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BELITSKIX,.,,I., inzh.; NAUMMIKO., I.j. inzh. Designers and metallurgists are aiding chemists. Radio no.3t 3 Krt64 (MM 17:7) 1. Mentrallnaya laboratori7a av-tomatiki* BE]UTSKIY 19A, - 7- ~-_* -, ~ ~-- q -~ I Zaolitea from the Anzas iron-ore deposit* Trudy Inst,geoloi geofiz.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no-4;99-104 160. (Katk 15%7) (Sayan lbuntains-Zoolites) LUCHITSKIY, I.V.; BELITSKIY, I.A.; GROMIN, V.I. Deformation of models of stratified rocks. Dokl. AN SSSR 1" no.5:1126-1128 Je 162. : (MIn 15:6) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Trafimukom. (Geological modeling) BELITSKIY. I.A.; BUK121) G.V.; GAEUDA, S.P.; MIKHAYLOY, G.M. inveatigation of lawontite using the method af nuclear magnetio resonance. DAL All SSSR 159 no-5:1038-1040 D 164 (MIRA 1821) 1. Institut geologil i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.S. Sobolevym. 1W. I If f FT V' b"MI)ARR"i A, N.Ya. ......... . Syot',~otl!v pilla-8piLe, BaFeS14C~()- MI-1. All SSIR 165 no.!-.175-1-78 x (IGIRA 18t!O) 1. komplekanyy nauchn-nissiedovati?11--kiy institut lbiri.,.k,~go otdelcniya AN SSSR. Submitted Rs~ob 15p 1965,~ o S ACC NRi )&7_0006~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/67/000/003/0059/0059 INVENTOR: Frid, Ye. A.; Azarkh, S. Kh.; Belitakiy, 1. M.; Gribovskiy, P. 0.; Davidyan, 1. G.; Terentlyeva, T. 1. None IORG: TITLE: A multiple-element piezoelectric ladder-network band filter. Class 21, No. 191008 ,ICE: Izabreteniya, proziWshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3, 196T, 59 CC TAGS; filter circuit, -resonator, 'fixed capacitor, thermal stability, dielectric. ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a multiple-element piezoelectric ladder-network band filter consisting of a set of L-elements with series branches made up of resonators shunted ty fixed capacitors. The temperature stability of the filter arame ers s improved by using resonators with a positive freqikency temperature coef- ficient connected in series with fixed capacitors in the parallel branches of the ele- ents. The resonators may be mad6 from barium titanate, calcium and lead with an ad- ditive of beryllium oxide. The fixed capacitors are temperature-dependent with a posi-, tive capacitance temperature coefficient, e. g. capacitors with a dielectric containing- barium titanate, zirconium dioxide, barium carbon.ste and bismuth oxide. Lcard 1/2 um 621.3T2.543.2;621.3T2,412 A --- cmn__ II J~I I I I . . :22 2 , I I- - --a, AUTHOR- 67-58-2-7/26 TITLE: The Automatic Oxygen Analyze-r 14GK- 48 (Avtomaticheskiy kislorodnyy gazoanalizator IGX-348 3 FMODICAL: Kislorod, 1958, Nr 2, PP- 34-38 (U3SR) ABSTRACT: A series of such oxygen analyzers was designed by the Central Laboratory for Automatization of the "Energoehemet" trust. In the section. The Principle of Function it is said that the said gas analvzer %m built in accordance with the principle of thermomag- netio convection. This means that the paramagnetic gas particles which come into contact with the heated body located in the in- homogeneous magnetic field lose part of their magnetic properties and are then displaced by the following cooler particles of this gas. This phenomenon repeats itself and forms a convection current whioh is utilized in this case. In the section-: Technical Data it is said that the aforementioned apparatus is destined for the un- interrupted measurement and recording of the percentage of oxygen in the gas mixtures, so that it can also be used in systems of Cara 1/2 automatic control. In the 6ectionsThe Measuring Scheme the The, Automatic Oyygen Analyzer EGK-348 67-58-2-7/26 measuring part of the gaz analyzer is described (a wiring scheme and a photograph are attached). In the sectiow Construction of the Apparatus the individual components of the gas analyzers are described. The measuring camera with the magnetic system is here fitted into a thermostat, where a constant temperature of 45+0-3 is maintained. Besides this gas analyzer the electron potentio- meter M -359 is used for control. For the regulation of the gas current a rotametric regulator is used in this case. The gras ana- lyzer described has been introduced in the Sovotulskiy MstAllurgi- Cal Plant and in the "Zaporozhsta3l" works, and has given satisfac- tory results during the current period of operation as well as when used for the detection of the cause of breakdowns. There are 7 figures. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Oxygen-Analysis-Function 2. Oxygen equipment--4peration 3. Oxygen equipwnt-Desip Card 2,/2 EiIT(1) jJP1.0 r1fi/JT ACC NRz AP6022031 . SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/003/0198/0202 AUTHOR: Nikoliskiy, A. P.;.BelitskjX, I. Z,; Protsenko, V. .; Yevlanov, I. Ya; Al Nazarov. V. K.; Varenov, B. N.; Shmel6iF,"V. I.; Kordonskiy, 0. A. ORO% Central Laboratory of Automatics, GKChTsMET, Moscow (Tsentralinaya laboratoriya avtomatiki) TITLE: Automatic fluorescent x-rM spectrometer SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1966, 198-202 TOPIC TAGS- automatic spectrometer., x ray spectrometer ABSTRACT: A newly developed all-wave vacuum fluorescent automatic x-ray spectrometer is briefly described; intended for both qualitative and quantitative analyses, the two-beam - .. spectrometer Oermits piograming of 24 lines. The programing unit has storages for these parameters: the Wulf-Bragg angle, discrimination threshold, discrimination-wiftdow width, standard or timer pulses, collimator type, sequence of interrogation of lines. These units are mentioned or described: x-ray optical system; primary and secondary collimators; crystal analysers (LiF and NAM); radiation detectors (proportional and Nal(Tl) scintillation counters); amplifiers, supply packs, etc. The BKhV-6 x-ray tube (50 kv, 100 ma) permits exciting the K-series of elements with Z = 12--60 and the L-series with Z > 60. Data regarding counting rate of pure elements is supplied. Orig. art. has- 3 figures and I table. Ls [031 SUB CODE:20,L29 65/ORIG REF:006 / OTH REF:001 Cnrellll JSUBK MATE:14Apr rmirs.cAx AnK XATET5KIT, Rostislav Tavgenlyavich; BILITSXIT, x,r,; TURXETICH, N.M. (Nature of malignant tumoral 0 pr1rode z1okachestvennykh opukholei. Moskva, znanie. 1959. 30 P. (Tsesoiusnoe ob- shchestvo po rasprostrananiin politicheskikh I nanehnykh sna- nii. Ser.8. Biologiia i maditsina. no.4). (MIU 13:5) (CAHM) ISLITSICIT. M., brigadir rab*chikh schistnego taboya. -0 W%WAWO" One hundred thousand vork rubles. Mast6 u91. 7 no-11:4 X 158. (NIPA llt 12) I*Shakhta imeni Lenina tresta, geovetayantrateit. (Coal mines and mining-Costs) BEILITSKIY Mikhail I anovichp Geroy Sotnialistichookogo Truda 0brigadir "3-'- ~C' ~Mgadyy ~raboLc~oNhistaogo z4boya; KRONK9 .4onkhard Antonovichp Geroy Sotsialioticheskogo Tradap pomostchnik masteral DZANASHVILI- 'Archil Vasillyevich, Geroy Sotsiallsticheakogo Trudag deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta GruzSSR9 miater domezinogo tsekha; TISHEM9 Saydullay Geioy Sotaialiitloheakogo, Trudap plavillshchikj REZNIKOV.. Aleksey Llvovi6, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda, master. We will aohieve the triumph of communist labor. Okhr. truaa i sots. otrakh. 3 no,.70-~ Jl t.60a (MTU 13:8) 1. Shakhta imeni Lenina treata. Nesvetayantratsitgu. Rostovskoy oblasti (for Belitskii)* 2 0 Starotkatskaya fabrika ordena Lenina. kombinata -OKrengolliaskaya manufakturau. Estonskoy SSSR (for Kionk)d'- 3. Zakavkazskiy metallurgicheskiy 2avod imetif Stalina, (for Dzamashvili)~ 4. Kadamzlkay- skiy metallurgioheokiy zavod luzhii6go gornmetallurgicheskogo kombinata imeni Frunzeg, Kirgizakoy S.SR (fiDr Tisheyev). 5. Neftepromyslovoye upravleniye.O.Nobitd*agneft!"-Turkmenskoy SSR (for-Re-miikor). (Teohnologica.1 innovations) (Industrial hygiene) BELITSKIY, M. S. IN 7a45. BELITSKIYI M. S. I SITNIKOVt ya. M.Uvelichi- vat' arok aluzhbykazhdogo agregata. m., avtotranaizdat, 1954.32 G. 20 Bm, (Opyt novatorov avtotransporta) 5000 ekz. 50k. Boderzh: M. S. Belitakiy. peredovoy opyt skspluatataii avtomobilya.- ya. m. sitnikov. uvelichivat sr'ok sluzhby kazhdogo agregata.-(55-430,3)P 656.13st SO: Knithbaya Letopial, Vol. 7, 1955 P M. S. BELITSKrY, M. S.: "Ivvestigation of the operation and wearing of the neck connection of an articulated shaft - a thin-wallod bearing in the exploitation of an automobile". Novacharkassk,, 1955. Min Higher IMucation. Khartkov Automobile and Road Inst., Chair of EXploitation of Automobile Transport. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.) So: Knizhnaya letopial No. 49,, 3 December 1955. Moscow. ZZLITSKIY, X.S. I doteent. Optimum rate-of engine revolutions aid speed performance of automobiles. Nauch.trudy"INPI 30(44).-3.91-200 155. (KM 9:11) (Auto'sobiles-Ingines) F:Sl" "I 1-1i~ .L BBLITLYIY, III.S. doteent, knndidat tekbuicheskikh nauk. !:nxiv.uri sizes of gaps 'in automobile engine bearings in opersiting conditions. Trudy RPI 31:20k-211 156. OURA 10:9) (Bearings (Machinery)) (Automobiles-Enpines) I - 1- 't- I -~ f I -,-- I of . I , I )BLITSKIY. H., kand. tekhn. nauk. A, Prolonging the life of automobiles. Ayt. transp. 36 no.l.,26-28 J& 158. (MIRA lltl) 1, Novocherkseakiy politekhuloheekly Institut. (Automobiles--Testivg) Y) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4221 Novocherkassk. Politekhnicheskiy institut Raboty mekhanichookogo fakul'teta (Works of the 'Division of Mechanics) [Novocherkessk] 1958. 203 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, tom 90) Errata slip inserted. 29000 copies printed. Editorial Board: V.P. Mikhaylov (Reap. Ed.). Candidate of Technical Sciences.. Docent; A.A. Pyatnitakiyq Professor; P.M. Vlasovt Candidate of Technical Sciences,, Docent; I.N. Goncharov, Candidate of Technical Sciences., Docent; F,P, Klochkop Candidate of Technical Scienceas Docent; N.M. Sevin, Candidate of Technical Sciencest Docent; and A.A. Kutukov (Rasp. Secretary), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Tech. Ed.: P.S. Baymatov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel in mechanical engineering. COVERAGE: This collection of works deals with investigations of internal combus tion engines, metal cutting, gears, resistance-type strain gagest and wear of machine parts. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany several of the articles. Card 1/7 Works of the Division, of Mechanics TABLE OF CONTENTS: SOV/4221 LYshevskiy, A.S. (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docenty Department of Internal Combustion Engines]. Disintegration of a Nonviscous-Fluid Jet Emerging From a Split Jet Nozzle 3 By means of theoretical analysis the author establishes conditions of instability of the motion of a plane jet of nonviscous fluid with symmetrical and unsymmetrical disturbances and determines the length of the unbroken portion of the jet. Lyshevskiyj A.S. Effect of the Surrounding Medium on the Stability and Disintegration of allallow Jet of Viscous Fluid 19 A theoretical investigation is madeof the development of disturbances on the surface of a hollow jet of vtqcous fluid and the effect of air flow around the jet. A differential equation and its solution for the wave vibration of the fluid jet surface is presented. Lyshevskiyp A.S. Regularities in the Change of Certain Parameters of the Indicated Process of High-Speed Diesel Engines 47 On the basis of two characteristic parameters of a combination process indicated efficiency and ignition lag, the author presents a generalization of experimental data obtained in testing high-speed diesel engines with open-type combustion chambers. Card 2/7 Works of the Division. of Mechanics SOV/4221 Lyshevskiy, A.S. On the Determination of the Amount of Fuel Leakage in In- jection Pumps and Nozzles 65 The author presents a more accurate method of determining the rate of fuel leakage in the operation of a fuel injection pump and nozzle. Lyahevskiyp A.S. On the Determination of Fluid-Friction Force Between a Cam Follower and a Guide 71 Using a cylindrical coordinate system and assuming that the follower is subjected only to linear-reciprocating and rotary motion and that the oil-film pressure is constantp the author derives an expression for cal- culating fluid-friction force between cam follower and guide. .Belito- .-A.S. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docentp Department of the Operation of Automobile Transport]. Life of Valve-Gear Elements of an Auto- mobile Engine in the Process of Operation 77 The author investigates the wear of camshaft pins, cams, and stems of followers and valves. Belit!kiZf~ On the Problem -nf Limiting Allowable Clearance Between the , JL& - 'Fliro-n Ski and the Cylinder Liner in an Automobile Engine 87 'By means of hydrodynamic analysis of the oil film between two parallel Card 3/7 Works of the Division, of Mechanics SOV/4221 planes the author derives an expression for calculating the maximum allow- able clearance between a cylinder liner and a piston skirt. With the formula derived, he makes calculations for a number of Soviet types of engines and concludes that presently used standard clearances are too small and may be increased to their maximum values as determined by calculation. The increase in clearance will result in the reduction of wear and repair costs. Zimin, Yu.P. (Candidate of Technical Sciences Docent, Department of Me- chine-Building Technologyls and K.M. Stroyeva. tCandidate of Technical Sciencesy-Docent, Department of Metal Technology]. Investigation of the Properties of High-Speed Steel Made From Chips 93 Chemical, macro-,, and microstructural analysis, hardness tests, and de- termination of density and cutting properties were made for original and heat-treated specimens made of chips produced by milling of types P9 and P18 high-speed steels. Comparative tests were also made of cutting tools manufactured from the standard steels mentioned above and from their chips. The results show that the properties of cutting tools re- main nearly the same in all cases. Card 4/ 7 Works of the Division of Mechanics SOV/4221 Antonyuk, V.I. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent]~ and N.S. Kolev [Candidate of Technical Scienceal Department of Machine-Building Technology]. Drilling Dynamometer With Wire-type Resistance Strain Gages 103 A dynamometer designed by the authors for measuring feed forces and torques in drilling, reamings and threading'is described. The dynamo- meter is of a simple construction and may be used not only in laboratories but also under production conditions. Its operation is found to be stable in the drilling of holes from 5 to 25 = in diameter. Kolev, N.S. Friction in the Metal-Cutting Process 107 The author briefly reviews some of the data available on this subject and presents the results of an investigation of the effect of cutting depth and speed, feeds, and tool angles on the cutting process. He concludes that in metal cutting the molecular interaction between cutting-tool and work surfaces has a great effect on the consumption of energy and tool wear. Devin L*P. (Docent, Department of the Theory of Mechanisms and Machine Parts Load-Carrying Capacity of Toothed Gears Made of DSP-G "Drevplastik" [Masonite-Type Material] and Working in Pairs With Steel Gears 117 The author presents a summary of results of a set of experimental investi- gations conducted on a specially built test installation in order to de- Card 5/7 Works of the Division . of Mechanics SOV/4221 .termine the effect of number of teeth# velocity ratiot and c3rcumferential velocity on the performance of a pair of gears with one gear made ef steel and the other of DSP-G "dravplastik." The maximum circumferential unit pressure (g/cm of the tooth width) under which no appreciable wear or failure occurred was used as a eirterion in determining gear load-carrying capacity. C~udutov. V.A. [Assistant Professoro Department of the Theory of Mechanisms and Machine Parts3. Performance of the Wire Grid of a Resistance-Type Strain Gage in a Zono of High Temperatures 131 Effect of temperature on the resistance of a strain-gage wire is investi- gated. Reaults show that the rate of change in the resistance is a func- tion of time and heating temperature. It decreases with time and becomes stable when held for 8 hours at 1500C. Chudutov., V.A. Effect of the Shape of the Wire Grid of a Resistance-Type Strain Gage on the Gage Factor 139 Effects of gage base, nonparallelism of grid wires, deformation of wires and part being tested, and the number of grid loops on the gage factor are investigated. Results show that for the gage bases from 2 to 5 cm long the change in the number of loops between the limits of 6 and 18 has very little effect on the gage factor. Card 6/7 Works of the Division ~. of Mechanics SOV/4221 Savinj M*H* [Senior Instructorp Department of the Theory of Mechanisms and Machi~e PartsJ. Ways of Improving Wear Resistance of Screw Mechanisms 159 The wear of screw mechanisms made of bronzop cast iron, and textolite with square and trapezoidal screw threads is Investigated. Results show that the use of a modified *cast' iron bearing in place of bronze and the replace- ment of square threads by trapezoidal will Increase the wear resistance. Burak, A.K. [Assistant Professorp Department of Metal Technology and the Science of Meials]. A Method of Designing Hypoid Gears With Circular Tooth Form 171 The method described reduces design calculations and may be used in the as- sign of hypoid gears with a spiral angle equal to zero. Mamadzhanovp I.G. [Assistant Professor, Department of the Theory of Mechanism and Machine Parts]. On the Problem of Stability in the Tightening of Bolted Joints Under Variable-Load Conditions 191 The author presents the results of a theoretical investigation of the pro- ceBs of loosening of bolted Joints subjected to vibratory loads. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 7/7 VJVPW/Sft 9/29/60 BILITSKIT, Nikhail Samenovich, kand.takhn.nauk; ANERNM, P.S., red.; OUMUTWOVAO le.H.p takhn.rede EIncreasing the running of & motor vehicle without repair] Kak uvelichit' probeg avtomobilia do remonta. Kookwa. Nauchno- takhn.isd-vo &va avtosobillnogo, transporta i shoseeinykh dorog RMS. 1959- 37 P- WU 13:3) (Kotor vehioles-4(aintenance and repair) Using radioisotopes in measuring the wear of an automobile engina under operating conditions. Trudy NPI :LCY7:23-33 160. (MM 140) (Radioisotopes-Irdtistrial applications) (iutomobifes-Sagine *.-Testing) BELITSKIY, M.S. Studying the effect of the temperature conditions of an automobile 111 I engine on its'wear. Trudy NPI 112:3-12. 61. (KM 14:9) '- ' (Automobiles--Engine3) t Effect of-A6,mWozitty --tion on the wear of Ad automobile engine* 10 (KML 16:3) (;~~ 62., jmea~ (Mechanical wear) Engine braking of automqbileas Trudy NPI 131.-97-= 162, (MIM .16;3) (Autgmobilee--Brakes) L j2Uj6ft0b EWP~e)/&I-lr(rA)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(t)LETI UP(c) JDAWMAWATIC ,ACC NR, AP6018606 SdUR`CE CODE: UR/0420/65/000/004/0076/0083 61 AUTHOR:,' Belitskiy, k. Yet'; Yas'., DA .; Parkhomenko, M. A.; Skopenko, LF. ORG: Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation (Kiyevskiy institut grazhdans6y~94iat 11).16 T,natitute of the Problems of t e Science of MaterialspAN UkrSSR (Institut problem materialovedeniya AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Investigation of the strength and antifriction properties of mica crystal materials with boron.-nitride additions SOURCE-. Samo1% 11tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, no. 4, 1965, 76-83 TOPIC TAGS:. bearing, high temperature bearing, bearing material, packing material, sintered material, mica containing material, boron nitride containing material, antifriction material, heat resistant material ABSTRACT: A new packing material of the UMB-SKT system for gas turbine and compressor shafts has been proposed. These materials are made from a mixture of fine powders of KM93(A1-Si3O10)F2 synthetic mica (specific weight 2.75 g/cm2, 70-75 HB hardness) and boron nitride. In tests, the mixtures, containing 2-20Z BN, were moistened with a 10% polyvinyl alcohol solul-ion, compacted under a pressure of 1.0-1.5 t/CM2 and sintered in air at 1050-1070C. The sintered materials, which had a porosity of 10-15%, were tested for compression and bend strength and for antifriction properties in dry friction and in friction with lubrication. Mechanicd Card 1/3 L 32036-66 ACC NRs AP6018606 tests showed that as boron nitride content increased from 2 to 20%, the compression strength of the materials decreased from 6.4 to 2.8 kg/mm2, the bend strength from 2 2.6 to 1.4 kg/mm , and the hardness from 5 Tto, 15 HB. In friction tests with a lubricant (MS-20 oil) at a speed of 1-4 m1sec under a specific pressure of 10-150 kg/cm2, the friction coefficient of all tested materials decreased with in- creasing specific pressure at all testing speeds (see Fig. 1). Materials containing Fig. 1. Specific pressure depen- Cl dence of the friction coefficient V4 -2/7/i3ec pof UMB-5KT materialst 44 Containing 2% BN (1); 4% BN (2); 6% BN (3); 8% BN (4); 10% BN (5); Iand 15% BN (6Y. tested with 07,1/1 lubrication. 402 710419 49 AV '1f&' Specific pressure kg/mm2 L 32036-66 ACC OR: AP6018606 2 to 8% BN sustained a load up to 150 kg/mm2, those with a higher BN content, up to 70 to 100 kglmm2, and no bearing seizure was observed in the entire range of the investigated pressures and speeds. Under dry friction, materials containing 4 to 8% BN had the best antifriction properties. The MM-5KT parts are readily fabricated and machined. They have low hardness (55-14 HB), satisfactory strength and high heat resistance at temperatures up to 1100C. These qualities make it poajyible to use them as high-temperature packing materials anlalso as materials for[AlIding bearings working under conditions of dry frictiorvand, especially, urjer conditions of friction with lubrication. Orig. art. has*.. 8 figures. WS] SUB CODE: ll/ SUBH DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: -6..-- WAR 1, ACCESSION NR: AP4029205 S /0226 /6 4/000/002/0040/0045 AUTHOR: Kostetskiy, B. I.; Belitskiy, H. Ye.; Natanson, H. E, ITITLE: Determination of carbon and silicon in nickel-based metal- powder seal ing materials using spectral analysis SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 2. 19640 40-45 TOPIC TAGS: powder metallurgy, nickel, silicon, graphiteg nickel based material, silicon containing material. graphite containing material, ,carbon, spectral analysis* f ~'ABSTRACTt The purpose of this paper is to study the necessity of con-' ~dueting layer-by-layer specrrum analysis in order to show the changes .to which the chemica composition of-surfa 'ce.*Iayers.and.alloys are sub'Jected under certain con"ditions. The analysis was conducted at a Igap width of 0.005 mm in a 8tandard 3-lens condensor system* Exposure, itime was 40 sec. The following analytic pairs of lines were chosen !,for analysis 1 2478.57 -A--Ni 11 2473.15 A; Si T 2WL58 A--NiU 2864.1-5 ,The distribution of the silicon and carbon content in the sealing Ma terial was plotted. The spectral analysis made!it possible to select 1/2 1ACCESSION NR: AP4029205 aterials that were more stable in chemical composition and durability, Tn conclusion# the authors claim that existing materials for scale' ~ ~should be more rationally used by taking into account the changes to i 'Which they are subjected during their exploitation. Orig, art* hast 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy.institut grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota '(Kiev Institute of,Civil Aviation) SUBMITTED: 07jun63 ATD PREsss 3081 EN6W 00 SUB COM HX, OP 'NO REF SOVt 005 OTHER: 000 212 MIKHAYMY, B.0 BRLITSKIY N. Building swine and poultry houses on collective farms In 2haboy Province. Boll. strol, 12 no,8:18-20 Ag 157. (XLRL 10;9) 1. Glarnyy inshener Tambovskogo oblastnogo, upravlenlya po stroitell- stvu v kolkhosakh (for Mikhaylov). 2. -01avm7T Inthauer Unbovskoso filiala proyektuoy kontory 88hratovgid;o-gorsellstroy" (for- Belitskly), (Mue houses and equipment) (Poultry houses and equipment) SOURCE CODEs UR/0032/66/032/011/1413/1 AUTHORt Belitakly, Yas19 D. S. OHOt Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (KIevskly Institut. inzhenerov grazbdanskoy aviataii) TITLE: Unit for testing the ant.ifriction properties of sealants ISOURCE: Zavadskays, laboratoriya, Y, 32, no. 11, 1966, 1413-1416 ,TOPIC TAGSt sealant packing material, antifriction material, sealant antifriction propertyg sealant vear resistance, test stand, high speed 'test stand ~ABS'TRACT: A high-speed laboratory unit for testing the friction 'and wear of antifriction,packing materials under timulated service condi- tions is described* The unit incorporates a drive, a main shaft assembl) an assembly for the face end and radial leading, an airtight chamber for testing materials in aggressive media, attachments for grinding the vorking surfaces and protective casingg and a control panel, The unit makes possible tests of packing materials in air and in liquid.or 00 media at sliding speeds varying from T to 540 a/see and at specific pressures up to 30 ka/aU20 Orige art* bast 3 figures* - SUB COD91 1l/ SUBM DATEs none/ ORIO RZFs 003/ AND PRESSI -5101 B&LITSKIYj F., inzb.; DZURGUDAKOV, V., inzh. Master blast-setters included in minor crews. Sov.shakht. 10 no.4:21 Ap 161. (HIRA 14-.9) (KU2netsk Basin-Blasting) P I- .'~r EELITSKIY, V.; GONZ.ALOYEZ, B. - I ~ )bdicine without a prescription;Feuinaton. Za bezop*dvizho 6 no, 8,*12-13 Ag 163* 1~ BMITSKTY, V.A., insh. (Leningrad) Towards the purity of aity air. Vod, i #&n, takhe noo8s28-29 Ag 164 WRA 18 11) V.I.' More on the work of the periodical "Xhlrurgila.11 Farmatsev. zhur, 16 no,403-76 161. (MRA 17t6) 1. Direktor spetsialtnogo aptekarskogo magazina No.6 Iftirurgiyall, Poltava. BELITSKlY,I.T. Synchronization of =ltiphase transistor nnAtIvibrators. Elektro- avlas' 19 no.9t24-29 8 165. (MIRA 18:9) ACC NR: ~~6Y~34-61 INVENTOR: Belitskiy, V. 1. ORG; None TITLE: A transistorized multiple-phase multivibrator. Class 21, No. 185959 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn 0 no. 18, 1966, 52 TOPIC TAGS: multivibrator, transistorized oscillator, relaxation oscillator ABSTRACT: This Atithor's Certificate introduces a transistorized multiple-phase multivibrator with high thermial stability having diodes connected in the base circuit of each transistor. Provision is made for compensating the effect of back currents on the duration of the pulses which are generated and for protecting the emitter junctions from reverse breakdown. A semiconductor diode made from the same material as the transistors is c(?nnected in the common emitter circuit and shunted by a capacitor. SUB CODE: Oq/ SUBM DATE: 23Apr64 Card um 621.373.431.1 SOURCE CODE: un/o4.'3/66/000/01810052/0052 -7- - I : . LIA V / ~ A U ERLITSKIY, Yakov - *$b'wwvMwU- Conceivad and accomplished. D 15?. (MIRA 10:12) (Technical education) UPGARTI A.A., doktor ~6khn.nauk., prof.., zasluzherwyy deyatell nauki i tekh- niki RSFSR; GRISHIN, M.D.; A~NqKIX,_ U.S.; MEZIEVICH, F.Ye., 4-nzh.; Of --ie XORRILITSY11, A.M.; I.IALIKOVSKIY, G.S., mas ar spor4-a, sudlya respubli- kmiskoy kategor4i Makers of automobiles.Tekhomol- 31 no.9:12-15 163. (KIRA 160) 1.Zamestitell direktora Ilauchno-issledovatellskogo aviomotornogo in- stituta (for Lipgart). 2. Chlen yuridicheakoy komissii pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR (for Grishin). 3. Predsedatell sekts-ii avtomototuri4ma Gosudarstvennogo mekhanicheskogo zavoda, Odeasa (for Belitskiy). 4.. Rukovoditell ekspertnoy gruppy po avtomobillnomu transportu Gosudarst- vermogo komiteta po delam izobretaniy i otkrytiy pripovete Ministrov SSSR (for Pllezhevich). 5. Nachallnik Gosudarstvennoy Avtomobi-Ilnoy in- spektsii RSFSR (for Kormilitsyn). 6. Chlen Komiteta po kartingu 15*n- trallnogo avtomotornogo kluba Dolrovollnogo doma sodeystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu SSSR (for i-falinovskiy). (Automobiles-Design and construction) L- JTSK I AID Nr. 975-5 23 MaY RADIO SOUNDING OF PLASMA MOVING AGAINST ELECTRODYNIAMIC ACCELERATION IN A COAMAL ACCELERATOR (USSR) Brodskiy, V. B., Ye. M. Belitikiy, A. T.' Voronchev, N. V. Konyakhin, and 'Yii. N. Starostin. Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 33, no. 4 1963, S/057/63/033/004/010/021 WNW The relationship existing in a plasma betwe6n number of charged particles ejected both'in and against the direction of electrodynamic acceleration has been evaluated to analyze processes occurring in a coaxial accelerator. A method is described for using tvvo different wavelengths (Xl= 0. 8 cm and X2= 3 cm) simultaneously, by which the relationship between these quantities can be obtained. It was found that a plasmoid with a concentration of at least n.1 >1013 electrons/cm3 was moving in the direction of electrodynamic acceleration. The time it took for the plasmoid to cr.oss. the beam was Card 1/2 AID Nr. 975-5 23 ~hy RADIO SOUNDIM OF VIASHA (Cont'd) S/05V63/033/0a/010/021 T, = 801isec. A plasmoid with a concentration n2 r. 1032 electrons /cm3 was moving in the reverse direction. Its time of crossing was T2 = 40 g sec. Velocities of.the plasmoid fronts movinf in the direction of electrodynamic V 6cm/sec, re- acceleration and against it were 10 crn/sec and V2 = 4.10 spectively. Consequently, the relationship between the quantity of charged particles in plasmoids has the following form: V2n2T2 IMO2, Y3.n IT I IKMI Card 2/2 W929 S/135/62/000/010/005/006 AOO6/AlOl AUTHORS: Stoblov, Yu. I., Belitskiy, Yu. I., Engineers TITLE: Redesigned breaker for spot welding with several pulses PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 10, 1962,~34 - 35, TEXT: ' In spot-welding high-strength steels three-pulse welding is used to assure high-quality production. "Heating--pause-vfelding-peening-tempering-cooling is the program for martensite class steels, and "heating-pause-weldirig-pause- -secondary welding-peening", for ferrite-austenite type steels. Three-pulse weld- ing is carried out with the use of a redesigned series~produced IIHT,~-100-2 (PIT- 100-2) breaker; each pulse is separately controlled in time; current strength and pause duration. The additional breaker parts are mounted on a separate attachment and consist of a step-by-step switch with power sources, an additional relay and, a block. Additiona I commutators and v~xiable resistances are mounted on the con- :~rol desk. The step-by-step switch contacts are parallel-connected in order to obtain a four-step switch instead of a twelve-step one. It changes over the fol_ lowing circuits: pause time circuits in the regulator; welding time circuits in Card 1/2 S/135/62/000/010/005/006 Redesigned breaker for spot welding with... A006/AlOl the PIT trigger system; heating degree circuits In the phase-rotating PIT cir- cuit. The operation of the breaker is described. Spot welding machines redes:fgned 'for three-pulse welding have been operating accurately and continuously for 2 years. There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 BILITSISO H.H., inshener. Better results by-using simplified methods of staple flUr (MM 10 *Tin ning. Taket.prom.17 no.2:28-30 1 157. :2 (Baron spinning) Al. IM MMITSYN R N bimple method of crone winding, Taket.prom. 18 no.5:74 MY '58. (Germ W , last--Textile machinery) (MMA 11:5) /V. AA (;e") BELITSIN, Device used for chinging speeds within a wide range.Taket. prom 18 no. 7:60 J1 158. (NxMe machiner7) (MIRA 11:7) .BELITSKnj M.Ye. Developing a toohnology for the manufaeture and study ef nortain proportias at eintered WOW nichrom. Poroah. la6b, 5 ho"W9.64 S 165, (MIRA 18s9) 1, Klyevskiy- Inatitut InahanorcY Oraahdanskoy aviat-iii. L 2117~_6 W) FWP (10 1wrt 124 ACC NRt 'Ar-6009608 10( T SOURCE COiiE- -71 UR) 00 /00 W667 l/ 06ftl` AUTHOR: .!rj1-tskjXj6 M.-Ye.; Kostetskiy._B.~ Iw he ORG, Kiev Civil A,~iation-Eri2ineering:lnstitute (Kiyevski :institut,inz nerov ii) y grazhdanskoy'aviats TITLE: ~A studs of drYllricti6 f trmets/at high sliding speeds friction some cc SOURCE: Fiziko-khimic'heakaya mikhanika materialov, v. 2, no.,l,.1966,,67-41 ~`TOFIC TAGS: ermet, bearing, 'antifriction.jidditive,,graphite lubricant, dry lubAcant T the absenc6'of exces-, .~ABS-RACT: The usefulness' of packing. -material, Is, determinedgbY sive hardne'siv,- 'high beat riiisistawie,: and good antifrictiod1properties.; The~authoris Anvestigated:ihe itive and quantitative aspects of dry; friction in cermets.'. _,qualit. S-120 and UMI-4s at sliding speeds from 5 to 100 m/sec. high sliding. speeds the upper.le el 'o V 8~,* f the packing material develop~hlgh temperatures, ledding to.substan- tial. changes: -'in :the structure~and properties of the material. Oxide'filmo-which are ~_formed at hij:~h'temperatures tend-to prevent the occurrence of oeizing. 'Gr. o' boron nitridia. were used as antifriction additives.// At sliding speeds above 7 m/see graphite_buri~is out .as.a result.of the,high temperatures developed-;I Lam nitride* proved to'be. chemically more stable- throughout the entire range,of speeds investi- [IV$ gated. Orig.. art.,has: 2 figures. bff(~)/f: DJ ~L 2627 -M .ACC 'NRlI SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/66/000/004/oo4o/oo44 AUTHOR: Belitakiy, M. Ye'._-.: ORGI: Kiev'Institute of %-Civil Aviation En ineers (Kiye'vskiy'institut Inzhenerov 9 wriatsii):_ -of the chemical stability of solid lubricants at high tem- TITLE., Investigatz Sn. ~'peraturea SOURCE: Poroshkovaya met~llurgiya, no. 4. 1966, 40-44. -TOPICTAGS: sealant -high temperature sealant, lubricant I solid lubricant, hl&... temperature lul)ricanti.-lubric~mt:~roperty, graphite, molybdenum disulfide, boron -ca nitride, zinc Oxide, mi ABSTRACT: in a search for'new:60 lub s for use at high temperatures,'the lid riqant chemical stability of molybdenum zinc oxidePborofi nitride. mica, and P-grade silvery jEghite%(used in conventional pacFing materials) has been Investi- gated in air..~argoni nil, trogen, and hydrogen,atmospheres at temperatures ranging. -from 100 to 1250C.. The ~best results showedthe oxidation loss.of graphite in-air. to:be relatively low (6-7%) at 500C, ~ but very high (30-35%) above 700C-:. In molyb- denum disulfide-theoxidation weight loss in,air -begins at 100C; it increases con- -tinuously with, increasing tiemperature, and reaches 18-20 and 600 and respectively-. A similar behavior.w,as observed in tests in argonS nitrogen,, and hydrogen at 1000--~-1250C. -At 1250C mo4bdenum disulfide exhibited the lowest, Card 1/2 L 26271-66 ACC M Ap6ol277o degree of dissociation (300~ in~argon and'.the,,higheat (02%)-in nitrogen. This makes the~.Pr6duction. of . sintqred materials.with a givewcontent of molybdenum.dioulfide, -it unsuitable for use difficult', an& its dissociation,ln-an oxidizing medium makes as a solid lubricant for high-temperature packing materials. Zinc.oxide has high., :;`.chejnical stability in-sir .up to--:100OCi but is completely reduced with sintering in.~ hydrogen and . 'artially -LitIvaporated with oihtering in argon at n50-1250C. Boron' P nitride does' not oxidize in -.&Lr,:up:to 800C, but rapidly oxidizes at higher tempera.~~-_ tUi6B and at'1000C its weight g4in,'. increases: to 30-32%., Commercial-grade boron in an. atmosphere of dissociated ammonia at 1800, 2000, and 2200C .-,..:for 3 hr exbit;ited only~.inslgnificant changes' in its behavior in air oxidation. ~_Boron nitride Is stable in argon and hydrogen at temperatures upto 1250C. It undergoes an'alditional saturation with nitrogen,in a nitrogen medium,-as a result. of which its viA&t 'gain reaches - 2i-2~% at 1250C - The above properties make boron nitride'a priomising solid lubricant in high-temperature packingmaterials. Of the mica tested,, Vilagopite had better.*:chemical stability and contained less fixed water tfian, muskovite 6 Phlogopite. had high stability in all. tests and can be considered the best solid lubricant' for packing materials working at temperatures above 800- For materials working at temperatures UP to 800-~-900C, boron nitride can be,recom- mended instead'of graphite* Orig. 'art. has: 7 figures. CODE: 11/ ~SUBM DATE:` 2OOct65/ ORiG1REF: 003/ OTH REF: 004/ ATD PH=: Card 2/2- EWF(!) (m)/WP(v)/T/9WP(t)/PTI - IJP(c) 'dHNe11JD1J0 ;OV1607 SOURCE CODE: UR/042O/W10 d_0_/0_0 4T6_0_8V10_0�Q___1 AUTHOR: Belitakly, M. Ye.; Yas', D. S.. Parkhomenko, M. A.; Skopeako 1. F. 73 ORG: K ,Agj.,Jn~titute of Civil Aviation (Kiyevskiy institut grazhdanskoy aviiet Institute of Problems in the Scle-n-c-e-oF Materials AN UkrSSR (Institut problem materi- alovedeniya AN.UkrSSR) TITLE: Investigating the thermal stability of new packing materials in the UMB-5KT_ system SOURCE: Samoletostroyeniye i tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, no. 4, 1965, 84-go TOPIC TAGS: thermal stability, gas turbine engine, aircraft engine, high temperature oxidation, nonclcW refractory product, packing material/ UMB-5KT pabking material, K30/70 packing material ABSTRACT: The authors study the problem of deterioration of sealing inserts in qir- craft turbines due to the effect of gas flow. It is shown that the properties of sealing inserts may be.radically improved by using new materials in ihe UMB-5K 'j sys- tem. The base used in these materials i~,f synthetic ro ted crystalline micaNith high thermal stability, and the binder is boron nitrid 3"rhich is chemically inert in an oxidative atmosphere to 800-9000C. The thermal stability and changes in some of the strength properties of the new materials were studied during protracted oxidation. Card 1/2 L 4078h-Al ACC NR, OU.Loouj Parallel control test were .conducted using convential. K30/70 packing material with a heat-treated graphitel%ase and additives of various refractory compounds. Specimens measuring 7x7x7O mm were tested for thermal stability at 300-IIOOOC with a maximum holding of 100 hours at each temperature except that maximum holding was 15 hours at 11000C. Thermal stability was evaluated by the change in weight of the specimens. The results show somewhat of a reduction in the strength properties ofthe new materi- als with practically no change in thermal stability when the boron nitride concentra- tion is increased. Protracted oxidation increases the strength properties of the ma- terials which makes them useful for long-term application under conditions of periodic low bending and compressive stresses which are generated by distortion of guide vane assemblies. The optimum composition for the packing material is determined by its mechanical strength, erosion resistance and running-in properties. The new materials showed higher thermal stability than the control material from 20 to 11000C. There are practically no changes in the chemical composition and structure of the materials duaring oxidation and they also have the advantage of low hardness (20-40 HB) which should make them useful for packing the flow sections of compressors in gas turbines. The experimental results show that K30/70 material has satisfactory thermal stability only up to 5000C and cannot be recommended for protracted operation at higher tempera- tures. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 0/ /,OSUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF- 001 Card ACC NRs URiO3~'~,FifCj'66Yj6 6'10' Aj~T0O0)1f9'O__(,qf V) OWC9 b7 T021ON6 .AUTHOR: Belitskiy, M.Ye. The Kiyev Institute-of Civil Aviation Engineers TITLE,. Some aspects of designing sealing materials for gas turbines. with consideration of physicochemical,factore SOURCE: Fiziko-khimi~-heskaya mekhanika materialdv, v. 2, no. 6, 3,966,, 702-706 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine, gas turbine sealing we6aVamav)sintered material, sintered sealant, nickel mica sealant, oxidution resistant Imaterial, heat resistant material ABSTRACT:-.. " Since the nickel-silicon graphite sealants presently used for gas turbines have a short service life, a search has been conducted for a Isealant which can operate at 850-950*C for-2000-4000 hr. The search ;resulted in the-development of several new sealants. One of them, the f "self enameiind'UMB-lS, consists of nickel and 4-16% mica. it can be .1easily compacted and formed, and has a satisfactory strength. UMB-lS :is sintered at 1150*C for 1-3 hr in ania gas or in vacuum. With an. increase in mica content the sealant hardness and strength decrease. Its oxidation resistance is good at temperatures up to 700*C but drops at 800-900?C. owing lion Oe oxidation of the nickel. base. At t, A C C 'N14 AP7004190 ~temperature the bend strength of scalant.with 8% mica increases from 9 to 16 dan/mm2, and the.hardness from 46 to 78 dan/mm2. At 900-950% a thin protective enamel-liks film is formed on the material surface as a result of the reaction of mica with nickel oxide. This .!self-enameling sharply increases the oxidation resistance. The anti- :friction properties of mica permit its use as a lubricant instead of igraphite. This sealant is recommended for gas turbines operating at tgh temperaturesbut further efforts should be directed to finding N additions which will induce self-enameling at 700-9000C. 'Another sealant.-UMB-4S nichroma-boron nitride material, was developed *as a seaAnt for aircraft engines operating at high temperature to treplace nickel-ailicon-graphite material. This sealant can operate ats 400-950% for 2000-4000 hr. The UMB-5KT, mica-boron nitride sealant 'was successfully tested under laboratory conditions. This sealant .resists prolonged oxidation at 20-1000*C. At present it is being tested under , working - conditions. art. bw: figUreg.. (NDI SVB CODE: 11 13/ SUBM DATE: 09Apr63/ ORIG REY: 005/ ATD PRESS:, Card 2/-2. a) /EWP M /5&4) AT I IJP(c) $MAW/DJ/JD _ACC NR, AP6032300 SOURCE COM UR/0226/66/000/009/oo6l/oo66. (A) AUTHOR:, Belitskiy, M. Ye. ORG: Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (Ki~evskiy institut In2befierov 4? grazhdanskoy aviatsii) TITLE: Investigation of antifriction propertieV6f.sothe sintered Xealing materials /-A ____7b- SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 9, 1966, 61-66 TOPIC TAGS: 4;!p: lubricant seal, sealing material, sintered sealing material .-X--C7;,OAJ COE#-F.' 17fFAJr 11 11 ABSTRACT: A series o sintered metal-dry lubricant sealing composites,-such as nickel with graphite fboron nitride, mica or zinc oxide as dry lubricant and nichrome with-ET-ca or boron nitride, were tested for their frictionilcharaetbristice and wear resistance.11 It was found that the coefficient of friction increases with an increase in the content of dry lubricant, particularly when it is above 20% (see, Fig. 1). The'onlj exception is a composite of nickel with mica, whose coefficient increases only slightly with iner4a'sing mica content and at kO% mica is only 0.085. The Vear-resistance characteristics of nickel-mica compositd''also are not signif- icantly affected by increased mica co~t-i~i,--an~C'-a't'-~6--.:hb%-~here is a slight decrease ACC NR: AP6032300 U 44 1 vi vi Fig. 1. Dependence of the coefficients of friction of sintered materials on the dry lubricant content 1 - Composite nickel-mica; 2 - nickel- zir.~~ oxide; 3 - nickel-graphite; 4 KhMN80 nichrome-boron nitride; 51 -boron n1trid iv j0 Dry Lubrica t content,; P. in wear. The composites of.nickel with mica and nichrome with boron nitride were selected as the best sealing materials for working conditions in gas-turbines. Orig...~ art. has: 7 figures. ITDI _1"~ SUB CODE; ll/ SUBM DATE. 200ct65/ OHIO REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 5093 ACC NR, AP603669!~_-- SOURCE COD6_6 011/0029/0034 AUTHOR: Delitski M. 0 ORG: Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (Kiyevskiy inStitut inzhenerov grazhdanskoy aviataii) TITLE: Investigation of sintered nickel-boron nitride composites SOURCE: Poroahkovaya metallurgiya, no. 11, 1966, 29-34 TOPIC TAGS: packing material, nickel base material, boron nitride containing materi material antifriction property, material oxidation resistance, material corrosion resistance ABSTRACT: In a search for new packing materials for large turbines, a series of sintered nickel-base composites containing from 4 to 16Z boron nitride (solid lubri- cant) have been-tested. Preliminary experiments showed that nickel-boron nitride composites with properties close to those required by specifications (porosity 15-18%; hardness 35-40RB; minimum bend strength 7 kg/mm2) can be obtained in, composites containing not more than 8% boron nitride compacted under a pressure of 80 km1cM 2 and sintered at 1150-1250C. In friction tests at a sliding speed of 200 m/sec under a specific load of 2.5 dan/cmz, all the composites with up to 8% ''boe6ii-'niiiiae'*'h'id-aW-itlii6iif--iiiiii'f,iEt--fif6eiod-, 604ifffE,i-CFU,f'-Qf aiciui Card 1/2 ACC NR: AP6036895 9.3 g/km at 4% boron nitri de to 1.13 g/km at 8% boron nitride. All these values in-,* creased sharply with further increase of boron nitride. Oxidation tests in air at 600-IOOOC for 10 hr showed the compositions containing 4 and 8% boron nitride to have a satisfactory oxidation resistance at temperatures of up to 800C with a total weight gain of 35-4d' mg/CM2. The weight gain ..increased sharply to 18Q-280 kg/cm2 at 1000C. The highest oxidation rate, _0.. 800C in *the'* ma'Ee-rial iiiih ft boron nitride ;ras * observed durIng ifie first 4 fir of the testfafter which it remained almost constant. The material has low oxidation resistance in steam (a 7% weight gain in 500 hr test in steam at 550C, and latm compared with*1.3% in 1500 hr test in air at 600C) and is a packing material in steam turbines. However, materials with up to' 8% boron carbide can be recommended for use in the packing assemblies In the medium-temperature section of gas turbines. The materials have a satisfactory corrosion resistance in sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids. A. M. Halysheva participated in the work. Orig. art* has: 8 figures and 1 table. [HSI SUB CODE: 11,15/sUBM DATE: l8Feb66/ ORIG REF: 002/. ATD PRESSt 5109* Card 212 BELITSYN,N.; OBUKH,I. "Installing, operating and maintaining ring spinning machines" V.D.Sobolev. Reviewed by N.Belitsyn, I-Obukh. Tekst.prom. 8 no.2:48 F 148. (MLRA 8:11) (Spinning machinery) (Sobolev.V.D.) The I @t0~ M; --m malift- rebsta ph" 8 No I A; Ca. Z.V11tt"lialk IAWW Rd) '649 iq A the bs*6 of photomicrosmsh% j&vv%dVLtWm, It Is combided that we % The "rength of cotton yam is due to A with the findins- it Air not in aceswil NI, C., x1imin. 3,3LITsIF, 1-.. J. 23340 Za Povysheniye Skorosti Pi-jadillnykh Hashih. CStatli3 : I. S. A. Paramonov. Voz-iozhnosti Mashinostrciteley.-II. N. 11. Belitsin. '-rebovaniva Tekhnologov k 1:ashinostroitelyam.. Tek:Ail. Prom-5t', 1949, No. 6, c. 12-14. SO: LE-NPOPIS NO. 31, 1949 AITSMIT, 'IT, i,i', D I 27Y'l Ispolfzov,-iniye Krepostj Vol&ma v Pryazbye Tekstkil. Pro-m-st', 1949, No. 8, S. 8-10 SO: L 0f OPIS 110. 34 - - I., , , .1. '. rroce~7si;i- of low, -raolc cotton Tol'st. 110. 2) 1952 13T.liTsill) . 1;. "I'Itlye Of le'~Pjopi!17 t%0 latOSt MtultOil Of Te'.*,,L-. -nvon.) 11;11,2 it MI.TTSIN, Its K. and. SHVYREV, S. S. 2. USSR (6oo) 4, Textili Machinery 7. For broad introduction of automqtic deviceo. Teket.proip. 12 no' 11, 1952* 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. FebrtmrX .1953. Unclassified. IMLITSIN. N.H., professor, doktor takhalchaskikh nauk. On the true significance of doubling semi-finished products In the procoss of spinning. Taket.pron. 14 no-7:24-26 J1 154. (MLRA 7:8) ~ (cotton spinning) BIBLITSIN, N.M., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk. 11 ... Discussing the drawing device of spinning machines. Taket.prom. 14 no.11:15-18 R t54. (KIMA 8;1) (Spinning machinery) BRITS111. N.M., doktor tokhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; GUSNA, Te.M. Wo""'T"M~Eor; bMV7MA, L.A., tekhnicheskly redaktor. [Manual on cotton spinning] Spravachnik po khlopkopriadeniiu. Pod red. N.M.Belitaina. Izd.2-oa, parer. I dop. Mookwa, Oox. n&uchno-tmkbn.i%d-vo Minleteretya prozVehlennykh toyaroy shirokoge potrelblenlia SSSR, 1955. 727 P. OGRA 9:1) 1. kov!!ow. Teentral'W nauchne-issladovatellskiy institut khlopchatobumazbnoy' promyshlonnesti. '(Cotton spinning) BUITSIN N.M., doktor takhnichookikh sauk, professor; SKIRNOT, N.V., .M~ - II fiziko-matematichookikh nat*. professor; BATOR, Parents. Brief responses to P.A. Afoachikovto article * instructioze on technical control.' Tekst.prow. 16 no.6:53-54 Jo 156. (mm 9:8) 1. Rukovoditell Instituta po kontrolyu kachestva produktaii tekstillnoy promyshlennosti v Budapeshte (for Bator). (Textile fibers-Testins) ' r,mITSIIF, N.K., doktor tekhnlcheskikh nauk. , ep Scientific research in the cotton industry in 1957 Taket.prom. 17 no.1:4-6 Ja '57- igm 10:2) (Textile research) (Cotton mmufacture) o-als~-lv A~ V) BILITSYN, N.M.. doktor tekhn.usuk. Redesign of drawing,frames for cotton spinning machines. Taht. prom. 17 no.9:23-27 S 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Cotton spinning) (Spinning machinery) ZYRIN) N.G.; BELITSINA, G.D.; OBLWIOV, A.I. Gharacteristics and succez-,:;Ian o1fl-the intake of elements in the flame of electric arc in spec#fj,01 %Mlyais, , FocbNaTedenio, no.10.:88-92 0 161. (MIRA 14:9) .1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Spectrum analysis) (Soils-.:-Analysis) MIN, N.G.; ~~ThMA,_G.D.; BRYSOVA., N*F# Concentration of trace elements of the iron family in some soils of the U-S-S-11. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 6z Biol., pachv. 16 no.5: 59-71 3-0 161. (MIM 14%10) It Kafedra pochvovedeniya Mo k v k gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (TRACE FJZMNTS) ?MI09RALS IN SOIL) ZYRIN, N.G.;_~BELITS~YNA G ~D, OBIRMOV, A.I. Effect of the current strength of a carcon are on the evaporation and the radiation Intensity of microelements in a spectrum analysis of soils. Pochvovedenie no.5:123-127 My, 162. (1URA 15:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenrVy universitet. (Soils-Analysis) (Trace elements) /!nlhamce -ci lanlzLn~ ratilation on boue marrow cells of nmim 8. N. 1. '-Shaplris, N ~ _Nl. 1110 -m1f, "talc - Z,. V Ol ll~w4 Aira Q%t V. LC S IT, :~-,w dcgenes-micit ~; vo:!-i of IN-qle It"amaltv M et,n U~ U~Otcd 6 lirl. a ~illglc clufe I)i 500 r. 4J gtlli~-A! 4.", W ba ~-' -Y, t- -- I - . .1 . o m , um tMov. 4all IfL4 Uh day. ~kt tlli-.~ filu allnotil, of Wim- M-Arr4)-%r 19" rWiTv,~,.L f3--twern the 4di and 8til day mgmmati-in titzills, and tm almont Romull state: pzc:v-,-il4 on fll~, 1'-It.S day. S13C hra. fol!lnvinq irradLitia, t1w ri"ticleic acid (FuNA) e-,utct in cyto p"Um kit lulaffcct!.41 Ce'lls fallovb: cell tilt,?- L~, '--cm-"plat e C-- uf R-N-A ~Vnj iWr '61 St uJiger, ire ub~~.,ved w'ith dw!Lyribrlnurll~!Ic acid (DNA), althourh VNIA rmains; cvm eatring compluk! rAl dt,,:Aructleti, The ;'Mcentratler of Sli-- im,-urs ia irtwrulttkl~ c,~.Us of bmeme matv", - kinly after altent- 4earu-" la C:&Ut- z7 V~z ~~t NIKIFOROV, G.V, t akhnik-makhanikv A.T.), takhnik-mokhaulk,; I M k1o B p SHABIMIN I AvP,CGhabsl'uyt:Ia.P~.v-IB" How to improve the operption ok the SK-2,6 combine. 94kh, oil'. hoop# 9 no@ OtIO-11 Ag 158s 11:8) I* 1harIkIyalks oblasus upravlinnya 511,61kogo jospodaretya(for Shabellnik)e (Combines(Agrioaltural machinary)) BELIY, L. D. B=, L. D. "Basic Problem of the Theory and Practice of Geological Engineering in the Construction of Hydropower Plants." Min Higher Education USSR, Moscow State University imeni X. V. Lomonosov, Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Geologicomineral Sciences) SO: Knizhnava k&oplsl No 43, October 1956, Moscow F.A. .81LYAYI-v. A F 121181 Scientific-Nothod Conference an the Problem of Breaking-up Rocks by jxplosions (Pervoye uaucbno- metodiebaskoye sovesbohmkiye po problems droblenlya gornykh parod -ryv-) MIODICAL: IsvestLya Akedsaii Wank SM Ot4elomiye Takhalcheakikk Bank, 1958, Nr 5. pp 11.3444 Nii) ASNISACTs On Fsbrww7 24-26, 1954 a conference vas hold an breaking- up rocks by expletions at the Institute of Kialng, 10.44., Usaa (Inatityat corn"* Dole LE am). 100 people from 32 towns participated and the participants included reprewoutatives of Works, '"' Institute* of the AC.Bc. from various part. of the Soviet Union departmental research institutes and of higher' teaching Chem.1461M IQ$, A4.84. MR (IAstitut Watchdakay flalki AN SMAI 'On "rinental nothods of studying the breaking-up of solid bodies' by L. K. btlokur-)Y, Institute of cbeaic&l Physics A4.8c., 935RI 'On Controlling the energy of elastic waves in rocks P08808OLM a high acoustic r1041ty and ensuring yield of fragments of a pre-daterained six*' by A.K.Shinukayew Leningrad Mining Institute (ZaningrodakLy Corby? Lutital); On the technique of studying the charectar of bro-kin -IQ of firm rocks by mass of charges of Ancriased jongtho by V. 1. 1111ppay, Institute of Ulaing, A6.8c. Kazakhstan an on 1A %is U the fields of the patestisi and the V &%= T br procla -up of rooks by explosions LA the *as* t Instantaneous and briefly dejapi olk&rgqo in the tarrusa of open-Cast SIKLM% by Y. A. bellyeako. .Daspropetrovsk Mining Institute. ~' I Card 2/5 In %be section role" to evaluation of %be arumbf, properdu d explosives and the breaklog-imp of rooks the S/08 62/000/004/668/06t 9 1 10 B138 AUTHORS: Mdrdanov, It. A., Beliyev, K. G., Molotkova, V. K. TITLE: improving diesel the use of additives PERIODICAL: Referativnyy.zhurnal. Khimiya, no, 4, 1962, 481, abstract 4BI172 (Azerb. neft. kh-vo, no. 6, 1361, 35-37) TEXT: A technology has been developed for the production of diesel fuel additive on the basis of the high-molecular products of thermal cracking. i Its physical and chemical properties have been determined. An addition of! 2 % of this additive to Baku diesel fuels will raise the cetane number from 44 to 46, without deterioration of the basic qualities of the fuel. The additive.-is quite stable; in the course of ten months no drop in oetane 'number is observed.: Tests carried out on a 1-4 (I-Ch) motor by the method'. 1'. developed by IMPAS Azerbaydzhanskaya SSR have shown that the additive causes no weex-of components of the piston group and does not increase carbon deposition.' The production process for this additive is not complicated and may be introduced in one of the plants of the-- "Azneftekhimmavodyl administration..,[Abstracter's mote: Complete~trans_' lation, Car --430 - BELIZHENK,O. V.D., Nucleic acidsp phosphoproteins and phospholApids of the liver in experimental atherosclerosis. Vop. med. khim. 11 no.4: 76-80 JI-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Vitebskogo meditsinskogo instituta. 11 MLIZIN, A. F. RELIZINp A. P. "Biol~gicai Featurej of Istaklyannitga ternokrylayal, Injurious to Poplars in the Ukraine near the Black Sea, and Meas- ures to Combat It." Acad Sai Ukrainian SSSR. In3t of Zoology. Kiev, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences) SO: Knizhmya Letopis', No 1, 1956, pp 102-122) 124 BELIZIN, V. Disinfection of peas. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. la no.2: 36 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Glavnyy agronom Kurskoy stantsii zashchity rasteniy. I AMMOV, H.I.; PUMIZIN, V.I.; INVITSKIY. S.K.; ZATUTA. V.I.; ZOLOTAM, T.M.; ZOLOTAR37. S.; IL'IMA, 9.1.; KOLTS991RA, N.S.; KUMSOV, L.P.; KAKEZIM, T.M.; MWIM, G.S.; NEMYNT, I.S.; OLMIKOV, K.S.; PAMMOMMO, P.M.; TOMASHEVSKIT, V.I.; FBDUMS, I.Kh.; KEMMSOV. V.K.; 2CLOTAIMV, N.V.,. red.; SMYUKOV, P.A., [Planning on collective farms; manual] Planirovanie v kolkhosiakh; spravochnik. Kursk, Kurskoe kn12bnoe isd-vo. 1~)60. 437 P. (HIRA 14:2) (Oollective farms) BELIZI'~, 6.1. Gal! v-amps (17,::-~ino-turr, of t'he favw-a o,7 tlae U Sla anl comitrics - u I Ent. o'.,. 31 no. 3-4, 1951 I BIMIZIN, B,I. Moody"* Gallflies of the subfamily Aspicorinas (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) I of the U.S.S.R. Ent.oboz. 32:290-303 152. (KIRA 7:1) 11 (Gallflies) A Gallf1les of the subfamily IrIgItizae (E[~mezoptera, Cyalpidas) or'tbe U.S.G.R. and adjoining countries. Trudy lool.Azat. 15:74-88 (MTRA 7:7) (Gallflies)