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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 SEDt~V, K. R� ~,nati~3t; CJTKIN, G.T. ,; BERLIN, T.M'_. br~anizat~.on a~ medical hy~ie~ acre a~t the aa~t~uatian site of Kuibyahev. :i~ov. sdrav. 19 na.~s~9-30 'b~. (~~ 14=6} 1. Y~ parta~oy 1~.-al~r~f,tsy "Kuybyehev~idradtx~oyan (naahallnik kandidat medits~~,nskikh Weak K.R.~edan}. (VOLGA HYDI~;OFI~CTRIC POWER STATIONS....HXGIENIC ASPECTS) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 S&AUV, K.~~, ~ }cand,med.n:~~-uk; ll~i'KI~d, G.T, ~ l~and.tasd.t~~ik; ~~~;1:.. Charactsristice of accidents in the construction of tha &~byehev Hvdroslsct~ric Pr,l~rsr Statio~a. Urtop.trHVrn. i protez. 2q na.~:b~~ bl !~ ~~~. (HIS. 12:b) 1. Iz khirur~;ic~~,~ssko~o otdsleniya (Hach. - G.I,Utkin) Portrrvov bol'nitsy "Ki>,ybyshevgidrostrova" (Hach. Icand. rand. na~~k g�~ $. Sedov } . (ACC~.D~'S, Iii,~tTS,TttZAL in construction o~ hycaroslQCtric station (Rus)) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 B~~ZIN, I.F. ~ profw RQ~u1,te of tho l~'~rst Tiu~kmen Traw~r~ tol.ogical Con~'eronce e Zdrav. Taxk. ~ no.b~3.1~~1~ N-~D Bbl o (MIi~A I5:2) l p Ct~].enMkorr�s~ ~ondent ~'~ ~SI~. (~xr~u~~r~.~ou~cx~~caxG~,~s~s ) r~~' APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 Bffi~ZIN,~~..., Prof, I~,aunin~ re~eax~~ch probl+~ma o:f inatitutiana of thi9 Tatax Pab].ia Health ~ilin~atry from ].qS9 to 1965. Zdrav.'Curk. ;3 Jl-iVg ' 5~. 1. Predaedatel~ 1lchenoga eoveta Minzdrava TSSR. (TATAR A.S..S.R.---PUBLIC Ft~AIlt'H) A.S,S.a. (~zRA 1~:2 ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 :d1t~t~Z~i~~ Y.I., iyra~,, za,elu~hennyy deyatel~ nauki 'i'ux'kmf~nskoy SS'~~. i're~ant~.on o~ r~cc~,d�nta and tk~e ar. t~nix~tian of: fist yid ~az� traw~.. ~d.rav~-'rurk. 2 no.3:3~-7 ~v-~e 'S8. (t.47.hA x,2:6) (1~cGZVi{~~s~,._Y~v~t~zo~t) (~z~ST ~z~ zis zz~-s ~~D rt~Ui~Y) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 ZII,T, ~.~'.o prof., s!~a~1u~hQnnyy dey~tel! nauki Turkmenalcoy SSH. Seventeenth Iniuernr~tional Surgical Congress in ~4~xico. Zdx~an. Turk. 2 no.l�46-4g Jar-' 'S8. (MIB,A 12:6 (t+~I'~ICU (CITY)--S`U~fta~ItY~~CUNC~i1S~S) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 BBi~ZIN, I. ~'. 28014. A:EitEZIN, I. F. -.- $ vs7~pro~u o chrezplevral~bykh aperatefyakh po povodu ra'ra pishchevodrl;. Yubilsyrayy sborYa,ik khirurg. Rabot, po~i~ye~ahch. Prof. Shilogt8e,~. Kt~gbyshev, 1949, S. 56-~'?'~. S0: Letopis~ Zhurnal~nykh St~~tey. Vol. 37, 1949. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 L 35$b9-~bb ACC NR: AP6021218 Figures 1. (by ,~ a I,0 ~~ �~~ '. � ~, with an increase in the energy an~cl reaches 4000-4700K when the input energy is equal tv, ~;~ 1.7---3 sublimation energy. With an increase in the warm-up time (to 0.8-1 usec) copper and silver show a faster rise in templ~rature with rising energy, the absolute values of the tem~ t perature, however, are lower then during a faster vwarm-up. Orig. art. has: 4 fi res and ~ , 1 table. ~ C2G ~ 8UB CODE : 19, ,~ � ~. 20/ SUBM DATA!,. 24Feb65/ 4RIt3 REQ. 007/ 4TiH REFa 006/ '- ATD PRESS: ~ ~V ` ' i APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 :C NR, APG021218 t and the silver'wirea increa~ns a:,~y an order of 3 -- ,~.5 n,nc3 that of conetant~u~i 1,y :in Dreier cif 1.6 when the discharge circuit inductance i s char �;lyd from ~l. ;15$ to ~ '~ ,: ~ ~ a� r ;, ti- ~., r ~ ; ~ :_ behavior is attributed to the fact, that the resist:a.i~cf~ of thc~ c:nEai~er at~~, thEY c,,l,,.t ;;~,c~~ ;~i~eus is lower than the internal reaiatanp~e of the asciilatar� whereas the rca-;~tance c,l ti~~ c;onstnr~tan wires is greater. Tliu dependaa'~~ce of the Calor ter~puxatura on ihc~ rrtcr~ry ir7l,ut to i;ivc!tl its Fig, 1. It is shown that during a fait warm-up (0.25 -~ 0.50 usec) the teml~cr~ctuc~c rises r___ a sly Figure 1. The colpr temperature of exploding wires at the peak ignition paint of emission as a ' function of energry input. 1, 2, 3 -- copper, silver, and - , constanta~n wires 0.1, 0.1, and 0.07 mm in diameter, respectively la - Ld (discharge circuit induc- tance) = 0.058 ui~~ 1 = 11 mm; lb Ld = 1.7 ~~h, 1 = 44 mm. } APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 .,,~~ 0 ;0 , xQ i ~0,: L 35~6~-66 . ACC NR~ APa021218 ~ box with an input alit and a sem[transparent mirror was located in front of the monochrome- ' tore. Table 1 shows the energ~~ input time (the d~xratfon cif the warm-up current pulse before Table 1. Energy input time and light pulse duration (discharge voltage = 7kv) Color Temperature Warm-U?> Time l~miseion time, at Specimen usF~~c ~asec E=1.5Esubl' oK Ll* L2* Ll L2 L1 LZ Copper v~ 0.35 1.0 0.5 1.2 4600 3900 Silver y~ 0.25 0.9 0. ~E 1.0 3700 2300 C ~rt~n. ~!~ 0.50 0.8 0. G 1.0 4200 4200 = 0.058 uh, * L L2 = 1. ? uh. l the appearance of the current bareak), and the light pulse duration (the time from the begin- ning of the leading edge of the piulee up to the extrapolated value of the linear segment of the trailing edge to zero level) at a discharge voltage clf 7 kv. Tl-e warm-up tittne of the capper a!4 cd~d APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 ~. 35~ib~bfi ~~~~~td~/~:~~ (~ }f~ ~~`t r,,~,{~~`rT~m?/~~�~~~~t) ~~.~~(~ j s ;~~~~ fi :_. `;'';..~. ACC NRi AP$0212I8 ~~,SOURCE eBODE UR%029~j66j00~i/043ji~19j0423 ,. ,w ~ AUTHOR: Kul'gavchuk, V. M. ; shishkin, Yu. II. ; Berexin, ,I, A. (~Ie~.w~) _~~~ ,..~...�........... _.a,~,,.,~_..A .., _ .,,,....p.4., ORG; none ~'~~., ~ TITLE: Measurement o~ the te~~ e~,~t~in the first stage of thc~ electrical expl6eion o SOURCE: Teplofixika vyaokiklt tpmpexatur, v. 4, na. ;l, 1flG8, ~l19.,423 ~ TOPiC TAGS: silver, copper, constantan, exploding wire, electric inductance, temperature measurement ABSTRACT: The purpose of `.h.e present article is to d~~terznine the temperature in the first state of an electrical explosion as a function of the enea~gy input into copper, silver, and constantan wires at different warm-up times. The experimental setup consisted of a current pulse condenser oscillator (cor,:denser capacity, 1 u f; discharge circuit inductance without the inductance wire, 0.058 uh; and with an additional coil, 1.7 uh}, tw~UM..,~2 monochromators ~f~ with FEU-27 phatomultiplie s ~,~t their outputs, cathode fullawers,j"a:mplifiers (with O.l.-usec rise time}, and two OK-21:~ecillagraphs,~0ane of which recorded the discharge circuit current and the wire voltage, and the o'~her, the intensity of the continuous spectrum in selected sectors. The oscillator lagged 0. Z asst behind t'he start of the oscillograph sweep. A panel Card l j4 UDC: 533.9.082. a APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 .f' 'A. study o#` the excitat.[on of iodin ~.. s/o; l/~~/01r~/ool/004/0 l As the current w ~U39/E12o line,~� as incr~ease'd~ so did t the S33$~le ma,~orx.ty ir.cre~r~ed xinearlhe a.ntansit y and Y of al,i the on the 5407' 3t; ~ lines the intenyzt tl~e current, but for square' of the curr~rr't. Y depended a sodium, which has t~ith increasin pProximate:lY the iodine a 1QW exc7itatian 3 concentration of Pines decrea~se'tl 'unit'orinlpotential, the intensit of the spectral lines ~ ~ Y� In atld'ition Y of hollow cathode, �1~ iodine, chlorine ' the inten,s.a~ies elements in are comp~~ri~d' with line - and :3ulphur ~n a a glow disclaar a -~. intensities j'ar the same, basis of collision- ~ The result$ are There .. are 2 t~, processes. exp).aineci on the _ _. gures and 3 tables. -~" SUB~iIT2ED:~ vovem~er 2?~ 19G1 Card 2/2 ''~~.I.~..rt.. .. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 :~.~ -~~ s/o51/6~/0l4/00l/0o~/o~I Eo39/Ei2o AUTHORS: .,~erezin, ~.A., and Yanovskaya, G.N. r~�~~n1 A study of tha excitation of iodine in a hollow cathode 1 11 A~~i � r ~ L'RXUllrCA~.: pptika i ~;pektroakopiYa~ v� i~+ nO� l+ 19c~~, 23..2 p ectral lines `r`~:X'I': The depenc,lenee of the intensity of ttae the discharge, of iodine on the compc;lsition of the gas sustaining the current intensity and the presence of an the gas pressure, is investigated. The impurity with a lower excitation potential, ens itivity for determining iodine in an ium ithisetwo, orders one s while xn he1 order higher than for argon, as ressure, 25U mA)� Standards and U.1g~ iodine with higher than for neon (10 mm Hg 3 p r- containing 1U9~ iodine were used with A and Ne- At He� The subsequent m~easurementsew~~anc2~rmmdthetcondition of the ' pressures less than ~ mm and mor ressure discharge in the hollow cathode deteetermined.;overetheerange dependence of the iodine lines was d mm. ps the pressure was increased the intensity of only 7, g to 17 ' rit of the linear either decreased ora~ema~n~e~~c~ndt5~o7.36 ~-� ma~o Y in partzcul 5~S a few increased in iz~tensit~r, Card 1/2 '' APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 Determination of Phosphe~rus in Beryllium 5~O75/60~O1J/00~/Qt9/O3Q~xX Oxide by the Spectrogxaa;lhic Method BO~O~Bp64 source (Fig, 1)v The cyaindxical e~.ectxode wss forced iota a a,~~lt.t~ciric~zl motion with an (;A,~.2(SD�~} electror~otor, The spectrs, were r~~cc?rded with an I~('.(~.~.22(ISP-22) spect:xograph~ The Eight source was a broken a,c arv of a a(`-1 (DG-1) generator with a choppe~~� The amperage was 14 a~ the burning time and the xni:erval of the arc were 0,.5 sec eachU Standards with a hosphorus ccnter,~t from 0001 to 0,1~ Ca3(PO ~2 with pure beryllium oxide Pure bexPll.iue obtained by grinding 4 ~' m ox~,de w,~q ubta~.nPd by annealing BeC03,Be(OH}~ at 700 ~ 600o fox one hour ~~ .S:i~O ws,s added as a standard sample in each case The intensity of the l~.nes / Px 2136a 2 - BiI 213,3 ~ 6 w~,s measured., The calib.; at iora cux~ re was recorded. in the coordinates (log ~; ~, S), where C is thE~~ ph~~spharus co~~cei~trati n in the standard samplesy am""~ ~ S is the vaxyitag degree of biackening (Fi~~2}o The accuracy of phosphorus determination in beryllium oxide by the method described is (:)0001! the reproducibility of the r�esult4 of analysis in the concentr,ry~tion .range between 0005 and 0 ~ f ;" + ~ .~, ~~i while at concentrations ,.~.ower than 0~O05f reproducibil~.ty decreases to ~+ 10 -~ 15~o There are 2 figures and 3 references; 2 Soviet and US SUBMITTED: July 30G ) g!.;9 Card 2~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 5/0?5/60/015/004/029~030/xX Eo2o/E064 AUTHORS: Eerezin, I, As and Aleksandrovich, K, V TITLE: Determinat;,i,on of Phosphorus in beryllium Oxide by the Spectrogxa~iahic Method PERIODICAL: Zhurnal anriliticheskoy khimii~ ?960 Vol, 1~, N'o.: 4, PP4 ~a9 - 'aTO TEXT: The methods of iipectrographic control of the purity of beryllium and beryllium oxide are described in Refs;, 1 ~- 3p howevex, phosphorus has not been determine d Only On003g~ P can be determined when the sample is fi1lEr~d into carbon electrodes ThF authors developed a method whick~, makes it possible to determine up to 0 001 P _a in beryllium oxide withc:.~ut previous concentration The powdery samples were diluted with coal i,ust at a ratio of 3:~~; put .in a colloidal solution i.n ethyl alcohr,~1, and applied to the lateral surfaces of graphite cylinders 40 mn;~~, in diameter and 80 mm long Then they were dried for 15 ~ 20 minutf s at 100 ~- 150�C and introduced into the light Card ~1~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 s/o ~~./~o/ood/~~3~'Q~ ~/a3~ E201/E1,91 AUT~tORS: Berazin I ~-`�~, and ~-~epanova. A, I 0 TITLES On the Prob7,, m f Sensitization of Photo ra hic Pl the Ultravic~~let Reg~.on of the Spectrum g p etas in PER]~ODICAL: Optika ~. ~,pektroskopiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr ~, pp 408-41G (USSR) ABS'~RACT: To increase the sensitivity of photographic z~lates in the far ultravic~le t they are frequently coated wi~~" luminescent substances. The authors studied such sensitization of photographic p~.ates of 1y Ii' and ITT speetroscopi~ types, micro and iso-~ortha p~,ates ~ i,,F~ Transformer ~~il, vaseline oil and sodiut~ salicylate were- used as sens.itizars, The results obtained (Figs 1..~) lead the authors ~~o recommend a ~0~ solution of sodium sa,licylate i;i1 a. ~0/50~ mixture Q f water and ethyl alcaha~. for sensitiz~~,:tion of type III spectroscopic plates in the region 2000~,~?30Q ~,. The plates era immersed in the solution for ~ sec and are dried in an a,ir st:ream for (~+~rd s�veral minu~~,-es. The layer of sodium salicylate should 1ii2 not be washe~t off before developing, Such sensitized plates do noi; deteriorate when stored fo:r considerable APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 A~TNORS:13erezin, I, A., Vorord;av, to�~, I, TITLE: A Capillary Tai (~pillyar.t~Yy bran) PERZODZCALa I'ribory ~, elcspc~r~.r~tl~.nt,,, 1959, Nr 1 152 (US,k ADSriRACT: The device is illustrated diaUramn~4atically ~.n the t'2~ure (see lower half of p 152), It is in t1~~: for~~~ cif a two~~-~~ valve with two apertures in its plug Tl~.e a;~,~ ~` in the ~, ~. 3~ture 2 is u;~ed preli~uin:.ry evacuation of tl~e tube leadin,; to the ~;as container, The ~,as is 1e~; in t-hrvurJ~ whose diameter ~,~n be arbitrarz.~, r�l~ the capillary tube 1- ., accurate reUulation of the y ~jfiall. T~ $ pex~zsits a very i.nta the vacuum systera. The~essure of thecy~as is ad~ni~tted paper contain~~ 1 figure o ASSOCIATION: Fizicheski:i~y institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute of 4he Academy of Sc iea.~ce s US Ski ) SUBT~~ITTED : January 20, ;:.~ ~ , Card 1/1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 sov/~,~ a-59-1--~.?~ 5Q AUTHORS:Berezin, I, A,' Voron~cov, lei, z, TI`:~L~;: A Device far ~~)ad~.:il~; tl~~; Sat~c~leu into a Vacuuac ~j dlya za~,ruzki r~~braztsov v ~vakuuutn~;yu ustarzovl~~i)~f stem (T3.ull~c;.z� PERIODICAL: Pribory i 7.,ekhni~;a eksy~erimenta, 1959, idr 1, ;~ 1 ~ ABSTRACT: The device c.escribed is shown dia~rai-m-~e.tic ' ~; 5 (USSR} shedSeluupper .half of l ~ a1.1~ ~.n the fi.W p 5) . Tire; tube 3 cclnt Surface of RoclQs thermobatt~:'~'yr the mica oyl.a.nder is placed on tyro metallic half- cylinderst the canstantan ware is wound u;p, and the capper is applied e1.i:lctxalytically (Fig 2), The des~~ribed batter~t can also be u.sE~d ~n industry to determine the temperature of dryin cylinders. A thermal battery consisting o:P 200 elements of g copper-con,,tantan (lengtr, of the spiral 1t?0 mm, diameter tarn 0, a mp) has, _, at a t emperature dro of o 30 mm, of about 0.~. vat a cuxrent intensity of E~boutQ 1-ma.tThere are 2 figures and 1 reference. f~.zi~.h ASSOCxATION; Institut eskay ~himii Akademii nauk S~SR 'Tnstit Ch~mistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) ute of Card 2~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 r ry 'f '7 AUTHOR: Berezinq G.. I. y TITLE; Simple and Highly Sensiti�re Batt~:ry of Thermoelements far ies {Frastaya d f B f . a ace ~~ I~ieasuring '`.he Temperature of the Sur i vysokochiivstvitel~naya batareya termopa:r dlya s.zmereniya temperatur;,r poverkhnosti tel) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya9 1959, Vol 25, Nr 49 pp 484-485 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To control the temperature of the envelope of adiabatic calori- th; temperature difference bettiveen the calorimeter sur- meters ~ face and tae envelope must be measured. This can be done by means of a differential battery of thermoelemexits. The manu- ibed (Ref 1) d b " , escr een such a battery hoe already f acture of and is described in the present ease in a slightly modified form. The thermal. battery consists of 1000 copper-constantan elements and has a~sengiti~ity of about 4.14`2 v~d,egree v~*hich hermits the galvanometer M 211 to be used and. makes possible the measurement of a temperature difference of + 2.10"6 degrees. The thermal battery far measuring the surf ace temperature :represents in prinaip~e ~F'ig 1), a sp~.ra~. of constantar~ 7rire (Ik0.1 mm) wour:d Card 1~2 upon a thin walled. cylinder of mica or n~.trofilm. To make this APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 Letters to th� F~.itor -~�~,... C -R equati~~m ~' ~ ~ (~~ 1~ ~ ~ . 8 ahec~ki~n ~s~, method it Res R,~ RZ ~ (~ y ~' shown that the aocuraoy of file (the ratio CI'R) does not defend on the thermal condu~ctivitT Cif the system, the current intensity, anal the amount off' the curx~ex~~t d�v~,ated by the resit anae Eta. The measuring error off` the hest capaoity aooord~:ng to th3 s method dial not exceed 4�(ll~. Ths~re a~ 2 referenc�s, I of *hi,ah is Soviet. ASSC?CI1TI(~is Insti~#~ut ti~ioheskoy khimi.i AYademi3~ naiilc SS'SR (Institute oP physical ~hhemistry of the academy of Scj~enees,, USSR) SU~IT~IIs gpril 6, 1959 Card 2/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~( ~ ' y ~Y ' ~Y#~ F~Si~~ ~ .'~'�44.'N~i{ 9kdOh` +?~~~'i~~2~ ' ~~~~~ ~~ Ti2'L~t !/ : r'aY.S3 / Letts:rs to tha Editor (Pis�ng. reda3ctoMZ) P~RIt1UIC~CE:. Tzvea.ti~ra ~3cadeni~. nau~ S3S~ Q~delani~re khin~ cheskikh n ~ . 1959q Nr 69 p 1143.EUS~18~ ~ dBST~CTs Ln th.~s letter to the editox �~he author desoxibe~ a sirxple but newer theless ar~czurat$ a,~slativ$ zesthad d.evelaped by him for measu.~ring the heat capac~fty, It is baaed'upon the c ontpen~atian of th+�) heating of the bodies ,~i,th the kttown ospacity snd tl~ta o~as ti b ro e detexmined� ~, ~, ~re ea'ti ~ ~eljt. The heat~,ng veloo,ty is the cameo ~hsn equilibrium :is attrii.ned` ~ r~; � ~ ~~~ � ~, and '~~ den{~"~$ t}.lf~ h$At~,ng ~4A$rv Inatea.d of the heating por-ex also the x~~sistanaes & , pf t ~ ~ ~ heating coils connected either in serie~i or as P allel under introd~~etion, of eta additional hard 1/2 resiatance~ ~ fc~r the conpensation of the heating velocity ma r b i 3 e nserted in the above mentioned APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 Adsorption Heat of a It~amber of Isoalkanas~ 1J'aphthenQS St7~rf62-5g-g.,5 j.~Q and of Toluene on Grap;liiti :ed Carbon 13laolc (rig 5). The entropy curves (Fig 6) ~,ndicate that the state of isoalkan~,:;�s and naphthenes in the dense adsorption layer on gra- phite is much closer to the liquid state than that of n-alka~ nee. The methyl group in the toluene molecule reduces its r~o-- bility w;:,,th respeot to the ungubstituted benzene and the other purely e;~clic compounds. i~ith regard to the theoretical calcuw latian o~' adsorption heat it wag assumeci that, in the case o' thQ ramii:'ied hydrocarbons, the adsorption heat is an additive. function of the number of carbon atoms .ln the molecule. The free adsorption energy and the surfaau t;i' the adsorbent cccu-~. pied by n~,olecules were determined to the same assumn~s tion. ThE,re are 6 figures, 3 tablea9 and 1? refarc~nee4, ? 2 0~' which are Soviet. ASSflCIATI4N: Institut fi2icheskoy khimii Alcadora~.a, na~ul: iSS; (Ialetitute o*~ physical Chemistry of the Ace,demy of Sci.ence:~9 USSR) SUI3~SITTED: July 25, 9 ~~? card 3/'3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 Adsorption IIeat of a Pru,~ber of Isoalkane,~, Nuphthen~s 9UV1~'~ri~~;?~~.�-~~', f~', and of ToluQne on Graphitized Carbon Black ed in table 1 . "Sferon"�-6 was used as adsorbori': ~ it .~re.s .~r~:,k,,~ �- tined at 17Q0�, 'The differentir>,l adsorption h~~~~,t vas 4~::t~f ~;;, `Y .~~ at 20� in a calorimeter with constant heat exc~hant~;e; t},~.~ ,~,~,,.. y,,~_ of the adsorption was detexmined by means of a cal~ill~~.x�y -~~~~, liquid mieroburet, Figures 1, 2 ahc~vr t?~e isothFjrmc,l ~.~.r:~s c+' adsorption of the various substances an~i fi~.lres 3y ~# si:~ ~ t'..;- dependence of the differential adsorption heat on the aT:oar~T of heat adsorbed by the individual substances,. The figures s,~~aw that the normal adsorption heat of isoalkanes end napht~;~;r~e:~$ ~,,s lower than that of the corresponding n-alkaneA~e The value the adsorption heat of cyelopentane amounts to only half f that of n�pentane. CyclopentanE;, therefare9 ~Ihows greater ~.}- traction towards the adsorption layer, its isothermal line of adsorption is concave at it$ beginning, It can be seen from t-~e thermadyn~mic evaluation of the experimental data obtained the,t the isothermal line of adsorption of cyclopentane cannot be x~~ presented by the Langmuir equation or BET equation but by= an Card 2/3 equation phich a11owA fax the interaction adeorbnte~adsorbate APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 .. 5' (4) AUTIIORS: Avgul'# R,. P~,~ Berr~z~.n~~I.~,: i30Vf62-5~~5~~~40 Kieolev, a'o. V. g na I A , , . e TxTLI: Adsor,ptior Rent of a I4~mber, Na~~l~thene,~ and of Tal - u~ar ~e on Gxaphiti$ed Carbon Slack (Teplota adec3rptsii ryada izoa?kF~-~ nov, nafte~nov i toluola na ~rafitirovannoy sa~hQ) PERIODICAL: I~vestiya Alcademii naulc SSSR. Otdeleniye khimi~~Ueskikh nauk ~ X959: Nr ~, pp 787 _ 796 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In this work the following hydrocarbons were inve9tigated as to th i e r adsorption beat: three isaallcanes (nPOhE~~cane, isoh~ptar.ep and isooat~~ne}, two alicyclic hydrocarbons e ~ l ; ~; y opentane and methyleycl~~pentane, and the alkylaromatic ^ampound toluene. m~~, h drocarb h y o.~as ad been selected in this way in ardor to ir.y-~sti _. �ate the a ~fect of the ch i b a n rr:nching9 the ring faru~3t~.oi; a~ these chai,~~s, and the introduct; on of aliphatic s~zbst; tu~ .r - , n s into the n,tphthene and benzene rind on adsorption. T}~e hydT w carbons u9r.~d in the investi ation h g s ad h?en ayn.thet~.zed ~zt ~:h~ Ine{;ftut o:.~g~anicheakoy khimii AN SSA {?n.3;1t1?tw Of {;;~a ~~{; ^~ ,.. mistry of �~;he AS, QSSR) by Ye. A. ~ikhayl;a�da, A.G r, Plate, A. I. Liberman ~ d S Card 1 j~3 , ~n . V, Zotova. The authors a:Kpress ti-ieir gxati.-~~z~~ for their help. The constants oP these sul~ t e anoea are su~:maa iz ., APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 � ~J..2U_,_7f2~ AUT~IORS: A�rgul', N.,N~ i H~rezin , Cq~:a~ K~aelc~vy A.'{~'~; Kc:~x�r~ir�v, t:uYa:, �~ TITLE: The Beat c;~f Adsoxption of IlydroCarbons a.r~ Cart:~an Rlacks of Different Degrees of Graphitization (Tep.lota ad:~~~rbts:~l vi^~- levodorodc;~v na sazhakh s razlichnoy ste~en'yu grafiti.rova- niya} PERIODICAL: Kolloidny~~ zhurnal, 1958, vo] Xa, Nx 3, pp 29~i-30Q USSR} A135TRACT: In the art:iclQ the adsorption isotherms ~~nd the ~;'.i.fferential heats of ~.dsorption of 3-methylhexan and benzene on the Mac}: sferan-6, graphitized at 2, 800�C, wore studied ~ I.a Graph ? a the absolt!.te adsorption isotherms of the tv~o vapors on black sferan-6 treated to 1,700 and 2, Es00�C aro represez.te~3 n Roth caincidQ, i ~ e. the temperutuxo has no in;fluer~ce can th~a add sorption I.~roperties of blackso The heats of adsorption of hydrocarbons on carbon black graphitizes at 2,800oC are close to the thf:oretical values for tl~e potential of adsorption forces calculated previouslya There are 4 graphs, 3 t~xbles, acid 1 ~ rof~~rort^es: 13 of ~~~hic,h Card 1J2 are S o~riet, anfl :t lan~al.shr APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 1 ~~ L 1C28l~-67 . ACC NRti ~'~--AT6O311B5 .~ ~~ determines the btate q,~. Asa-quenee which permits transition from o:ne state to tva or more different states is callk~d contradictory while the canditions determining this se- ~uence are called unreaZirab~e;:r . The procedure required far canvert~,ng unresl,izable conditions into realizable canditions is discussed and synthea:ts of a control system S.B alyzed for various types of external signals. Orig. art. haaa: ~ ;figures, 3 formulas CODE: 13i SUBM DATE: 1;~!Jan66/ ORIG REr: (m2 ~: , Craru ? 2 ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 1~' ~, ~ Arc N~~ ,- .~,~ v ~.~_. ~_..~_,.~;.rn(11}/~a~,~~(~) ~ vrl/rv ___- n~ao~zl~~ ~ ~~ ~ - ~ov~~C~;. Cc~la~; Uti/~~QOO/G~/ac~a/�Uq/o~~1,~0~~~:-~_... ~ . I ,AU'r1i01i: 13erezin, G. A.; Zenck-enko, V. P. F ' i .. .~ .. ..._......_..._.. _. _._ ~ ~~ 'OIiG: None ' ~ ~~ TITLE: Synthesis of pneumatic,: systems of sequential automatic machines in the presence ' 'of input signals ~SgU~tCE: Teoriya mashin-avtomf�~tov i nevrno- d p gi roprivodov (Theory of automatic machinery n.nd pnetrms.tic and }hydraulic drives) ; sl~ornik statey. Moscow, I: d-vo Maahinontroyeniye, ;1966, 234-241 'rOF'ZC Tncs: automatic pneumai:~ic control, sequence, cycJ.ic coding 13STRACT: The authors consider operation of a self'--contained automatic machine asswn- ng that operation may be described by cyclic continuous repetition of a given xord in ome alphabet q. If qi desigr;ates the internal state of the machine in the i-th cycle, he, operation of the system i~ defined by the relationship r~ ~ F ~q,._ ~ ~, ~ , Mso that given operating conditions may be reulizeu oriay if each state q~_i uniquely I ' ~_ Card __1/2 . j - ~-- ~ --.- ._._ .. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 BEE~ZINf G.A.; ZENG'Kt~i V.F. Fneumat~,o poeitj,oner. P~ahinoatroi,tal+ X0.8:26 Ag ++61. {Fa~ne-tio control) ~~ ~i7) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 "'~~~r-~~,-r~ ~~-ah� ~ ii ~. L~~i.ngm~td) ; G(i T . V. , k~:~d, t~~ut. ~a~lt . {~.Letai~grad); G~LiVIT, 7~~�K,, ~~h� ~~.Le;ni~grad); M.~:~UR~KIY, $ �M. ~ i~zb. (~ �~~ Leningrad) ; T.'iSi,'YS, G . B . , inch: (g. Leningrad ~ Usef~3, work an the fl~ndamentals off' railroad design ~ "Ftandamenta~l.s -of designing ra~!;ilroads with eleGtriC and diesel traction" by ~.I. Chernaraa~,:.ik, TU.E. Ryvkin. Reviewed by F.V. Bereain and othe~r-s). 2hel.l~or.trans~-. 43 no.6:95~96 Je t61. (t~RA 3,1,:7) (:Raia;,ro~d {C~her~namordik~ G.I, ~ ~ '. {lLyvki.x:~ ~U.g. ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 MAL~Pn~V9 A.F.; I(RP,M~;NCHtI'~GSKIY~ L.S.s HER~;ZK09 H.N.; SHEV1;3ClV, L,.N.; BC)GDFI/ICH9 A.G. y KIRILLOVq G.M.; CHASH~:CHtJIKC~41Aq I.T.; YARMOLLNKUp N.A.~ OFENGENDENp RAG.; SEkMANQ V.Z.;; DALYUK9 Yu,A.~ BER.EZIN~ F.N.; KONENKO9 L.D.; SHAI~YKU, M.A.; SHEVCHENKQe Yu.~>,, STULYARCIUs V.A.~ KI~tILLUV9 G.T~~.; HC)GI3EVIC~:y S.F.~ LYSENKOg V.T.; :i~RASHKIN~ N.A. ~ SKRXf'NIKp Yu.A.; GRFSHCHENKUp Ye.V.; TUZ9 R.M.p SERP.[LIN~ K.L.; GAPCHENKUa L.M. Abstracts of eo3Qpleted research works. Avtom. i prih. no.3o90Q91 J'1,~.5 ~ b2. (MIRA lb a ~ ) 1. Institut fi .iki AN UkrSSR (for a].1 except Skr~ipnik9 Greahchenko9 Tu.. Serpilina Gapchenko). 2. Kiyevskiy politekhnichesk.;.y institut (for Skripnikry Greshch,enka, Tux~r Serpilin9 Gapch~~mko) o (Research) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 SIN, ~'.N.; ~IGffiVp~f, R.G. COfenhenden, R.N.]; ROZI~GTAI~',l Q.M.; ~- Q, M.Q. 9ma],]--size pn].~a�~height Analyser A:[MA!-3. Ukr.fise.~hur. 7 no.llt 1~.$0�~.194 N ~ 6~?. (MZRA 1 ~ i l2 ~.. Institut fi�Gik3. AN UkrSSR, ~i.yev. (S1,ectranic differeni;ial anelyzer;l APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 ~ ~ i :ter ~~r r i~ w r 5/185 62/007/OlI/005/01.~ 1'he small amplitude ... D234 D308 8nclc~rotmd subtraction ;.:s possi.b~.c r~ith ~~ factor 1, 2 gild 4. ~`he `;r~ t~nalyzer consists of a rieasurit~ unit and a supply una.t, eACh 300 x ~~ 4S0 x 500 mtn. There arr; 13 figures. Assocx~T~arr: SUi3~~Ix~."1'Lll: CArd 2/2 lnstytui;, fizyky r1IJ U~t51t, Kyya,v CTns~Citute of Physics of the ~~~ U1crSSR, Kiev) June a, 1462 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 ~~ ~~~ D/1$5 ~2/~ao~/0~.~./oo~/o~g 34~30a ~~UTHGRS : Berezi,r~, ~�~,,,~~y , ~'.~1., Gfenhende;-, l~.H., lZozental' c.~.~i. Chi lll"'~7`~:~ `~;'~y'~oT'(~"~j= ~ ~�I . r,. 1 'x�'1'�1' '' ~ 7'he sm~~,ll an~litude analyxer AIMA,�3 (417'.~L~-3) 1'~:2x0~7IC~~,L; Ukrayin.s'Icyy fizychnyy :~hurlla]., v. 7, no. Ll, 19G2, 1180-1190 TcJ:T: This analyzer eras designed in order to imps^ove the reliability and some characteristics of AT~t�1A-2. The ci~~,nncl genera- tor circuit is complete I.y changed. Snstead of frecl~uency dividers an artificial delay lin~~ is used, the de1~y being ~0 or 4a ~u.sec. xn the memory unit, two recording ho ads are used, the distance of ~~ one from the playback h~~,Ad being 1.5 times greater than that of the ~` other. This increases ~,;he number of cllaxtnels to 120, xn the supply unit, lcenotrons arc rep.'~aced by silicone diodes, c~l~lich decreases th.. number of transformers and chorie coils. The nw�lber of vacuum tubes, has been reduced :!;rom 128 to a4. The dumber of cliannels ~,s 50 Ccozth channel capaci~:y of 65535 pulses), 80 or 1.20 01023 pulses). Card 1/2 " APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 ,. � .art 9 , j+ � n l~pS � r~ ~i J r ~ n ti e+ ~l it 0 ... ~Cr~ u O ~'i ~~W W y~ i'1 V p 5 > i~~cs Ct~.r .:..`'�~f ~ ~_ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 .CC NRa AP 6 barrier more readily that; GABA. The therapeutic use;a, anc3 primary and secondary effects of these clar~ses of drugs are diecus~ced� The com- bined uss of tranquilizers {which act immediately ar-d ant:ipsychotie drugs {which may have a latent period of days, weeks or months) may enhance the therapeutic effectiveness of both, though they have been shown to act relatively independently. (W. A. SO) SUB CODES ObJ SUBM DATES 06Janbb/ ORxG REF: OOb/ 0TH. REF; 407 Card 2 / 2 -.'. ~ ...._...__ .._._ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 _.~....d._...�........_.~.~ ~,.,..~.~,......_.,..~._.. __ _._..,~...._,Y, ,_..._,~ (~~ACC NR:~~AP6O33917 SOURCE CODES UR/0246/66~-066/O1Oi1Sb1/1SbS ,~ AUTHOR; Ganshchikov, V. M. (Head, Pzafesaoz} ; Hercx9~n, P'. G. ~ ' ORG': Department of Psychiatry (head-Prof. V. M. Eansihchi~;ov} Pixat -toscow Medical Institute (Kafedza psikhiatrii Pervogo moslcovskogo meditsinskago inetituta) ~ ' TITLE; The action mechanism of psychotropic substanc:ee (t:he fast and slow component of tha psychopharmacological effect) SOURCE; Zhuznal nevropatnlogii i psikhiatrii, v. b6, no. 10, 196b, 1561-1565' TOPIC TAGS: psychiatry, psychotherapy psychophysiology, drug treat- ment, gamma sc;uino butyric acid resex~nine, levomeproma- 'xine, maxheptil s C~h-~o~ l�~'~.rmAxin/~ y Ti~~A.~/G'cli~.1~~'Yc'~ PS~'"n~c~tG>G'~ r~~PU~- ABSTRACT: The effects of fast-acting, predominately tranq,uiliaing neuroleptic drugs, of which levomepromazine is an example, and of plower-acting, basically antipsychotic drugs, typifia,d by "maxheptil," are discussed and compared. The authors studied the relationship be- tween the tranquilixing and antipsychotic effects of gamma,-aminobutyxic acid (GAGA)-derivative dzuga, using two compounds (S-~phenyl-y-aminobuty x'ic acid and sodium hydraxybutyrate) which penetrate the blood brain APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 �-, .-~-~--- ~~~a~; ~~~AR60~2383 ~~~ SOURCE CODE: uR/o397fb,;/ooo/o~t~/oo~3/o~z~ UTHOR: Berexin F. B. f ' 0. J� xTLE: Som�, data on the :ise of indo an~in treatin sl~h ~'~ ._,_-_~____ g izaphrenia OURCE: Ref. zh. Farmako:.ogiya.. Toksikologiya, Abs. 24.~l~.180 EF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. kl:i.nich. nevrol. i psikhiatrii. T. 1~.. Tartu, 965, 5~~55 ODIC TAGS: pharmacology,, nervous system drug, drug effect, sychopathology BSTRACT: 32 schizophrenic patients with case histor.les of 2 to 11 yrs ere treated with indopan (methyl tryptamin� hydroohloride~ in ndividually selected dosf:s (5 to 80 mg). Treatment .lasted 1 to 3 mos. ffect was noted from the first month. Better result!; werf~ attained hen schizophrenia was accompanied by a depressive sti~te with reduced sychic activity and secox,dary catatonic stupor. The effect of indopan as increased when Lased ir� combination with trai~quili;cars. K. ll. Translation of abstrac~,~ UB CODE: 06 i' ~ r; UDC: ...~ R!~ 615.7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 HArSHGH~TRf~V, V~t'4.~ r~~:V~.'ti~rf;V~:~ ~'.t!.~ H~~tx.~7Nr ~.H. Dyryamica e~r~~ ~ -~tha~en~+~~,s of tea ~~,~;}~c}:c~~a~t,E1;~1c~~.aa1, e~m~to- matnlo~y of le~iotit~. 7,hur. n~vz~, i p~ikhQ 61, no.l0 s 1521,-~1, 527' ' b.~. (N:C~t.A 1 x';11 1. Kafed*r~ ~ ~x~r~.~.atr.~~ (aavodu~rurr,^f;a.y ~~ trot'. V�I~~. Bsnahahikcr~r~ I Moen ovskc~;o o rdena Lan~ttta mod f to ~ nak~~~o in~t~. ~c~t:~. imp ~~ h~nova* APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 .y e. ", _~, i r.1' f'v a 4 1' " k'~ n _ ~_ ~. `'r ~~,~.. _ ,�~ ~' '.f'~- .~ s` ~.'L 7 - e ~., . - _ _ ,i ~~ - - - 'i=' . I~~>~ a. i' ~r ,.~:. - r - 1 x:.s: W - -~~�Fl''y yf~. (f~' E~wM, }~s~ _ t.. - ~ ~ y -r~'+~ ,~{ - - _. .y `,i - 1M'. ~~~.`/4W Zglz gyp/: ~ - - - ~ , - a _ ~zt _ ``J �',.~va;Y'~.: .. ,v ..-. .t--~L.:., ,.p;....zr:;':Yji-)r rea4�..w.',w~ .i.:y,. ~� _ - ti,'~, ~iui -w~q'~v.u.:.+:V^wA'!!rfiw4~i!.F^i'~~+1*iNn+w~w4wu~..uw.~.~wr�.r..- ~t ..u ..+.,.~a..~ i , ~,t, t _3@t~~ltyt`1 ~~#:, ~I't~ ~'~t~1gi C~~~ .~t~ 12~. ~ ^'`~ ~.~., _ ~~' - Ckapt'er ~I~I;., ~ Qtirat~~a:~~`'~ p~~'x~,~oi~~ ~.~ ~~~ . Ik:...F.~; _ : S~ ~ ~ ~.oi-: d' =;~: 148. , . ~Qu~-+~a~Lf`carpp~ir-~~oX~ ,iced~~dd ~o ~naxmal `~'or~ --~ ~~ Sec;t�~~a ..x.,: -:`+~u~-drsti~~",;faE~i~~.~~~~~~ Prot ~~x~.+~u~c~ad: ~~ ~iox~ai- ~'+~r~ar ~~- ~.b3 S~rG~tl~t~ :,8,.: ~~~~" :~~i~oai~i~a~ 4!o~a: ~- .~~~ ~~u~dr~tit~ ~~~~~d~r~~ ~~ x,81 ~., �; Ch$pC~ir xv~ ,_r~e~;,T ~1~~~i;~` ~~~ta~d:e1,. ~af c~~sa~t~urit. ~i~l~t _~t~+e~o~~ .,~ ~19~ ,ALL ~ ~''... ~`~ _ - ;_ ,,~`~~~ ~~~~t,~ta~ ~9- "~h~~~.~`~i~~rt-~:~~i` ~ ~~~'~c~~.i~rmo~-~,:~ao,,dal ~~.;~~=~1~3 _~~~ ~u p eke ~ - ,~.~,; _h~~~o`=~: ~=~~ 1Z: f~ - t.� , p ~ n t ~ ~~e Wa:,~~..~~ it" tq ~ v~ ,,~s.~~' ,;L." - ,a C .r. s..: :~.L,A.G1 }'I~ .i~ .}~ .~ f' ` ~ ;f~~~' t'"r- ~}{;r-� 'r `~ - -'S :'k' ;~:5z ~a~'. guantui~`,~n~chan~~e w~t~ as ~t~fin~:tg ~-~ ~ tltl,t~t~. +~~, t~~'~ r~~;~~i~~~~:;�~:;f~~~~d+~~~ - 'Th+~ ~1~~ot, @afi~t~sll ~e~ ~~+~ at~t~~ - �' ; ~~, - ~:,_t,~. i ~. - , , : ; �~p~c~~~ ~~i~d.'~h~~ ~mp~~s~;~ +apa'ac~-t~~~. ~~re~~. ,~teSe ~p~~+~~, ,he ~a~eb~iebe~ -� . ~ 1, 1 ~~e coah~c't~.~a.:~`~te~e$~ v~cto.~ri~ dad ~ i`~u~t~.o~gle>. ~~ ~r~en- op+~~~-toi~~ ,:~ , ~- .: ,., , APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800015-6