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0.. '. 16.8loo, 16.8300, 2h.6ooo 76992 SOV/56-37-6-32/55 tl& AUTHORS: Bilen'kiy, S. M., Ryndin, R. M., Smorodinskly, Ya. A., re t 6 F-i i -5 FV" TITLE: Theory of/3-Decay of the Neutron PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 6, PP 1758-1763 (USSR) ABSTRACT_: Calculations were performed for corrections to various effects in decay of the neutron. The corrections originated Pro-m the account of terms for theelectron and nucleon masses P-MIM. These terms are due to the nweak'Gell-Mann inagnetism" and proton recoil. It was shown that for electron-neutrAno correlation and the up-down symmetry of electrons, these corrections may reach several percent. Thus, the correction for the (e- v)-correlation for the total Card 1/3 energy of electron of 0.71, 0.91, 1.11, 1.29 mev, Theory of/13-Decay of the Neutron 76992 SOV/56-37-6-32/55 as compensated for"weak magnetismn and the recoil, was, respectively, as follows: 0.4, 1.4, 2.4, 3.3%, and 1.9,2-7, 3.5, 4.2%. The correction to the asymmetry of electrons for the total energy of electron 0.71, 0.91, 1.11, 1.29 mev, as compensated.for,"Weak magnetism" and the proton recoil, was found to be, respectively: 1.3 , 1.8, 2.4, 3.0%, and 0.3, 0.5, o.6, o.8%. Corrections for the polarization were found to be small and at energies bf 0.7i, 0.91, and -1.11 mev were, respectively: 0.14, 0.08, and 0.0.1%, V. Telegdi participated in the discussion of this work. There are 2 tables; ftd 12 references, 1 Soviet, I Italian, 10 U.S. The 5 most recent U.S. references are: R. P. Feynman, M. Gell- Mann, Phys. Rev., 109, 193, 1958; M. Gell-Mann, Phys. Rev., 111, 362, 1958; J. Bernstein, R. R. Lewis, Phys. Rev., 112, 232, 1956; M. Morita, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 4, ...230 D11, 1959; S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev., 112, 1375, 1958. ASSOCIATION: Joint Inst. Nuclear Research, USSR (Obledinennyy Institut Card 2/3 i Theory of R-Decay of the Neutron yadernykh issledovaniy, SSSR) SUBMITTED: w- 000 July 3, 1959 76992 SOV/56-37-6-32/55 Card 3/3 21(1) AUTHORSt Bilenlkiyo,-S. M., Ryndin, Ro Mo SOV/20-124-1-17/69 TITLEt On Determining the Parity of Hyperons and K-Mesona (0b oprede- lenii chetnosti,giperonov i K-mezonov) PERIODICAL- Doklady Akademii Aauk SSSX, 1959, Vol 1249 Nr 1t pp 63-65 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The present paper investigates a possibility of determining .the parity of hyperone and K-mesons 'Uhat is not connected with any condition concerning the spins'of hypernuclei and K-mesons. Besides., in the case of this procedure, the reactions must not be investigated near the threshold value. The authors suggest investigating the reaction p + He4 --#He4 + Y + K with a polarized proton beam. The matrix of this polarization has the form M - a + b, where the quantities a and b depend on the momenta, of the initial- and final states. Next, the expressions fbr ihe dirfierential,orose section of the above-mentioned reac- tion and the polaris4tion of the hyperons produced by the reaction are givein'.~':'The product of the internal parities of the proton, hyperon~'and K-meson may assume the two values d 1 C 3 1 1 Y IK 1. In !he case I I I - + 1 the matrix M is a Y K . ar / p p On Determining the Parity of Hyperons and K-Mesone SOV/20-124-1-17/69 I scalar and b4is then a pseudovector. At IpIY IK 1, M is a pseudoscalar and by#a vector. The formulae are then also specialized for the special case in which the momenta of the proton, K-meson, and hyperon are in one plane. The polarized proton beams are the scattering of unpolarized beams by nuclei, and their polarization is orthogonal with respect to the momentum of the scattered protons. By measuring azimuthal asymmetry in the above-mentioned reaction with polarized protoney the sign of Ip IY IK car. be uniquely deter- mined if the sign of the polarization occurring in the reaction with unpolarized protons is known. When determining asymmetry- it is necessary to select such cases in which all particles are in one plane. The authors thank Yu. A. Shcherbakov for an interesting discussion of the problems dealt with by the present paper. There are 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 & On Determining the Parity of Hyperons and X-118sons SOV/20-124-1-17/69 ASSOCIATION: Ob"Yedinennyy institut vadernykh isaledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research) PRESENTED: August 27P 1958, by W. N. Bogolyubov, Academician SUBMITTED: August 9,'1958 Card 3/3 B11MMIYj So Me, RYNDINI Re Me# Mkission of -Rav Quantum in Electron-Proton Scattering" paper presented at the Intl Conference on High Energy ftysicsj, Rochester, N. 1. iwWor Berldy California,, 25 Aug - M sop 196o. BILENIKIY S.M. - RnMIN, R.M.; SMORODINSKII, Ta.A.; KU TSZO-SYU Coments on the theory of beta-decay of the neutron,, Zhur.ekspe i teor,fis. 37 no.6tl758-1763 D 159. (MMA 14:20) 1. Ob"yedinemn institut yadernykh iosladovaniyo (Beta rays-Decay) (Neutrons) BIIENIKIY,, S.M. Energy dependence of the scattering cross section at 8=1.1 eneigies. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.2:7U-715 F 161. (MIR& 14.7) Is Ob"yarl.4- ir- institut yadernykh isaledovaniy.,- (Scattering Vayvias) IWO B/056/61/040/003/014/031 0 B112/B214 AUTHORS's Bilenlki-- S. M Ryndin, R. M. TITLE: Emission of soft gamma quanta in electron proton scattering PERIODICALi Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 40, no. 3, 1961, 819-825 TEM The bremastrahlung of soft geimma quanta in elastic electron proton scattering is considered in this paper. The amplitude of the process is calculated approximately and then the differential scattering cross seo- tion. The approximations are in each case limited to the first two terms of a series expansion in powers of the exchange momentum k, that is, the momentum of the gamma quantum. The amplitude of the scattering process is determined by a method proposed by P. E. Low (Ref.3: Phys. Rev., 110, 974, 1958) for the soft gamma radiation. This method requires a special treat- ment of the part of the amplitude possessihg a pole for k 40 (renormaliza- tion). The amplitudes TI and T II appear in the S matrix: 5 (p q k 9 pg. q) 2 2 ~~ ) 1/2 1 11 (27t)4i(M M /2k pop qolqo T + T )6(ps + q, + k - p q). M is card 1/6 ~' ,, -1 14 S/056/61/040/003/014/031 Emission of soft gamma... B112/B214 the mass of the proton, m the mass of the electron; p,pl and q,ql are the four-momenta of the proton and the electron, respectively, before and after collision; F-,, is the polarization vector of the emitted gamma quantum (po a ip / q . iq ). The amplitude T I is expressed by the 4' 0 4 /1-111 anomalous magnetic moment /t p and the electromagnetic form factors F, and F2 of the proton. (q') I iq~ + ieT, i (q) x PeTt' i7 (q' + k) m ij (q - k) + m X v (p') ie 'F, ((p'-- p)') Y. prAf-'Fs ((p'-p)2) a. (p'-p),,] v (p) (p'-p)-t. (2) The amplitude T contains operators which may be expanded in pbwers of the exchange momentum k. 1-1 (q') ley. u (q) [ T'.A TB I (q'- q)-2. (3) vp + v~% rA + k) S (p' + k) ier, (p, +k. p) +(4) VIL V V) I 'er,- (p, - P, + ier. (p,, p - k) s (p - k) ier,, (p - k, p) (P). In each case, the first two terms of the expansions are substituted into Card 2/6 22134 S/056/61/040/003/014/031 Emission of soft gamms.... B112/B214 T and a formula for T is thus obtainedt which is accurate up to the )W terms of order 1/k and-oontaina only the electromagnetic form factors of the proton. TVA it (P) [ier,. (p', p - k) (iey..+ -IA,:"k,)+ iT(P-k) + M rM + (IeyL+ It ILpcr,,k,) 11 (p'+ k) + Mler. (p'+k, p)] v (P) + 2M + v (p) (I ier. (p',p-k)-ie1',(p', p-k)11ey,.12M)v(p)+ + v(pj ((iey, 2M) I ter, (p' + k, p) - lerO, (p' + k, p) (p), (18) ay., + NY, (V - + ca., (19) Till, (91 (ey-U (9) (P) 111eF1 (X~ Y, % Pj'F2 M (rox.] (ky, + It ppa"kp) + 2M ?T- (P - W) T 2M (25) V (P). (CF M11 Card 3/6 + R iT (P,+ k) T M M 7, fm P 22134 S/056/61/040/003/014/031 Emission of soft gamma.... B112/B214 Pi nally, with the help of the expressions for T I and T II the differential /A, scattering eel-As section do = do 0Ici + do I is calculated where do 0 and do correspond to the first and the second approximation, respectively. dao dQkd(odap. (27) where do is the elastic ep-scattering cross section for an electron p 2 energy q 0 a e An - 1/137. ddi is given bys dal = as jA'jXk MI +120) 2pxt] I Atxk'fix2 (2n)l [f, .2 2 P 2AqAp(xk) (fjM'-Px') + f, (pq + pq) (A9 Ap) [(9' + Fqk) (p'k + pk)- r + -&) (qA: + qk) - 4 (D - q') 2 (A, - Ap)' 11 L(Pq) (kqj + P'k ph + (pq') +-L(pk)xt]-2(xk)(Aq-Ap)Ag[4(2,r,F,'+2(t"-)',c,K)~2 + (kq) 2 2M, F,)') (pq) (pq') cog L` +//'X4 + (A, - Ap)' 4 (2F,F',xs + Card-4/6 + 2M 2 22134 + 2 (,A' ,,)*,P,F.'xl+ ("I Fl)'x2 + 11) (pq) (pq*) coell + Om S/056/61/040/003/014/031. 2 dg,', I B112/B214 UIX2 T. _r ca I qo'w [xlq.hill (I + Lq' q0 m (A. - A,) Aa) + (A, -A,)l sfn2 0 q0 m + ' 0)] 1._o do) dQ'* dop + p 2a M% + -dwr- Cos KI + (6-11;1 + (IP-P! ~)Ilk+ MIM Cos ol " + plq' I!q:) Myk + (q'k)2qol MI p'k PkJ (P,k)s 'k) (pp + FqC)' q9' ~qo d,dQ,,dd,. Tp_k_) 6;!-k Vk) qo _Q Aq=q'l(q'k)-ql(qk), 'Ap=p'1(pk)-p1(pk), f F1 + IlpFl. f i Fif + (ppF2 2M)txl; dq,' 2 [M (I + ~21 sW A, T'sint -L - -L (i + 'q- sin' do q; L m qG Card 516 Fl' = dFl , 11 T. A. dx% 22134 8/05 61/040/003/014/031 -Emission of soft gamma ... B 1 12Y3214 S.-S. Urahteynt F. S. Isayev* A. A. Logunovq and Ya. A. Smorodinskiy are thanked for discussions. There are 2 figures and 7 referenoess 1 Soviet- bloo and 7 non-Boviet-bloo. ASSOCIATIONs Obl'yedinennyy institut y:dern?kh iseledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Res arch) SUBMITTEDt September 1, 1960 Card 6/6 RYNDIN' R. M., and Ill!LlINny, 11, M, "production of 131crw W*sons in Pion-Nucleon and Nucleon -Nucleon Colliclons' report the Intl. Conference on High Pnergy Phyn1ca, Geneva, 4-il j uly 1962 Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, 1962 BILENIKIY) S.M.; RYNDIN, R.M.; SARANTSEVA, V.R., tekhn. red. [Determining the spin of K*]Ob opredelenii spina P. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh isal., 1962. 4 P. (MIRA 15:10) (mesons) (Nuclear spin) )BILEN IX37 S M - FMBDIN P , . R.M.; ZARUBMA, I.S.[translatorl; laig6A) V.R., tekbn. red. On the production of "Soft" rl mesons in pion'-nucleon and nucleon-nucleon collisions. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iaderrqkh isoledovanii 1962 5 P (No subject he;dinj* 8/056j62/00/006/041/067 1183/B.102 - AUTHORSt Bilen"kiy, So X., Rynding R. X0 TITLE& -Production--of slow pion@ in pion-nuoleon and nucleon.;huolean collisions PERIODICALs Zhurn&l eksperimentallnoy i teorstiaheakoy fisiki, To Ot no. 6(12), 1962, 2204 - 2207 TEXTs How invariance of the S matrix under time reversal affeots the pion~ production in RN and NN collisions is studied for cases where the energy of the pionB produced is negligibly small. Strictly, this study only hol(b for the limiting case where the four-momentum of the resulting meson vanishes. The conclusions drawn from the.T-i~variance requirement concern_ ing.the amplitudes of the process are investigated for ea6h process in- volved. The production of slow 10 me-sonatin the process n + p-),x + p + Ro is, studied first. Information on particle polariXation is derived from the amplitude of this process# The polarization of:ieooll nucleonel for instance, is zero at all angles if the protons are unpolarized. The following holds for RO production in pp scatteringt' If both protons are Card 0 S/0~6/62/043/006/041/067 Production of slow pions...11 B18V~102 unpolarized, polarization occurs after the d'allision. If the incident 0) ~h ), proton to polarized .(~ , t w xO production orois section 6 - a Ll + (~ 0 ~)j 11 , 0 + 'The'pro'duotion of charged pions in processee*of Ahe type R:L.+. N-*X 4. X- + N is studied in a similar.manners. IATIONs Oblyedinennyy institut yadernykh,iseledovaniy (Joint Institute ASSOC of Nuolear.ResearcY SUBMITTED s June 3 09 1962 L -Card 2/2 -0 N N, Z' 410~6J63/044/001/054/067 AMMS I 1~~~~Ryndins R. M. TITLICs 0014 degavaigatton of the X*-meson PrATOVICALs Zhursal ekeperlmentaPnol i teorellobtakey fiaiki, v. 44, no'. 19 )26-326 '~UXT: Wbeft tht eftmeson hO been detatited CU. Alotang st al. Phys. Rev. L96t.l 69 300, 1961)0 wd lie mass 885 Now and it* Isoapin T - 1/2 Ottermined, several setbods sore suggeat*4 for the Otermination of the *pU of these elementary particles (eage Ma Schwartz$ fkys. Rev. Lett., 6# 5% 19611 D.O. Cold"JIg Phys. Rev. Lett., 1$- 251, 1%1). In the present fapers a metbed I* 419cuseed for determiabS 4 te spin of the r-meson (0 ev 9). It Is based on a study of the (tpi -) or (k,K"') pair Proftation on oellision. at electron-positron beams jwimg in opposite 41reetions. and 1k, Gatto (PhYs- Rev-, "Os 1577# 1961) diebunotO tke posetbility'O eon4tiating suab expertunts.- The matrix 61**Mt of the prMOOR *"" 0 1a- -~-+ I + K' (it + j') to atudied in single- photon approximallon-a An eatiwtion of the total poix production croaa card SlOW431044/0011054/067 boa vfla the speotrum of section Amef that If opts At a peak exist the 9-904pon (rofwdloms' of. sm.tb*r it U IsrOrma of wt)., Studies by C-chbWastwo 90,061mabov 0 *10 (fts. Ilev. Latf.v 330, 1962) also 1"Leated Oat Imw so". I*'. Ibiwo is I tive"# 4446 pd* kh 1"1040yanisy (700 ar 1w8= 'An"01, 4 2/2 BILENIM, S.M.; RYBDIN,, R.M, -11 Relation between the total cross sections for the 1/2+1/2-yoto reactions and the internal parities of particles. Mar. eksp. 1, teor. fiz. 45 no-4:2-192-1195 0 163. (MIRA 16:21) 1. Obuyedinannyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. ;BILENIKIY, S. M.j NGUYEN VAN KHIYEU; RYNDIN, R. M. 4--- -- -- Asymptotic relations between polarizations in crossed reactions. Zhur,ekspA teor.fiz, 46 no. 3:1098-1105 Mr 164. (MIPLA 17:5) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yademykh issledovaniy. - % I- - r I . py! I ~ k?, - I -- -- - -.- - - = , ': ' Y7- 0 r - I i , 1 ;.Q. f r. I --~ -~:~ -!j f- * 11 Ij I ~-~ J I " - j -. j -Card ,-,BILrNlVI? S.M.~ RYNDIN, R.M. The + I reaction with po3drized partic' a, IAd. -'Iz. 1 no.l.- 84-88 Ja 165. KRA 180) 1. Ob"yedinannyy Institut yadernykh issledovani.y. L 151 55-M W(=)/T..- ~ACC NR: AP6000227 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65 049/005/1653/1663 AUTHORS: Bilen'kiX. S. M.; Lapidus, L. I.; Ryndin, 010 ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Ob"yedinennyy institut .yadernykb issledovaniy) ~TITLE: Double NN mcattering with a polarized beam and a polarized :target SOURCE: Zburnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no . 5, 1965, 1653-1663 ,TOPIC TAGS: nuclear scattering, scattering matrix, scattering cross section, light polarization, particle beam ABSTRACT: The article discusses possible experiments involving the measurement of nucleon polarization arising as a result of scattering of a polarized beam by a polarized target. Measurement of such com- plicated polarization characteristics should help eliminate the ab- biguities still remaining in pbase-shift analysis and make it pDssible to determine for the first tiiw the components or the third-rank polarization tensor. The structure of this tensor is analyzed and Card 1/2 L 15155-66. :ACC NR; AP6000227 L4- expressions are presented for its components and for the differeential' cross section for the scattering of an unpolarized beam by an un- 'polarized target. The polarization correlation is considered for the case of scattering of a polarized beam by an unpolarized target, .or an unpolarized beam by a polarized target. The relations between ,the measured and calculated quantities are derived, and the question ,of reconstruction of the scattering matrix discussed. Authors are 'grateful to F. Leg r and Z. Yanout for calculating the plots in the figure, and ta Yu. M. Kazariagv and Ya. A. Smorodinskiy for useful discussions of the questions considered In the article. Orig. art. :has: 1 figure and 55 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SU1jM DATE: -e8Jun65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF; Oll Cord 2/2 1.2 2- 6 6 MJrr (m /T ACC NR: AP6008736 SOURCE CODE: uWo386/66/OO3/0O3/O1l8/O121_ AUTHOR: ORG! Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Ob."yedinennyy institut yadernykh issle- dovaniy) TITLE: On a possible method of verifying CPT invariance in pD scattering 1q, ~tr' SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pis'ma v redaktsivu. Prilozheniye, Y. 3, no- 3, 1966, 118-221 n TOPIC TAGS: parity principle, strong nucleon interaction, proton scattering, antiproton, proton polarization ABSTRACT: The invariance of an interaction with respect to the CPT transformation is the consequence of the basic postulates of modern field theory (the Luders-Pauli theorem). An experimental check of CPT invariance is therefore also a verification of these postulates. With an aim at directly verifying CPT invariance of strong interaction by a study of polarization effects in elastic scattering of antipyrtons, :by protons TP + p - f + p (1Y the authors show here that CPT invariance implies the following relations: Card V3 L 22762-66 Acc m Ar6ooB736 -(l) -11 P on nil -(2) (2) P on molly where n is the normal to the scattering plan "I p are the momenta of the ini- IMP tial and final antiprotons in the (Pt-' is the antiprotp, A ~PJ2010n) polarization produced upon scattering of unpolarized particles, and is the asymmetry occurring when a polarized antiproton beam is scattered by an un-polaTized target (unpolarized beam scattered by a polarized proton target). Violation of re- lations (2) would signify that the S-matrix is not invariant against MIT transforma- tion. If it ,wyre to turn out that WMIn the lif~js of e)gTrIhnental error the po- larizatio.. I -A and the aV_mmetry 'A An (or I An an- A --A) coincide, then it is possible to determine the upper limit of the amplitude which is invariart to CPITI transformation. Experiments aimed at verifying C(T) invariance of strong interac- tions show that the upper limit of the ratio of the amplitude invariant to charge conjugation C., to the C-invariant amplitude is of the order of 1% (farT of the order of 2--3%)- The recently observed parity nonconservation effects in nuclear reactions are compatible with the'assumption that parity nonconservation in con- nected only with weak interactions. Thus,, a check on relations (2) calls for the crd 2/3 Q YgR Ez L 22762-66 ACC NR: A160~736 setting up of difficult experiments in which the polarization and asyh=etry would have to be measured with hIgb accuracy. It Is noted in conclusion that it Is also easy to obtain relations between other observed quantities. The author is most grateful to R. M.. 1~~~Wi~for useful discussions of the questions considered in this article. Orig. art. has: .10 formulas. SUB CODE: 2o/ Bum DATE: i3Dec65/ oRIG REF: on/ oni FxF: oo4 BILEM, A. Conyerting the POPulati0n~a deposits. fin. SSSR 21 no.10-.74-76 0 l6o. (HIBA 13:10) 1. Nachallnik operativnogo otdola Upravleniya aberegRtallufth kass Eyeva. (Xiev-Savings banks) BILENM . A. Following the example of Rostov bank employees Fin. SSSR 22 no.9:5648 Ag 161. 4flu 14:8) 1. Nachallnik operativnogo otdala upravleniya gostrudaborkass i goakradita Kiye"o Mcraine-Savings banks) Mcialist competition) BMW'), A. ~-- volume of tt's ~)f tbe irlintitute of Elfttrie Moomotive Manufsoiure. Tzy. Y7:-,. uAeb. zay. elektrovwkk. 7 no.4vWW t64 (MIRA 1797) IMWT, Me.; BILWMO# A.I.; SRVJLCIHKO, H.S.; BRAILOVSKII, N.G., inzhener, rsdaktojq'IMVRff,"4".A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Unit method of repairing freight care] Uslovoi metod remonta gruzovykh vagonov; opyt vagonnogo depo stantsil Likho'bory-Nookovsko- Okruzhnot dorogi. Hoskva, Goo. trausp. chel-dor. izd-vo, 1954. 54 p. (Railroads-Prelght-carn) (HMA 8:6) BILENKO, A.P. "Slectric locomotive manufacture" published by the Electric Locomotive Scientific Research Institute. Blek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.6:46 is 163. (KM 16:9) 1. Starshiy inih. Novocherkasskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituts elektro*ozostroyaniya. (Electric locomotives) 4 Zurn.tochn.fi9.jj,faso.1t 85-89 (1957) OARD 2 / 2 PA - 1994 dieloctrioity constant and the density of the sample respectively. The values of the specific dielectricity constant which are given in a table indicate that for WOV PbOt Ni 203 and CuO this specific diolootrioity constant t 6p is con- *taut and that in the came of samples pressod out of semiconductor powders the value of the specific diel*otrioity constant is a more exact charqoteriatic of the semiconductor than the dielootricity constant. For measuring the dielealricity constant of semiconductors with a specific re- sistance of tons than 102 the method of free waves in unsuited. It isp howeyorl possible by another method to determine the dielectricity constant of well-conducting semiconductors on samples produced from a mixture of the powder of the semiconductor under investigation and of a dielectricum (e.g. paraffin). By means of this method D.I.BILERKO determined the dislectricity constant of ZnSp CdS, ZnTej Hg$, HgSs and also of SnSb at frequencies of from 104 - 106 a with the resonance method; results are shown in a table. In the cases investigated on this occasion the dislectricity constant increases on the occasion of transition from an ion-homooopolar binding to a homoeopolar- metallic binding. INSTITUTION: University SARATOV BILEN 0 .41J.1 DERIDOV2 V.K.; KOTELKOVp V.N.; NAZVANOV, V.F.,- NO.SnVA, V.A.; ORNATSKAYA, Z.1.;ROKAKH, A.G.; SVERDLOVA, A.M.; KAPSHTALI, G.G.j KIROYASHKINA, Z.I.p dots., red.; VINNIKOVA, LA.,, red. [Textbook for practical studies on the pbysics Of semiconductors] Rukovodetvo k praktichaskim zaniatiiam po fizUe poluprovodnikov; uchebooe posobie. (Saratoy), Sarato-vakii univ... 1964. 3-151:6 (MIRA 18:1.1) Dataon the geological history of the upper and central Dnieper Valley. Kyiv., Vyd-,,ro Akademii nauk URSR., 1939. 142 p. (44-28240) QE276.B5 010 A 14-57-7-14542 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, P 44 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bilenko, D. K. - --------- TITLE: A Structural-Geomorphological Map of the Kiyevskaya Oblast (Strukturno-geomorfologichna karta Kyyivslkoi oblasti -- in Ukrainian) PERIODICAL: Nauk. pratsi -fyivs1k. Silisfkohospodar. in-tu, 1954, Nr 7, PP 99-101 ABSTRACT: The author discusses the influence of geological structure on the modern relief of the KiyeVskaya Oblast, and also the relationship of the soil cover to the geological age of the relief. He comes to the conclusion that the soil cover reflects the structure and age of the relief and also the tectonic features of the earth's crust. Card 1/1 L. D. q~ Pe, A S 5 BIIENKO, D.K., doktor geol.-mineral. nauk Geom phology of the Kremenets-Dubno Lowland* Nauk, pratai UASHN 17 no.12:134-140 160. (MIRA 16:7) (Kremenets region-Gemorphology) (Dubno region-Geomo'rphology) BIIENKO, K.P. . - -.,. , - I.- . -, EM6 t ~. of light on the migration of labeled assimilatee in the soybean (Glycine hispida(zoench.)maxim. Ukr. bot. zhur. 20 no.6:45-51 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut fiziologii mateniy AN UkrSM,, otdel fotooin- teza. BILENKO L - MARTSEVICH, Yu. ==ML-=i-L. I Heor of Borodino, Starsh,-aerzh. no.9:20 S 162. (KRA 15sll) (Ustrom, K.I. d. 1839) TAVROV,N.P., prof., red,,: BILIM L S kd.; MOYINOT. A., zif!=9=29~~ rManual on resettling fur-bearing animals] RukoTodstvo po rasee- lenitu pughnykh swerel. 14oakya, Isd-vo Tsentrosoiuca, 1958. 141 p. (MRA. 1.1:12) (Par-bearing animals) BILENKO, M.I.; BONW.R, N.F.; LKBEDET, V.F. [labedie-7.. V.F.1; KHAVIS, S.M. Type GIP5-LT and GIP5-12 infrared absorption gas analy-zeret* Khime prome [Ukr.] no.lt5l-53 Ja-M!'63 (MIRA r, 27) 1. Lisichanskiy filial DKU. KOV2,10V, V.V., prof.; BILMIKO. H.V,, kand. med. nauk Study on mechanical angiorrhaphy in auto-homo-and hetero- transpilmi-v'Aion. Khirurgiia 40 no-4s70-77 Ap 164 (MIRA 181l) 1. Kafedra operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anato- mii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen UIN SSSR prof. V.V. Kovanov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina medit6inskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. BILENKO, M. V., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Plastic operations of the peripheral arteries in experimentation." Moscow, 1960. 18 pp; (First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst im I. M. Sechenov); 200; price not given; (KL, 17-60$ 167) BIIMMq M.V. On Olnplantation* of various arterial tranoplante in plastic surgery of the blood vessels in experiment, lhirurgiia 36 no.N61-69 W 160. (MM 13312) CARDTID ARTERIES--TRA19SPLANTATIM) MM AF=-TRANSPLANTATICN) M BILENKG,-,M.V.,- KAPICBNIKOV, M.M.; SKRIABINA, E.G. Imminological study of the antigenic properties of vascular tisaus preserved by lyophilization. Folia biol. 7 no.4:25&267 161. 1, Surgical Department ')f the First Moscow Medical Institute (Order of Lenin) and Institute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Medical -Sciences of the U.S.S.R.3 Moscow. (BLOOD VESSELS immmol.) (TRANSPIANTATION immunol.) BTIM'.XO, M.V.; SMABINA, B.G. Comparative immunological study of the antigenic properties of fresh and lyophilized vascular tissue. Trudy 1-go MMI 16t 92-105'62o (MIU 16:6) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topografichaskov ana- tcmii (zav. - chlen-korrasmInOmpt 4"~ RIM. V.V.Kovanov) Pervogo Moskovokogo WYOPHILIZATIC-'~) (MITIL Q:D (BWOD VBSSMB) BI 1._ gSTROVAO Wo -~ILENKOj_A*_V. Histological changes in prostheses from polywinyl alcohol in plastic surgery on peripheral vesoals- In an experimentTrudy 1-go Rff l6tlO6-116162. (MIRA l6t6) 0 0 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topografich sko~ amtomii (zav. - ablen-korrepondent AMN SSSR prof. V.V.Kovanov Perrogo Moskovskogo ordena lanina maditainskogo instituta. (PROSTHES33) (BIM VESSELS--MGMU) (VIM AWOHOL PMMWS) BILENKO,,;,jl.V. (Moskva., Sadovo-Spasalmyap ul.., d.19,, kv.8) Research on the viability of blood Vossels preserved by freeze-dryinge Grud.khir. 4 no*6:45--51 S-D'62- (MIU 16310) 1. Is kafeluT topografichso.koy anatomii i operativuoy khirux- gii (sav. - chlenm-korrespotdent AMN SSSR prof. V.V.Kovanov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenins. meditainBkogo instituta imoni I.M.Sechenova. .(PRE= DRYING) (BLOOD VESSELS-TRANSPLANTATION) BILENKO, M.V. Plastic surgery on peripheral arteries with seamless porous prostheses from native capron. Trudy 1-go M 16tn7-127162. (MM 16:6) lo Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheekoy ana- tomii (zav. - ohlen-korrespondent AMN SM prof. V.V.Kovanov) Pervogo Moskovskogo ordena. Ienina maditsinskogo inBtituta. (ARTMUM-SURGEM) (BMTHMIS) (OWL) BILENKOJ, MqV. Morpholo-vical changes in the walls of Iyophilized vessels following homoplasty of peripheral arteries. Trudy 1-go M 42:251-262 165. (MIRA 19:2) 1. Iaboratoriya po peresadke organov i tkaney AMN SSSR. BILENKO, P. YA. "Plowing Depth, and the Deepening of the Arable Layer of Chestnut Brown Soils in the ,Soutb of the Ukrainian SSR under Irrigation Conditions of 1951-1954." 'Yin. Figher Education USSR, Belaya Tserkovl Agricultural Inst., Rherson, 19,55. (Dissertation for the Dfteree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences) SO- Knizhnava Latopist, No. 22. 1955, Pp 93-105 BILVIO, P.Ya., kandidat sel'skokhosyaystvennykh nauk. DeepenIM of the plow loyer of Chestnut soils. Zemledelis 4 no.10:43- 45 0 156. (KLRA 9:11) (TI11me) USSR/Soil Science - Orgunic Fertilizers& j-4 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol~,!No 9, 1958# 39027 Author : Lysogorov, S,D.-jAilenko) rJa* Inst : Title : The Effectiveness of Ruiure as a Fertilizer in the Irrigated Farmina of tho Southern UkrSSR* Orig Pub : V sbo Meetne orgme udobraniya Ukr SSR, Kiev) AN UIXSSR) 1957, 53-65- Abstract : Experiments consiBtina of noisture laden sprayinGs of 1000 m3/ha in one-two veactative sprayings of 350-500 n3/ha each were conducted by the Kherson agricultural institute and by the Bekhterskiy hydromeliorative tech- nical school In chestnut ea1dy - saliferous soil. The m=ure in quantity of 10 t/ha and 1*- -1-5 c/ha was introduced by plowing at a depth of 30 era. The fertilizers increased Vie amount of nitrates, of phos- phoric acid and of hunus in the upper layers of soil-up Card 1/P UM / Cultivated Plants. Cereal Crops. M-3 Abe Zour I Ref ZhUr - BiolbgLys, No 13,, 1958) NO- 58523 Author t Bi Inst I-50rb6nI StStO POI"Ogi"l IMtitUtO Title t'Doop Plawirg wd Il.':ocesEles, Which Take Place in the Soil &xA In WintarWheat PIAAts During irrigation Wig Pub 9 Ahuk~ Zapi therson'Bki derih.p pedi In-tp 1956, vYY 7., )9-78 Abstraot No abstract given Card 1/1 0 CULTIVATED v5c~6 XTFI. !of the full dome of NPX during the nprin- time BILENKOJ, P. ya. Soil cultivation and nitrogen and phosphorus requireirent of winter wheat. Pochvovedenia no-503-97 My 160. (MBA 14 -4) 1. Khersonskiy pedagogicheakiy institut imeni N. Ke Krupskoy. (Tillagb) (Wheat) BILENKO, P.Ya.i LODVINMOR O.A. -------- :--~ Fertility of lower layers of chestnut soil and their influence on vegetation, Pochvovedenie no*4:94F-102 Ap 162. (MMA 15;4) 1, Khereonekiy goaudaretvennyy podagogicheskiy institute (Soil fertility) BILEN~K"Oj_.A.; IZRAILEVICH, L*A*;'MEDNIKOV, G.V. Indexes of the degree of mechanization in breweries, Spirt. prom. 28 no.7t29-32 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pivo- bezalkogol!noy i vinnoy pronyahlennosti. BIIENKOs Ic-T. [Bilenko, K.P.]; GRODZINSKIY, A.M. [Hrodzinsikyi, A.M.]; R~SHIKOVP V.N* (Parshykov, V.M.1 Effect of light conditions on the motion of assimilates in corn. Ukr. bot. zhur. 21 no. 2:47-54 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy AN UkrSSR i Institut botaniki AN UrSSR. .- I I - ~ .. I I c,~ ~, . -:,- . tx ~, -1 ; - -9 , " - ; - t - ') , 0 _. , '. - , 00 W"g-4U.N. N51R-~ 110 Ar BILENKO, Zinoviy,, pisatell; DIBENKO, Georgiy [Dybanko, Heorhii], ----~-~.tekhn.nsuk, master sporta SSSR.; RESHETHIKOV, Igor' (Reshatnykov, Ibor] Saluting the Pioneer tiel Znan. ta pratsiia no.5:12-13 My 162. (~IIRA 15:6) 1. Srednyaya shk-ola No.119 g. Odessy (for Reshetnikov), (Pioneers (Communist youth)) Ai~- ,ACC NRI AP7011379 SOURCE CODES UR/0367/66/004/005/1063/1066 AUTHOR: Bllenvklyp S. M. -- BlIFnkyt_,S, Ma; Lapidus, I" I.; RynWin, R, M.; Shekhterj L, Sh, ORG: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Ob"yedinannyy Institut yadernykh issladovanly) TITLE: Isospin conservation and polarization effects SOURCEs Yadernays fIxI1ca,,v* 49 no* 3, 19", 1063-1066 TOIFIC TAGS: electron spin, strong nuclear Interaction, particle Interaction sm coDE: 20 ABSTRACT: The reactions a + at -,;, b + b1 are treated, where tho particles .a and a' (or b and bQ belong to the same isotopic multiplot,, and the total isotopic spin of the final (or initial) rarticles may take only one value, Relationships have been obtained between polarization characteristics of such reactions at the angles 6 andir - 0 ( C7 is the comes* angle)* These rela- tionships are based only on isotopic invariance and invariance under rota- tions and reflections. Their eNperiinental verification.would be a detailed test of the isotopic invarianco of strang intomotionse Card 1/2 ACC NRs AP7011379 Tvo of the authors (Bilenlkiy and Lapidus) thank G. He Osetinskly for useful discussion of the4pestions considered here. Orl 9 art* hass 24 formulas. EB-ased on authorsf Enge Abstj- /jfaSt 409393J Card 2/2 --i I I 1~-A I- A --~ l'---41- I I-r it ttlf+ 1 Y-tl ol'R 'i -- 1 71- -~- ' - -_ ~; -, - - - - . F:, "t. I I - , : . .- .~ , , "- - : ~ ~~ 1- 1 1 1 ~ - t ~ I I I ~ , A 1 -~. ::~7_ EW(1)/DiT(m)/,%T(t)LBrI IJP(c) JD/GG AR6031882 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/006/EO851EO86 AUTHOR: Mykolaychuk, 0. H.; Bilenlkyy, B. F.; Kohut, 0. M. C~= TITLE: Electrical and optical properties of thin GaSb films - 'c;-~ / -j,7 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6E665 REF SOURCE: Visnyk Vvivs1k. un-tu. Ser. fiz., no. 2, 1965, 77-79 1.0 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, gallium antimonide, semiconductor film, thin film 14 -4 ABSTRACT: Ga.Sb films were prepared by vaRgr MositioAn a C~::Z 10 mm-Hg vacuum on glass substrates. Amorphous films were obtained on cold substrates. Structure ordering of the coatings and their crystallization occurred at temperatures of 340-348K. For films obtained at the substrate temperatures > 348K, the dependence of conductivity (a) on temperature (T) is analogous to the ~-.4 depen- dence observed for massive specimens. The forbidden bandwidth'(&Ei found for the slope of the curve is 0. 60 ev. The activation energy for the impurity conductivity is 0. 05 ev. The absorption spectrum of the film was investigated in both the optical and near IR regions. The optical width A4' = 0. 69 ev was card 1 / 2 L 05809-67 ACC N" AR6031882 determined from the basic absorption edge. Cooling of the specimen resulted in a displacement of the optical absorption edge toward the direction of longwave sector. For 6E' , the temperature coefficient (8) was found to be close to the value observed for massive Gm9b specimens'(8 -: -4 x 10-4 evIdegree). A. Zhdan. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 2 / 2 141.." --iW L 33595-66 T(M)/EWP(t)jET-1--1J-Pf-C ACC NRa AR6016203 soum com uR/o o58/65/m/on/DOWDO35 AUTHOR4- A4-1AA#k=- JR_ F--, XgsjWW- As Too TITLE; Temperature dependence of optical activation energy of mercury sulfide 17 SOURCE: Ref. sh. risikal, Abe. 11M72 evin REF SOURCE: 8b. Probl'. rozvytku pr7roft. I tochn. nauk. L'v1v, LLI 1964, 4"8 TOPIC TAGS.- mercury compound, sulfide, temperature dependence, activation onergy, absorption efte, activated crystal ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the temperature dependence of the min absorption edge of synthetic a-HgS crystals. At rocs temperature the min absorption edge is located near 590 ong.and shifts with increasing temperature to the long-wave region, iseep the optic activation energy decresses, The average change of-the optical activation encrjW with temperature in the interval 273 - 394K is found'to be -8.1 x 10-4 av/deg- (Translation of abstract] SUB COX: 20 4 "WT (g) /T/-,,.WP( t) /ET! IJr c) ACC NK: -AP6023001 SOURCE CODE : -U-R-7-01'i~-rd-6-7b 1-1-1-60-4 76-:f3--d-/-O- 4-3-4-,:- e7- AUTHOR.: Zashuk R. P. ; Bilen' kyy, B. F. - Bilen' kiy, B. F. ; Pashkovs' kyy, M. V. - Pashkovskiy, M. 'V. ORG: L' vov State University im. 1. Franko L' vivs' kyy derzhuniversytet) TITLE: Effect of paramagnetic Cr3+ and Fe3+ ions on the optical and mechanical properties of rutile * I L 14ing e crystals SOURCE: Ukrayins1kyyfizichnyyzhurnal, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 430-434 TOPIC TAGS: paramagnetic ion, optic spectrum, absorption spectrum, Verneuil method, absorption edge, activated crystal, rutile single crystal, dichroism ABSTRACT: The effect of Fe and Cr admi ures on the optical absorption spectrum and microhardness of rutile sin cry. 1e ~tpj-; MO , grown by tile Verrieuil method, 2)~ have been investigated. It waf3 found that tile hi-6dPniont-0 ab sorption edge of the activated single crystal shifted to the long wavelength with concentration. The Card 1 / 2 ACC NR: intensity of the absorption band in the region of -A , due to the 01-1 group, increases with the concentration of the crystal admix-ture. The transparency of samples strongly decreases beyond a wavelength of It is noted that dichroism appears in the region of the self-absorption edge. The dependence of microhardness on the content of Fe and Ct- admixtures in rutile crystals was experimentally determined. It is shown that it is possible, in principle, to use this fact for evaluating the Fe and Cr admixture concentration in TiO2crystals. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. [Based on authors' abstract] [NT] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE:. 08Apr65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 0221 Card 2 12 BIT, PTSKIT, V. Observation of ferromagnetic domains with the help of dz7 magnetic powder [with summary in English]. Vestis Latv ak no.11:63-64 161. 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR, ln3titut fiziki B/197/02/000/003/002/002 B104/B102 AUTHORS: Bilenskiy, V., Kashcheyev, V. ---------- TITLE: The effect of domain boundaries on slow-neutron scattering in a uniaxial ferromagnetic PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR. Izvestiya, no. 3076), 1962, 39-43 TEXT: In a uniaxial Co single crystal the thickness 6 of the boundary layers between the domains increases faster with increasing temperature than the domain thickness d (6