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TARLT, E,Ya,;_~GLTYKH,, S.A. Absorption of slightl3r soluble gases -in a foam layer. Zhur. prila.khim. 34, n6.8:3.886-1889 Ag 161# (MM 34: 8) '(Absorption) TARAT., E.1a. i BOGATIM, 4.A.- Absorption- of carbon dioxide. tq mitw~ unde foamitg conditions. Zhur.prikl4Wda. 34 no.9:1940-1946 5 161. - (MM 14:9) (Carbon dioxiae) (Water)..' (Absorption) I BOGATMt S.A.l, kand.teldiu.nauk Goolftg of air in froth air washers. 401.takh. 38 no.2:31-35 . Mr-Ap 1619- - (MMA 14:3) (Air.conditioniug) BOGATYKH, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; RRUT, B.A.,--inzh. Investigating the processes of heipt exchange in cyclone- frothing,apparatus during the coo3ing of gases by liquids. Dim, naah. no*6,.21--24 N-D t6lo (MIRA 15:2) (Heat exchangers) (FM) BOGATMI, S.A. (Leningrad) - Froth and cyalone dust collector. Vod. i san. telch. no.8: 32-35 Ag 162. (141PJ, 14:9) (Dust co2lectors) BOCATYKH, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Work of the Scientific Technological Society for Shipbuilding. Sudostroenie 28 no-2:76-77 F 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Ships--Air conditioning) BOGATMI S.A.V k4nd.tO%&.naUk Air purification from harmful gaBOOUB 1*Puriti0s, Sudostroenie 28 I i (MM 15:7) no.5:66-67 My 162. (mr.-Purification) (Dust co3-isotors--Testing) ikUATM, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KAGANOVICH., L.A., inzh.; SKWOV, A.A.p kand.- ff--auk; r m e n -AIEW,, S.Ta.,. vrach 13xvestigating conditions of livability of ship accomodations with air treatment by cyclone-foam and mwface apparatuBes. Sudoptroenie 28 nt,.5:22-27 My 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Ships-Air conditioning) BOGATYKH, Semen Aleksandrovich; TARAT, E.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [Complex air-aonditioning in a foam equipment system] Kompleksnaia obrabotka vozdukha v pennykh apparatakh. Le- ningrad, "Sudostroanie," 1964. 315 P_ (MIRA 17:4) BOGATYKH, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Studying the processes of the absorption of water vapor from gases in a cyclone-foam tipparatus. Khim.mashinostr. no.2: 17-21 Yx-Ap 164. (MIRA 17-41, BOGATYKHp-S.A. Processes of regeneration of moisture absorbents in a cyclone- froth apparatus. Zhur. prikl. kh:Lm. 37 no. 4a851-860 Ap 164. (MIRA 170) BOGATT", S.A.; kand. teklin. nauk (Leningrad) Adiabatic air cooling in a cyclone-foam apparatus, Vod. i san. tekh. no.9s23-27 S 164. (MA 171l1) BOGATYKHN S.A. Kinetics of heat exchange between gas and liquid in an apparatus wi I a flat-parallel packing. Kbim. prom. 40 no.Ut837-Ul X 164 (MIRK 18 t2) BOGATYKH.. B.A.1 YEVROVIMI, I.D.. St* Of th&rUcosity of aqueous solutions of LiCl, LiBr, and Cac .. bli'for the conditions of dr7ing of gases. Zhur. ih SURAI pr . khim. 36 no.8tl867-1868 Ag 163. .(MIRA 1602) BOGATYKH, Ya. luzhener. 14ibider metal scaffoldso Stroitell 2 no.4-5t32 Ap4~r 1569 (Boaff olding) (KM 1011) PPY,!-Int-TOLAR.-I VOLCHANSKIT, R.A., nauchnyy redaktor; ZNAHINSKIY, A.A.,, FRMZY',~-' IUXff, S.I., takhnichookly redaktor [Masonry with adjustable scaffolds for inside use] Kamennala kladka a v=trennikh pod*ewVkh podmostel. Moskva, Vessotus. uchebno- pedagog. izd-vo. Trudreservisdat, 1954- 50 P. (MLRA 7:11) (Scaffolding) (Bricklaying) Ii SUINSKIT, I.D.; BLOXHIIF, P.N.; GILIBXV, L.A.; ZHDANOT, P.M.; IVASHCEMO, I*P*; LRYINA, G,P I NAUNOTA,. N.A,; SMIRROT, N.S,; ARDNOTA, R.I.; RIKOLATIN, N.A,; ;HERNMIS, A.A.; KOVAMSKIT, I.I.; LOBACHST, P,To; SMOT, S.P.; WON A.T.; YORMNOT, N.K. Prialmall uchastiye: ANAMIT, U, Zz;# Ye.S.; BRZRALOYA, Ye.M.; BOGATT%, T BUMM N " T. A.'-'-GOLIDINO, N~P.; 10SHLAK, I.P.; No 13.; ROINOTiCH* S.G.; ROGOTSKIT. L,T.; KHOKMYA. L.P.; MnMIOPAL, N.M.. FMAMXO, B.R.', Clavnyy red.; GAUCIN, T&I.G., samentglaimogo red.; SAPRTKIN, T.A., red.; SHCHMTOT, Y.M.. red.; NOVITCMWO, K.M.*, nauchxyy red,; TILKOT, G.N.,inzh., red.izd-va,- TTAPM9 B,GO# red. izd-va; ELIKINA, N.M.,, [Building your own home] Spravochnik individualinogo santroishchika. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroi~temsterialam, 1958. 442 P'* (KIRA 120 1. Akademiya stroitallstva i arkhitektu27 SSSR. (Building) BoGATM, Ya.D.; GAI-A 101107, A.A.; DZJXM, V.A.,@ YL'VSTYUGOV9 A.I.; KMID M., IY, A,'S.; MARTUOV, P.T.; IMROVSKIT,. V.A., red.; PEDMOVA, A.F., tekbn. red. . .I [Collective farm builcler) Strottell v kolkhoze, Hogkva#Gos. ixd-va sellkhos. lit-ry, 1958. 502 (MMA 11.12) (Builpding) BOGATYKH Ta D (Nammi on safety measures for the carpenter] Pamiatka po ta'khnlke bazopasuosti dlia stoliara. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry Po strolt.. arkhit. i strolt.meterialam, 1960. 13 P. (MIRA 13:9) (Carpentry-Safety measures) BOGATYKH. To D. j, GAUKTIONOY, A.A.j MIKAN, Y.A.; MSTYUGOT, A.I.; K=TSKIY, A.S.,; Xudlnw, P.To; BAMUOY. S.A.. red.; PRO- XCF'MffA. L#N.. tekhn. -red. (Textbook for training agri(mltural construotion workeral Posobie po podgotovke rabooldkh-strottelai v sallskom kho- sialetva. Hook-ra. Goo.izd-ro sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1961. 638 p. (HIRA 14:5) (Buildi-ag trades) '- BOGATMp -lakov Dmitriyevich; =NKW9 Pop red.1 NUZNETSOVAp A.# tekbn. [Masonry in rural con'strdbtion,.]*Kamem-qo raboty v sellakom stroitell- stve. Moskva# Mosk. raboobilp 1961. 105 P. (MIRA 24:8) (M"Onry) ST-ARUKM, N.M., inzh.A BOGATYKH. Ya.De, insh,; TRUBIN, V.A.,, glav. red.; SOSHIN,, A.V., ii ~egla~v.-r-eia-*-FGRMWICH, G.P., red.p YFPIFAKOV, S.P... red.; ONUFRIYKV, 13o., redej XHOKMV, B.A.,, red.; ZION, P.A., red.; TMURUPA, A.L.p inth.jq nauc)Wy red,j GORDEYEV, P,Ao. red, izd- Ta; SEERSTNEVA, N.V.., taklia, red, [Handbook on maso=T operational Spravochnik po kamewlym rabotam. Moskva, Gone izd-,Yo lit-ry pc stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam,, 1961. 198 p. (MIFLA 3)+: 10) 1. Alcademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organi- zatoli, mekbanizataii i takhnichookoy poinoshchi stroitellstvu, (14R~!Q'rxy) KALDM, V.V., in2h., red.; BALASHOV, S.I., insh., red BDGArYKH, , , inzh., red. GRIBIN, G. P. , red. ; PAVIDV, S. rm --J- Ya.D, T K9CiA'KOV, A.K.J. red.j FETROVA, M., red. i2,d-va; HTINKAP G.A., red. izd-va; KOMAROVSKAYA, L.A.,;tekhn.-red.; RODIONOVA, V.H., tekbno red. - .1 [Conetrnation,speq~ations and regulatioral StroiteVve normy i pravila. *s-kvas, Gosstroiizdat. FItj. Sec.A. ch.It (Basic principles for.,grIpmUing-labor (SNO III-A.7-62)] Or- ganizatsiia. truda; obnoviiya polozhanita (SNO III-A.7-62) 1962. 4 p. Pt.3. See.V. ch.4.[Ragulations for production and inspection of work in atone construction (SN:LP III-V.4-62)] Kamennye konstruktoii.; p:rdvila proizvodstva i priemki rabot. (SNiP III-V.4~62) 1963. 11 p. ~ (MIRA 16;6) 1. Ruosia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet ;o delam stroitel'stva. 2, Gostroy SSSR (for Kalinyuk, Gribin). 3. Mazhduvedomstvennaya komissiya po pereamotru. stroitelinykh nom i pravil(for Balashov, Pavlov). 4. Nauchno-issleidovatell- skly institut organizatsii, mekbanizatki i tekhnIchOBkojv po- moshchi stroitellstvu Akademii stroitallstva i arkhitaktury SSSR (forBogatykh, Rhudyakov). (Building, Stone) (Construction industry) BALALAYEV, G.A., insh., red.; NEMIROVSKIY, B.S., inzh.y red.; ~BOGA inzh.0 red.; BOROZNIN, A.A., inzh., red.; 9aU=*_T462v'j SMASHNYKH, V.P., red.izd-va; NAUMOVA, G.D., tekhn. red. [Construction specifications and regulations] Stroitellrye normy i pravila. Pt.3. 0---.V. ch.10.(Heat insulation; regulations for produat-,,.:.and acceptance of work] Teplo- izoliatsiia; pravila proizvodatia i prieWd rabot (SNiP III-V. 10-62). 1963. 14 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitel'stva. 2. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitelf- stva SSSR (for Balalayev). Mezbduvedomstvenntqa komissiya po, peresmotru. Stroitellrjykh norm i pravil (for Nemirovskiy, Bogatykh). (Insulation (Heat))-Standards) BOGAIT akox =2 ~oj l.izd-v4; KH-.-I- -D -- VENOVSKAYA, H.I.p rer _4 T&I-016VAP 0 e,,, teg~i, red. (Safety manual for the carpenter] Pamiatka po tekhn:Lke bezopasnosti dlia stoliara. Izd.2.p perer i dop. Mo- skvap Gosetroiizdats 1963. 15 Po WRA 16:12) (Carpentry--Safety meaeures) ,kQqAT~KH, PATENOVSKAYA, M.I., r d * lin [Safety manual for assembling tubular scaffo Pamiatka po tekhaiko bezopasnosti dlia montaz~mika g] metallicheskikh trubehatykh lesov. Izd 3., dop. Mo- skvap Stroiizdat, 1961+. 33 P. iMIRA 17:6) TSYBIN, V.S., kand.tokhn.nauk; VOLISKIY, S.G., inzh.; BOGATY191, Yu.T., inzh. Automobile wheals made of glass-reinforced plastics. Izv. Vys. ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.2:12-4-131 t64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. MosUovskoys vyssheye taklinicheskoys unhilishche imani Baumeno., BOGATTRI, L.P. - I I ~ r-~ ~c7clone trajectories on the Ukra .inian territory. Trudy Ukr.NIGNI no-7:15-36 157. (MIRA 11:4) (Uk-ralne--Cyolonse) BOGATYRI, 1.7. Distribution of precipitations on the Ukrainian territory during the passage of cyclones of various trnjeotoriea. Trudy UIrx. NIGMI no-7-137-49 157. (MIRA 11:4) (Ukrnine--Precipitstion (Meteorology) (Ukrnine-Cyclones) BOGATYRI, L.P. Connection between precipitation anomalies and the change of recurrence of cyclones. Trudy Ukr.NIGMI no.7:50-53 157. (MIRA 11:4) (Ukraine--PrecipitRtion (Meteorology) (Ukraine--Cyclones) BOGATYR,I_j,,LOF.; KOSHELENKO, LV. Aerosynoptic conditions causing advection fog and low clouds in the Ukraine. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.27:15-25 161. (Ukraine-.Fog) (MIRA 16t7) ,ZWAI'M- I -T. - K a I I "The Active Application of Weather Prognosis in Economic Practice," Meteorology and Hydrology) Vol. 2., 1949. Material of the Conference (Conte) SOV/2384 are: wintering, planting time for winter crops, corn cultivation, potato degeneration, moisture supply, and adverse weather factors. References accompany individual articles, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Basov, I.I. [Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ukr SSR) Introductory Word 3 Bogatyr', T.K. [Chief of the Hydrometeorological Service, Ukr SSR) Practical Hydr-ometeorological Service for Agricultural Production in the Ukraine 5 Kelcakh, A.M. [Ukrainian Scientific Research HydrometInstitutel Regional Agroclimatological (Reference Books) of the Ukraine and Their Application in Production 10 Prikhotlko, G.F. [Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydromet~Institutel The State of Agrometeorological Studies in the Ukraine 15 Kopachevskaya, M.N. [Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydromet.Insti- tute] Organization and Utilization of Meteorological observations Card 2/7 Material of the Conference (Cont.) SOV/2384 of Departmental Stations in Scientific Work and Agricultural Prac- tice 23 Vlasyuk, P.A. and M.A. Gurileva.[Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Plant Physiology] Srec1al Features of the Wintering Over of Winter Crops in 1955-56 in Various Regions of the USSR 31 Lichikaki, V.M. [Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydromet-Institute) Agrometeorological Conditions of the Wintering of Winter Crops in the Ukraine 40 4 Lichikakil V.M. Agroclimatic Basis for the Planting Time of Winter Crops in the UkrSSR 60 Ulanova, Ye. S. (Central Institute of Prognoses) Relationship Be- tween the Phases in the Development of Winter Crops in Autumn and the Agrometeorological Conditions. Probability in Phase Develop- ment of Winter Crops as Related to the Different Planting Time in the Ukraine 69 Card 3/t Material of the Conference (Cont.) SOV/2384 Fedorova, N.A. [Ukrainian Scientific Reaseach Institute for Agri- culture] Singificance of Planting Time for the Wintering of Winter Crops Under Poleslye (Woodlands) and Northern Lesostep (Forested Steppe Regions) Conditions in the UkrSSR 76 Kucheryavaya) M,I. [Ukrainian Scientific Resear-,h Institute of Crop Science] Significance of Critical Temperatures in Forecasting the Wintering Conditions 84 Gurileva, M.A. [Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Plant Physiology] Forecasting the Reaction of the Various Grades of Winter Wheat Upon the Intermittent Temperatures of the Winter and Early Spring Periods 91 Gurileva, M.A, and N.A. Fedorova. Results of Checking the Method for Determining the Viability of Winter Crops by the Conditions of the Vegetative Cone 96 Iovenko, N.G. [Ukrainian Scientific Research HydrometaInstitue) Moisture Reserves of Various Climatic Soil Zones of the Ukraine 100 Yemets, G.M. (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Study of Card Material of the Conference (Cont.) SOv/2384 Sugar Beets] Soil Water Conditions in Beet Crop Rotation ill Vishnevskiyj V.V. [Odessa Agromet,Station) Moisture Re3erves for Winter Wheat in the Southern Odessa Region and the Importance of the Moisture Providiftg Irrigation 117 Buchinskiy, I. Ye, [Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydromet.Institute) Climatic Study of Sukhoveys (Dry Winds) in the Ukraine 128 Rozova, Ye. S. [Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydromet.Institute) Rainless Periods in the Ukraine 141 Navrotskaya, V,S. (Odessa Hydromet.Inatitute] Rainless and Wet Periods in the ~richernomorskaya (Black Sea) Steppe 151 Smallko, Ya. A. [Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Forestry and Agroforestration) Effective Zones of Shelter Belts 155 Dubinsky, G.P. [Khar1kov State University) Microclimate of Irri- gated Lands 169 Card 5/7 Material of the Conference (Conto) SOV/2384 Shaldmovich, A.V. (Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydromet,Inst:ttute Microclimatic Study of Ukrainian Foothills IV Golltsberg, I.A. [Main Geophysical Observatory] Compiling Detailed Microclimatic Maps 182 Pushkare,4 V.F. (State Hydrological Institute] Devices and Methods for Measuring Evaporation from Cultivated Fields 185 Romanov, V.V. [State Hydrological Institute] Determining Evapora- tion from Drained and Non-Drained Swamps by the Heat-Balance Method 193 Kopachevskaya, M.N. Autumn and Spring Frosts in the Ukraine 202 Sapozhnikova, S.A. [Professor, Ukrainian Scientific Research Hy- drometbInstitutel Climatic Conditions of Corn Cultivation In the Ukraine 214 Rudenko, A.I. [All-Union Institute of Crop Science) The Effect of Climatic Conditions on the Degeneration of Potatoesand the Appear- C ard 6/7 Material of the Conference (Cont,) SOV/2384 ance of Phytophthora (Parasitic Pungi) 230 A suggestion of the Scientific Methodology Council of the TJkrSSR Department of Agriculture 243 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress MM/bg Card 7/7 9-22-59 POPOV, V.P., prof., otv. red.j B06A tn. Tj,. [ Bohatyr, T. K. red. DIBROVA, O.T.0 Prof.pred.; ZAMORly, P.K.Jzsmozji~ PA.), prof., red.; MARINICH, O.M.[Maryzach, o.m.], doitor geogr. usuk, red.; POGHEBNTAK, P.S.[Pohrobniak, P.S.], akademik,, red.; PYSHKIN, B.A., red.; STAROVOYTENKO, I.P. [Starovoitenko, I.P.], kand. geogr. nauk, red. KHARCHENKO, A.S., dota., red.; MELINIX, G.F.[Mellnyk, H.F.i, red.lad-va; TURBANOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [MaterialB on the meteorology and hydrology of the Ukraine) Materialy 2 meteorolcgii i gidrologii Ukrainy. Kylv, Vyd-vo AN URSRv 1963. 140 P. (MRA 16:8) 1 1 1. Akademiya nai* URSR,, Kiev. Ukrainalke geografichne tova- rystvo. 2. AN Ukr;SSR (for Pogrebnyak). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Pishkin). (Uki~aine-Meteorology) (Ukraine--Hydrology) POPOV, V.P., prof., otv. red.j BOGATYR, T.K., red.i DTBROVA, O.T.g prof., red.; ZAMORIY, 12-. ~.I rod. j MARYNICH, O.M., doktor geogr. naukt red.; POGRZIMAK, P.S. [Pohrobniaks P.S.]. akademik, red.; PYSHKIN,B.A., red.; STkROVOTTENKO, I.P.[Starovoitanko, I.P.). kand. geogr. nauk red.j KHARCHMOt A.S.# dots., red.; HELINIK, GoFelffelinyk, II.F.)p red.izd-va; TURBANOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Materials on the meteorology and hydrology of the Ukraine) Materialy a rastoorologii i gidrologii Ukrainy. Ky"T, Vyd- vo AN URSR, 1963. 140 p. WRA 16:10 1, Akademlya nauk URSR, Kiev, Ukrainalke geografichne to- vaiTstvo. 2. AN Ukr.SSR (for Po rabnyak). 3. Chlen-korres- pondent, AN Ukr.SSR (for-Pyebkinl. (Ukrwine-Vatecrology) (Ukraine---PydroIog7) .0.0 BOGATYR'.J... T.K. LBohatyr,T.K. 1, ~ i~w, [Agroclimatological matychrWi dovidriyk agronoma. red.; ONISHCHENKO,L.I-. [Omysbcho-nko,L.I. I, manual 1. Ukraine. Upravlinnia fn- the arronomict) Aarokll- Urozhai, 1964. 158 P. (MIRA 18:1) hidrometeorologichnoy sluzliby. IVAS1i'jWr.JC,O, Yu.N.; YERHIM0, V.N.t [YrIATIMMO, B.B. Determination of tho surface energy from t~.- dimnsions of' a sessile drop. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.2:516-519 r 165. /Mll,'A M-4) 1. Xlyavskiy institut me tall okeramiki. B/073 /62/028/004,/004/0" 1017/1217 AUTHORS Y~remonkoj,'V,N., Nizhonko, V.I.# Levi.-NoIs, and Bogatyronko# B.B. TITLE: Surface tension of liquid alloys of binary metalie eye-' tems having maximum on the liquIdus curve PERIODIC*AL: UkralnsLy klilmiche'skly zhurnal$ v,28, noo4" 11962s 500-505 TEXT: The surfnce tension and the density of liquid alloys of nick- el with alu-ilnum at 35 G were 400C and nickel with berillum at 15060 determined. It was found that the forration of the alloys in the studied system, to accompanied by chemical interaction wh1oh causes decreasing of volume and neentive deviaiion of the isotherm of the specific volumes from the additive vnluese The analogy between the 0-pe of diagrams: surface tons ion/oomposit- Ion and the diagram of state is stated The oonpound HiBeAs in- ,active toward bothe the components of the systeins, Tho compound NIAI C and 1/2 8/073 624028/004/004/004 1017 121 Surface iension of liquid alloysess Is surface active toward nickel and Inactive toward aluminium. Re- sults -show that, malting alloys conserve, In a 1arge degree, the molecular groups corresponding to the composition of the Intermetal- le phases existing in the ablid alloys* There are 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONt inatitut.metallokeramiki y apetaialnikh splavov AN USSR (Institute of Powder-Metallurgy nnd'Special Alloys AS Ukr SSR) SUBMITTED: March 2,, 1961 Card 2/~ ACC NRs AR7000857 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/009/E011/E011 AUTHOR- Ivashchenko., Yu. N.; Yeremenko, W N.; p2gajy~~p o,..B. B.; Khilya, G. P. TITLE: Temperature dependence of free surface energy of liquid magnesium SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9E91 REF SOURCE: Sb. Poverkhnostn. yavleniya v rasplavakh i voznikayushchikh iz nikh tverd. fazakh. Nallchik, 1965, 281-286 TOPIC TAGS: temperature dependence, free energy, liquid helium,Y surface tension, magnesium/MG-1 magnesium ABSTRACT: Measurements were made of the surface tension M of MG-1 magnesium (99. 9176-pure) by the lying-drop method in a purified helium medium. The results fulfill the equation or- 5;K4�1.2-:-0,182�0-001 V -650) . The critical temperature is evaluated as 3860 t 100C. A comparison is made of the results of previous determinations and it is shown that the most probable value of cr at 700C is 580 mj/cm2. A. Vertman. [Translation of abstract] [NTJ SUB CODE: 20/ ard 1/1 NXIRMV, Nikolay Nikolayevic4i B226i=.qL_ZL�ju_red.; FALALSMA. T.F., red.; ATROSHGEINKO, (Chemistry in the national egouomy] Xhimiia v naroduom khoxiaistva. Moskva, Izd-vo *Znanie,O 1958. 47 p. (Vassoi-aznoe obahchestvo po rasprostranonliu politicheskikh. I nauabnykh snanii. Ser.3, noo4O) (HMA 12:3) 1. ChIGn-korrespaudent AN SSSR (for Nakrasov). (O'hemistry, Teohnical) Isaak Isaakovich; KAKSDIOV, Aleksey Llvovicht~~ 2 S red.; SAVCHBNKO, Ye.V., V-~- [Transition of U.S.S.R. industry to a shorter working day] Perekhod na s6krashchennyl raboohli don' v promyshlennosti SSSR, Koskva, Izd-vo "Zaania.0-1959. 47 P. (Veesoiusnoe obshchestvo po rasprostrananiiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh snanii. Ser.3, Bkonomika, no.36) (MIRA 12:11) (Hours of la'bor) TU SKIT, Money Takoylevich, prof.. doktor skonom.sauk; BOUTYMNO, E.S., red.; A!PROSHCEMNKO, L.Ye., (Cost, price, and economic accountability) Sebestoimost', teena I khosraschat. Koakva, Izd..?.-wo Oftazie,' 1959. 47 p. (Vassolu4nos obahchestvo po rasprostransaii'a Politicheakikh i xanchafth zRanii. Ser-3, Zkonomika. no.15) (XIRA 12t7) (Cost) (prim) SHUKHGALITIR. Lav Yakovlevich, kand.takhn.nauk; BOGATYRRIMD, Z.S., red.; SAYCOW, Ye.V., - - , , (Hodornisatiou of equipment and its economic efficiencyl ModernivAsiia oborudovanila i as skotomichaskmia effelctivnoste, Moskva, lud-vo "Zpaniel" 1959, 47 Po (Vessobisnoe obshchestvo po rasprostravenliu polittebeskikh i'naucbnykb snanii. Ser. 3- Bkonomiks, U003) 1 . (MRA 12:2) (wahinery) FBDORMKO, Nikolay Prokaflyevich. prof.. doktor skonomichookikh nauk; BOGATYRZNKD, Z.S., red,; SAVOEMIM , Te.V., -rlcoo'"nomi'e'"~signi -Vddnca of synthetic materials] Narodnokho- 9taistvannos snaebants sinteticheskikb materialov. NDskya, 12(1-vo "Znania," 1959. 47 p. (Vaevoiuzvoe obsbehestvo Po ramprostranentiu politicbeskikh t nauchr7kh xnazil. Ser. 3- (Synthetic products) SAVORERKO, DBKIMV, Sergey Fedorovich, skademik;,49 Ye.V.,, -)Aair [DeveA~ent of socialist agriculture of the U.S.S.R. in the seven-year plan] Roxvitia sotoialistichookogo sel'skogo kho- zisistva SSSR v samiletke. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znania." 1959. 46 P. (Vassoiuznoe obahchestvo'po resprostranoniiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser.3. Bkonomilm, no.31) (MIRA 12:11) 1. Voesoyuznaya skademlya aellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I. Lenina (for Demidov). (Agriculture) SMGEYEV, Sergoy',St" nOvjcjj_,..jaba4i.-ekon.nauk; POGATYRENKO, Z.S.9 spa red.; SAVCHEW, Ye.V., (Cost of agricultural produation and ways of reducing it] SBbestoimost' seltakokhoziaistvennoi produktsii i puti as sn12heniia. Moskva, lzd-vo fthanie," 1959. 47 p. kVse- soiusnoe obehaho-etvo po rasprostraneniiu politichaokikh i nauchnykh xna.nil. Serj, 31conomikao no.35) (MM, 12:11) (Agriculture--costs) MMMO, Gergey Ivanovioh, ksna.yurid.nau)~L,#OSA7X W- .91 Z.B., red.: ATROSHOMMO, Lje., takhn.rod. (sharing in aocordance with labor and regulating wages in the U.S.S.R.] Respredelenle po trudu i uporiadochenle zara- botnoi platv v SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo w1manie," 1960. 47 p. (Tuesoiumoe Qbehchestvo po rasprostranediu politichaskikh i nauohnykh snanii. rAr.3, Ikonomika, no-3) (MIRA 13:2) (wages) Batkmxv.A. Gliders station*-Krylerod6 3 n0-2:10 7 152. (MIR& 8:8) (Gliders (Aeronautics)) BQP&Tn=, A. fr,m~~w World parachute records. Kryl.rod. 3 no.8:22 Ag 152. (KrRA 8:8) 1. Predsedatell Aviatsionn r sportivnoy komiasii TSentrallnogo arokluba SSSR i~enl V*P* OWmlova. (Paraclultints) 40r Subject USSR/Aeronautics AID F 777 Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 8/16 Author Bogatyrev, A. Title ompe itions of Moskva Sport Pilots Periodical Kryl. Rod., 10, 13, 0 1954 Abstract Results of Moskva inter-club competitions are given. Names of competitors are mentioned. Institution : Moskva Aeroclubs Submitted : No date Author Bggatyrev,, A*j Sport-Aviation Umpire of All-Union Subject USSR/Aeronautios AID P - 2045 ,Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 4/17 Category- Title.. Prepare yourself perfectly for regional sport-pilot competition Periodical Kryl. rods, 4,, 7, AP 1955 Abstract The author calls for intensive preparation for the coming regional competitions. He gives the main rules of these competitions. Institution: All-Union Voluntary Society for the Promotion of the Army, Aviation and the Navy (DOSAFF) Submitted No date FWATYREV, A. FA 1/49T29 Sbipa-Xquipment.and Supplies Ship Characteristics WO*Became Familiar With the Nquipment of a Turboelectricailly Driven Motor Ship," A. Bogatyrev, Cbief.)kcbinist.'Z/E, MS V. Molotov, 21 pp *Morskoy Flot" io 4 Brief account of characteristics of the )6 V. Molotov and various problems vbtcb faced crev when they changed over from Crimean.- Gamaele, run to Vladivostok Uwbatka run.. iA'gT;g BOGATTM, A.. starshiy mekhanik. Yeadim-;ater-tute toilers with condensed water. Kor.i rech-fl .0t 13 no-7: 10-11. N 15 3. - - - (MM -6:11) 1. Teplokhod Oftbeda.* (Steam boilers) BOGATYREV,A. r...... ~, -7~ Ways of lowering wear of cylinder bushings In Internal combustion engines. Mor.flot 15 no.10:5-6 0155. (NIRA 8:12) 1. Starshijv mekhanik teplokhoda, OPobedag (Gas and oil engines) M ..B A..,. RYBAKOVA, P., iuzhener-Luspelctor. Buildi of sheopfolds IA',FbIt& Province. Sell. stroi. 11 no.4:lC- 12 ';Mee- 057). (VT2A 10:6) 1. Starshiy Inshener Chitinakogo oblashogo Vravleniya po stroi.; tellatvu v kolkhotakh (for Dogatyrev). (Chita Province-Sbosp houses and equipment) . BWATYnT A We develop now orgsaisationaX forms of rural construction. Bell. stroi. 15 no.11:11-12 1 160. (HIM 13: 11) 1. Nachallnik otdola kepitallnogo stroital-Istva Chitinskogo oblast- nogo upravleniya sellskogo khozyaystva. (Chita Province-Building) (Collective farms-Iuterfarm, cooperation) S/169/62/000/001/013/083 D228/D302 AUTHORS: Satpayevq K.J., Bogatyrev, A. S., Myagkov, V. M. et al. TITLE: Semen Davydovich Miller (1901 - 1960) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal) Geofizika, no. 1, 1962, 24, ab- Btract 1A191 (V sb. metodika i.tekhn. razvedki, labor. raboty C52, Alma-Ata, 1961t 149-151) TEXT: S. D. Miller conducted research which served as the basis for the creation and dbvelopment of the method of metallometric surveying. He played a paramount part in the discovery of a num- ber of commercial ore deposits in Central Kazakhstan. S. D. Miller published a number of works devoted to questions of the method of geochemical and geophysical prospecting. Z-Abstractor,B note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 BOGATYREV A, , 1~1114;;:::-:-L-;~ For the young amatelW electrophotographer. IUn.tekh. 7 no.q: 1,8-10, 75 3 962. (MIRA 16t6) 1. Zaveduyushcbiy labo,-atoriyey TSentrallnogo soyuza. yunykh tekhnikov. (Xerography) BERMV,, G., doktor takh n. nauk., laureat Gosudarotvemay premii; ..,,,,.inzh. ---, SA - IMLIEW Wean ai.rliners, Naulm i zhiznl 30 nos,6.-3.o 37-42 A 163., - (MA 16:7) (Seaplanop) B.Z.; ANPUA)GOT, R.G.; DOGATYMY. A.F.; UUIN, E-T-; OL'IUM, MjS.j DAYM-1y" M.; ZAffWF. TX--j-bdW-iNOV, A..No;l LAPUMIN, A.D.; ISBUf, TJ&;-.'NURAVlTlT.' V.I.; OGWOOT, I,S.l PXTROVP 1,1#1 SIBMIN,-T-K.1 SOLWOV, TO.G., c(hshehiy red.: TARA r, I.A., red.; PjtSK;V-!. L.N.. red.j UITWV, P.A.,, .[Nauual for studying %be economics of construction In the transportation industry) T ponoshchl liuchaiushchis Skonomikm transportnogo stroitalletya. Moskva, Goo.tranap.sbal-dor. isd-va.-1939. 271 P.. (MIRA 12:7) f0onstruction Industry) (Transportation) BOGMAN, L.P., insh.; DDOMIDDY. A.S. gAna3yeis of production planning and industrial - ement of building organisMional by X.I.Kaspe. I.S.Okaneem Reviewea by A.I.Bogatrrev, A.S.Bogoridov. Transp.strole 10 Do*7: , 57-58 Jl 060. WU 13 t 7) (Construction induat27-41& ement) (Uspe, JI.I.) (Oganesovo I.S.7 BOGATYRN I*I. kmAtekonomichaskikh nauk liffeet of round-the-clock work conditions on the rhAhmialty of production. Izve vyso ucheb* save; gore shur, no.12.-6?-74 160. (min 14: 1) 1. Sverdlovskiy gorWy institut imeni V.V. Vakhrusheva. Rekomendovana kafedroT ekonomiki I, organizataii gornoy Iromyehle=osti Sveidlov- skogo gornogo instituta, (Mining Industry ancl fimnea) Or, TXR-SX-A-U., inzh.; Prinimptli uchastiye: SAMOYLOV, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; I KUGELIKO, B,I,, inzh. , Experimental study of the torsion of two-sided reinforced concrete rods. Sbor. trud. LIIZRT no.174t263-272 '60. (NIRA 15:11) (Concrete products-Testing) (Torsion) .r r BOGATrREV, A.I., kand, skonomo nauk Resulte of the operation of pits 1 and 2 of the Korkinugoll Trust on a six-day workweek. Izv- vY8* ucheb. zave; gor. 2hUr. no.503-56 161. (MMA 16:7) 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imni Vakhruohava. Rekomendovana kafedroy gornojr skonomi)d i organizataii proizvodstva, (Chelyabinsk Ba in--Xoa:L mines and mining) (H=13 Of labor) Y'? go 84081 S/181/60/002/009/022/036 B004/.056 AUTHORS: Pridkin, V. M., Bogatyrevt A. N., Brakhman,. E. V. TITLE: A Parallel Inveatigation of the Depolarization. and Eleotro- luminescence of ZnS Photoolectrets PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, '1960, Vol. 2, No. 9~ pp. 2185 - 2190 TECT: The authors give a brief report on the results obtained by earlier papers (Refs. lp2) on the dark polarization and depolarization, of ZnS, and mention an experimental arrangement aaeording to H. Kalman and B. Rosenberg (Ref. 3); in which two ZnS samples are fitted between three semitransparent electrodesl the photoelectret, state was brought about in the firet sample, and an alternating field (f - 2 ka/se,3) was applied to the second sample. These experiments were carried out in the authors) laboratory by S. K. Balabanov~ collaborator of the Chair of Experimental Physics of Sofia University. The following parallel tests are dealt with in detail: 1) Di ect-current voltage of 300 v was applied to a ZnS-Cu electro-luminophore. Exposure to ultraviolet rays lasting 10 seo followedq and after 30 see the voltage was switohed off, the ZnS sample remained Card 1/4 A Parallel Investigation of the Depolarization and Electraluminescenoe of ZnS Photoeleetrets 84081 S/181/60/002/009/022/036 B004/tO56 in the dark for 5 min with short-oircuilled eleetrodesi this was followed by depolarization with ultraviolet, and the initial value i ph.d of the depolarization current was measured. The same experim9ut. was iz;arrled ou-. using alternating current, and i I was measured. The valu,.~,Ai I)h.d -ph. d - i "h.d was determined for various voltages and f-e(raencies. ph.d p 2) Experiments without preoeding exposure gave the valu8s id for dark polarization in the case of direct current, ill for alternating currenty and Aid W i d "' id'. A ~r-10 (ZG-10) generator was used as current source. The luminous power I was measured by means of a two-stage photomultiplier. The following relations are given: ip, M lph.d - id (1); 6'ph/iph (it 'd)/(' h.d 1 (2); Ai h ph.d d) ph.d/'Ph.d ' (Iph.d - 'ph d)/'p d (3); Aid/'d - ('d - 'd'~/'d M- Fig. I shows Ad/d; A'ph.d/iph.d'1'Aiph/ph and I as a function of the &Iternating voltage at 2kc/sss, and Fig. 2 shows Aid/d' 6'ph/ph and I as a function of freTiency. These results Card 2/4 84 8 A Parallel Investigation of the Depolarization, S/18 60 00 /009/022/036 and Electroluminescence of ZnS Photoelectrets B004YB056 led to the conclusion that the decrease of dark polarization in the al- ternating-current field is not caused by electroluminescence as it be- gins already at low values of I.,diph/ph' on the other hand, as a func- tion of frequency shows-a marked maximum which is explained by an in- crease of I with-increasing frequency. The results are interpreted in detail on the basis of the tunnel mechanism of electrolumineacence sug- .n (Ref. 4) (Fig. 3). It is shown that no gested by F. F.1411'1~k_"nhtev photo-excitat7lo'n, oui an aleotroexoitation occurs. The deep levels of the activator are excited directly by the field, and luminescence occurs by the recombination of.conduction.electrons with holes on the activator level. A considerable part of the dark polarization is due to the locali- zation of electrons on deep levels.-The authors thank I. N. Orlov for the ZnS samples placed at their disposal, and they express their graritude to Academician A. V. Shubnikovp Academician G. Nadzhakov, and 1. S. Zheludev for th7air interest. There are 3 figures and 5 referen;es: 4 Soviet and 1 US. WX Card 3/4 A Parallel Investigation of the Depolarization and Electroluminesoence of ZnS Photoeleetrets 84081 S/181/60/002/009/022/036 B004/BO56 ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR, Moskva Crystallography of the AS USSR# Moscow) SUBMITTED: October 26, 1959 Card 4/4 Institute of BOOATYREV., A. P. A hand-boo4 for electricians in coal mines. 371 -0- (1;1-21791) .0 TN345.B6 Ugletekhizdat, 1950. BOUTYREV., A. P. ------ V Ugollnykh Basseynakh Kitaya (In the Coal Fields of China). Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1933- 92 Pages- Mus- IL/5 735.1 B6 15-57-10-14975 Translation from: Referativnyy zhgrnalp Geologiyap l957, Nr 10','.. p 277-'-,(USSR) AUTHOR: Bogatyrev, A, P. TITLE: Automatic Control'of Ventilation in Coal Mines Using Axial Ventilators (Avtomatiohaskoye upravleniye prove- trivaniyem ugoltnykh shakht pri primenenii osevykh ventilyator'ov) PERIODICAL: V sb~: Avtomatizatsiya. v ugolln. prom-sti. Moscow.. Ugletakhizdat, 19561 pp 220-251 ABSTRACT: The author gives the results of a study on the change in ventilating systems in coal mines in the USSR. This study shows that the general maximum resistance and the greatest abundance of methane are observed toward the end of the life of the mine. As a consequence, the principal ventilating system operates for a long period with an excess powe7r consumption. To decrease this Card 1/4 -consumption it is necessary to regulate the productive 15-57-10-14975 Automatic Control of Ventilation in Coal Mines (Cont.) capacity of axial ventilators (having established the inexpedience of regulation by a choke coil-) and for regulating the rotating speed of the ventilator (having established the expedience, in a number of cases, of using hydraulic clutches). It is most advantageous to. re-gulate the productive capacity of axial ventilatd'rs by changing the setting angle of the blades on the fan. Very fine adjustments of the ventilator production may be accomplished without stopping it by turning a dial on the control apparatus. For automatic control of pr9duction of axial ventilators, the use of a regulating dir~ctilo'nial apparatus is recommended, inasmuch as this is the simplest and most economical method. The author discusses briefly the various methods of regulating the distribution of air to the mine workings and indicates the necessity of at;tomation in this"process. Different methods of reversing the flow in the ventilators are considered. It was recognized that'the arrangements that have been designed for this purpose are insufficiently reliable and inadequately sealed. Conae- quently...two reversing designe,are proposed..,in which the required tight sealing of valves and shu*tters is accomplished by using the difference in pressure in'the ventilator to press them against the Card 2/4 15-57-10-14975 Automatic Control of Ventilation in Coal Mines (Cont.) supporting frame. The author oonsiders different devices for changing the rate of air flow and the differences in pressures and he recommends an automatic arrangement using float differential manometers with an electric induction transmitter. He describes electrical methane analyzers, and recommends that. the. eleotrioal methane analyzer of the MD-2 ty-pe be used in the automation ayat6m. He proposen a systam of Automatia r6ealation of the control App&- ratus for changing the produe'tion of a ventilator in proportion to the methane content in the issuing air current. This arrangement is without the deficiencies of similar systems that are known* A design for remote control of the ventilator openings and of the reversing arrangement is presented. Rooommendations are given for selecting an electrical drive and for a design for control and protection of the electric motor for the axial ventilator, The author suggests the use of synchronous motors for the drive on the axial mine ventilator, Such motors permit an inorease in the over-all power coefficient for the entire mine. He points out the unrelia- bility of using a sLarter of the SNL-7301 type for starting the synchronous motors, and suggests., thereforep that the synohronous Card 3/4 16-67-10-14976 Automatic Control of Ventilation in Coal Mines (Cont.) motors be started by n switch-jin exciter, A oritical survey is given of the different designs for remote control of the temperature of bearings and Armatures., and it is suggesteA that a design with a booster involving crystal triodes be aced for this purpose, card 4/4 A. D. Bagrinovskiy '"Now- DOG&TYMVP A.F.. Swe r6sulth'of the work on over-all medbanization, and aut~nati~m in the mifien under the Donatok Economic Couxioil, Ugolf 37 no.7t9;.,13 JI 1,62. (MM 15:7) I* NaoW'nik otdola novoy tekbniki proisvodstvenno-tekhnicheskogo Upravleniya D=eUkbgo,. ownarkhoza, (Donetsk Frovince-0oal mines and miningl(Alitmatic control) LIMMOM Ip w v w v w v Y IQ it U 0 W 13 W ILO It 3). Ii N M M b 86 " 0 24 JC 11 W II M 0 Ill V 111 0 41 Ai a a in x U -TA4 00 9 Ut OWARSIM Of U41100111110 it the Kou4md. A. S. 8&IY7 ll 1. =1a.11ph. . IT Aldl. 16, ~ 111"94 7 12(l 2M. I'lie Irl ~Jwcilllellq eultul. ftcmn the Koullrad deptNit coutitintilmi Jar av. of &-157f, an"Unile. .44wirnrlis "mtg. andaltbite wtir rarely found. lite dittlittutioll of tile andaluslic ak-mg the drIKKit Is not uniftnui. A thlinite vink-Inuent of %xxmmlxty quAtigiline is it) lw it, tile iwishI%xht*xj 4-4 the mime. 1.. M'.." 00 tq; N nd 0 A mV"=* U IN AV bt K 01 KLO fl tK44 0 111 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 -00 .00 .00 to see W 0 we SMAM, X.I.--(oontinued) Card 2. I Karagandinskaya Ob"yedinanneya nauohnaya sesslya. Alm-At&, 1;38.~ 2. President-Akedemii neuk KasSSR Uor.Shatpaysv). 3. Prednedatell Goeuderetvennogo nauohno-takhnicharkogo komit-eta Soveta Kinistrov Kasakhakoy SSR (for Balbachan). 4. Miuistr geologii i okhrany nedr Kazakhakoy SSR-(for Bogatyrov).13. Pred- sedatell Keragandinskogo sovnarkhosa (for Onika). 6. Akademiya nauk Xsz,SGRI Institut anergetiki AB XazSSR; akademik-sakretar' Akadimii nauk KasSSR (for Chokin). (Kazakhstan-Boonomic conditions) BAISHXVV,-$~~'., a'kademik,; NRMCHINOV, V.S., akademik,; BATISHCHEV-TARASOV, S.D., inzh.-geolog, laureat Leninskoy preall. red.; _BPGATrM, A.S., red.; KOAMOV, I.P., red.; BORUKAYBY, R.A., akademw7,AW.'VW3. ",TOPORKOV, D.D., laureat Leninskey promil, red.; NOVOKUTSKIT, I.P., kand.geologo-minaralog.nauk, starshiy nauchayy setrudnik, red.; POHOKUW, V.D., dektor tokhn.nauk,; ADAMCEIUK, V.A., kand.ekon.nauk, starshiy nauchV7 sotrudnik, red.; LTUDOGOVSKIT. G.I., kand.takhn.nauk, red.; ALEKSETEV, G.M., kand. akon.aauk, starahiy nauchWy astrudnik, red.; SIMENOV, M.N., red.. SUVOROVA, I.I., red.; MSKVICHEVA, L.N., red.; KIJZNICTSOV..Tu.N., red.; MASLENNIOV, L.I., spetered.; POLYVTAHM, I~R., spetsred.; LTSMWO, I.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk, spetared.- ALFSMVA, P.F., [Proceedings of the joint scientific session in Kuatana7 devoted to the problems of thc, Turgay regional-and economic complex] Trudy ob"edinennoi Kustanatskoi nauchnoi seBaii. posviashchannoi problemam Turgaiekogo regionallno-ekonomicbeekoge kompleksa. Kustanay, 1957. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad.sauk 42akhakoi-.SSR.~Vol.l. [Materials of plenary sessions] Matertaly.plenarnykh zaRedanti. 1958. 150 p. Vol.2. (Geological section] Goologicheakaia sektaiia. 1958. 393 P. Vol-3..[Materials of the mining metallurgy section] Materialy gornometallurgichegkoi sektaii. 1958. 318 P. (MIR& ~1:12) 1. Ob"yedinennays. Kustannyakays, nauchnays. sesaiya, ponvyashchenhaya problemam TurgayBkogo regionallno-okonomichookogo komplaksao (ContiAudd oh next chrd) BAISHEV, S.B.---(continued) Card 2. 2. AN Kazakhgkoy SSR, vitae-president AN Kazakhakoy SSR (for Baishav). 3. AN SSSR. predoodatell Sovota p9 izucheniyu proizvoditellnykh oil AN SSSR (for Nemchinov). 4. Kustanayakiy geologo-razvedocbW treat (for Batlshcbev-Tarasov). 3. Minietr goologii i okhrany nedr Ka- zakhakay SSR (for Begatyrev). 6, Sekrotarl Kustanayskogo obkoma Kommunistichaskoy partil, Kazakhatana (for Khramkov). 7. AN Ka- zakhgkoy SSR, predsodatelO stdalaniya minerallrqkh resureov AN Kazakhokoy SSR (for Berukayev). 8. Zamestitell direktora Kazakhskago filiala Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo institute. mineral'- nogn syrIya (for Toporkov). 9. Inatitut geologicheskikh nauk AN Kazakhekoy SSR (for liovokhatakiy). 10. Zamestitell direktora Institute. metallurgii. i obogashcheniya AN Kazakhskoy SSR,(for- Ponomarev). 11. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditelIny-kh ail All SSSR (for Adamcbuk, Alekseyov). 12. Zaveduyushchiy laboratorlyny chernykh metallov Instituta metallurgii i. obegasbebonlys, AN Ka- zakhokoy SSR*(for Lyudogovskly). 13. Uchenyy sekretarl Soveta pe izucbenlyu proizvoditellrqkh ail AN Kazakhakoy SSR (for Maslennikev). 14. Zamestitell predandatelya Soveta po lzucbeniyu proizvoditellnykh ail AN Kazakhskoy,SSR (for Lysenko). (Kustauay Province--Economic conditions) (Kustanay Province--Mites and mineral resources) 3ANDALSTOV, S.M.:BNSPAWV. V.7.: B0GATYRW#__.4!~,S.- BOK, I.I.; GALITSKIY, Y.T.; ZHILINSKIT, GOB., IvSm F--w-xO.---XAZANLI. D.M.; XATMV. A.K.; MNKV. A.K... WSHRY. 6.L... LTAFICHU, G.?.; MMYW, G.TS.; 0 NDNICH, V.K.- krA~HWV, V.N-' inKITIN, 1-y-;~IUVOMMKIT. I-P-; 0 SATPAYSV, K.I.; SHLYGIN. Ye:D.: S099RBA, G.N. Iminett geologist of Kazakhstan, VentjAN USakh.SSR 15 w,lt 94-95 Ja '5 9. (MMA 12.-1) (I)orukanv, Ramazan Aglanbekovichg 1899- ) AVROVI P,Tfx,; AYTILLITIRV, Zh. A.; AUEZOV, M.O.; AKH14NDSA-VIN, U.M.: BATISHCHEV- TARASOV, S.D.; BAMOVA, N.U.; BAIMHV, S.B.; BAYKONUROV, A.B.; Ra[MOV, A.B,; ArPYRMZ.- BCrsC, I.I.; BORUKAY3V, R.A.; BVUTOH!,arK0, N.1,0; BYKOVAO Ill. -, ZHILOSKIYO ZTKOVI D.A.; IYANKIN, P."?.; KAUNLI, D.N.; KAYUPOV, A.K., ZHUMAYIN , S.K.; KOLOTILIN, "T.F.; ~=YEV. D.4a; KUSHFAV. G,L,*, i0@; HASIU11011, O.Zh.; K001.;l, G.TS.; R0111CH. V.K.; ~MLOTOV, %.-. MUsRIA171OV, (1,; lRJK-qA1-=7AU!TOV. S.M.% FARSHITT, A.V.; POFROVWIY, MT.; FOLOSUOIN, A.F.; RUSAKOT, M.P.; SWIM, IT.G.; SAYFULMIT, S.,%.; TAZHIBAYEV, P.T.; FAS-30KOV, V.G.; SHLYGIN, Ye.D.; SHCHF-RRA, G.N.; CHOUIT, Sh.Ch.; CHOLPANKULOV. T.Ch. SiXtieth birthday of Acadomician lanyah Inantaevich Satpaev. Vest. AN Waza'th. SSR 15 no.4:58-61 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) (SatPaev, Kanysh Ivantaevich, 1899-) SAPARGAIMVI, G.S., kand. yurId.nauk;FAL'GOVrN.1N.v akad.; BWAUR3Y#--A,�-; AFANASIYEV9 A.V.1, prof.; BIKOVv B.A.; SHAKEWOV, V.F., kand. istor. nauk; FMOVSKIrg S.N.t akad.; SAVOSIKO, V.K., kand. istor-nauk; I;USUPBEKOV, A.N.,, kand. istor. nauk; BAISHEVj S.B., akad.1 GOROKH- VODATSKIYv I.S.p kand, istor. nauk; AKHMETOVt A.v kapd. istor, nauk; RAKHDIOV, A., kand. istor. nauk; FIVKNI* N.F.; CHULANOV, G.Gh.t doktor ekonam. nauk; BOROVSKIYj VOA.9 kand. ekonom. nauk; SYDYKOV, A.S., kand, pedagog. nauki ZHANGELIDINg T., kand. Mos. nauk; KAWAYST9 L.K.; KAPAPINt A.K.' kands istor. naukj BEMOV, M.D.p kand. ekonom. nauk; KAHYNBAYBVt S:R i, kand. nod. nauk; ARHOTOV, K.A.s.; SMIRNOVA, V.S., doktor filolog.nauk; SILICHUX0, M.S.9 doktor filolog. nauk; YERZA- KOVICH *p B6G*q kand. iskusetwovedcheskikh nauk; RYBAKOVA9 N.; MUKHTA- ROV, A.I.; BOGATENKOVA, L.I.; K-UNDAKBAYEV, B.; SIRANOV9 K.S.; SHVYD- KOv Z.A.v red.; MAMOVA, La.Bep red*; ZLOBINp M,V.p tekbn. red. [The Soviet Kazakh Socialist Republic] Kazakhakaia Sovetskaia So- taialistiebobkaia Respublika. Alma-Atap Kazakhokoe gos izd-vo 1960. 477 P., (MiRl 14:61 1. Akademiya nauk Kaz.SSR (for Pallgovp Pokrovskiy, Baishev) 2, Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk KazSSR (for Bykov, Smirnova, Sillchenko) (Kazakhstan) 130GATY&N Basic =,a%h olo '1W;o 4 n., I :irr tl,c~ 3-a-1, 40 Yo-lrz ani ti-eir fulullix, c::t!;. Izv. -M KrIz. 's- no.4:22-36 160. C "1 1.1 1/1:1)) BDGATYRNO A.S. konstruktor zavoda, g.Irkutsk; MIKHALICHRIED, V.; TSUKASOV, - ~Iiw --T~0-8 , Alma-Atinekoy obl.); KRYLOV, N.; SKRYABIN, A.; MWILOV- SUT, I., (Leningrad, Sluopskaya nab., 66, kv.5) Advertisement board. Isobr. i rate. no.11:52-53 N 160. (MINA 13:10) 1. Issnikovskoye karlyeroapravleniye, Zhitomirskoy obl. (for Mikhall- chenko). 2. Mredsedatell pervichnoy organizataii Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva isobretateley i ratsionalizatorov, g*Ivanovo (for Skr.yabin). . (Technological innovations) ANTROMV, P-Y&.; BOGATfWs A.B.; 11 imoys Sheyes; SATPAYIIVA* T.A.; SATFAYXVs K. S. Sh. Oatstanding geologists wA-Dzhezk&$99a prospectors Vast-AN XLSakh- SSR 16 no.10:81-82 0 160. (MIU 13:10) (Shtifanov, Usilli Pranoviche 1910-) BOGATYREV, A.S., red.; EVENTOV., Ya.S.,, red.; SHOROKHOVA, L.I., ved. ~re . ~,-LOSINA$ A.S.j, tekhn. red. [Geology and oil and gas Caspian Lowland. and its Geologicheskoe stroenie kaspiis~oi vpadirq i ee obramlenii,- materialy. Hoskvap Gostoptekhizdats potentials of the eastern northern., eastern, smd i neftegazonostost' vostochnoi severnogo., vostochnogo, Pod red. A.S.Bogatyreva 1962. 366 p, part of the southeastern marginal chasti Pri- i iugo-vostochnogo i IA.S.Eventova. (MIRA -15:6) 1. Vyyezdnaya sessiya Ekspertno-geologicheakogo Soveta Ministerstva geologii i okhrarW nedr Kazakhakoy SSR i Uchenogo, Soveta Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issled ovatelI-skogo geologorazvedochnogo neftyanogo instituta, Akt-yubinsk, 1960.2. Ministr geolodgii i okln-any nedr Kazakhskoy SSR (for Bogatyrev). 3. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologo.- razvedochnyy neftyanoy instituty Moskva (for Eventov). ~(Caspian lowland-Petroleum geology) (Caspian Lowland-Gas,Natural-Goology) I SATPAYEV, K.I., akademikv otv. red.; POGATXBI~~A.S~ red.; BORUKAYEV, R.A., red.; BOK, I.I., red.; RUSAKOV, Y.P., red.; MIRDSHNICHENKO, L.A.,; LY&PICHEV, G.F.,; POGOZHEV,, A.S., red.; RZHONDKOVSKAYA, L.S., red.; GASHINA, Ye.A.,, tekhn. red. (Productive capacities of Central Kazakhstan] Proizvoditell- n e sily TSentrallnogo Kazakhatana; trudy. Alna-Ata, Izd-vo Z Kaz. SSR. Vol.2. [Minerals and regional geology] Poleznye iskopaemye i regionalInaia geologila, 1945%. 3.50 p. (MI RA 16:7) 1. Ob"yedinennaya nauchnaya sessiya po problemam razvitiya pro- izvoditellnykh sil TSentrallnogo Kazakhatana, Karaganda, 1958. 2. Prezident AN Kaz.SSR (for Satpayev). 3. Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr Kaz.SSR (for Bogatyrev). 4. Institut geologiche- skikh nauk AN Kaz.SSR (for Rusakov). (Kazakhstan--Mines and mineral resources) (Kazakhstan-Geology) BOGATYREV, A. In the name of the collective* Sove shakht. 13 no-3:27-28 Mr '64, (MIRA 170) 1. Sekretarl Shakhtinskogo gorodekogo komiteta Komunisticheskoy partil, Sovetskogo Soyuza. BiPGATYRIMI, A. S. SubstItuting shrJlow-well drilling for the drilling of trenches wid bore pits; a topic for dicussion. Razved. i okh. nedr. 30 no-3:24-27 Mr lc,/+ (MIRA 18:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy geologJnheskiy komitet SSSR. V 10h; KXTEW, Vladimir Adamovich; IHOD13ff ICE, B ATYHXV~, Aleksandr. V r V r~~~Jeht J~ y ro movich; N OVA, K.K.,; MUKHINA, N.A., r [Mechanizing the cleaning, insulation and layinglof main pipelines] Kekhanizataiia ochietki, izoliateii i ukladki magistallnykh trubo- provodov. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo neft.i gorno-toplivnoi lit-r.v, 1957. 197 P. (KIRA 10:12) (Pipelines)