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Iffect of thyroldla an regeneration of limbo In azolod 4 Ambtgtoma. it. 1. Belkin. Do&AW_v Akod. Nask ,S.$. R. . 327-%IQM);'-cf. Blyakher, Zvol. Our. 11, No. 2(1932).-Amputitim of a bind Umb of either animal followed h~ keeping the animals in HvO coutg. 1:20,000 thyroidin ed to regeneration within 00-75 dare which is slightly shorter than the nonnal period of rrgeveraom. Hence the bortme don M mard mKneratlon processes. 0. M. Kasolapoff PM- -,n MIN BMEKIN, R. 1. I.I. Mechnikov - velikii russIdi biolog CI.I. I-Ilechnikov, rreat Russian bioio-ist-7. Mlos!-va, Goskulltprosvetindat, 1933, 128 p. SO: Monthly List.Qf Russian AcCe Vol 6 No 4, July 1953 _2sions, MCCHNIKOV. 1.I.: ANICHICOV. N.V., redaktor; AMIXOSOV, A.r., radaktor; BIKIMSHIV, V.N., redaktor; DOGAL1, V.A., redaktor; ZHMV- VM2MTIKOV, N.N., redaktor; 21)RODOVSKrY, ?J%, radaktor; ZILIBIR,- L.A., redaktor; KOSETOTANS, Kh.C., redaktor; MIMUMMIN, Tu.1.j redaktor; PAVLOVSKrY, X.R., radaktor; SIRCTININ, R.N., radaktor; TIKAKOT, B.D., radalctot- HWIIT 11 R.I. redaktor; RMMASOV, A.Z.0 redaktorp, BELKIN, P.I., ret~-attor; K N.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Collected works issued by the AcaaeaVI Akademichookoe sobranie sochinenti. Red. i primechauiia A.D.Hok-rasova. Hoskva, Isd-vo Aka- demii mad. nauk SSSR. Vol.2* 1953. 496 p. [Album of drawings to ac- compnay volume two] Allbom risunkov ko vtoromu. tomu. 1954. 43 p. 55 fold. plates (in portfolio)]., (HMA 8:7) (Imbr.rolomr) MMENIKOV, I.I.; KROTKOV. T.G., glavnyy redaktor; VASITSKIT, G.S.. redattor; =11 H, L. redaktor; ANICHKOV, X.N., redaktor; ZMMNOV, T.M., re-. daktor; BIMMISHIT, V.N., redAkktor; ZRATIVS.SKIT, N.A., redaktor; BIKLEMISHIT, V.N., redaktor; KRATBMIT, N.A., redaktor; PAVWVSXIT, Ye.W.. radaktor; VYGODCRIKOV. G.V., redaktor; SOBOLI, L.I., redaktor; ROTIRKELI, R.P., tekhnicheski:V redaktor. (Collectedworks published by the Academy) Akademicheakoe sobranis sochinenii. Redalctsionnaia, kollegiia: P.G.Krotkoy i dr. Kooky&, Goa. isd-vo med. lit-ry. Vol. 13. 1954. 242 p. ()au ?:n) (Biology) /3tAl~l XECHNIKOV, I.-I.; XROTKW, F.G.,. radaktor; ANICHM, M.N., redaktor; JSHRT-f T.N., redaktor; TrOMMUM, G.T., redaktor; ZgWOT, Y.M., rodaktor; ZrL'MM, L.A.. redaktor; ZRAYSMIY, R*A,, rodaktor; PAVLOTSKIT, U.N., redakt~r; SODOLI, S.L., redaktor; BUKIN R.I. rodaktor; DWIL', YeAs, redaktor; GAMMLM, X.I.. teffilo-i-eliffy m, redaktor; POPRYADMIX, K.A., takhnicheskiy ridakter. (Collected works (Aca~smy ~ditioiu)) AkAdemicheskoe sebraAie sochinenii. Red.kellegila: F.G.Kretkov i dr. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo sed.lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1935. 390 P. (BIOUiGY) (MILRA 9 15) -, , -.- ~) r- -- , i MIGHNIKOV. 1.I.; XROTXDV. P.O.,redaktor; ASICEMOV, X.M.,redaktor; BEXURMISHRY, Y.N.,redaktor; VYGMHMV,. G.T.,redaktor-,- UNNOT, T.M.,redaktor; ZILIBAR, L.A.,-redaktor; XRAUVSKIY, N.A., redektor; PAVIOVSKIY. Ye.l.,redaktor-. SOROLI,:S.L.,redaktor; R.I.,redaktor; H1131ASOV, A.D.,redaktor: BILKIN, R.I., reGIMM,19WERIAND, M.1o.,tekhnicheekly redaktor [The Academy edition of his collected works] Akademicheskoe sobranis sochinanit.:Red. kollegiia; F.G. Xrotkov i dr. Knialeva, 000. izd-vo mad. lit-ry Tol.3- 1933. 304 [Album.of drawings to accompany volume three) Allbom risunkov k trettemn tomu. Pod red. A.D. Yekrasova. 1956. 31 p., 32 fold, plates (xLRA 10:4) (MEDICINE) 11BOHNIKOV, Illya Illich; XROTKOV,7.G., redaktor; VrGODG'llD1OV,G.T., re- I daktor; BELKIN, R.I., re&qktor; GABZWLM,H.l., takhmichestly radaktor (Collected vorks (Academy eclition)] Akedemichaskoe sobranie sochinenii. Moskva, Gos.i%d-vo maditainakoi lit-ry. Vol.9. 1955. 365 p. MRA 9:4) (BIOLOGY) (BACTERIOLOGY) HIMI]KOV, Illp Illich; PIONTKOVSXIT, I.A., reclaktor;,,~~, radaktor; EBLICHIKOVA,,.Yh.S..,takhnichooki7 redaktor; GLUKHO- MOVA, G.A., takhnichookiy radaktor Ecollected works; Acadsm7 edition Akademicheekoe sobranie sochinsuile Moskvpi Gos. izd--yo mad, lit-ry. 1ol*12 Red.. poslaelovie i primachantia I.Ai.Piontkovskogo. 1956. 322 p. NUM 9:12) (BIOLOGT) SILKIN, R.I.; VTGODGHIKOT, G.V. I-1-Keehaikov an-outotanding Russian microbiologist; 40th anniversary of his death, 1916-1956. Zhur.ulkrobiol.apid. t immun. 27 no.9:3-13 5 156. (KM 9 -. 10) (aamiKov, ivu i.LorcH, 1843-1916) BELKIN, R.I. mimabob"100 I.I. Machnikor's correspondence vith-Xaglish scholorn. Yop. lat,eat. I tekb. no.1:270-286 156. (MIA 9110) (Mechnikov. Illia Illich, 1845-1916) MICHNIX07, Illya Illich; PJMWV, B.De, red,; BWM q Rol., red.; ZAMIAROVA, A.I., takhn. red, - ~- [Acadeaq edition of colleoted works] Akademicheakoe odbranie sochi- nenii. Red. kollegiia: P.G. Krotkov i dr. )(ookwa, Gba. izd-vo =d. lit-ry. Vol.11. (Red. B,D. PetroT), 1956, 266 p, (KnL M-7) (Bloloa) 1'3tt 4 1 Al ~ Ir, 1~ NEKRASOV, Aleksey Dmitriyevich; PARAMONOV, A.A., otvetstvennyy red.; BELKIN, R.I., red.; KISEINVA, A.A., (Charles Darwin] Charls Darwin. Moskva, lxd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1957. 469 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809-1882) MECHNIKOT, Illya Illich [deceased]; XR=0T$ 7,G,, glavVy red.; BRKIN" 4.1., red.toma.- STRASHUN, I.D.,'rad.toma; ANICHKOT. N.N., red.; BMEMISHU, T.N., red.; VYGODCHIKOV. G.V.. red.; ZEMANOT. T.M.. red.; ZILIBER, L.A., red.; ICRAYEVSIIY, N.A., red.; PAVLOVSKIT, U.N., red.; TIKAKOV, V.D., red.; SUCHILO, K.K., [Academy edition of I.I.Xechnikovis collected works) 1kademichaskoe sobranis sochizanii. Red.kollegiia: F.G.Krotkov i dr. Moskva, Goa. iad-vo med.lit-ry. Vol.14. Red.R.I.Ealkia i I.D.Strasimn. 1939. Vol.14. Red.R.I.Belkin i I.D.Strashun. 1959. 426 p. (BIOLOGY) (MIRA 13:6) BELKIN, R.I. .. - Nolutionary foundation of I..I.Xocbnlkov's pbagocytic tbeory. Biul.)OIP-Otd.biol. 64( n0.1:139-143 Ja-7 '59. (MIRA 1227) (Pbagocytoole) Meabnlkov, Illia, Illicb, 1845-1916) I 1.-- -.1 ~- .. - - --, BJUIN, R. I. Theoretical principles of Darwinism in I.I.Mechnikov's Inter- pretatiou, ~WLIOIP,Otd.biol.,64 no.4:61-73 il-Ag 159. OaRk 13: 4) Olvolution) (Machnikov. Illa Illich, 1845-1916) 1 .4 1 .-axij9x.,-R~prQ-f,; KROTkQv# Feael prof* A Atudy of the scientific legacy of I.I.Machallrov. Vest, AMN SSSR 15 no.70"3 160.. (MIRL 13tn) 1. Deystvitel'My chlen AM SSSR (for Krotlwv). (MOMKOV, ILIIA ILIIGHI 1845-1916) ~.I. Mechnikov's election to the membership of Royal Society. Biul, MIP. Otd. biol. 65 no. 6:141-146 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:2) (NECHNIKOV, ILIIA JLIICHq 184f,-1916) BELKIN, R.I. Abstract of M.V.Lomonosov's work "On the layers of the earth" composed by 11lia Mechnikov. Biul. MOIF. Otd. biol. 66 no.5:36-42 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:10) (LOMONOSOV., MIKHAIL VASILIEVIGH, 173.1-1765) (GEOLWY) (MECHNIKOV, ILIIA) BBIXIN3 (Moskva) LIAttbalkov and tho: Odessa BaotariologLftal ktation; cn the 75th anniversary of .*12s, t1rat Diesion microblological Amoti- tatim" Sov. 2drav. 23. no.9W-67 262 NITA 17t4) f - .1 .*~; 71,; -, '.. :...- -1 -~-? , KECHNIKOV.. 111ya 111ie red,fde'ceased]; KROTE'd-'s I . F.G., red, ~~' 1-1 (AcadenV editj.on of the collected works] Akademicheskoo sobranie sochinenii. Moskva, Meditsina. Vol..16. 1964. 463 P. (MIRA 18:2) BAM, Rafail Samallovk9h. doteent; VINMG, A.I., prof., doktor yaridich. nauk, red. [Theory of and practice intesting the materials of criminal inves- tigation] Teoriia i praktika sledetvannogo eksperimenta. Pod obahchei red. A.I.Tinberga. Moskva, Tysshaia shkola XVD SM, 1959. 169 p. (KIBA 13:4) (Criminal investigation) SHIMANOVA, Zinaida Yegorovna; BELKIN R S doktor yurid. nauk, red.; GORBACBEV, I.E., r Z.P., redAzd-va; 14AYOROV$ V.V., tekhn. red. (Technical expert examination of the causes of fires] Po- zharno-tekhnichoskaia eksportiza. Moskva, Izd-vo kommn. khoz.RSFSR, 1963 85 P. (MRA 16:12) ~Fire investigation) BUZYREV, V.M.r prof.[deceased); LABAZOV, V.I., dots.; NIKOLOTOV, S.N.- dots.; SKVORTSOV, L.I.s dots.; MITELIMI, Ye.L., dots.; SHTEYNSHISITGER, S.B.., dots.; BELKIN-, S.A., prepod.; ROTLEYDER, A.Ya., dots.; USHAKOVA, I =N,,-"p.'r'le~"po',&.4-;~'DUBNOVA, Z.K.., red.7 [Cwreney circulation and credit in the U.S.S.R.) Denezh- noe obrashchenie i kredit SSSR. Moskva., Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 458 P. (NIRA 18:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaoc*y finansow-ekonomicheakly institut (for all except Dubnova). GRINENKO, V.I., inzh.; BELKIN, S.A., inzh.; ASTAFUROVA, N.I.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Welding nonrotatable pipe joints of Khl9N9T steel by the automatic pressure methods Svar, proizv. no.10:27-29 0 '63. (MIRA 16:11) 'RIU.rTH, S.I.; XMIN, P.P.; SEDIOVS]ftTs Hj. Readersi response to A.A.Molchanov's and D.MvIUkhtanovis article "Efficient use of copper'aud copper-zinc pyrite ores." TGvet. met. 33 no.10:87 0 160. (MIRA 13;10) (Copper ores) (ore dressing) (Nolchanov, A.A.) (IOchtanov, D.M.) BELKINj S.L. and A.S. DRUZHININ Prakticheskii metod podscheta kharakteristik vintov. Moskva,, 1939. 64 p.., table diagra. TSAGI. Trudy, no. 429) Title tr.: Practical metho d of calculating propeller ebaracteristics. DNAGA RPB SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in tie Soviet Union, Library of Congress, -1955 BOYAROT, A.I.; MINDY, I.A.; OTCH&RIM, G.I. :~ Automatio taper-roller sorters. Stan.i instr. 28 no.2:21-24 y 157. ()U.BA 10:5) (Roller bearings) (Sorting devices) ANDREYEV9 WYAROVv A.I.; DEMINOVp I.A,; OVCHMNKOt G.I. Automatic machine for precision sorting of small bearing bans, Stan. i instr. 32 no. 1:25-27 ja 161. WRA 14:2) (Sorting devices) BELKIN V. ------------ Work reoultis'of a research laboratory. Prof.-tekh. obr. is no. 5:16"18 My 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Labor supply) (,Tob ipAlysis) 'VeS inZho; LYUB&Vlx,-N.,.:lm2Lh*. Cost of i3onstruation of:riverahipa and ways to reduce it. Rech. tiansp. 20 ho.12:21,25 D 161. (HMA 14;12) .(Shipbuilding-Costo) J2 Jr., kand, ekonom. nauk Building new schools Is an urgent task of the organs of technical education. Prof.-tekh. obr. 22 no.70-5 J1 165. (I-MA 18!8) 1. Chlen kollegii Gosudarstvannogo komiteta po professionalt no- tekhnicheskomu obrazovaniyu pri Gosplane SSSR. BELKIN, V. . Vocational education in France. ~rof.-tekh. obr. 21 no.6:27-30 Js 164. (MIRA 17:9) KANTS"EL' Y11.0.j inzh.; BMANCHIKOV, V.N.j, in2h.; NOVIKOV, "r.V., inzh.; ZAYTSEV, L.Ye.., lnzh.; AXILrYEV, S.A., inzh.; -MiKIL V.A.. inzh.; POCHKINA, L.A., inzh.; VASILIYEV, O#AOy Gz-h'-.T KUZIMINYKH, A.A., red.izd-va; SHIBKOVA, R.Yes) tekhn. red. (Service life of parts of excavating, construction and road machinery; a reference catalog] Srok-1 sluzhby detalei ekska- vatorov, stroiteltnykh i doro2bnykh mashin; katalog-spravoch- nik. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat. Pt.l.[Fx- cavating machinery and hoisting equipment; cranesp loaders., winches, and elevators] Ekskavatory i pod"e=o-transportnoe oberudovanis; krany, pogruzchiki, lebedki, elevatory. 1963. 342 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye po snab- zheniyu i sbytu. produktsii tyashelogo, transportnogo i stroitellno-dorozhnogo mashinostroyeniya. Tekhnicheskaya kon- tors. "Stroityazhmashzapehast.11 Konstruktorskoye byuro. BEIXANCIIIKOV, V.N.,, inzh.; NOVIKOV, IN., inzh.; ZAYTSFV. L.Ye., inzh.; AKILIYEV, S.A., inzh.;_ffJXJX- 9 A- - -inzh.; - POCHKBA, L.A.) inzh.; VASILIYEV, O.A., inzh.; Prinimali uchasiiye: KOPEYKINA, O.P.) WMOVA, A.N.; BELKINA,S.S.; SHILINA, Ye.I.; LAGUNOV, Ye.N.; REZNIK, S.Z.; BRISMAN, B.I.; KUZQI . ~&~r ) Lox,' .4 (Operational life of parts of excavating) constructionp and road machinery; a reference catalog) Sroki sluzhby de- talei ekskavatorov, stroitel'rWkh i dorozhnykh mashir- katalog spravochnA. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gos- lesbumizdat. Pt.2. (Road, construction machinery, and machinery for manufacturing building materials] DorozhrWep stroitel*xWe mashiry I mashiny dlia. proizvodstva stroitell- rykh materialov. 1963. 306 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. 'IStroitiyazhmashzapchast'," Tekhnicheskaya kontora. Kon- struktorskaye byuro. BELYMCHIKOV, V.N.., inzh.; 1.10I.-JUIV, I.V.., inzh.; GRAMN, A.S.p lnzh.;__BELKJli, V.A., inzh.; AKILIYEV, S.A., inzh. (Catalog an d roference manual on the adaptability of hydraulic and pnewAtic systema to excavating, construc- tion, and road machirevyj KataloC-spravochnik primeniae- most! gidro- i pne%i.-.csi.;tem na ek2kavatorakh., stroitell- nykh i dorozhn,,kh rashinakh. Mo2kva, Goalesbutnzdat 1963. 147 P. WIRA 17:7~ 1. Rus3i& (1917- R.S.F.3.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye po snab- zheniyu i sbytu produktsii tyazheloeo, traktornogo i stro- itellno-doroztmogo oboru6ovaniya. BRUIN, T. --------- ~Oa-the work of the Scientific Research Iaboratory on Problems of Vocational and Technical Mucation. Biul. nvach. inform.: trud i zar. plate, 3 nc. 10:39-0 16o. --Research) (HIRA 13:12) (Vocational education BJUIN, V. Toward a scientific affroach to the training of Ind, trial person- nel. Prof.-tekh. Or. 17 no.7sl-3 J3. 160. (XIRA l3s8) 1. Zamestitell zavedtqushchego naucbz6-Is iled ovate I I skoy labora- tori.vey po professionallao-takhnicheakomm obraxovaniyu. (TecWcal, education) VJUSBLAND, A.; TRUMEDY, S.; BXMN, V. International seminar of socialist countries on vocational and tach- nical. education. 11rof.-tekh. obro 17 no.9:27-29 S 160 imin ]a: 10) (vocational education-Congresses) IELIaN, V. *Vocational and tecbnical education in the USSR." Report submitted to tho Co-X,, o.-) tha- AppVicntvion of Seten-co mid Toc~mology for the Ibnefit of tha Less Dovd1oped Areeso Geneva., SvItzarlarA '4-20 Febru=y 1963 BELKIUP V. Training of labor must be conducted on a scientific basis. Sota. trud. 6 no.litios-ii? N 161. (MIM 142-11) (Teebnical education-Racearch) BKUUN I V. B. -New systems of vocational training and apprenticeship" report to be submEtted, for the Wted Nations Owtereace on the Application of Scleace wA TecbxoIqW for the Benefit of the Less Developed Aress - Geneva., Mtserbind) 4-20 Feb 63- JWUIN, V. First Congress of the Teachers of Bulgaria. Prof,-toldi, pbr.,19 no.8.-29-31 Ag 162* 1 . (MIRA 15:12) (Bulgaria--Uuoation-Congresisea) - _R49M*-Y-rJcamd.4Pkonom&nauk Training.'iof wor 16ro'I cadies at the present stakj. Prof a-tekbi obro 20 no.1:3-6 Ja 1.63. (-~M 16:2) Z&voduyuhchiy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy laboratoriyey G~udarstven~- nago komiteta. Soveta'Ministrov SSR po profeasionalhw-takhnicheekomn obrazovaidyu. (Vocational ed4tion) L K, 16(0)1 28(2) MM I 11MC SMOMT" WT/3)65 Akadvalp seek AserboydAhanob*7 dSX ust.? daklAACT sv~-ShcteAly% ve r1cbt*j&tql'"y vasemtlu 1 70 orwot, vrtadelloat."7 ta-M (C.4,12-t at resorts at tbe COMPervoce as CCAVUtAtIM&I VAODMUC41 U4 %M Vol Of CW9VMT WttMlqftl) b-I ITA- 63 1. 40 =Visa prUW. MUtj*Wj 8popert" Apeetsol Aks&" 1puk OM. rPhISISAWN47 tOmtr, SM Akadeat^ bwok Md. USU%Qt &Vt*AUU I teumusalki. woutica". PJMMI This bwk to tausdell for ptors "4 &"us& Sountiou, obcLosere sat setestittR vcherap whose vock tavolves emputlotift NA 00 010 of digital aol anslog slootrools empstars. COVINIMI ?US W" Contains Vzoartes Of reports so" *% the Confe"Soo so camputatudal rathemucs "A Qw Applicauce of emp4ter vochniques. Tba took to divided late WO 1011A part#. the first San 19 411"t" to Ca"tational MUMNL%tto 04 contalpe 19 owworifis or reports. VA INIM& $*Ott= to dooud to 9.00duAg t..bmqmo -4 econtaine, 20 &-At"* of reports. Wo persmalittos are woucard. so reftnueds an gloss. Utteb, N.A. Ca the FUtnUou of a Uv4d in embo-wes"s MUS 36 MoklmAcTo YO.A. ft4t*u of betruticas fbr a Od"roal Digital 0mater With ULPOUG (Forrito) 510"Sts, ad Its Cirwdu 35 21kolaw. 1. New coottowasly Operettas Not%mou"I Pecu"s for us Salutift of VAUMMUML rhys"s probleas %0 11119isaft. Ch. Applicattas of WhousUcal voiabloss for the Solstim of 4. ember of SalsatIfic sad toglawrU41 Pottle" of I%tV*l~ ?Mmuna (Memory Isper") -ftu&*rqdo. Anumum, at Mast"au cWtal comp-term is 11stice" sommic nomins 43 WmAkIn, N.W. operstim" lqeri"w of %be WT-9 and UT-5 Analod 01"G@ am cortaft Pow"biltuss for Zoon"I" 06 Robot of Problew 1107 A. Able to 52 NUMSAVIU, W. On tits lactuse of Woo Goluttow. or a notse-Arver- Slaguls orw saw squatuft, vAtch Aff"lloated the Polsom Squatim, m OLF& 6p B=IN, V. -2), Boonomic caloulations by electronic calculating machinese Vope skono no.10:142-144 0 139. . .1 . (MIRA M12) (Moscow-Ilectronic calculating machines) PRUE I BOOK M(PLOITATION SOV/5962 Vaesoyuznoye soveshchanlye po vychialitollnoy matematike I prime- nenlya sredety vyohislitellnoy tekhniki, Baku, 1958.. Trudy (Transactions of the All-Union Conference on Computer Mathe -Computers) Baku, Izd-vo AN Azerbayd matics and ApplIcations of zhanakoy SSR, 1961. 254 P. 500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencys Akademiya nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. VychiB- litellnyy teentr. Ede.: A.A. Dorodnitsyn, S.A. Aleakerov, and K.F. Shirinov; Ed. of Publishing House: A. Tillman; Tech. Ed.: T. Ismallov. PURPOSE: The book ii'intended for mathematicians and other spe- cialists Interested in computer theory and uses for computers. COVERAGE: -The book contains the texts of 24 papers presented;at the All-Union Conference on'Computer Mathematics and Applica- tions of Computers hold in Baku, 3-8 Reb 1958. Tha "Resolution" Card 1/6 Transactions of the All-Unlon (Cont.) SOV/5962 of the conference, consisting of proposals,for accelerating the devolopmont of computer inathemation and oomputor engineering, io also included. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Khalilov, Z.1. Introductory Remarks 7 Dorudnitsyn, A.A. Problems of Computer Technology 9 PARr I. COMPUTER MATHEMATICS Vekilov Sh.I. Boundary Problem of the ULplace Equation for a Composite Region 14 Dzhabariade, R.H. The Use of Computers for Operational Weather Forecasting 20 Korolyuk,, VoS. Construction of 141gic Problem Algorithms 23 Card 2/# Transactions of the All-Union (Cont.) SOV/5962 Babich, Yu.A. Filtration of a Fluid in Heterogeneous Strata 127 Makhmudov, Yu.A. Results in the Development of a Uni- versal Digital Computer Employing Magnetic (Ferritic) Elements 138 Makhmudov, Yu.A. Instruction System for a Universal Digital Computer Employing Magnetic (Ferritic) Ele- ments and Its Schematic Execution 15-91 Ragimova, 11h.S. Use of Computers in Solving Petroleum Industrial~Engineering Problems 177 Use of Electronic Computers in Planning the National Economy 189 Nikolayev, N.S. New Analog Computers (Electromodels) for the Solution of Problems in Mathematical Physics 200 Card 5/6 AGAREGHN, Abel Gezeviebi BE Igor' Yakavlevich; KARAPETYANs Armen Xhachaturavich; RIWHEVSJUYA" Nataliya Mikbaylovna; TMOYAKOVA, Allbin Peoktistavna; KONIKOV, L.A., red.; PONCHAMA, A*A*p t6k-bn,. red, [Using mathematics and electronic machines In planningl Primenenie matematiki I elektronnoi tekbnik:L v plamirovanii. Moskvap Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 290 p. (MIRA 14221) (Russia-Zconomic licy) (Economics, Mathematical) fEleetronic analog computers) AGMEGrAN, A.G.2-,g~ ~V.Dj BIRWI I.Ta.; KARAPSTrAN., A.M2.; -RIMASHMKAYA$ N.N.; TRET$YANOVA) A.Fe Production, distribation and use of national income in tba U.S.S.R. Nauka i Win' 29 no.12.-26-27 D 162. (MM 160) (income) BELKIN) Viktor Danilovich; KONIKOV, L.A., red.; MIMAYEV$KAYA, ivd.; GEWINOVA, Ye.S., tekhn., redo [Uniform prices and economic measurements based on them) TSeny edinogo urovnia i ekonomicheakie izmereniia na ikh oenove. Moskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1963. 345 P. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Zaveduyushchiy]Aboratoriyeyekonomicheakikh is"ovaniy Instituta elektronnykh-upraTly shchikh mashin (faf"Belkla). (Priced7u B=IN, V. F., NIKITIN, S. Ya. and KRUPCHITSKIY, P. A. t'(Part II) Dependence of Effective Number of Secondary Neutrons on Ehergy of Captured Neutrom"s Report Ist Vblume of "Session of the Acadeaq of Sciences USSR on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, 1-5 July 1955". Publishing House of Academy of Sciences USSR, 1955- S0: SM 728, 28 Nov 1955 SVEDOV,, O.V. [Shvedov, O.V. Thermal neutron density distribution in channels of a heavy water reactor model with*rod-type AOI elements* Jaderna energie'8 no.10:343448 -0 .162, 1. Ustav teoreticke a experimentalnl~fyzity AkadWe yod SSSR. &UTHORS TITLE _Aej_kAAj_Y. 7. j Krupchitakii, P,A-j Orlorj~ Yu*,I,T,,- Measuring iResonano* Absorption of Neutrons in Reterogeno . .8yetems. 0u"/020 .(Ob isme'reiiii, resonausnago poglosho Ihen,iya neytronov v at r, n ofen ykh -s:Lstemakh,~v . uran - tyashou." 195K, Vol, 31 Nr '0i pPt,, 32o-1210 ~(U*SSR) PERIODICAL Hatso"71"Tiffillsol wit, D 0 var ous uraf4us systems kequare 2 lattices with's, --10101-60 and 3o4 am; uranium rod diameter 14751,191 and 09568 am) could Wfittede Besidtol a, uranium- oonverter of 3 am', H - 10 am. was, f Itt.04 -into the center~whiA was Irradiated with slow neutrons of the Russian heavy, -watsitreactore Indium foilso pac -ki a,in oadmiumbolders,49re'* 'us-ad as-neutron detootorso.The coefficients a and I of the relation; 46T T Q3/2 + AQ2) were determined 3 at a - 444'~'Qm 1/2 and A - 0,40 om7l/2. The expression is3 p -2/3 for the uranium D 2 0 system is# measured by means of this method, lower than in the case of measuring by other methods. ABSTRACT CARD -1/2 Ell: I In Sa lit z 131R~.. 01 -legs I W MO to 1. .32 ol flzi 1 1129 14, I al '62 z I to 1 0 WIC J-41 3 MO Gill Pilli A, ITO AIN Ij JIM 1 1114 10 A '45 2 t "1 9 ta Rig A AA da 16 lJ 11.4 gig Hl 0.0.8 A. Z' je: 1.41. -tit .5 A A sob a 1,16W Z/038 /62/000/010/001/005 D267/D307 AUTHORS: ve �.in,,_V.F._and Sv dov, ON. TITLE: Thermal neritr6lr density distribution in the channels of a model of a heavy-water reactor with rod-type. fuel elements PERIODICAL: Jaderna' energic,' no. 10, 19629 343-348 TEXT The purpose of this research has been the experi- mental study of-density changes (skewness) caus'ed by (1) the drop. of neutron density in the plane of the radius.'of the active zone, (2) the presence of a Cd rod, and (3) the effect of an adjacent empty channel. The design and- constructiorL of the reactor model (and of the counter used) was described'in earlier papers. The, thermal -neutron density.distribution was measured across the diam- eter of the channel'-and on the outer surface of fuel tubes. Formu las vere derived for calculating the density distribution (1) when 1 no disturbances occur in the core lattice, (2) in channels around , I !, Cd rods, and (3) in channels adjacent to empty channels. it was I found chat (1) at small disturbances (f ,-- 20%), the variation of 1 Card 11 2 33240 S/089j62/012/002/012/013 B102/B138 AUTHORS: Abovq Yu. G., Belkin, V. F., Krupchitakiy, P. A. TITLE: Criticality stand tests of a heavy-water reactor with rod- shaped fuel elements PERIODICALt Atomnaya energiyat v. 12, no. 2, 1962, 156 - 159 TEXT: It is hard to make accurate enough calculations for systems with porous fuel elements, as used in power reactors. A special test stand has been developed for checking theoretical results (Fig. 1), and used to find the critical size for heavy-water reactors with various different fuel rod systems. A scram system automatically stops chain reactions when criticality is exceeded. The critical dimensions of five types of working channels were determined in dependence on latticepitch. Average weight of the fuel elements, uncoated uranium rods (density 18.80 g/cm3) was 793.0 + 1g. Criticality was determined from counting rate using four CHM-3 (SNM-3) neutron counters. The heavy-water temperature was kept at Card 1 33240 B/069/6?-/012/002/012/013 Criticality stand tests of a ... B102/B138 18+0-50G throughoutp and it a density was 99-7�0-05%. The lower part of ta reactor core was provided with a thin reflector which meant that a correction had to be made for the effective height of the core; it was calculated by B. I. Illichev ahd L. A. Martsimova and was almost the same for all types of channel. The addition NH to the critical level due to this correcti.)n and to the existence of the reflector, was 6+1.5 cm; the addition a R the core radius was 3�0.5 am. The geometrical parame ter was calculated from the rela .tion a2 )2 + 2-405 )2' where H + R R + R R is the height of the core up to the heavy-water level and the tank radius R = 150 am, a 2 was plotted as a function of lattice pitch for five types of rod. The curves were similar in shape in most cases t e a 2 maximum was at a pitch of 24-26 am, in one case at 23, in another at 27 cm- S. Ya. Nikitin is thanked for help, B. I. Illichev for discussions. There, are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: June 17, 1961 Card 2/f -'~ 33240 8/089/62/012/002/012/013 Criticality stand tests of a B102/BI38 Fig. 1. Test stand for criticality experiments. Legendt (1) inner tank 3.5 m high, 3 m, in diameter coated outside with 0 Cd (2) duter'tankf-(3) connecting pipe, (4) reflux valve, (;~fmm(7) ;Iectrically operated gate valvest (6) pum (8) water shedding valve, 19) dump tank, (10).water gage glass, (11,), ~Ns (15) hand-operiated valves, (12) "breather" linel 04) metering tanks with heavy water; 16 control rods (2 scram rodst I regulating rod), (17) neutron source, ~18~ boron neutron counters. Fig. 2. Working channel. 'Legends (1) Steel attachment for uranium rodsp (2) surrounding (Aviall) tube, (3) shielding Avial tubes, (4) remote Avial lattice. Card 311 B/oag/63/014/003/006/020 B102/B186 'AUTHORS: Belking V. F., Shvedov, 0. V., Kochurovp B. P. Determination of the external blocking effect in heavy-water moderated multiplyingassemblies RIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 14, no. 3, 1963, 281 -*284 ~ ;SXT: The external blocking effect of a multiplying assembly was found by measuring the thermal and epithermal neutron density distributions in the moderator. Discs of 0-42 om diameter, made of Dy (1-3 .mg/cm) and of In (rJ25 mg/cm2) coated with Cd, served as detectors for the thermal and epi-; thermal neutrons respectively. These detectors were arranged in radial 'sections around a 106/0.252 channel in a quadratic lattice (pitch 26 cm). The channel was 36.8m off the core axis. The blocking effect, character- was caloulated also-by the u3ual formulas (Galanin), ized by W , Wmod/No N is the mean neutron density in the moderator and N is the mean thetmal mod 0 neutron density at the outer surface of the caisson tube. Theresults were: W 1-514 and W Measurements and calculations were made exp oale 1-504- Card S/08 2y63/014/003/006/020 Determination of the external ... B10 B186 also for other-channel types and other pitch values, but for these only the numerical results are given. The results agree with those published in J. Nucl. Energy, 6, 79, 1957, or Rapport CEA No- 740, Saclay 1957- For epithermal neutrons the blocking effect may become considerably -noticeable. There are 2 figures and 2 tables., SUBMITTED: April 9, 1962 IL-__Pard_.2/2, BELKIN, V.F.; KOGHUROVO B.P.; SHVEDOVI O.V. Measuring thq density distributibm: thermal neutrons along the radius or pluj type fuel,elements. Atom. energ. 15 no,5:377-381 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) ABWIOV, V.P.; BE.LKIN.. V.I.; KRAMER, L.L. Participation of the ice factor in'-the'-fdrmation of Jurassic depoeits in the northem lbkl* AN SSSR 139 no.6:1419-li.22 4 161. (KML 14:8) 1. Vorkutinskaya kompleksuaya geol6gorimdochnaya ekspeditsiya. Predstavleno akademik6m N.M.-Stirakhovym (Pechora Basin-Geolo;72, Stratigraphic) BELKINY V.I. Presence of a Mesozoic veathering surface In the Pechora Fasln. Kora vyvetr. no.6WO-153 263. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Vorkutinakaya kampleksnaya goologorazvedochnnya ekspeditsiya, gorod Vorkuta, BELKIN, V.I. Neogene sediments of the Bollshezemellskays. Tundra. Dokl.IN SSSR 149 no.3s660-W Mr 163. (KIRA 16W 1. Vor gashorakeya-goologc)arazvedochnaya partiya, Predetavleno akademikom N.M.Strakoovym. (Bollshazemelle" Tundra-Geologyip Stratigraphic) .B,ELKl.N7--V.I., Mosoz,oic weathering surface in the Pechora Basin. Sove geol. 7 no,9: 128-131 3 164. (IffRA 17:10) 1. Vorgashorsiaya gaologorazvedochnaya partiya. L 266w-4;5 ACCESSION NRU -AP5002156. ENCLOSUREt -.01 Fig.': 1. ider~ div Capaditive pulse-voltage~: l - Metil -miii diameter); .sphere (125 2 - brass - disk (20 mm diameter); Xr/ 3 - steel shield; 4 - metal'rod; 5 - plexi glass insulation; 6 bakelite cylinder (0.5-m diameter). The gap b etween sphere I and disk Z is filled with plexiglass, cond 2 /2 KOROTKIN, Yakov '1swjevich;,jfJAL2*,j , , doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; YEKIMOV, V.V., doktor tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; ROSTOVTSEV, D.V1.# kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; OSVENSKAYA, A.A., red. [Problems of the strength of seagoing transport vessels] Voprosy prochnosti morskikh transportnykh sudov. Lenin- grad, Sudostroenie, 1965. 387 p. (MIRA 18:10) Vasi~iy Paylovich; SWOT, B.I., otyetetvenW redektor; OSMSXATA, A4#', 'riMMOMMONUMVICH, A.I., takhnicbeekiy redaktor [Behavior of deck plating after buckUng3 Rabora elementov palubnvkh parekrytii posle poteri ustoichivosti ~,eningracl. Goa. f3oiuznoa izcl-vo sudostroLt. piromyshleanosti,.1;56, 286 pe (HLRA 100) (Alastic plates and shells) - (ShIpr.) 13ZLKN,--V-r-, doktor tekhnicheekikh nauk- Stability of dock covering elements taking into account the torsion of the stiffening frame. Sudostroanie 22 no-3:11-17 Mr '56. (MLRL 9: 8) (Stability of ships) SOV/124-58-8-9241 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 129 (USSR) TITLE: Stability of the Elements of a Deck Covering With Allowance Made for the Torsion Acting on the Longitudinal Framework (Ustoychivost' elementov palubnogo perekrytiya s uchetom krucheniya prodollnogo nabora) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va',sudostroit. prom-sti, 1957, Vol 7, Nr 2, pp 295-304 , ABSTRACT: See Sudostroyeniye. 1956, Nr 3, pp 11-17; RZhMekh, 1957, Nr 10, abstract 11914. Card 1 /1 BEUIR. V.P., doktor taklin.nauk prof. AnnijiLl scientific engineering conference on-structural mechanicso devoted to the manory of P.P.Papkovich. Sudostroanie 24 Uo*7: 85-86 JI 158. (HIM 1119) (Naval architecture-Couresees) =MIN I W doktor takhn.nauk, prof.: INLIGOVA, M.A.. kand.takhn.nauk; JLU KIY, G.Vo, kELnd.takhn.nauk,- MASTAGIN. A.V., kand.takhn.nauk: HBBYIOV, V.M4*.kand.tekhn.nauk; RTABDV. L.1., kand.tekhn.uaujc-, SIVIIRS, N.L9, kandetekhn.nauk; SOKOLOVA, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; TAIVBIN, G.O., kandetakhn.nauk-, KOWTOROVICH. B.M., inzh. "Designing ships' hulls' by A,A, Pravdin. R6viewed by V.P. Belkim-,,y and others. Sudoetroonis 24 no.8:78-79 Ag 158. (MIRA W-10) (Rulls(Raval architecture)) BELKIN, V.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. Conference on ahipbuilding technology in the German Democratic Republic. Sudostroenie 25 no.6:54-55 Je 159. . . (MIRA 12:9) (WarneiAnde--Bhipbuilding--Congresses) BELKINj V.P., doktor takhn.nauk New hydrodpamic laboratory in England.,Sudostroehie 27 no.3:56-58 mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Feithaip((;~eat Bri+,ian)-'-Ship- m6dels-Testing) (Hydro4m6ics) BARAMOV, Nikola:7 Vasillyevich; BI& ._L&jH4-Sjy.O prof*q doktor tekhn. nauk,, retsenzent; TKACBEVA,, P,Ye,, dots.9 kand, tekbn* nauk# retsenzent; KAZAROVI Tu.S., red*; FMOLOVA; V.M.# tekba, rcd, (Design of ship bLLU91 Konstruktsiia korpusa morskikh sudov. Pod red. V.P.Belkinal Leningrad; Goesvoiu~moe izd-vo sudo- stroit. promysb3.,, 1961. 467 p. (MIU 15:2) HuIlts (Naval architecture)) BELKINI V.P.$ dok+.or tekhn.nauk Professor Vladimir.'Konstantinovieh Vasillev. Sudostwoenie 27 no,9:77'S 161, (MIRA 14:11) (Vasillev,, Vladimir Konstantinovich, 1886-) Egg= LUKOMSKIYO G.I., dotsent; BELK~~.R~._ SMIRKOVt B.A. Technique of bronchoocopic biopeye Rhirurgiia no.10:322-126 164. (MIRA IM) 1. Wedra fakulitetakoy khirurgii sanitarno-gigiyonichaskogo fa).ulltota (zav. - zaaluzhennyy deyatAll nauki prof. I.S.Zhorov) I Hoskovekogo ordena,Lenina neditainskogo instituta imeni Sechenova i Ilauchno-insledovatellskiy institut skeparimentallnoy khirurgicheakoy apparatury i instrumntov (dir. M.G.Ananlyev)o BEUCIN2 V.R.; GORKIN, N.S. New suturing instruments for. chest surgery and ths technique osestra 20 no.12:40-45 of preparing them for an operatione 14e+ D 161. (MM 15:3) 1. Iss Nauehno_issledovatel,skago instituta eksperimentallnoy kairurgicheakoy apparatury i instrumentov Ministerstva zdravo- okbraneniya SM. (SMG.TCAL MTRMM AND APPAIMMI BM4LW, V.RqKO~ICUMICAYA, L.L.; LIPOVETSKIY, G.S. Pincers for removing and applying MIchel-Ig qlamp. Med. sestr4 20 n6,1; 53-54 -Ja ~161. (MIRA 14:3) ~(SURGICAL INSTRUWMTSAND APPARATUS) BELKIN, V. R.1 RMEZOV, Yu. Ye.; GRITSW,, Yu. ra.j SVINKPIp I. K. Utilization of the mechanical suture In surgery on the esophagus and cardia of the stomach. Grud. khir. 4 no.3*.40-47 YV%4e 162. (MIRA 15-.7) 1. Is nauchno-issledovateliskogo inatituta eksperimentallnoy khirurgicheako (dy apparatury I instrumentov Ministeretva sdmvooVm- nentya SSSR ir. - dotsent M. G. Ananlyev), Inatituta gradnoy khirurgii, AMU SSSR (dir. - prof. S. A. Koleanikov) I Chelyabin- Bkogo gorodskogo onkologicheskogo dispansera. (ESOPHAGUS-SURGEM) (STCHACH-ZURGERY) (SUMM) GESELEVUCH, A.M.; GORKINO N.S.;, BELKIN,- V.R.; TIKHOKEROU, A.V. New models of.instruments for pulmonary surgery. Grud.khir. no.4:115-117 Jl-Ag 1612. -4willp (KIRA 15:10) 1. 1z Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta eksperimentalinov khirurgicheskoy-apparatury iii-instrLbentov (dir. M.G.Ananlyev) Ministerstva zdravookhranenfia SSSh. (SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS) MITSM., Yu.Ya., HUM V.R. nauchnyy ootrudnik; LIPOVEMKIY, G.S., nauchnyy soU~T Third resection of the stomach in peptic anastomotic ulcer* Zdrav*Bele 8 no,,11,.75-77 IN t62, (KMA 3.605) 1 Iz klinichaskogo.-otdeleniya Naucbno-issledovatellsko in - Zta, eksperimentallnoy khirurgicheskoy apparatury i instgroamenottoiv na, baze bollnitay No.40 Moskvy (dir* institute. M.G, Anantyev), (DUODMffM--4JWM) (STCHACH.- SURGHU) PFMERAZMWSKIY, B.S.,, prof, I POTAPOV, I.I., prof.; mladehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; GOIM, N.S., inzh.; SKIRNOV.. B.A.,, inzbo Instrments for manipulations within the esophagus. Vest6otorine no,4292-95 162* (K= 16$3) 1, Ir Nauabno-iseledovatellskogo inatituta,eksperimentalluoy Mirureabeskoy apparatary i instrunentov Ministerstva alravo- okhraneniya SSSR (clir.. M.G. Ammlyev),, kafedry otorinolaringo- logii (zav. - deystvitellnn chlen ANS SSSR xasluzhermyy deyatell n4uki prof* B.S. Preobrazhenskiy) lechebnogo fakultteta, 11 Moo- kqvskogo meditsinskogo inatituta. Imeni W.I. Pirogova, i otorino- 16,Hngologicheakoy kafedry (zav. - prof. I.I. Pbtapov) TSentraV- nogo, institats, woversbenst7ovaniya vracheye (ESOPHAGUS--EXPWRATION) nauchnyy sotr.,- ROGKIN, Vikolay Semenovich, inzh.; PISAREVSKIY, A.A., red.; PRONINA, N.D., tekhn. red. (Apparatus for suturing elements of the root of the lung (UKL-60 and UKL-40)]Apparaty dlia ushivaniia elementov kornia legkogo (UKL-60 i UKL-400. Moskva, Medgiz., 1962. 49 p. (MIRL 16:1) .(SUTURES) (LUNGS-SURGEff) VILYAVIN, G.D., prof.; BELKIN, V.R. Gastrectomy with plastic surgery of the small intestine performed with the suturing apparatus of the Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Surgical Apparatus and Instruments. Xhirurgiia 39 no.10;18-20 0 163. (MBA 17:9) I. Iz 3-go khirurgicheskogo otdaleniya (zav.-prof. G.D. Vilyavin) Instituta khirurgii imeni A.V. Vishnevskogo (dir.- deystvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A. Vishnevskiy) AMN SSSR i Nauchno- issledovatel'skogo instituta eksperimentallnoy apparatury, i instrumentov (dir. M.G. Ananlyev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. MIKOTAM, B.1 - WIN :A.M.; SFAMN, G. P. -, BMIN, T.S., insho red.; HICOTA ..[Underground-operations at the Tysokeya Gore Iron Mine] OP7t modenits podsemmykh robot no Tysokogorokom*zholesnom.rudnike. Sverdlovsk, Mentr.biuro-takhn.informateii, 1959. 30 p (KM 14:4) R.ussia (1917- R~S.F.$.Rj Sverdlovskiy ekonomicheskiy administrativnyy rayon* Sovet.narodnogo khozyaystva. (Vral Mmutains-Irqu mines and mining) BEIZIN, V. S. Use of nitrous oxide in stenoeardia and vqocardial infarction under first aid conditions. Terap. arkh. no.12:51-56 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz Stanteii skorcy meditainakoy pomoshchi (i.o. nach. L. B. Shapiro, naucbnyy rukovoditell - deyetvitel'My cblen AMU SWR prof. V. N. Vinogradov) Moskva. (HEART-INFARCtON) (ANGINA PECTORIS) (NITROUS MIDE) SHVEDOV,, A. F.; POPOV, V. G... dotaent; SWNEV, A. S.;-P-E-L-KIN j_ V. S. Problems in the organization of speclalized medical care for patients with myocardial infarct complicated by collapse under conditions of firet aid in Moscow.,Terap. arkh. 33 A0.5:108-112 My(161. MIRA 14--12) 1. 1z fakulltetskoy terapevticheakoy kliniki (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V. N. Vinogradov) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina. meditsinskogo institute. imeni. I. M. Sechenova i stantsit. skoroy pomoshchi Moskvy (nach. A. F. Shvedov) HEART-INFARCTION) (SHOCK) SCOW-FIRST AID'IN ILLNESS AND INJURY) M I=., V; S. Use of noradrenaline for the treatment of patients with myo cardial infaret complicated by collapse. Sov. med. 26 no.2: 51-55 F163. (MIn 16:6) 1. Iz stantaii skoroy maditsinskoy pomoshchl Moskvy (ispol- nyayushchiy obyazannosti naohallnika - zasluzbennyy vrach RSFSR L.B. Shapiro, nauchnyy rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AM SSSR prof. Y.N.Vinogradov). (BMT-INFILRCTION) (SHOCK) (NOMPMALTNE) TABAK, V. Ya.;,DAGAYEV, V.N.; MXIN, V.S. FaTerience with indirect heart massage in first aid. Sovet. ned. 27 no,9t76-79 St63 (MTRA 17:2) q 3~ T2z Moskovskiy gorodskoy stantsii skoroy maditsinskoy po- mcehehi (nachallnik L.B. Shapiro) i laboratorii eksperimen- caltnoy fiziologii po ozhivleni7u organizma ( zav. - prof. V.A.Kegovskiy) AM SSSR. VIFILKV, 1". T. P"EUIN~ V. -1. -- "Experience in the &xploitation of Fruit Fothouse~s on the Sovkhoz imeni 1 May in Comparison with the 'Marfinol, 'Lennar- pitio and Other Hothouse Combines." Moscow Order of Lenin Agricul- tural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev. Moscours 195~. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 1, l9c5t Reminiscences of pact experience. Aptodelo 8. no.2;00-& 159. (NM 1215) (PUARMACT) SHAPIRO, L.Bey POPOVO V.G., dotsent; ROMADIN, N.A.1 8191MVP A.S.1 Treatment and hospitalization of patic�ts!witb myocardial infarat complicated-by collapse. 26 ~:o.lsl&21 Ja 163. (KMA 16t4) 1. Iz fakul"tetskoy terapevticheakov kliniki (dir. deystviteltnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. V.N.Vinogradov) I Noskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainakogo instituta imeni IX Secbenova i Stantsii skoroy* meditsinskoy pomos~chi Noskvy (nach. L,B.Shapiro), (HEART-INFARCTION)',I. (SHOCK) FG-- 1. KARLINSKAYA, M.; 2. USSR (600) 4. Water-Supply Engineering 7. Principles of automatization of water-suDply systems. Zhil. -kom. khoz. 2, No. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953. Unclassified. G ..-Ikovod tell- Ram. lFaC DIK, V.. inzhener. Water and gas turbo-tacho-telemeter. Zhil.-kom.khoz. -3 no.?:13-16 J1 053. (mMA 6:8) 1. Laboratorlya avtorntiki Akademli kommwmllnogo khozyw .fatva imenj K.D. ,Papfilova (for Belkin). (Water meters) (Gas meters)