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V.M BZWSETErNt inzh.; SDWOVA, A.M., insh.; TAKOBSON, U.S., kand.tekhn. Hand far bioslectrically contr6ned prosthesis. Protes. i proUs"tri-, sob lOtlWo-327 -164. (KM 18: 3.2) 1. TSonV&Ilnj7 hau.chno-isoledovatellskiy institat.protezirovaniya i protozostroyen**. AUTHOR: Bernahteyn, V. He 75-6-17/23 - 1w, - TITLE: Photonephelometrical Determination of Caffeine k'Fotonefelometrichoskoye opredeleniye kofeina). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Analitiolieskoy Khimiij 1957t Vol- 12, Nr 6, pp- 744-748 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A photonephelometrical mothod for the determination of caffeine in plants with the help of phosphotungstic acid was elaborated. The errorB in determination amount to from 3 to 5%. This method is also apylicable for the determination of caffeine in 10 and 20% solutions in coffeine sodium benzoate in ampules, as well as for the determination of medical drugs containing caffeine (0,05), or caffeine sodium benzoate (0,l). The error in this determination does not exceed 10%. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 15 references, 11 of which are Sl.q'vic. ASSOCIATION- Pharmaceutical InstitutePyatigorsk (Pvatigorskiy farmatsevticheskiy institut). SUBMITTED: July 14, 1955 Card 1/2 1. Plants-Coffeine determination 2. Drugs-Coffeine determination, 3. Photor~ephelometrics-Application Photonepholometrical Determination of Caffeine. 75-6-17/23 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 75-13-3-21/27 AUTHOR: Bernshteynq V. N. TITLE: The Photonephelometrio Determination of Vitamin B (Thiamine) , (Fotonefelonetricheskoye opredeleniye vitamins, B, (Tiamina)) PERIODICAL: Zhurrial analiticheskoy khiaiip 1958. Vol, 13, Nr 32 pp.365-367 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Various methods for the quantitative determination of vitamin B (thiamine) in.pharmaoeutioal products are being used i efs 1 - 10., most of which, howeverv are hardly suitable ( for practical purposes. The author of the article in question evolved a speedy photonephelometric method of determination based on the known fact that vitamin B is being quantitative- l 1y precipitated from its solutions thr ugh phosphoric tungstio acid at pH quantities of 495-%5. This method is well suited for the determination of vitamin B in solutions for in- 1 anti- jeotionev pills and medicine. The smallest determinable ty of thiamine-hydroohloride by this means amounts to 2 MI. x Nephelometrie measuring was carrie& out on a photonephelo.- Card -1/3 meter of the V. E. Nize systems the technical data of which 75-13-3-21/27 Th; Pho.tonephelometrio Determination of Vitamin Z, (Thiamine) are given. For the prqcipitation of the thiamine and the formation of cloudiness suitable for quantitative measurings, optimum conditions were ascertained. Precipitation is carried ont with the aid of 0.01 mol solution of sodium phosphoric tungstate. The method of operatiQn for the determination of thiamine in soluticna for injeotions, pi"Us and nedicine;is given in detail. The analysis of pills is not impeded by the accompanying vitaminsA,, 0. B2!1 D and PP. in view of the fact thai they are not procipitated from sodium phosphoric tungstate. Among the variou8 compo-auds contained in medicizles.~ pyramidon alone disturbs the determination of vitamin B,,, The sample in this case was worked up 3 - 4 times with chloroform, the pyramidon going over into the filtrate. The solubility of thiamine in chloroform amounts to I - 200 000 (Ref 1). In this manner small doses of thiamine contained in mixtures may be determined with satisfactory accuracy. The margin of errors in determination does not exceed 5 %- There are I figure, I table,, and 14 references, 7 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 75-13-3-21/27 The Photonsphelometric Determination of Vitamin B, (Thiamine) ASSOCIATION: Pyatigorskiy farmatseyticheakiy institut, Pyatigorsk (Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute; Pyatigorsk) SUBMITTED: October 22, 1956 1. Vitamin B-Determination Card 3/3 BERSHAK.4 V.I. Determining the heat capacity of molten slags. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintsvetmeta no.23:21-24 165. (KM 18:12) POVZIfTTKOV. M.M. [Pov 17tkov, GUREVICHI M.I. [Huravych, M.I.]; _BFMV~TgY z mom. Correlation between tissue oxygen metabolisn, hemodynamics and regional blood circulation# Fiziol.zhur. [MAr.] n -n'o.4055-563 JI-Ag 065. (MIRA l8tIO) 1, Laboratorlya fiziologii krzovoobraalcheniya Inatituta fiziologii ime BoRomolitea AN UkrSSRI Kiyev. SERNSH 9j BELIKOV,.V.0. Sodiva nitropru;ide and its uses in analytical chemistry* Uspo C, khim, 30 noo 4: -.%9 Ap 161, (MIRA 1414) 1. Pyatigorokiy farmatoovtichookiy institute (Sodium nitroprusside) BELIKOVJ V.G.; BEFMHTED V.N Colorimetric determination of pilocarpine. Mad. prom. 15 no.n: 59-61 N 161* (MIRA l5t6) 1. Pyatigorskiy farmatsevtioheel4y institut. BELIKOV, V.G.; UJXIYMCRIKOVA.. G.I.; BEffRaJUM, V.N.; KULI I.Ya. New qualitative t6a9tiono for apressines Iptech. dolo 12 no.3t 60-62 My4e 263 (mrm 17 t2) 1. _Pyatigorskiy farmatmevticheski-y institut. GODYATSKIY, V.Ye.; BERNSHTEYN, V.N. Use of the refractometric and high frequency methods for the express analysis of some medicinal forms. Apt. delo 13 no.l: 39-42 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Pyatigorskiy farmatsevticheakiy inatitut. LUMYANI~JIIKOVA. G.1., Preparation of new azomethines. Izv. vys. ucheb. za-ir.; khim. i k.Ilimo tekh. "I no.3:520--523 164. OMIRA 17:2CI 1. llyatigorskiy farmatsevtichestiy inatitutp kafedra farmatsevTi-., cheskoy khimii. V.Sa Study of thn reaction cf !--'rlezin uI.Th. and itis vas for tb-- datemina,."Lon of dinf--n4ne deiio 14 r086S412- 1.. 6 F-D 165. ;1,43 R~,, Ias-12) 1. Ivatignr9lilly- insvi-ut, Submttta6. December 28p '196L. BEIMSHTEIL ) I Viktor Solomonovich Materials to study of exchanges and mechanism actions of hypert:)nicul solution of culinavy salt concerningsome surgical diseases. Dissertaiion for candidate of a I'ledical, ':',cience dogree. Chair of Generzil Surgery (head asstt. Prof. I.I.I. Rabinovich) Savatov Medical Inttitute; 1947 131~Rm*rEylv, V,5~ BEWTEIN, V.S. [Prevention and therapy of bypoohloremial 0 profilaktike i le- ohenii gipokhloremil. Vest.khir. 70 no.1:24-29 3o.(GLML 19a) 1. Of the Hospital Surgical Glinic of the Vitebsk Medical Insti- tute (Director of clinic -- I.M.Perell-man) and of the Department of General Surgery of Saratov Medical Institute (Read -- I.M.Ra- binovich). BMST~~, V~-S- MOR. G.N.; SOLOIPAKHO, S.N. Functional changes in the ressected stomach in peptic ulcer as revealed by late results. Xhirurgila 32 no*12:25-29 D 156. (NLRA 10:2) 1. Is fakalltetakoy khtrurgichookoy kliniki (say. - prof. L.Ta. Shostak) i fakulstatskoy terapevtichaskoy klinild (zav. - prof. Y~.G.Gefen) !Vitabskogo meditsinskago instittLta. (PMIC UIM. surg. postop. funct. changes) goo -W A f o so -00 go fall lim Illuminum it r. W .00 00 - The '"Jillist Aif 4 . .4. kh. Lq1W MeW. 4; - 4itr cell l '06 -4 iv, c4mf4imption of sin At Jij%, and of romi. eultrill. voltsk9r. -*o oe C u t .00 00 Lt. 'd A - kw.-hm. 1'-w r i s"'' hF% A k 7 . w-' '; - eoml.' 118 Nil, 1 n l iman w. st l. q Aso .11411%;V,KA4 44 too ire All qx~ t q KW 0; U 11 0 0 4 1 a 9 a 11 a U W Is 16 up 31 a It id a 11 V a AD 0 r a IL 0 h , t , I , -4. ALA-- -T k z", ~'Psbcflllt &IND PROPIRMS Oftell Tis presarration of vitamin C during culinary tras tment of alileack and aw . V%. 1. M-nobtein autt 0. K. Yakowleva. leprosy Ger. .00 martlifl)(1114),-Tbe vitamin C 11) C-011tenisof "Ruslov- so su" "danch WW sorra are Utrl-l(w and :NLS-QI7 units-r- kx-, rew. IFU hithext quouttity of I was found I" the uppa ttnft leava of tive sloinach and in the hard. fitut Imm of the so". The most satisfactory nirtliml of hrat-trwasent Is stearning for 9 rivin, which dtittoys only 12% of I in sphsach avid 8% In sorrel. When grountl tnto a vnW and boiled for 10 min. 21 of I wnq kini, see so* '00 '00 As $L& Ah"ALLSONWAL LITIMATURC CLAUNFICSTION 9.2 INO flow slow 04D-an- Ild"NO INJON,3 KID aftf Get IM119041 911111 CA a" ' - a 6 F I W I IF p 1 I t 4 11 111 a An I 1 0 W o a W I W No I as 0 do 0 2, a V lushener* W Wma I Iffect of the condition of nozzle passages on blading performance. Ilek.sta. 27 no.5:55 NY 156. (K= 9:8) (Stwo turbine @--Blades) 4- r - Using the salt-speatrIn visual method for asrodynexio st,4dies of stun turbines, Inergonshinostroents 4 no,9i44 8 158, (MM 11111) (steam turbines) Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 22/28 AID P - 3007 Authors : Bemshteyn, Ye. B., and L. S. Menzhinekly, Technicians Title : Air relay Periodical : Energetik, 6, 33P Je 1955 Abstract : An air relay as protection of a heating installationS designed by the Electrician Lysenko, Is described by the authors. One drawing. Institution : None Submitted : No date BMSHMIN, U.S., takhniki, KWAK, V.F., alektromonter Some causes for damages of YM-35 oil circuit breakers. Inergetik 8 no.5:ig-2o W 16o. (KM 3,3: 8) - (Xsctric circuit brakers) BZRNSHT]ffN, Te.B. 4Omft6.i*-- Intestinal obstruction caused by Neckel's diverticulum. Xhirurgils, no,7173 J1 155a (HUA B.-12) I.Iz kl1n1k1 fakalltetakoy khirtirgii Vitabskogo maditolnekogo instituta. (INHWINN-OBSTMTION) BZRNSHTEYN,.Ye.I. Gas appliances in one-room apartments during major repairs. Gor. khose Moak. 36 no.10:40-41 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Glavnyy sanitarnyy tekhnik inotituta "Moozhilproyakt.0 (Gas appliances) EERNSH72YNp M.Kh,; YABXO, YaA; ZAYONGHKOVSKIT, A.D.; KRZHIZHANOVSK.IY, 4.0.; ZINYATIN, K.K.;_~I~IRNSHTE~YN, Ye.-S.* BARKOVA, L.V.; PROKURAT, R.E.; VTCROVP G.N. -Artificial,leather with a nonwoven bass. Kozh.-obav.prom 5 no.4s 18-21 Ap 163. iKMA 16-.5) (Leather, Artificial) BE:iN,STEIN-Kc'GjhNl, Seri~ei Vladimirovich BIFERNSTEIN-KOGAII, Sergei Vladimirovich. ...Ocherki ekonomicheskoi geografii ... Chast' 1 Izd. 2. ~Ioskva, Gosizdat, 1923. DLC: HF1025.B452 SO: LCV, Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. BERNSTEIN-KOGJAN, Sergei Vladimirovich BERNSTEIN-KOGAN, Sergei Vladimirovich. Ocherki ekonomicheskoi geografii. T zd. 3. Moskva, Gosizdat, 1925. 215 p. SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part I, 195i, Uncl. BEMTEIN-KOGAN, BERGH VIADIMIROVICHO Lrd IVANP=F;N--~"-)' Y Volgo-Dono-Asovslcaia voduals -add atral i zhelexaye dorogi. L The Volga-Don-Azov Waterway and the railroadej. TStroitellnaia promyshlennost'. 1925, no. 8. P. 583-587). DLC: TH4.S85 sot SOVAet aRort4lion anc LibgarA of C2pAXjeMp I C2jl3Mjc4tiRusp A Bibj&oggMbj. HUre-rence impartment, Washington, JL'Y.)Z, unclarisified, B MUSTEIN-KO~;A%11, Sergei Vladimirovich. BERNSTEIN-KOGAN, Sergei Vladimirovich. Vnutrennii vodnyi transport; ego istorila, ekonomika i finansy. Vyp. 1. Moskva, Transpechat', 1W7. 179 P. Contents. -1. Istoriia i finansy. DLC: HE617.B4 SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. EMNSIMIN-KOGAN, S,,,L and LIBIN, 1. K. Perspektivy transportnogo khoziaistva na '15VAII-1931/32 gg. fProspOcts for the transportation economy in 1927/28-1931/3V. (F.Lanovoo khoz-vo., 1928,, no. 2. p. 112- 132). Highways and dirt roads (p. 129). DLC;: HC331.P52 SO: Soviet Tranaportation =a Comunication, A Bibliogra Library of Congress# Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. BERNSTEIN-K010, 'Jorgei Vladimirovich. -BEU.STEIN-KOGAN, Sergei Vladimlrovichp~ed. Oanornye problew transporta S,SSR i.perapektivy ..ego razvitiia; abornik. Moskva,-Transpechat, 1929. 121,p. DLC: HE255.B4 :SO.* LC,- Soviet~Geography, Part I,~1951, Upcll Y Y- - - - -- -- - ---- B M STYEN-KOGAN, SERGEL VLADIMIROVICH K voprosu o rekonstruksii sheleznodorozhnogo transports SS�R J- n the question of riconstruction of railroad transportation of the U.S.S.R._/ (Planovoe khoz-vo, 1929, nol, p. 127-349) DLC: HC331.P52 SO: S2Ae TMsportatioja sad QQMNgcati gn, kBIbIL2gaphy, Library of Congreass Referenoe Department$ Washingtonj 1952, Unclassified. amffs:j~-XOOAN, Sergei-Vladimirovich. .. - 6cherki geografii tran sporta. (A survey of geography of transportation)- 14oskva,, Gos. isd-vot 1930. 348 P. "Ixe6llent discussion, flow of diagrams and data by commodity and for selected years for certain regions and roads,, etc.0 NN - snovnye problemy transport& SSSR i perspektivy ego razvitiia; sbornik. (Basic problems of transportation of the USSR and prospects for its development). Moskvap Transpechat, 1929, 121 p. illus.. maps (part fold.) Contains brief chapter on Waterways (P. 63); Maritime transportation (p. 85); Development of automobile transportation .(P. 103). DLC: HE255,B4 Sdv'g' v geOgrafii zhelezuOdOrOzhnOgO i vOdn0go transporta za 30 let. (Changes in the geography of railroad and water transportation during 30 years). (Voprosy geografii; aborni no, 6. Moskvi, 1947, pe 79.100)0 DLC: G23-V6 SO: SOVW TRANSPORTLUON &D COMMICATIONS, A BIBLIOGRAPH_Y_, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington,*1952, Unclassified. Y BEB'STEIN*KOGAN, SERG4 VLADDIIROVICH. Transportnoe znachenie razlichnykh variantov rekonstruksii Volgi. fThe im.4ortance for transportation of various projects of reconstruction of the Volga river/. (Ln Problemy Volgo-Kaspiia. Moskva, 1934. Section on water resources, waten,;ay transportation and power engineering. V. Is P- 322-367). DLG: TC978.Rev6 "Bol'shaia Volga" BM INSAROVI, A. S. Novye vodnys puti 2-oi piatileki. Moskvas, 1933 SO: SOVIET TRANSPORTATION AND CO*MNICATIONSj.LBIBLIOGRAPHI.I. , Library of Congress Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. BERNSHTEIN-KOGAN, Serge~ Vladimirovich. Dunai Imk sudokhodnaia arteriia. LThe Dpubs, as a navigAtion artery7. (Rechnoi transport# 1945j. no. 1-2..,p. 22-2/+; map). DLC: TC6OIeR4 Vnutrennie vodnye puti, vostochnoi Frussii. Zinland waterways of eastern Frussig. (Rechnoi transport, 1945, no. 3. p. 2.1-22; map). DLC: TC60l.RI+ SO.- Soviet Transportation sad CommunicaLtimo j Bibliographyp Ubrary of Congressp Reference Departmentj, WasIdngtonjq 1952p Unclassified* BFWT3TFj?-!-KOGA%, S7-P,.rFj VLADIMIROVICH. Obshchii kurs vodnogo transporta. Zr-General. course in inland waterways_7. mositva, Rechizdat, 1946. 243 P. illus. Vnutrannii vodnyi transport; ego istorila, ekonomika i finansy. L/-Inland waterway transport, its history, economics and finance2. ~loskva, Transprchat, 1927-, v. (1), illus. (incl. maps) diagra. DLC: HE617-B4 Vnutrenii vod,nyi transport; istoriko-ekonomichenkii ocherk. Cinland waterway transportation; a historical-economic surveY2. (Bol. sov. ents., 1930, v. 11, col. 754-766, maps). DLC AE55-B6 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibliography, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. BERNSTFI KOGAN, SergeX Vladimirovicho Y Vyslinevolotskii Yodnyl put'. fVyohhi Volochek waterwqyj7. rechnogo flota S SSR, 1946, 69 p. illus., fold* maps. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva "Literatura ifistochniki* : P. 69-f~o - DLG: HE675-B4 SO: Soviet Tranapprtation. and Communir-atidne -Biblio aphy Library of Congress, P-r Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. BER83TEIN-KOGANs Sergei Vladimirovich. BEMSTEIN-KOGAN, SergeinUadimirovich. Sdvigi Y geografii zheleznodorozhnogo i vodnogo transporta za tridtsat' let . (Voprosy geografii. 3bornik shestoi, 1947. P. 79-100.) DLC: G23.V6 SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. BERNSHTEYN-KOGANY S.V. Principal features in the historical geography of the Moscow water transport center Vop. geog. 27, 1951 UUMV140GAN, S.T. Principal nownts of the historical geograpbF of-mater transport in the basin of the C)b' and Yenisay Rivers. Top.mpog. 31:228-257 '53. (NLRA 7:6) (Siberia-lulani navigation) (Inland navigation--Siberia) mm'ISHTI OGAN S.V.; POMISHILVSKIT, V.V., otyetetvanny7 redak-tor; zherazz MI'm-q%-ft%TUTA, A.O., redaktor; INYRAYETA. N.A.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [The Volga-Bon Caml; a historical and geographic study] Volgo- Don; istoriko-geograftehookil ocherko Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii in sm, 1954. 222 p. (MLRA 7:10) (Volga-Bon Canal) 42751. CH'iQUIOV, S. A. i M. !. Znaclaeniye Sootnosheniya MazhdU Pnevmoentsej, falo-raficheskimi DrA'nnYrLi Iss.-Ledo-vaniya Dlya haspomavan-iya U Travraticlieskoy hpilepsi-I. Trudy In-ta Neyro Khirurgii Im. Furdenko, T. !, 1948, s.78-86. SM. Takzhe No. No. 42691, 42699, 42703-04, /,2716, 42719 SO: latopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 7, 1949 BEMRTEM-SORKINA, M.I.: X)DPM, I.K. - -MMUNSWOMMABOMMORS" Sanatorial treatment in conmiencence from tuberculous menin- gitis. Pediatrila no.3:43-47 my-Je 155 (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz detskqgo tuborkulesnoV sanatorlya "ZoiWashino" (TUBTMCUWSIS, MMOGIAL, In inf. and child convalescenCe in sanatoria) USSR/,Pharmacoic)--,y mid Toxicology - Chorioth-,rapoutic Preparatio.-s. V-8 ILititubcrculotic Drugs. Abs Jour : rL;-J' Zhur - Biol.,iNo 21, 1956, 986oB Author : D-~=-ishtoyn-Soroltina, M.I. Inst : Ibscou State Univ,2rdity. Titlc : 13~,~rimcnt of the Application of the Proparan't--ion L--Uc:Ll in a Pc:diatric Tuburculo~;is Clinic. Orig Pub : Tr. Konfere&,sii po proiz-ru i ispollzovaniyu arainohislrtu v mod. M-i 14GU, 1956, 1309-194. Abstract : Cbs-~;rvations were corri,;d o,,x*, on 20 sick childmi in a pc- diatric TB somatoriun. Li:;uci:-, (I) was applied ia a com- pl;:~x viCa other specific and aonspccific neans, 15 n-I III- %,ravmiounly evc!ry ot'a--r day fzjr 15 days, or p,:rorally 20- 30 131 daily for 30 days. Iii childron who had tub-,rculous mminLitic, iqprovc=~C,; o-.L -,.!nc:ral well-beii---G anL a--~ card 1/2 USSR/Phanxicolo.~,y and Toxicology - Ch,;m.'uh-,rapcutic Pruparations. V-8 lmtiltub,~rculotic, Drugs. Abs Jour ;lk,f "hur - Biol., No 21) 1958p 98608 incroase of :Urbollcet, wx,~ notud3 the! children lbacwAc; norc; socialle, lively, absorbed school matarial butut,--,r, vaid GaizL-d in wcig~it. L, ir~akvning of sio-it,, itz imir-wc- rx:~nt, occurred idii1c vit"Llou-~ application of I si[~it ucually did not improve. Incr,~ase of intollect is apparc-ntly cor- rclatcd Lxactly wit1a 'Glw application of I, into Vios,:~ corl- position glutamic acid cliturs. In children with piAlm--nary forms of tuberculosis, an :2-1"cct was also notod, iras i~xprasscd in rosorption of .:xudatuo- in ease ol: frosh ;.%%ida- tive pleurisy and, in r,=rption of tiumr-like lbronchoaac- nitis and infiltrat,~s. In blood, the chan&2s iycx~- sod in an increase in t1i~- quantity of crythrocytL-s. Toxicity of I was not notocd. Ems, in a complex wil'u*% other thorapuutic ricans, I -%'-.urns out to be a valuablc prnjara- tion. -- O.V. Petrova. Card 2/2 - 35 - M.L Category ; USSR/Solid State ~hyjsics - Genera3 Problems E-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 NO 3656 Author : Bernskleyno M.L. Title :EVi-st-I9iWfO-F-6f Metallic Alloys with the Ultraviolet Microscopy Method Orig Pub Sovrem. metody. ispytaaiy materialov v mashinostroenii. M., Mashgiz, 1956, 149-157 Abstract Description of the procedures and advantages of ultraviolet microscopy. Card 1/1 BMUSTEIN, A. Applying Infrared Heating in the Dragee and Polyvitamin Production. Revista De Chimie (Journal of.0hemistry), #2:012:Feb 55 M., IFTEIT. A. TEGMI'MMY Periodical: REVIIIIA INDT-TRIK ALP'TKIIMLIZE. BERW-,~EIN, A.; ?4kT4U11Lkv A.; BARANOTM, 0. an exchange of exDerience. D. 20. P.RfIDUSE 'FGETALE. No. It, 1958. Meter for res-Idual-distillation liquids; Monthly List of East European Accession (Z-FAI) LO, Vol *8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. MMIi/Radio Yhysics - Goperetion, and Conversion of Radio Fro- 1-3 quoncy Oscillations Abs Jour z Rof Zhur - Fizikaj No 9, 1958, No 20982 Author z Bornstein Dorel Inst, t-Not, Giie-n Title IFrequency Stability of a Nogetivo-ResiDtanze Oscillator Orig Pub IAutomet. si electron., 1957, it No 4, 159-164 hbstract iAn original method is developed for investigrting the frequency stability of a negative-resistenco oscillator. Expressions arc derived which mcke it possible to calculate the dopon- dance of the oscillator frequency on the supply voltage and on the load. Card 1 1/1 CORSTANTWASCU, S.; TRODDrMOU, B.; SANIELIVICI-MARINOV, S.; CUMOU, V.; IAGOB, A.; SCHNITZ31R, G.; VUICAMCU# X.; MRINOV, X.; VASILISCU, C.; IMETUBM, 1. ; BARGAN, F.; 13ANNOU, Z.; , TZINO D. Mass clinical and radiological detection (bv radiophotography) of carditim in school-age children. Probl. reumat., Buour. no.5.&79-82 1958. (RFaMTIG HFART DISPASI, prevention & control in school-Mad child, in Rumania, olin. & radiol. diag.) BERNSTEIN, 1. Applications of spheres in the Euclidean space. In French. p. 375- REVUE DE MATHMATICQUES PURES ET APPLIOUESS. JOURNAL OF PURL AND APPLIio MATHERATICS. (Academia RepubliciiiPopulare Romine) Bucuresti. Rumania. Vol. 2, 1957. Monthly List of East European Accessions (ffAL) LC. Vol. 9, no. 1,, January 1960. UNCL TEGATOWA, Bronislawa; HORDYNSKA, Sabina;,I~.RNSFEIN~ 1-rena Determination of the mercury content in the grains of cereals dressed and undressed with mercury preparations. Roczn panstv zakI hig 14 rLo.3s221-224 163. - UJ1844-wU ACC NRl AP6024579 MI)VE CODE4 9JO0171~)~*5-fCO6166~102:~3-IC210 U AUTFOR: Bornstein, 1-1. L.-13ornahteyn, M. (Doctor; Profess r); (Enginow)"' ORG: Institute of Stools and-Alloys, Moscow TIME: Thormonochanical trt6.mdnt of hot rolled tubes SOURZE: lkxtalurGia, no- 5i 1965, 233-240 Dragan, U.-Dregan, 11.1 -C TAC rys OPI TS: notal tube, tempering, metal property, metal rec tallization T ABSTib%O'2: Tlior,-;ioi-zei-icu-deal'treatmiit of tubes at hi6i temperatures followed by at low touperetures ensures a nw-bor of valuable mechanical properties. The closcribe -Uioir comparative tests of various memis of administering such treatllmnt, and point out that the effect of hot iforldng is oxtromly long-lasting, not "bo'bar, completely removed eve after' coalescence roorjstallization, Orig. art. has: 6 " n St.- figures and 3 tablose LBased on authors' ',3ng. ab -/EJPI&-[ SUB CODE: 13, 11 / SUBM U"T"E: none / (RIG REF: 001 / SOV Fj.,F: 018 OTH R,.'F: 002 Card 1/1 JS A I i II Sta'bility of a plane at supersonic speed. p. 24. ARIPILE EATRIEI, Bucure.,iti, Vol. 1, no. "j, Apr. 1955. 0 SO: Ilonthl-, List of ~',a:;t European Acceqdon,--~, LCJ Vol. 4, no. 10, Uct, 1955, Uncl. BMWSTEIN, H.H.; HANASZ,, E. Application of flemowriters in documentation and in 3ibrariese Akt probl inf dok 7 noo3:59-66 MY-Je 162* 9 BM'STEIN, Z. The Stability of Vessels at Supersonic Speeds. Ari-pile Patriei (The Wings of the Fatherland), #4:24:Apr 55 - BERMISITIN) Z. The Fight for Altitude. Aripile Patriei (The Win,-s of the Fatherlqnd), #5:13:may 55 BERNSTEIN, 2. Construction Problems of Aircraft with Figh Speed (Supersonic Aircraft Desipms). Aripile Patriei (The Wings of the Fatherlard), #7:21i-Jul 55 BERNSTEINO Z. BEPNSTEIN,, Z. The Helicopter. P. 7. Vol* 1, no* 11, Nov. 1955 ARIPILE PATRIEI TECHNOLOGY Bucuresti, Rumnia So'. Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1956 BIRMSTLIN, Z4 The "duck" Dlane. u. 22 Vol. 1, no. 9, Sept~' 1955 ARIPILL. PARTIM Bucuresti Source: East European Accessions Ust (EFJ.-L), LC, Vol. 5, No. 2 Feb. 1956 BEMSTEni, Z. BERNST:-,'DI, Z. Automatic piloting. p. 18. Vol. 1, no. 12, Dec. 1935. ARIPM PATRIM. Bucure4ti, Rumania. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) LC, Vol. 5, no. 6. June 1956 BZIUISTL~'INI Z. Airplanes with triangular wings. p. 27. Vol. 2, no. 1, Jan. 1956 ARIPILE PAUM Bucuresti, Human# Source; East European Accession List. Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 8, AuFust 1956 BEWTEIROWNA, Irene, The use of vilcrocbemical methods in I L Chemical Abstracts Kjtld&Mndcro And seraimicromethod. C541h.."Vii'mow-- May 25, 1954 ska, Irena-6crnsteinowna, and jadwhip rochow-ka. RmsmW-Wis a-Zd*A?du Rig. 103, 1-21(English Foods surnmary).-A trit. review of the adaptatiou of the micro Kjtldabi technique in detg. -the Wcontent of food' The ~'scs 0 shortcomings of the methods are illustzated by analyses of meat, cheese, fiuid and powd. milk, egg powder, dried vege- (I vcg- I to tables, and other products. Mercuric oxide proved to be jbc the most efficient catalyst. 18 references. -1. S. BERNSY1TYNt fi-% .,teproduction of the red pika (Ochotona rutila Sev.) In the " Ins-Ili Alatau. Biul. W111. Otd. biol. 69 no. 3~40-48 j W-je 164. (14IRA 17~7) FAIBIS, A.L-BERNTHAL, I.; PAUSESCUp Es; SARAGEA, M. Study of some circulatory modifications produced by bile salts. Studii cerc fizial 5 n0-2071-381 160. (EEAI 10.*2) 1. Catedra de fizicpatol7gie a Institutuui de medicina si farmacie, Bucuresti. (UM) (BnR SALTS) SARAGUX M.;:-OAIBISp A.; BERNTHAL, I.: VOLANSKI, D. Changes in the tonus and motility of the gallbladder on stimulation of the reticular pontonesencephalic formation. Activ. nerv. sup. 3 no.4:389-398 161.. 1. Chair of Pathopbrsiology~ Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, Bucharest (Dir. Dr M. Saragea) (GALLBLADDER Phyviol) (BRAIN STEM pbjrsio:L) BERNTHAL~ I.; WWI, Elisabeta; WAVWNIA, Fd.; GEAPRAZ, Natalia; lumjlqlc, Xarin; CIOBANU-MGIARI, Mariana Poisoning vith "!rogor*. Experim6ntal atudy. Stud. cercet. fiziol. 10 no.1:65-74 165. `~LEY-Tu-"A-L'- FAIBTS, A.; 'ZOTARUy Natalia; NEGRU, Tr..-,- REBEDEA, Ileana; MIRALCEA, Florica. Experimental poisoning with lead salts. (Amatir, al and metabolic abanges after parenteral administration of lead acetate), Stud. cereet. fiziol. 10 no.1%75-V 265. ------------ -cl -7 h'n Pt .... ... 0'-,. Cl ,n( (2 of 2) FA! BlS 11.1le partdcip;tion of braln. (:-ruhrl) A-' ii(;rv. L,~,p 0 no-3:233-2-410 164. 1, Chair of In's-"itute Buchares-- HUNGARY/Farm 4111inals - Large Horned Cattle. Q-2 Abe Jour : Rof Zhur - Biolop No 18, 1958, 83343 Author : Kallai, Laszlo; Zoldy, fliklos; Muhlrad, Andras; Dcrilue, Janos; Kovacs, Jozaef Inst Title ?si-ng Girasole (Helianthus tubarosus La) as Foddere 2% Relative Value of Girasole in Feeding of Milch Cows. Orig Pub U"ttenyeaztes, 1956, 5, No 4, 2299-309 Abstract Li a test group, cows were fed 12-15 kg of girasole (G) instead of fodder beets of the same nutritional value. In this group W1 yields surpassed the milk yields of control cows by 4-7 percent. In tests with 8 cows a 2.6 parcont millt yield increase was achieved when 2 kg fo dried pulp replaced 5 kg of G mid 0.5 kg of extracted sunflower shred- dings. The milk fat content did not change. A hypothesis is advauced according to which inulin which is contained in G assists in activating the intestinal nicroflora, and Card 1/2 H(JUGARY/Faru *uiimle - Large Horned CoUla. ri-2 Abs Jour ]Rcf Zhur - Biol.,, No 18, 1958, 83343 thus influences milk production favorably. As far as the contents of dry matter and starch equivalcaits concerned,, 0 tubers excel fodder beets by 2 to 3 tirms. The content of aminoacids in G proteins is always nearly the same) regardless of soils used for its pl-mit- ing. -- V.A, Kanzyuba Card 2/2 VELGOS, S., prof. MUDrel, M1110P J. Ultra-sound exploration of periapical space activity. Bratisl. lek. listy 45 no.llt659,-665 15 Je 165. 1. Stomatologicka katedra Lekar--ke fakulty Univermity KomenBkeho v Bratislave (vesdutsitprof. MUDr. S. Velgos). T) RUWART Fazu Animals& General Prokoma. Abs Tour t Hof Zhur - bibleglys. go 2. 1959, 10. 7283 Author s lollal, Lasalol Aared, Andras; Zoldy, Miklos; Inst a lot givo-fr- 'Itl a i The Amarican Artichoke (Mallenthus tubarcous L.) as a Peading Agent. 3. The Erfact of the C4ftch7drates or Artichoke Tubers an the In C> vitro Punction of Intestinal Microorganisms LA OrIS Pub i Allattanyvastes, 19!;?, 6, So 2, 169-176 Abstract I As a result of biochemical Investigations In vh1ch the method of an *artificial rumon" was applied, the authors established that the carbohydrates of the American artichoke (Inu- lin and rructooo) influonec the vital octi- vIty of the microorganism# of the rumen more Cord IA favorably$ r*PrQ86nt war* abundant sources for energy in the NYathOs12 Of olrbould. .~ and 4000"sltlOn Of cellulose than 6~ 9 0 6211i Ydrdtoo Which are pradovanmnt in pota- toes a], in fo rage reeds (starch, glucose). a. A. Fans7uba Card 212 14 CZECHOSLOVAKXA/Cultivated Plants. Potatoes, Vegetables, Melons. M Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Dioli,, No 17., 1958, 77683. Author : Berny, Douseh. -- In'Bt , Title : Properties of Nev Varieties of Vegetable Crops. Orig Pub: Ovocnar. a zelinar., 1957, 5, No 12, 372-374. 0 Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 -VOVAAII Ulm *Awo as 3M46 ~P" *0610 0"m Ar , . ~ VIAL Ut o4 p oe Itt., loco, th VI" 00 0 P,*, some 'arp burst, sumoZ wrt Irftth.-Jr. but t,.k. it thar plaft . ocrur at SHAMWAYTX, Z-; ASADULIJN, Sb.; BERNYAYEV, M.; KUTEPOV, II.; SSOKOLOV, N.; VALIAMIETOV, f. Exclusion of a circulati,on-Joss zone using a packer. no.3:29-33 165. 1. Trest "Bashzapadnefterazvedka". SER A) YO M DIV lyl, RDZHMV, nadimir Yevgenlyovich, kandidat moditsinaklkh nauk; BNILNYMTlt O.M.. redaktor; SBDK, N.M.. redektor; DKITRIYWA, zleNnuarcm1mlo'kly redaktor (Hypnosis and suggestion In medicine] Gipnoz I vnushenle v meditsins. Moskva, Izd-vo "Xnanis,* 1955. 31 P. (Tsesoiuznoe obsbchestvo po rasprostrawnUu. politicbeekikh I nauchzqkh znanii. Ser. 3, no. 28) (HLRA 8:10) (fffPN"&-TMOAMTlC USR) (TMMAPIMES. SMBSTIU) BERO, J. "Na Ziemiach Ajmar6w i Araukan6w" (On the soils of the Aymarans and Araucarians), by J. Bero. Reported in New Books (Nowe Ksiazki), No. 15., August 1s 1955 BERO, JOZEF- Na ziemiach Ajmarow J Araukanow. Opbrwiesc o Ignacym Domayce. Wyd. 1, Warszawa. Nasza Kaiegarnia. 1955. 194 P. In the lands of the Aymarans and the Araucanians; a stoz7 about Ignacio Dome7ko. 1st ad. illus.. port.. folds map MUM Not in DLC So. East Empean Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 10 Jan. 1956 0 EBROV JOW. Na zemdach *Jmarold Araikenowl opowisse o lgwLcym Dommy". Wd. 1. WArs"wal Nam Keleganda, 3955. 194 P. In t1w 2mds of the Apmwms and the AuracanLauej a story about Zpacio Dowyko. let td. illuse, port., Col. MPs footaotes. SOURCES Ust BuVem Accessions List (EM)j LC, Vol- 5, no- 3., Mamh 1956 IACZKOWSKI, Marceli; BEI I IKOHYIANSKI, Ryszard Application of potential measurements during continuous aorylonitrile polymerization initiated by the redoxy system# Polimery tworz wielk 9 no.3-.110-112 Mr 164. 1. Department of Technology of Artificial Organic Fibers, Technical University, Szczecin (for Laczkowski). 2. Institute of Artificial and Synthetic Fibers, Lodz (for Bero and Kobylanski). SIZYKH, N.Ye., dotsent; RERQIRYEV, V.D. Current state of the surgical treatment of thyrotosiconis; a review of literature. Xhirurgiia 40 no.7;138-142 Jl 164. (I-IIIIA 18:2) 1. Gospits.11naya Wirurgicheska~s klinika (zav. - prof. P.A. Nalivkin) pediatricheakogo I sanltarno-gig3venicheskc-go fak-ulltatov Odesskogo meditsinskogo institute imeni N.I. Pirogova. 6. Titer modsms mIcal Q( ternary scluttans. Ili% I... It 1, Ir 11 r 1'. A 0.1 chimi"i A "Idem"'t V,itpa., It I I m LN C;g $ . -/, 114:01yari",I), MI. 'j. lifix, Nil. 3. jap, 301 .. 314. 9 fig,. IAiliol mid Inial Wti-imm of hydrocitIlviie livid wid %tillp, Stitt III" I.Mullitity of tho Stitt ill 010 wid.mnicr unti it% Alit) rvilviont, cisloli., Iwiti-millor Winery P.)NIvilm Weill delt't-11111114 lit :1.)" C wl u filtif-fifill of life hpip(whinflu ncid voiltellit-Otion. min-Intion 4Awti-It litin shillm nf thn Vitimitr pi-mmirt, t-myri of mnlitralM holtstialm 0~ th," ternary --nd (la, prvNition of pbapes ill v(plilibrium u-mm e-stablimbed. 81orntikin's entre%imoditig thermodyllainicni equationg mitro timrimieti Iky tho o%lk-rinivolill 1141111, IL 15-57-10-14658 . Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, . p 215 (USSR) ~"AUTHOR: -Berodze, B. Ye. TITLE: Radioactive Nature of the Tskhaltubo Mineral Waters and How They Became Enriched With Radium (0 radioak- tivnom rezhime tskhaltubskikh minerallnykh vod i uslovi- yakh obogashcheniya ikh radonom) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Tskhaltubsk. fil. N.-i. in-ta kurortol. i fizioterapii, 1956, Vol 1, Nr 2, pp 37-47 ABSTRACT: Basing his conclusion on years of observing the.Tskhal- tube mineral waters, the author states that radio- activity of waters in original deposits is substantially smaller than radioactivity of ground waters flowing in fine-grain sands. A regular decline in radioactivity occurs where water is taken from the deep deposits, The opposite is observed to be the case in waters of upper Card 1/2 layers. In this case results obtained.from analyzing Radioactive Nature of the Tskhaltobo (Cont.) 15-57-10-14658 . the water correspond fully with Makho-Starik (?) formula. Basic enrichment of Tskhaltubo water by radium occurs in the surface sand layers within certain places which have been enriched by radium. Tables of observations are included. Card 2/2 A. F. Vollfson: Cand of Chem Sci -- (dies) "Radioloalcal characteristics of the Tskhaltubskiy mineral waters and the conditions for enriching them with radon." Tbilisi, 1957, lb pp (TskhaftUbskiy Branch of the Scientific Research Institute of Resort Studies and Physical Therapy), 100 copies (KL, 30-57t 108) 4 ' T mosepo boom 104 MO "Moism 1939. 140 (Am"Al. am. ser.). AS pops.. np..#-..* m- 850. K&.7..WxPAM C.#*. MS.- A- plm_,m.m mm-06. 1949. Hsy,,nw 76 C., "A, 4WPp9Jj-.--A- CqW6P- - CMCM---* a.*. 1949, 26.6, "All C *fppCU-%AA.. %.A"..1 est. r..c4.ypAm- KA.P. A.- 1955. V, 163 C., 54 _. (rpr~ "PIA"I"I ga*" . AXWRCXC. 1944, 3.1g, 1956, U6. 142 .. 14) B- A-, AN-IP, (Tp- M, 839. 1C.60IMINVA. BSPN.P. 30., 1947) Q..6AVM . -9sqi. 1944. 3.7. 66W."x ~ 952. r.rop . . . . . . n ..... a. Co,opv, psmosou rpsoo, im -S .6..~ -M. 3.M. 1957. 21D.4. 19345. 64 .. 04-- rcPAH cccp) $60. KYA.6.000 M ..... P.- 3ae- 1936. 23. 9 r.. 0,... Csates ftcAaAam*mmo w. ro.... .# P. n. x ... PC, -,V. pucmm. ."po. "-sur- ty P"-O-m .. c66""" -P-4010 ..A.- S..y, t940. 967 (Aospd. rock .A 1. . rloA.. " rx-r-~ 1938. 76 ..A. &VA. Mo. =12. WOCTWTYT~ "I. KrA.S.Af X.AWSA HSF- 3.16. 393B, 10.4 a. 0,... A-%wAmpooswsw 034. Am-*.&...A. reoprocumv. BA- ocp-om ..C- - " "S"...6pow"m P. .-Owo "t" - bpos"..6- -Pec-r.. . a. M~6po."% APPA6p..KM AOA-$---POM ( W xp~-m fx*..rpwlpyv", -A - 601"AsOlb ~ 49".As"'W' ..wowws. 1939. 79 c~ V" A-4-los). 1945- 105-~ C 90" C.- %ql. jkV, 31.L 3.g. 1947. 31.5. M. 'A* K-- 91 &.4 S62. Xmipars. BA.r. Apw~ A-C..AP---.- C.... "AW no.*& mevoAssa xmm"cwm Qs-~l*Q -APpo-- : -~ ..pamrspec"sm 0" w 4.6rrm-Sm- 'O"'s c Af..A sspft.CA4k. 1949. 91 131 C, vgt,4~ pajw-.w Apm-. Epeolm. I"L MOCv. -o-v AH Apo. CZP). &W K.-S-AmN A. A. r1orWimme 3~w IOU, 23A. "'P.11 v%&z*pw.vmw% 6P..x . .1 Coof- 463. IdegaGepoAs. TewoPe cm. Ion. 51 a osso rfGpr..m.s-O?A*A*0sl -160* r"s. IVAII CCCP). lAAM or 6646t"s. c PON-OPM, QPr- 3am- Im 20.4 ,Csol rammso. IN4, 373 & (Kom 837, XTAOSOPA so", cow"). WAX6.- OrAw. ricay-swo ssp6, 300. 19* 29-% '00." am. -MA.- -uy- 864. M*sTog. CYA-60 Amaoft- SW YrA#f0Aop*AOov MARACUMMS CCAC, P0894. n*AYW.= TPOTU" 06 EPW 706 Qt Def at TbJIiSi stak'-.e Us 14 BF red.; XHUTSISHVILIIV.p ROpg,_pyq,,,,.Aand. khim. rjaukl VANIDZE~ TS. 0 -- tekhn. red. [TSkha.Itubo therme.2. waters and the conditions of tieir radon enricbment]Tskhaltubskie terral,rWe vody i usloviia oboga- shcheniia ikh radonomo Tbilisip Gos.izd-vo "Sabehota Sakartvallop" 3.962. 89 P. (MIRA -15:12) (TSkbaltubo-Springs) (Radon) _,.EERODZE,--, N,M- ..... Pelvit phlebography in urinary bladder tumors. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 37 no.3.-729-736 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:5) BERDDZE,, Z.1.; RAZMADZEs, G.N. Some rasults of calculating the total strain of the structure taking into account repeated elastic Impacts. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR V no,&715-719 D 161,, (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut subtropicheskogo khozyaystva, Sukhumi. Predstavleno akedemikom K,,SZ&vriyevym. (impact) :~,5 Ce,~ 41 C, z' Fuel Abst. i Vol. 14 No- 4-1- 2844. Mecbenical Processes Involved in Breaking of Oct, 1953 Coal ~y Ghain Type-.Cutting Uni.ts of Witining Machines", Natural Solid Beim, AoL, 1 jFapj to Inst, Gorn. Dela AN SSSR (Inat. Fuelas ftiaing Hin., Acad, Sol. 1952; abstr. in Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSRI khq Natik (Kal. Acad. Sol. U.S.S.R., ~~del. Te Sect , Too 1953, 332). YAGMKIN.G.I., iLndidat takhnichookikh nauk; BBRON,A.I., inzhener Testing rock resistance to cutting for an operating conditions study of cutting parts In a PD-1 heading machine. Nauch.rab. VUGI no.11:7-28 154. (KLRA 8:11) (Coal mining machinery) 15-57i-8-11764D Translation from; Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 8, p 257 (USSRT AUTHOR: Beron, A. I. TITLE: Breaking of Coal Into Large Fragments With Auxiliary Cutter-Type Tools (Razrusheniye uglya ispolnitelInymi organami reztsovogo tipa v rezhime krupnogo skola) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to Vses. n i ugoltn. in-t (All-Union Scientific Coal Insti-tu;e), Moscow, 1956 ASSOCIATION: Vses. n.-i. ugolln. in-t (All-Union Scientific Coal Institute) Card 1/1 W101 ) honor, Principles of design and special characteristics of large cutting .4 tools. Ugoll 32 no. 21-25-32 7 1579 (MLRA 10:3 1. Vaesoyasn" nauchno-inaledovatel Iskly UgolInyr inatitut. (Coal mining machinery) o 0 i; 35 alza U 13'. .0.1 C6 -0 1. P. AA 060" to, 0"4 0 J A- e gig I ijE QUI 1 0. 0 kip 0 all a 84 ..4 0 v still P.-to.54%, 'ji jjj. Fi. j I v 13 H-aAa 09NOGA s- a 2MOV, i j -.I " N& alp .,0. .0. *1" is JOAO Mob 1 k gas 3 J.9