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-BU=Am ~~A~V.D~l DODONOVv LN,; ZILMIKOVAt A,D.; ZHOGOVAq M.A.; KLIMERKOt TeR.; LEMVAv LZO; MITROFANOVA., Ye.B,; FAMELEYEVA, T.B.; SOLOVIYEVAt N.A. Remats of amallp= vaccination ip various age groups* Zhur. mikrohWle spide. I. Jmm - 31 ~ no, 10428-3Z 0 160" (KMA 13:12) 1. Iz kafedry epidemiclagii..l Moskovskogo ordena Lenirk meditsinakogo instituta ime# Sechenova, (Smawqx) BELIKOVA-ALD&KOVA V.D. - UYUMELO , N.F.; ZHARIKOVA, A.D.; PERFILIUVA,. so I N. A, YEVA ClaRses re4-Acing vaccinal imminity to dipbtheria. Zhuremikrobiol. epid. i immin. 32 no.4:14-19 Ap 161. (KMA 14:6) 1. Iz kEtfedry epidemiologii I Moskovskogo ordena Lenins meditsin- skogo imt:Ltuta imeni Sechenova. (DIPHTHERIA) BELIMVA..,ALDAKOYA .; DODONOV .~D ~ V.N. (Moskva) Increase the role of Journals for subprofessional medical workers in their sanitary and epidemiological work* Sov.zdrav. 21 no.10: 90-92 162. . (EPIDEHIMOGY-pERIODICAIS) (MIRA 15:10) BELIKOTA -ALDAKOVA. VeDep.dotsent; DODCNOVj V.N., doteent J I . *%mdbook on the use of vaccines and serum"' by H I. Sokolovj. I'-P.V. Pavlovo Sov. mod. 26 no.lltl52-155 N162 Rbk 17:3) BELIKOVA-AWAKOVA0 V. D., dotaent (Moskva) I'-- Preventive vaccinations and the factors determining their effectiveness. Fel'd. i akush. 27 no.6:43-47 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) I .(VACCINATION) BELIKOVA-A],DAKOV., V.D., doteent ArQ, Significance of preventive inoculations in the control of infectious diseases. 149a. sestra, 22 no-5:1+7-50 MY163. MU 16:8) (COMMICABLE DMASES -PREVENTIVE INOCUIATION) SMMNOV, S.M.; METEMN, A.I.; BELIKOVA-AIDAKOVA, V.D.; SOLOVIYEVA, N.A. Book reviews and bibUograpby. Zbur. mikrobiol., epid. i i==. 40 no.3:138-142 Mr 163. (MnU 17:2) BELMVA-ALL49V~, V.D.; PMNO'V, 'V.N. Teaching.epidemiology at a medical faculty. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 40-no.6t58-63 ole-163. (14IRA 17:6~ 1. Iz I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina Meditsinskogo instituta Imeni Sechenova. ZHERIKOVA, A.D.; SOLOVIYEVA~ N-A-; 1EALIKOYA.-AIPAKOVA, V.D. Methoda of teaching epidemiology at a sanitary-hygiene faculty. Zhur. mikrobiol.,, epid. i immun. 40 no.6163-67 Je 163. (MMA 17s6) 1. Iz I Moskovskogo ordena Lonina Meditsinskogo instituta Imeni I.M. Sechenova. . 133LIPYUN1,34,ABelikovrch, B.O.1; VISHNIVSKIT, V.N. LYishnevalkyi, T.N.]; `- LYSKOVICH, A-B- Llqakovvch, O.B.J; -PIDZTRATLO, I-S- Riftyrayle, X.S.1 Investigation of the distribution of an ac.tivator in MaI - T1 cr7stale Lvith summar)r in English]. Ukr, fiz. zhur. 4 no 1:108-115 JTa-F 159. (MIRA 12:6) le'Llvovskiy gosudarstvanny7 univeroitat Im. Iv. Frank*. (Sodium iodide crystals) (Thallium) 2 4., -.1 r n i i go 78109 A sov/7o-5-i-i8/3o .AUTHORS~ Belikovich Lyskovich, A. B. TITLE- Growth of Nal(TI) Single Crystals at Doubly Controlled Temperature FEP_7OD'-_1CA!';. K-1.1stallograflya, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 1, pp 126-128 _A.BSTRA'-`7,~ The known met-hods of Kyropolous and Obreimov-Shubnikov pr,Auce cylindrical single crystals of thallium- .'Ictllvated sodium iodide up to ~)0-80 mm in diam and 3D-45 mm high. The height limit Is related to the i-emperature drop necessary in the course of crystal ~' ~' r (,, w 1h ,Afrer a certain temperature drop, NaI(TI) !---cysta-119 grow along c axis much faster than alon6 a anj b; ~Zonsequently, the fast-growing faces absorb Ions which remain in 1-,he top of the crystals 'eavIng only about 30-410 mm of their height J ." " - 4, ~'.. --od qua..'Ity, To avoid this, the authors used a S.Irg.le Crystals at Doubly 78109 rerr;mYra ~ vre SOV/70-5-1-18/30 Currace with two heaters, one at the bottom and the -her on the side. By Increasing the temperature of the and decreasing that of the latter, the rate of h --d be kept within permis-sible limits both and horizontally; by doing so, 70 by 70 mm ti-a's of' good quality were produced. In a cyllndrica.1 rn, a ;' 'e, 160 rrim in diam and 200 mm high, they placed beaker 3-5 mm thick, and in the latter a el air, '1)eaker in which Yrighly pure NaI was molten n 1 6 ' f the side heater was - added, The temp rature o -heater until Jrr)p.ped without changing that of the bottom -,e- c.,rowing crystal was half the size of the beaker d e. 'Phen the cry,,stal was pulled periodically for 4') mrrr,- each time uatfl the top of the crystal was .1 ,-~ W..j above th ~,c 1, It e me nek this time.. the bottom was switched on to i ease the temperature from ~.n_r.the rate of 2-30 C per 10 C drop of the side The tottom. heater was switched on to a higher -:J ~41_110~~rzl'_111:le t-r, melt turbid (white) spots whenever they Growth of Nal(TI) Single Crystals at Doubly 7,R109 Controlled Temperature SOV/~0-5-1-18/30 ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: appeared on growing crystals. Tile grown crystals were annealed for a few days, cooled off slowly, g1ven a de- sired shape, and kept In hen7ietically sealed containero, A. Ye. Glauberman Is acknowled-ed i'or tile review of this article. There are 5 references, 4 Soviet, 1 German. L'vov State University imeni 1. Franko (Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni 1. Franko) July 1, 1-959 Card 3/3 AVMOR: YWdambj V. I, aniths V. -1.); Lyskavrch 0. B. (ftskovioh,, A. D. IA BellkTmhl B, 0. (Be3AkoYich*1r-7X7- TITLE- Investigation of the dependence of m1crohardness on the load in sodium and Les'ZI-;1_124de ingle crystals SaW4.. Dvovv;'~ univeLWet. F~tamWa fi4ky, tverdoho tila (Problems in solid state pkrs_ic_s",F- -Lvov,- Vyd-vn Vviv. univ., 1964, 73-75 TOPIC TAGS: tiodium Iodide,, cesium'lodide, single_gr Zatall thallIum activation, microbardness,. load dependence, concent;MU6~-44endence ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine the luence- of acti, vators on the microbardness of sodium, and cesium Iodide crystals. The single crys- tals were gToirn by the Kiropolous method, and tests were made of the miarchardness as a function of the applied load and of the activator concentration (thallium Io- dide) in a nw.-row concentration interval,, the interval being chosen vich an to ob- tain maxim= acintillator resolution. The Mstals were grown vith concentrations 0.2v 0.6, 0.81 1.2, and 1.6 vt.~ of T11 in the charge, corresponding to a molar-ra,- tio of thallium to sodium Iodide 12.5, 16j, 193, 22, and 25 x jor5. The microbard- lCard ----------- -1 45739-45 I ACCESSION M" A.15 27 tred With:-M-31nA ry91P 1 ness was mea-en rment :,-The radto have shown that single c tals Nal and Val activated with thall;;; have allightly higher microhardness than pure crystals. In addition, the microbArdness depends on the concentration of thei '--Qra7q-1 growj) which entera into the crystal during the proceso of its growth The va.7 lation of i;he mierchardneso with load to Illustrated in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure.! When the molw! ratio or 01r to Hal increased from 1.19 x 1o-7 to 4.6 x JLO- 3t the haxdnes3 (in 1;/mm2) increased frcm 11.0 to 13.45. Bi the case of Col., the mlcro~ har&.ess for At content of 1417 weight of TH was 16 g1=2- OrIg. &A. but l figure and I 1;able. ASSOCIAM0721i None b 'TM15,1n: ZMw64 ENCL: 01 SUB CM Mt- 10 IM W S"t o(A .8222-66 )/EWP M lip (C) .M Ek (1)Awr Am W ID/1215/122 AtC NRs AP50:28922~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/65/66jo 0 .4likayi ch. -B A.; Lyskovych, 0. B., AUTHOR:' BXL11kpvYch, B.- P Chorr[j3L~_jL._Y. Chorniy,.Z. P.~ ORG. L'Yov State-Univeraity im. 1. Frank-(Lvivs11Wj derzhunivers'ytet): ~TITLE:: Invesi;igation migration in CsI and CsI(Tl) crystals SOURCE:. UkrNrind')~vk~!fizyc~W-'?hurnal, v. 10,no. 11, 1965,:1215.-1221 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, luminescence-speetrum luminescent crystal,-activated -crystal, defect,. crystallattice vacancy X (u,,. ~ABSTRACT-.'vk7inveis%igation wasImade of the dependenceof the spectral compositionAnd Ithe yield ot:c-ray -luminescence.of pure CsI crystals,.and crystals activated-with-M NaI',~and KI-oii temperature in the range from 100 to 300K.. In nonactivated'-CsI.crys- room..*emipeiature, two luminescence bands were observed at 320 and-420 nmi at lov.temperature, new luminescence bands, 327 and 347 nm. In.Csl crystals~ activated with NaI, thelntensit~ of th'-420 increased by several.orders., Th e spectral comp~Dsition of the x-ray luminescence.ebanged, depending-oft the tballium.6on- :centration in"CsI. crystals. In CsI'-cMt6ls without. thallium. impurities,: the nesceace with Maxima at 320 and 420 nm were of the same nature. This condition cart b4i attributed to:Aitructural distortion OfLthe-crystal or distortion'of the-stoichiometry 20 of the crystal. The decrease of thi luminescence yield,of the 320 and -4 Am bands 6rd 1/2 820 _ACC_NR%__:_AP50t'?8922_ was due to thp absorption of enejrgy* in the lattice by other low-temperaturLi- lumines...O, cence Icenters~:such as auto-localized holes. Recombination of a free e,lectron.with,an- auto-localizOt hole apparently produced the luminescence in ;;he region of 34T nm.. This interpretation does not contradict the generally accepted hypothesis that excita-_ tion of the'341,nm band has an exciton character,.since at low temperatures excit,ons can disintegriLte into free electrons'and ailto-localized holes. Investigations of electron parazmgnetic resonance in alkali hallide cry'stals showed that the thallium. lion at lov~texiperature can-capture Fth electron and thus produce a quasi-atomic thal- lium.-- At lovItemperature the number of free holes decreasdd, 'due to auto-localiza- -tion, and the, yield of the luminescence decreased while the lattice luminescence in .the 34T nm relcion increased. With the rise of the activator~con6entration.the A%:dnber of auto-localized holes sharply *ncreased,causing a.still larger decrease of acti- vated luminescence. The luminescence inthe region of 34T nm does not appear because of. the Sm-1 I (:!oncentration of free'electrons resulting from capture.~y_the activator ions. Orig. iwt. has: '6:fi (JAI. gures., SUB CODE: 120/.SUBM DATE: :15Dec64/, ORIGREF: OOT/ OTH REP: 010/~ ATD PRESS: Card 2 ARTEMIUVA, G.H.; BELIKOVICH. V - BEMIKTOV, Ye.A.; YERUKHIMOV, L.M.; KOROBKOV U~~~' ~Jsasurements of the absorption of cosmic radio emission during the solar eclipse of February 15, 1961. Geomag.i aer. 2 nool:58-60 Ja-F 162, MU 15tll) 1. Gortkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Radiofizicheskiy institut. (Cosmic rays) (Eclipses, Solar) BELIKOVICH., V.V.; BENEDIKMV., YeA.; YERUKHIMOV, L.M. :Results of observations of the discrete source Cygnus-4 at large zenithal angles. IZV*Vye, Uchebe zav.jradiofiz* 4 no,6;993- 1003 1619 (MIRA 14t12) 1# Nauchno-isoledovateltakiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gorikavokom universitetee In-dio astronomy) rionospheric research) 42157 S/2-m/62/002/001/005/019 I02~7I223 AUTHORS: Arteml7eva,G.M., apalkovich V V Boned lktov,Ye,A.,, Yerukh1movPZ.M. and-Kor-obkov"tull.'s.- T IT LE. Measuremonts of cosmic radloem~ssion absorption during the solar eclipse on February 15, 1961 PERIODICAL: Geomagnatizm I Aeronomlya, v,2, no.1, 1962, 68-60 TEXT: During the solar eclipse of February 15, 1961 observations of the cosmic radioemission were made in Yevpatoriya at the following frequencies: 25, 18.6 and 13 Mos, and in Gorfkiy at 25 and 13 bts. Such measurements were omItted during previous eclipses* The purpose of the present measurements Is to discover any decrease in the absorption of cosmic radioemission caused b7 the solar eclipse and to differentiate between the absorption of -different layers, The apparatus used in b Atl~ ,places was identicals The receiving antenp~,Ls consisted of six waVe"w. a-t-ora. The maximum d4atoot4Z) "- ajitaW"'as pointed to the'zenith, and the width at half power was 300. The measurements were conducted for 10-12 Card 1/3 S/203/62/002/001/005/019 1023/1223 Measurements of cosmic rndloomission,.. days, before and after the eclipse. Data from the ftve days, on which foF2 was not much different from its value on the eclipse day, were used for further analysis. The variations of the absorption during the eclipse are presented graphically. In Gor'kiy at 25,14as no effect was observed within experimental errors. The maximum decrease of the absorption is shifted several minutes with respect to the maximum of the eclipse. The lag is near to the value of relaxation time in the D-layer. In Yevpatorlya a second, smaller maximum, lagging by approximately 30 min, was observed, This maximum is probably. connected with changes in the absorption in the F-la'yer, where the relaxation time is much longer than in the.D-layere The ratio of the maximum changes of the absorption in Gorfkfty. and In Evpatoriya is approximately equal to the ratio of the Solar zenith an6les cosines. The main reason for the changes In the atsorption are changes In the electron density In the D-layer. There are 2 figures and 1 table, Card 2/3 S/203/62/002/001/oOS/olg 1023/1223 Measurements of cosmie r8dioelnisajons.0 ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskly gosudarstv enn universitet, Radiofizicheski,y Institutyy(Gor"Aiy State Univorsity, Rndiophysloal Institute) SUBMITTIM: Octobeil 25, 1961 Card 3/3 BELIKOVICHP V.V.; KUNILOV, MS. Method for the quadratic transformation of signal amplitudes. Prib. i tekh. eksp, 9 no.1:115-116 Ja-F 164. (WRA 17:4) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut GorIkovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. ARTEMIYEVA, G.M.;,=kW BENEDIMOV, Ye.A.; YERUY-HIMM, L.M.; ITKIIIA9 M.A.; K(SOBKOV, Yuj4. Results of observatAons of intensity fluctuations of discrete sources at low frequencies. Geomag. i aer. 3 110-5:935--840 S- o 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Radiofizichaskiy institut pri Gortkovskom gosudai-stvenncm universitete. ACCESSION NR: AP4043258 -S/0203/64/004/004/0788/0791. AUTHOR: Bel IkovIchL_V.- V-j Itkinas M. As. Rody*gint Le Vo TITLE: Determination of the electron concentration profile In the lower Ionosphere I from the frequency variation of absorption SOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronomlya, v. 4, no. 4, )964, 788-791 TOPIC rAGS: aeronomy, Ionosphere, lonosp*heric electron concentration,* Ionospheric absorption, radio wave absorption, radiophysics, radloastronomy ABSTRACT; Interest recently has-Mcreased In the method of determining the-N(h) profile In the .];: er Ionosphere from measurements of radio wave absorption at a number of frequencies. This method Is based on the solution of an integral, equatior ,.,of the following form rle-latrive to N(h); N(A)V(k) 4x r(*)=z4,S,,,(,)+ dh (ZA-=), !-where is the Integral absorption of radio waves of the frequency to In the ionosphere to the height ho;.N(h) Is the ele4ir6n concentration at height h; v(h) Is ~Hha effective frequency of.alectron collision's at height h; and A.Is a numerical.' or ACCESSION NR: AP043258 [factor. The solution of equation (1) ha*s been obtained by other authors in the 1form of a polynomial of'h, which does not correspond fully to real electron concen-;;~ tration profiles. The authors of this.article have inversed equation (1) that is, a general formula has been derived for finding the N(h) profile from the curve. A precise solution lsobtatned by U5e'of a formula derived in the text, but an approximate formula, more convenient to use, Is derived for practical pur- poses. Two examples of the use of this formu4a are given. :It Is noted that deter-', mination of the electron concentration In thel~region of hei�hts 40-80 Ion requires , absorption measurements in a very broad frequency range. Such measurements cannot*! be made by only a single method; It is desirable to make the measurements by both radioastronomical and pulse sounding metbods.. The radioastronomical method can be Osed for measurements at frequencies of > 5 Mc/s, corresponding to heights of 65 km an.d below. Considerable ionization at these heights arises *at the time of strong absorption'.At 1jlson05pher1c disturbances. it can be determined from data on a ifrequendies below 5 14c/s absorption can be measured by the pulse soundingmothodo j, "The authors wish to thank Ye. A. Benedlktov and N. A. Mityako4 for criticism and,. iuseful commentsell Orig. art* has; 13 formulast.2 figures and I tables ASSOCIATION: Radlofizicheskly In'stitut pri Gorlkovskom ondarstyennam universj.-i..' Itete (Radlophysics.Institute at Gorlkly State-UnIversit 6.d cr 1 23219 66 -'FBYEV.~1)/F0C/EA(h) G 2 ACr NRi AP6011921 SOURCH CODE :UR/0141/06/909/002/0 AtM1OR:,,Bejikoyjch.*V. V.; Benedlktory. Ye. A. .0RG-,,-- &Uantiflc - seargh Inat W: Rsdl.Q MWE11 CR At GQd1X (Nauchng-iooledovatel'okiy radidfiticheskiy, inotitut ori Gorlkovokom-universitate) lit ffli the he.i.- TITLE: Additional absorption of' o emis i ttA dai t ionospheric disturbance of 18 April 1965 ~60URCE t I'M: Radiofizik 1966 399-hoo ~t~v. 96 nd, TOPIC TAGa: ~radio wave absorption, ionospheric r' 0 adio wave, cosmic,.radiation, on spheric absorption.. P ABSTRACT: relimiAafy'- findings., on the polar4ype anomalous absorption recorded-at a - the Zini6nki:'station on 18 April 1965 -are reported. Measurements of cosmic. emissio f0 intensity:ver.e made at -24.6, 13-91 8.9, and 8.5 Hc Antenna radiation patterns r -the fre Iquencies of, 24.6 and 13.0 Mc were 250 x 180: at the half-pover .points. :, For a Q-5 and 8. 9 Mc , they were 25* x 35* and,50,%,80, respectively. The anomalous at cry- tion began at 0950*hours Moscow tirae and lasted till 1000 hours. The intensity 0f- .777 tbe.anomalous absorption reacheo 1.5-2 db at 8.5 and 8.9 Me; at 13 Mc it 'was tV0 or three times less. At 25.0 Me. absorption 1ntensity was about 0.2 db. Within the limits of measurement error, thed'b,~ialuev are'in accordance with the law of the v6rse dependence of abtiorption.on the squareof the operating.frequency. It is ~d 1/2 :uDc: ..621.3Tll7T C L-23279-66 ACC NRs AP6GUq2l :Pointed'o'ut in conclusion-that the occurrence~of polar .type absorption n the'M'iddle" F~ is vezy 'rare, --..The author Is ~ grateful toA A, BQjgDq=dov for agaietanca in processing the data . SUBM DAM':; 04oct65/ ~onio REF- 002/ 3 " 7 ATD PIMMY2 v- t S6 -02 ;:9 C LI-P, (1)/FCC G1 4"'-67 f_A~ NR _ACC NR, AP6013928. SOURCE CODE: Ull/0203/66/006/003/0600/0602 LZZZ AUTHOR:. Belikovich, V. V.; Benediktov, Ye. A.; Tolmacheva, A. V. ORG; Institute of Radio Physics, Gorlkfy State University (Radiofizicheakiy institut pri Gor1kovskom gosudarstvennom. universitete) TITLE: A possible ini~erpretation of the- frequency dependence of anomalous absorption of cosmic radiation SOURCE: Geomagnetizm. I aeronomiya, v. 6, no. 3,1966, 600-602 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic radiation, radio wave absorption, magnetic storm, ionospheric absorption ABSTRACT: The authors have proposed their own explanation, based on a nonuniform or heterogeneous Ionization regio in the horizontalylane, of the test results for the anomalous absorption of cosmic radiation in the ionospher&on several fixed frequencies observed during three world-wide magnetic disturbances, cited in a previous paper (Ye. A. Benediktov, Yu. S. Korobkov, A. V. Tolmacheva. Geomagn. I aeronomiya, 1965, 5, no., 4, 698). On the as- sumption that the radiation Is uniformly distributed over the sicy and by substituting for the 1/2 UDC: 550.388.2 L 05421-67 ACC--N*gi----Xj~6'6i-86~i~-------- real radiation pattern of the antenna a certain effective pattern described only by the solid angle 110, formulas are obtained for the recorded level of cosmic radiation and for the ratio of the quantity of absorption as measured radio-astronomically to the "true" quantity. It is shown that the problem of determining the frequency dependence of anomalous radio wave ab- sorption in the Ionosphere becomes vastly more complex, unless additional information Is available regarding the degree of ionization homogeneity in the horizontal direction. Using the formula obtained, an attempt is made to define the heterogeneou t 1. a s ructure of the ioniza- tion region through a computation of the frequency function r (w) on the basis of data from the three magnetic storms. The examples given show thafthe presence of a nonuniformly struc- tured anomalous ionization region can significantly distort radio-astronomically derivedin- formation regarding the altitudes at which radio waves passing through the ionosphere are subject to maximum absorption. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 04f SUBM DATE: 280cW5/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 002 Card ACC NR- AP6032699 SOURCE CODE: 'UR/0203/66/006/005/0940/0942 AUTHOR; Belikovich, V. V,; Denediktov, Ye, A. ORG: Radiophysical Institute of Gor'kT State University (RadiojFii'iche-j skiy institut pri Gor'kovskom gosudarstvannom universitete) TITLE: Frequency dependence of additional absorption of cosmic radio waves during sudden ionospheric disturbances SOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya,'v.' 6, no. 5, 1966, 940-942 TOPIC TAGS: ionospheric disturbance , ionospheric propagation, ABSTRACT: Absorption of cosmic radiation in the ionosphere during magnetic storms at frequencies of 5.7., 8.7p 13.2, 18.6, and 25 Me has been studied in previous papers. This paper describes an additional study of absorption at the above frequencies during sudden ionospheric disturbances. Absorption was measured in sets of two frequencies during 1959-1960 25 Me and 18.6 He and on all five frequencies in 1963 near Gor'ky. The antennas used had similar directivity characteristics (25* x 35* at half power points) with a maximum at the zeni4h, except in 1963, when antenna aperture areas for 13.2 and 25 Me were doubled. The measuring'equipment consisted of P-250 high-frequency amplifiers and output and recording circuits. Output circuits noise-limited and. C: 55 ACC NR: AP6032b99 used square-law detection of the signals which was then recorded by EPP-09 automatic tape recorders at speeds of 240 and '120 mm/hr. Hourly calibration of the measuring equipment was made using a noise generator. Absorpitons for the two received frequencies were plotted (absorption of higher frequency as abscissa and that of the lower as ordinate) on the same graph as the calculated value. A comparison of the expert- mental curves with the calculated ones indicates that no additional absorption occurs at altitudes of 50-60 km and below during sudden atmospheric disturbances. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 formula. SUB CODE: 04, 20/ SUBM DATE: 17May65/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REY: 002 Card 2 / 2 /0 L 6529 5WT(d)1WWT(l)1FS(,r)-31F334 TT/AST/GW ACCWSIO11 JIM - A?5=35 MVb293/63/0O3/=wft1"6a 629.195.2s622.39 ALITROIMt Getmanteev. G. -Talaahnikoy- N-Ivt ld=~Vt ftwWm-la~A.11 A. 73- IF 5 F 3 if W TITIEs The results of an experiment on radio commication via *Echo 20 and the moon it a frequency of 162.4 megacycles betueen Uw observatories of Jodroll Bank. and Zimenki SOURCEt Nosmichaski" iseledovaniya, ve 3, no. 4, 1965, 618-Q9 TOPIC TAGSs moon, satellite d1o telescope, radio tranambeloal, satellite tracking, scientific research coo Lon / Jodrell Bank radio tele- scope, Zimerki observatory radio telescope, BESH 2 electronic computer ABSTRACTs During Fobruary4brob 1964 the Academy of Sciences of the US, RABA of the USA9 and the Genewl, Post Office Departmant of Groat Britain oanduated an experiment to establish one-way radio cossamication at 162.4 megacycles via the peadive satellite w1cho-20 and the moon. Zaho-2 was used for 34 oommunloatsom ;w.d' L 65295-65 ACCESSION URt 05021255 tests or lo-15 minutes (the time ititerval permitted by Echols orbit), and ~Uw moon was used for 15 teat runs between the Echo testa. The transmitting equip- ment at Jodrell Bank and the receiving unit of the Zimenki Observatory are de- scribed in detail. Echo orbit information furnished by HASA, visual obeervatiaim, and radio tracking data,from fixed stations were fed to a BES11-2 electronic cal- pulator which prov4ded programmed tracking control. The received signal exhibited strong fluctuations separable into two pariodai 1) a 1-2 minute fluctVation as- sooiated with Echo-2 distortion from a sphere and with tracking errors; 2) a 3-10 second period associated with small surface irregularities. The rapid fluctua- tions varied with each test, Voice signals, slowed by a factor of 8, were barely intelligible. Telegraph, toletype, and photofacsimile transmission, in general, were unaetiefactor qp but in poriode of high signal-to-noise ratios intsUigible moosages wore received. The moon transmissions were not an clear but did furnish scientific iiLformation. Unexpected transmission looses included 3-5 db for po2al- isation losses and 1-2 db for unknown causes. The international cooporatIM was excellent, with the Soviet submitting a complete report. r0frers for twither oo- operation be" been extoodod. Orig. art. hast 3 tables# 7 figuzw, od 4 foz- mulas. ASSOCIATIONS none SUBHrMDs Mpr65 RMLs 00 SM OOM A&, 30 RO M7 sat 000 t 002 MZjW.VSKrj1 M.A. Reciprocating motor for medical apparatus. Trudy VNIMO no.3t 182-191 163 (MIRL 18 t2) i-M BELILO aLL-dI&I GALIPERIN, Yu.Sho; SOMS, M.K. Analysis of activating devices used in biologically controllcd artificial respiration. Nov. med. tekh. no.3:125-133 165. (MIRA 1911) -BE.LIKMM, Ys,s.~ .'gornyy in2h.; DOLOIYP N.N,,, gornyyinzhq KOSTIN,, GIP...- gornjF-inzfi.; PARFM~Ko., Ye.P.,, gornyy inzh.; KHORIKOV., gornyy iWI, Multichannal'induntrial television on a qage hoist. Gor. shur. no,3: 61-63 Mr. 162. f (MM 3-5:7) 1. Nauchno-isslddovateltski~'goimorudnyy institut, Krivoy Rog. (Industrial television) (Mine hoisting) ACC.NRt KP-6018717 -!"Rog-cmrl- UFVUIW6WOOC/6W0-0W6=. AMIORt Potorooba, ORGi none TITLE: Device for automatic control of the movement of information carrying tapoik on an "Ural-211 digital electronic computer SOURCE: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomichookoy informatsil, no. I#v 1966, 38-40 TOPIC TAGS: digital computer, campukt=l electronic computer, -eamputa=veab=F magnetic tapep automatic control# automatic control design, control circuit,, computo storage device ABSTRACT.- This derrice was developed at the computer center of the Scientific Research Institute of Mining (Nauchno-issledovateltakiy gornorudnyy institut). it can tie used on ETsVH ~'W~-211 computers as well as on other computers utilizing perforated tapes as information carriers. Its circuit is quite oimplep it has no movable electromechanical contacts,, and it operates efficiently at considerable fluctuations in feed voltage. The, principle of its operation is based on the fact that continuous reading of the perforations is the source of information on the tape movement. This discrete information is converted to a control eignal vhich Aaps the ard 2 uDe 681.142.62 ACC NRs PI)6018717 tape-winding mechanism at tape break. The device controls the operation of the tape- winding mechanisms, At sends the signal for switching on the tape-winding!bechanlas as well as for switching off after tape breaks or completion of information trans- scriptions. Application of this device drastically reduced the idleness of computers resulting from information failure during tape breaksp and improved the operating conditions of the computers. The principal circuit of the device and a detai1ed descrijAion of its operation ani included in this article. Orig. art. bast 1 figufto SUB CODEs 09/ SWM DAM none L Card 212 BELILOVSKAYA, K. I., kand, tekhn. nauk; NAIMNKO, V, S.., inzh, Comprehensive mechanizationof the operations ifi laying streatear tracks and making major repairs on theme Novo tekh, zhil,-kom.khoz.:Gor.dor.-most.khoz. i transp, no. 2: 64-7-9 163. (MIRA 17:5) BELILOVSKn , M. A. - --------- New method for obtaining several ranges in mea2uring elcetric current. Izm.tekh. no.12:40-41 D 61. (MMIA 15:1) (Electric measurements) BELILOVSKIY, Ya6Ye.; MOTORKINA, Ye.G. F.efractometric method of determination of' Lhe alcohol concentration in pharmaceutical preparations. Art. de-o, 11 no.5:64,66 S-0 '62. (MM 17:5) J.. Bryanskaya kontrollno.-analiticheskava labcratorv .a. BELILOVEMY, la.Ye. ".'' - 143murimetric, titn-ktion in pharmae., intenLail ccntrol. Apt. delo 12 noo2374-75 ~~-Ap 163. (MIRA 17:7) :1. Kontrollno-analitic-heakaya labcrat-.riya Bryaniskogo apteeb- :aogo upravloni7ac FpjcT-. -BB/GG BELILOVSUY,, Yefim Solomorovichs- DOGUSLAVSKIY, Eduard Ye3izarevich; Mark Semenovich; VOW711,, Aleksey Pavlovich; WIN, Izyaslav Kopelovich, SELEXTOR,Spartak Mikhavlovich; CHUB, N'asiliy Fedooeyevioh; 701KOVOY., Grigorly Tilchonovich;DMITR31EVO A..P.$otv. red.; KOVAL', I.V.j red.izd-va; MAKSIMOVA,V.V., improvement of underground mining methods and equipment in the Frivoy Rog Basin] Sovershenstvovanie tekbniki i tekhnologii pod- zemnoi dobychi rudy V" Krivorozhakom baseeine. [By] E.S.Belilov- skii i dr. Moskva,, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo~]Litry po gornom aelu., 1961. 08 P. (MIRA 15:3) (Krivay Ro Basin-Iron mines and mining) fAutomatic control) 33216 s/l41/61/oo4/oo6/ool/ol7 p2z E032/Ell4 7 61 r , // A 9/ // ~ t). AUTHORS: -Belikovich, V.V., Benediktov, Ye.A., and YerukEli'mov. TITLE: Results of observations of the discrete source Cygnus-A at large zenith angles PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, v.4, no.6, 1961, 993-1003 TEXT: This paper was first read at a conference of MV i SSO SSSR on radioelectronics at Khar'kov in 1960. The authors report results of measurements of the relative intensity of the radio emission due to the Cyg-A source on 29.7 Mc/sec which were carried out at Gorlkiy in 1959-1960. The results correspond to zenith angles of the order of 800. The interferometer employed had a base'length of 20%, and a beamwidth at half power points was 110 and 130 in the horizontal and vertical planes respectively. Signals from the rhombic antennas were passed through a pre-amplifier and separate mixers with a common heterodyne*operating on a frequency of 6.5 Me/sec. one of the heterodyne channels contained an electronic phase Card 114 33216 Results of observations of the ... s/141/61/004/006/001/017 E032/E114 reversing switch (operating at 29 cps). The mixers were followed by an i.f. amplifier with a passband of 10 Kc/sec, a square law detector and a heterodyne filter linked with the phase reversing switch. rhe signals were recorded by a pen recorder with a time constant of 3 sec and a chart speed of 720 mm/r. Fig.3 shows the results obtained during the entire period of observations. Arrows indicate those cases where the radio rise of the source was noted during the observations. The arrows pointing in the downward direction represent radio setting of the source. It is clear from Fig.3 that there is a very considerable spread in the intensity of the source. Analysis of these results has shown that the reduction in the signal level during magnetically quiet days was due to the usual absorption mechanism involving electron-ion and electron-molecule collisions. The reduction in the intensity is well correlated with the degree.of magnetic disturbance, particularly at night during winter months. During this period considerable phase distortions were also observed. The variation in the intensity is closely related to the scattering of radio waves by electron density irregularities in the upper layers of Card 2/0 -1 17 33216 Results oT observations of the S/141161/00-41906/ool/017 E032/E114' the ionosphere. It is suggested that the explanation of the anomalous effects during magnetoactive days should be'sought in the interaction between corpuscular streams and the ionosphere near and above the F-layer maximum. Acknowledgments are exi-essed to G.G. Getmantsev for interest and assistance. There ake-8 figures, 3 tables and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non.-Soviet-bloc. The English language reference reads an followas Ref.-l: H.I.A. (':iivers% I.S. Greenhow. Js Atm. Terr. 1~i,Ys-, V-17, 1, 1959. ASSOCIATION: Naucfino-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Scientific Reaearch Radiophysica Institute at Gor1kiy University) SUBMITTED:i March 8, 1961 Card .3/0 , A. S., PTDF USSR/Petrolawn - Ana~ysis Jan 1947 nConditions Governing the Production of Sulfurous Compounds and SulfVr in Petroleum," Ya. F. Rubakova, Prof A. S. Belikovskiy "Neftyanoye Khoz~2ystvoll Vol 25, No 6 Tables showing the sul.furing of unstaurated bydrocarbons (polymers) by hydrogen sulfide gas and the sulfuring of methane hydrocarbons by H2S. Tables showing the sulfuring of banzol by H2S and the sulfuring of isooetane by H2S in the presence of Tavtimonovsk clay. PA, 9 T86 SOSYANTSp Vasiliy Georgiyevichl Prl-=~AYA, Keenin4saifoanai w NAUMMO, Valentin Sergeyevich; FRUKMMV, Aleiroancir Nikolayevich; LUCHAT, G.A.,, red.;-RLCREVSKATA, M.I., red.izd-va;'SALAZKOVg-ILP.# takhm, red. (Over-all mechanization of labor..consuming processes in the construotiop and overhauling of streetcar tracks] Kom- plakenaia mekhaiizataiia trudoemkikh protsessoy pri stroitellet" i kapitallnom remonte tramvainykb putei. Mo- skva, Izd-vo M-va kom=n.khoz.RS?SR, 1963. 78 p. (MIRA 16:8) (street rail!ways--Track) j~ BZLIIDVS.KIY, Ye.S., inzh. Salevision set on rolling mills. Stall 20 no.9:834-835 S 160. (MIRA 1319) 1. Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy gornorudnyy inatitut. (Rolling vills) (Industrial television) EELIMAp A.S. (Belima, O.S.] (KiYev) Probability criterion of the evaluation of the error of quantization in respect to time for discrete adaptive information gathering and processing systems. Avtomatyka 7 no.5:14~26 162. (MRA 15,11) (Information theory) (Automatic control) (Electronic calculating machines) B&LIKA A & .-[Belima, O.S. ] (Kiyev) Rule for the back conversion of codes and its application to the ccmtruction of digital code converting systems. Avtomatyka 7 nci,3;72-80 162P (HIM .15; 6) (Information theory) 11 BELIMAI A.S. [Belima., O.S.) (Kiyev) Some problems concerning the analysis and synthesis of centralized control q9tems for detecting deviations beyond P~tmitted limits. Avtomatyl& no.5:6c~-72 161. (IMA 14: 10) (Automatic control) BELIMA., A.S. [BeliM.. 0.S.] Economical electronic cmmtator with a large nmber of witch pointes Av-toma:t-Yka no. 501-55 160, (MIRA 3-4:4) 1. Institut avtomatiki Goisplana USSR, (Commtation (Electricity)) (Electric switehgear) BELTNA A 5 - SAMOYLOV, V#D* Computer for converting analog binary code to a parallel binary-decimal code. Avtom. i prib. no.2:37-39 Ap-Je 163. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut avtomatiki Gosplaw UrSSR. AUTHOR: TITLE: PSIRIODICAL: S/102/62/000/003/004/005 D234/D308 BelimA, U.,';. (Kiyev) The rule of bacleward code conversion and itg use in des*igning digital code converters Avtomatylea, no. 3, 1962, 72-80 TZ;,'.T: The author offers the follox-ring rule: If there is a direct converter of the set of codes A into a set of codes B. then for converting a given code b - 3 into a - A it is sufficient to feed codes belonging to A into the direct converter until the code obtained at the output.of the latter coincides i-iith b. ix general diagram of a converter is constructed on the basis of this rule and one oC- the possible programs of conversion is given. Examples of the application of the rule in design of converters of binary codes into decimal codes etc. are given. The disadvantage of this method of conversion is that more elenents are required in some cases for each digit; its advantage is the possibility of direct and back- Card 1/2 The rule of bacl,;xqard code ... S/102/62/000/003/004/005 D234/1)308 ward conversion by the same device. There are 6 figures and 1 04-1-0, 0 table. e SUBI,,,ITTED: January 15, 1962 Card 2/2 HU.Mtj N. I. v Cand -Av Sei - (diss) NEffect of fertilizers upon the y1eld and quality of potatoes using the check row method of plant:Lng.w Kiev, 1958, 16 pp, (Min of Agriculture$ UkSSR),j Ukrainian Acad Agr Soi., Ukrainian Sci-Rese. Inat of ftaiology of Plante), 3,50 copies .(KL, 41-58, 121) S/102/60/000/005/004/008 0 D251/D305 THU Belimat 0. S. ------------ TITLE: Economic electronic commutator with a large number of switching points PERIODICAL: Avtomatyka, no. 5, 1960, 51-55 TEXT: The author describes a multi-point commutator, suitable for use in automatic control circuits. The block diagram is given in ~c Fig. 2. The impulse generator IG produces impulses which are calcu- lated by the decadal reckonerB. The decadal reckoners have outputs corresponding to the numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 in the form of ne.. gative or positive potentials. At a given moment the potential pro- ceeds only along one of the schemes of action and the output im: pulse or potential varies with its load. The decadal reckoners and schemes of action may be constructed of various contactless elements. The principles of the decadal reckoner are also shown. The decadal reckoners operate on a binary decimal diodal matrix, to whose out- out a suitably chosen negative potential is applied. A formula is Card 1 S/102/60/000/005/'004/008 I--*' Economic electronic commutator ... D251/D305 kl~, given for the necessary number of triodes in the scheme of opera- C tion, and a table for the number of elements required for commuta- tors with different numbers of switching points. There are 4 ~fi- gure3, 2 tables and 2 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: June 1, 1960 Card 21/ 1) CCMION XR: AP4013546 -A S/010i/64/000/001/0019/00z8, _(Belirna, A. S.) (Kiev) AUTHOR: Belima, 0 TITLE: Investigation of a discrete ctntralized Information-collecting system with cyclo-sporadic action Avtornaty*ka, no. 1, 1964, .19-28 TOF~IC TAGS: information collection, Pinformation collecting automatic syst am, cyclo sporadic system, embedded Mar.kov chain ABSTRACT: 'Aii-fiformation- collecting system with random cycle duration is theoretically investigated- The system, called 11cyclo-sporadic serves a continuously time.var4ble processes and m sporadic (Poissonle) flows of Jnformation. The embedded Markov chain method Is used in the investigation ,.,rormulas are developed that present the fundamental characteristics of the ova. systeme Orig. art. hasi 2 figures and 3D fomulas. 1:,A4SOCL4,TION: none 115VAMITTED: ICIDec6Z DAtEACO: 141rob64 ENCL:, 00 SUB CODE: CGVIE -'NO REF SOV: 010 OTHER:. 002 lCardo ------- BELIMGOTOV, B.Kh. (poselok Terek, 4abardino Balkarskoy ASSR, u1. Pushkina, 122) 4-~ Torsion of the greater omentum. Vest. khlr. 92 no,5:78 My 164. (MIRA 18. 1) 1. Iz Terskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - V.A. Yaroshok) Kabardino-Balkarskoy ASSR. La242-66. ACC NR SOURCE CODE: UR/OlO5/66/OW/Odf/6od5/bOd5_ AF6017707 AUTHOR: Belimov.- A&G. IWLte.YMan6 F. M.; Kapor K. N.;,Kashka'rovs Go Edj Kovalfc=, Po A.; V1 Go 0#1 Strelkovaidy, _So A ChernozubovP; none TITIE: Profes'sor,A. K. Darmanchev (on his 70th birthday) :SOURCE:. Elektrichestvoj, no. 1o,1966,.85 TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel.:academic personnel, electric power- plant electric motor -ABSTRACT:' Aleksey.Konstantinovich Darmanchev graduated from the electromechanical :faculty of the..LeninZrptd. Polytechnical -Institute in 1925. He developed new rules for the connection of as -investigated the yn4hronous mo ors to power supplies and loading conditions of power stations and systems between then and 1931. From 193 5-1946 he was the head dispatcher of*Lenenergo. He was the'chief of the Moscow. Combined Dispatcher Administration of Central.Power S He hai a166' 77 ysteme in 1946`7 1 -e a r, FiA i &A - ~ Vi id '-a hi-d " I 'a "' t I iee- - a'u' to f * a nauthoritdiv6~"~ ve '[JFRSI-- 'book.on operative control:of power.systemso::: Orig. art. hact 1 figure. SUB CODE:: 16"/ SUBM DATE: none 114- Card UDC:~ 621 jdd'-I, 3. Technique of hiph-frequency apparatus and domestic industry. p. 170. (EM'MO)PRIVILMA, Vol. 7, no. 4, July/Aug. 1954, 3eorrad, Yugoslavia) SO: K;)nthly list of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 14, no. 1 Jan. 1955, U~cl- L -4o919-66 EWP(e)/EWT(m)/EIYP(t)/F.TI/EWP(k) '' IJP(c) JD/JG FACC NR, AP6020738 SOURCE CODE: UR/0136/66 000/006/0065/0067 AUTHOR: Kolchin, 0. Chuveleva, N. Sumarokova, N. V.; Fillpenko, V. V.; Men'shchikov,__ A - 1~a~!~ev My, V. S.; Belimov, N. I.; Abramovich, E. B. ORG: none TITLE: Manufacture of powdered n1oblum, and. its alloys by hydrogenating compacted metals and alloys SOURCE: Tsvetnyye metally, no. 6, 1966, 65-67 TOPIC TAGS: metal powder, powder metal production, n1obium, powder. metallurgy, hydrogenation, niablum, alloy ABSTRACT: The report presents a method for manufacturing kt9-11 -purity powders by hydro- gonating nioblum. or its alloys at lower temperatures (360 to 400C) and lesser excess hydrogen~ pressures (up to 0.7 atm) than those commonly required. The process Is even faster at the reduced temperature levels. Hydrogenation and milling techniques are given In detail for source materials derived by electron beam smelting or carbide heaWng processes. For the latter, direct yield of dehydrogenated powder was 91.4%,, total yield 98.3%, unaccountable loss-' es 1.1%. The impurity content in n1obium powders obtained from different compacted metals Is Card 1/3 UDC: 669.293-492.2 NRs AP6020738 ell given in Table 1. Table 1. Impurity conten.t (% by man) in niobium powders obtained from different compacted metals. initial material Powder (-0. 147 rnm) 0 C N 0 C Reduced Metal 0.04 0.27 0.15 0.011 0.24 Oros 0.27 O-Oa 0.05 ...0,05 0.20 0-09 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.20 0.10 0.0.3 0,14. 0.23 0.07 0.06 0.0-1 0-13 0,06 0.09 0.07 0.24 0.05 0.05 0.32 .,..-.0-05 --1 0.20 0.07 '0.04 .0.30 -A .0.05 1 0-15 0-06 0.05 - Ends of rods of a sinter ed Metal* 0.05 0.12 0.08 0.16 0.15- 0.04 ' 0.45 0.20 0.02 0.46 0.26 0.05 0.25 0.12 0.05 - 0.11 0.04 0.27 0.08. 0.05 0.30 0.11 - - - 0.05 0.35 0 06. -0.05 - 0.06 0.40 0.20 '*The sintered rods contain a ai-o oisq . , 0.02%Nl. 0.02%0: