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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ACCESSION NR: AT401~i78 ~ Y s/ono/63/o0o/aoo/o234/0243 - --` < < AUTHOR: Beiousav, N. N. (Leningrad-Dnepropetrovsk); Vartch, N. I. (Leningrad- Dnapropet"rovs~j-, 5l-cherbakov~ G. I. (t.eningr~d-Dnepropetrovsk) T iTLE: {nvestigation of the influence of the thermal conditions of hardenirr~ of castings under plunger prassure ~ the submlcrostructure of aluminum SOURCE: AN BSSR. Ftz.-tekhn. institut. Teplofizika v liteynom proizvodstve ~ (Thermal physics in the foundry industry). Minsk, 1963, 234-243 ~~ ~ TOPIC TAGS: plunger pressure, roentgenography, aluminum structure, high melting ~ element, alumina :alloy, crystal structure, cast hardening ABSTRACT: Deep shrinkage caviities, porosity, and heterogeneity are often observed j i~t-large-size aluminum castings. The present investigation considered the in- " fluence of small additions of some elements on the properties, structure, end sub-' microstructure of grade A1.8 alloy crystalized under atawspheric pressure and a f plunger prassure of. 4,000 kg/sq cm. Roentgenographic and metallographic analysis as wel~~ as hardness and micro-hardness tests +rere used In the imrastt9ation. it r+as found that the properttAS of the alloy improved for rassures u to 2000 P P r ~ kg/sq. aa. A further increa:e in pressure dtd not lead to stgniffcent i~aprovemant in metal quality. F'or alursinwa a! toys containing i0-i 1'~ Mg and gal 1 additions of v~r..ii~c:i'.~'"'1t''~-^ nat;~c.:~temx3ta ,.. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ACCESSION NR: AT401 ~ 178 - - --~ ~-_ _ . ~_..__ _._ - . ~ ~ , - the high-melting elements 8e, Zr, Ti, and Mn, application of plunger pressure dur�~ ing crystallization decreased the differences in the permanent crystal lattice parameters and hardness at the center and edges of the ingot. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 6 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fiz.-tekhn. institut, AN BSSR. (Institute of Physics and Technology,' AN BSSR). SUCMITTED; i9Apr63 DATE ACQ: 06Mar64 ENCL; O1 i I SUB CODE: tMl ~ NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 r { ~~ ~ ._. . Cord 2~~ ..~ __~ .._....__ _._....__....o.._...~.~_....._._ . ~ _ _~......,._.._.._,...... _.,........__ ~.._.,.,.. _. _._ .. _. _.... _. ~ --__,~~....-.- .._... .. ~k . . -. .. .. .. ray ~1~rw 1~ar.s APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ~, e~CCE88I0N NR: AT4017184 ' AUTHbR: Ra1ou~~x~._N,,~~ (Uningrad~ ~ I4shavnik, L.ya. (Uningrad) TITLBs Influence of cooling rata during crystallisation on tha non-ferrous alloys of the solid solution type structure of sq~p SOURCLs AN D5SR. Fiz,-takhn. institut. TQploFfrcika v litP,ync.n, (Thermal physics in the fo~mdr,1- L~~d~~a:.~~Y). MI~t'ak, l~~jy..~~/ TOPIC TAGS: crystallization, metal crystallization, coolin rate no - � alloy, solid solution, alloy structure, alloy crystallization ' n ferrous dBSTRA.CT: zn a publication b ' heat of crystallization at eachAstageeofihardeningnofesntall there is a spectral the present investigation shoved Chat the cooli~q rata of solid salutionuall os during hardening has a marked influeace on the �icrostructure. Increasing the alloy cooling rate from a teniperat,ure much higher than the liquidus to a tem- perature in the hardening intarval alters the ratio of solid sad liquid phases at differecit Haws !f crystallisation: results shov the possibility o!I algal#icantevargiat;~finhc BSClosure). These pith a Aida tagierature interval ry tallization of .alloys :ad l/3 by regulating the tuperature of alloy hwtiog I 8/'0000/63/000/000/0499/0507 ,. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 _ - -- w---~--~--~-�--^ ' .~ ._ ....._ ..60URCg COt~ s UR/o128/66/OOO/all/vo03/OOO7 NRi ~P6036~4 AUPHCR: Belousav, p. N. (Candidate of techni~~al eciences~; Dadonov, A. A. (~n,gl.neer) ff ORG: none TITI.~: The effect of chemical com~ositian and melting, caetin~g end eolidifieetioo oonditiona on the mechanical properties of new aluminum-map~esium allaye SOURCE: Liteynoye proizvodetva, no, 11, 1966, 3-7 TOFIC TAW: aluminum magnesium alloy, zirconium containing alloy, beryllium containing allay, titanium containing alloy, silicon containing allay, iron can- taining alloy, aluminum caet.p 21oye~llolloy~Prop~elto~~p~g-ladloy�'Y~L~'2a11oyloY' AI.r23-1 alloy, AL23 alloy, Y ~ pgS~ptT; The effect of~ alloying and processing conditions on the quality and mechanical properties of parts cast from new AL27-~1, At,27, AL23-1, and AL23 aluminum-magnesium alloys containing 3--11 magzleeium and additionally allayed with beryllium titanium, zirconium, silicon or iron has been investigated. It was found that alloying vith uP to 0.2-�-0.25i~ zirconium, 0.3'~ beryllium, or 0.2--0.3x titanium improves all the mechanieal properties, but highir~ ~ o reducedatheemecohanicals except for hardness. Alloying with silicon an prapertie� of allayr. Prior to pouring, the mete-1 should be held at 700-7300 for Card 1/2 ~ UDC; 6~1.'~b~.~.~:b , 715 --- APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 NR~ AP~03 3~+ 2.5-3.0 hr, but pouring should be done at 640--680C. Higher pouring temperatures caused a gas porosity and reduced the mechanical properties. The �echanical properties dropped Mith increasing Mall thickness of the castings. The strength of AL27 and AL27�l alloys exceeds that of standard A18 or A14ss,11oy80~~~ big~her regardless of Wall thickness, and the elongation of neM alloy 5 roes than that of ~~, AL4, ALB, or ALq alloys. The optimum com~-ination o! props _ 4 7 kg�m/cmz) tensile strongtb 35~--~ ~g/~i elongation ~l~ ~~~~0 m Me11 ~.6hi3clmeee�preheated Mere obtained in parts seat into matalli to 60-~�80C. Orig. art. has s 17 figures. ' BUB - CODg s 11 ~ 13/ BU81t 1aATE! na0e/ ATD P~88 t 5107 ~+ ~ . ~ , ~ ,. i � ' ' ~ , J , / ~ I ~ ~ `I AUT}iOR: Aelousovo .N.~N.; Miheyera, Ye.N.;' Parlor, V. A.; Filippor, Yu.I.; Frixen, S.~'~ ~ +~AG: Institute of the Physics of Metals, AN SB$R tlnetitut ti:iki ~metallor AN SSSR) TITI.R: Rffect of plastic deformation and aging on mechanical properties. oP Al-rig alloys 22 no. 6 1966 904..908 SOURCR: Fizika metallov i metallovedenfye, v. , ~ ~ `~ r ~ r mechanicalAtreatment, TOPIC TA .S: Y,s~~d~ magnesium all Y, corrosion resistance aluminum alloy mechanical property, AMgll al~.oy . ABSTRACT t A' series of specimens of AMgll ~aluminum-magnesiumenched and� sub jeNctedito, was solution annealed at 460C for 2 hr, water qu ~thermomechanical treatment, rolled with a red200tio3~for0400C,oandpthen r ,40X in two passes with reheating at 20, 100, , !aged at 175--2000 for 1--10 hr. The best combination of mechanical ropertiea was shown bq specimeas rolled with 40X reduction at 200C, p _ ., . 1/2 UDCt b69.T15:539� APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ACC NR~ ~, 7002741 which ~~idd a tensi~Ie strength of 56:2 or 55:5, and aTpield stieng'rh of 41.5'+ or 33.0'kg~inm2,and an elongation of lOX in the as-rolled or aged (1 hr at 7, 2000) condition, Corresponding figures for the specimens rolled at 2000 and aged at the same temperature for 1 hr were 51.5 kg/mm2, 31.0 kg/cmm2, ; and 10X. As a rule, aging lowered the yield strength without affecting ,the elongation. The increase in defor~~ation temperature slightly lowered, the hardness. Aging at 100-200C at first lowers the hardness but sub- , ~sequently raises it, but not over the level attained by deformation. In`~. stress-corrosion tests, specimens rolled at 200C with 20X reduction. as- , 'rolled or aged at 2000 for 1, 5 or 10 hr, withetoad 90 day taste without ~cracking~but�ehowed'eoart signs bf intsrgr4nular corrosioa. Specimens ~ rolled with a reduction of 40x shared a susceptibility to exfoliation. SUB CODE: 11., 13/ ATD PRESSt 5114 Card 2 BUBM DATI~s 13Jun6b/ ORIO RRF~ G05/ OTN ABFs APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 l~ ACCESSION NR: AP4011282 s/oz86/64/ooo/oaz/oo77/0077 AliTHOA: 'Lelenav, B. A.; Dodonov, A. A.; Belousov, N. N.; Zvashkin, A. A.; Shenderov, B. A. -- TITLES A method for hot aluminising of artiol�s made of titanium and its alloys. Class ~I$, No. 16006$ SOURCE: 9yul. i~obret i tovarn, zna~cov, no, z, 196w, 77 TOPIC TAGS : aluminizing, hot aluxninixing, ti~taniwn proteotion, alw~a~,r:i~ad titanium, alumini2ed titanium alloys, metal coating, plating, aluminum, titanium. sulfuric ac3.d, hydrochlorio acid, pickling TRANSLATION: A method foM hot aluminizing of articles made of titanium and its alloys with preliminary pickling, notable for the fact that with th� ailn of improving the coupling and obtaining a stable aluminum coating the articles are subjected to piokling by solutions of sulfuric (35-65~) or hydrochlorio (30-3~) acid at a temperature of SO-70oC far a duration of 30-40 minutes, at room Card l/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 PHASB I BOOK ffiCPL4ITATION 30V/3226 Me~zhvuzovskaya nauehno-tekhnicheskaya konf~rente~~, na temu: 3ovremennyye dostizheniya prokatnogo proizvodstva.~ . Trudy;..(Tra.nsaetions of the Intercollegiate Scientific and Techni - cal Conference ors Recent Achievements in the Industry) Leningrad, 1958. 251 p. 1,000 copies printed, Sponsoring Agencies: Leningradskiy politekhnicheslciy institut im. M.I. Kalinina, Nauchno-tekhnieheskoye obshchestvo niaehinostroit- eley, Leningradskoye otdeleniye, and Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshch- estvo metallurgov, Leningradskoye otdeleniye. Resp, Bid.; v,g, Smirnov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; ~.: N.N, Pavlov. PURP09$: These proceedings of the conference are intended for specialists in the rolling industry. COVERAQE: The articles of this collection cover various theoretical and practical pz~oblems of rolling, such as: pressure, spread, efficiency of, determination of deformation, forces required, Card 1/9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 Transactions of the Intercollegiate (font.) sov/3226 pass design, optimum conditions for rolling, experiences of various plants, modernization of equipment, aluminum-Glad steel, and rolling of nonferrous metals. No personalities are mentioned. References appear after each article. FABLE o~ coNTENTS: Smirnov, V.3. Leningradskiy politekhirricheekiy inatitut im. M.I. Kalinina Lenin rad Pol B ytehhnical Institute im. M.I. Kalinin)) Recent Achievements in the Rolling Industry" - 5 Shvayun, V.L. [S~ im. Ordzhonikidze, Kramatorakj Old Kramatorsk Machine-Building Plant in the Drive for Technical Progress l5 Chekmarev, A.P., L.Ye. Kapturov, and P.L. Klimenko. [Dneproptrov- akiy metallurgicheakiy inatitut (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute)) Mxperimental Investigation of Unit Pressure in Rolling on Plane and Grooved Rolla 2G Tarnovskiy, I.Ya., and V.N. Trubin. [Ural'ekiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut im. 3.M. Kirova (Ura1� Polyteehnical Institut im. S.M. Kirov), Sverdlovsk) Study of Spread 2n Rolling, Using Variational Principles Gard 2/g 2g APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 Transactions of the Intercollegiate (Cont.) 3ov~322b Tarnov8kiy, I.Ya., and V.N. Trubin. (Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. 3.M. Kirova {Urals P~~lytechnical Institute im. s.M. Kirov), Sverdlovsk] hones of ,gticking and Slipping on ;the Contact Surfaces of the Focus of Deformation in Rolling ~~ Starchenko, D.I. [Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute}] Forward Slip, Retardation and Spread in Rolling With Normal and 8xtra High Drafts ~8 Mut'yev9 M.S. [Dnepropetrovskiy metallur icheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute) Determining Spread During Rolling in Simply Passes 62 Arkulis, Q.B. [Ma,gnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut im. Q.I. Nosova (Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgy Institute im. Q.I. Nosov)] Method of "Surface Marks" for Calculation of the Internal Nonuniformity of Deformation in Upsetting 66 Vydrin, V.N. [Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Chelyabinsk Folytechnical Institute}] Rolling in Rolls of Unequal Diameter Card 3/9 71 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 Transactions of the Intercollegiate (Cont.) 30Vf3226 aolubev, T.M. [Kiyevski politekhniaheskiy inetitut (Kiyev Polytechnical Institute] Rolling With Constant Pressure 78 Dinnik, A.A. [Dnepropetrovskiy metallur icheskiy inetitut (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institut)~ Calculation of Metal Pressure on Rolls in Hot Rolling of Steel 81 Pavlov, ~.N. ~Leningradakiy politekhnicheekiy inetitut im. M.I. Kalinina Leningrad Polytechnical Institut im. M.I. Kalinin)] Calculating Forces in Shape Rolling by the Equivalent 3tr1p Method 91 Klimenko, V.M. [Institut chernoy metallur ii AN U33R (Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, A3 Ukr 338}, Kiyev~ Design of Passes with Pinching Bffect [top and bottom of pass have small tapers] and the Experimental Determination of Side Pressure of Work in Rectangular Passes 95 Card 4,/g APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 Transactions of the Intercollegiate (Cont.} 30V/322b Lavrukhin, Q.3., and V.D. Durnev. (Leningrad) Some Problems oP Production and Tquipment in Longitudinal Periodic: Die Rolling 103 Chelyshev, N.A. [3ibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (3lberian Metallurgical Institute), Stalinsk] Opiimum Conditions of Defor- mation in Rolling 109 Qrechko, V.P. [institut chernoy metallurgii AN USSR (Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, AS Ukr S3R)] Quality of Rolling With Great Drafts 122 Bakuma, S.F. [ZavodrKrasnyy Oktyabr'" (Plf.nt "Krasnyy Oktyabr'"), Stalingrad ] New Type of Rolled Stock for rile Tractor Industry 12b Boyarshinov9 M.I. [Magnitogorskiy gornoznetallurgicheakiy institut im. G.I, Nosova Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgy Institute im. l3. I. Nosov)~ New Teehni ue in the Metall Method of Producing Copper-Clad 3teel~Wire Rod urgical 131 Card 5/9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 Transactions of the Intercollegiate (Cont.) 30V/3226 Qorenahteyn, M.M.[Zhdanovakiy metallurgicheakiy in~titut (Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute)] Intensifying Regimen of Drafts in Rolling According to Friction Conditions 136 Khlebnikov, V.P. [zavod "Azovatal'" (Plant Azovstal'" Zhdanov] Mastering Rolling of Rails at the "Azovstal")Plant 1~1 Ilyukovich, B.M. [Chusovakoy metallurgicheakiy zavod (Chusovoy Metallurgical Plant}~ Rolling and Roll Pass Design of Light T-shapes for Framework of Industrial Buildings 1~5 Baram, A.N., A.M. Nakhimov, and M.D. Kozin. [Kirovskiy zavod (Kirov Plant), Leningrad] Rolling Spring Leaf and Spring Steel at Kirov Plant 151 Yatsura, V.K. [Zakavkazakiy metallurgicheakiy zavod im. I.V. Stalina (Transcaucasian Metallurgical Plant im. I.V. Stalin)] Application of Repeaters in Rolling Steel Angles 155 Card 6/9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 Transactions of the Intercollegiate (Cont.) gCy/32~ Korshunov, Ye.A. [Ural'skiy politekhnichPakiy institut (Urals Polytechnical Institute}) Bffect of a Manipulator on Blooming 158 Productivity Crevteov, M.M. [Zavod.eAzovstal'" (Plant "Azovstal'"), ~hdanov] Rolling Double-length Blooms in the 6~0 Blooming Mill at the Large Section Rolling Shop of the "Azovstal'" Plant 162 Malenok, F.T. [Leningradskiy zavod po obrabotke tsvetnykh metallov (Leningrad Plant for Treatu~ent of Nonferrous Metals)) 163 Modernizing the $quipment of Foil-rolling Shops Chernyak, S.N. [Leningradskiy zavod po obrabotke tsvetnykh metallov (Leningrad Plant for Treatment of Nonferrous Metals)] 176 Improving Production of Aluminum-clad Iron aurevich, D.Ya. [Leningradskiy listoprokatnyy zavod (Leningrad Sheet-rolling Mill} Combined Method of Producing Roofing Sheets 182 Card 7/g APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 Transactions of the Intercollegiate (Cont.) SOV/3226 Benyakovskiy, M.A. [Ural'skiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut chernykh metallov (Urals Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metals), Sverdlovsk] Forces of Deformation of Metal and Auto- mation of Band Thickness Control in Cold Rolling 18~ Meleshko, V.I., and N', M. 3af'yan.Ilnetitut chernoy metallurgii AN USSR (Institute of r~errous MetaYlurgy, AS Ukr33R)) Investi- gation of Bnergy Consumption, and Action of Force in a Continuous Hot-rolling Sheet Mill 19? Kuzema, I.D. [Zavod imeni Il'icha (Plant im. T1'ich)] Relation Between geometric and Weight Tolerances of Plate Steel 208 Bogoyavlenskiy, K.N. (Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im.'M.I. Kalinina (Leningrad Polyteehni~al Institute im. M.I. Kalinin)] 'Bending Forces in a Structural Mill 21~+ Chekmarev, A,P., Ya.L. Vatkin, and D.M. Litinskiy. [Dneprope- trovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut)] (Dnepropetrovsk Metallur- gical Institute)] Wall Thickness Variation of Large Diameter Pipe 223 Card $/9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 Transactions of the Intercollegiate (Cont.) sOV/3226 2havoronkov, V.A. [Moskovakoye vysaheye tekhnicheskoye uchi- lishche im. Haumana (Moscow Higher Technical School im. Bau- man)~ Producing Solids of Rotation by Helica~. Rolling 230 SP1,gU,~oy, N.P. [Leningradakiy pout�khnicheekiy inetitut im. M.I. Kalini~a (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute im. M.I. Kalinin) Investigation of the Process of Drawing Braes and Copper T'ubee on a Short ~9andrel 23~ Zholobov, V.V. [Vaeaoyuznyy alyuminiyevo-magniyevyy institut (All-Union Aluminum-magnesium Institute)] Rolling ahd Extrusion of Titanium and Its Alloys 2~0 Smirnov,V.V. (Moskovekoye vysaheye tekhnieheakoye uchilishche im. Baumana (Moscow Higher Technical School im. Bauman) xemarke on Rolling Technique in the KNR (Chinese People's Republic) 245 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (T3340.m~+2) Card ~-27~- ~ 9/9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ o ~ P S~ U 1 l M ~~ ~r~ ~~~ ~~g"~" ~ ~ ~ a+ ~ sad ~ ~ ~ t .:i:~: r ~l ~ ~, ~ ~y YYY UND A ; \r w r - g r1 ~ . \. � � l\ -. n - � wwp ~ ~ ~ �~! Q3 ~ ~ !y � M l] ~ W M ~ d \, V7 /q) 4 .a ~J Y P ~q a w�~ ~ yaL ~-~ M~ ~' L ~.Uii[.0 {0, l4. rD � wi?Y?:+i Q ~{y, ~ VIMQ~ ~~~ ~ ~ M ~ GA ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ y.9 .ai ~.Mi rr~ ~p~~ .' t;~w l: ,i 1 ~ ~ .Upppl~ ppH rrl~ ~L~ ~ ..ya1l, llw O ~+~ Ma ~ G O My .R. O� ~ O y~l y 0 w. 1. ~ Y.. l _ Y p d ~r 4 i ~7 .ti M ti q ~J f+ Nw ~ MN~A ~~ ~i rjy~ .Ui ~'^~ �~ Wei O V~1 Nn~O~ 1 7 .oia '~~o urm e o �O w a 10, p q ,~ti 77 ea � Q O ~ as' j O~�y' . = i/~ f~~ ��O.~.l M M� ~aG � ~ .+x�101 ~-0. R o~ N.. Nwe Oc e i `` ~sTq� 1, o ~ f~ w '~c~ .wi ee ~ oO� a '~ .ti .+ � c t. 1..i / ., c N C~ ~: r ., n '' s~ 4 t7~~Z tl~ ~~~~.+a s!] .i'~"IVC q ~~ q�~ay i- Fiq~~i ao a ~~ um `i: ~".e ~~ ~ ego ~~=;'b~.z~' w t$c~x ~Q ~.~,l ~Tq1� C .~.. ~ 3~ ~~ F~~ �~ti ..l MO �} `.I N O 'A R 'O O/ ~ ~ yEEa~j~~.1s~lf~~JJ -~ ~ U ~ W e o u C.~,~e~ N A ~~ ~ ~!' e�1 � ~ ~ � ~~ ~~ DVS R 0 ~ ~~`f � ~ F ~ ~G~H ~ MY ~ ~'! ~ GSI / ~4 N ! q ~ o ~ Y 1 : O ~ .A �ap~10.y pp~ �M {. � ~ry~+ ~ ~y ~ .Up pl~�~aC ~ ~y ~ly~ F.yY 8~N Y w ~ MO~prpMwO ~ �~ M ~ ~4�~ r1�.N ~~11 M~ Id JO -C 7: ~~_0~48 O~ ~ _~ ~~�~ +~~C.7 1 ,~ ~M H� a.~i~O~ii r~~ y� .~:i ~N�l~Cv .r WW1 ~j 1 Y a4 ~~a 1w, U; ~, u - N .. t. cii~ � r a.. � .~ ~ ~: ] � ~ ~ lH~ .f ~~{.. w pp p a 7 ~ ~ Yr Sg F � N 4 � ~ e c ~ Cy -~ � d ~~ ~ p,r � o ~~ a ~ r-. r 8 ~p ~~ g .~ J .rk3 L� p ~ i Mq ~p 1` O ~ p (I' q ~ ~ ~ BG .~- ~ ~ ~ ~ n ` a ~ WO� s In Ji .e i r ~ ` ' ~' _ 1 ~.. -_. +Z Pr Q M y u * y ~ 1r l) ~ ~ ~ p 4 l � s "~ ', r. � r ~ :: 4 r � .F \. N N v O ~'i ~ lh ~ -� ~ + ~, N N f N !' P � M ~ ~ c O ~ a � � w .~ .. ~ ~ .. C.+ h� a >, t, f~ i. 1. y ~ U r n r. ~ ~ j+ 1 + � ~ � h ~ j ~ ~ C J J i c � � � Q Y D ^� Y. � a �� J O \. M O !1 c ~, � r n d ..~ 3 a o v ~ v y.y ~ 9 GI V C ~ r J q� 0 w J y 1 a ~ � ~`~~ p ~ 4 O 4. ~ a C co ~ a ~ '(. � J 1. U .CI ~ A G V ~ xx C 1 1 / 1 1 � in _. O M1l ~ a. . { O ~ . ` .+ \. � ~ ~~ v t . VI W y 9 VY a 0) a � O i r ":~~ a~ s~ _~ ~:: - � ~�l - - � w v - ti a1 ..... J taw ~c ~ �~~ i~ o i ~ i~ i~ ` 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ~JS~Pby~a~3.c~1. t~emie~y �~9C1~x~m~i,a~F Ther~sah+~i~tryy ~t~i1,i.~.w�ia,, P9~ic~.7.~~desl Aaaly~iu, Phaete Trdn~itit~aaua. B~8 Ads Jt~u-a ~e~~rat . ZZ~uurne~l., Acs ,3, 1958, 716 . Aut'alox� t A.P. Pslkia, O.K. ~].~. ~~ a 1'.i.tle c~i~ma ~rP Se~lt~ wit, ~+tal~ in ~l.ttag~ $~,~~~ . Inta~~t~t~i~an ~ ~ 3Z~13 $ ~l ---~ ~A1C1~ $ 3Zn e Orig Pu'~a ~. n~c~r.~. klti9 ~,9~s 2, Ao 7, 16~�1623. A~~t~~a 3~ x~actiu~ 3ZraCl2 $ ~l ~--~ ~AlCl + 3Ztc ~s disci b;~ ~,~ ~t~x~ �t tlze~�tao~1~I''s fficr~a~truc~ux~ and ~gectxal. daa1,^y~si~ . `! ctiaa~. p~'oCteed~ t.o tte mod. iyt t~~ ~.iz'al~t',icmt ~~ Zn t~ri. A.t~1 i*0~li,'~ ivn o ZiTI ~~J~d f'�1"C1~ ffij.9KttL3113~8 ~~.? $ Al. ~~. ~5~ ~5 ~. 35 ~ ~- at Al dale not conte~in A:1. Craw s 1/1 �37_ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ~~~~ s/O78/61/ooh/oos/co~,~o1e g ~~~ I~r3~ I~~Q~ 25~~o 8127/8220 AUTHORS: Mikheyev, V. S., Belousov~ 0. K. TITLE: Melting-point diagram of the system titanium--Zireonium- niobium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, noo 8~ 1961y 1905-1908 TEXTt Since, according to the literature mentioned, the fusibility of the systems titanium-zirconium and titanium-niobium has already bE~en studied, the system titanium-zirconium-niobium was investigated by the authors. The surface of the solidus was studied by using the contact method and an optical pyrometer. The alloy was prepared fz~om ~9.~4~ titanium and 99.5 zirconium and niobium iodide in an electric arc furnace in argon atmosphere. Based on data in the literature, the melting temperw atures were supposed to be 166OoC for titanium, 18:7�C for ::ircor.ium, and 2410oC for niobium. The results obtained by thermal analysis of the alloys are shown in a tables Particularly titanium aril ~eonium showed a marked effect on the melting point of the all�y~ The ternary alloy Ti-Zr-Nb containing more than 3a'j~ of niobium melts at higher temperatures than a binary system of the same niobium content, since this ~~art of Card 1/5 r APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 Melting-point diagram... 2~~~o s~1a7R/61/ao~/oos/c a9~o1~ ''7/.220 the solidus shows a bend the maximum of which is shifted in the directi�ri of the system titanium-niobium. The latter system also has a s!;eei;er rise of the meltingtemperature with varying comp~Jsition then tt~e :system zirconium-niobium. Fig. 1 shows the isotherms or, the surface of the solidus of Ti-Zr-Nb. A static representation of the diagram of thr solidus of Ti-Zr-Nb is shown i.n Fig. 6. There are 6 figures ? table and 13 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet bloc. The three moat important references to English-language publications read as foll~wsa B. A- Rogers, D. F. Atkins, J. Metalsy 7, No. g, 1Q34 (1955) R. F. Domogala, D. I. McPherson, Js Metalsy 2, 619 (1956). P~ Duvez Jo Inst. Metals, 80, 525 (1952}. Table: Results obtained by thermal analysis of the alloy Ti=Zr-Nb. Legend: (1) ~ by weight; (2) melting temperatures �C; (3) section. Card 2/5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ~:= ~,~~; S/59a/~2/ooU/G07/O~~/040 D29~/D3J7 /G' i~ ~~ ~~ ' khe ev, V. ~. end ~elousov~ 0_. _.K.~...-___. xli 1riU=~~ : kornilov, T . I . , lIi Y tita- ~~� ain roperties of solid solutions with an x - nium bars at '.Pa. tG~tl i yego emi a nauk SS~R� ;j,n;;titut~letallokh~miya i novyy~' ~J~kCE: Akad Y Moscow, lgb2. splavy . no . "~ , 12U-12b splavy, s Stems with to s derived fram three trrstudies of ,,. ~,. Properties of al y T;,~l� was motivated by the aSe were studied in continuation o ear an '_X -Ti b one of the authors, and ,,nar Ti systems by sat low temperatures. tey ~' stematic information about ri al. oy o 5 r-V and iii-Zr-Nb systems conatom- lac~ of sy The authors studied Ti-'Lr-Mo, ml- ' ~ gams in the region of mic ercent of 'Lr and vareadia~amounts uP ta~nine 1.3 ofothe third component� phas m~.crostruc- ous transformation were icnstructed us n e ic percent) al resistance measurements- the polymorph Ses and electr studied; th tural and thromertieslof the a.-soled solutions were Nlechanlcal p p ^_ Card 1 /2 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ~,,,';'~~~~ I r O1fj ozo .- g~a1/~g14d ? and R;ikheyev, ~� 5. 0� ~;., Kornilov, I� I�, $elousov, hl ductile at ~...~_ _.. ~__ tiara of a-titanium solid solutions h~8 y ,'~ ;xamona TI`I'Ll~;. -1g+~ C 110 ~ ?- ~ ~- 1c~E;~, 110_ v. 1,5, no. ~, c,u~; .�~;i~. Do~:la~1,i~ f1k~~~jErc~i.~a n ~ �~te;7e `Pi-ur-hia, t~'r'.R7.OliT C;~.~ ~� a5e-~ on solid n-;solutions of the ternary ~ ea electric; vacuur~ furnace t0 Ultingse ~p,,;;`C : E~lloy~ b The ~' Ti-Zr- , ~ it le:y s ductile and impac t V anti Ti-fir-Nb Yalthout~~ar.ln� ~ atren~th ~ the dux~~.bility of titan ultlmat~ B Alloys with hetero- sali3 cx-solutions showed a satisfa~ also at -196 C� o^ stren~;~th ``lc at room temgeTature an _1~G v, The ture, however, shaved low aua~l2i(~Ta2)~ data far three ~en?ous a + p struc the data for other constructional costa s+ �ith o~tiinum properties were designate altoys aced below r~lth of these ~`re ca the AT-2-4 which contains Nb: +,he best being Card 1~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ~31U1~h'~4~ ~xamin~-tion of a-titanium... t 2UoC -atra at -1` b`'C R a ~~' DU~~: ~ .~ ~ -~ ~.lloy kg~mm~ kg,n~cm kf.;~mm .~-- .,-.._...-d-w-- Pure w`~ _~~U(TC-00) Ti AT~2-7 14`I'-2-4 -uI'aluminum Armco iron .~_7~_y~(1Ch-~;~-N) ;steel .; 4 (U _~ t e_~ e ~__~_ The a1lo,ys produced ex~-eriments. Solid Ti-V-`Pa are 2lkewis There are 3 fi~;uxes p n0 35 5 1,.e ~~� ~- 17,f~ 11y.5 ~~~.~; X0.0 ?0.9 b~~5 - 1?.~ 44.b z �~5,ti 23.9 6?.4 1y.Z 11 .U 1~).4 b~j.a ?0. ~ F~~j�5 25.4 71.2 24.1 9$.6 - x.24 ~~.7 _ _ 11.77 - _ a.~~~ ~ ".t} 12.1 trial-seals confirn-ed the resuitl~4ooTa,a~ndatory on Indus - 6oC~ a-solutions of the 819hgiml~act~etr~ngth at 19 e r~gaumed to have ~' h g and 1 table . metallur~ii im. A� ~+. 9aykova (Institute of ASS4CIA'PIOti~ tetallurgy imeni A. A� Baykov) Card 2~3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ACCESSION NR: AT4007024 S/2598/63/400/Ol0%027/0036 AUTHOR: B�lousov, 0. K. ; Kornilov, I. ~, ; Mikheyev, V. 8. TITLE: Phase diagram of the titanium vanadium-niobium-molybdenum system SOURCE; AN Sin, Institut motallurgii. 'T'itan T yego splavy~, no. 10, 1963. IseIedovaniya titanovy�kta splavov, 27-3G TOPIC TAGS: titanium molybdenum niobium alloy, titanium quaternary alloy, titanium alloy, phase diagram, titanium silts tt~ucture, c�m count solttbi}i salability, vanadium containing alloy ~ ~ ~ tY~ alloy ccrmi~nent AI3~STRACT: In a study of the Ti-V-lv'b-i4lo system, isot}~et~tnic cross sections were constructed from microstructure analysis and measurements of hardness and electrical resistivity at G00, 70u and 800C. Solubilities of the 3 acim'ures in ~.t -Ti are given in Table 1 of the Enclosure. Of special interost is a sharp phase boundary change oecurrin during the ,~ -Ti +~ - ~ --~ h -Ti transformation, whiciz was observed by measurement of electrical resistivity while slowly heating (1-2C/min.) the sl~cimen from 0 to 1000C. Upon quenching the alloy system from the /,~ -phase, marked than ea a respond to occurrence of metastable phases. The phase di ~ Pl~ared that cor- agram of the Ti-V-Cb-Mb Cnrd 1/4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 y ~ �--~ -~. _ y r .r, ~ .,'W _ ice{ 7 .r'FM� i.i4 gu+Y~~.~ - ~ ,A,CCESSION NAs AP4039601 S/0126/64/017/005/0732/0736 ~. `~ ' ~~ ~ AUTHO R ~ F d ; < - s a otov, S. G., 8elourov, 0. K. ! j _`�' ~,;~ ,~ TITLEt Blr-stic conrtaatr of titaniuma-aiobiua a11o s' ' r ~ ~ ~,+ ,. ~t�~� S.I ~'##. ~f. ~ ~ SOURCE r Fiaika matallov i matallovadsniya, v. 17, no. S 1964 , , 732-?3ti f ~.~ r !r ,~, .. t ~` +. '~ ~TOPIC TAGSs titanium niobium alloy; alloy clastic constant allo Youn d l r y ~ ~ .~~;. .ft; ~ q mo u us, shear modulus, alloy donsit allo afar y. y ti ci ty, alloy elasticity modul � � - .;+ '1,;.! * i; !: us ABSTRACTS The Youne medulua apt ~�a s,.__.~ __~_-,_ ._. ~ ~ ~ ~: �. ~~,~ !;~ determined for titanXue~-niobium alloys 1 The alloys were melted in as arc furna~ ~!tungrtea electrode in an argon atmosph~ `.. ,� ~~.~for 20Q--S00 hr, air cooled or anneale~ `'~` ' ~~The E o#' the alloys ansiaalad at 600 or ~ � ~, f._` ~;k8/m�~ !Eor pure titanium to 10,880 kq/n `~ ;;;niobium; G decreased eoYierpondingly f~ ,;, , ~j The futtbar iacraas� o! niobium coat . aniad b.y a linear iar almost linear c . ! Card i 1-/-4--- ~1 !r.. {. .y. ~~ ~-. . r: ,ia,. ~~w~ \V/ wsiLa containing up to tiOX niobium. ~ ~~ e With a nonconsumable ~ - re, annealed at 600-x-7000 4 at 900C, aad water quenchad:~,. 700C decreased from 11,770 � mz fd r the alloy with 4 wt x ~ ~ om 4450 kg/amz� to 4070 .kR/p1mZ, �"_~.~' en t up to SOX.. war accow- ~~ " �craaae of both �oduli to ~ s t .... _ ...,, t ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ;, F ~ ACCESSION NRs AP4039601 -7990 kq/rAmz for E and to 2100 kR/msn~ for G, after w 'somawhat when niobium content reached 60x� In hick both increased i'f row 9000, E drops sharply to 6760 k alloys eater-quenched !15=-17X, increases to 9590 k 8/mm2 at a niobium content oP R/mm~ at 30X niobiu�, drops again to 69201 kg/mmZ at dOx niobium, and then, increase ;the Enclosure). Such behaaior is ex lained s again (see Fig. 1 of weta,stable phases a', a" and W and as unstable thaaeormation of the temperature dependence of E p S� Curves of ~~ . 'highest and lowest values of E atproometemor alloys which had the ;differ y perature (see Fi y Rreatl from one another. It is concluded that niobi m,sha -' _~ ly decreases E apd G in the region of tranefarmation 4 rp ~ .jhas: 2 figures and 1~ formula. Orig. art. ~ASSOCIATIONs Institut metallurgic im� p of Metallurgy AN gSSR) ~ A. Baykava AN SSSR (Institute SUBNITTEDt 04Nar~3 ,i i ATD PRESSs 3053 ENCLs 02 ...' .. ;SUB CODE s ~ HMS }~ ~ ; NO xEF SOVs ~ 007 OTHERS X04 ', Card ~ i ~ _. _...._ ~ ~ ~ ! ; ..y - ., ... ~, t -...........__ . 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 L 3___,652,,-6-~ E4vr(m)/E6'iP(w)/T/~"~R(t)/ETI TJP(c} JD/r,D . _~,_ .__~ _ _ T~ ACC NR: AT6012396.. __ _- -- s00RCE CORE: ux o000 65 jOOCiJooo1oz~e ~z4z ~ j _ ~AUTHORB: Kornilov I. T, (Doctor of chemical sciences, Professor); Livanav, Y._ A,; ,~ Belousov~ 0.. �K. ; Faynbron, S. M. ; Mikh~ev, V. S, ; Ivanova, _S, Ys.; Ryabova,~ R. ~1. `X; ORG: none TITLE: The effect of thermal pxoceasing on the mechanical prope:rti.ea of type AT2 alloys SOU:3CE: Saveshchaniye ~o ~,~gkhimii~F me~all~vedeni~ru_.,i primeneniyu ti tanr~ i yego ..~P~.v.,.~~ovyye ss].edovaniya titanovykh splavav (New research on titanium allays ; truly soveshchaniya. Moscow, I2d-vo Nauka, 1965, 238-242 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titanium alloy, tempering, thermal treatment ~ AT2 titanium ~ alloy .. ABSTRAL'T: The results are given .~� studies of the effect of ,thermal processing on the mechanical properties of type AT2 alloys. Several compositi~s were inve~~ti~;ated, which dis laved high plastic and shock-resistance properties~at room andf,~t low (-196 and -2 3C~ temperatures. These allays were ,riven a eslgnations _AT2-1, AT2-2, and AT2-3,~d were produoed in sh ete in ir~duetrial conditions. ueasurementa were ma de ofd the de endence of the resist~~ty of these compositions on the tQSting temperature (sae; Fig. 1~. Thermal process ~~}as bounded in the temperatux�� x�ang~e 500--1000C, The thermal process 3nolud~e`d'a~~heating at the prescribed temperature for 30 minutes� 2 E 60-minute air-oooling, and 3) 60-minute oven cooling. The mechanical properties of the' Carp 1 /2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 L 36524-~i6 ACC NR, AT6012396 p,. rto Fig. 1. The dependence of the goo resistivity on the testing temperature of alloys AT2. 1 - ao AT2-1; 2 -AT2-a; 3 -AT2-3. � ao ~o m �t~ a rm roo am eon ~aa~~ alloys are related to the observed changes in the alloy microstruature~oacurring with varied thermal prooessing. Reoommendations are: 30- to -m nuts ~~ermal treatment at 500 to 600C frith subsequent air pooling for alloy AT2-1; b00C processing for alloy AT2-2; and 500--6000 prooessing for AT2-3. The optimal mecihauioal properties obtained eith the reoommended pxooeseing are su~maarised. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SIIB CODE: 11/ 3DBlt DAT$: OZDea65/ ORIti REP': 008 hard 2~~/l7Lf7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 ! ~ ^ ~" .' ~ b ' AID P - 3875 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/2 Pub. 28 - 3/7 Author Belousov, P. G.ay,. ti�~(MI~!!Y{.!A[fX'-' 4.a ~;'.Si:IJ+: iYi%' ~l {Y4L+Y,: r ~~~rn a~..'r ;-r. 1. Title Conversion of the V2-300 Diesel into a Gas Engine Periodical Energ. byul., ll, 18-22, N 155 Abstract The author describes the history snd results of con- version of the V2-300 diesel (260 HP at 1,500 rpm), into a natural-gas en ine. The Ukrainian Pe~roleum Association (Ukrneft' has been experimenting with this problem since 19 9 with teats beginning in 195� In addition, experiments were carried on by the A11- Union Central Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Re always (TsNII MPS). Laboratory tests of an adapted engine were conducted by the Power Institute im. I. G. Yes'man at the Academy of Sci- ences of the Azerbaydzhansltsya SSR, Now the Barnaul plant ig manufacturing thA V2-300 GD engine, which operates on liquid fuel and natural gas simultaneously. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 �~,~ i ~ r 11UTHORS: Belousov, P~..,.,.._Ravkind, !':.A. .. ; ~ ;. -, � -~ _: J^~~_.. TITLE: Tests of the V2.-30CGD Gas Diesels in ProQre,:ting P,rili.zn~f (Ispytaniye gazodizeley V2-j00GD v usloviYakY: ~ure~i,y~~) PERIODICAL: Ener~eticheskiy b,,~ulleten', 198, Nr 1?. pn :'3-3G~ t~~:~~tt; ABSTI~ACT: Thiq is a description of the V2-300 GD gas diesel. �F::,tS iz; prospecting drilling. The 5D Uralm~:sh ,Ir:ii ~ti~as used for this experiment. The results of snc+ le~weriri~ prospecting drill operations xre given in `Fable 3. `'he gau- air mixture regulating devices ,ire shown. C;~nclusicns drs~�n~ the working of gas diesels was normal; abotat 75 '' of liq~xit: fuel was seved; lifting ope:cHtions ,here to come excPr;t ac- celerated; thr heat consumption durinf; ~c~uerinfY oE' ;?Y�ospertan~x drill was to a certain degree lessened. in spite c' t::1s~ cost savings were achieved. The use of se:^iaily produced diesel regulators is recommended for combined gas and li.c~u~d fuel. Wide rasa of V2_jQ~ GD gas difasel fcr ~~ros~+ectzr.~~ tyrili- ing is possible. Development of a spark ignition diesel, cn the tease of the V2 diesel ir; recommender. There are ~ dire,*ramr~, ~ gables, .' ~ ~�r~ptly r~~~;~ � ;~v ~~ r4?t r't�r.,~;~t~:; Card 1~1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 " Country ; USSR T C. tc{;ary: fhtr.~un and ..r..l.. al Physiolo;,y. Girculwc ~.~~i . Dloocl V~:ss4:ts -bs Jour: RZhI3io1. , II : 19, ~-95~, 8~3 ,author Pc:lousov, P.I.; Stu;~lana, N.V. Inst Ccrit~rd~~~~5cwc.nt~P:~ c Resewrch Institutes of Prosthct~.cs culcl i'~�osthcsis Construct.~~~n. Title : Certain Vascul^.r Inactions in the :-:Tj)ut^.t~..l. Orin Pub:; 5-ya ntiuchn sessiya Tsentr. .1.-i. iu-ta protezi.r. protezostroeniya i:~., 1955, 97-104 !-bstract: D~ patients with a1.rl~utation, artcrirl oscilld- ~raphy was curried aut on the healthy extrci.uty and on the stwx~~ . Cansiderablc disturba~lcca of the cir- culation wcro noted fn the se~~a~:nts whcrc.~ ar:putation was carried aut ~.nd those proxiz~,l t~; they;. Mowe- Card 1~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204400029-6