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BELIK, 1-1.1. [Bieli;", 1-41.1 condition of least error of readings of instrum nts for phpical measurements, provided the fundamental physical quantities have been measured with equal precision. Dop. Ali USH no.12-:1582-1585 163. (IMO, 17:9) 1. Kiyovsk5y avtomobillnodorozhnyy irLgtitut. Fred3tavleno akadenikom AN, UkrSS;l N.V. Dobrokhotovym (Dobrokhotov, BELIKY N.P. Calculating wave processes In complex pipings In case of a periodic variation of the discharge. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; av. tekh. 7 no.3:3-11 165. (WRA 18:9) ACC We APSO: AUTHOR: Belik, N. P. ORG: none TITLE: Calculation of wave processes In complex tube systems with a periodic change Of the flow rate SOURCE: IVUZ. Avintsionnaya tekhnitca, no. 3, 1965, 3-11 TOPIC TAGS: fluid flow, flow rate, harmonic oscillation, wave propagation, pipe flow ABSTRACT: A method Is presented for calculating periodic wave processes In complex tube systems which makes It possible to analyze harmonic oscillations of a fluid, in pneumobydraulla Systems by comparatively easy and general relationships. A mathematical description Is gLVeM'.L. of the wave process in simple tubing which Is defined as a pneuniohydraulic ByBteM WnstStingi) of tubes of various CrOBB section, vessels, choke orifices, branches, etc.; the wave process in a multistay.-, tube system which consists of simple tube systems-, the wave process in COM- plex branchad tube systems. The obtained relationships permit calculating the wave process In complex tubes with consideration of the effect of dissipative forces. However, the aeoreZ' ment Is a function of the average velocity In the simple tube system and to determine Itq even UDC: 532.642 L 42864-66 Acc NR; AP5020630 In the first approximation, It to necessary to calculate the veloeW without consideration of - - dissipative forces and then by successive approximations, find the exact soludon. Orig. aft. has: 3 figures and 37 formulas. SUB CODE: 12,20/ SUBM DATE: 18MAy64/ ORIG REP.- 004/ OTH REF: 001 .=;- BELIK, P. , genefal-leytenant Commander -direotd troop supply and service. Tyl I snab. Soir. I Voor, Sil 21 no,.10:31-36 0 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Russia-Arny-41ilitary life) T,OGVINMQ Nikolay Vasillyevichg prof,; KAMVA., Galina Vasil 'yevnaj kand. geol.-min. nauk; SHAPOSIMIKOVO Dmitriy Prokoflyevich, Prinir-ali uchastiye: LEBEDIDISKrY, V.I., kand. geol.-mine, nauk starshiy nauchrWy sotr.;_.gLIKj,-R4.t-dots.; KOSMACHEVI V.G.p student; REMIZOV., I.11., Oots.; ALYABIYV[p N.Z.p red.; ALEKSAIMROVAt G.P., tekhn, red. (Lithology and genesis of the Taurian formation in the Crimea] Litologgiia i genezis tavricheskoi formatsii Kryma. Pod red. II.V.Logvinenko i I.W.Remizova. Khar1kov, Izd-vo Khar1kovskogo univ.,, 1961. 400 p. (MIRA 15; 10) 1. Yafedra petrografii Kharikovskogo gosudarstver;nogo univer- siteta (for Logvinerko, Karpova., Belik). 2. Geologicheskiy fakul'tet Khar1kovskogo, gosudarstvannogo universiteta (for Komaachev ). 3. Institut mineralinykh resursov Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy 'SM (for Lebedinskiy). (Crimea-Petrology) L 45771-66 SOURCE CODE: UH/320 01/0003/0007 1ACC NRs AT6025827 7/65/000/0 1AUTHOR; Belik N. P.;_BelZayev, N. M.; Shandor~v, G. S. ORG; Dnepropetrovsk University Dnepropetrovskiy universitet) TITLE: Calculating the process of evacuating the gas from a container-through an opening of variable cross section SOURCE: Gidroaeromekhanika (Hydroaeromechanics), no. 1, Kharkov, lzd-vo Kharlkovskogo univ., 1965, 3-7 TOPIC TAGS: gaB flow, thermodynamic process, isothermal flow, adiabatic process ABSTRACT: The'authors consider escape of gas from a reservoir of constant volume through a nozzle with a critical cross sectional area which varies in time assuming critical pressure drop in the container and in the atmosphere into which the gas is escaping. A method is developed for calculating this type of gas evacuation based on the use of thermodynamic equations for bodies of variable mass assuming that the temperature of the inner surface of the container is constant and thatheat transfer from this surface to the gas takes place through free convection. General analytic formulas are derived for the thermodynamic process and the specific weight of the gas in the container and it is shown that expressions derived by other authors for adia- batic and isothermal processes are special cases of these formulas. Orig. art. has: 25 formulas - SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG. REF-. 008 1 15962-66 EWT(1) WW/JT ACC_NR1__ AT6025829 SOURCE CODE: UR/3207/65/000/001/0043/0046 1 AUTHOR: 'Makhin, V. A.;_Rel~~N. ~.; Kosarev, D. A. ............ .memo ------------ Z_ (3+1 ORG- Dnepropetrovsk State University [Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Calculation of heat tran fer in straight ribs of variable thickness SOURCE: Gidroaeromekhanika (Hydroaeromechanies), no. 1, Kharkov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo univ.., 1965, 43-46 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer coefficient, radiative heat transfer ABSTRACT: Heat transfer through straight ribs of triangular and trapezoidal cross section is considered and the problem of optimum rib profile is solved. It is as- sumed in the calculations that heat from the rib is transferred to the projection of the actual exposed surface on the vertical plane, i. e. de is assumed to be equal to dx (see figure). This assumption leads to considerable errors if there is a notice- able difference between ds and dx. It is shown that the optimum rib has a profile bounded by two arcs of radius R--X/a, where A is the ccefficient of thermal conductivit3 for the material'of the rib and a is the heat transfer coefficient from the rib to the ambient medium. Orig. art, has: 2 figures, 11 formulas, Card 1/2 L 45962-66 ACC NRt AT6025829 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REF: oo4/ oTH Rw: ooi hs Card 2 /2 BET-1K, R. A. "Local Chickens of the Kolkhozes of Altayekiy Kray and Methods for Their Improvement." Cand Agr Sci,, Leningrad Agricultural Inst, Leningrad, 1953. (RZhBiolj No 5~ Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (n) SO: Sum. No-521, 2 Jun 55 Z~Z- . 5 ~411- Inzhener. Locomotive sheds made of large brick blocks. Transp.stroi. 6 no.10:11- 12 0 156, (KLRA 10,41) (Railroads-Buildings and structures) IIJ~f ~S- , inzb. Template for designing roadbeds, Transpostroi, 32 n0,3150 w 161. (Railroad engineering) (NIRA 240) HELIX. S.A., inzhenert.MIWYANOV, A.S. in2haner. 0 Experience in laying pipes by the push-through method. Tranap.stroi. 6 no-11,31 N 156. (MLRA 10:1) (Pipelines) V S/081/61/000/024/064/086 B149/BIO2 AUTHORS: BelLk,-Z_. A., Prokhotskiy, Yu. M., Rudenko, M. 1. TITLE: Application of X-ray method in the analysis of chloro-bromo- silver photographic emulsions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 24, 1961, 455, abstract 24L529 (Zh. nauchn. i prikl. fotogr. i kinematogr., v. 6, no. 3, 1961, 231 - 233) TEXT: With the aim of establishing the phase structure of emulsion micro-crystals, a method has been developed for X-ray structural analysis of silver halides in photographic emulsions. [ Abstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 S/061/62/000/009/052/075 B166/B144 AUTHORS: Frokhotskiy, Yu. M., Belik, S. A. TITLE: Chlorobromosilver photographic emulsions with laminar microarystals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no..9, 1962, 494-495) abstract 9L437 (Tr. Vses. n.-i. kinofotoin-ta, no- 43, 19612 5-106) TEXT: A method of obtainina photographic emulsionS with laminar silver halide microcrystals is suggested L(AgHal,)Agllal 2]. The method depends on depositing the silver halide from the shell onto the silver halide in the nucleus. Two series of emulsions were got E(AgBr)AgCll and F(AgCl)AgBr], differing in the ratio of silver chloride and silver bromide. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the microcrystals so obtained are three- layered, consisting of pure AgCl and Aj;Br forming a nucleus and shell with an intermediate layer made up of a solid solution of these silver halides. The properties of AgBr.and AgCl emulsions of different compositions and Card 1/2 S/00 62/000/009/052/075 Chlorobromosilver photographict ... B166YB144 structures are studied. Ideas are put forward as to the mechanism whereby .Laminar silver halide microcrystals are formed. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 2/2 PROKHOTSKIYI YU.M.; BELIK, S.A. Determining the quantitative composition of silver halide powders obtained from pbotographic emulsions. Zhur. nauch. i prikI, fot. i kin. 8 no.3:189-193 MT-Je '63 NIPLA 16-6) 1. Filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovateliskago kinoioto- instituta, Shostka. (Silver halides-Spectra) 1. ]ZLr1r, S.K. Over-all modernization of lathes. Zhel. dor. transp. 40 no.8:74 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) I.Glavny7 inzh. dorozhnykh vagonoremontnykh masterskikh, st.Belovo. (Lathes) BILM, Sh.L., inhener-alaktrik: SMYGM, TuX, takimik-elaktrik. 400 "Nualbe What is lacking in thepDver engineers' handbook. wHandbook for a power engineer in the textile Industre . Reviewed by Sh.L. Belik and others. Tekst. promo 17 no.3;66-68 Nr 157. (xm io-.4) (Electric machinery) (Textile machinery) LFVIN, I.S.; BELIKP T.M.; GOFTMAN, M.V. New types of binders for briquetting derived from petroletim. Ugollr 40 no.6;66-69 je 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Ilral'sViy politekhnicheskiy institut. 1-1 FOLYAKOV, M.Ye.; BELIK., V.D. Devices which increasedthe operatioml safety of the VVII-220 air- fined circuit breakers. Elek. 11 tepl.tiaga n(,.7:3-4 J1 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Pachallnik dorozhnoy elektrotekhnicheskoy laboratorii Severo- Kavkazokoy dorogi (for Polyakov) 2. Starshiy elaktromeldianlk re- montno-revizionnogo tsekha, Rostovskogo uchastka, energosnabzheniya (for Belik). (Electric switchgear) MIX, V.F.; GOYMI, P.I. Two-dram unreeling machine. Mashinostroitell no.8:13 Ag 160. (Min 13:9) (Winding machines) --_BELIK V. lrj-s~ izlzh. Preparation of metal for cold upoetting..Stall 21 no.2:182-183 7 161. (mm 14:3) 1. Zavod 4Fkaspap Stua. (]forging) S/133/61/000/002/014/014 A054/AO33 AUTHORt '~e~lik ~_Engineer TITLEt Preparation of the Metal for Cold Upsetting PERIODICAL: Stall, 1961, No. 2, pp. 183-184 TEXT: Reference is made to an article written by N.A. Smollyaninov and I.G. Shushakov (Stall, 1959, N0.12) describing the preparation of killed steel for cold upsetting. The technology recommended in the article is only suitable for wires of less than 6 mm in diameter, because the preparation of wire bars, with a diameter of more than 8 mm requires additional treatment, (refining, intermittent annealing, etc.) therefore more equipment and time are involved. At the Zavod Krasmaya Etna (The Red Etna Plant) only 6-10% of standard car parts are produced by cold upsetting from wires under 6 mm, wire bars of 7- 19 mm. in diameter and more being used in an overwhelming majority. Therefore, according to the experience gained at the Red Etna Factory, it is more ex- pedient to use silicium-free or low-silicium rimming steel, so that the com- plicated and expensive refining treatment can be dispensed with and prelimin- Card 1/5 ,9/133/61/000/002/014/0 Preparation of the Metal for Cold Upsetting A054/AO33 ary or intermittent annealing need be applied only occasionally. At the Red Etna Plant the 10 and 20 grade, 1OW-BiliCinM steels, used for cold upsetting are usually calibrated without annealing, while the 30-45 grade steels (ac- cording to f-()CT(GOST)1050-52), with a low and normal silioium. content and all chrome steels undergo preliminary annealing treatment. Characteristic technological data covering the preparation of calibrated steels and wires for cold upsetting are given in the table. A special feature of screw pro- duotion by upsetting is that the steel for screws with straight and cross-out slots are subjected to intermittent annealing as the intricate deformation required for the slot calls for maximum ductility of the metal. The steel for hexagon nuts, although calibrated without annealing, has only to be sub- jeoted to unimportant reductions (4 passes) of 11-16% in order to obtain a high degree of ductility. The metal for rivet upsetting, however, has to un- dergo greater reduction (min. 25%), because the finished rivets are annealed and during this process the relation of critical reduction (15-20%) and cri- tical temperature (700-7200C) is likely to bring about recrystallisation. and the formation of coarse and irregularly shaped grains, causing the rivet heads to break when being used. The wires produced by the Red Etna Plant- technology differ somewhat from those discussed in Stall, 1959, No.121 their Card 2/5 S/133/61/000/002/014/014 Preparation of the Metal for Cold Upsetting A054/AO33 strength limit is higher and their relative contraction and elongation values are lower. The mechanical characteristics of wires made of steel 10 without annealing are as followst I /mm2 :,I Wires 6gkg do % To % 3-0-3.2 mm diam. 70-77 2.3-3.5 40-45 2.45-2-95 mm diam. 80-87 2.0-3.0 35-40 In spite of the deviations in properties of wires made of killed and rimming steel, those made according to the recommended method have no surface defects, due to their greater strength the products can be cut more easily and tools used in the cold-upsetting process have a longer life. There are 1 table and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Zavod Krasnaya Etna (The Red Etna Plant) Card 3/5 YUXHVETS, I.A.; PETROV, MN.; BUSYGIN, N,N,; BELIK, V.F.; BYKADOROVy A.To Hardening of rolled wire rod from the rolli temorature by water cooling prior to coiling. Stall 231i.e, 241 no-4: 364-366 Ap 164. (MIM 17:8) 1. TSentralinyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii im. Bardina i zavod "Krasnaya Etna". 0e0 see 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 9 vi k a, 41 as ;---l -r& v 4 11, In "I AaA is, s."L 04. 'a, It, 16, "1 It' so 00 so -00 so 00 Of ;-so -00 00 00 Adhesive containing myntketic: rubber. ~. F. 0 MM.A F:, Wit~l,nmiisus~ - A - In I S R 1"s, -Ill. "Vr for ll~ zoo 00 13 -41to,ttv sm%(Ain~ I~S 2 11mli ill imm, I Imil ill -41u4 ti~, romwi. rho nsmx-r t, a oA,ta.-ity a %s0 00 11 IS 411-1: 31111 An Alky. of ONI-134", The Is*- t4 othrr h11, 1, ~~ 1, 0, kma-4ul' 141'. 'K Mit(I .10 11111ninm .1 It. 00 so Of 00 ices 0 Igoe Use #flail au ly-v 4" as as a orto aami via lilt Itact Itumm" ~4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IN 0 * * 0 0 000 0 0 00 0 * 0 0 0 00 0 000 0000 - 0 OL" 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Si W ~ ~ I ~ -%- , , a .a R"r A Is V A 10 S P If U M A Is V 0 0 49 41 41 Q Cuodualsom 91 Applia CAM". (V, & S. RaJ2 j,1610~1 )(IM). -The verwatims used as the expts, coutalued SK-h 21131 k 39.73. AAKh + FrA 70A-8.3, A" Fkh 547-11.9, FrO tnt4v* to:.,. C&0 traw to i).o;. 42-0R. MUO 0.1k".33. Nio Inwc* to 0.4 awl Cr,;h U- to ()-d%. The 14-s on heating was Wid--1 1-1 Ali the Nit of the merptutine is converted to 4 ~; heating A Mi%t- Of SUPCI,tibe And ChWOull to 141M' J. a atrivitt of Cf. The Me of cmYcrWou is nig chmW by adding IICJ to CJ~. Chlwkwiloo with IICI Slont 1, km satisfactory. U#Cls fortmed its the chlorinathm can be by on, _iou or ti, . The fusion process is = Ld n 12' and the subi6mation at a ofixt. of chlorides od Fe, Ki. Cr. Un IV and AlV*,* nd. Tbm is Idt an wtivv so.. which MayfiI34COM-ult. WOORnMentineemobtrTutowc4b, InCOMS of CO or C. ~ The chlorination, of ve am mo in Sen-tice is coulpleft at 30-10w% While other inew oxides Xrjormplfte -ftd only aboft lIM'. $"vat ccoe Ty chlor6 A. A. Bothilinilk 14TALLV"KAL LITIOATWC CLAIWKATICIC i. M.. ask 00 Ua; 0 1 IYA 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T41# Soo -00 .00 .00 - 1 use rp * 001IFal I Dios 0; 4*0 a I. co psocasul ANO fooplallas "re 4, IL I &bat* tk p. P. of jM; Visa botS. US" tho 09 :7,d - ~ -- -c -1; AM Obe 4YO ALI= ~: a0 a 00 00 to 0 '00 00.2 00 WALLUOMAL UT9116TW9 CLAUVICATON mro=Vcm 6 Nod" f7woliva. - gjftw 64WAAW ismoo "&I FRT 40'l uncpg d*,l$14WA MW m . 4 F 4 . I ; I I- An I I a FW 0 0 4 1 w & 9 a 0 21 T, u a AV 131 P,p 9"r 40 to *it str lus, ; ap;,Ilt a I - F 19 0 0 0v 0.-0 I io 4p _0 .0 4 w0-.0 CA a' profft. M tbOU41'" M 0=111 wits Wevetafivik hili. an b tion. K by k A.S ~(d~ M44Y .4 S.S.S.R. 81. M5 Omato pLints V.. I Vatted Onto JWPPCr Plants contain in their leaves an in. cre.tsed amt. of proteins under the Influence of protein-rich niother Plant, The Litter %how* a moderate decline of lwottin :(intent. Tomatoes grafted onto eggpia"t$ show a :,Ieclirte of protein mAtter. while In a revem craft the auchter plant hentiched with proteins. Thitseedprogeny of the xmftq of this type continues to show enhtnoed protein content gain"I by the craft. Similar difference% appear in the fruit Anil W"I of the grafted PLium C'. Nf. K. BEEELIK, V. F. BELIK, V. F. -- "Physiological Changes in Plants During Re-note Vege- tative fLybridization of Solanaceous Vegetable Crops." Sub 29 Apr 52, Inst of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Acad Sci USSR (Dis- sertation for the Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952 2 &Z ' r- I J'-, V - F Category: USSR/General Division. Scientific Institutions. A-3 Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No 9., 10 May 1957, 34913 Author : Belik, V.F. Inst :not given Title :Twenty-five Years of Work in Bykov Melon Experimental Station Orig Pub: Sad i ogorod, 1956, No 6, 8-10 Abstract: Among the problems of the station which is located in Stalingrad Oblast are the working out of the agrotechnics, and mechani ion of melon raising, methods of ridding plants of disease and pests, the creation of new varieties and improvement of the old, and the cultivation of superior plants. More than thirty new and valuable varieties of water melons., mask-melons, pumpkins, and other types of melon plants were developed by the station, and superior seeds were obtained from twelve vexietiess Special crop rotation, methods, norms and periods of applying fertilizers and inter root feeding of plants were worked outj' a system of irrigation was proposed; a cultivator and a number of other mechanisms were Card 1/2 -5- BILM V 7 kan4idat biologichaskikh nauk. PODROGAYEVA, M-I- MMI:.! Interapecific hybridis&tion of pumpkin. Agrobiologlia no.1:128-132 Ja-7 157. (MA-10:4) 1. BiryuchakatskVa selaktsionWa ovoohchwqa opytnaya stantsiya, Novocharkasek. (Pumpkin breading) V ILI,?'- V 11GIII N15 632.9 .84 BEMIK) VLADIMIR FILIPFOVICH BAKHCHMWE YULITURY (CULTIVATION OF ~=S, CUCUMBERS, VETC.) MOSKVA, Sa-*KHOZGIZ, 1057. 247 P. ll~uUS., DTAGRS., TABLES (BIBLIOTM PO 0110SHCHVIODSM, VYF. 11) MLIOGRAPHY: P. 245-246. USSR General Ddvision, Scientific Establishments A-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1., 1958y No 91 Author : Belik, V,F, Inst : Not Given Title : Results of Twenty-five Years of Scientific Research Work of the Bykovskaia Melon Experimental Station. Orig Pub : fisuchn. tr. Wkovsk. bakhchevoi opyta. st., 1957, vyp. 41 5-27 Abstract : No abstract Card : 1/1 USSR/General Biology Genetics Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol.$ NO 3) 1958s No 9569 Author : Belik.. V.F.., Sincha., K. P. Inst Not Given B-5 Title Effect of Paternal Forms on Inherited Properties of Hybrid Melon Plants Orig Pub Nauchri. tr. Bykovsk. bakhchavoy opytn. at., 1957, No 4, 125-133 Abstract A number of cases are given in which., in crossing of different types of melonsy the maternal line is followed. Among features inherited mainly from the maternal line these are indicated: length of vegetative period, relative content of solids in the fruit, degree of infection by fusariosis, Coloration of fruit rind, coloration of fruit meat and its consistency, seed types. The same instances of the maternal line were noted also in squash hybridization. Card 1/1 BILIK, V.P. V.-W, - Determining the water requirements of tomatoes on the basis of auction pressure and the concentration of call sap in the leaves. Fisiol.rast. 7 no.1:95-97 160. (KCRA 13:5) 1. Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable Growing, Moscow. (Plants--Water requiroments) (Tomatoes) BELIK, V-.F-, kand-biologichookikh nauk, PCDHOGAYEVA, X.I. New methods for the interepecific hybridization of punpkins. Agrobiolog#a no-54775-777 S-0 l6o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Nauchno-iosladovatellakiy institut ovoshchnogo khosMetva, Moskovskaya oblast', (Pwq*in breeding) T - BELIK, V.P. Iffect of different soil moisture conditions on the development of tomatoes and cell sap concentration in tomato leaven.. Bot.zhur. 45 no-7:1063-1066 11 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Hanchno-issledoTateliskiv institut ovoshchnogo khozyaystva Hoskovskoy oblaoti. (Tomatoes-Water requirements) BELIKY V.P. Growth and development of cueumbers and the concentration of uell sap in their leaves under various soil moisture. Fiziol. rast. 8 no.4:497-500 161. (MM& ual) 1. Scientific-Research Institute of Vegetable Growing, MosccV. ~Cuaumbers) (Soil moisture) BELIK, V.F. Effect of seed hardening by variable temperatures on some'physiological characteristics and frost hardiness of cucumbers. Fiziol. rast. 10 no.3:351-357 MY-Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable Growing, Perlovskaya, Moscow Region. (Plante-Frost resistance) (Cucumbers) BELIK, V.Fe., kand. biolog. nauki HDzINER, E.p,, Some physiological characteristics of b5rbrid cucumbers. Agrobiologiia no.6o.940-941 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskly institut ovoshchnogo khozyaystva,, Moskovskaya oblastl. UEI,I,T,%9 V,F,,, inzh. Modernization of the PSK-210 4nd PSK-180 electric bell Nmaces. Stall 25 no.2-172-176 F 165. (mim 1813) 1. 'ilavod 'Krasnaya Etna". BZLIK V.F, Cavernous angicma of the kidney. tlrologiia. 29 no.2s5l Mr-Ap 164. (NIRA M7) 1. Khirurgicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. V.?.Belik) 1-y*Oorodskoy bollnitay goroda Shoatka Sumakoy oblasti. BELIK ) V. I. Belik, V. I. "on the KandinsV-Cleramboult complex in child growth," in the coliections Voprosy klinich. psikhiatrii, (Irkutsk), 1948, P. 165-10. SO: U-37361 21 mv 53 (Letopis tZhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 101 190). GRECHKIN, N.A.; IAZARENKOJ, N.I.; SICHEVOY, A.P.; BELIK,_,.'V,.T.; - BREZHYEV, L.A. Inoculating rolling mill with addition alloys by electric sparks. Yet. i gormorud. prom. no.2:77-78 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) KHGIUTOV, 11. Y3.; SKORNYAKOV, V.V.; BELIK, V.7. Kinetics of the electrolytic reduction of streptomycin on various metals. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no. lt222-2Z7 Ja 165 (MIRL 19a) 1. Khimikc-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni D.I. Mendele7evap Moskva. Submitted February 25p 1964. XUXOLZV, G-B.; LIVSON, Z.A.; BlIgLYA.G..~ Ta. _ ___, PIVINI, I. Changes in porcelain insulators afters long use on high-voltage lines. Trudy IhPI 31 no.1:71-78 139. (KMA 13: 10.) Mectric Inoulators and instlation) VNARIr, I-M-; BILIX, Th.G. Studying the hardening of clay-lime products subjected to autoclaTe treatment. Trudy X2%PI 31 no.1:104-107 '59- (MIU 13: 10) ;. (Ceramic materials) KUKOIEV, G.V.; LIVSON, Z.A.; BELIK,_Ya.G.; KOZLOVA, Ye.I.; LISOVAYA, Ya.D.; SHOLOMOVA, E.M. I Effective ceramic products -mde of local clays. Stroi. mat. 9 no.4:4~6 Ap t63. (MDU 16: 5) (Kharkov-Ceramics) T, WS) ?(a' ipphlw _2AdrW1V_VPt%W~W? ACCESSION NR: AT5007740 SfO'I'~0'#6w~~001)/060/6246/0262: :Aln'111OR: Kukolev., G.V.,-, Mel'alk, M. T. Shapovalova., M.N.; Belik, Ya.G.12 urn TITLE. Synthesis and study of, low-mbai~icity calel' alurninates _khJJnJiLJ3Jlfl~ftt0V.: Sil ka SOURCE:'AN SSU,. IWtJtUt i ty 1 oki 1y v kbimli vysotdkh:- temperatur (Sillcates~ and o)ddes in hi&-tempemture chemistry).. Moscow, 1963, 246-252 'hesis. refra Y T01-'IC TAGS.: cakium alurrifnatte, aluminath basfc1ty, . alurninate. synt ctor hrn concrete strength, autoclave solidification concrete, jr'.einent,..rcfractory111lor, be Ite, ABSTRACT: Experiments were 6'arriedout Wih the '' object of preparing refractory t concretes (solidifying in An autoclave),*_ including lightweight concretes, from refrac-* tory fillers and ceinefit made of CA2 (CaG.,2AI203), Physicochemical tests of the pvj-: Aucts shoi.4ed.that i;h6 high strength of both dense and lightweight samples of such concrete was preserved after they had been heated at 200 - 1400C. Thermographicand microscopic analyses of the hydration products of CA2 wel-e *preformed. The three endothennic effects observed. oa the differential curves of hydrated CA2 are interpreted. The comparativGly high strength of samples of concrete subjected to autoclave oolidification is due to the comp13.ction of the gel and particularly of the large amounts of bohmite C ~d 1/2 -,, . TIKEEVii O.K. D. .Experl=ent In the aPPlicatian Gf t'.,eGrv t~) the r 1 11 Ulalys; s cf the eolul iou 0l? (euntal -probli-me by asir' 40P. psik-liol. =.4:21-38 Jl.,.Ag MLIK, Ya. V. . "Study of the Mechanism of the Formation of Fibrin From Fibrinogen." Cand Biol Sci, Kiev State U. Riev, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 1, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 BFIIK) Y.A. V. V.A. 49 IsSo.-54 V 1. S MI .'M"Ify Ak". 'Neuk sxz& - 9 Q 0 n n h ft Deft am t -pove the 2- l 61t Wfibrin rtb " ud d f t=1 a a a A r orl a ol;en p (cf. Boyles d iO C.A. 45, WN1. 7U enryinle phase of QZ~Q a th- was cartied o4t with the aid .1 thrombin t in plasnia, contg. 20 % urea. (thus =dW!fxtg the formation of fibrin) by means of bepirin In 04- fdrm of ox lilooti p1ma treed ol"prothrombin. Complet. - blocking of the action of thrombin was produced by Is )wk In dilus. ha than 1:8000. EVen Iona Incubation of ouch mixts. -failed to yield mocomer fibrin, and on dilb. with FW or aq. N&CI no fibrin clots were formed. If the llqmdn was hot addvi Immediately but after some time- during which fibrin monomer could .,begin -to d6rus,- 3uch-ldilns, Immediately save fibrin clots. The time of such clot formation becartic * hepirin-free reacdon coast. (substantially) If the Initial ' reaction time was " min.; with shorter prellailoary periods the dot formation was progressively dower. The polymcris:ation of monomer fibrin took place only, when thrombin action was'stopped before diln. of the mixt.- Thus,.the p,613 %Tn of.dotting is noneniymic. Treatment of fibrin monotier soIns. In the presence of 2011,1o urea at pH 6.6 with Is in aq. KCI until the y0l6w color persisted, gave after diln. of the mist. a characteristic fibrin L ' clot; lodinated fibrin monomer tetids to dot mom readily than fibrin Itself. The-iodinated fibrinogen does not dot by the action of throinbin, apparently since in Witiation 1ts propcrtv of trinsformability into fibrin fibrinogen loscs . inoubiner. -In the enzyntle -plji%e_.of trinsforniation of-' fibrinogen into fibrin (in presence of 20% urea to inhibit polymerization) the concn. of the fibrinogen in the mixt. k m6ted directly to the rate of the enzynilee reaction; th6 wa% judge.-d by the Out of appearance of clot after difis. G. M. K66olopoa ~A BL-Ul", 'Ta. V. T, of vit)rin Fro_ to ni or' Of -2 St~to u cni T. G. so: 19 MIIIIIC~ YP-.V. FALLADIN, A.T., akademik; MMIK, T&A.- 1. Resolution of the coordinating meeting on the biochemistry of the nervous system concerning methods for the application of radioactive isotopea. Ukr.biokhIm.xI%ur. 26 no.2:226-227 154. (nn 7:6) (Nervous system) (Itadioactive tracers) - , Ya. V. PALLADIN, A.V.; BELIK, Ya.V. II. Resolution of the coordinating meeting on the biochemistry of the nervous system concerning methods for the killing of animals and for freezing brain tissues. Ukroblokhim.zhur. 26 no.2:228-229 134. (IffMAL 7:6) (Brain) (Laboratory Animals) f 0, The Y(44 of stinydryl In Abdo f Pr lem; sm. 7 M---BkAU=~ ZA R 27. -~3 (1tw"Lin swumary. 107)(10.53).-Acrording to the oxid-ithin ' - -71 -y of blood clatting Cut moit hiporkwit role lit lbelinal 200 .0nuatum 01 fibriu'%belongs to the disulff(le-bondt formedat th exp'-w-'of ;lall ~~grourw, of' 1.11V rjbrh:og(-n m,14. ' 1 = 1 W, of-, tllrvfilbk*.~~ LIN. dvidclt~-- mlitullS bY, th. Is i~tzlt~jdictlve . of the -~ oxi6tion- dwry. -;Vibnu nw6ott14 (notil,M)Tivrized prodnq of tim ucl;kal of: th rol 2 *- 10 ' ilt- bove reacticni-mutbijuttion ro po!YmcjJzat at it? 6C a i0wi lit bv5t, 1111(ler Vvtcuudttic~ e( the - -swArization ttxw plance entl fibrin was vipt tof1mcd I to is de%Wtd' formcd. It its; Lbitt 1,xlL,;d Winne ef its origbm*. propertY it). bemate mumud ljl*,u llbrbi b thr"n1l4n, It Inv 1)-~vn deld. n6o that:Eodization does, not. disturb dw- rw---vj)W)Uity- of Abrin-imnanier- particles to Ll f;wk, it Sluirpiy enhalwLs it. We in the sa o4 poly6trizition, then the pOymmm- tion of tilt! =1 librin ~M)wmlcmdepjlyedol tbeirst4thy- - occimed. - B - S. Lab- nya c!~~M not It,%% w Category: USSR/General Division. Congresses. Conventions. Conferences. A-4 Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol.) No 9, 10 May 1957, 3494o Author Belik, Ya. V. Inst -ff n-grv-&- Title Qixestions, of Biocbwdstry at the VIIIth Congress of the All-Union Society of Physiologists,, Biochemists and Pharmacologists. Orig Pub: Ukr. biokhim. zh.) 1955, 27, No 4., 522-534 Abstract: Reports vere devoted to the biochemistry of the nervous systemy blood, albumen , fermentations., vitazOn , of the nitrous and carbohydrate-phosphoric metabolism, and also the influence ofra- diant energy on metabolism. Card 1/1 -16- BILIX F,- KHODORDTA, Te.L, %41 -- I 2~agm [Bioe,homistry of blood coagulation] Btokhintia evertyvaniia krayi. Kiev* Isd-yo Akedexii nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, 1957- 171 P- (MIRA 10:11) (BLOOD -CGA GULAT ION) gerl- PALL&DIN, A. V. U1,1k Y-~-ZRACHKO, L. I. 1-91.1- 1w Rate of protein restoratioh Ir. the brain as affected by stimulation and inhibition and the animal's age Lvith summary in Xnglish]. Biokhimiia 22 no*l/?.:359-368 Ja-7 '57- (MLRA 10:7) 1. Inatitut biokhimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Kiyov. (BRAIN$ metabolism, proteins off. of age & drugs stimulating & inhib. efis (Rae$) (AGING, effects, on brain protein restoration in animals (Rua)) (PaGTAINS, metabolism, brain# off. of drugs stimulating & inhib. CNS animal's age (.Rua)) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTIX, effect of drugs on. drugs inhib. & stimulating CNS, eff. on brain protein restoration In animals (Rue)) BBLIK, Ya.V., kandidat blologicheskikh nauk Scientific conference and coordinating meeting on the biochemistry of the nervous system, Pkr.biokhlm.zhur* 29 no.2:252-257 157. (MVOUS STSTXK) . (KIRA .10:7) (PMIOU)GICAL'CHIKISTRT) BELIK Ya V - MCHKO, L.S. Inteneity of methionine S35 incorporation in nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins of the bruin tissue of cats. Mr. biokhim.zhur. 31 no-3:322-329 159. (MI11 12:9) 1. Institute of Biochemistry of the AcadetV of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Kiyev. (IGVHIONIHN) (PROTEINS) (BRAIN) -' 1-1 kB16IX, Ta.V. [Bielik, IA.V.] Sixth Coordinating Conference on the Biochemistry of the Nervous S~ratem. Ukr.blokhim.-shur. 31 to.5--791-792 159. (MIRA 13:4) . (MYOUS STSTIM) 170) SOT/20-127-3-64/71 AUTHORS: Palladin, A, Vop Academician, 11 09 Kraohko, L. So TITLEz The Incorporation of S35 Methionine Into the Proteins of Different Structural Elements of the Cells of the Hemispheres of Cerebrum and Cerebellum PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959# Vol 127, Nr 3,,Pp 702-705 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Among the data on the protein exchange in the central and peripheral nervous system obtained recently by the method of radioactive isotopes there are no indications as to the existence of this exchange in different intraoellular structures of nerve tissue. Only individual papers exist on this subject (Refs 1-5)- It was the authors, object to investigate the restoration rate of the proteins in the structures mentioned in the title, namely the nuclear, mitoohondrial, and miorosomatic fractions and in the so-called soluble final fraction which are obtained by the fractionation of homogenates from nerve tissues. The method of fractional (differential) centrifugalization of the homogenates mentioned was used in order to obtain these individual cyto- plasmatic fractions, The method mentioned was combined with the Card 1/3 method of labelled atoms& Facts on the protein exchange of these The Incorporation of B35 Methionine Into the BOV/20-127-3-64/71 Proteins of Different Structural Elements of.the Cells of the Hemisphere of Cerebrum and Cerebellum structural elements can be found by the investigation of the incorporation rate of radioisotopes in the proteins of individual cell structures* Grown-up cats were used as experi- mental animale, They received radio-methionine injections 2o hours before they were killed (10,000 impulses/min per 1 g body weight). Then they were beheaded. In order to separate the nuclei, i.e. to obtain the (a) n u a 1 e a r f r's. c t i o n the homogenate was centrifuged 4 to 6 times at 3 - 50- (b) The m i t o c h o n d r i a 1 f r a c t i o n was obtained by further centrifugalization of the hctmogenate part which had remained above the dregs with (a). (c) The m i c r o s o m a ti a f r a c t i o n- was obtained similarly from the liquid of part (b). (d) The s o 1 u b 1 e f r a a t i o n remained. Table 1 shows the radioactivity of the proteins of these cell fractions. These results showed that the proteins of various cell fractions are restored at various rates. In the cer6brum as well as the cerebellum the proteins of the microsomatic fraction have the highest rate of exchange. The soluble fraction is similar to Card 2/3 that fraction. The proteins of the mitochondrial fraction The Incorporation of S35 Methionine Into the SOV/2G-127-3-64/71 Proteins of Different Structrral Elements of the Calls of the Hemisphere of Cerebrum and Cerebellum have the lowest rate of exchange. In the cerebellum the level of specific radioactivity of the fraction mentioned last is similar to the nuclear fraction. Its proteins show much intenser restoration in the hemispheres than the proteins of the mitochondrial fraction. The restorability of the proteins of the individual cell structures of the cerebellum tissue is greater than that of the corresponding'intracellular structures of the cerebral hemisphere. There are I table and 7 references, 2 of which are Soviet& ASSOCIATION: Institut biokhimii Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) SUBMITTED; May 18, 1959 Card.3/3 BILIK, Ta.T. [Biellk, IA.Y.1; 3)VWIXDVA, P.D. [Drornykova, P.D,]; iwou, G.J. [Sylakova, H.1.3 Ptoblems in biochemistry at the Ninth Congress of the All,-Uuion Society of Physiologists, Biochemists. "a Pharmacologists. Ulcr,bifthim,zhur. 32 no.1:149-164 160. (XM 13:6) (DIOCHMSMT-COMRISSIS) 13BLIK, YA.V. [Bielik, IA.Vj Seventh coordinating conference on the problem wBIOch8miGtr7 of the nervous system.' Ukr.blokhim.xhur. 32 uo.3t483-J#84 16o. (xiRA 13:6) (BjOC;MWISMT--COXGRISSIS) (MMVOUS SYSTEM) BbMIK, YA. V., PALLADIN, A. V.., POLYAKOVA, N. Y., KIRSENKO, 0. V. ItThe Distribution of Enzymes of Carbohydrate-Phosphorus and Nitrogen Metabolism Between Cellular Structures of the Brain Tissue." report submitted for the First Conference on the problems of Cyto and Histochemistryj Moscow, 19-21 Dec 1960. Irwtitute of Biochemistry of the Aaademy of Sciences Wainian WRq Kiev, POLTAKOVA, sj~AA(Bielikv IA.V.1; TSARYUK, L.A. Proteinase in funation&Uy different di4sions of the centril nervous system and different irk, *uutiuml elements of brain COUP. Mr. biokhim. zhur. "32 no.5t623 435 160., (HIRL AM 1. Lurtitut biokhimii Akademii Auk Ukrainskoy S3Rj Kiyev. (PROTRIMM) (B4IN)' (SPIRL CORD) BELIKI Ya.V. [Bielikx 1A.V.); KRA.CIIKOO L.S. Protein metabolism of the brain in hibernating animals. Ukr. biokliim. shur. 33 no-5:684-692 161. (MIRA -14:10 1. Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiy6v. (PROTEIN METABOLISM) (BRAM) (HIBERINATION) % BELIK, Yu. Airplane mechanic. Voon.zaan. 25 no.9:15 S 149. (MIR& 12:12) (Airplanes,Nsintenance and repair) i kand.okonom.nauk; BOGATYRMIKO, Z.S., red.; BELIK T L A~n 1~ u., [National income of the U.S.S.R. in the seven-year plan] Hatsionallnyi dokhod SSSR v semiletka. Hoskva, Izd-vo 'Znanie,O 1959. 31 p. (Vaesoiuznoe obahchestvo po rasprostraneniin poli- ticheskikh i na-uchnykh suanii. Ser-3, Bkonomika, n0.28). (MIRA 12:9) (Income ) 4Z Y ly al~oye-vlahj kand.ekonom.nauk; LISOV, V.Te., red.: GERASIMOVA, ;9,-~ To.S. 9 tekbn*Ted, (3tate plan and balance shoat of the national economy of the U.S.S.R.] Gosudarstvannyi plan I balans narodnogo khoziaistva SM. Moskva, Gosplanizdat, 1960. 88 P. (KM 13:4) (Rusela-Beonomic policy) BELIK, Tu.; PLYSIMMIT, Be *Methodological problems of a planned balance of the national economy" by M.Z. Bor. Reviewed by We Belik, B. Plyshevskiis UP. ekon. no.10:123-127 0 160a (KIRA 13:9) (Russia--Economic policy) (Bor, X.Z.) BELIK, Yuriy Andreyeviohj HATSUK., R.V.. red. j VORONINA, R.K., tekbn, red& (The national income of the U.S.S.R61 Hatsionallrqi dokbod SM. Moskyap Goo. izd-vo "Vyssbaia abkola.," 1961. 58 P. (KM l4xlO) (Income) YEREMENKO, B.A.; TSENZURA, A.I.; BAVAL, I.G.; SUSOWV, B.G.; SOLLOGUB, A.A.; BELIK, Yu.N. Aut9mation of evaporation sections. Sakh. prom. 35 no.11:39-45 N 61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut, sakharnoy pro.myshlennosti (for Yeremenko, TSenzura, Bazhal, Susorov). 2. Ust'-Labinskiy zavod (for Sollogub, Belik). (Sugar machinery) (Automation) LUPU, N.G.; RUMAN9 K6 The problem of pneumoconioses. II. The nature of nonprofessional pneumoconiosis. Rev* so. med., Bucur. no.Z,.29-35 1957. (PNEUROCONIOSIS, *nifest. nonprofessional . (Ras)) BELIKHIfJ.,_V,,q,; PFN-YJVIR, Yu.D. Record indicAs achieved in stoping operations. Ugoll 1+0 no.6:72-73 Je 165. (WRA 18:7) 1. TEentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut informatsii i tekhn:Lko-ekonomicheskikh issledovanly ugollnoy promyshlennosti. HILIKHOV. A.V. " ,;~Zvv.Q, Wrong method of determining breaImbleness of thread. Takst.prow. 14 no-7:52 Jl 154. (MIU 7: 8) 1. Inshener TsNIL Kostromskogo llnokombinata is. Lenin&. (Textile fabrics--Testing) BILIRMY. Aleksfr / Vaoillyevich.- POLIYAK, T.Y., retsenzant: OFELEFIGHA 15.17'reaRKTor; ILIKINA, N.M., takhaichaskiy redaktor [Met .hoda for analysing the accomplishment of the planned rates of output] Metody analiza vypolneniia norm vyrabotki.Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo Ministerstva promyshl.tovarov shirokogo potreblenita SSSR. 1955. 150 P. (MLRA 8:10) (Time study) (Textile industry) Origin of oaprobic organi=as UchosapeXasoune 120 no*6059- 382 160. (MM 16t2) (Nolution) (Water--Mcrobiology) BELIKITOW.. Ye.L., (Moskva) Gaiter in children in the region of Abakan railroad construction. Probl. endokr. i gorm. 1 no-5:28-35 8-0 155. (MLR.% 8;10) 1. 12 Vaesoyuznogn Institute. akeparimentallnoy endokrinologii (dir.--prof. Ye.A. Vasyukova) (GOITER, endemic in child, in Raasia) USSR/General iToblerms of -PatholoCy - 1", I.,otabolism. U, Abs Jour : !lc:f ;1ur - Biol.; N,) 21, 1953, 98172 Author : V.P.., BeliMova, Y,~.L. List I .. 4- Title On Dian~;iosinr, Tmor )f tl,.c Cortex by Means --)f Mcr.dcal Nieth3dz. Orie -Pub 1ribl, endcArinol. i Lor.'.i.motcrapii, 1956, 2, ID 3, 93-95 Abstract Col,)i: rQaction with H2'~;04 ou Dli&- to the neutral sterii-C,. -fl7action of uriac c:cc..-act, tur-IcC out to be positive ..)rl-.r in ad-renal cortc:: This rcaction has si~yifica:ico for the differciitial L'La- of the tmor :,.n ,Lcrplasia of adrenal ,lants. -- I.S'. Ncyfelld Card 1/1 MUIIHOTA, Te.L. (Moak-7a) Surgical therapy of a case of severe thyrotoxicosis in 0 diabetiq woman [with summary in Inglish]. Probl.endok. i gorm. 4i no.6-9&-99 Iff-D 158. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Iz kliniki Teenoyusnogo inatituta eksperimentallnoy andokrino- logi (dir. - prof. Ye.A. Vasyukova). (DIABIM KWTUS. compl. byperth.vroldism# surg. (RUBD (HY qmomrsm, compl. diabetes mellitus. surg. (Rua))