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MWMI,p H-04. BMW., V4,T-
TostUM the outtw bar an a drm-tn* act"tor of a outtu%.
20ubr fbr GtMD driettwo TRUO mIr 201344 suo
(KMA 282U)
L 46840-66 VdT(1)/EWT(m)ZE'WP (t)/ETI- IJP(c) JD/CD/JH
ACC NR, AT6o24,968 (N) SOURCC CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0126/0128
AUTHOR; Bogoyavlenskiyt A. F. Belovy V. T. 56
ORG: Kazan Aviation Institute (Kazanskiy aviatsionnyy institut)
TITLE: Testing of filled anodic oxide films on aluminum with cathodic current in a
nitric.acid solution
SOURCE: SSSR. Otdolenive obshchoy i tekhnichaskoy khimii. Zashchitnyyo metal
chosk' i oksid.We Dolcrytiya, korroziya motallov i issledovaniya v oblasti olektro-
khimi, (Protective meiallic and oxide coatings, corrosion of metals, and.studies in
electrochemistry). Moscow, Naulca, 1965, 126-128
TOPIC TAGS: anodic oxidation, aluminum oxide, dielectric breakdown
ABSTIUCT: Cathodic current was used to evaluate the comparative stability of oxide
films on aluminum, which were formed anodically in sulfuric acid solution and fined:
with solutions of sodiUM DhOsphates, sulfate, dichromato, and chromate with an an on
concentration of 0.1 moWl, and also with distilled water. The solution temperature i
was found to be a major factor in the fining of the aluminum films in dichro~ate-
chromate and sulfate solutions, but not in phosphate solution. The filling effect in
water surnasses that in sulfate solution, but is less pronounced than in dichromate-
chromate soluttion. Based on testing with cathodic current in a 2% HN03 solution, the
comparative stability of the anodic oxide films filled at 50-950 in aqueous solutions
L 46840-66
ACC NR. AT6o24968
of inoraanic salts in the range of DH 4.5-5.3 can be e=rossed by the series (AF
anodic film)
AF Na2Cr2O7/Na2CrQ~ "FH20'> A~4'Na23C4> A~,,'a%PC4.
The stability of films filled in phosphate solution is comparable to that of the
other filled films only at low fiJIling temperatures. Orig. art. has; 2 figures.
SUB CODX: 11~71SUBM DATE. 06Doc63/ O.UG REF: O(Y~l TM REF., 001
AUTHORt Belov, V. T.; Bogoyavlens)dyy Ae F
ORG: Chemistry Dopartment, KazAn Aviation Institute (KsLfedra khimiiq Kazanskiy
aviAtBionnyy institut)
TITLEt Effect o*f pH of the filler solution on the sorption of chromate ions by an
anodic oxide film on aluminum
SOURCEI IVUZ. Rhimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologlyaq v. 99 no, 31, 1966, 391-393
TOPIC TAGS: aorptiong anodic oxidation, chromatep aluminum oxidg. , 17clo 4 5e,
e(?V1'L1dR1Qrn 10 .111 1$ %~ . itl
ABSTRACTI The sorption of chromatk ions by an anodic oxide film on AD-1 aluminum was
studied by filling the film in bichromate solutions at various pH values ancT -using
the Cr5i radioisotope. It is shown that in the pH range corresponding to the minimum
dissolution of the films the sorption of chromate ions decreases with rising pH, and
there is a simultaneous rise in the weight increase-of the film. Possible causes of
this phenomenon are examined. It is postulated that the decrease in the sorption of
anions by the film may be due to the increased swelling of the film material as the p
risesp to a decrease in the amount of hydroxyl ions capable of underging ion exchange
on the surface of, and to an increase in the amount-of CrO4 - ions in the
finer solution. Orig. art. has$ 3 figures and 3 formulas.
SU.B COM 1 07/ SUBM DATEs 14Apr64/ ORIG REFs 016/ OTH REFt 003
L 01302-67 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD
ACC NR, AP6002205 W SORCE CODE: UR/0153/65/008/005/0753/0757
AUTHOR: Belovi V. To; BoSR yavlenskiy, A, F ; Kozyrev, Ye. M.; Kbristoforovl
V. A,
ORG: Kazae Aviation Institute, D~partment of Chemistry (Kazanskiy aviatsionnyy in-
TITIX: Investigation of the sorption properties of anodic oxide film on alumin=,
VL- Electron microscopic study of anodic oxide films on ab after filling
]SOURCE: IVUZ. Xhimiya i khimicheskaya tekhmlogiyal ve 89 no, 5j 19651 753-7e,7
TOPIC TAGS: anodic oxidation, alumi umq electron microscopy
ABSTRACT: Samples of aluminum-AD-lp 18 CM2 in surface, were degreased by acetone and
subjected tq anodic oxidation for 20 minutes in 201 H 2SO4 at 20C at a current density:
of I amp/&4. After washing in distilled H.0 and drying Im a desiccator over H SO -
the oxide film weighed 0-155 g,/dm2j, had a thicImess of 5-6,a) a porosity of 15"fg~."arja
contained 15-16% by weight of sulfate ions. Filling of o~dde films was made in disti31-
,(M solution of sodium phosphate or chromate at various pH. The elacbm-
H20 and in 0.1
croscope, studylykas made from lac and, in some cases, titanix= replicas. The reaction
f the oxide film with %0 at 95C caused a*noticeable swelling and an intense hydration
hich narrowed the pores and changed the observable relief of the film surface, The
Card 1/2 IW-L-531.533 - 3 5
L 01302-67
ACC NRs AP6002205
hemical-sorption reaction of the film subst-pces with anions of the inorganic solution'l
illerresulted in the formation of dense chemical-sorption layerss decreasing noticeaW~
a swelling affected by H20, In addition, the phosphate and chromate solution-finers,
hich reacted with~ film substances with a 1Y dLssolving effect '(PH /+.5-6-5), somewhat
=Oothed the frontal surface of the film in the most protruding places. The exposure of
film to air at ING did not change its surface, but exposure of film to 3300 brought
Rbout the deformation of the film surface. Evidently the decreases in weight, observed
in both casesp were caused in the first case by the liberation of adsorption water from
imres, whereas in the second case it was caused by the dehydration of oxide and removal
bf structural water. The data obtained substantiated the theory., advanced previously,
on the pros-nee of dissolving, hydration, and sorption of anions during filling of film
In aqueous solutions of inorganic salts. It was noticed that, during filling of films
In solutions of Na phosphate,, hydration was sma32er than during filling in bicbromate -
C.-,zomate solutions. The paper was presented at the Fourth All-Union Conference on
tMectron Microscopy (IV Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po electronnoy k-,osko ii) held at-
12-14 Mar 1963, Orige arte has: 2 rig, ana i taoie*
Com 1120/SUBM DATE: O9Sep63/ ORIG*REF: OQ4/ OTH REF: 002
AUTHORt.:. Rogoyavlonskiy, A. F.; Balovp V. T.
ORO: none
TITIEt Filling of anodic oxide film on aluminum in aqueous solutions of certain in-
organic salts ad its comparative effectiveness
SOURCEI Zhurnal prikladnoy khimill v. 391, no. 12, 1966s 2705-2711
TOPIC TAGSt aluminums anodic oxidationg surface film
ABS7RACT: Continuing their 3tuctr of the mechanism of filling of anodic oxide filias
on aluminum in solutions of inorganic salt3s the authors found that during such -fill-
ing the anions have differs-at capacities for penetrating the film and for desorption.
It is shown that sulfate ions which have penetrated the film in the course of ii3'
formation pass into the filler solution in negligible amounts and do not determine* the
sorption of the anion of the solution. It is concluded that no single mechanism 'of
filling of the anodic oxide film on aluminum can be proposed; in each individual cases
the mechanism is determined by the nature of the filler solution, condition of the
surface, and conditions of the filling. Filling of the film in solutioms of phosphate
salts oontributes'relative3,y little to an increase in its protective properties, but
in solutions of sulfate and chromate salts improves the protective prop%&:ties of the
film. Authors express their thanks to le. M. Kozyrev and I. 'A. Vagina-for their par-
Card 1/2 UDC1 620.197:539.103-8620
ticipation in the ~mperiments. Orig. art. hast 6 figures and 2 tables.
SUB CODES 07/ SIAM DATE: 15D~c64/ ORM REF 1 012'
Card 2 /2
rIIwt*&-%XRWIveISp4-Ir~I MWIV~XImgv%~Wxmm,~,Ilm
2. Ussa OooY
4. Sudogoda District-Coal
7. Report on the geological and prospecting work of the Ivanov petroleum
exploration group for 1942.
LAbstracto. Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. No. 2, 1947
9. Monthly Lists-of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~~h 1953v Unclassified.
1. Ducv, V. V.
2. USSR(600)
4. Kyzyl Tash - Daery
7. De3osits of emery in the v-,cinity of the Irtyash groun. �-batract-7 Tzv. Glav.
u9r. geol. fon. nc-3. 1947
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953, Uncl.
_LEL201,_ K,, voterin.vrach
Intraperitonial injection of the solution of drug mixtures into calves
during dyspepsia. Veterinariia 41 no-306-59 Mr 164.
1, Glavny-y veterinarnyy vrach sovkhoza "Vpered", Moskovelaya obl. (for
Gopanenko). 2. Glavnyy voterinarnyy vrach Yefremovskogo proizvodatven-
nogo upravleniya Tallskoy oblaisti (for Goloshchapov). 3. Zaveduyushchiy
veterinarnoy lAboratoriyey Yefremovskogo prolmdBtvannogo upravieniya .
Tull!skoy oblasti (for Starchenkov). 4. Glavnyy zootekh;dk Yefremovakogo..,
proizvodotvennogo uprayleniya Tallskoy ob:Lasti (for Kozhukhovsk~y).
5. Sovkhoz "Tucha"., Minskaya oblast' (for Belov).
18(597) SOV/135-59-9-3/23
AUTHORS: Shorshorov, 11. Kh., Zemzin, V. N., Candidates of Tech-
nical Sciences; Bel,ov, V. V. and Smirnova, 1. D.,
TITLE: Research on Weldability of Heat Resistant Steels Con-
taining 12% Chromium
PERIODMAL; Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, ITIr 9, pp 6-10 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors state that the use of higher~ working temp-
eratures (565-5800C) with present day -bteari turbines
need heat resistant steels for the more heated parts.
Therefore research -ias done on the weldability of heat
resistant steels containing albout IZ6 chromium. Chrom-
ium steels withoit additioi
U -tal alloys (Type 2Khl3, IKh13,
08Khl2) and reinforced steels (Type 15KhIUT
, 15KhIIW
15KhIIMFB, 151