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TGIN 1 3 R,r4L r 66 BLOKHIN, V.P., inzh. j0provement of transformers. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.7:12 163. (MM 16s10) BIOKKII. Toy .. 0 Repair organizations. Makh.ptroi. 13 no.6:26-28 Je 156.(MLRA 9:9) (Building machinery). BLOWIN. V.V.; SHAVILOV, V.A. Wldik'df contluouoly, functioning industrial conferances. Med. prom. 13 no.1:26-28 Ja 159. (MM 12:10) 1. HediIco-instrum8nta1'rqy zavod "Kraenogvardeyets." (WOM COMICILS) BLOXHI,V..Y.ladivdr.VladimirovichI STAMVSKIT. A.P., insh.,rod., --- I iSLWAY"i, N.N., red. iia-vo: ILIKIXL. Z.H., [Portable compressor units] Peredvizhnys kompressorvye stantsil. Pod red. A.P.Stankovskago. Moskva, Goa.Isd-vo lit-rr po stroit., arkhit.i stroit.materialam, 1958. 103 P- (Spravochaye posobiia dlin rabochikh makhanizatorov) (MIRA,'11:12) (Air compressors) LBLOUUNq V.V.I_Juo. Maintenance and repair of building =ohinery in #e Main Adminiv- trationifor Housing and Public Conseriotion in the City of Moscow. Mekbe stioi* IS noolt9-13 A 161. (MIR& 1412) I* Nachallnik proizvodstvennogo otdola upravleniya glavnogo mekbanik-A i ener t*a Glavmosstroyn. rMTO'seov-Building machineryg~~ntenance and rdpair) BIDMIIN., V.V. , arkhitektor; BERMNEVICH, Yu.Ve New ideas for buildings for service and auxill~wy areas. Prom stroi. 39 no,-6;40-1+/+ t61@ kI4IFA 14:7) 1. TSentrallnyy mauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyektno- eksperimentallnyy institut promyshlennykh Zdani i soorazheniy. (Factories-Design and construction BLOKHIN. V.V. arkhitektor Modern trand,3 in the design of employees' fa-,Uities of industr- ial enterprises. Pron. stroi. 39 no.111-12-17 '~61. (MIW, 14-.12) 1. TSentral7nyy nauchno~-Issledovatellskiy i proyektno-sk.-,peri- mentalInyy insti'tut promys'hlennykh zdaniy i sooruzheniy Akademii stroitellstva i arIffiltektury SSSR. (Employees' buildings and facilities) BLOKRIN, V.V., arkhitektor Arrangement o~ the locker and shower units of the employees' facilities of industrial enterpriseeo Prom.stroi. 40 no.6:28-33 162. (MIRA 15:61, 1. TSentralinvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnc-eksperimentallrVy. institut promyshlemykh zdaniy i sooruzheniY. (Employees' buildings and facilities) BWKHIN, V.V. jarkhitektor Recent trends in experimental solutions for combined adminis- trattve and employee facilities at coal mines. Shakht.-stroi. 6 io.lW12-18 0 162. (MM 150) 1. TSentralinyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyekt-no-eksperi- mentalInyy institut provqshlennykh zdaniy i sooruzheniy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Hine buildings) BLOKHIN,. VV.._ insh. Mechanization of the construction of large-panel apartment housese Hekh. stroi. 19 no.4t3-6 Ap 162. (MM 150) (Concrete plants) (Construction equipment) V.V.; BERESNEVICH, Yu.V. Experisental design of new type of admir4atmtion and generIal services building, Adm,-byt. komb. ugoll. ehakht no.5:1845 162. (MIRA 1718) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-,isaledgvateltakiy,-~proyeMAo,-eksperi- mentaltnyy institut proaWsblenhykh-zdaniy i soatuthenly Akadexii stroitallstva i arkhitektury SSSR, TVERMVSKIY, V.P.,, red.;.SOKOLO N., tekhn. red. (Seliated works; oriticiam of graisuland farming) Izbrannye proizvedeniii; kritika, travopollno(i sistemy zemledeliia. Moskv (MIRA 16:8) ozizdat, 1963. .311 p. V. Nikolai Plaksimovich, 1875-1938) (Rotation of crops) (Soil s8ience) TULAYKOV, Nikolay Maksimovich (1875-1938)... n P red.; L 29 4 ENTW/T Dri SOURCE CODE: U AC~ NR:, 'APb017990, (A) B/0413/66/000/010/0107/0107 INVENTOR: Blokhin, V. Ya.; Pleshakov, B. I. ORG: none TITLE: Permanently lubricated ball bearina~ Class 47,,No. 1819og [an" n'ounced by the State Special Design Bureau for Grain-Harvesting Combines and Automobile Chassis (Gosudaretvennoye spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye bkTr_6 po zernouborochnym koR5Waam i samokhodnym shassi)) SOURCE:' Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. lo, 1966, .107 ~TOPIC TAGS: ball bearing, permanently I bricated be4ring ABSTRACT: An Author Certifichte has 'been issued for a permanently lubricat4ball. bearing setinto a snug bushing and sealed in a housing which is tightly mounted -Fig. 1. Permanently lubricated ball bearing 1 - Housing; 2 and 3 ring-shaped flanges; 4 - bearing race. 0 Card 112' uDc: 621.822-74.621.822.66 L 29422-66 1. BLOXHIlt-', Ya 2. UMR-.(600)-- 4. Acids Handling and Transportation 7. Device for bottling sulfuric acid, Mol. prom., 13, No. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions* Library of Congress, Februk-Y -1953. Unel.assified. ,,_ Na-me-;-~~-'Lq -P - Dissertation: Inveatieation of the processes in heating metal by radiation by the method of bydrostafAc modeling Degree; Cand Tech Sci "A Y-1. at ~~& *=~Xb: Min Higher Mucation USSR, Ural Poly-technic Inst imeni rZ4 ~-O~ S. M. Kirov Ilefewe Date, Place: 1956, Sverdlovsk Source: K.hizhnaya Letopial, No 45, 1956 BLOKIIIN, ye. P. , Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) " St',Iciy of the eff cc t of -Imck=af-uniforwity of a traint the dynamic tf -- n coupling gears W-starting." Dnepropetrovsk, 1958,xk 9 Pr ( Inst of Lngineers of Railroad fransport) 120 conies (KL; SOV/IZ4-58-10-10843 ,,Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, M-ekhanika, 1958, Nr 10, p 18 (USSR) AUTHOR: BlokhiriYe-.-P-.---------* TITLE: On the Effect of the Nonuniform Composition of a Train on the Dynamic Strains Generated in Coupling Devices When Starting up From a Standstill (0 vliyanii neodnorodnosti poyezda na dinami- cheskiye usiliya, voznikayushchiye v upryizhnykh priborakh pri troganii s mesta) PERIODICAL: Tr. Dnepropetr. in-ta inzh. zh. -d. transp. , 1958, Nr 26, pp 235-258 ABSTRACT: The problem of longitudinal oscillations of a nonhomogeneMt, =' train is solved; for.calculation purposes the train is represented schematically by a visco-elastic rod with a load at one end. The rod has two sections with different mass distribution and identical rigidity. The equations of the oscillations are reduced to their simplest form, namely, that of a system possessing one degree of freedom, with the aid of the method of generalized coordinates. It is demonstrated that with momentary application of a traction Card 1/2 force the forces generated in the coupling devices of a SOV/124-58-10-,10843 . On the Effect of the Nonuniform Composition of a Train.(cont. ) 11 1 nonhomoger.eous train may exceed that force. K, S. Kolesnikov Card Z/2 SOV/124-58-10-10844 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 10, p 18 (USSR) AUTHOR: Blokhin, Ye. P. TITLE: Electrical Analog Simulation of Longitudinal Stresses Generated in Nonhomogeneous Trains at the Moment of Starting up From Standstill (E Iektricheskoye modelirovaniye prodoll nykh usiliy, voznikayush(--hikh v neodnorodnykh poyezdakh pri troganii s mesta) PERIODICAL: Tr. Dnepropetr. in-ta inzh. zh. -d. transp. , 1958, Nr 26, pp 270-289 ABSTRACT: Attention is drawn to the effective use of an electrical analog con5isting of LRC networks for solving the equations of longitudinal motion of nonhomc%geneous train when starting up and. to the method of determining the network parameters. Results of the solution obtained agree well with theoretically obtained results. For cases when the head section of the train is lighter than the tail section, stresses in the coupling ,ievices increase by 25 - 30~0 as compared with a homogeneous train. K. S. Kolesnikov Card 1/1 L,iZ.,'L'tYA;, V.A. (1310,4,-in, (Dnepropetrovsk) -------- Eatural longitudinal vibrations of syst-3;:is consisting of t1hree s^,Ii-d '~o&ies Lnd two strained rods. Prykl. mulch. 7 no. 1:31- 66 161, (~:IJl 34-:2) 1 1. Dnepropotrovskiy imti-,';L,.t inzhenerov tr-insporta. (Blantic solids-Ilibration) LAZARYANO V.A. (Dnepropetrovsk); BLOKHIN, Ye.P. [Blokbin, IE,PJ (Dnepropetrovsk) Transient conditions in the motion of systems consisting of three rigid bodies and two elastic rods. Prykl.mekh. 7 no.5:477-482,. '61. OIJRA 14tio) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy-institut inzhenerov transporta. (Mechanical movements) S/133/62/000/0-03/007/008 A054/A127 AUTHORS: B12Wiip, Ye. P., Samoylovich, Yu. A., Gulunov, V. S., Sakharova, N. M., Liberman, L. F., Zolotuyeva, S. M. TITIZ, Accel%-.rated heating of stainless steel ingots in heating pits with cerr.ral burner PMIODICAL: Stall, no- 3. 1952, 2706 - 279 TEXT: At the Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheslciy zavod (C h e Iyabinds Metallur- gical Plant) the cold 1.XI8'm9 (lKhl8N9T) stainless steel ingots are reheated for 15 - 19-hours prior to rolling ~n reopperating heating pits uith central but- ner; in the first 10 - 11 hours a temperature of 1,280 - 1,3000C is attained, depending on the ferrite-content (alpha-phase) of the steel. The holding time is 5 - 8 hours; the ingot surface temperature is kept below 1,240-1,2000C. Tests viere made to increase the reheating rate. Ingots of 530 X 530 - 0520 x 6220 mm (widening upward), weighing 4.5 tons were tested in the heating pit, with liquid slag skimming and fired with blast-furnace coke-gas (calorific value: 2,2200 cal/ standard m3). 13 ingots were heated at the maximum rate with a holding time of not longer than 1 1/2 - 2 hours; the entire heating period lasted 7 1/2 hours. C ard 1/~ 8/133/62/000/003/007/008 Accelerated heating of... A05VA127 The test ingot Gurface temrer--ture was 1,280 - 1,3000C. At the same time ch3ck %lests with the conventional 19-hours heating period and at a pit-temperature of 1,260 - 1,2700C were carried out. In the accelerated method a temperature of -1,2800C of the ingot surface was attained in 6 hours, The temperature differen- tial in the middle section was 800C.and could be reduced to 300C during the next 1 - 1 1/2 hours holding time. Over the height of the ingot, the mwllimum tempera- ture differential was 100 - 1500C at the beginning of heating, 'but it i..,as reduced after 3 4 hours in the accelerated proness (in the conventional process this re- quired 6 7 hours). The ingots reheated by the accelerated process had good rolling properties. There were no rejects in blooms due to surface defects and microstructure; the quick reheating process (at raised temperatures) did not in- .crease the alpha-phase content of the finished product. The rejects.of rolled products due to dross and haircracks were also reduced. As during accelerated heating the maximum temperature differential in the cross section betweenthe in- got surface and the coldest point of the ingot may attain 550 - 6500C, the effect of heat stresses arising in the first period of heating had to be determined. Calculations (partly carried out by Yu. A. Samoylovich on a Strela computer), taking into account the high ductility of IKhl8N9T grade steel, showed that at 4tmax = 6500C the stresses are reduced from 118 to 66 kg/MM2. As the tensile Card '2/3 TRAYANOV, G.G.; FAKHAIUM, K.M.1 Test aharaoteriatice of aertain barmers for the oomtuation of natural gas. Gaz. prom. 7 n0-023-28162 (MIRA 17M 1)1~4~,~ntdriag the thermal diffuuivity- of' cast qtee_,., ',nz~. f-Ez. 164. 1. Vse:soy-azy~ry naw.,ftno-isal.cdovatellskiy instillut t;FjpIntL,.%Ikhn!k,I,, Sverdlovsk. Card -1/2 UDC: .621.822.84-72M. L. U4/0t5--b./---4WLLM).ZT Dj ACQ NWI-AP6013310 -i6~~C~766iEs UR/0413/66/000/008/0120//012 AMORS! Fedoseyev, N. M.; Sokolovf G. I.; Magint A. K.; Orlovs I. Ye.; Blokhin Yus I-0 Morozov, G. V.; Solov'yevaj M. L.; Serpukhov, D. ORG: none '-A TITLE: A device for lubricating bearing Junctions. Class 47, No. V0924 ,SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 8, 1966, 120 TOPIC TAGYS: lubricating oil, lubrication, lubrication technique y AM I7'1,'cle i C7-.10"'-) ABSTRACT: This Author Certificftte presents a device for lubricating bearing --inctione. The device contains an oil bath)\and a wick holder with a wick feeding the oii io a s6Lft held in the bearTm~Vse~eig. 1). To prevent singeing the wick and dropping its remnants into the bearings, a separating contact element is placed between the shaft and the wick. This element is made of antifrictional heat-resistant material, and contains axial capillary ducts. Grooves running on the surface of -che contact el9ment at an angle to the shaft axis are connected to the ducts and touch the shaft. Card 1/2 L 04268-67 ,CC NR, AP6013310 Fig. 1. 1 - oil bath; 2 wick holder; 3 - wick; 4 - ahaft; 5 - bearing; 6 - contaot element. Orig. art. hasi 1 figure. SUB CODEs 131 SUBM DATEs ~Pu164 r--,A Ph fv BLOXHINA, A.; TMMNTI)3V, H.; SHPAKOVSKIT, A. Repairing semi-axle sleeves with a metal drawing process. Avt. transp,'35 no.100-31 Ja 157. (MML 1913) (Axles) - BLOKHIKLj, A.A. Some anatomical data on lumbar block by A.V.Vishnevskiifs method. Zdrav. Tadzh. 8 no.3:"-46 )tr6JO 161i MERA 14:6) 1, Iz kafedry operativnov khirlurgii itopograficheskoy anatomii (sav 14M~eheva) Stalihabadsko o medlWtTI-a-" imeni %. . - prof. I.G.Irg .9 Abuali ibni Sino. (NOVOCAINE) BLOPIENA, A. T. I I T'j A A. T.: "The dynwaic stability of a cylindricRI rienbrane". Moscow, 1.955. I;k.~scow State Tj imeni ". V. Loxnonosov. (Dissertntion for the Dar,ree .;f Candidate of ScienccsN SO: 't'~nAZhna a Letanis' No. 51, 1C D,:~ce,*.cr 1955. ~L_ BLOKHINA A.I TUSH)MV, P.P. Problem in improving the convergence of the series of Fourier's functions whose graphs represent the poptilation of second degree parabola. Trudy LTIKHP 11 :186-195 158. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Predstaylena Kafedroy vyssbey matematiki Loningradekogo takhnologicbeekogo Instituts kholodillnoy pronVohlennosti. (Harmonic analysis) BLOKHINA, Agrippina Ivanovna; TRIFONOV, D.N., red.; ANOSHM. K.L. e T_zF__v`a-FTGMTffA# R.K., r T [Chemistry] Xhimila. -Moskva, 1960. 351 P. (Chemistry-Handbooks, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," (NDU 13:5) manuals, ate.) BLOKHINA.k.i (Yoskva) Dynamic stability of a cylindrical Shell during, the initia.1 bendir,; at a given speed of the convergence of ends.' Inzh.sbor, 3ltl96-;Ol t63.o (KmL 14:6) (Elastic platea and shells) Ids 6 - to flontrumissit) IF v *six 311VINIlail iin I'm xv U's 41 eq mot 9 a I 41-1.~1_11ALA - I I _Ix. W-9 6 A v-_"!Pm - ____ - Plocis Its AND PocriOwds ..Dr. 00 go got 9 kthwa of Polyc7dic 'campounds; IV, 9-Itthyl-10- "Air no 9-06 -1 Z-butanthrit- b w 1 1 X 1.#* - s omne O 7 Y Gtx 191rus J K 00 *WE . . 10 . cone. It. 11. Alikhallay a ckw. (Lt. S. m a.) J0. Im-74"We"afew"Utly of 96 a I carcinogenic mnpdt. 9-akyl- (1) mul 9-mh1-J0-WeIkvf- 008 Ia-Iturxnakfaalte (U) were Perm. Naplahoylibenzoic wid (28 g.) in 300 ad. MIA. Eiji) IV", , m I B t h Htm i I l co -00 :0 o ts r g. t And -120 titl. benzene. treated w g . t ). ei .00 in The ustual istruissei, WIM with dil., Hilly), 41vetimpil "An.) and 6 n1j. ~%jeph, tioiled jut 21 him. with 40 tnl~ jtjt~~ e A IICI and lei ~tan;l invissight, yields a inixt, of hirloart tv! X&OHs followed by distn. of the Mellh sit twiw, yield 600 4fid (111) 21141; of :4k Wroxy-1 -Majo A Us 0mvic aid (IV). 111c e 81.8% in. (4.5~5.5 Oram I' "tene) VII (o.32) ii.1 in hen. E gets enmixt., bhakcn out with Not,400. HtjO-IW '"ene m", of t IICI, INImAed by &%tn. of the letic. haken with IK r.0 0 00a and pptd. by pett. ether, yieltts 22.5% U1. in. 152-4'. ' britirme. yields Xle'; 1. tit. 1117.4-8.4' (ftnin hfffflo: coo 0o and the inuther liquor fixion M yields IV, in. 137--8 racmutpicrate, red. ut. I I I-TV; dipicrale. rt-d. tit. 1-14-5 % U (from benteve. litoll). III (to g.) in 180 nil. AcOH. VI (I g. i in 4o nil. twillene. ad.Ird Io Orurn 4; it. roe 001 limited with 59 It. Zn-'Hg with gradual adda. u( IWj nil. let land 24 hr.,.. dWO11111d. toy itl-NII'Ll. 6.1- - 0 0 mmil. HC1410 tril. AvOH, dild. with HO, vxtd. with 111winj I)v le"Invul gij 111c. yivI& SIjit , 11. lj;~ Ht.O. the tatter extd. with NatCOs and the cxt. acidified. 71'. J.'itill. 111.u.fAtc. ;ed. n,. I;Jq. .,- - VI alid (V). m. ykl& 'Je ': SnCl ) and 28 nil V (6 M lit ffr,-. -g I 44F.", K.t in UN) ud. tmzx,1lv, ad,W It. FIAIC~ - - I tand, v [-*I Ili I let ht ttl x 3 I mi k d d _ Os - . .. 149.&-W g. diW. dimmmolved in MaCO an a steam bath d I hr h t . ' r n,.. ien an u v t , x g a,4 u Jecotu xf ,u&1 the ,Avent, rculov"I And the teidue w0 . . ea e . with betin-ne, treated mith d!L HCJ, the limme 90n. ~ . . , i taken tip in fietitcrir anti lta~,ed vvvr Moth, yields then evapd.. yield f41% .11-. (ITORU mr-CO. f 4 In. vad. with 10% NagWi (VII. tn. (froul Floil I. C(. C. A. 34. WIN'. G. Xt. Kct.`141boif a ire 0 1 Q A 14 - I A 41TALtilROCAL LINUTURI CtAilWICAl`W* tsoo are* %.Icaj oil 0.1 .3.1 -; - ii- - - ii -0 1-w- 84-5 a -a) U 1 7;6~ IS', i9 visit 91,41 Ila list Kall Itolma" 11 0: - RX pal 0 90 ,0 go 0 Soo of 40 0 0 0 111 0i 0 0 0 o a o o tiltoo as go 0-0 00 00,00 0 0 0 a & 0 0 o 0 0 v 0 0 *1* * 0 0 0 & o o 9 o 4000 so 0 0 ter#" im~_Asj POKSUIS An "Oplovill not$ al 3 V-400-1.24-MOK"S", D. 0- 1 C. BaBr), redued for 2 hro. &W demmpd, with l"Mv.WAjJ-m_O%mW J.Gfx.Cb".(U. S. S. R.) ke mW NHtO soln. to yW 9D% crtmk 9 u -1.%(1943 - - lun"r,"Y). d. C. A 1 37., gWbr"fO_jOd (j?, which yi" ;0:4 30i3m_(a-Ax!9*= YI)6.nmk " 0 10' quisam*, uL. 221-2 (from Acoll) an oxid-dom with di. I in IOU Im. wwu ACM me &mted with 10 cc. A6~ chrawgia. 7U bmame 6*4. Od I (a g.). aft& "Alglog 4 2190. ftghUW IW30 'I&' "ad 4 to YW 95% f-W 1 br" YW&d 00 = mixt. at the ambig 008 mwdok. =40 (Ifts, -W aw Its immW. sarme. the =ftlzL U) in. 3;C4 ,=bwWS eft""bj down bkA. w" rWcW W" uOull 1 ~0~ T1, . A haMe (,,.B S.) w 2W cc.'dry W" We* 10 RMM I Jr. MO), reftud for 4 bn, and *wwp9x4 W the Wad mamff, to yw, Rfter Imm" X00 ~2. WW AAL am udi alumla, 3D%V 0*4 -.'1 - ; - I = m. 18t.7-M.50 (km bijagot, m. 191-2- (from bmum) 13 (OA JUMSDr (ftom 2.4 C. J" tmtnmt See MCA: day(- 174X4 OW-0 fa m bft- ivoi mr. etber); sk, M. IM4, (djWj*Q.- 0 MIS V =4 prug (hvgu 2 S. Prbr (fil~m bemme- tOH); pkrak. m. 105.544* (hvm 400 ..Rtoli). n 0.6 g nd Bousur (fi.. 2.3 g., SuBt) 44 Od so 11412:14 In. % Od 06 141-2t- (ftm M, KoerAmpoff boil ILA m9VAUMM" LFMATWN CLAMICASM. IF -I--- --------- 1140 b"Iftv oil 66"19 Nit env On va I #A A 1 1 66 0 'A 0 1 W a 8 a I a 1. a O's :I %, 0 0 0 0 a 0-9 0 * a 0 * 0 0 0-0 0 0 gh 60090 ::: : : : : W-A, -A.Y. USSR/Chemistry - Anthracene Chemistry - Synthesis May/June 49 "Synthesis of P61ycyclic Compounds: XV Met-alizing 9, 10-Dihydroanthracene and 9, 10-Dihydro-1, 2-Benzanthracene;4 B. M. Ydkhaylcv, A. N. Blokhina, Inst of Org Chem, Acad Sci USSR, 4 pp I'Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Khim Vauk" No 3 Studies the reaction of metalizing these substances with n-butyllithium and phenyllithium, showing products to be monametallic and dimetallic hydrocarbon derivttives. These reactions applications in the synthesis of single-displaced derivatives to 9, 10-dihydroanthracene. Submitted 7 Apr 49. PA 56/49T12 CA 110141~1 phissustinso and tb*Lr dons, Unn"11112"Itis' And A. N. (Acall. 'kJ IT.S Mamow). jSffj1'-;Ii6. (W4. Ahow. Xtiok IM NJI 14-Na alintitt-does not Add its PAW.1110* (1) In 44,0. while Li 1114ill 662A Uld Alkali nictda Add so I 2At0JACWk'f in olly is IK~t pirthl. act slotting to caluriell. a 41. (C.A. 31. &11341). lint Ilse a-fliNColl.'41111h W Mixed its latch with 11A otosir I instrad. visports of the ~kme are led to a N oltrant ovrr 16 Oxide hetstold to 10 lok"ll. it product in. 171-2* is obtained. Sbakkki 40-U% of still I g. I in 20 . (AteOCII.). Witls().379. NA Illot N411111. W "ed a %I 3U.6 his. produces a red-therry color. Id. by = of 9.)uJi-Sto 9.10-44ydrapheassiai. poody gol. ' -red Wal. ftsup ~'.' mea into swis a uslit. Save, after conen. slid shaking out with Hl()- WIS. 0.1i X. so, 131-2* (from C.11,A147014). iltodl. In NWII. CIXQ- mistogmishy of the ns-ther liquor on A" fit ImIr. I,~Nsrr Avg an vaidul. (1-14, g. Q'Id-th-Pite deriv. (total Y" %) (elusion with par. Cther) and 0.3 g. I ftlution tax Par. other will C4114). Whru the reaction with Nox was so To his. the yields were unchanged. MCI lptvv 130%rdi-Me deriv. and 17% 1. Similarly MCI or 1, heated I br. to 40" And let stand 40 hm. Irve 41-4-; 4P443sJXO. W. 130-1 . and 17% 1, To a red "it. 4;f 310-di-Na 9.10-4hydrozatbraccose I g. sonthracene and 02 C. Na lit 10 tal. (McO - _W_i (1-7 1. 9.10-thhydrophictladne in use li,stnit wisfiresist; iminedLite formation of the di-N& dcri- look Plate And the 1114141 11CAtturpt ViRb NIKI gave 17% 11 BVI., and 11.4 g. 9.10- Tlw di-N'ts ittliv.40(hotts I It With 1.4 S. elomit save OU 1. Aa~t "." 9.11144.41S set. 1411 441.4" thoin Urt oil) lejution with collo). Passage of ethylene oxide into a istivisrusints of the,li-Nii deriv. llsons I a 1) and islanchat hirl. gavv. upoto tioralment atth 0"'1 lit,- mat"at4plu"S (elution With C.11_1 -:1,41, After jj;j_"~ 311*s, 9. 10-6ss (:.A Witestrthyll 'q, w .414.41 OPAW -0.1z~, t" 182 J" ((gain -ill. MCWU). Hilt (J a ) 4.4 .1 ... I 4M." CHOss and if* dl-Na sittly. ittim I g. I gav I'Ven brovers c%** And evolved beat; Itealmen, Wish Cif*. followed by Colls-11,0, savv OAN g. 1. Addis. of I x. In 17 MI. to a fifterrid I I`hL1 (from 1.3 a. Plifir anti 0.3 g. U) in F10 with ice coolinggave a voluminous ppt. IGAYdrephiranjuat; vildn. of 7 S. Niel gave a lively rea"kin and liptu. of lit; treatment With 11,0 and evApit. of the ofti. layer gave 77" liAtedrviv. aft'l the u%ual Working up, Addi-Ift I S. I tit, (NIHIC110i to Phl.1 (41,11set itiol.) in Hiso, Its I is's SlAnd :91 last. 1.1 9. Niel gave after the UAW trealinent O.W, g. 1, arml 12317, in. ~ 16.5 - 17.5- (from StOll). it the PhU-1 mitt. is heatet. with shaking t0 first. at 50-G)" before treatment with Niel. there axe obtained it.=- g Phi. 0.13 g. 9.10-ditnethyl- 8 It. 1. anti OJV g. 9-tnettirl- 9.1"ibydtophenstrine, 01 illtoliC41 With the Above, thus at normal trusts. PhLi atidt to 1. while at CItstSICII tell1l). Sit VXCIIADSe TCZWIiUn tXVUr%. yirltlillt tl;V It'litdi.l.i I-;- KIP*441-417 c A NIMIAllov AIM Ch'.111A 20, I; 7t" 17. 33271 JM.~Ioir Of MV1101111thr it tsyrr HAW At 74" -1111y"Ilkoss it, 64MI-Aull" the Ittloolutt. 111, M, ;1' It.:111 'taltillo III'lleti'll toy i pk-11111'. Is INI, K. cMIn. of 14~atqr% hola C#114. BLOKRINA) A. N. ,ffffft- 1-7 1 _ _~ *7 E ~1 I (N. D. 7x4fli-il f.?, - ,! 773M, 77 _7 -62; 1 C A 44 mlmli mmpti% oj "))~abwd ir. (Cjj!(Y',I, MI vLnvtll~', c;ar,14 aini nt~ il?lm; nnl! alvil; Metut is I the '21ud is c-1-fly 1-m, 1 O~e iw~galivcly chargtd mi. of t4wt-m7inr~ Ail ,z,5 41,nr ;i-Irkr X3. To 0.6 g. nil -mls added ~01 vnl. EW ~;n of 11:1 egun;_ of PhD the h7own ppt. m~s ~t;~4 ,:,c! 4-1 , c~"mqt - t ~ tjiat~d E~t,'_- i-:;; .141 i-r~ WAL 11-0, -:Il)d tht J~q. X11n. W26 Znilfl~lrfj byr I-i; 0" d;,T~,.mnce t-etlvml tht m-nplu gn-j tbe, u,nl,mul -Oulawnt aud IJ W"',O-Ihat the "pl#~x,,ras :i*W con-J. was 0.252 cm.-I ohm. To a win. 0 _76 --all .7~ 7 jl* Owl) p cWtv jl .7xa At ~ctfi:.- of bY shaking 4Z x. 1.1 g. N'a wid R~, ml , , I 5v mil Rt Rt ID, 'ra'. piltwitint. in , 1 and idemfified as C~.ii~tvl E;~i nq'ilt, vi-ith but r~ 3jight cxciasti ~I t'- 0 -N. 'im", all( muhttrt ftf. i Bi r V gtc-~n 22 . _ .777__- . ....... ...- ap, ~_ 1 7 MIKEIAYLOV, B.M.; MUNINSKATA. T.K.; BIOMIRA, A.H.; SHCHEGOLETA, T.A. Berea organic compounds. Part 10. Complex zature of salts of borox- -organic acids. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.sauk a9.6:692-695 Ja 156. (HIBA 9:9) l.Institut organicheek9y khimii imeni W.D.Zelinskogo Akadamii sauk. SSSR. (Borsaium salts) a B. h -i n st Podotov T ITI A], Tb Camuouiid.-i Fron -o of -1rorganichiskikh khlori.dcv) T f 1)) C1. - iqw,-~_~.tiys Akademii valak Otdi~leni,,e I'Olimicheskikh nauk, ll%~ 7, pp- Fi".)-8'?A ;'W,:3Pl AB TR -',C'T By uction of plioz:,,hora~~ on the asters Of CQnDCjjr`,~.S the c7r:.Iu~rideg cf ca-;~anoboror. comuounds of --ho tvpp 'I I , 2), 5' -z~jn t-asi'v hr, twodiz.-~,A. wroblem The -tBCl""0 (Refs vii.:~ther Lh~,, bromidee of o-rganribromine compound,, mv be ~:vnthesized in a :,ray. in .h,- presFrA vaper th~? authors., tht-- nvcd~iition of ooro.-i o!i0wjivI tvromjj-~, and of ol' rh.-nVI ~k:~ tht., 'SCO'lon c,,C phospKorus pentabvc!mide or; the O'L' dilAn~11,1_i hu, 1- -4 cid th.? Uorott e~iph-nyl bi-c~.,Tside an(3 isobutyl ester of phori.~~! bi-omobor-ic avid ~tr~- lf'uj:mrvd. B,,r the a~Aicln c" hydroce,.- 1-5 2 . I ~. r 9 r--, 1, 0'. The Prodw.,*, icin ~,f V Acid s qnd Drgarc- -Boron Ch I or d., an il oron tne bor~;n 1-1---imi-le otid ,,,I-eny: dbrom,de are Ph-er of f.,hich lire A I'l ISO, 1" 16, N n T. o rgan I i k oy k 1, ini i , im i i g 0 A!, a d mm i - ~~-i rn tik ~InsttI4,ttte of Ch-gani.- Chenistv- V, I), SIUIB~,I-i TTED. r-briAiv; f', 50) SOV/79-29-5-16/75 AUTHORS; Mikhaylov, B. M., Blokhina, A. N., Kostromag T. V.- TITLE; Organoboron Compounds (Bororganicheskiye soyedineniya). 37-SYn- thesis of B-Triarylborazols From Aryl Boron Dichlorides (37. Sintez B-triarilb6ratolov iz arilbordikhloridov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshohey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 5, PP 1483 - 1486 (USSR) ABSTRACT. Reference I describes the reaction of phenylboron-dichloride with ammoniat where B-triphenyl borazol is formed. In the present paper it was found that also other aryl-boron dichlorides react with ammonia in a similar way. The samples required for the investigation were prepared by means of reaction of aryl- boric acid esters with phosphorus pentachloride~ p-ohloro- phenyl-boron dichloride and p-bromo-phonyl-boron-dichloride. On introduction of ammonia into benzene solution of aryl-boron- dichloride its nmmoniate is formed at room temperature. On heating its benzene suspension in the water bath and on con- tinued introduction of ammonia the ammoniate is tranformed into ammonium chloride and B-triaryl-borazol. In this way-,B-tri-p- Card 1/2 tolyl-borazolt B-tri-p-ohlorophenyl-borazol and B-tri-p-bromo-s~ Organoboron Compounds. 37- Synthesis of B-Triarylborazols SOV/79-29-5-16/75 From Aryl Boron Dichlorides phenyl-borazol were obtained in yields of 65 - 91,14o. The reaction mechanism probably consists of a transformation of the aryl- boron diehloride initially formed (1) into aryl-chloro-,_-,ino- boron (11). The molecules of the latter condense with onc an- other and form triaryl-borazol. The B-triaryl-borazols are extremely stable with respect to atmospheric moisture ane- oxy- gen as compared with other organoboron compounds. The pbunyl- boron-dichloride yields complex compounds with triethyl-anizie. There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOV: Institut organicheskoy khimii Ak-ademii nauk SWISR (Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences,USSR SUBMITTED: February 24, 1958 Card 2/2 a 0 S/022NO/000/0VOT/007 BO15/BO54 AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, Bo M., Shchegoleva~ T. A., Blokhin , A. W. ;OKnina TITLE: Reaction of Tetra-n-butyl Mercapto -Diborane ith Unsaturated dompounas T PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otclelaniye khimicheskikh naukv 1960, No- 7, PP- 1307-1309 TEXT: The olefin hydrocarbons (hexene-1 10octene-1, styrene) react with tetra-n-butyl mercapto diborane, at 70-80 C in the presence of pyridine under formation of the n-butyl qaters of alkyl thioboric acids. The reaction between tetra-n-butyl mercapto diborane and propylene or iso- butylene proceeds in a complicated way. On beating tetra-n-butyl mercapto diboraneowith propylene in the presence of pyridine in an autoclave at 70-80 0 and 5-15 atmi the n-butyl ester of n-propyl thioborio acid as well as the n-butyl ester of di-n-propyl thioboria acid and tri-n- butyl thioborate are formed. Tetra-n-butyl meroapto diborane reacts with isobutylene in a similar way; a mixture consisting of the eaters of isobutyl thioboric- and diisobutyl thioboric acid as well as tri-n-butyl Card 1/2 X, S/082 Reaction of Tetra-n-butyl Mercapto Diborane With 6726PO/000/07/07/007 BC Unsaturated Compounds B015 B054 thioborate,are formed. The formation of the esters of dialkyl thioboric acids and of thioborate is explained by the fact that tetra-n-butyl mercapto diborane symmetrizes to thioborate and di-n-butyl mercapto di- borane, and the latter reacts with the olefins under formation of the corresponding esters of dialkyl thioborio acids. There are 3 Soviet' references; ASSOCIATION: I'nstitut organicheekoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR ~ (Institute of Organic ChemistU imeni= N. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences.. USSR) SUBMITTED: December 24, 1959 Card 2/2 86501 S/079/60/030/011/007/026 BOO1/BO66 AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B., M. ankna~~~ TITLE: Organoboron Compounds. LXII. Synthesis of Organoborosilicon Compounds PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obehohey khimii, 1F60, Vol. 30, Wo. 11, pp-3615-3619 TEXT: To obtain these compounds which contain boron and silicon on adjacent carbon atomet and to study their properties, the authors synthesized such compounds by means of real--lation of triisobutyl boron with vinyl derivatives of silicon. By heating a mixture of 1 mole of tri- isobutyl boron and 3 moles of vinyl-methyl-diethyl silane at 130-1400C for 6 hours, tri-(2-methyl-diethyl-ailyl-ethyl)-boron (I) resulted in a yield of 63%l 3CH2 =-- CHSiCH3(C2H5)2 + ('00-04 H9)3 B-_ 30 H).B ICH2CH2SiCH3(C2H5)213' . 4 8 Compound (I) reacts, like boron trialkyle (Ref $ smoothly with n-butyl mercaptane to give the n-butyl eater (II) of di- 2-methyl-diethyl-silyl- ethyl)-thioboric acid and methyl-triethyl silane' .Ester (II) reacts in Card 1/3 86501 Organoboron Compounds. LXII. Synthesis of S/07~/60/030/011/007/026 Organoborosilicon Compounds B001 Bo66 the cold with water, and yields di-(2-methyl-diethyl-silyl-ethyl)-boric acid (III), which can be distilled in vacuo contrary to dialky! boric acids. Methanol gives,,on action upon ester (II), not only the methyl ester IV expected, but also the dimethyl ester (V), The reaction of ester RI~ with n-butyl alcohol proceeds in a similar way. Contrary to what was expected the esters are not converted, on boiling with alcohols, to the esters of 2-methyl-dietliyl-silyl-ethvl-boric acid. Apparently, these esters are formed in that the complex compounds of esters with alcohols which result in the first stage do not only separate mercaptane to give the esters of di-(2-methyl-diethyl-silyl-ethyl)-boric acid, but are also split on the boron-carbon bond, with methyl-triethyl silane and mixed esters resulting. on excess alcohol, the latter are converted to the dimethyl esters (V) and dibutyl esters. When heating vinyl-methyl-diethoxy silane or vinyl-mothyl-dichloro silane with triiBobutyl boron, the compounds [CH 2CH2SiCH3(OC2H0213 B and ICH2CH2Si(CH 3)C'213 B, respectively, resulted.(25% yield). T. A. Shchegoleva is mentioned. There are 7 referencest 2 Soviet and ,I- L's. Card 2/3 865oi Organoboron Compounds. LXII. Synthesis of 5/079/60/030/011/007/026 Organoborosilicon Compounds B001/B066 ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences. USSR) SUBMITTED: December 26, 1959 -i97~-12 S/062/62/000/008/004/016 B117/B180 AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M., and Blokhinaj A. W. TITLE. Organoboron compounds. 103- Effect of diborane'on'alkyl- vinyl ethers PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izveatiya. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, no..8, 1962, 1373-1378 MAT: The reactions of diborane with ethyl-vinyl ether and with n-butyl- vinyl ether in diethyT ether were investigated between -700 and +20'C, v~th reagents in various proportions. In the first series of experiments with a -1 :6 ratio I at -70'00 s tri- (2-ethoxy-ethyl) borfne or tri- (2-n- butoxy-ethyl) borine were obtained. Both are thermolabile, clue to the electronegative alkoxy groups. When heated (-10 - +200C), the reaction mixture transformed into di-(2-alkoxy-ethyl) boric acid eater, with ethylene liberation. The'thermostable di-(2-alkoxy-ethyl) boric acid ethyl eater was isolated pure by vacuum distillation (77~- yield). By vaouum'distillation, di-(2-n-butoxy-othyl) boric acid n-butyl eater was V partly transformed (60%)*into 2-n-butoxy-othyl boric acid di-n-butyl eater Card. 1/3 S/062/62/000 /008/004/016 Organoboron compounds* 103# B117/B180 with elimination of ethylenel and partly into tri-n-butyl borate. The different thermostability of the esters was attributed to the different electronegativities of the ethyl and n-butyl groups. Diborane reaoted with both vinyl ethers at room temperature with ethylene liberation. Din-, tillation of the resulting products produced yields similar to iho reac- r tion at -700C. The second aerien of experiments wau carried out at -7090-' +200C, the ratio of the components being 1.2:6. Besides di-(2-ethoxy- ethyl) boric acid eth I ester, diborane and ethyl-vinyl ether also yieldfA etbyl-(.2-ethoxy-ethyl~ boric acid ethyl eater and small amounto of ethyl boric acid diethyl ester. Ethyl-(2-ethoxy-ethyl) boric acid'ethyl ester can be formed either via di-(2-ethoxY-ethyl) borane 6r ethyl-di(2-ethoxy.- ethyl) borine. Diborane and n-butyl-vinyl ether gave 2-n-butoky-eth~71 boric acid di-n-butyl eater As the main product '(43V,,)t with tri-n-butyl borate and small quaniiti 'as of ethyl boric acid di-n-butyl eater, Pyrolysis transformed.'ethyl-(2-ethoxv-ethyl) boric acid ethyl ester Into ethyl bori o Acid die~hV% tottr (i da~"POOO s k WON) s and dim 0~,OOQKY~QOYI) boric acid ethyl as ter into riethyl borate (170-1800C, 6 hrs). Pyrolysis of 2-n-butoxy-ethyl boric acid (ii-n-butyl eater (150 6C, 9 hrs) prodaces tri-n-butyl borate, while its saponification yields 2-n-butoxy-ethyl boric Card 2/3 S/062,V621000100810041016 Organoboron compounds. 103. B117/B180 aoid. Ah"001 Ali, I OH I1111iLl'WIL orlijklitolionkoy kbimii im. lie Do Zolinijkogo Akadamii rilvilt BUSH (Inatitute of Organio-Chamintry imani No Do Zolinakiy of tho Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: FebruarY 7t 1962 w Yl Card 3/~ Card:. 1/2 Y, KHAYLOV, B.M.; BfPKTIINAII,A..N,,.,;- POZDNEV, V.F. Hydroboration of n outyl ester of di-allylboroni( acid. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.-1:197-198 165. (14IRA !8:2) 2. Tnatitut orga-nicheskoy khWi im. N.D. Zellnskogo AN SSSR. ACCESSION NR: AT4oO8635 S/3039/63/000/000/0110/011'7----- AUTHOR: Demin, N. N.; Blokhtna, B. D. TITLE: Radiation damage of lipids In cellu~lar microstructures SOURCE: Pervichny*ye I nachallny*ye protsessy* blologicheskogo deystviya radiatsli. Moscow, 1963, 110-117 TOPIC TAGS: lipid damage, organella lipid, lipid metabolism, cytoplasm, hyalo- plasm, radiation injury, lipoprotein, cytoplasmic organella ABSTRACT: Rabbits were irradiated with Co-60 at a dose sufficient to kill the animals in 5-7 days and the effect of Irradiation on lipids organization was de. termined at 4, 24, and 72 hours by analysis of free, loosely and tightly bound lipid in various subcellular fractions of the*liver and small intestines. At 24 hours after irradiation, the liver and smali intestine showed an increase in total ]I- pids. However, In the hyaloplasm of the liver the tightly bound lipids were in- creased, and the free lipids were slightly decreased. Similarly, in mitochondria and microsomes there was a'considerable Increase in bound lipids, with an accumula- tion of loosely bound lipids. These changes were reversed at 72 hours, when the total lipid decreased In all the particulate fractions, with a concomitant decrease in the bound lipid fraction, and an increase In the free lipid content. In the cy- Lca.rd__ ACCESSION NR: AT4008635 toplasmic fraction, however, the decrease In tightly bound lipid reached'] 'evels be- low the controls, whereas the free lipids continued to increase to levels 30 times above controls. in the small intestine 2 to 24 hours after Irradiation the loose- ly and tightly bound lipids were increased in the mitochondrial, and decreased in the microsomal fraction. An Increase in tightly bound lipids was observed in the microsomal fraction at 72 hours after-irradiatlon. The Increase In total lipids observed in the hyaloplasm of mucous membrane cells after irradiation was accom- panied by a change in the ratio of the various Ilpid fractions, with a decrease in free lipid5, and an increase In tightly bound lipids. During a subsequent diSCU5- slon of the paper, the effects of radiation on lipid metabolism was discussed on the basis of a possible release of cortisone from the irradiated liver. orig. art. has: 5 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONt Akademlya Meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow (Academy of Medical Sciences) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 20Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM NO REF SOV: 003 qard 2/; OTHER: POI BLOKHINA, G-j- Phragmen-T.indelof-type theorems foz- a linear elliptic ejuation of the second order. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.4027-730 Je 16~. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submitted January 28, 1965. ~wl -Pil-4 ~1__JQPG -ATI H A(:MBS1OW;NR: AP5011826 UW0192/65/006/002/0227/0232 541.66 AMWR,. Batsanov, S. So; Blokbina, Go Te. Deribas, A, A. z 14 F-d. of explosions.Ien matter* Structural changes in boron nitride TrIU:, Effect n. SOURCE. Zhurnal str' uktu rno y~ --khiiiii" V, 6-,, no. 2, 2965, 227-2-32 1 TOPIC TAGSi boron n1tride-.n1iride crystal structure, crystal shock compression,i hezo3en ex;losioa, powdered nitride compression, electron polarizability, valence;' electron migration 7. i1_,_4__- oron'n tride~Ml 7cons, sti ngr.lpf -.VE imper ect~crystals and 'an amorphlus e ipi6~ivi:useid was A spectroscopic, and x mass# heqtogen.- -Re ractometric,, ray'difirac-tion anal es. 6f 66-~ product. showed that- the degree of- crystallinity _Y8._ - ncre 1 , eases vith the explosive force, no chemical change being observed. As a r sult of the action of the maximum explosive force, in addition to an ordering In the bulk of the substance, a small quantity of small, well-formed crystalsK (a few tenths of a millimeter long) appears having a refractive index of-E-5-t 0.01, a density of 2#55 :k O&U,s/Z_~3, a specific infrared spectrum and an x-ray W.=0V MAI jvrw~p. T. w, -W, -T- WbIlan I - R 5 F il d Ylyg.: GQ-rl, 0. group's 1* j'T aD px--r- -c%pl3, Wing UntrMte6 rnNefi.:IM.! fc~zuri!ug~dl ow-diur, ~,i cit5. of amilua mcje.~i !roni the zzlik"jimn. I-rj MI %ptj ww.v. 24 hT-1, W-pWilU aj4d tftU an3s un ccn,j~tir"I;s als.,Ipptnamd thL 2b-.e,)Cc of gluwsc in the nwdiuti~. Ifid vot srhen shic-Ot-t was Present; lvu-ine, prarcd cin!y hi the Vrfstna t-f glac-c-ic. Llaruq~ 'Us ucratimi of the inedium, Ynach greater utili?wl-i ~ par tic: ac~!. 81prall"k Icill. svlipf, Elytill'." jl.; tl.4~ kj! !,~wtvna studmj-'s USSR/Microbiology - General Microbiology F-I 'Abs-Jour: Ref . Zhur -Biol. I-No 18 ~ 1918) 81370 aminoacids:-differonces vere-observed depending on the bacterial species and cultivation condi- tions# For;examplet,-.threonine disappeared-in cultivation of-I.aratyphus and dysentery bacteria withoutzzglucose'i-but::~was preserved in,cultiva- -tion of typholdl-..fever~bacteria., Arginine.dis-' ~-:ap peered ~~,in,--.a..-~medium~~.-with:.glucose in.the growth of-Sonne and Grigorie Iv-Shiga dysentery.bac-teria but was not consumed in cultivating Flexner bacteria. Deep cultivation of bacteria with aeration brings about more rapid changes in the aminoacid composition of the medium correspond- ing to a more abundant growth (up to 30-50 bil- lion microbial bodies per ml). With submerged cultivation of all the tested bacteria the dis- appearance of aspartic acid and serine was observed.after 3-4 hours, glycinn and throonine Card 2/3 BLOKHINA, E. N. (USSR) "The Nucleotide Composition of DNA and Physiological Fe,.tures in Certain Gram-Negative Ba:.teria.11 Report presented at the 5th International Bioche-nist-r."r Congress, moscow, 10-16 August 1961 GORODISSKAYA, G.Ya., prof.j, doktor med. nauk, otv. red.; j_.,,.,red.,- GUSEVA, V.A., red.; DIKOVS IY, F.F.9 red.; _j SK ZIMINA, V.S., red.; LAZOVSKAYA, A.L., red.; PEROVA, R.S., red. [Biochemistry of microbes] Biokhimiia mikrobov; sbornik trudov. Gorlkii, .1964. 427 p. (Ml.',U -17:12) 1. Gorki. Gorlkovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. Ph-vB r!fd and f-r, qual - t; c- s materia-16 fc.- and ct.-.Mrlg. Strol'. J. 1 . l i 1--g- t-1 0. ~4 f3:1 c-, AUTHOR: None Given SOV-5-56-3-10/39 T..LiLE., Chronicle. Activities of the Geological Sections of the Moscow Naturalist Society, Petrographical Section (Khronika. 0 deyatellnosti geologicheskikh aektsiy Moskovskogo obshchest- va ispytateley prirody, Petrogruficheskaya sektsiya) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley prirodyg Otdel geologicheskiy, 1958, Nr 3, PP 135-137 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On 6 February 1958, at a meeting under the chairmanship of Ye.A. Kuznetsov (secretary T.L. Nikoltskaya), Ya.D. Shenkman lectured "Several Paleozoic Intrusions of Eastern Tuva". On February 13, 1958, Ye.A. Kuznetsov gave a review of for- eign literature pertaining to petrography. ~uesticns on the submitted themes were asked bys Ya.D. Shenkman, Ye.K. Markh- inin, and T.M. Dembo. A.M. Daminova lectured on the import- ance of the study of field spar in petrographical work. On February 20, a manual by Ye.A. Kuznetsov, entitled "Petro- grapby of Magmatic and Ihotamorphic Rocks", was discussed by .0 the following geologists: S.D. Chetverikov, V.I. Chernov, T.L. Nikollskaya, V.S. Koptev-Dvornikov and T.M4 Dembo. aa February 27 E.I. Tikhomirova, on behalf of coiiective authors L.I. Blokhina, V.K. Zaravyayeva, I.S. Krasivskaya, IMI.A. Pe- Card 1/3 i-r-ovaE.1. Tikhomirova, and Ye.B. Yakovieva, lectured on SOV-5-58-3-10/39 Ch'ronicle. Activities of the Geological Sections of the Moscow Naturalist Society, Petrographical Section 'IThe problem of Classification of Clastic Volcanogene and Tuffogone-Sedimentary Rocks". Questions pertaining this subject wore asked by the following geologlatsi S.K. Oni- kiyenko, Ye.K. Markhininj O.M. Kanfell, A.D. Rakeheyevt T.I. Frolovao A.M. Daminova, T.Ya. Goncharova, M.N. Shcher- bakova, Afonin, G.B. Rudnik. On March 6, 1958, Ye.K. Mar- khinin lectured on "The History of Volcanism on the Kunashir island"I which was discussed by; S.K. Onikiyenko, T.M. Dembol A.D. Rakcheyev, V.S. Koptev-Dvornikov, V.N. Pavlinov$ Ye.A. Kuzne""-sov. Ye.N. Odintsova, Doktorant of the Institut Biokhimii AN SSSR (Biochemical Institute AS USSR), drew at- tention to the fact that plants of this region had an ex- tremely high content of sugar. Following the suggestion made by T.M. Dembo to discuss the questlon of indexes of mountain rocks in geologic mapping at the VSEGEI, it was moved to delegate V.Ye. Gendler to take up this problem with MGRI, MITsMIZ and VAGT, On March 13, 1958, O.S. Pol- kvqrdelivered a lecture on "Petrographic Features of Multi- Card 2/3 Colored Devonian Massifs in the Betpak-Dala Desert". The SOV-5-58-3-J-0/39 ChPonicle. Activities of the Geological Sections of the Mosciw Naturalist Society, Petrographical Section following geologists participated at the discussion: M.A. Dmitriyev, A.D. Rakcheyev, Ye.K. Markhining V.I. Chernov$ A.M. Daminova, T.L. Nikollikayag V.Ye. Gendler, V.I. Che-"- nov, T.M. Dembot Ye.A. Kuzne1.9or and V.S. Koptev-Dvornikoy. On March 20, 1958, M.G. Lomize lectured on "New Data on Jurassic Voicanism of the North-Western Caucasus". Ques- tions pertaining to this report were asked by: Ye.B. Yakov- leva, Ye.Ye. Milanovskiy, A.D. Rakcheyev, V.S. Koptev-Dvor- nikov. On March 27, 1958, N.A. Sirin lectured or. "Recent Magmatism of the Urals". On the discussion that followed, questions were asked by the following geologistst T.L. Nikollskaya, A.D. Rakeheyev, V.N. Gavriloya, Ye.K. Markh' nin, and Ye.A. Kuznetsov. 1. Geology--USSR 2. Scientific personnel--Performance 3. Scientific reports--USSR Card 3/3 SOV-.5-50-3-16/39 AUTHORSs BlochiAq,_jj,_,_Zaravnyayeva, V.K., Kraaivskilya, i.S., Petroval M.A., Tikhomirovaj E.I., Yakovleva, Ye,B. TITLE: ~Questions of Classification of Volcanogen and Tuffogen Sedi- mentary Rocks (K voprosu o klassifikatsii oblomochnykh vul- kanogennykh i tufogenno-.osadochnykh porod) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley prirody, Otdel geologicheskiy, 1958, Nr 3, PP 145-146 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a resume of a lecture held on Feb 27, 1958. Experi- enc6 gained by studying the Paleozoic effusive layers of the Altayp in Kazakhstan and other regions has shown that none of the existing classifications for clastic volcanogen rocks (Vollf, Ventvors and Villyamsq Ye.T. Shatalov, Ye.F. Maleyev, N.I. Nakovnik and others) can be utilized completely. Ge- neral classification principles were examined in the lecture, In as much as the examined rocks were by origin intermediate products between effusive and sedimentary rocks, classifica- tion standards were based on the principles of classification of rocks of magmatic (chemical composition) and sedimentary Card 1/2 origin (size of fragmentary material). The authorssubdivided SOV-5-58-3-16/39 questions of Classif-ication of Volcanogen and Tuffogen Sedimentary Rocks fragmentary rocks into 3 groups according to the nature of the cements 1) rocks with lavatic cement; 2) rocks with pyroclastic cement; 3) rocks with tuffogenous -sedimentaxy cement. A short description of these groups together with a table is givens There is 1 table. 1. Geology--USSR 2. Geology--Study.and teaching 3. Rock--Classifi- cation Card 2/2 BIA)KHIIMA-&,X,4.MPTEV-D70RNIEDV. V.S.; WMIZI, M.G.; PETROVA, M.A.; TINHOMIROVA, B.I.; YROIDVA, T.I.; YAKOVIRVA, Ye.D. Clasdification and nomenclature of ancient volcanic elastic rocks. Sov. geol. 2 no,'5:73-80 Nr 159. (MIRA 12:8) lo'Nookovskiy gosuAarstvenW -~_niversitet ime MoVe Lomonosovae (Tolcanic ash, tuffe etc*-Classification) 68174 67 W10 SOV/20-129-6-43/69 AUTHORS: 'Chizhikov, D. M., Corresponding Member, AS USSR, Schastlivyy, V. P., B o TITLE: The Electromagnetic Properties and the Phase Diagram of the System FeO,-_ i0 2 - ZnO PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 6, PP 1353-1355 (US-SR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated melts with a SiO 2 content of 26-64,4, ZnO of 0-52%, and FeO of 4-76% photographically and construct- ed the phase diagram for this range of the system FeO - SiO 2 - ZnO (Fig 1). The diagram does not correspond to any real equilibrium, as a reaction between FeO and ZnO occurs, in which Zn evaporates and Fe 203 is separated. The diagram distinguishes between four ranges with phase equilibrium, which consist of fayalite, tridymite, willemiteg and magnetite, the optical data of which are given in table 2. In the investigated part of the phase diagram no ternary compounds of the type xFeO.ySiO 2* nZnO are found. For the determination of the growth rate of the in- dividual mineral phases the melts were heated to 1300, 1200, 0 0 Card 1/2 1000, 800, and 600 0, and quenched to 20 . Table 3 gives the I/ 68174 SOY/20-129-6-43/69 The Electromagnetic Properties and the Phase Diagram of the System FeO - SiO 2 - ZnO measured grain sizes of the mineral phases. Spe8ific electric conductivity was measured between 1450 and 1000 , and with a constant ratio SiO2/FeO - 0.9, an increase of conductivity with ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Carcl 2/2 an increase in the concentration of ZnO was foundo The change of conductivity has distinct singular points in the case of the occurrence of willemite and the vanishing of tridymite in the melt (Fig 2). All melts investigated were paramagnetic. Their magnetic susceptibility depends on the FeO content. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 2 Soviet references. Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of-Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) September 11, 1959 SHARKOV, A010 (Moskva).-, KIrLER, I.N. (Moskva); BLOKIIIIIA, L.I. (Moskva) Reduction of sodiwA oxide by graphite. Izv. AN SSSR. Metll--. I gor. delo ne.5879,43 S.-O 164. kMIRA :L891) INA,;- N',A,- Origin of tourmalinic granites at the watershed of the Maykhura and Tak-Archa Rivers. Dokl. All Tadth. SSR no. 20:9-13 157. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Institut geologii AN Tadshikokoy SSR. Predstavleno chlanom- korrespondentom AN Tadshikskay SSR R.B.Barsto (Gissar Range-Tourmaliner* BAPATOV, R.B.; BWXHINA, N.A. "mOv1*%4vAw- Mineralization in s1carn e,,eposits In the southern part of the Gissar Range. Trudy AN Tadzh. 'SR 77:135-254 '57. (MIRA 11:9) (Gisear Range-Hineralogy) -0 BWXMNA, N.A. Greisenization and miqeralization in the Maykhur skarn deposits. Izv. Otd. est. nauk AS Tadsh. SSR no.1:23-36 158. (MIRL 12:1) l'Inatitut geolegil. Al Tadshikskay SSR. (Gissar P44s-Mineralogy) AUTHORS: Baratoyp R.B.j Blokhina, Y, A. SOV/20-121-2-38/53 'TITLE: Some Characteristic Features of the Ore-Bearing Skarns of the Southern Slope of the Hissar Mountain Rid~r-D (South Tyant- Shan') (Nekotoryye osobennosti rudonoanykh skarnov yuzhnogo sklona Gissarskogo khrobta /Yuzhnyy Tyant-Shanl/) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akad"ii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 121, Nr 2, pp. 335 338 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This slope including the Karateginakiy chain is characterizedby a far-reaching development -of skarns in various mineralizations. The scientists have hitherto mainly investigated the geological conditions of the formation of scheelite skarns (Refs 1,3,5,7, 8,11-14,16). In the present article data are given concerning the ore-bearing skarns in general as well as their genetic connection with the intrusions. Sedimdntary and metamorphous rocks of the Paleozoic participate in the geological structure of the area mentioned, as well as Meso-Cenozoic sediments. A great part of the area is taken by the products of the Upper- Paleozoic magmatic activity, with granitoid rocks highly Gard 1/3 predominating. The intrusive rocks are divided into a 1.- SOV/20-121-2-38/53 Some Characteristic Features of the Ore-Bearing Skarns of the Southern Slope of the Hissar Mountain Ridge (South Tyant-Shant) Middle Carboniferoun, 2.-Upper Carboniferous, and 3.- Con- ditionally Permian complex. The tectonio structure is con- plioated and is dependent on the Varis6ian (Yarieskaya) and alpine (Wpiyskaya) folding. The former was accompanied by an intenaive.magmatio activity. In the last years about 100 skarn deposits and sections were found in this area. A great part is bound to the contact of Paleozoio sediments with small granodiorite intrusionso or to quartz diorite, respectively. Mai"nly pure limestones, and to a smaller degree dolomitized limestones were subjected to the skarn process. The dimensions of the skarns differ between several dozens of meters to some dozens centimeters in thickness and 500 - 1000 m length. They mostly have a zonal structure. The mineralization is connected with the so-called contact-near leaching-out (prikontaktOTOYO Yyshchelachivaniye) (according to D. S. Korzhinskiy, Ref 10). It took place under the influence of aoidous post-magmatic solutions. The following mineralizations are connected with the skarns of this area: magnetite, tungsten, tin, arsenic, poly- metals, cobalt and manganese. Also skarns without ore minerals Card 2/3 occur (Table 1). Thare are 1 table and 16 references, 16 of SOV/20-121-2-38/50x Some Characteristic Features of the Ore-Bearing Skarns of the Southern Slope of the Hisser Mountain Ridge (South Tyant-Shan') which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologii Akademii nauk TadzhSSR (Institute of Geology) AS TadziSSR) PRESENTED: November 12, 1957, by D. I. ShcherbakOTI Memberp Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: November 10, 1957 Card 3/3 BLOXHINA, N.A. Some characteristicE of the paragenetic assooiations of okarns, iron oxides, and sulfides in the Maykhura skarn deposit. Trudy AN Tadzh.SSR 104 no-1:55-59 159. (MRA 15:4) I* Inatitut geologii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR.. (Tajikistan--Mimra:Logy) N.A. - I WMI'Kh Phenomena of the assimilation, granitization,, and greisen formation in the Maykhura granitoid massif. Trudy Inat,geol.An Tad2h.SSR 61 42-69 162. (Gissar Range-Petrology) (KMA 160) Bl-~~~' - -- Ah4 Gr,7~:sen fc-mation in the Maykhura deposit. Trudy !not, geol. All I Ta--z'h. SSE 8:89-117 164. " Ma RA 17: 11) EWICIM , N. B * Blokhina, N. B. "Methods of Using polychrome cermics in Russian architecture in the second half of the 17th cen- tury." Moscow Architectural Inst. Chair of the History of Art, Architecture, and Urban Qnstruction, Hoscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Architectural Science) SO: Knizhnaya letopis'; No. 27, 1956. Moscow. Pages 94-109; 111. 0 SMIR-NOV, V.P., inzh:,.-,red.; WjWj%jI_, LL_, kand. arkh., red.; VIKHROVA) LA., arkh.p red.; KLIMOVA$ G.D., red.izd-va; NALUOVA, G.D., tekhn. red. [Construction specifications and regulations] StroitelInye norrw i pravila. Moskva, Goastroiizdat. Pt.2. Sec.L. cb.3. [Specifications for the design of nurseries and kindergartW) Detskie iasli-sadyj normy proektirovaniia ,MiP II-L. 3-62)~ 1962. 11 p. (HIRA 16-12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitellstva. 2. GoaudarstyeMy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po de2am stroitellstva (for Smimov). 3. Nauchno- isslodovatqllskiy institut obehcheatvennykh zdaniy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SM (for Blokhinay Vikhrova). (Kindergartens) (Day nurseries) Use of 5-fluorouracil In olinical Iraatment of malignant tumors. u (MI, Vest. AM SSSR 19 no.llt62-66 164. ,A 180) L- Inatitut eksperitentallnoy I klinicheakoy onkologii AMN SSSR, Moskva. do BLOKHINA. N.G.: BYCHKOV, M.B.; STARICHKOV, M.S. Results of combined treatment of patients with lun,-- cancer; 5-fluorouracil and X-ray therapy. Med. rad. 10 no.5:13-17 My 165. (MM lSiO 1. Khimioterapevticheskoye (zav.- doktor med. nauk V.I. Astrakhan) i 1-ye khirurgicheskoye (zav, doktor med. nauk B.Ye. Pet-erson" j otdeleniya i rentgeno-radiologicheskiy Wel (zav, prof. I.L. Tager) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologli AMN SSSR, Moskva. PIROGOV, Ael.- NOMINA N.(I. ladirations for pirtial. resections in lung cancrar. Vop. onk. rio. 50-14 165. 18:8) 1. Iz tural-allnoy kl-iniki (zav. - doktDr ined.nauk, P.Ya*.Peterson) i Idinicheskoy onkolog.i AMI Z~'SSR (dir. - deyotvitel'r cha,~n AMIN SSSR prof. N.N.Blckbin). BLOKHIINA, 0. 1. Akulov, N. --., Blokhina, 0. 1., Bol'shova, K. M , and Chernova,~-. P. Investieation of the constant of the anistropy of energy in triple alloys of the system Ni-Cu-Mo. P 835 The c-an5tant of anistropy for the triple system Ni-Cu-Mo changes as the amount of copper and molybdenum are increazed. Scientific Research Inst. of Fhysics. Moscow State UnIversity July 7, 1940 SO: Journal of Technical Fhysics, (USSR.) 19, No. 8, (1949) 00 elb U Is 11 10 a i ir i, i ii 'i ir ali mg it au 4 * 0 * oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 a WO-0 V o"s 0 0 a 0 0 0 lb a a 0 0-0-0 0 0 F"K54,14* AM PAVLOV, M.S.I-DRIEMO~ G.V.1 BABAKHIN, N.Ya.;RLOPINA; T.F.; GRISHINA, A.T.; SOICOLISKIYp I*F,, red.; PEFUSO.-M.N., tokhn-.--r&ry TOKER, A.M.. telilm, -red, (Workbench of a radio servioeman] Raboobee mesto aborshchika i montaftiika radioapparaUiry. Moskva, Vees. uchabno-pedagog. izd- vo Proftekhizdat) 1961, 210 pe (MIRA 14:n) 1. Normativno-issledovatellskiy otdol TSentrallnogo tokbnologiche skogo bywo (for Pavlov, Demeshkop Babakhinj Blokbima, Grishina). (Radio industry)