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Rofflit r ition of moleculal 0.07311 jr-~ ~rr tbe nJ trogen-hydrogon ir.'Ixtures. 9 no.2s'18-22 P 44. BOBROVAt L.A*; NIRENMGj. M-A* Adsorption of methane from a hydrasoic mIxture using zoolites. Nefteper. i neftekWm. no.2:32-33 '64. (MIRk 17:8) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy institut, Salavatskiy kombinat. VOLGINY A.P.; SAVIN, M.F.,-_ROBkOVAj L.F. Experience of using direct telegraph connections in the Karelian A.S.S.R. Vest. oviazi 21 no,5:19-21 My 161, (MIU 34:6) 1. Nachallnik Petrozavodskoy gorodskoy kontory ovyazi (for Volgin). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Petrozavodskoy gorodskoy kontory avyazi (for Savin), 3. Nachallnik telegrafa, Petrozavodskoy gorodskoy kontory svyazi (for Bobrova). (Karelia-Telegrapb) AMIROVA, S.A.; PECTIKOVSKIY, Y.V.; PRORTOROVA, V.G.; OSTROVSKAYA, T*Vs; BOBROVA (Pem") Oxidation e)f.pevCro4 spinel by oxygen. Zhur. fiz. klim. 38~ no. 12: 2862-2867 D (MIRA 18-2) 1. Pemskiy poli'tekhniche'skiy Institut. FLIETSHMAN, FJI~ mali uchastiye, VEDOPEKIII, G.K.; GRIGORIYEV, A.N.; IUSDITKO, L.A.) tekhn. red. (Analysis of the,production and econonic opere-tions of a rail- road division; rethodological textbook)Ana:Liz proizvoclstvenno- khoziaistmennoi deiatellnosti otdeleniia dorogi; mtodiche- skoe posobie. Moskvaj Transzheldorizdat, 1961. (M,L9A, Pl;:.) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)I-Sinisterstvo putey soobshcheniya. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'Bkly institut flinisterstva putey soobshcheniya (for Fleyshman, Bobrova). 2. TsFEU (for Nedopokin). (Railroads---Managerant) --of 'w 1~~(qL/LW (m)/BDS AFFTCIASD JGIJD ACCESSION NRt AT3002457 S/2935/62/000/000/0221/0228 AUTHORt S3thorov,.V, F.; D'yakov, V. V.1 Bobrova, L. 1. TITLEt Effect of chemical treatment on the surface characMisties of_p~~ium~.!. and on the par",eters of-'semiconductor devices [Conference on Surface Properties.. Semiconductor3,Inetitute of Electrochemistry, 300w,.5-6 June,1961J SOURCEi Poverkhn7ostriyoye svoy -vo AN SSSR, 1962, stva poluprovodnikov. Moscow, Izd 221-228 TOPIC TAGSs.chemtcal treal.Aent, germanium semiconductor, surface characteristics,: semiconductor.: device ABSTRACTs An experimental development- is desoribdd of a stabilizin protective, HpassiveN coating on Ge surface. The sulfidizing bath comprisedt M low-melt chemically neutral saltsi (b) active sulfides whose atoms have reduction propertieq. (c) a catalyst salt. n-0e specimens of resistivity were sulfidized for 20-30 min at 430-450C. The 2-4-micron coating was found resistant to HU and HF, to vacuum heating and to 450C heating in N atmosphere; its moisture absorption was found to he very low.*Measured by_the photomagnetic method, rate of surface recombination ef sulfidized Ge was 44 64 cm1sec. Alloying In through the sulf1dizecV, _Cardl / 2 ....... L 1899?_ ACCESSI NRt AT3002457 p-n-~p Ge transistors whose cte- surface at 550C resulted in a few batches of ristics were tested (curves presented). Authoral,conclusionst (1) Principal possibility has been proved of obtaining a stable compound on the Go surface by means of sulfidizingi (2) The resulting surface has better mechanical characte- ristics and is less liable to hydration than the untreated Ge surfacel (3) Electrical characteristics of the surface aria stab 6; (4) Ohmic contact is possible by fusing-in tin through the splfid4oatingl(5) Possibility has been proved of obtaining p-n junctions by aao-ying I-n through the sulfide coating; (6) Parameters of test transistors have been stable to the effects of atmosphere and water vapor at room and higher temperatures. Orig. art. hast 7 figures and 2 tables, ASSOCIATIONt Tomskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet iat V. V. Kuyby*sheva (Tomsk Stite University~ WBMITTEDt 00 UTE ACQs I5MaY63 ENCL 1 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOVt 000 CC3,d 2/ 2 BOBROVA L D, Data on the detection and cure of carriers of dysentery bacilli. Zhur.alkrobiol.spid.1 imm. no.3:89 Kr 054. (MIRA 7t4) 1. Is Voronexhakoy gorodsko7 dexiafaktaionnoy stantsii. (Dysentery) 7.7 T...M labrova; srA B. N. Ste*mnko 6y Akr~J. Nosk S.S.S.P.1op, 1,641phoplImte at 0.21;lip concit. greatly Of COnIMCUOM Of hMit 111113CIC (408) ft~r 1.5-2 bY3. with a 3- PhaSC adiQn; IOWU C-QnCW. aTC IM dFCC&C, GIVE:MC-6- phospluite sud -11-pbasplatt atid x1acutst mived svith inerg. phosphatt shmv lumb weakcr toutrzctLIC eflect!i, a)~d fruc- ton or its =ixt. with itwz. phar,&Rte had no effev. L STIPAY.311KO,. B.H..; BORROVA, L.N. Method for producing stable forms of the sodium salt of fructose 1, 6-dephosphate (sodium-DP7) [with summary in Ingliabl. Biokhimiis 22 no.6:1019-1022 U-D 157. (KIRA 11:2) 1. Laboratorlys fiziologicheakoy khAmii Akedemli nauk =. Moskva. (nUMOSH, related compounds, 1,,6-dipbosphate. prod. of stable prop. (Rua)) STEPANENW, B.H.; BOBHOVA, LA - The "sodium-DPP" preparation (sodium galt of fructose diphospbate) and Its practical use and "ZSC" (zymostimulator cordis), the now 11yeast" stimulant of cardiac activity. 12v. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. no.5:597-609 S-0 158- (WRA 11:10) 1. Laboratoriya. fiziologiabaskoy khimii AN SSSR. (FRUCTOSE PHDSPWJL9) (CARDIAC GLYCOSI]ZS) AUTHORS: Stepaneako, B. N., Bobrova, L. N. 20-119-3-43165 TITLE: On ZSC - a New "Yeast" Stimulant of Cardiac Activity (0 ZSC - novolm 11drozhzhevom" stimulyatore serdechnoy deyatellnosti) cad PERIODICAL: Doklady A my Nauk SSSR,' 1958~ Vol. 119, Nr 3, PP. 547-550 (USSR) ABSTWT: The preparation 9 odiuln DFF increases the amplitude of the cardiac.contractions in frogs and maintains for several hours if it was the case of a heart; with an activity to a great extent reduced (perhaps by perfutsion with Ringer's solution 1,5-2 for days). Other rhosphorylated hexoses have a much lower and quickly fading effect. A stronger..effect of Sodium DFF compared to other sugar phosphates, became inte3-Ugible, since fructose di- -phosphate which is the vhosphate,vhich is to the greatest extent dicyclisated and thus best prepared for the dissociation of the carbon chain in the glycolytic process (ref 2)., Simultaneously the extremely great difference of efficiency between'the sugar monophosphates and the Card 1/4 fractose Alphosphate admits the assumption'that Sodium DFF On ZSC'- a New -"Yeast": Stimulant.of Car&ae Activity 20-3-19-3-43/65 contains perhaps*any highly active admixtures. Beside the known ingredients (ref 3) Sodium DFF contained phosphorus glyceric acid and in sme series 6~fructose phosphates ,the paper chromatography. The eefect of these admixtures in -nj%ll quantities on the heart is not'vorth mentioning. Therefore other highly active.admixtures.are . sought in the preparation in question. Sodium DFF solution was trested with activated charcoal in the case of different jH-values, the adsorbed admixtures were eluted under various conditions, the extracts were studied chromato- gral*kically and controlled biologically (by action on the heart). After longer work the" attempt, to isolate a substance which was highly active (in a cmeentratim of approximatively 1:100000) and homogenous., was successful. The authors denoted it Zymost tor cordis, in short ZSC, till the exact-detection of its structure. After this substance had been obtainedin chromatographically pure state its chemical structure could,bd detected. Thefa the isolation-of ZSC from fructose diphosphate and fran the-- yeast fermentation mixtures is given with the biological Card 2/4 on ZSC a New "Yeast" Stimulant of Cardiac Activity 20-119-3-43/65 effect. The detection of uracil in ZSC was carried out by means of the investigation of the absorption spectrum of the ZPC-solution in ultraviolet light. This spectrum has a selective absorption with a maximum at 260 MIA, (figlre 1) vhich is.chexacteristic of adenyl- and uridine compounds. Figure 1 shows that the mentioned maximum vanishes in consequence of a treatment with bromine water (ref 6). This means that the empound in question is a uracil derivative. Furthermore the.chemical nature of ZSC was proved by means of hydrolysis up to the liberation of the pyridine base in a~ 45 % HC102 for 2 hours. By mews of chrcmatographing a spot With Rf - 0,61 ww found in the system of the solvent isopropanol-altahol- 10 n HC1 (21-3:3). Uracil vas cb-ramatographed in parkllel with the 1*-drolysate as vell as adenine and guanine, the Uracil having Rf = 0,62. Pentose was deternined with orcine according to ref 7- It is bound here to:the pyrimidine base. Finally a ratio of 1:2 was proved between the not acid-proof phosphorus and the total phosphorus. Thus ZSC can be considered as uridine derivv&vive. card 3/4 It is also possible that the terminal radical of the On ZSC a New "Yeast" Stimulant of Cardia.6 Activity 2o-lig-3-43/65 .phosphoric acid (and perbaps also other compments) are bound to a hitherto not found ccmponeat. Beside the Initially mentioned biological extivilty of ZSC is found that its trea;tment with charcoal at 3pH- 3 leads to a considerable,weakening of the effect on the heut. The effect of Sodium DFF is, however, based not only upon that of ZSC. i Thtre are 1 figure and 7 references, 3 of which exe Soviet. ASSOCL4TION: Laboratorlys. fiziologicheskoy Malmil, Akademil nauk SSSR (Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, AS USSR) PFXSENTED: January 4, 1957, by A. 1. Oparin,.Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUMMITTO: -January 2, 1957 Card 4/4 BOBROVA, L. N. Cand Biol -Sci -- (diss) "On the study of the biological action of oertain.metabolites and coenzymes of Vm carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism." Mos, 1959. 16 pp (Acad Soi USSR. Inst. of Biochemistry im A. N. Bakh), 1-75 copies, Bibliograbhy at end of text (12 titles). (KL, 43-59, 122) -23- :BOBROVA. L.N.-. STIPAXMO, B.N. Iffect on the cardiac muscle of phosp~uvtriose, phosphoonolpyruvic acid and ZSC - uridine yeast stimulator of the cardiac function, Biul.eksp.biol.i nod. 47 n0-8:71-75 Ag '59. (MM 32:11) 1. Ix Laboratorli fiziologicbeekoy kbimii (dir. - prof. B.N. Steps- neuko) AN SSSR. Mbskva. Predstavleus. deystvitellnym chlenom AMR SSSR S.Te. Severin". (NUGLIOSIDES AND NMIJWIDES pharmacol.). MASTS extracts) (TRIOSIS pharmacol.) (PTRUTATIS pharmacol.) (MURT pharmeol. ) 170) AUTHORS:' Stepanenko, B. N,v Bobrovat L. N, SOV/20-125-3-56/63 TITLEt A Comparative Investigat-io-n W-Me--Effect of ZSC, UTPhq UDPh and ATPh Upon the Contraction of the Cardiac Muscle (K sravnitellnomu. izuoheniyu daystviya ZSC, UTFt UDP i ATF na sokrashcheniya serdeohnoy mysht.9y) PERIODICAM Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI 1959, Vol 1259 Nr 3, pp 662-665 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors succeeded in isolating a substance from a yeast fermentation mixture and a fructose diphosphate preparation which is capable of restoring the function of the tired cardiac muscle in very small.concentrations. As long as its structure was not clarified the substance was called zymo stimulator corclis (ZSC). Its structural components are% uracil, pentose and phosphoric acid. Half of the latter acid is unstablp. Thus, ZSC is to be considered 4 uridin derivative, possibly near or identical'with UIDPh (uridin diphosphate). The present paper deals with the comparative study of the effect of ZSC and uridin polyphosphates upon the heart. At an earlier time the opinion was expressed that UTPh (urid-in triphosphate) does not exert any direct effectt but'favors the re-synthesis of adenosir Card 1/3 triphosphate (ATPh) on the action of a ferment of the type A Comparative Investigation of the Effect of SOV120-125-3-56163 ZSC, UTPh, UDPh and'ATPh Upon the Contraction of the Cardiac Muscle nNudikill. ATPh.-then acts upon the -biological object. Comparative experiments with ZSCI 1JTPh, UDPh and ATPh on a "whole" isolated heart served the purpose of "biologic identification" and detection of any possible specificity of the influence aXerted by nucleotide' polyphosphates. The experiment was.made with an isolated heart of the grass frog Rana temporaria, which previouBlr was exhausted by a Ringer's solution at 3-50 for as long as 24-48 hours. As had been hitherto the case (Refs 1, 2) ZSC at .a cono Ientration of 10-5 led to a strong increase of the cardiac contraction amplitude (Fig 1 A). The same also holds at 1 (Fig I B). The amplitude' ,does not increase abruptly but gradually after the ZSC introduction. UDPh (Pigs 1 V and G) acts at exactly the same concentr!~Ilions and in a similar way. Also UTPh actc in a similar way .(Fig 2 V). The characteristic and well-known 3-phase effect ~.Siz 3 A) appeared in experiments with ATPh (10-~ - 10-6 ). Above results have only a provisional value. At any rate, they give evidence of a great similarity of the ZSC effect to that of uridin polyphosphates, especially of Card 2/3, UDPh. At the same time the artkiors determined a fundamentally A, Comparative Investigation of the Effect of SOV/20-125-3-56/63 ZSC9 UTPhp UDPh and ATPh Upon the Contraction of the Cardiac Muscle diverging type of effect of uridin polyphosphates and ATPh, namelyt the first three have a 1-phaae effect, whereas ATPh at equal concentration shows a 3-phase effect. Such a sharply marked specific effect scarcely allows the effect of uridin coenzymes to be explained by its transformation into adenine coenzymes. There are 3 figures and 14 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya fiziologicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Laboratory for Fbysiological Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences,, USSR) PP=ENTED: December 23, 1958, by A. I. Oparin, Academician 1. SUBMITTED: December 23, 1958 Card 3/3 170) SOV/2o-126-5-58/69 AUTHORS: Bobrova, L. N., Stepanenko, B. N. TITLE: On a Guanine Derivative of Yeast Origin Stimulating the Work of the Myocardium ( 0 guaninovom proizvodnom drozhzhevogo prois- khozhdeniya, stimuliruyushchem rabotu serdechnoy myshtsy) PERIODIC.iL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959P Vol 126, Pr 5, pp 1118 - 112o (USSR) LBSTRACTz The authors reported in previous papers (Refs 1,2) that they isolated a highly active stimulator of heart activity ZSC (Zymostimulator cordis) from a yeast-fermentation mixture and the fructose-diphosphate preparation (FDPh). By its nature, it is related, or even identical, to the uridine-diphosphate. It was interesting - besides the further investigation of the ZSC - to look for other possible admixtures which are also present in very small quantities but exert a strong biological effect. Re- cently it has been possible to isolatet from the FDPh-prepara- tion, another substance stimulating the heart activity in a concentration of I 1 100000; it is a guanine derivative, apparent. Card 1/3 1y a guanosine polyphosphate. The farther text is divided as On a Guanine Derivative of Yeast Origin Stimulating SOV/2o-126-5-58/69 the Work of the Myocardium follows: The m e t h o d of i a o 1 a t i o n consists in the adsorption of the admixtures pkesent in the FDPh in coal, etc (Ref 1). After a threefold chromatography, the chromato- graphically homogeneous guanine derivative was used for in- vestigating the chemical nature and the biological effect. D e t e c t i o n of g u a n i n e. The presence of the guanine derivative was proved by a blue fluorescence in the ultra- violet light after the treatment of the chromatogram with HC1 vapors. The absorption curve showed minima and maxima which are characteristic of guanine compounds (Refs 3-5)- Figure 1 shows that also the optical density at different wave-lengths speaks for the presence of a guanine derivative. The d e t e r - m i n a t i o n of p e n t o a e was carried out with orcin according to Massart (Ref 7) before and after bromination. It has been ascertained that a pentose bound to a purine basis is present. D e t e r m i n a t i o n of p h o B p h o r u s. The ratio between the acid-labile and the total phosphorus was 1 ; 2.6. The above results lead to the conclusion that the compound, with respect to its effect on the heart, is a sub- Card 2/3 stance which contains residues of guanine, pentose and phos- On a Guanine Derivative of Yeast Origin Stimulating SOV/2o-126-5-58/69 the Work of the Myocardium phoric acid. There are polyphosphate (pyrophosphate )residues present. From the above paper, it can be concluded that the active guanidine derivative apparently is a compound of the type of nucleoside polyphosphatea, perhaps a guanosine-diphosphate. The e f f e c t of the g u. a n i d i n e d e r i v a t i v e on the f r o g - h e a r t i s o 1 a t e d according to S t r a u b was tested as in reference 1. Solutions of the gua- nidine derivative in question were stimulating in a dilution of 1.~:100000 (Fig 2). It can be imaged that substances of this type will constitute representatives of a new group of heart stimula- tors. There are 2 figures, and 7 references, 3 of which are Sovie, ASSOCIATION: LaboratoxV&--fiziologioheskQy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Labora- tory of Physiological Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: March 17, 1959, by A. I. Oparin, Academician SUBMITTED: March 16, 1959 Card 3/3 BOBROVA, L. N. (Moskva); STEPA19NKOI B. N. (Moskva) Methods of separating and investigating nucleotides. Usp. biol. j khim. 4:134-156 162. (MIRA :L5:7) (NUGLEOTIDES) 4 ALL,NK% AP6003551 SOURCE',CODE; UR/0109/66/0111001/0021/0024 Zakharov, B.'-A.; Mendelev, B. A.; Yudanovs: B0 V0 AUT14OR: BohrovA.,_]~, ORG: none -TITLE. Analyzing the -o' 6tioxi d'a"I gari.thmic pulse accumulator p,ra o r ka 1966, 21-Z4 SOURCEi. Radiotekhni i.- elektrohika, y. 11, no. TOPIC TAGS:~ pulse accumulation j. logar ithmic pulse accumulation ABSTRACT: Fundamental formulas for designing logarithmic pulse accumulators (which are used in nuclear --reactor startup',procedures) are developed. It is proven that the voltage, acros s.-,the accumulating capacitor remains practically constant,and its value logarithmically dependent on the. pulse -repetition frequency; thus Ahe accumulator operates as:-a, pulse -repetition frequency meter. Longer pulses cause errors in measuring that- frequency (formula supplied). A formula is also given for selecting instrument parameters on the basis of specified requirements of its speed of operation. (or the minimum period of nuclear reactor). Orig. art. has: figures and 14 formulas. SUB CODE: 18, 09 SUBM DATE: 14Sep64 IORIG REF: 001 OT!i REF: 002~ t4 UDC: 6Z1.317.7-95.3:539.1 F.Card 1/1' J -653 ACCESSION IM. AP5=544 UR/0239/64/050/OW/0855/0960 AWHOR; Putintse-va,T.G.; Bobrova, L. N. TITLE: Effects of pure ATP, ADP, UTP, and UDP preparations on the frog heart h tabs (-ATF- PO yp OSP 0 lphosphate), UTIF (urldine-tripl~osphatc) J~and UDP (wridined1phosphate)).on-varlo s sections of the heart and the possi- u 1 ble action bf these compomds on the control area of t6 heart are studied. Hypodynam1c hearts were used In the experiment. ne subs~anLes were ~ipplied either on the wilicle heart of the frog (R. temporaria) isolated ac,-urdi.-,-,- to viStraube. or the ventricle and auricle sep4rately. Wo cannulis were -~-Jlaced in the Isolated frog hearn one, ehrough the bulbus aortae directly into U%e ventricle of the heam, and the other, throush the vma cv4z la'er'or ilat 7 'the ~i;iliCi -.4tri aiventricul~r boundary a soft iigature was tledv Vhidh~ without blocking .-tranamissloh ;of 1 In-Pul sea from the auricle to the gaga. It was found that chromatographically ventricle precluded humorrA pass 1 -6 ]pure Fireparatidils of t ego nuclepside polyphosphates ATP (5 io- 5 - 10- gram/ml), UTP (5 - low 101-0 &/=I), and UDF (3.5 - 10" - I - 10-6 gram/ Iv.1) exert a Stimulating affect-both *n,the whole Isolated frog heart, as wall ,as in the ventricle and auricle separately4 The positive inctropic effect of the nucleosidepcilyphosphates was causer) by. the'direct action of these Compounds on tho vnizoular f ibera of tho hourt, Me pool tive Qhzenotropic :effect uhich develops in addition to the positive inatropic effect in &C- ,auricles treated with nucloosidepol,-phosphates Is due to the action of these compounds dn' the control section of the heart. Orig. art. has: 5 rigures. bbsbehpy'L~ i- srAvnitel noy IASSWIATION:~:_ 3~ab6riio~i fiziologil. im4 Kh. S. iii.- Lo N. Severtsova AN MR (laboratory of General and Comparative ftytiology,, Institute of Animal Morphology, P-11 SSSR); Laboratorlya uSlevodov Instituta biokhimii im. A. N. Bakha AN SSSR, Moisoom (Lalhoratory of Carbohydrates, Institute of Biochemistry, Mi SSSR) sumnanD. ioian63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS No RV SOV: 014 MRS Corti 2t2 SOV/137-58-9-20333 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 317 (USSR) AUTHOR- Bobrova, L.P. TITLE- Hygienic Advantages of a New Technique for Teeming Steel (Gigiyenicheskiye preimushchestva novogo sposoba razlivki stali) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Materialy po vopr. gigiyeny truda i kliniki prof. bolezney. Gor'kiy, 1957, pp 11-18 ABSTRACT: As the re6ult of a comparison of working conditions (W) for the workmen (M) in the teeming of steel by the old method in the casting pit and by continuous teeming (CT) the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The construction of the installation for CT of steel, in addition to providi4 a successful solution of the technical and economic problerns of the metallurgical ..industry, brought about a radical improvement in the (W). 2. M employed on the installation during CT work under favor- able meteorological conditions (MC) with the exception of the ingot-receiving platform operators. 3. The improvement of MC on the CT installation combines wit,h a considerable alleviation Card 1/2 of the exertion of labor, because all,of the main work is 0 0 0 JA' SOV/137-58-9-20333 Hygienic Advantages of a New Technique for Teeming Steel mechanized. 4. In connection with the favorable MG and a lower muscular load the M employed on the installation exhibit less strain on the cardio- vascular, the thermoregulatory, and the respiratory systems. 5. W of the ingot - receiving -platform operators and of the casters require further hygienic improvements. 6. To improve the sanitation of the W of the latter, a number of measures has been proposed (erection of a protective screen, equipping the Working space of the ingot- receiving-platform operators atid of the teeming area with localized- advection ventilation), all of which have been adopted for practical application. Ye.L. 1. Steel--Production 2. Industrial plants--Human engineering 3. Industrial plants '..Ventilation Card 2/2 BOBTIOVA, L. P. Cand 'M4 Sci - (diss) "Fygienic Evaluation of a Nert Continuous Method for Casting Steel," Saratov-Teningrad., 1960j, 14 pp, 250 copies (Leningrad State Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians im S. M. Kirov) (KL, 46/60, 127) BOMWk, L.P. (Saratov) Hygienic characteristics of a now method for casting steels Gig. truda i Frog. zab- 4 no*2:17-20 F 160, (NM 15:3) 1. Institut gigiyeny i professionallnoy patologii. (SMEL CASTIING) (FOUMIIIG-HYGIENIC ASFECTS) ~A AMIROVA, S.A.; PECHKOVSKIY, V.V.,- DEMIDOVA, L.A.; B2M".LTs- Oxidation of manganese-vanadium spinal in presence of sodium chloride. Iz-x.v7s.uchab.z&v.; khim. i khim.tekh. B no.22275- 278 165, (MMA 18:8) 1, Permskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, kafedra tekhnologii neorganichoskikh veshchostv. ALIMARIN, I.P.; NIKOIAUVA, Ye*R.; TMONOVAp V.I.; BOBROVA L.V. Oxidation-reduction properties of bivalent vanadium compounds. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.2:29&304 P 162. (MIR& 15:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Iomonosova, kafedra analiticheskoy kb4-4i. - (Vanadium compounds) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) IZMAYIDVA, V.N.,- PCHELIN, V.A.; BOBROVA, L.Ye. Solubilization and optical rotation in solutions of egg albumin. Vysokom.soed. 3 no.6:847-851 Je 161. (KMA 14:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imbni M.M.0monosovas (Benzene) (Solubility) (Albmin) . 1: -- I 'EPT, .R93063 PISATELI UnrlYSKC-GO NARODA 17:i LIS LATSIS. MOSKVA, IZ.~-VO 1015-3. 39 P. PCOFT. (vs7ls,,,Yuzrl!zcY,4' 1-0 FASF~CST, A,7trIYU P )TITMISKIKH I "MOTTY'Kil Z!-TA'-TTY- 19:",3, SEFIYA 2, ',-D. 7) r I ~ I., I BOBROVAO M. B., at al "Bromination and introduction of the iodoz,7 group into new diene hydrocarbons with con'jugated systems of bouble bonds1l, VIL ZhOKh 19, pp 1063-1077, 1949. NOTE: See card for YEASFOV, V. I. for abstract. -40V KUDIMASHOVA, N. I,; I I OV-BMUSOVIV N. V.; 20BROVA,, M. N.; KMiffLOVA, T. 'A. interacti6n if'l',3,5~-NX-~4ntaal]W:L-4-wdnopyrasolsis vith all7lating agents. Zhur. ob. khim.-33 no.11173-179 ,63* (MIRA 16t:L) 1. Institut okeparimentallnoy moditsiW AHN SSSR, leningrad. (Pyrazole) (A3]qlation) Lr*. to -'tb6 Roducti rcury.~ tib so ~l I bb na Wh re MOC Da, 0 '0 63i '~Ocmicentraticn- Of iodu"A':11subs 1- t4l* it 'Or-Oum lug:w ic, 6164iio c Cbim.) 21. 1774--9(1961).-The following Values were oundforsevermlorl.mids. I lCogil has one wave with hAll- wa" W ii(diffutioiicurrristati(icoiiesi. M011hasunt wave with hAl-wave PUWAI&I - M V.. Coast. frign 3 .5 x 10's to 1 -8 K 10-1 "A. Intervid, slid diffusion rutteut is Itmponkmal to 0.52 X conen.. wilb proportionality coast. J.Al: the cmd. a is 0.40, diffuslon coeff. Is 0.7'M X 10" sq.Clu-sec.-I. So livyllc mcid has Otte wave with haff-wave potential - 1.29 v. lit the interval 2 X 10-1 to t.3 X 10 -1 and diffusicm current is Inolmitional to 0.5 X Waco, pripartionality must. Iteint 4.75. Glycolic add sives a wave with half-wave potential I M v. iodependent of Comm; dilusion ruffent Is 111-01)(imil"lal to 0,275 x mica'. With Pfu liousilly 0XIM, I ().M. LACtic jacid SIVCS bi W ,r ave vrit hAlf-vravc Isolentlat -1.37 v. indelmadmt of Mocn. with diffuskin cuffent proPortional to 0.448 X conca .. and proportionality coast. of 0.241. (COJI~ gives one mve with hAlf-wave potentLAI -121 v.. stable to coum. current-coticn. proportiouality is 10.1 X 0.4. " gives out wave with half.%%ave potential -1.34 Y., ur= woTortionality ven by la"or 0.49 X 4.9~ ph ic" 11 ves 2 waye4iball-wave po lentials -1.0 v. and -1-00 V. G. M. Kosolapoff att. PAJ Of SMS kiltbatt, MA-41itillt0vik I . hat. Mk Awl Xhim. (J. Gen. Chem. 21. 1779-492(ml).-Tbe following valuc-li viciv obtained by liolarography of mveral ketones in 0.01 V IICI, 0.01 X KCJ. and SO% (vol.) HtOll medium (fill 3.3 by quitiby- drout clectraile). PbCO (grapb1cally) gives a hall-wate l"Jaential at IM ", of -I.M v. and -1.1r, v. at fill 3.3; At the latter Condition the reduction Is 2-strp, the I bt mell giv- ing a half-wa%e potential -1.08 v. (checking the Omit: value), the 2nd giving WenUals, 0.7to and 1.41 v~-. CICIGCOM give% a )%Ali. wave poicutiAl - 1 -21 v.. white AcClICI.%Ic gi%-" - I ZO v- The reduction of AcOllu unit WWO J41 not jntk~l at all. Thr, values of v. for the Above kelotirs air: lot tMcC.If.- Ili 0.' Zfor CICIfsCOEl slid AcCIICINlc.O.'-'1, BCBMA, Mo I,'. rqtdo,_r~.Amam- fesickw. 1. Poluotmpl& Study, -chlorco-z-butawne, 3-ddoro-2-butmone, crotdonviciii-.- bing ~ !.Mmathylacel roinot, elm. 1. Jjobrovi an U- Zia Ch6iaical'ALst. 1 9- ' 7 U. opokrovaphic study of benzWn. - d1acetyl. and ethyley-ozal. INd. 2161-~O. See 48 -No.' 9. - Val.. . 7 58'&,e_ H_ H - ;,q 1,~~ IOP 1954 El i t h ~~ eetroc em s r~ 1. nonIZOVA, -I",. I,_; TIKIACIVO.VA, N. 8. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Polarograph and Polarography 7. Oxidation-reduction transformations. Part 2. Polarographic investigation of benzoin, benzyl, diacetyl, and ethylglyoxal. Zhur. ob. khim. 22, No. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May .1953. Unclassified. imported" Of dw 111611011 for the do- kvmimdoa of 1111111 dk*"!rk= = mixtum of orgeek esomp"pasto M 1, Bobmv* (V. M. Molotov Inst. R"g. Won., UZ~): U&I.-Joh. K-Unt. 26. MO-M (UMV.-Wheit a mix-, of 2 "hooors (A and A) Is rosthath- rally eiriluml, the unit. of the bydroTdronn" (Alto and Allol tnu%1 be asoch that the putrisliah 4% of A 1AH, and of 0/811. we equal &I any tid". Tbm, x of 90,910% tolu- tinit"mr (1) + 0 fv?l % tokohrl" lhcw (11) (0 7M r.) is i-leval in H fit Iffl% Irrit"Q111"I"Ir (Tit) 1. 1% h0"Wildni"Or 1; Owt4forr I and tit SWAIM 1k- mltwtl i,111111,1nel VOIL, 10 to equal to 8 of 0.03% H1 + this' M sh(ndd be "duct"I ~Llm(Kt OxnPlettlY before Ile Portly roAuml before redurtlion of V (art,. T.Mr "MCIU~kNIS liver Vonflottird by mlortb-n on to Ili ""hode ol of 0,02 mllfino,1 "Insion, toliji. III jXj cc. '95% RtOll + 10 re. dit. IICL Also wittit quinw* inixt%. were potent lometrically litrated with TICIs or hydrVritated in therre-t"M of Pt blacir. I and M reacted simultaneously. 1I RoWl V POTtly S1MUItAnV%%1%1Y. MI M WAI VrdtKVd Wore 11. ftisswaphic dclit, of 9 qTmi wilts data CAW from the te.614.1kin comr.. 1 16"11011 _7 7 7j~ ------------ C.A 40. .tott.m ChIrridp of io6ldr and tbe ,Y.~,,- ~r lo is lun'grra to go"t- dle Jurrovi wav tb -045 V) it Et W'055.v~ is; BMMOIrA X. I. - MAMMA A. N. Polarographic stu,dy _,of We. kinetlics of Polymerization processes MIur.ob.khim.j.-a6 no.-7t1857-4W T1 056. IKja A. 9-.-id) 1,; Leningradekly inshenerno-ekonomichaskiy institut. (Polarogra*W) (Polymers and polymerization) im H~ st d ircrastic arid ~ n. Im., untit . " (Enx~ -A=. Mthche ACAk-m- Zd--Z- Nayron,frue J-3 -readily smamoLnhed in -ZNHQvrMeAN1. Tisediguiiao clirrent 6 prapDriionad 0 the zin Df the nliple and F- __j B~s at - 1.32 to - Ias Y. The rvduzu~r pla" in the a~i. rup % u,.w wa.-- 9~. to V--c lilwar (claum qLhi~u.-r; Current AUTHORS: Bobrova, M. T., SOV/79-28-11-5/55 Matveyeva-Xudasheva, A. N. TITLE: Polarographic Determination of Nitriles (Polyarograficheakoye opredeleniye nitrilov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal.obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol 28, Nr 11, pp 2929-2932 (USSR) ABBTRACT; The present paper is a continuation of the one begun by the authors on the po1arography of nitriles (Ref 1). The nitrilee of cinnamic acid,and oc-phenyl cinnamic acid, the dinitrile of fumaric acid and the 2,21-azotiisobutyro nitrile, and their mixtures were investigated. The latter compound was a factory product with an added stabilizer which, after three repeated recryst-allizations from heated and purified methyl alcohol, 0 yielded a product that melted at 101 . The nitrile of cinnamic acid obtained according to the method described in publications (Ref 2) had its boiling point at 254-2560. The nitrile of . cK-phenyl cinnamic acid was synthesized according to the method published in the collective volume (Ref 3) (melting 0point 86-880). The dinitrile of fumaric acid melted at 96 . Thus, the Card 1/2 conditions for the reduction of cinnamic nit-rile, the nitrile Polarographic Determination of Nitriles SOV/79-28-11-5/55 of (x -phenyl cinnamic acid, the dinitrile of fumaric acidand the azo-dinitrile of isobutyric acid on mercury drops were found. The basic polarographio characteristic features of these compounds were determined. The direct proportionality between the quantity of limited diffusion currents and the concentration of the mentioned nitrilea were found. The conditions of the quantitative determination of the mixtures of the nitrile of cx-phenyl cinnamic acid, of the dinitrile of fumaric acid, and of-the 2,21-azo-isobutyro nitrile were found as well. The experimental part, the figures and tables give further information on the polarographic results. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut (Leningrad Institute of Economics and Engineering) SUBMITTED: October 24, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Bobrova, M., I., Matveyeva-Kudasheva, A. N. SOV/79-26-12-31/41 TITLE: Polarography of the Thermal Decomposition of 2,21-Azobisisobutyro Nitrile in Vinyl Butyl and Methyl Methacrylic Ether Medium (Polyarografiya termicheskogo razlozheniya 2,21-azobisizobutiro- nitrila v vinilbutil.ovom i metilmetakrilovom efirakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey Ichimii, 1958, Vol 28v Nr 12, pp 3297-3302 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A large number of papers published deal with the decomposition of aliphatic azo compounds which are initiators of the radical poly- merization (Refs 1-7); in these papers colcrimetric methods were employed and the rate of decomposition was classified also according to the quantity of the separated nitrogen. The authors were in- terested in employing the polarographir~ method also to the de- composition process of the azo compounds, especially 2,21-azobisiso- butyro nitrile (AB10. Besides the direct determination of the de- composing azo compound in each stage of polymerization the-authors intended to determine at the same time the nitriles as products of the deuctivation of the radicals of the azo compound, as well as the monomer in which the decomposition of the initiator takes place. The polarographic data obtained in this way can also characterize Card 112 the state of the medium to be investigated (in oxidized or reduced SOV/79-28-12-31/41 Folarography of the Thermal Decomposition of 2,21-Azobisisobutyro Nitrile in Vinyl Butyl and Methyl Viethscrylic Ether Redium state) according to the course of the polymerization process. The decoinDosition of the nitrile (ABN) was carried out in two media which diffe-red considerably with respect to the inclination to form chains of the polymer. These two media were: vinyl butyl and methyl inet-1hacrylic ether. The former is in a lower degree subject- ed to the radical polymerization with the initiator mentioned. In contrEtst with...--:Lt methacrylic ether is polymerized most completely under the samo-conditions. Thus, the polarographic method of in- vestigating-the process of radical polymerization was made possible and the conditions for this method in the case of 2,21-azobisiso-. butyro nitrile in-its thermal decomposition in the above mentioned-. two.-ethers were found; this.led to the determination of the velocity constaxLt cf, i-ts- thermal decomposition. There -are. 6 figures, 1 table, and 4.1-refe.renzes, 4-of.which are.,Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy inzhenerro-ekonomicheskiy institut (Leningrad SUBMITTED; November 12, 1957 Card,2/2 WBROVA, M.I., kand.kbimicbeskikh nauk, dotBent; KUDASSHEVA, A.N., assistent '47'~ ~__% Device for worling with a high-speed rotating-disc anode. Trudy LIEI no-06:104-108 '61. (MIRA 15:1) (Electrodes) (Organic compounds) BOBROVA, M,N. Qualitative investigation of some Transbaikalian plants with regard to their flavonoid content. Trudy Len. khim.-farm. insts 12:157-163 161. (~MIA 15:3), 1. Xafedra farmakognozii i botaniki Leningradskogo khimiko- farmatsevticheakogo biatituta. (TRANSBAIKALIA-BOTANYp MEDICAL) (FLAVONOIDS) IMC[40V-BCRlSUV ., N.V.,* KUDRYASHOVA, N.I.; BOBROVA, M.N. Synthesis of diethylglycine eaters of mothylbenzoylearbinol and phanylacetylearbinol. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:32007-32-u 0 162. (MIRA 15s11) 1. Institut skeperimentalinoy meditainy AM SSSR. (Glycine) (Eaters) SAPOZ~F+V, A.B.;~ LX~)BROVA ~M-N-. On magnetiIn shielding. .Izv. vys. Icheb. zav; fiz, no.1:3-7 263. (MM 16:5) 11 Siblla~skiy fiziko-tekhnichookiy institut pri Tomskom goaudarstvennom universitete imeini V.V.Kuy sheva. -(Magnatic,ihductiojn ~-Wmut-" Changes in the adaption process of tIkb cerebrospinal arch under the influence of exteroceptive and interoceptive pain stimulation Trudy Vass. ob-va fiziol.9 biokhim. i farm. 4.17-20 158. (MM 14:2) I* Kafedra fiziologii Izhevekogo meditoinokogo institute. (zav, kafedroy prof. Yu.P. Fedotov (deceased)), (REFUMS) (PAIN) BCBROVA, H.V. Zffect of Interoceptive and exteroceptive pain stimill on spinal cord reflexes in degs with special reference to the typo of higher nervous activity. Fiziol.zhur. 45 no.4:4,23- 431 Ap '59. (MIR& 12:6) 1. From the department of physiology, Medical Institute, Izhevsk. (PAIN, exper. eff.of interceptive & exteroceptive pain stimuli on spiral reflexes in dogs. relation to higher nerv. activity (Rua)) (CANTBA NERVOUS SYSTEM, physiol. higher nerv. activity, relation to spinal reflex responses to interoce tive & exteroceptive pain stimuli in dogs (RuM (SPI]LkL CORD, physiol. reflex reactions to Interoceptive & exteroceptive pain stimuli in do relation to higher nerv. activity (Rue)) BOBROVAt M.V. Relation.of the degree of reflex chronaxy to typologiml,characteriatics of the dog.- Zhur. vyB. nerv. deiat 10 no, 4:575-579 JI-Ag 160. (MIU l4:2) I* The Izhevsk Medical Institute* (REFIEXES) (TMEMNTY (CHRONAXIA) - BOBROVA, M.V. Dynamics of the course of the rhythmic knee reflex as related to the typological features of the nervous system in dogs. Zhur,-M 0 nerv.deiat. 11 no.3:495-499 MY-Je 161. (KM 14:7) 1. Chair of Normal Phvsiology, Medical Institute, Aktyubinsk. (NERVOUS S)MTFI-1) (REFL=) 00 j go go , ~m - 1i it A At v a lassim 61 niantionese outlets qu the fertility of China" Authersift Pam N. 1, aobmva. 8*1. alpfl. siol. Yl. Med. 14, No. R. Q3-5(lW2),'-4Un (in the form 49 m1fatr) has a pos. salon oa the fertility of (hit moth in t1w ratty stagn at Ita devOlipment. The tutut *ijuifwaut int-trAws mvisr"d vilicit MC&I, willms. Otti alwayrd 4111 tile 4-aws felt in the lat. Simi, ot 3ni of thv- 5 stAX%-, o1cati-l-pilim 0 0 a W, a a a a ad am* 2 see Zoe r-0 q we 0 =0 0 wee lie Nog . zoo too *11ALLUPIGICAL LiTtROM CLOSIFICAT100 U*o I It a" I), a.. i- - 4.1-1- V-1. _2 ;1 -10 11 .!!-?- "-- I -An I 1 4 ?w 0 0 it 13 It at at x it 99 W IKE a it tt it I KA old :16::10*9 BOBFDVA, N.V., -ROP"awarw A case of complete torsion of the gallbladder. Khlrurgiia. Moskva no.5:71-72 My '55. (MIRA 8:9) 1. It kafedry fakulltatzkoy khirurgii (say.Prof. A.I. Serzhaniz) Toroneshakogo meditsiuskogo Instituta. (GALL BLADD3R,dis torsion, diag:*& '.) BOTIRMA, N. T. DOBVOVA, N. V* -- "Ulcerous Gastroduoderuti flemorrhvgre and Its Trettment." Voronezh state Medical Inst. Voronezh, lQ56. (Diesertations for the Degre- of Gandidate in Medical Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 9, 1956 130HROVI, N.V.,. assistant (Voronezh, ule No Marksap do 71, kv. 2) Diaguosi of neurofibroma, of the pelvic region. VestAhir. 81 no.12:SB-90 D 158, (MMA 12:2) 1. Is f~kulltstskoy khirargicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.I. Serahanin) Voronezhakogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PMUIS, neoplasms neurofibroma. Me)) (30MOPMOKA. case reports pelvis (Rue)) BOBROVA, H.V. wMammomrWANging tuberculous peptic uleer. Nov.khir.arkh. no-3: 111-112 Ikv-JQ 159. (Hrm 12:10) 1. Nafedra falualtetakoy khtrurgit Voronezhakogo meditainakogo instituta. (p5mic 1JLQHR) (STOHACII-,TUBMCULOSIS) \1 BOBRQVAO--~~ Combination of hemorrhage and perforation in peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum* Mdrurgiia 36 noo2t8-11 F 160. (FEMO ULCIM) (KIM 13212) BOBROVA,- mad. nauk Perforating appendicitis in diaphragmatic hernia. Pediatriia no.n., 69-70 161. (MIRA 14:3.2) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy khirargii (zav. kafedroy - prof. A. I. Serzhanin) Voroneshakogo meditainskogo instituta. (APPENDICITIS-CASES, CLINICAL REPORTS, STATISTICS) (DIAPMAGM-HERNIA) mim BOEROVAI N.V.., Fbnctional capacity of the kidney after resection and unilateral nepbrectomy; experimental study. Urologiia 27 no./+:lL-17 JI-Ag 162o -' -~MIRA 1513-1) I* Iz fakul'tetakoy kbirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav, - prof, A.I. Serzhanin) i kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. A.P. Zhukov) Vbronezhekogo zeditsinskogo instituta. (KIDNEYS-SURMY) BOBROVAP N.V., kand. med. nauk Functional capabilities of a solitar3 kidney following resection of a pole and then the other pole; experimental studies. Urologiia no.41ll-1.1 163. (MiPA 17:10) 1. Iz fakulltetakoy kh-4rurgicheskoy kliniki (zav.- prof. A.1. Serzbanin) i kafedry normallnoy ftziologil (zav, prof. 1.D. Boyeko) Voroneahskogo meditsinskogo instituta. SERZHANIN, A.I.; BOBROVA, N.V.; GORKER, I.B. Gastric and duodenal perforating ulcers. Trudy Vor. med. inst. 52:129-133 163. (1411k 18 - 3) BOBPOVA, N.V.; 11"WIYUM, V.S. Comparative evaluation of immediate and late results of treating gantric and duodenal perforating ulcers by the me--,hod of suturing and resection. Trudy Vor. med. inst. 52-135-137 163. - - - . 4 1 . Problems of anesthesia in stomach operations. Ibid.:15r- "56 (MIR-A 18:3) Change3 -in tbe fiinetiora! capa~-ity -f' I.he ll-eri- p L. I I _rld pancreas In patients with ulcero-is gaotr-xitiodenal b2eedinF,. Tnl.J-,l Vor. rned. inst. 52:139-14.1 ?63. k,. 18:3) Ba3ROVA, O.L. uak";a~~ n:"-~~' Certain properties of pbysical thersoregulation. and vascular re actions in hypertension. Moskva 29 no.1:37-43 Jan 51. (OLML 200) 1. Of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic, ~Irst Leningrad Medical In- stitute Ineni Academician I.P.Pavlov, Leningrad. N3S)MMOVA. P.A.; BOBBOTA. P.A. (editors]; TIRMITIT, A.?. [reviewer]. OSynthetic organic compounds.* Vol. 2. A.N.Roaasianova, F.A.Bobrova. Re- viewed by A.P.Terentlev. Sov.kniga no-8:13-15 Ag '53. OELRA 6:8) (Chemistry, Organic) (Yesseianova, A.N.) (Bobrova, P.A.) 11 4 ZAVALISHIN, D.A. (Leningrad); AQBRQYA, R F., (Leningrad); PARFENOV, E.Ye. (Leningrad) Regulation of the angular velocity of large asynchronous electric motora in a cascade network with Lransistor converters. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekhe nauke Energ. i avtom. no.301-64 Yq-Je ,62. WRA 1516) (Electric motors, Induction) BOBRUVA3, R.S. 29330 Chastota anowhy subo-ohelyustnoy sixtevq u ohkollnikov mladc-bego i spednego vo%rReta g. Molotav&. Trudy Molotavask. goo. atomatol. in-ta, vyp. 8j 1949, S. 101-06, Bibliogr: 9 nazv. SOs Latopoil ZhurrAltnykh Statey, Vol. 39, MoBkov, 1949 BOBROVY A.K.; BOBROVA, ~.,A. Volume and age of the Cambrian Meteger aeries of the Berezovo and Angara- Lena trough. Nauch.soob. IAFAN SSSR no.7:79-85 162. (MIRA 16:3) (Siberi&--Geology..*Stratigraphio) '4V..____SO17RCE7C0D~ /65/-0-4747/01 O/rwrn~ ACC NR,AP7000996 V0435F AUTHOR: Polyakovas P, Yet; ZRbrov#k S. 1. ORG% Biological Institutet Siberian Brancht Academy of SciencesSSSRp Novosibirsk (Biologicheakiy inntitut Sibirskogo otdelmiya Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Fauna and ecology of blood-sucking mosquitoes (Dipyerap Culicinae) in the southern part of Tomsk oblast SOURCE: Zo,)Iogicheskiy zhurnal, v, 44, no. 10, 1965o 1571-1573 TOPIC TAGS: animal parasite mosquito, disease vector, entomologyp biologic ecology/%.';X il~ ABSTRACT:Tvanty-three'4pecies,of mosquitoes vare identified in the southern part of Tomsk oblant (Western Siberia) in May- Septembers 1962o,_ (See Table 1), Collaetions vera made in Pq!4 3 UDC:595.771 Culicinae:591-9+591-5071.1i ble 1* Species c omposi ti on of Soo- quitoes In southern Tomsk oblaat Number caus t Specie* Lu dd 9 -ifiaculipermis Mg. - i. AnOphtles 8 -3 2 2.'Cullseta sla3kaemis Ludl. 2 2 3. C. ochropterA Peus. 4 4 Aede3 caspim. domalls 14g. 5. Ae-Pundor Kirby 70 13 5T66 i449 6 Ae. communis Deg. .92 t2 6460 6564 7. Ae dianlaeus H. D. Y,. 60 iS 1,059 tt37 164 8 A intrudens Dyar .6 4 154 1 9: Ae. heiWontU Dyar i2 - a 20 10. A& pullalus Coq. 5 5 It. Ac. talaphilla Dyar 12 - t 26 40 51 93 . Ae. enfue ans walk. 13 Ae. cantans Mg. i 17- 0 232 249 14 Ae. riparlus D. K. - t _t Ae. flaveKens 01011. - 4 4 16: Ae. bekleml3hevi Den. 1122 - 122, -17., Ae. tinems-Ag "it 2 U '18. Ae. m3leus D. b. M. i Ag. Ae. vexans Mg. - - M 14 20. Cukx tus Fie 17 - il 21 ". Q a iclills damL 30 - 30 fl .22 plens - 2 ~23. Monwis tichlordli Fie. 63 63 Total 462 83 113M 1 14078 Card ACC NRAP7000996 pine forests along the Ob' River. Haximum numbers of Mosquit~oes were recorded from late Hay to mid-July. Peak Yopulations varied with the species, however. Aedes oom- :Munie was most numerous in early June and Aedes pundtor in late Junat Aedes oommuni,s nosquitoes made up 48.0% of the population* and Aedea punotor 40.0%. Hosquitoes were most active in the morning and evening hours* It was as- tablished that the most favorable temperatures for so quito activlt:t are between 80*C and 25*C* ris Orig. arti has: 1 table and 2 figures (WA-56; ME NO-. 141 SUB CODE: 'SIM4 DATE: none/ ORIG RIW: 005 C BOBROVA, S.I. I- Black-fly fauna of the Altai. Izv. SO AN SSSR no.4 Ser. biol.-zed.nauk no.l.:145-247 165. (WIRA IM) 1. Biologichaskiy Institut Sibir.91cogo otdalaniya AN SSSR, Novotilbirsk. POLYAKOVA, P.Ye.; BOBROVAt S.I. Patina and ecology of blood-sucking mosquitoes (Diptorap CuUoinas) in southern Tomsk Provino96 Zool.,zhur. 44 no,10:1571-1573 16% (MIRA 180.1) I@ Biologicheakiy institut SibIrBkogo otdolenlya AN SSSRI Novosibirsk# ACC NR, APT002547 SOURCE CODE: UR/04.13/66/ooo/023/0027/0027, INVENTOR:. Ayzenthon, Ye.G.;_~~~~,; Spivak, L.V. ORG: none TITLE: Method of heat treatment of steel. Class 18, No. 189005 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 27 TOPIC TAGS: _*d===J-,heat treatment, steel iiltrasoni treatment, ?Coo -5~-EFX_ ABSTRACT: :This ',Kuth_0i'Cer.titicit*e' inir6~duc_is' ai-me~tho-d of heat tr"tment of stedl ,which consists In annealing followed by air cooling and refrigeration. !To ensure theLr dimensional btability, the steel parts are subjected- to IND] iultrasonic treatment prior to refrigeration. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 18Jan65 ATD PRESS: 5113 Card 1/1 .785-92: UDb: 621 HILOSBRDOVA, A.I.; YMXOVS]LkYA, G.D.; BOBROVA, S.P. ~~4;i . Treatment of primary pulmonary tuberculosis in children. Zdravo- okhranenie 2 no.1:20-24 Ja-F 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh bolezuey (zav. - dotsent A.I. Miloserdova) lechebnogo fakulteta Kishinevakogo, meditainskogo instituta i Res- publikanskoy klinicheskoy bolinitay (glavnyy vrach - N.T. Gordayeva). (TUBIMUIMIS) BOBROVA. T.I. G.I.Ilosoolimo an a clinicist. Zhw.nevr.i pFlikh. 53 no.~):686-687 s 153. (KRA 6:9) 1. Klinika nerv7gikh bolexney I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsingkogo insti- tuta. (Rossolimo. Grigorii Ivitnovich. 1860-1928) (Physicitme) BOBWNA, T. 1. Sobrova, T. T. H, "A history of' the ~'Linic of 14-rvous DiReases at the First I , scov Order o '~#rijtj Medical Inst." t Moscow wrder of L f , Firs enin Medical Inst. Moscow, 1955 (Dissertation for the deeres of Candidate in 'I'ledical Science) SO: L nizhnaya: letopis' No, 27, P.J111Y 101155 ,-J1QBR=r-T-w ~.TSAREVA, T.I.j SYGHEVA, N.N. Gholesteatomal 9f the cauda equina of the spinal cord after tuberculous m#np#tin An children treated by intralumbar otreptmycint Zbw.nevr,i.psikh, 60 no.7002-805 -160. (Min 1411) 1, Detskoye otdoleniTe (sav. - Prof. K.P. Berkos) Moikoy'skogo nauchno-issledovatel.sk6go instituts, tuberkuleza (dir, V.F. Chernyshav). (NERVESp SPINAL-TUMORS) (401INGES-TUBER'GULOSIS) KOK$ Ye.P.; BODq9VA,_,~Jt Facial agnosia as one of the manffestations of the p4culiaritles of visual IvreeptIon in lesions of the subdominant hemisphere. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. 66 no.100-35 166. (Min 19:1) 1. Institut neyrokhirurgii Im. Burdenko PJAN SSSR, Mosk-va. Submitted August 14., 1964. ACCESS ION N_K' .AP044117' S/0226/64/000/004/0101/0103 AUTHOR: Dobrova, T. N.-' Zolotarev. .1. S.; Plotnikova, V. V.; Girshgorn. a. B. TITLE: Method for making crucibles from sintered all TsM-332 and their use for Py chemical analysis ~~SWRCE; Poroshkovaya metallurglya, no. 4, 1964, 101-103 TOPIC TAGS: crucible, sintered alloy c, rcible,, Inorganic analysis,. alumina u aluminum magnesium alloy, sintored.aluminum alloy, hot pressure casting, cast alloy a1loyj K -332,. ABSTRACT: The porcal In cr~clbles.rdc ad' a ommand fi)r sintering boron carbiaes, borlJeg and double borldes ma be usad 'only' 2411mes. The authors recommend y replacement of these crucibles by those madelof TsM-332 alloy (99.35% AIZO 0 0.6%2 I gas the KgO, 0.05% FWD, which are practically Indestructible. The paper d6sc:ri method of hot pressure casting, and the results of chemical stability tests* First,,the alumina was calcined at 1450C for 2 hours, after which it was pulveriz-,~ ad. The Iron content In the alumina was thus reduced to 0.05%. The dross'for crucible casting consisted of 100 parts TsM-332, 14 parts technical paraf fin, 10 parts wax with a density of.0.96-0-97 g/ce and a melting point of 61-64C, and 0. darts,91elc acid. The dross.was.prepared at 90C and poured into the casting do- rd ARKHANGELI$I=i DN.; WSATOVA, q.Xo; BERAYA, L.D.; ~ BOBROVA, TV.; POPOVA, L.A.; XONKIN, A.A. Saponification of cellulose xanthates in a homogeneous medium. Khim. volok. no-5:27-29 165. (MIRA 18s10) 1. Kiyevskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovateltskogo instituta Iskusstvennogo volokna (for all except Konkin). 2. Moskovskly takstillnyy institut (for Konkin). FRUMIN., Isidor Illich; LEYNACHUX, Yevgeniy Ivanovich; YUZMKO2 Yuriy Arsentyevich; NERODENRO, Mikhail Minovich; red.; KOZWVSKAYA, M.D.V tekhn. red.; HMSONI M.N.9 tekhn. red* Dorinciples of the technology of mechanized hard facing] Osnovy tekbnologii mekbanizirovamoi napla:vki. Moskva., Vses uchebno- pedagog.izd-,Yo Proftekhizdat,,1961. 303 p. RM 15:1) (Hard facing) YF-!.I&.OV,3ergey IvLnovich; LEVIF011, S.S., nnuchnr~ ree.;_;jq~~ -- T.L., red.; DORMOITA, L'j.A.9 tekhn. red. [Plastic dies]Shtampy iz plastmass. 1-1,oskv~:, Proftekbizdat 1962. 59 P. (MIRA 15: 101 (Dies(Metalwarking)) (Plastics) m FRENKELI., Semen Sbmullyevich; RODZMCH, S.S., nauebiVy red.; red.j TOKER,, A.M.# tekbn. red. [Manual for young milling machine operators]Spravocbnik molo- dogo frezeravahchika. Izd.2.., perer. i dop. Moskva,, Proftekh- izdat,, 1962. 459 p. WMA 15:12) (Milling machines) (Metal cutting) SYSOYEV, Vladimir Ivanovich; LIVSHITS, Sh.Ya., nauchnyy red.; BOBROVAq T.L.., red.; PERSON, M.N., tekhn. red. (Handbook for a young drilling machine operator)Spravochnik molodogo sverlovshchika. ~bskva, Proftekhizdat, 1962. 270 p, (MIRA 1612) (Drilling and baring) OBSHADKO, Boris loalfovich; PASTUKHOV, V. M. . natio6yy red.; JK M-VA T.L red.; GORYUNOVA- LA.,, red.; NESMISLA)VA. L.M., tekhn. red. [Mothodolog)r of teacting msohining on latheal Metodika pre- podavaniia tokarnogo dela. lod-3., parer. i dop. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 281 p. (MIRA 16:4) KOROTIN, Ivan Mikhaylovich; SGIRUV, Gennadiy Fedorovich, GORCHAKOV, A.V., nauchn. red.; BOBROVA,_Z.~., red.; NESHTSLOVA, L.M., tekbn. red. (Specialist in the heat treatment of metals] Tbftiot. Mo skva, Proftekhisdat, 1963. 279 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Metals--Heat treatment)