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SOV/120-59-2-4/50 An Apparatus for Measuring the Intensity Distribution in an Expanded y-ray Pulse from a Synchrotron the time scale either by hand using a time delay afrouit, or the whole pulse is split into n sections and the Instrument automatically covers the whole time interval using a step-by-step switch. The circuits of the two channels are shown in Fig 2 and the time delay circuit is shown in Fig 3. The step-by-step switch is shown in Fig 1+. The apparatus has been used in studying elastic seat- terin' ofl'quanta.oh protons (Ref 4), photo-production of .9 'K 0-mesons (Ref 3) and electron distributions associated *th radial-phase oscillations Card 3/3 W1 There are 1+ figures and )+ Sovi;t references. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy Institut AN SSSR (Physical Institute of the Academy of.Sciences of the USSR) SUBMITTED: Marcfi 31, 1958' 0.0000 78336 sov/89-8-3-21/32 AUTHORS: Ado, Yu. M., Belovintsev, K-_A~_ TITIE: All-Union Intercollege Conference on Electron Accelerators PERIODIdAL: Atomnaya energiya., 1960, Vol 8, Nr 3, pp 268-269 (USSR) 'ABSTRACT: The conference, in which scientists from universities colleges, scientifi.c'research institutes, and industry took part, was Leld in September 1959 in Tomsk and discussed theoretical and technical matters, control, stabilization, and accessories to electron accelerators, and their application in metallurgy, machine con- struction, geology, geophysics, and medicine. The trans- actions of the conference are scheduled for publication by the Tomsk Fol~technic Institute (Tomskiy politekhni- cheskiy institut). Card 1/1 33964 S/089/62/012/063/001/013 e~ 1z 71.2 0 B102/BI08 AUTHOR63'.1" -Ado,'Yu.`M., Belovintsev, X. A., Stolyarov, S. N. 'TI VLFf-:,- 260-Mev electrons Ps g. ~.-'energiya ~.V. 1-2, no. 3, 1 �t 2, 195 - M TEXT tt,;,.~-Th6 bretootrah Ung bpectrum of'260-Mev electrons from the synchro- tr'6~1 ~i-:th"64 AN,vas: measured *on a simple arrangement with a 15-channel . I W , -A- 2 gamma pair,.:spec, rometer of a,--Ztotal dispersion of 3-3-10- . The efficiency -6 o~~ gamm4'-. qftn uw.reoor -ding:,was-8.25-10 radiation intensity.was equal -so; ental error was 5~). The exper Experim imental i'e" .'' th the. calculated number of photons resu t1k) of wi ai ':~d- ih- t'' (error ii op. in the tar et, which in first approximation k. 2 3A) Card'I 33964 SIOB91621012100310011013 ~rems*strahlung spectrum of.*'O B102/B108 The.:bremestrahlUng cross.section 6T (B, k) ;-L I/k ln(E /k); nr(t,j) 0 0 B is' the energy 'of,the primary electrons. When ~.Multiple. phAp'n- emission is taken into account,agreement between theory ajid~ fiefitA a- impi6v~d..,.-Th6--s'peetrum distortion owing to the "P Pr I 6011imator. 6f f ect.:,,Aoes,. nA_`-.:exceed 2/0a. The material (f oil, air, window) thr6iighwhi6ht,h6gamm.r4y.:pasp,ce-hasitn,.influelice on the spectrum only in the ''low-energy range.'. 'The- dis'erepincy -between experiment and Schiff 'a theory (Phys. Rev'.'I-ftj,. 252 (190)) is due -to:multiple phonon emission from one -eleotrdn., Prbfeesor P.. A., Chere"n-kov is thanked for discussions Engineer M. P. Piskov and Techri:cia,n.Yu.*.I. Krutov for help. There are figures Car4 2/f 33964 3/08 21 12/0 i~106116f3' %6 0 0 eivifi,uiig -.spectrum' of.-.. BIO B108 and-U.'ref are'rio'es's ',,_4,_.SoViet- and 10 non-Soviet.' The four most recent ~.referbnoes to En'gliih-language -ublications read as follows: J. Lawson P -NucI66ni'ca ~-'1'O1--6i_(1952)j R. O'Rourke, A. IAnd6son. Phys. Rev., 22, 1484 '0955) i'!*- -Byge6 Rev;.81,,982 (1951); R Wilson. Proc. Phys. 50C.0 Pby i66- -638 .,SUBMITTBDi 96 1", Fig. 4~- -.Experiment"-'-kes atd compar6d with results from Schiff's theory d. --.: F-.q 3 1, a: correction was made fqr aP-ectrome el~,418'btre. '9P,,~.9n -,-:for.-burve 2 multiple phonon. eikission was keh'into. target -'(tungsten) thickness 0.15 adiatibb'-ufil r -B ordinate:.radiation intensity, arbitrary uti a ,card 3/f- ACCESSION NR: AP4029697 S/0089/64/016/OOr4/0353/0354 AUTHOR: Belovintsev, K. A.; Denisov, F. P. TITLE: The possibility of generating and accelerating positrons in amicrotron SOURCE: Atomnaya. energiya, v. 16, no. 4, 1964, 353-354 TOPIC TAGS: positron, microtron, gamma radiaticn, storing device, electron I positron beam. bremsstrahlungo electron positron pair, relativistic positron, annihilation radiation, electron cyclotron ABSTRACT:The use of a microtron is proposed for the. production of accelerated positrons. The latest achievements in the development of highly ! 4 efficient microtrons justify the hope'that the proposed method will fadilitate production of much more intensive positron beams, compared to those in currbnt'-- production, and reduced overall equipment costs. Under the new scheme, the electrons emitted from an injector are accelerated by the electric field of a high-frequency resonator to the maximum energy level aehievable in the given 112 Cord ACCESSION NR: AP4029697 microtron. In view of the high lnu=ty of the high-frequency electric field (&Qr38O kv/cm), a considerable portion of the positrons with an initial energy,of about zero will be captured by the microtron acceleration system. A further acceleration of the positrons occurd simultaneously with the following b*unches- of electrons, and most of the orbits coincide spatially. In their last orbit the p(~sitrons are automatically deflected by a system of magnetic canals, and can be removed from the micro.tron for the purpose of,generating monochromatic an1ni-_1 hilation gamma-radiation or for accelerating to higher energy levels. 'The above outlined method of generating and accelerating positrons was experimentally tested at the photomeson laboratory of the SSSR Academy of Sciences. Orig. arti, -has: 1 figure ,and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: O8May63 ATD PRUS: 3048 ENCL t. 00 SUB CODE: Np NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 003 2/2 -_Car-d', ACCESSION UR., .,ATS007923 1AWHORT: Ad Rao Yu.~H.~, Belov riemlyanovr A sk y, 0. B.; Si&r~ At Shir V S TITLE: Storage of particles in a Unchrotron International e6nference Enerxv- Accelerators. Dubna. 1963. Tfudy. IMoscow, Atomizdat, 1964, 355-357 TOPIC TAGS: high energy accelerator, charged particle beam, pavticle physics, synchrotron ABSTRACT: Synchrotroh-type accelerators of several:100 Nev aM. higher.can be employed for particle storage (Yu. H.' Ado, "Atow-aya Energiya, 12, 54 (196") 1. In ,the case of simultaneous storage of electrons and positrons in an accelerator, one -positivn beams. In order for a sync n 'Lo oper- in obtain col' iding electron hrotro in the storage state, the conatant coVonent of the driving magnetic field must) be larger than the amplitude of the variable component. In particular, if the vari-4i ble component is a sinusoidal function of time, the driving magnetic fileld H Muz;- have a specified shape. In this case, the accelerating hf potential is step-shap-ed i Card lJ4-- 463.58-6> !ACCESSION W: AT5007923 Ii.e. remains switched on continuously in contrast to the synchrotron's operation in the usual state. The injection of particles is effected at moments of tive t1l t2s t3,. - which correspond to intersections of the ascendiiig curve H-versus-t with the constant ordinate Hil The particles captured ir the svnc~u-ctmn state of th;? st-~rage device, which ar-- accelerated during the rising of tne "lagnetic fi -1d 11 &-id slowed down when the magnetic field is decreasing, IleMain in t:he accel- erator chamber for a period that is detemiined mainly by the scattering processes ard by the bremsstrahlung on the ato-ts of the residual gas. During each period of t,~- driving Toagnetic field H close to mAximum. R tbert- exists considerable radiation namping of the amplitudes of betatron and synchrotron oscillations. As a res-.-It, ip phase volume occupied by the parti-.les decreases. 11his per-mits the onset of d.Ti-,iitude modulation of the specified hf-potential without loss of the particles captilred earlier. In this case, the injecticn of particles will proceed into the phase space between the sepa-ratrices which are defined :,y the amplitudes of hf- otential U (maximum step value) and V - W (modulation decrement due to H L-eing 1P less tNtii R1 for the brief periods just before ti. t2l t3- The admissible .,-,Iepth of modulaticn AR is larger the Iarger the magnitude of: radiation danping of the oscillations. The effectiveness of the injection into the synchrotron state of storage dvring onset of amplitude modulaticn of the hf-potential is ten times the effectivenersa of injection directly into the steady-3tate separatrix. In the case i Card 2/4 CCESSION UR: Ats,007923" of '- particle i ect, on is e vari e storage:~ n a synchroti4m,- ffected'into the abl netic field during ihe low'energy of tbb injected particles which is typical fo~- t i'he given accelerator. Consequently 'he problem of particle injection ts essen- Itially simplified in comparison with injection into storage rings. Moreover, th-i Ismail injection energy simplifies the pmblem of obtaining po3;trons. These Propel, Ities permit atta-inment of a comparatively hLh rate of storage and thus a laorer., LP ing of t--lie requirements made on the degree of vacuum. To verify the possibility in principle of realizing the method of particle storage ir. a synchrotron, experi::tevat- 'were carried out on a 280-4ev synchrotron under specific conditions of par~ticie energy (170 Mev for maxin. um, 11 and 7 Rev for minimum N), amplitude V,of hf -potentiai (1. 8 kv). modulation depth AU (0-36 kv), rate of growth of driviDg magnetic f ield ~at moment of injection (1.5-105 oerstads/sec), pressure of residual gas in vacuum icbamber (5-10-6 mm/Hg). The source of electrons is an 6.-%4ev microtron (K. A. Reelovintsev, A. Ya. Belyak, A. H. Grbmov, Ye.. H. Moroz, P. A. Cherenkov, "Atomnayit ergiya, 14, 359 (1963)). Finally a* shown by tests conducted on electron storage, t 111 a synchrotron, it is possible to carry, out simultaneous storage of both elec- tr.Dns md positrons in quantities sufficient for setting up experim.(,nts on callid- ing beatm if the pressure in the vacuum chamber is lowered to 10-8 cmft -and the conditions for particle capture are slaitably irproved. Orig. art. has 4 fig :-Card.. 3/4._..~_ N i I I i i i i i I -~,ACC N%, AT6013168 SOURCE DE: UR/0000/65/0007000/51.576125. WHOM Belovintsev, K.,A.,; Cherenkov,. P. A. ORG., s c -Institute P't H~-* LebedeV AN - SSSR' (Fizicheskiy 'institut AN SSSR) KRI :"T,ITLE zA'position ab rnik-statey, 1944-1965 SOURCE:. AN SSSR. Mikroiron (Microtron 0 VINITI, 1965't 118-125. 'TOPIC TAGS:- partl ie c accelerator, electron accelerator, positront synchrotron The authors consider the a microtron as a general- apurpose- inje6tor for a synchrotron storage. ring. 1~ethods for producing, accelerating) and'extracting positroni; from the-microtron are.discussed. If a beam of electrons 'an on -o from the last orbit isAirected at the.positz 6 verter X located on the wall f re- adnator P of the microtron (see, Figs - 1) the angular cooffIcient for' capture of posi- j~*~,-_ trb a c0 ns I aving the converter with low energies will be nsiderably:higber than in the .rase convirsion on the storage. tar at-due to the high electric-field g Strength in tv xesonator'(about:.400 kv/CM'). -.S Of the electron patial displacement- V-1 b eam toward the.converter is accomplished by Using two magnetic channels 41.and-1 -2 with a - difference in length which datermines.the*amount of displacement At.-An ap- proximate expression is given for determining the length of the magnatiechannels.' ara lo BELMHTSEVAt H. F. 2. USSR 600 4o Huseles - Diseases 79 Huacular chronaxy in man in bMwfunction of the adrenal glands~ N&u Cho biul. Len uney No. 30., 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. BEUN.MSEVA, K. F. muscle Change in the skeletal muscles of a frog after adrenalectomy. Vest. Len. un- 7 no. 7, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~~at .1953. Unclassified. JEMVINTSEVA M.P.; SHALYAPINA, Mr. In.sulin inactivating Papacity of the hepatic tissue of rats. in experimental pancreatic diabetes.- Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.6:55-57 -N-D 164. (M]RA 18:6) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii zhelez vnutrenn,ey sekretsii Instituta fiziologii imeni.Favlova AN SSSRI Leningrad. BELOYINTSEVA, M.F. (leningrad) 'm , wenc; Wthe way by which insulin reaches the portal circulation % of liver on its barrier function* Riport Noole Functional state of liver aft er Iiiation'of the duodenopancreatic vein (with summary in Aagliah. P.123 . Probl~mendok. i gorm. 3 no.2s.3-5 Mr4p 157. (MIRA 10tlO) 1. Is laboratorit fiziologii shales Ynutrenney sakratsii (sav. - prof. Ye.N.Speranskaya) Institute fisiologii imeni I-P-Pavlova (dir, - aked, X.M.Bykov) AN BBSR. (LIM, physiole eff. of ligation of duodenopancreatic vein (Ras)) (VEINS, PCRTAL SYSTSM, surg. ligation of duodenopanereatic vein, eff. on liver funct. (Rug)) BILOVINTSITA, X.F. (baningrad) ==nce of the pathway.of discharge of insulin into the.portal circulation in its barrier function. Report Vo,2s Level of bloodL sukekr-falloving a change in pancreatic venous airculatioR [With summiryAn Inglish, p.1261 Probl.endok. I gorm. 3 no.3:35-39 NY-Je '57, (MIRA 10tlO) 1* Is laboratorit fistologit she,les vautranney sekretsit (say. - prof. Te.NoSperansitaya) Instit;ia'fizioiogii iment I.P.Pavloya (dir.- aked. X.M 4kov) AN SSSR. 5ANORMAS, blood supply',j venous circep eff. of ligation on blood sugar In animals (Rue)) (BIA30D SUGAR, p)7siology, eff. of ligation of pancratic venous circ. (Rua)) BELOVINTSEVA Change in the quanti f insulin in the peripheral blood of animals tdith carbo e loads in disorders of the venous blood flow from the pancreas. Nauch. soob. Inst. fiziol. AN SSSR no.1:117-119 159 - (MIRL 14:11) 1. Laboratoriya fiziol4gii zheies vnutrenney sekretaii (zav. - Yo.'N.Speranskaya) Instituta fiziologii imeni Pavlova AN SSSR. (INSULIN) (PANCREAS"ISFASES) MOVINSIVA, N.Y. Insulin content of the peripheral blood vhen its'eutry iflio the portal vein Is modified. Trudy Iust,'fisiol, . 8t236-239 1590 (KIRA 13:5) 1. Taboratorlya fisiologii shelax vuutranney setreteli (savedu- yushchan - U.N. fteranskays.) Institute. fisiologii im. 1.1!. Pavlove, AN SSSR- (INSU IN) (PORM VNIN) i Restoration of glycogen reserves in the liver In white mice following muscle effort after ligation of the pancreaticoduodeual vein. Blul. eksp.biol. I med. 48 ~O-M40-43 0 159- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz laboratoril. figiologii shelez vnutrenney sekreteii. (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR Ye.T. S~eranskaya) Institute. fisiolojii iment, I.P. Favlova (dir. - akademik K.M. Bykov (deceased] AN SSSR, Leningrad, Predetavlena akademikom 1,M# Bvkovym [deceased]. (PANCREAS blood supply) (DUODENUM blood supply) (LIVIA v0jab. ). (OLTCOGBN' metab.) (FATIGUE eff.)- BELOVINTSEVA, M.P. Secretion of insulin in disorders of liver function. Uziol. shur. 47 no,12:IhTgL,.3489 D1610 13:1) 1. From the Laboratory of Glands of InternalSecretion, I.P.Pavlov Institute of PhK!iology Leningrad. (LM -DISWES) (INSULIN) UW I rev it .1 r Irv 2 I. jil'I 'R ra I Uil; I j wig 'r Fa 41 T.T;U- P. - Eli !INHI-affl's P. ijrjp~i-. Iffini it sit-if aft I I. F112 31 41-WVITSKIY, A4. "Orpnia o"Ung t4ohnalogyN by H,Irjhpo (trauslated from the ftlighl. Ravlowed by A.A, Belovitskli, lakokras,sat* I lkh prig, noi4r88-90 160. (NM 13tlO) (Protective coatings) (Pans, H.F.) BELOVITSK f, A.I~.~ SERB-MBIN, P.V.; GkFSMAN, D.Ya. Conference on ngments for the Paint and Varnish Industiv- Zhur. VKHO 7 nd.6:684-686 162. (MIRA 15:121' "'(Pigments-Congresses) BELOVITSKI7, A A GERSMW, D.Yae All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on the present state and prospects for the development of lacquer corAensation resins* Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.1:87 163. (KM'16:2) (Paint materials) (Resins., Synthetio-Congresses) ---------- -- -------- EELOVITSKIY., A.A.; SERB-MBIN., P,V.; MRSHMAN., D. Th, =AUZZion conference: on pigments for the paint industry, Lakokras.mato i M-Prim, no*41-5 162* (HIM 16: 11) -9Lff==p-A.A.; GERSHKAN, D.Ya. Scientific and technical conference on lacquer resins in Yaroslavl. Zhur. MO 8 no.51570-571 163. (KIRA 17tl) BE=VJTSKIY~ G. YE. I.. .dwNuclear Physics Cosmic Radiation So 48 p Nuclear Physics -Mesotrons.,~- Mw Influence of Altitude on Heavy Particles Cavised-by Comic Rays," G.'Ye.~ Belovitskiyj ~L. T. Sukhov, Pbys Inst, Imeni P. N. Ioebeftvp Amd Sel UM, 4 pp :-*Dok Ak flauk SM Vol LXII, No 2 107- Ito 'Aives results of 1946-1947 Pamir expeditions. Photographic method was used to determine, n=Nw :.:Iof -heavy particles. Curves and tables show tbist ..Umber of hoary particles increases directly *iik altitide. Obtained curre' for fllmsAocatedi 36/A9Z63 'Comic .1~=/Nuclear Physics sop 48 Radiation (Ccntd) /* -4 vacuumf and foUns located in open air., with,'.. Ipmer aboving greatest'n=ber of heavy,particl0f.'. same. phenomenon was shown! Im's ly due,to prolonged expon d by Aead, S. 1. Tavi lorr, JU3 48 ation-Between the Formatlon~ofzeav Fartlo2si l i;l 'T ft;~. . the Absorption of the Compone a nt Genex tins Ift at a He lgbt~, *of 3,M Xeters Above Ses Lava; Litre. Pelovitskljy, L. V.'Bukbov, Pbys Ine't.1m,061" 'I'X. Lebodev, Aoad Sci UM, 3 Rp 10k Ak Nauk SMH Vol LUI, No 6 7x*7- xj. Ping thick photofilas, plotted the curve of abz ~rpt Ion- In lead for the component that - generittes i*V7 particles at 3,860-mwtor elevation and ex;; Ained the dependepos of their formation on the EI) Nov 9 i,,088 Nu. -ICA Cdi C ".Decay_of Cosmic Rarlarticles dausing.Nuclear F~saion-," G.'Ye..'Belovitskiy, N. V- 14aslennikova, V, F. Smirnov, L. V. Sukhov, Ph" Inat imeai 4bedev) Acad Oci U33RJ pp ."Dok Ak- Nauk SSSR" Vol MIX, No 3 ,'Considers problem-of nature and properties of'par- dles, entei~lng into' colipositioi of. that COMPO- ~ia6nt of cosmic rays which dausta."star-formine au6lear-fisii- a nr-I 1"stirs"). Unstable'particles cauri1bg "staro"Are subject of present experi- 413igned to cIAWify their.. existence. Sub-.. 17 A 49 by'AcaA D. V. Skobelltsyn- 158778 Or_LoVvrIKtY,,G-Ya, UBR/Nuclear Physics - Fission of U by neg&tiv yi-mesonA Card 1/2 Pub.-146 - 14/34 Author Belovitsk!&.12G..; Homanova) T. Aq Sukhov., Li'V,j and ft4wkp Title Fission of uranium nuclei under the action of alov negative Vito meson:z and-high-energy particles Periodical : 'Zhur. eksy. i teor. fi.z. 28, 729-732) Jun 1955 Abstract : In this work the authors investigate the fission of uranium nuclei by sldv negative pi-mesons (G. Yet Belovitsklyp at alUp Otchat rim*, April 1950 ~ June 1950) March 1951)'p W fast neutrons p with ansr- gies UY'to 460 Mevj and by gawA-rays with energies up to 2P Way (Go Yet. Belovitskiy*et aliij ibid.,, Dec,1952). For the recording of the fission of uranium nuclei they used yhot6plates wiih emulsion layer 100 microns thick with uranyl &estste (To Ao Romanova and G. Yo. Belovitakiy,, ibid.) June 1951)p which plates permitted the observation of protons with finergias,up,'to 30 Mov- The irriAiation of the plates by slow negative pi-nesons and fast neutrons-vas carried.out in the synchrocyclotron of the U#tituto of Nuclear Problemd, Acadezy of Sciences USSR; the Irradiation by ga=a-rays the synchrotroaft of YIM*. They not# that the energy spectrum of neutrons from overcharging" (Parstaryadka) of Card 2/2 FD-2349 670-Mev protons on beryllium was measured by V. B. Flyagin. They present 5 photographs of indicated fission. They thank Prof. M. G. Meshcheryakov, G. P. Dzhelepov, and Ye. Grigor'yev for aid in experi- mIents with negative pi-mesons and fast neutrons, and also tbank Prof. V. I. Veksler and Yu. S. Ivanov for aid in experiments with gamma-mys, of high energy. They state that a more detailed report on the re- sults obtained will be published in this journal. They conclude that the distinguishing 'peculiarity of the process of fissioa of uranium nuclei at high energies of excitation is the significant probability of the emission of fast protons and alphaparticles; these particles bear only a comparatively synal I part of energy ob7 tained by the uranium nucleus from the primary particle. Thirteen references. Institution Physical Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, Acad. Sci. USSR (FIAN*) Submitted March 9, 1955 "B''FL-OVITSK-1 Gf E., USM/Nuclear 'i'asion of U-nuclqi. Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 1/28 FD-3329 Author : Belovitskiy, G. Ye., Romanova, T. At) Sukhov, L. V. and Frank, I. M. Title : Fission of uranium nuclei under action of slow7t- mesons, fast neutrons an&20-rays up to 250 Mev energy Periodical : Zhur. Eksp, i Teor. Piz., 29, No 5 (11), 537-550, 1955 Abstract : Fission of U-nuclei by slow r- mesons, fast neutrons and high energy r -rays was studied on thick.emulsion photographic plates. The probability of U-nuclei fission at;r- capture proved to be high. It is evaluated around 0.5. Under high excitation energy the fission is probably accompanied by charged particles emission, i.e. protons and A particles. Energy spectra and angular distribu- tions of particles were obtained and plotted. These data were used for discussion of the mechanism of U nuclei fission at high excita- tion energy. Indebted for help to M. G. Keshcheryakov, V. P. Dzhelepov, Ye. P. Grigorlyev, V. I. Veksler, Yu. S. Ivanov, A. N. Kuznetsov, YU. N. Lizunov and 1. L. Nesmelova. Thirty one refer- ences, Including 2-1 foreign. Institution : Physics Institute im. Lebedev, Acad. Sci. USSR Submitted : March 9, 1955 BXWVITSKIY. G.,Ys.; GOLOVIN, V.N.; SUKWT. L.T. Spring board used ir. recording multiple scattering of particles Inphotographic emulslons. Prib. i tekh. eksp. no.l.-102-105 R-Ag 156. (WBA 10: 2). I* Fisichaskly institut imeni P*N, Lo'bedeva Akademil mail SSBR. (Photomicrograpby) (Photograpbvt Particle track) ~- () Y j Ts Al / Y / 62, ff. USSR/Nuclear Physics - Installations and Instruments. C-2 Methods of Measurement and Research. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika., No 4., 1957., 8599 Author : Belovitskiy, GaYe.I, Golovin,.V.N., Sukhov., L.V. Inst : Physi-c-s-Witnu-te, Acadewj of Sciences, USSR. Title : Spring Stage for Measuring Multiple Scattering of Particles in a Photographic Emillsion. Orig Pub : Pribory i tekhn. eksperimenta, 1956, No 1, 162-165. Abstract : Description of the construction of a spring stage, having very low noise level ( - 0.01 -- 0.03^ ). Ite noise measurement occurring during vertical displacement of the objectivel-J6 carried out, as'is the measurement of thermal noise due to non-uniform heating of various parts of the microscope. Steps that permit substantial reduc- tion of the thermal noise are proposed. Card 1/1 BELOVITSMY ', d. E.,, ~WMANOVA) T. A. and WHOMMOV, F. A. ------------ "Uranium Fission Induced by Slow ./t -Mesons. paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 13 Sept 58. 240) AUTHOR; Belovitskiyq Go Ye. SOV/56-35-4-2/52 - --------------------- TITLE: Inelastic Scattering of Positive and Negative V-Mesons With Energies of 300 MeV on the Nuclei of Photoemulsions (Neuprugoye rasseyaniye polozhitellnykh i otritsateltnykh Tf-mezonov s energiyey 300 MeV na yadrakh fotoemultsiy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958 Vol 35, Nr 49 pp 838-844 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aubhor reports on investigations of the inelastic scattering of 300 1 15 MeV IT- and lff+ mesons on emulsion nuclei. He uses photographic plates of the types NIKpj - and Ilford G-5 (400,A The number of nuclei per cm3 of the first-mentioned type (without hydrogen),is -7.5 . 1022. In the following, the results obtained by the analysis of 5000 "stars" are published. 1. Determination of the inelastic scattering cross section (Ref 8). Investigations were carried out of:iY-0622-stars, lr+:1377-stars on h further of 286 IT--stars on G-5 of~iinelastio rate of r rcentage of cases ecatteringt Card 113 IT-3(45 Z 2)%t 11+:(40 i 2)% (Wjof.) and Yrt(38 � 4)% in (C-5); Inelastic Scattering of Positive and Negative SOY/56-35-4-2/52 IT-Mesons With EnergiO of 300 MeV on the, Nuclei of Photoemulsions inelastic scattering cross sections:IT-:200 ;t 32 mb Tr +: 185 :t .33 mb- + 2. Angular distribution in inelasticIT and IT scattering. Two measurement seriest E ~~-60 MeV - (Fig 1) and E >-10 MeV (Fig 2).Ra.tio of the number of mesons with a scattering angle of -900) (the values for *>900 are in brackets) IT+ t 1-48 � 0.14 (1-5 � 0033); IT 1.15 � 0.1 (1019 � 0.23) 3. The energy spectrum of inelastically scatterediT+ - and Tr -mesons (Fig 3). For JT- the maximum is about 50 - 100 MeVv for IT+ it is shifted towards higher energies. Average energy values: 0 -. 600 60 - 1200 120 - 1800 (scattering angle) iT+-300 MeV 186 163 152 Tr'-300 MeV 194 95 4* Determination of the cross section of exchange scattering: Card 2/3 .,Inelastic Scat"tering of Positive and Negative BOV/56-35-4-2/52 IT-Mesons With Energies of 300 NO on the Nuclei of Photoemulsions In the course of the investigation of 5000 stars 3 electron pairs were found which originated from the decay: 110-~ e++ e- + r , with the cross section 6 4:V.0(3*8ON - 450 ~ (20 :t 12) mb Tr T? 5_00W In the 5th and*last chapter results are discussed. The author thanks Is X# Frank for his advice, and A. P. Lagers-and 0. N. Pavlova for their help in carrying out measurements. There are 4 figures, I table, and 14 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONi F12ichaskiy institut im. F, N, Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P.,N,. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTEDs March 29, 1958 Card .3/3 SOV1120-59-2-25150 AUTHORS: Belov Korablev, L.N., Sukhov, L.V. and untranlich, J.V. i TITLE: An Apparatus for the Automatic Meaurement of Multiple Scattering of Particles (Ustanovka dlya avtomatizatsii izmereni.y mnogokratnogo rasseyaniya chastits) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 22 pp 86-90 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The instrument may be used to carry out both measuring and computing operations on multiple Coulomb scattering. It can also be used to measure lengths. The table of the microscope can be moied repeatedly through fixed intervals (50, 100, 250 and 500 ji). The second coordinate which gives the deviation of the crack from the x-axis is transformed into electrical pulses by means of a photoelectric device in the micrometer eyepiece., These pulses are transmitted to the computing part-of the apparatus and the number of pulses given by the photo- electric device in eaah.measurement of the y-coordinate is proportional to the magnitude of the first difference Card 1/2 in the coordinates. The instrument is not fully automatic since an observer must place the track manually in a standard position. The apparatus was checked SOV/120-59--2-25/50 An Apparatus for the Automatic Measurement of Multiple Scattering of Particles against an observer and the average percentage difference between the semi-automatic machine and an observer working with an ordinary microscope is 1-5%. The use of this machine cuts down the scanning time by a factor of 5 and increases the accuracy because it eliminates any possible arithmetical errors committed by the observer, The instrument can also be used with bubble chambers and Wilson cloud chambers. A.V. Shileiko and M.I.Tretlyakova are thanked for their help. Card 2/2 There are 1+ figures, I table and 7 references, 1 of which is Swedish, 1 Italian and 5 are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1957 B~E~IDV KASHCHUKEM., N.T.,- HMML, A,; PETRASHKU., K.G.j RMMVA, T.A.1 TMOKIROV, F.A.- Machmism of urmium fission Wucad by slow /I- -Mesons$ V=96kapai teorsfiz, '38 no,240&-408 F 160. (MMA 3.40) 1, Obuyedinenan.inatitut yadernykh iseledovaniy i Fixicheakiy inatitut :Lm. P.H.Lebedeve, Akademil nauk SSSR. (Uranium-IBotopes) (*sono) (Walear fission) X-C S/056)WA8/02/57/061 B006/BO1 4 00 kUTHOR: B!l !kig, r,- Ta. TITLEx kpplioation of the "Z-Law" by Fermi and Teller to a Photoemulsion Containing Uranium PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19609 Vol. 38, No- 2, pp. 658-66o TEM It has been found that, contrary to Permits and Teller's theoreti- cal predictions, the relative capture probability of slow 1117-mesons by various atoms in chemical compounds is not proportional to Z, but depends on the number of atoms of the respective element in the molecule of the compound. Calculations of the uranium-fission probability P f have usually been based on the assumption that the Z-law holds for the pion- capture probability of various atoms in the gelatin of the photoemulsion. In the present "Letter to the Editor" the writer studies the question as to what extent this assumption is justified. The writer intends to verify values of Pf so far obtained (Pf was between 0.18 and 0-5),. for Card 1/3 Application of the "Z-Law" by Fermi and Teller 3/0 5 ~%W)X3 8/0 2/5 7/0 61 to A Photoemulsion Containing Uranium B006 B014 which purpose repeated experiments were made on uranium fission by slow rr, -mesons. Nuclear emulsion plates of the type HWKqM -'P (NIKFI-R S~ impregnated with uranyl acetate were used (200 p thick). The uranium nuclei contained in the layer were determined by alpha-counting. The plates were bombarded with a beam of slow n7-mesons on the aynchro- czelotron of the OIYaI (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research )i the ,a -admi-xture was 20%, the portion of fissions released by them was 3% and is taken into account. Experimental data are compiled in a table. Calculations of Pf based on*the following assumptionst 1) U is completely adsorbed on gelatin (according to 6. V. Lozhkin and V. P. Shamov); 2) the 1T--capture probability of the various elements in gelatin is calculated (exce t for hydrogen) in which a) the 7c--capture is proportional to Z, and b~ the Tt -capture is proportional to the number of atoms of the respective element in gelatin. In the first case Pf -4 0.4, in the second Pfm 6. The second case was neglected with regard to gelatin + uranium investigation. Azi experiment on Th 232 fission by 10- to 340-Mev protons revealed that Pf rapidly increased Card 2/3, 82035 Application of the "Z-Law" by Fermi and Taller S/056/60/038/02/57/061 to a Photoemulsion Containing Uranium B000014 with energyt attains 0-45�0o07 at - 50 Mev, after which it remains constant. Also P~(Pa,238 ) was equal to is 0-45- 0.35 < P i6 0.45 f f resulted for excitation energies of 25-45 Mev. When P f zzs 0-35, the capture probability is proportional to Zn with n - 1.25. Thus, it may be assumed for the gelatin-uranium medium that the capture probability is proportional to Z rather than to the number ofatoms. There are i table and 7 references3 2 Soviet, 2 Italian; and 3 American. ASSOCIkTIONs Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva, Akademii nauk SSSR (,Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED% July 301 1959 Card 3/3 BELOVITSKII, d.ya. Excitation of nuclearrotational levels in ~t-mssonie atom transitions.. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 41 no.1:66-7o n 161. (KERL 14-7) 1. Fizicheskiy institut im..P.N.Lebedeva AN S.M. fission) (Plesons--Capture) BOGOMOUW, K.S., red.; FERFIWV, N.A.; red.; B.&WVITSKIr Gjetp red4b; DoHRoSp=A, Ye.P.0 red.; ZHDANOV, G.?7-~i~K',-`KAR;uzmmdy, LL red LYIUBWLOV~ S L, red.; MIMVIKA, ZoVop red.; I.F., red.; ROMANOVSYAUI X.M., red.; SAMOYLOVICH, D.Ho. red,! STARININ, KoVs. red,'- TRETIYAKOVA, M.L.. red.; UVAROVA3 V,M*j redo; SHMp L#I9 I red.; POPOVA, A.K., red.; VFJIRIK, Ya.M.' red.; VMES., L.Fp red. iad-va; EIZNETSOVA, Ye.B.,, red. izd- va; AiAKOVA, T.V., tekhn. red. (Huclear.photograpby; transactions] Udernaia fotograftia; trudy trettego MeaMunarodnogo.soveshebaniia. Moskva,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962.' 474 p. (MIU 15:6) 1. Co2loque International de Photographie, Corpusculaire. 3d., 'Moscow, 1960, 2. Nauchno-Isoledovatellskiy kinofotoinstituts Moskva (for Bogomolovs Vvarovaj Itomianovskaya, Starinin). 3. Pred- sedatell Organizatsionnop komiteta Tretlyego Mizbdunaroduogo save* shchaniya po yadernoy fotografii. 1960., MosWa (for Bogomolov). 4. Zmestitell predsodatelya OrganizatBionnogo komiteta Trelyego Mezbdunarodnogo soveshchaniya po yadernoy fotografii. 1960j, Moskva (for Perfilov). 5, Radiyevyy institut Im. V.G.KUopina Akademii nauk$ Leningrad (for Shur, Ferfilov). 6. Inatitut sovetskoy torgovIi Im. FoEngellsa (for gartushanskiy). 7. ObjedinemVy institut yader- rqkh issledovaniy, DubrA (for Lyubomilov). 8. Institut atomnoy energii iie IoV.Kurchatova Akademii naik SSSRj Moskva (for Samaylovich).- Particle track) BXWVITSKTY9 V. hzh, F.reatL-Ig large-;anel tuild!ngs Irf the assembl~-'!.-,-ae mothod. , Znl'L. Strclo nou5n."-5 "&I, (MIRA r, ) 4Zr a= =PWITAUM WY/5245 MInlatftrztva svyaa 3SSR. Takhalcheakoye vpravlool" lov7re roarabot3d v ablasti r&diosvyazl I radloveshchanlys; in- forwataton"y ibomik (Now Dovelopmente in tjjo fteld or Radio Conounicatlon and hedlo Broadcasting; Infamation&2 Calleation) 160640w, Sv7azI193A 1959. 80 V. 11.500 copies printed. (3ort"s T*khmlft avy&a) Rasp. Xd.g A. S. V'L-,Iq-iroyl Zd.s ~V. 1. bashur; To". Zd.s 9. 1. Wwror. FURKS12 This Collection of artlelso 1.8 Intended for t*chnlcal per- mormol conoorned with the development and operation of radio communication and radio broadcasting. COU=Zs The book contains, according to the Foreword. InformatLom an now devolopaesta reaUxed at the Ocaudarstywavyy nauchao- losledovatel-skly Inatitut Klulatstratwo. avyazL WSR (State Scigntiflo R4&oarab institute or the ministry of ComeemIcation MM). Radio comeraniaLtion and radio broadcasting apgaratUS are described. Several articles are concerned with the dIOTILOPmOnt of now sh9oking and measuring instruments, No personalities are mentioned- There are no roferancoo. Prokharorl. Instrument for Measuring Oroup Delay Time SuPOM&SA-Prequenor Range 42 Xtnv.& 1. Generator of OS-R-60-Typo aignals With Calibrated VIX ve 59 Rabisovich, 0. 1. goterodyn* Way* Motor 65 ZM&n. M. V. installation for Callirating 30orld -Pregoacy Atton"tors 69 , , and. M. V. DoryugIn. Sloo- ' r l 9 P e-1 D 0 troole Copying OVI ro 40,60 1 ag Electric Pulses of Arbitrary Shape From a Dra 9 TS Zl;gT,,_A !EOT, N.M., redaktor; KIRSNAOVA, N.A., -;A__roy, rarp_qvichpie he'V "I o tso~ as iy rX or [The state farm on the upeving] Sovkhos no podleme. (Moskva] Izd-vo WeM Proflzdat, 1956. 78p, (K= 9:11) Li -ptedgedatell raboebego komiteta,sovkhoza "Bovetakoys ruuo*, Stavropollskogo kraya. (for Belovod) (state farms) KISLYAKOV, L.D.; BEWVW, R.N.; EFSLIMAN~ L.L.; SINELISHCHIMA, Y%H. Adopting the use of hydraulic cyclones at the Krasnoural'sk Ore Dressing Plant. Trudy Uralmekhanobra no',5:32-30 159, (MIRA 15:1) 1. Urallokiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut melchanicheakoy oblvabotki poleznykh inkopayemykh (for Kislyakov, Belovod). 2. Krasnoural'skays, obogatitelinaya fabrika (for Epellman,, Sinellehehikovo), (Krasnourallsk-Ore,dressing) (separators (machines)) BELOVODCHENKO, A.I. Water-glass mixtures tor making aasting..molds. Mashinostroitell no.2:33-34 F 162. (MMA 15:2) (Holding (Founding)-Equipment and supplies) BJLOYOMKQ. A.I. I KUMINOT M.Yu. IMP ved rolling-ont-'of'watertubes for boilerm'o Obm.takhopyt. PEW 0 I uo*27:35-36 ' 156.!' litil). (Rollim (Netalwork)) (Boilers, Watertilbe) BELOVODSKAYA, Ya.yel Aseptic experimental-keratitis in rabbits, Uchozap. UZIOB 5t 224-229 062 (KML 16ill) PIPE SHEVALE7, A. Ye.; BEMVODSKAMYk MAstotonometric examinations in Urov disease, Uobozapo MGB 5191-915 162 OM 16111) A a C 9 v 6 At L a a 0 ft a a I UP N 4t. Ow"as AVIMW met- low -44 sea 002 od",V- V- VI,t-IIATh* Hudulkov, P. P.. and B*Iov - OF VIKRAI.%tAN CRIMMT AND SUPIUC rev^ j.-mvpTiatus- Vkrasx. KAwmm. -Zhim. 7 1.11 103-12 (IM").-A detailed account 44 fe-&Afches nude tt% Ur kirwiphr in the refractory and mm t inft-Arim Vv", The revalts are talmlAted, Immdating brick with paroity hA%v been lwtulmed which may be u%ed Inc * . temperatures not exceedius 7.% a*- *a- - it T a it Inc If 0 4M a A I't 4 at 1 19 1 11 ~ 0 ~ a 0 0 a a 9 000000 O'e-esswee 9 a a 0 00 00 - WO 41 9 see *a 0 00 0 0 0 0 we 40 * 0 0 -0 U 0 0 Is 31 Is P a- a 0 is A 0 C 0 V .4 of AN 1, a a 0 PU 4 S I W -Z 0 0j 00% VON a - TAMWY. L U. and 21=y0h. Altia"oplo mu~ I &SO v%Wxvh* Salm"Juac"ba"Vol SAW U ATIMI ALL em d d i gap ses an uct pro on can of a 1"Sorsite plant am de. RIPC$iM"1'4 On ObUlUiRIS onnoporsitejolm"ile brick with the 441ditim Ot (1010111ile WUtC from a CoMil. see tatim of rmpesite are pvt the following results: good "lling resistance l MCChank il t jr 00 . l s Cm9th US kig./cm. . VON- wrOt 2.7% specific wekht &72. apparent porosity 18-911*r we ton ?A% Wad t t b i i a 0o SOX . es . nvo eg ng of ( eon POO 00 Pee Ole. 00 00 00 00' .7 *0 041 Oo 00 00 00 , " 9 T I , ; so, 01 0 Ce to K C C1 It to 0 0 0 0 009 0 0 -0 000 * 0 0 0 0, 0 00 00 L lr4~ * o 0 * 0 0 0 so o 10h M . * 0 g g * 0 0 0 a 0 0. 0 . .0 O 00 O . --,7,;H-OR ME x m I:r I =442.3 L V r()WDFR 1,11 Tlfg_&nTAR%' 11 . 11 nell r 3 172-82 3 e7r - , S U ; at y, 1 1 -Nmtka ran jr-site plant are decribed, The %pccd of the decomposition of c..rhounte Wag a dircet function of the C(lanc i s of r sit the i t i f th fi i l a m n. n en e r ng proce~,. y o g and th(I I inic of the action of high lemperalare. the length of the %intcring zone cnn he chnngell. Detailed (lata anda. wrle% of photomicrovraph-4 are viveit. If' i i _0 1 2 )#1 a A 9-1- a f t see ".19*0 coo It go* GvvchM brisk bvw. hm stasmovito producbon. N. A. Goluqbko. ocamporvi 3. I t l A d bt d b b l l . d us o d a ne urn ng meta y mow lursk, magowtv in totaling tubular hilm (about 10% of 06 the total output). when Uvated with a moin. of Itscil and moMed with a JUSer (Vas-prockomr 4*g, qmwesier. a gave a good brick that cas be vmd for imdvmrW struc. turalwcrk. Tbrpcodsvcimptixt is6cwrWNd and data l l an rmw~"tfflals sad bricks we mrst. R, S. S. !go* 400 A I &I L A RETALLUNGKAL &#TfRATVRE CLASSWICaTION nee woo U- Ant soodo II INIVINSAI 4 3 0 9 0 *~o 0 40, 0 0 0 0 0 000-0 *010*04000000*0*0:: *0 :14 IW- PRO 9 1 9 0 4 ti it 11 Is it 4 It a 20 31 v 0 M .0 1 v a AN a 44 of as a a I " j 1 a P 4 A 1 7 4 kit A ' ' $* , - , . I - J 4* !-to 0* A 41 So 0 a of tML chrowte. f .Au 3, blawk with a I OfIgeupwo, I coo s , nd b1. I.Jtdinov stefam;WAY V.I I 00 g A wee ATALLOGICAL LITIRAIU119 CLASSSFKATCH too SLA S 4- M slow sl"4DIT. -90 '14,4086 -4 a., ic assist*.C; 14LOI , u S AT 10 1%,;; R ce, to Isa a a it Ig a ire i i 134 a a 0 of 100009 0 9 9 9 0 0 of 90 r. a a i. 6 -) P 2 :s 0 c 4 s 1 0 , " u I - At 0 n I C 6 OF 6 4 X LIN fllmtill's T-W .21 ~ lip sho ISO L41,18 Baftwent'l W3194011,11 It all so see gob TOM wArma., TDIC mak-K 4111811-Nov AF011 oo 00, j "k-11 daft of th, ,tm-qwwty brkk .r .3 VT o t& ed 'd t ' too x x g w Of cakfu ft stftm a ad 1b" Cmomt ( - 1,11lb M"b*4 brift M 11 r. o t wi no* o0 p th w o Bv) art abftfiid awn' Mum"" thm, "lion 0, & ~~ The sIMM with tft v 00 pftl to nl,*tvm nad deaf" of bVdrot vdrot MIT - 00 roe a00 Go, IF go 00, r001 00- 00 04 00, , WOO 00 os 00, woo 00- N TV 0 0 1 Li 0 606 0 0 6-0 0.0 0 o 0 04 go. 00 00 0 0 0 '0 0 0, 0, 0: W-0 I 00 0000 0 o 00 9 0 6 -, . - , 00 000 .0 000 . . IWINI 001 0 on to 0- 002 go N L a 0 -. 8PQ 0 1 w 1 ; 0 IIJA I C 41 0 0 L-L X ., - - L I.- UL .019 NJ oid TodlIfter, Oformfory, 110-12 (19m).-HISensivT lnvqmtlplkm% haw been 4 1 1;, r . carried out in Russia on the application of various types of Imicklabapopra-beatbturnacm Tbg best resulm vim It d b d b i t i k i - t*e m s e an t te r c obialmd by using magnes " Ing well. The mgrAwte contalmd about 907. magnesia. 64 Fusing with quartsite produced the spinel product wbkb was resistalot to spelling and deformation under a 2 kc./cm. load takingplacrat lf*)*C. it LI am 0 to* POO 00- 000 a w K 00 01*000000000000000 ai; Poe to 44 a a R a a a it 4 1 1 1, 1 9 9 1 1 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0, 0- 0 OWA 4 0 4 d A L, Ot - ii it I- _job Ape 41M 4WIP46 #*I%- xmayx#ssvl3 IMP oil ox 0 'T.Ijw; L Yi., sit Ba6yj&kikv# V.-MT.&SUST a ON ANT MAGNSWX- Ocoropwi. 4 151 (1011-The chametetwics of the hat- at m1mile brick are rom"Ortlam no lkm-m lbs" weebaukal str"th 00 ftwm 430 to &X1 kw~M' em wu undev lmd from 14W to iWC.. and avmgt tkimad goo *09 0 e, 00, go- a or- IM4.0 sallesemod Gav it 00 too "00 coo Poo V 00 rgo 06 his moo r fit-viv, %life" CMI Oftv t%l [--a Of it a, Is X, It; 2 FT o a 00 goo@ 00 goo** 0 0; 0 4 0 *010* O*N00,000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 090 eiii - 0 * 0 0 0 40 9 0 0 * 0 * 06 0.0 41.0 411 0 ms~v W W Wv , Mig I I A A A Alf..? ! 0, I'WIMS&IS flaffelms OWN 00A ad -- -- --- do pra"e" tA nkoctarim kam aDw- bWWA $NAPO" L Mmowsky C, lee *so see too see foe see we* of *10oo 0009,09 EGTDVOL, Aq- YlOdOirnisW aUtMUO (MtUt MUM; ')dwAUd.S= 32 nof2t" 161, (NMI Us7) 1* POItsvskiy sevod NProdmashw (Poltava-Meat) (Automatic control) ROMENSKIY, V.; BEWVOL, A. MP-1-160 rotating chopper. Mias. ind. SSSR 32 no./+:18-19 'C1. (MIM 14:9), 1. Poltavskiy zavcd "Prodmashm. (Heat grinders) PWWONOV, V.A. A.As] M--nu-f-,ucture of a new meebanlzed continuous productlon line for -eady.-to-cook hamburgerve Khare promo no&3:i6-17 jl-S 165. (WRA -18:9) BELOVOL A M -..KHATSINSKAU, A.P. Workers of the Korenovska,7a Sugar Faictory are well prepared for the busy season. Sakh. prom. 35 no.12:11-12 D 161. (I-MU 15:1) 1. Korenovskiy oakb nyy zavod. (Korenovskaya-Sugar industry) ,q (- C, v ~:,) N~ POLYAKOV,.N., polkovnik;_.!!!2yko*gop.,,podpolkovnik; ASOOV, N., Impitan. I Training of tank crave.. ?anklet no,2:39-41 7 158, (MIRA 110) Mike (Military science)) Individualapproach to training tank troops. Voen.vomt, 39 no.5; 84-87 Qj 160. ... (,t,'T~'.A 14:2) (Tar~c warfare) ; podpolkovnik; MUTSINOV9 S.~v polkdvnik; ROMMNKO, A.,, BBIDVOrl N. -------Tp-OTk - - PO ovnik' - Demonstr~ation lessons and exercises. Voen. vest. 40 no. a-.,64-67 mr l6l. (Military education) (MW, .14s2) BELOVOLP M. lkovnik; MMINIX, N., podpolkovnik; TIKHOLAZ I... mayor J"' I zju'.~, . T-*dpo , , --- "Individual evaluation"; discussion of the article published in No.4. Voen. veot..43 no,901-53 S 163, (KM 16t1O) (Military education) ACC NRi AP06027118 SOUICZ CODE: LPV00l8/66/C00/0O5/0ll3/0ll4 (A) AUTHOR: :3010vol, X. (Lieutenant colonel) 024. 14'0n0 TP~11~; aring from a moving 411-aaik SQ%GL1; Voyenny-jr veatnik, no. 5, 1966, 113-114 Ti,TIC '2AGS: military tank, conventional warfare, aLm sidit A!Z',L2aCT: The estimation and selection of lead angles and time laZs for aiming a1A fii-iiu, from a moving tank io discussed vrith reference nade to ar, artdicle by Colonel YU. Semenov -*ublished in "VoyenW. vestnik", no. 12, 1965- Colonel Scmenov proposes that tho lead taken be alwajs equal to 1/3 of trio siGht mark swine,, or 2/3 of the ampiitude.'' Ap:)rovin- this proposal, tho author, ho-orovor, thinks that suclh a mothod can be zucce, fully used on,31 on condition that the occillation oci-iod is cqual to one second, with the propar tire lag of 0.16 sec. 'fais laZ of 0.15 to 0.16 see is Gti?ulated in the firin$i rules. In the author's opinion, such a quick ra&ponoe can be don.-.onotrated only by well trained and experienced gunners.- In general, tho firing practice schows that the ti=u laz lies within the limits of 0.15 to 0.25 see. Consequently, the author presents the results of his calculations of the lead based on the time lag of 0.2 and 0.25 see and various pitching movements of the tank. The calculations were made Tor various taract heiGhts ACC NR: AP6027118 varyinC from 1 to 3 m. The results, sumarized in a tablo, are analyzed and reco=-eada- tions for firing are presented. In general, it is concluded that a Greater lead is needed for a smaller target and a greater range as well as for an extendea 1,ag and a higher angular velocity of the tank pitching movement. The importance of training for acquirinC needed standards and habits for fir:Lng while moving is stressed. Orig. art. has: I table. SUB CODE: 15/ SUBM DATE: None MMOVOL. Vasiliy Takovlevich: SMYGM , A.I.i red.izd-va; ROKAHOVA, [Tables of a6rrectiono for conterinc "c!" "r-eduction at points of triangulation] Tablitsy pop~',avok. to.entrirovku i reduktaiiu Is na Punktakh triangaliatoli. Voak-Of, Izd-vo goodox.lit-ry, 1960. 23 P. (MIRA 13:9) (Triangulation) B=VOLOV# B, (g.Kyzyl) 1-11- Tuva news photographers. Sov.foto. 19 no-8:32 Ag 159- (mm 13a) (Tuva.Autonomic Province--Photograpby, Journalistic) DBORDITIT, Stepan Stapanovich; MWWLOT, V*P., redaktor; SMWI. 'V.A., r*dakt*r-, PROZOROTBUYA.-IM"I'" ~--' (Nathod for determiaing the econotio effectiveness of metal supports iu timberiikg staping facef3 Rated apredelexiia eke- Momicheskai offectivaosti kreplonlis, mat&llom odhistaykh za- beev. Kooky&, Ugletakhisdat, 1956. 109 p. (HLRA 9:6) (Mine timbering) 091 1 1 1 ! ~ ~ I ~ I ~ - 11 -_-it - IF -g LL LUJA d-11.. I -J..Adi W%riopment of Extraction of Bituminous Sholes. (In litiviian.) V. T. 110twohn', 11o1 Weal), v, 2.5, Afig. 11M. If, J-13~ IlM WIAS &VA4111101l'i of ilia lxi%t 10 goo I- juntw-dr, it clArAilimi matl titilliahol, 0 " ! =00 tissiugious shak. Stich *Iutlia is ~jd to Iw wi&L-I% I i I k1uni in the U.S.S.H. a, a sourtv A solid fisel and GO 0 o:,3 NO gal, and as a raw nialt-rial bw lInKluction of rtlilat-ing Ix4r%&um lo a large c1li-lit. 04 WrImraturv- wiwk had aln-ativ Iwrn tion, sit FMINnimts Kos so S.S.R. alld The Ullillgr-Atl Alk UCII A% in Off. 9100 K111))ACV0114.1 SWAIM' WgiOUS. At thi- VFMI Of MIS, J goo 1WW gats-rixhicing PLnt was in oi-wration in tlk- IA-nitagra( region. coo see J I L I L -A, - _.__ 1!jAjL- L111a,1.1 Ct,..jF..TWw . W Got 1 1 P 0 too", 01" 4t 4 I C31C Gv isi Joe U AT 0 to 0 e000 0 or F to A i a FW of a it to a 4C a 49 't a of tt a It It a 1 14 .11116 ~16 .10 ei 1; 1*6 ,0*00 04111,0000W.0000000*00000 0 a 01 8 1 W so 0 a 9 3 4 v Rat, 0 0 60004 0 0 00 00 * W" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 So Wio 0 0 0 0 of 00 e, * 0 0. 0 o ~LM BELOVOLOVP V. T. Razrabotka goriuchikh slantsev ZIMining oil shales_7. Moskva, Ugletekhlzdat, 1953. 216 p. SO; Monthly List of-Russlan Accepsionis. Vol. 6 No. 8 Rovember 1953 BEI4VOLOV-,- V. T.. Engineer -- - "Systems of Working the Beds of Oil Shale in Baltic Basin." Cand Tech Sci, All-Uhion Sci-Res Coal Inst, 3 Nov 54. (VMp 21 Oct 64) Survey of Scientific and Tacbnical Dissertations Defended at USSR Righer Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sme No. 481, 5 May 55 BELOIOLOV ValliNa T,-# ich; RADULOV,.Te.F.,; SHUSHKOTSKATL, ~0--.--red. izd a; ~.IHDGRADOVA, G.V., red. ~zd-va; LOMILM. L.H., [Systems of working deposits of combustible shale in the Baltic Basin) Sistemy rasrabotki mestorozhasnii goriucbIkh slantsev Pribaltitskogo ~ae~eina. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1958. 69 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Baltic Basin-Shale) BOGDANOV, -M*Iqp inzh.;,5~V.OL()V V.Tj, kand.tekhn.nauk; G=KUL, M.N.. 13UMMNI A,S, P Mw=faotur(3 and ude of framedo reinforced concrete timbering under Aictic Condition$. Shakhtestroi, 5 no.4:8-10 Ap 161- (HIP-i 1W) la Kombinat Vorkutugoll (for Bogdanov). 2. Pechorskiy nauchno- issledovatellskiy ixgol'Wy institut (for Jbelovolov). 3. Inutitat gornogo de3A AN SSSR (for Rikbman). (Fechora Basin-Mine timbering) t-_ t7, MAIL Acul., UOK04 m Under identiod kvd 19M. comitions and maintenance lndivwud con Yield mak witis differitut PH kvel& ludividuA animals abow a ciftlice of acidity during p- lartation In MY tbtrw is a trwral r*l in =11T, and in octow Them is a CCMTW drapt Owing t? ctappaj? feed. M. KolobLooff KHRISTOV, St.;._BEWVSKI, Ajj-MSTOV, T. Postoy)erative'atelectasis in surgical treatment of tuberculosis. Rhirurgiia, Sofia 10 no.10:905-912 1957. 1, Sanatorium 41skrets" Gl. lekar: S. Simeonov. (Pb-3UMONWTOHT,'comol, atelectasis in pulm. tuberc.) (A.TEUCTASM, etiol. and pathogen. pneumoneotomy in pulm. tuberc.) WIIIL)V,*,Kl , Raiobri _... - Ecopwfdr! aspebU of tb, .4-,,akeloss c,12,tivallon of medimmi-early tomatoes with azb'A w.1 ~hvuL seadiings. Selsknntop nauka 2 no.9. 2.037 1047 264. ORLOVSKIY, A.S.1 MELIKANOVITSKIY, I.M.; Simplified methods of calculating the gravitational effect of local relief (as exemplified in eastern Central Asia). Uch. zap. SAIGIMSa no.7tl83-191 162. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri, Sovets Ministrov Kirgizskcq SSR, Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-insledovatellskiy institut geologii, i Mi- nerallnogo syrIya i Upravleniya geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Mi- nistrov Tadzhikskoy SSR. ~ S Vk y , /-CIr--rAC- k NUIEC, Roman,, inz.; BEWOJ60 Zdensk, ins. C---------------- Nonvacuum impregnation of weak-current transformers by insulation varnishes. Sdel tech 9 no.8:282-283 Ag 161, BELOVUKOVIC., R. Selecting candidates for squad leaders in the engineering corps. P. 58. VOJNI GIASNIK. (Jugoslavenska narodna armija) Beograd., Yugoslavia Vol, 9. no* 8, Aug* 1955 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. B., no. 9,9 Sept- 1959 I I Uncl. I CERVIIVKA, 0.; BELOVSKY, Q. Synthesis of the alkaloid edulein. Coll Cz Chem 26 no.12.-3181- 3182 D 161. 1. Institut fxir organische Chemiel Technische Hochschule fur Chemie, Prag. ONO C:c'jNZl',5RL,%.# 0; BE-LOMRrs 0; il-ep~--Artmnt or Oreanio of the Inctitate of -b I& Pragual 2,, l0eparlmaent of tpeaial Ana34tla uotllwcls of the L -Ut4to O~c .21-ml 109oh- noloc~.,Ys --. ra,-ac uplIcation ot Onecimplovsk Charilcal "0 1 'T .11 17-u MIU-1- 67'~ Oj%symratric l*icact-lonzo, VIII, Ulltra-Vtolirlv- and Tnfra-Red 51'e0tra 0-69 Xotor'-ac., Cyclollex~,IwTl ""no$ and i'laryl llatonds.s