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SOV/79-29-1-31/74 Investigation in the Field of the Oxy-Derivativas of Anthracene. II. The Bisulfite Compound of the 1-Nitroso-2-Anthrol 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isaledovatellikiy inititut organicheskikh poluoro- duktov i.krasiteley (Scientific Resea=2: Imst. of Organi-a 1hter- med-4std Pm&cts arA DyeB) SUBMITTED: November 25, 1957 Card 3/3 .AUTHORS: Bogdanov, S. V., Gorelik, M. V. SOV/79-29-1-32/74 TITLE: Investigation in the Field of the Oxy-Derivatives of Anthracene (Issledovaniye v oblasti oksiproizvodnykh antratsena) III. Transformations of the Bisulfite Compounds of 1,2-Anthra- (31,41)-Furoxane III. PrevrashchAniya bisullfitnogo soyeAi- R neniya 1,2-antra_ 1,41)-furoksana) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 1, PP 146-153 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigations in the series of 1,2-naphtho-(3',41)-furoxane (Ref 1) had proved that in alkaline medium a rearrangement of the bisulfite compound of 1,2-naphtho-(31,41)-furoxane into the ,2-nitro-l-naphthylamine-4-sulfonic acid and 1,2-naphthoquinone ~dioxime-4-sulfonic acid takies place. The similarity of the chemical properties of the bisulfite compounds of the oxy- derivatives of anthracene and naphthalene (Refs 2,3) permits the 'assumption that the bisulfite compound of 1,2-anthra-(31f41)- furoxane would behave in a similar manner. The experiments really proved that the bisulfite compbund of 1,2-anthra-(3',4')- furoxane (I) is;transformed in alkaline medium into the 2-nitro- 1-anthramine-,4_n sulfonic acid (II), 1,2-anthraquinone dioxime- Card 1/3 4-sulfonic acf-d (III) and 1,2-anthra-(3L,41)-furoxane (IV). SOV/79-49-1-32/74 'Investigation in the Field of the Oiy*-Darivatives of Anthracene. III. Trans- formations of the Bisulfite Compounds of 1,2-Anthra-(3',41)-Furoxane Compound (II) is the main product In the soda medium, (III) in caustic lye medium. Compound (II) Is converted on heating with 50% E2SO4 into-the 2-nitro-l-anthramine, on the action of alkali liquors into the 2-nitro-l-anthrol-4-sulfonic acid M, on reduction with tin chloride into the 1$2-anthradiamine-4- sulfonic acid. The lp2-anthraquJ.none-dioxime-4-sulfonic acid (III) is transformed on oxidation with nitric acid into the 1,2-anthra-(39.4t)-furoxane-4-sulf,:)nic acid with alkaline liquors into the 1,2-anthra-(31,41)-furazan-4-sulfonic acid (VI), and on reduction with tin chloride into the 1,2-anthradiamine- 4-sulfonic acid. The scheme illust:rates the transformations of the bisulfite compounds of 112-anthra-(31,41)-furoxane in alkaline medium. There are 2 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isaledovateltakiy inetitut organioheskikh poluproduktov I krasiteley imeni Voroshilova (Sc:Lentific Research Institute of Orgwdc-Iut&emed1ate Products and Dyes imeni Voroshilov) Card 2/3 SOV/79-29-1-32/74 -- %n . ;nvestigation in the Field of the Oxy-Derivatives of .1 thracene. III. Trans- . formations of the Bisulfite Compounds of ',2-Anthra-(31,4)-Furoxane SUBMITTED: Rovember 25, 1957 Card 3/3 50) SOV/79-29-4-40/77 AUTHORS1 Bogdanovf S. V., Gorelik, M. V. TITLE; Investigation in the Field of Oxy Derivatives of Anthracene (Isaledovaniye v oblasti oksiproizvodnykh antratsena). IV. 1-Nitroso-2-anthrol-4-oulpho Acid and 2-Nitroso-l-anthrol- 4-sulpho Acid (IV. I-Nitrozo-2-aritrol-4-sullfokislota i 2-nitrozo-l-antrol-4-sul'fokielota) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 4, pp 1225-1229 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 1-nitroso-2-naphthol-4-sulpho acid differs greatly from the iso- meric 2-nitroso-l-naphthol-4-sulpho acid due to the mobility of the sulpho, group (Ref 1). It was interesting in this connection to.synthesize and examine also the corresponding nitrosoanthrol- sulpho acids. 2-nitroso-l-anthrol-4-oulpho acid (I) was obtained by the authors in different wayEi: by treating the bisulphite compound of the 1,2-anthraquinoziedioxime with hydrochloric acid; through the effect of hydroxylataine and hydrochloric acid on the bisulphite compound of 1-nitroso-2-anthrol; by acid hyclrolysis of 1,2-anthraquinonedioxime-4-sulpho acid and by the reaction of 1,2-anthraquinone-4-sulpho acid with hydroxylamine hydrochloride. Card 1/3 1-nitraso-2-anthrol-4-sulpho acid (II) was synthesized by di- SOV/79-29-4-40/77 Investigation in the Field of Oxy Derivatives of Anthracene. IV. I-Nitroso-2- anthrol-4-sulpho Acid and 2-Nitroso-l-anthrol-4-sulpho Acid azotization of 1-amino-2-anthro*1-4-oulpho acid, subsequent elimination of the diazo group and introduction of the nitroso group into 2-anthrol-4-sulpho acid. The structure of the nitroso- anthroloulpho acids was proved by reduction to the amino compounds and further treatmentt nitrosoanthrolsulpho acids form colored complexes with heavy metals and differ greatly from each other with respect to the degree of mobility of the sulpho group. Compound (I) is completely stable in an alkaline medium$ does not react with aromatic amines in aqueous solutions, and changes in diluted nitric acid into 2,4.-dinitro-l-anthrol. Compound (II) loses the sulpho group when rea.cting with alkali lye and aromatic amines, and is accordingly transformed into 1-nitroso-2,4-dioxy- anthracene or 4-aryl-i-nitroso-.2-anthrol. These properties of the nitrosoanthrolsulpho acids are similar to those of the cor- responding compounds of the naphthalene series. There are 1 figure and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Hauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organicheskikh poluproduktov Card 2/3 1 krasiteley (Scientific Research Institute of Organic Inter- BOV/79-29-4-40/77 Investigation in the Field of Oxy Derivatives of Anthracene. IV. 1-Nitroso-2- anthrol-4-sulpho Acid and 2-gitroso-l-anthrol-4-sulpho Acid mediate Products and Dyes) SUBMITTEDt March 3, 1958 Card 3/3 50) SOV/79-29-9-9/76 AUTHORS: Gorelik, M. V., Rodionov, A. N., Bogdanov, S. V. TITLE: Investigation in the Field of Anthracene Oxy Derivatives. V. On the Problem of the Structure of Bisulfite Compounds of Nitrose Anthrols PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 9, pp 2852 - 2854 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In previous reports (Refs 1,2) the bisulfite compounds of 1-nitros&--2-anthrol and 4-nitroso-l-anthrol were ascribed the structural formulas (I) and '(II). The complementary data con- firming the two formulas were obtained by spectral analysis. Already earlier, the difference shown by the ultraviolet spectra of 1-nitroso-2-anthrol, 1,2-anthraquinone dioxime, 1,2-anthra- -01,41)-furazan'$~, 1,2-anthra-W,41)furoxan, as compared with the spectra of th4eir bisul-fite compounds, had been pointed out (Ref 2). A not lower change in the absorption spectra occurs with the formation of bisulfite. cbl--ipounds of 4-nitroso-l-anthrol (II) and of 1,4-anthraquinone dioxime (III) (Fig 1, Curves 2 and 3;- Fig 2, Curves 2 and 3). Formulas (11) and (III) explain the Card 1/3 Investization in the Field of Anthracene Oxy Derivatives.SC'1/79-29-9-9/76 , V. On the Problem of the Structure of Bisulfite Compouiids of Nitrose Anthrola spectral change as being due to the saturation of t~he C-C bond of the quinoid ring in consequence of bisulfite affilia- tion. To'provo this, it was necessary to compare the absorp- tion spectra of 1)4-an*:hraquinone and 2,3-dihydro-1,4-anthra- quinone (IV). The passage of 1,4-anthraouinone (Fig 1, Curve 1) to compound (IV) (Fig 2, Carve 1) was found to be concomitant with an equal change in the absorption carve, the same applying to the formation of bisulf-,te compounds (II) and (III). The maximum at 265-270 mp is typical of the syptem of bonds (IV), wherein two carbonyl groups are conjugate with the aromatic molecular part. In the derivatives of 3,4-dihydro-1,2-anthra- quinone, in which a carbonyl group does not participate in dow the conjugation process, the maximum shifts by 35-4o mp to the shorter wave range. The infrared spectra of compouhds (I) and (II) point to the valency oscillations C-H in the groups CH 2' The same bands are also present in the spectra of the other bisulfite compounds (I-III and V-VII) (Table). Card 2/3 The presence of the 02 groups in the bisulfite compounds Investigation in the Pield of Anthracene Oxy DerivaLivea. S0-1/79-29-9-9/76 V. On the Problem of.the Structure of Bisulfite Compounds of Nitrose Anthrols of nitroso anthrols is satisfactorily explained by formulas (I) and (II). Thus, the ultraviolet and infrared snectra of bisulfite compounds confirm the structure that had been earlier suggested for them. There are 2 figures, I table, and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut oraanicheskikh poluproduk- tov i krasiteley iraeni Voroshilova (Scientific Research In- stitute of Organic Intermediates and Dyestuffs imeni Voro- shilov). Fiziko-41-himicheskiy institut imeni -Karlpova (Physico- chemical Institute imeni Karpov) SUBMITTED: July 25, 1958 Card 3/3 t,.xi-,-'Uivcs o.n.o plananthrene. Part 2. Zhur- 'Or-lik 5 no. 14:2) I'a, c 4 ssleftvc,tucl I:ikiy ir-,-t iLt or_,zz- c. cs-ikh polupi odiktcv i hrenj Voroshilc-va. (Ph:I~nzinthrene) BOGDANOV, S.Y.; NMCBXDP Sa. Action of dietkorlpboophoroue acid on 1, 2-naphtboqui none. M2ur. VKM 5 no.6:713 1601, (MIRA 130-12) 1, Haucbno-looledovatellakly Institut organicbeekikh poluproduktov i krasiteley is. K.T4.Vproshilova. (Phosphorous acid) (Naphthoquinone) BOGDAMOV, S.V.-, SHIMMLY31TA, LS. Frdro3W derivatives of pbenanthrene. Part lt 1-Nitroso- 2-phanautbirol and its bisulfite compound. Zhur,obekbime 30 no*7t2229-.2235 JI 160. (MIRL 13t7) 1. lauchno--imeledovatellakiy institut, organioboWdkh poluproduktov i krasitelay iseni X.Te. Vorombilov&6 (Phonanthrol) 0 GORELIK, M.V.; BOGDMV, S.V. -------------------- Anthracene derivatives. Part 7: Reactivity of 1,2-anthrafarazan and 1,2-anthracelenodiazole. Zhur. ob. khim. 30 no.9:2949-2954 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Hauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley. (7wazan) (Selenium compounds) (Anthracene) GORELIK, M.V.,; BOGDAIIOV, 3*Y* Anthracene derivatives. Part 8: Bisulfite compound 1,4-anthraquinone. Zhur. ob. khim. 30 no.9:2044958 S 160. 1(MMA 13:9) 1. Naachno-iseledovatellakly institut organicheBkikh poluproduktov i krasiteley. (Anthraquinone) GOMMIK, N.V.,- BOGDAROV, S-V.; RODIONOV, A.H. ----------------------- Interaction of 1.4-naphthoquinons with Godium bioulfite. Zhur, ob. khim. 30 no.9:2959-2964 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. liauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut organicheakikh ooluproduktov 1. krasiteley i Fisiko-khimicheskiy institut imeni Karpova. (Baphthoquinone) (Sodium sulfite) BOODMOV, S.V. Ina ti Ition in the series of hydroxy compounds of the naphtha- levr'go n series and their products (reaction of the oxidizin sulfona- tio rg. poluprod. i kras. no.20-12 161. WRA 14:11) (Bydrov compounds) (NaphthaUns) BWD - TCIDFSS-SELEKTOR, Z.V. Bioulfits conpound of I-nitroso-2, 7-dihydroxymphthalene. Zhur*VBHO 6 no,5084-565 161* (IMIA 14;10) I* Nauchno-iseledovateltakiy inotitut orpnicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley imeni K.Ye.Voroshilova. (Raphthalenediol) B~ Ovs S.V.; TODIUS4ELEKTOR, Z.V. 2-Nitroso-1., 7-dihydroxymphthalone-4-oulfonic acid. Zhur.VKHO 6 m.5:585 161. (NIRA 14:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organichaskilch poluproduktov i krasiteley imen' K.leVoroshilova. ,(Naphtholenedionulfonic acid) WOVP S,V6j SHIBRYAXNAl L,Se Hydrwq derivatives of phenanthrens. Part 2: Some products of.. the converoions ofthe bisulfite compounds of lj2-phenknthro- (31W)-furoxan. Zhur& obs khim, 31 noo 2:522-528 F 161# (KUU 11+ t 2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organichookikh poluproduktov, i krasiteley imeni. K.Ye. Voroahilova. (P~wcxsn) (Phenanthrene) BOGDANOITI S.V..; TABACHNIKOVAt N.I. ------------- 1--Woro- and 1-mothoxy-2~-nitronaphthalone-4-milfonic acidso, Zlhtu- ob.kbim. 31. no*6:1912-1916 je 161. (MM 14:6) is Hauchno- iosledovatollskiy i4stitut organicheakikh poluproduktov i krasiteley imeni KeYeoVoroshilovas . (Naphthalenesulfonio acid) BOGDANOV, S.V.; TMRES-MIMOR., Z.V* Bisulfite compound of :L-nitroso-2., 6-dihydroxynaphthalene. Zbur. 7MO 7 no.1:118-n9 162. ' (AMA 15:3) 1. Hauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut organicheakikh poluproduktov i krasiteley. (Naphthalonediol) 06 06 00 go 0: 1 *0 00 00 degree of ionization of the p Tom lure and _e In Ya. Bogdamv and K, S. Vul'fumt. COWN. T4111111. a . mi. V.'R, S, S. 40, M-410943)(in En t6bi.-Hiptl. evidence on the = OCCUM11% wit, during mpulm dischar with K, or A indicates the following tol"'h267, d1wharge . fit the first inutuent after the breakdown. (lie electrons move with high velocities owing to the action of the elve. firld. and their temp. attains very high values. INring the succeeding time Interval the degree of imitation mcd the temp. of the su begin to Increase timaust of collisions of tlectrons with atonts and ions. As the degretuf Ionization increases so dues the Intensity of %park title%. since, owing to the high energy of the tle-ctruns, the process of ioniza- tion becomes more prutimble it= processes ut excitatims, When the discharge vanishes. a Vactual recombination of lons and electrocis begins anti this is accompartiml by radiation of a continuous bacligmund and arc lint-A. J. W. Perry A tTLLLUA!~&L URRATURE CWtVICATIGO SM1040 .10 Out, oft to 41t, 0o W,,_,~ 'U' a V No 01 1 0 0 0 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t-, 1,4 f) IL Ti - ~~ 1 - VA 4- ---- -- I-so "to *00 0 we too 0 0 0 0 BOGDAMT, S.Te. hiacbanization of precision investment molding and ways for its automation. Avt.pron. no.1:36-38 JR '60, OGRA 13:5) 1. Giproavtoprom. (Holding(lounding)) BOGDANOV, .3. Te., inxh. Automatic control of molding processes In small-lot and serial production. Kekh.i avtomeproixvs 14 no*8-.31-32 Ag 160. (MIRA 1318) (Kolding (Founding)) (Automatic control) S/108/6-/016/008/005/006 22523. D280/D304 AUTHOR: Bogdan~-.,, S. Ye. TITLE: Certain v:i-ticular cases of measurement of mean values of homogeneous and isotropic'random fields in d two- dimensionnl plane PBRiODICAL: Radiotekhnilka, v. 16, no.8, 1961, 67'-7'4. TIMT: The problem of mean values of random processes is often en- counter.ed in radio applications. If the problem of determining the accuracy of measurement of given.RMS errors[0,0(SK0)3 is confined to the correlation theory, then in general the magnitude of this el,ro~.~ is determined from the formula (for homogeneous processes and fields) in which n - number of the + averagin.g. boints; d 0 _.cky n (skuj - standard 'd'*eviation of the random field from its average value; d - ZIS error. Card 1/6 25523 S/108/61/016/008/005/006 Certain particular... D280/D304 of the measurement of average value of this field; p the values of' norma,lized correlation function for points No. i and No. k..In the pre- sent article the author proceeds to aetermine the distribution function for a few paths of integration in an isotropic and homogeneous fieldit First-the differential distribution function of distances along a section--:" of a straight line a. From r (1) ~, 2 npH 0,< 1,