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_~~L~KOV,-,~~rgpy..,I,vano,vicb,,jnzh.; DOKUNINA, Natallya Aleksandrovnai kand. tekhn. rauk; BURDINA, Nadezhda Nikola-yevna, inzh.; IOINZBERG, F.Te.,inzh., rsUsnzent; YAKUSHKV, A.I.,prof.doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; B%ISHTEYN, S.I., inzh., red.; STEPANOVA, A.A., red. izd-va,- IIOVIK, A.Ya., tekhn. red. [Allowances, fits and technical measurements in the manufacture of aircraft] Dopuski, posadki i tekhnicheskie iz- nereniia v proizvodstve letateltrWkh apparatov. Moskva, Oboron- giz, 1963. 290 p. (MIRA 17:2) Charging storage batteries on cars. Ayt. transp. 35 no.5:35 MY 157, (Automobiles-Bateries) (Kuu lotO BILIKOV, V. route into the cosmos. lUn.tekh. 2 no.1:30-31 Mr 158. (XIRA 11:1) 1. TSenbrnl~nnya stiduya dokumentAlinvkh fillmov. (SDace flieht) ACC NR. AN7004844 COEE: UR/9003/67/000/038/oooh/ooo4 AUTHOR: Belikov, V.; Osipov, B. ORG: 'none TITLE: Electronic computer serves aeroflot. SOURCE: Izvestiyas nop '38, 14 Foo 67, P- 4, Col.7 TOPIC TAGS: electronic computer, civil aviation', e4-X~&-' Q ABSTRACT: Last year Aeroflot transported 53 million passengers* .The newly established firm "Avtomatika" will do the cybernetics work by which with the help of a computer it will be possible to find out exactly the uunber of passenger seats available. The Ministry of Civil Aviation of the USSR thinks that the automated system of ordering and selling tickets will work 2 1/2 times -faster.than the most experienced cashiers. SUB CODE: 09P/ SUB~ DATE: ~none/ ATD PRESS: 5114 WN 112-2-3111 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurna.1, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, p. 83 (USSR) AUTHOR., Belikov, V. A. TITLE: Systems and the Technical and Economic Factors of City Distribution Networks (Skhemy i tekhniko-ekonomicheskiye pokazateli gorodskikh raspredelitellnykh .setey) PERIODICAL: In Sbornik; Vopr. postroyeniya gor. elektr. setey, Moscow, M-vo kommun. kh-va RSFSR, 1956o PP. 33-72 ABSTRACTt It is pointed out that low-voltage radial networks often do not come up to the high standards of reliability and qq9nomy demanded of city networks. For regions of four- and'five-story structures with a considerable number of responsible consumers, low voltage parallel-or multiple- series connected networks with reverse-power'automatic switches with reserve transformer power and reserve carry- ing capacity are recommerled. For regions of new building developments, intra-block, parallel-oonneated cable net- , works should be used. Extra-block networks using existing Card 1/3 cables and overhead lines should be used in regions of 112-2-3111 Systems and the and Economic Factors of City (ContJ old building developments. Where faetory-made automatic network switches are not available, theLA-2,000 automatic air circuit breakers in conjunction with two "M6-171/1 power relays can be used for network protection. In 380/220-v networks the relay should be switched on a 900 phase connection diagram and in 220/127-v networks, on a 600 phase connection. In most caBes it is possible to dispense with safety fuses between the transformer and the low-voltage installation. For regions where I to 3 story buildings predominate and where there Is a small number of responsible consumers, ring,series- and parallel- connected net- works are recommended. These networks would be without automatic switches, but woluld have safety fuse protection; they would have no reserve, or only a minimal transformer power and network carrying capacity reserve. In.regions of new construction, the ring, overhead intra-blook network should be used. In regions of-old building construction the extra-block, series-or parallel- connected circuit utilizing existing-lines should be used. In the latter case, the changeover to closed-circuit operation must be based on.economic considerations. Individual, especially Card 2/3 112-2-3111 Systems and the Technical and Economic Factors of City (cont.) responsible consumers can be supplied with individual, automatic reserve by equipping the feeders to the house with contactorg. The utilization of high-voltage bi-radial networks for groups of four-and five-story apartment buildings is not recommended as it may lead to excessive,capital investment or, in the case of transformer-point enlargement, to overexpenditure of non-ferrous metals. Y&.K.Ch. Card 3/3 BELIKOV, V.A. Model Tirojects of educational workshon units for schools. Politekh.obuch. no-8:75-82 Ar, 157. (MLRA 10:9) 1. Glavnvv inzhener Unravlealya 'Kapitallnogo stroitalletva Hinisterstva. oroavesheheniya RUM. (TechaicR1 education) (Workshops) AUMR: Sergeyev, A.S., Docent 105-58-5--23/28 TITLE: Dissertations (Dissertatsii) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 5, pp. 89-91 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. At the Academy for Cowmunal Ecorlomy imeni Famfilov (Akademiya kommunallnogo, khozyaystva im. Pamfilova). P.F.Gogichaishvili on May 29, 1951 "Electric Energy Distribution in Rural Areas with Low-Storey Houses". Official opponents: I.A.Budzko,Doctor of Technical Sciences, and N.K. Arkhipov, Engineer. V.A.Belikov on MV 3, 1954 "Investigation of Basic Problems of the -S`uing- of Urban Closed Low-Voltage Networks". Official opponents: G.I.Atabekov, Professor, Dootor of Technical Sciences and N.A.Mellnikov, Docent, Candidata of Technical Sciences. At the Moscow Technological Institute of the Pool Indusin (Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti): G.V.Drevs on February ig, 1947 "Electromechanical Equipment of Mill-s,Grain Works and Grain Elevators". Official opponents: Card 1/4 P=fessor K.G.Markvardt, Docent A.Ya.Sokolov and Engineer Galitsa. Dissertations 105-58-5-23/28 At the All-Union Gorre rAn"ma P^13ftpehnin TngtailliA (VsesoyLlznyy zaochnyy politekhnich6skiy in3titUt): B.B.Lurlye on November 21, 1949 "Leona- rd Connection with Introduc-- tion of Generator-Armature Voltage into the Circuit of its Excit- ing Winding'. Official opponents: N.V. GorokhaT, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences zmd Engineer A.Xe.Gurevich. S.A.Esman on June 22, 1950 "Theory and kethods of Calculation of the Electric Drive and the Control Scheme of "Flying Scissors". Official opponents: I.G.KullbaohWj, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences ana Ye.V.Nitusov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. S.Ya.Duna,yevs on Jund 29, 1950 I'Analysis of Transitorylkodes of Operation in the Generator-I'Lotor System in Consideration of Saturation and Eddy.Currents". Official opponents: Ye.V.Ni,,6u3ov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and K.V.Urnov, Candidate of Technical Sciences. V.D.Yurenkov on FebruarY 5, '1951 "Capacitive Electric Energy Ab- straotion at the Antenna of Electric Transmission Lines". Official opponents; G.I.Atabekov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and N.A. Mellnikov, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Card 2/4 Dissertations 105-58-5-2-V28 M.A.Son' kin on November 5, 1951 "Electric Drive with a Control as Current Function for the Mechanism of Rolling kills". Official opponents: A.N.Larionov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and F.A.Goryainov, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences. G.P.Khalizev on June 25, 1951 "Problems of Theory and Practice in the Electric Drives of Rolling Staircases (Escalators)". Official opponentst N.V.Gorokhov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and K.V.Urnov, Docent, Canlidate of Technical Sciences. G.B.Yakusha on October 6, 1952 "Melting of Iced Parts of Open- Air Transmission Lines of 35-110 kV Electric Transmission by Means of Electric Current". Official opp-cinents: V.V.B-argsc3orf, Profeasor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and 14.I.Tsarev, Caniidate of Technical Sciences. At the Leningrad Institute f-r the Construction of Aircraft Equipment (Leningmdskiy tnstitut aviatsionnogo, priborostroyen.-A'.ya). I.A.Glebov on November 4. 1',49 "Investigation of a Synchronous Generator with Ion Transforw-.r in the Exciter Circuit". Official opponents: L.H.Gruzov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Card 3/4 M.I.Oranskiy, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Dissertations AVAILABLE: 4105-58-~-2YZ8 B.V.Prolov on April 25, 1950 "Investigation of the Scheme of a Cascade Connection of an Asynchronous Machine with Ion Trans- former". Official opponents: A.Ye.Kaplyanakiy, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Engineer G.K.Zherve. S.I.Barainskiy on April 16, 1953 "Investigation of an Asynch-rono7az Ion Cascade in Generator Operatiod'. Official opponents: O.B.Bron, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences ana N.D.Panot', Candidate of Technical Sciences. Library of Congress 1. Scientific reports--USSR 2. Electrical equipment--USSR Card 4/4 BELIKOV,,V.A... insh. eating prestressed concrete trusses in a horizontal position. Trudy NIIZB no.16:341-149 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Prestressed concrete-Testing) (Truar;es) Xv. 11., BULGAKOV, V.S.0 kand. tekhn. nauk; MATKOV., N.G.0 kand, tekhn. nauk; ;, - I ~A inzh.; VASIL', A.P., kand. tekhn. naukp red.; KLIY,GVA, G.D., red. izd-va; SHEVCHENKO, T.N., tekhn. red. [Handbook on injecting the channels in prestressed concrete elements with mortar]Rukovodstvo po inueteirovaniiu kanalov pred- varitellno napriazhenrWkh zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsii. Moskva) Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 28 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Akademiya stroitelletva i arkhitaktury SSSR. Institut betona i zhelezobetomp Perovo. (Prestressed concrete) MLIKOV V IL.1 BESSISRTNII, 1,3.; GIAZUIIOV; A.A.; IOKIIVIDOV, E.S.; V.A.j KUMILMOV, X4,3.; MRM, G.V.; SOIDATFINA., LJ.; IEDWETIO, R.Ya. "I'tuidamontal problems concerning the design of municip&I electric power dietribution. reWorks" by B.L. Ai2enberg and S.N. Nikogosov. Reriewed by M. Belikov and others. Slaktrichostvo no.7:93-94 J1 162. (MIRA 15.7) 1. Moskovaldy inzhenerno-ekonomichosItty institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (for Bolil;ov). 2. Giprokom=icnergo (for Bessmortnyy). 3. Moskavskiy energetichesldy institut (for Glazunov, Soldatkina) - 4- Mosk(rrskoye rayonnoye upravloniye energetichaskogo khozyaystva (for iokh7idov). 5. Leningradskaya kabellmaya set, Lcningpadskogo upravloniya energokhozyaystvom Glavenergo Mhi".StOstva Plektrostantsiy 3S8R (for Kozlov). 6. Mosinzhproyekt (for Kuinetsov). 7. Upravleniye po proyektirovaniyu zhilishcbno-- grazhdanskogo I kommunallnogo stroitellstva g. Moskyy (for IUxer). S. Akademiya kommunallnogo kbozyaystva im. K.D. ?arifilova (for Fedosenko). (Electric power distribution) (Aizenberg, B.L.) (Nikogosov, S.N.) SHPAN*0141 P.A.; BFLIKOV, V.A. Active spectral method for testing diodo irGdulation imoters. Izm. teldi. no..1:43-45 Ja 164. - I (MIRA 17:11) ACC NR: AP71DO5261 SOURCE CODE: UR/0003/67/000/001/0087/0088 ,%U711OR: Mistrykin, A. N. (Docent; Candidate of techAical sciences); Belikov, V. A. (Doceatt Candidate of technical sciences); Zhadin, K.i P-'(Deceasedo, Do'c_~en, ~idste z of technical sciences); Padalko, L. P. (Engineer) 1ORG: Noscow EnGineering-Economics 'Institute im. S. Ordzhonikidze (Hoskovskiy inzhene n6-ekonomicheskiy institut) ,TITLE: Computers and education SOURCE: Vestnik vysshey sbkoly, ~'no. 1, 1967, 87-88 TOPIC TAGS: computer techniquei, ('0n7PUrV`X" 77,FC11A~04-06LIf *(-11) rA0A/ ABSTRACT- One of ihe problems encotintered fn' training sEudents of technical and economic institutes of higher education ia the practical mastery of computer technology. To - this ef fect, the authors describe the' experience at the bbscow Engineer ing-Economic Institute,'where for several years the'Ural-4 has been used for diploma projects in the'Electric Stations and Systems Department -The authors conclude that the iise of mathematical methods and computers will help improve the mothodical cooperation between' the Mathematics, Computer Technology, and Engineering departments. In adlditio~, it i- now 'practical to create manuals of'a new'type so that the solutions r4 problems contained I*therein will require the application of cquputers. tuch a manual is being ]S,~Bepax'Q- 09/ SUBM DATE:* hohe/ ATD FORMS: 5114 ..,COVE: Ir". ____ ( BELIKOVI V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Principles of efficient construction of 6-10 kv. municipal power distribution networks. Nov.tekh.zhil.-kom.khoz.: Elek.i tepl. gor. no.5:16-31 161. (KRA 18:9) BELIKOV, V.D.; DENISOV, V.N. ------ MachamAsing the sprinkling of public gFdpi* and flower bedis# Gor, Pos. Mosk. 36 no.lOs42-0 0 162. (MIR& 15:12) (Sprink1era) BELIKOV, V.D. Experimental study of the distributing apparatus of rotary snow loaders. Nauch. trudy AKKR no-32:117-126 164. Methods of snow loading into transportation vehicles. Ibid.. 127-134 (MIRA 19:1) ~-~~JXOT, V..G. . -4 " Selecting the quantity of circulating fluid and the turbocirill. in developing efficient drilling conditions. Aserb.neftekhos. 35 n0*7: Jl '56. (nU 9:12) (Turbodrills) (Oil well drilling) B I -, -, XNA490SIT PWIIO Relation between area of the bit. the performance of a turbodrill and Azerb. neft. khoz. 36 no,5:12-14 Xv (Boring machinery) the effective 157. (MIRA 11.0t1l) BELIKOV, V. G . BELIKOV, V.G., Cand Teck, Sci -- (diss) "Appearance of reserves and means of increasing the indicators of turbine driLling on areas of the Eastern Pre-Caucasus." Baku,, 1958. 10 pp, (VAn of Higher Education USSR. Azerb Wer of Iabor Red Banner Indus Inst im M. Azizbekov). 100 copies (KL, 20-58,96) Effect- O-f-alx-bl~oad on the speed of rotation of turb drill sbafts. Izv.vye.ucbeb.zav.,- noft' i gaz I no.11:37-42 '58. (HIRk 12:5) 1. Grozuenskiy neftyanoy, inBtitut. (Turbodrills) V, yc,- 93-58-3-7/17 AUTHOR: Belikov,, V. G. TITM: Tooth 4acing in Cone Rock Bits (0 velichine shags zublyev sharosheelanykh dolot) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo., 1958, Nr 3, pp 29-33 (LWR) AMTRAOT: Me article reviews the literature and experimental data on cone rock bits. V, S. Fedorov (Aef lj points out that the harder the forma- tion and the lighter the weight on the bit., the smaller must be the space between the teeth of the bit. HIgh-speed M-Ing of cone rock bits operations done by the All-Union Desijp and Planning Scientific Research Institute for Drilling Oil and CAs Wells (VMMnnmeft) showed that formation breaktV efficiency increases with increased spacing of the teeth [Bef 23. Mie author points oat Viat three cone rock bits are of the M, 8, T. and K type designed for soft.. average, above average, and hard formations renective These four tnes . An analysis of bit of bits differ in their tooth spacing (T~qble 1~1 performance invells of the Guderms Drilling Depar-tment (GUAermes skaya kontore4xreiVa) under the authority of the State All-Union Card V3 93-58-3-7/17 Tooth Opacing in Cone, Rock Bits (Co"at.) Of IV Association of the Groznyy Oil and Gas 3ndustry (Gro2neft shows that in sandy forAatimas the performance of M type b:L-I,,s is gone-rally superior to S t~fpe bits (Table 2). r%1, Is substumYtiated by drilling data frcm various Grozaeft' oil fields (ft-ble 3). An analysis made by the Gro--V7 Petroleum Scientific ReseszmIt 1-asti-tute (GrozHII) also disclosed thei, M. 3.2 M tyye bits perform better ia semEy fox-miions thEm B type bits. M3P. beat results vere obtained in the Starogrozuensh., P-ia Mxderwes oil :mgionn. Experimental drill.Ung an--n-led out by tha go-tvar 11re-sh-Kals, Drilling Depextmnt in the Kara,-~,an, and Chala-Sx, sandstane fomr-tionn hzas elso .ihcrm tbat X type bits can be used in ezep de-1,1ing of cla)vy and sandy foymvtions as well as clayey formations inter- beddecl -orith mexl or Imrd sandstone (Wblle 4). A emwarison of data on drilling in the fild--nr-,ka (Xkht-yrskaya), BugrnCyxr, ead Gox-.,-achiy M.7.mch oil pools under the authov:Lty of Ithe. State All.-Uhiaa Associmtiaii of the ELvznodar Oil and Gas Indtistry (KrasnoRpamefft-) has also discloaecl the superiority of M type bits over S type bits (R-af 41. Experizaental drilling carried out by the Petroleum Production Administration of the State All-Union AdmInistration of the Abinskiy Petroleum Madustry (1-TU Abinneft I) with MMM-10n turbod-rille using SM-12 M tvOe bits and VSS-12 S type bits also shave the. superiority of M type bits (Table ;)* Hadever,, Card 2/3 93-58-3-7/17 Tooth Spacing in Cone Rock Bits (Cont,) the efficiency of the M type bits as compared with the S type bits decreases .Lue on the turbodrill shaft is inadequate when the torc (Table 6). =s deterjore, tion in efficiency is shown in drilling with TIM-101 turbodrills and No. 14 M type bits of larger diemater (Table 7), as well as by data on drilling in the Bragany region (Table 8) eVen in OlWy formations (Table 9). in 1950, P. D. Zenkov [Ref 71 was against the use of VEM-12 bits in sandstone formtions and at that time his conclusion was correct since the perfonwace of the,.VSM-12 bits was inferior to that of the ZIS-7 bits (Table 10). At present, hwever, this cone-fusion is wrong since the xode~n WM-101' turbodrills as compared with the T1,4,M-9 3/4" turbodrills devi-lop a higher rotation zoment. The author con- cludes that the bits must be redesigned to suit the newer turbodtills of hig'a ratation moment, that bits with nexmr spaced teeth are best for turbodri2ls of rotation mment., that for present-day turbodrills M type bits Oze generall-ly better'than the S type bits for dri3JIng sandelone form-tions in the Sqathern regians, and that increased efficiency in rock breakup will probably remUt from using bits with the widest possible tooth spa-cing. He also believes that the potential posa;Lbi3ities of three cone rock bits in turbine drIlling have not yet been fauy exhausted. There a-re 10 tables and 9 references of which 8 are aovtet and one is Engliah. AVAUJXSI: lZbraxy of Congress Card 3/3 BILIKOV, V.G. Adaptability of turbodrills to axial bit loading. Izv. V.Ve. ucheb zar.; neft' i gaz no.4:27-32 158. (MIRA 11:9) I.Azerbaydzhanskiy industrial' W inetitimt im. M. Azisbekova, '(Turbodrtl1Q ' ' - Drop method for the detection of thioaulfate Ions with the use of.aodium nitroprussiae. Naucb.dokl.vve.shkoly; khln.i. kbimo tekh. no.1:108-109 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Predstavlana kafedroy farzatsevticheskoy khimii Pyatigor- skogo goaudarstvanno farmatsevtichaskogo instituta. (Thioaulfatpe) (Sodium nitroprussides) rEDOROV, V.S.; IMLIEDV, V.G. Starting up turbodrills. Izv. v7s. ucheb. sav.; neft' I gaz 2 no.4:29-33 159. (MIRA 12:10) l.Groznenski3r neft7anoy institut. (Turbodrills) . BBLIMV, V.G. Turbodrills with a reduced number of stages and turbodrills with hollow shafts. Isv. vVe. uOheb. xav.; neft' i gas 2 no.8:27-30 159. (MU 12:11) 1,Groznenskiy neftyanoT institut, kTurbodrille) BILIKOV, V. G. .4-,- Practicability of the use of high-volumetric capacity turbodrills and h6llow-shaft turbodrills. Neft.khoz- 37 no.2:31-33 P '59. (MIRA 12:4) Owbodrills) FEDOROV, V.S.- BELIKOV V G ISAYEVA, V.V., ved. red.; BASHMJkKOV, G.M., tekhn, -~e-d. (Methods of generalizing progreasive practices in the technology of boring] Metody obobshcheniia peredcvogo cpyta v tekhnolcgii bareniia. Moskva, Gcstoptekbizdat, 1962. 155 P. (MIRA 15:5) (Boring) .. BLLIKOV,, V.G.; ALFKSANDROV, M M. More about the problem of determining the basic hydraulic pexameters of a turbine drilling rig. 12V. VYS. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.1:11?-119 165. (MIRA 18.2) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. BELIKOVP V.G. Formioaible axial load on a bit in electric drilling. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' I gaz 8 no.3:21-24 165. (~aRA 18:5) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. AUTHOR: Belikov, V.G. 32-12-15/71 TITLE: Short Reports (1) (Korotkiye 3oobshcheniya). PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 12, pp. il+37-i437 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the purpose of aetemining the presence of aniline in any medium it is recommended in this paper to make use of its reaction to sodium-nitroprusside. The reagent is in this case used in a 1% concentration after first having been exposed to solar radiation (for 6-15 minutes according to the time of the year) or that of a quartz lainp (20-25 minutes from a distance of 10 cm). Analysis is carried out in a slightly acid medium, and after 5 to 6 seconds of reaction, a blue coloring should become noticeable. When carrying out the analysis according to the drop method it is possible to find a minimum content of UP to 0,71* with a ailuting limit of 1:5G.000. This kind of reaction is recommended for the determination of the presence of aniline in antifebrine as well as in -the air, Card 1/2 Short R"orts ( I) 32-12-IV71 ASSOCUTION: Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute (Pyatigorskiy farmatsevticheakiy institut). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Aniline-Determination 2. Sodium nitroprusside-Reactions BELIKOV, V.G. 'r ........ .... Purity test for chlorstone and labeline hydrochloride. Redeprom. 12 no.6:31-33 Je 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Pyatigorskiy farmateevticheskiy institut. (LMLINN) (PROPANOI) V.G. I C:-."(l f~;Ci in)'Tti of -,odium urunride in tho 1-mrlit -Aklivi~. of n, r :, tinns ("in orl All 1e ."Mc in ordt'llold'aid7o TNIT-111"I) 2150 1,~O.Aof~ ( 1" _rtl 5(2) SOV/156-59-1-26/54 AUTHOR: Belikov, V. G. TITLE: A Drop Method for Indicating the Thiosulphate Ion by Means of 3odium 11itroprusside (Kapellnyy metod otkrytiya iona tiosultfata a pomoshchtyu nitroprussida, natriya) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheskaya. teklinologiya, 19597 Nr 1, pp 100-109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is very complicated to indicate the thiosulphate ion in the presence of sulphide, sulphite and sulphate ions. For this reason a method has been developed in which the thio- ul s "phate is reduced to sulphide with caustic sodas the residue is calcined and has then added to it one drop of 0.1% sodium nitroprusside solution. A durabley red-violet color is ob- tained, The reaction takes place even with 2y thiosulphate and a dilution of 1:10,000. The disturbing sulphide ion must previously be removed by cadmium acetate and the surplus cadmium must be removed by caustic soda. The second drop method makes possible the stagewise determination of sulphate, thiosulphate and sulphite in the presence of sulphate. Sulphide ion reacts in solution while assuming a violet color after the addition of one drop of 10% caustic soda and I drop of Card 1/2 W% solution of sodium nitroprusside to a drop of the solution SOV/156-59-1-26/54 A Drop Method for Indicating the Thiosulphate Ion by MeanB-of Sodium Hitroprusside to be investigated. Then 0-5 mole of a 5~ solution of cadmium acetate and I mole 10% caustic soda are added to 1 mole of the solution to be investigated. The precipitate is removed by filtration and one drop is removed by evaporation and has a drop of sodium nitroprusBide added thereto. Thiosulphate reacts while assuming a red.-violet color. To,'determine the sulphite one drop of 10~ potassium ferrocyanide solution and a drop of 1% solution of sodium nitroprusside are added to a drop of a saturated zinc sulphate solution. A drop of the solution to be investigated is added to the white precipitate fornyed. The precipitate assumes a red color when mixed through in the presence of sulfite ions. The analysis can be carried out within 5 minutes. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra farmatsevticheakoy '-~himii Pyatigorskogo gosudaretvennogo farmatsevticheskogo instituta (Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Pyatigorsk State Institute of Fharmnceutics) SUBMITTED: July 199 1958 Card 2/2 BZLIKOT, V.G..(Pyat1gor9k) New method of aniline detection in sanitary and hygenic studies. Gig. truda i prof.zab. 3 no,503-54 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Yarmateevticheskiy In6titut. (ANILINX) (SDDIUM NITROPRUSSIDES) BALIKOV, V.G. , "litutive analysis of tibone, cutiaone and phytoncide preparations of onion v6nd garlic. Med.prom. 13 no.4:52-54 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1e P~atigorskiy farmatsevtIcheskiy institut. (KCBMILID) (CuWammm) (PHYTONCIDES) 5 (2) AUTHOR: Belikov, V. Go SOV/32-25-8-11/44 TITLE: New Color Reaction of the Thiosemicarbazide With Sodium-nitro- prusside PERIODICAL; Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 8, P 931 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Reference I recommends a color reaction on thiosemicarbazide M based on the reaction of (I) with sodium nitroprusside (II) with hydroxylamine (M) and caustic soda (IV) at which a red coloring is formed. Thiourea produces the same reaction and the mixture (11), (III)v and (IV) itself is red. In the present case it was established that an ammoniacal solution of (I) with (II) has a red-orange coloring which turns to an intense red- violet at the addition of glacial acetic acidl this coloring remains for several hours. The Ammoniacal solution of (II) (without (I)) is a light yellow and becomes colorless after the addition of glacial acetic aoid. The article contains the re- action mechanism and two kinds of analysis, a macromethod and a drop-weight method. The reaction makes possible the determina- tion of 100 Wof (I) in I ml or 4 r of (1) in one drop of the solution to be investigated. There is 1 Soviet reference. Card 1/2 New Color Reaction of the Thiosemicarbazide With SOV/32-25-8-11/44 Sodium-nitroprusside LSSOCIATION: Pyatigorskiy farmatsevticheskiy institut (Pyatigorsk Pharma- ceutical Institute) Card 2/2 GRUZNOVA, Detection and determination of aniline in medicolegal Investigations. Bud.-med.okeport. 2 no*4:39-43 O-D 159. (min 13:5) 1. rafedry sudebnoy khimii (2av. - doteent Te.A. Gryaznova) i farmatoevticheekoy khimii (zav. - doteent V.N. Berushteyn) Prati- gorskogo farmateevtichookogo Instituta. (Aximn-AmTsis) AMIKOV, V.G. - - ------------- Detection of novdrsen~ol by means of sodium nitroprusside. lzv. vys.ucheb.zav.; khim.i. khim tekh, 3 no.1:78-79 160, (MM 13iro) 1, Xafedra farmatoevticheakoy khimii Y~ratigorskogo farmateevti- cheekogo instituta. (Ifeocinchop6n) (Sodium nitroprussid'e) C. mmIrOV,--T-G- RUse of sodium nitroprusside in the qualitative analysis of oharmacoutteal chemicalew by V*G* Selikov* Ned.prome 14 uo*6t 62 Je 16o. (XM 13:6) (CHBKI=Tg KKDICAL AND PRMMCMICAL) (NITRMWBSMXS) BELIKOV9 V.G. Sodium nitropruaside as a reapnt for salkaloids. Mod. prm. 34 no.9;43-47 S 160* (WA 23;9) 1, Pyatigorskiy farmatsevticheskiy institut. (SODIM4 NITROPRUSSIDE) (ALUWIDS) BUT OV, V.G.j__4asistent; SMI"OVAt L.N.P studentka IV kt&w -- - -- ---- I ' 1j, Drop method for the do otion of penicil1in in medicinal forms. Apt. delo 10 nos 2:32-3 Mr-Ap 101* (MIRA 14:4) 1. Kafedra fax-mateevticheBkoy khi-ii Pyatigorskogo farmatBevti- cheskogo instituta (nauchnyy rukovoditell - kandidat khimichaskikh nauk doteent V*N* Bernshteyn). (PENICILLIN) BELIKOV, V.G.; BERNSHTEMP V.N. Colorimetric determination cf pilocarpine. Med. prom. 15 no.11, 59-61 N 161. MM 15.- 6) 1. Pyatigorskiy farmtsevticheskiyinstitut. (PILOCARPIM) (CMMMTRY) SEMHTM, V.N.; V.D. Sodi= nitroprui3side and its uses in analytical chemistry. Usp. khime 30 no* 4.502-51,9 Ap 161. (MIRA 1414) L Pyatigorskiy farmatoevticbeekiy institut, (Sodium nitroprusside) BELIKOV, V,G. Qualitativo and photocolorltaotric determination of small quantlUeo of synestrol. VU. prom. 17 no.9.32-35 S163- (MIRA 17-5) 1. PyatigorskLy farmatsevticheskiy institut. BM=OVp.y~.~.;,,jZK'MCHlKOVA, G.l.; BEMSHTEYN, V.N.; KUM I.Ya, New qualitative roa4tiono for apressine. Aptech. delo 12 no.3t 60-62 Hy4e 163 (KM 17t2) l..Fyatigorskiy farmatowticheskiy Institute BELIKOV, V,M.; MAYRANOVSKIY, S.G.; KORCHEMNAYA, TS.B.; GULITYAY, V.P. Tautomerism of nitro compounds. Report No.5s Polarographic study of recombination of nitroacetic aster anion. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.3:439-444 Mr 164. (MIRA 17W 1. Institut organicheskoy khimli im. N.D.Zellnskogo AN SSSR i Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN WSR. BELIKC'i- V.G. D.1, l.:r,j. ta~,Jn. ., il!zl:.; (;C)f A;HAREW. elfI Mining an extraizely thin flat aaa;ii idth a -.~crapjr-plcv unitu. Ugoll 39 no.5:54-56 Y), 164. (MIM 17:8) 1. Kombinat '131ollk-ov). 2. PorsetslAy nauobino- inledovatallsUy u..-,ollk%yf in-Aititt (for Goncliqi-mko). Subject Card 1/1 Authors Title Periodical Abstract AID P - 4770 USSR/AeronaUtiC8 -.; accelerometer Pub. 135 - 28/31 : Belikov,, V. I,, Col. and M. P. Sheynin : For wider use of load factor indicator : Vest. vozd. flota, 8, 93, Ag 1956 : The authors suggest the use of an accelerometer during the execution of aerobatics. Institutlon ; None Submitted ; No date 131LIKOV, V.K.; B=V, H.S. Bxperience in organizing practical work In agriculture. Politekhoobuch* no.6:14-54, Js 157. (MIRL 12:4) 1. Skhodnenskaya arednyaya ;shkola No.2,.MAmkInskogo rayona Moskovokoy oblasti. (Agriculture--Study and teaching) (Fihld work Mucational method)) BV,LIKOV, How we organized a school machine-trRotor stRtlon. Polltekh.obuch. no.8:62-63 Ag '57- (PI.RA 10;9) 1. Skhodnenskaya arednvaya shkolm No.2 Khim):inskago rayona Moskovskoy oblasti. (Farm mechAnisstion--Stu4 nnd teschirg) BELIKOV, V.K. The specialist in greenhouses and hotbeds. Politekh.obuch. no-11:77-78 N '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Hotbeds) (Greenhouse management) WMIYLOV, V.X,; KITAYZV. I.Ge I- ~Wmfw" - "re on farm m --MeRl"oo achanization. Politekh. obuch. no.2:87-88 F 158. (XIRA 11:1) (?arm mechanization) BZLIKDVO V.1 Preparing studente for practical vork in a rural Rchool. Politekh. obuch. no.5:36-42 My '59s (KU 12:6) 1. Skbodnenskeya aredrqaya shkola B16.2 KhImkinskogo rayona Rookov- skoy oblasti. (Skhodnia--Agriculture-Study and teaching) (Field work (Edixfttional method)) BELIKOVI V.K. - . .....- Work practices of enterprises of nonferrous metallurgy 4-n the Ukrainian S.S.R. in the area of efficiency and inventiors., Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:77 Ja-F 165. ~ (MIRA 18:3) BELIKOV, V. M., RODIONOV., V. M. and MACHINSKAYA, I. V. "Methods for Obtaining Esters of Alpha-Nitro Replacing Carbonic Acid.," Zhur, Obshch. Khim., 18, No-5., 1948 Describes preparation of nitroacetoethyl ester, This is done by nitration of the acetic acid ester and subsequent oxidation of the resultant isonitrosoacetic acid w~her with potassium bichromate. Yield is 60% of theoretical. Submitted 18 Apr 47. PA 8/49T65 BEMOV, V. M. "Quantitative Determination of Methyl Groups Connected to Carbon,n Usp. Khim.,, 21., No.4, 1952 MI FT Z .it, V. M. Rdikov (Ili 13toll wtis a iidtis, trado,111 ~V 24 Atli ( cillowd byUc Nao~stfn isoded 117 w ftlmrrH.Kft W ?A W PtAll ivrith mutinis it 'Aft, COO I- ;i ~Cirvmd lViN. at (vigils "tefil , lk tile mixture WAS it N' 911-400" isliol' t.44&1 it% 14 -MOC111CUMM iw-(~4 wl n A -g '-d d m i IMMO 1 WC It dl 20 i j - , t o ai . g y gqvc .1 of )eI!(NO0COA& . .114 of n't? 143115 W , A I.W24, Ts'fl MiCCMNIC) umi G.J1 it. ctaat~st PmV4~ frilni. 016 g.~PHNhtc,;PhSOII (0. CA; 42, 4%?As) awl tiji mixt,'wiriiiii4l Ili M -)V~4 lim:After tjoat. s ill mt With 41U, 40 tshil kill, wIth y10 there mo 0.1itilirw -CCII(NO 52** EA OCIACMCN.,W 146,"". ~ 1 43W d I 4NW iL A 4 i W o 4 - il ctt i . t ct m W I 2. t pr oi Sim Ixeclita GAVIMIMV0 so 90 i m .. * RtOtj w" paW, voills ilry I Ict with, cWtill is M kvilt , , ' da ima tol ys At YkWilij Atfto~ 411a. Will 11.00 44 ' it r9pentlitivi, Is, vs t 14() t ' (1 7 g. RACCHlNO, a 7 tot. EtOR , Vcr NI with Suva 50~ E10 ~C1 6M1 410 j II: 4 fA . * , aficir cvalin. aW Acidificition PH PH EELIKCIV, V. Y. "The Transformation of Nitrocarbox7lia Acids." Cand Che:: ---ci, Inst of Organic C! emistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy, Aced Sci WS11 21 Dec 54. (VV,) Q$ Doc 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at U33R hi gher Educational In titutions (12) 50; Sm. 1,o. 556, 21+ Jun 55 BELVON V X. --- a-OW As A-MMMIMW Certain reactions for the condensation of asters of aliphatic 4itre- carboxylic wide. Izv.AN SSSR *td.khlm.nauk n*-7:835-862 ii. 156. (XIMA gtlo) I.Institut organichookay Wail imeni N.D.Zelinsksgo Akademil nauk SSSR.'i (AcIds. Fatty) (Condensation products (Chemistry)) 7 ~.Z 77% - 7 ~-~ 50) SOV/62-58-1 2-14/22 AUTHOR: Belikovt V. M. TITLE: On the Diazotization of p-Oxybenzoic Acid and p-Sulfophenol (0 diazotirovanii p-oksibenzoynoy kisloty i p-sullfofenola) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk sssRI otaeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 12, PP 1466-1467 (US'SR) ABSTRACT: Although the reaction investigated in this paper is not what is generally known as diazotization, this expression was maintained as it perfectly interprets the introduction of the diazo group into the organic molecule. This work was carried out under the supervision of V. M. Rodionov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR. The Rodionov-Matveyev reaction (Ref 1) was extended to the p-oxybenzoic acid and the p-sulfophenolt and diazo compounds in yields of 70-90% were obtained. The treat- ment of the diazo solution which had been obtained from p-oxy- benzoic acid according to a method suggested by Zandmeyer, led to the formation of m-ohloro-p-oxybenzoic acid and p-chloro- o-nitro-phenol. This points to the fact that the original reaction products are 2-oxy-5-carboxyl-phenyl cliazonium and Card 1/2 m-nitro-p-oxy-phenyl diazonium. SOV/62-58-12-14/22 On the Diazotization of p-Oxybenzoic Acid and p-Sulfophenol There are 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni X. D. Zelinskiy Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: April 141 1958 Card 2/2 5(3) SOV/62-58-12-15/22 AUTHORS: ~.tayranovskiy~ S. G., Safonovat E* N., Novikov, S. S. TITLE: Heat of Hydration of 2-Nitro-Pyrrole (Teplota gidratatsii 2- nitropirrola) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRs Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, 1958, Nr 12t PP 1488-1489 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors mention briefly that the hydration of 2-nitro-pyrrole was immediately proved by measuring the heat effect. It was found that in the transition from glacial acetic acid solutions to diluted acetic acid solutions the displacement of the absorption spectrum taking place in the ultraviolet 2-nitro-pyrrole spectrum is connected with the hydration of molecules of the dissolved substance. It is ac- companied by a heat effect of -1-5 to -1-7 kcal/mol. In the course of the investigation the mixing heat of acetic acid with water at 21-220 and at a concentration of 25-35~ was measured. This heat is equal to zero if the content of acetic acid is 280% of the final mixture. There are 1 figure, 1 table, Card 1/2 and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SOV/62-58-12-15/212 Heat of Hydration of 2-Nitro-Pyrrole ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni No D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: May 16, '1958 Card 2/2 50) SOV/62-59-5-35/40 AUTHORS: Yershova, L. V., Gogitidze, V. N., Belikov, V. M., Novikov, S. S. TITLE: i2reparatJon'. of Gem-dinitroparaffins (0 poluchenii gem- dinitroparafinov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR% Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959p Nr 5, pp 943-945 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For-the investigation of the influei~ce exercised by the carbon chain in th6'gem-mdinitr6-compounds upon their physical proper- ties the homologous seties'of gem-dinitro-compounds was synthetized. For this purpose the alkyl acetoacetic esters were nitrated.*This method was applied for the-first time by G. Chan- cel (Ref 1). It renders it possible to extend the caAon chain in stages, i.e. the initial product is extended each time by one carbon atom. In the course of the present investigation, a series of gem-dinitro-p-a.raffins from 1,1-dinitropropane to 1,1-dinitrodecane was in this way obtained. Of the synthetized compound3, the molar refraction of the dinitromethyl group was determined (Tabla 1). Moreover, also the physical constants and boiling points were determined (Table 2). There are Card 1/2 2 tables and 6 references, 1 of which is Soviet. . ll~,epar4ion of Gem-dinitroparaffins SOV/62-59-5-35/40 ASSOCIATION: Institut org&hicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii no* SSSR (Institiite of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinakiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: . November 11, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Novikov, S. S., Beliko sov/62-59-6-23/36 TITLE: Investigation in the Field of Nitropyrroles (Issledovaniye v oblasti nitropirrolov). communication 1. New Synthesis Methods of the Pyrrole Rin (Soobahcheniye 1. Novyy metod sinteza pirrolinogo tsi~cl al PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959p Nr 69 pp 1098 - 110i (USSR) ABSTRACT: In continuation of a previous paper (Ref 1) in which the con- densation of nitroacetio acid eater with aldehydes was investi- gated, this paper deals with the reaction of a,P,P-trinitropro- pione aldehyde with formalin and methylamine. Together with Mannich's base a compound with the melting pdint of 1700 was found, to which according to its ultimate analysis and other chemical properties the chemical structure of 1-methyl-3,4- dinitropyrrole was ascribed. The reaction scheme is given. For the purpose of proving it, the splitting-off of the methyl- amino group in the cyclization was investigated in order to ob- serve which hydrogen atom remains in the ring. With the diam- ines there is in this case a competition between the two amino- Card 1/3 Investigation in the Field of Hitropyrrolee. Communication 1. New Synthesis Methods of the Pyrrole Ring Card 2/3 groups: (02N)2C ---CN02 2 /CH R ITH HN-R1 2 SOY/62-59-6-23/36 (R 1-CH3 It was observed thatp independently of the aminogroups chosen, methyldinitropyrrole was always obtained. In general it could be determined that it is always the more basic methylamine that remains in the ring. The methylamino group may also compete with the methylamine. The reaction of methylimide with ethyl- amino and CH 20 yielded comparative quantities of methyl- and ethyldinitropyrrole. In the course of further reactions it was possible to synthetize dinitropyrrole immediately from dialkali salts of the tTinitropropione aldehyde, by pasaing over the methylimide stage. By means of this new method of synthetizing dinitropyrroles also the previously unknown 3,4-dinitropy-rrole could be produced. In the experimental part the production of Investigation In the Field of Nitropyrroles. soy/62-59-6-23/36 Communication 1. New Synthesis Methods of the Pyrrole Ring the different substatictes is described in detail. There are 7 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institat organicheekoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR)(Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni X. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: September 30, 1957 x Card 31, 50Y 1UTHORSt Safonoval E. N.0 Bolikov, V. U., Novikov, S. S. W7162-59-6-30136 TIffSr Some Reactions of'the fttropyrrole3 Asrocie-ea With the Mobility of the N-H Bond (Nekotoryye reaktaii nitropirrolov, svyaza=yye a podvizhnostlyu svVazi N-H) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh naukq 1959t Nr 6j PP 1130 - 1132 (USSR) LMRJLCT.- In a previous-paper by the authors (Ref 11 it was found that the nitropyrroles, which do not have a substituent on the hydrogen, are acids, and that their acidity depends on the'nitro groups bound to the pyrrole ring.-(2-nitropyrrole weakly acid, 214-nitropyrrole stronger acid, and 215-nitropyrrolezacid.). If, as is aammd, the chemical activity of the nitropyrrales is connected with -the mobility of the hydrogen atoms in this compound, the change in chemical activity must depend onthe iissociation constants of-the nitropyrroles. In order to prove this, the formation of salts,, the oyano-ethylation, and the methylation, of the pyrroles mentioned was investigated. it was fihown that all three nitropyrrolet form stable sodium salts, wblle -the ammonium salts are unstable. The hydraoine salt of 2-nitropyrrole could not be produced, the other Card 1/3 two PYrroles formed normal hydrazine salts. When put into diluted Some Reactions of the NitropyrrolesAseoc-istal With the qW62-59-6-30/36 Mobility of the N-H Bond sulphurio sold all salts were again decomposed into the initial products. With the oyanoothylation it showed that the more said the nitropyMle, the more aaid S, catalyst had to be used for the reaction. (Catallysts in the order of the nitropyrroles mextioned: CH3Wa.9 Cli5COOKICH5COW). Me-thylation of the 2,5-dinitropyrrole by dimetbylsulphate occurred less readily than with the two-other pyrroles, The N-H bond whioh, in dependenoe on its mobility, is able to reazt in the aforementioned manner, is also responsible for the motion of the hydrogen atoms of the =ethyl group, of the alcohols) or of the carborjlio acid. The character of the atom to which -the hydrogen 4.9 bound is of minor importance. In-the experimental part the syntheses of the different, salts, and of*the oyanoethylated and methylated compounds of the nitropyrroles mentioned are described in dets;il. For some of the compounds synthetized, the baoterio-static activity was determined in t7heVUa-YI (1fSssoyuzuyy nauchno-issledovatellaidy khiniko-farmat3ovtichookiy institut imeni OrdZ110nikidze (All-Union Chemicopharmacoutio&I Sdientifto Research Institute imeni Ordzhoaikidze~ by Professor Card 2/3 N. G. Pershin to whom the authors therefore express their gratitude. Some Reactions of the Nitropyrroles Assocleted With the SCIV/62-59-6-30/36 Mobility of the N-11 Bond There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIITICK: Institut organiobeakoy 'chi-ii im. N. D. Zelibsk6go Lludemii nauk SSSR (Institute of-Organio Chemistry inerii N. D. Zelinskiy of the JLoademy of Sciences, USSR) SUBUTTED.- December 8t--1958 Card 3/3 50) SOV/62-59-7-22/38 AUTHORSt Safonova, E. N., Belikov, V. M., Novikov, S. S. TITLE: An Investigation of flitro-Pyrrols (Issledovaniye v oblasti nitro- pirrolov). Communication 2. Synthesis of Some flitro-Pyrrols (Soob- shcheniye 2. Sintez nekotorykh nitropirrolov) PERIODICAL: Izvcatiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh na-ak, 1959, Nr 7, pp 13o7 - 1311 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a preceding paper a 11-methyl-derivati7e of the configuration H-methyl-3,4-dinitro-pyrrol was obtained from the authors by a new method of synthesis. The anti-synthesis of this substance was not possible. Therefore, some other mono- and dinitro-pyrrols with or without N-substituents were synthesized and their chemi- cal qualities and ultraviolet spectra rere co,~tpared with those of the substances in the above named paper. In the table the data of all nitropyrrols are represented which are described in other publications (Refs 1-4). Some methods of the sXnthesis of nitro-pyrrols, which are described in publications are indicated (Refs 3,5,2). Like the scheme besides N-methyl-2,4-dinitropjrrol Card 1/2 An Irvestigation of Nitro-Pyrrols. Com,nunication 2. 1;yn- 00-1/62-53'-7-22/38 thesis of Some Nit Pyrrols P8 2 and IU NO 2 2-nitro-pyrrol,2,4- and 2,5-dinitro pyrrol were got now by nitrification 3 1H3 and methylation, which were not yet 0 N described in other papers. The used me- 2 0 thod of nitrification by Rinkes, ob- 2 taining 2-nitro-pyrrol, was chanGed and improv*ed in some points. In the T C113 experitaental part the syntheses are described in detail. There are 6 figures, 1 table, and 7 refer- ences, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. 11. D. Zelinskogo Akadeinii nauk SSSR (Institute of Or.-anic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Scicnces, USSR) SUBMITTED: September 30, 1957 Card 2/2 5(3)o 5W SOY/62-59-8-16/42 AUTHORS: Novikovp So Sop Yogorovp Yu. P., Safonovs, Z.N.# Semenovj L. V. TITLE; Investigations in the Pield of Nitropyrroles. Communication 3. Ultra6violet Absorption Spectra and Tautomerio Transformations of Some Nitropyrroles PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 8, pp 1438-1444 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the ultra-violet spectra of 8 nitro- pyrroles are investigated. The bands of the various compounds are given in table I and shown in the figures. The spectra were interpreted as indicating that the position of the F02 group in the pyrrole nucleus can be determined by means of the ultra-violet spectrum. The already supposed structure of 1-methyl-3,4-dinitropyrrole (Ref 1) could be proved. The tautomeric phenomena were investigated in a series of deri- vatives not substituted at the nitrogen of nitropyrrole and it could be shown that the acidity of these compounds increases with the increasing number of nitro groups. The same effect could be observed by regrouping the nitro group from position Card 1/2 P into a. This phenomenon was considered 'an inductive effect SOV/62-59-8-16/42 Investigations in the Field of Nitropyrroles. Communication 3- Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra and Tautomeric Transformations of Some Hitropyrroles of the nitro group on the polarization of the N-H bond * There are 6 figures, I table, and 17 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zolinslmgo Akademii nauk SSSR (Instit'ute of 'Organic Chemistry imeni 11. D. Zelinskiy of the AcadeW of Sciences~ USSR) SUBMITTED: November 30, 1957 Card 2/2 5-361o 77378 SOV/79-30-1-39/78 AUTHORS: Belikov, V. M., Yershova, L. V., Novikov, S. S. TITLE: Concerning the Action of Nitric Acid on Nitroolefins PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ob3hchey khimii, 196o, Vol 30, Nr 1, pp 191- 192 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The action-of HNO 3 on nitroolefins, specifically, on 1-nitrobut I-ene, 1-nitroprop-l-ene, and nitroethylene, was investigated. The nitrates of CL -hydroxy acids were obtained as final products. From nitrobutylene the nitrate of CL -hydroxybutyric acid (I) was obtained, and from nitroepropylene, the nitrate of lactic acid (III. Nitroethylene formed very unstable products. An attempt to isolate a discrete compound was unsuccess- ful. The reaction probably takes place as follows: ON02 ONO, 11NOs N11,011 11-C11=C11-N0j -- R-G11-C11=N0011 111-elf-C0011 Card 1/2 Concerning the Action of Nitric Acid 77378 on Nitroolefins SOV/79-30-1-39/78 Compound (I) was obtained in 47% yield, bp 1150/2 mm, nD20 1.4365, d420 1.2849, and (II) in 39% yield, bp 960/3 mm, nD20 1.4356, d420 1.3672. There are 3 refer- ences, 1 U.S., 1 French, 1 U.K. The U,S. and U.K. references are: M. Frankel, K. Klager, J. Org. Ch., 2:3, 494 (1958 ; F. Patti8on, 0. Brown, Can. J. Chem., 34, 879 (190. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk ShR) SUBMITTED: January 14, 1959 Card 2/2 NOVIKOV, S. S. ; SLFONOVA, 3. N. ; ELLMOV, V. H. Chemistry of nitropyrroles. Report NO-5: Synthesis of sub- stituted derivatives of dinitropyrroles. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd. khim.nauk no.6,.1033-1056 JI 160. (MIR& 13:7) 1. Inetitut organicheakoy khImii imeni N.D.Zelinskogo Akeclecii nauk SSSR, (Pyrrole) S/062/60/000/009/015/021 B023/B064 AUTHORSt ,Pel!kov,,,Y; Mayranovskiy, S. G., Korohemnaya, Ts. B., and Klimova, V. A. 0 TITLE: Tautomerism of Nitro Compounds, Communication 1. Study of the Mechanism of Tautomerie Conversionsof Phenyl Nitromethane PERIODICAL: Izvestiya, Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 9, pp. 1675-168o TEXT: The authors investigated the tautomeric conversions of the nitro compounds as thoroughly as possible by the polarographic method. They used phenyl nitromethane because its tautomeric conversions proceed comparatively slowly..They determined the constant (K.) of the acidic dissociation of phenyl nitromethane in water both potentiometrically and polarographically, and obtained K N a 1.6-10-7 mole/l. The dissociation kinetics of phenyl nitromethane was investigated in buffer solutions at PH betwien 7 and 10. The constants of the rate of dissociation were Card 1/4 Tautomerism of Nitro Compounds. Communication 1. S/062/60/000/009/015/021 Study of the Mechanism of Tautomeric Conversions B023/BO64 of Phenyl Nitromethane experimentally determined with all components of the buffer solution. The rate of interaction of phenyl nitromethane, with water as standard, is H20-- 8 -10-7V6?i a sea. The kinetics of the transition from the aci- into kiD the nitro form was also studied at pH between I and 6, It is found that the rate of isomerization is independent of the hydrogen ion concentration at PH< 2, and may be expressed by the eguation kH2U AT) + C6H5CH - NOOR + H20 - .1 C6H5CH = NOO + H30 The rate of isomerization increases at a further increase of PH. In generA the rate of isomerization is determined by the stage of dissociation of the aci form. The constants were - like in the determination of the dissociation rate of the nitro form - determined with all components of the buffer mixtures. The aci form is a stronger acid than the nitro form. The behavior of the phenyl nitromethane ion in buffer solutions at PH 4-6 showed that in the PH range of from 4 to 4.7, the rate of development of nitro forms is practically independent of the pH of the solution. At a Card 2/4 Tautomerism of Nitro Compounds. Communication 1. S/062/60/000/009/015/021 Study of the Mechanism of Tautomeric Conversiona B023/BO64 of Phenyl Nitrom(~thane further increase of pH, the rate of formation of the nitro form decreases in proportion with the reduction of the acid concentration. In tnis stace, the rate of formation of-the nitro form is determined by the stage of recombination of the anion under the formation of a non-dissociatod nitro form. The rates of dissociation and recombination of the nitro form as well as the rate of dissociation of the aci form were experimentally determined. On the basis of the kinetic analysis of tautomeric conversions of phenyl nitromethane it is found that the anion may appear in two forms: as aci anion and as nitro anion. As a result of the kinetic investications the authors obtained a picture of tautomeric transformations of phenyl 0+ -nitromethane in aqueous solution for the special case in which only H2 occurs au a base. See Scheme. Thus, it may be concluded that the duality of the reactivity of the phenyl nitromethane ion is apparently due to the coexistence of ions of two types. The isomerization of these ions proceeds at low rates. These rates determine under certain conditions the direction of the reaction to the one or the other side. This phenomenon may, in the authors' opinion, contribute to claiify the duality of the reactivity Card 3/4 Tautomerism of Nitro Compounds. Communication 1.!. S/062 60/000/009/015/021 Study of the Mechanism of Tautomeric Conversi6n's B023 B064 YB of Phenyl Nitromethane of other tautomeric compounds. G. S. Salyamon and Ya. S. Bobovich (Ref.12) are mentioned. V. I. Slovetskiy and V. A. Shlyapochniokov have taken the spectra. There are 1 table and 12 references: 3 Soviet, 6 US, 1 German, I Danish, and 1 Swedish. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: March 24, 1959; completed June 8, 1960 H kW H&O+ Cs14CHjN0x+H20 == CoH,C-HNO, kHo+ NR At 0 4 K Ho CHjjCH-NOOH+HjO, CHCHNOO-H,04- 1=0 K~=2-10-TMIA k,,"~-8-10-'AIM-cex k"r-200.,IM-ceg. Card 4/4 K,-1,3.1"MIA. PAg-4,14-10-fAffil-cex hAHj?+-t8.4/,W-Ce'C. 84854 S/062/60/000/010/007/018 /C3 6 0 B015/3064 AUTHORS: Mayranovskiy, S. G , Belikov. Korchemnaya, Ts. B., klimova, V. A., and Novilcov, S. S. TITLE; Tautomerism of Nitro-compounds.flInformation 2. Folarographic Investigation of the Kinetics of Tautomeric Conversions of Phenyl Nitro-methane PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960y No. 10, PP- 1787-1795 TECT: In a previous investigation (Ref. 1), the polarographic activity of the aci-form of phenyl nitro-methane was determined. The present paper describes the technique applied and gives the experimental data obtained. The polarographic behavior of the aci- and nitroforme of phenyl nitro-methane was investigated, i.e.,the kinetics of the transformation of the aci-form into the nitro-form at pH 1-4, the nitro-form into the anion at pH 7-109 and the anion into the nitro-form at pH 4-6. Moreover, the dissociation constants of the aci- and nitro-forms were Card 1/3 84854 Tautomerism of Nitro-compounds. Information 2. Polarographic Investigation of the Kinetics of Tautomeric Conversions of Phenyl Nitro-methane S/062/60/000/010/007/018 B015/BO64 polarographically and potentiometrically determined. The experiments were conducted in an optical polarograph, and the current was measured with an H_91t~M-91) microammeter. The potential of the dropping electrode,~pras checked with an AM -1,'(LM-1) voltmeter, and determined with a 11-4`~ -4) potentiometer. The exp riments were carried out at 25tO-10C using various_ buffer solutions, and the PH was determined with glass electrodes and An-5 '(LP-5) or ATT-59 (LP-59) potentiometers. The potentials of the half waves at PH 1-15 are E1/2 - -0-52 v for the nitro-form and E 1/2 ' -0.66 v for the aci-form. Investigations of the dissociation kinetics showed that the ionization of phenyl nitro-methane in buffer solutions can be described by an equation of the first order. The ionization rate was investigated in the presence of various bases. The rate of transformation of the aci- form into the nitro-form was found to follow the equation of a reaction of the first order throughout the PH range investigated. Investigations on the recombination kinetics of phenyl nitro-methane showed that at PH 4-5 the dissociation of the aci-form and the recombination of the nitro-form take place simultaneously. The values for the dissociation Card 2/3 Tautomerism of Nitro-compounds. Information 2. Polarographic Investigation of the Kinetics of Tautomerio Conversions of Phenyl Nitro-Lethane 84854 W/062/60/000/010/007/016 B015/BO64 oonstante of the aci- and nitro-forms under the action of bases and acids were computed with the help of Br6nsted's equation (Tables 1,2). The authors thank D. G. Knorre for advice. There are 11 figures, 2 tables, and 5 references: 4 Sovig-t-and 1 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistr;~ imeni H. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: March 24, 1959 Card 3/3 "15 14 ; 7 eo8l/62/000/004/074/087 I Bi3q/Bllo AUTHORS: Zimakov, P. V., Volkova, Ye. V., Pokin, A. V., Sorokin, A. D p:. Beliknx,-Y. M. TITLE: Use of nuclear radiation energy-in the process of the polymerization of fluoro-olefines PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaj no. 4, 1962, 557, abstract 024 (Sb. "Radioakt. izotopy i yadern. izlucheniya v nar.. kh-ve SSSR, v. 1. M.", Goatoptekhizdat, 1961, 219-226) TEXT: The processes of the separate and combined radiation polymerization~, of tetrafluorethvlene and trifluorchlorethylene have been investigated witli the aim of eliminating some of the defioiencies in existing methods of fluoro-olefine polymerization. It has been found that tetrafluorethylene and trifluorchlorethylene can easily be polymerized under various temperature conditions and mediums with comparatively low radiation intensities. The resulting polymers have a high degree of purity. The possibility of producing various fluoro-copolymers by radiation is demonstrated. Both radiation polymerization and radiation vulcanization might be carried out in the case of fluor-containing rubbers. [Abstracter,: note; Complete translation.) Card 1 /1 BELIKOV, V.M.; MAYRANOVSKIY, B.G.; KORCHEMNkYA, TS.B.; NOVIKOV, -:B.S. Tautomerism of nitro compounds. Report 3t Effect of temperature and ionic strength of solutions ou the rates of phenylaitometham tautomerio v transitions. Izv*AN SSSROtd.khim.nauk no,61UO&-11U Jo 161. 1-4 (NLU 14:6) 1. Institut, organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (MsthAn ) (Tautomerism) S/019/61/000/018/043/073 A15Z/A126 AUTHORS% Fokin, A.V.j Volkova, Ye.V.1 Belikov, V-M-j Abkin, AX.) Khom yakovakiy, PPI.; Gantmakherp AMM"W14Rrasnousov, L.A. TITLE: Process of obtaining polytetrafluoroethylene PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, no. 18, 1961, 42 TEM Class 39c, 2501. No. 141301 (675645/23 of August 3, 1960). A process of obtaining polytetrafluoroethylene through a polymerization of tetra- ethylene fluoride in a water medium in the presence of initiators, the distinc- tive feature of which consists J!~ that, for the purpose'of obtaining a high- purity polymer, Y-radiation Cow is taken as initiator. Card 1/1 VOLKOVA, Ye.V.; FOKINj, A-Vo; BELIKOV9 V.M. Polymerization of tetrufluoroetbylene by the action of gamma rays. Zhur.VKHO 6 no.ltU3-114 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Ethylene) (Gamma rays) (Polymerization) s,~ I S/844/62/000/OJO/079/129 D423/D307 AUTHURS: - Volkova, Ye. V., Pokin, A. V., Zimakovj P, V. and Beli- "Ov TITLL: Certain opecial features of the radiation polyincriz'ation of tetrafluorethylene by the action of B and radiations 6OURC~;: Trudy II Vaesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi- mii. Ed. by L. S. Polak. Moscow,jzd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 465-469 'k ~^ TEXT: Recent investigations are described of tile radiation poly- merization of TFE in the solid, liquid and vapor phases, using Co 60 and Sr 90 as the d- and 3 sources.'Irradiation in the liquid phase was carried out at 20 - 250C using CIM 3 as the solvent with a dose-rate of 11 rad/sec. Conversion of monomer increased with in- creaue of dosage and concentration of monomer. The polymer obtained (VTFE) contained up to 21,,j chlorine, which was explained by the fact that the CKC1 3 also participates in the reaction by.interaction of Card 112