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33CW I - 0- - - - -.- - - ---- -.-- I i WILD-V S. . Dissertation: "Infrared Absorption Spectra and Structure of Molecules Of Some classes of Organic Conpounds." Cand Phys-Math Sci, Leningrad State Pedagogical Insto Leningrad# 1933, (Reforativn7y Zhurnal-Khiydyal Moscow, No 12, Jun 54) SO: SUM 318g 23 Dee 1954 BOGOMOLOV, S. G~. 11 Aug 53 USSn/Cheemistr7 - Pharmaceuticals "Infrr,-Red Spectra and the Structure of Semicarbazones," B.G. Bogomolov, I.Ya. Postovskiy and Tu.N. Sheynker, Ural Polytech Inst im S.M. Kirov, Sverdlovsk, aad All-Unioa Sci-Res Chemicopharm Inst im Ordzhonikidze, Moscow DAN SSSR, Vol 91, No 3. pp, 1111-1114 Studied the characteristics of the chemical structure of samicarbazones with the aid of. infra-red absorption apectra. In FL11 of the semicarbazoaes studied, an absorption band was noticed in the region 1588-1626 cm7l, which apparcntly indicates a deformational. oscillation of the -X12 group. Compda of this class are uffective antituberculous drugs. Presented by Acad V.M. Rodiouov 17 Jun 53. ,!66T7 1~ L tv) Cheidoal ANA# Vo~. 48 No* 6 Mar~ 25s 1954 Klectronio Phen=elaa and SPOotra d I ok of r bsotp, ",:of. 1FOIOV WRI-do 21.01 iO47S- and , Y -- 1- -1.- ~5 - L "".-Abso flon ~41 , - 2"-W(1953) torption speci;~ of acetvlated: 2-ainino. thlazole (I). 2-arnino-1-methyltblazole (fl), z-amino,4,r~- dlincthylthiazole (III). 2-amino4-pbenylthiatok (111). and 2. amino-l-inethyl-&bromothiazole (V). as well as 2-(Nrneth~ Ylacetwnido)4-nirthylthiazole (VI). and 2-acetyllmlnr)-3.4-~ dimethyi-4-tinaloune tvu) were recoraed keuves are shown). VI. known to have a thlazole stivaure shows bands at 1648 and 1542 m.-1; VU shows only a band at IMern.-I IN show 2 bands In M90-90 and 1535-SG-cm.-t M10ons, while the thlazoline band at 1588 cm,-' ls.lotally.-Lb- sent. Thus T-V have structur"analosm toV1. H IU, IV, and V show a band at 3165*cnt.-I, possibly that of NH vibration- this In absent in VI and VII. In I them am seen 315& anW 309D- and 32W-cm.-4 bands, theorlsin ofthe last 2 bein ~unknowu. VI shows absorption war. 2711Y) A. (log a 3.8 , VILL shows absorption max. SM A. (log * 4.0). IN show absorption max. In the area of WO-2840 A. close to that ot Vt. I %bows a slight band at 2900 A. (log # 2.06). Wbly caused by thiazoline tautornu. In the EtOlf soln. estd.). No bands at 3M A. are seen in 11-Y, show- absence of tblazollne form. G. owtapo LO 0 AnalytiCa t Pub* 151-30137 Card. 1A Authors- Bogpmolov -S*'Ge;..Sheynker., U, We,-,-and Fostovskiyy IOU* Title- The structure of ;,6-aano-~4-methylthiazolesulfonic acids. Part 2.-The structure of 2-amino-4-mathyl~hiazolesulfonic acid analyzed by means of infrared spectra Periodlea.1 t Zhur. ob 0khiz6.'2A-/3 5jO-348s Mar 1954 -Abstract: The structure of 'g--amino-4--methylthiazolesulfonic acid an&numerous other 2-aminothiazole dtirivatives,was,determined on the basis of infrared absorp- Thc tion spectra. low-ftsible.sato-acid obtained during sulfonation of 2-amino-4-methyltIcLazole was found to be 2-amino-4-methylthiazOle-5~-3UlfOntC acid and its isomeric high-melting acid formed from low-melting acid during heating with H2~04,-4-methylthiazole-2-sulfamic acid. It was also es -tablish- ed-that the prodwit obtained from chlorosulfonation of 2,acetamide-4-x*thy1- thiazole was actuealy N-acetylated,chloride of 5-sulfonic acid and all the -sulfamides derive6lrom acid chlorides (amides of that acid). Eight refer- encos: 3-USA; 441SSR and 1-German (1939-1953). Tables; graphse Institution A3-1-JJnion Scien'tific Research Chemical-Pharmaeoutical Institute., Moscow Submitted August 14, 1953 f-Av, fRIKOOT'K0, 0-F, 94(7) 3 PHASS I BM EXPLOITATION SM/1365 L-wov. Umiveraltat lktai~sly I V"soyu=0go amtshthudys p0 Malokulyarmays. spektv%aknplya (Papers of the 10th ALI-Won Conrorenee on Speatr2soo;q. Vol. Is Molecular Spectroscopy) (L'yov) lzd-vo Llvovakogo uav-ta, 19 M. 499 P..4 000 Gap,49, printed. (Series% ltgt FizyahW Mk. Y" W) I Additional Spameorirq Apno7t Akad*Miya nault SM. KWASS17Z YO spuktroako;ll. Id.t 012ter, S.L.1 Tech. Ed.t Saranyuk, T.V.1 Editorial Boards UaUtor; 0.3. Academician (Romp. Ed., D60616*0. Haporent. B.S., D"tor or fh;&IO;a " Y4th.VAtlQX1 Sciences, Pabelinakly, 14. tor of Physical and Mathematical Science#, YabrikaO, V.A.. b=tr or Physical and mathermtjoal Sciences. Koraitsvd*j V.0., Candidate or Tech-.1cal Sciences Rayskiy S.K., ftatidele of PhIsival md Mathematical Science (m1UQv&vL;' L.K.. Candidate of Physical and Xtthemtloma ftienos:', MULyanchuk. V-3-s Candidate of rb~rsloal and PAI-havAtleal Sciences and Glambe"wM, A. Y*., CarAldstm of Physiama NA "Atheivatioal. lkleme.a. Card 1/3o ftstavskiy, U,Ya., L.P. TWIlon. YU. 1. Sh~YAkgr. Coplawrity a raftal 1016161 Oarinor, &0, 11" or Urrared Absorption Spectra In Determining the Characteristics or the Products or Vitamin I Syntheals, 265 BOIV# 34. Optical Method for the Determination of the t1lomposition of Cosplesms in Solutions 20T Grebanshchuma. and 1. U. rheml-mphthalens Mixtures by YAlms of Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra 2T9 usi", X.I., "A A.G. Stryuk. Group Datendnation Of this Naphthalene ft4roaarbans by Mean* of Ultzmviolst Absorption Spectra 2?2 S"b&daab, A.R.. V.P. Pahenitsym and V.X. Xhlahava. Spectrophotomstria Methods of 6;" Control in Processing Aostio Anhydride meporent. 3.S., X.P. Tmalleveldy. WA N.A. I-Pono. tAtiv* Absorption by Means or'Water VapOp in WInfraW Region Card AAA&.- I POSTMSKIY# I&T&.; TMIIA)VA,.L&7&; , Tu.N.; BOMOIDT, S.G. Ooplanar poeiiiou of phemyl radioals in biphany-l-Mer ;Mig. 7iss sboro' noo'3&388-390 157. (MIRA 11:8) I*' Urallskly politekhuicheski.V institut Im. S- X. Xjrova. (Biltemyl-S~eotra) (Stersoc~emlstry) 0 Omellehenko, S. I., Pushkareva, Z. V., 79-12-12/43 Bogomolov, S. I]* ------------------ -J %. TIT!X% Investigation of the Structural Peculiarities and Chemical Transpositions of Carbazole and its Derivatives (Isaledovaniye osobennostey stroyeniya i khimicheakikh prevra- shcheniy karbazola i nekotorykh yego proizvodnykh) The Absorption Spectra in the Ultra-Violet Part of Carbazole and some of its Derivatives (Spektry pogloshcheniya v ultrafiolete karbazola i nekotorykh yego proizvodnykh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 12, PP- 3220-3226 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Inspite of many possibilities, to gain carbazole in important quantities in the big coking plants, up to now stone coal oarbazole was exploited only very little. One of the reasons is the peculiarity of its chemical properties. Its chemistry elaborated already as to the most important points still laoks explanation as to practically most appropriate reactions. The work of the authors is dedicated to the investigation of the structural peculiaritiea of the chemical transpositions and to the practical applicability of some carbazole derivatives. Card 1/3 As it is known the characteristic properties of a molecule Investigation of the Structural Peculiarities and Chemical 79-12-12/43 Transpositions of Carbazole and its Derivatives. The Absorption Spectra in the Ultra-Violet Part of Carbazole and some of its Derivatives. are mainly based on the position of the electrons and on the type of the compound. Therefore, in order to investigate the properties of tho carbazole molecule, special attention was paid to its absorption centres in the ultra violet and partly also in thi visible part. 10 derivatives of carbazole and of diphenylamine were synthesized and the absorption spectra of 13 compounds were put up. It was demonstrated that in the occasion of the transition from the diphenylamine derivatives te those of carbazole the occurrence of the diphenyl compound causes a considerable change in the ultraviolet absorption spectra. The substituents at the nitrogen atom in the case of carbazole as well as in the case of diphenylamine produce different effects according to their electronic character. The fixation of the unseparated electron couple in nitrogen by the formation of the N - oxides practically leads to the elimination of nitrogen from the compound and to an abrupt change of the optic mole- cular properties. There are 6 figures, I table, and 13 references, 5 of which are Slavic. Card 2/3 Investigation of the Structural Peculiarities and Cliemiral 79-12-12/43 Transpositions of Carbazole and its Derivatives. The Ab_-orption Spectra ir the Ultra-Violet Part of Carbazole and some of its Derivatives. ASSOCIATION: Ural Polytechnical InBtitute (Urallskiy politekhnioheskiy institut) SUBMITTED: October 25, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Carbazole - Synthesis 2. Carbazole - Spectra 3. Carbazole - Structural analysis C ard 3/3 u, 0 /V1 0 L-0 V AUTHOR POSTOVSKIY IIYA.,TREFILOYA L.F.,SHEYME YU.N., zx=;Av BOOOMOLOV S.G, 20-Z-29/67 TITLE n Non Coplanar Nature of Phenyl Nuclei In Diphenyl Derivatives. (0 nakoplanarnosti faailnykh yader v proizvoohykh difenila -Russian) PERIODICLL Doklady kkademii Nauk SSSR,1957,Vol 113,Nr 2,pp 347-350 (U.S.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT It was ascertained that in the crystalline cliphenyl molecule the phonyl nuclei lie in one and the same plane despite a partial su- perposition of the hydrogen atmospheres (which are inorther-position). The coplanarity of this oompound is obviously.caused by spesial con- ditions of the molecule package in the crystal, on.which oceasion the energy of a alight sphere 4ampression of the hydrogen atoms is oem- peneated by the oonyanieat,plano position. At the same time it is known that in the liquid and g*seaus phase the diphanyl nuclei are not coplanar. This is also true for a number of n- and n'-diphonyl- substitutes in solutions in the case of lacking substituentis in 0- positions. So farphowever,specifioations the structure of such deri- vatives in crystalline condition are lacking. The authors spectesco- pically investigated crystals of the diphenyl ketones within the in- fra-red domain. Structure formulas for the substances I.-Mare gi- yen. In the 1. and III.s The eleotron-giving influence of the me- thoxyl and the amino groups on the ketone group is transmitted on Card 1/3 diphenyl-n-anisyl-ketene and diphenyl-n-aminophenyl-ketons by phenyl On Non Coplanar Nature of Phenyl Nuclei In Diphenyl W-2-29/67 DeriVatiTes. =MURIA cyclesv whereas in the II. and IV.s This influence is transmitted on n-metaxydiphenyl-ketens and n-aminodiphanyl-phenylketens by the di- phenyl system. The assumption had to be examined that in the case of a nonooplanarity of the phenyl nuclei in diphenyl the mutual influ- ence of~the metoxy-and amino-groups with the carbonyl group in the compounds II. and Mwill be "miller in consequence of the destrue- tion of the conjugation than in the compounds I.and III. As known,the frequency of the valence fluctuation of the carbonyl group in the di- reotion of long waves becomes more dislocated the further the '-x..eleo- tron interaction of the oarbonyl group with other electron-giving groups of the molecule increases. Accordingly the oscillation frequen- cy of the carbonyl group in the compound I will have to be.smaller than in the compound 11. and the oscillation frequency in 111'.9maller than in IV. Also polarographical determinations in a dioxane solu- tion (as far as soluble) were carried out. Furthermore the oorreipon- ding benzophones were investigated. As evident from schedule I the influence of the electrOn-giTing group OCH 3becomes manifest 'in the lowering of the characteristic oscillation frequency of the CwO-groupo The NHZ-group has a similar affect. From the results of the infra- red spectra it can be concluded that the reciprocal influence of the groups in the ketones I and II both in solutions and in crystalline Card 2/3 condition is leas distinguished by the diphenyl system than in the On Non Coplanar Nature of Phenyl Nuclei In Diphonyl Derivatives. 2D-2-29/67 corresponding phenyl ketoned. The results of the polaregraphical rev duotien entirely harmonize with this conclusion. All particalars here given about the complicated transmission of interaction in the keto- nes II and IV can serve as an indication concerning the nonooplanari- ty of the diphenyl in these compounds as well as in the crystalline condition. (With 2 illustrations$ 2 aohodules, 14 citations from publications). ASSOCIATION Uralic Polytechnic Institute "S.K.Kirova" PRESPMED BY IUZAROV I.I., Member of t he Aoademy SUBMITTED 25-5-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 3/3 240) SOV14 8-2 3 -9 -50/57 AUTHORS: Bogomolov, S. G., Drobiz, F. D., Morozov, A. G. ------ "MMM-M", TITLF,i The Spectroscopic Determination of the Microelements in Tissue Albumins PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademi-.. nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 9, P:3 '1158 1159 (USSR-) ABSTRACT: In the present paper animal albumins are investigated with respect to Co, Ni, and Cu, which are present within a concentra- tion range of 0.1 - 0.001%. The albumins were extracted from various organs of white ratst were washed in alcohol, acetone, and ester and were then converted to ashes. After 20-fold en- richment the samples were investigated according to the method of three standarda in a spectrograph of the type ISP-22. The sample was located in the crater of the lower carbon electrode. For the constraction of the calibration curve synthetic standards were used, the setting of which is discussed in detail. The base material of these standards consisted of salts, to which Co-, Ni- and Cu-compounds were added in suitable quantities. For reasons of comparison, samples and standards of a vanadium compound (V 2 05) were added. Reproducibility showed Card 1/2 an arithmetical error of + 5%. It is said in the numinary that, ,.The-Spectroscopic Determination of the Microelements SOV/46-23-9-50/57 in Tissue Albumins in the case of the subcutaneous injection of chlorine salts of certain microelements, the content of these microelements in the albumins of some organs is greater than that in the corresponding organs of control. animals.Co-, Ni-, and Cu-salts introduced into the body of animals are selectively enriched in the albumins of some organs. The accumulations are accompanied by an increase of the SH-groups, which confirms the opinion concerning a connection existing between the introduced micro- elements and the SH groups. There are 1 table and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovskiy meditsinskiy institut (Sverdlovsk Medical In- stitute Card 2/2 24(7),5(4) SOV148-23-10-11139 ~'UTHOP.St Bogomo Byatritskaya, M. Go, Kirillova, M.N. TITLE: Characteristic Bands in the Pyridine Series PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheskaya,lcy59, Vol 23, Nr 10, pp 1199-1201 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the infrared- and ultraviolet absoription spectra of 16 heterocyclic oompoundst one part of which had already been synthetized previously. Several of them were biologically active. The samples were subjected to an infrared spectropio analysis in form of emulsions in oil. (IKS-6-spectro- meter with NaCl- and LiF-priame), as well as to an ultraviolet analysis in form of a solution in ethyl alcohol by using a SP-4-spectrometer. Por 2-aminopyridine and a number of its derivatives a tautomerism of the kind a) b) is possible. N NH2 I KH Card 1/2 H Characteristic Bands in the Pyridine Series SOT/48-2~-10-11/39 Form a is characterized in the range of high infrared frequences by the occurrence of the NH 2-absorption band; within the range of double-bonds a band with 1-41640 0m -1 deformation oscillations of the NH2 groups) may occur besides the absorption band of the pyridine ring (,--,1580 om-1). lithe molecule is of the form bf only one band of the NE-valenoe oscillations, and in the range of the double bonds the band of the C-N-oacillations occurs. The data obtained for all 16 compounds are shown by a table extending over one and a half pages. The data of this table are discussed. There is I table. ASSOCIATIO14: Sverdlovskiy meditsinskiy institut,Ural'skiy gos. universitet (Sverdlovsk Medical Institute of Ural State University) Card 2/2 BOGOHOLOV, B.G.; SBkTXYICH, A.B. Third Ural Symposium on Spectroscopy. Opt.i spektr. 9 no.1:127-129 Jl 160. (MM 13:7) (Spectrum analysis-Congresses) ABALDUMV9 i3-V,t inzh-; KOZHEVNIKOVA, Ye.P.t;_PTO~OTLOV, S.G., kand-fiziko-mat.pmatichesukh nauk Method for the quantitative spectral determination of silicon in the urine. Sbor. rab*' po silik, noq2:185-.188 160, (MIR& 1413) 1. Sverdlovoldy 90BUdarStVOMYY meditsinskiy institut. (URINE-4N&LYSIS AND PATHOLOGY) (SILICON) GREBENSHCHDKOVA, M.P.; MUKHORINA, K.V.; BOGOMOIA)Vq S.G. Absorption spectmvi Of extracts of potatoes prepared with the diethanolamino salt of r4alonic acid hy4razide. Vop pit, 20 noj: 60-63 My-Je '61. iMIRA 14:6) 1. Iz kafedr7 fiziki (zweb - dotsent S.G.Bogomolov) i kafedry gigiyeny- pitanlya (zav. - ~rof. A.I.Shtenberg) Sverdlovskogo meditainskogo instituta. . 't (MALONATES) (POTATOM SPECTRA) MMMOIDV, &G.; PMOVA, F*D.; IW1OSGVA, L.P. C "Last linesO of-the speotrum of 3,4-banzopyrene dissolved in normal hydrocarVous at various temperatures. Izv.AN SSSR 24 no.7:725-727 Js 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Sverdlovskiy mediteinski7 institut. (Benzopyrons-Speatra) 11 A Z/ 74- '.806 omo'~_Ov S'. a PHASi I BOOK MLOITATION sov/6181 Urallakoye soveghchanlye po spektroskopli. 3d, Sverdlovsk, 1960. Mat rialy (Materials or the Third Ural Conference on Spectros- cop Sverdlovsk, Metallurgi7dat, 1962, Errata slip 197 P, Inseried. 3000 copies printed. Sponsorihg Agencies: Institut fiziki metallov Akademil nauk SSSR. Komissiya po spektroskopii; and Ural'skiy dom tekhniki VSHTO. Eds. (Title page): 0. P. Skornyakov, A. B. Shayevich, and S. G. Bogomolov; Ed.: Gennadly Favlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish- Ing Houset M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.: N. T. Mallkova. PURPOSE: The book, a collection of articles, is intended for staff members of spectral analysis laboratories in industry and scien- tiflo.research,organizations, an well as for students of related j disciplines and for technologists utilizing analytical results. 6OVERAGE: The collection presents theoretical and practical prob lems of the applieption of atomic and molriular spectral analy- sin In controllinx the chemical composition of'various materials in ferrous and nonrerroVs metallurgy, geology, chemical Indus- i try, and medicine. The-authors express their thanks to G. V. Chentsova for help in preparing the materials for the press. References follow the individual articles. Materials of the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) SOV/6181 Genkin, A. M., said o omolov. Explanation of the mechanism of interaction between proteins and glycogen by optical methods :L83 Grebenshchikova, N. P., Kc V. Mukhorina, and S. G. Bogomolov. Absorption spectra of potato juice treated with diethanol- amine salt of hydra~ide maleic acid 187 Trofimov, A. K. Spectral-luminescence method for investi- gating crystallochemical transformations in solid phases 190 Trofimov, A. K. Quantitative determination of gadolinium traces in fluorite, metallic thorium, and beryllium by luminescence spectra 192 Florinskayal, V. A., and R. S. Pechenkina. Application of infrared spectroscopy to the study of silicate structure 194 Card 14/15 B,OGOMOLOV, S.q.; GUDKINAt R.I.; SHAYEVICH, A.B. Ural Conference on Spectroscopy. Zav.lab. 29 no.11:14C)G-1401 163. (MDU 16:12) 6. `P-.-4 1,YP Mr I _AR5012246-~-_ 7- c658/65/0K/C-03/D030/D030 SMRM Ref. zh. Plzlka$ Abs. _3D218 ALTMORS: Bogomolov, S. G.,; Veselkova, 1. A.; Lodochnikova, V. 1, TITLE: Manifestation of carbon-lead 'Qond in infrared spectra ,CITED SOURCE, Tr. K=1s._y1R_sp~k Msk AN BBSH~ v". It 1964, 475-482 T)P.TC TAGS: carbon lead bond, inftared spectrum TRAMIATION: Izfrart~d spectra were obtained for 19 com -~efth at-racture . pounds A,.:-Pb(00CR)3 and OWR in Vie - 3-25 p -region (14 of these cm-m-ounds -w-rere isQmthesized for 'he l'irst, t e It is established that the Fb-C bond apjltn!~x5 In the region 430--460 cm-1. C t X. 1 2'. u/m UR/0058/b5/000/003/D01s2/DD42 iSOURM Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 3D315 AWHOR: Bogomolov, S. G.; Silantlyov, B. Ya,w Vedernik-ova, F. P~; VederniRoi,, G. S. TITLE: Quasi-line spectra of A CMD SOURCE: Tr. Xonis. po spe)A` vyp. 1, 19614, 662-671 Hoskopil. V1 ME, TOPIC TAGS: line spectrum, spectrum detemination, chemical anal'ysis ~,'.RANSUMA: Qua3l-line structure is observed (Shpollskiy's method) in 1.,2-bPn_7,_:an- rixe thracene.15- tb bemz ne, N-oxide of: rti-e-no- ne R:#_____ , On , -~12' lyenzophenotb 1cridi -I - ~_de ~_)h !7 b)ti azf_~6 iazine %4-benzopbenothlaZine ani C,thers.~ -:The spectra are recor ed~-bn a- pbotoelectroop c device and subjected to vibrational analysis. A photoelectric method is deyeloped for quantitative deter- nination of a number cf substamcen in a specimen from quasi-line sDectra with a sensitivity of 10-12.- 10-13 SUD CODE as, GC SIC FnCL: 00 BOG014OLOV, S.I., kand.tekbn.nauk, dotsent JoInt vibratlon of rotor vanes and discs of turbomachines. Energomashinostroenie 11 no.2:7-11 F 165. (MIRA 18W BOGOmOLDV, S. 1. BDG0140LOVp S. I.--"Combined Fligher Education Ukrainian Kbarlkov., 1955. Bending OscMations of Disks and SSR,, Khartkov Polytechnic Inst. V. SOi Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 35, 1955 1 - S/123/60/000/02/13/015 Translation froms Referativayy zhurnal. Masllinostroyeniye, 1960, No. 2, pp. 285-286,1t. 7195 AUTHORs Bogomolov, S. I. TITLEs The Effect of Transverse Oscillations of the Turbine Disk on the Oscillations of the Bla .~. d e a PERIODICAL: Tr. Khartkovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1958, Vol- 14, pp. 23-41 TEXTt The author gives a detailed analysis of the joint oscillations of a turbine disk and blades and investigates the effect of transverse disk oscillations on the blade oscillations. The mathematical analysis of os- cillations of the disk and the blades, fastened on it, is reduced to the solution of a system of differential equations, observing certain boundary conditions and conjugation conditions of the disk and blades. The obtained system results in homogeneous equations with arbitrary constants, and by their successive eliminationp they are transformed into a frequency equation of the disk of constant thickness with blades of a constant profile; this equation is then solved by the trial-and-error method. Card 1/3 L"If S/123/60/000/02/13/015 The Effect of Transverse Oscillations of the Turbine Disk on the. Oscillations of the Blades After determining the frequency of the system, the kind of free oscillations of the disk and blades can be determined from the obtained expressions. The experimental investigation of the effect of transverse oscillations of the turbine disk on the oscillations of the blades was effected with the aid of sand figures on the model~of a disk fitted with blades. The dia- meter of the disk, made with blades of rolled metal of 8 mm thickness, amounted to 855 mm, length of blades to 227.5 mm and width to 30 mm. The oscillations of the model were excited by a vibration device of electro- magnetic type. During the resonance transverse oecillation8o the fre- quencies of which were determined by calculations, the sand figures were observed, which made it possible to determine the number and distribution of the nodal diameters of the disk and the blade nodes. Based on theoretical investigations of the simultaneous oscillations of the system and on experiments made with the model, the author draws the following oonclusionst If the number of nodal diameters is increased, the oscillation frequencies of the system asymptotically approximate the axial frequency of the single blade. If the oscillation frequencies Card 2/3 B/123/60/000/02/13/015 The Effect of Transverse Oscillations of the Turbine Disk on the Oscillations of the Blades are increased, an increase in the number of nodal diameters of the disk can be observed, moreover, this is repeated after the appearance of one, two etc. nodes on the blade. The degree of excitability of oscillations of various kinds depends on the blade length, moreover, for relatively long blades, oscillations of higher kinds can be practically excited more easily. The blades which are placed exactly in the middle between the nodal diameters of the disk perform bending axial oscillations. The blades through which pass the nodal diameters of the disk show torsional oscillations. All the remaining blades perform complex bending - torsional oscillations. A great number of photos of various sand figures are shown, which were obtained by rolling off the disk model fitted with blades. There are 25 figures, 2 references. K. I. A. Card 3/3 S/12 61/000/011/046/046 D237YD305 AUTHOR: Bogomolov, S.I, TITLE: Vibrations of turbine discs with blades, with non- 'coinciding centers of gravity and retation of plane transverse cross-section PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalp Mekhanikat no, 11, 1961, 49, abstract 11V392 (Tr. Kharikovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1;9599 259 127 - 131) TEXT: Pree transverse oscillations of a disc of uniform thickness with blades of uniform transverse cross-section, whose center of gravity and rotation of the plane of transverse cross-section do not coincide, are investigated. The oscillations of the disc with nodal diameters only are considered. The problem is solved by sta- ting and solving differential equations of free oscillations of the disc and blades. The results are given of-experimental investi-vl_/ gations into oscillations by means of a models Theoretical and ex- perimental frequencies of oscillations are compared for the case Card 1/2 S/.124/61/1000/.011/046/046 Vibrations of turbine discs ... D237/D305 of a disc with three nodal diameters. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation]. .,-/ I Card 2/2 L 1.7399= 3 4, /M;(m)/BDS AFFTC/ASD/APGC F_WJD 6 EWP(r)/iVff )/EW ACCESSION 'N R AP3006476 S/0145/63/000/004/0080/0088 AUTHOR: Bogomolov S. I -(Enginaer) TITLE:, Analysis of resonance frequency spectrum and forms of, _Vibrk.tion kf bladed turbine: diska 0. SOURCE1, IVUZi Mashinostroyeniyat no. 4, 1963, 80-88 !-TOPIC TAGS:- gas turbinej,~ steam turbine, disk., blade, bladed-disk, vibration spectrum, resonance frequen,cy, vibration form, vibration,, flexural vibration, blade vibrat: disk vibration, flexural 'torsional vibration ABSTRACT,. The' performancel ot bladed 'turNinedisks was -ana.172ed, ,both theoretically and e -~ip'erimentally er to determine, the.'in-_ fluence of-the.vibration,ofl.disk:s on the vibration of blades, to coml- -pare the vibration of blades In the disk-blade system with the_vib-ra-,... tion of isolated blades and to determine the dependence of special-- features of blade vibration an factors otherthan the frequenciies of' Cwd -A 7 7 --------- ------- L 17399- 3 6 00647 - ACCESSION NR: AP3 , of --disle wt thbut-.- blades. '.- The differenti*l-.equations ob-r - 'ad into1initti*dIfference equations so hat tained are transform t i they may be calculated on alectrorliic. c61mputers , The theoretical'! solution was verified experimentally on turbine disk models,con sisting of disks (600:,mm in diameter) with blades (200 Mm 1 f constant thickness (20:mm) Milled'in one piece from laminated metal sheet.- Visualization of.nodal circles and lines with sand", -showed that when the disk undergo(ts'flexural vibrations the blad 9,~ on a bladed disk undergo flexural-tors'lonal vibration regar dless"i f the fact that- their centers of gravity and rigidity coin 6ide.,T' With this method it was possible -to determine three vibrati bn :frequencies (100, 315,,and 630 6pu) at an identical nodal*Aines~ The full solution Olt this problem (taking acc8unt' of temperature stresses, stresses due to centrifugal forces, and other.factors),will requilrethe application of all known methods of numerical solution of differential and integral equations and the use of the "Strela" -electronic computer. Cal culation might reveal some unknown causes of defects In bladed turbine apparatut~ Ori '90 art. hast 1 table, 2 formulas, and.7 figures. Card j4 kand. tzkhn. nauk Vzbrational rellability of steam turbine rotor blades. Elek. sta. 15 no.IR25-27 Rr 164. (MTRA 17g6) L. 6 3 8 '- 66 ARGO28090 souRcr, coDr.,: UR/0-124/66/000/0051V070/V070 AUTHOR., ~Bogomolov, S. TITLE: On the problem of flexural vibrations of.bladed turbine disks SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 5V544 REF SOURCE: Tr. Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t. vyp. 19, 1965, 25-29 TOPIC*TAGS: turbine disk, flexural vibration, -4bration analysis, torsional vibrattion ABSTRACT. The results of theoretical and experimental investigations carried out by the author of combined flexural and torsional vibrations of bladed turbine' disks are discussed. Conclusions and recommendations concerning further studies are given. V. S. Gontkevich. [Translation of abstract) [DWI) I SUB CODE: 13 Card it, ACC N% AR6028086 SOURCE CODE: OR/0124/66/000/005/VO35/VO36 AUTHOR: Bogomolov, S. I. TITLE: Problem of bending vibrations of bladed wheels of turbomachines SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs.,SV274 REF SOURCE: Dinamika i prochnost' masihin. Rdsp. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. ob., vyp. 1, 1965,-67-72 TOPIC TA6S: vibration analysis, turbine blade, bending strength 'ABSTRACT: The results of an experimental investigation of the vibratione of model wheels with blades milled out on them are presented. On one of the wheels the angle of setting of th'e blades'was equal to zero so that the blades vibrated only in an .. axial direction; on a second wheel the-angle of setting of the blades permitted thea to vibrate in.two principal planes. During bending vibrations of the pliant wheel with gufficiently long blades the nodal circumferences are situated on the blades themselves and the frequency of such forms of vibrations proved to be appreciably lower thaii the second frequency of an individual blade. During vibrations of the blades in two planes the frequency spectrum becomes denser. During vibrations of the wheel with nodal diameters bending-torsional vibrations of the blades are excited, the character of which depends upon the position of the blade relative to the nodal dia- metets. [Translation of'abstract) B. Fs Shorr SUB CODEt 13, 20 BOGONOLOV, S.I. i Tkv of segmentation In RWIAocoela. no.113tI28- 142 1490 (MUL 10 13) (Turbellarial BOG(X401DVS S. I. Hittory of the developnent of Convoluta as related to the morphology of ciliated flatworms. Vahezap*Kasoun. 120 no.6t 155m208 160. (MM& 16s2) (Turbenaria) BLOGOII~IDV insh.; NRMKUMAYV. B.N. ___ _.A_P SH-566 lifting trays. Mekh. stroi. 16 no.1:28-29 Ja '39. (MIRA 12: 1) (Iloalling and unloading) ANUCHKIN, N.N., inzhener; BOGOMOWV. 3.P,,,, inzhener;,STZPANOV. Y.G., laureat Stalinakoy -.-. The SM-301 press for moist pressing bricks. Mekh.stroi. 11 no.12:32- 34 D 154. (MM 8:1) (Brickmaking machinery) 13OW40LOV A.R.*-4-nvwV; GAR3UZOV, Z.Ye., Inzh.; YES'KOV. S.K., inzh. The D-390 tamping rollers. Stroi. i dor.mashinostr. 4 no.6: 21-22 Je '59- (HIRA V.: 8) (Rollers (Earthwork)) I -.- SOGCi','C'WV , in?,h. , 0. . Impravina Ue D--390 rol-lor. Stro-. i doro msh. 6 no.9.D-ie, S 16i. Caru Yolol (Read rollers) I A inah. (Leningrad) I POSTNIKOVp B. A., inzh. ~ANMQWTTES- ~S-p ~ (Leningrad) Now machine for concreting irrigation canals. Gidr. i melo 15 no.3:39-" Mr 163. (MIPLA 16:4) (Irrigation canals and flumes) 37302e Avtomatiche6kiy operator d1ya puaka i.ostanovki gidroagregatovo sbornik nauchn.-takhn. statyey (Akad. nauk UKR. SSR. in-t slektrotakhniki). VY P. 3, 19291, a. -72._ SOt lAtopis'.Zhumallnykh St&tey, Vol. 7, Ic)49 ~' CNIVII'movp v. 11.0,-11'1'0 Itbie ~Ijrmr?ral I;quation for ~rid~-e Girouits rrit! Linear "Iesistance." Avtoiatika i T,-~1,Ahanikay Vol, ('j 140. 3: 19)11. B 0"! 0l ~',.,T ll-~V ,-. AO, Can]. , c . "Automatlc I-nntrol of Vie Power of '*,,,d-,oelf!ctric ll~tationr, Accord'-'n- to t'-atc~r 4vtomat-*,',:a i Ti7~lemjelOiaiilla, o1. " 1 110. BOG(W,OLGV, V. A. Automatic regulation of the power of hydro-electric plants. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1950. 104 P. (50-31631) TK108LB64 K~_q WI TL Tam F.-; fur Vm 5Y nbl qt I 1 4 j r . BOGOMOWV4 V.A.,. ~;%i - I Uw -WOA,' ." a wvw-Ila~ A Automatic control of hydroelectric pover stations. Sbor. trud. Lab. g1dr. mash. no*7:177-188 '58- (MIRA 12:9) 1 (Hydroelectric power stations) (Ilectronic control) BOGOMOWV, V.A*; =IN. VA. Automatic control of the power output of bydroolootric power stations according to water current. Sbor. trad. Lab. gidr. mash. no-7:189-197 138, (MIRA 120) (Hydroelectric power stations) (Alectronic control) BUKHINIX, Y(~.N.; BOGOMOLOVp,y,-Af..,.- Low-temeperature gaseous nitriding of P9 and P18 steel cutters. Yetalloved. i term. obr. met. no. 6350 Je 164. (MRA 17:7) LAZAREV, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; BOGOMOLOV, V.A., inzh. Practical scheme for stabilizing the calorific power of gas In supply sy4eme. Sbor. naucb. trud. Kuib. indus. inst. no.8: 251-258 59. (MIFLA 14:7) (Gas distribution) (Gas research) BOGOMDIDV., VX. [Bohomolov, V D.]; KAZAUCOV, II.I.; LINOV, G.Ye. [Linov., FJWIMI I.F. iFadieiev, LF .1; VOINOV, I.P.; ZVYAGIN S.D. tZvfiahin, S.D.]; CHUDNOVSKIY, P.I.,[Chudnovslkyi, P.I.1; ROMLMFYMO$ VOMO In the economic councils of tho Ukraine, lehoprom* no,3:84-87 il-S 163, (FdRA 16:11) 1. TSentrallnoye byuro tekhrdeheskay informatsii, Mskovskogo gorodskogo soveta narodnogo khofsyaystva (for Bogomolov., Kazakov., Linov, Fadeyev). BUMOLOV, T. G. ---- . Basic problem of the geology of the right bank of the Greater Tenise.v in the Up*-Sistig-lhem interfluve. Inform. abor VSIDZI no.6t?7-85 159. (KLRA 13:12) (Teniser Valley--Geolog7) 1~ I .-M BOGOMMV, V..G. S-tratigraphy-of-40rdovician and Silurian sediments of the -northeastern part of Tuva. Inform.sbor.VSEGEI no.21:39-46 159, (MRA 14:12) (Tuva Autoncmous Province-Geology, Stratigraphic) TIMOFBYKVA, Ye.A.; SMMOV., V.S.;,BONNOLOV, V.I. ............... .., Dehydrogenation of n-octane, and of the 250-3200 synthine fraction in,the presence of activated charcoal. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk lio.7:1320-1325 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut organicheskoy khinii iia..N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Octane) (Dehydrogenation) 1/007 1/204/62/002/002/00 :1060/1242 1AUTHCRS: Minachov, Kh.K., Harkovt M.A.t and Bogomolov,-V.I.,- TITLE.- Convtreion of cy6lohexwie and n &1kanes on rare earth oxides PERIODICAL: Neftekhimiya, v.2, no.2, 1962,.144-149 TEXT: This work ic a continuationof the investiC.;ation of the ..catalytic affect of oxides of rart earth eldm!nts on dehydrogenation .,,.and dehydrocyclization oi -ocarbons. Neodymium9holmium, ~Md ytt- hydi rium oxides on activated carbon*have sho'kn a high activity in the de- hydrogenation of cyclohexant aaid in Athydrocyclization of n alkanes. When the concentration of Nd203 in the catalyst increases from Q*5 to output of benzene from oyclohexant at 5000,gro's from 1966 to the w 49,4%, while higher coactntrations of oxide up,to 15% do not produce ~;Oard 1/2 5/204/62/002/002/001/007 1060/1242 .'Converslon of cyclohexane.e. any noticeable increawe of output of benzene.' The -aseous products of.catalysis ver an .alyzed in a XT-21-1 (KhT-2M) unit; the liquid p'ro- ~duots were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. Thart- e 4 fi e gur a 11 and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut oi-~xiichaskoy Ichimii AN SSSR im. N.D. Zolinskogo YInctitute of Organto Ohemistry im, N.D. Zelinakiyj AS USSR) SUBMITTED: January 25, 1961 0 ard.2/2~ BABADZHANt A.A.9 kand. tekhn.nauk,- inzh., retsenzent-, BUIATOV,'V.D., inzh.,, retsenzentj VETRENKO, Ye.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; VETR M 0, Te.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LUCHNO, Tu.V., rPA.izd-va; NOVAUNKO, N.I., tekhn. red. [Innovators' practee in the copper smelting Industry of the Urals] Opyt novatorov medeplavillnoi promyshlennosti Urala. Pod red. E.A.Vetrenko, Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1953. 133 P. (MIRA 16%8) (Ural Mountain region--Copper industry) L~c Go 410 L) b V V 1, SYOHNV, Ale~ soy Takoylevich, professor, dcktor ekonomicheskikh nauk; ZU)CM, Sergey Avgustovich. inshener; SIVKOV, Yiktor Mikhaylovich; UMARM&YAl N.M., Inzhener, redaktor; GOEWK, I.G., kandidat ekonomicheakikh nauk, redaktor, JOGOHOLOV, V.I., inzhaner; XAR- -o ft..; POLYAKOV, S.A., GENMIY, V.A., inzhener, rsdakt , inzhener; SHTIMPM, U.S.; CHURILOVI-OH.'L.M.; AYRUTSLkYA, R.F., redaktor; ZVENSON, I.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. (The economics of non-ferrous metallurgy] likonomika tevetnoi me- tallurgii. Moskva, Goa. nauohno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi tavetnoi metallurgii, 1954. 291 p. (KLRA 8;2) (Nonferrous metals--Ketallurgy) (Metal industries) BAKIRDY, Urkhan Xhakimahanovich; XRMVSKIKFI, Nikolay Dultr1yerich; SIDDRDV, Pavel S1dorov1ch; BOODHOLOY. V.1.. inzhener, retsenzent; BUBOX, K.G., redaktor; TRZ AUVA, M.U.,-7maktor; WSWN, I.M. takhnicheskly redaktor (Ventilating overheated sections in copper pyrite mines] Offt provetrivantia razogretykh ucbaatkov madnokolcbedaurqkh sbakht. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekbu.izd-vo lit-ry po chermt t tsvetnot metanurcu , 1955. 46 p. (MLAA 8:10) (Mine ventilation) (Chaleopyriten) TxORODRTSK17r,.P.I,,; POPOV$ G.N.; SHABLYGIN, A.I.; BOGOHDLOV, V.I.; GALAYEV, N.Z.j PANENKOV, YU.I. Method of working the Nikolaevskiy deposit. Gorozbnr. no&3:15,21 mr 160. (MIU 14:5) (Nikolaevakly (Ural Hountaiu~r4dlaftt-;LMlning enginetring) GRISHIN, G.T., gornyy inzh.; TYURYAKOV, A.F., gornyy inzh.;,BCGQIIOLCff, VI-I ---, Continuously improve the technical and economic iftdices of mine operations. Gor. zhur. no.513-5 My 164. (KMA MO 1. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Tyuryakov). 2. Gosplan SSSR (for Bogomolov). cKQOJUIDY,_X_I_,_.&rkhItektor; LURITI, L.L., inzb. Principles of mking dasigne and plans for Industr1alizod housiq-, construction. Stroi.prome 27 no.3:3-6 Hr 149. (MIRA 13:2) (Architecture--Designs and plans) UC BOGCKOLOV,V. I. New standard plans for mass housing construction. Stroi.pron.33 no.6:1-7 Je'55. (nu 8: 10) 1, Institut Gosudaretvapnogo tresta po proyektiroyantyu rabochikh gorodov, poselkov, uchel)nykh zavedeniy i kallturno-proevetitellnykh uchrezhdeniy tyazheloy promyshlennosti. (Apartment houses) BOGOHOLOV, V.I. Results of the oompetition for now plans for apartssn~ houses for mass building. Atroi.prom. 35 no*2tn-17 7 157, (MLRA 10:3) 1. Institut Gosudaretvennogo tresta po proyaktirovani7u rabochikh gorodov. polelkov, uchebnykh savedeniy i kullturno-prooretitelinykh uchrezhdaniy tyazheloy promyshlennosti. (Apartment houses) (Architectare--Designs and plans--Competition) BOGOMMDV., V.I. Effe-7~t of planning decisJons on the shortening of the duration of residential construction. Trudy MIEI no.15:38-44 161. (MA .14:12) I* Glavnyy inzh. proyektnogo, inatituta Gosudarstv,-nnogo trgqta po proyektirovaniyu zhil7kh i obshchestvennykh zdaniy, ikb oborudovaniya i blagoustrbystva naselennylffi most. Apartment houses) Construction industr7) ~ MINACHEV, Kh.M.; MARKOV, M.A.; #9~q , V.I.; ENGLINA, F.E. Transformation of cyclic alcohols on neodymium oxide. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.1t13-17 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zolinskogo AN SSSR. LEVITSKIY, I.I.; GONIKBERG, M.G.1 MINACHEV, Change of rate and dire-4ion of hydroganolysis of Pettylcyclopentane in the high-temperature kdrogen treatment of an alum!na-platinum cata2yet, Dokl, AN SSSR 158 no,50123-1126 0 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimil. im, N.D.Zelinskogo 0.' SSSR. Predatavleno alc-demikom B.A.Kazanskim. LEVITSKIY, I.I.j UDALInOVAl Ye,A.; BOGOMOLOV) V.1, Ghange in the hydrogenating and isomerizing activity of chromic oxide in the pur4fication of catalysts by removing ovygen and vater., Izv.AN S,'SR.Ser.khim. no.9:1691-1693 S 164. (MM 17:10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. BOGON 9 OL. kandidat tokhnichookikh n&uk. Frequency stability of klystran generators. Takhotelevidonoo3s296.34 '55. (W-U 10: 2) (Illystrons) (Oscillators, Alectron-tubs) 0 112-2-4563 TRANSLATION FROM: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 21 P- 300 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bogomolov, V. I. TITLE: TheTTTC Wire Broadcasting Line for Simultaneous Trans- mission of the Image and Accompanying Sound (Radioliniya PTS dlyp odnovremennoy peredachi izobrazheniya I zvukovogo soprovozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Tekhnika televidenlya (M-vo radiotekhn. prom-sti SSSR), 1955, Nr 9 (15), pp. 3-15. ABSTRACT: VNII has developed a line which serves for77TC communi- cation with the telecast station receiver instrument room. The line has a channel for the image signal and a channel for the accompanying sound signal. Both channels are frequency modulated. The image transmitter and accompanying sound transmitter each have a power of 100 mw. The operating passband-frequency channel is 6.5 me for black-and-white television., *12,.6 me for color tel- evision and 50 to 15,000 cycles for ancompanying arjurd. During transmission, the Indices of modulation are 0.6 to 1.0 for I black-and-white television, 0.6 fox, color television and not Card 1/2 112-2-4563 The TC Wire Broadcasting Line for Simultaneous (cont.) less than 10 for accompanying sound. For a temperature change of -30 to + 400, the relative frequency drift of the image signal transmitter is 2.10-3. The maximum total amplitude of the image signal at the modulator input is 5 v. The trans- mitters require a power of 420 va. The. transmitters operate on a single double polarization antenna. The antehna is a parabo- loid 150 cm in diameter. At the half-power points the antenna radiation pattern is 5.3" wide. The power factor is 580. The antenna:--transmission band is 40 me for imaAp signals, and 10 me for sound signals. Nominal value of intermediate frequency is 150 me for television and 30 me for sound. Maximum output voltages are 1-2~ v(total amplitude) for the image signal and 0.5 v (effective) for the sound signal. The signal-to-noise ratio in the channels when the distance between transmitter and receiver is 20 km is 42 db for television and 54 db for sound. The operation of the basic units of the line is discussed. A wiring diagram and photographs of the wire broadcasting line are given as well as the results of system tests during the transmission of black-and-white and color television at various distances from the telecast station. V.A.K. Card 2/2 BOGOIMDLOV~ V.K. Uchet i kallkuliatsiia v molochrmi promyshlemosti (Accounting and compulation in the daiz7 industry). Irloskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1953. 176 p. SO: M!onthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, 110. 5, August IK4 B000KOLOV, V.I.; TAKOYLKV. K.K., spetured.; MOROZOVA, I.I., red.; B.M., EACCOUUtiUg and all&IyBi8 Of the management of enterprises In the dairy industry] Bukhgalterskii uchet I analis kho- ziaistvennoi delatellnosti predpriiatii molochnol promyshlen- nosti. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1958. 282 p. (MMIL 12:6) (Dairy industry-Accounting) ACC NR, P01i66o - --SOURCE-CODE*. UR/OM/66/i67/003/o6~ o6lZ Z'P AUTHOR: Vookoboynikov.-I. 0; Bogomolov, V_ Maaolin, A. D. Apin,_ A. Ya. ORO: Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut khimicheakoy fizikl Akd i.nauk SSSR) TITLE: Determination of decomposition-times of pxplinives ina sbo C --.wave SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 16T# no. 3s 1966, 5lo-612 TOPIC TAGS: explosivet explosion,shock wave,,hinetice ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was the measurement of the decompo- sition time of liquid nj_tMQTAPthgMe9N\liQuid tetranitromethaned,and mono- crystalline hexogenjIM) of a flat shoc)e, wave, using the expTIrrWe-Entalliarrungement shown in Figure 1: -Card UDC: 534.222.2+54-1..4270-6 ACC NRs Ap6oi166o F27Y Pis. 1. Experimental arrangement I - The explosive investigated; 2 - metallic plate; 3 - &%Alve, charge; 4 - lane for orthogo- nalization of the wave front, The occurrence of the reaction initiated by passage of the shock wave is accompanied by explosion; the flash is registered photographically. When no flash is observed, it is assumed that the reaction time is longer than the time required for passage of the shock wave and return .of the rarefaction wave through the layer of the investigated substance. For each wave intensity ~there exists a layer thickness for which an exi. plosion will still,occur. The results,of the critical thickness hcr measurements are given in the table: Card t 21853-66 -ACC NRs AP60i166o m iPq kb ar He m -T Usee Fig. 2. Schematic represen- tation Monocrystalline hexogen 080 470 2 % .1 00 1 38. 175 2 to 1 : : 0 68 : s"* .180 o,,0 0147 i-190 I la* i 01,33. t� 0130 Witromethan6 86 7:LO,5 2 54 90 4:to,5 42 93 3�0, 5 1.05 9 2 5 9 0,67 104 5�0,25 0,33* tranitromethane T e 108 3 5�0 5 : 24 t : 8 25 lit 10�0 : its 0,5�0,25 M O 0,2D dt 1 ; I. --, P = kbar 2o26 jjee6;j , . P = 89 kbar; T = 1#74 usee for nitrometheAve.. Card 3 14 - F- Fhere D is the velocity of the shock wave; c Is soni .c velocity; and- u ' is the mass flow behind the shock wave (see Fig. 2) Analyzi showed that for the'given accuracies of h Withoui increasin'1g: the- cO and ,error by more than 5%. 'it can be assumed that D c, and hat - - 2 W 'U. The decomposition of explosives ie'undoubtedly influenced by temperature to a greater extent than by pressure, so that future investigations should be directed at this area, Origs art. hasi 2figures and 1 table EVS) SUB CODE: 191 SUBM DATRI :.29jun65/ ORIG REFv 002/' OTH REFt 002 ATD PRESS:L/IIA7 LgErd 4 4 -Awi- L AUTHOR: Sanin, P. I.*. Chernyavsk a L I.; Short V. Ve Komissa -IL--I" -Togomolov, VL-M. ORGI Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis im. A. V. Thpohiyevp AN SSS (Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN 50H) ~~D TITLES Apparatus for oxidizing orgrnic liquids with automatic compensation for con- sumed oxygen and Its recording SOURCES Neftakhimiya, v. 6, no. It 1966p 112-114 VLPPat-~ius) TOPIC TAG31 chemical laboratory t oxidation kinetics ABSTRACT; A circulation-type unit was constructed for the liquid-phase oxidation of organic liquids (hydroc~arbonsl(!lubricatinz-oils'rand other petroleum products) at vari- ous temperatures an-daTm-o-s-p-Feric-pressure, with automatic recording and compensation for the oxygen consumed in the reaction. The unit Is convenient to operate and gives reproducible results. It can be used for studying the oxidation kinetics of hydrocar- bons (and other compounds), for determining the stability of petroleum products, and for the comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of various antioxid~ants."i Experi- mental data showed that the unit can be used to obtain kinetic d&ta over,a wide range of oxidation rates (oxygen absorption rates). Orig. aft. hasi 3 figures. SUB COD3t 07/ SUBM DATES I2MAr651 ORIG REF1 001/ OTH REF1 001 /76 L 0 A/ USSR/Eleqtronice Semiconductor Devices and Photocells, H-8 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12~ 1956o 35189 Author: Bogomolov, V. N. Institution: None Title% Certain New Types of Instruments Employing Semiconductors (New UtAization of the Han Effect) Original Periodical: Zh. tekhn. fi-.iki, 1956, 26, No 31 693-694 Abstract: A brief description of new possibilities of solving certain-radio technical proVlems by using the galvanomagnetic effects in semi- conductors. Certain devices, in which the Hall effect is used, are proposed: (1) ideal square-law detectorj (2) ideal linear detector3 (3) frequency spectrum analyzer. lt~;_I& shown that for a specimen made of Germanium, the detector seneit vity is one mv, amd for a specimen made of IhSb is one mv. The experimental relationships U -_ f(Uin) are given for the linear and square-law detectors. ,:Out 'The voltage spectrum at 200 cycles of the 3 G-10 generator, ob- Card 1/1 tained with an analyzer made with Germanium, is also given. V, /V' C-0m oko v SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1682 AUTHOR BOGOMOLOV,V.N. TITLE A Fara-1 Current Amplifier with a Transformer which is based upon the Modification of the Resistance of Semiconductors in a Magnetic Field. PERIODICAL lurn.teohn.fis,26, fasc.11, 2480-206 (1956) Issued: 12 / 13-5~ After semiconduct?ra characterized by a great mobility of current carriers (50-000-80-000 cm /V.sec) were obtained in the course of recent years, a real possibility offered itself for the utilization in practice of the galvanomag- netio effects occurring in these semiconductors. The present work discuaces one of the possibilities of modifying the resistance of the semiconductor in a magnetic field. At first the contaot-less modulator ie discussed. A semiconductor in a magnetic field H modifies its resistance Q synchronously with the field. The increase A of resistance depends on the properties of the substance and on the strength 2 of the magnetic field. In the case of weak fields it applies that A q - QAH where the constant A depends upon the substance used. If, on this occasion, the semiconductor Q is used as a load for a certain eleotromotorio force E, the current, which flows in a circle, is modified synchronously with the resistance of the'semioonduetor. The problem consists in determining the equation U - Ir which belongs to the corresponding equivalence scheme (on which occasion it applies that rtQ - R)v and r denotes the resistance from which the modulated iurn.techn.fis,26,faso.11, 2480-2486 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1682 voltage is taken. For practical purposes it suffices to use only a harmonic of the amperage, which fact was proved by experiment. By confining oneself to two harmonics in the FOURIER development, a sufficiently accurate solution is obtained. Detection is then discussed. After the parallel current is success- fully transformed into alternating current, the latter must, after suitable amplification, be re-transformed into parallel current. This is possible by means of an ordinary detector, but without maintaining linearity. If, however, a detector that is based upon the HALL effeot is used, linearity is oonserved for any amplitude. The advantage offered by such parallel current amplifiers is the lack of zero-drive and inertia. The maximum transformation coefficient from parallel- into alternating current amounts to - 30%. Experimental results: In practice, the amplifier differed but little from the above mentioned scheme. The amplified alternating voltage was detected by means of a phase-sensitive detector on the basis of the HALL effect. By care- fully Bereening-off the individual blocks it was possible to reduce the amplification threshold by at least one order of magnitude. All donors consist of monoorystalline InSbt and nearly all magnetic conductors of the donors and transformers are of ferrite. In conclusion, the donors and the technology of their production are described. INSTITUTE: AUTFOR ._BQgQMQLOV2 V.N., ILISAVSKIJ, JU.V., KORNFEELID, M., PA - 2188 SOCAVA, L.S., STRUNIN,, R.I. 'TITLE Germanium Bolometers with little Inertia (Russian). PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn Fiz., 1957, Val 27, Nr 1, pp 213-215 (U-S.S.R.) Received 2/1;57 Reviewed 3/1957 ABSTRACT In the course of the last ten years a considerable number of works on semi-canducter-bolometers was published. The sensitive layers of all these bolometers were obtained by means of roasting different combinations of oxydes of certain-metals (Mn, Ni, Co). The technology of the pro- duction of such samples is complicated and makes possible the prod-action of films of a minimum thickness of the order of magnitude of 10 microns. However, for the production of bolometers of little inertia films of a thickness of 1 micron or even loss would be useful. The easiest method for the production of thin layers is vaporization in the vatuum, espocia.1- ly in the case of elementary materials. The authors used this method for the production of a bolometer with a sensitive layer of germanium. Germanium can easily be vaporized in the vacuum at the temperature of 12000C and the temperature coefficient of resistance is sufficiently high. Germanium was steamed on to a bass of mica having a thickness of 30 micrcn. Onto the carefully purified surface 30 pairs of silver contacts were steamed on in the vacuum by means of a stencil. Next, 30 germanium layers were sprayed through another stencil. The steaming on ol' the germanium took 10 to 20 minutes, and immediately after the spraying the germanium films were covered with polystirol lac. The mica plate was then cut into Card 1/2 Germanium Balometora with little Inertia. PA - 2188 30 parts and the individual sensitive elements were then stuck onto bases of copper which warrant the heat transfer necessary for the diminution of the eigon-time. The sensitive element was finally carefully shut off hermetically. The sensitive spot had the size of 1 x 1 mm and the thick- ness of 1 to 3 micron, its resistance amounted to 1 - 3 mOhm. Tempera- ture coefficient of the resistance of the sensitive layer was 25.10-4 de- gree-'. The main characteristics of the bolometer were measured at the food voltage of 160 V. The signal was taken from a load resistance con- nected in a series with the bolometer. A black body boated to 1000C served as radiation source and the radiation flux was modulated sinusoi- dally. At a modulation frequency of 30 c the sensitivity of the bole- meter was 60-70 Watt (Sensitivity means the ratio between the amplitude of the signal in volts and the amplitude of the variable oemponent of the flux of radiation in Watts). Finally, th# noise and the eigentime of the bolometers are given. The main advantage of germanium compared with oxyda semi-conductors is the possibility of producing very thin layer's (of an order of magnitude of one micron and less). ASSOCIATION Institute for Semiconductors of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R., MESENTED BY Leningrad SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card V2 AUTHORIt VABILOYEV,V.D. PA - 2120 TITLE: The Attempt made to use the Linear Detector with Hall's Effect for purposes of Measuring. (Opyt primeneniya linaynogo detektora na effekte kholla dlya izmeritellnykh tseley, Russian PERIODICAL# Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz.9 19579 Vol 27P Nr 29 pp 260 - 261 (U.S.S.RT Reoeiv~dt 3 / 1957' Reviewed: 3 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The ordinary tube- or semiconductor detectors result in no linear transformation in any amplitude interval and are not phase-sensitive. The detector with Hall's affect in free from these shortcomings. Its working principle is based on the fact that Halls effect is proportional to the product of the size of the magnetic field and amperage. Such a detector was also used in a system for the measuring of Hallts effect in alter- nating current, where an alternating voltage with a frequency of 20 a was to be measured. The complete scheme of this system is shown. A second illustration shows the block scheme of the detector. The following advantages of the detector with Hall's effect can be mentionedt Linearity of the recordings of the scheme in the case of any amplitudes of the signal to be measured, the possibility of determining the sign of Hall-Is effect on the sample, the elimination of influences in connection with the Card 1/2 FA - 2120 The Attempt made to use the Linear Detector with Hall's Effect for purposes of Measuring. directioning at frequencies differing from signal frequency. (2 illustrations). ASSOCIATION: Institute for Semiconductors of the Academy of Soience of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad. PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDs 2.6.1957- AVAILABLEt Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: BOGOMOL0VPV.N1z PA - 2791 TITLEt Galvanomagnetic Generators. (Gallvanomagnitnyye generatory, Russian). PERIODICALi Zhurnal T' ekhn. b'iz-, 1957, Vol 279 Nr 4, pp 663 - 674 S.S.R.) Received& 5 / 1957 Reviewed: 6 PI-957 ABSTRACT: In the present paper the application of galvanomagnetic effects in semiconductors for the purpose of the generation of electric oscillations is discussed and it is shown that such generators can attain a fairly high degree of efficiency. First, a generator working on the basis of the Hall-effect is discussed. It appears that this generator can work only in class A and that therefore its efficiency is limited to low values, and that the generator is not advantageous from the viewpoint of energetics. Next, a generator based on an effect of resistance change is investigated. In spite of the arguments made in the present paper, there is no reason to maintain that galvanomagnetic generators operating with an efficiency greater than 37,5 % are possible. These generators are interesting because they can easily be produced, are small, reliablet and have a long life. For the production of such generators materials with a high degree of mobility of current carriers should be used. It should be possible Card 1/2 to obtain resistance changes of the order of magnitude 4 - 10 in Galvanomagnetic Generators. PA - 2791 a real magnetic field with the field strength H . Such materials are already available as e.g. InSb. From the additions for self- excitation and from the expression for the efficiency of the generator it can be seen that the generating frequency can be arbitrary, because it does not occur in these formulae. From physical considerations, however, the magnetic conductor must make it possible to add the magnetic d.o. and a.c. (8 illustrations)~ ASSOCIkTIONj Institute for Semiconductors of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. Leningrad PRESE14TED BY: SUBMITTEDt 1.11-1956 MILABLEt Library of Congress. Card 2/2 V) (7) 'N L) L o -,j 57-6-9/36 AUTHOR BOGOIdOLOV$ V.N.0 MYASNIKOVS V.A. TIT3;E -ApRarnrur~raru'e Hall Effect Measurements in Semiconductors (Uatanovka d1ya izmerenlya effekta Kholla Y poluprovodnikakh. Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz. 1957s, Vol 27, Nr 6,, pp 1209 - 1214 (UeS*3eR*) ABSTRACT Of three basic methods: method of the constant magnetic field and of direct current, method of the constant field and of alternating current, and method of the alternating field and alternating currentp the latter is investigated 1wre, According to this method the Hall-em.f. is mea- sured in the case of sum- and difference frequency, It is the difference between the intelligence signal and the disturbance in relation to the Irequency that constitute the advantage of this method over others. In raklizing these advantages the following difficulties develop: Is) The component with the frequency W H of ths magnetic field must not be contained in the current with the frequency (4 is 2o) The amplifier immt have a narrow band pass, The first-me-tioned difficulty can be over. come if the generator is fed from d.ce sources and if it, is carefully screened o-Pf. The aecond-mentioned difficulty can not be overcome so easily* The authors built and computed an apparatus with low-ohm patterns The freqae-ic-., of the current was 75 a, the frequency of the magnetic field was 50 c. The Hall e.iaofs was measured at a frequency of 25 c. Card 1P Thus it was possible to avoid botb difficulties to a certain extent. In 57-6-9/36 Apparatus for the Hall Effect Measurements in Semiconductors order to reduce the flickering of the frequency at 25 a, where the Hall- -e.m.f. develops, the generator- and magnetic field frequencies were cynchronizede A description of the apparatus# of the generator and of the amplifier follows. (With 5 illustrations and 2 Slavic references), FRESENT6 By SUMT= AVAILABIX Card 2/2 Institute for Semiconductors of the Academy of Science of the U.S*S.R. Leningrad (Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR,, Institut Bluktromekhaniki AN SSSR, Leningrad) 14-12t.1956 Librao of Congress 0 P? 6" V 99-58-6-2/11 AUTHOR: Bogomolov, V.N., Zaydman, Ya.D. and Kondrashenko, A.K. Engine7r_s TITLEz The Lining of Canals With Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (Oblitsovka kanalov betonom i zhelezobetonom) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i Melioratsiya, 1958, Nr 6, pp '7-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the Trans-Caucasian Soviet Republics (Azerbaydzhan, Arme- nian and Georgian SSR), several tests have been carried out on the concreting of irrigation canals. The North Donets- Donbass Canal in the Ukrainian.SSR is now being lined with reinforced concrete. Considering the various conditions of irrigation systems and the peculiarities of prefabricated canal lining structures (especially the extent of seams, the great demand for fitting steel, increased stability, etc) the construction of linings of monolithic and reinforced concrete proved to be the beat solution for concreting main canals. The type of canal lining used in the main canal of the Apsheron irrigation system, having longitudinal seams sealed with tar- coated planks, did not prove to be as reliable as the anti- filter type construction. The construction of marker-type Card 1/2 linings (Arzni-Shamiram irrigation system), without longitu- The Lining of Canals With Concrete and Reinforced Concrete 99-58-612/11 dinal seams and reliable sealings of all diametrical a is a new development which has not yet been sufficie t n tested. In the Upper Samgori irrigation system, studstmain' 1956-57 by scientists of the Georgian Water Engineering and Reclamation Institute, single-layer concrete linings 4type 4) proved to be excellent for water-resistant soils while double- layer linings (type 2, 3, 3a) were found to be excellent for non-water-resistant soils subject to deformations. The con- struction of linings in the Vorth Donets-Donbass Canal is characterized by an innovation - the sealing of the seams with rubber, and especially the use of profile rubber in mo- nolithic linings. In order to apply labor-saving measures in the future construction of monolithic linings, and to improve their structure, it is absolutely necessary to build machines for complex mechanization of the process of lining with mono- lithic concrete and reinforced concrete. At the same time re- search work is to be continued on more efficient and economical linings made up of concrete and reinforced concrete tending to apply pre-stressed fittings. There are 1.9 photos, 2 figures and 4 tables. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 1. Canals-Maintenance 2. Concrete-Applications 99-58-7-2/10 AU7HOR: BogonS!2Y'_Y'11., Zaydman, Ya.D. and Kondrashenko, A.K., Engineers TITLE: The Lining of Distribution Canals of Irrigation Systems (Oblitsovka rasprodelitellnykh kanalov orositellnykh sistem) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratoiya, 1958, Nr 7, pp 5-15 (USSR) ABSTRAM In October and November 1957, the authors of this article studied the canal linings of the following irrigation systems: Apsheron (Azerbaydzhan SSR); Arzni-Shamiramskaya (Armenian SSR) and Verkhne-Samprokaye. (Georgian SSR);azd arrived at the following conclusions: The lining-of canals with small, lightweight, pre- fabricated plates (Apsheron irrigation system) is not an effective measure against filtration. Such a'structure has a great number of longitudinal and diametrical seams, and the lay- ing of the liner plates represents a rroblem. The linings of canals of the Verkhne- Samgorskaya irrigation system consisting of prefabricated concrete troughs of a semicircular profile (0-7 m in length), having a great number of seams and borders of monolithic concrete, are subject to deformations and con- sequently the loss of water from these canals is considerable. Card"L/12, The construction of linings consisting of prefabricated concrete Lining of Distribution Canals of Irrigation Synte:_s 99-58-7-2/'0 trou hs of trapezoidal (1-4 m long) and semicircular (1.4 2 tit longl profiles, as used for the Arzni-Shamiram and Kotay irri- gation systems, is of greater practical value because of the increased length of the troughs. However, the reliability of this construction (without fittings) is as yet untested, fabricated reinforced concrete troughs of a length of 3-4 m might prove to bo an efficient lining structure for distribution canal systems. Yor the manufacture of these troughs, staniardi,!- ed products (polygons) must be designed by using the experience of "Armvodstroy" in manufacturing semicircular troughs of a length of 2 m in the Kotaykakiy Mant in Elar. The new technol-t;-'-; of manufacturing prefabricated, thin-walled, curvilinear pro ducts from concrete and reinforced concrete by a combined bending and molding method, as suggested by A.K. Shanshiyev, is of great interest in this connection. The first experiments on this project were-started in IIQ57 by the GruzNIIGiM and the ArmNIIGiM. . There are 12 photographs, I table and 3 diagrams. 1. IrTigation p"tems -4 USSR 2. Canal - Maintentanes Card 2/2