk SS5~i, ser geograt.. j, pp3-9, -58~ BOGOSWVSKIY. Boris Borisovich. Prinimali uchantiye: VOSKRMMIY, K.A., kand.geograf.nauk. PMOVA, K.A.. red.; doteent; GICORGIYEVA, G.I., [Limnology) 02arovedenie. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1960. 334 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Limnology) - System for the hydrological classification of lakes and lake regiouali- zation in the U*S.S.R. Vast. Hook. uns Ser.5: Geog. 15 no.2:44-51 Hr-Ap %6o. (HIRA 13:9) 1. Kafedra gidrologii sushi Moskovokogo universiteta. (lakes) BOGOSIDVSKIY, B,B, -- Glubokoye Lake. Vop.geog. no*51:11+&163 t61. (MM UtO (G.lubokoye Lake (Moscov province)) BOGOSLOVSKIYj B.B.; GRIGORASH, V.A.; LYAGINA, T.N.; SPANOVSKAYA, V.D. Hydrological pattern and the formation of the ichthyofauna of the Mozhayak Reservoir aocording to 1960 data. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 5: Geog, 16 no, 3938-45 MY-Je 161* (MIRA 14.5) I* Kafedry gidrologii oushi i ikhtiologii Moskovskogo gosudarotvannogo universiteta, (Mozhaysk Reservoir-Hydrology) (Mozhayek Reservoir-Fishes) WWSLOVSKIY, Boris Borisovich, kand. geogr. naukj kNDRIANOVA, V.M., red.; NAZAROVA, A.S., tekhn. red. [Mysteries of lakea]Zagadki ozer. Moskva, Izd-vo "Ummis," 1963. 31 P, (Novoe v shizni nauke tekhnike. XII Seriis Geologiia i geografila, no.6~ 9 (MIRA 16:4) (Lakes) BOGMOVSKIY, B.B. -... "Reservoirs of the hydroolaotric power stations of the U.S.S.R.". by A.B.Avakian, V.A.Sharapov. Reviewed by B.B.Bogoolovskii. Vast. Moak'. un. Ser., 5: Goo 18 no.3:78-79 W-Je 163. WRA 16:6) (Reservoirs) livakian, A.B.) (Sharapov, V.A.) IMUhHOHOV. N.M., professor$ otvetBtvenVy radaktor; BOMSLOVSKIT, II.P., radaktor isdatelOstyag NOTIZOVA. S.G.. tekhn [Development of a theory of friction and wear; uroceadings of a conference on problems of a therory of friction and wear (November 15-17, 1954)] Rasyttle toorit trenile i isnashivanita; trudy sove- shchanile po Yoprosam tooril trentis i Isnashivgnits (15-17 noisbria 1954 g.). gookva, 1937, 227 p, (HLRA 10:10) 1. Akedemiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut mashtnov*deniya (Mechanical wear) (Friction) BOGOSLOVSKIY, B. I, Aspirant "Devonian Ammonites in Altay Ore." Cand Biol Sci) Paleontological Inst, Aced Sci USSRp 18 Nov 54. (VMj 9 Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No-521, 2 Jun 55 BOGOSWVSKIY, B. I. , VOM'. 0 1 Devonian am;onoids of the Rudny7 Altai. Biul,MOIP.Otd 01. 95 Ja-7 155. 'F 30 nool:94 (MIU 8: 5 (Alted Mountains-Ammonoidea) (Ammonoidea--Altai Mountains) BOGOSLOVM=, B. 1. the Pharcleeratidam Hyatt. 1900 family. Dokl.AN SSSR 103 no.6-. 1103-1106 Ag 155. (KLRA 9"1) l,P&leOAtologIch9skiy institut Akadsmii usuk SSSR. Prodstavlono akademikom N.K.Stralthovym, (Altai Mountains--Cephalopoda, lossil) 4v BWOSLOVSKIT, B.I. ~' I On B119clymenildas , Yam. now. Dokl.,AN SSSR 104 20-1:134-137 S 155. (KM 9:2) l.Paloontologichookiy Institut Akademil nauk SSSR. Prodstavle- no akademiken I.M.Strakhowyn. I (Kiya River--Mollusks, Fossil) (Ural Mountains--Mollusks, Fossil) I "Roc-c-54 AUTHOR; BogoslovskiY. B. I. ZO-3-38/46 TLE: A Contribution to the Problem of Agoniatite Cla~jsification (K , voprosu o klassifikatsii agoniatitov) I PERIODICAL; Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, VQl- 116, Nr 3, PP. 489-492 (USSR) A S1 At ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 After a brief reference concerning the respective group the author cited the classification by Ruzhtensov who difi~era 5 or- derst LURiatit~_j, joinktite&Lt~e!~iit,e,, Ler~a~tiite and Lgoiliatite. The differences between theae orders and between the sub-orders within the two first orders in the development of the "Jappish line" (Lopastnaya liniya) are discussed. Tae material from the Devon of South-Timan allows to complete the classification of the Agoniatites. A very strange genus was found amongst them which differs markedly from all groups of the Frasnien and from all De- vonic ones as a whole. The general character of the "Lippish line" leaves no doubt open about the belonging of this genus to the Agoniatites. It differs however to such an extent frou the other representatives of thip order by a bipartite division of the ventral lope that it must be newly described and form a new sub- order. This' new subirder among the Agoniatites takes the same subordinated position as.the suborder Pr~e Blyl)hioceratina does agiong the Goniatites . The new suborder7is C-all-e-d-T-im-anoceratina A Contribution to the Problem of Agoniatite Clausification. 2~3-38/46 subord.nov. and contains in the sole equally new family Tim%no- ceratidae fam.nov. the genus Timanoceras gtn.nov. with the typic- al species: Tim. allipaoidale up.nov. The atithor further adds - Manticocaras backi undi, crab-apple, froia the same depositions , _ * 11"r tW1. 7f asnien, to this genus. 11 specimen of the ney; genus come from the region of the river Vezha-Vozh in South-Tiiaan.Cir- cumstantial diagnosis of the mentioned new systematical cate- gories are quoted. Tht! descent of the new species is not yet clear. From a comparison with T. Backlundi which is older, arises an evolution of the family in evolute, more distinctly sculpt- urod form in direction to the involute smoother ones. The ance- strs of this family could be found amon_- thc! uliper-(or even me- dium) devonic Ammonoides of the suborder Anaroestina. In reapect to a discoidale, rather disasse~ibled ( I'llazvernutaya") shell which i4likely to be sculptured and a simple "Lappish line" which should be presupposed with such ancestors, the species of the new f:;,.mily join some Gephuroceratina (e.n-. Sandber,roceratidae) and it is not 3ut of the question that they have a com-on descendent with them. There are 2 figures, and 2 Olavic references. ASSOCIATION: Institute of PaleontolcEV of AN USSR(Paleontologicheskiy institut PRESENTED; May 3, 1957 by N.S.Shatskiy, Academician AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: April 26, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of CongVess Card 2/2 30GOSLOVSKIYj Boris Ivanovioh; IIUZMINTUZV, V.Ye., red.; KOM, K*Bet red. YLTMt',IYdI.*V",`tekhn. red. (Devonian Anmonoidea in the Rudr*7 Altai] Devonskie amonoidei Itudnogo Alta%. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1958. 152 p. (Akademiin nauk 6&'M. Palsontologichaskii institut. Trudy, vol.64) (MOL 3.2: 8) (Altai Mountains--Amonoidea, Yosell) BOGOSLOVSKIr, B.I. -,. Rvolution of the family Gephurocerstidne 7rech, 1901 (with summa,27 in English]. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.biol. no.3:316-342 Yq-Je 158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Falsontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (AMMONOMBA) 3 (0) AUTHOR: SOV/2o-123-5-42/50 TITLE: Goniatitida (K voprosu o proizkhozh- denii otryada Goniatitida) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol 123, Nr 5, Pp 921 - 924 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The extinct ammonoids are indeed important for stratigraphy and for solving problems of organic evolution. The author reviews their ev.olution and branching into 5 orders (Ref 2). Goniatitida is a Middle Devonian off-shoot of the oldest ammonoid, Agoniatitida of the family Anarcestidae which ori- ginated in the Lower Devonian. Goniatitida persisted into the Permian. The main difference between the last two orders is in the development in Goniatitida of the side lobe L near the apex of the first side saddle (Refs 1,2,8,lo,12,13). The question of how this took place is still open. The author studied the ontogenic development of the corresponding shell parts of Tornoceras aimplex (Buch) (Figs 1-3) and of T.(Aula- tornoceras)keyserlingAIl,uller. He determined that the lobe L Card 1/2 originated_nQt near the apex of the outermost side saddle The Origin of the Order Goniatitida ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED: SUBMITTED: Card 2/2 SOV,/2o-123-5-42/50 but at the lateral side of-tYf~ primary ventral lobe. This obviously may have been the case with all the oldest goniatitida. The shift of the side lobe L to the otitermost side saddle in later goniatitidsoccurred following an accelerated development. Because of this the beginning stages of the ontogenesis hypo- thesized above are not found. The study of the ontogenesis of T.simplex (Buch) afforded solution of special taxonomic questions. The difference in the ontogenetic development of Goniatites uniangularis (Devonian from the State of New York) and T.simplex (Buch) is in such a way pronounced that the former species may in no way be referred to with the latter synonym ( Fig 2ag b and Fig 3). Therefore the species G.uni- angularis should be considered the generotype of the genus Tornoceras. There are 3 figures and 13 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Paleontologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Paleontologi- cal Institute Academy of SciencesvUSSR) July 30, 1958, by N. M. Stra.khov, Academician July 29, 1958 BOGOSLOVBKIT, B.I. ---''..-At "representative of ammonites from middle Devonian deposits of the Polar Urals. Paleont.thur. uo.3:61-65 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Palsontologichoskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR. (Telets Valley-Amonoidea) _~ BOGOSIZVSKIT, & NOw species of some little-known genera of Devonian ammonites from Y=ennian deposits of the Urals, Paleont. shur, no,4:69-73 160. 1. Phleontologicheskly institut AN sSSR. (KMA 14il) `Itb~al Mountains -Ammonoidea ) BOGOSLOVSKIY, B.I. New finds of some little-known Devonian amonoide. Biul,MDIP.OtA. geol. 35 no*4t155-156 JI-Ag 160. (MMA 14:4) (Amuonoidea) BOGOSLOVSKIY, B.I. Eifelian ammonoids of the Urals and the classification of agonia- tites. Paleont.zbur. no.4:60-70 '61. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Paleontologicheskiy institut Ali SSSR. (Ural Mountains--Ammonoidea) BOGOSLOVSKIY. B.I. Rare type of ornamentation in clymenids. Paleont.zhur. no.1:166- 168 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Paleontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Ural Mountains--Ammonoidea) ~ . -.1 BOGOSLOVSKIY, B.I. Ancient Devonian Ammonoidea of the Urals. Paleont. zhur. no.2t26-37 163. (MIRA l6t8) 1. Paloontologicheakiy institut AN SSSR. (Ural Mountains--Ammonoidea) BOGOSLOVSM, B.M. [deceasadJ4 AGRACMA, Te.B. -the field of benzalazi and its derivatives. Part 2-fAsymetrio derivatives of tenzalazine, their preparation and properties, Izv. vys. ucheb. %av.; khime i khim. tekh. 4 to. 2-:275-279 161. (MIRA 1-4:5) 1. MoskovskJv tekstilInyy institut. Kafedra organicheskoy khimii. (Benzaldehyde) SKILIM, H,B,, agronom; BOGOSLOMIT, D.I., agronom; YOIRONTSOTI, T.P., agronom; m; LMIN, I., red.; GIL'IMBA 0 Te-9 9 (Catalog of r'eglonally adapted field crop variotioa for Kra3no- yarisk Territoryj Xatalog rsionirovannykh sortov sel'skokho- zinistvennykh kulitur po KrBsnoiarsko= kralu. Krasnolarsk, Irsisnolarskoe knishnoe iza-vo, 1960. 55 P. (HIRA 14:4) 1. Rnsels (1923- U.S.S.R.) Goisudaretvenn8ya komlisslya po sorto- ispytaniyu sellskokhozyaystvannykh kulltur po Krasnoyarskomu krayu. 2. Inspektor Gosuderatvennoy komisaii po sortoispytaniyu aal'Bkokhozyaystvannykh kulltur po Krasnoyarskomn krayu pri. Hiniaterstva sellskogo.khozyayistva SWR (for Sereds). 3. Inspektu- ra Goisudarstvannoy komisaii po sortoispytaniyu -sellskokhozyaystven- nfth kul'tur po Kraanoyarskoma krayu pri Hinisterstve sellakogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Bogoolovskiy, Torontsovs, Fedchanko). (Field crops-Yarieties) .0 Tor z III Pass whs- ONK"NS-00 O"msvlgs wmx moo 100 4MA of W A A 8 - S k ANITALtu"CAL t"Inotal ci&swxamw~ vatfu ..- ~--- view oowlnv d Stage* wit mV aft- oulpeot NII&JI W QwV Sit U a AV to In 11 k it it 'A Afl I I a tw 0 0 0 1 it a 0 a a I v lie 'I row 0 0 0 0 01-0 0 fb,*-* 0 0 .W IN v v IF w 1 1 a 11 TO I At I is 0 a to ~ .-M URSA, Quaceg a 1, u a - "0 - __ J_~ use of &a sib IN pwat -4 let Orf. chim. led, (u, '14 h -00 DwAllods 01 mfifthka ww Uwe of vatims 'A a $A mW marbw animmU am diwvswd. Chao. Illaw- At zoo 9* zoo 2 see too lee so U00 A_lc~*%v~,#_*&-- %,Iasi Ov 111. It Olt 141 ViTlant Il two 4 @INN I a 4 31 U I Al 10 Ul; go A, it 1 1, g M U n It 1*1 14 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 a # 0 0 0 0 0 : : : : & : 0 09 0 0 0 0 0 goo 0 0 * 0 0 0 : 0 0 of 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 '00990900 S 4 6 1 1 0 t it to u is M Ol U I) W 0 ?111 a a bi is is VARIMPI un it's bir afti 41 U41 OCO : 0",, I - __& A r.-L-4--j 'L a I R 0 a r 0 a 1 1-1. 1 L AA All M 0 K4v % , j A 00 0 Tba'~~-?*wact palate pm=. with dehydnied a. 1)-. -4vpWwslsd. yaU. .1141yo-ol Irkh, I 1039, %0. a. 234" ght". X#erdt. zhar. Iwo. NO. I I. lop-man. tra" Wr" uta& M plims prerd. flow mills. of Unwed and mator ails and Ifem castac ad oJove. Mcm points made Inon castur ail alme dwored dM of rusting, whkh-vaire m alwi-yrd with poJols matte Imm linuvd Ninto gnode frous ull prrpgl, wilt"xil colol"to dif- ~mjr little frorn vlW poluts in their alsility turrZul t ousting. T- :0 W 00 00 '10- i i A it i i i a, 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : * : :1: : : -*0 .0 -0 800 --00 co 0 Lis 40 40 0 no 0 to AM a I a be a 1 9 so 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oi : : 0 411 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GIA 11, is it to m8f 11 zr a 34 25 V A to N V L: Is 14 D u 11 a a411 a j, p %I N IIW Ly. 4A 4 00 -00 so Dehydrsum at C&Mt oil, A. A, iva"int. 1), %4 -00 It"KI-lovskil aml M. ID. Iluman. hymn. -00 0 -11rhydrstioln of raill"t (Al at 21. 141' t l "I 1 ~ 0 . , re o yff mudaile. RWMln (W "cullilmm" Is mitrwirlitly rapki but - 0 94" Umfttlaf-t-Y PPULImis 9wins to hyd" ys6 to di. l -00 resu ts were of-laitted when Light-4-olor"I -00 00 Ms witit Wki om below 14 werv obtalned. Coatinij,"m -00 60 It, hydralkill, Ov" day ratalyva falk4l. omit Willi 1`1 Stl d l l owrm i an otvtvl n4m. (nien 14o (ismo. II.A. 9- 00 a- Of 00 00 10 0 0 L.0 0 : 40 0 00 10 90 400 00 A 4 0,0 Of La 0 -,** :-400 - * U As 7w n 11 m 1 f*11 AA -1 W Ato A I to too lid .1 Ji -1 -16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 4 ;,3- -v, 36 it, wit "A too 11111tail A a I 1 1. J'i. -1-1-4 1. 11 1, 2 A f f .%I a.$. Oft-mence Ot cwwo catalygo ou dehydraca of "et -, C, ! .,or oil. 10. 1k wa *. fiYull. (Ahmem; Opyl 0 1. 21-3; d. C. .4. K thm of Castor oil with 11,.1414 ha~ Ow ilvantap% over dehydratkm with Nim, Zn Awl 11) Oill W irliativcly tow vi-4ximly I"ll IV.-I drybay localiett" can Iw Astairied. (1) The imiN olu tw, silk L'.11 Willi fk*4,- pill"Irrif.. 1). A, I,mit A 0 Is- :1 'o, 0 f P- :11. =06 ~j lot so 00 11: low Ago i_. An I I a tw u a IT lii-L-i 7 :00 00 0 *0 11 : oil Ow 11 04 a or so o 0 0 o go 0*0 0 0 0'0 TA STAROVOYTOV, I.M.; BOGOSLOVSKIX,-Qj-,_[Bohoolovalkyi, II.I.] Now type of breast pump. Ped. akushe i gin. 23 no.3t52-54 161. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Kafedra khirurgii pediatricheakogo fakulltota Kiyevskogo meditsin- skogo instituta (sav, kafedroy - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki USSR, prof. O.O.Fedorovskiy [Fedoro-Valkyi, 0.0.)) na bace bollnitsy im. M.I.Kalinina (glavnyy vrach - V.A.Udintseva). (BRWT PUMP) 11 . Y- ) ",Cn the c,,f 2-3 oxynn -IiUcdc &c!pd. "by L,,2~1~,._Do orlvwski und It. A. Arteiniev, aid 1-1, 1.11, todlonov ( p - 4,44 ) 'I', C : Jc u rn&l _2 f Gen e rv.]l C hemi st rv ( 1"hu r n c Ibhcbc, ~ Kh 1 ir. .1 i ),A6/,6, V, ume 16, No. 3 SOV/120-59-4-5/50 AUTHORS:Bogoslovskiy, G. V.,_Khrenov, B. A. TITLE: 7M- NYu-MMogue for orking Up Data on Extensive Air Showers PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 41 PP 3?-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The apparatus is designed to find the axis of the shower and the number of particles from the data provided by a set of counter trays. The probability distributions for the axis and for the number of particles are indicated. The mathemati- cal aspects of the problem are treated first; the particles are assumed to be distributed in accordance with the law f(ri) =: 2 x. 10-3 exp(-r 'i /55)/rj - with rj(the distance from the axis to the J-th counter) in m The coordinates of the axis are x , y , and the number of particles is j . Each tray contains n counters each of area a ; the shower fires m i counters in tray j . Fig 1 shows a, unit of the. circuit used to calculate the log of the probability function W . The density distribution is imitated by supplying an input as the potential distribution in a tank of electrolyte. Card 1/2 SOV/120-59-4-5/50 in Electronic Analogue for Working Up Data on Extensive Air Showers The units have an input resistance of 23 megohms; the inputs are provided by a set of probes, which set can be moved about in the tank to locate the axis. The apparatus is equivalent to 36 trays of counters eacli with 24 counters; each tray switch has 25 positions (see Fig 2), which set the potentials in the electrolyte. The rest of the design is obvious, Fig 3 compares the exact solutions (continuous lines) with the approximations (steps). The paper contains 3 figures and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki MGU (Nuclear Physics Research Institute, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: May 201 1958. Card 2/2 E in F-M/TylE 'AccESSION NR: Ap5ooiov 5/0120/65/000/001/0069/0076 AUTHOR: 103.rlatlanaezi, 0. P., Abrosirnov, A. T. I Bogoalovakiy, G. V. Bovtsov, V. I.; Soloviyevs Ko It TITLE' Outfitfor Investigating extengive y means of a set of scintillation counterg i SOURCE: Priboryitekhnika,-akopcrimenta, no. 1~ 1965, 69-76 TOPIC TAGS. extensive show _r, counter ABSTRACT: The addition of 20 scintillation counters iin 1962 to the Moscow Univezoity outfit for extensive-shower ~~,ecording is reported. Plastic (poly- styrene v)dth 1% PPP + 0. 04% POPOP) rectangular 7071 x 707 x 65-mrn i9cir-tillation, countershave a total area of 10 ml. The counters and the electronic jFllp~rnlent permit a wide-range recording -of strearn densities and the relati-fe arrival times of coamic particlen. Curves of the differential apectrum of truise haiqb_ti;. of card I KARASEVP N.A*;,BOGQSLOVSKIY,.,.;.D.; KOSTOGONOV, V.G.; LARKIN, F.R.; MOROZOV, V.I.; SERGIYEVSKIY, A.Ya. Effect of shot peening on the properties of a nitrogen case- hardened layer. Metalloved, i tem,obr,met. no.10:22-16 0 165. (MIRA 18sil) 1. Moskovskiy institut radioelektroniki. BOGOSP .YSJM,,-~ inzh.; SHUVAIEV,, P.N. Manufacturing parts of the OdAnged ring" type of shoat steel* Khim, mash. no. 303-34 My-Je 1666'1 (MIRA 14-.5) (Chemical engineering-Equipment and supplies) SHIVELKIN, B.H., kauid.tekhn.nmik; KBAVCHEMO, L.L., inth.; BOGOSLOVSKIT, I.M., Inzhe Investigating the processability of steel-silver bimetallic sheets. MAm.mash. no-5:37-39 S-0 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Steel) (silver plating)