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, F-ELIKS Grochodrzew. Warsz,~wa, Panstwowe '-!ydawn. RoInicze i I-esne, 1952. IS P. (Th- common locust) DA "ot in DIX SO: Monti-ly List of East European Accessions MAI) LC, Vol. ~, ~,, A',ir,r 1 C;1,7. Uncl. Ll C-'1.M,7'1,7 : 621 Improwuvul, Zia a Me,"m of inacwAlls -rvjt:e NIA. 21, Pv, rar)t,~ Ukcr(,Zi;c, in the (kniats!] wr clodrival ener-gy i& h!.f-.jy t; in !~,) far ,i,, the. pacidlcA expZin"til'a C), wpply 4~L~J,~j IMI tv, abreast of flic, dcimiid~ An jr.Lrease- In power Y P y - Cop , . 1~ (,.n, WilhOLA UTIZIUC' dIffjCUjjy, I)k-, aCjjjL~Ntld Ijy ijr)j)ruVjjj~,l file power-bc ,-!;-ffls arf, given, baseel on acf1jill experime, of hvrw ir Incre s 11~0 -,vrvic~1 (-T,-xfty of electric power systcnrts, withcmt the it" lar stcrpiw, lip the 1~,.),.ver This m-TNA m- juiic~% uh-, mrier to b~ to 4 mnslant -.,~hagc cl known symmciry and P11= rwa~or, wid to a kn.Dv~m CLIastant, 5yrrmaric4l y corwuVvc comeclion of =h phase to X~cra!41 CODS, ;4hilo Current Coils arc cam"vel any mnk.- in tht working Circuit, and tcnok!in I-P~d cr the IT-CICT, il i~, j>m6* la objz;n &,13 ff-r jrawlns a vzcior dinT4171 for the lozd as sl-,m-n by the m:1.r. This diazam i3 ;zbtn compared wi!h a curm. t and palvnliai di~igram icr thr krcwn ImA. IM-nerx-n Oc-fly th- CJ trun in lUXASUNVI rz BlAimmut 2. National conference on saving electric power.. p. 52. (ENMGETYKA, Stalinogrod, Vol. 9, no* 1, Jan./Feb* 1955.) SOt Monthly List of E"t European Accessions, (EM)t Lz, vol. 4t No. It Ah. 1955, Uncl. p0=. n LOMS DMUNO PARALLML 0PEJlA'r0X 0F SEVERAL IDENTICAL JBi,-~lk --wt rt~JL Lnnrgetyka, Vol, 0, No. 6, 252-51 jIw55). 10, Auh-c and rtac UY e ;over I"Ets 4 nnd forma ae a arezzay-s-e- Ll _lVen $Or dolerrplnAftn of aconDmic lox-, trrora In dotemin2tiGn ,,f Bi:n Il wlU way rr-~ull Imin imrlng Ili a rlytn SyRtcm W ic~:~vesl dj-~ !fj a aMllcnal r.3gnL,1-Wl:,.g currents. ax-mipl rv given, J.1-l"kasZewicz BIALKIEWICZ2 Z. Directions for proprr improvement of the coeificient of power. (To be coutd.) P-148 V61.9, no.3p May/June 1955 ENERGETYKA Stalinogrod SO: Monthly List of ERst European Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no, 2 Feb. 10,56 -IJAIKIL*~41C~', Z. Direct-Ives for a sound inprovement in the power .Pt. '-. . !~~. ENIElb,YXINKA, Vol. 9, No. )4 July/Aug. 1955 (Ydriisterbtwo Ener_retyki) Staliziogrod. SOURCE: EAST EURCPE0 AM"SSIONTS LIST Vol. 5, No. I. Jan. 1956 BIAL:.'IE'zJC-,I Z. Loss of active nower ',,y the parallel operation of scverRl identicn]. transformers. p. 2-512. (Minsterstwc !,.ner:~et7l;i) Stalinogrod. Vol. 9, no. 5, ser,t./Oct. 1PFI he help of ~~oviet clec-.'.TiC power en:-incer,5 to the Polish clectric -otw,~r (ngineers p. 22~. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 1, J~n. 1956 BIALKIEWICZ, Zbigniew, mgr inz.; SKOCZYLAS, Stefania, mgr inz. Discharge of the battery of star-connected condensers by means of two V-connected voltage transformers. Energetyka Pol 13 no.11/12 Biuletyn:39-40 N-D 059. MAI 9607) 1. Zaklad Systemow Energetycznych, Katowice (Electric batteries) (Condensera (Electricity)) BIALKIWICZ, Zbigniew, mgr inz. A-conference on the dislocation of batteries of capacitors in electric ne.work3. Biulet~n. Inergetyka.Pol 14 nj.4:8 Ap 160. (EEkI 9:10) (Condensers (Electricity)) (Poland--Electric networks) BIALKIEWICZ, Zbigniew, mgr Inz. Marking active and reactive power. Biuletyn. Energetyka Pol 14 no.6: 15-16 Je 160. (EEAI 10:1) Olectric power) BIALKIEWICZ~ Zbigniew, mgr., ins. Appearance of upper.harmorlics in electric networks; notes cn eng. AndrzeJ Pilatoviez's essay "Harmonic contents in the voltagge curve". Energetyka przem 10 no.1:28-31 162. 1. Instytut Energetyki, Warszawa Czlonek Komitetu Redakcyjnego miesiecznika "Emergetyka Przemyslowa". j,-,- T f, I T-3 NLi T. I,'rl!ll flnnf~!rcn' ,!~ 0- -fill-w , 1 --, I 12 no.4, .,-!-),7 416.~ RIE N ACY WWIL jjp~w trigr Inv, ,.;I lm i Tomasz; WAJS, K~ Revirw -3f tec,.hnl-.tLl pt,-blic-ritions. Prz-agl e3,,~ktrot-l~chn no.2: 73-75 F 165. BIALKIalICZ, Z.,, inz. Third National Polish Scientific and Technological Conference on Electric Power Capacitors. Energetyka Pol 18 no. 1: 21-26 ja 164. BIALIKO, M. Amplified systems with point-contact transistors. p. 23 IACZNOSC. (Politechnika Gdanska) Poznan, Poland. No. 2, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EKAI) LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept 1959 uncla. ACCESSION M: AP4009262 P/0019/63/012/004/U737/'0752 AUTHOR: Bialkoj,_;19---. TITIEt An instrument for measuring the parameter ft in high-frequency* transistors SOURCE: Archiwum elektrotechi-dki, v. 12, no. 4, 1963, 737-752 TOPIC TAGS: transistor, high frequency transistors solid state circuitry, transistor Q- factors transistor Q factor measurements transistor parameter., transistor parameter measurements transistor diffusion capacitance measurement ABSTRACT: The mtk-le describes the operation and construction of a meter for rea- suring the parameter ft (Q-factor) of high-frequency transistors. The meter consists of a hieh-frequency measuring attachment containing t1V transistor socket; two demodulators f or - separating a 2-ko modulating frequency; two selective amplifiers of 1-kc mid-frequency; two demodulators used for changing the 1-kc signal into direct voltage; an adder with zero indicator; a power pack for trans- istor biasing together with potentiometers for fluid set-up of the transistor's Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRi AP4009262 working point as well as a bias changeover switch (pnp-npn); ard amplifier anode voltage feed and adder. M3e nekr can operate at frequencies of 2-170 me with an error of about 5%. This meter can also be used to detenaine the par=eter f (Q-factor of an ideal transistor),q.the diffusion capacitance and t capac- Cb` e P itance of the emitter-base junction C "Author thanks Mast. of Eng. M. Ras- iukiewicz for his very large contributlon during the design, operation and scaling of the above-described meter." Orig. art. has- 17 figures and 31 equa- tions. ASSOCIATION: Katodra. Hadiotechniki Odbiorozey Politechniki Gdansliey (Depart- ment of Radio Receiver Engineering., Gdansk Polytechnic) SUBMITTEDi 20Apr63 DATE ACQ: 03Feb(4 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt GE, CO NO*REF SM 000 OTHERt 00$ Card 2/2 ACC NRt AT6001 5CZ 96WE COME AUTHOR: Bialk ORG: Danzig Polytechnical Institute (Politechnika Gd.-riska) TITLE: Design of broad band transistorized amelifieia with large feedback SOURCE: Danzig. Politechnilca, Zeszyty naukowe, no. 62, Lacznosc, no. 12, 1964, 55-88 TOPIC TAGS: amplifier design,. ainplIfler stage, tranBistorized simplifier, transistorized circuit, transformer ABSTRACT: This study investigates amplifiers with large i'oedback which, from the point of view of voltage, is parallel, which lowers the impedance level at the Jnput and output of the amplifier and In this way diminishes the effect of parasitic capacitances. Since the I JL input and output i-nipedance of an amplifier with large feedbAck, can b on the order of several ohms, series resistances must be connect-.ed to the input and output comparable to transformers matchIng the a-niplifier to the actual J.,iipedances between which It must operate. Is described here is a 'Uransformerless system which is ".us";4-IfIed J-1n t1he Card I 15L -3 case where the (Jesired 'uand width Is very large. I' i c_- d -i B (,, u, o: of the transistor propertleo a. simplified ByStOM uoli.--, a -T~ibrr_t transistor vilth distributed output and Input Is aasu!~(2d. C!," L0 methods described for de3igning absolutely stable broad baild, tran- sistorized amplifiers and for verifying their ababllAy, two cases are considered: 1) the case where the cut-off freque;icy ol' "rie ratio is much smaller than the tranalstor cut-off fr;~quenc-,.- b) 41-1-le case where the cut-off frequencies are comparable. Orig. art., has 43 figures and 30 fonliulas. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE- none/ 01110 REFt 003/ 07"; REF! 002 BIALKO, Michal Voltage gain of an aperiodic transistor amplifier with common emitter. Iacznosc Gdansk no. 7:71-93 163. 1. Department of Radio Receiving Engineering, Technical University, Gdansk. L 61892-65 AccEssioN NR:- AP5616388 PO/0019/i35/014/Ob2/0333/0-353 AUTHOR- BlalkO, 14. TITLE: Transietorized HF amplifier without inductances SOURCE: Archtwumelektrotechntld, v. 14, no. 2, 19650 333-353 TOPIC TAGS: miniature electronic equipment, transistorized amplifier, synchronous amplifier, amplifier designs transistor operation ABSTRACT: 71be paper presents an analysis of a transistorized amplifier in which the LransIstor operotes in the common emitter configuration and the circuit employs capael- tance feedback. - Such a circuit acts- as a tuned amylifler since the capacitance in the feed- back loop Is transformed (impedance inversion) to the input of the transistor as an in- &ictance resonating with the resultant input capacitance of the transistor. This mpl-es it possible to ellminate, the use of inductances in the amplifier design and thus to achieve some degree of minatuxlzation. -The parameters of a transistor operating with a capaci- tWo feedback loop are derived and discussed. Expressions for voltage gaiii of one-stage and mult.1-stage synchronous amullifiers employing capacitive feedback are derrived and a method of t1heir design is given. It Is shown that single amplifying stages of such type [Card. ...... llaw VVIL'abu pwl.' mijaimu takul WV &I-Mlbltauz I.- , A. V. , Y flu low -IX-equellcy currunt, gain coefficient for the common-emitterconfiguratior and bandwidth greater than fp. With Increasing resonant frequency the gain decrease as in an RC coupled amplifier, and the bandwidth increases. Owing to the limited Nvalue of the equivalent Q-factor of a sirig-10 stage amplifier (Q4 amplifiers of such type can be mainly used -as Nvid~band amplifiers. The amplifier parameters such as resonant frequency, bandwidth, and gain in resonance depend on the parameters of tbJe transistor employed and the external ele- ments such as load resistance and the capacitance in the feedback ioop. As an example, the design of a three-Btage synchronous amplifier using OC170 drift transistors is given. It is noted that the design of such amplifiers Is very simple and their tuning is straight- forward. The results obtained are in agreement with the theory. Orig. art. has: 12 figures and 76 formulas. ASSOCIMON: Katedra Radiotechniki Odblorczej Politechniki Gdanskiej (Department of Radio Receiver Engineering, Gdansk Polytechnic Institute) SUBIMTED: 27Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC NO REP SOV-.. 000 OTHER! 001 Card .2/ BIALK-0, Michal Loop gain shaping of transistor feedbnek amplifiers. Ia,~znosc 164. 1. Department of Radio Receiving Engineering of the Gdansk Technical University. Submitted April 6, 1063. BIALKO, Michal Designing broad band transistor amplifiers with feedback. Lacznose Gdansk no.12:55-88 164. 1, Department of Radio Receiving Engineering of the Gdansk Technical University. LYUDZEYEVSKI, Yezhi (ludzieJewski, Jerz.-); BYA,1XIM:'XTI, Yatsek [Bialkovski, Jacek]. Coincidence spectrometer with energy summing for low energy I -rays. Nukleonika 8 no.12',-7843-852 "63 1. Institut iadermykh issledovaniy, 7arshava, Werk. COUNTRY Poland if- 35 CATEGORY A88. JOUR. R?,Xhim. 1 1.'0. 21 19 5), 4;-,. 77159 r-Ot ~E3.1-n Polit;h Dyea for Ghe Calorisip of Undewooled Shoop- skins with PIrauervation of the Wool ORIG. PUB. : Przeglad Skorzany, 13, No 10, 250-251 (1958) A D'"IMMOT : 'The: hriinh coloring of undiiwooled lambskins is u6itig rcplacad 5~ the ve.t dy-,,~irqr, :-f the skins with! preservatioL of the natural color of the wool. in addition to its. higher labor requirements and the unevenness of the color obtained, brush color- ing leads to contamination of the wooli to insuf- ficient penetration-of the flesh side, and to low fastness to light and to water. Aniotic and apecial. corialian dyes are used in the vat dyeing procesoi these dye.a color only the fleab side, BIALKO--I,'SKI, G. "Neutrino." p. 323 (Prnbl , Vol. 9 no. 5, 195) Warszawa.) Vol. 3, no. 6 SO: Monthly List of East European Accession./Library of Congress, June 1954, Uncl. FOLAIM/Theorcticel Physics - Qucntu-- Mcchnnics r,4 Abs Jour s Rof Zhur - Fizikn, No 9, 1958, No 19655 Author i. Bip.1kowski-fl.., Wrzocionko J. Inst : Not Givon Title i Thoorotical Probla-is Connocted with tho Fun(~pncntrls of Conservation of Pnrity Orig Pub : Postory fiz., 1957, 8, No 5, 519-548 Abstr,~ct : Survey. Bibliogrrphy, 16 titles. 4 CArd : 1/1 BIAU,U,;SK1, G. 15th Conference of Polish PkTsicists. P. 83. (KOSMOS. SLRIA B: PRL-YWCUA NIEOZI-le,70NA.) (Warswiwa, Poiand) Vol. 4, no. 1, 1958 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (LEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 FOUM/Ilieoretical Physics - Quantum Theory of Mechanics B-4 .'.b,.-, Jour:Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1959, No 4880 Author :Bialkawski Grzegarz, Wrzecionko Jerzy ins-'.- :I- -------- Titia :Problem of Parity in Modern Pkysics Orig Pub :Kosmos (Polska), 1958, B4, No 2, 109-121 Absw--act :No abstract Card : 1/1 BIALKMKI, G. Strong interaction of K-mesons. p. 225 POMPY FIZY-KI. (Polskle Towarsyltwo Fisyczne) Warszawa, Poland Vol. 10, no. 2, 1959 Monthly List of East European Acceasions (EM) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2j, Fob. 1960 Cknel. (aLL-azkon Uatte the Tamm-Dancoff approxi=_ tion. I owski and "n LcF 1116, ~,M-71,Y, "'niv Wa w, Poland). y . K". 050) - 41 Calm=& of K"'-nucleon scattering phase shifts are reportid. A zimple model of Yukawa interactions betw"n K mcsons and baryous ScvnF. no derivs.) is adopotd. The inetbod used is a Minsensional Tai-nm-D=coff approxn., but with no simplifications as far as recoil effects am concerned. This method is partkulatly convenient for K4'-nucleon scatter. ing, since the principle of assocd. production exclude;s grapho lea" to nonrenormalizable effects. The resulting inteZral equation has been solved for the T - 1. S11., Pj(#,, and Ps/i states in the energy region up to 1.26 b.e.v. The coupling const. Is the ojily parameter to be detd. from expEl. -data. This was clauses to fit the exptl. value of the total cross section at about M m.e.v. It turnp(l out that the best agreement with expt. was obbaned with (G~ + 4r-12.5. This value Is much gmter than the correspond- Fgfxieadoptedinpre~Vmpers. M. B. 0 by n Grze L (Univ. W U ear j. 17, i960).-By ;;A~~ U-oscal kaw ou eassurning psen ar Yu a c piing betwem K mesons and baryons, the K* nucl P ase shifts were c-alcLd. bY eon h using the 3-dimemlcwal Th -Dancoff approxn. C--Ie-*m. were made for the S~1. Ps/., and Ps/. waves in the T - I andT-Ostates. 7'he corresponding phaseshifts and the total cross sections for K4 on p and K+ on ", elastic and charge-exchange scattering were presented. Norman-E. Picketift-9- ~~J~LKC't4!.SKI, Glc- P/047/60/011/002/002/003 BO 2"j/BO 6 4 AUTHORSs Bia-rkowski, Grzegor and Jurewicz Andrzej TITLE: Classification Schemes for Elementary Particles -19 PERIODICAM Postqpy Fizyki, 1960, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 191-205 TEXT: As may be seen from the preface, the authors restrict themselves to listing some essential models of classification, special mention being made of the model by W. Krblikowski. The scheme of d'Espagnat-Prentki was previously discussed in the periodical "Postqpy Fizyki". The authors classified certain elementary particles (Table 1). The model developed by Salam-Polkinghorne is a modification of that of Gell-Mann and Pais; it contains the well-known relation between charge, isospin, and the number of baryons. Table 2 classifies the pions and K-mesons. The classification of various hyperons and nucleons may be seen from Table 3. Tiomno's classification of baryons is given in Table 49 and a classification of mesons is contained in Table 5- Finally, also the scheme of Pais is mentioned; whose great merits in the classification of elementary Card 1/2 Classification Schemes for Elementary pj'047/60/011/002/002/003 Particlee B021/B064 particles are stressedo There are 5 tables and 9 referencesg 1 British, 6 US, and 2 Italian. -ut Fizyki Teoretyeznej Uniwersytetu Warszavskiego, ASSOCIATIONs InstyAv Warszawa (Institute of Theoretical Physics of Warsaw University, Warsaw) Card 2/2 BIAI,KCW-S-KI,__Grzegorz - Dispersion relations. Postepy fizyki 12 no.6:429-670 161. 1. Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW. Warszawa. 2121136 L) U0 0 tj 0 3 1 B ILI 2, B ? 0 A UT HORS i Solov~yev, L. D., Bialkowski, G., jurt~wic-i, A.. TITLEt Equations for the photoproductlon of 11ions or accounting for pion-pion in'efaction PER10DICALs '.1hurnul tjksp~,rimmntalln~~,), i ttoi:eticlw,~skoy v,, ju. no,. 5, 1961, 1339-847 TEXT: Equations for the partial pion photoprodu,04'on aMpl4tUdCS at 2, 1~ - ma energies have been derived on the strength of the Kand,~Isiam repr(,senta- tion in Cini.Fu~ini approximation and with regard to nucleon rec~-il and pion-pion interaction. The pion-pion interaction is introduced into the equationa by pion-pion photoproduction amp2itudes formulated in an earlier paper (Sc2cvIyev, ZhETF, A~j, 597i 1961). Picn-p_~cn interac-tion makezi a contrIbution crily to isotope-scalar pho'lopfoau-_-ion amp! 4. -ades ,e As a consequence, pian-pion resonanc,e 4n atates witr, J-1-11 if thea owist at all) yir~ld3 a contribution only to th-ge amp1,_,tu.1V:,'; to which. no contr,,bution ia rude by reaorian~~e. The amp'~,Lude of photo- produotion on pions depends on the high-energy singularities. In the 2ILT, b Equations f or the phot oprodu-C-1. i con B 10, 2,- 3 2 0 4- elld.9 C expression for the I'Qrmer there appears a paramE---r Thr,' -P i amplitudes of the pro3esses rr,---',NN and gli-:;,NN in th-, ior.3iiered, This makes it possible to write formally a syot.?m uqua- -ns relati rig the. amplitudeB of the processes 3-N-,,-7%N and 4-TE-Nfl to the PN and RTL amplitudes. Thi3 system contlain3 no new pararjeters.. For the time being it is, however, not possible to take high--energy rlbuti~~rg into consideration, and data on the pro,_,,~sses r--)~NN and must t- taken from experiments. Thus, equations are considered h;~r~, .7~n'.,Y fo:, -~he. amplitudes of the process rN --j,"N, into which the deter- mined parameter of the process n --)-T,71 enters .The formulation of 'these equations requires a discussion of the extensive kinemati,-.3 and the unitarity condition for the processes TN--.PTIII and ;5hinlh is, pre- sented in the second part of the present paper. The kineinnatics of the former has been investigated repeatedly, and that of he laLTe7 JS treated by a method of Jacob and Wick (Ann.Phys~j,,.404,1959), I,-. th- second part, the spectral representation accor~:Ji-ing to for the invariant amplitudes :~f photoproduction IJs writ-_,ii f'__rz,,,, rl . - A :) 11,17 5/056/61/0140/(-:05/0 1 "j/05 1 Equations for the photoproduction ... B102/B205 S-, 1) = (B,(') - (32) S - P11 00 00 1 h,1 10) 00 Y) + dx dy dx dy X-Sj Y-t ~7 (X - S) (it - -9 0+101 41'1 (ml")j h~'2) (x. y) h (y. x), (33~ r 1, CK - a) ~p ,(a) - 0, B(a) B( P1 a - 2 (34). 2 1 n 3 2 a - 3 B (a) mB(a) 4 - '_ 4 2 This representation is supposed to be valid without any subtraction. Confining themselves to the low-energy range, neglecting the amplitudes F, H, etc., and making use of the Cini-Pubini approximation, the authors obtained this representation in the following way: Card 3/7 Equations for the photoproduction... H(c')(s,g,t) . Born ter, + dx 1)a(a)(x,t)+6 1 2 (7-1-8 X-5 i (m+/I (35 , where a(a)- IM H(a) for TN ?nN and 6 bi - Im H(a) i i a2 i a("~(S,t) corresponds only to a Dion-nucleon intermediate 1 S/056/61/040/003/016/031 B102/B205 1�1 CO bi~x)dx x2 2Ti ~2 x-t 4YA for It_>NR*. X state in the 2 unitarity condition. The singularity with respect to t begins at 16(1 and can be expanded in a Taylor series. When neglecting the phases D, F, etc. of pion-nucleon scattering, this expansion reads a~a)(,,t) _ (a)(, ) + (t-t )a~')(s). In order that a~a)(s,t) contains I i0 0 11 1 2_ no unobserved angles, t 0 is replaced by the threshold. t 0 -P 2,A thresh' kthresh = t,(2m+/t)/2(m+,i;). Substituting (35) in 1 Ml:t C ~ d-v A, [Q T - T) P; (X) 2 Y __") H, + (17) 4- ( W + m ff + Es + qX) PAX) Q (W - RI) P1�1 (.T) q0 P, (X) H2+ Card 4/7 2W (E3+-)(W+j T -Ij) S/056/61/040/003/016/031 Equations for the photoproduction... B102/B205 + (W + qX) [PI (X) q (W - m) Pl,, (,v) ]-q(1 : 2w TE~ ~ + Pt (X) + +nt E 17 l ( ) q L El*.=C dx- P;:t, B,, 2 2 E2 + in w -(W-m)A,,P*I(x) If,+ lv+n (W -~- E. + qx) P, (XI - qp q (W - M) PI'l (X) 1�1 (.0 - A P; (x) + D ( -x2)1 + I, 1j E2+m 2+ M) (W + tit)j q W + W + qx) [ P, (x) - q (W pl:t 1 2W (E2 + (W + qP, f qp -Ffn It, -,- 2 1 P, (X) - AtP;(x)-FDI, E , rAe [(I + I)-' ly + ty, DI� -' Alt ~ a BI;t = 1 -1 1- 1-1 1 I) . Card 5/7 S/056/61/040/003/01 06/6' 1 Equations for the photoproduction... 310--/B205 one obtains the integral equations for photoproduction. Whereas the last integral for the isotope-veotorial amplitudes vanishes only in (35), the reaction n --iNR makes a contribution to the isotope-scalar amplitudes. Neglecting the non-resonant nN phases from (35), one obtains Hl'" (s, -S, 1) = (Bi(s) 2eR61, + (44) -7--jo T---w -S M^ for the isotope-scalar photoproduction amplitudes; the b i are given by bi(O mql IT(-)' - m T(-)' I fit MEEps + 112E b, (1) M T(-)' T(-)'] f;, (39). IMP2 I- T + Y2 - bs (f) 0, b4 M= - (mq,l I 6nE) T(-)'f;, There are 1 figure and 15 referencess 6 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The three references to English language publications read as followsi J. L. Uretsky et al. Phys.Rev.Lett.1,12,1958; S. Mandelstam, Phys.Rev.112, 1344,1958; W. R. Prazer, J. R. Fulco Phys.Rev. 117,1603,16og, 196o. Card 6/7 22136 S/056/6!'/040/003/016/031 Equations for the photoproduction... B102/B205 ASSOCIATIONt Ob"yedinennyy institut yaderxiykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research); Institute of Theoretical Physics of Warsaw University, Poland, G. Bialkowski and A. Jurewicz SUBMITTEDs September 6, 1960 Card 7/7 BIAMOWSKI, G.; JUREWICZ, A. A set of integral equations for the photoprGOuction of pions on nucleons amplitudes. I. Bul Ac Fol mat 10 no.1:49-55 162. 1. Institute of Theoretical Physics, University., Warsaw. Presented by L.Infeld. AUT1,10,18: Dialkowski, G., jorewicz, A. TITLE. A sysLem c,:' ii-,LeCral equatiolis 1"Ir the of ;,"intoproull oti Oil PERIODICAL: Referativnyy 7-i-,;rnal. Fizika, no. 1P, 19o'?, 52. 1-2A440Q III ~ i3ull. Acad. Polon. sel. 5~r. sci. inath. astron. et no. 3, 1C,62, v. 10, IL):-) - 169, EnGlish; sumnary in jius.5ian) TD(T: Starting from the dispersion relEOLionz for ener~-V at a fixed angle ,or syinii etri c ally -rundered amplitudes of pnotoproduction of pions on wticloons, A. I obtained In the previous articIe (ref. 12A447), a systom of integval --l-iuations was derived for lo-aer partial amplitudes, of this process. The contribution of the left-hand soction is disre.r,arded. V. Pavlov [Abstracter's note: Complete trLLnslation] Card 1/1 BIALKOWSKI, Qrz9LqXA Pol" no title given ScholarshiD Holder of the International Atomic Energy Agency Working at GERN 50mmission EuRogglnne Mur la, 0 rob clear@ Crakow, PqGtGRx Fizykip Vol XIII, No 6. 1962, pp b77-6600 "Dear Editor". P/047,/62/013/002/001/006 D218/D308 AUTHOR: Bialkowski, Grzegorz TITLE: V - ?.- interactions PEERIODICAL: Post9py fizyki,'v. 13, no. 2, 1962, 117 - 136 TE'XT: This is a review paper covering works (nearly all Western) published during 1955-19~1. The subject matter is arranged as foi- l Ir -lows: 1) Phenomenological evidence for the existence of strong ox -4 interactions; 2) dispersion theory of jr- ~-, scattering; 3) the ef- fect of the T -Yr interaction on scattering processes and the elec- tromagnetic form-factor of nucleons; 4) effect of the -r-5'( interac- tion on the Droduction of an additional pion in pion-nucleon colli- sions and measurement of the effective pion-pion scattering cross- section; 5) interactions in multi-pion states. There are 3 figures# and 49 references. ASSOCIATION: Instytut fizyki teoretycznejp Uniwersytet IVarszawski (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University) Card 1/1 BIALKOWSKI, Grzagors Letter to the editor. Postepy fizyki 13 no.6:680 162. , 6) War-saw, 1:i'j:tIn 4, et Vol X. NO 3, 1962- 1. "A Prob's= In th4 T-ieOry Of t a Iftstit-u-to of !:at! -:..t I-C.1 - Po I MN); En-'.'-nh aftlj:s. Pp. 126. 2. "lot* an a "h*ortn of StRaLeff." ity Of airland; 127-13D. 3. I-C-m a Cortaln lwar&l Bo=.d"-, V-1lut Prtble~ of Zl:!; tic S,steas of Linear DIfferintIml Sq1,dtICn3 0: the Se br-dor," B. jAyzj11:, of the Dq-nr~j~~' Amalys's of I-, univer-olt.- o~fWar~&- %Xa* edrk A~~' '-z,- --.7- "Mrazavaki); tmZ24al: mu:-~Lry, pp. 13 1-138. 4. "IntsSral of ttn lzenrlth-tz- Its AppileatIc..m. ' Z. S=ydt. of 1-181tttlltlv --t:.6- 73t I r. Ai,d- -f ol~n:e, ~5- Cmo.- -riL=c ;4~-F t :!&t*rAt7:--mj, Oddita' Z--a;,ow, N:); Frer.-.-. ;;:~139-144- 5. "Tmnufcr:7a11on of M~bollc Zquat,*orts wlt!: Cartmin I.--. T.'ericas47; -4r7, -Rusats.= sun P;. 6. , 'A Note on !,tclultr S;acox. 11:. l'-lzr,::~ vid W Cr- -1.1= ~- .1, T,.,t1t.tq cf, "PA veratty! i~i.-ftwMu, :7.. 1. Mick swIzza. -ozmar.); mr.-II-311 ''Ir"ItRttemm, !nstmb1-!!t7 0.1 & Cyltneer Im tv-.3 ?reeenas ~r a I'm-3netic 74-e'd to tte Axis ,f the C~-Zlnder." J.S. Wr-rv&~ ~ma t-.. 1; t.t u of Azt--=o~~, 701-sh Of Sciences (::-Lk7.qd Azl~ro- --ZIrUsh axUc PXT). 3. ''A :~Gt of *,nt1::-ftl Mquation.6 for, 11~tlrrnl,~ n zt ?,one on L%l .%Lreviox. of Mie :netit4te of Theo r,141- 1/2 VA.ile,t. at. ".16 'Non-.1s -R ot Vol X, YO - 1562. -