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HWIER' K ; BEJ50-TZ73- M - IMCKA, V.; 14ASAY.,A.; POIACEF,L.; PCIICAOE.; S~OBODA, A*;2 . M. Multiple sclerosis in Czechoslovakia. Acta UnIv. Carol. [med.j (Praha) 10 no.7*.541-548 164 1. Heurological Departmentp Faculty of General Medicine, Cluirles University, Prague (Director: Academician Prof. MUDr.K.Henner, DrSc.). Acck,'._ AP6006?43 SOURCE CODE: CZ/O%_VT65?6-55To6475_J13/0X5 AUTHOR: !!j!2Lec4,.H.; Kase, Fo~ ORG: Neurological Department' Regional Hospitalt-Usti (Neurologicke oddpleni krajoke .1 nemocnice); Regional Transfusion Station# Usti (Krajaka-transfuznl stanice) TITIE: Paresis of the. femoral nerveln primary thrombocy.themia SOURCE:. Caskoslovenska.neurologiev no. 4# 1965t 313-315 TOPIC TAGS: nervous system disease, blood disease ABSTRACT: Author deporibeig apatient Whot, although otherwise sdffered for $ years-witlia high-degroo of blooding.: Clinical investigation revealed a primary hemorrhagic thrombo- loythemia;.it appears that the neurological complications were due to blooding into.the area of the femoral nerve. The die- ease is rather rares [imp] SUB CODEx 06 SUBH DATE. 16Feb65 ORIG W: 003 oTH Rr7: 008 Cwd]A j7 -Z-~ Z-Aw d'6-A-- - - - - - -- - ACCFSSION NR: AT;009471 Z/0000/64/000/000/0248/0253 S- !ur C.-i~--Iotron :17 P TOP 1 CTAC,;: partif-le accelertitor, ion polarizat~,,-)n, hydroq,~,n atom , ". ~Ic * i -;~ ABSTR,NCT. The authors describe a source of polarized ions now being nuilt in order to extend the experimental possibilities of the cy- clotron r.)f -the NucIlear Research Institute the Cze-hoslovak ,Ncad- emy of Sciences. A. diagram o~f the source is shown in Fig. 1 of Lhe Card ??Ia i4 Z t L 61-1053-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5009471 enclosure. The hicili-frequency method describud earlie r by M. K. ~I s~ of r 7 1 f -t, t~rnn.. i S T%O F, 1 -.1 !T-7 1f~ 4 1 in-,rf!rse rnarinetron, a r. r rni~n t a I e I the a om,a ray is nrt v t- f i ni shed Tho r,%; rs, t, ma(i- AS 9017 T A-I'T 0111 Nu c I i-a rResearcb Tnstitute, Czt7--c-hosIrwak Acaclewr': C~ I 2/.4 OTITP.- 3/4 ---- ---- -777"t. L 65053-65 ACCTSSM, NP ATWC,~,_'l sly P6,-,Ip3! tch-mm of tl--t -.0--rct of Lirited f-or thc cyclotron of the Ntreltir R- rch tat,- I tV2 rcy~~Mi,vciy. Card Z/0038/64/000/003/0164/0168 ACCEMION NR: AP4039535 AUTHOR.- Dejeoveop Vaclay (Bashovetaq V.) TITLE: Production of elowntal )Wdrogen in electrical discharge SOURCE: Jaderna energiso no- 5. 19649 W4-168 TOPIC TAGS: VWdrogens elemental IWdrogen, elemental kWdrogen production, electri- cal discharge kWdrogen production, atowdo energy, hydrogen atmosphere electrical discharge, polarized particlep polarized particle source, dissociator, polarized particle dissociator ABSTRACh The article summarizes the basic physical theoretical and experimental data concerning the production of elemental kwdrogen In an electrical discharge In a hydrogen atmosphere. Some of the dissociators used for polarized particles am described* These Include a dissociator'with capacitive coupling# one with induc- tive couplingg and a dissociator witb arc discharge. The uximum escape of the elowntal kwdrogen in these diss6ciators Is limited tr the pumping rate of the diffusion pumps and tty the nothod of transferring the atoms from the dissociation sons to the evacuatodi-space. The escape part of the dissociator (wiltipusage or AG AP4039555 Laval nozzle) wut be made out of a material with a low coefficient of surface re- combimtIon, The intens~jies of the olowntal ~eaas escaping from the dissociator lie within the limits 1019 to 3,021 atoms/sec-ce. Higher values can be attained only tyraising the pressure in the diasociatorj, or ty the use of a laval nozzle and heavy-duty pump. A dissociator of this type developed ty J. 0. 06bine and D.. A. Wilbur (Fourn. Appl. MWs. 22v 1951g 833) in whieb a high dissociation is obtained under atmospheric pressure, shown some very good prospect. Original article hass 6 figures, 4 tables and 2 equations. AWOMATION i UsUY jadernsho vyskvmm MAY Rez (Institute of Nuclear Absearob) SURCETTED& 00 DATS AOQ: IZJWO+ ENCL3 00 SUB CM11'. XF000- NO MW SMS 000 '023 .2/2 MEGARY/Genern 1 Problems of Pathology - Experimental Therapy. U-3 Abe Jour Ref Zhur BiOl" No 16, 1958, 75480 Author Gati., Eva; Inks,, G.; BQJitai, J"L Gyarfas) Jo Inst Hungarian AcaAiw of Sciences. Title Cytologic -Changes in Calls o;r Ascitic Garc.inom of, MlAich, Fartibularily of Nuclei and Nucleoli,.Under the Influence of Nitrous Derivative of Yperiteo Orig Pub Acta morphol. Acad. Scii hung@) 1957,..7, No 3, 343-35q Abstract Three-mo n,th-61knice vere inoculated intrap'er'itoneally Vith-.11.-_M111%o'n ',of cells -of -an ascitic care' mom of Ehrlich, Degenerativ6'ehanges of tumor ceUs,,v 'are studied in smears and`do~tto~a' tak fiomsapamto portions of as6iteiy Oba, tained: ihidugh -tapping Of nice before and after introduc- tion of M__ preparations of raothyl-bis. chloroethyl)- at,72=j6 of 2 3"1g, triethylenemelanine)'(TEN) Card 1/2 10 "w Fftlynological cn,,,u c.-I tia oic in the Moe.;Sls.;rj Pla"form. il~FT,rol at gpzo 15 noO9.165-463, R 161". 1. Kntoqxiso of Cifsologin '-fiboratorloa, Min!stry of the Potrolem r.nJ Chmie:ul Industry. VENKATACHAIA, B. S. I B&TU, D. hveenoo of the Devonian in the foundations of the Calarasi zone. Patrol ai-gaza 12 no.3.11494-495,.N-161. 1, Paloobotanica Birbal Sahni, Luoknow, India (for VerAmtachala) 2. Intreprinderea do Laboratoare Geologies, Baduresti (for.BoJu). (Rownia-Goology, Stratigrap4ic) VUUTACHAIAO B.S.; JEJU) D& ,L.bout the presence of carboniferous formation in the foundation of the-Calarati zones Patrol si gaze 13 no#41145-151.4LP .162, 1* Inatit tul d 6obotanioa Birbal Sahni,, Luoknow,, India (for VaiMaoh2ar.1.2, Intreprindrea, do .1aboratoare ge0ogice.. Bucuresti, (for Bejd).* BM, D-J-RLMs N. 2he Sil-rian, Gbitinozoans from the Moldavian Platfaria and the Moesian Platform. Petrol oi gaze 13 no#3.2:527-536 D 162. 1, Intreprinderea do labpratoare goologice, Ministerul Industrioi Petrolului si Chimiai. COSTACHEL, 0.; POPP., L; TEITEL,, S.; BEJUD D.-V ANGHEL, E. The effect of the administration of lymph-node and epithelial homogenates on the metastasis of some experimental tumors& Stud. careat. andoor. 14 no.4/5/6:571-577 163. BEJVLj, J. *Automatic control of steam turbinesew AVIMTIUCE, Prsba,, Czechoslovskias, Vol* 2# no. 5P May 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), Ics Vol, Bj No. 8. August 1959 Unclassified EMILS K. ffMachine tools and their electric equipment at this year's Basel Fair." P. 791. STROJIIMTVI. (MINISTERSTVO TZZMI0 STROJIRFMTVI, KNISTERSTV0 PMSNEHO STROJIRENSTVI A MINISTERSTVO AUTOMOBILOVEHO PRUMISLU A ZEMMSKYCII STROJU.) Praha,, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 5. no, 10, Oct* 1955* Monthly List of East European Accessions (MAI)., LC, Vol. 8j No. 9p September 1959. Uncl. BEJVI, X. Eldetria equipment of machine tools at the Olympia 56 Ekhibition. 94* (Elektrotechnik, Vol, 12, no. 3, March 195?. Praha, Czechoslovakij* SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EM) LC. Vol. 6. No. 6. June 1957. Uncl, BFJVL, Karel MAchine tools. Lesson 11, pt. 1. Elektrotechnil 13140~11~quppl. I Furs m1ektrotechnickych sehezat 19 no.1017-232, I J, EEJVLp Karel . Hacbine tooUs Elektrotoobnik iki .eloc- 0 PEP ~trotecbnickycb schemat. lessofi 3-1. F164. 1 m BEJVL, K&rel Machine tools. Pt. 3. Elaktrotachnik 19 no. 3: Supplement: Kure elektrotachnickyeh schemat4,249-264 mr 164. EJV.., Karfil YrtoKlne tr.,o2~ , .--c, "I. *F,'-e)(tm-f,-c,,hnik 19 , .4 sS',JPPI %Kurt: elektnitec~mlakych smbcma-~265-283 Ap tl~ljl -4. 0 C2 BALOTM, Jan; *J,'2-33ER3C!,:,1,jIDTOVA, Alzbeta; Chair m ' '_4 of P 4~1~99- u Aty"o a ogy, OR I lant Phy! A"o tural Sciencos, Comenius Univ- ersity (Katodra Pyziologie Rastlin Prirodovedookoj Faliculty Univer- sity Komenskeho), Bratislava. "Some Factors Influencing the Accuracy of tho Determ'.nation of Tannins in Vegetable Matorials by Biological Mlethods." Bratislava, Bioloaia, Vol 21, 110 7, 1966, pp 522 - 528 Abstract: The only materials of plionlio nature that normally so- company tannins in vegetable materials and coagulato human erythro- oytes are pyrogallol and pyrocatechol. Tho conglutination. effect of these substances is much lower tha- that o' tannin, so that their L presence does not interfere with the determination of gallotannins in vegetable matorials. T'te roadinoss of erythrocytes to react 'With tannins docreases with Uho period of their storage in refri- gerators. Erythroovik-le suspensions used analytically siiould be less than I day old. 7 Tables, 4 Western, 5 Czech, 1 eolish reference. (Manuscript received 20 Nov 65). 6 - - ----------------- - SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/66/000/007/001810018 AP6032831 AUTHOR: )Qek. Edvard (Engineer; Prague) ORG: none' TITLE: Seismologic instrument for recording and signalling seismic pu ses. CZ -Pat. No. PV 4161- 6 5 SOURCE: Vynalezy, no. 7, 1966, 18 TOPIC TAGS: seismologic instrument, If amplifier ABSTRACT: Equipment for recording and signalling seismic impulses in the acoustic frequency between 10 and 6000 cycles is described. A circuit connected to the pulse source indicates changes in input voltage. The circuit contains an ,electromagnetic sensing unit connected in series with a low-frequency class-B amplifier, a milliammeter and the d-c source. A loudspeaker may also be included. The low-frequency class-B amplifier, the amplitude multiplier, and the timing relay attached to the battery are connected in series to the input pulse source. COD : 0'- 08, 14/ SUBM DATE: 28Jun65/ L Gf~096-67 ACC NRiAP6017899 s6bii5z__&6D_iFs _674/007W6~/ ol;VO017/0017 INVENTORt Bak, ZduardjEngineer; Prague); Charbula, Karel (Engineers Prusue) ORGs none TITLEs [,Device for recording seismic acoustic pulses) CZ Pat. No. PV 4495-4t dlasO 42 SOURCE: Vynalezyj, no. 12$ 1965p 17 TOPIC TAGSs recording equipmonts recording paperp seismic wave, s2jET2EakhjV Beismo- logio instrumentj seismology ABSTRACTs A method of recording seismoacoustic pulses is described in which elastic vibrations of audio frequencies of from 10 - 6,000c are transformed by an electro- magnetic sensing element into electric vibrations which are then amplified. The dist4guishing feature of the method is that changes in the input voltage in the push- pul.1 ampWier in which the grid overvoltage is approximately equal to the cutoff over- voltage are converted into changes in the feed direct current which are recorded by t1* recording device. SUB COM 08j.09j,17/ SUBH DAM O7Aug64 kmlyoio of patients treated at the Postgraduate Education Clinic in 1960, Gruziloa 30 noo6s531-537 062, , 1, Z Minild PUsjatrii Studium Dookonalenia, Lokarzy (SDL) w AM i so Sspit&U im. dr A. Sokolowskietie v Lodsi Kierownik: prof. dr mad. M. Zierski. LUNG DISEASES) (TUBERCULOSIS, FMXONARY) STATISTICS) (DIABETES MELLITUS) CARCINOMA., BRONCHOMIC) (MM40NIA) PEP-TIC ULCER) (BRONCHIECTASIS) (MMOTHDRU) LUNG ABSCESS) (CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES) I ,_!F, ]~~ ka__,.z Intolorance and toxicity of substitute antibacterial drugs, I I Gruzlica 31 no.6t645-631 Z063. I 1. KlInika Ftjzj&trU SDLp lods. *, ZIERSKI, MEtrian, .~~ .ia;ISIWINSKLs Irengj WOZNIAKp Stefenia Che-year results of antibacterial therapy of recently discovered cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruzlica, 32 no.2t97-103 F'64 1. Z Katedry i Kliniki Fti:~Jatrii Studium Dookonalenia lakarzy AH w Iodzi; Kierownik: H.Zierski. ZIERSKI, Marian;,.B)~X, Lugenia; STACHLENSKA, StanIslawa; WANAT-KOJIDRATOWICZ, Wladyslawa; 1,402NIAK, Stefania; ZACHARA, Anna Evaluation of results of antibacterial therapy of pat'ents with recently diagnosed pulmonary tuberculovio under clinical condi- tions. Gruzlica, 32 no.8:621-625 Ag 164. 1. Z Katedry J. KIiniki Ftizjatrii Studil Doksztalcania Lekarzy Akadamii Medycznej w.Szpitalu im. dr. A. Sokolowskiego w Lodzi (Kierownik: prof. dr. mod. M. Zierski). BW, Eugenia; ZAGHARA, Ann& The effect of chemotherapy on the early bacteriological results in patients discharged frcm the clinic in 1962-1963. Ckmzlica 32 no.11061-965 N 964 1, 7, KatwIry i Kliniki Ptizjatr1i Studium Doskonalenia 1,61karry AkademiJ Madyc2nej v Szpitalu im. dr. A. Sokolounaklego w rA-A.Zi Werownik: prof. dr. mad. 14. Merski). B2L,_Llal_U4,WANAT-KCHDRATOWICZ, Wladyslawa; STACHLEWSKA, Stanislava; ZACHARA, Anna Evaluation of the results of chemotherapy in the outpatient Clinic for treatment of newly discovered cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in 1999-1962. Gruzlica 32 no.11&981-988 N 164 The effect of correot climsioal, chemr-11--v an the hoaling of tuberculous cavities. lb!Ld.s9"-M 1. Z Katedry i Kliniki Ptizjatrii Studium Doskonalenia lakarzy Akademii Medycznej w Szpitalu im. dr. A Sokolowsklego v 1,odzi (Kierownikt profs dr. med. M. Zierski). .,-BEK, Bugenial PLEBANEK, Wieslava The treatment of nevly discovered pu2nonary tuberculosis in patients over 60 years of age. Oruslica 32 no.3-lt975-980 N 164 1. Z Katedry i X11niki Ptizjatrii Studium lbskonalenia lakarzy Akademii Medyc2nej w Szpita:Lu im. dr. A. Sokolowskiego v lodzi (Kierowniks: Prof. dr. mod. M. Zierski)o BEKj G. (g.Roudnitse-na-Labo., Cbekhoslovakiya) Nov rolling stock on the railroads in Czechoslovakia. Elek. i topl. tiaga 5 no.8:47 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Czaohoolovakia,.-Railroads-Rolling stock) BEK, G. (Roudnitse-na-Late) Nov Czeoboolovakian loc=otives. Elsk. i tiaga 6 no.3-ls45 N 162. (MM 16:1) (Osechoslovakia-Locomotives) Nov astronoidoal Instrwont (from Nism und Leben") Nauka i sb3rttia 12 no.2154 7 163. (MIRA 3.645 (Television in astronomy) (Telescope) 7 Mill", ~, T .5" h-uNGARy / inorganic Chemistry# Complex Compounds. C Abs Jour: Ref ~hur-Khimiyaj No 21, 19580 70339. Author :.P_jX, Khun. Inst : Not given. Title : Certain Specific Points in the Function of Com- plexing, Orig Pub: Magyar kem. folyoirat, 1958, 64, No 2, 62 - 65. Abstract; The authors point out that the function of form- ation which is determined according to Bjerrum. by the equation H = n-j has no speotfie chem- ioal value if ff is a whole number and corres- ponds to a maximum oonoentration of the respect- tve complex. Card 1/1 BEK., A. "Szosa Wolokolfs=kaff (Tbe Woioko4mk highway), by A. Bek. Reported in Now Books (Nowe Ksiazki),, No. 13, July 1, 1955 : -.' . ~ - -z-- ~t -"'~ :"-" -'.- '; . - '. : '- : I -. - - ~: - ~' -1 AUTWRI BU A PA - 2774 TITUS ~'ARM;;Udisc raport of slast Farms* Technique. (Wydayushohiysya master dosennogi dela, Russian) PUIODICLLe Metallure, 1957# Vol 2P Ir 4t pp 39 - 41 (11-S.S.R.) 'Rocolvodt 5 7 1957 Reviewedl 6 / 1957 AMUCTS M,X.XMXO was born In 1812 of noble descent and fled from his parental hose at the age of fifteen and began to work at a notallurgi- oal plant in yokaterinoolav. Be gained exporienoo-st various plants which sprang up In the south Just at that tise..In a plant near Marispol he bosans acquainted with furnace equipment of the American type as a farmse foroma. OUZO moos made a name for himself by his ability of removing blast-farmse saw, "A other defects. At the Borsig-plaat Is Kramatorskays, he was offered the post of manager of the blast furnace department. go accepted on the condition that extra profits should be used for the re-equipment of the furnace. After experiments extending over several years he created a charging apparatus *system WRAKOO and soon achieved excellent results by its application. later# however# he experienced reverses. Together with Us devoted sollaberatoreg he was always able to cope with srising diffloultiesp sometimes even by staking his life. After several years of Interruption caused by &rreat and exile In Northern Rassim, In connection with tho revolution of 1905 ZMKO returned to the south Card 1/2 this time as Manager or the blast furnace departnent In Yusovkao Nis Outstanding Inert of Blast Furnace Techniques PA - 2774 department was knows, under the nickname "KURAKINts Academy". Students .af,all universities fought for a chance to do practical work under bias KURAKO kept pao* with modern developments and watched technical progress In the whole world* Among other thisp -he had a vast col- lostion, of to*We&l drawings of old blast furnames, long age out of "$jOULof all countries, the only one of Its kind I& Russia. KURAKO subscribed to all sorts of foreign, scientific periodicals and on- jloy'id a irenslatir. The tramoUtIons were copied and distributed amiong his students. KUIA.KO approved of a great deal of independence of hie subordinates. KVRAKO established several agiallurgical planter unfortunately only on papere-A short time before the revolution of 1917 he went to Siborlap where he was to carry out the projecting of *be first foundry In the b"In of Kusnotskv but building was never began because of numerous difficulties. He contracted spotted favor and died In 1930. ASSOCIATIONs Sot give& PAMIND ATAIMAIS Ubrary of Congress card R/t BIK, AlekenmA A.; GRIGOROYET, Grigorly A. ~Ikhall ZonstantinovIch gur&ko; blogmphical sketch] Mikhali Konstantlnovich lurako; blogrOldbeekli oobork, Moskva, Goo# ', nauchno-tak'hn, izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tavatuoi ustallurgli. 1953. 166 pe (MM 7:6) Orursko,, Kikh&ll Konstantinovich. 1872-1920) VVISKI, Marian; BEK, AwWLm, Pasumothorax treatment In case of early pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruzl1ca 24 no.8:679-691.Aug 56. 1. Z Poradni Prseciwgrusliczej dla Mlodziezy Akadamickaij i z Kliniki Ptyzjatrycznej Instytutu Doskonalenl& i SpeeJaliz&cji YjLdr Lakarskich w Lodsi. Rierownik: doe. dr. sad. M. Zterski. (PNMTHORAX, ARTIFICIAL, statist. in early 'Pula. tuberc.) Vol. 10 scases Aue, 8 Chost D1 ~57 1914. BEK E. and BUKALSKA Z. Zakk. Ftyzj. 1. D., S. K. L., Szp1t. Specjalist. Luc -VG'-r-u=ca pluc z wapfflanieJocym rakiem oakrzeli. P u I mo n a ry t u be r c ulosis coexisting with bronchial carcinoma GROLICA1958, 24/12 (1213-1217) Illus. 6 Two cases of actlv~ pulmonary tb coexisting with bronchogenic carcinoma are re ported: clinical dia'gnosis was confirmed by necropsy. In case 1. the malignant changes originated initially probably from the wall of a tuberculous cavity. In case 2, It seems that th6 development of carcinoma activated arrested tuberculous foci in the lung. It is pointed out that the incidence of active tb combined with pulmonary malignancy is increasing, particularly since the peak of tb mortality shifts to older age groups. (XVO 5,16) BIK, 3. (Iod%, u1, Kosynierow Gdvuskich 20.) Unusual course of pulmonary carcinoma. Gruzlica 26 no.8:711-714 Aug 58. 1. Z Zakladu Ytysjatrii Instytutu Doskonalenia. i Specjalizaoji radr lekarskich w Lodzi. Xiermmik: doo. dr mod, M. Zierski. (IM NWPIASM, case reports unusual case (Pol)) BIK, G. (g.RoudnitsO a& labs, Chakhoslovakiya) ------------ Now Czechoslovakian locomotives and electric train$* Blek. i lopl; tiags, 4 no. 12:43 D,160. NMA 14:1) (Czechoslovakia--Rolling stock) 0. (Roudmitoo- S-Z. Ap'-162' (K[BA 15:5) ucvo4t3q , 44- -BEK., Jan, jAgr. . in2. The indluenoo of knive-edge curvattwe an acme metrological pre- parties of balanoek. Pomiary 8 no.4:170-173 Ap 162 1. Zaklad Metrologii, Przemyslowej Politachniki. Warazawskiej B&Z., Jindrich Experien" With tb* f3At BtOaZ eXhaUMt systen on looomativag, Zol dop toob 1.1 no*71209-210 163, BErv J. noc'.1i a r4 1 z n nist(!-stvo iopmq) vol. o. 3, ".ar. ScuiCE: East -Puropca-.n Accessions List. (EhAll,) I %, Library )l On '-ress Vol. 5, ';!o. 12. December 15-:~60 ELK, J. i~, The development of steam locomotives. p.197.(Zoleznicar. Praha. Vol. 6, no. 8. Aug. 1956.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EM) LC-Vol. 6, no. 7, July 191157- Uncl. BEK, J. Headlights and whistle. p.81. (Zeleznicar. Praha. No. 3) Mar. 1957.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) W., Vol. 6. no. 7~ July 1957- Uncl. - EEK, J. nGerman Democratic Republic and its railroads*" p., 158. ZELEZNICAR. (Ninisterstvo, dopravy). Prahas Czechoslovakia$ no. 69 June 1959. Monthly list of East Earopean Accessions (EEAI),, LCO Vois 8P not 60 August 1959- Uncla. BEK 1, J. The Surami. Pass. p. 128. ZEIZZNICAR. (Hinisterstvo dopravy) Praha,, Czechoslovakia., No. 5, May 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959 UNCL E-RK, J, ill Sodne on the ueefulwas of electronic meanuring instruments. Pomiary 9 no. 2:86 F - 163. BEKO Zan't.jav Ims, I- T)w Warnaw Polytechnic for the Polish.w.6ional economy. Pamiary 9 no,2s63-64-. F 163. 1. Katedra Metrologii Energetyozwj., Politechnika,, Warazava, i.) Jerzy, mgr.inz.; , Iq B',Kjj,, mg.- iriz,,* Jerzy; 104,T.C"Y(f i)mzfu-Jj r,,,-,r 'O-tz, "O"~ Roview of fruYLIcatbins, Poxiary Alo 11,-).81370-373 J1164 BEK i L. 0. 9 ~2 ~ A43-1 B4 PGLEZASHCHMNOrr. LESORAZVEDENIYE V SSSR (PROTECTIVE AFFORMATION IN THE USSR) MMKHEN, 1957. 3-17 p. MAP (ISSLEDOVA.NIYA I FaITERIALY, SYR. 2 (ROTATO- RNYYE IZD.) NO. 56) AT HEAD OF TITLE: INSTITUT PO MCHENTYU ISTORII I KULITURY SSSR. SUMMARIES INI ENGLISH, GEMAN AND GRih'CH. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL FOOTNOTES. CHISTOV, A.D.; RAYA G.T.;_RIX, N.D.: BELIKOVA, V.I.; BLINOVA, Mje.w KABANOTA, P.G.; MAKAROVA. M.D.; PRIPISTSOVA, K.D.; SIKONOVA, P.Y.;' TOIKACHIVA, Ye.K.; TYUNUYBVA, V.V.; ZINCHMMO, V.S., red.iz&-va; PAVWVSKIY, A.A., [Foreign trade of the U.S.S.R. for 1918-1940; statistical survey] Vneshniaia torgovlia SSBR za 1918-1940 gg.; statistichaskii obsor. Moskva, Vneshtorgizdat,.196o. 1134 p. (MIRA 1):10) 1, Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye tamozhannoye upravlaniye. 2. Mel statiatiki Glaynogo tamozhennogo upravleniya Ministerstva vneshney torgovli SSSR (for all, except Zinchenko, Pavlovskiy). (Commercial statistics) USSR/Ehysical,Chevdstry - Electrochemistry. B-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya) No 6, 25 March 1957, 18704 Author t Kudr-3avtoev, N.T,, -Rek R.Yu*.,' and Kushevich, I.F. _ _2 7W _N; e fi hi L i M Ins . z. k m e l, 5 q , , Title Reasons' of Pormstion.of,Zinq Sponge Upon Cathodes of ,Zinc-Containing Electrolytes',-it durie'nts of Low Densities Orig Pub- Tr. Most khim-teW=l.-,in-iaJ,' 1.956) vypi. 22., 137-142 Abstract The rmchanism-of Zn-aponge f6rmtion on a cathode, at "low densities of curr -ent, in,zinccontaining electrely- tes and, in particular, the.p art.plwyed by anodes-and oxidizing agents,-is investi- -ions of nobler metale.and . gated. when electrolysis is carried on with unsoluble~azodes (Pt and NI) the sponge is for- med only at the'upper pari O'r.6ath6de netLr' the boundary .,of.th4*electro1yte,vith.air., and that when electrolysis is carried on'vith Zn-snode the sponge is formed over the whole surface, When the anode and cathode spaces are Card 1/2 310 - I'T~ fig B/153/60/003/005/Olo/oi6 B013~BC58 AUTHORS: Kudryavtsev, N..T.~ TITM Effect of Alternating Current in Electrodeposition of Zinc, Lead, and Tin From Alkaline Electrolytes PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavederiv. Xhimiya i khimioheskaya tekhnologiyal 1960, Vol- 3, No- 5P PP- 898-901 TEXT: The effect of superposition of a.c. over d.c. during electro- - deposition of zinc, lead, and tin from alkaline electrolytes was studied here. The following electrolytes were used: 1) 0.25 N Zn, 2.5 N NaOH summ without addition; 2) 0.25 N Zn, 2.5 N NaOH summ, 0.5 g11 Sn (calculated per metal); 3) 0.8 Iq Pb, 4 N NaOH , 50 ml/I glycerin; 4) 80 9/1 summ Na2Sno 31 10 g1l NaOH free without.additions. The temperature of all solu- tions was 500C. Zinc and tin were deposited on polished steel, lead on polished brass. The experiments showed that the development of spongy growth on zinc electrolytes may be entirely prevented without additions by Card-1/3 Effect of Alternating Current In Electro- S11531601003100510101016 deposition of Zinc, Lead, and Tin From B013/BO58 Alkaline Electrolytes applying a.c. with a frequency of 20-300 cycles and at a higher current density than that of d.o. A smooth, semibrilliant deposit with characteris- tic "parquet" structure was ascertained at a current density ratio between a.c. and d.c. D -/D- - 2 - 3, and a frequency of 20-70 cycles. The crys- tal boundaries become less distinct at D^.,/D- >10. Signs of spongy growt), appear at frequencies of 300-500 cycles. The effect of a.c. disappears at an addition of tin (0-5 9/1) or lead (0.06 g/1), and the deposits-show fine-crystalline structure. Under otherwise equal conditions, the formation of spongy growth is intensified, when a.c. is applied during electrode- 'position of tin from stannate solution. Electrodeposition of lead from alkaline electrolyte with glycerin addition is not influenced by applying a.c. It was ascertained that cathodic and anodic polarization in reduced (by 4-5 mv) by the application of a.c., this reduction being intensified at a higher D-/D- ratio and a lower a.c. frequency. It was further ascertained that the application of a.c. with a frequency of 50 cVcles at Dv/l)- - 2-10 does not influence the current yield of metal. It r;,mounts to 99-99.5% just as during electrolysis without application of a.a. K. M. Gorbunova is mentioned. There are 2 figures and 11 Soviet references. L/ Card 2/3 Effect of Alternating Current in Elvatro- 8/153/60/003/005/010/016 deposition of Zinc, Leadl and Tin From B013/BO58 Alkaline Electrolytes ASSOCIATIM Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologioheskiy institut im. D. 1. Mendeloyeva,Kafedra elektrokhimii (Mos'cow Ins^titute of Chemical'Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev, DeDartment of Electrochamistrv) SUBMITTEDs May 6j 1~59 Card 3/3 34380 S/539/61/000/032/005/017 ,57 1/ 019 D202/D301 AUTHORS% Kudryavtnevq N*T.t Bak, R.Ya. and Tarasevich, M.R. TITLE: The effect of periodical reversal of current direction on the concentration polarization SOURCE: Moscow. Kkimiko-tokhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 329 1961. Issledovaniya Y oblasti elektrokhimii, 79-84 TEXT: The authors aimed at verification of the opinion of previous vestigators that current reversal has a favorable effect on the speea of electrolysis and properties of the electro deposits. In the authors' opinion, current reversal, although it decreas*u polarization, caustis periodically the dissolution of some part of the deposit; therefore, the total deposition rate is lowered. If the ratio of times of switch-on Of cathodic and anodic current in K = 1-c , than the rate of electrolysis 'V A., would not be determined by the working current density D wq but a valuo D , D . k - 1 q (effective current density): The authors compared the 0 f ` w k + I Card l/ 4 S/539/61/000/032/005/017 The effect of periodical o9e D202/001 concentration polarization during electrolysis with direct current to that at electrolysis with reversing currentj both processes having the same Dof* They investigated these processes on silver nitrate solutiong: AgNO3(0 4, 05M) NaNO3(1 M) at PH = I and on equisolecular K3Fe(CN) 6 and K4Fo(CN) solutions on an apparatus permitting 2 to 3000 rov.p.m.'with a constant k ratio; the dependence of potential.and current intensity was registered by a tap* oncillographo The effeat of current reversals in AgNO3 solutions has been studied at Dw - 0.5 a/dm2, with k = 6.39 and 1694 At 300 and 500 C9 Dof for k- = 6.39 was 0.36 a/dm2and for k = 6#4 - 044 &/dm2 9 During electrolysis with direct current = 0.5 &/do2 at 2 309C a spongy deposit was, formog, but with current density of 0#36 */dm the deposit was compact. At 50 C it was compact iq both cases, When reversible current was applied (k - 6.39, temp. 30 C) a sponge was formed on the cathode when loan than 10 rev.p.m. were u ed, tut with higher reversal rates, a compact deposit was obtained; :t 50 C such a deposit Card 2/4 S/539/61/000/032/005/01? The effect of periodical D202/D301 was formed in both cases, The same phenomena were observed with k = 16.4. Similar results have been obtained with a mixture of ferrocyanide and ferricyanide ions. It in seen from the obtained oscillographs and corresponding graphs that with increasing reversal rate up to 60 per min.2 the concentration polarization in decreasing; further increase in alter- nation having but a very slight effect.At alternation rates up to 60' rev. per min. this polarization has a much larger value than'when d.c. 4a applied, when its density is equal to Dof ; at an alternation rate higher than 60 rev./min.-the value of concentration polarization approach- *& that obtained with d.c. In the authorts opinion, this may be explained as follows: During the switch-on of anodic current, the Ionic concen- tration on the cathode in increased by a partial &sisolution of the metal- lic deposit and by ions diffusing from the bulk of solution; the polari- zation is loweredl the current density increaseog and the loss of de- posit, in balanced by an !Rcrease in the speed of electrolysis. If the current reversal rate is low9 after the concentration in the diffusion layer is,restored, the ions would tend to diffuse into solution and the Card 3/4 S/539/61/000/032/005/017 The effect of periodical D202,/D301 polarization would increase. Thereforej the rate of electrolysis may be increased by reversing current only when it alternates very rapidly. The authors conclude that from the point of view of reagent. supply to the cathode current reversal cannot be regarded as a means for intensi- fication of electrolytic processes, There are 5 figures and 11 refer- ences: 7 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-blea. The references tu the English-language publications read as follows; G.W. Jernstedt, Steel.9 1209 no. 17, 100-1029 134, (1947); A. Hickling and H.P. Rothbaum., Transo Insta Metal Finishq 34t 53 (1957).. Card 4/4 S/539/61/000/032/008/017 D258/D301 AUTHOR-, Kudryavtsev, N.T., and.Dthj_R.)[ua._ TITLE. The influence of alternating current in the electro- deposition of zinct lead, and tin from alkaline solutions SOURCE: Moscow. Khimilco-tokhnologichoskiy institut. Trudy,"no. 32; 19619 Issledovaniya v.oblasti elektrokbimii, 255-258 TEXT: The authors aimed at improving the texture of electrodeposited Zns Pb; and Sn by using alternating current superimposed onto direct current. This was done in view of the known formation of spongy deposits on th" cathode occurring during the electrodeposition of Zn from Na0H solution, even when operating at current densities, lower than the limiting value. Specifically, Zn and Sn were deposited on polished steel cathodes, Pb - on polished brass* The currint densities (C.D.) used Iere: 0.2 - 0.5 Amp/dm for Zn; 0.2-4 Amp/dm for Pb; and 0.2-5 Amp/dm for Sn. The elec- trolytes had the following compositions: (1) Zn - 0.25N (ZnSO 4 .7H20); NaOR (total) - 2.5 N. (2) Zn 0.25L' (ZnSO 4.71120) NuOll tot., 2.5N; Sn-.0.5g/l Card 1/ 3 S/539/61/000/032/008/017 The influence of alternating so* D258/D301 (3) Pb-0.8N, NaOII (tot,l)"N'; Glycerol - 50 cm 3/1. (4) N&2Sn03 - 80 g/l; NaOH (free)-10 g/1. Smooth and semi-lustrous Zn deposits were obtained on operating with an &.a* frequency of 20 to 70 c/o and at ratio, C.D# a*c ./C-D -does of 2-3. Deposits obtained in that way from solution (1) showed clearly outlined crystal boundaries; at higher frequenciess the crystalline regularity decrease*. Spongy deposits appear at a frequency of 300-500 c/s and the beneficial effect of a.c. vanishes completely at 800-1000 c/o* The addition of Sn (solution no. 2) or Pb had an adverse effect on the quality of deposited Zn. The application of, at 20- 300 c/o and C.D. a.ce /C.D. doco -.7 1 on the deposition of Pb from solution no. 3 had no effect at ala, while deposition of Sn from solution no. 4 was adversely affected, under the same conditions. The adverse effect on Sn vauish*d at frequencies, higher than 300 c/o* The effect of &see on cathodic and anodic polarization was investigated in solution no. 29 At 50 0C and without stirring, both anodic and cathodic polarization& were decreased by 2-5 mV, on using a C.D. a0c. /C.D.dc 0 ratiocf 5. The higher Card 2/3 S/0539/61/000/032/008/017 The influence of alternating eoe D258/D301 ratio had no effect at all, The current eMciency was almost independenv of the type of current used. There are 4 figures and 12 references: 10 Soviet-bloc and 2 none-Soviet-bloc. L''/ Card 3/3 - BEK,, 4.Yub; KUDRYAVTSEV, N.T. Effect of alternating current on the slectrodeposition of zinc. Zhur.prikl.kbim. 34 no.9:2013-2020 S 161. (KMA 14:9) (Zinc plating) (Electric currento., Alternating) BEK, R.Yu.; KUDRYAVTSEV, ~q.T. Effect of the periodical change of the direction and piasation of a current on the electrodeposition of zirA from zincate so-i lutions," Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 zio.9:2020-2027 S 161. (KMA 14-9) (Zinc plating), (Electric currents) KUDRYAVTSEV.t N.T.; Yu. TARASEVICH, M.R. (Kosk-m) R.~ Effect of periodic reveraal of current on concentration polarizationo Zhure fiz. khim. 35 no.7:1507-153-1 J1 161. (MIRA 14:7) It Khimko-tekhnologichookiy institut im. D.IJiendeleyeva. (Electroplating) (Polarization (Electricity)) KUDRY"TSEV, N.T.; BUK, R.YU.,' GUREVIGH) M~A& Blectrodeposition of silver bj alternating current. Zhur.prikl. khim. 35 no.3i553-562 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Silver plating) UN-YATIPSEN, M', ~-JILiKIN-J, ~qylj - I~ffect of tha itnAn:, "-( -r)n t~c,Ojo ywoc()q -1 t . s of si I-ver eloctrodepouitior frw, , :yvnido. alectrolyt,-o whon sxqmrpolinG the alternating ovor the dinot lmrront.. Zhurprilcl.llam. 3~ i1c;,54030-1f,~.15 ~v (-%`-,~ - 1515) (SlIver platlr.G) ( COY, - - - ~., -- ~. )(Ntrx~!.Lus ) g/676/62/036/010/003/005 BIOI/Bie6 AUTHORS: Dek, BA--Y4v" Gamburgj Yu. D.9 and Kudryavtsev# N. T. TITLE: Electrodeposition of bright copper with superposition of a-c on d-c PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v.- 36, no..10p 1962, 2244-2245 TEXT: The effect of a nickel sublayer on 'the brightness of electrodeposited copper was studied. A bright nickel 8ublayer was obtained from an electrolyte containing 170 g1l NiSO 4*7H20, 30 g11 H 3B03 12 g11 X01, and 6 g1l naphthaline disulfonio*aoid with a PH Of 4 - 6, at a current density given by.V. V. Ostroumov and I. F. Plokhotnikova (Zh. prikl. khimii, 1520, 1668, 1958). However, copper deposited on it from an electrolyte containing 200 g1l CUSO *5H 0 and 100 g11 H 30 stayed matt 4 2 . 2 4 even when-quinaldine or coumarone had been added to the nickel electrolyte. Polishing of the sublayer wan also ineffective. Increase in the current density to 13 - 17 ma/cM2 at 180C and to 21 ma/CM 2 at 250C caused the `Card 113 S/076/62/036/010/003/005 Electrodeposition of bright copper with ... B101/B186 formation on the nickel of a matt, bluish thin coating of Ni oriented along the (011) axis. At an optimum ratio D a-c/Dd-c ' "'0 - 1-15t very bright copper deposits with a high reflecting power were obtained on such sublayere with a thickness not less than T - 8 p. Increase of the rati to more than 1.2, reduced the brightness and a change in the d-c densito Y 2 from 3 to 10 a/dm had no effect as long as D a-c/Dd-a remained unchanged. An X-ray-analysis shows that the-bright copper-platifig obtained by a-c superposition is oriented along the (125) axis and its texture could be characterized in individual cases as quasi-microcrystalline, whereas copper deposited on a non-oriented Ni sublayer has a texture oriented along the (011) axis. This confirms the assumption of Ostroumov and Plokhotnikova that the sublayer structure has an orienting effect on the.. crystallization of the first copper layer. The authors, however, assume that the orienting effect depends not on cathode pissivation, but on other factors, such as &-radLioed overeaturation with a--a during alootrolysia which means a shift'in conditibno for the formation of seed crystals toward equilibrium. There are 2 figures. Card 2/3 3/076/62/036/010/003/005 Blectrodeposition of bright copper with ... BIOI/B186 ASSOCIATION: XKhTI im. D. I. Hondeleyeval Kafedra elektrokhimicheskikh proizvodstv (MKhTI imeni D. I. Mendeleyev, Department of Electrochemical Productions) SUBMITTED: February 16, 1962 Card 3/3 -BEK, -- R.-YU. Dissertsttion defended for the degree of Candidate of Chamicnl agjjngj~, at the Institute of Physical Chemistry in 1962: *Investigttion of Electroleposition of Zinc and Silver as an Electrolyte Using Alternating Current.' Vast. Akad. Nauk SSSR. go. 4, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145 BEK, R.Yu.; GAMBURG, Yu.D.; KUDRYAVTSEV, N.T. Elootrodeposition of bright copper in the caBe of the superimpOBition of the alternating over direct current. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.10: 2244-,2245 0 162. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichoskiy institut imeni ~Isndeleyeva, katedra elektrokhimicheakikh proizvodstv. . BEKt R.Yu.; KUDRYAVTSLi, N.T.; NECHAYEV, Ye.A. Cathodic polarization in the electrodeposition ~)f silver from ferrocyanide electrolytes. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.1l.-2506- 2508 N162. (KMA 17: 5) 1, Moakovskiy khimiko-takhnologichookiy institut Imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva. NECRAYEV, Ye.A.1 BEK, R.Yu.; KUDRYAVTSFV, X.T. Electrodeposition of silver from complex electrolytes. Part 1s' Method of studying the kinetic parameters and capacity of the double electrical layer In the process of silver electrodeposition. Elektrokhiniia 1 no.lltl325-1331 N 165. (MIRA 18$11) 1. Moskovskly khiaiko-tekhnologlehaskiy institut 4oeni Ylendeleyeva i Institut fisiko-khWeheakikh osnov perarabotki minerallnogo syrtya Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN SSSR. NECHAYEV, Ye.A.; BEK, R.~uq MUMMY N.T. Process of silver*'~Oleotrodeposition from complex electrolytes. Part 2: Relation between the structure of the deposit and the capacity of the electric double laver in.tbe electrolytic silver plating',from cyanide electrolytes. Elektrokbimiia I no.l2tl443-1448 D 165. (MIRA 1921) 1. Moskovskiy-,Z;i~iko-tekbnologicbeakly institut, imeni. D.I. Mendeleyeva i Institut fiziko-khimicheskikh osnov pererabotki J minerallnogo syrl-ya Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Submitted January 25,, 1965, NECPAYEV, Ye.A.; BEK, R.Yu.; KUDRYkVTSF.V, N.T. Some features of the process of silver electrodeposition on platinum. ElektrokhImiia I no.12sl458-1461 D 165. (MIRA 19i1) 1. Mookovskly khlmiko-tekhnologicheekly institut ImenJ D.I. Mendeleyeva. Submitted January 25, 1965. Aff(M)/WP(t) rip( OLJG' AVV 14KI AP6012437 J (N) SOURCE CODE; UR/0364/651001/012/1458/1461:. AUTHOR: Nechgev, Yes Bek,-R. Yu.; Ku4Mvtoev, N. T 5r ORO *.' Moscow Chemical Engineeriag Inmttute imeni D-. 1. Mendeleje4 (Moskovisl4y khi-*... m1ko--te1Mn-o1ogr~h-a=sky institut) .-TITLE: Some,ebaracterisitics of the process of alectroplatLng silver on platinum SOURCE: Elektrokhimiya, v. 1, no. 12, 1965, 1458-1461 i~ TOPIC TAGS:~ silver,.platinum, metal plating,,electrolysis ilverplating platinum to'determine the ,ABSTRACT: The authors study the procese of ex cause for unsatisfactory quality in silver coatings on this metal and to find condi- tions for producing dense silver films at high current densities,$ The'experiments were done in electrolytes with the following composition: Ag--O.25 No NaCN-4.25-1#0 ~N, Na CO -0.S N at t a 25-300C and i = 0.1-0.5 a/dm2 without the application'of a'i- ;ternating current, and 0.1-1.51 a/dm2 with the application of alternating current, 'with'a.frequency-of 50 cpswandi /id a 2.5. Plating quality was studied tuider a ac 0 ,microscopes On the basis of theexperimental data, the following plating conditions are recommended for producing high quality silver coating on platiumt electIV17te ~.'~compositlon:, Ag--0.25- No NaCN-0.5 No NajCO3--0.5 No i < 1.5 a/dm2-ts 20-250; con~ UDC:, 621457.7 card 1/2 BEY, S. Investigati-in of rocks and deposits of rocks by use of supersonic waves. p. 122. (Drogownietwo, Vol. 1Z, No. 5, May 1957, I-Tarsaw, ro2ani) * SO: Monthly List of East hurorean Aecesrlons (FEAL) 14, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Unc2. ~t, -. 1: ~r." ~~- ~- I 1. L-460~3_66 IMO(k)-2/SWT(cl)/EW(I)/IPCO/PSS-2 O'WIWS-210D 14CC NRs AT6022344 SOURCE CODE: uR/0000/66/000/000/0044/0052 VAUTHOR: Bek, S. S. MG, None TITLE; A method for analyzing dispersion distortions of a short pulse in the ionosphere SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, poavyashchennava Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektsiya teorii i tekhniki peredachi diskretnykh signalov. Doklady. Moscov, 1966, 44-52 TOPIC TAGS: signal analysis, pulse signal, signal distortion, Gaussian distribution, ionospheric radio wave ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for determining the general characteristics of disper- sion distortions of a short pulse of any shape based on the mathematical properties of a Gaussian radio pulse and engineering formulas are derjved for calculating the dis- persion distortions of a qhort pulse in the ionospberePo Passage of radio pulses with a Gaussian envelope through a channel with quadratic phase characteristics is con- sidered and a comparison of the output voltage with the initial pulse shows a reductia in pulse amplitude by 77 and an increase in pulse duration by A, where A is the base of the pulse distorted by dispersion. This comparison also'shows linear frequency FACC NR_X AT6022344 modulation and the same Gaussian envelope as for the initial pulse. It is pointed out that dispersion distortions may theoretically be completely compensated by using a device-with a ~~ative dispersion equal to that of the channel. An expression is ,gWi6n -for 'determining the base of a dispersion-distorted pulse of arbitrary shape and Iit is shown that the formulas derived in this paper may be used for engineering cal- !culations involving pulse distortions of this type. It is shown that the dispersion Ifactor for the ionospheric channel depends on selection of the working frequency and Ithat dispersion may be reduced by lowering the working frequency with respect to that I lof the IF modulator. Analysis of the effect of dispersion and ionospheric nonbomoge- Ineities shows that the specific weight of dispersion distortions is greater for Ishort transmissions while the specific weight of distortions due to nonhomogeneities is greater for longer wave trajectories. The author thanks Doctor of Technical Sciences N. T. Petrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences L. N. Korsunski , Candidate lof Technical Sciences Ye. F. Kamnev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 1N. M. Beskin and Engineer Yu. P. Minin for useful consultation and criticism. Orig. lart. has: 3 figures, 23 formulas. SUB CODE; 09, 17/ SUBM DATE: 09Apr66/ ORIG REF: 004 1 Card EEK, T. V. "Biological Properties of Bundles of Long-Fiber Flax." Cand Agr Sci, All-Union Inst of Plant Growing,, AII-Union Order of Lenin Acad Agricultural Sci imeni V. I. Lenin; Leningrad, 1955. (KLo No 8., Feb 55) so: sum. No. 631, 26 Aug 55-survey of scientific and Technical, Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutione (14) BEK I vi !9--- Epaxy resins in the insulation of electric products. Kemija u industriji 11 n0-43181-188'- 62. 1. Direktor sektora. sa iatrazivanja elektrotehnickog materijals, *Rade Konear". Zagreb. RU# Vladimir, i#z,; ILIC, ADdelkop ins. Some poqsibilities of applying 61aml molding materials in electric industries. Kemija u industriji n no.81:301-505 162,, 1. '*]We Koncarmip Zagreb (for Bek). 2. wChromos"., Zagreb .1 (for Ilio). KOLAR, J.; JANEC, J.; JANOUSKOVA, M.,*_A~K,_,V* A case of malignant mesenchymal tumors of somatic soft tissues with predominant structure of osteoplastic sarcoma. Acta chir. orthop. traum, cech. 31 no.2:134-138 Ap 164. 1. Radiolo ioka klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi KII (Karlova Universital v Praze (prednosta prof. dr.V.Svab), II. klinika pro ortopedickou a detskou chirurgii fakulty detskeho lekartvi KU (Karlova.Universita] v Praze (prednosta prof.dr.O.Hnovkovsky) a II. patologickoanatomicky ustav fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi KU (Karlova Universita] v Praic (prednosta prof. dr. V.Jedlicka). BX, Taclav, Dr Sontle conoentric limited anteatropbV of the dome of the skull. Cga.lekeceak. 91 no.8:242-244 22 Fab 52. 2 radiologicks kliniky Urlovy univarsity v Praze. Prednostai prof. dr. Vaclai Ovab. (auNme dissaises, atrophy$ coucentriag senile) IMX, Taclay, Dr __wm- , m, Osteopetrosts Albers-Schoubergovae Cas,lek.cesk, 91 no.l3s397-400 28 Mar 52. 1. 2 radlologicke kliniky X.U. Preduosta prof. dr. Yaolnv Svab. (OSTROSCUMOSIS) EK, Vaolav (Praha 13 j, Tr. SNB 89) Cosmetic results of contact x-irradlation therapy of angiome In children. Cook. rentg. 13 no-2:31-38 7e`b 59- I* PAdiologicks klinlim ZU v Prase, prednosta profe dr. 1. STab. (ANGIONA. In inf. & child cIontaot x-ray ther., cosmetic results (Cs)) (HADIOTMIUM, In various diC, anglowe in child., technic & cosmetic results (Gz)) KOUR, Jaromir; BAK, Yholay Cartilaginous exostoses on bones irradiated daring growth. Cook. rentg. 13 no,3:174-173 June 59. 1. Radiologicka, kliniks Karlovy university v Prass, prodnosta, prof. dr, Vaclav Svalb. J.I., Barwwva 23, Praha 11. (OST310MA, stiol. & pathogen. x-M ther. in child. (Gs)) (ROXMIX PATS, inj. off. osteom In child. (Cs)) XOLAR, Jaromi; BIK, Vaclav Zffect of near-focus x-irradiation on the bone during therapy of anglomas in children. Cookerentg, 13 no.6;379-388 D 159. lo Radiologicks klinika KU v Prazol prodnosta profedre V, Svabs BONI AND BMS radiation off.) NGIOKATOSIS radiother.) R ZAHN, Xaral;B1K. Vaolav Cataract as a sequel of the irradiation of peri-ocular angionas by means of close-focus roentgen rays In children. Cesk. ofth. 16 no.2:146-153 Mr 160 1. 1. ocni kliulks ZU v Praxe, prednosta prof. dr. J. Dienstbler, radiologicka klinika 19 v Prass, produosta prof, dr. V, Sys'*, VWX rieopl. ) (HIWGIOPA in Inf hild) MOTMMPT compl. ) (CATAUCT etI;l'.')C M YOLAR~Jaromir; MM,Vaclav Iess comsou localizations of hema2giotiata. of the bones. Cook. rentg. 14 no-5:333-33? 0 160. 1. Badiologia-ka, kliniks, Karlovy university v Praze. prednosta prof* dre TeSvhbe (HOANGICKA radiography) (BONN AND BOM radiography)