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-BILZHITICE, P., Aushener. Wor ~ngs andards for machine operators. ;Stroitall 2 no-3;20-21 Mr '56. (MU 9:12) (Production standards) (~agss) SULTANOV, G.I.; ZARLBZLOV. N.A.; KUZNETSOVA, K.K.; BUZHIVICH, P.V.,; PZVZM, A.B., zar. red.ita-va; "'0=O" I" K re d. [Uniform time and pay standards for construction& assembly. and repair operations in 19601 3dinye normv i rastsenki na stroi- tellnys, montaxhaye i remontuo-stroitellnya raboty. 1960 g. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialan. Sbornik 5. [Making and assembling steel construction elements] Montash i izgotoylenia stalinykh konstruktail. No.4. (Assembling %Wldmd cylindrical tanks and gosholders] N6ntazh tailindriohookikh svarnykh resermarov t gasgoliderov. 1960. 23 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitat po delam stroitel'stva. 2. TSentrallnoye normativno-inaledovatellskoye bymro Kinisteretva stroitel'stra RWSR (for Saltenov, Zarabelov, Kusuetsova). (Gasholders) (tanks) Naps) MMIYANOT, A.P.; LNTIN, A.A,; DLAZ MVICH, P#V.j otvored.; PZVZM, A.B., TAMINA, [Uniform time and paystandards for construction, assembly. and repbir operations in 1960] Idinyo normy i rasteenki us stroi- tollays , montashk" i remontno-stroitellnys raboty, 1960 go Noakra, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po strolt., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. Sbornlk 24. [Hoisting operations] Takelashuys raboty. 1960. 46 p. (MIU 13:6) 1, Basels, (19Z3- Gosudarstvannyy komitat po delem stroitelletva. 2. Norsativno-iseledovatel'sItaya stantsiya No-13 (NIS-1.3) Miniatsistva stroitel'stva RSM (for Yemallyanov). 3, TSentrallnoys normativno-iseledoTateliskoys byaro Xinisterstva stroitalletva RSM (for Levin). (wages) (Hoisting machinery) -BORISHCHEY, r4V.; 7MTS. D.V.; NAZEqFqCH,-r.T,j-_PXrZWM, AeS., zav. rodaktsiyey izd-va: OSIM. L.Kis-takhAereds (Uniform time and pay standards for constractionj assemblys and repair operations in 19601 Idin" normy i rastsenki us stroi- telloye, montashays i remontuo-atroitallup raboty, 1960 g, Koskya, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materia- lam. Sbornik 5. [Making and assembling steel construction elements) Montash i isgotovlenie stalInykh konstruktaii. No.5. [Kaking steel construction elemental Isgotovlenie stroitellnykh stallnykh konstraktoils 196o.' 54 p. (mia 13:6) 1. Rusaia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitet po delam stroitalletva. 2, lormativno-isaledovatellakeya stantaiya No.5 (NIS-5) Kinisterstya stroitellatva RSFSR (for Borishchev, Yemets). (Steel, Structural) (wages) BOGOSLOVSKIY, A.X.; X&SHINSKIY. D.Ke; AQUSHIV, YU..F.;'HLV,1M-TICH, P-V-,; PZVZM, A.B,,; OSM=j L.X,,, tA5-.-rid-. [Uniform time and pay standards for construction, assembly. and repair operations in 19601 Minya normy i rastsenki a& stroi- telinys, montashnya i remontuo-stroitelinys raboty, 1960 g. Xoskwa, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. SboruLk 22. [Welding] 5varochuys raboty. 1960. 79 P. (KiRa 13:6) 1. Phissia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitat po delam stroi- tel'stva. 2. Normativno-iseledovatellikaya stantsiya NP.3 (NIFP-5) Kinisterstva stroitallstva RSFSR (for Dogoolovskiy). 3. TSentrall- naya normativno-iseledovateltakaya stantsiya po stroitel'stvu magistrallnykh traboprovodov Glavgaza WSR OTaNIMtroygaz" (for Hashinskly)..4. TSentrallnoye normativno*-ionledovatellskoys byuro Kinisteratva stroitel'stva slaktrostantsiy (for Igashev). (Wages) (Bleotrio welding) (Gas welding and cutting) ABRAMOV, V.S*; NA;P__TjC_Hj.V.,; PVZM, A.S., saveduyashchiy red',izd-va; [Uniform time standards for constraction, assembly. and repair operations in 19601 Adinya normy I rastsenki na stroi- tolinys.-montashnya i remontuo-stroitellhya raboty, 1960 g. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po stroite, arkhit. i stroit.materia- lame Sbornik 14- Ewell boring for water] Burenis skvazhin na vodu. 1960. 185 P. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Rnssia (1923- U~S.S.-R.) Gosudarst"nnyy komitst po delam stroi- talletva. 2. Normativno-issledovatel'skaya stantaiya (NIS) Ki- nisterstva -el~skogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Abramov). I'll (Wages) (Boring machinery) (wells) BLAZHEVICH, S. Art - Study and Teaching "Our composition classes" Klub, no. 5, 1952 BIAZHEVICH,, S. I-,. - ~ ~.- Z Toward a better utilization of the production and technical base. Avt. transp. 43 no.2:1-3 F 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravleniya po organizataii tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivaniya i remonta mashin i mekhanizmov Ministerstva avto- mobillnogo transporta i shosseynykh dorog RSFSR. 15-57-1-859 Translation from., Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 135 (USSR) AUTHORS: Loginov, B. G., Blazhevich, V. A., Malyshev, L. G. TITLE Experiment on the Industrial Testing of Hydrofract Operations for.the Bashneft' (Association,of the Bashkir Petroleum Industry) (Opyt promyshlennykh ispytaniy gidravlicheskogo razryva porod plasta na promyslakh obl'yedineniya Bashheftl) PERIODICAL: V sb: Metody uvelicheniya nefteotdachi plastov. Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1955, pp 44-65. ABSTRACT: The principal purpose of laboratory experiments in the Ufa Petroleum Scientific -Research Institute was the development of methods for obtaining different fluids for hydrofract operations and the study of their properties. The following fluids are recommended: 1) Devonian oil, with a viscosity of 8 to 10 centi- poises, for wells in low-permeability sandstones; Card 1/3 2) oil from coal-bearing beds, with a viscosity of 20 15-57-1-859 11*Experiment on the Industrial Testing of Hydrofract (Cont.) to 55 centipoises, for sandstones with somewhat higher permeability; 3),mixtures of thes *e oils with viscous-'Illskaya oil (B and 10 to 2300 centipoises),-which may be used for high-permeability rocks; 4) kerosene-acid emulsion, for fracturing sandy and carbonate petroliferous beds (with greater success in the sandy rocks if they are carbonatic); 5) viscous solutions of hydrochloric acid in sulfite-alcohol waste, for fracturing carbonates or rocks strongly altered to carbonates; and 6) thickened oil and petroleum fuels (kerosene, diesel, etc.). The authors examine the possibility of hydrofract operations of aquifers during extraction from pressure wells.(water, sulfite-aloohol waste, thickened hydrochloric acid or a vis'dous solution of this in sulfite-alcohol waste, and hydrophilic emulsions). Experiments on these hydrofract processes on the basis of theoretical mechanics did not giv'e positive results. Theriefore, to establish a firm foundation for the technology of the process, industrial experiments were carried out, A principal problem was the determination of the pressure for fracturing beds at different depths. The industrial testing of the hydrofract operations in pressure irells is'described in detail. The experiments were carried Card 2/3 15-57-1-859 Experiment on the Industrial Testing of Hydrofract (Cont.) to completion in twelve wells. Before hydrofract operations, despite extensive efforts to secure production, almost all the wells would absorb no water. After the hydrofract operations, the .receptivity was sharply increased* 'Thb -authors'believe that ~thel. use-.Of,exttemely viscous fluids leads only to excessive pressures at the collar, which cannot be transferred to the bottom of the well because of huge losses in pressure due to friction on pumping the viscous fluids. Card 3/3 V. B. 0. IOGINDV, B.G.; BIAZEEVICH, V.A.; MALTSHW, L.G. Result of commercial trials of hydraulic fracturing of sands in pressure wells in Bashkiria* Neft.khos. 33 no-2:31-38 7 155; (MLU 8:4) (Bashkiria-Pairoleum engineering) ul rnillnsl beds ci%merliDd by -11 R YA built. IMI It LOGINOV. B.G - jdjQM,,,- Yaotors determizing tho puccossful oJectlox of sand 1m flasures In the case of hydraulic frazturing of oil nands. Neft.khoz-34 no.8: 24-28 Ag '56. (Patrols= engineering) (Kw 9:10) soy/1514 off XaWITATXOK~ Loginov, Doris Goorglyevich', and Valentin Aleksandrovich Blashovich Gidrarlicheakly razryv plasta; opytneftyanikoy Bashkirskoy ASSR (Hydrwilic Ynatur0g; Practices of Petroleum Workers of the Bashkir ASSR) Moscow, Gostoptakhizdat, 1958o 138 po 2,,500 copies printed. Executive Ed*: Yee As Petrov 0, Teche' ZA#: Io Go Fedotova, PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for petroleum engineers and tedmicians, personnel of field premsum regulating units, as-well as laboratory and scion- tific research i*titute workers,., COVZUM: The booklet describes the results obtained by the Ufa Scientific Rose" Institute in investigating, the . PrOlertiOs and OMPONItion of working fluids for bydrofracturings It discuses Its wMevements in the technology of fmt=Ing operations and the Practical results obtained In applying contour flooding to Devonian petrolifercus strata In. the BashkirskWa AM through irgat wails,. Tlksre am 41 diegramLs and 31 tables* Laboratory workers of UfNII - Ye. B. Vereshchagina., A.D. Rabinovich., AoS. Glezer, T.I. Berezina, A.M. Shwqsldm, N.S. Brichidn, car,& l/ 4 Hydraulic Fracturing; (Cont.) sov/1514. S*M* Ubkonor and N*So Zelenchuk., vho carrIed on imporUmt work -14 -the diromw tion of the authors and senior a3gineer LoG. Nalysheve - an thanked, for their contributions* AoMo ZhdanoYp A*K* KrqUOVj, U*M- Beykovp NoL. Rcetanows., L.I, Orlor and V.T* Norozova are mentioned an baying contributed to the success of tests made at the oilfields. There axe 15 references of vhich 13 a" Soviet and 2 English. TANIX Or C Forword 3 Ch. I.. Historical Outline of the Develolment of the E~jdraullc Practurlug Method 3 Ch. I:E. Buie Principles in Planning a 74chnologLeally Feasible Process 13 Technical planning for hydrofracturing operations 16 Ch. In. General Characteristics of Working Fluids no fracturing fluid Suspended-sand carrier fluid Pressurized fluid Cho IV9 Water-base korking Fluids for Hydrofracturing Water C ard 2A 20 20 23 23 24 Hydraulic .Facturing; (000.) sov/1514 SWShite-alcohol residual IlquLor and its water solutions 25 Viscons bydrochloric acid 36 Hydrophilic emulsimm (oil in vater) 46 Cho Ve - Oil-bass Working Pluids for Rydrofracturing 54 Viscous .oil derivatives 54 Raw- degissed oil 56 Oil-mazut mixtures 59 Kerosene-acid emulsion 62 Acid-bydrocai~bm emulsions based an different petroleum mixtures 70 Acid-oil bydropho*c anasion, 72 Water~.oil bydrq*dbI7c OKMUIon 83 Preparing emulsions at.the site of the hydrofracturing operation 84 Cho VIo Laborstor7 Control and StWW of the Properties of Working Fluids USed in 4drofra'atUring 88 Cho V4o, Hydrofracturing in Injection Wells 90 Card;3/4 Hydraulic Fractux-irzg; (Cont.) sov/1514 Cho VIII. Hydrofrecturing in-the Devonian RorizoA Oil Wells of the Bashkiriya Oilfields 99 Ch. IX. Hydrofracturing Operations in WoUs and Assedbling I quiviment 121 Industrial 6valuation tests 121 Pre]-tainary and closing procedure 122 Arrangewnt plan for the -equilment in hydrofracturing operations 124 Ch* X, Conclusions 128 Supplement 1 132 Supplement 2 134 Smaw,lemmmt 3 136 Bibliograpby 139 AVAILABLE: Library of Coagress Card 4/4 M/Pw 5-1-59 ABDUTAN, Puat Salikhlyanovich; BLAZHEV;gJL'J*IeAtin, AlekeazxdrovioI34a-- KUELATIYJff, V.H., red.; - OVA, S.M., vedushchiy red.; IPJDOTOVA, I.G., tekhn.rad. [Exploitation of injection wells] Oevoenie nagnetatelInykh skvashin. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry, 1959. 146 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Oil fields-Production methods) RWHVICH V.A. Foliation of rocks in hydraulic fracturing and water linjection in the Tuymazy field. Neft.khoz- 38 no.5:39-4) Mv 60. (MIRA 13:8) (Tuymaky region--Secondary recovery of oil) NAO~~~~~cvloh-, KAYBSHKOTA, S.M., red.; FJ=UTA, I*Go$ tAkhn.,rado, [Practical guide to hydraulic breaking of ore beds] PrsktI6hsskos.rukovodstvo po gidraylichesko= razryvu pleats. * G 0 Moskva os chno-takhn. ixd-vo neft i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry: 1961,7134 pe ' (MIRA 14:5) (Hydraulic idning) IMANAYEVI, N.G.; GOMBAER, B.Ya.; KRAVC101KO, I.1.;,,aAZ11EV1C1J, NJ.; . MARKOV, V.F.; SATTAROV, M.M.,- GILIIJUA115HIN, I.G.; ASHIROV) N.B.; BOBEELYUK, V.P.; ROMANYUK, F T 4. Comments on the article 1~y M.L. Surfuchov "Kxclusion of reservoir waters", Neft.khoz.p No.11, 1962. Neft.1,hoz. 41 ro.8.38-57 Ag 163. Present status of and prospects for the construction cf steel tanks in the U.S.S.R. Ibid.%58-62 Neftenromyslovoye upravlenive Ttwmazaneft' (for Im. nw-zw, Gombiner). 2. Tffimskiy neftyaroy nauchno-J.vsledovatealskiy instit- * (for Kravchenko, Blazlie-Ach). 3. Neftepronkyslovoye up-avliniya Chernororneft' (for Markov). 4. Neftepromyslovoye upravleniye Arlanneft' (for Sattarov, Gillmanshin). 5. Gosudar- stvenr,yy institut po proyektirovanivu i issledovatel t skim rabotam neftedoby-vayushchey prozkyshlennosti vostochnvkh rayonov strany (for Ashirov). 6. Vsesoyuznyy nefteRa"o%-jV nauchno- issledovatellskiv institut (for Bobelyuk., Romanya). (MIRA 17:10) BLAZHEVIGH, V.A.; UMRIKHINA, Ye.N.; MAKHMUMV, K.R. Use of FR-12 synthetic resin for exclusion operations ih oil wells. Nefteprom.- delo no.10:24-27 163. (MMA 17:6) 1. Ufimakiy neftyanoy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut. -BLAZ-HEVICHI Vj..; GLAZKOV, A.A. Investigating the nature of fluid motion in a producing bed. Nefteprom.delo no.2:3-12 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut. UMRIKHINA,, Ye.N.; BIAZHEVIP~,.V.A.; STALINOVA, M.A.; RAYEVSKAYA, V.I.; BRODSKIYJ, G.S.; RABINOVICH, A.B. Use of plastics in the sealing off of the flow of stratial, waters in oil wells. Plast. massy no.8:36-40 164. (MIRA 17:12) 00 f ACCESSION KR: AT4016867 8/2531/63/000/143/000/0013 G. AUT11OR: Fyaty*gina$ K. V.;Yedorova, R. A.; Dla~h TITLE: Preliminary results oi testing an a'goostrophic method for precomputing the fields of wind, temperature and vertical currents, SOURCE: Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya. observatoriya. Trudy*, no. 143,1963:":: -Voprosy* chislennogo prognoza i struktura meteorologicheskikh poley (Problems in numerical forecasting and structure of meteorological TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, wind, air temperature, atmospheric vertical currents, ageostrophic model, atmospheric pressurefield, baroclinic model. ABSTRACT: A report has been published giving the preliminary results of testing-: the method for precomputing the fields of wind, temperature and vertical currents in the atmosphere, using an ageostrophic model, originally proposed by Pyatygina (Trudy dGO, No. 121, 1961). Computations were made with a BMI-II computer, The initial data were the components of the geostrophic wind and temperature at 263 points on a European grid. Only three precomputatione have thus far been made for 12- and 24-hour periods.. The synoptic situation for the three cases is dea- cribed. The precomputed and actual values for the wind field were compared for Card 0 ACCESSION ML: AT4016867 'the 97 inner points of the grid. The method for evaluating statistical errors IS discussed. In the prodiction,of the wind field for 12 hours in advance the results were satisfactory for the 850- and 500-mb levels, with somewhat less error for the lower level. Errors are less than when the inertia method is used, particularly for the 850-mb level. The time interval used was 2 hours. This interval was unsatisfactory for a 24-hour prediction of the wind and tem- perature fields. Reduction of the interval to 1 hour for the four levels analyzed yielded satisfactory results for the 24-hour forecast for the 850- and 500-mb levels, but considerab.le error remained for the 300- and 200-mb levels; errors were prominent in the region of jet streams. Fig. 1 in Enclosure shows an example of the temperature forecast. The temperature field was computed on the basis of vertical velocities, which were precomputed successfully. Tempera-, ture prediction is more accurate than wind field prediction. Orig. art. has: 1 f igure, 2fvmulas, 9 tables. ASSOCIATION: Glavnaya geofisicheskaya obsiervatoriyajMain Geophysical O"er- vatory) Ccrd 2/~ Translation from: Referativny zhurnall Geologiyaj 1957, Nr 5, p 122 (USSRT AUTHOR: Blazhevichyus, K. A. TITLE: Investigation of the Menchyayskiye Limestones and Klovaynyayskiye Dolomites as Natural Building Stones (Issledovaniye menchyayskikh izvestnyakov i klovaynyay- skikh dolomitov kak yestestvennykh stroitellnykh kamney) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Techhical Sciences, presented to the Lit. s.-kh. akad. (Lithuanian Agricultural Academy), Kaunas, 1956 ASSOCIATION: Lit. s.-kh. akad. (Lithuanian Agricultural Academy) Card 1/1 BLAZHEVI inzhener (Kaunas) ! LUMd 0. K - , lqv-tpment for forced wat*r saturation. Strol. mat. 2 no.11: 34 N 156. (WRA 10.12) (Building mterials-Testing) Z- A~ TETYUREV, V.A.'-kJkv1-&t biologichaskikh nauk~ BLAZH1JVSKIY,_AJ., aspirant. "Object lessom; secondary courvel [in 7rench) by Marcel Orieux. Biol.T shkole no.2:69-71 Mr-Ap 10. (MLU 10:5) 1.Moskovskiy gosudaretvewW pedILgogichookiy institut imeni V.I. Lenins.. (Nature study) BLAZHEVSKIY, V. K., Cand Agr Sci -- (diss)"Effect of the area of feed- ing on the growth, development, and,harvest of corn under the conditions of the Vinnitskaya oblast'." Kiev, 1960. 22 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences); 200 copies price not given; (KL, 22-60, 141) KAVUN, VasiUy Mikhaylovich. Prinimali uchastiyer BABSKIY, I.I.; BOROVSKIY, V.A.; VITKOVSKIY, M.P.; ZIMVETS,, V.N.; SEPEDENKO, B.N.; PITULIKO, V.Ye.; CHEPURNOV, I.A.; BLAZHEVSKIY .; YAROPUDI V.N.; RYBAKI V.N.; KUZIK, G.I.; MORD'OUNTs, G.V.; IVANOVO A.N., red.; EELOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. [Efficient farm management) Ratsionallnoo vedenis khozi&iBtva. Moskva, Sellkhosisdat, 1963. 205 P. (MIRA 16:4) l.Ukrainskly nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki i organizataii sel'skogo khozIyaystva. (for Babskiy, Borovski$-, Vitkovskiy, Zimovets, Seredenko, Pitullko, Chepurn6*). 2..Viftitskaya-gobudarstvennaya sellskokhoayaystvennaya o~yt_ .naya stantsiya (for Blazhevskiy, Yaropud).-3. Ukrainakiy nauchno-issledovatailakiy institut zemledeUya (for Fqbak). /+. Sekretarl partiynoy organizatsil. kolkhoza imwd XXII s"yezda Kommunistichaskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Kuzik). 5. Glavnyy agronom kolkhoza imeni XXII 9"yezda Kommunistiche- Bkoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Zadnepryanate). (Collective farms-Management) SPIRICHgVp V.B.1 MEYWOX~ DIYACHXOVt L,V,; BLAZHEYEVICH, N.V. Iffoot of componeatary hyperfuntition and hypertropby of the heart on tht oontent of vitamins Bj# % and B in tho myourdium and liver in rabbits* Vopo mad, khimo 11 h0#204-59 Mr-AP 165,, fuTUA latio) I& Gosudarstvennyy nauohno-icaladovatbliakly iAstitul vitamin"*t Riniaterstva, bdrayookhranenlya SSSR i Tnetitut normallno., A. patologioheakoy fitiologii AMN SSSR, Moskva& ~Genex,-al 'Special Zoology. Insects Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biole) No 6, 1958j, No 25709 Author TQa%he=vskiV F. lust Not Given I Title Carrion Beetles in the Yew Tree Reservation in Wierzchlas. (zhuki-mert,voyddy v tissovom zapovednike Wierzehlas) Orig Pub Zeska, nauk, Unive Toruniu, 1956: No 1. 63-90 Abstract Carrion beetles of 65 species from 17 families were cau&it with a variety of bait. The yearly fluctuation in the number of beetles on the reservation and the adjacent region and the species distribution depending upon ecologic condi- tions were investigated (charts, tables and diagrams xere appended.). Card 1/1 KAVUN, Vasiliy Mikhav-lovich;-,BIAZHEVSKIY, V~~~ Pay-iobi kand. sell- khoz, nauk; ANTONOVAy M.N., rei.; PROKOFIYEVA, L.N., teldm. red. [Our experience in growing buckwheatl Nash opyt vyrasbchivaniia gre- chikhJ. Moskvaj, Izd-vo oellkhoz. lit-ryp zhurnalov i plakatavy 196:19 31 PO (MIRA 34:22) 1. Predsedatell kbolkhoza ineni Stalina Bershadskogo rayona (for Kavun). (Buckwheat) cu i or Odcsorl Agria. E., T, L r, U. B i5 57 BIAZHEVSKIY V..K-p-kand. seltskokhoz. nauk For a seasonable sowing. Zemledelie 26 no.8:53-55 Ag 164. (Km 17:11) 1. Vinnitskaya gosudarstvennaya sel'skokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya. BLAZHEVSKIY Ye V dvazhdy Geroy Sotsialisticheakogo Truda; VQVCHENKO, I!v.,. 'd. sellkhoz. nauk,.am&-1-...agronom Ukr.SSR, VORDBIYEV, Nlye., at. nauchn. sotr.; GESHELE, R.E., doktor biol. naul~fr prof.,- ZUBRITSKIY, ~.A., agrowm;..KISELIGOF, Z.S., inzh., zaal. mekhanizator sellskogo-kboio Ukr.SSR; KLTUCHKO, P.F., kand. selvkhoz. nauk; KORCHAGIN,,.A.Ye.; LEEEDEV, Te.M., at. nauchn. sotr.; NASYPAYXO, sellkhoz.nauk; PIKA G.P., kand. sollkhoz.na4; MACHO VA, doktor sellkhoz. nauk, prof.; SPIVAK, I.I., sootekhnik; TFICHENKO, L.V., kand. sellkhos. nauk; FEDULAYEV A.A., agronom; YAKOVENKO, V.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; KITiiP,, I.A., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; MUSITKO2 A.S., akademik, red.; VINNITSKIT, S.F.$ red.; MOLCHANOVA, T.N., tekhn. red. [For high corn yields] Za bol4au kukuruzu. (By] E.V. Blazhevskii i dr. Odessa, Odesb1f6a knizbnoe izd-,vo, 1962. 173 P. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Zventyev&y kolkhoza'im. Gor kogo Kotovskogo rayona na Odesshchine (for Blazhevskiy). 2. GlamVy agronom sovkhoza "Bassarabskiy" (for Korchagin). 3. Ukraiftakaya akadikmiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Mdaiyko). (Ukraine--Corn (YAi56)) BLAZHEVSKIYII Ye.V.J. dvazhdy Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda, zven.1yevoy [Corn]O kukuraze...Kishinevi Partiinoe izd-vo TsK KP Moldavii, 1962. 67 p. (MIRA, 16:2) 1. Kolkhoz imeni Gortkogo Kotovskogo rayona Odesskoy oblasti (for Blazhevskiy). (Corn (Maisse)) 1. BIAZHTS A.S. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Sheep Breeds. 7. One method for improving the Kulbyshev sheep breed. Sots.zhiv. 14 no. 12, 1952. 9. HonthlX List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953. unclass. Wizi), , 1,-5 USSR /-Farm Animals. Small Horned Stock. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54786. Author :_Dj&zhja4 AL S,_ Inst :Not given. Title :The Lithuanian Black Head Bread of Sheep. Orig Pub: Ovtsevodstvo, 1957, No 10, 12-16. Q-3 Abstract: The Lithuanian Black Head breed is of the meat type of early maturity, It was obtained by crossing ooarse-wool sheep (the North Short- tailed) with rams of the Black Head and Shrop- shire breeds. The fleece wool has a staple structure, is of white color, and the color of the hair on the head and feet varies from bright brown to black. The average live weight of ewes is 54.3 kg. (38-99), of rams 79.3 kg. (58-117); the wool yield is 3 and 4.6 kg;, respectively; wool length is 9 and 9.7 cm., respectively. Card 1/2 40 USSR / Farm Animalsi Small Horned Stock. Q-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhftr-Bioll, No 12, 1956, 54786. Abstract: Fiber thickness of wool is 50-58 grade, the out- put of pure wool is'5647%. The wool is uniform and semi-fine. The slaughter weight of cas- trates aged one year is 53-60%. The average daily weight increase of lambs from birth to weaning is 200-300 and even 390 g. The draw- backs of the breed are: narrowness of the chest, sagging of the rump, and certain dryness of the wool. Card 2/2 - - -A BLAMISP B.I.., inzh. (Blasys, B.] (Emma) A now formia for the bydraulic caloulation of t:Ue drainap pipes. Gidr.i melo U nojs29-32 Yx $62. (MJM 3.5.-,J) ~D~a-inue) (pipe, may) 000, "mu"t jp(c) TIO"Im, ACCERSSION M: NT50094)~O UP 13139116,41cc")., 1~0!5!G-)21, /Cv) AUTHOR: Bla-m;, 1. (Blazbia, 1.), Pajeda. R - (Payeds, R. OPLE: . (;olorimetric-ac?ml~Lexo~,i-,t--ic de-berminati"" of cobalt SOORCE! Nauchnnyre -I.Inrdy v-yoshikb uche'L-kyb-h zavedleniy ldtovakoy SSR: Khimlya I 'FlUmic'-efikay-a telnlmologiya, no. 5, 1964, 25-31 MPTIC IRAGS., cubalt,, col-orimetric anal~mis, microchemical analysir, ABSIMACT: The authors describe a colorimetric method- for deternining cobalt in the prese-nee of nickt-1, Ohromim, arsenic, and ttingsten jitb the use of Prichrome b ',-I C ~rh-- -,-ttho~! rx-mills determination of cdbaltt In jaicn:,z-F~7., Rf!riLr-rv tc) d~t. I'vo variations of the rm^thcd are dei;crib-~d- )7; ;e Irri ~(hlrri I, nyussi-i"r u: z: o onerp'- >emdstryl -Vilnn Stnto 'Jniversilv ST ENCL -. 00 NR REF SOV: 001 OnM~: 004 Card BLAZHIS, K. S. BLAZHIS, K. S.: "Investigation of the effect of certain physicochemi- cal factors on the process occurring in the vegetable tanning of tough hide." Aced Sci Lithuanian SSR, Inst of Chemistry and Chemical Technology* V11'rquag 1956. (DISSERTATTON For the Degree of Candidate in CH M CAL SCIENCES.) So: Knizhnsys letopis, No.24, 1956. BIAZRIS, X's. [Blasys, K.1 The effect of sodium b1sulfite on the process of tanning sole leather depending upon the meaning of pH. Met ak darbai B no.4: 125-135 '59 (MI 9:3) 1, Institut khimli i khimicheskoy tekhnologii AN Litovskoy SSR. (Sodium sulfites) (Ieather) (Tanning) (Hydrogen-ion concentration) BLAZYS, K. The pH influoikoo on the process of vegetable tanning of sole leather. In Russian. p. 61 (Lechemas, Gersonas) No. 2,, 1957, Vilnius, Lithuania SO: I',ONTHLY 1NDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCFSSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 71 NO. lo JAN- .1958 I~Hj~~.K.S. [Blazys, K.1 Binding between suUur and collagen. Trudy AN Lit. SSR Ser. B no.3:135-W 162. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut khimii i khimicheskoy tekhnologii AN Litovskoy SSR. BLAZHIMSKIY, L.F. [Blazbyievslkyis L.F.] Calculation of the free energy on the basis of the representation of interaction in collective variables. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 10 no.12:1299-1308 D 165. (MA 19:1) 1. LIvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Franko. Submitted January 20, 1965. YASNOGORODSKIY, V.I.; BIAMYEVSKIY, V.P. Effect of the chemical conposition of cast iron and hydrodynamic factors of casting on the output of a suitable product and on the mechanical properties of shot. Lit. proizv. no.1:7-8 Ja 165. (mIRA 18:3) M Biology of oinician carp (Caraosius carassius (L.) morpha humilis Heckel). Zool. zhur. 39 n0-9:1384-1389 S 160. (MIU 13:9) 1. Department of General and Physiological Zoology, Karlovy University, 11rague. (carp) PF~..Lj,vANMI7WSKIY, J.A. BLLZMW; I Usirg magnetic moaulation picla;ps in measuring temperature coefficients fDr magnetic moments d permanent magnate. Avtoz. lcouto i imtekho U0618117-128 157. , (NIU 11:6) (Magnotlo Meav=ments) an Ai Pat I a tr vg rp Rr - tt" IV r ag iolv 24 21 V.v a jFF BIAZHKEVICH, Bogdan Ivemovich[BlazUevych., B.I.]; VEMCHKO, Yu.T.v prof., doktor ~ ., otv. red.; KHOTENKO, A.O.p tekhn. red. (Principal methods for analyzing linear electric circuits) Oanovni metody analizu liniirqkh elektrychnykh kil. Kyivp Vyd- vo Akad. nauk IIRSR,, 1961. 274 p. (MIRA 15-.6) (Electric circuits) OVTSItVs V.S.; VOROBUMCH, V.Yu.,- RAKO, M.A.; SINITSKIY: L.A.; SMIRNOV,, N.I.; SHKOLIBYY, V*A. Magnetic-'samioonduotor millivdtmeter for wasuring the electromotive force of thermocouplaoo Avt=,kont, i izm. tekh. no.5:14-10 161, (MIRA 14:11) . (Millivoltmeter) s/65i/62/Ooo/oo6/ooi/olO E140/E135 AUTHORSi Blazhkevich, B.I,j and Kompaneits, L,G. TITLE i Application of the theorem of residues to the case of multiple poles of a transform SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR. Instytut tnashynoznavstva i avtomatyky, L'viv. Avtomaticheakiy kontroll i izineritellnaya tekhnika. no.6. 1962. ~-10. TEXT: Normally all poles of a function are required in or-der to be able to evaluate the function. The contribution of each pole may be found, however, individually applying L'Hopital's rule, -(in the present paper the Wagner-Carson transform is used). Formulae are given for the case of poles of multiplicities 1,2,3. The complexities of the formulae increase rapidly with the order of the pole, and the authors consider that for higher orders their applicability is questionable. Card 1/1 45295 S/651/62/006/0*06/007iO16 0 9, 4' Ovj E140/El'35 ALITHURS: ,and Zubov V*G. TITLE: -New transistorized selr-balancing potentiometer..for thermocouple measure'ments SoURCE: Alcademiya nauk X~krayinsIkqyi-.RSR- :1netytut masJiynoznavstv&, i avtbmatykyj Vviv,, 'Avtomaticheakiy kontroll i izmerit6l#nay;a,tekhnika. no.6.' 1962.- 1~8-152.. TEXT: The article Oesbribem~ mriNKAMPAX)v a'miniature transistorized self -balan*cing'pot6ntionieter,.for.u4e in the range 0 to 800 OC, with an error 'not exceedifig-0.$5:of- fu l'1 a 6'a fe indication. This poten tioideter-was ~devolope .d-at',the Instit ut- mashinovedeniya i aviomatiki-. AN- USSR'.(In-St#Ute of Science' of..' Nachinery and Automatics.' AS Ukr4SSR)~_ :mhows' the. princip16-. of the device. There tire 2 fiStireS Card 1/2 New transistorized self-balancing -s/65i/62/000/006/ 007/016 . 0 20 40 co 80 - FA gig -7 R, ho 0 r, no =- C,-ISM , "It 1 C4 20 0. 20910 DO 144 TA U17,7 R'llic 3A fll 7 , M 4 4 R 4 U, j C,.2ao elf , R 19 r 2 s to R C6? T, 1745 N 3.23 R,3 -23 4 ~ R; 5A 100 % id 30K 10 W 'Cs 2Q0: C222 C61.0 45 6)0,45 10, 6= 0 2 R,15102 ,q, 51 W 14 k1210 -13211.90 0 o ~cl -i 4 ~ TO, LIM 18 Ca 2201115.400a( IQ? 2 Tn I t4m .4m , 0, T'. X4 0 c . L.MWI LO-1 Card 2/2 s/651/62/000/006/020/010 jWTHORS. 131azhkev xho~ B.It.and KuizovkIns SaKe TITLE. 'Comparison of electr4ciall M;ethods "*Ue*mP'*UsdktiAS1 tlk* primary signal in -induction aerial surv*ys SULIRCE: Akademlya nauk -Ukrayinalkoii RS'R* Instytut mashynozziawstva, i.Iavtoiustykyo Lfiriv. Avt6maticlbisikty kontroll kzImeritalInaya''tek hnlk&..' no.6.' M062s, TEXT., Because'of safe- aiiotin', :' d becaissO *Utbe ty consider, On additional indeterminacy' -'introduce'd -by..v4ir'i&V*Ions',ot m0tual attitude, it- is difficult 'to'. obtain- largo. dist'Ahces betW4*ien. Um r in -aerial Seophy~~ "eye us'lft.tbe generator and receive ic -*V wethod of induced earth currents, whe Ire-thqi-~rec'iyer, is, sumpeaded in a trailing gondola. , Hence,'a comparative.-itudy was-mad* Akt'Uk* InfititUt RIAS11 illovedeniya i.avtoinatiki j4N US$R A last 1*Ut* - Of-AGIOUGM of Machines and Automation, AS Ukr.SSR) Of.'tW'o methods of direet electrical compensation of the-'.effect at- the.1wisary slxft~$ compensation of the primaiy,signal alone:1 cob$wniot Ion at. 1kk* resultant signal. It was found that the first -~-pormitz NO" accurate detection.of the useful sigha -the .8101cond has.the Card 1/2 KURILOV, Yevgeniy N#olaysvioh; SINITSKIY, Lev Aronovich; BI-AZROVICH, B,I-, kand. takhn. nauk, otv. red.; L&BINOVA, N.M., red.; MATVEYCHUK, A.A... takhn. red. [Frequency dependence of rectifier netw6ks]Chastotnye zavisimosti vypriamitellnykh skhem. Kyiv; Izd-vo Akad. naide USSR, 1963. 97 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Electrio current rectifiers) SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR:. Blazhkevich, B. 1. (L'vov; Doctor of technical sciences); Kravchenyuk, Yu. P.~ (L'vov) ORG: 'none TITLE: High-impedance contactless'measuring DC/AC voltage converters*using varicaps SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Teoriya i praktika ustroystv dlya preobrazovaniya elektro- izmeritel'noy informatsii (Theory and practice-6f devices for the conversioa of electrical measuring information).Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1966, 65-76 TOPIC TAGS: varactor diode, electric energy conversion A cbac. ABSTRACT: The relatively low imput impedance of electro-mechanical and transistor- ized d-c voltage measuring circuits prompted'study of varactor diodes as possible high-impedance (109 ohms) input elements'in these circuits. The basic characteris- tics of varactor.diodes are analyzed with special emphasis given to the temperature dependance of the dielectric constant pf the varactor p-n junction and the potential. barrier. The dielectric and potential barrier temperature coefficients of USSR- made silicon varactor diodes are cited as 2 x 10-4/*C and.(3-6) X 10-3/*C, respec- tively. The dependance of ihe varactor-diode capacitance on the applied d-c voltage may be utilized in *d-c/a-c voltage conversion. These circuits may use the amplitude modulating prinaod- .;, ple usually encountered in bridge or differential circuits or the, frequency modulating principle tharacteristie to tuned LC or RC circuitsi' Thirteen ACC NRt AT7001495 examples of *these circuits,are -given together-with the formulas relating the output parameter to-the relative varactor capi6itaAce v4riation, convers "ion coefficient, and input-impedance. The disadvantq~ of:thesp, circuits is theirteinperamire 'itivity F4ich often makes it maniatRry to.use compeneating circuitse .Sen. has:. 1 figure, 2 tables,.and 25 forsUas. SUB.CODR: 09/.-SUBM*DATE: .23Jul66/ - -ORIG REP: 003/ OTH REP:, 001/. card 2/2 BrA IN. A.T. [Automatic; electric driving machineri in mining] Blektramashinnaia avto- matika v gornom elektroprivode. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1953. 195 P. (HI-RA 6:8) (Blectricity in mining) BLAZHKIN, A.T. Blaihkin. A.T., "Electrowchanical Amplifiers," Sbornik statey pogornoy I elektromekhanike fcollectio'n of Articles on Mining ElectromechaniciL7. No 20, Moscow and Khar1kov, 1953, pages 27-59, 16 illustrations (Sverdlovsk Mining Institute). `- - BLCKH. L.8.. redaktorl WOHIO, Yu.V,. redaktor; takhnichookly redaktor (116etria-mohine automatic control of driven in metallurgy plants] Elektromashinnoe avtomaticheskoe upriarlenis privodami na metallurgi- cheakikh predpritatiiakh. Sverdlovsk, Goo. natichno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po, obernoi i tevetnoi metallurgiis 1954. 296 p. (MLRA 8:4) (Automatic control) (Blectrio machiner7) m 18(5) SOV/112-59-1-856 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p 115 (USSR) AUTHOR: Blazhkin, A. T~. TITLEz Methods for Designing a Continuous Automatic -Control System PERIODICAL: V 9b.: Gorn. elektrotekhnika. M., Ugletekhizdat, 1957, pp-296-297 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic 'entry. Card 111 BT-AVRKIH Arkadiy Timofeyevichi prof., doktor takhn.neuk. Prinimal Uc 0 P POV, G.I., dotsent, red.; a yo. MIRSKATA, V.V., red.izd-va; BER SL EXAYA, L.Sh.,, (Principles of automatic and remote control in mining] Osnovy rudnichnoi avtomatiki i talemakhaniki. Moskva, Goa.nauchno- takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomt~ delu. 1959. 417 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Mining engineering) (Automatic control) (Remote control) KOROTAIEVq Aleksey Ivanoviobt dotsentp kud. tekbn. naukx- MMMOV9 vis- dimir Ioayeviobp kands tekbn, nauk; WAgggl".Lq doktor tekbn, naukr prof.9 reteenzentj SHCHWWf W.V.y inzb.-elaktrikt retsenzent; DVMAKOVSXAYA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Circuits for tba. automatic control of electric drives; manwa] .9dmV avItomaticbeskogo upravlaniia elektroprivodami; uchabnoe posobie * laningrad, Leningr. mekban. in-tj 1960. 259 p. (KMA 14:7) (Automatic control) (Electric driving) (Electric circuits) BIAZHK3N.,Arkadly'Timofe7i~*rch, doktor tekhn.nauk., prof. Experimental determination of the parameters of amplidynes. Isve vys. ucheb, zav,; elektromekh. /+ no.3023-437 161. OMM 14-7) 1. Isningradskiy makhanicheakiy institut. I (Rotating amplifiers) IVANOV, Anatoliy AleksandroVich; TULIN, V.S.j doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; 4LAZHKIN) A.T., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent - -- (Theory of automatic control and regulati(-nj Teoriia avto- maticheskogo-upravlenlia i regulirovaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nedra." 196/+. 328 p. (MIRA 17:8) BEREZNIKOVSKTv Sergey Fednro-v4~1h. (lots., kand. tekhn. nauk; BE-SEXERSKIY, V.A., doktor tekhn.nauk.. retse-zent; VASILtYEV, D.V.p doktor tekhn. nauky retsenzent; BLAZIIKIN T-,, prof., md.; KVOCHKINA, G.P., red. (Automatic regulation and control of electrical machines; some theory problems and elements of control systems) Av- tomaticheskoe regu2irovanie i upravlenie elektricheskimi mashinami; nekotorye voprosy teorli i elementy sistem up- ravleniia. Leningrad, Sudostroenie, 1964. 418 P. (MIRA 17:9) BLAZHKIV , A.T., doktor tekhn, nauk. Prof.; BESEIMSKIYj V.A..q ~tekhn. nauk; prof.j AZIMOVA,, K.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; LANSKOV., V.D.; kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; FABRIKANT, Ye.A.., kand. tekhn. naukp dote.; GULTIN, Yu.V., inzh,., IMERSON, I.G.9 dots,. kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; FROLOV, --IrGeneral electrical engineering) Obshchaia elektrotekhnika. Moskvaq Energiiaq 1964. 655 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Prepodavatell Leningradskogo makhanicheskogo instituta (for Blazbkin, Besekerskiy, Azimovap Lanskov, Fabrikant, Gulvdin). i IORG:: ITITLE: iSOURCE., ACC NRt AP7002240 SOURCE CODE: UR/028O/66/O0O/O06/=i/6Ioq B a AUIMOR*. !~k~~J,K. A. (Leningrad); Fridman, V. M. (Leningrad) none An algori hm of!instructing a linear perceptkon AN SSSR. I Izvestiya. Tekhnichea4,aya kibernetika, no. 6. 1966, 101-109 TOM TAGS: pattern recognition I!Z;::~ learning Vivo--- ... h4 ABSTRACT: A method of instructing a linear perceptron whose output element is taken in the form of an adder to separate input situations into classes (to recognize the objects) is proposed. A mathematical model of the process of instructibn and recognition is presented which consists in establishing in the perce~tron the correspondence between t6a object (aj).to be re- cognized and acertain number (pit. V). -Card 1/2 nnna NRt '_~P76 where the first term is the scalar product of vectors V (characteristic vector of the p6rceptron) and 0 (tife vector formed on the field of neu- rons); and the second term is the threshold value. The recognition prob- lem is reduced PO determining a.vector V simoltaneously eatisfying'the inequalitiesi (oh V) 0 > 0 at-..--/ 1, 2, (2) Oj V) -O