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Derivatives of Silanes With Hydrocarbon Bridges 8TS020/61/136/001/019/037 Between the Si Atoms. The Polymerization of B016/BO55 1,1-Dimethyl Silicocyclopentane of AM 3 or AlBr3 to a specific polymerization reaction (A): Si(CH Al2X6 CH ) Si (CH -Al X (CH 3)2 2)4 3 2 2)41 2 6 (CH 3)25' (CH 2)4-1 -Al2X6 -13'(CH3)2 CH2CH2CH 2CH 21 n - + A12X0 This reaction is very rapid if the silane and the catalyst are heated for a short time. The authors verified the structure of this product by synthesizing it from corresponding fragments (B). Infrared spectroscopy proved these two products to be identical. Differences between the spectra of these two polymers and that of the monomer are explained by the spacial position of the carbon chains (isomerism). The authors thank Yu. P. Yegorov and Ye. D. Lubush for performing the spectroscopic analyses. Finally the authors discuss the polycondensation of lp4-ditrimethyl disilyl butane. The reaction product was a colorless, rubbery insoluble polymer similar to the polymerization product obtained in reaction (A). There are I figure and 6 Soviet references. Card 2/3 885n Derivatives of Silanes With Hydrocarbon Bridges S/020/61/136/001/019/037 Between the Si Atoms. The Polymerization of Bo16/BO55 1,1-Dimethyl Silicocyclopentane ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy.khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: October 1, 1960 Card 3/3 ; XMIN, V.A.; PIA729 A.F.; PIATE, N.A.; TAYTS, G.S.; syntheeia and polywrization of 2-vizqlbicyclo-(2,2,1)-heptana. Noft-e-Ichimiia 1 na.2:218-223 Mr-Ap 161. (KM& 15-.2) 1. Moskovskiy goeudaretvamyy universitet im. Lomonosova J Inatitut organichaskoy Irbilaii AN SSSR im. N.D. Zelinskogo. I(Norba-mm) (Polywrization) SEREGIN$ B.A.; KOLESOVs V-P-;.BBIIKOVA,, N.A.; SKURATOV, S.M.; FLATE, A.F. Heat capacity at low temperatures and thermodynamic functions of endo- and exo-2-oyzmo-bioyclo-(2~2..l)-heptane. Dokl.AN SM 145 no.3:580-583 n 162. (KMA 15:7) 1e Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat imeni H.V.Lomonosovao Predstavleno akademikom B.A.Kezan kiln. (Bloycloheptans) (Heat capacity) ,BELIKOVA, N.A.; DEREMIN. V.0.; PIATEP A.F. Synthesia of endo- and exo-2-methAbicyclo [212tll heptanes, Sterio directivity of the reaction of cyclopentadiene with propylene. Zhur.ob.khim, 32 no.~t2-942-2951 S 162. (MRA, 15:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. i Institut neftekhimicheskogo sintesa. AN SSSR,, (Cyclopentadiene) (Propenek (Bicycloheptane) ~q V*To; BUUNM2 Z*Bo; ZHIZHINO G.No; STEM) lh*Yeo; BELMOVAp N.A.; PLATE, A.E. Vibrational spectra of some endo- and exoderivatives of the series bIe]~"-lo(2.2,l)heptane and bicyclo(2,2,1)-2-heptene. Zhur.strukt.khim. 4 no.1%28--36 Ja-F t63- (MIRA 16t2) 1. Komissi7a po, spektroskopii AN SSSR i Nookovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.N. Imonosova. (Bleyvloheptane-Aboorption spectra) (Worbornene-Absorption spectra) ~W1WW1JW1JWD1WE1PY. ACOESSION NRI ~/616 q_/64/60_ib~/_W0_,6o 00 AP4044076- AUTHORS:-.Goroshko,.N$X* Kozina M. P.. 8kur__st_ovj.S.H -Belikova, N.A.; Plate,, A.?. TITLE., -Hoals of combliW of- exd-kind endom-iso:aers-_- 2.fi0qy'qgo'-, SOURCE** ~Moscow.Unlver6itet. Vesynlk'. Seriya. Kh1miya, no. 4P-1964t TOPIC TAGS: bloycloheptane-doilvative cyano bloyclo heptatei Iendo Isomer,, exo ibbmer, heat of combustion, heat of ISO- ;,merization, enthalpy, plastic crystal ABSTMACT: The heats~ of: combustion of the exo and endo Isomers and the heat of isomerization A H of 2-cyano bIcycld-(2f_2j1)-~. exo-*-endo heptaneYere determined In the Moecow State caIlLaboratory (v termokhimicheakoy laboraforli MUY'sway or Vae =-Mefmodynamie properties of b1cyolo-(2,2,l)heptaue derivatives, of I terest because of their high sMetry suitable for forming "plastic' BELIKOVA, N.A.; PLATE, A.F.; STERIN, Kh.Ye. Isomerization of endo- and exa-2-mothylbicyclo[2,2,1]heptanes in the presence of concentrated sufuric acid. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1:126-132 Ja 164, (?URA 170) 1, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat i Komis3iya po spektro3kopil AN SSSR. BEREMIN, V.G.; KRUGLIKOVA, V-S,j- BELIKOVAy N,A* Kinetics of bimoleaulw chemical reactions as studied by a pulse chromatographic technique. DAL AN SSSR 158 no.1:182-185 S-0 164 (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut neftakhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosudarstvcnnyy universitet . Predstavleno akademikom V.N. Kondrtatlywrlm, FREYDLINP L.Kh.; PIATE, A.F.; ZHUKOVA, I.F.;.BELIKOVA N.A. Order of the addition of bydrogen to double bonds of 4-vinylcyclohexane-1 on Ft- and Ni-catalysts, Neftekhimia 4 no-3:382-385 MY-Je 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Institlit organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR im. N.D.Zelinakogo i Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet. SERMIN, E.A.; GOROSHKO, N.N.; KOLESOV., V.P.; BELIKOVA,, N.A.1 SKURATOV) S.M.; PIATE, A.Fe. Heat capaoity at low tempera-bires and the thermodynamic functions of endo- and exo-2-mathyl-bicyolo-(2,2,1)-heptanes. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.6tl381-1384 D 164 (MIRA 18tl) Q3U,--U,A.; PLATE, A.F.; TABRINA, G.M.; STERIN, Kh.Ye.; LUKA-9faNA, V.M.; FAKHOMOV, V.P.; BEREHIN, V.G. isomeric transformations of unsaturated hydrocarbons of the bicyclo (2.,2,1) heptane series in the presence of calcium amide and an aluminochromium catalyst. 1 no.3:506-513 Mir 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvonnyy universitet~ Institut nefte- khimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR i Koaissiya po spektroskopit AN SSSR. W/T/ ~Pc-4/Pi~Vft 4 MOM 1 -51M,;65 -AcaFmroN -.--,M07 7011. 7 MVON)416k, 9/W23h. 1AUTHOR-.-- Platel A:. F-, ;ftaar M,:r Benkova - N. A4-'; Ster4 a-,- Kh#- Ye. '34 lyst TITLE: Hydrogenolysis and p.Yr10 4f bicycIo-(3,?_,O)-hej)jane :M' -SOURCE: Neftekhimiyat-vo 49 no.;- 6 j1164$ 819-823~ TOPIC TAGS.*:~ qptaae, hy4rogenatidni pyrolysis, catalysis, cyclic group, ,AMTRACT: elatinized cha4~~'~;' ydrogeno ywis of-,.bicyc1o:: ~2":6)40P ne on _00-al begim-G.- at 100* arkd',:-' Iwo goes a_ - at to com letion at 150 , forming neL -192-dimethyl ethyl cyclopeniane (49%), cyclohepta (44%~V and trans cyclope~ftaoa M). In the preaence of nickel-on-kieae1guhr, complete ;hydrogenolysla of bi-cyclo-(3.2,0)-heptane takeb piace at 1100, resulting and in the formation of ethyllcyclopentane (50%), eyeldpentane- (207j), 1 trona-Ij2,-dimethyl-cyclopentAne (28%)'L The carrier, kieselguhr, does not, catalyze tho'converalou of bicyclo-(3,2jO optane. Fomation of the, trans-ia.mor of 1,2-dimethylcyclopentane vas explained by conversion of ,St,ady:' the cis-isomer originall* formed, at the reection temperature. In a of the behavior of bicycle- 3,2,0)-hept%ne under conditions of cat4lytic 'jisomerization on platinized charcoal (in the absence of hydrogen), the 'hydrocarbon remained stable u to 25009 and.cleavage of the cyclobutane L 51812~65 ION Oul 14%, t"350 rre -to ha, extent Ck of, 1 ring occu i cata Tati-pyro, ya a In thia: abaence; of-' do'canot-be qn~dt`-.te eraturos~bolcv-450 g mp the decomp, ai- i.-heptane 2,6) decomposed, while at 5509 bicyclo- 3 OmPletion. The pyrolysis products a tion goes to c gonation, c t 5000P 0-f tar hydro- 6-0 cYclopen-tane,-an _7_8% ontaJnedl the 550' represented a complez'mix4ureil -obtained at, Th' pyrolyz'Ate sopontan ontano'~n-hoptanej &f tet hydrogenation, c (kromatic com- trans-1,2-dimethyloy JoEdptane-t ethyl 0yCjopen4Cjno'_~_jQr pounds, and the initial bicyo1o-(3t2t0)-heptano wore found; the gas formed., in the decomposition contained 80% ejtZLeae and asa admixture of methane; and hydrogen go art# h,% a 2 formula, 3 tablear ASSOCIATION: MOskOvskiY 90audamt,vonVy universitat im. M. V. imWaosova Noscov State University); Komisaiya po spektroakepit AN SWR (Spectroscopy Comi,,ion, XR NEW- L"Z:,-* 1*1 NO my soy: o06 PLATE, A.~!i BELIKOVA, N.A.; BOBYLEVA, A.A.; GUSUll, r4!.; VITT, S.V. Isomrization. of bJ.,--ycll,! Colt6 by&rocarbons in the presence of AJC13. Dokl, AN OSS-:'R 1(3 no,'4:902-905 Ag 165. (MIRA"1818) 1. Moskovskiy goau'darstvennyy tudversitet i Institut cleanentoorgani- c~eskildi soyedincmiy AN =111. SulriiLt-ed Januar-.,, 16, 1965. 1. PM-TKOVAj It. L. 2. IJSSR (600) 4. Beans 7. Polyembx7ony in kidney beans. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 57, no. 5, 1952. 9. Monthly List of.Russian Accessio ns, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. 0 im rA eryLtz= !amin cu UA aso: I i Rl Tfa 'hila gComy al rabbift-a w4ma kriullizttd for 20 day3 Ixfon, mas w~P as 20 da)A d~rirtg irnmriisk~,hon. In upv ~ln uk~- ,I! a~~,qlijtjnaiz cn tbc ~lst di), -x.,L:i I&M and Lh!u dzcm-x--.d ral %~;, ~ 11, the !rradiated Cho Citre lrlcreaa~,l c~---t~,,:ablw f-f, k.d 17111~ tt,c ',Ilivd puup t ESC-0 by th~ 7 - Lith dA', -,7. d AUIPH-Aci: Shilov, V. N., Belikova, N. N., Yershovat ?0- 11,)-2-36/050 Z. P. TI TLE: Or the JI.Y)nliestbility of the Meltinx for Determination -)f thc. Approximiite Chemical v__: ~ _L o Sn . _.z. u.L 6- .ienvi~wic Volcanic f ,,kth U Sakhalin (0 primenimosti opredeleniya priblizitel I: fjost~- I kaynozoyokikh vulkaniches!-~- -o, .;I,,:kgo SakhFittn't) 'PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii Naali. S&IM, (USSR) ABSTRACT: Ovly th'PLMOS'% recent Canozc.ii~ volcanic which are rathr,.t, widre iip~:,_jad in South 'Qla*to~.' independe!it bodies; most of them, however, .-.. !.----rted an6 ;'orm inclusions of different 3hape in 1-turmally 4iv~,Osl .~A matAeP.S. Here they help to determine the stratigraphic pr~DLlems ccr1ecQrcf the individual- zones. However, a corrt~ct ana3,vsis of the volcanic :-ocks, in the case ot' maqn A renaered difficult by several reasons. Among 00~.-,;~ high calciAim aontt~nt (Labrador dleseminptUot~s ELIRL most acid rocics) ie'ad to great errors, tt,~ I On the ADolicability'6i the Melting Method for 20-119-?-3af6o letermina, -o* -,.)ximate Chemical tion of th,~ A pi .,.,iupvt;ition of the Cenozoic Voleadic. 3ocks of South Sakhalin determination of dacites as plagioclase basalts. There:for~-, the authors suggest a quick but at the same time, sufficiently precise method based on the interdependen,,e of the composition of the rocks and the index of refraCLiOtt of the glass molten from it (refs 3,2) for petrographia maai investigations. In order to-be able to examine the applicability of this method 83 com,plete silicate analyier of voltan-ft-, rocks and 4 artificial mixtures were Thp, Li-.1ting wathod is described. In order to obtrin whidh can be compared the spectrographic method (are oi alternating current, 20 a, 220 Y, for 30 see) wus used. The results of measurings are represented on fig. 1 and 2. ;t can be seen distinctly from fig.1 that with the increasing silica content in the rooks the refraction index of the glass molten frem it decreases and vice versa. The rooks Qf the alkaline serie6-as well as the altered volcanic and cenotypal representatives of the eale-alkaline series form Card 2/4 3 distinct parallel series in the diagram. The position of of the Mej.ting Uithtl he APIAro,-C~ :g v-,s Volcudd'. ,f souls, sf~veral rocks of the t.Lratc isj.,i 3 genetically connected with the -h T-7 i 4th independent series. .',---Pendence between the silicsi refraction of the glass a relatively low accuracy 'I (-rtrlier work (ref 2). The an-tzracy -t MgO, CaO and F 203 + FeO ( f i ,r , 2 ) i .,!iw Besides, the resulting po sz,0% oxides, alkalies, alumina Pt%~, jan be determined separatcly ~-y of variation diagrams also ctlhe.-- ;-.Y-: from the known SiO content. gingle oxides. In he case of' th--~ 44 increases up t4 1,5 ~ for N'J %ii., (Ng- 3). The res~,lts cf ti,~' content of iron oxides aes(jro Ly,,- may differ. In the-ca2r.- of' method should be apg'),,ied. Thc ~tty of the 70i~lt;ng Metrit -1 :-, :,tl" --' I t' - . ;,I - j In e . k. C. ~;~"-flozoic V610=4 -7r co be ohangeti unctt--.- ite ur~nt,~-' i-.O~ proportion of their rst4c-- fr,ii J.- be maintained. Finally, Un-, -;mtt: an4 manganous protaxide- i o J; formation is describoi ('ret- im given of the allege,,i onq too; rocks from which elighT, i.4 t'tr,. the melAng method can i;e- purpipse. There are I of~~which is Soviet. t.,*OCIATION: Sakhalinskiy komplekanyy Akademii nauk SSSR (Sakh,911'i, Inetitute AS USSR) P July 10S 1957, by ~D. S. 9ciences AS USSR 17 , 1957 USSR/General and Specialized Zoolo[W - Lisects6 P. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Bioi-4p No % 1958, 40119 Author Belikova N.P. rnst Title The Effect of the Conditions of Larvae Development on the LenGht of Development of Wintering Pupae of the Turnip Butterfly in diapause (Pierls rapae L. orientalis Obrth.) in the Primorskoy ReC;ion. Orig Pub Vopr. sellsk. i leen. kh-va Dalln. Vostolm, Vyp. 1) 1956) 95-97- Abr,tract The larvae of the turnip butterfly, which pupate not later than the end of August, develop under the conditions of the Primrskoy region without a diapause. But pupation later was accompanied with a diapause. When the butterfly was kept in breeding places outside of the room (wiecr na- tural conditions) the first butterflies emerged in"the so- concl half of May from those pupae, vhich pupated the latest Card 1/2 USSR/General and Specialized ZooloL7 - Insects. Pe Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol,, No 9, 1958, 4oug (15-20 October of the previous year). The author explained the differences in the lonGth of development of the pupae by differences in the conditions (especially temperature) of the development of the larvae, The obtained data permit- ted first to explain the continuius emergence of the spring aencration of butterflies by the various periods of deve- lopment of the winterin(; pupac and, secondly to make an as- sumption about the existence of the butterflies in the Primorskoy reGion in two varieties: one - that likes the cold weather, appears in the second half of May and pupates later, and the other that likes the warn weather more, emerLms in June and pupates earlier. The assumption is con- firmed by morpholoGical differences in butterflies of early and late periods of emarGence from the pupae. -- G.A. Mazokhin. Card 2/2 44 - USMVZooparas1toloC7- Ticks and Insects as Disease Vectors. )Utes. Aba Jour: Bet Zhur-Diol No 11p 1958o 77025. Author -._RelikovaL_X~ P~ Inst Title Materials oa: the Hibeniattion of Ixodid Ticks in Animls Orig Pub: Tr-'Dallnevost. fil. ARSSSR, Ser. zooi.,' 1956, '3(6), 265-268. Abstract: To study the hibernation of ticks in aninals, in the environs of the Gornotayezh station of the AS USSR and the Suputin Came- preserve, 78 wild aninals end 15 head of cattle were examined in the winter period. It was established that, on4 a small part of the populatim of femle and mle Darmacentor silvan= Card 1/2 T&TARMOTA. L.0.1 BELIKOVA,,A,,, q KAMMMOU, N*Ge In pcientifio Institutions of Vladivostok. Top.virus. 4 no,.4:511 Jl Ag '59. (MMINE TIMMITORT-TICKS AS CAMRIMS OP DISEASIS) (MnA 120-12) (INGIFMITIS) BELIKOVAp N. P. ----------- %terials on the Biology and Ecology of Ticks of the Genera Hawsphynalis Japonica Douglast and H. Concinna in Primorsuy Kray. 11 Tenth Conference on Parsitological. Problems and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Vladivostok Scientific-Research Institute of ]Dpidemiology, Hicrobiologyq and lVgiene BZLTKOVA# NoPej TATARIONOVAO LoGe Aroblem of the role of the tick Haemopbysalis japoadda douglasi in circulating the tick encephalitis virus in nature. Ngdparas. i paraw.bole 29 no*N287-08 160o (KML 13S12) (TIOKS AS CARRMS OF DIAM) (IRCEnWMIS) S/020/60/132/06/67/068 BO11/BOO3 AUTHORS: Belikova N. P.10 T ar.nova, L. G. TITLE: Spontaneous Infection of Haemaphyealis japonioa douglaaiN. With the Virus of Ixodic Raoephalitis in Primorskiy kray PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, ig6o, Vol. 132,, No. 6, PP. 1462 1464 TEXT: It may be seen from publications that the part played by some Ixodidae ticks with respect to focuses of ixodio encephalitis in Haemaphysalis japonica douglasi has not been clarified as yet. It was not possible to isolate a virus from nymphae of this kind from a focus (N. V. Ryshov and A. V. Kozlovaq Ref- 3)- For this reason the authors L// examined this tick with regard to virusp occurrences and occurrence period. They used pubetoent ticks which were collected in a wood of Swiss pines and deciduous trees in Tudo-Vakskoye, Kalininakiy rayon on May 20p 1Q,58. Mice were infected with a 10% suspension prepared from 50 ticks. One mouse was taken ill on the sixth day. Other mice were taken ill after an infection Y1th,1tB trrain-,. A death-rate of 100$ was Card 1/3 Spontaneous Infection of Haemaphyealis japonioa 3/020/60/132/06/67/068 douglasi N. With the Virus of Ixodic B011/B003 Encephalitis in Primorskiy kray noted after the fifth experimental repetition. Fig. 1 provides a scheme of the virus isolation. The clinical picture showing convulsions, pareses, and paralyses was characteristic of encephalitis. In the first place, inflammations of the brain matter and meninges were caused in the central nervous system. This was indicative of a -meiiingoencephalitio. The period of incubation was more and more shortened by further repeti- tion of the experiments (from 16 to 5-6 days). The mice perished 24 hours after their illness. The authors proved the antigenic affinity of the strain No. 949 with the virus of ixodic encephalitis. The authors V/ give a percentage of the individual Ixodidae ticks in woods of Swiss -_ pines and deciduous trees of Primorskiy kray. Hence it proceeds that in addition to the main carrier of encephalitis (Ixodes persulcatus) H.Japonica douglasi has a considerable share in the ticks' fauna of the plant associations mentioned, The greatest activity is developed by grown-up H.Japonica douglasi during April and May, whereas Ix.persul- oatue attain a maximum in May - June. The authors did not observe an attack of man by Haemaphysalis conoinna in April (Fig. 2), There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet references. Card 2/3 Spontaneous Infection of Haemaphysalis japonica B/020/60/132/06/6T/068 douglasi W. With the Virus of Ixodic B011/BO03 Encephalitis in Primorskiy kray ASSOCIATION: Vladivdstokskiy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut epidemiologiip mikrobiologii i gigieny (Vladivostok Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiol-ogyMioro- -VEO-10-9Y. and Hygiene) PRESENTED: February 129 19609 by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, Academician SU13MITTED: February 3. 1960 Card 3/3 TATARINOVA, L.G.; BELIKOVA, N.P. Transmission of the virus of tick-borne encephalitis by 11--maphysalis neumanni D. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no-3:734-735 S 161. (KRA 14:9) 1. Vladivostokskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut epidemiologil, mikrobiologil i gigiyeny. (MARITIME TERRITORY-ENCEPHALITIS) (TICKS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) SLONOVS M.N., zooparazitologj Prinimali uchastiyet BELIKOVA, N.P., parazitolog po ikaodovym kleshcham; TATARINOVA, L.G., iiiia-oR~g--j--TAYABANOVA, E.M.0 laborant; SOTNIKOVA, T.I., laborant Zooparasitic characteristics of a natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis in the central part of the Maritime Territory. Trudy VladIEMG no.2t27-32 162. (MIRA 180) 1. 1z Vladivostokskogo riauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta epidemiologii, mikrobio'.I.ogii i gigiyeny. BELIKOVA; N.P.; NATSKIY, K.V. Test of the effect of DDT on replete females and larvae of the Ixodes ticks. Trudy V1adJFMG no.21123-126 162. (MT-RA 180) 1. 12 Vladivostok3kogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo Instituta epidemiologlJ, mikroblologli i gigiyeny i Primorskoy sanitarno- epidemiologicheskoy stantsil. BELIKOVA, 0. . 23638, OSTRYY GEMATOGENNYY OSTEOMIELIT TELA II ShErNOGO FOZVONKA~ OSLOZhNENNYY TFDMBOZOM KAVERNOZNM SMSOV. KhIRURGIYa, 1949, N,~. 7, a. 50-53. SO: LETOPIS' NO. 31P 1949 567L. / .4 V,4, 0, P - GOVOROVA, N.A.; BILIKOVA, O.P.; IIOUNBM, P.A.; ULANOVA, I.P. lwi~, VOKVII-1-01" Clinical aspects of metbylene chlovide intoxications. Tmdy ANN SSSR 31:91-98 154. (Mm ?!10) (Methane-Toxicology) UWR/Phpics Phosphors 1.1 Feb 52: "Duration of the Excited State of Certain Phos- Pbors" K. V. Shalimova, T. P. Belikova, Phys InstI Iseni'Lebedev, Acad Sci USSR "DOk Ak Nauk SSS-R" Vol 82, No 5P PP 713-716 Aut.1hr,"c nes',nowledge use of M. D. Galanin's "phase fiuorometer," with which the measurements of tau, duration ofr.excited state, where conducted. Liet 10 Phosphors (KI-TI, CsC1-T1, ZnO-Zn, ZnS-Z, C4~2-Cd, AgCl-Ag, ABr-Ag, AI-Ag, CuC]--Cu, Cul-Cu), 230T96. illuminating liabt (-een-',-Yellov) bluej red-),' wave length, tau (duration, fr= lCr -8 to 11A,-*1 Z. A. Trapeznikova prepd the ZnS-Zn phosphor.. State that purpose of this work is to verify the: assumption concerning the intercombination6l transition (31, -1-S in the atoms. Submitted bi., Aced G. S. Landsberg 15 Nov 51- Card 1/1 Pub - 146 - 4V44 Author : Belikova., T. P. T'itle : --Phosphorescence o crystallophosphor ZnS-Cu during excitation by an electron beam Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, No 6(12), Dec 1955, 905-906 Abstract : There have been many studies on cathodo-luminescence, but the litera- ture contains practically no works comparing in one and the specimens the kinetics governing the post-illumination of phosphors during excitation by light and electrons. For the initial stages of post-illumination (about 1/103 second) such a study was carried out (V. A. Arkhangel'skaya, A. M. Bonch-Bruyevich, N. A. Tolstoy, and P. P. Feofilov, ibid., 21 1951), in which work it was shown that the . extinguishing occurs nonspecifically relative to the form of excita.- tion and the difference in the observed curves of damping can be ex- plained by the difference in the density of excitation for various forms of excitation (light 365 or 313 mP, or electron beam). In the present c,ommunication the writer gives the results of measurements of the protracted damping of luminescence of ZnS-Cu phosphor (Vi64 g/g3) during excitation by an electron beam (energy 2000 volts, cur- rent density up to 3 FAAW) and also for the case of excitation by light of wavelength 365 mp for sake of comparison. He thanks V. L. Levshin, who proposed this subject for study. Institution: Physical Institute im. P. N. lebedev, Acad. Sci. USSR Submitted - July 26, 1955 USSR/Photochemistry - Radiation Chemistry. Theory of B-10 Photographic Process. Abs Jotir : Referat, Zhur - Khimiya, No 6. 1957) 18653 Author : T-P Psl4kova M.D. Galanin. Title Photoluminescence Sensibilization by Solvent. Orig Pib Optika i spektroskopiya, 1956, 1, mo 2, 168-174 Abstract The transfer of excitation energy to the dissolved lumi- nescent substance is observed at the photoluminescence excitation of terphenyl solution in xylene and of anthra- cene in toluene by the light absorbed in the solvent. The measurement of the absorption indices and luminescen- ce yield confirms that the energy transfer cannot be ex- plained by the reaboorption of solvent luminescence by the dissolved substances. The transfer probability com- puted from experimental data exceeds the probability ex- pected in accordance with the resonance transfer theory. It is surmised that this is explained by the molecule dif- fusion during the excited Card 1/1 - 287 - state. AUThORS: '~elikoza I Pe-, Galanin, k. D, 48-1-11/2o TITLEZ On the Process in the Transfer of Energy in Scintillation-Plastics (0 mekhanizme perenosa energii v stsintillyatsionnykb plastmassakh). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR Beriya Fizicheskaya, 1958) Vol. 22j Nr 1, pp. 48-49 (USSR). ABSIRACT: Two kinds of plastics with different activator-concentration were in=,, polystyrene with anthracene and polystyrene with p- terphenyl. The luminescence was in the plastics excited by the ultra- violet light in the absorption range of polystyrene. The methods form reference 1 were employed for the determination of the probability of a resonance-transfer and the probability of a transfer by way of radiation (in the case of reabsorption of the luminescence of.'polystyrene), It became evident that the absolute quantum yield of luminescence in pure polystyrene amounts to lip-,-- 0,09. This is in agreement with that of reference 2. It is shown that in the range of the investigated concentrations in the case of anthracene the probabia lity of the transfer by radiation is cow-ensurable with that without it, whereas) in the case of p-terphenyl, the transfer without radia- tion (radiationless transfer) prevails, The probability of transfer to Card 1/2 be expected according to theory (references 5 and 6) was calculated On the Process in the Transfer of '--'nerFy in Scintillation-Plastics. 48-1-11/20 from the overlap of the absorption-spectra of luminophores and the 1u minescence-spectrum of polystyrene. The values are in agreement with those of theory, which confirm the induction-resonance character of the radiationless transfer of energy in the plastics. This conclusion does not apply to the case investigated here of a photoexcitaticn as well as to an excitation with high energy., as the concentration-depenn dence of the intensity is completely equal in both cases. M. W.. Kotorn placed the plastic-samples investigated at the author's disposal. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 8 references, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION! Institute for physics imeni P.N. Lebedev AS USSR (Fizicheskiy institut imeni P. N. Lebedeva I?,' SSSH). AVAILABLE.* Libbary of Congress. 1, Cr7stals 2. Polystyrene-Luminescence Card 2/2 AUTHORs SOV/51-6-1-25/20 TITLEt Luminoacenes of Long Uuration in Crystals of Dibensyl and Dip'th Dvzkag Mat-o amd P-RV "Itatim (Mlftl Ima lyuminestsentslya Icristallov dibenzila i difenilamina pri foto- i A-vozbuzhdanii) PERIC)DICAL., Optika. i Spektroalcopiya, 19,59, Vol o, Nr 1, pp 117-118 (USSR) ABSIMM Vibeasyl aw diphonylamine, 'whion have sufficiently long afterglow at rom" tompera-cure, were used to stuiy amiss-ion of organic crystal* excited with photong or fast electrons. 1he, photoluminescanes spectra were recorded by meanx of a spectrograph ISP-61. The phosphorescence spectrum of dibantyl possesses clear structure and is displaced towards :;ong wavelengths ivith respezt to the total luminescence spectrum. The phosphoreseenee spectrum of diphenylamius showed no structure but it -was also displaced towArds longer wavelengt1w compared with the total luminescence spectrum. Decay of phosphorescence was measured by means of a photemultiplier FEU-19. The photomultiplier signal was fed via a cathode follower to the vertical plates of a special osd1lograph by meant of whi-1% Aecay could be measured between 0.02 and 50 see. Card 1/3 A mercury lamr M-_V-260 was used a3 the zource of photo -excitation. OV/51-6-1-251-30 S S Lumineaconco oC Tonr Duration in Crystals of Dibentyl an4 %phtraylamine During Photo VMA P~-Rv --Aei1AXU:;rA Bets- %x citation Yes produced by the uoe~of faSt electron3 from T1204 - In each case a filter 06-11 wasplaced between a sample and the photom-Iti-plier in order to separate out emission In the yellow- green region. decay curve3 rezcrdod by means of the oscillograph verb photographed and -are chown in Figs I and 2. Fig 1 gives the oscillogramiz of dibensyl and Fig 2 the oacillograms for diphonylamins. In both ?i&ures curves a were obtaina-d after photo-excitation and carves U -were obtained -%fter excitation -with ale-etrons. For both cryztall. marves a and -a %re Identical, i.e. photophosphores cone* and cathodophoaphorescear. uecay in the same way. In both crystals the decay lav is exponential and the moan excited lifetimet In 0.65 t 0.02 sea for dibenzyl and 0.35 t 0.02 see for diphanylamine. The experiments indicate that recombination processes which occur on. excitation with electrons do not affect phosphorescence In the range of Card 2/3 jmminA.qr.-.en,-,& tf Lonw_ Ntration in Crystala of vibenzyl and V1pUWq1AX1rA'ZL1U49- phow aua ftmitguml time intervals used by the author. The results &Ug&83t also tbAt on,a-toreitstlon and oA photo-excitation there is a trenaition fr= an excited singlot level to a meta4table loyal and no noticeable direct azi~tation of the metastable level. Acknowledgments are made to M.D. Galania vho directed this work. There are 2 figures and 5 references, 2 of whl~,h are Soviet, 2 Snglish and 1 Switz. SUBMITTED; Juneo lk'l, 1;.4~ Card :5/3 20832 1,0/ a V I 0V ILY) S/048/61/025/003/020/04T 6 1,S'o B104/B214 '74"S C-00 0/3 7 1 fla r) )air) AUTHORS: Belikova, T. P. and Galanin, M. D. TITLE: Kinetics of the luminescence of ZnS-Cu on excitation with alpha particles and short light pulses PERIODICAL: Izvesti-a Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, V. 25, ~o- 3, 1961, 364-366 TEXT: This paper was read at the Ninth Conference on Luminescence (Crystal'Phosphors) held in Kiyev from June 20 to June 25, ig6o. The object of the paper is a comparison between the kinetics of alpha scintillations and that of photoluminescence. The duration of the light pulses was-0-5 microsecond, and they were repeated 10 times in a second. A filter for the range between 300 and 400 M~L in the spectrum was used in the case of excitation of the phosphors. 2 The energy amounted to 3 ergs approximately on an area of 0.025 cm . Only the green luminescence band is considered. It is first established that in the ogse of alpha scintillations the damping curve in the range between -150 G and +20000 depends only slightly on temperature. Further, the observed short Card 1/4 W832 S/048/61/025/003/020/047 13104/B214 2S Legend to Pig. I* Damping curve of the green (1) and the blue (2) ZnS-CU band in the case of excitation by alpha particles. Legend to Fig. 2: Damping curve of the green band of ZnS-Cu in-the case 0 of photoexcitation for different temperatures (in C). Card 3/4 43410 S/051/62/013/005/016/017 E039/E420 AUTHORS: Belikova, T#P., Galanin, M.D., Sviridenkov, E.A. TITLE: Kinetic photoconductivity and luminescence of ZnS-Cu crystal 6hosphor with.pulsed excitation 'PERIODICAL; Optika i spektroskopiya, V-13, no.5, 1962, 752-753 TEXT: It is known that a well defined connection exists between kinetic photoconductivity and kinetic luminescence. This work is extended to cover the case of pulsed excitation from a spark. A single crystal of ZnS-Cu, Cl, was grovn~'from the gaseous phase (dimensions "-2 x 0-3 x 0-01 "I'll) fixed onto a mica sheet and metallized aluminium electrodes applied. The interelectrode region was chosen to be free from cracks*and with a idth of 0-3 mm, The dark resistance between the electrodes was -N 109-ft and the applied voltage could be*varied from 250 V. On one beam of a Q~)CC) -1 (DESO-l) oscillograph was shown the photocurrent and on the other the output from a photomultiplier measuring the .luminescence of the crystal. These curves have a very similar .form with a fast initial decay tailing off aftor akbout 50)xsec. With the aid of the following expression derived in a previous Card 1/.3 5/051/62/013/005/oi6/017 Kinetic photoconductivity E039/E420 paper dn 7t = PnN 'where n and N are the concentration of ionisation centres and electrons in the conduction band, P is the probability of recombination and I is intensity of luminescence; neglecting the effect'of the hole processes it is shown that the conductivity a(t) must be proportional to N(t). In addition the change in concentration of the ionisation centres can be obtained by integrating the luminescence decay curves (neglecting quenching) : n(t) + c t: Pdt. Hence it follows that there must be a linear dependence between I/a and SIdt. This is verified experimentakly. The photoconductivity during pulsed excitation is nearly 5 orders higher than the dark conductivity and does not depend on the field strength (up to 7500 V/cm). In contrast the average conductivity under the action of pulsed excitation and also the dark conductivity increases exponentially with voltage beginning at Card 2/3 S/051/62/013/003/016/017 Kinetic photoconductivity ... E039/E420 2500 to 3000 V/cm- Thi s is due to an increase in the number Of carriers. The Idark conductivity up to this voltage remains constant and is equal to 1-3 x lo-7fl-1cm-1. There are 2 figures.' [Abstractor's note. Abridged translation.) SUBMITTED; February'24, 1962 Card 3/3 ACCESSION KR; AP4035476 S/005]L/64/010/005/0862/0865 AVIIKOR: Belikova, T. P. TITLE: KXnetics of the luminescence of ZnStTm crystal phosphor under spark excita-~ tion. iSOURCS: 'OptILkaIspektronkoplya# v*16, no.31 1964p 862-065 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, luminescence research, phosphor, zinc compound, thulium WMICT: The time variation of the luminescence of rare earth activated crystal phosphors may exhibit certain anomnlies connected with the relatively long excited lifetime of the actiVator. Thus, M.V.Fok (Opt.1 spektr.2,129,1957) in experiments with Eu3+ activated ThO2 and ThO2Th(SO4) cirystal phosphors ob"rved build-up of the -luminescence even after cessation of excitation. In the sent work there was in- vestigated the afterglow of ZnS*.Tm phosphor with 5 x 10- g/g Tm (the phosphor was synthesized by heating at 11500C in an M3 atmosphere). The phosphor was excited by L the ultraviolet radiation (300 to 400 no from a thyratron stabilized spark between platinum electrodes CV w 6 W; C =*1500 pt); the light pulses had a duration of about 0.5 microsec; the pulse repetition rate could be varied from 0.1 to 10 flashes Qrd 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4035476 per ode. The emission was analyzed by a UM-2 monochromator coupled to an PHU-19m photomultiplier. The photomultiplier signal was displayed on the screen of a,DESO-1, oscillograph. The emission of ZnS:Tm consists of a group of blue linea (467 to 484 rap) and a few red lines (645-650 mg), but present observations were concerned only with the blue group..The luminescence of the phosphor dies down rather rapidly-. about 80% of the light sum is emitted within about 150 microsec. The decay is ex- ponantial With T u 5 x 10-5 sea', The noteworthy ;anture in that the decay does not begin immediately upon cessation of excitation; instead the luminescence intensity .continues to increase for about 10 microsec. The experimental results are presented in the form of curves. %!he present case, however, differs from that of Fok, cited above, for in this case (in contrast to Fokts) the growth time decreases with in- creasing excitation density; at the same time the decay.time does not change noti- ceably. Measurements at different temperatures showed parallel variation of T and the average intensity. Some additional measurements were made with the phosphor ex-' cited by CC-particles. Here it was impossible to observe build-up with the given ex- perimental procedure, but the decay proved to be the same as for the phosphor heated to 1000C. It is inferred that the luminescence build-up is due to recombination lumineseqnce of sensitized ZrA "blue centers", and that the decay in determined by the lifetime of the excited state of Tm3+. "Zn conclusion, I express my deep grati- 2/3 A=SSION NRs AR4035476 tude to M.D.Ga lanin for guidance In the work and V.V.Antonav-Romanovskiy &~d N.V. j Folc for.valuable suggestions In discussing the results of the work*" Orig,art0hass ASSOCIAMN, none SMMITrM): 2Wul63 DATR AM 22Uay64 IML: 00 I SUB CODS: OP NR REF SOVt 006, OTHER: OW Card 3/3 'AUTHOR ET-L'E: L~~5 -861 06 J 00" ffrV,:: AM19595-,; w0i Belikovaj T. Pq.,~ Sviridenkoy, E. A~l 30 -A 2~7 T_~e Zhurnal e:Es' . perimentiLlInoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. PiB'ma v redaktsiyu. miye, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 37-4o effect of a focused ruby laser b!gam on ruby VOPIC TAGS: rqby; -ruby- laser-$- solia state~:laserl- stimulated emission %BSTRACT An invelitigation was made ~of the effect of a ruby laser beam on cube-w- shaped r4r crystali; with -048-cm-long edges placed at the focus of the beam. A ,hain of annular mLcrofractures with local formations in the center was obseryed in ;he ruby cubes along the axis of the laser beam at a power output of 107 w in the I-spoiled mode of operation. The formation of the microf'ractures was accom-Panted bj, an intense flash o:~ light having a continuous spectrum. AlthouP emission consistir~g )f two bands peaking at about 630 and 450 mtj was observed at 10 w, no darmage occurred, At a power of IQ-9 w (without Q-switching) the blue band disappeared, le,.ring 1-T )nl,y the or=ge bmid. The formation of microfractures was attributed to ionization )f CP4* ions owing to multiphoton absorption at the 2E level and the subraquent :)reakdown due to aoceleration of.electrons in the conductiomband of corundum W,thd U-65 6 69 NR; AP5,P 9 field. At lovii' generation pover;-;~ th~'~ ~~citatibn, vas 'attributed to:tvo-phot r fro vel,-su i9eque sorption resultinq;.Jn exaitation m the -E level to the 2T2 le bi laxation to the 24 and the 2.A0 levels, and-radiative transition to the 22 levs 14either damage nor emission was observed vh6n. the Mby sample was cooled to 7TK. 1his was attributed to the fact that since the R, line at this temperature narrows 'ito 1 cd-1 and is uhifted'by 19 cri-I the oscillation wavelength does not coincide with the wavelength of the 1-R, line. Orig. art. haL, : 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy inatitut irm. P. 11. Lehedeva Alkademii nauk SSSR (F~bysics Academ _Instltute 7 of SciencesISSSR) SUBMITTED: i3may65 Ehn: 00 SUB CODE! r-r- 'R:, ATD PRESIS, 4062 1N0 PEF SOV, 000 OTHL - 002 T.P.; ~,V)-RlDftTKf;'-I, E-ln -,jLilo V , ~- d bearm Jrr3m a ruby ~,ra rub2f* ' Effect of a fOcu3e OrAlo-~ fiSo I ~-e 165~ zhur. sio Nr. ' ta NITA 1~0.0) 14'~'L 65' 6 EWT(1)7EWrcm /E" W/o '0 ACC NRa* AP6015801 SOMME CODE i UIV03WI66100310 Sviride nkojr~ E.A* :AUTHOR: B Pjj sics'l .nst e- R (Fizicheekly ORG: I iiij . im T Ni Lebedev.* AcadeW of Sciences SW institut Akademii nault BSSR) oconductivity of rub when strongly irradiated by a ruby laser. "TITIZ: Phot SOURCE: erimentalln eo etichaskoy -fiziki. PisIms v redaktalyu, zhurnal eksp vo'3 196673V-3 no* 110y n TOPIC TAGS: r%ft optic'materialo ruby laser.,, photoconductivityo light aboorptio photon strong ABSTRAOT: The authors have observed photo ond~~ivityjn ruby exposed to light (-3.030 'W/cm2) from a q~swiitched ruby laser. :The photoconductivity was produced ''by drillin holes1h a ruby sample for electrodes of 2 mm diameter spaced 2 mm apartp uhich a voltage.of 4 kv vas-applied..' The quantity actually measured vas not the -photoconductivity directly, but.the recharging of the rubycapacitance between the electrodes., 'resulting from the appearance jand: motion of carriers in the liAerellectr space. The difference between this effect andIasing action is explained. r3xpres-, sions are given for the density of the electrons,produced per second in the conduc- tion band and for the lifetime of the electron in the conduction band. The appear-, 771 anee of the 'electrons in the conduction band is attributed.tb the many-photon-absorp- t~ tion ionization6 It is sho,~n in particularp frbm an in the:chromium ion and their anedysis of the dependence of the absorption coefficient on the light intensity., that 3/2 Crd L 26665-66 ACC MAP601501 -two-photon absorption-frm the excited level is present in this case and increaoefi~ - --11&t: with increasing, intensityli The authinis thank M. D. aalanin'forbontinuow - -figures imterestSI- Origo,art. has: ~2 and formulast (021 m'~ Dii 26/. SUM Din': 14mar66/ MW.* .1m Ca 002/ 07H mw::. 001/ ATWIRESS t ord 2/2 C L L 2625246 MI) (1ftL~E(*)/EWP(t).1 IJP(C) 1!9(~JD iAcc fts AP6013054- SOUMN CCD8; UR/0040/60A)30/004/0570/0572.- AUTHOR: Bellkova, TsPs; Svirldenkov,'N.A., S-4- ORG: 'none ~XTIZ: Luminescence Ph oconductivity of ZnS: Cu mid ZnSs'l Tu- crystals under rlasorll t-.[Report,,~Foutto-enth'Cotkfore4ce-on Luminescence hel&' the -influence -of - rub;~ 71 r .-Septembe 19651 SON CH: AN SSSR4 Izvestiya' Seri a f lzichis"ja p v. 30p no. 49 1966' 570-572 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, recombination luminescence) vrystal~phosphor, zinc sulfi"': light absorption, p~ptoaonductlvity Y ABSTRACT:' Distinotlve:.bluo,or green luminescence and photoconductivity associated w h been observed Mr- several -under stim"At it -two-photon excitation,bave phosphors by rod-ruby laser light flashiss Thar.'pr6sent work was a continuation of,earlier stud-- ies.of the.processes of docay of~the luminescence and photoconductivity of ZPS:Cu Phosphors- In the earlier work'the, stimulation was by UV; in the present work the -from a rt&y laser. T minimize surface effects stlr~ulation.was by the light flashes A0 in the photoconductivit- a the*phosphor crystals we're hold in va" y awasurement c CUM$ the imby laser beam was defocused# and the'entire crystatexcept for the interelectrode region was covered with a,reflecting n6n-conducting coatings The experimental data, 1, C~id IL2 ACC NR: AP'7003539 SOURCE CODE: uR/O3;36/67/OO5/W1/OO29/OO32 AUTHOR: Belikova, T. P. Sviridenkov, E. A. ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedov, AcademW of Sciences SSSR (Fizicheskiy in- sti~tut Akadcmii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Frequency doubling of lieht in ruby SOURICE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pis1ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 5, no. 1., 1967, 29-32 TOPIC TAGS: ruby optic material,.nonlinear effect, frequency doubling, dipole inter. action ABSTRACT; The authors report observation of emission of wavelength Y47 nm from the region of the focus-of a ruby laser in a sample of ruby (which has an inversion center). The observed spectrum consists of two broad bands and a narrow li dou1ble the ruby laser frequency. The radiation was observed both with and without damage to the ruby. The order of magnitude of this emission was estimated from the blackening-of the film. 10-11,J of light energy is necessary to produce such a blackening in a spot measuring 0.1 mm2, and -10-9 J is converted into emission with X = 347 nm when the incident energy is ,~l J. The results are interpreted by esti- mating the intensities and polarizations for the optical frequency doubling produced by electric dipole and quadrupole and magnetip. dipole interaction between the light and the crystal., It is shown that in crystals with an inversion. center such as ruby UDC: none ACC NRt* double- frequency radiation cannot be produced by electric dipole interaction only. One possible cause of the double-frequency radiation observed in ruby may therefore be magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole interaction between the laser light and the corundum lattice. Another cause may be the distortion of the corundum lattice by chromium ions, which may lead to linear polarization proportional to the degree of lattice distortion and to the chromium concentration. Still another possible cause may be the anti-Stokes Raman scattering of the laser light by the chroumium ions. In this case account must also be taken of the magnetic-dipole and electric-quad-rupo, interactions. The lack of data on the values of the matrix elements does not make it possible as yet to estimate the contribution of each of these mechanisms to the pro- duction of the double-frequency emission in ruby at the intensity observed in the experiment. The disparity between the observed intensity and the estimates of the possible intensity may be due to the anisotropy of the double-frequency emission re- sultLrgr from interference effects. The authors thank M. D. Galanin for interest in the work. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 tormula. SUB CODE: 2o/ Sum DA-LE: 3ooct66/ oRiG REP: oo3/ oTH REF: oo3 ATD PRESS: 5112 KOMAROV.t V.S.., inah.j NAZLUKHANYA.U) V-M v inah.; BELIKOVA, T.Y., inab. VIRS-2 nonoparking relV with indar.~Ion pickups. iBesop.truda v prom* 6 no.8:30 Ag 162. (MIRL 16:4) (Electric relays) CHISTOV, A.D.; BAURNOVA, G.V.; BIK, N.D.:. BXMZOVA,~_.I.I.: W-INOTA. X.178.; KABAIIOVAO F.G.; HAMM, H*Do; PRIPISTSOVA, K.D.; SIXONOTA. L.7.; TOIXACILEVA, Te.M.; TIUNU13VA, Y.V.; ZINCHMMO, V.S., red.izd--va-, PAVLOVSKIT, A.A., [Foreiga trade of the U.S.S.R. for 1918-1940; statistical survey) Vneshniaia torgovlia SSSR 2a 1918-1940 gg.; statisticheskit obsor. Koskva, Vneshtorgizdat, 1960. 1134 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1e Russia (192)- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoys tamozhannoys upravleniye. 2, Otdel statistiki Glavnogo temozhennogo upravlaniya Hinisterstva vneshney torgovli SSSR (for all, except Zinchanko, Favlovskiy). (Commercial statistics) BELIFOVA, V. h. 33435. NeRotoryyi~ Gigiyenichoski-e Vo-,,rosy Pri Ly~-iri-2jtsentnci,~ Csvashchwdi. Soobshch. 1. Gigiyena I Sanziariya, IN'O. 16, c. .*-n-3. . SO. LetoyAa I Zhurna- Inykh Statey, Voa - 45, Moskvzi, 1?49 &L DARTSIG, X. M;IMLIEDVA, V. 1. Certain hygienic problems in relation to fluorescent lighting* Gig. Sanit., Moskva no.8sl7-20 Aug. 1950.(CIML 20:1) Is Of the Institute of General and Commmal Hygiene of the Academy of Medical Sciences U$Mt. 4- ALI "Ov't A ! PUKO Photoeleoixic determination of ultraviolet rays in sunlight.. Gig. sanit., Noskva, no.6113-16 June 1952. (CIML 23Q 1. Of the Institute of General and Communal 4glene. Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. BILIKOTA,- V.K.; DARSIG. N.M.; MATS, L.I. Experimental data on survival time of infected animals irradiated with erythema-producing ultraviolet lamps. Gig. i san. no.11:7-10 N, (MLRA 7:12) 1. rz rustituta obehahey kommunallnoy gigiyany AMY SSEM. (ULTRAVIOLET RATS, effects on survival time of experimentally infected mice) (TIMU , KMIM, experimental In mice'O off. of ultraviolet rays on surytval tims) 0 AID P 2473 Subject USSR/Medicine Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 2/19 Authors Bell ova..--..,- ., Scientific Worker, Dantpig, N. M., PrOr., -L. I., Prof. I . y a L' 13.1 Title Effect of the radiation of erythemic lamps on the agglutinin content of the blood of immunized animals. Periodical : Gig. I san., 7, 5-7, Jl 1955 Abstract ; Describes tests with rabbits-and discusses the effect of ultraviolet rays from erythemic luminescent lamps on the accumulation of agglutinins In the blood of immunized animals, which increases the immunological reaction of the organism against infe *ction. Diagrams. Institution: Institute of General and icipal Hygiene, Acad. of Med. Sci., USSR Submitted Dec. 20, 1954 BALIKOVA, Vk,, nauchnyy sotrudnik Bactericidal property of solar radiation penetrating a room (with summary in Anglish). Gig. i san. 22 no.11:8-15 N 157- (MIRA 11--1) 1, Is Instituta obobehey i kommunallnoy glgiyeny 021 SSSR. (BUNLIGHT. off. bactericidal a". on air microorganisms (Rue)) (AIR, m~iarobiology, bactericidal eff. of sunlight (Rue)) L / Ko V11' W]NOV, Z. K. Incidence of dysentery among children in nurseries and at home. Zhur. mlkrobiol.epid. i immun. 29 no.3.*126 )Ir 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz kafedry TSentrallnogQ institute usovershonstvaraniya Podollskoy annitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stauteii. (DYSENMY) BELIKOVAj V.P.1 KOLOSOVj U.N. Epidemiological characteristioi of a water-borne ou#reak of dy46ntery and some-data on the i-m)nology of dysente Zhur. mikrobiol.epid.i inymin. 31 na,&9:125-130 S 160. 7141PA 13:11) 1. Iz Sanitarno-epidemiologioheaXor stants:Li,, Podollsk. (AYSENTEM) (WATk&-4ffCROBIOLOGY) Urgent prophylactic problems in epidemic hepatitis (Botkin''s disease) in schools and children's institutions. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i irmmn. 32 no.6:8w14 ;e 161. (MIRL 15;5) I.Jz Podolfskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicbeskoy stantsii. (HUATITIS, IMCTIOUS) GOGOLI I L.G.1 BELIKOVA, V.P.; SUSHKINA, A.G.; RAYKINA, V.G.; PUGACHEVA, Z.F. Characteristics of a typhoid fever outbreak at an industrial enter- prise. Trudy TSIU 6805-37 164. (NIRA 18:5) RAKHLIN, IN,; BELIKOVAp Ye.I. 11-~- Economic effectiveness of capital investments in the development of the industr7 of plastics and plastic goods. Plast.massy no.10:47-j-2 161. .(MIRA 15-1) (Plastic industry) BELIKOVA, Te.H., aspirant ~'- - Rare casq of a foreign 'body in the piaxillary sinus. Stomatologiia 41 no;5t97-98 S-0 162. "' (HIRA 16:4) 1. Iz kafedry khirurgicheskov stomatologii (zav. - prof. A.A.Klyandskiy) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo institute. imeni I.P.Mvlova. (MAXILLARY SIM-..FOREIGN BODIES) BELIKOVAS ISO M" Therapeutic use of iodinol in chronic periodontitio. Stomato- logiia 43 no.100-33 Ja-PI64 (MIRK 1714) L. Klinlka ckelyustno-litsevoy khirurgii i stomatologii (zav-. - prof, A.A. Klyandskiy) I Leningradskogo meditainakogo instituta hieni I.P.Pavlova. Country USSR Catcgory-. Cultivated Plants Grains,. 110 11., 1958, 48851 Tnst : L Title : Spring Wheat. AS~insIt the Background,of the Fourth, -Stage. Orig PW): Zap. Leningr. d--kh- In-ta, 1956, vn. 11, 43-47 -, (4scovered"by;V.A. Novikov).is Abstract: Thefourth stado -characteriz~d'by.tho ittortance, for tho plants, of a high.,intensity of,liot'durind the fornation of the pollen tatrado. In the experimnts mde at Leningrad Agricultural Institute,, 13 varieties of spring wheat of different origin wore subjected to m Cnrd 1/2 WNJLR, I.I.; MSTIH&, TO.Ye.: BRYUSRKOVA. K.A.; 2110,IKOYL, YO.M. Diurnal periodicity in the synthetic activity of roots. [with . summary in Ingliahj. Izv. TMA no.5:18-34 160. (KIR& 13:11) (Roots (Botany)) *4. BELIKOVA, Z.P. Panotional mo'bility of cold reception of the skin. Vest. vener., Moskva n?.2:6-10 Mar-Apr 1953- (OLML 24:3) 1. Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute (Director -- G. N. Belatekly; Head of the Department of Normal Pbysiology - Prof. P. G. Shyakin). BELIKOVA, Z. 1'. "Dynamics of the Cold Receptors of the Skin and Mucous Membrane of the Oral Cavity." Cand Biol Sci, Moscow Medical Stomatological Instp Moscow, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 8, Dee 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12-) SOi. Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 EXCERM v.En.I^.k Sed 2 .Vol 12/2 Nysloloi _7 Feb 59 8-05. CONDITIONED REFLEX CHANGESOF MOBILITYOFSKIN COLD HE- CEPTOR ELE161ENTS (Russian text) --Be I ik ova Z.P. Dept.of.Norm. Physiol., Nfed. Stomatol. Inst., Moscow - BYULL. EKSPER. BIOL. r MED. 1957, 43/1 (3-6) The application of an inadequate stimulus (metronome 120) in combination with lowering of air temperature by 1.50 rapidly brings about the formation of a con- ditiuned reflex - the Increase of the numbt.-r of active cold points. Consolidation of the conditioned reflex in all 3 tested subjects was observed after 15 to 30 com- binations, The verbal warning 11 make it cold, caused the very same increase of the number of cold points as did an Immediate lowering of temperature. Full dif- ferentiation (metronome 60) was developed from the third application. On repeated appiLeations of the positive conditioned signal without reinforcement, extinction of the conditioned reflex was noted. The author deduces that the process of functional mobility of cold receptors is realized both by unconditioned reflex and by condi- tioned reflex pathways. Pronin - Moscow (S) Z.P. Nit0mining phen'61 c6ntent of pyrogeneous lignin tarq vith the method of high~-freau.ency.titk7ation. Giiii-oliz. i lasokhim.prom. 16 no 8;16-18 '163'9 (Z(A 17t 1) 1, Sibirskiy tekhnologicheakiy i.natitut. MM MR/ 02 _0 51 E~U: /a 00/4114/0019 /001Q S47 -1419 407 4: MKI HA C TITLE A wethod for,producing or2anosilicon vionamers which contain the fl-(carbo'. _perfLuoro-1, 1-dih)~(rn~Rto -eth 11 Z Class 12, No. 172321 __no _" r SOUR E: Byulleten' 1zobveteniy tovarnykh znakov, no. 13, 1965, ig TOPIC TAGS:. organosilican compound, silicotie, fluorinaled hydrocarbon, mcnomer, ailane esterifio_av~on ABSTRACT,~ TIA8;, Author's -t;Xic in rvd -Cer. ti t uces a method for a producing or&ziosili- con monomers which contain"the 0-'(carbo~erfluoro-l, 1-dihydrobntoxy)-ethj_1 .group byl using chlorosilanes withheating to 70-160'0C. The method Is simplified by inter- acting tho chlorosilanes with perfluoro-l- 1-d1hydrobutyl. acrylate in the pr4sence a ternary catalyst: tributyla-mine, tetramethylethylene diamine andcopper monochlo~-. ride. ASSWIAT1014b Organizats 1ya gosudarstvennogo kamiteta po khimii (OrganizAtion o the State Comittee for Chem~atmL), ffilf-D.- 29Apr64 SUBMI mm. 00 L SUB CODE. mr, Gc NO REF Sov:-000 OTHER: 000 "t l8829.,63:'_-.- W?~j)/kT(a)/EW(m)/BDS ASD. Prmb/FC-4 -RK/WW/W !ACCESSION NR:. A?3006$93 S/0020/63/151/006/1329/1331 AUTHORS: Dolubtsov. S. A.;.Andrianoyl, K. A. Worre memb*r AN SWR)l MO Turetakaya, P A, Tronnova& is vo~ TITLE: Re so tion mechanism in the formation of dialkyldichloro'silane3 SOURCE: AN SSSR.* Doklady*, v, 151, no, 6# 1963s 1329-1331 MPIC M&GS: dialkyldichloroollane, dichlorosilane, silanes silicon -chlorides copper chlorides hydration, methyl chloride, alkyl ohlorW CT,, Authors showed that during the interaction of alkyl chlo- Vri dS, aith silica in the presence of copper, dialkyldichlorosilanes are rmed, Coppor monochlorides which is formed during the reaction, of me byl chloride with copper, plays an important part in the syn- thesis of dialkyldichlorosilanes. The process consists of the ad- sorption of alkylchloride and its interaction with copper forming CuCl. Gopper monocbloride reacts with silica forming an intermediate, product S:LC12, The removal.of CuCl from the reaction zone by means 0.17 nydration with hydrogen,, results In the discontinuation of ,Cord.1/2. ACC Mlt ,,z,6o24,oiq SCURC--~ COD:;; U;i/oo62/66/000/006/1009/1010' AUTHO'll" Go ub sov. S. A.; Korobov V It. (Dicoased); PoDkov, K. X.; Trofirzwa, 1. 1/.; P. A.; ~~d_rlan'o;~Z:R. A!; BOO iova Z. V.; 60yo-sova'-IT~'Pi.; Aristova,, V, Go ORG: none TIM: Reactions of formation of alkyl(aryl)chlorosilanos in a direct interaction be-' tween Akyl (aryl) chlorides and -silicon. Report No. 6. Role oP cuprous qb] rAdo in the formation of dialkyldichlorosilanos SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv, Ser khim, no, 6, 1966, 1ooq-ioi6 TOPIC TAGS; silano, chloride, silicon compound, copper compound jee.90W. ABSTRACT: A nochani5m is nrouosed for the formation of dimothy).(dinthyl)dichlorosil- ane and nothyl(ethyl)trichiorosilano durin,& the reaction of methyl (ethyl) chloride vrith silicon on cuprous chloride. , The proposed mechanism for tho formation of dial'71-i dichlorosilanes is as follows UDC: ACC WRt AP6024019 RCI + Cu --),- RCf. CIT 211CI - Cli --,- 2CuCI + 2R Si + 2CIICI -,.- Sidi: + 2Cu SiC,12 + RCI - Cu - RSiCIz + CIICI IIS02 + IICI -Cu---~ I12siC12 + CUCI Cu Si + 2RCI The formation roDrosonted as follows.' Si + 2CuCI --,- SiC4 + 2CU SiC.11 + RCI - CU MiCh + CU FImerimontal data obtained confirmed these mechanisms. Tnerrodynamit calculations of the initial stages of the reactions of mothyl and othyl chloride with si-licon were per formed. The formation of dichlorosilono is thermodynamically quite probable under the conditions of synthesi:s of alkylchlorosilanes. UV spectra of the pr~duats formed by the reaction of cuprous chloride with silicon showed a group of bands characteristic of the spectrum of SiCl2. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 5 tables. SUB COM-.4 07/ SUEM DATE: i2Fob64/ ORIG REN 008/ OM REFI 012 Card Cand Red Sci BELIKOVA-AMAKOVA, V. D. Dissertationi "Combined Method for Immization Against Abdominal Typhus.* 11/12/50 First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst SO Vecheryaya Moskv a Sum 71 BELIKOVA-ALDA]MVA, V.D.. kanaidat meaitainakikh nauk (Mookwa) Measures to.r1reventing dysentery In the district. lel'cL I akush. no.7:22-26 Jl '55. (HIJU 8-.10) (DYSENTEU, prey. and control in Rassla) 'B kandidat meditsinakikh nank; RLTUMIL', N.Y.; MITRCWANOTA, TO.B.; SOLOVIT)WA, N.A.; DOVZHIK, R.N. Iffect of sanitary conditions on dysentorial reinfection in ,special nurseries. Gig. i san. 21 no.6:48-51 Je 156. (MIRA 9:8) 1.1s kafedry epid. I Koskovskogo ordena Lenina seditainskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (DYSJNTZRY, BACILLARY, in Infant and child, raiufact.-in nurseries (Rus)) IMLIKOVA-ALDAK V.D.. kandidat meiitainakikh nauk - ov"L WQeWma -*Baoillar7 dysentery in childreq**. A.L.Libov, Reviewed by T.D. Sallicova-Aldakovae Bovomodo 20 uo,8;93-94 Ag 156. (MU 9:10) (DYSBYMY) (LIBOT, A.L) BRIKOVA-AlDAKOVA. V.D., dotsent; DODONOV, V.N., doteent W. 80ourse in special epidemiology.0 V.A.Basbanin. Reviewed by V.D. Belikova-Aldakovit, V.N.Dodonov. 20 no.6:92-95 136. (XPI~JMIOLOGT) (MA 9 t 9) (BASH19b, V~A.) A Tat . V.D.; YLYUMILI, RON; ,T.AOVA' 're-B.; SOIA)V'TBVAI N.A. api"xiological significance of &typical strains of dysentery bacteria. Mur.mikrobial., spidau, i im-m- 27 no,3:23 Uri 56. O= 9:7) 1.,1s kafedry spidemiologii I Mookovskogo, maditainakogo institute. (SHIGBLL&. dyseuteriae, atypical strains, spidemiol. significance (Run)) BILIKOVA-AIDAKOVA, V.D. (Moskva) , Instruction in epidemiology at medical schools. Zhur.mikrobiol. ~ epid. I immun. 27 no-5:79-81 My 156. (MISA 9:8) (EPIMIOLOGY, educ. in Russia) MEMKOVA-=AXOVA, V.D.,,nauk (POGkva) FTC^ I .. Measures for the prevention of diphtheria; 43-46 S157 (DrPHTHMIA) 'I Felld, i.akuah. 22 uo,g: (MIRA 11:10) MIKOVA-AID4~9y,4,. V.D., PJMFILlTN7A, Te.P. Some problems In organizing preventive diphtheria Inoculations in r al areas. Zdrav.Ros~yed..2 no.9:21-24 S158 (MrRA 11:10) Is Is kafedry epidemiologii (xav* - profo I*Ie Telkin) I Mookovskogo ordena Lenina maditsinskogo institute Imeni I.M. Sechenova. (DIPHTHERIA) - MIKOVA.ALDAWFA,-,V.D,,9 dotso- - - 010~ *Textbook of infectious children's diseases' by S.D, MosoT. Reviewed by V.D. 'Ballkovap-Aldakova. Sov mad. 22 n0-71136-137 J3,.-158 (COMMICAN2 DISMASii) (MIRA 11:10) (CHIIMMS-DISEASES) (NDSOV, S.D.) BELIKOVA-AMAKOVA, T.D.,; BLTUMMLI, N.Y.; KITROFAMOVA, Ye.V.; SOLGT'MIYA, N.A. Some daWon the nature of atypical strains olf Shigella. Zhur.mikrobioloepid. A immm. 30 no.4:94-97 AP 159- (MIR& 12:6) 1. 12 kafodry epidemiologii II Hookovskogo maditainakogo instituta imeni 6echenova. WRALIA atypical strains (Rue)) BZLIKOVA-ALDAKOVA. V.D.-. DODONOV, T.R. RProventive inooulation" by A.L. Nikollskli. Rovieved by V.D. Belikova- Aldakova, Y.N. Dodonov. Zhur.mikrobiol.opid. i Immun- 30 n0-9:150-152 S 159. (VACCINATION) (NIKOLISCII, A.L.) (MIRA 12:12)