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AUTHOR: Belov, N. A. SOV/32-24-9-36/53 TITLE: An Automatic Device forGas Conveyance in Hand-Operated Gas Analyzers (Avtomaticheskoye ustroystvo dlya perekachivaniya gaza v gazoanalizatorakh ruchnogo deystviya) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24~ Ir 99 PP 1`647-11,48 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A diagram of the arrangement is given. It can be seen from it that the main parts of the apparatus are a measuring buret (100 ml), surrounded by a water jacket, 2 absorption burets of the typet VTI,, GWO and an orsat apparatus (orsa), as veil as a "power vessel" 050-180 ml). The vessel is filled with a sealing liquid (saturated sodium sulfate solution , and con- nected by it w1th the measuring buret (400-450 M. The air volume of the "power vessel" is connected with a rubber balloon in a water tank. By means of an elaborate arrangement the rabber balloon is squeezed together by the water pressure, and thus exerts pressure upon the sealing liquid. A detailed description of the operation of the arrangement is given, as well as are equations for the calculation of the results. More than 100 gas analyses for C021 the sum of unsaturated hydrocarbons, Card 1/2 oxygen, and carbon monoxide were performed, the apparatus always SOV/32-24-9-36/53 An Automatic Device for Gas Conveyance in Hand-Operated Gas Analyzers functioning properly. The time required for analysis is stated to be 10-15 minutes. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 maw N.A. . Combined die for forging bottom boxes. Stan. i instr. 27 no.9-.36 S t56. Oax& 9: n) (Dies (Metalworking)) A.0 -1k 11 'A' I V? a . I N, kand.geograf.nauk, otarshiy nauohW sotrudniki VEMMIKOV# T.# ,_-~:~~~ograf.naukp mWehiy nauohmy sotrudnik Now data on the drifting of the "North Pole-70 station. Mor.flot 22 no;,404-35 Ap 162o (MM 1534) 1. Arkticheskiy I Antarkticheekiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut,(for Belov). (Arctic regions-Sea Ice) ENUN, N.A.; LAPINA, N.N. deposito In the region covered by the *North Pole 20 drifting station. Iwv*AN SSSRb Ser.geole 21 no*7:3-16 Jl 156. (KWA 9:10) 1j, Glay4oys UpearlenVe Severnogo,u'brskogo puti, ArktIcheikly na- uchna-iusledovl~tel'Ody institdt. Lenin (*tlw-.Oaean~~ 'bottm) BELOV, N.A.; JAPINA, N.N. ..ft am Bottom sediments in the central part of the Arctic Ocean. .- Trudy nauch.-isel. inst, gaol. Arkt..85:90-116 158. (KIRL 12:8) (Arctic Ocean-Sediments (Geolog3r)) Bolov, N. A Lapina, N. 122- 1 44 T. IIL NI-x Data on tw% ion che of :trctin Ocean BoLlin qonnykn 0io-zrieniy bnsueyno Pvorn:,g~-. .-~keara) Vaviady Akademii nauk 114~6, VoI I.,.), Nr PP f Irl; 4 Iz A CIP I "Inc straLit'iC&LiOrl 0i ine kre,,ic oasin as mentioned in the title was aescrioed i*or the first time by members of the expeditions of the Arkticheskiy naucnno-issledovatellski-y institut f,1~5cien- tific Research lnstiLute for tne A.retic Region) in the years from 1948 to 19~4. N. A. BeIov succef-dod, nowever, only in 19~:; in taking a 412 am hign coiumn from a depti-. of 5 044 m for the first time during the mentioned expedition aboard the ice- breaker "P. Litke" nortn of 'Ipitebergen and Frazis Joseg, ,and (`~hpitsbergen, Zemlya Frantsa Ioalfs. ') (Fig 1). The ootai.,ed re- sults confirmed the entire scheme of' stratification which had been found already in earlier invet4Ligatioas (Refs 1,5). On the strength of the stratification of the sediments and of the radium content the absolute age may be determined and the co-.,- Card 1IJ relation can be carried out betpeen tneze 8edimen-.s and k. I. SOV/20-122-1-32 '10-4 New Dixta on the ~,tratil'ication of the Bottorp Sedimencat.Lon of zhe Irctic Ocean Basin V Moskvitinov's and S. A. YakovIev's sekiemes for the uart6rnury on the continent. They nret 1) RecenL deporits from present time until 9 000 - 10 000 years ago. 2) Finiglacial, or the fourth new glaciativii in Europe and wie fiartansKaya glaciation in I;iberia (.-3ibirl); 9 WO - 10 000 ana as far as 16 ooo - 17 000 years ago. i) Sedimen'ts of' tEe heat period 16 000 - 17 000 to 2U 000 years old. 4) Depoeits from the cold period of -,ne Ostashkovskoye or third new glaciaLion :in Europe and the second stage of the Zyryanskoye giaciation in nibir, are 20 000 to 30 600 - 32 000 years ola. 6) Thi- sedimentn of the next cold period which obviously corresponds to the Kalininskoye or sec- ond new glaciation in Europe and the first stage of Zyryanskoye ;I glaciation in Sibirl are 50 000 - S2 000 to 6. 000 - '70 000 years old. 7) The sedimentation of the deposits underneath which date from, the heat period took place during tfie boreal encroachment (Mikulinskiy period), e.g. 6S 000 - 70 000 to 110 0(.*0 years ago. 8) The sediments wbich are below the men- tioned ones were already deposited dtiring tne ffoskovskoye or t'irst nt;-,~ giaciataon in Europe and the Tazovskoyt- in ' i.b2r' -122-1-32144 New Data on th-v ~ltratificaljon of tfiq Pkv-tum ..oalmentatiut, of' trif. Arctic Ocean Basin between 110 0-0 and 1-jO 000 - 11m, till., Y~,,4rq ago. 91 Those strata were formea durin.& the 1-ist, Iteat pai-ix-e' ," t:t.-- Middle sLunrtornary, n.g,, 0:J!' year., tigo *.-tin. ~uci ier. "Nie beginning o", tottli, vevvi(I ii-A bo ~eLr.,rrtvlnve. ':,tv~re are I figure and f .k 0 C 1.~, T0 NN geologii *,rk,iki ~,.rctic Insti- of :-rctic PHR~ ENT-E-J.- Pe,,;I-:.%r.v ~~, i%),jjr v.-Y k.. ?,. --trarrov. !,~eiztoer, academy of Sciences, SUBMITTED: ~.pril 20, 19-,8 Card 3/3 PRUE I BOOK EXPLOITATIM: BOY/%= International Goologloal Congress. 21st# 9;op-%haZvn*. 1960. Morskaya geologlya (Marine Geology) Moscow, Izd-vo AN AM, 1960. 205 P. 2.500 copies rioted. (3arleas Dokla4y novetakMrh &*ologov, problema 1013 Editorial Boardi P. I. Bezrakov, Reny. Zd.j A. V. ZhIvW, V. 21. Zankovich and 0. D. UdIntsev; Ed. of Pubigaw-se Houses V. S. Sheynsanj Tech. Ed.i V. Karpov. PMUkOSEt This book 3.6 Intended for geologists and oceanographers. COVERACM8 7he boa contains IS articles representing the reports given by Boylet zoologists at the 2lat. International OoolcZlca.2 Congress. IndAviduLl aftlolas deal with th bott- topography. sedlmntotlon, and tectonics of oceans (Wos:.ra Pacific an Southern XrAlan)# as well an the goomorphology and tectonics or the Black and Casgian Seas- and Soviet sectors of the Baltic. An Saglish x4suad accospanIes each article. No personalities a , 0. D. UdLutsev, And `an;4V X. N rochn . MhAs or iny.-ONatlons".1- Crust Under Bess and Oceans 35 Saldova. Kh. H. 3t igraphy Of Sodlawnt-s t" U *Xaogra;&7 of tile-Wo-rth-western Pacific and the ftr Zrztern Saar -,f the USSR According to 8*&-Bott~cm ftraainigerg r. 59 ?AsLt;ZR&AA-?. Yormatlon of Sediments in the Southern 'Pacific and Indian Oceans 69 'S-R~ W., and A. BAIRZO Bottom Sedimentation Can- 7M.06 In the ArGa Von= - 88 and Yu. P. ReproMincy. Bottom aeomorpholazy W0,15W. -F?M-b.lem of the Black Sea 94 AQ10-Vev- V. F., L&A_S. AMIdako" AV R4216f and * and 0,_Y,__ tpevIL. Aece-..; r atj; 0 .5 -no-F-9tructuxe 0 Southern Zaspia-5--Xier, 205 GarAhan h a Recent Shelf Deposits In Via Karginal Vrhukilh 51A 216 an of aA .......... ,E90ova. 31. V. '.%a Geology of the Barents as* X23 OorShkova, T. 1. i3efts*nts In the Norw*gLan Sea. jT:ff2rjnjA-N~,V. Mno of the Zdagen*618 or Some xaruo to 140 Z&nkovlch V P * 0, X. Loontlyev, and Ye. 2, Nevesakiy* 7he on the Develops nt of the Coastal Zone of Soviet Sees X54 M11:tQ!6M_ A., V L and Y'lzankovich. so" _3 164 Rudanov V -A-A-Imln, P. A. lin, mod V. S. PladvadOv. REM 64H !;l-jWv-e=antG or Seashorea-M the SZVZWrVfMva- IT5 -Z&Qnk!xetvO. X. Typea and Formation of lagoons an Recent Seashores- Card-4^ BELOVI N.A.; LAMNA2 N.N.j SAKS, V.N.,, red.; DROZHZMNA, LePe., tekhn. red,. (16ttom sediments of the Arctic Sea basin I DozWe otlorl*- niia Arkticheakogo basseina. Pod red. V.N.Saksa. Leningrad, Izd-vo ffMorskoi transport," 1961. 151 P. . (MIRA 15:5). 1, Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sake). (Arctic regions-Deep-sea deposits) MIR R-W-M-MM ~Vxww "M BELOVS No 31 14#2. .Establish a now program of ship repairs. Rech. transp. 22 no.Ll-. 28-29 N 163, (KM 16:12) BELOV N A.. YEROFEYEV, P.N. Suspended matter of the Laptev Sea. Trudy AANII 26/+:76-?9 163. (MIM 17:6) BELOV.. N.A. Practice in the application of the piston ground pipe at the drifting station "North Pole-"4v 1958-1959. Trudy AAN1124E: 85-91 tO. (MIRA 17:6) BELOV, N.A. New types of materials. Put' i put.khoz. 10 no.10 t66* (M-IRk 1931) 1. Starshiy inzh. Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta transportnogo stroitallstva. HxrTxRp T.Ay prof.; 77--- iodifications in the bone marrov and peripberal-blood in-bWwin Problogemat,i perelkrovi I no.,1223-29 Ja-r 1.06. (KIRA 14ii) I& Iz kafedry faku3.ltetgkoy terapii (mach.-- prof. V*A. Beilrer) i.kafadry.gospitalt~oy khirurgii (radh. Prof. iss. X01983i*00 ~oyemo-meditsinsk6y ordena Ianina akademii imeni S.No- Ktrm.' (BURNS AND SCALDS) (BU)OD CM BELOV, N. A. and BEYER, V. A.,, Prof from the Departmeat of the Faculty of Therapy (Director - Prof. V. A. Beyer) and th e Department of Hospital surgery (Director - Prof. 1. S. Koleanikov) of the Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Order of Lenin. "Changes in Bone Marrow and in Peripheral Blood, in Burn abstract--B-99405 Aoaaa ptm -joza -Y -A 'UMIR, BELOV, NA. "Changes in the Internal Organs in Burns," p. 32 Military Medicine 1956 lecture delivered at a conference of Soviet military physicians at the Military Medicical Academy im. S.M. Kirov, Leningrad, 29-October - 2 Nov 56. USSR/Humn and Animal Physiology. Effects of Physical Factors. Thermal Factor. T-13 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 12, 1958, 56155- Author Deyer, V.A., Delov, N.A. Inst Title Changes of ~;-`Boae M~arrow and of Peripheral Blood in Diseases Caused by Durns. Orig Pub: Probl. Sematol. i perelivaniya krovi, 1956, 1, No 1, 23-29. ,'.bstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 177 SHMfG)Yd. f9 dot aentj MURCHAKOU, A.F., kand.biologicheakikh w-:; BELOV, N.A. (Ioningrad) Mosinopenic reaction following stimulation of adrenocortical function; experimental and clinical investigations [with summary in English# p.1241 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Is kafedry fakulltetakoy terapii (nach. - prof. V.A.Beyyer) Voyenno-meditsinskcq ordena Isaina akademii imani S.H.Kirova. (BURNS, phveiology, aosinophil count & urinary 17-ketooteroida (Run)) (31OSINOPHIL COUNT, in various diseases, burns, with urinary 17-ketoeteroids changes (Rua)) (17-KITOSTAROIDS, in urine, in burns, with eosinophil count changes (Rua)) B~/C/)// Ad. 5 BNLOV. Nl#j,,.Ayor meditsinskoy sluzhby; BELYAYEV, V.Ye., podpolkovnik ------O'Tffi-tsinokoy sluzhby Functional changes in the internal organs in burns. Voon-med.zhur. no.8-.11-15 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:12) (BURNS, physiology, internal organs (Rue)) BMV, N.A. ,Thrombocvto-iotic abanges in burns. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 4 n6.5:50-51 My 159. (MIR& 12:7) 1. 1% kafedry fakulftetskoy terapii (nahc. prof. Vjt, Boyer) i Imfedry goopitallnoy khirurgii (nach. - prof. I.6. Xclesnikov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena lenina akELdemii imeni S.M. Kirova. (MURNS, blood in, platelet count (Rue)) (BWOD PTATRIM, count in burns (Rue)) BALOV, N.A., mayor meditsinskoy slushby ftochromic anemia following burns. Voen-med.zhur. no.5:59-64 M'v 159. (KIRA 12:8) (BMWS. compl. hypochromic anemia (Hue)) (ANN14IA, IRON DMICIENCY, etiol. & pathogen. burns (Rus)) KOROVKIN$ B.F., podpolkovnik meditoinskoy sluzhbyj 444VL N A kand. med. nauk, podpolkovaik medsinskoy sluzhby; KANTOROVICH, A.S, Diagnostic value ~of transaminase, and aldolase in the blood serun in acute coronary~jjwurficieney. Voen.-med. zhur. -no-5:30-33 M;r 160. (KM 13:7) (CORONAU VEMIS-DISMES) (TPA&UMNASE) (ALDOLM) KOROVKIN, B.F.; _,B=V, Iff.A.; XANTOROVICH, A.S. Problem of early diagnosis In acute myocardial infarot. lab.delo 6 no'l--3-7 Ja-79 160. (KIRA 13W 1. Is Leninpadekogo okruxhuogo voyannogo gospitalya (nachallvik N.S. SokoloT). (MURT-INVARCTION) (MrZYMNS) NIOV) N. A. and GIKALOV., G. S. I "Myocardial Infarct in Young Persons as a Result of Acute Physical Overexertion" b- 39 . .I Voyenno Mieditsinskiy Zhurnal, No. lo, 1962 SMLOVp Pavel Ivanovich.. prof.1 PIMBEIN,, Petr Viktorovichp kazd. med. nauk; Prinimal uchastiye RM~DVN~j, kand. mod. nauk; KOMAROV, F.I.p red.; MARASH, G.A.t tekhn, red, [Internal patho.logy irk bans (therml)) Vnutrenniaia patolo- giia pri ozhogakh (termichookikh). Leningrad, Medgiz, 1962. 294 P. (BURNS AND SCALDS) (MIRA 150) pw BELOV N A kand med, nauk ningrad); 61KALOV, G.S. (Leningrad); ;.F. (Leningrid) Changes in the blood 'tem. in B.otkin's disease and treatment with ateroid 4ormones.4.3ov. Med. 26 no.9:49-52 S 162. (MM .17:4) . BEWV, N.A., ROMOV, T.K. (laningrad). Unique beginning of acute leukemia. Yrach. delo no.lltI20-121 I . V63 I,. (MM 101t12) I 13EZRUKOV, AJ!"; _!~ELOV,_I.A.; BARSUKOVp M*M., inzh, Method for're,storing the strength of dowels, Put' i put, khoz. 7 no.11:18 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Nachallnik Kazatifiskoy distantsii puti Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Bearukov). 2. Starshiy lnzh. Vsesovuznogo nauchno-isele- dovatellskogo instituta aheleanodorozhnogo transports, Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya '(for Belov). 3. Kazatinskaya distantsiya puti Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Barsukov). BOIIdiII-!M-SrARYNMVICII, Irina Dmitriyevna- SELOV 1.1 B akademik, Otv. red. [Handbook for the calculation of mineral formulas) Ruko- vodstvo po raschetu forrul mineralov. Moskva., Izd-vo Nauka, 1964. 222 p. (MIffiA 17: 8) .1 1 1 -~ BEWVj N D RAKHLIN, I.Ye.; ALWIIN, L.I.; SEREGIH~ I.I.; POGODIN, -4?.1.; PONTYAR, A.A.; PMUKHOV, T.I., red. (Goorgievskaya HighwaZ,p -rith tracle navement. made of reinforced concrete slabs in theiBelozersk togg'ing Enterprise of Vclogda Province] Georgievskaii avtomobillnafa doroga. s koleinym po-* krytiem iz zhelezobetoMkh plit -v Belozerskom lespromkhoze Vologodskoi oblasti.' Vol6gdap Savero-Zapadnoe knizhnoe izd-VO,, I 1964. 36 p. WRA 2815) L Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo leanoy prorWohlennosti i lesnago kho2yaysbva. Vologodskoye oblastnoye pravleniye. Belo zetakotb7-10 sopronWshlermoye Ichozyaystvo (f0: r"MW41 Petrulchov) SOV/137- 5q- I - 1217 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 166 (USSR) AUTHOR: Belov, N. F. TITLE: Investigation of the Machinability of 45-R and 45G2 Steels (Issledovaniye obrabatyvayemosti staley marok 45 R i 45GZ) PERIODICAL: Tekhn,ekon. byul, Sov. nar. kh-vaChelyab. ekon. adm. r-na, 1958, Nr 3, pp 20-22 ABSTRACT: A concise communication on a comparative investigation of the machinability of 45-R and 45G2 steels. It is established that addi- tions of B improve the machinability (relative to cutting operations), the hardenability, and the fatigue strength of these steels. The cutting speed permissible with 45G2 steel is 4011o greater than that afforded by 45-R steel. T. F. Card 1/1 'BELOV, N.F., insh. Investigating the wear of surfaces machined on lathes and grinding machines. Sbor. at. CHPI no.9:41-56 li& (WRL litio) (Surfaces (Technology)-Testing) S/121/61/000/bO6/008/012 DO4O/D112 AUTHORS: Proskuryakov,'Yu.G., Belov, N.F., and Petrov, V.N. TITLE: Cooling cutting tools by atomized cutting fluid PERIODICAL: Stanki i instrument, no.6, 1961, 25-29 TEXTs The authors give the results of experiments with atomized cutting.fluid in boring, thread-cutting,.planfng, and milling, carried out at the cutting labora- tory of the Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute). The effect of the volume and chere,al composition or the atomized fluid, the method of feeding the fluid to the cutting zone, nozzle shape and air pressure was studied. The experimental machine (Fig.1) made possible different combinations of fluid components, fluid quantity and air pressure. Wear of car- bide-tipped cutters was measured by the wear on the main rear tool flank with the use of an NOP-1 (MR-1 ) microscope j and wear of high-speo(I steel cutters by the depth of the pii forming on the cutter face. A different experimental unit was employed for milling cutters (Fig.8). The conclusion'was made that the wear-pre- venting effect of atomized cutting fluid is higher than'that r atealsed'eutt ra of flowing fluid. A higher quantity of cutting fluid- Card 1/6 S/121/61/000/006/008/012 Cooling cutting tools by atomized cutting fluid D040112 (emulsion and "suYfofrezol",,were used) had a positive off ect, but 400-660 g/hr of 5% emulsion or 200 g/hr of"Sul ~ozol!'caused thick fog in the shop. Increased air pressure also improved the effect. The Chelyabinsk Polytechnic . Institute, in conjunction,with the-GhTZj developed new atomizer designs - the -q" P1 -6 (ChPI-6) and 4 no -7 (ChPI-7) (Fig.12) and at the same time a theoretically-based calcula- tion method for atomizers. In the ChPI-7 (Fig.12), air from the main air pipe of the plant flows through the cook (4) and nipple (5) into the atomizer head (2) where the stream splits and some of the air flows through the duct (7) into the container (1) and exerts-pressure on the surface of the fluid in it. The pressure difference causes the fluid to move through the pipe (6),into the head (2). The rest of the air flows straight through the injector where it is atomized and fed through the nipple (8)'and a flexible hose to the tool edge. The flow is adjusted by the needle valve (3). The fundamental data for calculation are: t;ie velocity NO and air flow per second (Qair) needed for the tool cooling; fluid flow per second (Qfl); compressed air pressure (P) applied to the atomizer; the lengths of separate sections of the atomizer and the pipes. The formula for the diameter W of the intake pipe (6) is d4 16Qfl A Qf1 Card 2/6 (G + 9 Z\ Hmax S/121/61/000/006/008/012 Cooling cutting tools by atomized cutting fluid D040/b112 where L Qfl is the permissible reduction of the fluid flow; 6L Hmax - the maximum distance rom the injector axis to the fluid level; g - the gravity acceleration; G - the resistance factor of the intake pipe;c4 - the kinetic energy factor (at Y =1.06 1.12). The'nozzle outlet dia- laminar flow t4,1 =2 at turbulent flow CLt meter (d2) is.detmermined by Qair and U2 of the air jet by the equation ir d2 2 1 FQa (2) U t,2 1: The velocity is found by the Bernou]l on. The calculation results prove that the main factor ensuring dependable operation (stable fluid flow) is the pre- sence of a constant positive difference between pressure in the fluid container ard in the narrow section of the double-cone pipe. The f3rmula for this difference is Hmax Fmin= ~H 1- 1 H (4) 2 Qf1 Card 316 S/121/61/000/006/008/012 Cooling cutting tools by atomized cutting fluid D01,0/D112 whire ~ is the specific weight of fluid and H the distance between the axis Of the double-cone pipe and the - fluid 3eveLThe formula determining the initial cross-section area as well as the diameter of the double-cone pipe (assuming a continuous airflow) is: 1 U2 d P2 d 2k U2 (5) 1 .2 (~Pj U, Ul where k is the adiabatic curve factor and Y, ) e ,b are the volumetric weights of the air in the initial cross:-section of the two-cone pipe at entry and exit from the nozzle respectively. The dimensioni of the narrow settion of the double-cone pipe are determined in accordance with the pressure gradient needed for moving the fluid from the container into the main pipe, using the BerrDWli equation. Calcu- lation confirmed that the fundamental parameters of"the ChPI-6 atomizer were selec- ted correctly, but it still needs some debugging. An improved modification, the ChPI-7 has been produced. Its technical data are: wcrking air pressure 2-5 at; air consumption (at 3 gauge atmospheres) 4 m-1/hr; cutting fluid consumption 50 -900 g/hr. After the atomizers had been in use for 1 year,it was established that the wear resistance of boring tools tipped with T'15K.') (T15K6) alloy increased 1.5 Card 6 S/121/61/000/006/008/012, Cooling cutting tools by atomized cutting fluid D040/DI12 to 2 t-jmej_and cutting efficiency 50%. Surface finish improved by approximately one 10(2- 2789-59 (GOST 2789-59) class. There are 12 figures. 6 r ,Fig.*I.* The experimental atomizer unit. Card- 5 /6 PROSKURYAKOV,, Yu.G.,- BELOV, N.F. t PETROV., V.N. Using atomized fluids for cooling metal-cutting tools Stan.i instr. 32 no.6:25-29 Jo 161. iMIRk 14:6) Metal-cutting toolo-Zooling) talworking lubricants) t 2 USSR (600)' 4. Coal-Mni-ncg Machinerr, Experience in workint, thin teams vith combines model MM-1. Ugol' ZI7, no'. 3.1, 1952. 9. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions Library of Congress. February .1953, Unclassified. BTCHKOV, B.M., inzhener; BZLOT, I.I., inzhener. ,The Sh]3X-lu combine In the mines of the Donets basin. Mekh.trud.rab. 7 no.6:22-27 Je 153. (HUA 6:6) (Mining machinery) mov, N.I, Provide now machinery more rapidly for Donets Basin mines. Kekh, tru4, rabi 9 noolO:8 0 155. (MM 9:1) 1.2amestitell nachalluika Takhnicheskogo upravlenlys, Kinisterstva. ugolluoy promyshlennosti UM. (Donets Basin--Coal mining machinery) GUREVICH, GP,,, kand.biologichookikh nauk; BELOV, N.M., nauchuyy sotrudnik Enriching md1k *ft iodine by feeding algae and fish meal to cowo. V6terinnrlia 36 mo,1471-72 A 161. (KM 15:4) I* Primorokaya opytnaya se11ekokhczyaystvennaya otantoiya. (Min-composition) (Algae as food) (Fish mea" (Iodine) 9. Me 9MV, N6' Me Semenovodstvo'0vmhchnykfi Kulltur*i'Kbrr4vykh Korneplo 5678. $ pvo Petrozavodsk, Gosizat Kfoor.. 1954, .3" s 111. 20sm. 20pOOO F-kz 35k (55-10f~) p.- 635/ 633-4) : 631.52 (47.20) SO: Knizynava, IstoPis, Vol. 11, 1955 TITLL- Semirlar ~, I c 1 .12 4 1 a 0 non Parts in 1"-~110DICALt StandartL--atciya. 3p. pp 7 The seminar was Crgamlzed b7 the '-64SkOv-kiy do= nAUChzO-tekhnichea!:ojv p_-op&gjm4j Lm. Dzarzh1nr1;o&o (The tzoacow Hojsr of ac, c TecliAc.j Pro. PAZ~Zd& IMOLDI 1)ZOMbinakly) ;;I roritat at&ndartov, ter I linerattel-syk_h Qlh'LO_spi.~t" dards. -rvur', and "" Z _'-Jt~~_5)._ Tite jUrpose was- 10 rose ;. ze the exp~ri_euce a.- a,,vaarkhozaa, inijetry, and research ins tatuter It- =d coopora- t1on In tb* znc,~-100;b~ildtnZ InIustry and to convey this experience to !:e jLrdajty technicians. More than 300 delegates from OrGamizatioua and plants were pr, Gent and L8 reports were cialization and - read on the problems or _!~Popero.ion of the plants and the nor ;f i~e Mh-a , izpo-rt*&-n-t - . . - . . . ... - .. c me hine - units and parts, -. ~c ". _ coz~)Omezt C di a*fGport--M the Tochnico-rx0comic Effect a of Nor=alizatioa". inwlLich It "a cautioned that , rarr", h ban developed and prepared for publication 'EU-7-u-M-for the calculation methoda.(sclection of the optizams series and p&xer exponents) with practi- Cal Calculation examplea and data facilitating the necessary calculation work. to determine the req"rod normalizat-lan, a nomenclature of machine parts and r Ompon&nt unLts In needed, and the lCaredra detaley cA&hin (The VAcbIzc Parts 'hair) of Coakova"y stanko 1_V/ strumaxital*ayy toztit.rj1:.oqo,* P',chInm Tool ,I To., J CIRAflitutel av.2cped 0.1 .. Tat.. zor Ity+ zA- which are "characteristic" for dir ferant =stchinm- building iadantz7 brAnclies. S,*-oalled 6economic chsra teristical, of techno)cSic; processes can be act up and the sinima prcd=tion p;ogrz can be determined (Sra. phIcally or &n&4yticajjX for ht h the application or rI ott a M6,rd 8114 a Certain. process va r %,o'suldcbe expedient. TbA P"duatlon zones C0,41e. then be combined Into croups 1.1 obich-tha proceas v&rit-*O:x ic Ouit& 16- The following facts me.-a 5tutad in the report by T~,!% jgppl.2~4 , Parts -1;,ecialization I r. the ):Osccw "V- i .940L . Zhlrty seven &%All plantA proluo.JnS r2:1- tenors have beazi closed in 1:ontoo In the Course 2f plant apoci-Altz-ation zi=t- 'he cc;-and blif of 29511 only two plants istateud Of the former 25 AM zzroduclln,; =tGa eleet=adzsj cutting tools kl~l now t1t =='Jfgkr- turo4 at caly 4 plants Instead of ~,S; and 3 plants will prod.Ace die tblottt& for 25 pignts. Centrallz-~A productio= of drills, threading taPucrjllini~ cutoors t 11 anj tb_-*&djzZ Was is under pre~,arn U. US" (:0- Universal-zo-Sbormyye Frirpor-t,!~MZM, ar "univeroal .;) ar~ pM:!-1tOd At 11 cotposito &tt~,Ch_-emtG Card 9/14 &r..p or plants ~,d ~4 .t.n.1v-*1y at tho L'OUCOW "achlno- S~j- "port by SDeel'alication in 13 " M~ bu 3, 1 d I a e 1~-y Re-ion*f, it T&a (eta! Proluctn' mcctionol that thc ~lect,-Odrz, rittin.; ,6tAc,1-:- cuttlnf: tot-131 F~ar ro- : or drillin-- ainjnZ an- othar ductors. rp-re I-r, * 1Y tr bt-In, Cenrail:ed. On tro fdor.ta, "u-1 will Card 11/14 i.roduct= Orat-' `Ftj., -~rjraticn Of _~AU- in .-iz roport *c?".". "-, A. - ~jpa ?JtLV1;*,a". ':~orl: for I il"L40A 3-~ ~. 1~ 15 ds -Odured it. a t ztatpe 'h, foliccl;.g. Qr t_,e 'Ot'. It 1A or tyrev zmO 1%r,rx*-r.1 TvIrft d Z Azc~;c A-P r-1--- .0 r"rt" n".. 0 r~r 0 ~r of PL*,. fl, , tano" Af. *-.,Y Jr. ntrl ro-, I,,:, Of kj~/Za~ ~It cai-s 15M n.".Ul ri~ St 'Gr GUM, Rikhail Nikolayevich, prepodavatell; ZILIST, Petr Sigiswundovich. prepodavatel. IV, Tev9sniy Semenovich. prepodave tal LOPTM. Nikolay Kirillovich, prepodavatell; NUMMMIT.Iladimir Pro- koplyeviche propodavatell; MW0V* Petr Petrovich, prepodavatell; NMTIM, Oe=adiy Mikhaylovich, propodavatell-, of VON*# dotsent, kand.tokhn.nauk, retsenzent; BMVA~iuzh., retenn- sent; GOLOVANOV. N.V., red.; VOLCHOK'01A.-, [Technology of marine engineering and ship repairs] Takhnologlia sudovogo mashinostroonila i audoremonta. Pod obahchei red. M.N. Guseva. Leningrad, Isd-vo ORschnoi transport," Laningr.otd-nis. I~t.2. [Technology of ship repairs] Tekhnologila sudoremouta. ig6o. 47o (KIRA 13:4) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii sudoetroyeniya i sudoremonta Leningradekogo Inatituta vodnogo, transports (for Gusev, Mist, Lev# Lopyrev, Mardenskiye Nemkov, I W tin). (Ships-Kaintenance and repair) PMV, H.M* inzh. Standardization fo ship types and its economic aspects. Recht trane - 18 no.11:15-16 N '59. (MM 13:4) fihipbuilding-Costs) (Ships) L !62h()-66 AICC MR', AP6012152 SOURCE CODEf UR/0413/66/000/007/0070/0070 INVENTOR: Belov, N. M.; Bulanov, N. V.; Mukin, V. V. ORG: none TITLE: Device for measuring te peraturlMdifferences. Class 42, No. 180381 [announced by the Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (Nauchno- issledovatell skiy institut atomnykh reaktorov) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, fovarnyye znaki, no. 7, 1966, 70 TOPIC TAGS: temperature instrument, temperature measurement, resistance thermometer, electronic amplifier ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued describing a device for measurir temperature. diffefence4 (see Fig. 1). The device contains a bridge measuring circu with two platinum resistance thermometers connected to the input of an electronic amplifier, on the output of which a reversible motor is attached. To compensate for the errors originating as a consequence of the nonlfhear chaTacterigtics of the platinum j C,rd 1/2 UDC: 536. 531. 083. 4 L 41,20-66 ACC NRs AP6012152 resistance thermometers, the measuring circuit is in the form of a double balanced- unbalanced bridge with a double power supply, A balancing resistance thermometek is connected to one arm of the unbalanced bridge. Orig. art. has, I figure. [Trans'- [NTJ lation] To amplifter ov NA Fig. 1. Device for measuring th? temperature differenceB~ I-Balanced resistance th6rmometer; 2-resist thermometer. SUB CODE:;O~jPq/SUBM DATE: 27Jan65/ 2/2 BELOV NON, Advinced methodis of reinforcing foundation beds of buildings. 'Novo tekho zhil.-kom. khoz.:Zhil. khoz. no.2:22-17 163. (MM 18t6) BBLOV, N.N.; BOL'SHAM, Ta.Mo; GOBDRYBV, A.N.; GRACHIV, V.A.; YEM10V, A.A.; .a.- -=i~BKIY, A.X.i KIZEWITT , U.N.; KNORRIXG, G.M.; KONSTARTNOT, B.A.; IDPYTOV, IF.V.; ~LWIT, G.O.; HILUM. G.P.; NAY72LID, M.P.; FRINTSIV# A*A.; SIRBIROVSKIT. G.V,; SOKOLOV, B.A.-, STASIIDYTS, A.B.1 TATTS, A.A.; XHRAXMIN, A.M. Mikhail X'onstantiuovich Rharchev; obituary. Belov and othere. Prom. energ. 12 no.1203 3)"57. (MIU lOtl2) (Kharehav, Mikhail Koustautiunvich, 1896-1957) BELOVP NOND Using electric ailleffication fcr ctrangthtir'.Lng fj- Sbor, naucho rab, AMI no,16$29-41 062. Raising the supporting Power and stability of " ~;,uadatlon bode, in buildings by means of soil, stabilizationa Thid,:1112-5522 (MI-RA 17:8) BUROV, G.G., insh,; BE=, I.P., inzh, Results of industrial tests of the new OKK machinery anit in mines the Tula 11conomic Council. Ugoll 35 no.8:12-13 Ag 160. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Mosbasagivrogormash. (Tula Basin-Coal mining machiner7) BOBKOV, Vasiliy Ivanovi-6i,- Po6HMV, ruriy, Grigbrl~evich; Bwagi,. GeorgLy Georgiyovich; MLOV, Nikolak Pavloyi~oh; N*iF,_. Yuriy. Pavlovich; SEROV9 Vyacheslav--AJL-e-lE-seyevi- BARANOVSKIY, F.I., oty.-red.; KOVAL', I.V., red. izd-V" ILlINSKAYAj Z.H., tokhn. red. .COMKT mechanized stoping unit] Ochistnoi mekbanisiroyannyi kompleks OMKT; rukovodstvo po ekspluatataii i remontu. Mo- akval Gosgortekhizdat 1963 242 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Stoping (Miningi)-EqLpment and supplio3) xraxv-~.Mv. ~W-r M55 MADONOV, A.A.; JBELOV. N.P. Textile industr7 of the European socialist countries bel ing to the Como:Ll of Mitual Economic Aid. Tekst.prom. 123 no.,4&7-9 63; OK, 3. I,. Sovetnik so iata. Soveta ekonomicheakoy vzaimopomoahchi (for Madonov),, 2a sr'~Shiy referent eakretariata Soveta ekonomicheskoy vzaimopomoshchi (~qr Belov). (Comw4ist countries Te#tile industry) BELOV, N.P.; LEVINA, V.I.; ZHUKOVA, R.A.; ROYZIN, M.B.; PEREVERZEV, V.,W.j rU%A'IMOV,, X.N.; BARMIOVSWAp A.V.., kand. geol.-miner., red.; ZAMOTKIN, N.Ya.,.red.,- CHEREVATYY, P.P.j tekhn. red. (Soils of Murmansk Province and the improvement of their fertility) Pochvv Murmanskoi oblasti i povyshenie ikh plodorodiia. [Byj N.P.Belov J dr. Kirovsk, Izd-vo "Kirovskii rabochii," 1963. 117 p. (MIRA 17:3) ; BIRYUKOV, I.T.; VIRBLYUDOV, N.N., GORBUNOVI, M.N.; YESIPOVA, M.M.; !!-I0i-'-NtIICHff, A.I.; IGNATIMI, N.Ya.; KOVICHEVICH, P.M.; LYTKIN, A.M.; LOSKUTOV, Y.G.;WZYUKOV, A.B.; MIROSHNICIMKO, N.Ya.; NIFEDOV, A.Ya.; OSIPOV, I.V.; OSIPOV, P.M.; PETROV, N.G.; PETRACHKOV, M.I.; PINEVICH, K.M.; POPOV, B.Z.; POTAPOT, P.V.; PE=IN, F.Ye.; PUKHOV, A.F.; CHUSOVITINA, Ye.I.; ANGELISKIY, N.. [The Kuznetsk Basin in the sixth five-year plan] Kuzbass v shestoi piatiletke. [Kemerovo] Kemerovskoe knizhnoe is&-vo, 1956. 125 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Kuznetsk Basin) BEU5_,, N.S..,_polkovnik Conversation with a flier. Vest. Vozd. Fl, no.10:37 0 161, 41RA 15:2) (Flight training) N~ PRONSHTEYN, A.H.- OZEROV -"L N.~,RAFALISONp A.E. Electron multiplier tube w~~ 'Juagnetic. focusing for a high- speed r6as' ~ spectrometer wii*h': s e,paration, of". Ions in flight. P - Prib. t tdkh. ekap~ 8 no-4MA-119 Jl-Ag 163.' (MIRA 16:12) 1, Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro analitichaskogo priborostroyeniya AN SSSR. ET-7 BEwvf N.S.; SOLOVOYEV, L.N. Analysis of the parameters and arrangement of a new series of roll-turning lathes. Stan. i instr. 36 no.Ilt9-ll N 165. (KMA 18s11) 0 A 'N ' #%foul ma"Ita W"s sell. GOA 90 so eV: o MAtOrf ITA, U W, VAbIs with ot sau" imsw~ftd o"IL"d with t6 4A Non. from 5 to It. Pbft - 141-1*4 %&1 W.. 914 "talc T-rl'-A I , at -18AAC , '' 0 4~0' 64 * 0-46,04, 0 1 TGOoGoO-oG-*oGW0's0;00'W0-s A 11 fly** OWN goo no is ip m L % 4 ed a of 4 1 w 0 9 a 4 3 4 - I I . t 0009664406060004* 8#99*&Oo*oooqqOG'GL "696966*00#9* 1 - - . A a 6 t 0 it 11 It 4 Is 16 v da It it abit v A 0N 11 -.A I L i ~ 0 o oil so UN of "It ,:axr~wd U. to* awma by & S. R. 06 a & 31. 3w 06 371-2(i=); Ckin A. P.-C. not Of cotalyst We outlined. go 3 vastasts 06 00 v free Zee JI CZ - %to sit.416W. 44, b U is Is 9 Of It bit Ovic KA I(SI Italt It CINIOn 1,14 0 0 0 oje,00 0 0 49 -_g .0 0 41 4 O'o9090 0 00000 60000 ~. a, a' on on a a 1 0 1 1449 low a- u- to a m - a s We 0 0 d 1 6 IF I 1 111 11 to 1) 14 11 11 -a lotalumetry forthor detoonninabool Of ifen oind chfanift,111 In Im or tanning bothso. IN. Ond 6 indsurip 31. 11.44- A a s4 thcdrIn.t'4 Feand Cor. both wpatstrivtiml in jq~vvmv 400 0 cwh cKb", by thratim with T4(,'Aw.N.. A~ 11', V. 000 4*0 '00 00 009 .4 see cee 0 go S L A mITALLV*GKAL 1,11111111114t CLASUFFICATOOK Oes all t#4000 INJOSI ~"Umt to AA ad 0 a 4 1 0 LS a _14 -It A. a 4 0 IN 9 a a I I If n 11 0 0 0:0 0 61w 0 0 AIL: s* -19 i viefs *o-4-6 00 a imm bM oscot i14s-of R". 33A.M. M41. .31. MCI, link, l,lvlwl. in the uw"I usal1w atc lann"I with 4 ,illl. J "Untle- with the alld". twi milk cat Avid anti 00.7 10 A,A' i%; 0 0 -00 200 0*0 too goo :5 0. 0 Wes .j 0 0 woo 0.1 41s --F - WSJ 1 I to to to 0 a 0 0 40 * & 0 * a 's 0 0 a 0 0 0,000 00 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 9 0 OT1401 0 0 0 0 V 0 41 4,0 0 a 0 0 00000 0 0 * 0 0 * & 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 'A. a 0-i I I U U U Is At oil A-0 lwoma"q go _06 111@ .4 if so -00 Ow a -00 :1. Hum. MMO (pt"V-1ins thdifiril in that the scido arc nruttal4vi 1,) K11-4111d 11~40- -00 ruite. 00 0 4000 dog 000 roe of 0 000 go v so 0 0 tgoo IL of TA UINKAL I I I I UPKAVION LL C TI a Ld CLAS %$Clm 11v1411.. W44 too sajaw .4. a., dog i, a U is A, W3 p Irii *~ ~00 -9 00 00 0 0 00( 0 a 6 00 9 0 00,00000000000000000 *000000900440000060 IT44 0:::::! 1 4906000040404000040 00 e* 00 g 00 a 0 a :0 of j f 0 3 90 09 z J, A a I L A me a i.- T ..- .' U 0 AT 10 is AC Ic cc IT 'P 0 0 o o o e q 0 0 lim a kb hilbiq pill WSJ 140 V 10J.0, .1 all "asco V IZ M U k t-L. L_.L_jj Poacgoul ago FPCOIRMS ~1'19 Some Nomorphle subittitutions in th* SPILtIft gf-P, Compt. rea. sci. V. ... S. S. 22, 00 -,Me critkiqn by limneinan- Starintevitch (C. A. 32, WQ') of McConnells sftwlurr And of sUbqijujiM in the'spatile group (C. A. 32. _00, I Special Model% hacd un 200) is analyzed On th0 basis 0 .00 Pauling'i telraftedrit. The alleged suintitution of C f-4 CA in spatitc 61 as yet unproved, Aince luch a substitution .00 doce vm improve the already badly balAnced dimributim $00 of P(A. No neg. chart" of the lattice Particle$. Any tioubts concerning McCortmells structure are due 1,, an =00 arbitrary toodification of accurate chein. amly" by normalizing facton. . B. empbuim that a clow grtmping of 3 at 4 0 kms around a central C km always prfxlu~y% .1 ZOO Minplex union in both solni. and a cfy%tul latticv. Th.- whstitution 4 C for P In the phosphate group klylth uys. and cmtal chemically p(mittle. Tho produces an '-.A-pbm" carbonic group Phosv fourth apes 0 atity be " placed by F or Of I to com penta t c Nr ' i 4 c o , tchr mplacied0". Thiqka&toBwttttnan-Statinkrv o lonnula Ca.C.O. (011. P), end leadi to the fibroo-i miur. lure of the Col apatites, francubir awl dahlHir. L. W. Stfla-k t so* tie a StULLURCKAL LIMAILIt CLAWFKAT 'C" tz-- 4 N 11 it it (I it A Wo A 6 An A I 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 0 0 'A" facolmliss mots NV. A "W, "-T ve a 4 1 ke am a G.M.Pettv too .00 moo .3 moo LO 0 00 03 goo gwo 'a see moo woo Soo S*o av jjL_jj!-fLA MITALLOCCAL LMIIATW9 Soo 19 Won -0 1 Saida* asp Of 0419 as 0.- A16 0 u 0 &V $a -a-0--4 L I v ad 0 aw soa43 av IV a a so@* 0*000*00000400 00000000000#000000* 0 0 6 019 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r, a x 0 41 a I C" 30 J1 u %I at a 0 TS Ot "1. 16 U_A a t b . . . ..... job A~j of 1. GROUP& 'oft affamts -.oft -1 j N III)IIHISVI3)11111 Ivy itIIIWN511fli 'I T I's-11 9.1% -0 1 IF IF aam'st %Wd -i -"m uMjnjjlsqrm sqi ul JNwma pu.1 *qi ail 01 smim III-W331V IP) 13 JOI 3 1 tied of UlAa *ltow pur 4 jol) V! so tkqm!pqnv aqi jTqI X--UXMA3 ft P210;003d iij Sjqt '3AIn3 IpIV3 041 "1 owl.) tA%W )a AIIA'frm *111 AlIldr Ic' I III UPI -airuoqm pun)VU )0 UdajQ.I ""It StIlluamdal I ITqI UAOIP orl it *f:Py"'r'-J'c in.".91& r aql al 4 pus or jDjt3"J%A valloil!Itilml f,(l =i'r%v!prdv go IW)tlaJD3ql MIA"A In W1 11"qvL, P3114VId oaj'j/v~) orolm 10 ..) boob. 1 1151 TWO :14 !J11011vaq 1111(timt HIM *IV I r or o or go cot it to IPI 4 f 11 4 0 1 Ir t 11 *too 0 0 0 * 0 Poe O~Ab Now gillwA~uUti-es. V-P TSLOV. COM acad-ics. . (1942) -C Abstract ta 37 5674 (IM) kli (in English Chem. is t it ili t I . a e a m as ca e a s. , l thme-member rings (Sio.)S. Diaptase Is com ed of sit. member -ittasilleate tings similar to beryl. Itsfonnulals I exprewd on The IM46 bt X-ray mudici rm~cjj,5101-1110. -Ranpaylle Is a stoopyroxelle Arlientr whil 6111"Ite meta- ) It silicite chains (Sio, yptian h1k. CnO,CuO-4SiOs , t Is tetracqnal with sheets (A sstOj similar to apophyllift 's, ow- o2- Sea al umm FOR I 1 .41 77 -1 fit, J. at UsWh PM, ns Met, IN NMRCH&MhCh, Kr. see. (M Noe P4%' RIK' Aft. iaQCR). (R - 0*0 0A (NO01 Cib tr( IC16 Pt c 4.4Ha,, See #'4(%- lute amlopm ail 7 see NO* w I M-5 a :-WALSAPIMMAL UTMTM CLASMIn"11301W Imp 111"M Waft NUIRT um" mn"* NAP am 81AA111 w am Ago 0 . I IA A 1 5 ad 001111vu*46 a 3 0 u v 0 . 10 U Oll Ise 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.0 so I A ~ e 0:0 0~ 0-0'0 0 -4 r.O.Lr 0 *-, SA Typ" FO'~ AoF, C-11 'A flail 0 A-A-A-JA-m-9c t.r. mo C4 410A P's ps"Islis 4%0 -faffer,ts -rx -00 gad Obuctwe. 1%, 164 $AYS. too. Lihj.47 j"a, 1947s 1. 487.-A trvkw oil tht The 10114111sivIl My of the d6mvery of x-ftn. M. %11wwv log1 .00 zoo es 00 so to 0 00 see go a see as* u Is AT ID at 0 da a 4 IN a It it Tt U K a 0 0 40o..0 sole so go 0 06006 0 40 *so :0 -14P 11 ~'s 4 0.0 00 0 It It 00a IN 090 9~9 BEWT., Nikolay Vasillyevich "Structure of Ionic Crystals and Metallic Phases," and "The Structurez-of High Chalcocite , Cu2S,,It Dok. Akad. Nauk, Vol. 54,, No. 80 1946. -cosw:. IBelov Strukturn lonnyklt kristriltov. INto HIM 2-16pp. BELOVI N. V. PA 15T18 -8 Salt M&Y/Jun 3-07 Chemistry Analysis "Investigation of the Structure of Gerhardt's Salt by Farmonic' Analysis," N. V. Belov, G. B.- Bokly, L. A. Popovap 10 pp `Izv Ak Nauk Otd Xhim Nauk" No 3 i Determination of lattice constants., number of molecules in the unit cell, parameters of atoms., interatomic distances, and distances between the nearest atoms., for Gerhardt's salt (Pt(NIr3)2Pl4- trans). MA Movies oEft.;z *,a 1 ad Gwwd SaL NOWT, 0 0*3r-. M - 111- BOW APAI L A Z* anaus). )im v.X Classo ad. Walk? . , *49-Win musjan)' ct. C.A, 411 4M - bw %ifelosom.4ft dubadift U U w w ,:-- - Witk ow &Uu t4d ith 11 id " 64 . 101 a t n a W I HMw dkvm bod as pmlou ddwomm (Bdw. Ann. mcker pkWik~ Ing. chim. ges. (U.S.&R.) the c 20) Zati is I 31 : (C A omplete structm was detd. The stswrimm MM al! 0494momt Vdth Cox and prestall f 1047 A A I & . . % , ~ T% c - .. no. o um s. n the %Wt v 4 - S. tofteptial ivitaikvaltmi lattkv. *act XPow. In ad". to ibm dais. obe atom ristdo1w Pt (2) it 0. 0 U% UL.I MH (4 0. cl 10 A Pt 3) s(;y x 4 -0 107 ..- L Ume pt. (1). NH 48 he sides Pt-01 2.31.(4), NHrO 340 A. of the cl 3 12 CI 3 41 u d Pt p mc A. Dbim LI.CS 3 12 pa woo ~betwu (1) CW . . am neconandghbon:a-Pi2JI(t). HI 340 I-a 3.4t at) Cl-a :6 CIW 4 4.16 3 .43( 1 (1). 8 44 (tSA, Cf- S.41 -0 3.30 (4). N11011% 3.30 I W4N ;Aft (2), Tbom Ask &LLVRS": EDIdow-W-AAV "Will m ow 06 Id"we of &OVQ Vj# *,W IA I I n- Pir of IA _F_3 2-61 OINWO 0 w 0 0000 W-0 'a 0A 0 BELOV,N.V., doktor khimichaskikh nauk. The A.N.Bakh Prize awarded to G.S.Zhdanov for his works on "X-ray investigations of boron carbide and silicon carbide." investi- gations of boron carbide and silicon carbide.";270 s,47. (KMA 8:12) 1. Chle-a-korrespondent Akadamii nauk %935R. (Silicon carbide) (Boron carbide) -161 study of the ottudw# G( Gor"ll WC-A M4,11, awl (1, L I,IuwviLh. ,,toy I plus. Malwod. 1114. MAN Awl A Vft-I Aka. NAO S'S.S.m (Anti. wvirw 14AShw, hN. lm. vill.) No. 20. 124 Ill i9l'o), 4-1, cftx owl Pf-cws. d4ta 1-w 11*11 sil.)XIII ll.%rh BEWV, Nikolay VapillZaich I'Determiration ok Crystal Parameters," Dok. Akad. Nauk., Vol. 57j, No. ap 1947. Co-author; VladiTni P. Butuzov. BELOV 0 N. V. USSR/Physics Mar/Apr 1948 Crystallography Structure Analysis "Review of 'Structure of Ionic Crystals and Meta1lic Phases' by N. V. Belov.," Im. Ak. Nauk 33SRp Sere Fiz.p Vol. XIIs No, 2 Work is examined, chapter by chapter. After describing basic laws of crystalline structure, author shows how they aust be modified for certain elements because of peculiarities of their electronic structure. This class includes such important ays- tems as carbides of iron and chromium. Among other subjects discusses phenomena of twinning and pseudosymmetry. Book contains 174 drawings. 69T94 - I- - - I I I . ~ 1 4 r V 0 a p a a w . . . . . . . . . . w AJL-, Olt 00'a IZIA.96 -,"Cg 40 004. (in Itus. 0.0's N-oayud 41b v Wasselk- The N. V. (Jur%4 oip:wo zlwwrikk X0 1948.9-2W215. an main owrofors, The tthm; red in U boun tteaftion in study* 00 J eye, lint alAttices of VATI* 1466*6 surfaces trial wristic goom and ing ow CUMBoth vmtAlUc On$ cryll !:~&= &Mpl" a" A10.1th OCTALLUR4KAL LfIERATOt CLASWKAY" 1 . 134M OMM 11,1110 .0 .1 Of fill"off 434411 w d"T Ht 7F T V w U a AV to AS If a 0 mm Iza i t.- 00 0 000 000 _0 00 0 "Struktuxa ionwikh kristalov i metallicheskikh fas" (Structure of lonic Cr7stals and Re-taIlle Phases). Academy of Sciences of.the USSRj, Institute of Ctystallography. Uspekhi Fizicheskilsh "auk.% Vol =VI No 3., 1948- IA, IM ACANAL i. 020M.1116 ~A! I! of-it "t I **A 041 9 loo 0o 00 4 loo 0-0 1 -00 :1 1 --f- so it Accelerated mdbo& of computation of the stivetwe 0.3 fadw N-V kklov Daklady Aked. Xuak V.S.S.R. r* 0 39. a74(IN4:Z. A-~,tsle noinagmm is gi%vn for Littim, of the twitbothotnbic system, 1wrtnitfin, irect trading of 09 a of sines or mine% for all JI'd index". with ,It =11 th, The nO t%pre-vied in huniltrtith% of i he rimind". Crier. arvuwy to 0.01, that is nept It,4 than Alth the 11rass-Upson KMPh- X, Thm tilt ale* tITI&AILINI CLOWICA110111 Unovo is IS sia "11.6 to It op U K it it v It a it it An I s 0 60 0 0 a I T of -j a 0 1 0 V too MWI M BEMV2 N. V. USM/Physice Dee 48 Crystals Crystallography "The Number aW Composition of Abstract Groups which Encompass 32 Crystallographic Classes#" by Ye* N. Belovap N..V. Belov, Corr. Hbr., Acad. Sci. Ussro A. V. Shubnikov, Corr, Mbr.j Acad. Sci., USM, 4 pp. Dok. Akad. Nauk S M , Vol. LXIII, No. 6 Two-page table shows the separation of 32 crystallographic classes into l8 abstraa groups. Basic principle used for joining several crystaUographio groups into one abstract group was the group identity of operation of even axes: rotary, specular, mid inversion. Submitted 3 Nov 58 35A9T92 "Crystallographic (symmetrical) Methods of solving Geometrical Problems.", Dok. AN SSSR, Vol 59, PP 897-8- (1948) W - WN 35862 0 dvoynikovykh zakonakh u slyud I slyudo po"dobuykh mineralov. Mineral. Sbornik (11vou), no 3, 1949, 9. 29-40.-. Biblogr: 9 Nazv SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, No. 49, 1949 X-ra:~s--Wf fr-icti-m Aprlication. :)f methods of harronic analysis for esta'Als'-inC parametera of crystal structures based on standard powder X-rV diffraction Txitterns. Trudy Inst. krist. No. 5, 1949. Mont'hly List of' Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Decei-ril~er 1952. TP'ICIjNSSr,,jFD. "Progress in Structural Mineralogy," N. V. Belov, 13 PP "B~ Ak Hauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No 6 Lists accomplishments of structural mineralogy, chiefly in silicates, on the basis of the more recent -ra, Is results of X y structural analysis (worlic of Belov laboratory, in particular). 152T37 7 '19 ;2J urjrata,3A, -.S r Nuo- csi,-. UK mpoun ds ffffev'Str~i6twia;TVypes.With thfi:Most Dense, Packin"':' -Nj-- V~' Belov, Carr mem cat-, A zoi . !Dok'. !R-~--Vol - LXVj I Aiik SSSR scu- ug of the folidwi : CaUO4, Li~a-UO31 'Uo? c(upoup, ~4& I , '-'~!:,'subxitted 3.6 Feb, .and Cfiiit~l' 39/49T~P9 .1 timensfalli... N. V. lldov ASIA F. N" Nauk J. 113inisirtger and Biterger. C.A. 43., MIM.-Prvvims x. r4y itiew~11reinclits fit the authors; ff~%~ fuir dructite Olg- "lurmalisirs lite dimtu,itm~ -4 tile cletursolar-v SO: a. 16,10 A.; .. - --'1 -1 - 40.41W. 'w a ith lite Wgr -. - to A., 1 13' IW. -I~ -v - Kim Ssilh 1 1110. 'ill lite "slit vvil. Vm life new Stem. ill the Wisclure by tile wuthtiv., ,he mniviur.ol atial.-liv ,( lite ting- in d6wpiaw. issilarittv. Anil IvvvI h.i%e I.-rit hisittv ~vnvlti,ivr: IhVM' 4'tY%IAI joh.two, ItA%e al"'Ill lite %line dillivil-4clus in tile lumis.1111.11 t-tsu-miull, "llite its lilt- %vilic.'I shirt-ti"ll tile length% our is% tile filliss, (,,r ill, tourimaline, and ntilaitc. mp. a I is iiijumvd. is ithiiiji pramelm. ill By P'.ttlcr- -n attalysis the ix*iikm% of tire utheir aliment luve IK-rn 411-101. The .1illifilliAl 1`11IM-1 hAvr n radium (S4 - 140 of 3. 07 A. in Imurnalinc 0 SKI ill Iwfvl, :1.11 lit iililjrilr. 301 Ill jilloplaite; Illry are 'Iflailgrol ill I"40isslilld toile with ft N. tile wher %%lilt 3AI 0 :111 th-1,111"Iral IN1101.1 Unit- are Act.114.1 M."'g lorg-1.1 ~rv. .'-4. ill cluim clifencting through the entire Ir.tmenitsk. The %ituclure b4% *."; pammetcm the vorviviri,%virt with the "ructuiv given by Itainburza And Buerger k 1"I if N;t ' is IsvAini oust in 141(11111 Imit with r - it SA1 A. '*% en W141% of myllirn km% ire 11111111.Fetl (,w imol.,fiv with thssr Atithw4 it t., %,III, rise ..I if ... ........ i.,r i% %%title Ow j1pl. I te%,t 1. app-, She le%d 1, 'll'till, ilvdiltlypim.1, %lih., .0.11. 1, W duvn~ pie v, , Km% mr Ini..itud ill %% i'll. 'sa I'throlu belsorml the dmlilr~rinfr 111- have eh, 1.4nnst. Al-IIA0.011 1.1. -lilt ill-- Si 0 ~mviuc hes",,eri 1 .57 mW 1 7-14 A ; i Al. It t t I I.-i . -, 1 US mul I '.#I A . Mir So Iwl"ven 1.47 4ti-I 2 *-*-. A. lit dl-ctil, 4 tile I-a- lisins 4 the iiins. this %tFuctu;r ii not in Actrcturnt with IlainbsSirg"'4 antl litirwift-f'is oletim; there Aft AN) ITUny clun frAd"-wy At. dkt.ilm~ sfi%vis. e.g. thr tmv lArge otistAnce fm At - 0. WhOv the istitlinti find fisor X111 01 ;:` M A 114111hurser -&fill Hurroles give '.'All A. 4all;1hrillien.1 IIala, Iltric.lif Itclilrilli'miq I- it. 1401 (1 (101 is sime 7 try Itrim-mi'l lichrVA, it by If. Anil G. W vit'l crysw Structuse of ruilarit. wtov Aml .1 '.,kh.... WaJ, j It. Ak~ . X-k mrr,64 I -NhUrite. kCA-1tvAlt it chiraeterijell h% thr Sl:() r.4tjo - 2:-'.. wilivil 1, thr mle j, in [fir lav'r 'Tructulcl of Idr .11111 bill it it 'lilyrit Ill ill it, fifty*, ffi4, Floill rot.01"n ji.1cf.11111: Ill $3; I.: A it.. 2 111014 ill IIIV 00111rotAlY VVIL IRICUM11M AJUI I'Affel" Analysis verified the indeliendent liaminclers of the s(tue, lure. The mwditiatc% Are: (2)K ' in x - 0. y - 0: 9 - .~.: )c I - '/I'. V I - It.*. td)lkl* Ar.1 At. - t! T 'T'r xy -_ - ; S (14 lt4l, In r - 0 OKI. Y,: ONLI; a - if 114" O'VO." In V - it(*. ly - WIN. 1 0; 24(()fi" in ir - 0 LN1. v - if Zit; t - I ; (24)L*, in x - 0.11; y - 0.41. a - il.18, ChAmcletislic are 1114 hexagonal ring units (Si,A)WI with dioAnces Si - $I - 3.13 A.: they are highly Quotar to thow In bcTjrI. 4 Be" mit in rv"v imig lpoup. In the plAce of th, arml 2 At& ' twIL %IWO oc(abrifilt all IvgyI. 1111LAROV IL%% In the 1010-FlAt Alt- dirretioil. (cack) oclA."Im. mid thr Nwi"11A d-M. .4 the units in the tFucluir t. 'I In-irfore, % ider tbv I V ~ thAn inberyl. licrylaiidmiLtrilv~irr.thmfwe,n~A6mmcphou,. 1"1l only I-Aistfuctur.11 White the Imsis profectilm shout file high Unalogy Willi Ikryl. thAt in the a a%is ifirmt6*1 s"Akes rvist,ot the null dilfrrrum: ruiLuit, has telraluNtrat dswilole-4hvi uno%. with the pLAnr of svni- ructry through the III IVil V011oll.Ki to 110411 ShOCIS. 'Ill, 00041cmalioli %%12 twivi vadwAli t.Sil0mV to thAt of inlititc, 04"0.) Imills, Al.vot 1111. double J"t V.xill. 1% 01 tWilld fliluillAtni Thr K I iont in notArur necupw "i 16KIN lwlwrrll the '11'ri loull, '111111ir to their of 1.41, fit ol ol K Hol- I fir .11-AKY to s." N ITI S. not;lhk loor.tiotAnces: N I AX lo 1,111 fir -- %I - 1.115 A.; CA - I) LIAZ A ; k 1 4 in A. JhL Muting 1xvituLaIrs atr %ttwtlv lultilk-if I Iw striwturc s. in agmulcul with the ItAnt 'd Ow mil.all". thr 1411-11cr .4 tiny cleivAirr. low so-. .611.1 if W. Fuel