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S/058/6?-/000/005/066/119 A061/A101 AUTHOR: Bessonov, M. V. TITLE: Ultrasonic data used to calculate the thermal conductivity of vitreous substances at high temperatures PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 47, abstract 5G425 (V sb. "Primeneniye ulltraakust. k issled. veshchestva", no. 13, Moscow, 1961, 165 - 170) The sound velocity in colophony and silicate glass has been experi- mentally determined in dependence on temperature at ultrasonic frequencies of 1.35 and 23.9 Mc. In the transition from the liquid to the solid phase, ultra- sonic velocity changes by 2.5 - 3 times. The attempt is made to utilize these data for an estimate of thermal conductivity using the well-known formulas of Debye, Bridgman, et al. [Abstracter's note; Complete translation] Card 1/1 BESSONOV,, N.,, I)olkovnik Love for combat specialty* Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 5 no.22:62-66 14, 16/.. (MIRA 17112) inertia. Sbor. na 17 '57. (Mechanics) AKSENOVICH, D.A.; BMSONOV. N.A. Effect of surface energy on the abrasive wear of cryntals. Sbor. nauch. rab. B91. politekh. lust. no.60:125-130 157. (ICRA 13:2) (Abrasion) (Crystals) BESSONOV, N.A. Relation beteen work. heat and absorbed energ7 in the process of abrasive wear of rock salt. Sbor. nauch. rab. Bel. politekh. inst. no.60:116-124 157. (MIRA 13:2) (Rock salt) (Abrasion) (Priction) .- BESS011OV, N.A., kand.tekha.r-auk Two mistakes In the exposition of the theoz7 of the dimensional analysis. Sbor. metod. rab. Bel. politekh. inat. no. 1:163-164 159. (MIRL 14,1) (Dimensional analysis) BFSSONOV, N.D. ----,_,_ _ Theoretical determination of the parameters b in the Prony equation as applied to problems of fluid flow in coarse-grained rocks. Trudy VODGFO no.6:21-26 164. (MIRA 18:3) GAVRILIO, V.M.; BICSSONOV, N.D. Filters from porous silicate materials for water-collecting wells. Vod. i san.takh. no.4:33 Ap '59. (MIRA 12-5) (Filters and filtration) (Water-supply engineering) - inzh. ,--.BEWONOV,_ AqtD,, Hydraulic study of block type filters. Gidr. i mel. 13 no.4-39--47 Gidr. i mel. 13 no-4:39-47.Ap .161. (MIRA 14:4) - 1. Voesoyuznyy nauahno-iseledovatel'skiy institut vodoanabzherLtya, kanalizatBii, gidrotekhni6eskikh sooruzheni i inzhenerov giclrogeologii. 11tration (Filters and f j BESSONOV, N.D. Calculation of the flow of water towards a well equipped with a block-type filter. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no.10:YI-58 0 '61 (MIRA 15:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut vodosnabzheniya, kanalizatsii, ridrotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy i inzhenernoy gidrogeolo ii. Gilters and filtration) (Hydrodynamics) BESSONOV, N.D. Evaluating the application of the linear law in filtration calculations. Vop, fil'tr, rasch. g1dr. soor. no.4:151-160 164. (MIRA 17:6) (Ciiss) llr~~Jay 21,'(-~d, 10Y) BESSONOV.0 N.M. krdrochmmical charecterietles of the comercial, areas off the coast of west Africa in the"spring and summer of 1960. Trudy Ancherniro no.20:11-16 162, (MIPLA 16:4) (AtUntic Oosan--Sea water-Analysis) BESSONOV, N.M. Some chara~,terlstics of changes in hydr.)Aerrii3al propej t,*. the fishing area of PAkar and Takoradi. Okf3riolngilft 4 -82), 164 W, 8 13 1. Vsesoyr nyy nau chno-Issledow.,vuel I ski y institut yuystva i okeanograril, Laboratorlyn pro-myslovoy ok~!w.~,;-, BESSONO"', %I.M~ Tho ,jat,~!-s of tne coniinental :-- , *ifrjc;4. P, or. sbor, 48 no.4,68-75 Ap '65. (MlRA 18s6) BESSONOV, N.M.; FEDCSOV, M.V. P;imaxy production *,~n tha shelf waters of the western coast of Africa. Okeanologiia.5 no.5t8'17-883 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Laboratoriya promyslovoy okeanogmfii Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- iss2edovat,ellskogo institut& morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i C,"anograf A. VOLOKH. V.G.; WSHCHINA, M.V.; IGRUNOV, V.D.; NECHAYEV, I.N.; POICROVSKAYA, I.A.; TRIFONOVA, T.S.; TSYGJ1HOVA, A.M.; RUSIN, N.P.,; KITAYTSAV, A.M.i red.; KUZIKIN, L.A.. red.; OLIMPOV, V.G., red.; SKITMXIN, I.S., red.; BERLIN, I.A., red.; NECHAYEV, I.N., red.; SHCIDMAKOVA, L.F., red.; KARTYNOV, S.I., red.; SIMONOV, Yn.P., red.; IVANOV, A.P., red.; BE-SSONOV, N.P.. red.; YASNOGORODSUYA, M.M., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G., (Directions for hydrometeorologicB1 stations and postal Nastnvlenia gidrometeorolo_-icheakim stantaiiam i postam. Leningrad, Gidro- meteorAzd-vo. No-3. Pt-l- [Observations at meteorological stations] Meteorologicheskie nablindentia no stantsiiakh. 1958. 223 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Ibissia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoya upravleniye Adrometeorologi- cheskoy sluzhby. 2. Sotrudniki Metodicheskogo otdela Glavnoy --eo- fizichenkoy observatorii im. A.I.Voyeykove (for Volokh. Gushchina, Igrunov, NachByev. Pokrovsknya, Trifonova, TSyganova). 3. Glavnoye upravleniye Gidrometeorologichaskoy sluzhby SSSR (GUGHS)(for KitAytsev, Kixzlmin, Olimpov, Skiteykiu). 4. Glavuoya geofizichaskaya observatoriya (GGO) (for Berlin, Nechayev, Fhisin, Sherbakova). 5. Mestnyye upravieniya Gidrometeorologicheskoy aluzhby (for MDrtynov, Simonov, Ivanov, Bes- sonov). (Hateorolou-Observations) BASSONOT, N.Y., inshkener. ................... Repairing a davaged boiler shell. Inergetik 2 no.2:12-13 F 154. (MLRA 7:4) (Steam boilers) A UTHOR: Bessonov, P., School Director SOV/27-58-11-8/29 TITLEt The Modernization of Machine Tools (Modernizataiya stankov) PERIODICAL: Professionallno - tekhnioheakoye obrazovaniye, 1958, Nr 11, pp 9 - 10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the training workshops of the Kolomna Trade School Nr 30 there are 104 metal cutting machine tools of which a great number has become obsolete. During their training courses the students are turning out screw-cutting lathes 1615-M and bench drilling machines NS-12B. The obsolete equipment has caused difficulties in this production and the school management decided to improve the performance of the equip- ment. Twelve lathes of the "Udmurt" type were fundamentally modernized. The author goes on to explain in detail what changes were effected on the lathes and machine tools. He mentions the receipt of 5 gear-shift boxes from the Tbiliss- Card 1/2 kiy liteyno-mekhanicheskiy zavod imeni Kamo (Tbilisi Foundry The Modernization of Machine Tools ASSOCIATION: SOV/27-58-11-8/29 and Mechanical Plant imeni Kamo). The modernization of the machine tools and lathes gave good results and the improve- ment of the school's equipment is being continued, Kolomenskoye remeslennoye uchilishche Nr 30 (Kolomna Trade School Nr 30) 1. Machine tools-.-Development 2. Personnel-.-Performance Card 2/2 BESSONOV, P.-A. Sur les fonctions pre8que periodi ues dfune variable complexe, def In-les dans tout le plan. GR Acad. Sci., 182 (1926), 1011-1013. Sur les fonctions meromorphes presque periodiques definles dans tout le plan. C.R. Acad. Sci., 186 (1928), 65-65. SO: Mathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A. G. I-iarkushevich, A. 1. Rashevskiy, ~'. K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 VAS I L I KOV f N.,P,, kand. ekon. nauk; VLASQV, V,A.,, kand. ekon, nauk, GLUKHAREV, L.I., kand.ekon. nauk; DANILEVICH, M.V,, doktor ekon. nauk; ZHAMIN, V.A., doktor ekon, nauk, prof.9, ZAKHMATOV, M.I., kand. ekon. nauk; KURAKIN, N.A., kand. ekon. 4- nauk.5 PANOV. V,P,,~ SMIRNOV, G,V., kand. ekon. nauk, do.s.; kand. ekon. nauk'. TYAGAY Ye,Ya.~ FAMINSKIY, TRIFONOV, V,I,,, I,P,~ KHODOV, L,G,.; SHMIDT, G,A., kand. ekon, nauk, dots.-, SHKGOL', N,N., kand. akon. nauk, dots.~ MATSUK, R.V,,, red.j GARINA, T,D,, tekhn. red. (The economy of foreign countries; the capitalistic system of the world economy after the Second World War)Ekonomika zaru- bezhnykh stran; kapitalistichaskaia si-gtema mirovogo khoziai- stva posle Vtoro! Mirovoi voiny. Pod red. VA.Zhamina. Mb- skva, Vvsshaia shkola, 1962. 632 p. (MIRA 16!1) (Economic bistory) BMSONOV, S. M. DMEASED 1962/5 C 1 1961 SEE IIZ NMITION PA 77T86 BESSONOV, S. V. May 1948 "The Problem of the Effect of Adsorption and the Chemical Actim of Oxygen on the Flotation Properties of Gold, Silver and Copper Surfaces," I. N. Plaksin, Corr Mem, Aced Sci USSR; S. V. Bessmov, Inat of Mining, Acad Sci USSR, 3 PP Usa/Ustals Flotation Gold "Dok Ak Nauk SSM" Vol LX, No 4 Discusses results of experiments m above subject. Readings are tabulated and plotted, showing boundary angle of wetting against time of contact with water for each metal. Submitted 9 Mar 1948. 7" ~'! /I -. Aug 48 Mining Methods "Changes in the Wetting of Metals and Sulfide Minerals Caused by the Action of Various Gases," I .L. X. Plaksin~ Corr Mom, Acad Sci USSR, S. V. Bessonar, Mining Inst, Aoad Soi USSR, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LII, No 5 Subject inTestigation showed oxygen's selective action on the surface of the minerals. saw 24 Influallmm of flobtkan frialiputs am tM bydmnwWwgkW procilinift of taria calacentretes 1. N. PlAW111 411.1 S-3~- Hemudlov. ]twsl. Akad. Aauk Oldel. ?"i s-The recovery of Au by I dir"I cyankl4lion of flufalk)II collrentrAr. "ithoul lift-Inuill.%tv terAtilleast, %lich ad grinding. :.4vc W.Cr I"'ovefle, th'tal Allen thr vonc'uttAtc, %~m lilr%%ki'li,'L The qu"I itian, of M Ability And ca.1111,11.of I Ile it - - agent Win oil the All particle were -11n, In- of All in the %ailing% wA% attributed chirdy tu a. the lWaridrove of flix-A-111" foarnied tburinji the flotation proall-tt. Tvao hypothr"l, (in the ifirtrisnentAl rfftvt, I&( flutAtkin rmflents coca hychurneliallurgical piorct%ing were nivaincii: 6) The pub,tion IVAICHI. Vir.. i-0111-Clut. arealuces the arttability of the All by the cyanitle -olu. And flat recovery dful)%. (2) This collector filin i% rvino%~l but fur-med affaill on the All %urfacei Ainting CyAnI114- Iion. Csraph% show the effect of diffirtrut dua-AGO11% if Pfelinjill.ary ASifUlkNI On $Ile lWfVCIIIAMV Irl-ovrFy of Ali; file effect of the amt. of fintalidiel fleilgral in# file re,lovera, o(AubyCyAnid3ti=oi%erttireastedcuiscvntrAt "; anulthe i relation of the Amt. of flotation arrApsits to the lo- of All in the cwrw and fine concentrAtL, after CyAnidUtiO!I~ Fight PbUtUgt*Pb* Ul difiClItntlY trVILICal AU 111,11"fAl'" Art latovided. A table gives The virlatioral of All recoveries to 'differesst Melba& of tweliminjury treatment of firajawl 4"Ilventralft liefaire ev.111i'lAls"Il. Glady. S. %lity C~-4 Stile, d ~ re had 611W Pses in the notation pftvnlivn~ on& %71,141,101, .11.1 ~~ IrkA, Ndak M111. 1173 Mi. I'hr nin-h4witin tit the julimi .110 oil ininer"I surfaces via.. Ptudw, investig.d. was the tuessiurentent of coillart angles; Oil, Method devc"I by R*Mndff and hit; r(l-warki-vi %a, naml. It is Wieved by P, and H. that contact angle uw.t- ure"watsudef the possibility of rats, the alleratiout of thrmtlul mitfact riccuffinlg as a result of adviorption of sutface-licto, substances on it. Abo. it 12 that if the CtuklAtl AU&h' :-n a mineral surfave ittirivean ('1jy Increasing the tipiten. tit -lillivius. flint III troulart Vt adsorptitill lot 14%) thril Ow flaig tiou art ivi i y ol such a ;11;rfare illiprove". In lill. wriblim) 114"1 toy P. and It: the contact angle was luraltur"I by prik- jecting ow" a screen the itnale of a drin? testing on a mineral sutfAce, and measuring the ungle (if vantact directly. It, rare instances the ti-prCultic-ibility of the angle obluiiied i% 4-5*.butintraisteasesitisf-2'. Fcwtheexpli-thenictal tiurfaces used were electrolytic An and All~ Tllk-~ 111t,tal, were formed into cylindrical tablets of 9 rum. diAtu. and 11.5 min. thick. Then the minerals. pyrite. Kittens. and urwn- pyrite were also studied. For eklicitaire of the mint-Tal ~tu- [Atv. the method of polishing (under a layer (it distil. will rr) was adopted. Time of Polishing In all caseq was 2 tuin. Afler polishing, the surface was wash"I with tdc" then with disid. water. On the basis of results obtained froin Oic "lealearments mAde It is concluded that 0 (from the air,,r llilssrdn4 in water) duo alloorb an inetal aulacrit. This was assaulted to occur in tile following steps: (1) phys, Ad. virptiort of gas, (2) activation of advarption, and (31 lika. line OfOon thevairface with formationtifO film(chrino-Airl- tion). and tht,ti (4) considerable oxidation of the surface v.,th forination of all oxide film. BeWes 0, other gas- u" it, the expts. were N and Col. .9everal table% Risd uAph% Kivv the relatinct lwtween min of contact angle &net length tit tin.r 14clintairl. Phuttographso( the slip. u%ed are given. Gladys S. NIVICY BESSONOV, S. V. Plaksin, I. N., and Bessonov, S. V., "Action of a Film of Xanthate on the Solubility of Gold and its Alloys in a Cyanide Solvent." Isvetnyye MRtally No 4, 1949. effe-vt of oxygti., on the fiDmabi)ily of galenn and chak ~~Lj? ~~: . ' JI.Lest. Jkod, ;6 -27~ A pro;"C,~d f,,r tll~ simly 0 tlok: ci-tuts Of 0 :v)t.~!Iju of I~Iiua~%ts cowiiiIi ill Frinding 111111, !It--- -.ure m;2!f rals x)J flulation, ill a N"or A attn. Gr ill Ow, po~Stil'.u. of defillitc aults. 0 in the liquil ph,%,t:. The ulipuals wLrc gr,otind to -071 min. 5ize, all, wcrv. t~!zited ill a mu I I - mil via cr ill l1w ol flzy!at~)11 z1gett!s. with u4l~mi~] ("0 ,ton) '111d .-;itb Bu N"Iftbatt (RAYt."tolt) aud t~-v;i" oi f_~O Z./to 11 ). Nc:tltral (lzOx,3,gcll"tcd mattr was fi,ull~l 1(~ c::~tu~,z itu i1rtatin of the sillide minLial!;, while wnli, lh~- r,,agcvts, bill Nvith no 0 t,uh)Ad throtigh 5.mall url;t.- U! mhwra!, co!Ic7,At:d (ill tit e tiurface, pres-mitably bs~ zf uk-, I'll the niineml,i d=ing griml irg, Upon thu irarcAuction 4 0 tht. nillimis ut- readily C;di:ml is Klv~d m!n with a mm. 0 conlittit, while :s rj3tiy fimes bigh-r 0 conl.,n. - - Y, M. stcQi~~_ r7~ 0 Chr.1ges in the surface Wettabiritles Of gold, rvvtl-t copper. and pyrite caused by success,'ve mdevi of gases. S. Trvdy Inst. GornDga Dela. A bid. Nasik S.S.S. weliabilitVs In vwkXn attii, %verl,' Mudkil by in.%miing oonind un;;t,,% bommi turdully pretmi. speclumm; mO v,%tur previously tteatrd %vith the gas. Of the gaws l1!. N'.. only 0, was adsorbed on the studiM inam, ia6. Tho ah~rptlm of 0, on Au and pyrite %ra~ imm~iblennil not changttl by actk-m al Ht. Asurface jllCvitYv;l%' tr"lrd witb If-. %vas mme artivtly nifected by O~ than tin untrTa" mtrlacc4 Ni-Mcrerm.yvas cb*c"rd "--the gict ion of pure andiech. 0~. Rates In changes. '1! ii'vt~lm )Phn A. KMltsky-l us s r1 1. -,A th prt.~Zb U's =b t. g~tr S. V. 'Y~ --Nd k~Mk -5.3.R., (Me). TeW ill JOSCNo. 9, 109-P.-The cl 5 ftet of KOII on the flatation of PL mislerab with zalltba-tt, 'is tibmawl. In the presenm of lzoll, rb sAits inc&p4ble of combinatluu with tht, xanthatt are formed in the absence of O~eveli When Me p1l is low Dnd 0 wor, xmithate h tkddcd. A set of eqUations b written to ilhutrate tLe probaWe rcu- tious. NMI is lem arrive in this renction t1san KOH owing to lut 1, wtr alky. vad to its buffer "-Ion und th the w1r), dm 1101 rls(- Abovc Adheaiau of-0 Inerals to ift Lubblos In ul,-ace of (floWiGnI mw" Itn wid J. A A, d. N,mh SSSU. 1954, 97, fr~,hl~ pwoAcmd chalcupyrite Immer.N1 in water ti3m stva(LIV L.r I hv.~ wercauvr wuminim, 'v ,, cu,*,,tant , t-'is dfcc t la aw i a~a ti` !. zqilito!' Of (HSSLII%~d 0,. A similar cfhLt i5 ObS~rx-ed NNith pl-~vut~ i;1 of wry Iriv 0, content, bUt i5 fO110WCd by '-UTfdCC OXIdatiDn, Nvith diminishing hydro h~,hicify. The stablo hydrophobicity of a 8cries of minerals in presence of dissolved 0, rises ill *11, Uld,,r ppites < galenite < sphale. lie < chalct4)ytha < pyrrutinu < ameno- ppite. It. Tnvscoi:. Ll VLIMT-Micennoybi sulfide 4urforg)o~i ands.v. essonov. T-M377-4kad-NovkS Z L~on of sulfide otr4, the ad,.1orp tion and ihe followint: re--orOlon of 0 dissolved in the Dif) by the finvN ii often nb."rveil 7-ay -ifect, the MOO of the flotatioil proms. Gale- nite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite, in grain sim down to 66 pi, were ground in an atm. of A and su5pended in HjO or in alk. mAu., pH 0.0,and 11.0. by addn. of Ca(Ollh 3olns, The 0 rom-n- in the firloirl.was dad. nt the hrlinning of the expts. and In pviodsup to l0mlo. thereafter, P~Atzond Z-alenite res,,rb 0 rapidly; chaleopyrite also rtsorbs, but with a laiver rate. The pH and the chem. character of the collf-clor agents dislinrVY influente the reactim: quartz has villy n loly rcactivity. The 0 re-sorption Is strongest in i CWCOM~ or sudla kolos.. analoson5 to tbt ropid &PtV.',-',iDn Of PYHW.inzlk.-On~- For salenite a Minihir effect i5ob5t~rvefl, hitt Chaltopyritr shows OIL I-Lame Phenomenon Only in it Inuch lower (legme. W. 1-11tel 6 , I I , I , I r- ) *.) C.,~ r4 C-, 1") -, KURINKOV, I.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; WS-q1RY,--S.V., dotaent. *Concentration of ores' by S.I.Pol'kin. Reviewed by I.I.Kurankov, S.V.Bessonov. TSvet-met. 27 no.5:76-78 S-0 154. (MIRA 10:10) (Ore dressing) (Pollkin, S.I.) PIAKSIN, I.N.; BISSONOV, S.V.; SOLOVYKV, L.R. '~ - Study of modifications In flotation properties of the surface of sulfides under the effect of gases and reagents. Trudy Inst.gor. dela no.2:193-205 '55. (91-RA 9:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Plaksin) (7lotation) (Sulfides) USSR/Chemistry Metallurgy Card 1/1 Pub. 41-18/22 FD-3237 Author Be3sonov, S. V., Plaksin, I. I., and Tyurnikova, V. I., Moscow Title On the Influence of Oxygen on the Floatability of Chalcopyrite in the Presence of Oleic Acid Periodical Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 7, 137-138, Jul 55 Abstract Describes flotation (with argon) of chalcopyrite pulverized under agron and mixed 2:3 with quartz with 4:1 ratio of liquid: solids. Water used contained 0.16 and 36.0 milligrams of oxygen per liter (200C); medium was neutral (pH-7.0, water) and alkaline (pHog.0, addition of NaOH); reagents used were oleic acid and pine oil (5 grams per ton). Results given on graph. and in table show definite influence of oxygen as activator. Four references, all USSR. Institution Institute of Mining, Acad Sci USSR Submitted 14 April 1955 pyrita. S, X I.N. IIIA-hiii.inif V, I.TylifiliLova. (Wei. Tekh. N,ivk 19SS, No. 10. 127-30; cf. C 'J, 50. M9j.-The effvcts of A. 11, land COl ill$ clialeopylite fl.tation Iv,,te Studiol with laggVd xalittlute. With A, tile exta. (1viiends entiadY wt tile it hitel~kcts %vitho"awl tit'! v-X(tt.III;ty tie alfcal:d ud%t:isdy it- itimiffilcivilt 0 v, picclit. CC). is ell.ctivc 6i'lly by lmv,r- ilig the 1,11. Tlw widity t,f tile iavors ttw activAti"It ,J Ow 'lligivial 'Illf,leV , alld tile Yield i:, hiell cvol Ivilell pi~w- tivall~ Ito 0 i, jiv~,,Vttt. 0 tt'v"O"le" ptav~i 'm itill-I( mt role ill flulmi'm , tin ill 111A. .,f C0:. 'I tie 01- 1 1 Ill I tit,! 3 y,;Ivs aw t%ill% olho -.111lid'! alld llw I"milti collfilill 111t, plulmiliwiting zo,ij 'Illistalati.11 It'le o1 4), xanillate vxtil. A mill,1111'. W. hl. 11, UM/11inerals Chemical technology Cari 1/1 Pub. 22 - 37/59 Authors I Plaksin-0 1. IT.,, Memb.Corres.,,Acad. of Sc., USSR; Bessonov, S. V.; and Tyurnikova, V. I. Title I Reaction of xanthagenates with the surface of sulfide minerals ftriOdicdl I Dok. Jai SSSR 102/2, 331-333t May Ill 1955 Abstract 3 The results obtained during the flotation splitting of cbalcopyrite and quartz in argon with the application of marked xanthogenates cz-o described. The effect of oxygen and xanthogenates upon the surface of sulfide minerals is discussed. Two USSR references (1950-1954). Graphs. Institution s Acad. of So.# USSR, Inst. of Mining Submitted : January 7, 1955 SOVI/I 37-58-10-20409 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p 8 (USSR) AUTHOR: . Bessonov, S. V. TITLE: The Effect of Soda U-pon the Floatability of Sulfide Minerals (0 vliyanii sody na flotiruyemost' sul'fidnykh mineralov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Irkutskogo gornometallurg. in-ta, 1956, Nr 11, pp 91 101 ABSTRACT: A study of the influence of Na2CO.3 upon the iloatability of sulfide minerals is run by measuring the time required for particles to adhere to an air bubble on a contact instrument of the Glembotskiy system. It is established that in the presence of Na2CO 3the grains of the majority of sulfide minerals remain hydrophobic. However, at high Na2CO3 concentration ;n the solution (pH>10-12), they become hydrophilic. Na2C03 suppreszes the floatability of arsenopyrite to a greater degree than any other; it has little effect upon the floatability of pyrrhotite. All this holds true when xanthate is introduced. The influence of Na?CO3 on the surface of sulfide mineral is dual. On the one hanct. The OH- ion strengthens the oxidation and-hydrophi 1) zation of the surface, while on the other the HCO3and GO, ions, reacting Card 1/2 with the oxidized surface, form a hy'drophobic film. The SOV/137 58-10-20409 The Effect of Soda Upon the Floatability of Sulfide Minerals hydrophobization of the grain surfaces of most sulfides is expltined by the fact that the parameters of the crystal lattices of films of carbonates and the crystal lattices of sulfides do not coincide. This conclusion is confirmed by the hydrophilization of arsenopyrite in soda solutions, the lattice of the Fe carbonate in this mineral having a parameter similar to two parameters in the sulfide lattice. L, S. 1. Metal sulfides--Flotation 2. Sodium carbonates--Applications 3. Sodiw carbonates --Chemical effects 4. CrystaIE--Iit-'U-),cco Card 2/2 ,!FSC~ .3 "oktor tekhnichaskikh nauk. W,yo, ~~_ Organising scientific research requested by industry In schools of higher learning. TSvet. not. 29 no.10:1-5 0 056. (MA 9112) 1. Irkutskly gorWastallurgIcheskly InstItut. (16stallurgical research) PLAKSIN, I. N.J, and BESSONOV, S. V. ~ -1-- -1. - --._ "Role of Gas in Flotation Processes." pajer delivered at the Intl. Cong. on Surface Activity, London, 8-12 Apr 1957. Angewandte Chemie, No. 16, 1957. A/ K-1 BISSONOV. S.V. "The flotation of arsenic pyrite orW by I.N. Plakein. G.A. Miasnikova. A.M. Okolovich. Reviewed by S.T. Bossonov.1sv. Vogt. fil. AN SSSR no.10:132-133 157. (MLRA 10ill) (Flotation) (Areenopyrits) (Pyrites) (Plaksin, I.N.) (Miasnikova, G.A.) (Okolovich, A.M.) 137-1958-3-4524 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiy;,, 1958, Nr 3, p 7 (USSR) AUTHORS: Bessonov, S. V., Plaksin, 1. N. TITLE: On Qie Effect of the Alkalinity of Pulp on the Oxidation of Sulfides and Their Flotation (0 vliyanii shchelochnosti pull py na okisleniye sullfidov i na ikh flotiruyemost') PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Mosk. in-t tsvetn met. i zolota i VNITO tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 26, pp 33-34 ABSTRACT: Available experimental materials, also observations made under industrial conditions, justify the conclusion that a direct relation exists between the alkalinity of the pulp and the oxidation processes of sulfides during flotation. The greater the alkalinity of the pulp, at a given 02 concentration, the more intense the oxidation in the liquid phase of the pulp. Consequently, by controlling the pH of the medium, the reaction of minerals with the flotation agents may be altered. Thus the problem of the amount and of the point at which alkali is supplied during the Card 1/1 process acquires great practical importance. A.Sh. PL&XSIN, Igor' Hikolayevich; KAKOVSKIY, I.A., prof.doktor, retsenzent; KHOKHLOV, Y.R., Imnd.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SKOBEYEW, I.K., prof. odktor, retnenzent; VESSONOVO- S.V.. prof.. doktor tolchn. V ELIKIND L.M.. red. nauk. ratsenzent; MARENKO . e.A., r( izd-va; VATIZHTRYN. Te~B., [Hatallurpy of precious metalp] Hetallurgiis blagorodnykh metallov. Moskva. Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnot metal- lurgii. 1958. 366 P. (MUtA 11:7) 1. Chlon-korreepondent Akademil nauk SSSR (for Plaksin). 2. Irkutskiy gorno-metallurgicheekiy institut, kafedra metallurgii blagorodnykh metallov (for Khokhlov, Skobeyev). 3. Irkutskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy institut kafedra obogashcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh (for Bessonov) (Precious metals-Metallurgy) ICATA IN. I.V.; YBGCWV, A.K.; BIRSSONOV, S.V. - .. 1 -1- 1 1-1-1 - .1. - using stage and jet flotation in treatment of lead-zinc ores. Izvo- vys. ucheb. gav.; twet. met. no,"2:33-38 158. - OCIRA 11:8) 1. Irkatekiy gornometallurgichaskiy institut. rafedre, obogashchentya, polezrZA& iskopayeafth. (Flotation) (lead ores) (Zinc ores) AUTHORS: Loonov, S*B., SOV/149-58-4-17/26 Khokhlov, V,R., Bes�_qqRjr$ S&V* Effects of Flotation Reagents TITLE: Elimination of on Concentrate Cyaniding (Wstraneni~m vrednogo deystviya flotoreagentov pri tsianirovanii kontsentrata) PERIODICA.L;Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchobnykh 7Aavedeniy Tsvetnaya Metallurgiyal 19589 Nr 41 pp 122-123 (ft,9R) ABSTRACT; It has been known for some time that slowing down of the reaction Qbserve.d sometimes in cyanidAn& flotation concentrates is not caused by"a film of coll7eftor adhering to the surface of the 'gold grain6 but is due to froth for*ation. The present Authors studied this effect in the particular case of gold-rich concentrates from Taseyev deposits containing 49-WSiO2, 4.18% A120 , 1.32% CaO, 17.63% S, 16.8%. Fe, 1.1,,1,7L, Ait 0.?3% Sbv 8.13% Cu and 0.1% Za. The first seridg of e:Kperiments consisted of cyaniding concentrate taken Card 1/4 straight from the filter-press and the same 4-, SOV/149-58-4-17/26 Elimination of Harmful Effects of Flotation Reagents on Conc*ntra~e Gyaniding concentrate washed three times with water and dried at 15000. The ratio of the 0.1% NaCN solution containing barium peroxide as the oxidising agent to the concentrate was 2 to I and the experiments, carried out in bottles attached to a mechanical mixer, laster 24 hrs. The values of gold recovery from the washed and untreated concentrate were 88 and 72% respectively. In the next series of experiments the liquor:solid ratio wa 's increased to 3-5:1. Consequentl less froth was formed and under these conditions 4% gold was recovered from both untreated and washed concentrates. Since air bubbles may be broken up and the flotation reagents washed away when water is removed from the concentrate in the filter press, concentrate removed straight from the flotation machine was used in the next series of experiments in which stationary cyaniding vessels were employed. Here again the same gold recovery of 88% was obtained Card 2/4 from both washed and untreated samples. However, when SOV/149-58-4-17/26 Elimination of Harmful Effects of Flotation Reagents on Concentrate Cyaniding the same experiments were cairied out in a laboratory mixer (5 litre capacity) a large quantity of froth was formed when unwashed concentrate was cyanided, with the result that only 72% of gold was recovered from this material as compared with 88% recovered from the washed concentrate. In the last series of experiments the froth formed during cyaniding was continuously brolmn up b7 mechanical means. Under these conditions high reemmry values (up to 89jo) were obtained from both washed and untreated samples. The experimental results confirmed,the view that one of the causes of the harmful effect of the flotation reagents dur' g cyaniding is frothing as a result of which some Card 3/4 gold (particularly that cqntained-in very fine SOV/149-58-4-17/26 Elimination of Harmfu-L Effect& of Flotation Reagents on Concentrate Cyaniding concentrate particles) does not come in contact with the cyanide solution. There are 6 reference-&-of W*ch 5 are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATICK: Irkutski-y Gornometallurgicheskiy Metallurgii Blagorodnykh Metallov Metallurgical Institute, Chair for Nob~le Metals) - SUBMITTED: 3rd December 1957. Institut. Kafedra (Irkatsk Mining~ Metallurgy of Card 4/4 IBESSONOV, S.V.; LEONOV, S.B.; XHOKKWV, V.R. Studying the behavior of stibulte during cyanidation of concen- trates in autoclaves. Izv*vys.ucheb*zpv*; tevet.mat. no.6:64-91 '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. IrkutskJy gornometallurgicheskiy inatitut. kafedra metallurgii bla,-,orodnykh MOtAllOV. (Stibnite) (C~yanide process) BOOK EX71/-T' -~'.TION Solj/j~99? Doctor c.- ~chnjcal Sciences, 'professor Ob~~gashchenlye rurt v (Ore Concentrat -,n in the U.Sos-R) Moscow, .Lzd-vo *Znaniye," 11.95'. 31 P. (Ser--*(!,-: Vsesoyuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh 1-1 r.,~uchnykh znaniy. Seriya !V, 1959, vyp. 6) 42,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agenuy: Veesoyuznoye obahchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh I nauchnykh.znaniy. Scientific Ed.: A. M. Okolovich; Ed.: T. F. Islankina; Tech. Ed.: Ye. V. Savchenko. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for the general reader interested in learning some basic facts about ore concentration ir the USSR. COVERAGE: The booklet gives general Information on ore concentration, particularly by the flotation method. Various minerals and ores are discussed briefly. Present problems and future goals In the Card 1/2 Ore Concentration in the USSR SOV/1997 field of ore concentration are indicated. There are no references, and no personalities are mentioned. TABLE OF CONTENTS': Minerals and the Role of Concentration in Their Utilization 3 Development of the Science and Technology of Concentration 8 The Flotation Method of Concentration 10 Principal fthievements in the Perfecting of Other Methods of Concentration and Auxiliary Processes 23 Current Problems and Future Prospects in the Field of Mineral Concentration 30 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/dfh 7-27-59 Card 2/2 e e Ce5 C T 00, teo -90 -go el- -te, 0 0' O'J". ra,00 I)octo ;,tte T es - 110's o ~b T r12~ Te u%e qie 10's t5, t-os Js)~D e J e ,,qe j Q0 65 ,,,o.e t 0 0'1'~ ~5 SOT aet eT a jq.t'-% . o Ov, teT5 ~e YjO to. tv'I let -?To ~Vaq ,ye -CIO tole o~ DS o~ T qe tAo ty~ TO, -5 jec 'N1 o ~. 5-aT e 69 ol, 9 r 5e ~a'N - aeT , - '01 5T , Tell 4G-)Io 0 f~ a-v, To. tT '.%~ eG t~e Go e e'f~ ,.s ovo, T.~,, ! O'Q~ .OCT 0 5.6 .0-9, qie -k-0 rI e N9 O.V~,AGI: POT u J~,s 6-3- e !~,t 5 to t,110~t te6- -~5o TY AG A(b,6,,Oe 0.-9913 reo-G~T` jerp se Tt-~.c 0-4 ex~-! t~e 16 ~xs 'Cioaq te. e ,~qe VetT ( . Tel. t'vle Aere ujjqIG ta. e-I e'r t~r, 01-S. SOV/136-59-3-l'//21 On the Use of Radiography in Work on the Theory of Flotation discounts Mitrofanov's assumption of the existence of the collector in the electrical double layer and gives some other factors which he has found to be contrary to Mitrofanov's views. S.V. Bessonov of the Irkutskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy institut (Irkutsk Idining-metallurgical Institute) welcomes contributions on methods applicable to flotation-kinetics research but maintains that Mitrofanov's criticisms of radiographic methods are experimentally unsupported. He mentions work at the Institut gornogo dela AY SSSR (Mining Institute of the Ac.SC.USSR) which clearly contra- diets that author's contention that the iesults of drying- films experiments represent the distribution of reagent over glass as much as over mineral particles~ Bessoizov particularly deplores unfounded cziticism by Mitrofancv of a technique which has contribut:ed to the progress and international reputation of Soviet science but emphasises that he favours constructive V.I. Klassen classifies Mitrofanov's exDeriments as artificially contrived to .9,,)pport inccrrec-r ideas. The Card2/5 basis of these ideas is that when a mineral particle is S01V/136- =,9-;- - lrV2 I On the Use of Radiography in Work on the Theo-ry of _'Plotati._~Mll V I removed from the pulp it takes with it an envelope of reagent-containing water; when the water evaporates the envelope splits into islands which lead to localised fixing of the tracer-containing reaLeut. In corre-,tly conducted radiographic experiments the possibility of this happening is carefully avoided, e.g. by repeated wa_2t_.,.t.*I'ng of the particle. He also points out that if Mitrel"anov's views were correct, the amount of collector on partiz~les remaining in the tailings would be much more tuha-- or- -4hose in the concentrate: the opposite is found experimentally. Mitrofamovis attitude is inconsistent since he accepts radio- metry of powders, to which his own cbjections should apply. The author urges further studies in t-his field. A.K. Livshits does not deal speQifica-'Ilj wi-rh MitrLcfa--_v's article but himself criticiises some work in which graphir, methods were used, The author admits that ax~y of the micraradiograms published give a direct picture of the reagent-d-istribution in particle surfaces., A geneTal criticism is that the purity of the reagent is never stated-. Card3/5 bu-t the presence of impurities could alter ~he radiograDhic SOV/136-59-3-17/21 On the Use of Radiography in Work on the Theory of Flotation pattern and the presence of radioactive sulphur is likely to lead to their production. It may well be impossible to wash the impurities off the mineral surface. The author complains of the lack of quantitative data and the frequent discrepancies of results, e.g. between those of V.I. Klassen and of I.N. Plaksin and R.Sh.Shafeyev, published in Tsvetnyye Metally, 1Tr 7 for 1957 and 1958, respectively. He notes that the first attempts at quantitative radiography confirmed the validity of doubts on the usefulness of results based on visual examination of radiographic patterns. The author regards much of the pattern obtained by Plaksin and Shafeyev as being due to liquid droplets. He deals with some other published data and concludes, making specific recommendation, that much remains to be done to establish the radiographic method for flotation-kilnetic studies. In the editorial introduction the following are invited to contribute to the discussion: M.A. Bygeles, V.A. Mokrousov, O.S. Bogdanov, G.S. Strel'styn, V-Ya- Khaynman and S.I. Krokhin (workers in flotation- Card4/5 theory research) and N.V. Eatveyenko, M.I. Gorodetskiy, 80V/136-59-3-1r~/21 . On the Use of Radiography in Work on the Theory of Flotation M.M. Polyakov and S.N. Kulinin (works' personnel). ASSOCIATION : Irkutskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy institut Irkutsk Mining-metallurgical Institute) Ressonov, S. V. Card5/5 LICONOV. S.B. -, KROKHTJ)V, V.R.; BESSONOV, S.V. Cyaniding gold out of flotation concentrates at high pressures. IzT.Tys. ucbab. zav.-, tevet. met. no.3:94-96 ' 58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Irkutskly gornometallnrgicbeekly Institut. Kafedra metallurgit blagorodmVkh metallovo (Gold--Metallurgy) (Cyanide Process) Qk~J9-P8-6- 0/19 Vj AUTHORS: Bessonov, S.V., Leonov, S.B. an 0 ON$ TITLZ: Investigation of the Behaviour Stibnite During Auto- clave Cyaniding of [Gold-bearin6 Flotation Concentrates (Izueheniye povedeniya stibnita pri avtoklavnom tBianirovanii konteentrata) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, pp 84 - 91 (USSR) ABSTRA.CT: The harmful effect of antimony compounds in extraction of )1d by the cyanide process has been known since 1900 oef 1). The mechanism by which the solubility of gold N in cyanide solutions is affected by the presence of various antimony compounds, particularly stibnite (ffb2S 3), has been extensively studied (Refs 2-8) and various methods of counteracting the effect of these compounds have been developed. In some cases, however, no difficulties have been enoountered in treating certain types of gold ores (e.g. Transbaykal deposits) containing large proportions of antimony compounds ' ticularly when autoclave Cyaniding was enployed Ref 9) and it was for this reason that the investigation described in the present paper was Cardl/7 undertaken. The chemical and mineralogical composition SOV/149-58-6-10/19 Investigation of the Behaviour of Stibnite During Autoclave Cyaniding of LGold-bearing] Flotation Concentrates of Etibuite from the.Transbaykal deposits used in the experiments is given in Table 1. In the first stage of the investigation the solubility of Sb 283 (ground to contain 87% particles less than 4? p in size) in cyanide solutions was studied. The experiments consisted of placing 100 c.c. of a cyanide solution (0.15yo NaCN) in a steel bomb with quantities of Sb2s 3 calculated to give the Sb content in the concentrate equal to 11 2 or 3%, the liquid/solid ratio being 3;1. The bomb was then revolved at 112 r.p.m. and the concentration of Sb in the filtrate was determined after 1, 2 and 4 hrs. The results of these experiments are reproduced in Figures 1, 2 and 3. Figure 1 shows the solubility of Sb 2S3 (in mg/l.) in alkaline cyanide solutions as a function of time (hours) and the concentration of CaO in the solution for the case when the concentrate contained 1% Sb, the concentration of CaO being (1) 0.015%, Card2/? (2) 0.025% and (3) 0.04% (Curves l' , 21, 3' - atmospheric SOV/149-58-6-10/19 Investigation of the Behaviour of Stibnite During Autoclave Cyaniding of [Gold-bearin -' Flotation Concentrates gi conditions, Curves 1, 2, 3 - autoclave reaction at 5 kg/cm2 pressure of air). The same relationship for concentrates containing 2 and 3% Sb is shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. It is evident that the solubility of Sb2s3 ms higher in the autoclave reaction than under atmospheric conditions and that it increased with increasing concentration of Sb in the concentrate and CaO-in the solution. Under the same experimental conditions the effect of Sb2s 3 on the solubility of gold in cyanide solutions was studied by measuring the loss of weight of a gold foil (3.52 cm 2 surface area) and the concentration of gold in the solution after 1, 2 and 4 hours. It was found that in the presence of stibnite the amount of gold dissolved in the NaCN solution hardly iner2ased with time, and after 4 hours, amounted to 0.425 mg/cm as compared with 9 mg/em 2 dissolved after 1 hour in the absence of Card3/7 Sb2s 3' It was also observed that when Sb2s was present, SOV/149-58-6-10/19 Investigation of the Behaviour of Stibnite During Autoclave Cyaniding of LGold4eazingl Flotation Coneehtrates a dark film was formed on the surface of the gold specimen and it was established by spectrographic analysis that this surface film contained both antimony and silicon. Since it had been reported that certain constituents of the gangue have a beneficial effect on the solubility of gold in the presence of Sb S in the next series of experiments the effect of IA1203 ;0'MgOO 3 additions was examined. The results are reproduced in Figure 4 whowing the quantity of gold (mg/cm2) dissolved in the solution as a function of time, the various solutions containing: 1) a quantity of SbS 3 equivalent to 2% 8b in the concentrate, A120 3 7-8%, MgC03 0.97% (percent of the concentrate)i 2) as in 1) but no MgCO 3) as in 1) but no Al 0 - 3 2 39 4) stibnite only. It was found that in the presence of A120 3 and MgCO 3 (jointly or separately) the rate of solution of gold was greatly increased and to find an Card4/? explanation of this effect the ionic composition of the SOV/149-53-6-10/19 Inv tigation of the Behaviour of Stibnite During Autoclave Cyaniding of tGBold-bearing] Flotation Concentrates cyanide solutions containing Sb2s,, Al 203 and MgGO3 in various combinations was studied by the method developed by Illyuviyeva (Ref 10). The results are given 4 Table 2 showing the concentration (g-equiv/ton) of the S - ions in cyanide solutions containing 1.3 g Sb2S 3alone* or in combination with 2.4 g Al 0 and/or 0.32 g MgCO after 2 3 31 2- 11 2 and 4 hours' operation. It can be seen that S concentration in solutions containing SbS 3 alone was approx. 15 times higher than in those containing additions of A1203 and MgCO Y It was found also that while the Sb content of the solution containing all these three minerals was 36 mg/l. (after 4 hours), the concentration of Sb in the solution containing Sb2s 3 only was 146 S/1. In conclusion it is stated that; A) when alkaline cyanide solutions are used for treatment of gold-bearing concentrates containing stibnite, the latter is present in the solutions Card5/? in the form of colloidal, negatively charged particles. SOV~149-517~tl /19 1 ociave Investigation of the Behaviour of Stibnite uring Cyaniding of [6old-bearing3 Flotation Concentrates These are gradually adsorbed on the surface of the gold particles and slow down, or even completely prevent, the dissolution of the metal; B) the harmful effect of SbS3 is considerably reduced when A120 3 and MgCO 3are present in the flotation concentrate. These compounds adsorb the colloidal Sb2s 3 particles as a result of which the possibility of the formation of the surface layer on gold particles is greatly reduced. At the same time conditions are created which are favourable for oxidation of the ions of the "sulphide" sulphur to the sulphate form more suitable for cyaniding. It is possible that the beneficial effect of MgCO 3 on the rate of solution of gold in the presence of SbS 3 consists of promoting coalescence of the colloidal particles of the latter compound; C) the results of the present investi- gation indicate that gold-bearing ores can be treated by Card6/? direct'application of the cyaniding process if Al 203 SOV/149-58-6-10/19 .Investigation of the Behaviour of Stibnite During Autoclave .Cyaniding of [Gold-bearing3 Flotation Concentrates and MgCO3 are present in the gangue and that in the presence of these comounds even the gravitation or flotation concentrates containing considerable (up to 2%) proportions of Sb can be successfully treated by hydro- metallurgical methods. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 14 references, 13 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION; Irkutskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut. Kafedra Metallurgii blagorodnykh metallov (Irkutsk Mining-metallur ical Institute. Chair of Metallurgy of Noble Metals5 SUBMITTED: June 19, 1958 Card 7/7 VV DESSONOV, Sergey Vasillravich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; OKOWTICH. A.M.. naui red.; ISLANKINA. T.G., red.; SAVCHNNKO, Yej., (Ore dressing in the U.S.S.R.] Obogashchanis rud v SSSR. Koakwa, lsd-vo OZnanle.0 1959. 31 P. (Vuesoiuznoe obshchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politichaskikh i nauchnykh w2anii. Ser.4, Nauka i tekhaika, no.6) (MIRA 12:7) (Ore dressing) _A;~SOEDT, S.Y.; KULIKOV, I.M. Feasibility of Nerchinek deposit ore dressing in heavy sus pensions. Izv.vys.ucheb.sav.; tavet.met. 2 no.6:47-51 '59. (MIRh 13:4) 1. Irkutskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut. Kafedra oboga- abcbeniya polesnykb iskopayemykh. (Nerchinsk--Dra deposits) (Ore dressing) BESSONOV, S.V. Concerning D.Z. Entin's article "I.--prove:,~ent of the -!f industrial electric power supply sysiems". Prom. enerr. 11) no.-S: 55 Ag 164. 17:11) 1. Kazgiprotorglegprom. BESSONDV, V. Work practices of a progressive brigade operating the SE-3 excavator. Ugoll 34 no.12:23-24 D '59. OURA 13.-4) (Cheremkhovo Basin--Strip mining-4abor productivity) (Excavating machinery) B3CSSONOV, V. Conference In the Irkutsk Economic Region. Sots.trud 5 no-3: 141-142 Mr '60. (MIRA 13:6) (Irkutsk Provinoe--Labor and laboring classes) .A. BELSONOV, V.A. and K. I. ALIFILANOVAII. 09novnaia literatura po Dzhezkazl-Vlno-Ulutzivskcmu i sopredelInym -aionam Mentrallnogo Kazakstana. (In Bollshoi Dzhiezhiaz~-an ... Leningrad, 1935. p. 673-679.) NN See no. 953 DLC: ~! 6o.A6 v. -1 SO: LO, Soviet 'Geography, Part 1, 1951, [Incl. ~7' LWO-Cm of 9004e64 see - zil wu m m b v x 1. U It 1. .1 1. ]"11 Jsvlax L J L L it a CC M 00 00 go. L~E V R"' 00 Lead -yinc Industry of Kaxalialan 4 %'It. It Ntalet'lifl. Vit'lKw .90 00 It, reii I ge-4. v%phwa I w), w-nk Ivi, ml,fi.1 i.. i It. ktimin 1, ".111CC4 of Ph all'I 711 wu" I'l.W111,11'.11 '-f 711 ".4' mh -00 'c"" Suld that "f Pb IM" if lite "f Ow " uttlaiti r'.r 'j"ll J, I], It plAst. Altai M. It r"I 1,11ildilIR I'--k'I q111"Itt t~ Ill it. Iv 1'.. 1.11 ge (w fit, ilod ltvflrtx h-vi i 11 4 ni t v%-. A gi It, fal t-1111M. .3tid iii, 111.1. -1, It N Ila ... 1.0T 00 Zoo 00 :j - Igo 0 Of 2 f t 00 00 L A NFIALILP61CAL LITIF-ATLowt CLAWFICATIC" fo. 13' 4o' 00 t ~31 - I-- - LT 6 . . . I z I r- `1 1 1 & F Y- U 1~ t - S -, A AA n I , I S V Od 0 1 W S- -3 A) 0 3 1 41. p 21 It ' K K 11 't a K a It i 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 T re 0 OL $ 0 1 0 g g 9 0 0 * 9 Q 9 0 0 0 0 0 O 6 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 v 0 0 910 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 BESSONOV, V.A. Theory of ore deposit appraisal. no.7:207-223 158. (Ores-Sampling Trudy Alt. GY11II AN Kazakh. SSR (MIRA 12:7) and estimation) ZAFLAVNIt, A. Ya. ; BZ:SS:!O~ND~Vv Transfero-O