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BELLI 2 V. A Bor ba n& morskikh kommunikatsiiakh, flhe struggle for sea communication1s. (Morskoi aborniko 1939s no- 12, p- 54-UO). DLCt v5.m8 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibliograp1w., Library of Congress, Mererence Department,, Washingtonj 195F;-#riZU-3-3-ffied. BYKHOVSKIY, Izraill Adollfovich; BLILI, V.A., prof.p kontr-admiral, retsenzent; ZALESSKIY,-N-.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ASHIK, V.V., prof.9 red*; WAZAROV, Yu.S.9 red.; SMSBWVA, L,M,,, tekhn. red. (Experts on ships: S.O.Burachek, A.A.Popovp I.F.Aleksandrovskiit S.K.Dzheretskiij Korabelinykh del mastera: S.O.Burachak, A.A.Popov, I.F.Aleksandrovskii, S.K.Dzhevetskii. Pod red, V.V.Ashika. Leningrad, Goo.soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl., 1961. 215 F;IU 14:12) (Shipbuilding) Bo=mER, AS io~ LOUZEIGM) K, G., =, 10121IINA, 11'. N.) MMILA14) &M. ~. ard INSHCHAM11A., N. V. "Tick "Rickettsioads Foci In 11ovosibirskayu Oblast.," 71rudzy-of Tomsk Inst. of- Vaccines and Sera, No- 7X PP 153-159, fourd in I-Sedits. Parazitol. I Peraziter.. Bolez., 3rd quorter, 195b. SUM: 13011 BIEL- 1-0,77-., 1. STj. kaelie,-'U-v,,i '71mrildinonti f~,exlerovanii. - vibratsia~,A (I-Inrovin.- the -~-uality Of -,idllo 1 -urfacc; ovcrf.'o;alii.,* -Ahr tions). Svc-.-!lovs!:, -anligiz, 3.951. .9~~ p. B,'F-LL1-!A';, I. A modorn transport belt. P. 546, (Strojirenstvi) Vol. 7, no. 7, ju3,v 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: ?-Tonthl.,,r Index of East European Acessions (EEAl) Vol. 6, No. 11 llovember 1957 WINLI G.; SELLMANN, K. Research on the photosyntheois, respiration, and transpiration of Indian corn with regard to the differences among -the pop,ilations, plants, leaves, and leaf sections. Biologia plant-az-am 7 ro.l:, 41-57 165. 1. Institute of Plant Cultivation of the German AcadaV rf Agricultural rciences, Berlin, Gross-Lusevdtz/Rostock, r,.irmar Democratic Republic. Submitted July 7, 1964. RMMA/Human and Animal Mysiology - Endocrine Glands. T-9 Abs LIbur : Ref Zhur - Biol,, No 7j 19581 31946 Author : Belloiu, D.) Holban, R,, Sahleanu, V. Inst : Title : On the Participation of the Central Nervous System in Thyrotropic Reaction of Hypophysis, Oris Pub : Commin. Acad. RER.9 1955., 5., No 2., 425-432 Abstract : After preliminary introduction (PI) in rats in the course of 12 days of methylthiouracil of caffeine (1), as well as luminal) the content of thyrotropic hormone (TH) was increased in hypophysis. (I) increased the content of TH and after PI of thyroiodine the specific action of the latter dropped; after PI of iodine, I decreased the contnet of TH. Chloralose caused a decrease of the content of TH both after Pi of methylthiouracil Pnd after (T), lowering the influence of iodine ar..x contributing to the decrease of the content of TH, bectuse of thyroiod:Lne. Card 1/1 R%LUTTA/Human an(I Anival lbysioloa - Internal Secretion. T-7 Ilypo'physis I Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol-, 110 13, 1958, 84324 pareent, After epiphysectmV, AIIL and IM M were of the saric maLmitudo. In CXinca piGs, Ma of FM and MM la of the emic mapitude, yet it is leso marked than Wt ~)Z hy- la puthalamus. tissue. Thioaracil modifies M of the hypotl - lamus considerably, but does not affect PUL activity. Thus, PHL contains raore substances carable of producinG W, (thyrootropin?). Such substances are often found tu be present in PIIL in the same concentrations as in gum or in the hypothalanus. The nature of these substances has not been established as yet. -- S.E. Galldmakher Card 2/2 RUIMNIA / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patho- T logical). Internal Secretions. Adrenals Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 1958, 97703 and aosinophiles are counted. The test is considered to be sharply positive if oosinopenia reaches 50 per- cent or lower of the initial level. In adrenal in- sufficiency (AI), the test is sharply positive in only three cases out of 30; in all others eosino- penia was absent but leucocytosis, neutrophylia, and lymphopenia were noted. In treatment of AI9 according to clinical improvement, a positive test appears or increases. In hyperfunction of the ad- renals (52 patients) a sharply positive test is noted in ol 13.4 percent of the cases. In hyper- thyroidism ( 2 patients) eosinopenia, leucocytosis, neurophylia, and lymphopeni.a. are sharply expressed in an overwhelming number of cases. In hyperthyroid- ism the test Is weakly positive. The testing of Card 2/3 48 rmap/Human aad Animal PhysioloLzv. Internal Secretion Abs Jour Rof Zhur Biol-,,;No 14, 1950) No 6541o Author BelloiuD' i[Aban, R. Scalleanu V. Inst 'Ihr~aa Academy Title Llhibition of.the Meta.mrVjoC;cnic Effect of Thyroxine 'X)Y Cortisone.' Orig Pub St&Ui -!31 carcetaii. endocrihol,'Acads RPR) 1956) 7;. 1-16 1; 93-59 Abstract The shortallina of the iir~estiac ia tadpoles served as an index of the metwwrpho,,"enic effect of thyroxine. Fifty taclpoles ware placed in cach of a aumber of 1250 ml jass vessels. To tiro, of the vesobls 500 #y of thyroxine was added, another W'the next clay, and on the fourth clay, after the water was chan,_,d!, another 750jr was adCcd to each. Five mg of cortisone was also added to one of these vessels. In the third vessel 5 mC; of cortisone was added to the water. Oil the fifth day the lenUUi of the intestine in tlia control Card 1/2 67 RUMIIA/Humn and Animl Fhysioloc;y Internal Secretion. T-7 The Thyroid.. Abs Jour Bet Zhur Biol.., No 18., 1953., 84355 Author Milcu, Sto-M. SaUdanu) Vo, Dolloiu, D., Holban, 11.1 Bojinescu, Al. ---------- Title Central Ifervous System. Dy~mnics Effectina Iodine Abs.arption bythe Thyroid.. Orig Pub S tufti.isicertari1ndocrinal. Acadi RM, 1956) 7, IT: 2,. 247-;-246. Abstract Twenty hours after partial bilateral carabral decortica- tion, the thyroid's 1131 absorption was 0111Y sliditly re- ducad. When benzedrinc was preliminarily nd- ninistered for 24 1,ours, j:~33- absorption tecanc somew1iat hicjier; however, if benzec'xinc waa administered for 3 consecutive days, 1131 absorption became lower, After chlorazol was Given for 4 days (in daily doses of 0.01 LT), Card 1,12 RuKPIqA/Hunan and ,ni,-ml Physiologyt Internal Sacretion T-8 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol. I No 14, 19581 No 65433 Author : Sahleanu V., Holban R., Belloui D. Inst ; F=kmian ',cademy Title : The Presence of Metamorphogenic Substances in the Hypothalamus Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari endocrinol. :,cad. RPR) 1956, 7, No 3, 4o4-4og Abstract : Pieces ( 2ag) of the anterior lobe of the pituitary, of the hypothol-mus and of frontal lobe cerebral cortex frou adult guinea pigs were transplanted into tadpoles. Some of the guinea pigs had received 20 ng of r2ethylthiourncil with their food for a period of 12 days. The tadpoles were cutopsied after 10 days. Me shortening of the inteatine a served as an index of met,"ziorpho3mnic activity. The hype- thalmius possesses evident Lietamorphogenic activity, shortening the intestine by approxirrttelY 35%. The hypo- physis shortened the intestine by %, the cortex by 12~t Card 1/2 WWMA/Human and Animal PhyoiolQGy (Nonr-l and Pathological). Internal Secretion. Thyroid Gland. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol.) No 17, 1958: 79754. Author Milcu) St.-M.; Delloiu, D.; Holban, R.; Sahleanu, V. Inst Title Influence of Several Autonomic Substances on an Experimental Goiter. Orip, Pub: Studii si cercetari endocrincl. Acad. RPR, 1956, 7, No 4, 461-487. Abstract: No abstract. Card `7- -ill' Q ~ _ J36 Z_ 0 1 , i'~ MUCU, St.; SAHLFANU, V.; BXLIOIU, B.; H0:W, R. M,)rphologic & biometric contribUtIons to the experimental etudv of thyreopathic diseases. Zmnian ~L Rev. 1 no.4155-68 Oct-Dec 57- (THMID GLM, die. exper., morphol, & biometry) EXCEMA MEDICA Sec.2 Vol..U.15 Pbysidloa,etc- May 58 2178. CORRE LATIONS BETWEEN CONDITIONS OF OXYGENATION. DYNAMICS OF THYROTROPHIN ACTION AND ERYTHROPOIESIS - Corelatii intre condijiilc de oxigenare dinamica tireotrofinei *i critropoeza - Belloiu D. 11olban R. and Sahleanu V. _7_,TTZt=- 68) -STUD. CERC. ENDOCR. In rats breathing oxygen-enriched air the oxygen consumption is increased. the reticulocyte count lowered and the thyrotrophin content of the pituitary increased. In oxygen-poor air all these phenomena are reversed. Treatment with methylthiou- racil under similar conditions produces changes in metamorphogenic activity of the pituitary and thyroid which point to a modification of thyrotrophin action. In rats in which such triaatment had caused a massive decrease in the reticulocyte count, exposure to oxygen-enriched or oxygen -deficient air no longer had any ef- fect on the number of reticulocytes. Attention is drawn to the correlations exist- ing between the thyroid, the lung and the erythrocytes with respect to the mainten- I ance of homeoslasis of oxidative processes. RMI, AN I A C A T i-.C- () _R Y : General Biology. Individual Development. Posterbryonic Develop- A55 . J OU-21. : RZhBiol... No. -51 1959, "0. 19114 ment i-,. li T H O'R : Belloiu, D,; Sahleanu, V.; 11olban, R. : Rumanian AS T IT L_,; ; The Cffeet of Water Oxidation upon I Yetamorphosis of Tadpoles* Oil 1G. PU3. Studii si ceroetarl an,locrinol. Acad. RPH., 1957, 8, No 20 237-239 'A 3 T E: C T TAdpoles which wero kept in wator hyperoyAdized by stirring., oisplayed an InbibItion of meta- morphoals to the same degree ass viben they were subjected to the effect of methylthiouracil, but this chemical agent's effect is not Identical with the former, It is possible that the excoss of 02 produces an inhibitory effect ulj(-n the . activity of the tadpole's thyroid. An EU1410sous inhibitory effect, Is produced by st%nant water as well. Apparently, the thyroid gland w1hich CA.RD: 112 RuKUTA/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T Internal Secretion. Thyroid Gland. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 26771 Author : o Tolban, R., Sableanu, V. Inst Title Vitamin Blp and Metamorphogenic Action of Thyroxin. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari endocr inol. Acad. BM, 1957) 8; No 2j 2hn W Abstract Tadpoles of the same species and size were kept in 4 ves- sels. To the water (200 ml) 25 mg of B6,t2OO eanym of thyroxin (1) or B6 I was added. Tadpoles were killed after 5 days. Shortening of intestines by cutting served as index of metamorphosis. BK possessed a weak I-like action (the length of intesti'nje 89.5 t 3-3 mm, In control 9T-9 t 1.9 m). B6 did not increase the effect of I (I- 60 t 2 mm~ I f- B6 59-2 t 2-1- S-M. Malamud Card 1/1 64 - . 'i SNWrU, D.; wArCAN11SCU, R.; SMUM, V. 1--l' Contributions to the systematization of the syndromes of insufficiency of the reprodtiotive function in the males ~hmanian M, Rev, 2 no,,1936-54 Jan-Mar 58. I(TZSTAS, dis. endocrine disord., classif.) ROSM, Dutu; SCHREIBI[Ro R.; IMIOVICI, J. Pituitary activity In cancer of the breast. Rumanian X. Rev. 2 no.2t68- 73 Apr-June 38. ORMT MPLASMS, physiol. pituitary glands) (PITUITARY GZAIMS, in various die. cancer of breast) L~ ELLO I BELLOU, D. D MD- DiU%GUSAIII, Ed., IID; I&INS, ;~hdocrinological inotitute, i3ucliarcst (institut-all -de endocri-noio:,ic~ Bucurmt-i) - (for all) 7luch-arest, Viata ?,Tediqrzaa, JIQ 1$ 1 Jan 64, pp 33-38 ItConsidorations on the llathogozio~si., c! Paclydermoperiosto tic b)rndrcmie. SERBAN, Al. M.D.; BELIDIU D.; AUGUSTIN, M.; KLEPSCH, luila; CUPCEANQU, B. Galactorrhea-after administration of superprednol. Stud. corcet. endocr. 15 no.4s369-371 164. 1 1 k k DRAGUSANU M.St. P4! J UGUSTIN, M.; MkNITF,,CU, Florentina; J. . . ~~t'lj~Al bRtGOKAA p Mar a r a Fosinopenia after tolbutamide administration in humana. Stud. cercet. endoer. 15 no.4t373-178 161~. ,-~i.ERBAN, Al.,,*.T.D.; DINULESCUO Elena; BELLOW I 1 -.1.1. CUPCEANCUp B. -. , Changes in free fatty acids after castration and administration of estrogens. Stud. cercet. endoer. 16 no.3t263-269 165. AUGUSTIN, M.; DINUIESCU, Elena; CAROM, M.; DRAGVSANU, M.; BELLOM, D. Changes in the mobilization of free fatty acids after adminiatraticn of haparin, In relation to age, Stud. cercet. endocr. 16 no.3:299- 301 165. W=E- BELLOIU, D.D.; NEDELNIUC,, Elena Considerations on the pathogenesis of obesity. Stud. cercet. endocr. 16 no.3t225-232 165. BELM-10, Athos; KLUG, Otto Continuous analysis and plant control by high-frequency measuring methods. Magy kem lap 18 no.12:625-628 D 163. 1. Messinai Egyetem Altalanos Kemiai Intezete (for Bellomo). 2, FemiWi Kutatointe2et (for Klug). -L -63730 ACCESSION ISR: AT5022233 AUTHOR: Bellomo, Athon (Professor, 1)octor)(HeGsina)i Parea-la, Vittoria (Doctor) (Messina) f-RIUS-i TTITLE: Contributions to oscillometry, Part 3: High-frequeticy titratiorLs with immersion electrode v. 41, no. 4, 1964 SOURC-Bt Academia scientiarum hunpricae. Acte, chimica, 365-371 TOPIC TAGS: titrimetry, electrode, oacilloacope ABSTRACT:' ev, yp e, t df ceLL for oacill=etric titrev~ zlow van developed. It is bGsentiSUY Or the car,,~citive type and It mWev sensitive than conventional cells. its sensltiv~.ty is capable of being adJusted vith the aid of a variable cmdenzer. -Zile call. perfo=ad vel.L Vhen U.0 ed in waJanctloa ulth ea eacillate-ter of E. 0. 0. circuit at -350 _T -amode- potential.. a receiver of Hatio=j ~7~, 190 type, and an oaft., J~ Card 1 2 ROM .BELLON, Gyorgy; MADY, Rezso Vibrational fr'uit picking. Mezogazd techn 3 no.7:8-9 163,, A 35270-66 15 ACC NRt AP6024801 SOURCE CODE f :'1ff;tOl2/65/0l3755i/0233/0235 AUTHOR: Bellomo, Athos (Professor; Doctor); Marsala. Vittorio-4(arshalaf_ Ve (Doctor),, Klug, ORG: Nellomo, Marsala] Institute of General Chemistryp'Measina U4versity Messinaj, Italy; Mug] Research Institute for the Metal Industry# Budapest tFemi;;;1 Kutato Intezet) TITLE: High-frequency titrimeter with capacitive cel-I SOURCE: Meres es automatiWi, v. 13, no. 80 1965P 233-~35 TOPIC TAGS: titrimetry, selenium rectifiers electric transformer, voltmeter, electror tube ABSTRACT: A relatively simple, yet accurate (to within + I relative %) oscillometer for high-frequency titration purposes$ capable of being as sembled from'generally available components, was described. The prin cipal components of the device include a splenium rectifier, a trans former.. four electronic tubesj an adjustable.condenser., titratLon cells .and vacuum-tube voltmeter. If the voltmeter has a recorder output, the device can be used for recording. The constructions operationo performance, and applications of the device vere described and illustrated with sche- matLc diagrams and drawings. It can be modified frequet~cy_ d i f f e' re n ce's' -. -Or i ga'* A e_ 'h a's i '~ f i gur'e- sJ iW SUB CODE: 09,, 06 / SUBH DATE: 27Jan64 / ORIG KEF: 002 SOV REF: 001. OTH, REF: 00 Card 1h 2.1 UDC: 542.8:621,34-029.5 Intersowing as one means of rejuvenating oak woods. p. 12 LAS POLSKI. (Nini8terstwo Lesnictu-a oraz Stowarzyszenie 14aukoxo-Techn-.Lczne Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzennictwa) Warszawa, Poland. Vol..29, no. 1, Jan. 1955 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. POLAND / Forestry~ Forest Crops. K-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Bioll, No 6, 1958, 24897. Author Bello" _3t_aR!61aW_;__-Jagiello, Jan; Wojda, Mieczyslaw. Inst n, Title Introduction of the Oak and of the Fir in the Pine Plantings of the Educational-Experimental Leskhoz of the Main Agricultural School in Rogow (Poland). Orig Pub; Sylwan, 1956, A1001 No 3, 31-41. Abstract: Results of observations on the growth of oak and fir cultures in hollow fellings of pine plantings set in 1930-1944, are produced. It is noted that the increase of height proceeds evenly (within the limits of the species), wherein the oak outstrips the fir in growth. Card 1/1 BETALONJ So Damging the needles of fire P. 75 SYINAN. (Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych i Lesnych Polskiej Akadem:Li Nauk i Folskie Towarsystwo Lesne) Wara2ava, Poland (Journal on forestry issued lay the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences., Polish Academy of Sciences; and the Polish Society. of Forestry; with English and Russian sumiaries. Includes supplements; Biuletyn Instytutu Badawcaego Lesnictwits buUetin of the Forest Research Instif-ute; B:LU.Lery-n XnstytUtU TecMro Zogli Drewna., bulletincdf the Institute of Wood Tec=5 ogy; FrzegM DoKMe-nUcyjflY Jill lotwas documentation of the Institute of Wood TecMZ;XUV; MM rrezvg= DoXM11M7,jny Lesnictwa, documentation of the Forest Research Institute* MonTKU7 VoL 101, no. 2p Feb 1957 Montbly List of East European Accessions Index (EUI)o LCI Vol. 82 No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. RALLY, D.; TODIREANU, S.; RIPEANU, S, , BELLONI 11 r L===:-~ Total reflection of neutrons in meta M c mirrors. Automatics. electronics, 8 no.4:189 JI-Ag 164. BALLY, D.; TODIREANU, S.; RIPEANU, S.;.MjMU...V Total reflection of neutrons on metallic mirrors. Studii cerc fiz 15 no. 3:376 164. 1..,D2etitute of Atomic Physics,.Rudharest. SMA-31YI, Elemmr,okl.mernok V.I!AGY, Imre,dr.; SZIVAK, Attila; FEKETE, Karoly; LAC'ZAI SUM, -Tibor; CSERYAK Bela; DULVISZKY, Randor; MDRVAI, Vilmos, okl.mernok; BELLOg-FO-CH, SgDdqrLDVTESIj Odon; MADAS,Jozaaf; GOCZ, Bela; VkM'KI_,Tivadar; IMMITYI, Endre - Industrial water supply. Pecsi musz szemi 6 no-4.$uople~d6nt:3-14 04 161, 1. Vizgav-dalkodasi Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet igazgatohelyetese (for V.Nag7). 2. Melyapitesi Tervezo Vallalat (for Sziv'ak). 3. Deldunarituli Vizu&vi Igazgatosag (for Feketa) - 4. Fehazipari 14iniszterium Villamosenergiaipari Igazgatosag (for Laczai Szabo). 5. Vizgazdalkodasi Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet (for Gsermak). 6. Pecsi Viz- es Coatornamuvek (for Dulanszky). 7. FTV V.Mernokgeologisi Osztaly (for Bellosevich). 8. Epitesugyi Miniszterium Pecsi Tervezo Vallalat Ybl-dijas varosrandazo epites=ernoke (for Denesi). 9. Pecsi Szentroszt (for Madas). 10. Pecs mj.varos Tanacma fegrehajto Bizottsaga elnokhelyattese (for Gocz). 11. Pecs mj.varosi KOJALL (for Varnai). 12. Crazagos Vizugvi Foigazgatosag fomernoke (for Hetenyi) BELLOSEVICH, Sandorp* HONTIj Gyula Water economy investigation of Fees with the view of Atisfying its water supply; retwr on an article published in 7Fecst Maszakt Szemle.ft, v,ol.5. no.4. 1960. Peesi musz szemle- 6 no.2:6-8_Al>-Je _,161. ARGAN, Lo; BMU, A. I ..... a"- Electkon'microscope study of the structure formation process of some types of loess. Studii geotehn fund constr hidro 7:255-286 164. TRIPSA, I., ing.; ZACOPCEANU, S., conf. ing.; DUMITRESCU, S., ing. HOFFMAMIJ, V., ing.; IVANESCU, D., ing.; COMM', B. ing. SAM; Nica, conf.; BELLU, Blumer, ing.; iT':1'EA, C,, prof. dr. -1-11 11 Economic efficiency of scientific and technical research. Probleme econ 16 no. 5: 133-140 My 163. 1. Director, Institutul de cerc.0tari metalurgice (for Tripsa). 2. Institutul de arhitectura Ion Mineu (for Zacopceanu). 3. Director, Institutul de studii si cercetari hidrotehnice (for Dumitrescu). 4. Rector, Institutul politehnic-Brasov (for Hoffmann). 5. Director Institutul de cercetari forestiere (for Ivanescuj. 6. Director, Institutul de proiectari al Ministerului Industriei Usoare (for Coman).' 7. Director adjunct stiintific, Institutul central de cercetari agricole (for Sabin). 8. Director, Institutul de studii si proie6tari agr1cole (for Bellu). Rector, Institutul agronomic "Ion Ionescu de la Brad", Iasi (for Pintea). - -1 - SORISCU. A.; PARAIMCU, D.; SOLOMON, P.; RAOIG, A.; MM , C. Helminthological studies in the Ostror qaarter )f Bucharest. Stud. cereet. inframicrobiol., Bucur. 6 no.3-4:605-619 July- Dea. 1955. (RIU(ME IMOTIONS, epidemiol. In R=ania, distribution in Ostrov quarter of Bucharest) I&CORPS)CU-CILTANU, Stellana; AILL-N- Tranquilizing drugs, Rev abimis Min petr 15 no. 4004-208 Ap 164. EELLU, Mmanolas, Ing. - "z'~A-ww w,4--A V"m wk~ Aspects of Japanese railroads. Rev oailor fer 12 n0-9:521-525 8 16" 1. Regional Directorate, Brasov. -11~ "ftaca~tia maainilor-unalte (Actsiptafice of ~hchina Tool6); a book review, p. 39. )MROL Sl GAZE, Vol. 6,, no. 1/2, Jan/Fab 1954. Bucuresti,, Rumania.) SO: Mnth3,v List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), Lo. Vol. 4, No. 5, Yh.V 1955, Uncl. BELLU G. More care for the quality of products, p.16. (STANDARDIZAM., Bucurestis Vol. 7, No. 30 , Mar. 1955) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (MAL), IL,, Vol. 4., No. 6, June 1955, Uncl. Ilse of alloys -with a zinc bnee for the manufacture of bearings. p.14. Vol. 7, no. 9, Sept TANDA11,1ZAREA. Purcuresti. 1955. S SOURCE: East Luropean Accessions List (EM), W, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1956. Daniel., im, .Preparation of hexene-3- Chem zvesti 16 9:664-666 S 1,62. 1. Ustav dreva- calulozy a chemickych akien., Slovi~nskg. akadeirla' vied,, Bratislava, Mo32axovo memesti 2. BEUUS, Daniel, inz.; LISKA, Oto, doc. inz. CSc.; HORAK, Franti6ek, dr. CSc. Lobelia alkaloidsi, Pt.2. Chem zvesti 18 no.200-98 164. 1. Laboratory of Polymers, Slovak Academy of Sciences., Bratislavap Dubravska costa (for Bellus) 2.Department of Analytical 'he;aitry2 Slovak Higher Se-ool of Technology,, Bratislava., Kollarovo namesti 2 (for Liski). 3. Department of Organic Technology, Slovak Higher Sutlool of Technology$ Bratislavap Kol-larovo namesti 2 (for Horak), 'B,,E-LL[IS Danipl- NASEK, Zdenek; HOLCIK, Jan InhibItion of thermo-oxilative destruction of' polLypropylene by di-(2-hydroxyethyl) sulfide esters with -substituted pyrocatechol pho3phorous acids. Chem prum 15 n-0.4:217-219 Ap 165. 1. Laboratory of Polymers of the Slovak Academy of Sci~-nces, Bratislava (for Bellus, Mannsek). 2. Cherd~:ke ZRV~~]~,/ T . -,.Dimiltrova, Brarislava (for Holcik). Submitted &-tobor 1.1, 1%'4. POGATSA, Gaborp dr.; KALDMs Antalo dr.; SOMOGYI, Phdre, dr.; MIUS' Ereect of insulin, bucarban and 2 desoxy-D-Glucoese on alcoholic intoxication in animals. Orv. hatil. 105 no.101442-"5; io mr1,64. 1, Budapesti, Orvostudamyl XUatem, IT, Belklinika as Igassa- gugyi Orvostani Inteset. TABOR, Peter, tudomanyos munkataraj LAXOSI,, lAazloo tudomanyoo muWcataroj GORBE.f Imrap tudomanyos minkatars; BELLUS, Janos, tud(manyos segedmunkatar" ; - ........ '-- The spring 1961 I~Dipzig Pair as seerA-by a measuring technicians 1 Heros automat 9 no.10:310-315 161o MMUa2 Janos# tudomanyos segodminkatarep- oklevelea villamonmernok Logical algebra., logical cirmdto,and their applicationse Fto 2. Basic logical circuits. Pt. 1. Korea autmat 3.1 no.6-.320- 183 163. I* Merestechnikai Nozponti Kutato Laboratoriume M=S., 40oop tudom".a #god. rainkatarep okleve1es-villamemarnok Logical algebraj, logical circuits and their applicationo Pt. 2. Mares Autcwt 3.1 no&W21-7-221 t63. 1. Mereatechnikal Kozponti Kutato Laboratorium. 14 BEUUSI aanosp tudomanyos segedmunkatarop okleveleD villamosmornok . ~ 1 11 - I - logical algebra# logical circuits w4 their applicatioul Pt.2. Logical basic circuits, Pt.3. Mores autmat U no.8/9076-280 161. 1. Meresteohnikai Kozpontl Xutato TAboratoriun& GONDA, Gabor; )~~-.Tanos Symetrization of the output resistance of anode-cathode (cathodin) phase inverters, Radiotechnika 13 no,12t475- 476 D 163, PAPP) Kalman, tudomanyos munkata---3; P.- Janos, :f:=,katars Capacitance le'rel and W-1:-Aary Suc-race Indica-11,,; ieAI:e. Finat-im3hanUka 4 no.','-.?"-80 Mr 165. 1. Cenixal Research Laboratory of ltasurtnft T-icl ni-que, Ridapnst. BELLUSHO Do [EWus,,D.jj MOUSEK, Z. (Manasek, Z,I; IAZARI No Chlorophosphor7lated atneftc-polypropylene. Vyaokom.soed. 5 no.ltl45-150 A 162.~- (WRL 16A) 3ja 1. Mxirdohe ki institut-31watskoy Akademil nauk, Bratislava, (propenel (Phosphorodichloridic acid) (polymers) BEUWONO A.; WM49 mgr On transit rationally diVidod between the Polish seaports. Tech gosp, morska 10 no.1.1:33?.340 N 160, (SW 100) 1. "Spedrapid," Odynia. (Poland..,flarbors) (Poland-.Shipping) tit tof (09.00.0M A MVII, '00 M. T%my .01 modw st WAMON to cnmw gueb* "d vft $PON ~ chefts. lL-Vv-Xdkwtww-,p4j- z*w, dL 5 A -k . 10. 19w In EVOATbe sactim of tbla pmbim few a pkas givm by OnvAs (we Abdmct 4411 To*a (ms Abstmct PW OON)). It is bere 11M)) im q#kW by _ dkOWU tMt tbd CODdOlM M&CbVd bY BMMW in 6=101illbW dW CM Of plum ekcbvdmxm* bm &a wasuption implied in bb imull squaitiom sad "a becUlMd t0 UVID phy~kg WAAWD& Mly ORIl* WAS tbA GqUtJQ= ~ 09 43 TUXWVWM ot BMv&,S Invediptim remov" in q ra".va" maddoll b h d d k d A l 06 e ma oms vac u an s. m ed by , M N b t m lW pb*MW. nw upments *mAdts4 004 , a to extent to the cam " 00. Isis Jwl- waaws "ve- Twz to It am of the ntvm pah of an electron 1% howrAw, incoom The **S sUp of tht mum pMh OmW be symmd*d with feqwct to the direct waiini brau4. Note; by S. J. Brau". 4a to. 4"4306 1931L A. W. At~ I .0 j off .00 go: U9 Go* go* too Soo 6*0 000 zoo u JA 0 1000 0;0 0 0 0 9 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Or-O a; Oi ro. 0- 0. 0. -0 -0 e. 0- 0. -0. -0 0--0 S-oo 06 4PT44, 0000010000000000000000000 00000 III It is u14 4 -p A a A 1, f I I -E_. lk ft-i A-m- -.0's It-s- A I A lk _.A -J--A--" lk A A A Af 046C41111i It,Ito-19001.141, ?bowy of dw mom 40 weebaw 1A wam"4 suchk a" I ow 04 fil A ciftkilt" 0(ttw paprf by so Bmu4p (Cf. C. A. 30, UP). Rath"m a** =4 as 0 Z 2 see 4 4A, 00 9 coo v zo it *O:jj ISO* I-so# Ott -CIALL CKAL tonvow CLA UpIcama woo *10 10 got t liiW-, 1W 00 AT -0 A p IT it 0 a a 4 n It 9 K0 6 9 ~114 8A A f 6 04 a a 4 1 19 to I a d u I 0 6 It 111 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 If 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 ej to to 0 0 0 0 0 0l A 6,111 W '6-'! (111 . I . - - ry f" now of sneak is of Exp- and 742--750,1939. In Hnssi4o.-Tilic iWOOd; equiti inftW volwhies between two infinite phass pwallat. sof ekAtUtecis with ouv given for the distribution of electrodes It diKuNM%I MW expressimu Intenital. the AM. &!MCI!.LhWx* *W time of tmvelof divelect"Me. D's. Live IL - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -.- j. 0 * 0 'o & 0 0000 p I A' A. a 0 Bea Islas 00 p I I I I I to 4 If 4 is J6 I a lap "VCj%jj) A-D #*60F~141 I.tltl 47-, "a" 00M., a a. T&-pTrawa. **A (U a ILA)INA ).-MStb.4bm*tw. iit;" an' t for The Statioury matim of b with cqWawt -0o W vdacitks in ~thc premm at oo,c -.4;"Charle bet . pune Parallel clectrO&I for The a a otwdbuwjkmW eke. Uld with a ptrpendk-Wu --so bomagoaraus waWtic Acid. An v2ptudm Is deiivvd (at On mkOm betacc tumut dbtributim. patratW. Chum tkvtron us*tAry, time of kht am StAtis- . If. Hathmun 04p: S, sm 0* a "So. Are 0 -91-111-1.1L LM.llkWl CIASWK41101i AL. iff rp 0 it a 9 K 'm or wan ittimlo.11 III, I N ft % a 0 1 2 7 0 is 0 o * 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 1 4) v a 9 C qp a a v igit ISM00i" ago #0 4 late. ?me *so so Th*- 4", to TAC UUA- 14. V. Ikuyumin J.Pkyd. 4u_. S. R-) 1. "-it -00 so 19W- I- 131M.-A 1bnvrtV,vl so Ar Itudy Is IrptsicI'm the Tmichn .4 a C%Mthlu"U* thmq clevinvib CMX 0 ry1i"*W fin-Irca" ui in. fistite knigth. Ti,, kc. (mms at jbC tkvtru&!b "t at- 1)'Ir&tilYtIbuuwd.asialbalberad"y - d%Fct led init W %-C. boo kwity CM t0glitkTtrom. The resulisoof the iuvt~ji. as* so 9116011 we 440ite analytical expFnj1rm,6 Iff., whkh jlw W=1W d6tribuiftm, the rjec. form, he Iuv chug,.. thenuirm charactrristit~run be eak-d. so 900 so 1:0 0 All! see ISO O-e-, '~.f ties -6'.v " v boo we* Zia- 9 IV $4144) 4&p IONIC j r -4 it U S AV got%, vivi. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~9 0 0 0 so 000000 so I :::Oleo-* 0 0 9 * * 0 0 IF * **is* so* 09 so *00 00*9 0: 000000 0* 0.00 0 0 00 0 0 V low !**eggs i u 0 M a )a w A it N 41 V'u ad 01 k- t -r4 it of AT vn 000, 0 son, 71 002 'crew. Ar 11, 1.) *0 so- -M113 4.8 -N'v 0* 0% *0 p moo 00 v in weam Lmip mp al wrAppy *0 go 0 0 go: . 100 "99 69 IV- r -I- -T---i .1-t- hl* It", J--7- sq, ; ej, A. li 1 .1 go Ag=-" V., daktor fisiko-matematicheakikh nauk, professor. Parametric stability of a direct current electric arc. Trudy GIM 10:116-124 1514' (MM 10:1) (Ilectric arc) BEL=TIN S.V. Evaluating the theoretical bases of the Wiedemann-Frans 2a;w* Izvevyx* uchqb.zav*j,fiz* no*23173 i6lo (MM 14M 1, Gortkovskiy pedagogicheakiy institut imeni A.M.GorIkogoe (Thermal diffusivity) (Electric conductivity) 353114 S/109/62/007/003/017/029 2 #OP 019 Q, IN 41, it v 7) D256/D302 AUTHOR: B TITLE: Capacity in stationary charge distribution between electrodes P-ERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 3, 1962t 491 - 498 T_EXT: The definitions of capacity in the presence of space charge j proposed by various authors are critically discussed showing that chey are based upon relations no longer true for space charge and inadequate from the point of view of the external circuit. The au- thor investigates the question of capacity in the presence of space charge under the simplifying assumption of infinitely slow varia- tions of the condiiions (e.g. infinitely low frequency of osailla- zion). The generalized definition of capacity is introduced by con- sidering an equivalent system of the interelectrode gap independent of the properties of the medium; the only the requi- rement that the changes shouid be quasistationaryt so that the char- ge density is described by the Poisson equation. The 'effective Card 1/2 VVI 3/109/62/007/003/017/029 Capacity in stationary charge dis- D256/D302 differential capacity of the interelectrode gap' is formulated as 1 dQ2 i Q1 C = U L-) where subscripts 1 and 2 designate 11 + 12 1 dU 2 dU each of the two electrodes, i1 and 12 are currents flowing on elec- trode 1 and 2 respectively, Q1 and Q2 being the respective charges of the electrodes. The general definition is applied as an example to a few Darticular cases. It is observed that the introduced de- finition implies a. dependence of the apacity upon the character of the relation between the field at the electrodes and the potential difference. There are 21 references:16 Soviet-bloc and 16 non-So- viet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English-language publications read as follows: C.T. Kohn, Proc. I.R.B., 1960, 48t 1, 80; P.A. Benson, P.M. Chalmers, Proc. instn. Blectr.En"rs.t 19060t 107B9 32t 199;R. Willett, S.C. Bull, Proc. Instn.Electr.Engrs.,. 1959t 106B, 28, 360; J.D. Pearson, D.H. Trevenat J. Electronics. and Control, 1959, 61 1t 74. SUBMITTED: February 22, 1961 Card 2/2 3505 S/109,/62/007/00~/018/029 D266/D302 ~,Y// 0 (11 3TI 11YO) p44) AUTHORS: Bell ~Q_Ir_j and Islyamovp Zol. TITUt Capacity of a plane diode with space charge and 111axwellian distribution of the initial velocities of the electrons PERWDICAL; Radiotekhnika i elektronika# v-7p no. 3, 1962p 499 - 508 TEXT: The purpose of the'paper is to determine the capacity of a plane diode in the presence of a stationary current and taking ac- count of the distribution of initial velocities. The dimensions of the parallel plates are assumed to be large enough for negle~cting -edge effects and small enough for neglecting the effect of the mag- netic self field on the electron motion. The expression for the ca-' pacityp taken from another paper of Bellyustin (Ref. 2: Radiotekh- nika i elektronikap 19621 7, 3t 491) reads as follows: d dDN I's d d(D 7 + UID. Card 1/3 1$ a 8/109/62/007/003/018/029 Capacity of a plane diode with ... D266/D302 where S - area of the electrodes, J. anode current density, j a s emission current densityp 0 = eorf/kT, e0 - absolute value of the charge of an electron, cp - potential in respect to the cathode, k - Boltzmann constantp T - absolute temperature of the cathodep the indices a and o refer to the anode and cathode respectively. The potential in the diode is calculated by using V. Bursianle and I. Langmuir's approach. The authors emRlov a dimensionless parameter 2 2 2a3meois a = 2d 3 3 k T to characterize the flow# and calculate the capacity for the re- gions of I) saturation ourrent,,II) space-charge limitedt-III) re= zarding anode voltage. The ratio of 'hot, capacity is plotted'as a function of anode -voltage for a = 3 (weak emission) and a - 200 . (strong emission)* In both cases the maxima are7 on the boundary of the space-charge limited and temperature limited regions. The capa-' ciiy is always positive and generally exceeds the 'cold' capacity. In the space-charge limited region the capacity appreciably differs Card 2/3 S/109/62/007/OU3/018/029 Capacity of a plane diode with ... D266/D302 fron the value (4/3 )CO which is obtained (Ref.'2: Op.cit.) by neg- lecting initial velocities. The numerical results, calculated by the aut.1-lors, do not agree with those of A. van der Ziel, who used a di-.'ferent formula for the capacittly. There are 4 figures and 17 re- ferenceu: 5 Soviet-bloc and 12 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 nost recent references to the English-language publications read as follorls: Y/.?. Lovering, S.C. Bull, Proc. Instn. Electr. D-rgrs., 1959P 106Bt 25t 57; R. Willett, S.C. Bullp Proc.Instn.".,'lectr.Engrs., 1959t 106B 28, 360; B. Meltzer, Nature, 1958, 1819 19, 1332; J. Electronics and Control, 1958, 4, 4, 350; H. Rothe, Pro--, I.R.E., 1940, 28, 7, 325. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedago-icheskiy institut U im. A.k,*,. Gorlko~o (Gorl,kiy State Pedagogic institute in. A.M. Gorkiy SUBMITTED: April 21, 1961 Card 3/3 AGAFOHOV, S.L.; ALEKSEYEVA, A.N.; GOLOV, I.I.; GUSEV, O,V.; DMITRIYEVA, V.I.; YEVLA14PIYWA, F.A.; YELISEYEVp A.I.; Z11AVORONKOV, N.A.- ZHARKOV, S.A.; KIRIYANOV, I.A.; KRAYHOVp L.A.; KUATOV, K.L.; LBOV, F.A.; LIPATOV, N A - LIPOVETSK37, I.A.; MALYUGTN, V.N.; MARINOV, N.N.[decea;ZI; MIKHAYLOV, AX; POTAP(YVA,Ye.D.; TRUKHMANOVt G.A.; UKRIN, V.A.; FILIPPOV, V.A.; CIEBURASHKIN; A.M.; SHKOTOV, A.T.; GARANINA, L.F., kand. fil. nauk (The city of Gorkiy,- a guidebook] Gorod Gor,kii, Volgo- Viatskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1964. 374 p. (MIRA 17:12) BEIIYY, M. (Kiyev) Approximation of functions of certain classes in a complex domain. Part 2. TJkr. ma-t. zhur. 17 no.2-3-IS 165. (MIM IS- 5) EELIMACII,__M,I,, inz-h- Automatic coutrol of tho- feed rate in.sawmills. Mek-h, 4~ C"Iram, proizv. 15 no.11:431-U N 161. (MMA 14: 11) (sawmills) (Automatic control) BELIMACH, M.I., starshiy prepodavatell fteduciftg the pushing strength in chain savs. Trudy STI no.32t 1Z-26 462. (NIRA 16:12) BELIMACH, M.I., starshiy propodavatell Problem of fastening logo to the frame of a tie cutting machine, Trudy STI 37:70-77 164. (MIRA 18:5) BELIMAN, A. - V -------------- The grain intaking system of the grain drying and cleaning tourer has been changed. Kik.-elev. prom. 28 no-5:29 My 162. (MIRA 15t5) 1. Glavayj inzh. Orenburgskogo khl9bopriyemnogo punkta. (Grain elevators) BEL!n~,-., Introduoe air corAitioning in laboratories* Muke-ol5vaprom. 30 no.ls28 Ja 164- (MIRA rl 13) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Drenburgskogo 'Xhlabopriyommogo pwLkta. Our airfield for model planes, Iryl.rod, 11 no.5:22 Ky 160. (MIRA 13M 1. Otvetut.vennyy sekretarl byaro avismodellnoy eakteii aeroklubas, MiarIkov. (Rharkor-Airplanes-Kedela) GOLOVANOV, N., zasluahennyy master sporta; BELIMAN,J),, sudlya voesoyuznoy kategorii (Kharlkov); BABAYEV, N., a-u-dTy-a vsesqyuznoy kategorii; ALEKSANDROVA, T.; NOSKOVICH, N.; BESSTRAW, ru., master sporta (Tashkent) AWN- Facts, events, people. Kryl.rod. 14 no.6%32-33 Je 163. (KUU 16 -.7) 1. Predsedatell aviamodellnogo komiteta Federatsii aviatsionnogo sporta. SSSR (for Noskovich). (Aerial sports) B.UIMANI B., audlya mezhdunarodnoy kategorii (Rhar Ikov) ......... ..... Attentiont advanced flyir* is perfo=edl Krylerod. 14 no.9*-45 5 '63- (143RA 16-49) (Aerial sports) BWMAN, B. (Kharlkov) Enthusiast of Soviet avlationt Sta;an Vasillevich Grizodub6vp 1884, * Kryl. rod. 15 no.710 JI 964a (MIRA 1811) MARGULISP L.I.? insh.,; GAVRISHCIRJK,, I.I.; BE I AN _Bt~!t_ The work of B.M. Vdovin's Communist Youth brigade of fitters and assemblers. Mont. i spets. rab. v stroi. 23 no.lls9-11 N 161. (MM 160) 1. Normativno-issledovatellskaya stantsiya No.6 Gosudarstvennogo tresta po montazhu. metallurgicheskogo oborudovaniya v vostoohnykh rayonakh. (Magnitogorsk--Construction equipment) MAR07JLIS,, L.I., in2h.j,GAVRISHCHUK, I.1,; EELIMAN, B.H. Experience of V.A. Sviderskiita brigade of com=mist labor* Mont. i spots. rab. v stroi. 24 no.2:3-1-13 F 162. (MM 15:6) .1. NIS-6 Goeudaretvennogo tresta po montazhu metallurgicheakogo oborudovaniya v vostocluiykh rayonakh. (Maohinery--Construction) MARGULIS, L.I., inzh.; BSL~ ,,B.K.,An;sh. I.M. Ponoma ev's crew'of commist labor* Monte i spetae rabe v atroi. 25 no.5tl2-15 my '63e (KM 16:7) l' Normativno-inaledovateltakaya stantsiya No.6 iwi Gosudarstven- ~;m treste po montazIm metallurgicheskogo oborudovaniya v vostochqkh rayonakb. (Bus conductors (Electricity)) t MARCULIS, L.I., i,nzh.,-,RkV" B.G. Gevner's mixed brigade of assemblers and.fitters. Mont. i opets. rab. v stroi. 26 no.8slO-12 Ag 164. (141RA 17: 11 ) 1. Nauchno-iorledovatellakaya atantsiya No.6 Gosudarstvennogo tresta po mcntazhu metallurgicheskogo oborudovaniya v vostochnykh rayonakh. BMILAND, ^ Or, for s-a.,-gez-( In old age. Kh-lr-,zrg�ia 171 no.2: 185-IB5 1614- 1. ~z klirika na Yed. akadt-mlya "~Karl G-astav . Drf~zden. I IMLI ff.-.Xb- ; IT, X.Ta.; ZINIKOT, X.L. I letters to the editor. Zhur. narr. i paikh, 54 no,12:1044 D '54. , (HIMPATHOLOGT) (MM 8:2) I~h BILI . Kh. L. - H -14A N Concerning the significance of traum in the development of tick- borne encephalitis. Vop. palkh i Hevr. no-3:358-360 158. (MM 12:3) 1. Is Poikhonevrologicheskogo instituta, im. V. M. Bekhtereva. (ENCEPHALITIS) BELIMAN, Kh.L. Mycolonus op12epay mia Boohterevin chorea-epilepay. Vop. paikh. i nor. no.5t63-68 159o (Kft 1415) L Iz nervnogo otdeleniya Paikhonevrologioheakogo instituta Imeni M.V.Bekht4rova (direktor - chlen-korrespondent Akademli pedagogiche- skikh nauk FlSFSR prov. V.N.Mpwishchav). (EPILEPSY) BELIMANg Kh,L, Therapeutic action of heparin in thrmboals of the ce"bral vesso2q. 'Sbor* trudo.Leno nauohn* 0" nevr. i poikh. no.6:161-166-159, (MIFA ~3122) 1. Is 7-go nermogo organicheskogo otdoloniya (sav. - profs I.Yat Rasdollokiy) Psiobfuevrologichookogo Inatituta imeni VA Bakhterm (direktor - oblen-1correspondent Akademii pedagogieheeldkh mauk RMR prof. V.N. Myasishabov). (BRLIN-.KMD VESSKM-DISEA (THWOMIS) BELIMAtNt Kh.L LEVIN, G.Z.; BELENIKAYAV R.M.; SVETLIC4MV V.A.; FRBMlp Scmie ourrent date on the diqwoio of various foms of caftbral vmouUr diseases* Trudy Gols, nauch.-iosil. paikhonevr. inst. no.20: 3n-320 ! 590, (MIRk 14:1) Is Gosudaistvennyy m~auchno-issledovatel'sldy psikhonevrologichoWdy inati.tut imeni V.M. Bekhtereva, Leningrad. (BRAIN-DISEASES) BELIMAN . L. V. GANNON V. D.; HATUSHKINA. Use of anticoagulanto in vascular diseases of the brain; clinical and experimental study. Naucb. trudy Inet. nevr. AMN SSSR no.l: 340-344 '60. (HIRA 15:7) 1. Psikhonevrologicbeeldy institut imeni V. M. Bekhtereva. CEREBROVASCUIAR DISEASE) 1ICOAGULANTS(MEDICINE)) = BELIMAN, Kh.L. Etiology of wWotropbic lateral sclerosis. Vop.psikh.i nevr. no.7:86-94 161. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz nervnogo otdeleniya Faikhonevrologicheekogo Institute imeni V.M.Bekhtereva (direktor chlen-korrespondent, Akedemiya pedago- gicheskikh nauk V.N.Wasishchev). .1MYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS) EELIMAN,Ik.L.; AGEYEVA, A.N. Clinical aspects and the pathomorphology of iWelitis with a pseudotumoral course. Vop.psikh.i neyr. no.7:121-131 t61. (KIRA 15:8) 1. 1z nervnogo organicheskogo otdeleniya, (zav. prof. I.Ya.Razdoll- skiy) Paikhonevrologicheskogo Instituta, imeni V.M.Rekhterea (dir. chlen-korrespondent, Akademii pedagogicheakikh nauk RSFSR prof. V.N.Vqasischev). 0 (SPINAL CORD-INFLAMMATION) BELIMAN, Clinical asNoto of volopalatopharyngolar7-ageal rqocionia. Vop. paikh. i nevr. no.9:/+85-488 162. (MMA 17: 1) 1. It nervnogo organicbeakogo otdeleniya Isningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellokogo psikhonevrologichaskogo insti- tuta imeni V.M. Bakhtereva (dir. B.A. Lebedev). BELIMAN, Kh.L. Local torsion dystonia of a hereditary type. Vop. rs*Ikh, nevr, no.10:131-134 164, Familial atrophy of optic nerves. Ibid.:135-138 (MIRk 18:22) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-issledovatellskly psikhonevrologicha-Ady institut imeni V,M,Bekhtereva. (direktor - B.A.Lebedev).