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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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SEDt~V, K. R� ~,nati~3t; CJTKIN, G.T. ,; BERLIN, T.M'_.
br~anizat~.on a~ medical hy~ie~ acre a~t the aa~t~uatian site
of Kuibyahev. :i~ov. sdrav. 19 na.~s~9-30 'b~. (~~ 14=6}
1. Y~ parta~oy 1~.-al~r~f,tsy "Kuybyehev~idradtx~oyan (naahallnik
kandidat medits~~,nskikh Weak K.R.~edan}.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
S&AUV, K.~~, ~ }cand,med.n:~~-uk; ll~i'KI~d, G.T, ~ l~and.tasd.t~~ik; ~~~;1:..
Charactsristice of accidents in the construction of tha &~byehev
Hvdroslsct~ric Pr,l~rsr Statio~a. Urtop.trHVrn. i protez. 2q na.~:b~~
bl !~ ~~~. (HIS. 12:b)
1. Iz khirur~;ic~~,~ssko~o otdsleniya (Hach. -
G.I,Utkin) Portrrvov bol'nitsy "Ki>,ybyshevgidrostrova" (Hach.
Icand. rand. na~~k g�~ $. Sedov } .
(ACC~.D~'S, Iii,~tTS,TttZAL
in construction o~ hycaroslQCtric station
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
B~~ZIN, I.F. ~ profw
RQ~u1,te of tho l~'~rst Tiu~kmen Traw~r~ tol.ogical Con~'eronce e Zdrav.
Taxk. ~ no.b~3.1~~1~ N-~D Bbl o (MIi~A I5:2)
l p Ct~].enMkorr�s~ ~ondent ~'~ ~SI~.
(~xr~u~~r~.~ou~cx~~caxG~,~s~s )
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
Bffi~ZIN,~~..., Prof,
I~,aunin~ re~eax~~ch probl+~ma o:f inatitutiana of thi9 Tatax
Pab].ia Health ~ilin~atry from ].qS9 to 1965. Zdrav.'Curk. ;3
Jl-iVg ' 5~.
1. Predaedatel~ 1lchenoga eoveta Minzdrava TSSR.
(~zRA 1~:2 )
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
:d1t~t~Z~i~~ Y.I., iyra~,, za,elu~hennyy deyatel~ nauki 'i'ux'kmf~nskoy SS'~~.
i're~ant~.on o~ r~cc~,d�nta and tk~e ar. t~nix~tian of: fist yid ~az�
traw~.. ~d.rav~-'rurk. 2 no.3:3~-7 ~v-~e 'S8. (t.47.hA x,2:6)
(1~cGZVi{~~s~,._Y~v~t~zo~t) (~z~ST ~z~ zis zz~-s ~~D rt~Ui~Y)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
ZII,T, ~.~'.o prof., s!~a~1u~hQnnyy dey~tel! nauki Turkmenalcoy SSH.
Seventeenth Iniuernr~tional Surgical Congress in ~4~xico. Zdx~an.
Turk. 2 no.l�46-4g Jar-' 'S8. (MIB,A 12:6
(t+~I'~ICU (CITY)--S`U~fta~ItY~~CUNC~i1S~S)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
BBi~ZIN, I. ~'.
28014. A:EitEZIN, I. F. -.- $ vs7~pro~u o chrezplevral~bykh aperatefyakh po povodu ra'ra
pishchevodrl;. Yubilsyrayy sborYa,ik khirurg. Rabot, po~i~ye~ahch. Prof. Shilogt8e,~.
Kt~gbyshev, 1949, S. 56-~'?'~.
S0: Letopis~ Zhurnal~nykh St~~tey. Vol. 37, 1949.
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L 35$b9-~bb
ACC NR: AP6021218
Figures 1. (by
a I,0 ~~ �~~ '.
� ~,
with an increase in the energy an~cl reaches 4000-4700K when the input energy is equal tv, ~;~
1.7---3 sublimation energy. With an increase in the warm-up time (to 0.8-1 usec) copper and
silver show a faster rise in templ~rature with rising energy, the absolute values of the tem~ t
perature, however, are lower then during a faster vwarm-up. Orig. art. has: 4 fi res and ~ ,
1 table. ~ C2G ~
8UB CODE : 19, ,~ � ~.
20/ SUBM DATA!,. 24Feb65/ 4RIt3 REQ. 007/ 4TiH REFa 006/ '-
ATD PRESS: ~ ~V ` '
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
:C NR, APG021218
and the silver'wirea increa~ns a:,~y an order of 3 -- ,~.5 n,nc3 that of conetant~u~i 1,y :in Dreier cif
1.6 when the discharge circuit inductance i s char �;lyd from ~l. ;15$ to ~ '~ ,: ~ ~ a� r ;, ti- ~., r ~ ; ~ :_
behavior is attributed to the fact, that the resist:a.i~cf~ of thc~ c:nEai~er at~~, thEY c,,l,,.t ;;~,c~~ ;~i~eus is
lower than the internal reaiatanp~e of the asciilatar� whereas the rca-;~tance c,l ti~~ c;onstnr~tan
wires is greater. Tliu dependaa'~~ce of the Calor ter~puxatura on ihc~ rrtcr~ry ir7l,ut to i;ivc!tl its
Fig, 1. It is shown that during a fait warm-up (0.25 -~ 0.50 usec) the teml~cr~ctuc~c rises
Figure 1. The colpr temperature
of exploding wires at the peak
ignition paint of emission as a
' function of energry input.
1, 2, 3 -- copper, silver, and - ,
constanta~n wires 0.1, 0.1, and
0.07 mm in diameter, respectively
la - Ld (discharge circuit induc-
tance) = 0.058 ui~~ 1 = 11 mm; lb
Ld = 1.7 ~~h, 1 = 44 mm.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
0 ;0 , xQ i ~0,:
L 35~6~-66
. ACC NR~ APa021218 ~
box with an input alit and a sem[transparent mirror was located in front of the monochrome-
' tore. Table 1 shows the energ~~ input time (the d~xratfon cif the warm-up current pulse before
Table 1. Energy input time and light pulse duration (discharge voltage = 7kv)
Color Temperature
Warm-U?> Time l~miseion time, at
Specimen usF~~c ~asec E=1.5Esubl' oK
Ll* L2* Ll L2 L1 LZ
Copper v~ 0.35 1.0 0.5 1.2 4600 3900
Silver y~ 0.25 0.9 0. ~E 1.0 3700 2300
C ~rt~n. ~!~ 0.50 0.8 0. G 1.0 4200 4200
= 0.058 uh,
* L L2 = 1. ? uh.
the appearance of the current bareak), and the light pulse duration (the time from the begin-
ning of the leading edge of the piulee up to the extrapolated value of the linear segment of the
trailing edge to zero level) at a discharge voltage clf 7 kv. Tl-e warm-up tittne of the capper
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
~. 35~ib~bfi ~~~~~td~/~:~~ (~ }f~ ~~`t r,,~,{~~`rT~m?/~~�~~~~t) ~~.~~(~ j s ;~~~~ fi :_. `;'';..~.
ACC NRi AP$0212I8 ~~,SOURCE eBODE UR%029~j66j00~i/043ji~19j0423 ,.
,w ~
AUTHOR: Kul'gavchuk, V. M. ; shishkin, Yu. II. ; Berexin, ,I, A. (~Ie~.w~) _~~~
,..~...�........... _.a,~,,.,~_..A .., _ .,,,....p.4.,
ORG; none
~'~~., ~
TITLE: Measurement o~ the te~~ e~,~t~in the first stage of thc~ electrical expl6eion o
SOURCE: Teplofixika vyaokiklt tpmpexatur, v. 4, na. ;l, 1flG8, ~l19.,423 ~
TOPiC TAGS: silver, copper, constantan, exploding wire, electric inductance, temperature
ABSTRACT: The purpose of `.h.e present article is to d~~terznine the temperature in the first
state of an electrical explosion as a function of the enea~gy input into copper, silver, and
constantan wires at different warm-up times. The experimental setup consisted of a current
pulse condenser oscillator (cor,:denser capacity, 1 u f; discharge circuit inductance without the
inductance wire, 0.058 uh; and with an additional coil, 1.7 uh}, tw~UM..,~2 monochromators ~f~
with FEU-27 phatomultiplie s ~,~t their outputs, cathode fullawers,j"a:mplifiers (with O.l.-usec
rise time}, and two OK-21:~ecillagraphs,~0ane of which recorded the discharge circuit current
and the wire voltage, and the o'~her, the intensity of the continuous spectrum in selected
sectors. The oscillator lagged 0. Z asst behind t'he start of the oscillograph sweep. A panel
Card l j4
UDC: 533.9.082. a
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'A. study o#` the excitat.[on of iodin
s/o; l/~~/01r~/ool/004/0 l
As the current w ~U39/E12o
line,~� as incr~ease'd~ so did t
the S33$~le ma,~orx.ty ir.cre~r~ed xinearlhe a.ntansit
y and Y of al,i the
on the 5407' 3t; ~ lines the intenyzt tl~e current, but for
square' of the curr~rr't. Y depended a
sodium, which has t~ith increasin pProximate:lY
the iodine a 1QW exc7itatian 3 concentration of
Pines decrea~se'tl 'unit'orinlpotential, the intensit
of the spectral lines ~ ~ Y� In atld'ition Y of
hollow cathode, �1~ iodine, chlorine ' the inten,s.a~ies
elements in are comp~~ri~d' with line - and :3ulphur ~n a
a glow disclaar a -~. intensities j'ar the same,
basis of collision- ~ The result$ are
There ..
are 2 t~, processes. exp).aineci on the _ _.
gures and 3 tables. -~"
SUB~iIT2ED:~ vovem~er 2?~ 19G1
Card 2/2
''~~.I.~..rt.. ..
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
:~.~ -~~ s/o51/6~/0l4/00l/0o~/o~I
AUTHORS: .,~erezin, ~.A., and Yanovskaya, G.N.
r~�~~n1 A study of tha excitation of iodine in a hollow cathode
1 11 A~~i � r ~
L'RXUllrCA~.: pptika i ~;pektroakopiYa~ v� i~+ nO� l+ 19c~~, 23..2
p ectral lines
`r`~:X'I': The depenc,lenee of the intensity of ttae the discharge,
of iodine on the compc;lsition of the gas sustaining
the current intensity and the presence of an
the gas pressure, is investigated. The
impurity with a lower excitation potential,
ens itivity for determining iodine in an ium ithisetwo, orders one
s while xn he1
order higher than for argon, as ressure, 25U mA)� Standards
and U.1g~ iodine with
higher than for neon (10 mm Hg 3 p r-
containing 1U9~ iodine were used with A and Ne- At
He� The subsequent m~easurementsew~~anc2~rmmdthetcondition of the
' pressures less than ~ mm and mor ressure
discharge in the hollow cathode deteetermined.;overetheerange
dependence of the iodine lines was d
mm. ps the pressure was increased the intensity of only
7, g to 17
' rit of the linear either decreased ora~ema~n~e~~c~ndt5~o7.36 ~-�
ma~o Y in partzcul 5~S
a few increased in iz~tensit~r,
Card 1/2 ''
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Determination of Phosphe~rus in Beryllium 5~O75/60~O1J/00~/Qt9/O3Q~xX
Oxide by the Spectrogxaa;lhic Method BO~O~Bp64
source (Fig, 1)v The cyaindxical e~.ectxode wss forced iota a a,~~lt.t~ciric~zl
motion with an (;A,~.2(SD�~} electror~otor, The spectrs, were r~~cc?rded with
an I~('.(~.~.22(ISP-22) spect:xograph~ The Eight source was a broken a,c arv
of a a(`-1 (DG-1) generator with a choppe~~� The amperage was 14 a~ the
burning time and the xni:erval of the arc were 0,.5 sec eachU Standards
with a hosphorus ccnter,~t from 0001 to 0,1~
Ca3(PO ~2 with pure beryllium oxide Pure bexPll.iue obtained by grinding
4 ~' m ox~,de w,~q ubta~.nPd
by annealing BeC03,Be(OH}~ at 700 ~ 600o fox one hour ~~ .S:i~O ws,s
added as a standard sample in each case The intensity of the l~.nes /
Px 2136a 2 - BiI 213,3 ~ 6 w~,s measured., The calib.; at iora cux~ re was recorded.
in the coordinates (log ~; ~, S), where C is thE~~ ph~~spharus co~~cei~trati n
in the standard samplesy am""~ ~ S is the vaxyitag degree of biackening
(Fi~~2}o The accuracy of phosphorus determination in beryllium oxide by
the method described is (:)0001! the reproducibility of the r�esult4 of
analysis in the concentr,ry~tion .range between 0005 and 0 ~ f ;" + ~ .~, ~~i
while at concentrations ,.~.ower than 0~O05f reproducibil~.ty decreases to
~+ 10 -~ 15~o There are 2 figures and 3 references; 2 Soviet and US
SUBMITTED: July 30G ) g!.;9
Card 2~2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
AUTHORS: Eerezin, I, As and Aleksandrovich, K, V
TITLE: Determinat;,i,on of Phosphorus in beryllium Oxide by the
Spectrogxa~iahic Method
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal anriliticheskoy khimii~ ?960 Vol, 1~, N'o.: 4,
PP4 ~a9 - 'aTO
TEXT: The methods of iipectrographic control of the purity of
beryllium and beryllium oxide are described in Refs;, 1 ~- 3p howevex,
phosphorus has not been determine d Only On003g~ P can be determined
when the sample is fi1lEr~d into carbon electrodes ThF authors
developed a method whick~, makes it possible to determine up to 0 001 P _a
in beryllium oxide withc:.~ut previous concentration The powdery samples
were diluted with coal i,ust at a ratio of 3:~~; put .in a colloidal
solution i.n ethyl alcohr,~1, and applied to the lateral surfaces of
graphite cylinders 40 mn;~~, in diameter and 80 mm long Then they were
dried for 15 ~ 20 minutf s at 100 ~- 150�C and introduced into the light
Card ~1~2
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
s/o ~~./~o/ood/~~3~'Q~ ~/a3~
AUT~tORS: Berazin I ~-`�~, and ~-~epanova. A, I 0
TITLES On the Prob7,, m f Sensitization of Photo ra hic Pl
the Ultravic~~let Reg~.on of the Spectrum g p etas in
PER]~ODICAL: Optika ~. ~,pektroskopiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr ~,
pp 408-41G (USSR)
ABS'~RACT: To increase the sensitivity of photographic z~lates in the
far ultravic~le t they are frequently coated wi~~"
luminescent substances. The authors studied such
sensitization of photographic p~.ates of 1y Ii' and ITT
speetroscopi~ types, micro and iso-~ortha p~,ates ~ i,,F~
Transformer ~~il, vaseline oil and sodiut~ salicylate were-
used as sens.itizars, The results obtained (Figs 1..~) lead
the authors ~~o recommend a ~0~ solution of sodium
sa,licylate i;i1 a. ~0/50~ mixture Q f water and ethyl alcaha~.
for sensitiz~~,:tion of type III spectroscopic plates in the
region 2000~,~?30Q ~,. The plates era immersed in the
solution for ~ sec and are dried in an a,ir st:ream for
(~+~rd s�veral minu~~,-es. The layer of sodium salicylate should
1ii2 not be washe~t off before developing, Such sensitized
plates do noi; deteriorate when stored fo:r considerable
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
A~TNORS:13erezin, I, A., Vorord;av, to�~, I,
TITLE: A Capillary Tai (~pillyar.t~Yy bran)
PERZODZCALa I'ribory ~, elcspc~r~.r~tl~.nt,,, 1959, Nr 1
152 (US,k
ADSriRACT: The device is illustrated diaUramn~4atically ~.n the t'2~ure
(see lower half of p 152), It is in t1~~: for~~~ cif a two~~-~~
valve with two apertures in its plug Tl~.e a;~,~ ~`
in the ~, ~. 3~ture 2 is u;~ed
preli~uin:.ry evacuation of tl~e tube leadin,; to the ~;as
container, The ~,as is 1e~; in t-hrvurJ~
whose diameter ~,~n be arbitrarz.~, r�l~ the capillary tube 1- .,
accurate reUulation of the y ~jfiall. T~ $ pex~zsits a very
i.nta the vacuum systera. The~essure of thecy~as is ad~ni~tted
paper contain~~ 1 figure o
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheski:i~y institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute of 4he
Academy of Sc iea.~ce s US Ski )
SUBT~~ITTED : January 20, ;:.~ ~ ,
Card 1/1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
sov/~,~ a-59-1--~.?~ 5Q
AUTHORS:Berezin, I, A,' Voron~cov, lei, z,
TI`:~L~;: A Device far ~~)ad~.:il~; tl~~; Sat~c~leu into a Vacuuac ~j
dlya za~,ruzki r~~braztsov v ~vakuuutn~;yu ustarzovl~~i)~f stem (T3.ull~c;.z�
PERIODICAL: Pribory i 7.,ekhni~;a eksy~erimenta, 1959, idr 1, ;~ 1 ~
ABSTRACT: The device c.escribed is shown dia~rai-m-~e.tic ' ~; 5 (USSR}
shedSeluupper .half of l ~ a1.1~ ~.n the fi.W
p 5) . Tire; tube 3 cclnt
Surface of RoclQs
thermobatt~:'~'yr the mica oyl.a.nder is placed on tyro metallic half-
cylinderst the canstantan ware is wound u;p, and the capper is
applied e1.i:lctxalytically (Fig 2), The des~~ribed batter~t can
also be u.sE~d ~n industry to determine the temperature of dryin
cylinders. A thermal battery consisting o:P 200 elements of g
copper-con,,tantan (lengtr, of the spiral 1t?0 mm, diameter
tarn 0, a mp) has, _, at a t emperature dro of o 30 mm,
of about 0.~. vat a cuxrent intensity of E~boutQ 1-ma.tThere are
2 figures and 1 reference.
ASSOCxATION; Institut eskay ~himii Akademii nauk S~SR 'Tnstit Ch~mistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) ute of
Card 2~2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
r ry 'f
AUTHOR: Berezinq G.. I.
TITLE; Simple and Highly Sensiti�re Batt~:ry of Thermoelements far
ies {Frastaya
f B
ace ~~
I~ieasuring '`.he Temperature of the Sur
i vysokochiivstvitel~naya batareya termopa:r dlya s.zmereniya
temperatur;,r poverkhnosti tel)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya9 1959, Vol 25, Nr 49 pp 484-485 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: To control the temperature of the envelope of adiabatic calori-
th; temperature difference bettiveen the calorimeter sur-
face and tae envelope must be measured. This can be done by
means of a differential battery of thermoelemexits. The manu-
ibed (Ref 1)
such a battery hoe already
f acture of
and is described in the present ease in a slightly modified form.
The thermal. battery consists of 1000 copper-constantan elements
and has a~sengiti~ity of about 4.14`2 v~d,egree v~*hich hermits the
galvanometer M 211 to be used and. makes possible the measurement
of a temperature difference of + 2.10"6 degrees. The thermal
battery far measuring the surf ace temperature :represents in
prinaip~e ~F'ig 1), a sp~.ra~. of constantar~ 7rire (Ik0.1 mm) wour:d
Card 1~2 upon a thin walled. cylinder of mica or n~.trofilm. To make this
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
Letters to th� F~.itor
C -R
equati~~m ~' ~ ~ (~~ 1~ ~ ~ . 8 ahec~ki~n ~s~, method it Res
R,~ RZ ~ (~ y ~'
shown that the aocuraoy of file (the ratio CI'R) does
not defend on the thermal condu~ctivitT Cif the system, the current
intensity, anal the amount off' the curx~ex~~t d�v~,ated by the
resit anae Eta. The measuring error off` the hest capaoity aooord~:ng
to th3 s method dial not exceed 4�(ll~. Ths~re a~ 2 referenc�s, I of
*hi,ah is Soviet.
ASSC?CI1TI(~is Insti~#~ut ti~ioheskoy khimi.i AYademi3~ naiilc SS'SR (Institute oP
physical ~hhemistry of the academy of Scj~enees,, USSR)
SU~IT~IIs gpril 6, 1959
Card 2/2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
' y ~Y
' ~Y#~ F~Si~~
~ .'~'�44.'N~i{ 9kdOh` +?~~~'i~~2~
Ti2'L~t !/
Letts:rs to tha Editor (Pis�ng. reda3ctoMZ)
P~RIt1UIC~CE:. Tzvea.ti~ra ~3cadeni~. nau~ S3S~ Q~delani~re khin~
cheskikh n
1959q Nr 69 p 1143.EUS~18~
dBST~CTs Ln th.~s letter to the editox �~he author desoxibe~ a sirxple but
newer theless
ar~czurat$ a,~slativ$ zesthad d.evelaped by him for
measu.~ring the heat capac~fty, It is baaed'upon the c
of th+�) heating of the bodies ,~i,th the kttown ospacity
snd tl~ta o~as ti
e detexmined� ~, ~, ~re ea'ti
~ ~eljt. The heat~,ng
veloo,ty is the cameo ~hsn equilibrium :is attrii.ned`
~ r~;
� ~ ~~~ � ~, and '~~ den{~"~$ t}.lf~ h$At~,ng ~4A$rv
Inatea.d of the heating por-ex also the x~~sistanaes & , pf t
~ ~ ~
heating coils connected either in serie~i or as
P allel under
introd~~etion, of eta additional
hard 1/2 resiatance~
~ fc~r the conpensation
of the heating velocity ma
r b
nserted in the above mentioned
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
Adsorption Heat of a It~amber of Isoalkanas~ 1J'aphthenQS St7~rf62-5g-g.,5 j.~Q
and of Toluene on Grap;liiti :ed Carbon 13laolc
(rig 5). The entropy curves (Fig 6) ~,ndicate that the state of
isoalkan~,:;�s and naphthenes in the dense adsorption layer on gra-
phite is much closer to the liquid state than that of n-alka~
nee. The methyl group in the toluene molecule reduces its r~o--
bility w;:,,th respeot to the ungubstituted benzene and the other
purely e;~clic compounds. i~ith regard to the theoretical calcuw
latian o~' adsorption heat it wag assumeci that, in the case o'
thQ ramii:'ied hydrocarbons, the adsorption heat is an additive.
function of the number of carbon atoms .ln the molecule. The
free adsorption energy and the surfaau t;i' the adsorbent cccu-~.
pied by n~,olecules were determined to the same assumn~s
tion. ThE,re are 6 figures, 3 tablea9 and 1? refarc~nee4, ? 2 0~'
which are Soviet.
ASSflCIATI4N: Institut fi2icheskoy khimii Alcadora~.a, na~ul: iSS; (Ialetitute o*~
physical Chemistry of the Ace,demy of Sci.ence:~9 USSR)
SUI3~SITTED: July 25, 9 ~~?
card 3/'3
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
Adsorption IIeat of a Pru,~ber of Isoalkane,~, Nuphthen~s 9UV1~'~ri~~;?~~.�-~~', f~',
and of ToluQne on Graphitized Carbon Black
ed in table 1 . "Sferon"�-6 was used as adsorbori': ~ it .~re.s .~r~:,k,,~ �-
tined at 17Q0�, 'The differentir>,l adsorption h~~~~,t vas 4~::t~f ~;;, `Y .~~
at 20� in a calorimeter with constant heat exc~hant~;e; t},~.~ ,~,~,,.. y,,~_
of the adsorption was detexmined by means of a cal~ill~~.x�y -~~~~,
liquid mieroburet, Figures 1, 2 ahc~vr t?~e isothFjrmc,l ~.~.r:~s c+'
adsorption of the various substances an~i fi~.lres 3y ~# si:~ ~ t'..;-
dependence of the differential adsorption heat on the aT:oar~T
of heat adsorbed by the individual substances,. The figures s,~~aw
that the normal adsorption heat of isoalkanes end napht~;~;r~e:~$ ~,,s
lower than that of the corresponding n-alkaneA~e The value
the adsorption heat of cyelopentane amounts to only half f
that of n�pentane. CyclopentanE;, therefare9 ~Ihows greater ~.}-
traction towards the adsorption layer, its isothermal line of
adsorption is concave at it$ beginning, It can be seen from t-~e
thermadyn~mic evaluation of the experimental data obtained the,t
the isothermal line of adsorption of cyclopentane cannot be x~~
presented by the Langmuir equation or BET equation but by= an
Card 2/3 equation phich a11owA fax the interaction adeorbnte~adsorbate
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
.. 5' (4)
AUTIIORS: Avgul'# R,. P~,~ Berr~z~.n~~I.~,: i30Vf62-5~~5~~~40
Kieolev, a'o. V.
g na
TxTLI: Adsor,ptior Rent of a I4~mber, Na~~l~thene,~ and of Tal
on Gxaphiti$ed Carbon Slack (Teplota adec3rptsii ryada izoa?kF~-~
nov, nafte~nov i toluola na ~rafitirovannoy sa~hQ)
PERIODICAL: I~vestiya Alcademii naulc SSSR. Otdeleniye khimi~~Ueskikh nauk
X959: Nr ~, pp 787 _ 796 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; In this work the following hydrocarbons were inve9tigated as to
r adsorption beat: three isaallcanes (nPOhE~~cane, isoh~ptar.ep
and isooat~~ne}, two alicyclic hydrocarbons
opentane and
methyleycl~~pentane, and the alkylaromatic ^ampound toluene. m~~,
ad been selected in this way in ardor to ir.y-~sti _.
�ate the a ~fect of the ch
rr:nching9 the ring faru~3t~.oi; a~
these chai,~~s, and the introduct; on of aliphatic s~zbst;
- ,
into the n,tphthene and benzene rind on adsorption. T}~e hydT w
carbons u9r.~d in the investi
ad h?en ayn.thet~.zed ~zt ~:h~
Ine{;ftut o:.~g~anicheakoy khimii AN SSA {?n.3;1t1?tw Of {;;~a ~~{; ^~
mistry of �~;he AS, QSSR) by Ye. A. ~ikhayl;a�da, A.G r, Plate, A. I.
d S
Card 1 j~3 ,
. V, Zotova. The authors a:Kpress ti-ieir gxati.-~~z~~
for their help. The constants oP these sul~
anoea are su~:maa iz .,
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
� ~J..2U_,_7f2~
AUT~IORS: A�rgul', N.,N~ i H~rezin , Cq~:a~ K~aelc~vy A.'{~'~; Kc:~x�r~ir�v, t:uYa:,
TITLE: The Beat c;~f Adsoxption of IlydroCarbons a.r~ Cart:~an Rlacks of
Different Degrees of Graphitization (Tep.lota ad:~~~rbts:~l vi^~-
levodorodc;~v na sazhakh s razlichnoy ste~en'yu grafiti.rova-
PERIODICAL: Kolloidny~~ zhurnal, 1958, vo] Xa, Nx 3, pp 29~i-30Q USSR}
A135TRACT: In the art:iclQ the adsorption isotherms ~~nd the ~;'.i.fferential
heats of ~.dsorption of 3-methylhexan and benzene on the Mac}:
sferan-6, graphitized at 2, 800�C, wore studied ~ I.a Graph ? a
the absolt!.te adsorption isotherms of the tv~o vapors on black
sferan-6 treated to 1,700 and 2, Es00�C aro represez.te~3 n Roth
caincidQ, i ~ e. the temperutuxo has no in;fluer~ce can th~a add
sorption I.~roperties of blackso The heats of adsorption of
hydrocarbons on carbon black graphitizes at 2,800oC are close
to the thf:oretical values for tl~e potential of adsorption
forces calculated previouslya
There are 4 graphs, 3 t~xbles, acid 1 ~ rof~~rort^es: 13 of ~~~hic,h
Card 1J2 are S o~riet, anfl :t lan~al.shr
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
L 1C28l~-67 .
ACC NRti ~'~--AT6O311B5
determines the btate q,~. Asa-quenee which permits transition from o:ne state to tva or
more different states is callk~d contradictory while the canditions determining this se-
~uence are called unreaZirab~e;:r . The procedure required far canvert~,ng unresl,izable
conditions into realizable canditions is discussed and synthea:ts of a control system S.B
alyzed for various types of external signals. Orig. art. haaa: ~ ;figures, 3 formulas
CODE: 13i SUBM DATE: 1;~!Jan66/ ORIG REr: (m2
~: ,
Craru ? 2 '
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
1~' ~, ~ Arc N~~ ,- .~,~ v ~.~_. ~_..~_,.~;.rn(11}/~a~,~~(~) ~ vrl/rv ___-
n~ao~zl~~ ~ ~~ ~ - ~ov~~C~;. Cc~la~; Uti/~~QOO/G~/ac~a/�Uq/o~~1,~0~~~:-~_... ~
. I
,AU'r1i01i: 13erezin, G. A.; Zenck-enko, V. P. F
' i .. .~ .. ..._......_..._.. _. _._ ~ ~~
'OIiG: None
' ~ ~~
TITLE: Synthesis of pneumatic,: systems of sequential automatic machines in the presence
' 'of input signals
~SgU~tCE: Teoriya mashin-avtomf�~tov i nevrno- d
p gi roprivodov (Theory of automatic machinery
n.nd pnetrms.tic and }hydraulic drives) ; sl~ornik statey. Moscow, I: d-vo Maahinontroyeniye,
;1966, 234-241
'rOF'ZC Tncs: automatic pneumai:~ic control, sequence, cycJ.ic coding
13STRACT: The authors consider operation of a self'--contained automatic machine asswn-
ng that operation may be described by cyclic continuous repetition of a given xord in
ome alphabet q. If qi desigr;ates the internal state of the machine in the i-th cycle,
he, operation of the system i~ defined by the relationship
r~ ~ F ~q,._ ~ ~,
~ ,
Mso that given operating conditions may be reulizeu oriay if each state q~_i uniquely
' ~_ Card __1/2 .
j - ~-- ~ --.- ._._ ..
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
Fneumat~,o poeitj,oner. P~ahinoatroi,tal+ X0.8:26 Ag ++61.
{Fa~ne-tio control) ~~ ~i7)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
"'~~~r-~~,-r~ ~~-ah� ~ ii ~. L~~i.ngm~td) ; G(i T . V. , k~:~d, t~~ut. ~a~lt
. {~.Letai~grad); G~LiVIT, 7~~�K,, ~~h� ~~.Le;ni~grad); M.~:~UR~KIY,
$ �M. ~ i~zb. (~ �~~ Leningrad) ; T.'iSi,'YS, G . B . , inch: (g. Leningrad ~
Usef~3, work an the fl~ndamentals off' railroad design ~ "Ftandamenta~l.s
-of designing ra~!;ilroads with eleGtriC and diesel traction" by
~.I. Chernaraa~,:.ik, TU.E. Ryvkin. Reviewed by F.V. Bereain and
othe~r-s). 2hel.l~or.trans~-. 43 no.6:95~96 Je t61. (t~RA 3,1,:7)
(:Raia;,ro~d {C~her~namordik~ G.I, ~ ~ '.
{lLyvki.x:~ ~U.g. )
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
MAL~Pn~V9 A.F.; I(RP,M~;NCHtI'~GSKIY~ L.S.s HER~;ZK09 H.N.; SHEV1;3ClV, L,.N.;
Abstracts of eo3Qpleted research works. Avtom. i prih. no.3o90Q91
J'1,~.5 ~ b2. (MIRA lb a ~ )
1. Institut fi .iki AN UkrSSR (for a].1 except Skr~ipnik9
Greahchenko9 Tu.. Serpilina Gapchenko). 2. Kiyevskiy
politekhnichesk.;.y institut (for Skripnikry Greshch,enka, Tux~r
Serpilin9 Gapch~~mko) o
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
SIN, ~'.N.; ~IGffiVp~f, R.G. COfenhenden, R.N.]; ROZI~GTAI~',l Q.M.;
~- Q, M.Q.
9ma],]--size pn].~a�~height Analyser A:[MA!-3. Ukr.fise.~hur. 7 no.llt
1~.$0�~.194 N ~ 6~?. (MZRA 1 ~ i l2
~.. Institut fi�Gik3. AN UkrSSR, ~i.yev.
(S1,ectranic differeni;ial anelyzer;l
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
~ ~ i :ter ~~r r i~ w r
5/185 62/007/OlI/005/01.~
1'he small amplitude ... D234 D308
8nclc~rotmd subtraction ;.:s possi.b~.c r~ith ~~ factor 1, 2 gild 4. ~`he
t~nalyzer consists of a rieasurit~ unit and a supply una.t, eACh 300 x ~~
4S0 x 500 mtn. There arr; 13 figures.
CArd 2/2
lnstytui;, fizyky r1IJ U~t51t, Kyya,v CTns~Citute of Physics
of the ~~~ U1crSSR, Kiev)
June a, 1462
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
~~ ~~~ D/1$5 ~2/~ao~/0~.~./oo~/o~g
~~UTHGRS : Berezi,r~,
~�~,,,~~y , ~'.~1., Gfenhende;-, l~.H., lZozental' c.~.~i.
Chi lll"'~7`~:~ `~;'~y'~oT'(~"~j= ~ ~�I . r,. 1
'x�'1'�1' '' ~ 7'he sm~~,ll an~litude analyxer AIMA,�3 (417'.~L~-3)
1'~:2x0~7IC~~,L; Ukrayin.s'Icyy fizychnyy :~hurlla]., v. 7, no. Ll, 19G2,
TcJ:T: This analyzer eras designed in order to imps^ove the
reliability and some characteristics of AT~t�1A-2. The ci~~,nncl genera-
tor circuit is complete I.y changed. Snstead of frecl~uency dividers
an artificial delay lin~~ is used, the de1~y being ~0 or 4a ~u.sec.
xn the memory unit, two recording ho ads are used, the distance of ~~
one from the playback h~~,Ad being 1.5 times greater than that of the ~`
other. This increases ~,;he number of cllaxtnels to 120, xn the supply
unit, lcenotrons arc rep.'~aced by silicone diodes, c~l~lich decreases
th.. number of transformers and chorie coils. The nw�lber of vacuum
tubes, has been reduced :!;rom 128 to a4. The dumber of cliannels ~,s
50 Ccozth channel capaci~:y of 65535 pulses), 80 or 1.20 01023 pulses).
Card 1/2 "
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
,. � .art 9 ,
j+ � n l~pS � r~ ~i J r ~ n ti e+
~l it 0 ... ~Cr~ u O ~'i ~~W W y~ i'1 V p 5 > i~~cs Ct~.r .:..`'�~f ~ ~_
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
.CC NRa AP 6
barrier more readily that; GABA. The therapeutic use;a, anc3 primary and
secondary effects of these clar~ses of drugs are diecus~ced� The com-
bined uss of tranquilizers {which act immediately ar-d ant:ipsychotie
drugs {which may have a latent period of days, weeks or months) may
enhance the therapeutic effectiveness of both, though they have been
shown to act relatively independently. (W. A. SO)
OOb/ 0TH. REF; 407
Card 2 / 2
-.'. ~ ...._...__ .._._ i
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
_.~....d._...�........_.~.~ ~,.,..~.~,......_.,..~._.. __ _._..,~...._,Y, ,_..._,~
(~~ACC NR:~~AP6O33917 SOURCE CODES UR/0246/66~-066/O1Oi1Sb1/1SbS
AUTHOR; Ganshchikov, V. M. (Head, Pzafesaoz} ; Hercx9~n, P'. G. ~ '
ORG': Department of Psychiatry (head-Prof. V. M. Eansihchi~;ov} Pixat
-toscow Medical Institute (Kafedza psikhiatrii Pervogo moslcovskogo
meditsinskago inetituta) ~ '
TITLE; The action mechanism of psychotropic substanc:ee (t:he fast and
slow component of tha psychopharmacological effect)
SOURCE; Zhuznal nevropatnlogii i psikhiatrii, v. b6, no. 10, 196b,
TOPIC TAGS: psychiatry, psychotherapy psychophysiology, drug treat-
ment, gamma sc;uino butyric acid resex~nine, levomeproma-
'xine, maxheptil s C~h-~o~ l�~'~.rmAxin/~ y Ti~~A.~/G'cli~.1~~'Yc'~ PS~'"n~c~tG>G'~ r~~PU~-
ABSTRACT: The effects of fast-acting, predominately tranq,uiliaing
neuroleptic drugs, of which levomepromazine is an example, and of
plower-acting, basically antipsychotic drugs, typifia,d by "maxheptil,"
are discussed and compared. The authors studied the relationship be-
tween the tranquilixing and antipsychotic effects of gamma,-aminobutyxic
acid (GAGA)-derivative dzuga, using two compounds (S-~phenyl-y-aminobuty
x'ic acid and sodium hydraxybutyrate) which penetrate the blood brain
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
~~~a~; ~~~AR60~2383
SOURCE CODE: uR/o397fb,;/ooo/o~t~/oo~3/o~z~
UTHOR: Berexin F. B. f ' 0. J�
xTLE: Som�, data on the :ise of indo an~in treatin sl~h ~'~
._,_-_~____ g izaphrenia
OURCE: Ref. zh. Farmako:.ogiya.. Toksikologiya, Abs. 24.~l~.180
EF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. kl:i.nich. nevrol. i psikhiatrii. T. 1~.. Tartu,
965, 5~~55
ODIC TAGS: pharmacology,, nervous system drug, drug effect,
BSTRACT: 32 schizophrenic patients with case histor.les of 2 to 11 yrs
ere treated with indopan (methyl tryptamin� hydroohloride~ in
ndividually selected dosf:s (5 to 80 mg). Treatment .lasted 1 to 3 mos.
ffect was noted from the first month. Better result!; werf~ attained
hen schizophrenia was accompanied by a depressive sti~te with reduced
sychic activity and secox,dary catatonic stupor. The effect of indopan
as increased when Lased ir� combination with trai~quili;cars. K. ll.
Translation of abstrac~,~
~ r;
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
HArSHGH~TRf~V, V~t'4.~ r~~:V~.'ti~rf;V~:~ ~'.t!.~ H~~tx.~7Nr ~.H.
Dyryamica e~r~~ ~ -~tha~en~+~~,s of tea ~~,~;}~c}:c~~a~t,E1;~1c~~.aa1, e~m~to-
matnlo~y of le~iotit~. 7,hur. n~vz~, i p~ikhQ 61,
no.l0 s 1521,-~1, 527' ' b.~. (N:C~t.A 1 x';11
1. Kafed*r~ ~ ~x~r~.~.atr.~~ (aavodu~rurr,^f;a.y ~~ trot'. V�I~~. Bsnahahikcr~r~
I Moen ovskc~;o o rdena Lan~ttta mod f to ~ nak~~~o in~t~. ~c~t:~. imp ~~ h~nova*
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
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,., ,
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6
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