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BMO,.Jozaf., ins, Development and distribution of the plywood production in Ozechoslovalda-o- Drevo,48~-zo66s2io-= ja 40. I* Zdruzerde drevarokyoh d4v zilinA, BELKOY Jozef.. inz. Reserves 11rusing wood as domestic raw materials in wood industries in Slovakia. Drevo 18 no. 10:358-361 0 163. 1. Zdruzenie arevarskych podniko'v, Mina. MM BELIKOP JOZGf, inz. improving the cooperation bct~,re--. forestx-( and the wood :In- dustry. Drevo 19 no,2170 Ft64) 1. Riaditall Z'=-ezira, n.r.~ Bari5ka Organisation of the work of the.subprofessional medical personnel in the combined operation of the sauitary-wepidemiio'logical with the district hospital. Xed.sestra 19 no0WO-22 Ja 160., (XIBA 130) 1, 8tarebaya sestra Vishuitakoy rayouncy bolluitsy Cherucyttakoy oblasti. (TIZHUITSL DISTRICT--PUBLIC MUMO.RMAL) ~~~~starohaya poditsinslmya sestra Tat Iiana.Andreovm.An.&eovao Had. seat= 20 no.2;56-57 JA IQ, (MIRA 14:3) 4 Is Vizhnitskoy xWonnoy bollnitoy Chernovitsk oblastio (ANbRUVA9 TATIIAKL ARDFMEVNkl JMT 7'7'771:!7'77-7~-~~ BELIKO,,R.I., starebaya-moditainekaya eastra, Nurses' councils. Med.sestra 21 no.7:63 ii 162. (MM 15:8) (NURSES AND NURSING) KATUSEVICHj H.G., kand.ekon.nauk; PASHKIVICH, O,N,, kand,okon,nauk; HUKHIKA. V.Ae, mladehiy nauohnyy sotradnik; KaKOTI, KJOot kand, okon.nauk,- SAYBL'73V. I.T., m1adshly nauchnyy sotradnik; NEWSKAYA, T.A.0 kand.okon.nauk; DIWOV, B.L. m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; Prinimali uchastiye; BILIKO, S,P., aladshiy nauchayy - sotrudnikl' ANDROSOVICH, Ye*I. 9 mid-R-shiy nauchnjy sotrudnik; K MAREV, B.Te., mladshiy nauchun sotradnik; REM, S.B., stershiY statistik. TIHOFBYBV, L., red.; VOLOKHANOVICH, I., [Capital assets of industry and their utilization) Oanovnye fondy promysblennosti i ikh ispollsovania, Minsk, Izd-vo Akad.nauk BssR, 196o. 192 p. (Km 14;1) 1. Akademiya awn ESSR..Xinske- Ircktitut ekonomiki. 2. Institut ekonomiki AN BSSR (for all, except Timofeyev, Volokhanovich). (White Russia--Gapital) It BELIKOP S.P" nauoh4y;sotrudnik Introduce the specialization of knit goods factories in the local industries in White Russia. Tekstprom. no*2:31-33 163. (MMA 16t4) lo Institut skonomiki AN BSSR. (Whito Russiso-Knit goods industry) rf- 4 6 Y-1. PINIGIN, IV;(V\:~BUbi.G.P.; PETWOVA,D,S'.;ISTOXIVA,T.I,;YUZHKOVA.R.U.,- XOBNTS, B.V.; SUCHNIKOVA, L.D.;' ZRI-TY11AU, Yu.Ya.; PADAIKO, Z.F.; MIKHALOVSKAYAO Ye.H.; KAlXYXOVA* A.D.; KOST14RIM, V.V.-,JEIJrO, V.I.; KOSTRIMO; HUSIXHINA Distribution of brucellosis in Bastern Siberia avA the Par Feet. Tez. i dokl.konf.Irkogos,nBuch.-issl.protivochum. '57- (MIR& 11:3) ~SIMIAO MASTIOW--BRUG"LOSIS) (SOVIET FAR FAST-BRUCELIMIS) VYROBOVx G.P.;,~~-V. 1.11.; ANTIPtYEVA, O.A.; JALISHEVSKAYA, Z.T. Brucellosis of the suis type in Khabarovsk Territorys Dokl. Irk* go.s much.-iss~. protivochum. inste noo5sl",-16 163 WIRA 18al) ZHILIN, K.G., professor; BB40RXT# K.A.; ANDRIMAt G.T. f =W*a S&n1tar7-kqgisnLo requir6ments in field camps. Gig. i san. 21 no.4: 44-45 AP 156. - (MM 9:7) 1, Is dhkalovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i oblastuoy sanitarno- epidemiologicheskoy stantaii. (AGRI brqgp!&Te~cts of field camps (Bna)) GOROSHCEINKO. Ya.G.;__gAj!KOSKOT, V.I.: BABXIN, . A.G .. Distribution of rare earth elements between the solid and the liquid phase in the course ^f the crystallization of double sulfates. Zhur.prikl.khim. 33 noe4:803-808 Ap 160. (KIRA 13:9) (Rare earths) (Sulfates) (Crystallization) ZIDIKOV, A. Organize adequate building sMly bases for rural electri- fication, Sell.strol. 15 no.6:" Je 160, NEU 13:8) 1. Fachallnik Vladimirskogo oblastnogo stroitellno-eksplustatsiow- nogo, upravlenlya Sellelektro Ministerstva sel'skogo khozymystva. RS35JL (Rural electrification) (Construction industry) Barcv, A. 2 532 15 EELKOV, A. ~ .7,ak vskori'"b rostroikL rostoyannlkh !Lniy svyazi voen. S.vyazst, 1948, No.7, S. 19-210 SO.: latocis'Zhurnal Aatey, No. 30, I-b3cow, 1948 UJO ~KOV A. We will provide a steady supply of electric power. Sell. stroi. no.7:23-24 162. (MIRA 15t8) 1. Nachallnik Vladbdrakogo Sellelektrostroya. (Vladimir Province-Rural electrification) 7 it -J~ P- -4- U r 2 1 S/0572/65 "000/00110-22, M. ,a)d ACCESSION Nil: AP500 D3 V I U AUTHOR: Budifflcov, P.P. (Academician AN VkrSSR), Bulavin, I.A. (Doctor of techiiical sciences); Belkov, A. F. (Engiiieer) U TITLE: S, bstitution of feldspar by alkaline wastes in the production of technical porcelain SOURCE. Steklo t keramika, no. 1, 1965, 22-27 TOPIC TAGS: porcelain, porcelain manufacture, feldspar, alkaline waste, cernentkila waste, potassium oxide, kaolin. potassium phyllite, firing temperature, siatering 0 temperature ABSTRACT: Alkaline dust from the olectrofilters of coment IdIns was used in peop-a-ring experimental samples of technical porcelain, in ord'ar to study and prove the possible substitution of the inadequate supply of feldspar in commcrci~l PrOdUC4_101 of porcelain. Waste of 25-50% K 2 0 and not more than appro~dmately V.6 L'erric oxdde cantent was sintered with kaolin (43(;"; cement dust: 57% kao.11r) at 1000C to cbminate the se'lubility of the alkali and to produce a dispersible clinker of the appro)dmate composition of potassium phyllite. 0, xperi-meatal mixtures of 27.42% kaoliii, 18. 58' ciay, 39'1-1'~~) hig-hly dispersed quartz sand and 161)/o clinker gave good plasticity at 22.5-1113% WLtj-,r content and 13% shrink-age at 1260-1320C. The use of clinker and quartz sand of up to 30,u particle Card 1/2- 25259-;- L 65 ACCESSION NR: AP5002931 diameter permitted a decrease in the conventional firing temperatures for electro- technical porcelains by 80-120C. Optimum sintering temperatures were 1180-120OC; blistering and increased porosity due to the thermal decomposition of ferric sulfate occurred only at higher temperatures. Thus, highTuality material can be produced in an oxidizing atmospheref -as ahown _lwy-mechanicAl lesqk4 and microscopiu studies, Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 8 figures and I formula. ASSOCIATION- MKhTilmeni D. L Mendeleyeva SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SU73 CODE: MT NO REF SOV: 0,01 OTHER: 003 L525010-7�~5 CQ5 0 SSION MR: A25009383 COCV, /0102/ -105 (Academician); Bulavin, X.A. (Profeeasor); Belkov, A F. R's ATTMOR- Budnikcrv. P.P. (Enzineer) -.7 -.7- -77~~ SOUM, Sklar a k4rsmik,, no % 1.965, W2_105 _OPIC TAGS: porcelain, high voltage electric porcelain, electric porcelain.. fritjI fritting, feldspar, electrical flue gas dust collector ABSTFACT-. The article reports on a Saviet imestigation of thm, posaibility of usiag ae a fusing agent highly nikaline componeents of dust collected frcr-n the flue gases of' cement furnaces by electric dust traw. The iwiestigation is of current importance because the p"e feldspar ivquired in the Manufactktre of electric porcc-i lain &"., relatively scarce, end even thowh the ccmpozition of flue gasea and fur- iace shaft gaaes is diffevmt In the WSR, the study of the prdblem is still of in Ic terest for Czechoslwv~&. Th-e thermogrx= of a alinllmr ca] ined at 1,400T shows ao impartant phen=ena vhich vould indicate the further course off. ph~-zical c_heml- cal processes. The frit is a white, jorous substance on which no black spote are visible to tha. naked eye. The experinentally pmpared porcelain pazte exhibit .6 M11 CcIfd. 1 52500-65- A=SION IIR*. AP5009383 a r,~ astu,re c the desired properties and at ontent 6f 2. 0 has an elasticity of 64$ "a volprovic plasticity of 1.8-10-0 see-,# and a relaxation t:Uie of 4,000 see. Analysis of the data leads to the follmlmg conclusions; 1) The experimental pasta$ a level with the usual high-voltage porcelains; 2) the frittlng range is 60*C; 5) thak fritting Qf the material begins even before the decomposition of ne Liva oxids. The Tritting which sets in at from 1,180 to 1200*C is optim=. Orig. mrt. has: 8 figuztz and 2 tables. ASSOCDMON: none Sliam-m: 00 EML: 00 SIM OODE: PC BIU)NIKOVt P.P.p akadem1k; BULAVITI, I*A.f doktor tokbn. nauk; BELKOV, A. F. . inzh. Substitution of alkali waste for feldspar in industrial porcelain. Stek. i ker. 22 no,l-.22-29 Ja 165. (MIRA 18;7) 1. AN UkrSSR (for Budnikov). 2. Moskovskiy ordena. Lenina khImiko- tekhnologicheskiy Institut im. D.I. Mendeleyeva (for Belkov). BELKOV, A, K. r,- EPP R92281 Partiyno-sovetskaya pechat' v period bor'by za kooektivizatsiyu sellskogo khozyaystva '(The party-soviet press in the period of struggle for collectivization of agriculture) Moskva, Tsk KPSS, 1953. 33 p. At head of title: Kormumisticheskaya partiya sovetskogo sqyuza. Vysshaya partiynaya 3hkola. SOV/110-59-5-2/25 AUTHORS: Iraniy, P.Bo, Engineer and Belkov, B.V., Engineer TITLE: A Standard Series of Isolators for Indoor Distribution of Equipment (Yedinaya seriya ra2yediniteley dlya,vnutrennikh raspredustroysty) PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektroprowyehlonnosti, 19,59, Nr 5, pp 9-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Uralelektroapparat Works is producing a new standard series of isolators type RV for 400-600 and 1000 A, intended for indoor distribution equipment of 6 and 10 kV. Photographs of the 600 and 1000 A isolators appear in Fig 1 and 2. The new Isolators type RV are-better than the old type RVT in respect of cost of manufacture and erection, electrical properties and reliability. The dimensions and weights of the old and new types are compared in Table 1. The reductions have been-secured by the design changes indicated in the drawing given in Fig 3, where the old and the new outlines are superimposed. The new contact construction is drawn in Fig 4, 5 and 6. The arrangement is such that electro-magnetic forces due to heavy currents increase the contact pressures, so that Card 1/2 .,heavy contact springs are not required. It is shown by SOV/110-59-5-2/25 A Standard Series of Isolators for Indoor Distribution Equipment the sketch in Fig 6, that the actual contact pressure is four times greater than that of the springs. Data about the electro-dynamic stability of theold and now types of isolator are given in Table 2 will be seen that the new type is much better. In the new isolator the maximum copper temperature after five seconds short-circuit does not exceed 300*C. Prolonged operating tests on isolator type RV carried out in the factory at rated current show 'that it is greatly superior to isolator type RVT in respect of stability contact resistance during transients. There are 6 figures and 2 tables. SUBMITTED: 3rd July 1958 Card 2/2 AUTH.OR: Belkov,.B,.VA,_~,gineer SOV/110-59-7-4/19 TITLE: r5-Years of High-voltage Switchgear Manafacture at the "Uralelektroapparat" Works (Vysokovolltnoye apparatost- -,oyeniye na zavode "Uralelektroapparat" za 25 let) PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropromyshlennosti7l9597Nr 7,PP 11~-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The manufacture of high-voltage switchgear commenced at the "Uralelektroapparat" works when it was opened in-1934. The first 10 kV oil circuit-breakers were made to the design of the Leningrad Elektroapparat works. In 1935 'the works designed an original 6 kV small-oil-volume .circuit-breaker, type VMG. The design of this breaker has been improved over the years and it has become the works' longest-established product. At the outbreak of war the Leningrad Elektroapparat works ceased production and the Uralelektroapparat works had to increase greatly the range of switchgear made. After the war, the manufacture of switchgear at the works developed still more. Existing designs have been modernised and new ones developed. Descriptions are given of different types of switchgear manufactured by the works, starting with 10 V equipment. Card 1/6 Feeder circuit-breaker type VMG-133 has been modernised . and is now being produced in China, Flumania, Poland and SOV/110-59-7-4-/19 25 Years of High-voltage Switchgear Manufacture at the "Uralelektroapparat" Works Bulgaria. Rupturing-capacity tests made in Czechoslovakia confirmed the excellent properties of this circuit-breaker. Recent designs of 10 V circuit-breakers type MGG-10 have been developed for currents up to kOOO A. This type of switchgear has been frequently shown In international fairs and exhibltions. Sub-station circuit-breakem of 35) 110 and 220 V are described. The first 35 V circuit-breaker, type MKP-357 was manufactured in 191+8. After development It was able to handle a rated current of 1000 A and has a rupturing capacity of 1500 MVA. In 1952 series production commenced of the new breaker type MEP-110 for 110 Vt which replaced the obsolete type MKP-160. It has new multi-break arc-suppression chambers, giving a rupturing capacity of 3500 MVA. The reduction in size that has been achieved compared with the old type will be seen from the outline drawing in Fig 1._ In 1955 another obsolete circuit-breaker2 type MKP 271+, was replaced by a new 220 V type MKP-220 with a rupturing capacity of 3500 KVA. -In 1957 successful co-operation with the laboratory of Card 2/6 Mosenergo culminated in an improved design of circuit breaker with a rupturing capacity of 5000 MVA. This design SOV/110-59-7-4/19 25 Years of High-voltage Switchgear Manufacture at the "Uralelektroapparat" Works gives considerable economy of material. Co-operation continues now with the object of raising the rupturing capacity to 7000 MVA. The new series of sub-station circuit-breakers for 35, 110 and 220 kV were the first high-speed oil circuit-breakers produced in the USSR. They were the first to use contacts of arc-resisting metallo-ceramics. The works has had considerable successes in the manufacture of 400 and 500 kV circuit- breakers. Manufacture of 1+00 kV air-blast circuit- breakers type VV-400 to the designs of the All-Union Electro-Technical Institute began in 1956. They have a rated current of 2000 L and a rupturing capacity of 10,000 MVAI and are exemplified in Fig 3. Circuit- breakers of this type are installed in the Volga Power Station and on the 400 kV '"yshev-Moscow transmission, line. k new All-Union Blectro-Technical Institute design of 500 kV air-blast circuit breaker, type VV-500, is now undergoing manufacturing development; it will have Card 3/6 a rated current of 2000 A, and a rupturing capacity of 207000 MVA. Circuit-breakers of this type are to be SOV/110-59-7-4/19 25 Years of High-voltage Switchgear Manufacture at the "Uralelektroapparat" Works installed In 1959 in the Stalingrad power station and on the Stalingrad-Moscov transmission line. A brief description is given of the construction of these breakers. A-new type MKP-500 series of single-tank oil circuit- breakers for 500 V has been developed for the severe climatic conditions of the Ural and Siberia. These circuit-breakers, exemplified in Fig 4, operate reliably at lower temperatures than air-blast circuit-breakers. The type MEP-500 comprises three single-pole circuit- breakers with d.c. or pneumatic actuation. Resistance shunting is used on the four breaks and the current is effectively suppressed without excessive contact travel. The breakers can carry 2000 Land available test results show that the rupturing capacity is at least 10,000 KVA. There is reason to suppose that with some improvement in the are-suppression device this can be raised to 15,000 VA. InLJ9587 the works commenced production of high-voltage switchgear for delivery to countries with tropical climate. Card 4/6 Special circuit-breakers type VMP-6T for 6.6 kV2 200 MVA (illustrated in Fig 5) and MGG-6T for 6.9 kV, 500 MVA SOV/110-59-7-1+/19 25 Years of High-voltage Switchgear Manufacture at the "Uralelektroapparat" Works (illustrated in Fig 6) were constructed for a metallurgical works in India. Despite the tropical specification, the circuit-breakers are smaller than type VMG-133, and development continues. Spe~cial circuit-breakers have been designed for the electrification of railways and for agricultural use. Tests have been completed on single- phase feeder circuit-breakers type VMO-35 for 27.5 kV7 1000 A, with a rupturing capacity of WO YIVA. Othe.- special types are briefly described. The works is now developing new oil circuit-breakers for voltages ranging from 35 to 500 V with the minimum weight, size and oil- content. These breakers will use new small bushings of high mechanical strength, special are-resisting contacts, and arc-resisting insulating materials. It is proposed to modernise circuit-breakers types MGG-10 and MKP-35 to increase their rupturing capacity to 1000 and 2000 MVA Card 5/6 respectively. It is intended -to standardise switchgear drives to the greatest possible extent. A good deal of SOV/110-59-7-4/19 25 Years of High-voltage Switchgear Manufacture at the "Uralelektroapparat" works research and experimental work will have to be done in order to develop new high-power are-suppression devices. Card 6/6 TheIre are 6 figures. BELKOV, B.V,, inzh. Manufacture of high-voltage swit4les In the Urals. Elektrotekhnika 35 no.9:4-6 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) Standa d plans for shops manufacturing partition panels, Biul* stiite .:. AP 157.~- 1. Uningrgdakiy Promstroyproyekt, (C*ncrete slabs) IMLIVOV, D.V., itsh, for obtaining mortar hinders in lime Willing and slaking shops. Stroi. prom. 36 no.8:38-.39 Ag 158. (MIRA 1-1.. 9) (Binding materials) (Lime industry) BELKOV, D. Z., Cand of Agric Sci -- (dies) "Investigation of Biological Peculiarities of Acorns of Various Types of Oaks in BulEaria," Mosciw, 1939, 20 pp (Moscow AgricultdLral Acdemy im K. A. Timiryazev) (KL, 1-60, 124) TliE AKaULt-R CCF.REL.ATI(N 14 THE INTMMAL C0.4- VERSION ovx2AY$. Woonyx Ko"elrow" Fri Vttit"uzet riaverail v-Lachvl). V. B- Bar-atclaW., Tmnotated by G. Mkav fmns Zlt:zr. Wmptl' I TrareLltr., it. 100-4009 An shatract of %ts pWr alipcito ta Nizzint gv,t*tcq Ab4tractai as I(SA 4-1308, 23994 BELIKOV, G._I. 0 nelcgtoi,3,kh Geo khbaicheskikh osobermostyalch pamskikh .jalog.ennyl-h osadkov iz rayonov zana-Inoeo sklona Urala. Trudy Vsesoyuz. Nefft. nauch. - issled. Geol. - ra~vei. III-TA, Novaya scriya, VYP 28, 1949, 3- 131-41, -- Bibliogr; 22 Nazv. SO: Letopis, Plo. 32, 1949. t BzLIKOV, I. 24,00c? BELIK011, G. 1. K IWAOdille opredelezraya fosfora v nclftyan)4~h vod,-L'%". Trudy Voesoyuz. Neft. !auch.-issled. Geol.-razverl. I:;-TA, ,ovaya soriya, TIP. 28, 19,1?9, 3, 167-73- - Bibltogr; .16 Nazv, SO: LetojAs, No- 32, 19119- RELAVVISTIC:1M EcAy QF, FREE PARTtCLES HAWRO TRUEE-MMENSIONAL EXTe%MON. (Retyativistalaya Teorlya SvoboftyM Trekhmerno Proty-atLatnyth Chasutc.). Yu. P. Sblrokoy. Trauslatc4 by 0. Belkov f-rej Mar. DPI)^ - I Teoret. Ftz. 22, S39-4179WM-9p. (TV-441) 11 Is showm tUt the rMufremeat of MilivisLic favarlstre does zut introdwe dlificultles of pritciple in tba Lheory of free partfeles hiving c6v.-dimenslwtal extes-el=. A general method for caartrhxttag such a pir(L-le model to W AA"AML-0F L TH EORY A" TUM DA- E TROD Orr LYM., P" W 1% been. "In, rtd for *bAcb the rwrptol-the 4stAttelsm in partially rt~omihh~ prwess" ka Ottraduv~ Concepts of the coeffictent at (h, Yrno4ynamic rovers*110. osnnvy obubahchunnago inctods awlizal. 1. P, Ishk!n and V. M. Brodianaldt. Translated by %, K~ cm zFtir. (cir) ind if,;! coefficivnt of thcrtntx-4vitamic a.-ttacticism Ici 150. f"-. - , - am Introduced. k ronpanson of c#,r ard cta t6 given. A The jndlv~t- of 1cw-temperaWre procea!ws bated on the cla4atficatmn of t1w orwv6svs (~ the 1,cirt of view of llh,ir Ftrat th-cm Ir-doamic principle detc1l TtOt give a cOmPletc thermodynarnic aml~s,s tin the bistd of irmci itbilit) s - pj~turv *1 t~~c ptysteal nature of Vhe proccases. The us4q of given. A diagram ta dev, hich permits ii )nw-n-, t2w eernad therwooramic principle wxAws It posalble (c th~rrnodynamfc czlculation conz~cl~d with thr nnai% r ev.ihate- q=nUtatively the Irreversibility of the entire d-9* Aff-I BZLIKOV G.1 kandidat goologo-mineralogichaskikh nauk. vammak"iih Nesqmehonits. crystallized from oozy saline vater. Priroda 42 no.11:96 N Off-RA 6: 11 1. Vsesoyuxnyy nftohno-inaledovatellskiy institut solyanoy 'pronvehlonnosti (Leningrad). (Nesquabouite) BELIKOV,, Go 1. "Polarographic Determination of Some Trace Elements in Saliferous Depositej," Tr. Vsese N. A. in-ta solyanoy prom-stis No 1. 92-96s 1954 By means of the polarographic method and dithizon extraction, the author indicates the distribution of certain trace-elements of the heavy- metals group in salts from individual deposits. Zn and Fb enjoy a rather wide distribution in the salt deposits (in dispersed form)j Zn is of the order from 1o4-10-5 to 8.2*10-4%. Pb from 0 to 5o10-4%, The data obtained is the basis for further investigations in the direction of a study of the trace admixtures in saliferoue deposits. RZhGeols No 1. 1955 ON TRE SCIdt6MMUR EQVA'fl(XV FOR I-RE HEUVU ATOM. (04 Urmua4ll Shredmra WIts Awma GaIUO. Y,& _Fock. TramlaW by G. ftlk" from lzvezt. Aicid, sdr. Ytt. Is. 161-72004). $1131 BEL I Kffj.2jjaaj=did&t goologo-mineralogichookikh nauk (Leningrad); NOWLIN. G.S. (Xizhaiy Baskunchak). Formation of granulated malt in Baskunchak Lake. Priroda. 4$ so..T: 84-85 My 156. (KM 9-:8y 1. Vessoyuzzyy nauchno-iseledovatelinkiy Institut galurgii (for BelIkov); 2. nimichaskaya, laboratorlya *Bassollil (for Notorin). (Baskunchak Lake-Rack-salts) MKINA, T.L. Irn ;,KAXABOVA, T.P.; NGAGEMVSrATA, TS.A. WN Aft! 'At Determination of small concentrations of elements In oil field waters. VNIGRI no*105:140-173 157. (HIRA 11:9) (Water--Analysis) BILfIDV. G.M.. alektromakhanik. Automatic control of power-supply stations. Avtom.,- tolese-I. evias' 2 no.11:25 N 158. (NIRA 11:12) loTashkentskaya, distautetya, signalixataii 1. evyazi Tsp~kentsksy doregi. (ftilroads-Signaling-Block system) I BRMOV v G. H. Effect of the shape,of dies and amount of reduction on the distribution of longitudinal deformations in tba oroso seotion of forgings. Ruz.-ahtam. proixv. 3 no. 2:15-19 r 161. fMIRA 14;1) Uporging) (Dies (Hotalworking)) U~ S/137/62/000/002,/012/144 A006IA101' AUTHORS: Belkov, 0. M., Lifanova, A. V. TITLE: The effect of some parameters of the open hearth process on the technological ductility of 9X"P(9KhF) steel in 110 to 100-ton ingots PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, 25-26, abstract 2vi66 (V ab. "Stall", Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961, 159-166) TEXT: Technological documentation on melting, teeming and forging processes of 274 large-size ingots intended for backing rolls:of rolling-mills, was statisticallk investigated at-the F:(MZ. Two indices were taken as characteristJm for the forging ability of steel, namely,-the appearance,or absence of cracks during preliminary reduction (billeting)'and the magnitude of allowance "all for machining thefinished forged work. The corrections of applying these indices was confirmed by their correlation with factors whose effect- on ductility is well known.' ' e.g. a higher Ni content, improving ductility, reduced "a" correspond---- ingly.~ For a detailed'statistical analysis 12 factors were selected: C content after melting, duration of ore and pure bubbling;, ve during'these periods; Fe-Cr grade; holding of-the pool after Fe-Cr addition; metal temperature prior Card f/2 3/137/621000/002/012/r44 ThW effWct of-iome parameters ... A0061AI01 to 'teeming; , holding time in the'ladle; rate of filling the molds and the feed heads; surface conditions of'tn61dls.~' For all heats cards were compiled indicat- Ing +,he-afoietnentioned'factors,'and distribution curves were plotted. The authors established the certain effect7of individual factors on the ductility of steel and the degree of this effect;' this made it possible to recommend thd6ir,optimdm valuds., When,observingithe whole process of manufacturing an experivental set from 91 heats it was Oound that if these limits were observed, cracks did almost-not occur and index -a" did not exceed the allowance (3%),- In the case of deviations cracks did always appear and aav Increased up to 5.26%. In particular, it was also established that if the metal temperature prior to teeming varied from 1580 to 1,6400C, the holding time in the ladle had to be changed from 11 to 17 minutes; ' the'optimu'm teeming rate appeared to be 26 cm/mIn. It is stressed that the results obtained concern only the given conditions and are only correct within the range of the index changes; their extrapolation would be not founded. Ye. Bukhman [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 212 .B~~gi,y-XikhayloAah; LITENKO, NikoUy Tikhanovich; ZHURAVLEV, Turiy Arsenlyevich; SAMOKHOTSKIY, A.I., Inzh.9 ved. red.; OLISHANSKAYA, I.V., insh., red.; SOROKINA, T.H., tekbn. red.~ [Effect of beating conditions on the plastic properties of 9KhF steel at forging temperatures. Skid ho per for metal feed from the furnace to the Eorging hamerl Vliianie re- shims. nagreva na, plasticheakie svoietva stall. 9W pri ko- vochnykh temperaturakh. Metallepodavatell at peabi. k ko- vochnomu molatu. [By] IU.A.Zhuravlev. Moskva,, Filial Vasa. in-ta, nauohn. i takhn. infermataii, 1958. 14 p. (Peredo- voi nauchno-tekhnicheskii i prolavodetvennyi opyt. Tema 5. NO.M-58-20N) (MIRA 16:3) (Hetaler Effect of temperature on) (Forge shops-Equipment and supplies) L WA(d)/DMW/kWP(k) (Z)/VP(b)/EWA(h)/iVA(C.)~,..:~JDAI V IMP ACCESSION HR: AP5012012 UR10265/65/000/014100800000 I q# ' I B ? AUTHORi.-K 4r alkov -S kint V.1 Tutov, I, ye L"ProsvirlIll X V Shevel#vq A. To, -, ZeMnU khoys Is F% TITLE; A steal for ipressipgp -cless.409 Mo~ 173007 , _ ' SO SOURCEt Byuil4tefil it y i-tovarnykh inakov, no, 149 1965g go TOPIC TAM~4 10 a is 1%inksten $t4 -chnium at Y t l ABSTRACTI 1his Author's Certificate Introduces's steel for pressing.which contains carbon, silicon, manganese, chrvdum,: - molybdenum vanadium, tungsten and.iluminum. !The mechanical- pv)perties 'of the steel aresimproved by-using the-following comoosi- tion (in %):.,~0.37-0*45 carbon; 0,4-0.6 silicon; 0.5-0,7 manganasa,.2.5-3.0 chro- i q~ mium-, 099-192 molybdenum; 0,6-0.0 vanadium; 14,494:tungsten; 094-0,6 aluminum i ~ASSOCIATIOHi Teentrallpyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologLi I ,mashinostroye entral Scientific Research Institute of Techno;M and Machine a iBuilding),Id _- ~ ISUMMYO-il ' Veb64 ENCL% 00 SUB COM: NX NO REr sov: -. ooo OTHER: 000. AIA BILIZOV, I.B.- Formation of yttrium in amaxonite pagmatites in Kola alkali granites. Vop. geol. i min. Koll. 'poluos. no.1:126-139. '58. (Keyvy Upland--Mineroloe,'7) (WPA 11:10) Om-PA 1. B.; VOLKOVA, M.I. Chaftinite from pegmatite veins in the western part of the KOM Upland in the Kola Peninsula. Vop. geol. i min. Koll. polmos. no.l-.140-145 158. (KRA 11:10) (Ke.yvy Upland--Mineralogy) I 1216. A Now Lode of 'Stonstrupin' in the Lovos*ro Turkhas, by A. A. _L. V. B&I'kov. and 1. 0. Ntiy"o. Doklady Andress A30 LNW. Momyo Nfri W 56. Wy 1. 1947. 4 p. 11n flummicire). 'Sionstrupin is described as a thoro-titano-milicate hydrate of fori, cearthm 131%1 smongoneeso. It is known only ;n southern Greenland and the above, atoct. latimmowth of gartmit Witit manscovits. 1. V. lk-['- koviliZollskaya Ban "" Pkuk &S-S-R.)-1VUWY- AUT Xask S-S-S-k 61724t-NIM).-Fiat garoet Crystals. re ly ia= js.%~~Vftc from pec-- t USAIRCS Of 1VTOIX J IV t (211) fam in More than 90%0f frequency pmuel to MOO of calurovitc, and only 8,670 The (110) fact. Thr(211)%awacomIji. Inalloo striation In the Amm ITIII. anif art *omwlwt- curved by vicinalold step. This tow 11111 It ork-nit 41 underan angle of 30. (10,and 90 * to the prIncipul ray id I Ix, percussion Agum of the nda. with laccatkirrable wat- WIN!& Is. paralitt to the mys of the percussion and tbel pnmure Aom of the maka. The particular Lt4abuLir wrowth o( the pnwt In the muscovite is upkimd by t be hydrotberaml gemis from aq. solusAn whirls both min. rents were formard rather haultancously. FApmkOy the viciuM steps on the curved surface (d (2111) corresp-zid- to synthetic crystaLzatiom of Saks from SOW. W.U. BELKOV, I. V. Sovety molodym mashinostrotieliam Z-Advice to young maebin builders-7. Moskva. Masbgiz, 1952. 60 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Acc2ssions, Vol. 6 N8. 12 Mareb 1954. BATIY3VA, I.D.; Problem of the genesis of accessory minerals In granite. (In: Akadsmiia nauk SSSR. Voprosy petrografil I mineralogil. Moskva, 1953. Vol. 1, p.167-178) (MLRA 7:4) (Mineralogy) (Granite) GORMOVP KOZLOVs Te.K-.; ILMMSM, V.I.; SAXURMq AsSe; TAXIM- D*,D*; GODUNT, G.I.g lamd. geols'-mineml. nank, red.; DMBTAGO, T.N., tskhn~ red. [Nineral wealth of thi, Kola Penjuxula] 33ogatetva nedr 1:61'sk6go 8 1957. polnostrova.' YArmns)4 :Mdzhnala red* mPbliarnol pravdys 128 (xm ntlo) (rols Peninsula-Mineraloff ) BATIYZVA, I.D.-, EELIKOV, I.T. The Sakharyok alkali maself. 1xv. ir~r*-.-'A-Koll. fil. AN SSSR no.2: 40-46 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1.Geologicheskiy institut Kol'skoger.filiala AN SSSR. (Sakharyok Valley-;-4yenite) ERLIKOV I.V.; VDLKDVA, X.I. A rare-earth calcium phosphate-silicate. Izv. Kar. i Koll. fil. AN SSSR no.2:90-93 '58- (RM 11:9) 1.Goologicheskir institut Kollskogo filiala AN SSSR. (Iola Paningula-Mineralogy) BATIYETAI, J.D.; B71L INDV. LV. tas-ail'co~nglomierates of the KeyV sedimentar7 and metamorphic aeries in the western Keyv region. Izv-Kar. i Koll.fil.AN SSSR no.4:48-53..'50. (JURA 12 -.5) 1. Tuatitut geologii. Kollskogo, filiala, AN SSSR* (Keyvy Upiand-Gongionerate) AUTHOR: Bellkov, I.V., Sidorenko, A.V. 11-58-4-13/16 TITLE: AleV-8andr Fedorovich Sosedko (deceased) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Hauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 10,58, Nr4, pplC2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is an obituary notice on A.F. Sosedko, Candidate of Geo- logic-Mineralogical Sciences, senior scientific collaborator of the Yakut6k branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Card 1/1 1. Cbituaries - Nauk, Alaksandr Sosadko BEL-KOV9 I.V. Cy4tnite from contact zones of cyanite schists with metabasites in the KeM Upland. Mat.po minoKoll.poluost. W33-142 159. (Kam Upland-4anite) (Keyvy Upland-Metabasites) BILIKOV, I.V. Chevkinite from alkaline granites ofthe western XeyV area. I2v* jotr.i jCol I.f il.AN S.SSR n0-3:139-140 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Geologicheskiy institut Xol'okogo filiala AN SSSR. (Xeyvy U~land--Chevkinite) -BILIKOV, I-V. Titanits from alkaline granites of the TAnozero repian. Top. ge6l. i mIn* Koll. poluose no.2t255-258 060. NIRA 13tlO) (Kanozero -region-Titanite') BATITEVA, I.D..; ICT I KOV, I. V. Indications of primary sedimentary orgin of crystalline schists and gnrlsees of the leyvy Upland. Yop. geol. I min. . KOV. poluos. tio,3.-219-23) '60. (KIRA 13:9) (Keyvy Upland-Schists) TOCHILINp M.S.p otv. red.1 BELIKOVA LV., red.; GORBUNOVI G.I,S red.; KOZIDV., Ye.K.,, red.; SIDORRIKO.. A.V.., red..; TOKAfXV, V.A,p red.; SHBHGERj I.A.s red. izd-vaj X014DRATIYEVA., N.N.9 tekhn. red. [Geology of the Kola Peninsula] Voprosy geologii Kollskogo polu- ostrova. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962., 146 p. (K= 15%6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Kol'skiy filial Kirovsk. (Kola Peninmla--Geologyi BELIKOV I.V, Cyanite frce tha cyanita'schist6 in tfie KeM UpUnd. VAt. po Allmo Koll, poluost. 28545 t62,, (MM 164) (KOM Upland-4yani to (KeyV Upland--Schiata~ BELIKOV-0 --I..Vo Accessory-minerals of alkali granites in the western Keyvy Upland. M&t, po min. Koll. poluost. 3:5-19 162. Distribution of titanium in alkali granites in the western KeM Upland region. Ibid.:1+6-49 (NIRA 17:3) ALIKOV. Iuor' Vladimiroviob; TOCHILIN, M.S., prof., doktor gool.- minor. nauk, otv. red.; BUSORGINA, N.I,, red.izd-va; KONDRATI~j,?VAJ- M.N., tekhn. red, (Kyanite schists of the Keyvy series; geology, crystalline schists' and kyanite ores]Kianitovye slantsy ovity-keiv; geolo- gicheskoe stroenie, kristallicheskie slantsy i kianitovye rudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 319 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Kola Peninaula-Kyanite) BELKOV, Leonliy_Leontlyevich;.ZAKIN, M.M., red.; BUKOVSKAYA, N.A... tekhn. red. (This mist be )mown,* prevention of tuberculosis] Ob etom nuzhno snat'; preduprezhdenie tuberkuleza. MoBkva, Medgis, 1963. 26 p. (MIRA 16:7) (TUEERCULOS IS--PREVFM ION) MMIL-jiz ~'1111 I 1111roblam of the 0anesis of Hyilrotharwalli Cha,.~-el Rocks In Soathwestorn Alta,,." Fazvedim I Okhrana 1.a,ir, N-0. 5. Pp 1-6, 10,54 SO: W-31-429, 2 Sol) 55 . - t 11~1:~` !, -7" KOZMIN, B.1 HELKOV M, The NBelarusm tractor in corn loading. M*.-elev.prom, 29 no.ls2,5-26 Ja 163. (XM& 16U) 1. M~vevskaya normat;vno-isoledovatellokaya stantsiya (for Kolzmin). 2 Mogilevski melinichnyy kombinat No. 7 I[for ~~O. icom (Maizle~) (Loading and unloading) Country USSR Catogory Diseastis of Farm Ani-,aa1se R Disea3eS Caused "by Bacteria and Fungi. Abs. Jour. :Ref Zhur-BiOlej NO 21) 19581 90,995 Author :,BelIkov!j No F6, Vikhlyayeva, 6, 6,; Tsingovat Institut, so Omsk las u e of Veterinary Sciences, ovr Titlo The Role of Nutrition in Raising the Resistance of Animals*Lto Brucellosis. - Orig Pub. Tre Omskogo. veto in-tal 19%/9 151 101-3-17 AbBf~a`ct It is shown here that the reactFivity and resi- stance to brucellosis infection in raVoits change at different levels of protein nutrition Rabbits kept on rations containIng nomal amoud of digestible protein with.a medium protein ra- tio manifested a considerably higher resistance to bruceUosis infection when they-were given a subcutaneous injection of Br. melitensis cul- ture as compared to rabbits which were kept on rations with a surplus of digestible protein Card: *Vo A# Country : USSR Catogory-- : Diseases of Farm Animals. R Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Fung,-J.- Aba, Jour. : Ref Zhur-Biolej No 21, 1958, 96995 Aut'hor Institlito TIt1o Orie. Pub. Abstract :aad a scanty protein, ratio, From tha authorts summary. Card: 2/2 BELIEDV, j614; KMY zN, N.G. Ommommomm- 'The 40th anniversary of the Omsk Veterinary Institute. Veterinarlia 36 no.2:28-33 7 '59- OaRA 12:2) (Omsk-Yeterinary colleges) i MMIKOV,.N.P., dote.; IrSMOIM, V.V., dots.; SHPRINBAKH, O.G., vetvrach..l Animals with prolonged postvaceinal reaction as hosts for brucellosis.;" Vaterinariia 36 no.12:26-29 D 139. (MIRA 13:3) I*Omolciy vaterinarnyy institut (for BelIkov. I~rsmont). 2.Omskaya oblastuaya votbaklaboratoriya (for Shprinbakh). (Brucellosis in cattle) 14(1) SOV166-59-3-15131 AUTHOR: Bell~~ Engineer TITLE: The Production Capacity of a Refrigeration Plant Increases PERIODICAL: Kholodiltnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, p 61 (ussR) ABSTRACT: In the Increased production capacity of the Yenakiyevskiy kholodil'nik (Yenakiyevo Refrigeration Plant) an Important role was played by the creative activity of the technical staff. During 1958, 20 proposals for Innovations were adopted. The principal improvements were the ice-cream and waffle depaAment, In the compressor shoi a telether- mometric 36-positional station was Installed. Me article cites a number ofadditional minor improvements. A plan has been drawn up for pro- gressively increasing the plant's capacity by 500 tons. Card 1/1 SI.Fli ]CAMIX&R.MT, R46. Using magaeoitm iron for separatora of antifriction bearings, Lit proirv. no,2:30 7 155; :(MM 8:4i (Iron-ma&meoium alloys) (Bearings (Machinery)) BMOT, S.F.; STERLIK-OT, V-7. Yaking large separators by means of liquid metal drop forging. Idt.proisv. no.2:8-9 7 16o., I (MIRA 13:5) (Die casting) (Forging) A-129 P, VA A i L Ell k Hill: Eli Ilk .BAYKOVt S.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; BELENKOx I-S-, kmd, tekbn- nauk; B=OVII Z~F*p Uzhej BMANCHIKOVO H.Pop inzhq -BERNSWUNI iniz-h-.; BOGORODITSKIr, D.D.,, inzh.; BOLONOV.A,, Te.V.s kand: tekhn. nauk; EROZGOLI) I.M.,, kand. tekhn.nauk; VUDIMIROV., V.B., in2h.; VOLKOV, P.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GERASINOVAI, N.N., inzb.; ZHUYHOVXTSKIYI A.F,p inzh,; KABANOVO M.F.j. inzh.; KZEVTSOV, V.M... kand. tekhn. nauk; Y,OLOMIKOV,, LV... inzh.; KONDRATIYEV, I.M... inzh.; KUZNETSOV, I.P., kand. tekhn. naukj LIVOV, D.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; LYMKO, I.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; MAKAROV, ~.M., inzh.; CLEYNIK, V.D., inzh,; RABINER, Ye.G., inzh.; ROZHDESrVENSKIY ju L kand. telthn. nauk,- SAMONIKO, I.M... Icand. tekbn. ;ta&jj S'I MYROV., P.N. 9 inzh.; - SPITSEN, N.A. . prof doktor tekhn. nauk; SPRISOVSK17, AJ.j kand, tekhn. naukj CHIIUKOV) V.T.0 kand. tekhn ma-~k; SEW., A.S.., kand. tekhn. nauk; NIBERG, N.Ya., nauchrojy red.; BIAGOSMNOVA, N.Yu.p inzh., red. izd-vaj SOKOWVAj T.F.p tekhn. red.; (Antifriction bearings; manual) Podshipniki kacheniiaj spra- vochnoe posobie. Moskva# Goo. nauchno-tekhn, izd-vo =shino- stroit, lit-ry, 1961. 828 p. (HIRA 15:2) (Bearings (Machinery)) S/137/62/000/012/005/085. A0061AI01 AUTHORS: Samarin,-A. M., Polyakov, A. Yu., Belkov, S. F., Okorokov, G. N. ------------- TITLE: Tne effect ot* vacuumarc remelting upon the quality of bearing steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 12, 1962, 45, abstract 12V286 ("Tr. N.-i. I eksperim. in-ta podshipnik. prom-sti", 1960, 1, (21) 41 - 54) TEXT: The authors investigated the effect of vacuum arc remelting tech- niques upon the quality of bearing steels. Data are presented on the effect of electric conditions of the vacuum rarefaction, the~magnltude of inflow and the strength of the solenoid magnetic field upon the quality of the ingots (changes in the chemical comp9sition and completeness of metal rofining). It was,estab- lished that the use of vacuum arc.remelting reduces contamination of bearing steels by non-metallic inclusions, and its gas saturation. It is noted that in the process of vacuum remelting Mn and Si content are somewhat reduced. It was established that the electromagnetic mixing of the pool entails the formation Card 1/2 S/137/62/000/012/005/085 The effect of vacuum are remelting upon... A0061AI01 of pores in-high-carbon steel ingots and does not affect metal refining. It is mentioned that 0 and S are uniformly distributed over the height and diameter of the Sh15 stee3 ingot and that only in the zone of shrinkage cavities an in- creased 0 content is observed. The pressure In the melting space of the furnace varied within a range of 10-11 -5 - 1o-2 mm Hg and did not affect the decrease In the 0 content and oxide inclusions. There are 5 references. A. Savel'~eva (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 NMRKO, A.G., kind. ekonom. nauk; BELEWHY, M.N., kand.ekonom.nauk; CMRNOVO F.N., dotsent;.IJE~L ~, kand.ekonom.nauk; WSSAROVA., M.N., prepodavatell; .1,ULIKOVSILAYA, D.L., starsbiy 'inzh.-ekonomist Necessary twctbook on transportation economics (IlEcanwica of failroad transportation" by I.V. Vinnichanko; O.S',,- Raikher; E.D. KhLimikovi a~d N..F. Kholc4ilov. Reviewed by A.G. Ndporko and others). 'Zhel.dor.transp. 43 no.8: 95-96 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Zave6yushchiy kafedroy "Ekonomika trsnsportall Tashkentskogo instituta inzhenervo zhe2.eznodorozhnogo transporta (for Belenlkiy). 2. Kafedra "Ekonomika transporta" Tashkentskogo instituta inzhenerov zholezzioaorozhnogo transporta. (for Chernov)' (Rai3xoads) (Beilov., LV.) (Porovoi,'N.E.) (Vinnichenko, N.G.) (RaUffier' G.S.) .9 (Kham*ov, E.D.) (Khokhlov, M.P.) BELIKOV,p V, N., inzb.- ----A-soi"entifie teabnical conference. Masl.-shir prom 27 no.1045 0 161. NM i4il) (Moldavia-Oil industries-Congresses) i BKUW,'V*N.; GUROVAp G.S. Reinforced concrete signal towers for triangulation in cities@, Good* i kart. no*1127-32 A 163* (NMI 16 t2) (2dangulation, signal towwo) (Reinfor6ed concrete construction) -13LIKOV) V. P. BELIKOV) V. P. "Aspects of the principal grass weeds of the forest economv and their eff-i,,-t on reforesttion in oxPlate and bluebbiTy soils.' Leningrad Order of Lenin State U imeni A. A. Zhdanov. Leningrad 1956. (Disser-Itation for tb Degree of Candiate for Biological Sciences~ Knizbnaya letopis'. No 39. 1956, Moacow. USSR/Chemical, Technology. Chen-leal Froducts and Their Application. J-10 Pesticidas. Abs JoLix: Pefem'. Zh.-Kh., No 8, 1957, Author V.P. Bel'kov, M.G. Zeland. inst Title Changes in Growth of Graus and In Soil After Application of Chemicals for the C,xntrol of Bru3hwooA- on Pastire Grounds. Orig Pub: Agrobiologiya, 1956, No 4, 1,28-132. Abstract: The treatment of pasture gzvmdz and meadows with 2,4-D for the control of brusInvoo-i the botanical composition of the gmss, increases the ferUlity of the soil and thle productivity of pastare lan-ds 4 to 5 times arA raises the s-.;.gar content in guss. TSentrall rgy nauchno-issledovatellskiy in5titut lesnogo khozyaystva. Leningrad. Card a./! -7- BELIKOV, V.P., kand.biol.nauk,- SHUTOV, I.T., kand.sellskokhozyaystvanufth nAuk New book on cbemical weed control (wChemical weed control in forestryg by N.E.Dekatova. Reviewed by VP.Ballkov, I.V.Shutov). Zaahcb. rast.ot vred.1 bol. 4 no.3-61 Mr-Jis 159, (MMA 13:4) (Weed coutroly (Forests and forestry) BELIKOV, V.P.1 SHUTOV, IS. Batching vessel of the MP-G sprayer for small-idw lite* Zashch. rast. ot vred.-i bol. 6 no.9:19 S '610 (MA 160) (Spraying and dusting equipment) , - I, I WY I" ITT r, 77 I'. . , - . reedim-, ani recdin,~ sUT'v "Greezi ~odler -,)!an on a Ural Go!]-cetive far.-A." Kolk',,. Rroizv., 12, no. "J., 1951 BZLIKOVI Te.p., kandidat ekonomicheakikh nauk, dotsent. Economy effeafted through using mixtures of Angren and X%raganda coals on the Tashkent railroad. Trudy TASHIIT no-5:34-37 156. (Locomotives-Inel consumption) BELKOVA G.V.., tekhnik ----------- Whirling rabbit*. Neftianik 7 no.7:23 JI 162. (IURA 16:3) I* Tatarskiy neftyanoy Aauchno-iasledqvdLtellskiy institut. (scrapes) *(Faraffin. wax) BEL'KOVA. L.N.; 00:16V, V.N.; SERSKOV, A.I. Two hypotheses on the origin of polymetallic mineralization in the Altai. Izv.AN SSSR Ser.geol. no.1:30-39 Ja--F 154. (MLRA 7:3) (Altai Territory--Mineralogy) (Mineralogy--Altai Territory) (Geochemistry) RILIKOVA, L.N. Origin of hydrothermally altered rocks In the southwestern Altai. Mountains. Rasved..i okh.nedr 20 no.5tl-6 S-0 154. (yuk 1011) (Altai Nountains-4sochomistry) BEL XDVA, - L. N, OGNIRT, V. ff. .8tratigraphy of Palsozoic strata of Southwastarn Altai. Mt.VS3agI no.9.-65-69 155... (KwA 9: 9) (Altai Hountaine-Geolegy, Stratigraphic) 15-57-5-5753 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5, pp 6-7 (USSR) AUTHORS: BLellkova, L, N,, Ognev, V. N. TITLE: The Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic Rocks of the South- western Altay (K stratigrafii paleozoyskikh tolshch Yugo-Zapadnogo Altaya) PERIODICAL:, Materialy Vses. n.-i. geol. in-ta, 1955, Nr 9, pp 65-69. ABSTRACT: V. P. Nekhoroshev has worked out the stratigraphic sub- divisions for the southwestern Altay (Materialy Vses. n.-i. geol. in-ta, 1948, sb. 8). In this plan a large place in the Lower Carboniferous section is allotted to volcanic rocks. N. L. Bublichenko has criticized the classifications (Izv. AN SSSR, ser. geol., 1951, Nr 5), believing that the volcanic activity in the southwestern Altay ceased at the end of the Devonian. The authors of the present paper describe a section in the region of the village of Vasillyevka~ in the lower reaches of the Card 1/6 Bukhtarma. River, that sheds light on this problem. 15-57-5-5753 The Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic Rocks of the Southwestern (Cont.) Porphyrites and related tuffs, with layers of barren siliceous shales, occur in the core of a large anticline. The thickness of the beds reaches 2000 m and the age has been provisionally considered to be Upper Devonian. The boundary between the Devonian and the Carboniferous is drawn at the change from these basic voicanics to acidic types. A sequence (750 m thick) of tuffaceous breccia with units of sandstones and rare layers of quartz keratophyres has been assigned to the later period. No fossils have been found. Calcare- ous siltatones (700 m to 900 m thick) occur above this sequence and contain poorly preserved fossils. In the lower part, Spirifer cf. posterus Hall~.� Product a ni er Goss P. Cf. praescabriculus Nal. and other for a h_av__e_Fe_e;Fun7foun . indi ~atlng a lower Etraeungt kge. The middle part contains the bryozoans Fenestella quadrulla Nekhor., F. cf. tarkhanca Nekhor;w, and Retezorina altaica (a, h, C, ekhor., '~haracterisff`cof the 1 or half of tne hetepo=rna-layeri" of,the Tarkhanskoye series. Occasional brachiopods were collected higher in the section. The siltstones give way to limestones, which are inter- bedded with sandstones and which contain numerous brachiopods: Spirifer platynotus Well;, R. sibiricus Leb. and others. Bryozoans car6-7116 - ~ - 15-57-5-5753 The Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic Rocks of the Southwestern (Cont.) are also present: Reteporina altaica "b" Nekhor. and Nikiforovella alternata Nekhor., wftlcti are defi-nT-ffve-of the upper half of Me- Reteporina beds of the Tarkhanskaya series. Sandstones intermixed with tuffaceous breccias (500 m ch.Lck) occur higher yet. All these deposits, beginning with the bed of tuffaceous brecciat are referred by the author to the Tarkhanskaya series, of lower and middle Tour- naisian age. The Bukhtarma serits (upper Tournaisian) consists of two limestone formations separated by a sandstone formation, which gives way southward along the strike to spongiolite (a type of organic chert). In the lower part of the lower limestone, middle Tournaisian Spirifer cf. sibiricus Leb. platynotus, and other forms are stITr-present. --Ab-3-v-e--Me zone of these spec es occur the upper Tournaisian Camarotoechia aff. pcetzi Tolm. Productus (Dictyo- clostus) of. deruptus Rom. a-n-c7many bryozoans: Fenestella 'ru s Ulr., F. serraTU17-ITe-khor., F. bukhtarmensis Nakhor., and 077e-rs. Upper Yournaislan fossils are also found the upper limestone formation (the authors give a long List), Clay shales, grading into siltstones and sandstones higher in the section, rest with apparent conformity on the Bukhtarma. limestones. The age of these shales and coarser clastics has been determined to be lower Visean from data Card 3/6 15-57-5-5753 The Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic Rocks of the Southwestern (Cont.) outside this region. To the northeast along the strike, the section changes essentially: everywhere, along an extent of several kilometers, almost all the sedimentary formations of the lower and middle Tournaisian.give way to volcanic flow rocks and tuffaceous material. The authors were able to trace the beds in detail., and they discovered, along the Bukhtarma. River, from the village of Zubovka to the village of Kondratlyevka, exposures of volcanic rocks that are correlatives of lower and middle Tournaisian sedimentary beds, referred by N. L. Bublichenko to the Devonian. Doubt is also raised concerning the "Devonian" age of beds in several neighboring regions. A comparison of the described section'with the classic section of the Devonian and Carboniferous in the valley of the Ullba River is shown in the figure. Card 4/r, 15-57-5-5753 The Stratigraphy of the Paleozoic Rocks of the Soathwestern (Cont.) Ul ba Serte* C, V, Bukhia,rrm% Series Cita Bukht&rrm &er a4 ZpAbovU T.\rkh&nsk&,j,\ svi+a, (series) C)t 1#2 'Db 23 EDZ M~' U~ 5D E06 or Card 5/6 A& I~ver ViAlPsaV4