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~'Iqmp- :7 . 'k )~, A 66 OD -OL4/0020/0050. ACC. NR. AT6008783 SOURCE CODE: UR/2657/65/00: Berlin, A. S. A ORG: none TITLE: Selecting the electrophynical parameters of semiconductor materials 1: intended for diodes used in SHF cooled amplifiers M SOURCE: Poluprovodnikovyye pribory i ikh pri eneniye; sbornik statey, no. 14, '1965, 20-50 TOPIC TAGS: SHF amplifier, solid state amplifiers semiconductor diode semiconducting material ABSTRACT. Based on 1959-65 Soviet and 1960-64 Western publication's, this:. review-type a-~ticle considers parameters of'Si, Ge, GaAs, InSb from the view--,;-L Point of usiag these materials in liquid -helium-temperature parametric diodes. Card 1/2 UDC: 621.382.28 L, 39556-66' In a single-stage diode, the noise temperature decreases with the diode temp era ture, provided the dio(ie parameters do not vary. - These parameters of semi - conductor materials w!e considered: maximum Q-factor, electric strength of thei junction, majority-carrier concentration in the base, majority-carrier mobility,I working -temperature range. Beat published diode characteristics are tabulated. i An n-GaAs source material with N >, 10 11 per cm3* is recommended for cooled I diodes. Formulas and curves are presented which connect Ca.As sharp-junction homogeneous -base diode parameters with the parameter Is of materl~,! and the geometry of contact. Alsoi design of a diffusion-type GaAs diode functioning at room temperature is given, w3 are formulas for calculating t1he effect of ternpera-! ture on diode parametera. With proper selection of parameters, GaAs permits I tv bullAing high-quality point-conta.ct and diffusion cooled- . Pe diodes for the SHF- _4band oneration. Ozig. axt has: 9 flguresj~ 33 formulas anti 3 tables* SUB GODE: 091- SUBM DATE., zionei ORIG REF. 0 12 OTH REF: OZ5 -t6ard Zj?. ~ACCESSION MR: AP5026910 UR/0109/65/010/010/19OT/1909 621-375-933-029.65 --AUTHM B -A- ?o 'A.; st A. _avk _jov. Ye. I., Khotuntsev, ru-_~~;--Sht-XXO-V,7, D. TITLE: Parametric amplification i the 8-mm band SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 10, no. 10, 1965, 1907-1909 TOPIC TAGS-.- parametric amplification, millimeter waveq ABSM1&CT: In recently publishedartioles (F. .G._D9Loach,.Proa._1EEE, 1963,--51i 8S- A153 LM-others)-on-millti~4t~~.b-aha---s-e-m-ico-ndu-otor amplifiers, no characteristics have been reported. The present article describes the design and characteristics of and indicates an application for an 8-mm-4band parametric amplifier. Coax1al- design epitaxial germanium diodes with 0-04-0-08-Pf capacitance and 3--5-V reverse voltage were used in most experiments; critical frequency at a bias of -3 v was 2BO--430 Ge. The diodes operated as amplifiers at a low pumping power and &n operating-point bias of 0.5-2 v. The diodes were tested within -60+ 85C; up to +60r, the leakage current at -1.5 v was I Pamp or . less. The new. diodes-were tested in a Bingle-eavity 8-mm parametric amplifier ~ee Fig. A of Enclocure)..'The signal i~s applied via a tapered wavoguide matching - unit 1. Behind the diode 4, a short- circuiting section 2 iB arranged whose length equ.%Is an 'odd number of :Cori 1/3 77TT_-~ L 7722-66 NR: APS027633 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/65/010/011/tO8112084 XAUTHOR: Berlin A& Davydov, V. M. _'S ORG: none TITLE: Method for measuring the 0-factor of nonlinear -capacitance diodes at shf which does not require reference standards or tuning of the measuring chamber SOURCE: Radiotekhnika I elektronika, v. 10, no. 11, 1965, ZOSI-2084 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diode, obf measurement i ABSTRACT: Regardiug a negative-bias diode as a passive linear quadripole. a new formula is developed wh ch permits determining the 0-factor of the diode active r6gion on the basis of measured voltage standing-wave ratio and phase shift at two bias voltages in any measuring chamber, without resistance reference standards. The spread of diode-case rarameters does not affect the accuracy of measurements. An experimental verification. of the formula, is claimed. The method is recommended for 10-100-~Gc band and for the cases when retuning of ;the diode chamber is undesirable. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 21 formulas. SUB COD11r.: 09 SU33M DATE: OlFeb65 ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 001 nw C aid 1/1 ~UDC: 621.317.337-.621.382.Z AUTHORt Berlin, A.Ya., Engineer SOV-91-58-4-13/'29 TITLEt Grounding Blades in 6/35 kv Covered Distributing Centers (Zazemlyayushchiye nozhi v zakrytykh raspredelitellnykh ustroystvakh 6-35 kv) PERIODICALt Energetikq 1958, Nr 4, pp 18-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author suggests the use ot Y-shaped grounding blades for 6/35 kv covered distributing centers with vertical bar d4-:joonnectors having mechanical blocking system. This me-- chanical blocking system permits the grounding blades to be switched on only if both bar disconnectors are switched off. These blades, installed on the fork of the 6 kv bar disconnector, have a precise operation and their design can be utilized for bar disconnectors with ordinary bar systems and for 6/35 kv line disconnectors. There is 1 diagram and I Soviet reference. 1. Electrical networks-~:quipment 2. Disconne--t fittings --Equipment Card 1/1 RIIRLI XAXARDTA, A. N. Some reactions of bls(4d-bydro3yetbyl)amiuo-i~-benzoquinons- Part 2. Zhur. ob. khIp. 30*no.11:3718-3721 N'60. (MIU U.- 11) 1. Inatitut eksperimientallnoy i klinlaheskqy onkologii ANN BSSR. (Bensoquinone) BERLIN, A.Ya..- KURDrUKIVA. X.N. Synthesis of p-diazoacetyl derivatives of pherWlalanine. Zhur. ob. kbim. 30 no.11:3759-3766 N16o. (MIRA 13:11) Is 0 In W 11 4 11 M is M t? 0 0 a 11 x 39 Is 11 51-4-1- 1 9 M! WEISU-7 -s- 7?-, .-W.A.'LO --'"D ~~tMts J. Gm. Chem. (U. & IL 411-%1931).-Bayer (Ana. 107. 27KIM)) and Sdulte' (No. IIS. mid Uer Nanarilds and Neltrasow (C. k A WO deoctibcd the *0 a' a# as. waim x4des by Mm action of HA ca unim chkridn or the oxides. A =o! fatty sad aromalk anko w4lides obtalmad by IL wA S. am tidw new mupd1s. or !M pg by noM ndba& 7be results of the Investication fully 6=01 (RAs an manomm with mrsual mol. wt., while tbm of the formula RAs:S are polymess wft abooraW =oL wL Tte aWn of K3H and Nj4S an wslw chlocidcs In aic. producm Identical compils. with thm obtained with 11,81. 0.0krovilrylar"'SO CICH:C4As& was obtained in IA-c. YkW by passing Hts Into 2 a. of 0 CIIH-CRA" inabs. ale., then brinsinSthernctimmantos I= quickly cooling ht yellow plain with repulsive odoc sol. in C-% and CHM poorly Pol. In a1c. p A**S*xY1"Si*V -H(OCH.CHAs% obtained in O.I.C. d by HIS as* I into 2 g. ol P-HOCHI V-:A 1. Wc. I, tbL p. of B.CO.. .=6 to '09 formation of a turbidity, allowing to stmW 24 hm, sepir. the cry PpL Wid washing with a little MhW, m. WIO*. "cdPxyMky&rjixo s%OW, AcO. 0 0 CiHo= Prepd. from 2 r. of AcOCtHAs" lu ale.. BaCOs and HIS. m. MI. Sol. In ale-, in R(#O w4 CHM Etkykraiw n0& was rpd. by Dm by a different method (et. Tol3an. C. A. 5, 15, mg Washburn. C. A. I j 6M). By the intmaction of HIS and IM S. of AtAsCI6 In sk. was formed an oil. which was wpd. and dimlyrd In less CHM then died over CaCh, and evapd. in vww, giving 45 g. yellow oil with offensive 0", Sol. in C-% and CHC6 c64 ISM Mal, wt. found M.I. caled. Bid. P"ylarsine 00 L TA An L t I CW 0 N V -1 W I a a 3 1 -U a so L17 IFI, n M 7.r .1 ; "t 11 00 go * * 0 0 go 0 so$* too**$ so O's a 0 0 1.100 * 0 : : : I * *if * 000 see of 96 900060 1 41 91) Sea lipajolp I- COC an It 11 "1 1- ~11 -Ism V it 1 0 (x -4-9 L M p a 9 1 It 0 1 mew, 00 USPA WOW A4 Jrkiml- 291-0(104).-A review PAM. ~FWXW F. If. Rathmwm 4-4 FRI 6-j -1. SLA III TALLVOCAI. LOCROW CLASWICATION t.u., .10- 03.4~! u a A- a is' i I Od 0 0 a I Al 9 n trtrip tgd( atn via it u n it K No n I X. 0 0 0 0 Ill 0 0 e 0 0 0 6:0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 a eie 0 0 roe COO ZOO a- 00 roe Jae* tie* "00 00000 1 9 4 11 a Is ~m is 0 IL "m m V 36 A a At a 41 a got Ed at to= tmp.. W" atkIIIIIIII. -00 ne whs. VMS al"sly vow 002 Awmak doem""I ed I ftsidiss 04 into the wim. of -V.2 f. A%O.. 46A 9. Mmom. too cc. A. V&. PA-0im. J. Gfm. Clsems. (U: IL 111. )11-931142 tho name a) cc. lu% N 16AM91N. Afiff & cmlhwW 311" off 00 4 4 1 2 urs. and aftsdift overnight. the aht. 0& (19M).-CarbatrikI-ersiostic WW. HN.CjI,.LH.A.0- = vitb animal C and the fittrate acidified, giving V% -0* UG-7' wwi okAaknW by the following TitiowaxpuAWbycon-tinsitvnthboiNDS -00 n . i tion. (C;~JsNH (h) + HNID: - (C4WjNN0 + a' r :,os - WA 00 c5i.-ZH. - Nasah WO 600 IIN(h - ChN&I 'CJ[..Nfr.0 + am - JUN mr- pg. with dil. HCl H(TJII) + 11, - QN05~ZZ11111 + NftA-0. - 1. M 130 in a mim 44 ~.jj =. when 4.4 S. I w wu obtained in 81% yield by theilwethad of Lindmuna HCI, 2) M. Sk. -and a (rw drops Of I(ProZ 1.1 lKh IC. A. U, 270). A subt *I W a M 49 pe. NCI (d. I isetil, AW tW will, tmated at rum temp. WIC 0 t 175) and 400 al IH - stail'Zi 133 g. NaNod ,,,enj f4, SD VAR. The pps. was wadwd with 20% HCI H.0 and directly neurtalimid wkh a cold N~OH =k. Wsd*WjmVww. IVInak. treated wish" 4. 7roqj ab ztd. with RIU01"S'"Ave - of but cemmed.-HILI SAW the CfYVt 000 267-04 rwAhed NMAH coo wo off woo 6% .4 04w a I-t; "Is 446 -W III r'T I IN Is 710 IF 0.91- 'MY a at 's V 7 A - 1*' 410 041 .0 goo 00 0*4p * i~-0141 0 OT off* 00 W-9 wo SVQ 0 9"Wolp. 0 w 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 p-6 0 a 0 a 0 Am U to m it is 0 11j" _L11-1- AA 10 i 11 11, U-0-1411"kill bulb 41 di" 6676flo 4. ft- 11, L e~ I'llovellat 00 a kb of 'it maW and KCKS, The -00 M 41 cartamovim.1" 'Whi -00 POP #4 0 N, lowd b bo~W wM a Ws. ef sq. of IT Q twusbvwk mad b by 0"09 ago 00 a zoo o0o j .400 *0 it coo 30 0 off 'zoo 41 glow lalecl .41 4tv aft am Q"v Isl T6 7 AD A I s Odiawia" In 0*0*040000*00* 0 0 4 O'o go 00 ov *fee 0090 *04 0 v 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 fie 0 0 fee 0 e 0 0 0900:90 a-M MW 01 W.M.- Ow 10 T T I T T I all !Jo all, am 2040,11, 4: ts, f T P. A Ab* vo bwel -)No es, A t,. 0 li VIM "WI AWD 01114POETICS "am ISO ad A. J. It". fA see V~ 2%-b--whow roe SW 99W _4W P- T. coo Ample Is IIAaAll go a a, all In 100 tie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0-0,01 0-01 0 0 0 0 41b WO 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 IS 0 0 IS 0 G, 0f 0P 40 jo -Sr Oli! .4 g 0: '1 so 8 00 or 00 %1 00 :00 .8 it; 71- Us oloonolloo"Skao ahlobyilars and alorb atiolo4a., S, Pit .1-1 bit I. . It . 1, tilligno '61 tit R.) 8, 7 A KIN). - kin in the ittrAlk-C Sol,- Tj;e! Mrtrlarn 1!!-_t 4. W. "I. 'S of twat) Willi ocr- alut -CP JI I (K - CII.Clitellw. Thus lum Foracts with a.$- unsold. cathenyl ecompoki. not uWy arvointing to the ditor, oynihorat i& lHorle, of dl., C, A. 20, 4M-0. WI), but Ullider tvilloin cendilitims it SIvt3 Pltxllllrts Withl.1111 CYCIWStkM. similar 10 PYr(Ok itolilla. ". CO.). by combining in the a4itowitiols with I and 2 acrokin mots' with the transpositi6n of its atom of atom$ to the double bond of arroltin. TWn reaction does not 11 Ae PI&M In the abactione of S(h and In I be co .4 acidic compas.. such as twS. and istoors. wsm%, ArAstc"te.. andirot Vda ml W orilyordy at the -plimunOxIs Comm. I. 1. in Itlac: lk"l fill thms not Calolyse 11tv oesidensatiatill of turan with we low olthrr similar u.-smid. W"Ydn mid ackla. Thus ac-yfic wid with turan pvc only the polymm'" ", Hydroquirkirlor is added to stabilige martWo, tilare writhrint it the entire aldelivile borcemes potyrocrixed. A mixt.or 146 S. turan iredistol. met No), 120 g. of dry acrelein conts.0.4g. hydroquintirsea"O.AmLors, 10 no; - SW in a slitst a Lt (!~M -lined astoorlove was ted at Im Of I hr. and then vacuum distd., giving l7r.laar!30.4 It. 11. 1. bit 91 ". d,,: I M91. dj$ I M74. oV 1.4772, M. R. Tbeacv~J(M) bolab" (A4bt d-soMm.). -. A"'. PtnW. by oiddlaing i in H.0 L At .19=Azf%tp#.Cunlvl am ". i , b. -am . d. U ro a to Is 7. _. ' 1111 we W W W W OF IV IF w W W W-W-W-W- E1 ' a If . 1111 . .. as 0 * a~o , ' " WM_410 i A - s I- , -,p A ~& .. 4 I-3-04'a, d " itb CII.N. in Plot P. II - ;;;1Tj6Piww. *' - ei h 7 12. It"I"i lit, . 111' 1 1 VV- "V 1 012, NI 1.1d. 14. In - I it J"j, No,%',,, I I;A tit I )In I too, t 14011,41 Ili A 111-11#4 o t, vwtil boll'of ll,~ 'kit 1,411,11 oil f - h Ji d - o- . IN)); t Ap,19. orthori to vwl, "1. 177.14 icalv 41.2 0 exiow,m.132-3'. Thcarid.m. 1i'44.6" MiM.Favc with 7 - .5 . and on 1 CII.N. Ithe ei-Mot ester. tht 172 4'. M. W.6- boiling In caslord. 1ICl bilemlinior acid. m. IMA-10.51. .00 Aprall. 33 rderortim. U. Coadjagation of tom- &W -00 bashythrobessaldoWe with MX014killi. A- Y&- Retim Mid S. M. Sh"Im. 1W. Its-21-The tender atkin of .00 at-teirghydrottemusidehyde (f) and hyde kill with s,"Itin In the pursence of.04N and hydrro- -00 quitione wt tkwiribcd above gavr see i-s-firopionaldehyde till) and =00 jiropsoxo:Uorh~do, k1V). relop. Thus. the coadeniattloon of I and U and Ohm Kof furan with amokin proceeds analo- Q99 arpusly. I and H wmbtainedby the method 6 and i f ew n a Alder i C. A. 22, 1144). The truner a is loirm on Adding a dirilly tit JIM or H.S101,; 16tru"t'. 178". A hors Cle 0 . mill.4.1 I, jig. it. w till. .1 dry amaltin stabiliseit with " b - go Ah oheu he&" in sortiled tu a hyditiquintow and 4 sits. : at 100-S' lot 3 his. and thrit vactsum-oluild. pvr 6.2 S. % xte IV, b, b14 132 3'. It quickly rcdutn FrMial zoo solo. and AgN(.)o in N14,011 and io, polymirrized to a hcsvr num, tolik-bonbratins is depolymeri" to M"llil. wt. 1-16, I&I (calerl. for C,sH.M 168); is ceuld not lic &td. be- zoo cause tit the rapid jwly4lrritatism of IV. The "id. tn. The kcittat It, litt-l" do' LOK, so%.' 1,4113. ,_n ~f 14 I with 3S ml '11 ti ~~d 5 twoo . o oot%a g. . 21. M, It. 4 wrokin at above gave 14 It. tof a pioduct. It. M tie* in the came oil IV. it wall imporwble to obtain pure M be : tie*, --- Cause of 1hr rapid pelyintorization and the incomplete de ' ' to 0 . . It. 14" _ P4AyWXFiJPAtiOn On ho-Wiling. 111. 1-,. 140 2 The acM. m. 161 *. When its N- salt wat, li,~~trd 3w a!._ , Ana 11110410 owl a : 1 X4 w 0 D Itailli eta $Iln 11 a a it a 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0: 4111 0 41111411 10 0 00 00 *0 111111, ip* so 00' its the IOICWfkV Of 40160141 I'll it lgd%v the IV Stiff, III- Polymort"fim of it"01010 Stitt Otlylic odd sod Ott shw- twotill U*ir dimam 1wirbren"ova anti F. 11, Itahmovit-b. Ibid. ZJ 404- It hatittemlitiuvrnalm%r that wift-uncy,flein J)lindaixylitr wid (U) we bested with furau in the almorme of thq S% catalya they ate easily polymerized to corresponding and polymem h was of intricitt to invegignit dinvitt Ow struirlore ond the inffimniun of formation of I and U dimm. Aulmlaving I(XI owl. of (hY I in IW Int- CJU is (be P"Verim 04 & little hYth0quilhiliv at IW for A 11114. save W It. of I diturr, which litovvd to Ise itsky4prProx, c .6 - - " - - , , __- __ - 61, (m). b. I,.CMCIIM.CJI,.CII; 146, 6 4U 41A', it-, it:* LON6. xV 1.44141, 161. R. 214.73 (taW. Lf Cjt.(N, 28A1). mol. wt. 112. The sanve remits wer, olmottled with fors and HO as Solvents. Without the mitalfilizalion of I with by4roqui- moor only hiSh-niol. polynirtiliand no dijun wtfv loonted. M an stgrAng for a itw days omis a tvinm i1 blexamer &stable v*,mw toass. By arAlogy with the Alder later- pmatiou of the cvindrulat tort 4-1 ryclommtSidiene to dinser and polynict, by the **dieue syntlummilti" tC. A. 25. IKM). III* fornation of distim. triturr juid polynim of I can be wbeinatically represented us a chain of c9melcowd pyrao sucki. Item: CII.C111- CII.CIf,.CtI--CH,.CH.CIIO I I 11.1.0- cif.0-01-0 - 'k In gives citify a Itiorotwilmatwoulm, III 1z I-4-ulf-A twitmonsiffor, It, 10.1 1,N)" If's 101 2% whi. h fit III.- stillym hydetWastioij of".0j ottly I trial. 11, pvtog WPOjOrfax fit - 1.14 ', dmi-ske. 4, 4 I rsp, nW "hum o" J.'llost; ift A. 4 5 rA % hr 4111rile. 114. 41 If r" v` 441, "`111t "I" 411-11 i1"1'-247 U .11 1 11111 - ".. 11", ", - I( I jl,~_ ~. . 111-11 I'llb. ;11 ;_,1h h f, 40 1 d .1.11. 141.1 in u_ 1111~ L1,11I CHICII (011 IIIIiI.ClI.-CII Cit. It. 1(W. d.11 1,117. iPV .. 1. - . - - -1 .. - - - ~ I I 1 Uloilithret1wilh AXNOI in lilt, soln, Pvc the and (hit SAII). firating"s, Illnuttil. furem Ott afte"luix-al gave 3g. of U dinw. which pto%vil to be arroy(A-drourpy(k acz;4, IL*11,: ClICOW11,C114 COJI (IVJI th. 141;'X*. tv.; 136". d"' 1.114W. ru 1.45=1, M, R. (14.78 (eak-d. for Cj Ilt)" I ~%.I if , luo). wt. 2NAR icalcill, 1"). Thu.%, the niol. wt. of IV, deid, in CgIll I)y the Mo. stropir method. Is nearly equal to the fouttold value for U. This I* awritwd to the a,,jcn. pioerss cliamcirriviii: for carbOxYlle Will% tcf to a - Vlstlattikt. Ann. M. 23". )). The following reactions provrd roaclusliccly that TV is a dburv of 11. IV alistotim unly 1 11, imming pli ' RICLI"CHICHIC0111, lim 145T, TI If fruer. th, W, d.14 LON.S. d,1.1 M. R.37.82 (iraled. tot CilltoO.,37M),mol. sit. 14.14 (ca". 100). This pruvrd tubeidentival with thc%lemtrrof the now " syniSmIted from EtCtW] with Me hydromeryl- ate. While the polytimcsization tiff in fut C4jI#wWRW analogously. the "mclensat ion o&uf U is influenced 97=be solvents. Thus. U in furan Save only the dimim and fit C*Ha hilthey polyint-tit with oly Irac" of ditner. Chm. Maur so 0 00 00 00 *0 041 so 06 so; 90 1~ 411 00 00 00 00 00 411111114111111 a c0tv a 4a LOil IN0paw as 400 6144 04 1441 *on WN a , 0 Otl sib 00. es 00 -!r Ow r 00 . - 00. 99. 00. aw~" too slow 614461 -- . low rot ~ Jr : f I jot w g 4 a 2 03 Is I? Q Is a al a m jiva.21 Intl v Is A Is r--& It- A-,L. X_ 00 "Ptat'. 00 .Pet -00 2(s) Nit"010104 "'14 J. Qfidi~ws. U. ILL M the 00 X.1 . I 0* jF ?BMW" "i" Uh Afewide (UP 400 all A 3-nitro-4-semintsim-actw- td.. C. A. 6. 309) in dil. N&011 a M NIAPH ;6i 20 mi- HO) and 15-7 9 - 1-00 N&N%im22DA%I. 11#0at -8* waxotitteeddrupwim to AM Al.1140414210MI, 1110. '2 0 DMI"diard wkb IN) Mi. of 6.N NWII Ow Abell trevalrd 200 with t1w No W=WtA Sol*. (M Alt AsM in I[V nil. of 8 N NOW Ow ". with la mi. watrf) end 14 Inixt. 0( 145 sal. IW. 0 Al. of coned. JI.Sut and & od. of 10% CaK)e golb in Mi NIUCIII, ~ IU next day, the rwtkm unit. wa- fittoW md ibr A%mo was ttested with 330 AM ut 1, goo N&1,130e. The bat ado. was efftoompil. wltbbtlj~ If-jr, wasobtalmd by Untingit in CHChwith CI, rmfymg. the goo rmiltift M fmm ak. coutC. a kv drops of coned. HCI 0 on. in UftCO with an equal vol. of coned. Me -00 mend 4wo oil, IM.m.73'. -MIDds. form pok yelkew powders. Ch". HIM, z4 i Jkis- .91ALLVIKKAL 1.119II&TIA9 CLASOFKAT" 41-2- 1 1..., ~ - -I---- __ - - I .. I. :- 40~1 J.'" goo -wit ;4.1ceii Olt (P,- as, -'s, u a A, *3 It t" *A a 1 8 ow 0 -0 " I W I' I A" 0 1 9-7 feet 00111 Nil it" wnn 11111"W" 9 0 0 0 0 0 1111 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 0 0 *'P,v a 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 00 411411411 0 00 0 0 4110 0 0 0 4 0 a # a 0 0 : : I Is of u V) u is is 1? 11 v w IS 16 Ir 0 4 a Al 4 14" A.. 149~ 411-00 AN -.0 00 It *9 00 Ake. !=U. 6L & 194^. "C,~' 32 -00 "KIM, 40111"f* add M. 9.) mad 30 m AWN rw "I *wn" an It IMU biktk Im 3 his. to W 1.93 so M0*-w#W%rk **WrW*. b, 1*4% 0, ar', (11M &,*. 004 .11-76 10 4*131 J. buteldi"t Im a cv, d bftlfd Is a OMW tubs tw 2 hn. 't 110. too with INUM 67, NFARI. the mWe. aJU.l -1 oxtd. With 19.0 %iwd (ep" WOW). 0. M. K. doe moo lee too. loom l1visslav-0 ------- *DWIRV goo - I Sdao&e -0 2 logo "At M. O&( 026411 dw a" its lies 14 0 u 0 AV 10 LS 0 1 ; j ; ; ; - " ma 'a I I a tm 0 00 0. Goo o 0 0 0 0 *so 09 0000 V IS qgq L ZVI "M I " , 0 ty- J1 kkf-] If A-Wo I 041"4%M Aw P110#6614k wool OSA *90 0 Wd &w. Ad 0D 5 1 = M Vtta 14. (1). KOH am am Akftd ZUNOH g pr9dad MNO- -00 md 6040d Jar 3 bm, lbry the -" -- . H^ "it VA. 13340. HY *Od -VH" slat the Mut witis -bb A . . pbS0,a Slid KOH must be StINTICI 094 C:n 200 .r 004 ,d im-cockd diarw t1w tat". time =00 dtc,.,P., Z C'm "p1w- -Y r-d' godimet 6 Abm ON w&uwd wit 09" 14 004 dWuW Ad -p. is ROD t0!r(jFJ- %r be ftm ..Q SOO Mai elm "it. . , r 840H ft see ifO tbw d" mog gat. of H=iOw% 1A 1A beA .Vf,llff Raito,. ;41 No K011 to R114 1 190, , - -etysts %WY 0)" t', t~ an to Oitll OW "T all tw a is a 'I v 61 n it a OOOo_O 00 000 e Or* 0 0 0,0000 000090000 0 0 0 0 0, 0~0 0 4 somm - 190 A RIP- e0MR- MAE. -g -0 'N A 17 17 M. A 2 1 -A- k--L- -A F At"Wo S-oxide (pavocalino). At. N. Shchlikills. At %nh icr~N-Illljt Rave Q'A "isole SN"Yallwir A, '11111F I"V41, -00 S. A~ Va. flerlm, all'i F. 1). . aomlva (All tfidori Client. (it 6dillivultly .4. in 4~4,1 %vit,t Awl Ah- . 411-1 hvdil6r. 00 - J')W rd Chem, rh&Wlt arch ln,l., hlowi,w). J. .11 011 WArIllilli: 1o -11INIO' Ill, In - (frool , 161111 18, (Lit (a X-) vnis OW). 1 111, mw hef 11(limr Ir.31 lit hi, 1,14,1111. t4ltl IJUDCll At V lee so CLMIre"ell intothrIt4v ImAr by tre4illivill with .414 I - K N.Sth 1411h rl"Ills. I'lle l(tt) 'ritt. tit the 1111lit.. after drying. 43V 1 hAl N the r'-dgicti"ll 4.1 thr Q%Oc to the Irve "to wa. IUMM 4owly with oAlling tu NI cc. littO own. W bawl lie ~tlllaulic "let (D twtng All 1UtvTtIk-diAt9. 4 4 M K 0* 008 lIsAviting. OrMalmn ofard" out INV. Thenilil~ was then treated with 4.6 It. lik-ric acW *cut aW*-cd tit iv-. 31111 . .411to Got stawl f-w 2 be*. to Vel.1 #11 it. apm.-Itx~ ly-Oxwo pirr4se' " .00 111.118 (crude).12i OvoililitOll). ThepkT&te(ltlg,) xilthti with W cc culled IICI for wat mirred with go* *0 43 . % . a a In Her which the pirtic &M we* filterm off. the l h i :200 fi . extd. wit ltm Xt.0. and the all. "a. evapd. I.a Mr" at 30". The rv-JJue was dried at 39' in twoo coo after extrt. with licvtral tiortions of ClIC4, was coo vacutim-ild"I of 30, to Orld 4 N, arryptive 410 . in. 143' Orcim nb%. IhOl 1). Treststlent of thir with 261'~ coo 00 1 K'CO. with o"uS gAvc (lie tres base as a yellowish od ' 600 I (from the CllCh ext.). which is %W. in CHC1j. difficuddy if scil,infito. Trealistent of the 111c1 got with SO, in Watcr 0 . /\n 1 A 4:: TO ~ I ,hl SGS - wee Wes 144,1*0 .1v colsw 409 ' - 91111110111 ai I Flaw 4W, ~i i b U sr AV to is T 9 ~18 vt~ a, I I bd 0 0 a I III IN 9 a 4 It v 00 Os l 0 00 00 0 0 0 a 00000004 0 0 os 9 00 1. N. `Ilwhukina, ~ go 9 M" -00 1 ft the c""*"f*d*wI WIGVOIV *0 2.1 . of lphel with CC16CHO in the IINSOO. 1 i " l 00 Fm the I fA this "W= &"WH is not 0 km tbt mW OW. Obt&10114 10 tbO ChWVA- . 00 -4 IM at SD* It Is awd dkWl tot eftWaistim with' . y PhCI Im tbe preamm of funial at concif. %9%. and the 0 d ftfl m d I W d i h O aw ea a e UNN u . n t IMMM. s KV p H h ost 00 40 Is A %L4 A"ALLMICAL UftitAlUff tLA09KIVI" 4001 - 310" env Ati ki --- T-T 3 it V q - - - A u 11 IV 10 M ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 * e. *-* * S 'ft Aa 40 0-0 0 0000 - 1 1, 11 - 0 - 1 1 4 6 1 8 0 10 It 0 11 14 Tki ~LV 11 sit ml Jan 341S.Mv . Ivectsits AND MWINT11 s l&C I -0 06 016044041114 odd, lk" ).--On tka 4 a rrvlrw knows rvwims. the cmpd. obtabied fr%mu N11011 + 040 fortaulattd as 0!N1Is.'WN01I (sulfatuiv- *0.9 115). the famistiou ptucw4finit flumigh Ifir 9 see 4 OntamWistc 110NIMSI)WIM1. The extretur inhm. b4ity OF tbe alit (Sormner. Schuls. And Namu, C.A. 10, 3249) as rwnpAW With the rclailve xtability of the ", k440 to the CWIU&Iou that the lattff esixts oil In the tautaftdc form of t1w type of an Innrf salt or HO.N111-601 no.11S.N.809.0 or , & 1 ' ; thi% Is see SCh-Nile OR luvtw out by t1w fact that Itit 41v%t. 0"M 4tWm4vt4 its are 0 AM Meof WIMMI rMullou ot beat, Tba %Alt* 11111-t havi the Open finfrium. N, T1km . ..... .... ........ %VON, vili~ij'vl- v~tv ~j %.joba ~jv a.. Olt --1 - TT r *A 1 4 w 0 of a 1 19 81 9 A 4 to 010 go 9W it N I't It 4' fir 0; V d"a 0 000010 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 a 0 0, 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 41 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 3MIN, YA. PA 30/49n5 Cbemistry.- Sulfpne,-n-Aminophenyl Chlomethyl *ff4ainophenyl-Chlo.-a6tbyliWone',-'~ A. Ya. Berlin, AII-~Uhlon Chew Me& 'Sol Res Inst Imeni S. Ordzhoni- kitze, -Moscov, 2 PI) ftbir Obahch XhImlin Vol Mil, No 9 Desorlbes synthesisof n-acetylaninophanyl-chlor- uatb~lsulfone:and n-minophonyl-ohlorinetbyloulfone. Sutwitted 16 may h7. '30/49m -3 0 00 13 a V W ~ -I--- ' i ' 4-4 o s 0 71117" H 1 IS W it Q -A. A-t-_ a ill W l 1 PA l i . OFF a a 1 V IS 40 V I - it Sir 0 a Q 41 'A Gre I SO J~~ 111tc M1101 0110:11MI ..a .11101~1` t, Uctivalivots of lingwrone. L 1. 1'.4- 11.4ili 14114.-1. %1. M, N~, fig 1.1 , 0" - / v ! , Ishttlits. ..Ykkf. c*71v4*1 -K-AJW. rr.-r#W-VbeW.) 12, -mem,-r-y&,Y~ "JAY, - (fill it It Mol ' l IN ) . t ter wit, Co , 4~ ",noto . - I 40 - i ) Nl fl k C i I li# rr v.. twile pirt o e , ovy J ), f j" M u r", .6,1 give The 3.4-diwj ~ IS 1, 1 PASUP Of V 4 gunicacial A friati"ll tit -~hrU)l , J1r(jWrtiC* 110 141FAICIUM. (koSet"lly, 130-04. i 1W Yk4i - 1 1 T ' ' 1 I 4 I i 111111411, n.1111 1 1.11 I ho It Wal IV luirtl _ ,; fir 11-Me i. larki,ig ITS (uJ,j umt. tit AL011 in tire vapm %late .-wr 1 -14 , 1 1191111, t ' 1101W R.11tivii."I d tire 1,414-41MIt fill Int. lit. RAW it. ~ 3k, "'I. CO in l I tile Ii'le 11V a fictrw tot 1,3: ttw,1.4. ahich (;It C,j. rcclu1jecl 7 b", Stith 'P 94111, - -Iu,li,ml A SIT, riv,. ;ire ahiuvl wiihiart IN- huming Iaitr tit I;j0jI 'fiAW) - V KOJI, g.w u Arrif W S. W, 00 . 1; tile mun. i, :1 4-tru-thylvin,lititty denvs, The by :i,.1 r. 2'.."', \A-Ilg 5 t. :-;4- ctmdr %IrvI dcriv i forlith fit (III, Soft- (Imill ms -Amu. vlf,,vt ruid Inal. tam tit P". MwitiAlcOllomill fill, K 1 Vanillin ~2 .1g.) ill Illil till, kh"Co alid ljt~. with Ali))[ 11111 9 /it 1`t%t1h 'N it" N tSll l 74) l l 4 L i ld d . .S et Iaiu m t e y. v r , _ C. 4.AV- - 11r; K. -Jdn~,.f 40 till. HUI o%~ He Meow, vu. 129-11' ffnnu dil. A,,W)henderrfoor, 14 , P-1 - Ill- MOM: th6 05 A in :40 till. Water. stirml 14ith I2t) jr. IIATtingwith nd AcOll trave, ITT 9 r J 1, . . '11; Na-11j; n.] the aq. .4n. a6lifiett fly IICI and rild. lutt): 7W,, Of krordri-1.1 krivMr, J,;. I, =00 1,, 4- %rib E1,A). viel.liA 8 g. 1. Ili. 40% 1%. IM)4kl*. 1 (4.7 K.) al. in '_15 i;d. 5','. NMIII, 1n-mNf,tvcT 0A fir. tolith 3 tilt. Nfe,- k,l %, j" V1 A),, gAvr 2.1 g~ A ~Iir 4-Alre1kro, (11IN-11, juvdiew, 14, g. 2. fig "ti%'f"1%11'fi 'Wlr k4*0 * ' (front FOIP-1-cir. ellief); 1 (9.5 g.), XI F. 11111AISAIIIaltd ,4.h,q,.,,,,.,.*-.,~rtk,,%ApeA,.,~le'iiv- j,,Ii g,4vr 7.8 K. :- - - "t o an4l zn, 411 in). IICI wvflu%ed 0 furs. at~d stcam-diAd. gave a kr:oxe tit. 4F,10' 4ioull J-.j.A)-JKtr. 11, . , VAVV the ltw )ield o.f t-,4-hydroirv-3-melkoxyfkajd)but4ae, Ih, tilt, lAtiLr ith dil. NACIII And ' =111111 0 J43-6 . 11 i2, jj.~. 7g. 4121AIN21MIt"I Z", Allot W Vd. 1: 1 lit. -it ... it Th,- I.-Mr IICI frouled 4 ht,. x4vv it I.1W yirld 44 I.(.11.44i'swilkoxv. wj~ I., IF4,1, \,,I)L71 ,.III 4wits tire Ou- . &XV0b,"fatte, It- V-16 it Ad.lit.z. --3 S. itw-AitsAIv01 ,,,ti .... .. 12 1) P"NO fill I;f R)II toll; k0IJ o in ;P l O i i F n . ll n til . V. vutt jr, ( If. tit,) i ....I CIICI, "Mid k. .1M St., - fcolfowrd toy heating 8 ht,. till a mt-3111 IMI)J, resunw-41 tilt llf,gluct w2, I ,, ~,SS g. pipemna) in i j Inted, (A tile M0 ill, dilu., 41n[ V to) exill-, Livo", 111"'l1 rt- 41) n1. Nfr,CO 14-14 Mille"I "91 1"'- w-11"t %vith stirring, . unival ..f tile lvirv.'eted valaillit, willi I(),: SAIISAh, 4- fullowed toy ITS not. IW ; NAM titenix if lint.; the Will '111 Vh mulling t-nule wle. trlutvd with I s Na-lig ill tit,- litt)~Act)ll iloy "17 ~ . q). yu-I'll'i 13 sII1QIIQ "it 411111 oat A arth Me Martel. in. 4940' (;. M. KUUAAPUff - - ; to ~~ U 9 Ian 2 9 a a 3 or Mi or 0 it - a a a::*" , I; 0 41111 0 4~ 0 0 0 0000 0 Till, - 0o000 "a AWN, iN. A. U. Berlin., n-Amino-phanyl-chloro-mthyl-mlfons. P. 1,716 n-acet.Tl-amino-.vhenyl-chloro-methyl-mlfone and n-amino-phonyl-chloro-mthyl-sulfone were qnthesizede The Ordzhonikidze A3-1-Union Chemice-Pharmcautical Scientific Research Institute, Moscov. May 16, 1947 SOv Jourma of General Chemistry (USSR) 28, (80) No. 9 (1948N BMLnl, A. IA. A. Ia. Berlin and In. V. Markova, Patty aroT.,vtic 'r-derivatives of aceto acetic ester. p. 1791 A series of/O-keto ester deriv&tives of acetoacetic ester were synthesized and their properties studied. The Orzhonikidze, All Union Scientific Research Inst. of Pharraceutical Chemistry Moscow, September 29, 1947 SO: Journal of General Chemistry (USSR) g_81 (80) No. 10 (191,8): MRLIIi iA. YA PA76TII a Aeld Vam 2-Pkauyl-.4-'(Car~hotboxymetby1min64~~, -,PW6141n, V ,I Aeftylene) -03mzolin-5-on'" K. ya. :'-MayQind, -All-Unicn Sol ROB Chimmicophar Dast imeni Ordthmikifts, 3 pp -. !~k Ak Nauk WS" Vol LI,, 1107 --bescribee and anal too expl Imint ro3 Ing subject- veactiw. submittod~vmr 1948. BERLIP.~ A. YA. 2760E BERLIN, A. YA. I MARKOVA~ YU. V. Proizvodnyy-e Tsingerona. (Soobsh.) 4. Zhurnal obshchey Khimii, 1949, Vyp. 8, s. 156?-70. SO: Letopis' Zhum%llnylr-h Statey-, Vol. 37, 1949 M=X, A. Ya. A 65A9T22 Oble.Cmdmation of Ao),Itiunl4as Vith Moral.," A.~Ta. Berilup It. It Mobukinay Te. D. Baz=o-va., ,XU-IJii='8ol,Res C~;Icophw lust Imani S. Ord 6 pp .*A= CYbWwh MiW Vol =p No StvAy of subject reaotim In the pmasnoo of .glft establisbad that acateallide =-I phtholan'l em4r into,the reaOtion-, vhile ouniuaUll, In US 61mr-Ted experimmtS. did not. Gives produoto O'the reaotion of acetaniliie aal the phthalauil 4w Du*pg*M d Sk and T. rut"., lki. jtfturck 111st.. Mod-ow). J. GrN. Chem. V.S.S.R. It, UansIslion).- Stv CA. 43. 70DId. BERLINp A. Ya. - 1 -1- .~ .1 ~iA 65/49T32 bkRtfg,.i. YA., PA 64/49T25 RI=, A. Y1. St 'I WmIlint 7, zingerone Aug synthesis ,"Zingerone Derivatives, IV," A. Ya. Berlin, Yu. V. Matkova, All-~Dhiou Sci Res Chemirophat Inst imni ~Ordzhonikidze'-Moscow, 31 PP- Zhur Obshch IhW Vol XIX, No 8 qA W1 PA 149T38 o, ~S,Uj u," 6. with chlotal. A. V4,., g,,V:Vo 1, 1), (All-t*nim - V,rl,..M*lvb Chnn.-PhArm. tn%t.. h1w.01w), J. Ofs. h WS-S.R.) 19. tramt, , tkml.-4m C.A. 44. ". It 1. t% M 41-1111dM14-MotbogypIMMies. A. Va. -i1viiiii. Z4ssp, ObilichA xK M. (). Ocu. clicill.) Dry &3tu. of meconk. a6i with Cu filing-6 p%T We* 2-hydrary-4-hro", in. 116-18* (frog" F1011). This (13 X.) in 100 ml. HtjO with Of,%, Ortnu LN mi. .%Iv.V(1NO)COjHI) in HtvO 93ve .1-methoxy,4-pyroxe, in. Wom Wit. after pptu. fr(lui CIIC4 by ficruiul~ This (Pg.). boated 2 a steam hath with -#And.25', \1140it &PA 76 mi. IlsO still evapd.,pvc,14 a. 4-Wri-xv- I ikew p Idise, ncedles, in. 174- 641 hyd.). 114 - Mi' '~ 7h y d,.Wy" MIrOW1110). 'nits (22 X.11 1110) lilt. IijOll treated rat, ly with 70 C. No. then d1hi. with III0, uru- traliftil with HC1. evapd.. exid. with dry W011. and the ,ext. treated with 10 C. JCOJI in abs. HtOII, tillertni. and. distd. pvc 4.90 g. 4-kjWroxy-J-wdkvxypipwpidime. 1k, 110-17 . biv 114-18' 1* 1 0779; unne 7.35 of the ;~;r=ix pyrOile Z., r, -~Ytred. C.. M. X. "C" Alor. 1 11 (AsAckI Kkew. 0. tkm W)iu Chem) M r ~Iwlt , 1) Attvmlltnl tt4luctint, to( .j~CijjC,-Aj,N'II by It o,.w RAtwy Ni in tbr lwrwncr failed elk'"I Of 1111" at lb Mon. 11; 4 11141-17 Of IU41116111 deriv, (twitiftl toca"Itly Ittom U1011-NA wiluctitat. lout the lot %-" clitmiucly law. Reductive amirmtkx-. tif Ac lacill In tile pivowncr of NIA, Ow Altatull III tl%kte 01*1 ft tallk4l' hovmvrt. 31) 9. arrini. K; toil ~ l37coNll40J1,nndAX,' Roolwy Xi tiliaketo A hn, at Sol lilt* altit Motion. If garrit ,,oliall mill 41,1. tiddi-Alf.l. elst, thlrOMr.0-Clit, lit. UM-A 7A'. in-I 14 faitly puir lot. J"ir.. fit. urated wMi llsel in A- N,.% M The tit. 104.5 4% ti"on, dil."HION 7.4 1. and 11.2 . amul Over Ill tilark in Afroll at "lln. pirtswre cove lit 4 hft. T.M g, jA1rC11(C11v011)11X,1. fill 1W, oll" 1,01441'. OV LOW: $4(rute.yAlowplatet'sn. 193-60 ((tom HIM). Kowupoff c 1,ambalitultid mwpWiW, A Vis 11rifin -tiol l1neva (S. Ortlithmikidsir I;ca. Clstin.) 20. OW-WINVOt.-Addit. of 13 a. pratirk-m utikk In III itil. M011 at 0-5 to RD X. fresibly distd. IS%- C1100114111 in Ilk) fill FtOll Raw 601,4 1IN(C11,01VIIII), I.6W.d%l 1.11422, purtiff, 116, dets.1 liltill.c.10. 1110 pfuil"d (14A 11 rwriully &4hinl So 12 tul. mint-d. 11*84% with mWits. b4lowed by 8 hm at 170-1W mxl the umul WAmitiml, gave .-adA.Woosisrishoaltw-11G, whirb with pcwd. KOH. pvt ' 101% /fee Assf. Is. 134 41 . filit 1 449(1 dlt 0 Wt. (Amyt- 7 k " i z k,orm Amp.. n%. ,q) ( i. shlllwly. a f l , t IA kf 14011 II NcIlm ill lb l t cil %lis & e lrar o e o o * . y' 114" if,, 1,111101; ftleftilf, IM IMA ".0' (4011 400. 'Me Ilmiurt treated ~ilh HA)* A-i FmArl - b. WJ V, W .1-41*1 if" , * ~ ' 11 1, , dirrits.. Ill. 11, Ill iffforr It. 133 4 . 11V 1. 1517, ' truw f4cild. X114 ill A$. IMMI in Iliq Amm, W011) dom. tit. 1.11.5-2.5 .11"Mil ~ l R i h ."I VOR-1-1 4 W~kcmclmfoul,, cmllr~ elsvillft .drfl .-Vrjl I. w t IT1,11 ,01 OM 011) 106- M m Ji 441-11" irl. I tu e lt r 4 - , " 41AY111,111M P%VV 70 :X4WIAVI 1,0120. obk-h sitni- CUMfOll), b,, 140~ MN? 1.4tft. d. ' p"sise, Is. VS-9'. xV 1.45:30. dj6 11.9175; pAestAijowrea Lttly yiekkd Is. 145 . atf * m. 106-7' (frorn dil. HIM). The reaction- with derip. 1.4460A."MIL362; pAwmy&Wmrra divir.,M. 143-7 (ffmn We` U1011). 13rhysirmi"i by HAS(% as above ol JIN- , okfin axift" prorred a% well in Alm. A% in st-i%, ak-s,. i.e. . . (CAINIrClIsOllit auvv 11,1% Is. qs,:~ MOIL G. M. K~Mtkld 143A', mV 144(k). d" derm. 3, ith ~; 10 ( M 010 H NCII CH 011 W ) - St l M. r C . I S 1 5. ( ( 4 S. o4stilyl-ne axille in abs, RION pw 61% IIN(CIIE4- d", 1 137' 0118 C11 0M CH olf 4651 CU t 1 . . . h . mV . , . ) t r which on dehydratim as above cavt 51% 2-AwmOrpliv- low. Is. 141'. WV 1.449R. d:10.%W; p6piryAkiparm depoisp.. - M. IAI-Tj , Ifluln 111011). Amiluly , 11ONCIMICV111011 !Ave list CUM(CM9011) ClIq(VIM Ill, Its 1.34-6'. tit. I, 111A, i l V t 14011 4 ilb f - l it'"I pi ts. S rolm, in, A t ); p (Irm 84.041010; delSydratim. as siba". gave 94-d% -1-h;,tin. Chew.) 20, and b;AKM KAiw- 71.4 I(S.2Ag rhodallific.019, C' id h gm;-C tib% i" 3-91-M his (3 5 g 'r.-I - 'od -'o ad. metco ~Colj). T . 1, l3c;ID ddolisr, M. 197* Omm Wsiewn ballsO.5 bf- 8v Naoll) heated 12 W. 2T to C"g, Md with dij.11CI g.-,. 35% and acidifi"j' "id. ji"Cliacthl, ". -.8.b-9.0 -Olcd ult: The PCMUIct be SAM m . FcClo (f"n I too) - (OlOt pvo t ide and blue m1th from I cosw with ultroprao the dismi rd,-' DIRM I-110--d vsyt-val"Mih ww- htoll). H-finq jib pbNHNlIs alk ' raww. ns- . IICI. the Oh"311kyd by SCkjj60AtiM With Xl ko"AaPoff 134.5'. 2 - Pbftyl - 4 - MeTCOPUM911tylline - A Va Balin V. 1. Malmind. and Vu. M. SWArt (k*1'!Wi t- All-Unim Clirm.-Pharm. Sd. Re- owch Intl Mate,-%) PokJody Akod, Neuk S.S.S.R Y:. rn-Wiao. -P&'xmV of 1199 Into 11-phtnyl-l- 0Ik11T"W14Tltnt-At41(l 44obtl-vir (1) In &h,- AWC41 imly it NO In. 2W (Gato Me)%). At- Sir tempts to rffttt Iftwiloris .4 with II,NCWNII.. thkwrlic -A (NIWA 4-0 give it* d"Iml 4-a*ro*tJ##4a*ykW ORM)m Moalied. 42W sind 310D A~ I with a frimitly prcpd. satis. of XW1 in dry &W14. hostorer. readily gave a Ught oral of the X sob of U. trealnicat with A00a In .. (X0 save the Ag sob, tn. 1000, this with 'Met In 14 Pvt "I. 141 -, aho obtainable from the above K salt wW Met in x waW tube at 100'. The product bas ablwirpikim bandl; at 3W and 2" A. whkh carmpoods to of the known 3-bensvi deriv. (Cornfittli. IV.=ijtry of PrxkWis~. 1949. 'Ull. The pratfurt exillts In 3 cryst. TOMO (Oxwt 10 emstals, long matute virl"til. and light yttlow nmlltsl wilh ittrul"I tu,r. It K sall with A. IICI or ArOll In 11.0gavepte 11. ird-orauge, dessaup. 173- A', Which woo anutephous; litralk" in cold &q., R1011 "quite$ I nuil, alkali, 2 tMA" on heAdve. The WfMAPIOM OWN * the K 041t wit It fisfille save The ji'JIM0. Win*. dectillip. 201- 2*; lite Site, ttilin if thl.t.'Kild not twilevulf-I an ".m. in CC% or StOll Ot 1,Kt 9 wW (armed the above sulfide. Fret It ilmnwibiin,isal.LWMMA.aswcilmat 42W atilt 3 111) A~ because L4 Ilencr a tatell crasatitalm4t hypa"intiftrylICI intoa CL'h "n a It K &All kad Wilall"I the it as ll-ual; this 16vt A vriv 111, Irtid. with two V till, 144thilis .4 4111 Am the Oil,. ~Idrd lo 10 till. CIM *44" 11.9c%; cy%fitati4m 4 like .411. ol It W:k. 1~%t 14" icct,"l at 0 N, in the pfr~tlcr .4 411(14%iolef light tnl CI (79~7- rishoillaij,"I fit N fit, ). file it" J.lilml 0410 4,iks a liv, dim Io lmlil ml , "0 oh till, till 119111AU. the AQ. %tAU. MA%C~J With N)"i NA011 Until UAW. &team-"W. into dil. 110, the di%taxtc c~N. it% dryam at W-W mm.. The residue treated tvith Ilk) ral. 11.0. M t. Ph-,;OCl, And 31) in). W W-, NA011, haken .01 min.. (tioleti. aridifiM with conril. 1101, exid. ~ijh Attv M-nd. P-Pri"l-of M,O. II-q- -.1tv Itude alk, "till ~'*)' ", NAOII. cxtd. with tit,o. And the *da. dral 'VIf 1,011 Agj treated with A I.Atd. FtOli sola. of isicric "I. giving 4.4 S. N-methylgmuAtanine ijiLrAte, tn. 2W, wl; W"tfv IL ILArlont AntilbiotIcs. Tg m5L of 'Wthylation Diethylacetal Formy1hyppuric i.~ Our,- A. Y&-J Berlin, V. I. Maymind., E. S - G0240- b0:, fi-U-Uniot~ Sci Res Chemicophar Inst imeni S-~ "honikidze, Moscow Obshch I;UW Vol No 1, PP 132-143, IMmetigation aimed at synthesis of penicillin- like substancei; methylated hippuric eater to benzoylss;rCosine; methylated diethylacetal fqvnalhippvric'~to obtain (dependent on reaction v6witions) ethoxymetbylene-N-methylhippuric 1=5 ~r~/Chezistry Synthetic Antibiotics Jan 51 (Coutdy -A-carbonic.acid ester, ~40ster or 2-p ayloxazol ethozywtbylenebIppuric eater as intermedl-l.' tboxymietbylene groups of both i prod=t. 3 iji~Xymtbylendbipp~w1c eater and ethozymetbyi~.; 31- wthlahjjjjjuz~~, eater, are very resistant to 4010A of ajiCalis, but only former group can add, 4141ments Of ale. X=3 A. YA* BMTN Ulft/Cheadstry PbS21"Ovticals Sep 52 "Wso~-&uthraayl-propioaic Acids," A Ya. Berlin, All-Union Sci Res Chem-Phar Inst imeni S. Ordzbon- ikidze "Z6r Obshc1h Khim" Vol 22, No 9, PP 1656-1659 it was shown that.the condensation of anthracene with acrolein proceeds according to the dieze tyTe synthesis and. does not require the presezee of sulfurous acid as a catalyst.' Beta-(mthranyl- 9)-acrylic acid and beta-(anthranyl-9)-propionic acid vere prepd and chu-seterized., as we.11 as som of their derive. 23-2-T30 (C-A 41 no. 11: RII)_ 113) USSR/Chemistry - Synthetic Drugs Nov 52 Synthesis of Certain Zingiberone Analogues: Derivatives of Resorcinol," A. Ya. Berlin and T. F. Sycheva, All-Union Sci-Res Chem-Pharm, Inst Imeni S. Ordzhomikidze. "Zhur Obshch Khimll' Vol 22, No 11, pp 1998-2003 The authors we're faced with the question of whether the relative positions of the hydroxyl and methoxy groups in the benzene nucleus of c6ipds similar to zingibero'ne 15 constituent of oil of gingertJ7 had any effect on the physiological action of those 238T31 compds. To determine this, they synthesized a series of compds Isimilar to zingibero6e which were, derivs of resorcinol and had the hydroxyl and methoxy gro4s placed in different positions in, the nudleus.' It was ascertained that these sub- stances had practically no-burning taste. C. 41 11 '238T31 BEALIN A. 233T32 USSR/C#emistry Synthetic Drugs Nov 52 "Synthesis of 1-Methoxyphenanthridine," A. Ya. B6r- lin and T. P. Sycheva, All-Union Sei-Res Chem- Pbarm Inst imeni S. Ordzhonikidze "Zhur CFbshch.KhIm"' Val 22, No 11, pp P-003-2006 ox~ MA -AM a w1ioleIseries~6flnew derivs of biphenyl were. synthesized and described. 238T32 ;j. -7- Chemical Abst. VOL 48 No. 9 May 10, 1954 Oreanic Chemilitry 'f 86 4 Of reisonjanj Gen. em ti;n 4' 7: 0 zingerOU6., Dejivs~ 4r in and T D`~~--,Li , el. Ya. Chemiml Abst. Vol. 48 No* 9 Nw. 101 1954 organio 04mUtry K-4 ~3-, C-A. 47. A. Y&. A. Ya. Berli app USSR, a vert'Yinto" the Ba dedv. by I in alkaline COMej-HjO mixture, In which the produc rema n9 a solution and the formation of a large quantlidt -.Products, as in the usual Schotten-Bauniann reaction, a avo W bi 15 converted into the chloride with SOCI,, and thence to mAyl boitOYIV41101 I sulphids (q, m.p. 79--M*. with, MeSN& 0,, in -",H,-EtOH. Elimination c ie Bt group from IM b alkaline 0 hktimlysis yields methyl vanillyl sulphide, b. 144-~17-5. I... PR. d16 I-IOD3. C. WMAY. Chemical Abst. Vol. 48 No.,9 IC ji. hay 10, 1954 of MothylMalonic ad-d. -4(1952 S.S.R. 25, o43 Organic Chemistry J. A ~pp tiop).-Sce C.A. 47, 3241f. ITIRLIN A. YA. A.=a, rk-di", J. COT s.A.. 43207d, �L--=-QA~2 M M52= 110 J ~j -------- Mli~VI-11110t6sipt-a- P fl. z) 1 7 ~' :171Z7T K~'vi- Akad. tm~iif S.S-5. R. 1, the prul~Varu'71 wflich. -IZAZ~-d kv e'14-tn" 1>11 193" tr'ati's 0 rl'MS!llTt: ci-tivft- tilt! Chloride to (ipiaric anb,~17u!i. In. 2,~-0-2' lelf. IIOTrmaim. Bf- 19, 22N1 kxic~b-wa and Sitmityakit), C.A. 3D, =Z11. Th, It) Iz.) :ts S-M niL C.11. -nit trtt~d ,ith Ll." nO. MtSN-~ c,.)ti. ciintg. 0.149 g, MeSNa per ml.; 4fter ~4 hrS.. OW T ' nrNt. -,va~hid with 11%0 and the nrg. layrr vielfird was "tattzelci MOIL aq. MOIL or:EtOll-14cf, , 'nA..q (I ;,, ) ir, 10 til. AcOll war, tre-med vdth 3.3 ml. a7% H.A. I'male'l to 11(tiling and allovVLA to StiInd ove-rilKht. then di;d. ti, fl-I -it -ith H.0, yivlcling a ppt I cd 0;-S3 K. 1~fe J-1prt.-W, I In, (hi'm (4 0). rhe t nilore 17111 .14 it (luiv. 4 mcmim i%cm-ifirmed b), itsf.immilm w% trcat- tnt:nt cf I isith lil(Ii. The Oilphydii forra -if I aurprars to If, CHU. ultaily sh-mvs it, i,tructurr as flita of a 1~cudocstcr acid fc]. Kirpal, C.A. 21, 111 MOIL the -11, -6;kv- -.y -M. vJF.Wm. M.Up U. *%&mlques of laboratory work In organic cheadetry,g A.U.Sorlin. Roviewea by P.T6skresenskil. Mdz.prm. ns.2t127 Nr 054. (MM 7:6) (Chemistry organic-.-Uboratory mini, Is) 7s' s" =;f,, 1" -7,7 MMM !3=7= 1: ~ -. F'Rim-MR-MMI-M, MEMO 0-1-501"MR-4 A.Ta.; 0010DWYA. L.T. Irernation of &ftcet*3A9zMWdr*acetq&on*no and cyclehexylidens- aestaldebyde from l,i-pentamtbyleneglycerim-2,3-diacetate. Zhur. ob.khim.25 no.11:2099-2102 0 055. (XLRA 9:4) l.Tsesayusmyy nauchno-lealedevatelOokly khimiko-farmatsevtichaskiy inxtitut imeni SoOrAshoulkidso. (Aceteacetates) (Acotophenons) (cyclobexamoacetaldshyde) 2A M~ A.YA mo/ i peAl" at P&uwim - RKwitmul Tmnpy. Abs Jaw : Met Zhw - KOl', P* 16, IVA, 7097 A~ I Todalstatsym, y.A., Wvibm, X.A., MkDdltwkmp, RRis I an the i'Watlamoruovic Actlv;v of awe suvol"lue Der,"- orig Pkb No Ut 7&ft I Atatrost s Tuto anA Gattbooplowit -tilm (an foroom of 45 rats) at 4 Srcoxpiw derivativa Yea stidlall Itwo (1) Old j**PVT (11) others of dl-We"Ifto 41-WOMAOMMO' SLOO IM) mA (IV)- It vas do. 1 0 monstrated that I od II bra very OIWIW to 94mlysibe Ix %cmdaity &A gotineopisonic activity. III and IV are I"* tax" ma %Mir antlasoplarmAc oatics to voclar. Is Mae flo obtaft so effect cloos to that of sarcolptues out Ip Is nummeary to tom a 6"m of In 03 time 2raw "m 04% Of mr"IPIW (it ?ftm PrO&MOS porttal dam% of WAMMU)s w4 or IT WAY It to a Uiese an 3MOD, O.T. boove. ,1 79..28-4-47/60 AUTHORS# Berlin, A. Ya_ VasiPyeva, m. K. TITLEa Synthesis.of the Diethyl.ene-Imide of 4-Methyl Uracil-5- -Methylene-Pliosphinic. Acid (Sintez dietilenimida 4-metil- uratsil-5-metilen-toofinovoy kisloty) PERIODICALa Zhurnal Obshohey Khimii,1958,.Vol.26~Nr 4~ pp.1063-1065 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Looking for new chemical means against malignant neoplasms many scientists observed compounds with alkylating effects and containing P,P'-dichlorodiethyl-amino and ethylimino groups. The recently synthesized hydrochloride of P-(A,A,- -dichlorodiethyl amino).-phenylalanine (earoolysin) (Ref 1) is one of the most interesting representatives of this type since its applicatdon in medicine made possible for the first timp. ePfeative treatment of some kinds of genuine tumors in man (Ref 2). The molecule of sarcolysin contains a reactive alIqlating dichlorodiethyl amino group com- bined with the rest of phenylalanine which plays an im- portant part in the albumIn metabolism. Looking for com- pounds of analogous structure and possibly analogous effects Card 1/4 the auth,~,rs syn~.heoizGd djothylene..:oDide of the 4-methyl 79-28-4-47/60 Synthesis of the Diethylene-Imide of 4-Methyl Uraci'.-,5-,I.Iethylene-,Phosphinic Acid also the hydroql groups of the laotim form of the uracil ring (Ref 3) may be exchanged with chlorine. It was found that the reaction between pentoxyl and thionyl chloride is carried out beat in chloroform in the cold and under the presence of I mol pyridine. A pyridine exc3as leads to strong resinification. According to the reaction by Arbuzov the diethyl ester of 4.~-methyluraci.l*.--l'-..methylene phosph'nic acid (III) was produced by the artion of triethyl phosphite on compound II. If heaV~n hydrochloric acid this compound yielded a considerable amount of the corresponding acid (IV). The conversion of this phosphinic acid into its diacid chloride equally made necessary to carry out carefully the reaction since also in this case the already mentioned possibility of unwanted exchange of the hydroxyl groups of the lactim form of the uracil rin.E; with chlorine is eiven. Even in the case of not rigorous conditions reaction does not take place claarlys a compound of various materials forms from which the acid chloridA (IV) could not be se- parated in its pure form. However its formation in this reaction is proved -, for in The acIlLon of anhydrous alcohol Card 3/4 on the mentioned compound diethyl eoter (III) forms in a 79,-28--4-47/60 Synthesis GC the Diethylene-Imide of 4-11e~~hyl Uracil-5- Acid yield of 21 1,4'. In analozous way diethylene-imide of the 4--metbyl uracil-5-methylene phosphinic acid (VI) forms a crystallized compotaid durin,; -I-.-hL- a:~'.ion cl.f etbyle-naimine on the reacticn product o-J" 11he phoaphinic, a,:;id (-LAr) With thionyl chloride (Ref 6)~ whir-h zhanged when heated in 9. capillary w3lhout showine. a iertair. melting point. M. I. Kabachnik and T. Ya. Medved' kl.ndly devoted themeelves to the described wrrkq,, The method of 3ynthads is desc~rlbed iii detail in an experi.- mental chapter. There are 6 referencGa, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDa March 27o 1957 Card 4/4 TODOWSKAYA, N49, NOVIWVA, X,-Ae, SHIDODUSKAYA, TO.N., VASINA, O-S L.Y. Auti-tumor effect of certain earcolysin derivatives; dl-P-di- Nhloroethyl) aminophenyl-lalanine Lwith summary in English) Diul'skep;biole i med; 44 no'11:76-81 JI-Ag 158 (KXRA 11:11) eksperimenotalluoy ;s khimtoterapii (zlave! - chlen- laboratorit L ;orreepondent ANN SSSR L*F* Larionov) I laboratorii kUmichoekogo sinteza (zavo - prof Aolfa* Berlin) Instituts eksperimentallnoy patologii i terapii ;aka. Mr. chlen-korrespondent AMR SSSR N.H. Blokhin) AW SSBRO Moskva* Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR V.V. Zakusovyme (NITROGM MUSTARDS I effect dl,--p-dI- (Chloroethyl$ aminaphonylalanine, on expero-spindle' 'cell sarcoma (RU)) (SARCOMA, experimentall . dl-p-dip- (chloroethyl) aminophenylalanine (Rua)) B3HLIN, Aj va, G-34, Kropotkitakiy per., d.25, kv.29) &,JAosk Iftluation of the antitumor activity of chemical preparations. Vop. oak. 5 no.9:346-350 159. (MMA 12:12) 1. Institut eksperimentalluoy I klinichaskoy onkologii ARN SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. N.W. Blokhin). (ANIMPUSTIC AGIMTS ther.) prof.; IA ZAREV, R.I. ASTRAKHAN, V.I., doktor med.naak- "T0DCMOVA,-N.I., kand.biolojichaskikh 6auk; P M Second Coordinating Conference on Chemotherapy in Cancer. Vest. ON SSSR 1/+,no.5:77-.82 159. (MIRA 14:5) '(CANCER-CONGRESSES) AUTHORS: Makarovat A. N., Berlin, A. Ya. SOV/79-29-2-64/71. TITLE: Reaction of Ethylene Imino Benzoquinones-1,4 With Amines (Vzaimodeystviye etileniminobenzokhinonov-1,4 a aminami). 1. Reaction of Ethylene Imino Benzoquinone- 1,4 With Secon- da:r7 Amines (I. Reaktsiya mezhdu eti1enimiiiobenzokMnonami-1,4 I vtorichnymi aminami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchoy khirii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr.2, pp 666-672 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The task of the work under review was.the reaction of 295-di- ethylene imino benzoquinone-1,4, as well as of 2,5-dichloro and 2,5-diethoXY-396-diethylene imino benzoquinone-194 with secondary amines. The reaction of ethylene imino quinones with secondary amines may take place in two directions (Scheme). In most cases it proceeds smoothly and In good yields on briefly heating the diethylene imino quinones with an excess of amine in the methanol medium or without solvent. Only in the reaction of 20-diethylene imino quinone and 20-dichloro- -3t6-diethylene imino quinone with diethyl amine, ammonium chloride was used as catalyst. Experimental conditions and the compounds synthenized in this connection are specified Card 1/2 in table 1, and their physical properties in table 2. Reaction of Ethylene Imino Benzoquinones-1,4 With SOV/79-29-2-64/71 Amines. I. Reaction of Ethylene Imino Benzoquinone -1,4 With Secondary Amines 6 new compounds were synthesized. It was found that on the reactiun of ethylene imino quinones with aminest cleavage products of the ethylene imino cycle of the bis-(alkylamino ethylamino)-quinone-type are formed and also products of the substitution of ethylene imino radicals by those taken in the reaction of secondary amines were found to occur. It was shown that thei-facility of the cleavage of the ethylene imino cycle in ethylene imino quinones depends on the character of the substituents in the quinone nucleus. There are 2 tables and 20 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: 'Institut eksperimentallnoy patologii i terapii raka Akademii moditainakikh nauk (Institute of Experimental Pathology and Cancer Therapy of'the Academy of Medical Sciences) SUBMITTED: December 23, 1957 Card 2/2 5 (3) 'AUTHOR: Berlin, A. Ya. SOT/79-29-7-64/63 TITLE: On Some Re=ctio!nso ~,pl-Dioxydiethylamino-n-benzoquinone (0 nekotorykh reaktlsiyakh P,pl-dioksidietilamino-a-benzo- khinona) PERIODICAL- Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 7, pp 2390 - 2394 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Condensation 'of r~r-benzoquinons.Xith amines yielded the corre- sponding derivative 0f-2 f5-diaminoquinone in nearly all-oases (Ref 1). However, the authors obtained only P,pt-dioxydiethyl- amino-n-benzoquinone (I) in 90% yield when they treated n-ben- zoquinone with diethanolamine in alcohol ether solution. The second diethanolamino group did not enter the benzoquinons nu- ,~leus. The substance (I) exhibited some special properties: minerai acids, for instancep changed the color of its solution to dark purple. Some interesting observations were made on at- tempting to reduce (I) to (II): treatment of compound (I) with zinc dust in weak acetic acid yielded a product melting at io6-iO7 0 and having the empirical formula C H 0 N. Of the 16 13 3 Gard 1/3 three structural formulas possible (III) is the most likely one. On Some Reactions of Ppp#-Dioxydiethylamino-n- SOV/79-29-7-64/83 benzoquinone. By reduction of the above dark purple solution of (I) with 2-3~ hydrochloric acid and zinc dust (or so 2) two bases were obtain- ed which could be separated in hydrochloric acid (I :I ) &s-to *AAr different solubility. one of themt with the em irical.fcrmula C10"10 3NC1 uzidoubtedly had the structure (Vii~ and,was the product of a cyclization, resulting from the elimination of water from the monochlorine derivative of the dioxydlethyl- aminohydroquinone. (VII) was formea by the addition of HC1 to (I) to close then the morpholine ring (Reaction Scheme 1). Thus, zinc dust as a reducing agent was cuperfluous, as was proved by a further experiment using hydrochloric acid alone for the conversion of (1) to (VII). The second base contained no chlor- ine and had the empirical formula C 20"2406"2' There are 8 ref- erenceBt 2 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 On.Some Reactione of PJI-Dioxydiethylamino-n- SOV/79-29-7-64/83 benzoquinone ASSOCILTION: Institut eksperimehtallnoy patologii i terapii Taka Akademii meditainskikh nauk SSSRf Moskva (Moscow Institute of Experi- mental Patholo&7 and Therapy of Cancer of the Academy of Medical Soiences# USSR) SUMTTED: May 49 1956, Card 3/3 50) SOV/20-126-4-31/62 AUTHORS: Chernova, N. 0. , Yaguzhinskiy, L. S. f B~qr1kiR~j:4"_ TITLE: hloroethyl)-aminopbonyl)-p-alanine The Synthesis of 0-(p-di (2-C ' (Sintez P-(p-di-(2-khlor til)-aminofenil)-p-alanina) ; PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, NT 4, pp 802-805 (USSR) ABSTRACT; As is known, "Sarcolysine" (P-di-(2-chloroethyl)-amino-p-phenyl- 2-alanine) possesses a high anti-tumor activity in the experi- ment as well as in the clinic (Refs 1, 2). It therefore was of interest for the authors to synthesize the chemically related substance, as mentioned in the title (I). It is a derivative of P-amino acid. P-(p-nitrophenyl)-P-N-acetyl-A- alanine (II), produced according to V. M. Rodionov's method, served as initial subs'ance. Since the synthesis was diffi- cult, due to a proteo;ion of the P-am'-no group by the rest of acetylp and as the output was small (15~) a second way was studied: with a phthaloyl protection of the.P-wmino group. It proved completely satisfactory. The first way is described. Investigating the second way, P-(p-nitrophenyl)-p-alanine (VII) (Rof 3) was used as initial substance. It was esterized by means*of an alcoholic HCl solution. A successive treatment with phthalio acid anhydride and acetic acid anhydride (Ref 5) Card 1/2 converted the P-(p-nitrophenyl)43-alanine-ethyleater (VIII) SOV/20-126-4-31/62 The Synthesis of P-(p-di-(2-Chloroethyl)-aminophenyl)-p-alanine immediately into ~-(~-nitrophenyl)-p-N-phthaloyl-alanine- ethylester (IX). IX was synthesized into P-(p-aminophenyl)- P-N-phthaloyl-p-alanine-ethyleater (X) by means ol hydration in the presence of skeleton nickel. Analogous to the trans- forastions of (IV) into (I), several successive syntheses of a phthaloyl. compound (X) were carried out without iaolat- ing the intermediate products: P-(p-di-(2-oxyethyl)-aminophenyl)- N-phthaloyl- alanine-ethyleater (XI) (Ref 6), P-(p-di- 2-chloroethyl~-aminophenyl);P-N-phthaloyl-p-alanine-ethyl- ~ ester (XII)t chlorine hydrat (I) as well as base (I). The latter was produced with a yield of 48%. There are 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCTATION:-Institut eksperimentpallnoy patologii i terapii raka Akademii medit8inskikh nauk'SSSR (Institute of Experimental Pathology and Cancer Therapy of the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: February 7, 1959P IV- M. M. Shemyakin, Academician SUBMITTED: January 13, 1959 Card 2/2 -5.361o AUTHORSi TITLEs PERIODICAL: -17-7371 SOV/79-30-1-32/78 Antonov, V. K., Berlin, A. Ya. Alkaline Saponification of Esters and Nitriles of Etbyleneiminocarboxylic Acids Zhurnal obshchey Ichimii, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 1, Pp 151- 153 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The methyl ester of N-methylethyleneiminocarboxylic acid (1) was saponified with alcoholic NaOH, and only one product, the sodium salt of N-methylethyleneimino- carboxylic acid (II) was isolated, in 25% yield, mp 222- 223"' (dec). The free acid was not obtained by acidify- ing the above salt, but rather a water soluble poly- meric product was obtained. CH2-CII-COOR C11v-C11-CN C[12-cl[-CoNiu~ \N1 \N/ \N1 403 A113 t11113 R-0.110. (11) R - No Card 1/2 Alkaline Saponification of Esters and 77371 Nitriles of Ethyleneiminocarboxylic SOV/79-30-1-32/78 Acids The amide of N-methylethyleneiminocarboxylic acid (10 was obtained in 25~ro yield (mp 100-1010) by saponifica".-icn of the nitrile of N-methylethyleneiminocarboxylic acid (III) with a ueous-alcoholic alkali. The corresponding sodium salt Z11) was obtained in 40-45% yield. At the same tame amide (IV) was obtained, in 27.5% yield (mp ,08-100 ), by saponification of nitrile (III).with a solution of KOH containing 3% H202. There are 4 refer- ences, 1 Soviet, 1 German, 2 U.S. The U.S. references are; M. A. Stolberg, J. O'Neill, T. Wagner-Jauregg, J. Am. Chem. Soc 75- 5045 (1953); G. Jones, J. Org. Chem, 9, 125 ~1194fl. SUBMITTEM December 17, 1958 Card 2/2 5.361o 774oi SOV/79-30-1 -62/78 AUTHORS: Berlin Antonov, V. K. TITLE: Some Diethyleneiminotriazine Derivatives of GL-Amino Acida PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 1, pp 282- 286 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Analogs of the toxic carcinostatie drug, triethylene-. imino-S-triazine TET), diethyleneiminotriazine com- pounds of type ( I~, (II),and (III), containing radicals of acid, were prepared and tested as drugs. CUS-CH, \nl \N/ _N __N _X_/ -C112-c1jCooC1j3 -C-COOR' 91 fdl~ N \-I> I tn/ MIR M I N 11.CoC N N CHS-Cill IM X 01 (91) X'_ "M Card 1/4 OM cl I 11,M) )I-N\\_N C.NJCII I N lJql14CllIC"-COOG"3 *.- p-IJtNCoH4CI12CII-COOCIJ3 . ~ ~ \-N/ (Vill) I I I NIICOC113 (Vill NIJCOCII, cl I2(CU,),Nll (11) (R=cll3co) C ar d 3/4 Some Diethyleneiminotriazine Derivatives 77401 of CL -Amino Acids SOV/79-30-1-62//78 ASSOCIATION: Insti*tute of Experimen';al Pathology and Therapy of CancerjAcademy of Medical Sciences USSR (Institut eksperimentallnoy patalogii i terapli raka Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR) SUBMITTEDt December 17, 1958 Card 4/4 5.3900 AUTHORSt TITLE:- PERIODICAL: . .11 77410 SOV/'(9-30-1-71/78 Be 1~~. ~,"vitskaya, V. P. 3si~- p-Bis-(2-Chloroethyl)-Aminophenylalanine (Sarcolysin) and Its Derivatives. V. Heterocyclic Amides of Sarcolysin Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 1, pp 324-327 (USSR)~ ABSTRAM, Some of the p-bis-(2-chloroathyl)aminophenylalanylpep- tides,have, like sarcolysin,,anticancerous properties, without having its toxicit In view of this, N-ace- tylsarcolysin (thiazolyl-2~1 amide (I), N-acetylsarcoly- sih.(4-methylthiazolyl-2)amide (II), N-acetyluarcolysin (~iperidyl)amide (III), N-acetylsarcolysin (mor holyl) amide (IV), and N-formylsarcolysin (thiazolyl-2~amide (V)_ were synthesized by successive addition of equi- molar quantities of 1,3-dicyclohexylearbodiimide and corresponding heterocyclic amine in chloroform to a Card 1/6 chloroform suspension of 0 1.01 mole of N-acylsarcolysine p-Bis-(2-Chloroethyl)-Aminophenylaline 77410 (Sarcolysin) and Its Derivati'ves. V. SOV/79-30-1-71/78 Heterocyclic Amides of Sarcolj4lln (method of Meehan (Sheehan i ' C., Hess, G., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 1067 (1955) .- The reaction mixture was left at room temperature for 5 hr (except in prepara- tion of compound V, when only 30 min was necessary) and filtered to separate the amide solution from the 1,3-dicyclohexylurea. The amide separated on the second day from the filtrate (or crystallized out after dis- tilling the-chloroform and adding absolute alcohol with subsequent cooling) and was recrystallized from absolute alcohol. Table A gives the yields and melt- ing points of the compounds along with the preparation scheme for the first four. Since, according to F. Bergel and J. A. Stock (J. Chem. Soc., 1957, 4563; Proc. Roy. 30c., 1957,'60), a free amino-group in the sarcolysin compound is essential for anticancerous prODerties, the authors synthesized sarcolysin (thiazoly 2)amide (VI) (by hydrolysis of N-formylsarcolysin (thiasolyl-2)amide (V)). Card-2/6 P-Bis-f2-Chlorciethyl)-Aminophenylaline ' 774lo (sarcol ysin) and Its De rivatives. V. SOV/79-30-1-71/~8 Heterocyclic Amides of Sarcolysin Table A. Heterocyclic amides of sarcolysin. COMPOUND EMPIRICAL YIELD MELTING rOUND CALCvL.ATED (04) FORMVLA (0/0) POINT if N C1 C H 10tyl- q,H,,O,NCJS 52.2 165.5-166.50 50.35 5.04 M62 16.53 5035 5A3 13.05 1"5 ry cisfift(hNXIss 8u 183-184 51.42 5.52 12.29 0.04 51AO SAJ. t2AO 16.U0 (d Cj6Hg80jN0S 57.4 HS-149 57.95 7.03 10.45 16.89 57.97 7 OD IOA4 17 15 Amar . . ( aT),V-,W714.Vr-aA1V 0~ m'0,N3CI, C'*H 65.2 I&r)--t56 MA 6.66 10.17 17.11 54.80 6.49 ion 17AM J (pi,-,wY4)AowPz' (:F, Cj7H%01N4CItS M5 M-17t 49A5 Cot 12M tom 49A5 4M 13.49 17.10 (2) N- (APROO-O-) MW Lo N- F0wyQm1VV (-'4) (04 29 2),ftff Card 3/6 77410, SOV/79-30-1-71/78 co CICHoCHM >N-< ->-CHCHCOOII CICH,ICH, AHCOCHM -N N CICHSCHS CICHICHS '~W- N-N--~,//-\\-CH,CHCOHN-1 CICHOlt I \S N112 (VI) .-Card 5/6, p-B'is-(2-Chloroethyl)'-Aminophenylaline (741o (Sarcolysin) and Its Derivatives. V. SOV/~9-30-1-71/78 Heterocyclic Amides of Sarcolysin Compound VI was prepared by dissolving 2.2 g Qf V in 300 ml of an alcoholic solution of IN HC1 and, after letting the solution stand at room temperature for 1 hr, concentrating it under vacuum to a small volume. The precipitate was filtered off and recr-yst8llized from absolute alcohol (Yield 68%; mp 226-227 ). The results of biological study of the synthesized pre- parates will be published elsewhere. There are I tablej 4nd 6 references, 3 Soviet, 2 U.K., 1 U.S. TheILS. and U.K. references are; J. C. Sheehan, G. Hess, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 106,7 (19551) F. Bergel, J. A. Stock, J. Chem. Soc., 1957, 45b3; Pr. Roy. Soc., 1957, 60; S. Waley, Chem. and Ind., 1953, 107. SUIBMITTEM November 3,1958 Card'~6/6 PERIODICAL~ Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol. 30, No- 4P PP- 1380-1385 TEXTs In continuation of Refs. 6-8 regarding the formation of the derivatives of 2v5-diamino-3,6-dichlorobenzoquinon6 in the article under review certain interesting facts were discovered in the investigation of the reaction of 295-diethoxy-396-dichloro-benzoquinone and 2.6-di- ethoxy-395-dichlorobenzoquinone with amines. Until now9 no derivatives of the 2~,6-diaminobenzoquinone or 296-diamino-395-diahlorobenzoquinone were obtained (Refs. 9-11)..The 2,5-diethoxy-3v6-dichlorobenzoquinone-l~4 and 2,6-diethoxY-3p5-dichlorobenzoquiuone-1,4 compotomdo required for the investigation were obtained by heating an alcoholic suspension of chlor- anil in the presence of triethylamine in a molar ratio of 1%2 between chloranil and triethylamine in a ratio of 10 a mixture of all three ethoxychlorobenzoqainones results. Quinone (IV) was obtained by the re- Card 1/2 Reaction of Ethoxychloroquinone With Amines, 5/07 60/030/04/76/080 I.Reactions of Dietho.xydichlorobenzoquinone-lp4BOOlYBOO3 action of 295 diohloro-396-diohloroquinone with athyleno imine which also results from chloranil and ethylene imine (Ref. 3). Quinone (V) (Scheme) also results from 2,6-diethoxy-3~5-dichloroquinone. On the strength of previous experience (Refs. 12,13 the authors utilized the reaction of 2,5-diethylene iminobenzoquinone with various amines in order to obtain the derivatives of the 296-diamino-3p5-dichloroquinone. When compound (V) is reacted with benzylamine, oyolohexylamine and morpholine a new inter-, esting kind of regrouping is additionally determined. Instead of the derivatives of 2,6-diamino-395-dichlorobanzoquinone derivatives of 2~5-di- amino-396-dichlorobenzoquinone (VI, VII and VIII) formed, i.e., the same compounds which were obtained from compound (IV) or from (I) and the amines indicated. Thus, 2,5-diethyleneimino-3,6-dichlor6benzoquinone-1;4 and 296-diethyleneimino-3,5-dichlorobenzoquinone-1,4 were synthesized in the reaction of 295-diethoXY-3,6-diahlorebenzoquinone and of the 2,6-di- ethoxy-325-dichlorobenzoquinone with ethyleneimine~. There are 1 table and 15 referencesq 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED; March 20, 1959 Card 2/2 MAKLRDVA, A,N.; GRIBUDYA, MP,.;_,B]IRLIN, A.Ta. Interaction between acylozydichloro-p-~b6nzoquinones and amineso ZhurobAbla. 30 po,3:1577-3,581,,~JW (MIRA 1315) 1. Inatitut eksperipentalluoy i klinichaskoy onkologii Almdemii maditsinakikh nauk SSSR. (Bensoquinoup) (Anines) BIRLIN. A.TA.: MUMVA. A.N. Interaction between ethoxychloroutuinones &n& amines. Part 2% Reactions of monoethmWtrIchloro-r -bensoquinone. Zhur.ob. Woe 1.0 noo5:1582-1585 '60* (HIU 13:5) 1. InStItut dcs*wju=%od'nqy I kllnlcbe9ko7 onkologil Akadeall melitsinskM nauk,SSSR. (Densoquinone) (Aulues) DMIll, A.Ya.; ZATTSWA, V.I. Cyclization of substituted phazWl tVdraxonss of etbVlO(-ksto- ILdiethylaminDbutyrate by means of. MuroobAhim, 30 n0-7: vj2368-2-371 JI 160. - (KM 13:7) 1. Institut sksperluentallnoy i klinicheekoy onkologii Akademii mditsinskikh nank SM, (Frdrasonsi) (Butyric Raid) (Indole) I~ML~i U13TSIATA, G-,Ya4 ys*l- Bev type of disproportiomtioria. Zhur. ob. khIm. 3o no.12:4109-4no D '6o. (KIRA 33:12) 1. lastitut eke I soy Iklinichookoy-orkologit Akadenii porliestol meditainakikh amuk SSSR*6 (Disproportionation) VASILIYEVA, M.M.; SHKODINSUYA., Y*,N-.;_- A. Ia. Sarcolysine isomers and their derivatives. Part 2: Synthesis of o-bio (2-cbloroethVl)gmino-.TL -phenylalanine, Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.3:3M?-1033,14r 161. . (MM 34:3) 1. Institut, eksperimeptallnoy klinicheskoy onkologii.AM SSSR. (Alanine) 0 BERLIN, A. Ya.; BRONOVITSKAYAJ, V.F, -Di(2-chloroethyl)-aminiphanyWanine-(Ioarcolyoin") and its derivatives. Part 61 W, des from N-acetylsarcolysine and some amines of the thiazole series. Zhur. eb. khlm. 31 no.4:1356- 3,361 Ap 161. (MIM 34: 4) 1, Institut okoperimentallnoy i klinicheakoy onkologii Akadenii meditsinBkikb nauk SSSR. (Amines) (Sarcolysin) MAKAROVA, A.N.; BEUIN, A.ta. Interaction of othyleneim;Lnoobloro-1#4-banzoqu2mones with o(-almnl ethers. Zhurobakhim. 31 no.7:2353-2358 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut eksperimeutallnoy i klinicheakoy qnkologii. Akademli meditsinskikb nauk SSSR. (Bewoquinone) (gn") SHKODIBSKAW-p Ye.N.j KURDYUKOVA, Ye.M,l BERLIN A.Ya p-Di-(2-chloroothyl)-amino-dl-phenylalanine (sarcolyoine) and its derivatives, Part 7t Halogen-substituted in the ring sarcolysine derivatives, Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no. 11:3788-3793 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1e Institut ekoperimentalinoy i klinicheakoy orikologii Akadmii moditainakikh naLuk- SSSR* (Saroolysins) MILO, A*Ya*j red.; KUZIMINA, N.S.p tekbn. red. -IWqs for synthesizing and testing antineoplastic preparations;, transactions] Puti sintem i izyskaniia protivoopukholevykh pre- paratov; trudy. Pod red. A.IA.Berlina. Moskva., Medgiz., 1962. 211 p. (MIRA 15: 6) I* Simpozium po khimii protivoopukbolevykb vesbohostv, Moskva, 1960. (Cf.vTOTOXIC DRUGS) L 12341-63 IEWT (n. /BDS FLM s/cz1/63/CO3/005/O33/Cr75 ALTMCR., '&IC2.17ova, A. Me,, Gribkoval If. F. Mar oy, So and Perlin A. Ya. TITLE: Substitution reactions in a series of derivatives of benmoquinoner-1,4 PMRIODICAM Referativnyy zhurnal,, Xhimiya~ no* 5., 19633 203-204., abstract -5-ZU31 (Puti sirteza i izyskaniya protivoopulffiolevy1ch preparatov, M, Med-giz, 1962, 16-174) T_;:"M Substi`oation reactions were investigated of functional groirps by the amino-groups -in 2,5-diethylenimino-3-R-6-:11- ben--oquinones-1,4 (I), 2,6-~iethyleni- m~-no-3,5-dichlorbt-r~zoquinore-1,4 (M.) anci 6-monoethyleninino-2.3,5-tri-chloroenzoq-ai- none-1,4 (M). in almost all cases anomalous trends were discovered in -the reac- Th in treating I with D ' . s R"Ln!2 a substitution of ethyleni tions. us, rimm7 an-1 ne =Lro groups b-,r amd-no groups occurs -i5-ith form-ition of corresponair_,~:- 2, -1 ;2 R-6-RI-Obenzoquincries-1,4 ~!V). '-The speed of reaction depends, To a signific~urlt de- gree, on the nature of the replacements and on the basic characterist~_cs of the amineso The foilcr.Ang IV were obtained (below are given R, R', R' 1, time of reac- tion in min, yield of IV in % and m.'D. in OC).- H, H, iso-C3H7, 40, 90, 240 - 241; H., H! Coll, 18, 194j. 239 - 2-40; H, H., C6CH2., 10s 80$ 250 - 251; Hs Cl isO-03H73 Card 1/4 L 12341-63 S/081/63/0n,0/005/033/075 Substitution reactions in .... 2o, 63, 157 - 158; H, C" C6~5CHV 3, 80, 2T - 208; H, 002HP C6H5CR21 4'/0' 34-.1 2 / - 205; C13 Cl, isz-CfL?, 30, 95., 200 - 223; Cl, Cl, C6Hjl (lVa), 13, 93., 233 04 234;-r 120, 55, 2-8c 2,86, IT reacted'in the -,,,ame manner but tl sig ican y slower. Concurrently~ the ex- change of the atom-, of chlorine vith amine a to lVa., b with groups occurred, leading __50 -ti~sp~66ti*taY,~---Tti6~regroUpitg machanism-wasnot stadied---Only Yields of ind 30% in the case of III initially or concurrently with the replacement of the eth;len- imino group the replacement of the 01--atom-by amine groups occurred vrith formation of 2-athylenimino-,5-11%1-morpl,,olinyl)- or 2 e'-,hylenimino-c-ey,-.Iohexylamiro-.~;3.6-dichlor-r __ o re- '___~_~_,quinone. Already- ELt 2U~G_At_appeared -possible -.-to - obt satisfactory.yiallds action products. The same behOLvior was confirmed- on the -example of - reactions of I - III TrIth-methyl or ethyl ester of cC:-analine (V). However, fluoranalogs-of I - I IIT under th-e sn-me conditions disclojed consciderable mobIlity of the F atom., sulffIL- cient., for preparative purposes* In the treatment of aniline fluoride with 4. moles of ethylenimine (VI), V or ethyl ester of d~ -phenyl- P -aniline were obtain- ed (here and henceforth are shown the substance, the yield in %, and m.p. in OC): 2.,5-die4',hylenim-.llno-3,,6-di-,~luorquinone (VII), 72., 211 - 213; diethyl ester of 2.,5- Card 2A L 123hi-63 S/081/63/0-00/00-5/033/D7 5 'Seistitution reactions-in,99ve -j- -33 i N~-a - ind --- 179- a---179 (dimorphism) -Si-f luorq, no'ne 7 i32 diethyl ester of 2,,5-E-(.*-Phenylaiani~o)-3,-6-diflu6rquinone, 76.,_ 123 - 124 and 179 - 180. In reaction of VII v~lth L--Lres and esters of amino acids a total sub- s titution of F atom occurs vrith fomation of corresponding (swame data are pMsented'- 2,5 diet hyl-eni Mrc-.3, 6-dipiperidinoquinone, 84, 175 - 176; diethyl ester of 2,~- CO. 11 1 _, EK, 1?5 - 176: diethyl es-rer of 2,5- diethyl,inimino-3,6,di-Dir)eridinoqu:Lnone dieVfrylenirLino-3,6--di-(D;-alarL,no)--qui.none, 25 - 30, 147.5 - 148; ddethyl ester of 2, 20, 172 - 179. A synthesis of diethyleniminoqrdnones wilth amid groups was accomplished. For this by heating 2,5-Ctichl-oracetamir.o-3.,6-dichlo--quinone (VIIII) -with M in dioxane there mras obtain- -3,6-dichlorquinone (TX),, wi 'Ild of 85/., ed 2,5--diglycylamiro th yie -, decomposition ':~-3600 0. The heating of a in modiw-. VI led t~o 2,5-digl-yrcy temperature laraino 3,6-diet.hylenimino-quinone (X),, yield 6A tempo variable > 3U"_IOOG- In the a~,- tions on X HU (ooncentrate) there occurs a fractionizing of heterocycles with for- mF,ion of chlorhydrates of 2.5-diglycylamino-3-6& (,6 -chlorethylamino)-quirione, Yield 65.11, decomposition temperature :~--3600C. In the action of VI on solutio.'Is VITII in dioxane was ob'Uained 2.5-di-(ethyleniminoacetamino)-3o6-dic4'Llorquinone (AXT), yield 75dc, mtpa 1973C (decomp.)e The treatzent of VII or XI with excess VI led to Card 3/4 L L 123"3 S/W_L/63100 0/00 5/03 3/07.9 Substitution reactions in a complete replacement of the -C1 atoms -with formation o'L' 2* 5-di- (ethy1cnir_Lnoac eta- mino)-3,6-diet'.~yleniminoquinone (XII),, yield 80% m.p. 2170C (decomp.). Under the a Of 4~~P"q7gp n- All res -WeTw- of benzoquinone were . established in order --of. case wheei treated m-ith amines or esters of amino aci&-. A sexies of synthesized substances were formarded for oncological testing. S. Suminov, fAbattaetorls note: Complete translatio2n Card 4/4