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Temperature Dependence of Spontaneous Magnetization in a
Monocrystal of a Manganese Ferrite in the Low Temperature Region
magnetization direction [1113 was parallel to the
,a of the cylinder. The mea~surements of the
magnetization were carried out in a solenoid by a
ballistic method. A cryostat (Ref 8) was introduced into
the solenoid., The magnetization was measured to + 1%
and the temperature to + 0.5 Fig 1 shows a plot of
the magnetization (at c-onstant temperature) as a
function of the applied field. As seen from this
figure, the saturation magnetization is reduced by 1/3
ongoing from 4.2 to 319*X. Fig 2 shows a plot of the
spontaneous magnetization as a function of T3/2. The
dotted curve represents a plot of the spontaneous
magnetization as a function of T2. It is found that
the former relationship is in better agrcement with
experiment. The slope of the straight line in the case
of the T3/2 plot Is in good agreemeni with theoretical
calculations (Ref 3 and 4). It is found that the T3/2
law holds right up to temperatures above room temperature,
Card 2/3 which is in accordance with the results of Dyson (Ref 9),
Temperature Dependence of Spontaneous Magnetization in a
Monocrystal of a Manganese Ferrite in the Low Temperature Region
who showed that the spin wave theory leading to the
T3/2 law can be extended to temperatures in the range
between absolute zero and one half of the Curie
temperature* The Curie temperature for the sample used
in the present work was 563 K. There are 2 figures and
9 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 2 English and
I French.
ASSOCIATIONtMoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im M.V.Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lolpanosov)
SUBMITTEW July 139 1959
Card 3/3
A UT720; 11-111/e,111olv', //K'11.111. , Belo v , V. F. , Pop ova, A. A.
TITLE: Single Crystals of Magnesium Manganese Ferrite4ith a
Narrow Ferromagnetic Resonance Absorption Curve
PERIODICAL:, Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1908 - 1910
TEXT: The present "Letter to the Editor" gives some experimental results
obtained from some apinel-type ferrites with a narrow vesonance absorp-
tion line. The line width AH was measured fjr different magnesium
manganese ferrites with different oxide ratios of Mn and Mg. The single
crystals studied were bred by the method of Verneuille. The specimens
were spherical in shape with a diameter of 0.8-1 mm; their su-rfaces were
polished. The measurements were made at a frequency of 9470 Me/see. The
results of measurement, namelyg the values of AH, of the saturation magne-
tization 4nIs, and of resistivity Q are shown in Table 1. Fig.1 shows the
anisotropy of the line width in the (110) plane of a specimen having the
-composition last mentioned in the Table at room temperature (continuous
Card 1/*
Bi ngle Crystals of Magnesium Manganese 8/056/60/038/006/043/049/XX
Ferrites With a Narrow Ferromagnetic Boo6[BO70
Resonance Absorption Curve
curve) * The anisotropy of AH at room temperature had an amplitude of
(3-5 � 0-5)oe.' The broken line shows the anisotropy of the resonance
field H . The anisotropy character of AR is in agrooment with the
phenomenological calculations of.f takiy and L. V. Kurbatov
(Ref-5). Fig.2 shows AH, 47cis, an(I the constant of magnetio anisotropy
X as functions of T (in the temperature range 0 - 3000C) for a specimen
blying the composition last mentioned in the Table. There are 2 fig-
ures, I table, and 5 references: 3 Soviet and 2 US.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Crystallography of the Academy of Sciences UaSRJ
SUMITTED: March 18, 1960
C ard 2/A_Z_1
AUTHORS: Belov, K. P., Goryaga, A. H., Lin.) Chzhan-da
EleTtrical and Galvanomagnetic PropertiJof Lithium
Ferrite Chromite in the Vicinity-o -the Compensation Point
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fimiki, 1960~
Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1914 - 1915
TEXT: Some ferrites. showing a compensation point (0k) (in which the mag-
netic moments of the..sub-lattices are in equilibrium) exhibit strongly
anomaloue'temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetizationg'and
the magnetostrictive properties above and below "k are largely different.
In gadolynium ferrite garnetv for example? they are determined below Ok
essentially by the gadolynium oub-latticav and above Ok by the iron sub-
lattice. Further studies of the role of aub-lattices in ferrimagnetism
are communicated in this "Letter to the Editor". Electrical and galvano-
magnetic effects in lithium ferrite chromite with a compensation point
Card 1
Electrical and Galvanomagnetic Properties 3/056/60/036/006/046/049/XX
of Lithium Ferrite Chromite in the BO06/BO7O
Vicinity of the Compensation Point
were measured. Fig.1 shows the temperature dependence of the longitudinal
galvanomagnetic effect for different magnetise field strengths for
L12O*2-5Fe 203.2-5Cr2O 30 The temperature dependence of the electrical re-
sistance was measured for the same ferrite. Fig.2 shews logR.f(I/T) for
d.c. (curve 1) and a.e. (200 ke/sec, Curve 2). The temperature dependence
of magnetization at H-250oe is also plotted. The behavior cf the indivi--
dual curves is discussed. The bend of the curves at 0 k is to be attiibut-
ed, according to Ye. A. Turov and Yu, F. Irkkin, to the compensation of
thevolume fields of the magnetic sub-lattices at 0 k' There are 2 fig--
ures and 5 references: 2 Soviet, 2-French~ and I Belgian.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstv-ennyy universitet (Mos,30W state
SV13MITTED: March 29, 1960
0 ard 2/0,,
AUTAORS.- Belov, K. P., Pediko, A. V.
TITLE; Anomalies in the Temperature Dependence of Coercive Force
in PerriteVGarnets of Rare Earth Elements in the Region of
the Compensation Point
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 39, No. 400), pp. 961-964
TEXT: In an earlier'work (Ref. 2), the authors found anomalies in the
temperature dependence of the coercive force H. of ferrite garnets of
rare earths (3M20Y5Fe 0 ; M - 2d, Dyq Hot ate.) in the neighborhood of
WT- A-
the compensation po'int Ok (Ref. 1). ?n the present paper they give a
detailed report of their investigations. As is shown in Fig. 1, for
polycrystalline 3Gd203' 5Fe203 1 Hc increases in the neighborhood of e k
(9 k = 120C) to 100 oersteds, decreases strongly and again increases to
the same value so that the curve H. = f(T) shows a "splitting" of the
Card 1/3
Anomalies in the Temperature Dependence of S/05 60/039/'004/010/048
Coercive Force in Ferrite Garnets of Rare B004YI3070
Earth Elements in the Region of the
Compensation Point
maximum. The resultant IS of spontaneous magnetization tends to zero at
Ok, yet R. is not vanishing on account of the struotural defects of the
ferrite crystal. 2i-g. 2 shows that the anomalies continue to exist for
different densities of gadolinium. ferrites (3-15 9/CM3, 5.9 g/cm3), but
become smaller as the density increases. The anomaly is less affected by
thermal treatment (quenching, 4 hour heating, Fig. 3) than by the change
in density. Fig. 4 shows the curves H. . f(T) for monocrystalline
.3Gd203*5Fe203; 3HO203.5Fe 203 , and 3Er 203-5Pe 203 (compensation temperature
+16, -136, and P-19500- Here, the region of anomaly is so small that it
is hard to observe experimentally tho splitting of the maximum. The
authors assume a single domain structure for which Hc,~..oKlr-a holds
(K = constant of magnetic anisotropy, IS - resultant spontaneous-
magnetization). since K changes little and IS decreases rapidly, there
occurs a strong increase of H.. The authors think that the observed
broadening of the absorption line of ferromagnetic resonance (Ref. 4)
Card 2/3
Anomalies in the Temperature Dependence of S/05 60/039/004/010/048
Coercive Force in Ferrite Garnets of Rare B004Y~070
Earth Elements in the Region of the
Compensation Point
is related to the anomalous increase. of Ho. They mention a paper of K. M.
,Bol I shova and 11.1. A. Yelkina (Ref - 3) and thank V. A. Timof eyeva f r bingle
crystal.s supplied.,.There are 4 figures and 4 :.,eferences: 2 Soviet,
1 French, and 1 British*
ASSOCIATIOk: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State
SUBMITTED: May 16, 1960
Card 3/3
Magnetic properties of the lanthanum qjd praseodymium orthoforriten
in the partial substitution of the Ys-"' ions for AD+ ions. -zhur.
eksp. i teor. fix. *39 no-4: 1148-U~O 0 160. .(MIRA 3.3411)
1. Moskovskiy goeudaretvenny7 universitst.
(Rare earth farratea-Magnatic properties)
BOO 056
0 47/ lls-e twee)
AUTHORS: Belov, K. P., Malevskaya, L. A., Sokolov, V. 1.
TITLE: Resonance and Magnetic Properties of Garnet-type Yttrium
Ferrites at Low Temperatures
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol- 39, No. 6(12), pp. 1542-1547
TEXT: The authors investigated the temperature dependence of the anisotropy
of the resonance field and the resonance line widths of single- and poly-
crystalline yttrium ferrite specimens DY2 03,. 5Fe203) with garnet structure
in the temperature range 2 - 3000K. At the same time, line widths and
magnetization curves in static fields were measured on polycrystalline
specimens. The ferromagnetic resonance was investigated at 8500 Mc/sec.
For the temperature measurement, a copper constantan thermocouple was used.
The crystals were grown by V.A. Timofeyeva at the Institut kristallo-
grafii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the AS USSR). Fig. 3
shows the measured temperature dqrendence of the resonance field for poly-
crystalline (1):and monoorystalline specimens (2). The results obtained
Card 1/#
Resonance and Magnetic Properties of Garnet- S/056/60/039/006/oli/063
type Yttrium Ferrites at-Low Temperatures Boo6/B056
by measuring the resonance field strength in dependence of the direction
relative to the crystallographic axes in the (110)-plane ~in which all
main axes were located) are for T - 300, 77, 20, and 2.0 K in the four
diagrams shown in Fig. 2. Measurements of the temperature dependence of
the ferromagnetie resonance absorption line widths showed that the ferro-
magnetic resonance absorption in yttrium ferrite garnets shows practically
no anisotropy, not only af~: boom temperature, but aloo at helium temperaturn
The line width &H increases with de;reasing tempeiaturs, where single crys-
tale between 20 and 400Khave steep maxima. At 40 K the line width is more
than 15*times as great as at room temperature. Polycrystalline specimens
have a much lower and broader maximum (4 - 60 0K). The results obtained
are compared with those obtained by Dillon, Spencer, Kittel et al. As a
measurement of the static magnet12ation curvesshowed, magnetic viscosity
is large in the temperature range of the line width oaxima. The authors
thank Professor A. I. Shaltnikov for his interest and advice and V.-k..
Timofeyeva for placing single crystals at their disposal. There are-
6 figures, 1 table,-and 4 references: 1 Soviet and 3 us-
ASSOCIATION: Ifoakovskiy goaudaretvennyy universitet Noecow State Uni-
Card 2/,f
ZBDANOV,q Germain Stepanovich; BELOT, W.V., akad., retsenzentp APJMMT, V.I.,
Prof., retaenzent; BELOTp K-P-j prof.p retsenzent; ZAKHAROTA, X.I.9
prof., retaenzent; LwMmq G.Se-9 red.; GEORGIYEVA, G.I., tAbn.
[Sdj"i#:--state pbysical Fizika tverdogo tela. Moskva, Ivi-vo Hook.
univ., 1961. 500 p. (MIRA 14-t6,)
4,300~/1~7) 115-9 B102/B204
AUTHORS: Belov, K. P., Pakhomov, A. S., and Talalayeva, Ye. V.
TITLE: Measurement of the galvanomagnetic effect in ferrites
near Curie point
PERIODICAL: Pizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 2, 1961, 436-440
TEXT: When measuring the galvanomagnetic effect, the magnetostriction,
and other phenomenap it is,necessary to take the effect produced by
magnetocaloric effect occurring in the adiabatic application of the
magnetic field in the ferromagnetic specimen into account. Por the
purpose of excluding the error arising by this effect (which becomea
considerable near Curie point), measurements are not carried out immediate-
ly after the application of the field (adiabatic measurement), but only
some time later, when the temperature equilibrium between specimen and
the surrounding medium has been established (isothermal measurement).
Whereas in metallic ferromagneti2s the isothermal conditions are easily
realizable, this presents difficulties in the case of ferromagnetic
semiconductors because of their low thermal conductivity, and when
Card 1/4
Measurement of the galvanomagnetic B102/B204
measuring the galvanomagnetic effect, considerable errors may arise. In
the present paper, the conditions occurring in the measurement of the
galvanomagnetic effect are investigated, above all the effect produced by
the adiabatic temperature increase occurring when applying the field.
K. Zaveta assumed that the maximum of the galvanomagnetic effect of the
paraprocess near Curie point, which the authors discovered in ferrites, is
exclusively a consequence of the effect produced by a magnetocaloric effect.
It is now shown that the conclusions drawn by Zaveta are incorreot. The
paper by Zaveta (FTT, a, w6, 196o) is first discussed in detail. For the
change in state due to applying the field, Zaveta gave the following
form,ula: d R/R - aH 2/3 + bHi here the first term makes the contribution
of the "true" galvanomagnetic effectf and the second makes the contribution
of the "wrong" galvanomagnetic effect. This formula is, however, wrong,
2/3 2/3
and it ought to read: 4R/R = aH + WH , because all even effects
near the Curie point depend in the same manner on H (Viz. ~ H 2/3).
From this wrong formula there result also the wrong conclusions drawn
by Zaveta. For the purpose of being able to estimate the effect
Card 2/4
Measurement of the galvanomagnetic B102/B204
produced by the magnetocaloric effect, it is necessary to compare a and b'.
The sum of the coefficients (a+bl) may be determined from the
measurements of AR/R - f(H213). b' (which Zaveta calls b), is proved
to be wrongly determined by Zaveta. The method he used is not at all
suited for determining b'. Here, the equations AT T An
C 61
and 40 - -E4T/k6~ are used for calculating the "wrong" galvano-
magnetic effect. Herefromp 6 (Lq AH is obtained
(6 R/R)T --VE) - CHke 6T
for the Curie point. (a specific magnetization). For Mn ferrite single
crystals thus (AR/R)G -6.9-10-4 results from experimental
determinations of the individual quantities (data obtained by other
authors) and (,A R/R) - -44.2-10-4 is obtained from the authors' own
data. Thus, the Ang" effect is smaller by a multiple,than the
"true" effect. The "magnet ocal oric 11 temperature increase AT at
Curie point is found to be 0-0700 and causes a change of 6-3% of the
Card 3/4
Measurement of the galvanomagnetic B102/B204
maximum resistance change It follows herefrom that the maximum of
the true galvanomagne.tio effect of ihe paraprocess at Curie point
actually exists and is not only due to an "adiabatic" increase of
-resistasice.. The existence of this maximum is proven also by the
existence of breaks in the log q(l/fl-curves in the Curie point of these
ferrites. It may occur only in such ferrites as have a low activation
energy E. M. A. Krivoglaz and S. A. Rybak are mentioned. There are
7 Soviet-bloc referenoeso
ASSOCIATION:. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V.
Lomonosova, Fizicheskiy fakulltet (Moscow state University
imeni M. V. Lomonosov, Division of Physics)
SUBMITTED: May 10, 1960
Card 4/4
AUTHORS i Belov, K, P. and Belov Ve Fe
TITLEt The problem of the anomalous increase of the line width -of
ferromagnetio absorption in ferrites near the Curie point
PERIODICALt Pizika tverdogo tela, ve 3, no# 51 19619 1425 - 1427
TEM Reference is made to the fact that there is not only an anomalous
increase AR of the width of the ferromagnetic resonance line near the
Curie point, but also an increase of the coercive force H a in poly-
crystals as well asin single crystals. It is concluded that both the
phenomena are caused by the 'inhomogeneity of the ferrite structure rather
than by the heat fluctuations of the simultaneous magnetization. Experi-
ments were made on single crystals of Mn and Mg-Mn ferrites 5o - 6o mm
long and having diameters of 5 - 7 mm. The temperature dependence of H a
near the Curie point and the initial magnetic permeabilityp 0 (in a field
of 0-005 oersted) were measured with an astatic magnstometer. The tem-
Card 1/
The problem of the anomalous**@ B101/B214
perature dependence of tH was measured in a short eircuited waveguide
section at a sphere, 0.8 am in diameter out out of ferrite crystals. The
results for ferrite with/aifferent hausmannite content are shown graphi-
dally. It is concluaeVthat the.broadening of &H and the increase of R
have the same origin#~`On accou~l of the inhomogeneities of the ferrite
there occur fluctuations in th4-spontaneous magnetization near theLCurie
point, giving rise to a "magn6tically heterogeneous" state. This causes
scattering of the resonance frequencies near the Curie point. A.A. Popova
is thanked for making available the ferrite single crystal. An analogous
study made by A. Clogston (see below) is'mentioned. There are 4 figures
and 6 references$ 5 Soviet-bloo and 3 non-Boviet-bloo. The 3 references
to English-language publications r.ead as followas 0. Rodrigue, J. Pippin,
W. Wolf and C. Hogan, Trans.IRE an Microwave Theory Tech. UTT 1 831
1958; P. -G. de Gennes, C."Kittel aiia A, Portis, Phys. Ref., ;,fj 2, 1959;
A. Clogston, R. Suhl, P. Anderson, L. Walker, Phys. Chem. Solids,.!, 159,
ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut kristallografii AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of
Crystallographyp AS USSRf Moscow)
Card 2/y
9 73M
70o 8/18 61/003/008/031/034
2ti B111
AUTHORS: Belov, K. P., and Svirina, Ye. P.
TITLEt Hall effect in monocrystalline manganese ferrites
PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 30 no. 8t 1961, 2495 2497
TEXT: The changes of the number of carriers and of their mobility in
monocrystalline manganese ferrites are studied as functions of temperature
and composition. The crystals were grown by Vernsuill a method and displayed
an excess of hausmannite as compared to the stoiohiometric composition.
Experiments showed that the Hall constant Ro (for this classical determina-
- 38 K. P. Belov, Ye. P.
tion of R in ferromagnatic substances see Ref
Svirinap ZhETF, 11, 1212, 1959) was negative for the ferrites examined by
the authors. The carrier concentration was calculated from R M r/ne,
where Y">--l is a oonS'int characteristic of electron scattering in the semi-
conductor. Measurements in monocrystalline manganese ferrites revealed
that the number of conduction electrons rises with rising temperature. 1n
n is a linear function of I/T, and the aotLvation energy of conduction
Card .1/2
Hall effect in monoorystalline... BII1/B1O2
electrons is determined from its slope. From the 1n n - f(l/T) curves
it follows that monoorystalline manganese ferrites with an excess of
hausmannite are typical semiconductors. Substitution of Fe ions by Mn ions
leads to an increase of aotivation-energy and to a decrease of the number
of electrons, which in turn results in a decrease in reeistivity,. The fact
that the mobility decreases with increasing temperature indicates that an
electron exchange between ions of.variable valencies, as assumed by E.
Verwey and J. de Boor (Ref. 61 Rea. Trav. Chim. Pays. Boo., 51, 531, 1952)
is not predominant in the conduction mechar4m of the ferrites studied. The
decrease of mobility with rising temperature shows that conduction elect
are predominantly scattered by lattice vibrations. A. A. Popov is thanked
for having supplied the single crystals, and V. L. Boneh-Bruyevioh, Doctor
of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, for discussions. There are 2
figures and 6 references, 3 Soviet-bloo and 3 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATIONt Moskovakiy goeudaretvannyy.universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTEDt April 5, 1961
Card 2/2
7100 (1a'5~'11qVj11V7111a,3) EO39/El35
AUTHORSs Belov, K.P,-,-Belov, V.F*j Malevskayal L.A*j
-Tvd~o, "A.V., and Sokolov, V.I.
TITLEs Concerning the anomalous temperature dependence of
the width of the ferromagnetic resonance absorption
lines in ferrites
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v.12, no.5, 1961,
TEXT; An investigation was made of the temperature
dependence of the width of the ferromagnetic resonance absorption
lines in ferrites with spinel and garnet structure (mono-,and
polycrystalline) in three temperature regionss near the Curie
point, in the neighbourhood of the magnetic compensation point,
and in the low temperature region. At the same time measurements
were made of the temperature dependence of magnetic characteristics
in static magnetic fields. It is shown that for monocrystalline
magnesium-manganese ferrit.e (6.9% MgO, 37.3% MnO, 55.916' Fe203)
the width of the resonance absorption line &H increases
rapidly at about 550 OK- For polycrystalline yttrium ferrite LH
card 1/ 3
Concerning the anomalous .... E039/E135
remains fairly constant up to a temperature of about 560 OK at
which a sharp increase again occurs; in the case of lower density
ferrites of the same composition &H is much greater at low
temperatures but falls to approximately the same value as for the
higher density ferrite at 560 OK. In the case of the
monocrystallIne ferrite (2.2% M90, 54% MnO, 43.6~i Fe2Oi) there--is
a very sudden increase in 1%-H and also the coercive orce Hc
at the Curie point -412 OK. For the garnet-gadolinium oxide
f err� t eAH and H. show a rapId Increase at -270 OK.
At low temperatures the ratio 4H/LHK where tilfK is the line
width at room temperature is given for the case of the garnet-
yttr1um ferrite; a marked maximum occurs about 40 OK for the
monocrystalline form and at about 10 OK for the polycrystalline
form. It is demonstrated that the effect of small amounts of
terbia produces a very marked effect on the temperature dependenza
of LH/ AHK for Y203. The temperature dependence of the
magnetisatlon and coercive force in weak fields for garnet-
gadolinium ferrite at low temperatures is also investigated.
In the garnet-gadolinium ferrite there are the following types of
Card 2/ 3
C Ioncerning the anomalous S/126/61/012/005/002/028
interaction between ionas
a) Strong negative interaction between ions Fe Fe
3+_ 3+
b) Weak positive interaction between ions Gd Gd
c) Weak negative interactions between ions Fe34,_Gd3+.
G.V. Skrotskiy and L.V. Kurbatov are mentioned in the article.
There are 10 figures and 15 references: 9 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-
Soviet-bloc. The English language references read as followss
Ref. 3: R. De Genneta, C. Kittel, A. Portia.
Phys. Rev., 1939, v.116, 323.
Ref.10: A. Kip. Rev. Mod. Phys., 1953, v.25, 229, 7.
Ref. ll~ B. Calhounq J. Overmeyer, W. S 'mith. VY
Phys. Rev., 1957, V-107, 993.
Ref.13t J. Dillon, Phys. Rev., 1958, v.111, 6.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut kristallografil. AN SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography, AS USSR)
Fizicheskiy fakulltet MGU
Card 3/3 (Faculty of Physics, MGU)
SUBMITTED: January 2, 1961
1141 3/048/61/025/011/002/031
15.2 B100138
AUTHOR: Belov, K. P.
N~ --
TITLE: The effect of the magnetic sublattice structure of ferrites
on their physical properties
PERIODICALi Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25,
no. 11, ig6i, 1320-1326
TEXT: It is well established that the structure of ferrites exhibits
magnetic sublattices. When a composition has what is known ass. oompensation
point.Q., the sublattices not only cause the magnetic characteristics to
behave peculiarly around Qc, but also, at low temperatures anomalies in
physical properties. The 8-uthor studied the low-temperature anomalies of
ferrites having a compensation point. The behavior of such ferrites in the
range of nitrogen temperature was found to be similar to that at the ferro
magnetic Curie point. To explain the reasons of the anomalies the garnet-
type ferrite d34-j(Pe3+)' e3+10 is considered. This ferrite may be
~G 3 3 IF 2 12
regarded as consisting of two sublattices. In order to study the iron
Card 114s-
The effect of tbe magnetic sublattice ... B108/B138
eublattice separately from the gadolinium sublattice one has to substitute
3+ 3+ 3+
the G ions by.nonmagnetic ions, e.g,, Y or.Lu . Where the temperature
dependence of the spontaneous magnetization of such a ferrite, for
instance yttrium ferrite garnet,.is known one may estimate the temperature
.dependence of the spontaneous magneUzation of the gadolinium sublattice,
by comparing the gadolinium ferrite curves with the corresponding curves
of the iron sublattice in, say, the yttrium ferrite, The anomalies of the
gadolinium ferrite near IOOOK are due to the fact that the weak positive
interaction in the gadolinium sublattice ceases at low temperatures leaving
only the negative Gd3+ -Fe3+ exchange interaction. Lithium ferrite
chromites with a go exhibit.the same behavior. The iron sublattice shows
the normal Weissian temperature dependence of spontaneous magnetization.
Owing to the different exchange interactions of the sublattices, the
physical properties of a ferrite are diff6rent above and below 0. and show
strong anomalies near Gc(Fig. 6). The appearance of a 0. at low tempera-
tures is due to the sublattices. The sublattice with the greater magnetic
moment(virtually~ at OOK),and weak exchange interact4on shows no sharp
time dependence ef spontaneous magnetization, the one with the smaller
Card 2/
__R10481 1 025/011/002/031
The effect of',the magnetic sublattice..* B10~/'B138
.magnetic moment shows aweaker-exchEinge interaction and a.Weissian shaped
spontaneous-magnetization curve. This papei was read at the Conference
on ferromagnetism and anti ferroma&metism in Leningrad, May 5-11, 1961.
Mention is.made of A. N. Goryaga,.Lin.Chang_ ta (Zh. eksperim. i teor.
fiz., Al- 6q6.(1961)) and L. A. 'Malev3kaya.(see Association entry). There
are 7 figures and 4 references; 1,3 Soviet and.1 non-Soviet.
-ASSOCIATION: Pizicheskiy fakul'Itet Moskovskogo gos.,universiteta im.
14~-V. Lomonosova (
Department of Physics of Moscow State
University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
Fig. 6. Anomaly of physical,properties of gaAolinium ferrite-garnet at
low temperatures and near Q.. Legend: 0 stands for 9 paraprocess
susceptibilityt magnetic susceptibility, Ho -,coercive force, AH
width of the ferromagnetic resonance absorption curve, a spontaneous.
on E Young's modulus, q. internal friction,
magnetiZati (1) E,
Card 3//?.
-k~7 1 30068
111-14 S/048/61/025/011/013/031
-)%j B104/B102
AUI-"'HORS: Belov, K. P., and Malevskaya, Lo A.
TITLE: Magnetic and resonance properties of_yttrium ferrite garnets
when substituting 71011 Nd5+9 and Lu)+ ions for y3+ ions
PERTODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Icvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25,-
no. 11, '1961, 137.1 - 1375
TEXT: The authors studied the effect of the magnetic sublattice structure-
upon the magnetic properties of ferrites. 'For this purpose, they examined
the magnetic and resonance properties of yttrium fer--ite garnets, in which
the yttrium ions were replaced partly or entirely by terbium, neodymium, or
lu#tecium ions. The spontaneous magnetization of the ferrite garnets
(3-X)Y 203' xTb 2.03'5Fe2031 is shown in FIig. 1 as a function of temperature.
As may be seen (curves I and 2), these curves are abnormal. Ifthe Tb
,content is increased, a compensation point of the magnetic moments of the
sublattices appears (curve 3). According to a calculation by Niel's scheme,
this point should be near OOK. Rare-earth impurities are probably respon-
sible for its shift to 10OKo On further increase of the Tb content, the
Card 1/4
Magnetic and resonance properties... B104/B102
COMDensation point is further shifted to higher temperatures (curve 4).
At low temperatures, a sharp increase of the coercive force He is observed
as the Tb content rises. The vicinity of the compensation point is supposed
to be the cause of this. J. Dillon (Phyzq~ Rev~q ill, 6 (1958)) and -the
authors (Zh. eksperim. i teoret. fiz., 40, no. 2, 711, (1961)) showed both
experimentally and theoretically that the resonance line width LH paSses
through a maximum when minute Tb amounts are added to the ferrite. With an
increase of the Tb content, the temperature anomaly of AH widens as a
function of temperature. At verylow temperatures (20K), AH is not diminisk*i,
This is explained by the fact that at low temperatures the AH broadening is
caused not only by the Kittel-Dillon mechanism but also by the het-trogeneous
.magnetic state due to the vicinity of the compensation point, The polycry-
stalline Y-Nd ferrites (3,-x)y2o 3' xNd20 OFe2o3were of garnet structure
with x < 21 The lattice periods 0f these garnets increased with incre6sing
Nd content, from 12.37 R OY20OFe2o 3) to 12~50 R (Y20 3' 2Nd2O 3' 5Fe 203 ).
When Y3-& ions were completely replaced byNd3+ ions, the resulting spe.;imens
had a perovskite structured In agreement with Ne'el, the magnetic moment3 of
ferrite garnets at absolute zero were found to be 6-5 - r-1Gr-(16d--4WA)-
Card 2/k C
Magnetic and resonance rroperties ... B100102
a n d -_~'aare the magnetic moments of the sublattices. Near absolute zero,
saturation magnetization diverged from the values calculated by Nbel. MAsis
explained in that the magnetic moments of Nd3+ ion3 do not attain any
ferromagnetic order in the sublattices, as excharige interaction is insuf-
ficient. In the ferrites (5-x)y 0 xLu 0 5Fe 0 the magnetic moments did
2 3 2 3 2 3
not change with x. The weak change of the Curie temperature (-,100) ob-
served may be due to the change of lattice parameters. Structural inhomo-
geneities arise due to the smaller radius oi7 Lu ions, and in their turn
give rise to magnetic inhomogeneities. In,these ferrite tystems magnetic
viscosity effects have been discqve ed; ' Y-Tb ferritest q-600K~, 00 oe,
relaxation time of magnetization riesponset 5-- 10 min. Y-Nd ferrites:
4.20K, 4000 oe, 30 - 40 min. Y-.Lu ferrites: viscosity'at 4.20K, due to
structure. There are A figures and 8 references: 3 Soviet and 5 non-
Soviet. The three most recent reforences to I-nglish-language publications
read as follows: Kittel G., Portis A.,'de Gennes P., Phys. Rev., 116,
no. 2, X23, (1959); Dillon J., Phys. Rev., 111, 6 (1958)
White R., J .
ApTyl. Phys., 32, 11780961).
12 4 -1 V) ID (41.eo 1144) B100102
AUTHORS: Belov,jL--P., Levitin, R. Z., and Nikitin, S. A.
TITLEt Magnetoelastic properties of terbium and holmium
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya', v. 25,
no. 11, 1961, 1382 - 1364
TEXT: The temperature dependences of the magnetic properties of Dy, Tbq Tu,
Er, and Gd have a complex character. While being ferromagnetic at low
temperatures, they pass over, at a specific temperature 01,into the anti-
ferromagnetic state with the Curie temperature 02. The antiferromagnetic
state between 0 1 and G2 can be easily destroyed by an outer magnetic field.
For Tb 0, - 2230K and '92 %2340K. Thi antiferromagnetic is destroyed b .y a
field of about 200 oersteds. Below 230 0K the modulus of elasticit E dii-
plays a strong anomaly and the inner friction has a maximum at 2234
.(Fig. 1). At the temperatures 9 2 and 0, this anomaly passes through a,
maximum and a minimumt respectively. Longitudinal and transverse magneto-
striction of Tb were measured at different temperatures as a function of the
Card 1A~L,
Magnetoelastic properties of..* B104/BI02
fi eld strength Ow750-10- 6 at 15 koe). The temperature dependence of the
modulus of elasticity and of internal friction of Ho was examined near
1960K only (Fig. 3). The shear modulus, too, is anomalous in Ho~
This proves that not only a pure bulk deformation occurs with the 0 2
trans ition. As for Dy, it isknown that below the axial ratio of th e
unit cell changes ;L--1000-10 at 15 koe. Neutron diffraction studies
showed that Dy in the.antiferromagnetic.range (above 01 ) has a so-called
helicoldal spin structure: the spinsare heliooidally arrang~-d in.the
lattice. It is believed that other rare-earth metalsi particularly Ho and
Tb, also possess this spin structure. There are 3 figures and 6 references:
3 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to English-language
~publications read as follows; Thoburn W.i Legvold,S., Spedding F., Phys.
--Rev., 112, 56,0958)v Bamistar'I.~R~j .-Leg,old~S.O'Spedding F., Phys- Rev.,
9-40 1140 (1954); Koehler W.g Wollan E., Lecture delivered at a seminary on
rare earths elements, USA# California'-p October 1960.
ASSOCIATION; Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gos, universiteta im. M. V.
Lomonosova (Physics Division of Moscow State University imeni
Card 21k1h M. V. Lomonosov)
12 D
11-1~'j 1
Belov, K. P., Zaytseva, M. A., Kadomtseva, A. M., and
T71-m-o-f-eyeva, V. A.
Magnetic anisotropy and-hysteresis properties of rare-earth
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25,
no. 11, 1961, 1389-1392
TEXT: Magnetic anisotropy was examined on single crystals of La, Pr, Nd,
Sm# Eu, Gd, and Yb orthoferrites. The crystals were grown by spontaneous
crystallization from thqir -solution in a meltof lead compounds, lead
oxide, and lead fluoride. The torque of the resulting crystals as a func-
tion of their angle o:! rotation with respect to an external magnetic field
of up to 20 koe was moasured with an anisometer. The torque curves drawn
at room temperature resembled one another in the examined singlti crystals,
and showed that the orientation of the magnetic moment in the aNir3 of
easiest magnetization is very stable against rotation of the outer field.
This points to an exceediiigly strong magnetic anisotropy of these
Card 1 /,k
Magnetic anisotropy and
orthoferrites. If the temperature is increased to the Curie point, the
anisotropy of weak ferromagnetiam is virtually not reduced. The
characteristic phenomena of hysteresis and thermal remanence effects, rare-earth orthoferrites can be explained also by the strong
magnetic anisotropy. Thermal remanence phenomena were observed on
polycrystallire La, Pr, and Yb orthosilicates (Ref, 5: Belov, K. P_
Zaytseva, 111. A., Kaclomtseva, A. !.1. , Zh. eksperim. J, teor, fi::,
i't e f . 6: ',.Yatanabe, 11. J, Phys. Soc, Tapan,. '14, 511
~'agnetization curves and hysteresis loops were recorded in magnetic fields
of up to 20,000 oe by a pondermotive method. Specimens cooled in the
magnetic field displayed asymmetric hysteresis loops with indIvIdual.
cycles. The thermai remanence was removed by a magnetic field -f the
order of 10,000 oe, This is indicative of the enormous coercive force of
these orthoferrites. A partial substitution of nonmaenetic A13t- ions for
Pe3+ ions was performed in polycrystalline La and Pr orthoferrites~ A
shar v diminution of both coercive force and thermal remanence vhenomena
was observedalong with a steep rise of magnetization. The latter may be
explained by a prevailing diminution of the exchange field. On the cther
hand, the growth of magnetization is possibly associated with the greater
Card 21~7
Magnetic anisotropy and B117/B102
difference in the magnetization of the two sublattices of Fe ions, when
they are partly replaced by nonmagnetic A13+ ions. However, the Curie
point is lowered in every case. Compositions in which Fe3+ ions were
partly replaced by magnetic Cr3+ ions were examined. As compared with
stoichiometric compositions I the coercive force diminishes sharply in La
and Pr orthoferrites, when Cr3+ ions are introduced. As expected, and
unlike A13+ ions, cr3+ ions do not change magnetiza tion very much. The
Debye diagrams taken by A. A. Katonellson and K. Yatskullyan showed that
all the examined compositions are solid solutions without any foreign
phase. Ye. A. Turov is thanked for his help and for having discussed the
results obtained. V. A. Kaysh (Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1, 10
(196o); 11, 161 (1960)) is mentioned. There are 5 figures and 6 refer-
ences: T-Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The three references to English-
language publications read as follows: 3ozorth, R. M., Phys. Rev.
Letters, 1, 362 (1958); Gilleo, 11. A., J. Chem. Phys. 2A, 1239 (1956);
Watanabe, H., J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 14, 511 (1959).
Card 3
S104 f 25/012/001/622
'AUTHORS: 'Belov, K P. d~_Zalesski A. V.
TITLE: Variation of resistivity on magnetization and the magnetic
anisotropy of Mn xFe 3-x04 ferrite single crystals
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izveatiya. Seriya fizicheskaya,
v. 25, no. 12, 1961, 1434-1436
TEXT: The anisotropy constant K 1 of solid solutions of magnetite and
manganese ferrite (Mn x Fe 3-x0 4) is positive only in the range 0.6< x< 0.8
at room temperature. This can be attributed to the change in ion
distribution on transition from the inverted spinel (magnetite) to the*
normal one (manganese ferrite). The magnetite has the magnetostriotion
constants X - -19-10- 6 and 81-10-6 1 and the manganese ferrite
100 -6 6
MnO.98F,l .8604 has the constants 1100 --14'10 and Xill - -I-10- . On
transition from the manganese ferrite to themagnetite, the magneto-
Card 1/4
S/048 61/025/012/001/022
Variation of resistivity on... IB137 B108
striotion along the [111] axis change3 its sign. According to A. Braginskiy
(Chekhosl. fiz. zh.p 2, no. 6, 755 (1959)), this change is observable in
the range 1.00) r,,q and both are nags-
-tive 0 need not,
in the range T > G0 r1) becomes po.sitivet the point r1,
coincide with 000 Inthe range of-the Curie point, the negative maxi-
mum of the galvanomagnetic somewhat greater for rj. than
~'for rV. This is due to.the fact that the difference between r
L and rl,
does not completely;dioappear at the Curie point. The experimental re-
sults prove that in (A) sublattices exist with different tempere:ture de-
pendence of spontaneous magnetisation. There are 5 figures and 3 re -
ferences; 2 Soviet-bloc and I non-Sov'ist-bloce
ASSOPIATIONt Moskovskiy goe'udars vemW universitet'.
SUBMITTED r October 11, 1960
Carl .316,'~
AUTHOhSt Belovo K. P., Leviting BeZop Nikitinj S. A.p Ped1kop A, V,
TITLE: The magnetic and magneto-elastic properties of dysprosium
and gadolinium
PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 40,
no. 69,1961, 1562 - 1569
TEXT: The interest that is being recently taken in the study of the
magnetic properties of rare earths and their alloys is due to the follow-
ing two causess al In some rare earth me.tals (Dy. Hot Er, Tb, Tu) there
occur complicated magnetic transformationn from ferro magnetic to anti-
ferromagnetic and then to-the paramagnetic; b) in some rar? earths there
are uncompensated electron spins in a'shell which is screened by outer
5s and 5P electrcns~ For this reason "he direct-exchange'interaction be-
tween the 4f electrons is very difficult or even impossible. The authors
have carried out measurements with tbegreatest possible accuracy on magnet-
iz ation, magnetostriction,~,, elastic modulus E, and the inner friction
Card 1/
The magnetic and magneto-elastic proper- B102/B214
ties of
of Dy and Gd and obtained them as functi one of temperature. The pre-
sent paper is concerned with the results of these experiments. The meas-
urements were carried near the points 0 1 and 92 and in the region between
them (91 is the.temperature of the ferromagnetio - antiferromagnetic tran-
sitiong and 92 that of the antiferromagnetic paramagnetic transition).
The results of the investigations are represented graphically. For Dyj 01
was found to be 88 0K and 0 1750K. The character of the anomalies of E
an d for Dy at Q2 is the same as in the antiferromagnetic Cr2e3t i. e.
02 is the Neel point. The behavior near 0 1 is entirely differenti The
magnetic field has a strong effect on the Young's modulus E (A E effect)
as well as on Q71 the changes of these quantities being irreversible.
Card 2/
The magnetic and. proper- B102/B214
ties of
This means hystereses. These are shown for AE and Q_ I for 85 0 X in Figs.
2 and 3. All this signifies that,Q I is not a phase transition point of the
Becond kind, and is in no way related to structural transformations. Pig.
4 shows the temperature dependenoe of Dy which shows particular peculiari-
ties near Q . Firstly, the magnetostriction at this point is unusually
'high (10-3al 15vOOO oe), and secondly, it is anisotropic. Moreover, there
is for each temperature a. critical value Hkat which a sudden rise of A
begins. Gadolinium whose ferremagn6tism was discovered early has always
been considered as a "normal', fe.rrcmagnetica However, the authors have
'discovered that in weak fields there are anomalies in the temperature be-
havior of magnetL-ttion (Fig. 6), aoercive force H. (Fig. -1), and residual
magnetization (Pig. 8). It may thus be concluded that a tem 8erature
.exists for Gd (simillar to the 2170C point for Ni and tbe 294 C point for
CO) at which a temperature anomaly of ~ and H C exists. Contrary$ howeverv
to Ni.and Co~ Gd shows two aingularities in the behavior of magnetic prop-
erties near the Curie point (0-290-5'K)o The curvature of the curve show-
Card 311Y
The magnetic and magneto-elastic proper- B102/B214
ties of
-Ing.the decrease of magneti2ati.on with temperature is very small and can
be deter-ined from the formula; For Ni and Fe S-6 - 7;
for Gds 1.170 Such a small value is characteristic of ferrite and
some alloys (cf. Table). The existence of anomalous behavior of Od (as
compared to Ni and,Fe) near 0 is due to the presence of an antiferromagnet-
ic phase in this region of temperature, which, however, can be destroyed
by weak fields, The authors thank Professor Ye. M. Savitskiyj V. F.
Terekhova and 1. V. Burov for preparing the Gd sample and A. S. Borovik-
Romanov for discussions. There are 12 figurest 1 table, and 12 references:
4 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The most important references to
English-language publications read as followsi J. Elliot et al.-Phys. Reir.
2At 1143, 1954; D. Behrendt et al. Phys. Rev. 109, 1544, 1958.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudar8tvennyy universitet (Moscow State Univer-i
Card 4/
At 7 116 B125/B102
AUTHORt Belov, K. P.
TITLEt The nature of low-temperature magnetic anomalies in
ferrites possessing compensation points
PERIODICALt Zhurnal skeperimentalinoy i teoretioheskoy fizikil V, 4 19
no* 3(9), 1961t 692 - 695
TEXTs The author shows that, at liquid-nitrogen and liquid-helium temper-
aturest a critical point occurs in the temperature'dependences of the
magnetic and non-magnetio properties (magnetic ausoeptibility, magnet-
ostriotion, coercive force, electric resistivi ty) of rare-earth ferrite
garnets and of lithium ohromite ferrite. The compensation point of
3 Gd20 3* 5PO20 3ferrite is studied. To find the -cr(T) curve of the iron-
sublattioe, it is necessary to eliminate the magnetic effect of the
gadolinium sublatticep ioeo all Gd3+ ions must be replaced by non-magnetic
ioIns (00 g..y3+ or Ln3+)* The resulting ferrites 3Y20 3~5Fe2O 3 or
Card 1/~
The nature oflow-temperatursos* B125/B102 7L-
AU2 O,*5Fe203 show the normal Weiss temperature dependenee of spontaheous.
magnetization. Their magnetic long-range order is destroyed only at 560 KI
owing to the strong interaction in the iron sublattioss The temperature
dependences of the-spontaneous magnotization of the gadd1inim sublattico and
of some alloys (*. g. 30A cut 70~ NO are not distinct. Probably# this is
due to the fact that the ling-range magnetic order in the gadallnium sublattioe
ttepende on the positive Od + exchange interaction in the sublattioe
op and on the negative Gd3+ . re 3+ exchange inte'raction. The long-range
magnetic order undergoes a considerable change when the'positive exchange
intoraotion is "turned off" with rising temperature, but the negative
exchange interaction prevents its complete destruction. All these facts
lead to the, condition under which the compensation point in ferrites is the
most probable to occur. in the ferrite, one of the aublattices must exhibit
* strong exchange interaotiong and the curve de (T) mue .t consequently show
* Weiss character. The exchange interaction in the second sublattioe must
be "weak". The compenB ation point is found by subtracting curve I (with the
smaller magnetic moment at OOK) from curve 2 which corresponds to the sub-
Oard 2/5
The nature of low-temperatureeo. B125/B102
lattice with the greater.magnetic moment at 00K (Fig.2). If the magnetic
moment of the "weak." sublattice at OOK is smaller than that of the "strong"
sublattice, G' (T) of the ferrite will be anomal at low temperatures.
a 3+
Similar ourves.oan'be observed in yttrium ferrite when part of the Y ions
3+ 3+
are substituted by,Tbl , Od or other ions'D Lithium chromite ferrite of
the composition Li 0-5 Fe 2-5-a Cr a04(for a - 1.25) for instance has two
antiferromagnetically interacting sublattices, the first containing
Fe3+# Cr3 + and Li 1+- ions.(ootahedra-I sites), and the second containing Fe3+
and Li 1+ ions (tetrahedral sites). At,low temperaturesp the ferroma gnetism
of the ferrite depends on the octahedral sublattice. According to L. Neel
(Ann, de Physique, 3-, 137i 1948), the - a (T) curve exhibiting the compea-
sation point can also be found from the a sB (T) and -a sA (T) curves of the
,octahedral and tetrahedral sublattices, respeetiYely, which exhibit Weise
character. Ferrites with a compensation temperature must have a low-temper-
ature'p`Oint which'coir"responds to a considerable change of the magnetic
Card 3/5
The;na,ture oflow-temperature.i,, B125/B102
long-s-r-ange order in a sublattice with "weak" positive exe hange interactions
According to A. V. Pedlko (ZhETP, tj, 31 700), the anomalies of the temper-
ature aepe'ndenoe of the susceptibility of the para-procossest.of the
magAetos.triotion and of other phenomena are simiLar to the anomalies at the
Curie.,point,- A.. N.-Goryaga and Lin Chang-ta (ZhETFj,.419 3, 696) diecuseed
anoiiiies in *th~ temperature',dependence of spontaneous,magnetizationg of the
coer~iv~,'-torce,.,?f.magnet~io, susceptibility of the gal vano -magnetic effect,
ifid of the ~1*ectrio'resistivity. There are 2 fi'gures and 7 referencest
4-Sov-1st and 4 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language
publications read as follows: E. Lee, R. Birss, Proc. Phys. Soo*, 2-6, 411,
1960; E* W. Gorter. Phil. Res* Repo, 2, 295, 1954o
ASSOCiATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow state
SUBMITTED: April 6, 1961
Cara 4/5
AUTHORS: Belov,-K. P., Svirinap Ye. P.j -an~. Malikova, 0. A.
TITLE: The electrical conductivity of manganese ferrite single
PERIODICAL, Fizika tverdogo tela) v. 4, no. 10, 1962, 2629-2631
TEM, The temperature dependence of.the Hall emf, of the magnetization 6,
and of the el,ectrical conductivity I/Q of manganese ferrite single crystals
was studied. The crystals were slightly out of the stoichiometric
c4pmposition 'either by a manganese or by an ixon excess. The Hall emf
E.I. (R H +' 6)j increases rapidly with an excess of Un. The magnptic Hall
~constant R rises linearly with increasing-Q. The classicai Hall conatani
R0 is negative. The electron concentration calculated from it increases
with increasing temperature according to an exp;n;ntial law. The'electron
mobility calculated from R 'and Q,decreases coniiderably with increasing
temperature in the-case of manganese ferrite with excess Un. In ferrite
Card 1/2
The*electrioal conductivitylot... If 00104
with excess Fe it decreasesnonly a litzle. Thiq shows that in the former
case the phonons contribute most to the scattering,of electrons (A.Miller.
-J. Appl. Ph~s.y 319 no. 5, ~61., 1960). There 4fe'5 figures.
1 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosu4ar'stve.nnyy univerriitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni Mq-V. Lomonosov)
SJBMITTED: May 26, 1962.
Card 2/2
It, 0 E132/El6o
AUTHORS: 1jelov, K.P.s Zaytsevaj M.A.* Kadomtsevaj A.Me,
and Ovchinnikova, T.L.
Kvitkaj S.S.,
TITLE: The'magnetic properties and structures of certain
garnet systeRs
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no.2, 1962, 242-246
TEXT: Garnet structures have been synthesized by the
substitution in yttrium iron garnets of Fe and Y ions by,?-!no Ge_
and Ti and their structures and magnetic properties have been
studied. In the garnet of composition Mn 0.5 Y2.5 Fej,.5GeO -5012
an anomalous temperature dependence of the spontaneous
magnetisation has been observed at low temperatures (of Neelks
type M). It is established that the garnet of composition
MnY 2Fe4GeO.2 has a Curie point below 0 OC and that the curve of
,the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magn*tisation tends
asymptotically to zero. The curves are explained-qualitatively.
The cell size of the first-mentioned 6ompound is 12-367 1, and
Card 1/2
The magnetic-properties and structures. S/070/62/007/002/008/022
that of the second 12.347 as compared with 12-387 for the pure
Y Fe garnet. In garnet there are three magnetic sub-lattices and
on Neel's model M the curve observed for the first composition
can bd satisfactorily explained if the-lattice having a weak
inherent exchange interaction takes.a different course from that
Pf the other (iron) sublattices. The Ti-containing garnets
Mn 0.5Y2.5FO4.5 Tio .5012 and MnY.Fe4Tio,2 were examined but showed
no anomalies except that the second compound had a "tail" of
residual magnetisation which persisted above the Curie point
(3o6 OC) apparently connected with the appearance of another
phase (traces of Y Ti 0 were observed in the X-ray powder
2 2 7
There are 4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.
(Moscow State University imeni. I-1.V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: June 27, 1961
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Belov, KyPe and Nikitin,.S.A.
TITLE: The galvanomagnetic properties of terbium, dysprosium
and holmium
PERIODICAL: Fizilca-metallov i nictallovedeniye, v.1-
11o.1, 1962,
TEXT: Measurements of magnetic moment show that the rare
earth metals have transition temperatures G for antiferromagnet',11.
paramagnetic and f.or-ferromagnetic-antiferroinagnetic. Hence,-
the influence on electrical properties of the transition from a
state of.non-ordered spin to an ordered one can be studi4~d on
these metals. values of e and (9 originally published'by-.
1 2
S. Legvold, F. Spedding et,-al., are:
Table 2
Element OK K
Dy 85 178.5
Tb 219 229
CarId 1/3 Ho 20 133
The galvanomagnetic properties S/126/62/013/001/001/018
Measurements of electrical and galvanomagnetie properties were
made on samples of Dy, Tb and Ho (0.4 x 1 x 9 twit and
0.4 x 2.2 x 20 mm). Electrical resistance was measured ovet- the
temperature range 60-3000K using a potentiometric method, a
constant current of 100 mA being passed through the sample. It is 1-
shown that there is a discontinuity in the resistaiice-tempernture.~.
curves at 0- The temperature dependence of the longitudiiial and.
transverse galvanomagnetic effect was measured for.Dy, Ho and Tb
for magnetic fields up to 15000 Oe and it is shown that the.
galvanomagnetic effect passes through a mnrked negative maxinium
near In' addition, in the case of Dy a second maxiinum is
observed at (-'1, 6The transition temperatures and for TI) are
very close together, 219 and 2290K, respectively, so that only one,,.,,:,
maximum is'obtained. Isotherms are plotted showing the change in
longitudinal and transverse galvanomagnetic effect with intensit
of magnetic field for a. number of temperatures. It is shown that
the temperature dependence of the slope of the isotherm !~R/RZNH
for Tb exhibits two inaxima at.2320K and 224uK. Thi-3 verifies the
assumption that Tb.possesses-,Weak antiferromagnetic properties
Card 2/3,
S/056 62/042/001/614/048
AUTHORS: Belov, K. P., Ped1ko, A. V.
TITLE: 'Helical" antiferromagnetism of gadolinium
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42,
no. 1, 1962, 87-90
TEXT: The mEgnetic properties of polyarystalline toroidal specimens of
gadolinium in magnetic fields between 0.28 and 2000 oe were investigated
between 100 and 3000K. At 2100K, the specific magnetization drops
sharply between 0.28 and 1.12 oe (Fig. 1). The curves have a normal
Weiss shape only in strong fields (500-2000 oe). The magnetization
isotherms between 01 _2100K and the Curie point 92 - 2900K were examined.
Like the other rare-,earth metals (DY, Th, Ho, Er, and Tu), gadolinium
exhibits two magnetic transitions at 9 1 and 92 and is antiferromagnetic
between these temperatures. Antiferromagnetism vanishes already -in weak
fields. The magnetic properties in this temperature range can be
attributed to a helical spin structure. Suoh structures form when
"Helical" antiferromagnetism of... B100102
the exchange interaction between the atoms of a layer of the basal plane
of the hexagonal Gd crystal is weak compared with the exchange interaction
between the atoms of contiguous layers. Application of magnetic fields
of 0-15 oe destroys this struoture. There are 5 figures and 4 references:
1 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to English-language
publications read as follows: F..Spedding et al.9 Phys. Rev., 109, 1544,
1958; 2A9 1143f 1954; 1091 1547P 1958; 11-2, 56, 1958; 100, 1595, 1955;
M. Wilkinson, W. Koehler, E. Wollant A. J'able. J. Appl0 Phys.0 12, 48, 49t
~SuPP1- to no. 3); U.-Enz. J. Appl. Phys., .32, 22 1961 (Suppl. to
1961 1
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy univeraitet (Moscow state
SUBMITTED* August 4, 1961
Fig. 1. Magnetization of Gd in weak and strong fields as a function of
Card 21~_
AUTHORB; Belovp K. P., Nikitin, S. A.
TITLE: Effect of helicalmagnetio structure on the magnetostrictionce
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheekoy fiziki, v. 42,
no. 2, 1962, 403-407
TEXT: Dysprosium has two magnetic transformation temperatures: 01 (650K),
at which the helical magnetic structure arises and 02 (1770K), at which
ferromagnatiam of the basal planes vanishes, together with the helical
magnetic structure. The lower temperature range has been studied previously
(K. P. Belov et al. ZhETF, 40, 1562, 1961); it was found that below 01,
where the Dy crystal is ferromagnetic, and also between 0 1 and 021 the
considerable anisotropy of magnetostriction is due to spontaneous 0
magnetostriction. In continuation of these studies the range 120-190 K
was here investigated. The magnetostriction observed on approaching 02
will be caused by other kinds of spontaneous magnetostriction. The
measurements were made with polycrystalline specimens and in magnetic
Card 1/0
Effect of helical magnetic ... B102/B138
fields in which the magnetic momenta remained in the basal planes during
magnetization. Magnetostriction was measured with a wire strain gage.
The isotherms of transverse (x.L) and longitudinal (X,,) magnetostriction
between 0 and 15 koe were measured for several temperatures. It can be
seen that for fields below critical, 4 1 is negative and X UPositive. The
temperature dependencesof X 11 and X11 differ in shape, and their positions
depend on whether H is stronger or weaker than H 't' This is due to the,
fact that in this temperature range, besides magnetostriction corresponding
to rotation of magnetic moments in the basal plane layers, there also
exists a magnetostriction concomitant with destruction of the helical
magnetic structure for H . H crit* Around Q2 an intense paraprocess
.magnetostriction arises which is caused by exchange forces between atoms
in adjacent basal planes. A. S. Borovik-Romanov is thanked for discussion&
There are 5 figures and 6 references: 2 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four
references to English-language publications read as follows: D. Behrendt
et al. Physo Rev. jO
1$ 15441 1958- M- Wilkinson at al. J. Appl. Phys. 12p
499 1961; suppl. to 3- U. Enz. J. Appl. Phys. L2, 22, 1961, suppl. to 3-
Card 2/*-3
-Effect of helical diagnetic B102/B138
J. Banieter et &I. Physs Rev. As 1140, 1954-
ASSOCIAT,I011: Moskqvskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State
SUBMITTED: September 141 1961
Fig..10 Isotherm of Al
Pig. 2. Isotherm of X*
Fig. 4- -Temperature dependence of X for'7500 oe (1) and 15 koe (2)
Fig- 5. Temp erature dependence.of X for 7500 oe (i) and 15 koe (2)
Card 3/#
EELOV, K.P., daktor fiz.-matem.nauk; SMALOV, L.A., kand.fiz.-matem.nauk
Symposium on ferromagnetism and forToelectricity at Leningrado
Vest. AN SSSR 33 no 9:82-84 S 163.
(MM 160)
(Di;lectrio'p) (Forrom,agnatism)
KAiIASIK, Vladimir Romanovich; BRIOV.-K.P.
-,,-,,,,prof.p red.; KOZLOV,
V.D., red.; RYDNIK, . . ea.
(Pbysics and technology of strong magnetic fields] Fizika
I tekbmika silIn7kh magmitnykh polei. Moskva, Neuka, 3964.
347 P. (MIRA 17:10)
ACCESSION NR.- AP4911744 S/0181/64/006/001/0101/02.07
Werohovap V. I.; Zsytseva,
AUTHORS: lo* X M. Aq Kadomt3evap A. Me;
on, S: takulfyaks K.
T;TLE: Magnetic ar# structural properties of laAthanum orthoferrite during partiali.
jwPlacemant of Fe ions by other trivalent ions
.Pizika Wordogo t no."I,. 1964~ .101-107
olas ve 6,o
TOPIC TAGS: =gne~tic propertyp structural property, ortho~errite., lanthanums
lanthanum orthoferrite, Fe.34-..,Al 3+s $0'3'1) Cc -3*,, thermoremanant magnetization,
,,'magnetization intensity, hysteresis loop# crystal lattice
ABSTRA. the F94,3 I a*3 S 0*3 Cr4
R.-- In these studies on was replaced.. in part,, by J
and Cc -~, Thermoromanentmagnetizatigq of LaFA cannot be reduced jo zero even im
a field of 20 000 oersteds,, but if Al -2 ~ona re-;~ce some of the Fe ions
-110.10 introd4ced by orthorhombic distortion ofthe crystal latticep thez=-
nerf-6,L#gnetizajion almost disappears, and the hysteresis loops become sy=etri-:.
cal. These changei;may be explained by the finely dispersed character of the
samples. The char4t!e in magnetic properties on substitution of the irAicated ions
Card 1/2
AqCESSION NR s AP4034061 S/O
~BelQ_V,,,X*,_Paj_Levitinj R;* L; Malevskaya# Le Ael Sokoloyq Vo Is
TITLEs Anomalies of Young's modulus in rare ear- fox vw4pets
metalloireden4o` V- 17# no
SOURCES Fizika metalloy i 4P 1964P 617-619
TOPIC TAGSs rare earthp ferromagnet, Young modulus, dysprosium# erbium, holninmt
'thuliump helicoidal ferromagnatio struaturej paramagaetism
1ABSTRLCTt Rare earth ferrom~aanete (3brp Frp Ito, Thp Tu, and possibly Od) at certaini
temperature intervals possess antiferromagnetio helicoidal structures. To investi-
asons for the formation of these etructurest the Young's modulus was
gate the re I
measured. at various'temperatures. A compound vibrator was used at a frequency of-I
150 kilocyoles/sec, and the temperature was changed continuously from 4-2 to 78K br
placing the specimen in a massive copper vessel which could be cooled down to a
Itemperature near that of liquid helium. Further variation of temperature between
178 and 300K was obtained by using liquid nitrogen and an electric heater, The
magnetization was measured by means of an oscillating magnetometero The results
Ishowed three regions in which anomalous behavior of the Young's modulus could be
I observeds 1) a region around which a transition took place from antiferromagnetion
Card 0:
!ACCESSICK NR: AP4023400 8/0048/64/1D28/003/0519/0528
I-AUITHOR., Belov,K.P.LLeV1tin,R.Z..; Nikitin,S.A.; PW ko,A. V.
:TITLE: Uagnetoelastio properties of rare earth ferromagnetic materialaffeport.
-!Symposium on Ferromagnetism, And rer electricity Isseld in Leningrad 30 gay 'to 6 %Tune
SOURCE: AN SSSR. ..Xzvestiya. Seriya f izicheskaya, v.28, no.3, 1964, 519.P-528
magnetostriction, rare earth magnotostriction, magnotoelasticity , rare
earth magnetoelasticity, rare earth exchange anisotropy, helical antiferromagnetism
ABSTRACT; The magnetostriction, the tcmperature dependence of the elastia.moduli,
and tho effect of hydrostatic pressure on the magnetization, are discussed in some
detail for a number of rare earths, The experimental data for the discussion are
taken from a number of sources6 These magnetoelastic properties are of interest be-,
cause they Involve a combinationof exchange and magnetic interactions, and their
;behavior may shad some light on the complex magnetic properties of these materialso'
~Xn the range.of temperatures and fields In which the materials are forromagneiia,
magnetostriction can tant& of Dy and Th are.large, and the two constants (for
I. Qrd 1/3
'the same-material) are of' opposite sign. Th e magnetostriction is due primarily to
!rotation of the:magnetic moment in the basal plane against magnetic anisotropy fo.-I
ces. The magnetostrictive behavior of Gd is very complex and is not understood. Ini
ithe range of temperatures and fields in which Dy exhibits helical antiferromagnetisA
;its magnetostrictive behavior Is complex. A simple theqry of magnetos t ri ction is de"O
voloped, in which the magnetic anisotropy in the basal plans is neglected (presumab,-~
a reasonable approximation in the temperature range considered) and the exchanged
interactions between neighboring basal Olanes and between next-neighboring basal
planes are assumed to be different linear functions of the strain in the hexagonal
axis (i.e.; of the distance between the basal planes). This theory accounts quali-
.tatiVely for the complex behavior observed. Unlike the behavior of magnotastriction
in the iron group, the magnetostricvion of Dy and Th is nnisotrobic even very close,
.to the Curie point..This indicates that interaction In these materials;
'is anis.otropic. The anisotropy of the exchange interaction is also indicated by the i
fact that, the ishear modulus of Dy has the same typo of anomaly at the Curie point
as has Younglo. modulus, The terromagnatic-antiferromag3iotic transition point of Dy
!'is shilted tollowerr temperatures by the application of hydrostatic pressures The
.transition of 'Olycrystalline Od at 2100C behaves similarly. After a short thermo-'!
I C.,d 2/3
;.dynamic discussion it is concluded from this that the exchange interaction between
-the basal planes(ise., along the hexagonal axis) depends sharply on distancee
:This, and other properties of tho exchange interaction revealed by magnOtOOla3tic
~bohavior, is not:*oasy to understand on the basis of currents theories, accordinff to
iwhich the exchange interaction in these materials is indirect, via the conduction
.-.1electrons andthe SS2 and 5p6 bands. 10 formulas and 6 figures.
IASSOCIATION: Xosk6vskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitot (Moscow State Univeraity)
Ccr~ 3/3
Magnetic susceptibility of orthoferrites of rare earth elements in
strong magnetic fields. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.2:439-443 Ag
164. (MIRA 17.-10)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy urnivGr3itlets
-ii --and-d awn cladolin: -um- 99X"99'i.~
ahd iiii"Ied 'at---1200C' e ~transverse and lonigWiditial
1. ~" ~ - e- - ;. ~_ -- 5- ~ . , . -- _- - - ~ -- 7-
__CU Aa_ 6ili one__~_Oorr4mpond, -t,
i4_ 4- 11 0- -egionHof --- kP L i
I curie point itself t-~290X)- and dUe-to.intrinsic magnetization, and
er --an( -broaderf, - Ocate som6what below the Ciarle
!point (-230-250K)e Aminimum.of the negative gall?anomagnetic of-
lonal maximum-- obbe In, t e
kVdd b6l( Wthis temperature.
single-crystal gadolinium ~ a- sliarp' difference was observed in the
,character of the galvantomagnatic effect cur7es parallel and perpen-
dicular to the hexagonal a-As, and this is interpreted as being d,le
to a helicoidal ferromagnetic structure. Orig. art. has: 5 figures.
;ASSOCIATIONt btoskovskiy-,gosudarstvenny*y uaiversitet
_(liquCOV state
n' e
ENCL: 00
~j 7, t~-- n
--, --t, -.-- ~- ~ " - -- -
- p-, i, . : ! ~-, -1 ~:
- , L- - - - - , - L - : I , - - -
77 77W
:,,7777 ~7.17777
7- 00
So CODE: SS., at ]m RW Sov:, 003 OTI-M 003
BELOV K*P*j kand, takhno nauk
Lighting of passenger cars. Zhe2, dor, transpe 46 no,7294-95
J1 .1 6A (MIRA 170)
&~=;U-5 %Art
ESD g5
ACCEMON tqvl 0
~k#- K.r rAvitin, R. Z.
~AUTHOF4 P-4 -Ka ~~ev.a#
e ic-suacep fe rites,
!-TITM --Inve-sti4ati6n,,o:E-iiqi4-i~agn tibility ofortho r
of raie earib ~iemanta in strJoncr magnetic fields
SOURCEs Zh. ekaper. i toot. fiz., v.'-47, no. S. 1964, 439-443
XC A%IS fQtrlt6',:M&vaQtic lm~ic-etitibi'
-N AP40436i3
ASSOCIATION:`.' Moakovekiy gosudars-tvanny*y univereitet (Moscow
ACCE.SSICtl NRs AP4043613 01
-~PenOacc-:..o sp~l? lc iza
PrFeOs, 6 NdFeO~, 7 - YbFc