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BEY-BTYETIKO G.Ya. -~ . Twelfth International Er;t(molopical In Lrrrion. ;;*Ft. oboz. 44 no.1:223-240 165. (Mt:Rh' 18:7) BEY-BIYENKO, G,Ya. Sixty five years in the service of entamclogy; in remcry of J.A.G.Rehn. Ent. oboz. 44 no.3:714--716 t65. (METRA 18:9) t t entomoloFy. (1.!Iirj% IQ,: I" BBY-BIYENKO, I.G. VAterials on the horseflies (Dipters, Tabanidae) of Vitebsk Province [with miumary in Inglish]. Not. obox. 36 no.3t655-658 157. Wak 100) 1. Institut malyarii, mditainakoy parazitologii i gellmintologii Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSIR. (Vitebsk Province-Horseflies) BEY-BIYENKO,,'Iiib& GiAgor-lievna.' Borr'1931. Jr sci worker, Inst-of Malaria., Hed'Parasitology, and Helminthology of the Min 'of Health USSR (Moscow, Pogodinskaya u1., No 10). Parasitology (ectoparasites), Address: Mos- cow, lst-Koptellskiy Fereulok, No 28, Apt 6. SO: ZoologL Sovetakogo S21jEa - Spravochnik (Handbook of Soviet Zoologists), Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, ed., Moscow-LeRiiWa-d, 1961; JM: 13188, 2T March 1962. Unclassified (Date of information: late 1958) cts V BFAL'TYUKOVA, K.N.; BEY-BrYBIMO, I.G.; BUYANOVA. 0.F.; DETINOYA, T.So.; RIMBERG. SMZMTA-, - K.F. Preliminary report on the development of a system of measures for the control of blood-sucking insects at the construction site of the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station. Med.paraz. i paraz.bol. 27 no.l-.20-26 Ja-J '58, ~MIRA 11:4) 1. It sektora entomologil Instituta malyarii, meditsinskoy parazito- logii I gellmatologii Ministerstva zdravonkhraneniya SSSR (dir. insti- tuta - prof. P.G.Serglyev, zav. sektorom - prof. V.N.Beklemishev). Pernskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta i it Krasnoyarskcy krayevey sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantaii (glavnyy vrach S.I.Nozik) (INSICTS, control measures in rural construction zones, evaluation (Ruo)) DANIIAVSKIT, A.S.; BEY-BIYEIIXO, I.G. Oak leaf roller (Tortrix viridana 1.) and the resistance of different oak forms ot its harmful activities. Uch. zap. WU no.240:61-76 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Oak--Disease and past resistance) (Iosaf rollers) SHIPITSINA, N.K.; DETINOVA, T.S.; SHWWOVA, M.F.; BELITYUKOVA., K.N.; BUYANOVA, O.F.: BEY-BUYKRO, I.G. Protection of Mrasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Pover Station construction workers from biting midges. Med.paraz. i paraz.bol. 28 no.4:456-463 -Tl-A9 '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz sektora entomologii Institute. malyarli, meditsinskoy parazito- logil I gellmintologii Ministerstva zdravookhranAniya SSSR (dir. ineti- tuta - prof. P.G. Sergiyev, zav. sektorom - prof. V.N. Bbklemishev) i is Permskogo gosudaretvannogo univerBiteta. (DIPTIRA) Bh-Y-B-TYENKO, 1*G* Fauna and b1ology of horseflies (Diptera, Tabanidae) in the ,~q,, t. oboz. 42 no t 'ga of the middle Yenl5ey Valley. M~ -4:833-844 10 (MIRA 17r8) 1. Ing.-Itut med'-tslrsk(,,y pa-azitologii i trofAchesk-cy m,Ajts1ny imen-1 Ye.l. Martmi,.iovskogo, Moskva. Zamestitell glavnogn. redakt-ira zhurmla "Ertomciogicheskcye ebozrenlye". .BEY-BIYENKO, G.Ya., otv. red.; NARCHUK, E.P., red. [Aeports at the 15th Annual Lecture in Memory of N.A. Kholodkovskii, April 18, 1962] Doklady na 15 ezhegodnom chtenii pwniati N.A.Kholodkovskogo IS aprelia 1962. g. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 92 p. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Vitse-prezident Vsesoyuznogo entomologicheskogo ob- shchestva chlen-korrespondent AN SS-,-~~ (for Bey-Ayenko). tq, ( i al I rcl ,, Dissertation: "A Parasite of the Soft Psf~udoscle Insec:; Coccopl.a.,us L.-ciruna '~,,7alk iln ci, -.,,i the J)ubtropic~-.l of Azerbaydlzian 31'.'-a." Cand Lio) j isieni 0'. j',:. rl'irov, 14 i.,iy 54. Jibakin3kiy itabochi.i, 5 o0 - O-M,l 2,,'.4, 26 Nov 1954 B',;" Yr~ fl T! OV , ~ . A . "A Parasil a of the Soft Psew1o Scale Insect, 3orso-)hri M-, is lycbmia W,11111 Under the Conditions in the Snbt-ronicnI Rayolis of 4.1je A,c,.I,h I I -iydzhnn SM (Fight Against the Parasites of the Citrus (Crop)." Cand biol Sci, Azerbaydzhan U, Baku, !Q54. (PZhBiol, No 1, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical 1~issertta-~ ions Defended at USSR 'Hirber Educational Institutions (13) SO: Sum. 5PS, 20 Jul. 55 M4M.(W, R.A. -1 Combined method for combating the soft pseudo scale Cossue hesperidum L. Dok1.AN Azerb.SSR 12 ne.9:661-664 156. (NLRA 9:10) I.Prodstavlons skademikesi Akad4*Ii nouk Aserbaydzhanskey SSR G.A.Aliy*vym. (Scale Insects) PLZAYEVAY L.M.- BEYBUTOV R. Apple seed chalcid Torymus irul-arum (Bc~i.) ("Hymenontgra., Chalcidoidea) In the Kiibu-Muchmas zone of the Azerhaijani S.S.R. Izv. AN Azerb. 33SH. Ser. bicl, i med. nauk no. 6: 63-065 163. (114M 17:5) BEYBUTOV, Sh. A.., (Engr) "Effect of Adjustable Processes and Foreign Fields on the Selection of an Optimum Part of a Palsator in Coring Oil Wells." Cand Tech Sci, Azwerbaydzhan Industrial Irs t imeni M. Azizbekov, 24 Feb 54. Dissertation (Bakinskiy Rabochiy Baku, 17 Feb 54) SO: SMI 186, 19 Aug 1954 t USSR / Human and Animal Physioloa. Effect of Physical Factors. T-13 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959) No- 3959 Author :Abasov, I. T.; Beybutoy. 3h. M. Inst :Not given Title :An Experiment of Validol Application in Radiation Sickness Included by Roentgenotherapy Orig Pub :Vestn. rontgenol. I radiol., 1957) No 4) 71-72 Abstract :Giving 2 - 3 drops each of validol (V) on sugar to patients with carcinoma of various localizations (50) after a session of roentgenotherapy or during the application of radium. usually considerably eased the general reaction to the irradiation, leading to dis- appearance of nausea, vomiting, headeches and other unpleasant sensations. The application of V before irradiation frequently prevented the appearance of X-ray reaction but its effectiveness was increased under the Card 1/2 -4 USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Effect of Physical Factors. T-13 Aba Jour -. Rof Zhur - Biologiya.. No 1, 1959.. No- 3959 conditions of subsequent intake. In a sharply expressed X-ray reaction, the application of V appeared to be ineffective. -- B. B. Glikson Card 2/2 122 BEY23TYrOV, bh.-14.- JUJUDWEICKOVA. S.Sh. Alectrocardlographic changes in patients with cancer of the asophapis who have been subjected to teiegamma therapy. Aserb. med.zlmr. no-5:71-75 My '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Iz Azerbaydzhanskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta rentgenologii i radiologii (direktor - dots.M.M.Alikiahibekov) i Il goopital'nyy terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. - zasluxh. deyatel' nauki, prof D.H.Abdullayev) Azerbavd2hiinakogo gosudar- stvenaiogo meditsinskogo instituta im. N-Narimnova (direktor - zasliahenn;vy deyatell naulri, prof B.A.Eyvazov). (GWM RAYS-THAWBUTIC USA) (]CSMMiLGUS--CANCJM) (R=TROCARDIDGWHT) SOUSSP A.A.# dotsent, (bakup ul.L.Shmidtag d.17, kv.13); '-BEUMI,-b~ Mj* nauchnyy sotrudnik Roentgenological changes in the lungs after telegammatherapy for cancer of the esophagus. Vest. rent. i rad. 35 no. 5:30-34 MY-Je 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Iz Nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta rentgenologii i radiologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (direktor - doteent M.M. Alikishibekov). (LUNW. (ESOPBAGUS-CANCER) (RADIATION SICKNESS) 13XYBMV Sh m , - P~imary cancer of the vagina. no.3:48-51 mr '6o. (KmA 13 -.6) (VAGINk--com) -BEYBUTOVI, Sh.M. Condition of the peripheral blood and bone marrow in telegamma therapy of patients with esophageal cancer. Mod. red. 6 no.2s7- 11 161. (MIRA 1413) (ESOPHAGUS-CANCER) (GAMA RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (MARROW) (BLOOD CELLS) ' ABASOV, I.T.; IMMU , Shomo Changes in the cardiovascular system during radiotherapy of cancer of the esophagus. Med.rad. noo3,13-19 162. (MIRA 15:3) lo Iz Azerbaydzhanskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta rent- genologii i radiologii. (ESOPHAGUS-CANCER) (RADIOTHERAPY) (CARDIOVASCULAR SISTEK.-RADIOGRAPHY) BEYBUTOV Sis M CAND MED SC I "EXP ER I ENC E OF---TgrXn' t'PATIENTS 3 43 Moscow, :#-AX+e" -FA*U-"K JELEGAMMA-RAY 3~ 1961. (STATE Sci REs ROENTGENo-RADIOLOOICAL INST OF THE MIN OF HEALTH RSFSR). (KL, 3-61, 230). 391 _L_1:K?k43 EPF (01 .,/EWT(m)/BDS AFr-MjAFGG ?:~-4 a'/*/Dj ACCES31OR NR-. AP300109 S/0152/63/000/006/0073/W75 AUTHORs Mov umzade, as S. S, M. M.j ;P!gb~~qy Y TITLE: Dewaxing of oilsk~~__th methyl. isopropyl ketone SOLW.".'; I=, Neft, i gaz' no* 60 1963, 73-75 TOPIC TAGSi dewaxing, paraffin-rich oil dewaxing, solar oil, solar oil aewaxing, filtered stock., filtered-stock dewaxing, acetone-benzene-toluene solvent, 3-methyl.' 2-but3none, 3-methyl-2-butanone solvent, solvent recovery, pour point, kinematic visco.3ity, devwed oil yield increase ABSTRIOTi Difficulties in the recovery of three-cor- .~onent solvents (acetone- benze-ae-toluene) after the dewaxing of paraffin-rich oils have prampted a study of th.3 dewaxing of these oils with a single solvent - 3-methyl-2-butanone (I). ExperLments were conducted with a paraffin-rich solar oil fraction (pour point, +21C; kinematic viscosity at 50C., 12-74 centistokes) and with filtered stock (pour point, +42C; Icinematic viecosity at 100C', 16-85 centistokes). The solvent/oil ratio varied frcm 3/). to 6/1. The solvent and the oil were heated to 50-60C, then ,ooled to -200 iLt a rate of 20C/hr. The dewaxed-oil yield increased in the case )f solar oil (solvent/oil ratio, 11/1) from 73-5A (three-component solvent) to Card Y2 L 13596-63 ACCESIBION NR-* AP3004249 86~ C0,and in the ratie of flItered stook (nolvent/oil mt1o, 611), from 61.)% (thren-ocolpment solvent) to 70 M- Orig. art. has: 5 tables.. ASAMMM Azerba~dzhanskiy Inutitut. nefti i khimii im. M. Azi2bekovu (AzeAmydzhan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry) SuBmr-mm i 26ian63 DATE, ACQt 2IAug6) EfICL: 00 SUB DMEt FL NO REP SOV: 002 OMER: 001 Card 2/2 17 ACC 19-12-66 E,~iP( NR: AP6018112 SOURCE CODE: UR/0152/65/000/001/0055/0057 AUTHOR: Movsumzade, M. M.; OAG: Azerba-vdzhan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry im. M. Azizbekov 7 (Azerbaidzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii) M TITIE: Dewaxizia%f Zhirnov vetroleum raffinate ~Iith meth-vli50Dr0DVl ketone SOURCE: IVUZ. Neftl i gaz, no. 1, 1965, 55-57 TOPIC TAGS: crude petroleum, petroleum refining, ketone, petroleum product A, - \\ ABSTRACT: The high quality aviation. oil MS-20 in obtained from a mixture of Zhirnov and Korobkov crudes. A concentrate or a mixture ofthese crudes ;undergoes selective refining by vapor solvents (a mixture of phenol and ere- ,Sol with propane) and dewaxing with a dichloroethane-benzene solution. ,iSubeequently, the dewaxed oil undergoes contact purification. A feature of ~this process is the fact that drwaxing precedes contact purification because ,dichloroethane as a chloroderivative readily dissolves a5phalt-resinous sub- ~stances. In order to find a more effective method of dewaxing the possibi- ility of obtaining aviation oil MS-20 from a ndxture of Zhirnov and Korobkov jerudes by using methylisopropyl ketone was studied. The raffinate of Zhirnov and Korobkov crudes first undergoes contact purification, ' It was. found that the use of methylisopropyl ketone as a solvent has the following advantages: a) methylisopropyl ketone is stablet noncorrosive and has no narcotic effect;.b) a lesser expenditure of condensation is required; c) it is L 30972-66 ACC NR' AM018112 more easily regenerated, since it is a monocomponent solvent practically insoluble in water; d) methylisopropyl ketone can be used to obtain aviation oil with a lower pour point. Orig4 art. has: 3 tables. EJPRSI SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: 17SeP64 CRIG REF: 004 Card 2/2 U-77-77-- MOVSUMZADE, M.M.; BEYBUTOVA, S.S. Dewaxing the lubricant components of petroleum from the island of Peschanyy with methylisopropylketone. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.3:65-68 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Aserbaydzhanakiy institut nefti i khimii im. M. Azizbekova. BMUTOVA, T.S. Preliminary data on the treatment of tuberculous meningitis in children under three years old vithout subaracbnoidal injection of Btreptomycin. Aserb.zed.sbur. no.llr20-24 N 159. (MIRA 13:4) (KMNGXS--!EUBIMCULOSIS) (STRYMOMYCIN) 'T T. beydeman, I. Al. "'Water expenOdture in so-LI transpfr;;t-*.Cn ~nd ova- poration under conditions in the rlugano-Sally2nskiy mount2in r2nge Trudy Azerbayfth. nauch.-isslcd. in-ta ~-idrote!diniki i melioratsii, Vol. 1, 1948 fon cover- 1949~ 7 p.6,Q-77 -- Dibidog: P. 77 SO: U-3566, 15 1`.arch 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh St;atcy, l'o. III, The fob of Im WW is Im walmr4ou rogww of nib. 1. N. Hei =l.PodmlWW%i# (P*dWW) 1%9. VOU-9. -W*t IImsililchak rtm's Solkicafflif berbued shom a trusepwatim of 2 cu. m. of water Per hA. Lvy Wboschak mpponjuS Silhols cmssa shows a tmn~-: ptrAti=cd2Wc%.m.Pvrba- &A-tsk-its-PPactmg . don of 0500 cu. m. Arkxdsia mrytmm shows a tranM" of water per ha. The meadow type at -0 with a highi water table supporting Glyribiw giske shOws a: transpirstiou of 2DAW cu. m. of water Per ha- T. S. toffe BITMMU, I.N. Icological and ~iologicul bases of changes in vegetation; from matarial on the depression of Iketern Transcaucaaia. Bot.zhnr. 38 no.4:475-484 Jl-Ag 153. (9LRA 6:9) (Botany--laology) b E Y D E H,4 At I k BEYDEMAN. I.N.; SHJYYXRS, Ye.V.. doktor biologichookikh nauk, redaktor; ----Tnmw,. S.D., re&alrtor; ARONS, R.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Methodology of phonological observations in geobotanical research] Metodika fenologichaskikh nabliudenti pri goobotanichookikh issledo- vanilakh. Moskva, Izd-vo Akadezii nauk SSSR, 1954. 128 p. (MLRA 7:8) (Phonology) (Botanical research) B"HAN, I.N. . - ~ Y~ dpm., W. !OFAO;. 1 A ~ , i I I - Transpiration of the cotton plant under various ecological conditions& TinAr Bot.inst. Ser.3 noo'9:646-687 154. (MLRA 8:4) (Plants--Transpiration) (Cotton) 02,09 " '0 ~4 IV. MISR/ Biology - Book review Card 1/1 Pub. 86 - 39/39 Authors Nikitin, S. A. Title Procedure for phenological observation in geobotanical research Periodical Priroda 44/30 page 128, Mar 1955 Abstraot I A review is made of the book, "Procedure for Phenological Obser- vation in Geobotanical Research," by 1. N. Beydemn, published by the Academy of Sciences of the USM,'WTJ545,~~OMff contain- ing 130 pages. The book gives something of the history and methods of phenological observation and is generally rated good. Institution Submitted BETDIKAN, I,N, Methods of studying the water regime of plants. Bet.zhur.41 no.2: 212-219 7 156. (MIRA 9:7) I.Betandoheskiy Institut Iment V.I.Komareva Akademii nank SSSR. Leningrad. (Botaw-Physiology) YAROSHZNKO, P.D.; BEYDIKAN. I.N., redaktor; VIKHM, S.D., redaktor; ZICNIINLI , redaktor. [Succession of plant associations in Transcaucasia in connection with soil and climatic changes and the activity of marJ Smeny rastitellnogo pokrovs, Zakavkastia v Ikh eviazi s pochvenno-kli- maticheskizi ismeneniiami i doiatelinostliu cheloveka. Moskva. Izd-vo Akadenii nauk SBSR, 1956. 240 p. (MIak 9:6) (Transcaucasia-Botany-Boology) BEYDI~IL,11-, I.N.; T-MOBRAMMISKIY, InterderAndence in Kura.-Aras Lowland. (Kura-Arap i,.S. the development of soils and '-T'rzd7 . inst, Ser. I no.11: 17 ) (So!l !-)rmation) vegetation In the 11-1.0-164 157 , MRA BEYDEMAN, 1. N., ALPATIYEV, A. M. (Prof.) Ion1nP_Tad;S1M-!A!TYUK', A. P. (Prof .), - ilUfLORINA, T. N. and ERUTOV-bKAYA,, Ye. A. (fCx7asnoyarsk) "Correlations between rates. of Seasonal Development of Organisms and of Inorganic Factors of Surroundings . report presented at a Phenological Conference in Leningrad, Nov. 1957, by the LEM Geographical Society. BNYDEMN, I.N. Observations of changes in the coastal vegetation and the develop- ment of vegetation of the sea bottom following the regressiot of the Caspian Sea. Ttudy Bot. inst. Ser. 3 no.11:165-IS4 '57. (Caspian Sea region-Botany-&ology) (MLRA 10:8) All/ I'A A/ J AUTHOR: Shullts, G. E. 12-90-3-14/16 TITLE: A Phenological Conference (Fenologicheskoye soveshchaniye) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, 1958, Vol 90, lir 3, PP 301 - 302 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A Phenological Conference in Leningrad was convened in November 1957 by the USSR Geographical Society, together with the In- stitutes of Botanics and Zoology of the AS USSR. There were 310 participants present, including representatives from all Soviet republics except Lithuania. The Conference heard 99 reports including those of: P.A. Baranov, (Member Correspondent AS USSR), I.N. Beydemann, and G.E. Shullts on the actual stage _ _ _ F6`pE_en of Soviet o-1`Fgy, S.V. Kalesnik (2ember Correspondent pFy AS USSR), P.A. Baranov, A.I. Rudenko,(Leningrad- Candidate of Agricultural Sciences); Professor A.M. Shullgin kmoscow), on "Phenology and Geography"; A.P. Vaslkovskiy (Magadan), on pe- culiarities of seasonal occurrences in the Chukotsk peninsula; V.D. Aleksandrova, (Leningrad - Candidate of Biological Scien- ces), on phenology of vegetation; B. Lyakhovskliy, T.N. Butoriha, and Ye.A. Krutovsknya, on phcnologdcai sensors of the Siberian taiga; N.T. Pechayeva (Member-Correspondent of the AS Turkmen Card 1/3 SSR), on the phenology of desert pastures in Turkmenia; Dotsent A Pnenological Conference 1-2-90-3-14/16 M.A. Shabanov (Saratov)lon the phenolo6rical division into districts of oblasts; V.A. Batmanov (Sverdlovsk), Dotsent B.S. Ohustov (Ryazan'), i)otsent A.Kh. Shklyar (Niinsk), A.G. Remizov (moscow), and others, on phenological maps; Ye.V. Bessonova (Leningrad) on maps showing the approach of sea- sonal phases in agriculture; A.F. Chirkova (,~ioscow) on torms of fox reproduction; N.K. Shipitsina, (Candidate of Biol0j;ical ociences (Moscow), on seasonal development of malarial mosqui- tos; V.A. Batmanov (Sverdlovsk) on statistic methods of pheno- lo&ical cartography; Professor I.A. Golltsberg (Leningrad), i)otsent Ye.G. Mukhina (Odessa), D.F. Tumanova and N.S. Chochia (Candidate of 1jeographical Sciences - Leningrad), on phenolo- gical, micro- and macrological division into districts; IN.N. Galakhov (Doctor of Geographical O'ciences - Moscov,)yon the importance of phenological seasons in physico-eographical investigations; G.E. Shullts and botsent A.I. Shernin (Kirov)i on the effect of long phenological series on secular climatic fluctuations; Professor G.G. Samoylovich and 6.V. Belov (Can- didate of Agricultural Sciences - Leningrad), on phenological conditions of woods obsurved by aerovisual reconnaissance and Card 2/1)_ colored aerophotography; Professor A.M. 1111patlyev (Leningrad), A Oienolo6icial Uonference 12-90-3-14/106 I.:.. illeyder-an, Professor A.P. Shimanyuk, 11.14. Butorina and Yu.ii. isrutovskaya (Krasnoyarsk), on correlations between rates of' seasonal development of organisms and inor6anic factors of surroundings. The Conference set up future methods to develop phenolo,- in the U85R. ~y AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 1. Phenology-IJSSR 2. Conferences-Phenology-Leningrad RIMMN. I.M. Bbythn of seasonal varlatione in the transpiration in- tensity of plants growing in eolls with different types of moisture regime and under different clizatic conditions. Bot.shur. 45 no.8:1108-1122 Ag 16o. (KIU 13:8) (Plants--Trauspiration) BRYDE"IL_lKing-Hikalay&vnA-.--BBSPALOVA, Zoya Georgiyevna; RAWWINA, Alskmandra Timofeyeyna; YUNATCY, A.A.$ dokto'r biolog.nauk,; VIKHRL7, S.D., red.izd-va; KRUGLIK07A, N.A., (Studies on ecology, goobotany, agriculture, and drainage in the Khra-Arae Lowland of Transcaucasia; natural and anthropogeuic changes of plant communities, water conditions and root systems of plants] Ikologo-geabotanichealcie i agromeliorativuye issledovaniia v Kura- Araksinskoi nizmanuosti Zakavkazlia; astestvannye i antropogennye smeny rastiteltnykh soobahchostv, vodayi rezhim i kornevye sistemy rastenii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1962. 464 p. (MIRA 15:2) (L=a Lowland-Botany) BEYDEMANP I.N.; KORCIIAGIN, A.A. "World atlas of climatological diagrams" by H.Walter and H.Lie" Reviewed by I.N.Beideman, A.A.Korchagin. But,zhur. 47 noo2:288-290 F 162. (IMA 15:3) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni Komarova Ali SSSR Leningrad. (r.lir-tology-Charts, diagrams, etc.~ BEYDEMAN, I.N. Significance of coindicators in studying the indicator properties of plant communities. Trudy 140IP 8:49-52 164. Influence of plants and plant communities on the seasonal dyn%mics of groundwater. Ibid.:57-65 (MIRA 17:12) DM, A. A. PA 23T13 Oct IOT m Nis Imp V*ItW DAIcatcr.," A. A. Beyder'. I p smarwtikso 110 10 Kawabses a saw type of Dom Imp voltage Isucator M Wt, UY tho- TMX33*P -(Centr&I -Scientific Mossweb ubwetwy rw 11mus"I MAustries). Tt me two* bw. The :ru%t U&" at 120 volts, WO Una U&t twft'~U*t at' 36O."It IBUAW- 2-M3 KIMANOV, G. Ya.; ABELISKIY, A. M. j. BEYD-BRo-A.-Y,; VAYNER, S. V.; VIASIK, V. S.; GOLIDFEDER, Ya. M.; DUDKINA, D. F.; ZHURAUEVA, L. D.; KANE, D. B.; KUDAVIOV, M. L.; KOLODEZIJAYA, T. B.; KUTASNIKOV, V. Ya.; SOLODOVNIKOV, B. M.; STRODIAN, L. A.; SHUMKOVA, N. S. Results of dispensan, treatment of occupational dermatoses in the clinics of Leningrad. Vest. derm. i ven. 36 no.6:500-62 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 2. Irz kozhno-venerologicheskikh dispanserov No. 1, 2, 3, 51 ly 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22 (nauchnyy rukovoditell chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR -prof. P. V. Kozhevnikov) (LETINGRAD-OCCUPATIONAL DISIASES) (SKIN,DISFASF.S) SHAFIRO~ L'. kbrid.tekhn.nauk~ - . A, j R p , -W! ~Di !- -i-w., ~ ' inzlh.,~ 1. RING, I~L. Inzh.-, SAM";KHIN, .1 1 -- J, 4-111m. P re-pini ', lon o f etiges - "In sta ~L rl'i r2ss s teel f'o-;, wp.'l ~ --* ng, Icy a --r-s'f ; c-;ttlng. Sve,7.-p-.r-oizv. ltv 161, ;~~U.RA iih6) MAI/ T /NA(~)/EWP(v)/T/EWP(t)/,TWP(k)/W(z)/EWP(b)/t,,IA(c) ACC NRt AP5010698 JD1HK SOURCE CODEt UR/0125/65/000/007/002-9'-'/O*'0-3-1' AUTHOR: Shapiro, I. S. (Engineer; Moscow); beyder,_R. D. (Engineer; "Hoscow) ORG: none TITLE: Highly productive plasma are methods for cutting stainless steels_ X SOURCEt Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 79 1965, 29-31 TOPIC TAGS: plasma arc, slag, stainless steel, metal cutting ABSTRACT: Slag formation on cut edges and its relationship to the re- moval of metal from the cut is investigated. Three cutting techniques are identified according to the size of the metal particle forming on the edge in the cutting process. These techniques yield large, very fine, and mixed (large and very fine) slag particles. The optimal cut- ting technique requires a voltage of 93-100v and a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen gases (75% N2 and 25% H2). The advantages of the techni- que are higher cutting speedg lower expenditure of electricity and work ed metal and a very fine, easily removed slag particle on the edge of the cut. Khl8N9T staiuless steel, 12-18 am thick, was used in the Cnrrl 1/2 ~k UDC: 621,791,94 : 669.140 T. 9443-66 WT(m)/EIT(k)/EWP(Z)/EWA(C)/T/EWP(b)/EWA(d)/"~~(v)/El,'P(t) At-L NK% AF5026290 mjl4/JD/HM SOURCE CODE: UR/0125/6-57o-O-OTO-:[U66-5-5T60-Ti AUTHOR: Shapiro, I. S. (Candidate of technical sciences); Bty_~ ,11. (EnFineer; Moscow); -.Vladimirov, V. B. (Engineer; Moscow); Mazo, D. M. (Engineer; Moscow); Samokhin, 0. G. (Technician; Moscow) ORG: VNII avtORenmash ........ ................. .... . . TYLTLE: Effect of gas-shielded are cuttin on the properties of Khl8N1OT pteel FY 110 rb SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 10, 1965, 35-37 TOPIC TAGS: steel, stainless steel4laustenitic steel, chromium containing steel, nickel containing steel, steel cutting, shielded arc cutting, plasma cutting/Kh181110T steel -4 ABSTRACT: NHot-rolled Khl8NlOT stainless steel plates (0.11% C, 17.6% Cr, 10.7% Ni, 0,75% Til were cut by a gas-shielded electric are in order to investigate the effect of cutting conditions on the structure, corrosion, and weldability. The gas-electric cutting was done under mild conditions (current I = 330-360 amp, arc voltage Ua = 44 v, cutting speed Vc = 270 mm/min, nitrogen consumption Qg2 = 1600 1/hr, cut width dc = 6 mm) and under severe conditions (I = 400 amp, Ua 5 V, Vc= IWO mmAffin QN2 = 5000 1/hr,' Q1H2 =, 16oo 1/hr, dc = 4 mm). Regardless of the regime of cutting, the surface of the cut had a thin Fe304 film which, under optimum cutting conditions, was about 0.6 jim thick. Changes in the structure of the metal cut under mild and Card 1/2 UDC: 621-791.947:669.140 ACC NRs AF>UL'0L'51(J LI) severe conditions extended to a depth of 1.5 and 0.2 mm, respectively. The conditionE of cutting had little effect on the rate of general corrosion of the as-cut surface, which was only slightly higher than the rate of 1.5 for mechanically cut spec-imens. After a sensitizingheat treatment, the/rate of general corrosion of me- chanically cut specimens increased by 2-6 times, pL'nd that of the arc-cut specimens, by 8-10 times. The corrosion rate of the surface . of the cut prior to sensitizing was 2-3 times higher, and after sensitizing, 10-13 times higher Itan t-at cf the base metal. This increase, however, is not dangerous since it does not extend beyond a small fusion zone. Hence, gas-shielded are cutting of Khl8NlOT steel should be done pre- ferably under severe conditions, which ensure a narrow fusion zone. No cut specimew., regardless of the method and conditions of cutting, exhibited intergranular cor- rosion. Sound welds were obtained by submerged-are welding of cut specimens without additional preparation, and no difference was observed in the structure of the metal of the weld and heat-affected zone in specimens cut by different methods. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I table. [MS] SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE; 2OjuI64/ ATD PRESS: jW L-28864-66 M-P( 7CC NR, AP601153b /ZNTW/T/EWP(v)/EWPW/ETI 1JP(c)_ JD/Ml W SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/66/000/004/0031/0033 AITMOR: Shapiro, I. S. (Candidate of technical sciences); Beyder. B. D. (Engineer); LeRp, V. R. (Enginee Sh4bin, 0. S. (Engineer); Samokbin, Ot Ct (Technician); Aozhnov, V. S. (Technician) ORG: none Gas-electric arc cuttin of alumLn -ralloys up to 250 um thiik a UM SOURCE., Svarochnoye proizvodatvo, no. 4, 1966, 31-33 metal cutting, metal cutting machine tool, gas cutting, cutting tool, TOPIC TAGS:A rectilinear cutting machine, rectifiersetal plate cutting apparatus. flame cutting, aluminum allay, electric are, hydrogen I PPR-1 cutting tool, OPR-1 cutting tool ABSTRACT: So far the-maximum thickness of aluminum alloys cut industrially,by the gas-electric-,a-rc m"et-hod--has been 70..m. -)rurther technical progress dictates the need to enlarge tfiis'maxiinum_. In this connection, the authors investigated the possibility of cutting Al alloys up to 250 m thick by the gas-electric pre method and dIeveloping efficient equipment and techniques for this purpose. AN IP-150/250H rectifier deve- loped by the authors was'used as the power source for the cutting are and the cutiing was performed with the aid of an PPR-l semiautomatic rectilinear cutting_machine. IV Card 1/2 UDC: 621,79i.245,55:662,715 L 2M4-66 ACC NRI AP6011538 Slabs of the Al alloys AMg6 and D6 and avial-type alloys 70-250 mm thick were cut. A major factor in cutting metal plate is the so-called "piercing time" (time from the instant of ignition of the cutting arc until complete melting of the spot at which the arc is first applied): the shorter the piercing time is, the faster the cutting rate; this involves a certain (optimal) rate of hydrogen consumption for a specified thickness of metal. It was found that the optimal consumption of H 2 in- creases with increasing thickness of the metal being cut owing to the attendant in7 crease in the length of the cutting are and hence also in the amount of the hydrogen diss6ciated. Another factor to be considered is the optimal angle of approach of the electric are to the line of planned cut and the subsequent rate of ndvance of the cutting head. Oscillographic studies of the change in cutting-are voltage following contact with metal showed that then a linear increase in voltage takes place. This made it possible to develope a special servo system functionally -- through feed- back -- relating the cutting rate to the arc voltage as based on the use of a cutting head powered by a DC motor whose armature is connected to a power system via an MU magnetic amplifier with self-magnetization and internal positive current feedbackt whicli adjusts the motor RPM to an extent corresponding to the required rate of advance of the cutting head as function of the operation performed at the moment (no load, ignition, approach to planned line of cut, actual cutting). On this basis the OPR-l plate-metal cutting apparatus for well as profile cutting has been de- veloped; it is equipped with a special extensible panel for remote control of the. operations if desired. Orig.-art. has: 5 figures, I table. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUM DATE: none/ ORIG RU: 003 10 7 ~ 92=a KiT(d)/ET,4-1 (fl1)1FFUP(v)1 (1) 11j P(c 77,~f NR- MU-030420 GOUIiCD CODZ: UR/O:.93/~)'U'/OOD/GC)'i/C)003/,DC~Ocl; AUMOR( Shapiro, I. S. (Candidate :'I' technical sciences);.Beyder, B. D.; Persits, OR'3: None F, 'TITLE: Developnent, of the technoli leal. process of plab,,na-arc cu-~Ling SOURCE - Byulleten' tekliniko-ek6no~-,:Lcheskoy informatsii, no. 7, !966, 3-5 TOPIC TAGS: plasma cutting, plasma are, manual plasma cutting metal cutting 'ABSTRACT: The authors describe new plasma-arc cijttin~; ~z, eveloped in 1965-66 ito eliminate the disadvantages of cutting path, the pieces and low productivityi 'difficulty of Droducing high-quality edges in cutting thin jin working with heavy pieces. These new units, the OPR-4~Lnd OPR-5~`Iay be used for icutting alizainum alloys, stainless steel, copper and copper-baGed alloys. Each of Ithese installation * Autor cut- ~,~includes a power supply, control unit and torch. ,ated, dolled Prom a special panel while knobs on the cutter are used for control! tin-g-. Each installation includes a PPR-3 semi-automatic unit for controli i ling torch feed from 80 to 3500 mm/min. Tables are given showing cutting conditions ! ifor aluminum and stainless steel. High-quality edges and high productivity in cuttingi ithick metal are achieved by using gas mixtures with a high concentration of hydrogen. 1 1 Tlle optimum hydrogen concentration should increase with the thickness of the metal to lbe cut. Introduction of this type of equipment should give a yearly savings of about lilO,000 rubles. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. Ir SUB CODE: _13/ SUM DATE/ None Card 1/1 uDc; 621 BEYDER, KU. YE. "Testing Chucks" Stanki i Instrument, 10, no. 8, 1939 BUDER, M.YE. "AVertical.,Sleeve Threading ~~chinel Stanki i Instrument, 10, no. 7, 1939, Engineer \/ AID P - 3957 Subjeot O.-SR/Mis c e 1 lane ous card 1,/ P Pub. '18 - 2/27 Author Beyder, P. Ya. Title : To e-."Imiriate the disadvantages in the location of oil product production and in planning oil product trans- portation. Periodical : Nef,-,. khoz., v. 33, #12, 3-7, D 1955 Abstract The amount of oil products transported by rail has increased very considerably in the last years, which has brought-about a considerable increase I:n costs. The author analyses this situation, . urZe-f*S -i thorough study of the needs of different industries in various parts of the Country for different kinds of oil products which often can be brought from closely located oil field and refineries, and also brings out the problem of more advantageous location for the oil- refining industries. Neft. khoz., Card 2/2 v. 33, Pub. 78 / Institution : None Submitted : No date #12, 3-7, 2/27 AID P - 3557 HEY1M. P.Y&. "'.; . _', Some problems in the distribution of oil refineries and the laying of pipelizes. Neft.khoz. 35 no.2:47-51 7 '57. (MLRA 10:3) (Petr6le"-Isfizeries) (Petroleum --Pipelines) J AUTHORS: Sergeyev, A. S. g, Beyder, P. Ya. 65-2-1/12 TITLE: On the Future Needs of Crude Petroleum Products in the National Economy of the USSR. (0b udovletvorenii perspektivnoy potrebnosti narodnogo khozyaystva SS~R v nefteproduktakh). PERIODICAL: Khimiya I Tekhnologiya Topliv I Masel,1956,Nr.2.pp.1-7. . - (USSR). ABSTRACT: The figures of consumption of petroleum products in- creased by 92% between 1950 - 1955. The sharpest in- crease was in-the consumption of diesel oils (3i'~' times hicher than in 1950). The T3NIITEnejt. Is carrying out surveys, and estimating the requirements in crude petroleum products for 1965. A threefold increase in consumption is expected compared to 1955, and a five- fold increase as compared to 1950 (Table 1). Consider- abl more will be needed in the eastern parts of the K USS by 1965 (Table 2). Comparative data on the require- ments of the USSR, the U.S.A., and Western Europe are giveno The processing and desulphurisation of diesel oils prepared from sulphur-containing, cruae oil will have to be increased. The manufacture of winter Card 1/2 Frade, and other special types of diesel oil should be 65-2-1/12 -On the Future Needs of Crude Petroleum Products in the Rational Economy of the USSR. started in the eastern part of the USSR. A preliminary survey of the resources of the lubricants for 1965 show that individual regions of the East and partly of the Kazakhsk SSR and of the Far East are continuing to be dependent on lubricants manufactured elsewhere. Unfavourable conditions also exist in the European parts of USSR. It is necessary to develop new sorts of anti- corrosive additives for the reduction of wear of the engine (especially for high performance ship engines), Card 2/2 using either non-ferrous or ferrous metals. ASSOCIATION:TSNIITEneft'. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. SOV/93-58-8-4/15 AUTHOR: Beyder a. TITLE: The Petroleum Supply of Eastern Siberia (Neft esnabzheniye Vostochnoy Sibiri). PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr 8, pp- 12-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author analyzes the 1959-65 Plan for fuel supply to Eastern Siberla. The 1958 fuel consumption of this region will be three times higher than in 1950 and five times higher than in 1940. The former TsNIITEneft' estimated that the 1965 fuel consumption of this region will be 2.6 times higher than in 1958 (Table). The present petroleum asphalt consumption of Eastern Siberia amounts to 5 kg/sq. km. while that of the central regions of the USSR amounts to 616 kg,/Bq. kn. It is estimated that the 1965 petroleum asphalt consumption of Eastern Siberia will amount to 52.6 kg/sq. km. It is also es- timated that the Diesel fuel consumption of this region Card 1/4 The Petroleum Supply of Eastern Siberian SOV/93-58-8-4/15 will increase from 27.9 percent of the general petroleum product consumption in 1958 to 31.2 percent in 1965. The 1959-65 Plan for Eastern Siberia takes into account the above data as well as the possibility of directing the excess refinery products from Ufa and Ishimbayevo in the Bashkir ASSR to Siberia, for it has been ascertained that the petroleum products delivered by the Ufa-Omsk pipeline to the Urals and the neigh- boring areas are in excess of the demand. ~The 1959-65 Plan provides for the construction of new refineries in Krasnoyarskiy kray and in Irkutskaya oblast'. The refineries will be powered by a TETs operating on Siberian coal. The refinery in Krasnoyarskiy kray will sUpply petroleum products to Krasnoyarsk, the regions of the Yenisey system (Yenisey GES, Norillsk, and Igarka), and Abakan. The refineries of Irkutskaya oblast' will supply Irkutskaya oblast' and the installations of the Angara system. The new refineries Will satisfy 75 per- cent of the demand of Eastern Siberia. The A-66 and A-70 automobile gasolines which are being produced in Card 2/4 The Petroleum Supply of Eastern Siberia SOV/93-58-8-4/15 large quantities in the Soviet Union will be unsuitable under Siberian conditions where gasoline of higher octane is required. The refineries will process crude delivered by pipeline from the Tatar oilfieds. The 1965 petroleum product turnover in Eastern Siberia will amount to 14.9 billion t/lon, including the delivery of 12.1 billion t/km Vo the Far East. Under the new conditions rail trans- portation will be decreased by 23.5 billion t/km. and the average haul will be reduced from 2,884 to 254 km. The author states that the construction of refineries in Eastern Siberia Is of great importance to the develop- ment of this region and suggests that oil exploration in Siberia be intensified so that the new refineries will not have to depend on deliveries of petroleum from the Tatarskaya ASSR. Such explorations are already under way in Western Siberia (the Kolpashevo, Berezovo, and Khakass regions) and in Eastern Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Cheremkhovo, and Katulinskiy regions, and in the Card 3/4 The Petroleum Supply of Eastern Siberia SOV/93-58-8-4/15 Yakutskaya ASSR). The test wells at Cheremkhovo have already disclosed the presence of oil. The author con- cludes that the problem of oil exploration in Siberia be referred to the Siberian division of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the branches of the scientific research Institutes, and the councils of the national economy of the Eastern regions. There is 1 table. 1. Fuels--Consumption 2. Pipelines--Performance 3. Refineri6s --Construction 4. Industrial gas--Production C ard 4/4 RlffDEa, P.Ya. Consolidation of Siberian petroleum refineries; a topic for dis- /' - cussion. Neft.khoz- 38 no.5:11-14 My '60. (MIRA 13:8) (Siberia-Petroleum refineries) "I Ili BEYDER _Rja" , DZIKOV, I.I. x -N Basic problems of the development and distribution of enterprises of the petroleum industry of the 'U.S.S.R. Left. khoz. 40 no.4:1-6 AP 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Petroleum industry) enterpf, -es. Neft.l,~oz. 4-11 nc.R;j-5 ,~.F 163. (MIRA 17:10) ,,--BEYDER, p.ya.; VINIOGRADOVA, M.F.; DERGACHEVA, S.N. Certain problems in the development of petroleum-pipeline trans- portation in the stage of pre-project investigations. Transp. i khran. nefti no.8:33-36 163, (MIRA 17:3) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly ekonomicheskiy institut Gosplana RSFSR. BEYDER, P.ya. Building a petroleum refining industr-.y in the Tatar A.S.S.R. Neft. khoz. 43 no.1:8-11 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) Diatr: 493d V ]meet of th a r"Wtor a dngen d~lion . k1 .,I, Zfk "'.Ob'M r _W.Ya, Beld3e.: I 'f Trki~OX V-5 lie effect of (I AiP4 iffercut packings in a I'Lbtilar o'7, reactor for the air oxidn. of CjHj to IJCIJO in the pi of nitric oxide was studied on a lab. scale. Porcelain beads, cylinders, chips, and quartz of different particle sizes were used. Max. effect -ovas observed at a bigh surface-to-vol. ratio. The yield of IICIIO was increased to 14 vol. %. as compared to 10.8 vol. % In an unpacked tube; the yield of McOll declined from 0.6 vol. % to 7.2 vol. %. It wits iiecessary at the same tittic to raise the temp. from 650 to 700*. Impregnatitu, of the packing material with K211,0, %ad no effect - 0. Koum"4~ MSP c,-,I-ic'k "ShILV of ti-C of Aoxi- Olatioll of prop'llio v.-ith -Ift TAtl.lo2:".l ric, (All-"!~Ion ro I.rol(ur.,-G-n "ci rics nitrour, lgr Ir't 10 co-ief~ (,.L, "2-5,0j, 10-l') I t BMM, S. Ta. Studying the oxidation of propane by oxygen from ths air in the presence of nitric oxide. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.3'.152-160 158o (min 11: 8) (Propane) (Oxidation) (Nitric oxide) 5 (4) AUTHORS: Anisonyan, A. A., Deyder,-.,,.-Y`a.1, SOVI-16-33-6-4139 Mark.evich, A. M.,-gal' andyan, A. B. (Moscow) TITLE: A Study of the Oxidation and Decomposition Reactions of Formaldehyde at High Temperatures PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii. 1959, Vol 33, TTr 6, pp 1695-1700 (USSR) ABSTRACT- In order to develop the technology of a methane oxidation to formaldehyde (I) it was necessary to study the stability of (I) in the reaction gas (Refs 1-2). Since the corresponding data found in publications refer to relatively low temperatures and 3mger oatwt times, a-ad thus did not suffice for the desired purposes, special experiments were carried out in the preseiit case, The oxidation and decomposition reactions of (I) were studied within the temperature range of 500-8500 at a contact time of 0.3 seconds and atmospheric pressure, The studies were carried out in a flow unit (Pig 1). The (I) concentration in the initial gas mixtures was 1 % by volume throughout. The oxidation reaction was studied with a mixture air: (1) - 99 : 1 in an empty reaction vessel as well as in one filled with packing. It was found that the A. o idation rate largely depends on the surface properties of the Card 1/2 walls of the reaction vessel as well as on the S/V value. Washing A Study of the Oxidation and Decomposition Reactions of SOV/76-33-8-4/39 Formaldehyde at High Temperatures out the reaction vessel with a 2 ~- K B 0 -solution. and filling 2 4 7 it with packings, resulted in a considerable retardation of the oxidation reaction of (I). NO additions (0.1 %) to the initial gas mixture greatly accelerates the reaction in the presence of oxygen. The decomposition reaction of (I) was studied in mixtures CH4 -. (I) - 99 : I in the absence of oxygen, and it was found that there is no dependence of the decomposition rate (DR) upon the properties sf the surface of the reaction vessel Yrall, or the SP; value. NO additions (up to 0.8 %) did not show any marked effect upon the (DR) either. There are 71 figures and 6 references., 4 of which are Soviet. I SUBMITTED: August 1, 19571 Card 2/2 N,UIIOT, A.Yu.,-,---B=XR S.Ya. Solubility of n-pentane and n-hexane in vater. Xhim.i tekh.topl, i masel 5 no-7:52-55 J1 160. (KU 13:7) (Pentane) (Hexane) s/o81/6i/ooq/oo3/bio/o1q A166/AI29 AMOR: Sukharev,.M. F., Beyder, S. Ya TITLE% The separation of solidhydrocarbons by the extractive crystalliza- tion method. 1. PERIODICAL: Ref6rativh:yy zhurhal. Khimiya, not 3, 1961 472, abstract 3M198. (Tr. Vses. neftegaz. n..-i. in-ta.. 1960, no. 27, 86 - 94) TEXT, Naturalshor~~Su ceresin (melting point 810C), synthetic ceresin (melt- ilzig.point 870C) and narrowifractions of'these ceresins wore subjected to separa- tion by complex formatiori'Wilth thiourea. Hydrocarbons (H-1) which form a complex with thiourea proved"to have a higher meltIng point and, a higher molecular weight than hydrocarbons (H-2)mhich db not enter into complex formation with thiourea. tained, Thus,-from single processing with thiourea the following substances were ob from Shor-Su ceresin a 51% mixture of H-1 with a melting point. of 870C and a mole- cular weight of 615, and a 49% mixture.of H-2 with a melting point of 62PC and a molecular weight of 554; from synthetic ceresin a 61.6% mixture of H-1 with a melting point. of 890C and a molecular weight of 581, and a 38.4% mixture of H-2 with a melting point of 560C and a molecular weight of 390. Chromatographj of the Card 1/2 .9/081/61/000/003/01-0/019 The separation of solid hydrocarbons by the ... A166/A129 isolated H-1 and H-2 mixtures on silica gel showed that both the H-I and E-2 mIX.- tures consisted of methiLne-naphthene hydrocarbons, but the H-2 had a hi&---4r re- fractive index than H-1. The authors assume that'. with the help of tbiour-ea, the hydrocarbons separate adcording to the size of the molecule and not according to the molecular structure. Summary by A. Ravikovich [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 13-EYD':1,., S.Ya. !M'acL of the ilndi-vir,ual co., o. utrullr -tr., Of of illiti"d w!,--~ p1';it:ll,ioll. :,oftoi,or. i BEYDER, T.B. Determination of moisture in hydrogen chloride. Zav. lab. "I no.11:1327 165. (MR A 19: 1) 1. Novomoskovskiy khimicheskiy komb-inat. Mill JI t ON a ii A --IAV o 0 0 0 --o 0 00 -a r 00 -.Tgji.~jj Agirs"A V. S. S. X. 3, No. 1. 157 -40 -00 (194 bip of Pa= cimsemom" OW R. rwfa~pj 17 of ripen culy OW rw& blo in vitamin C (1) potency (Z.174- .00 an His. %) ibm of R. Mai" rim late and - rch- poor in 1 11-13,39 Ms. %). In N. cia"wafted go A :I W13. ra" th!" or I colum Tim = tiu the 1P hips turn mew. tbee I, - shma On the so 00 bips we god a A. "miss the com wim Im - the s so 00 hips tipes. of deb, an osidaw. ted JU . C4NiX4 *00 ::,e bat not aft. tionapow am A. in Ow Ssois redIftleaccoverth. It i cut. in Samn we's buffer mim. (pH 6-9T7=.d be wd waiftbifin: I. =00 001, in *me camm; there im a Sain is I and a No is cksic doting is jm~ cam the em Is true whik 00.3 as w R. mixion vW In bo& ad&. Hips of A. rapm - Po- lem"y kapartaw kw a=s. prokiction; a dm* hip -Y 0 001, weigh 3 11. OW o=tA;n 24 mg. I. juiia~ 4100 1:00 ft* l goo till Ilow Man? as r KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.M. [Kryshanovelkyi,,- O.M.11- BrfDLWLkN. M.N. Semiconductor depth indicator for multirope mine hoisting machines. Sbir. prate' Inst. hir. spravy AN URSR no.6:17-24 160. OGIIA 13 * 9) (Hoisting machinery) . (Automatic control) AKSICRIYANTS, A.. SMIK. A. [luban.'U-81-an'di of petroleum; a classified bibliograpbical aid for libraries] Kuban' - krai nefti; metodichaskie materisly v vomoshch' bibliotekam. Krasnodar, Sovetsksia Kuban', 1957. 15 P. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Krasnodar. Russia. Krasnodarskaya krayevoya bibliotaks. (Bibliograpty-Uban-Petroleum) (Kuban--Petrpleum--Bibliography) KWHIPORIM, H.N.; VOROSHILOV, P-Kh-; BIVOKOITI, N.B.; BEYDIN, V.T. Study of the process taking place at the anode in the course of sodium chloride electrolysis. Zhur. prikl. khim. 33 no.8:1818-1828 Ag 66o. (Xectrolysis) (Salt) (MIRA 13:9) BWDULIN. Sh., rekordsmen SSSR po avtomodellnomu sportu. A 5 cm~ model of a racing automobile. Za rul. 18 no.7%16-17 JI 160. (MIRA 13: 10) (Automobiles--Models) BXMLLIN, Sh., rekordeman Sovetskogo Soyuza po avtomodellnomu sportu, Faster than the nMoskvich.n Tekh.mol. 28 no-10:15 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Automobiles--Models) BFIENIKI.,T, N. Uroki 4-zyskani,- i proektirovaniia vtorykI, ~Dutei ~Toskva-Don`oass, ZLesscns in surveyim_- and orojecting second tracks on Moskcva-Donbas railwaa/. (Transportnoe stroitel'stvo, 1934, no. 9y p. 16-19). DLO: IE7.T7 SO: 9) VITET THANSPO-ItTATION AND CO.'E"UNICATICTIS, A RTBLIOGRAMY, Library of Congress Reference Department, WasDington, 1952, Unclassified. 134R, A.k. Plottirq; the legend of a geomorphological map, scale 1:200,000, for mountain and table-land areas as exemplified by the western part of the Tddzba depression In southeastern Tuva. Vest.Mook.un.Ser.biol., Pocbv.i geol.. geog. 13 no.3:205-210 ' 58. (MIRLA 12:1) 1. Kafedra geomorfologii Mookovskago goo. universiteta. (Tod2ha region--Geology-Asps) BEFW,.8A8 1. BEER, A. A. 2. USSR (600) 600 "Research in the Field of the Synthesis of AntDrialarial Preparations of the Series 8-.Aminoal-k-~-lar-,ino-6-1-!etho.)(yquinolyl'I Zhur. Obshch. Khim., 9, No. 23, 1939. Lab. imeni Professor Berkengeyn, In5t. of Fine Chem. Tech., Mloscow. ."eceiw7d 221 Juen 1030. 9. 40 Report u-1626, 11 Jan 1952. 001W 0* AND PRO11111i INDtl 6. a AV 10 u1i i i i 1i a it a i d it ii is ii vir i 0 0 0 0 0 is goo -*e 000 .1100 Coo See gee woo see Weis Wo* gee Itow 11"Ol, 1-mi-A T 0 1w a a v -1 v -, -0a- -03- 1,T 0 .0 - - 000 **goo 00-00 0 **goo** *,Do* "0 0*0000 *****go 0 iv as a? a sc 81PGIG JRLIL it 00% as P. alloul's jK% 00 ..0 41" COOSItt 4.0 M LIVIII I.O.Lefte "1141ALI "act Aulaos Mola --- -'- I 0 QA OOR go, 00 *go .-kill WWAJ,j all$ U1 41JUJIIJ a4i UILUJ PAWAW" bI 414111191 go. -wipAqN%Voftl~SIP,4PUIttlimilAI*Jkvbul3tlTo anpp" aqj MqN- 'At U1 too .p ".)IV 491 1101114411A --U4 L-1 JDJ 60- (y,j.j,jNN,j, p_ *pdtllw aplUqivqlqd Te lo -j%jw Ajub,) so* I'll""Vim Aq (94 '1 Vr',)) 441-11911 Puw ftl P Pt"I'Al" ato Aq flasaalla Is-mi q av"%Aj- 441 wituo AAwtujid pi %j..vqj%lAv 1401vt) aqj Uj--,j()tjj)jt a 'R'V v 00 -Pais lopm ev Iq MMIJ I&MMIF alp )0 A"n 00 ago Oyied ~- -14.. is 1---- 00 It -1 E 1 1 ;a 0 0 DITTO 41 4 F a 9 No It IS u m it 16 0 lop till ajobAs UD 3da low Molew a #J41 afo-rsr M,9IF c No I L L L-i I loop q A -1 4141A 0014111141111116111111111061110 00 OW0111mic add. N, A. JiF :-0o . 00 and N. A. Precibreshen4bil. J. .4ppjwj 1.41 0 I . . . It.) No X*-10(190) (French summary). 00 G Swiftel expU. on the oxidation vi nivatim to akmitimic wid; the best coaditions are shown 00 hchm. Nkvtbw (3 g,) In 23 m 27% IiNc% was add,,d Go it *Pwtp to M cc. 27% )IN01 at gal, iiiher funbec heating 9111' f 3 h h l -*a 00 or n. at e so o. vm cawd.. ofttratiml. acidifird . t t Co l with HC1 lll'U t i h N "0e *0 AP o rimilleo w t op soo o. tvapd. tv~ . di, MM the ic acid cxtd. with bnaiwg Suolt. M" Ykld 70% M NiMine (b ) in 20 cc watcr a of . . . was . g- 4owly added to 90 g KMm0 in 8D cc water at 70' the oo a* . . 4 . ool"-Wam I 't*30* tberWoldmKMo%( - " =00 6 toy f m ) was L;k 4 im solid limit, and the was " " !l O 0 ' a FAI 41 bftt weld roloclommi ather filtrutitm. the fools. i r-0 0 0 t on as abu" gave #A)% micatink- acid. Uscj moo, In a 0 MAN solim. of nketim at lm-6. 5% yield. Isvr a ", %* ( Kosoispoff Ot *0 goo C tuui. t:q 0 be* a. S L A SAVALLUMCAL U711RATUM CLASSWICATOM age goo. we 0 1010111 How 0.v C)" 0,085 -j Mil OK ONT M tool Tv -1 9-.-. As hd0 04 1 1 a a a 3 4 I 1 11 1 1 ; a, It a *a "ev : on 10 Do ,a ON %a : a 0 0 a a 0 *Tg*d* 00*41 000 00*000*00 Go W-W 0 a 1111111041 a*- 941 IP u m a h. P is P V A -L-1 G A a It IF Q A I J 4 T-1-A-i I AA 0111'" Up.114AL I, A L- -1 j I 'L~ 4 6 .-IL-1 A 4 00 tb* Fill), virldrd 4-meth W-J-, drip ~.dirre. 1,. 1l1$ Z- 11 34 rak. tit. 145-7' 1 from It tillfi). Tht~(10bydr`u- -0 00.1 J. 1 13, 144i -I riettated Over N catmlv~t in .&let at mqu truip.trirld'd .0 -4-1111c1hyllucolinic acul if) -(/-Avdre I / -intuary). 4-mrilryk? rl 14W 11%,u Ills, so and ill a. 1 .1 . fill,. th wix-ci, -bly d"'d- SOC11 "flu" 1" 1 hr 1M. 131-3' liltillll~ III Mill L~j in 1A 00 %whIM 44ps, Al.-ormplAvInk eirm, sr,td. in. 1111 - (Its4it cv. Iscrurenr lurstled %lilt '.'A it A,,O, located an a .11ram '00 4: imth 1,* 2 hm, I.,l J rise .4,-t -i-ed ..4 tirpka-4 00 '00 -0.m.2'A 14'. Ill 2.Nv. StM, their%&. 1.1 tih "a 00 41 g I uls st-e-4ing. aml. mIt" mandiog for I day. lo.-v 15 min. with I it. Ae.t 1. after which the ums- %as 41tst.l 00 I Ill.. li-oll .... 1 11.4 11, IWO e,r Idt"eti "ll. I I-, I-wl.lm 3 (10 X. 4 1, 00 1.1ttair trucird'. a ... I the le.1.1,1v vuld .1th twurvor. I Is- lim-7,", which has a buto;ug ta-l~ and ltolu-10 pin-1h, '00 09 ,t-- tti-CIdesiv. (0.45%.) .1"t, is,- Imspettle.. It. P.. 1.0" m, 11.1 Is' it"- 1,10J1; 00 lie 11~rsjr"v vistu. -61- t0.5 S.) - I.-ud it. I~ 4 'el,trole'l CTT,1111. it ill. 13,1 V, at hsh i-ua thrre I. no ~00 (decinulat ). dei . I mrimmon n Wart rn.p. with the piciate of the inittal I goo lo Mlec. of CII,N. will. in RtjO (from Sce. itteNINW- carbigmg). Ill (0.9 Xj_% X. fuming 1111r. and 0.2 S. red I. Cf I.Et) at -:b,)* there was added I g. 11 suspended in dry heated in a scaled tube to ]'-Ill* for 8 lim. cot". dild. 69a I- is('; after 12 firs. at 11'. when gas evolution had subuitIM, vvith war". filtrrvd. and the filftate inade &1k. with K.C". 00, rise ... tiLt. ust, filterml still and the ressidur vigil with %trong tottlinjig still rxitl, Atilt I;tO, virldvtJ 4-wftk)j- goo .ult Itot ;.it. -ther is. Vivid o.05 It. dialtlaiethV1.1-pyruil. 3.4 au a VI-41, yeilow liquid (Ps, - 00 Go,, k,h-, It 71 3*. p.-ale, lit. I 11 1?4* it ... its OCII CCI. atr. in. 1:47 -'r."'), %hWh, .111 It4l"I'llig. 1191111141m.4 I fA I 1y ylvIds tilt jl~l F,ler, 14 ItIll 3,.iat warillull "ithdr). itwll into a yellow .41d, ulmd. lit all ills mlolvints. tit 109 I-Al 0;1'its the prewnce of llFA)o; pirate, in. 137- 8' (from the same compn. The liquid lirtnuitir (0.15 g.) in a1c. '400 iitow, andanequiniol.atut ifmlc.NiOl'hwerrlitmttilonattmus "'ill dfV FlON't (ouSlWeifird all-rd to 1,4111 ('W 4"s loill.; atirs, tilt tutum stud vapu .,I the filtrate, 49( I'" I-' 1u. . 11-1-1 It, 141' It's S Ili bildit'li -I uh ill, mIV 1-61,1, d 4 .1 (1 1, 1 441(irl, 0%4.1 ulih 1,1.4 1 1'. tulled'Allt . ties f., .4, "Al%vil"I i.Ot- tit, p. 14.4 4* 1 limu 0.1 0. 1 x9e it 11 1 Wl, licisictl .if a isiat. i I-Al It f,4 7 lit 2, Alk. ith K,Cth. ~mtd. wul, NaCl, a I - t -Y. w, 11, :-00 -.04.1 v- I- r*-;---.-i- U s AT 00 0 1 it 04 2 L13 0 it 110 of a a 14 a W tt 1`1 0 Mi 0 0 0 0:0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Ili! A A .4 AA -6 14, 09 06 *0 00 .,1 --- 5-1 -111 P III I ~"V. It III- A' Pa. Ank Cut 9, I.p W-00 i~-o 0 0 o -90 o o 0-0--0-fro- 1., 11, US I 1., 0, 1., 1kI P. I.' I., 11, .1. , - go so Syf'thtb filid)" in the 4 MethY111141111finic acid i tr e9 A - A. 11mrand N, A. ~"'% ful In , 11011 hiatrtl fit 0 ~411"t fill. At Ilkik G" 111 1.- il - l K a-' -41 , 1'. 144 s "v; 111 1?(7 IlOwdreautim Pi III Until). fm it hm Ahl., mli k .JId-C'ILNC(M-'I all -til - Q11,1 fIll"(1 iral III, oil hOrm'11'All, "I. fill, 3 1-11-1. I l ' 10 -, "'", I'llifflet 1%tillal- 111, PVT "I'll' " ago 1111j; COO A woo l - WOO k I a U III, At go it. m *a move!* W-W -w -W -0 41- 0 -4-1-4 a 0 0 0 0 eiago a 4 1 6 1 a I IQ it il il ky IS a id a 'j. A, ales 309111311241 62AIMISico AA c ft I r C it -L-A- 1- A It? A-0 hl P~Njlillll -0 C"J.I of 09 ,a it go Aaftyrold w6wily at 4.mthyj-X.tkjOur,,CU. %.A. N,. Katak. and A. H. Ralikina s,.,, 00 ulliv.). 44.10-711`0, Ifit'l. Alrd. 21, 37-4i)(liMily 0 No illivialitles were q ob*ctvvtl when 4-methyl-2-thiouravil 0 vras administered to rots io dosage un,itr 0) mg. ,r Ijy. 00 The tffmts at Prolonp4l Irrainxiij iticlitictl %I,pwilig if growtbandoiheartacti., ch&rhc1,,,j%t,cjhyfxj,,",fm,,y crits twunm rNidrut. ImplAillaktikill 4~ 111v X1,11j. .19 Stich tfvatuwut. luto tadjeolm Wictl to induct, melalmor. %)ho&6 in the latter. =00 000, 00a ECOO Oou -00 see coo see XOO 77i 00--j. j WOO ilv, 8:f~ ~4 OJJ E - -,) J6,47 NO* 0 - 014TALLLORWAI, LITFOATURI CLAWK&TWO 00 woo So Lai .1p (mv cat .31411 OK G.. is u It AV so It LA A A t a hd 0 0 It I Ar so 2 43 a :1 9 v KX ON It It ", IN, 01 KW 1 94 A 81 0 00 a 0 0 1 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 41 * 1@ 0 4 0 * 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 IlT44 0 a 0 0 0 0014 *0 0 se 00 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 41 0 4 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Igo 00 eg Ide sea 00 a 1 L"X-~ captsi PROCEIM Wv Derivadvos of thjou~rac- il. NO, Aug. 31. 1947. ThiOUMJ deuved in UK- 4bwnce of sulvellt% kles as midenwttim agrutI --Moba 411 (Pol cat R V -1 U AV 10 " ; I T AS 0 It it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4010 -0-0AA 0 ~ m - - . Is '11 T-T T T-F-10 -I. ic -.1 -4- -R a t UJI-M a a; , , , , -, !- -- 4 --A 0 -00 A. A. tktt, U.S.S.R, --'V a(k JZ~jLICttates are C.n. will, llry jluls hytjlul~ N1 I 1'~-h '00 Igo 00 :00 =00 00 roe -90 400 !'so U*o we* m 0-1 111 400 an I I a 0 4 a 'I Ar ad 3 all a I I v JOVI 14 0 a 0 o o 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : *I a Fsw~/Chmistry - Alk&Ui&o Aug 49 Colchicine Chmical Study of Colchicum Spediosum Stev.,* A. A. 10*, Sh. A. Karapetyan, A. 1. Irblesnik-ov, D. P. Sne irev, "Khinki" Con Sci Res Forestry-Ohen Inst, 1 3~4 PP 'Dok At Nauk SSSR" Vol IXVII, No -5 Study of these plants vith respect to their alkaloids reewlted, in development of a method for extracting and purifying colchicine, preparing an armatic oxy-acid, and for-dbta-1-ding a Ocolchicerineo derivative. The tubers of the plants, because of their relatively low 661"19 /CheaLietz-y - Alkaloids Aug 49 - (Contd) reain-forming nature and because they conta4n the j;reatest percentage of alkaloids (0.41-1.6%), are wst useful. May contain 15-30% of dry wAtarial. Gives. quantitative analysis. Lists percentage alkaloid contents in the other parts of the plants. Subsittea 7 Jun 49. 66/49T19