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on Some Characteristics of Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds
and on the Synthesis of Polymers Resistant to Heat
condensed nuclei, d) Condensed arom-atic compounds vrith
a plane configuication of the macromolecules of the
(Parquet" type, e) Three-dimensional strvctur,--s. The
"blurring" of the electron cloud in these polymer
structures allows the formation of "biradica-loids"
or "polyradizaloids", in the latter case also that of
polyradicals (Ref 2). As far as it could be experimentally
proved, the rosistance to heat of the molecules in the
cases a. and ~. is increased (Refs 3-5). To a still
Ureater extent this is the case in the cases d. and e.
(Refs 6,7). The authors deaminated benzidine by the
action of active copper. It was obtained by the ammonical
cuprous oxide solution on bis-diazo-benzidine compound.
A dark red r~on-meltable polymer was formed, which was
partly soluble in organic solvents, and contained
nitrogen (see probable formula). A'deamiration carried
out in a similar way with benzidine dicarboxylic-3,31-acid
yielded an externally similar product, which was, however,
soluble in alkalies and soda. This substance (P.:)rmula)
Card 3/5 is decarboxylated on heating; thus, a linear
On Some Characteristics of Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds
and on the Synthesis of Polymers Resistant to Heat
can be obtained. Polymers with aromatic nuclei in
the side chain alone consist of more flexible chain
molecules. Therefore they are less brittle and less
resistant to heat than polyphenyleres. The strength
of their intra and intermolecular bonds can, however,
be increased by a sufficiently great number of
condensed nuclei forming side 6--oups. From all this
it may be concluded that the chemistry of the aromatic
polymers offers possibilities of producing highly heat
resistant materials, havin- a conplex of extrom-ly
interestinj3 properties. There re 1 fijure, 1 table,
and 23 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOC IAT IONI: Woskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut
myasnoy i molochnoy
produktaii(Moscom Technological Institute of 1.~eat
and Milk Production -UTII P)Laboratoriya vyuokomolekuIXar-
nykh soyedinen~y (Laboratory of Comlounds)
Vsosoyuznyy zaochnyy institut telu:tillnoy i leL;k.oy
lennosti (All Union Correspondence Institute for Textile
and Light Indiistry) Kafedra obshchey khinii (Chair of
Card 4/5 Chemistry)
periodical TEKNIKA. Vol. 5, no. 4, JulYlAug. 1956.
BERLD, A. Very light plastic materials, p. 24.
Monthly List of East European keeessions (EEAI) W, Vol, 8, ro
. 3, Yiarch$ 1959. Unal.
Protective film costlup for iwat productes INV
emysencheb *gave Is
pishch.ts)&. noo'5:68-73 658. (MIRA -U: 12)
1 Moskovskiy tekbnologicheskiy hatitut uVasnoy i
;oWshlennosti,' kafedra tokhnologil ayass, kafedrA,
f iziche-
skDy i kolloldnoy khWU`
Mcking hquse-~prodiwtq) (Protective coatinp)
Utilization of polymer materials In the food Industry.
ucheb.'"lav.; pishch.tekh, no*6:3-19 158, (MIRIL 12--5)
1. Moskovskiy tokbnologiabookly institut qraunoy I
prorVablennosti, Kafedra fitieboskay I kolloldnny
I.-bimil I Kafodra
takhnologit Moloka.
(Protective coatings) (Polyriers)
AUTHORS: Berlin, A. A., Belyanina, Ye. T. SOV164 -.58-6-5/15
TITLE; T~hePro`duct~on of Ester Plasticizers by Means of
and Adswbente (Polucheniye slozhnoefirnykh plastifikatorov
a primeneniyem kationitov i adoorbantov)
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennosil, 1958, Nr 6, pp
34o-342 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In connection with the methods of producing
analyses were carried out regarding new methods of e3terifi-
cation in which no additional purification and distillation
is necessary to ensure high quality. In order to obtain
plasticizers free from resinous substances, a number of cata-
lysts were tested. Experiments concerning the production of
a colorless dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and analogous plasticizers
were unsuccessful. According to the references (Ref 1) on
cationites as "soft" catalysts of esterification a number
of experiments have been carried out. It was stated that
the catalytic activity of cationites increases to the degree
to which the ion exchange capacity is increased. However,
the cationites contaminated the product so that the quality
is inferior to that obtained by distillation. The addition
Card 1/2 of bleaching carbon A, "gimbrine" and clay keel
(glina kil),
'The Production of Eater Plasticizers by Means of Cationites
and Adsorbents
with sulfuxic acid as a catalyst, however, made it possible
to obtain a colorless ester. A quantity of five per cent
tive to the avid mixture) of the adsorbent (bleaching carbon
A), together vith the other components, is added at the tine
when the original mixture is compounded. A table shows thut
the polyester plasticizers obtained by the method described
are of better quality. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and
I reference, 1 of which is Soviet.
Card 2/2
5(3)- 30'V/62-58-12-21/22
;AUTHORS: Parini, V. P., Berlin, A. A.
TITLE: Letter to th'e_-Eattvr-4zis1ma redaktoru)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRf Otdeleniye
khimicheskikh nauk,
1958, Nr 12, PP 1499-1499 (UffSR)
ABSTRACT: In this letter to the editor the authors state that:
nuclear aromatic compounds are characterized by a special
resistance to heat. During the last years the synthesis of
polyphenylenes has been devoted great attention. We synthesized
such compounds by way of the aromatic bis-diazo compounds.
Benzidine-bis-diazonium-4,4'salts separate nitrogen on the
action of monovalent copper and form a non-fusible nitrogen
containing polymer of the probable structure:
An insoluble, non-fusible polymer
Card 1/2
Letter to the Editor
was obtained by the bis-diazotization of benzidine carboxylic-
3,31 acid by the mentioned method with subsequent
of the bie-diazo compound. On heating it separates carbonic
aoid. Hard foils can be produced -from its solutions. The
produced poly acid offers new possibilities of synthesizing
linear polyphenylenes and their derivatives. Similar trans-
formations can also be obtained by way of the di-(N-nitroso-
N-aoetyl) diamines.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratariya anizotropnykh struktur Akademii
nauk SSSR
(Laborato=y of Anisotropic Structures, Academy of Sciences,
SUBMITTED: June 12, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Berling A. A*j( oscow) 74-27-1-3/4
TITLE: Mechanical and Chemical Transformations and the
Synthesis of
Folymers (Mekhano-khimicheskiye prevrashcheniya i sintez
FERIODICAL; Uspekhi Khimiiq 1950, Vol. 271 Nr 19 pp. 94-1o6
ABSTRACT: The mixture, homogenization, mechanical
comminution, con-
gelation and other physical and mechanical kinds of workiug
high polymers are applied by industry, especially by plastics
industry. Some of these processegare of great importance for
chemistry, biochemistry/meaicine and so on. An analysis of
the available exoerimental mateXal permits the conclusion
that in an intensive comminution of the natural or synthetic
polymers a mechanical cracking of the micro-molecules can
be observed. It was ascertained that when mixing the
solutions of polymerized substances (in a mixing apparatus
of 400o revolutions and more) a decrease of the characteristic
viscosity happens. The degree of destruction increases.with
the increasing number of revalutions and after wedcening the
Card 1/3 concentration of the solution. During the
congelation and
Mechanical and Chemical Transformations and the Synthesis of
defrosting of the polymers (in water) tensions develop,
which cause mechanical cracking of the macro-molecules; (see
equations 1 and 2). On the chemical transformation of the
macro-molecules with destruction of the polymers at the same
time: Due to the influence of mechanical forces the three-
-dimensional structures or the macro-molecules are torn not
only in their covalent, but also in ion-compounds. Therefore
it is possible that 3 basic destruction processes occur in
the polymers.
A formation of the macro-radical is possible if the polymer
chains contain covalent compounds. It is also possible that
the decomposition of the macro-molecules occurs by way.of the
ion and covalent compounds. Pike, Watson and others already
reported on this (see equations p 96). It 2 radicals develop
in the tearing of a compound, further transformations can
occur in the course of the destruction of the macro-molecules.
Moreover the transmission (peredacha) of the chain and the
reaction of the destruction of the macro-molecules (under
the influence of radicals) is discussed. (see formulae a, b,
page 97). One characterictic particularity of the mechanical
Card 2/3 and chemical initiation and block-copolymerization is
Mechanical and Chemical Transformations and the Synthesis
ot Polymers
fact that immediately a transformation of the mechanical
work into chemical energy occurs. (See table 1, equations
P. 48). A detailed discussion of the copolymerization is
folkwing. In a sarion of papers the opinion was expressed
that the development of mechanical and chemical block-copoly-
mers is conditioned by the combination processes of the
polymer radicals. The author has different reasons to doubt
this possibility. Also many experimental facts in these papers
are not explained. An a result of the initiated destruction
new macro-radicals develop, continuing this chain process.
(See scheme on page 104). The development of the mechano-'
chemical methods (symthesin of high polyiners) is still in its
initial stage. This new and individual way, however, offers
great advantages, which have to be closer investigated.
There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 46 references, 19 of which
are Soviet.
Card 3/3 1. Polymers--Synthesis 2. Polymers--Mechanical
6'Fl~e.t '9-
AUTHOR! Berlin, A. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, 29-3-5/25
'T)~rofes; ~.~
TITLE*. Extremely Light Plastics (Sverkhlegkiye plastmassy)
PERIODICAL: Tekhnika Molodezhi, 1958, V. 26, Nr 3, pp. 8-9 (IJESSR).
ABSTRACT'. The development of modern engineerinC put to scientists
researchers the great problem of constantly finding new mate-
rials. Besides their durability, these must be of extremelj
light weight and have most various technical properties, and
must be usuable in various fields of production. The reduction
of the specific weight of plastics is achieved by filli-ng the
greater part of their volume with air, nitrogen, or other gases.
Their struuture reminds solidified foam (cellular plastics) or
they are characterised by a honey-comb structure (alveolar pla=
stica, cellular and al-veolar plastics are the lightest among all
natural or synthetic substances known). 1 m 3 of some cellular
plastics weighs lo kilograms. This signifies that they are 70o
times lighter than steelp loo times lighter than water, 8o times
lighter than wood and 3o times lighter than cork, The method of
Card 1/2 obtaining cellular plastics with vast application on the
Extremely Light Plastics
of the socalled "injected copolymers', elaborated by the scien-
tists of the Soviet-Union in 1946, opens vast prospects. Recento
ly Soviet scientists were successful in elaborating a method by
which the most various synthetic substances are obtained by means
of polymers, and by which the application of pressure becomes
superfluous. The production of cellular plastics can thus be car=
ried out imediately at the place of application, without complin
cated apparatus. The properties of plastics are most various'. somo
are hard like glass, others elastic like rubber. Some soften at
6o to looOCI others do not melt at 2oo to 3ooIC and more. Dae to
the universal properties of cellular plastics they are very much
demnaded by industry. There are also hard-porous and microporous,
synthetics. These materials are of great importance in the manu=
facture of chemical apparatus, water-purification plants and for
the collecting of valuable industriall waste material; they are of
special importance in the manufacture of separators and accumula-
tors. The development of technics constantly puts greater demands.
The manufacture of a steadily increasing number of new types of
extremely-light synthetins fit for construction purposes, is re-
quired. Heat-resistizig (i?,rer 3oo to 35ooC), insulating and
Card /2 resistant materials which.also resist against aggressive
media, are
1. plastics-D9_ye1Opm,j.)t 2. Plastics-Physical properties
3. Plastlcs-!),~sign ;i. P-Lastics-TJSSR
-5(4), 15(9) SOV/76-32-11-16/32
AUTHORS, Berlin, A. A., Petrov, G. S., Prosvirkina, V. F.
TITLE: Investigations in the Field of the Mechano-Chemistry of
Polymers (Issledovaniya v oblasti mekhanokhimii polimerov)
III. On the Mechano-Chemical Processes in the Mastication of
Polyvinyl Chloride (111. 0 mekhanokhimicheakikh protsessakh
pri valttsevanii polivinilkhlorida)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 32, Nr 11,
pp 2565-2570
ABSTRACT: The mechanism and the kinetics of the plasticization
of polyvinyl chloride in the presence of softeners and phenol-
formaldehyde resins in air are investigated. The processing
was carried out on laboratory rolls with a friction number
of 1.4 at a temperature of from 40 to 1600. An increase of
the mastication temperature (Pigs 1,2) decreases the limit
of destruction, it hardly influences, however, the velocity
of the plasticization in the first 3-5 minutes. The addition
of the softener (dibutyl phthalate) at 40-600 decreases the
destruction velocity (Fig 5), it has, however, little effect
Card 1/3 on the limit of destruction. Investigations of the
Investigations in the Field of the Meahano-Chemistry of
Polymers. III. On
the Mechano-Chemioal Processes in the Mastication of Polyvinyl
dynamic properties with the apparatus by V. A. Kargin (in the
modified type by L. A. Igonin) proved the observations made.
A decrease of the m"stication temperature leads to a de-
crease of the range of high elasticity. The increase of the
-content of softeners decreases the influence of the mastication
-on,the change of-the thermodynamic properties of the plastici-
-zation product (Fig 5). During the mastication of PVC in air
reactive peroxide radicals,are formed. Iodine has-a specific
acceptor effect on the polymer which depends on the mastication
temperature. Mastications carried out with phenol-formaldehyde
resins and PVC in the presence of softeners 20%) showed
~(Table 2) that one part of the resins (15-17~) with PVC forms
products that cannot be extracted with methanol.
There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 8 references, 5 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: InBtitut Dlasticheskikh massMoskva (Institute of
Card 2/3
Berlin. A. A., Stupen', L. V.,
Fedoseyeva, B. I.,
Yanovskiy, D. M.
An Investigation of
the Initiated Copolymerization of Vinyl
Chloride With
Derivatives of the Methacryl Series (Issledo-
vaniye privitoy
sopolimerizatsii vinilkhlorida a proizvodnymi
Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 121,
Nr 4,
pp. 644 - 647 (USSR)
If a monomer is
polymerized in the presence of polymeric
substances it is
often subjected to the influence of the
radicals of growing
chains or of the initiator. In this
connection it is possible
that as a -result of chain transfer
active centers are formed
on the macromolecules. These
centers are able to initiate the
polymerization of the
monomer resulting in the formation of
compounds of high
molecular weight with a raoemic or
threadimensional structure..
In case that the side
ramifications are of different chemical
nature than the main
chain, inoculated copolymers form6 They
Card 1/4
combine the
properties of the polymers used for the reaction
An Investigation of the Initiated Copolymerization
of Vinyl Chloride With Derivatives of the Methacryl. Series
(Refs 1-6). This paper gives experimental results on
synthesis and investigation of the inoculated polymers which
are formed by the polymerization of vinyl chloride in the
latex of the copolymer of butyl methacrylate and methacrylic
acid (henceforth both referred to as BMA). Further results
are mentioned of those polymers forming by the
of a butyl methaorylate- and methaorylic acid mixture in the
polyvinyl chloride (PVCh) latex. As table I shows the
Khaggins constants are higher in the case of inoculated
mers than in the case of linear control polymers. This fact
points to a ramification due to the formation of side
The mentioned constants of the PVCh- and BMA mixtures are
between the constants of individual polymers and are close
to the additive values. More than 60% of the monomer enters
the reaction with the polymer (coefficient f). Furthermore
the polymer solutions were turbodimetrically titrated in
dioxane or in a mixture of dimethyl formamide with acetone.
Figure 1 shows that a separate precipitation takes place
when a mixture of polymers is titrated, whereas the curve
Gard 2/4 of precipitation of polymerizate sample of
An Investigation of the Initiated Copolymerization
of-Vinyl Chloride With Derivatives of the Methacryl Series
in the BMA latex refers to the existence of an inoculated
copolymer. Table 2 shows that the increase of the amount
of vinylohloride in the mixture of components elevates the
yield-(utilization)ooefficient f.. The addition of a
I ) abruptly reduces the yield of the inoculated
copolymer in consequence of the inactivation of a part of
the macroradicals. At the end thermochemical PrODerties and
further details of production are mentioned. There are 4
figures, 2 tables, and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
PRESENTED: April 3, 1958, by N.N.Somenov, Member, Academy of
SUBMITTED: April 1, 1958
Card 3/4
AUTHORS: Baranovskayag N. B., BOV/20-122-4-17/57
Zakharova, M. Ze, llilzikin, A. I. Berlin A. A.
TITLEt Catalytic Solidification of Polydimethylsiloxane
at Room Temperature (Kataliticheskoye otverzhdeniye
pol'Ldimetilsiloksana pri komnatnoy temperature)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRt 1958, Vol 122, Nr 4, pp
ABSTRACT: It is known that the transformation Process of linear
branched alkylpolysiloxanes takes place in a non-fusible and
insoluble state at 200-2500 and demands a longer time. This
fact complicates the process and limits the range of use of
the silicon organic polymers considerably. Since nothing worth
mentioning could be found in the publications (except the
Refs 1, 2 for silastic '/silastik/RTV) the authors decided to
exploit the interaction between hydroxyl groups of the linear
polydimethylsiloxanes and the alkoxy groups of the
polyfunct-Jonal silicon organic monomers in order to produce
.ri-dimensional alkylpolysiloxanes. Such a formation methcd
of transverse siloxane compounds is more favorable from the
Card 1/ 4 energetic point of view than the stripping of the
Catalytic Solidification of Polydimethylsiloxane
at Room Temperature
or of an alkyl radical from the polymeric chain (in the case
of a common thermal -ralcanization) and could therefore pads
at mach lower temperatures. The authors investigated the
catalytic activity of some orthot-itanin acid esters (ethyl-,
propyl-, and butyl ester) in order to find effective
accelerators for this purpose. Furthermore they investigated
a number of tin organic compounds (mostly of the group of the
dialkyl tin which contained acetyl, uapryl, and stea-471). The
caprylates and stearates were synthetized for the first time.
The phenomenon of ccld vulcanization of liquid and
rubber-like polydimethylsiloxanes was expressed in all cases
by a gradual increase of the viscosity and the shear stress
of the polymer, its elastic properties increased, its
solubility,was, however, reduced. Figures I and 2 show curves
which illustrate the change of the shear stress (TI) and
recovery of-the polymer under the influence of the organotin
and organotitanium. compounds. Table 1 shows some properties
of the vulcanizates. The measurement results show a great
change of the vulcanization process according to the type of
the used organometallic compound: orthotitazac acid ester or
Card 2/ 4 an organotin compound (Pigs 3 and 4). The observed
rules can be
Catalytic Solidification of Polydimethylailoxane
at Room Temperature
explained by the formation of an active complex (scheme
page 606). The method of "cold" vulcanization worked out by
the authors may be applied for the production of rubber
material, cast combinations, rubber-soaked tissues, coats,
and compounds which can be solidified at room temperature.
The rubbers thus produced have much better properties than
rubber of the same composition which was vulcanized
to the method used hitherto. Ye. W. Zillberman, N.A_.
0. V. Nogina assisted in this paper._There are 4 figures,
2 tables, and 4 referencesi I of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut
mater--alov ( All Union Scientific Research Institute of
Airplane Material)
PRESENTED: April 28, 1958, by A. V. Topchiyev, Member,
Academy of
Sciences, USSR
SUBMITTED: April 28, 1958
Card 3/4
. . Catalytic Solidification of Polydi.methylsiloxane
at Room Temperature
Card 4/4
Berlin, A. A. Fopova, G. L. SOV/20-123-2-20/50
9-ay-Wa -,ft
Condensaticn. Telomerization and a New
Type of Unsaturated
Polyesters (Polyester Aorylates) (0
telomerizatsii i novom tips, nepredellnykh
Doklady Akademii nauk
SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 2, pp 282 -
284 (USSR)
di- and polyfunotional aorylates dif:~er from the cor-
responding simple di-esters of allyl and vinyl alcohol by
fact that the velocity of their polymerization increases
the increase of the distances between the double bonds
1, 2). The possibility of producing highly active
di- and
polyfunctional monomers with a considerable length
of the
cross connections is theoretically as well as
practically of
interest. It is possible: 1,-That the
elasticity of the oross
connection is variei, 2.-The
contraction i the transition
from the monomer to the polymer
is controlled.
3.-Heat-resistant polymers with a wide range
Card 1/3
physical and mechanical properties are produced. For the
,Condensation lrel=qrization and a New Type of
Unsaturated Polyesters (Polyester Acrylates)
synthesis of such substances the authors used the principle
of the control of "he growth of the chain in the polyesterifi-
oation of dibasic aoi,is by glycols and glycerin by means of
the addition of metha~rylio- (or aorylio) acid. This method
of producing relativel,'r low-molsoular compounds with a pre-
determined type of funotional end groups can be regaxded as
an example of telomerination taking place according to a
condensation mechanism ("condensation telomerization"). The
mechanism of this type of reaction is still unknown. There
is reason to believe that acidolysis processes take place
in the polyesterifioation. A probable formation scheme of
the polyesters in question (the authors call it "polyester
acrylates"(poliefirakrila+.,,,,)) -;-s given. The mentioned
telomerization was carried out in the medium of inert sol-
vents (benzene, toluene) with an azeotropio distilling off
of the reaetion water. Phosphoric, sulfuric, ethyl-sulfuric
and p-toluene-sulfonio acids were used as catalysts. The
highest velocity (8 - 12 hours) and the beat yields (85 -
95%) were obtained when using a 2 - 3% sulfuric or p-toluene-
Card 2/3 sulfonic acid in the presence of 0.5 - 0.8%
.Condensation Telomerization and a New Type of SOV/20-123-2-20/50
Unsaturated Polyesters (Polyester Acrylates)
The degree of polymerization mainly depends on the dosing
of the methaorylic (or acrylic) acid. The fractional
distillation of the polyester aarylates failed due to their
low volatility and their great tendency to polymerize. The
substances mentioned,above are more and more used for the
production of various polymeric materials. There are 2
tables and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
PRESENTEDt. June -,5L, 1958 by A.- V. Topchiyev, Academician
SUBMITTEDs June 23, 1958
Card 3/3
prof.; 7AMOMt, I.B., red.; ATROSHCHEMKO,
L, To. to
1"rlight and stractural plastics] Sverkblegkis i
nyo-plastmassy. Xoskva, Isd-vo *Znanie.* 1959. 31 P.
obehahostvo po rasprostraneuilu politioheskikh i
nauchnykh snanil.
Ser.9, Fisika i khiniia, no*17). (MIU 13:3)
GIM', Samail Vanisminovich;,; FOLOKIR, A.I.,
red.12d-va; KARKOVICH, S.G.,,,
[Wood plaotics in engineering] Drevemwe plactiki -w
tokhmikes Noskwa, Imd-vo lima.nauk SSSR, 1959. 85 p.
(Wood) OaRA 12:6)
BIMLINO All - BARKAN, Solomon Mendelevich; LOSEV.
I*Fee otv,rede; YTA7&WSSVA, Y.N., red.izd-va;
N.Y., '~%khnsred.
[Polymers in the food industry and in agricultural
v pishohavoi priomythlinno'sti i siallskom
khodaintie. Moskva.
Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 90 P. (MIRA 12:9)
No A.A. - SUMV. V.D.,- BARWI, S.M.
Utilization of paraffin-polyisobutylene compositions
for the rana-
facture of moisture-resistant packaging nateriala.
sav.; pishch.tekb. no.1:94-99 '59- (MM 12:6)
1. Rookovskly tekbnologicbeekly institut wyasnoy i
molocbnolr provxr-
ablennosti. kafedra teknologii noloka i molocbn7kh
N. B. Baranovskaya, A. A. berlin, 14. Z. Zakharova and A.
1. elizikin, 111he
Vulcanization of Liquid and Rubber-like
Polydiriethylsilicoxanes at Aoom
Temperature. 11
Report presented at the Second All-Union Conference on the
Chemistry and
Practical Application of Silican-Organic Compounds held in
Jeningrad from
25-27 September 1M.
Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Nr 1, pp 238-2h0 (USSR)
InrestigatIon In the mechanoebomistr7 of Polymers,
Part 6z In-
vestigatiqg the 41stint"ggration of polystyrene in
solutions under
the action of ultrasonic waves. Vysoken.soad. 1
1. labomtoryly PoltumeMkb materialov Moskovskogo
instituta lWaso-nol, "CU63F ~~O-mwqhlinnostj.
(Styrene) (Ultrasonic waves)
Formation of macroradicals in the mechanical destruction
of vitrified
polymers. Vyvokom. soed. 1 no.6:865-868 -Te '59.
(MM 32:10)
l.Iaboratorly-a anizotropufth struktur AN SSSR.
(Polymers) (Radicals (Chemistry))
PIDlymerization and properties of polymers of mixed
polysters of the
acrylic series. Vyeoko.soed* 1 u067 J1 159, (MIRA 12:11)
1. Voeooyuznyy nauohno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut
(Acrylic acid)
Synthesis and polymerization of glyoidylurethans.
Vysokom.soed. I
no.7%946-950 i1 159. (HIM 12 : 11)
1. VsesoyuzWy nauobuo-is sled ovat 911 skiy institut
(urethane) (Polymerization) (Glycidic acid)
C~-' ~-`V'
Condensation telemerization and synthesis of a new type of
polyesters. Vysokom.soed. 1 no.7t951-956 JI 159. (MIRA
1. Vowynnyy nauohno-imeledovatel'skiy institut
aviatsionnykh materia-
(Raters) (Polymerizatiou)
Synthesis, polymerizat Ion, and adhesive properties of the
of,mneaturated esters of glycidol. Vysokom.soed. I
n'0.7t962-965 J1 159*
(MIRA 12:11)
1. Vaesoyuzu" uauchno-imeledovatellski7 institut
(Glyeldol) (Polymerization)
BLYTAMMID. L.A.; emexAsHIN. m.1.; KAJ14ANSON, A.4..
SKATA, 0. Q. -
Polymers with conjugated bonds in the meromolecular chains. Part
Paramagnetism and certain 6ther properties of polyarylvinylones.
Vyaokom. aced. 1 no.9:1361-1363 S 159. (MMA 13:3)
I*Iaboratorlya~anizotropnykh struktur AN SSS-R.
(Poly'mrs) (Vin7lemie compounds)
* "-.- -
Thermometry as a method of studying polymerization
Part 1: Principles of the method and the
experimental setup.
Vysokom. soea. 1 no.g-.1396-1462 s '59. (MIRA 13:3)
I.Iaboratoriya anizotropnykh struktur AN SSSR.
(Polymerization) (Chemical apparatus)
50,3), 300) SOV/153-2-4-29/32
AUTHORSt Berlin, A. A.,~ Bakanova, Ye. 0.
TITLE% Production of Stable Emulsions, Having a Washing Effect, From
PERIODICkL: Izvestiya vysshikh uohebnykb, zavedeniy. Khimiya i
tekhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 4, pp 622 - 625 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The use of aqueous dispersions af insecticides in various
branches of industry, agriculture, and medicine has been in-
creasing (Ref 1). In this connection, the discovery of eco-
nomical production methods for stable emulsions, of DDT so-
lutions in petroleum, and other solvents ri *th washing
perties in addition to highly inaecticide effects has become
necessary. In order to solve thi3 problem, the authors tested
the following emulsifiers and stabilizers: polyethylene-glycol
esters of alkyl phenols (OP-4i OP-7) OP-lop OP-2o, etc), more-
over, emulsifiers produced fron protein waste, technical starch,
sulfite lyes, oxyethyl- and carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium
alginate, the diethyl-aminometliyl-derivative salt of alkyl-
phenol-polyethylene-glyaol ester (equalizer A). Among the stabi-
Card 1/3 lizers mentioned, water-soluble keratin (keratein) is
Production of Stable Emulsions, Having a Washing Effect,
From DBT
especially interesting. Figure 1 characterizes the surface
activity of the emulsifiers investigated. Hence it ap 'pears
that the most active ones aret U-4, OP-7 and keratein (disso-
lution product of waste containing keratin in 3-10'i'~ sodium-
sulfide solutions, or in 1-3% allrali solutions at 6o-800,Ref 2).
Table 1 shows the effect of the addition of OP-4 to keratein
on the properties of the emulsions (turpentine in water).
Eence it appears that the stability and emulsifying capaciLy
of keratein rapidly increase by a 0.1 to 0.011,~', OP-~ addition.
Comparatively highly disperse, etable emulsions are formed.
They did not dissociate into layers, even after a three-month
storage (Fig 2). In order to obtain maximum homogenization
of the emulsification of DDT-solutions, they were put into
an ultrasonic field. The best results were obtained with a
frequency of 20-300 kilocycles (Ref 3). The emulsions were
sufficiently stable (Fig 3). The washing capacity was tested
by means of artificially soiled cotton samples in hard water
for 20 minutes. The rinsed and iried samples were photometri-
cally recorded. Tables 2 and 4 i3how the results. Thus, the
Card 2 3 addition of OP-4 to keratein in,,,reases the stabilizing
Production of Stable Emulsions, Having a Washing Effect,
Febya DDT
as well as the foam-forming aa.9acity of the protein. The same
emulsifier rendered pousible t~Ae production of concentrated
aqueous stable suspensions of DDT- or hexachlorocyclohexane
solutions in turpentine with a content of active substance
of 6o-65%, 2o-25% of fatty acids in soaps may be substituted
by keratein, Soaps thus modifiod have a higher foam-formation-
and washing napacity. Thus, considerable amounts of edible falt"s
can be obtained from the soap ind-astry, and can be used for
consumption. There are 4 figaros, 2 tablesand 5 Soviet refer-
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy
promyshlennosti; Laboratoriya vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy
(Moscow Technological Institute of Meat and Milk Industxy, La-
boratory of Hig~.:'~"-molecular Compounds)
SUBMITTEDi June 11, 1958
Card 3/3
SOV/64 -59 -5 -26/213
None Given
11th All-Union
Conference on High-molecular Go;-..Pouncls
Khimicheskaya promyshleynost', 1959, 111'r 5), D 450 (USSR)
The 11th All-Union Conference on high-r-olecular
compounds was
convened in Moscow by Ctdelei)iys- khimicheskikh
nauk AN SSER
(Section of Chemical Sciences of AS,USSR),
(State committee of
kon,itet SCVeta 11iViStro-1 SSSR po jCj-_Mj4
the Council of
Ministers of USSR for Chemiztry), V3esoyaznCyt,
obshchest-vo -i-meni D. 1. I'lendeleyeva (All-Urion
Society imeni D. 1. Mendeleyev) and Iloskovskiy gosu-
univel-sitet (moscow State Uni'versity) du--,in.-,,, the
from June 2nd to 7th of this year.*About 2000 p ersons par-
ticipated in this Conference,. discussing problems of the
cation and utilization of poljmer materials. The
Conference was
opened by Academician N. P. Semercv. Among otLers;
the follow-
ing lectures were held in the plenary ses5ions:
Relation:-: be-
tween structure and properties, of high-molecular
by Academician V. A. Kargin:mcthoda of altering the
Card 1/2
11th All-Union Conference on High-molecular Compounds
of polymers, by Professor A. A_,.~rlin. During the Conference
8 study groups discussed problems of films, coating and ad-
hesive materials~ dielectri~as, caoutchouc and rubber,
fibers, polymer materlals for building, test methods for poly-
mer materials, utilization of synthetics and, finally,
materials in machine construction. 2o3 lectures were hold on
the different-application possibilities of polymers, and on
the present position of scientific research and industry in
field. It wau one of the tasks of the Conference to organize
the contact between the different organizations working in the
same field (Akademiya nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences of the
Akademiya nauk soyuznykh respublik (Academy of Sciences of
-et po khim,*4 (State Committee of Che-,
Union Republics)~, Goako-mit - L.
mistry), institations of higher learning,
vo stroitel'stva (Ministry of Construction), Akademi~_a arkhi-
tektury i stroitelletva (Academy of Architecture and
Ministerstvo kulltury (Ministry of Culture), 15inisterstvo
oklFaneniya (14inistry of Hygiene) etc). The resolution
by the Gonferpnce may only be realized by adequate assistance
of the icademy of Sciences of the USSR, the State Committee of
Card 2/2 Chemistry, the Go.,pl&h-- and cther organizations.
Berlin, A. A,*, Blyumenf el I d,
L. A.j Semenov, N. N.
On Catalytic Properties of Some
Macromolecular Structures
Izvestiya Akademii naWt
SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1959, Nr 9, p 16eq '(ussR)
The anomalous magnetic properties of nucleic acids and
protein complexesl i.e. intense and wide lines in the
paramagnetic resonance spectrum, which indicate the
existence of a
considerable number of odd electrons correspond
to magnetic
properties otherwise found only in ferromagnetic and
magnetic substances* Synthetic compounds containing
nitrogen and
polar groups in a chain of conjugated double bonds
show the same
effect (Refs 2, 3). On intensifying the magnetic
field these
compounds exhibi-t a saturation effect
characteristic of ferro-
magnetis~i. The cause of t his behavior
is seen in the existence of
a shell of odd electrons enclosing
the entire macromolecule, which
causes these compounds to act as
strong catalysts. These catalysts
are particularly suitable for
redox processes and reactions
involving the formation of free
radicals. Thus,.e.g. polyamino-
Card 1 /2
quinone is a catalyst
for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxyde.
.On Catalytic Properties of Some Racromolecular
The catalytic activity of proteins and other macromolecular
substances is also the reason for their strong biochemical
effect. Preliminary measurements of the magnetic susceptibility
of nucleic acids and synthetic polymers were carried out by
V.I. Belova at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
AS USSR, and A.A. Slinkin at the Institute of Organic Chemistry
AS USSlt:.There are 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya anizotTopnykh struktur Akademii nauk
(Laboratory for Anisotropic Structures of the Academy of
Sciences# USSR)
SUBMITTED: June 5, 1959
Card 2/2
Polymers with conjugated bonds in the
maoromolecular chaiuss.
Part 3: Polyaminoquinones. VywokDm.soed. I
N 159. (MIRA 13.5)
1. Institut khimichaskor fitiki AN SSSR.
Opinones) (Polymers)
Polymers vith conjugated bonds in the
macromolecular chains.
Part 4: Some characteristics of polymeric compounds
different atoms in the chain of conjugation.
Vysbkom.soed. 1
no.11:16411-1651 N '59. (HIRA 13:5)
1. laboratoriya anizotrop-.Wkh struktur AN SSSR.
AlUTHORSt Berlin, A, At-, Parini, V, P, SOV162-59-9-29140
TITLE% On the Synthesis of Aromatic Polymers Via Bis-diazo Compounds
PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh
1959, Nr 9, pp 1674-1676 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper the synthesis of polycyclic aromatic
compounds becoming of increasing interest owing to their high
chemical stability is reported. The following observation was
utilized for synthesist The biphenyl-4,4'-bisdiazonium salts split
off nitrogen on treatment with copper(I) compounds and form a
nitrogen containing non-fusible polymer with the tentative
[-=>-] - [-=>- N= 11-] (.0 .
x Y
Card 1/3 [_`=C01 ~01IOOH Z
On the Synthesis of Aromatic Polymers Via SOV/62-59-9-29/40
Bis-4iazo Compounds
In this manner a bis-diazotized benzidinedicarboxylic acid was
transformed to a bisdiazo compound of the type (II), vhich
contained approximately 2~ nitrogen. (I) and (11) are not fusible,
both dissolve in concentrated R2so4 giving a purple solutionp (I)
is also soluble in alkali and fbrmamide. From the low
viscosity of their solutions the authors conclude (I) and (TI) to
have a low degree of polymerization. The results of the ultimate
analysis are given in a table. The compound (II) -was found to
contain 1 carboxyl-group to each benzene ring. The existence of
free radicals in both compounds was verified by electron
paramagnetic resonance spectra. Furthermore, it is concluded,
that both compounds contain azo groups, (1) 1 azo group/4 benzene
rings,, and (II) I azo group/10 benzene rings. C1 and 0-0 function
as terminal groups. The stability is explained by the high degree
of dislocation of the Tr-electrons. The weak electron paramagnetic
resonance of (II) is explained by the destruction of coplanarity
of the molecule by the two COOH-groups. Investigation of the
thermal stability of the substances showed (I) to decompose at
400 and (11) at 4500C. After heating, (I!) was insoluble in
Card 2/3 alkaline mediums. Finallyt the authors express their
thanks to
Or. the Synthesis of Aromatic Polymers Via SOV/62-59-9-29/4,0
Bis-diazo Compounds
A. E. Kalmanson and L. As Blyumen3rel I d for taking and'
the EPR-speotrum, and I.P. Yakovlev for the infrared spectrum.
There are I figure, 1 table, and 4 references, 3 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya anizotropnvkh strulctur Akademii
nauk $SSE
(Laboratory for Anisotropic Structures of the Academy of
Sciencest USSR)
SUBMITTED; February 25, 1959
Card 3/3
Studies in the mechanochemistry of pol7mers. Part 8:
of polydimethylailomans by ultrasonic waves.
Vysokom.soed. 1
no.11:167E~-1684 N 159. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSGR.
(Siloxanes) (Ultrasonic waves)
Polymers with conjWted bon4s in the chains of the
cules. Part 3: Synthesis and certain properties of poly-
arylvirqlenes. Tr4okou.sood, I no.12:18ri-1820 D 159.
OCRA 13:5)
1. Institut kbimicbeekoy finiki AN SSSR
(Timrlsne conyounds) (Po~,Srs)
5.3610,5.3832 77098
AUTHORS: Berlin, A. A,., Matveyeva, N. 0.
TITLE: Letters to the Editor
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye
nauk, 1959, Nr 12, p 2260 (USSR)
ABSTJRACTt Polycondensation of equimolar amounts of chloranil
benzidine in 2 M sodium acetate in methanol solution
gave polymers with 2 chlorine atoms in the basic unit.
These polymers were soluble in sulfuric and formic acid,.
and soluble to a large extent in dimethylformamide.
Equimolar amounts of chloranil and benzidine in dimethyl-
formamide in presence of a 2-fold excess of sodium
acetate gave polymers in which chlorine atoms were
replaced by acetate radicals. Such polymers were
soluble in sulfuric acid and insoluble in dimethyl-
formamide. Their suggested structure is shown in (1).
Card 1/3
Letters to the Editor
These Polyaminoquinongs showed
bility ( K = 1.28-100). The
magnetic resonance maxima was
aminoquinones formed infusible
with copper and other metals,
of a suggested structure:
N -lie
high magnetic suscepti-
distance between the para-
500-600 oersted. Poly-
and insoluble 6omplexes
with 8-15% metal content,
Card 2/3
Letters to the Editor 77098
ASSOCIATION: Anisotropic Structures Laboratory, Academy of
USSR (Laboratoriya anizotropnykli struktur Alcademii nauk
SUBMITTED: June 5, 1959
Card 3/3
- I - 1
Card 1/3
Berlin, A..__A,.., Matveyeva, N. G., Sherle, A. I.
Letters to the Editor
Izv estiya Akademii naWc SSSR. 01-deleniye khimicheskikh
nauk 1959, Nr 12, p 2261 (USSR)
Reaction of 1 mole of copper salt of acetylacetone with
2 moles of tetracyanoethylene under vacuLun, at 16o-
3000, proceeded with formation of a complex polymer
and separation of acetylacetone. The polymer (infusible
black substance) was insoluble in organic solvents, in
bases and diluted acids. IR absorption spectrum showed
no intense absorption bands In the 700-~ 000 cm-1
range, with the exception of a 2,2211 cm i band corres-
ponding to the CN-group. The following structure of
the chelate was suggested:
Letters to the Editor
Elemental analysis showed the presence of acetylaceton-
ate groups. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum
showed broad intense lines with 500-700 oersted separa-
tion between peaks. An eqiomolar inixture of copper salt
of acetylacetone, tetracyanoethylene, and fluoronitrile
gave a copolymeric chelate with a presumably bandlike
Card 2/3 structure.
Letters to the Editor 77099
ASSOCIATION: Anisotropic Structures Laboratory, Academy of
USSR (Laboratoriya anizotropicheskikh struktur Akademii
nauk SSSR)
SUBMITTED: June 5, 1959
Card 3/3
50), 15(9)
AUTHORSs Berlin A A Zillberman, Ye.N., Rybakova, N.A.j
Sharetskiy, A.M~
n fanovskiy, DA.
TITLE- Investigation of Some Epoxide Stabilizers
(IssIedovdniye'nekotorykh epoksidnykh stabilizatorov polivinil-
PERIODICAL6 Zhurnal pr-_kladroy*kbimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4, pp
863-866 (USSR)
I ' - - g p, is their
L-vf -';) heat S~A varoDuo
stabil-_~zers have been proposed ror increasing the,.r .nermal
resistance. The present'article furnishes comparative data on the
stabilizing effect of some commercial and newly synthesized (by
authors) compounds. The following stabilizers for
have been synthesized and tested: low-molecular epoxide resins on
the base of epichicrohydrin and 2,2-bi&(4-oxy-3-methy1phenyl)-
propane, I,i-bis-( 4-oxypheny!)-cyolohexane, l,l-bJ8-( 4-OZY-3-
methylphenyl)-eyelchexane and 2,2-bis-( 4-OxY-3-nitrophanyl)-
propane,~ ois.-9,3-0-epoxybutyl stearate, epoxidized castor oil
Card 1/? sperm oil. It has been shown that these compounds, with
Investigation of Some Epoxide Stabilizers for
of 2,9--bis-( 4-m-3-nitrophenyl)-propane are effective thermo-
stabilizers for polyvinylohloride; which improve also physico-
mechanical properties of the masticated rubber., The
of mixtures of low-molecular epoxide resins or opoxidized
triglycerides with lead silicate makes it possible to attain a
greater thermal resistance of polyvinylehloride and a better
quality of the masticated rubber, than the separate
of those stabilizers
There are 2 graphs, ; tables and 10 references, 1 of which is
Soviet, 5 English, 2 American and 2 German,
SUBMITTED: September 20, 1957
Card 2/2
5 383~'
Berlin, A. A.,, Lesina,'K.
Concerning the/-moisture Transmission Through Some
Organic Polymer Films
zhurnal prikla*dnoy khimii, 1959,
Vol 32,-Nr 10, pp 2252-
2257 (USSR)
This is Communication
#13 of the series 'of investigations
In the field of polymer
chemistry and technology. The
study dealz with the determInation
of the permeability of
various plastic films to atmospheric
humid-Ity. The lowest
permeability was shown by copol mers of
vinyl chlori C
,24 hrs
with vinylidene chloriae (SVKh-
0), 0.1 to 0.3 mg/c
for films of 60-100-,e4-gage, as compared with
the high
permeability of polyvinyl chloride film (0.7 to 1 mg/cm2-
-24 hrs for films of 70-80,4-'z gage). Investigation of
films with
relatively high permeability, such as those
based on
polymethylmethaerylate*(PMM) and perchlorovinyl,
Card 1/2
showed a
sharp decrease of permeability with increasing
C"Cerning the5moisture Transmission 75672
Through Some Organic Polymer Films SOV/80-':z2-10-2-1/51
film thickness. The nature of the plasticizer, and
particularly the degree of solubility of vapor particles
in the plasticizer, affected considerably the permeability
of the film. Tributyl phosphate, butyl stearate, and
dibutyl phthalate increased the permeability, whoreaa
dioctyl phthalate, chlorinated paraffin, and ethyl
acetoricinoleate gave Cl-containing vinyl polymers and
copolymers with higher elasticity and lower permeability
than that of films without plasticizer; the lowest permea-
bility was obtained with dioctyl phthalate. SvKn-40 film
darkened quickly under light and heat and decomposed at
1500 as HCI was detached from the chain. The photo- and
thermostability was increased considerably by addition of
some epoxy-type stabilizers, particularly IV-hat of tolYlene
diisocya nat e -diglyc idol polyurethane. There are 7 tables;
1 figure; and 6 references, 1 U.S., 5 Soviet. The U.S.
reference is: 3trohmit, E., Mod. Plast., 19, 2 (1945).
UBMITTED: October 16, 1958
ard 2/2
AUTHORS: -De~~A.A- Popova, Go L#t lbayeva, To. F.
TrTLEt investigation of the Polymerization and Proper-ties of Mixed
Polyethers of the AMI Series (Issledovadye polimerizatsii i
evoystv smeekannykh poliefirov akrilovogo ryp-lt)
PMODIMt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 1, PP 83-85
ABSTRACTt The authors reported in a previous paper (Ref 11 on the
of a new group of derivatives of the acryl series - the polyester
acrylates. In the present paper the relation between the structure
of these substanoesp their capacity of a tridimensional
polymerization, and the physioal-moohanical properties of the
polymers were investigated. The following compounds served for
this purposet 1~ dimethaoryla-te-(bin-athylene-glycol)-phihala+.e,
2) dimothaorylate-(bia-diethylene-glycol),-,phthalate,,
3) dimethaorylat-e-(bin-trietbylene-glyool)-p)ithalate,-
4) dimethaorylate-(bia-triethylene-glycol)-sebacinate,
5)' tetrame+,haorylate-(bis-glycerin)-phU&Iate,-and
6)~ tatramethaor,-Iate-(bie-glyearin)-sebaoinate.
Tke substances enumerated differed from one another by the
dimensions and flexibility of the groups which form the cross
Card 1/4 connections of the spatial straoture of the polymer as
wel-I as by
ruvestigation of the Polymerization and Properties of Mixed
Polyethers of the Acryl Series
the number of reactive double bonds. The polymerization was
carried out at 65* and 20-25* in the presence of benzoyl
The investigation of the polymerization kinetics showed that
polymerization of the tetra- and ooto-functional polyester
acrylates is in all cases preceded by an induction period.
this period neither the viscosity &or -the refractive index
In the subsequent period the whole mass of the monomer is
instantaneously gelatinized. The fluidity vanished
completely and
insoluble tridimensional polymers were produced. The ralles
polymerization of an octo-functional substance-(abov&
Nr 59Figs 1:1) and of a tetra-funotional (Kr 2, Figs It2y
compared in order to clarify the effect of the molecular
capacity of ike polyester aorylates on their capacity of a
tridimensional polymerization. This shows that the rate of
polymerization risen ispidly witb -the increase of *be
number of
double bonds. The ooto-funotional, Nr 5 and 6 are in
contrast to
the tetia-funotional ones able to produce glasslike polymers
(Fig 2). The comparison of the curves 1 and 2 (Fig 2 cursive)
Card Z/4 abows that the rate of polymerization of different
esters of the
Investigation of the Polymerization and Properties of mixed
Polyethers of the Aoryl Series
same'functional oapaoit~ depends on the distance of the
groups from one anuthero-AtmosIteric oxygen inhibits the
polymerization reaction. The introduction of a sioostive
elimin&t63 the last mentioned phenomenon. Table'l shows -the
tbiq*ness and the strength of -the non-meltable glasslike
with the reduoiion-of The density of packing of the
Csohityy~,cbain macromolecules (Uperiments 11r 1-4) and with
increase of -the flexibility of the oross-linking
groups (ftyeriments 4 and 5)- Thus the polyester acrylatea
production possibilities of polymers with a minimum change in
volume as well its with a combination of a high thermal
str9ngthq--and-tdugbneos. They can find a wide range of
There an 2 figures, I tsble#~and,2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATICNt Vseaoyuznyy naubbno-issledovatelOsUy institut
matarialov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of
PREMTEDt March 2* 1959 by A. V. Topchiyev, Academician
Card 3/4
Investigation of the Polymerization and Properties of Mixed
Polyethers of -the Aoryl Series
SUBUTTEN June 23,, 1958 -
Card 4/4 -
?a 2
Zakharova, 11.Z.; Baranovskaj-a, N.B.
and Berlir: A.A.
A Method of Vulcanizing
Sil.4co-Organic Rubbers at Low TemF~~lr-
atures (Sposob
vulkanizatsii kremniyorganicheskikh rezzin pri
Byulletdizobreteniy, 1958, Nr 2, p
68 (USSR)
Class 39b, 6. Nr 110922 (580955 of 23 julY
1957). Submitted
to the Committee for Inventions and
Discoverles at the Coun-
cil of Ministers of USSR. A method
of valcanizing silico-
organic rubbers at low temperature
vith the use of hardeners
in the form of metal-organic
compounds and ethers of ortho-
silisic acid, or produccs of
their partial hydrolysis. The
novelty consists in the use of
a mixture of t1ir-organic com-
pounds (specified) for
hardeners, to improve the strength and
the heat resistance of
1. Synthetic rubber--Processing 2.
factors 3. Metalorganic
4. Acid ethers--Applications
Card 1/1
Z-, Cie
5 (1) SOV/19-59-2-75/600
AUTHORSt Averlyanov, A. P., Berlin, A._A, Volkov, N. N.,
N. D., and Rez, I. Ov-11- -
TITLE. An Apparatus for Conducting Chemical Proce3ses in a
geneous Medium
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1959, Nr 2, p 23 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Class l2ep 4.1, Nr 117519 063606-P of 29 May 1948)
Submitted to the State Committee of the Council of
Ministers of the USSR for the Introduction of Advanced
Techniques into the National Economy. An apparatus with a
mixing chamber with tangential intakes. The chamber is
mounted in the apparatus' housing; different non-mixing
reagents are continuously introduced into the chamber by
separate channels under necessary pressureo
Card 1/1
UTHORS; -Berlin, A.A., and Barabanova, V.N
ITLE: A Method of Obtaining Polymerizing Glue
ERIODICAL: 13yulleten' izobreteniy, 1P59, Nr 2, p 40-41 (USSR)
BSTRACT: Olass 221$ 2. Nr 123273 is (366297-P of 28 December
1948). The glues are UbTained on a base of poly-
merizing resins. To obtain compositions gluing at
low temperatures, ethylene glycolmonomethacrylate,
a catalyst and fillers are added to a solution con-
sisting of a copolymer of acrylic ethers, with
esters of allyl alcohol and dibasic acids.
ard 1/1
15(8) SOV/19-59-7-192/369
AUTHORS: Parini, V.P. and Berlin, A.A.
TITLE: A Method of Production of Polycyclic Polymers
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1959, Nr 7, p 41 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Class 39c, 13. Nr 118979 (585928 of 13 November
1957). A method of obtaining the above polymers
with the linked bonds of the basic.chain, consists
in imparting to the polymers an increased thermal
stability. For this purpose, the cyclic diazo-
compounds, containing not less than two diazo-
groups in a molecule are to be disintegrated with
the separation of nitrogen.
Card 1/1
(4*, 104 0
AUTHORS: Rogov,,I.A-) Surkov, V.D., Berlin, A.A., and Fedorov,
TITLE: A Method of Obtaining High and Superhigh Pressures
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniyj 1959, Nr 18, p 27 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Class 21g, 35. Nr 122557 (602574/24 of 25 June 1958).
Dependent on the Author's Certificate Nr 105011. A
=ethod of obtaining high and superhigjh pressures by
means of an electric pulse discharZe-llin liquid, as
per the Auth-or-rs--Tert ifie ate Nr 105011, with outer
permanent magnetic field used to produce action on
the are forming at the discharge, and to produce a
directed shock wave.
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Berlin, A.A. and Makarova, T.A.
TITLE: A Method of taining Resinous Compounds
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1959, Nr 19, p 39
ABSTRA,C.T: Class 39c, 30. Nr 122875 (423717/23 of 3 April
1950). Submitted to Gostekhnika of the USSR. A
method in which an amount of a carboxyl-con-
taining copolymer is mixed with 5-50% of alkylvinyl
ester. The carboxyl-containing coRol erlis of ac-
ryl or metacryl order with acrylic r metacrylic acid.
Card 1/1
Berlin, A.A., Makarova, T.A. and Rodionova, Ye.F.
A Method of Obtaining Resin Compounds
IODIGAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1959, Nr 209 p 49 (USSR)
Class 39b, Nr 123311 (425885-n of 9 Augus~ 19,50).
The above compounds for protective coatings'Pare ob-
tained by combination of polyconden-s-THon products
.containing methylol with derivatives of methacrylio
acid. The method entails a combination of the methylol
group of polycondensates of melamine or phenol with
formaldehyde, with a copolymer of buty1methacrylate
(95%) and methacrylia acid (5%).
ard 1/1
.UTHOR: Berlin, A.A. and Makarova, T.A.
'ITLE: A Method of taining Thermoreactive Polymers?
ODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1959, Nr 20,, p 49 (USSR)
Class 39cs 2501- Nr 123312 (363017/23 of 29 April
1958). 1. A polymer or copolymer containing double
bonds and carbc:Ulic groups.(or without the latter)
is mixed with 1 to 10% o:e non-volatile.polyfunctional.
polymer, 1 to 3% of benzoyl peroxide and-used in the
form of a 30 to 60% varnish. 2. To obt&!.n trans-
parent or non-transparent plastics, the mixture is
prepared in the form of a paste, containing 100 to
300% of non-volatile polyfunctional monomer and 1
to 5 % of benzoyl peroxide,
15(8) S/019/59/000/21/208/362
AUTHORS: Berlin, A.A., Rodionova, Ye.F.
TITLE: A Method Of Obtaining Monometacrylates and Monoacry-
lates of Glycolsl
PFR 0 ICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1959,'Nr 21, pp 46-47 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Class 39e, 30. Nr 123697 (424559/23 of 17 May 1950).
Submitted to Gostekhniks of the USSR. To simplify the-
technological process$ metacrylic or acrylic acid
is taken. The correspondingochlorohydrin and cuprous heated up to 80 , Two thirds of the required
amount of calcined soda is mixed in and the temperature
raised to 110 - 150 . The remaining calcined soda is 0
then gradually added and the mass heated at 110 - 150
for 6 or 7 hours. After cooling and filtering the re-
sultant ester is distilled in a vacuum.
Card 1/1
AUTHORS Berlin, A.A., Kostroma, -T.V.,
TITLE: -A method for the preparation of ferroo6ne derivatives'
~SOURCE*.- Sbornik izobreteniy;. plastmassyi sinteticheskiye smoly, no. 20
Kom. po delwn izobr. Ii otkrytiy. Moscow; TsBTI, 1962, 14 (Authorts
oer-tifibate no. 129018, ol.*390, 39 (appl. no. 626290 of April.25,,..,'-
TEXT: can be repared, which
By the present method ferrocene deritatives p
can form polymer chelate gompounds. Ferrocene i.~ treated in an.aoid
room temperature ,4ith diazotizatio'n products of %dnosalioylic,acid,6r
icy-lie aldehyde and, subsequexitly,-the obtained products are treated
with metal,
salts. After thermal treatment at 120 - 1500C the obtained polymer
chefate com-
pounds acquire the properties of ferromagnetic bodies. 18.8 g ferrocene
is dis-
solved in 60 ml concentrated sulfuric acid. The formed i~alt solution is
Lnto ice water and at o - Vc the s*olUtion of a diazo-oompound is added
from 30.8 g p6-amin---salicylic acid. 'Thereaction mass is mixed for
1.5.- 2 h,
Card 112
A method for the preparation oflifbrr~ocene 1: -,IA057/A126
held until separation of a precipitate which is filtei~ed off,
washed with water
and dried. The obtained product is a mixture with a different degree
of substi-, .
tution of ferrocene from 1 to 5 - 6. Mono-, di- and
trisalicy1ferrocenes are
separated by extraction with benzene. The residue is a mixture of
ferrocene with an admixture-of pentasubstituted ferrocene. The yield
of the te--.
.trasubstituted product is 75%. By mixing 4 g tetras6licy1ferrocene
dissolved in
dioxane with a methanol solution of 2 g, copper acetate precipitates
the polymer.
complex. The reaction is completed by boiling the solution for 30
min and the
precipitate is filtered off, washed and dried. The polymer chelate
compound is,,..
a dark-brown powder, non-fusible and insoluble ip organic solvents.
The yield it~
3-9 9-. The.patent was forwarded to the Goskomitet SM 3SSR po khimii
CM USSR for Chemistry) for approval.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
j Card 2/2
5(1)9 25(l) S/019/60/000/01/165/267
AUTHORSt Khomyakovaq S.K and Berlin, A.A.
TITLE: A Method of Obtaining a Soluble -0opolyme
PERIODICAL: Byulletent izobrateniy, 1960, Nr 1, p 35 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Class 39b9 4020 Nr 125376 (42o628/23 of 12 November
Dependent on Author's Certificate Nr 70763. This P -copolymer
is based on ethers of the acrylioAor methacrylio series with
tetra- or polyfunotional monomers of allyl or vinyl derivatives.
The distinctive feature of this method is the use of azo-
dinitryl of diisobutyric acid as the initiator and regulator
of polymerization.
Card 1/1
25(l) S/01~/60/000/02/137/221
D031 D005
AUTHORS: -Kronman, A.G,, Kargin, V.A., Berlin, A.A., Shevlyakov,
and Yanovskiy, D.M.
TITLE: A Method of Obtaining Plastic Materials6
,PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 196o, Nr 2v P 34 (USSR)
TRACTt Class 39bf 11 . Nr 125675 (629111/23 of 23 May 1959).
This method i2lbased on polyvinyl chloride; to increase
the specific impact resistance of the plastic material,
the polyvinyl chloride is combined with caoutchouc con-
taining pyridine groups.
d 1/1
AUTHORS: BaranovskMa, N. ., Berlin A A Zakharova M.Z., Mizikin,--
A.I. and Zillberman,'70.0
TITLE: A Method of Solidifying a Composition on the Basis of Silico-
organic Pol-vmereA
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1960, Nr 4, p 15 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Class l2o, 2603.Nr 126115 (571577/23 of' 20 April 1957). To
obtain solidified compositions organic stannic compounds are
usud, lowering the'vuleanization temperature when mixed with
ethyl ether of orthosi-lioic acid or with the products of its
25(1 D003/DOO6
AUTHOR: B2rlin, A.A., Matveyeva N.G., Sherle, A.I.
TITLE: Method of Obtaining ChelatelPolymerICompounds
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1960, Nr 51 P 38 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Class 39c, 30. Nr 126612 (624738/23 of 7 Apr 1959).
1) Method of obtaining chelate polymer compounds
based on products of reaction between compounds con-
taining chelate forming groups treated by metals
or chemical metal compounds. Use of tetra-eyan
ethylene or in mixture with polynitryls for the
chelate forming compound, the polynitryls contain-
ing not fewer than tvvo nitryl groups of adjoining
carbon atoms. 2) Obtaining polychelate film on
Card 1/2 metal surface by treating metal with tetra-cyan
Method of Obtaining Chelate Polymer Compounds
ethylene vapors. 3) Manufacture of plastics by .1
pressing a mixture of tetra-cyan ethylene ulth v--lA'
finely-dispersed metal at raised temperature.
Card 2/2
83098 -
(!~73 0 A151/AO29
AUTHORS: Berlin, A.A., and Kostroma, T.V.
TITLE: A Method for Obtaining FerrocenelDerivatives
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1960, No. 11, p. 43
TMU: Class 39c, 30. No. 129018 (626290/23 of April 25., 1959).
A meth-
od for obtaining ferrocene derivatives. It has the following
special features:
in order to impart to the derivatives an ability to form
polymeric chelatelcom-
7 um ~ %1h
pounds, ferrocene is at first treated at room temperature in
an acid me i wlt
products obtained from diazotizing aminosalicylic acid or with
those from dia-
zotizing aminosalicylic aldehyde, whereupon the obtained
products are subjected
to interaction with metal salts.
Card 1/1
10 b 0,,Cl 24 0 5 12,2-0 9 S/019/60/000/012/050/097
AUTHORS: Berlin, A. A., Cherkashin, M. I Sel'skaya, 0. G., Limanovk
TITLE: A Method of Obtaining PolymersA
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 196o, No. 12, P- 39
TEXT: Class 39b, 4 No- 1?9330 (626175/239April 21, 1959). This
method is for obtaining pgl~mers on a base of arylacetylenes,land
has the
following special featuret to increase the thermal stability of the
mers and give them electrically conductive properties, the polymers
of the
arylacetylenes or their copolymers with aromatic compounds
containing two
acetylene groups are subjected to additional polymerization at a
ture of 300 - 400'C-
Card 1/1
210 5 3/019/60/000/012/049/097
AUTHORS: Berlin2 A. A., Solov'yeva, V. N. Khomyakova, S. K.
TITLE: =Method of Obtaining Polymerization Glues Vr
PERIODICALs Byulletent izobreteniy, 1960, No. 12, P~ 39
TEM. Class 39b 4~1- No. 129329"(420630,September 12j 1959)-
Dependent or, Author's Cer ificate No. 123273. This method is
for obtain-
ing polymerization glues based on polymerization resins
according to Au-
thor's Certificate Ho.123273, and has the following special
feature; to
improve the mechanical strength of the gluing and increase
the thermal
stability of the glues, from 10 to 60 % of methaorylic acid
anhydride and
10 to 50 % elis added to the ft-copolymer solution.
2) A method as specified in the preceding point, with the
following special
feature: linear polymerB of the vinyl or methaorylic series
acetate an& its derivatives, polybutyl methaerylate, Butvar
etc.) in a
mixture with methylmethacrylate or without. the latter, are
used in place
of a P-copolymer solution.
Card 1/1
t,()qj2?0q' #S24,1-460 S/019/60/000/016/067/134
AUTHORS: Berlin, A.A.; Popova, Z.V.; Yanovskiy, D.M.
Pow 1.6
TITLE: A Method of Increasing Ithe Thermal Stability and
Photostability of
Halide-Containing P lymers and Copolymers
PERIODICAL: Byulleten zobreteniy, 1960, No. 16, p 43
TEXT., Class I39b, 2206. No. 13104041869/23 of October 22, 1959).
method of increasing the thermal stt=bli y and photost4~lity of
Ing polymers and copolymers with the use of stabilizers-Is
distinguished by,the
following special'feature: the stabilizurs used are
p2lyVinylenes,lobtained by
polymerization of alkyl- or arylacetylene or destruction of
polymer compounds,
e.g., polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl alcohol or polyaorylonitrile.
Card 1/1
AUTHORSt Raskin, Ya.L., Belyayeva, K.P., Berlin 9A_.A.,
Bogatyrev, P.M.,
Popova, G.L., Shmayn, L*D,, Ermin-, Y.rue
TITLEt A Method of Obtaining Color-Varniahing Materials
PERIODICALt Byulletent izobreteniy, 1960, No. 20, P. 35
TAXTt Class 22h, 1 02- No- 132745 (649549/23 of Jan 6, 1960).
This method
of obtaining oolor-varnishing materials polymerizing in a film
and with a
base of unsaturated poly ester compounds, alkide resins,
sico6tives, peroxide catalysts, pigments and solvents is
distinguished by the
fact that, in order to increase the stability of the varnish
system and widen
the raw-material base, poly ester acrylates, for example
glycerinphthalate, tetramethaorylatediglycerinadipinate
(adipinat) or tetra-
methaorylatediglycerinsebacinate (sebatsinat), are unsaturated
Card I/I
Now magnetic properties of macromolecular compounds
having conjugated
double boades Zhur..9trakt..khix* 1 no.1:103-108 MY-Je
(MIRA 13%8)
1. Inatitut khtmicheekoy fizikI A39 SSSR.
(Macrouolecular compounds-Magnetic properties)
AUTRORs Berling A. A.
TITLEx Synthesis and Some Properties of Polyester loryls, tool
PERIODICILs Khimichaskaya pronyahlennost' ' 19609 10. 2j pp.
102 - 108
TRITs The'development of now synthetic materials for the
construction of
modern aircraft and ships, structural engineering and
radiolocation, demand
the use of light and sturd7 building materials resistant under
conditions and eatsily workable into large-size products of
any desired
shape. The viscoum "oligomers" developed for this purpose are
used for the production of reinforced synthetics. The
influence of the
monomeric structure on three-dimensional polymerization in the
.phase and-solutions is investigated. To clarify this problem,
various I/
types of dimethaeryl-I diallyl-, and mixed allyl methacryl
eaters of the
glycols with different structures and degrees of polarization
of the un-
saturated groups, and with different distanoes between these
groupap were
invest.igated. A'Ug. 1 shove the polymerization rate of the
dimethyl acrylic
esters of,the glycols, Fig. 2 that of the methaoryl carboxy
allyl esters
Oard 1/3
Synthesis and Some Properties of Polyester
Acrylates ~ B022 B005,
of ethylene glycolq diethylene glycol, and triethylene
glycol. Table 1
shows the most important physicochemical constants of some
carboxy allyl-, and allyl methacryl eaters of the glycols.
Fig. 3 shows
the polymerization rates of some tetrafunctional monomers,
Fig. 4 a com-
parison of polymerization rates oft methaoryl carboxy allyl
esters of
ethylene glycolq diethylene glycol, and triethylene glycol
in methanol,
and Fig, 5 the polymeric yield in the polymerization of
ethylene glycol
methaorylate in methanol. The synthesis, and the most
properties, of polyester acrylates are dealt with next.
Table 2 shows the
most important chemical constants and properties of
polyester aorylates
on the basis of diethylene glycol, phthalio and methaorylio
acid I and V,
Table 3 the hardening rates of polyester aorylates with
polymerization degrees (in polymerization at 100 in the
presence of 1%
of benzoyl peroxide). Further, the-physiLoomeohanical
properties of the
three-dimensional polymeric polyester acrylates (Table 4),
the strength
of glued joints when using a glue on polyester acrylate
basis (Table 5).1
and the most important physicomechanical properties of glass
various types on the basis of a polyester acrylate binder at
normal and
increased temperature (according to data by Ya. D. Avrasin)
(Table 6),
Card 2/3
Synthesis and Some Properties of Polyester
a2e indicated. G. L. Popova, T. Ya.
also mentioned. There are 5 figures,
Kefeli, and Yu. V. Filippovskaya are / 5
6 tables, and 11 Soviet references. -
Card 3/3
D202 D305
AUTHOR; Berlin, K. A.
TITLE: Polymers of chelated compounds
SOURCE: Vaesoyuznoye khimicheskoye obshchestvo imeni. D. I.
Mendeleyeva. Uspekhi khImii i tekhnologi,_ polimerov,
sb. 3, Moscow, Goakhimizdat, 1960, 3-13
TEXT: A review of Western investigations in the field of new
mere from chelate compounds. The author refers either directly
Western publications, or to such Soviet ones which contain
mation taken from Western scientific literature. There are 20
ferences: 6 Soviet-bloc and 14 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most
references to the English-language publications read as
C. S, Marvel and N. Tarkoy, J. Am. Chem. Soo., 80, 832-833
T. S. Piper, J. Am. Chem. Soo., 80, 30, (1958) C. S. Marvel and
M. H. Martin, J. Am, Chem. Soo., 80, 619-622, ~1958); C. S.
and I. H. Rassweiler, J. Am. Chem. Soo., 80, 1197-11199;
Card 1/1
Preparation of graft oppolymers based on nitrocellulose and
study of their
film-forming capacity. Report Wool. lakokras. mt. I ikh
prim. no,4:
6-10 060, (MM 13:10)
(Polymers) (Nitrocellulose)
(Protective coatings)
.92-9/0 al'_*o 11
AUTHOR: Berlin, A. A.
TITLE: Synthesis and Properties
Conjugated Bonds
of Polymers With a System of
PERIODICAL: Khimioheskaya promyshlennost', 1960, No- 5, pp.
23 - 30
TEXT: Owing to the development of electronics and jet
engineering, Z
there is an increasing demand for polymers with_high heat
electric conductivity, resiativity,against ionizing
:Eadiation~and vari-
ous other special properties. Polymers with a system of
conjugated bonds
(with or without heteratoms), and the synthesis of such
polymers are
discussed in the present paper because of their special
properties. It
is pointed out that it is of importance for the synthesis of
sistant polymers to obtain structures with relatively high Aw
(such as chain-type poly.EhenylLneslor polyaryl vinylenes) or
with low Aw value, which can, however, not form hydroperoxide
(av - energy difference between the upper and lower level of
free elec-
trons). These substances can be considered to be
Card 1/2
Synthesis and Properties of Polymers With a
System of Conjugated Bonds B015/BO58
(Table 1), since there are many centers with reduced electron
in conjugated systems. The mechanism of the electrical
conductivity of
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons can be explained by a
tunneling effect.
The fact that the formation of centers with reduced electron
density is
possible at a high degree of conjugation, accounts for the
magnetic properties of the substances discussed. Subsequent to
the theo-
retital explanations, polymers with acyclic system of
conjugated bonds
in the main chain are 41scussed, as well as their synthesis,
concerning the products of thermal and catalytic
ghenyl acetylene (Table 2), and some specific properties are
out. There*are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 40 references: 20
Soviet, 6 US,
7 British, 6 German, I Italian, and 1 Japanese.
Card 2/2
- --- BERLIN, A.A.
Synthesis and properties of polymers containing a
system of
conjugate bonds* Xhimprom. no-5:375-382 J1-Ag '60.
(MIRA 13:9)
Foljvester acrylates as film-f6rming materials. Report No. 1;
Fo4ester acrylates as film-forming materials in lacquers for
wood finishing. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no. 6:5-11 160.
(MIRA 13:12)
(Acrylic acid) (Lacquers and lacquering)