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,-. BEBRISJ, A.A... inzh. Rigidity of a two-way mechanical press and its effect on extrusion processes. Vest.mashinostr. 42 no.11:63-66 N 162. (MM 15:11) (Power presses) (Darusion (metals)) NUMNs I.Aol dc*Wr telftecauk, pnf,l AMU, A.A., kwA.telft.awk - Ob"SmoUl dywing an a . M~ AAII- P"U"o Toot. mashift"tip. 46 sa.10" :a 1660 (mm 1911) io a 0 00 F" 0 #00000&00000000009 a At m a I* OP 0 of p" a a Ii At a 34 a ft IF a a a a Aw a a 0 2 A -00 00 1100 0# -06 60 -00 0 0 0 rAgddtF 4 eadbetic mbber OW Wzhm ON andisbc -00 00 M16W. K. D. Bewk mw Z. L"OEWSU, CAMIkkew -00 OW R I low so 11. 16-17.-Tiw 0011 Xwm hrmak sbould'evotle ;Q fm 'deis. the pimicity ago .1 ~~,mbbvw md its ughts. In"OL the vwk* 00 ji, Ow its mists. Amid be *0 01 4, -W A. (Ii. I. w 00,3 Xwm hwmm%). In dets. the proportion of satemm to Coe beadd4cmWel -tbmgKuM be given to Me w4two i4 of the mbbw. Z. Kalmicim, to* fto goo U00 woo A SAI-IL &41&LL%OGC&L LFTIRATWI C4,4110KATOW 000 wpm SIVIVII9. #*.Alvv 19* 0 t .4 9814*~ -A. a.. 644 RIAL11 ad 401 All is so If& An A S a 64 Sm a 0 1 9 a III A 8 2 10- -v 90 04100100 0 0 0 0 0* 0* 0.0 6 4 so &4 040,06 (*0**00;0*0*:** 0:66*006#60ioefogooto000400000700 MMM, K. D. One Tbw=Li rl"tification of Butediene-Styrol Rubber at Atmospheric Pressure.' Cand Toch Sci,, Moscow lust of Fine Chemical Technology Imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 2D Doc 54. (VM, 9 Doc 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sun. No. 556s 24 Jun 55 YSTSTRATOV, V.P.; BRIS, X,D,;BIDnMhN, v.L.; WUO, G.N.; IMSIDLIT, L.V. IE 10, ZHZUI"SOV, S71~.!;..II-MXATA, F.I. Development of the tire industry in the UoS.S.R. during the last forty years. lauch. i res. 16 no.10:13-26 0 '57- (MIRA 11:1) .(Tires, Rubber-History) ,/3 138-1-4/16 AUTHORS-. - - Bebr13 X. D- Veresot3kaya, N. V; Zherebtsov, A. Kj ~ ~ - - itl ~ O " ~ TITIZ: investigation of a Rapid Mixing Process in the Rubber Mixer U (Isoledovaniye protsessa skorostnogo smesheni,ya v reiinosmesitele 3A). PLMODICAL: Kauoht;k I RezIna,'.,1958,, Nr.l. pp. 13 - 20. (USSR). ABSTRACT:' The Intensification of mixing in a rubber mixer was achieved b7 ingreasing the speed of the revolu- tions of the rotovhnd by increasing the pressure of the seal on tho mixture. Fig. 1 shows the r4o of duration of mixing to the pressure of the upper seal for butadione-styrene rubber (according to Re No Comes - Refoon page,20 In the mi;er No.11 k revolutionwmingte! the speed of revolutions = 4 the optimum pressure on the mixture 4-5 kg/-om - the pressure of air in the oylindert 7 atma. For this experiment the rubber mixer 3A was modified, the speed of the'revolutiol of. the rotcra wag Increased from 28*4/32.1'to revolutiona/minute. The 100 OT motor was exchanged f6r a 195 KWT motor; the pressure of the UPDO seal on the mixture was in- Card 1/4 oreased to 4.6 reem by installing a 370 mm diameter 138-1-4/16 Investigation of a Rapid Mixing Process in the Rubber Mixer 3A. oylinder. Strayers improved the cooling arrangement of the mixer Basic technological factors influeno- ing the proo;ss of mixing more determined. Various experiments were oarried out to determine. the optimum height'of ohAr ing the mixers The optimum vofulms was found to be 41/43% Uig.i)- Pig.3 gives the dependence of the properties of the mixtures and vuloanising agents and the volume of the charge of mixture and the methods of mixing. The opti- mum time of the process of Tizing in the'first stage was found to vary between III - 2 minutes; for mix- tures containing a large amount of carbon black e.g. OV-30s, the optimum time of mixing a 2 minutes. 'Results of experiments to determine the optimum tem- perature of mizing are given in Table 2. The depen- dance of the properties of the mixtures and vuloani- sates and the pressure of the upper seal and method of mixingi Pig.4. The eZfeot of the pressure of the upper seal on the'prooess of mixing when the charge was 50 11tre, aooording to methods of mixing: Figs.5, 8 and 7. Pram results given in Figs. 5 - 8 it can be concluded that the prgejure, of the upper seal should Card 2/4 be approximately 3 4/om for a 50 litre charge and 138-1-4/18 Investigation of a Rapid Mixing Process In the Rubber Mixer 3A. the plasticity of the mixture above 0.40(according to Karrer). When the pressure gf the upper seal Is increased from 0.66 to 3 k9/cm the average input and loss of eleotro-energi increases from 14 to 17%. whilst the properties of the mixture and vulcadsates- remain constant. The- load on the motor is practi- cally unchanged when the volume of the mixture is increased from 40 to 45 litre and the prespre of the upper seal,on the mixture is 4.3 kj/cm (Fig.9). Good results were obtained when natural rubber was plasticised in the mixer; the temperature of the rubber was increased from 140 - 15QOC after process- ing for 3 minutes, and to 155 - 16000 when the time of the experiment was increased from 5 to 7 minutes. 6--7 minutes processing was required to achieve a p-astioity of 0.37 - 0.40 (Fig.11). When natural rubber was plastioised in the presence o-.'L' accelerators a 0.45 plasticity (according to Karrer) was obtained after 3 minutes at a temperature of 1450C. Experi- ments on controlling the rate of the mixing process Card 3/4 were also carried out. The consumption of electro- SOV/138-59-3-7/16 AUTHORZ: Veresotskaya, IT.V., B~brisj K.D., Slonimskiy, G.Lo IT IT JA Variations in the Properties of Crude Rubber Mixtures During Processing ( Ob izmeneniyakh svoystv syrykh rezinovykh smesey v protsesse ikh tekhnologicheskoy obrabotki) F&AIODICAL: Yauchuk i rezina, 1959, Nr 39 PP 2? - 33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: "'he formation of free radicals in high-molecular sub- stances due to the xupturing of the molecular chains during; polymerisation, vulcanisation and ageing of rubbers has been described in Nrarious publications (Refelences 1 - 9). These radicals initiate a number of secondary processes: the-interaction of radicals with the chain molecules, the formation of branched chains, the oxidation p3~ocesses, stabilisation of the radicals during the interaction withfomution of saturated com- pounds. 'I 'he authors investigated the properties if crude Ca3:d 1/5 rubber mixtures ba-,--ed on butadione-styrene rubber during i")V/138-59-3-7/16 Variations in the Properties of Crude Rubber Mixtures During Processing their preparation and processing. Their p3astic and elast*c properties were tested on a Goodrich plastometer IN when loading for 10 minutes and after a relax- at 80 ation period of 10 minutes. Experimental rezults of non-processed and processed mixtures are shovm in a graph in Figure 1. Improved technological properties of the mixtures were obtained when processing a quickly- cooled mixture, The plastic and elastic properties of mixtures change to a slighter degree when processing is carried out under industrial conditions (Figure 2), The tendency to scorching when mixtures,, cooled tooroom temperature after mixinE;, are processed at 110 G, is shown in Figure 3, The plastic and elastic properties of mix- tures black and furnace black were also tested (Figure 4). Conditiono, of processing some- times affect the degree of plasticisation of the mix- tures in tho initial stages of heating (5 to 10 minutes in a thermostat at 110 , but have no appreciable effect on the final results i.e. on the plasticity of a mixture Card 2/5 after heating -.-Lor 50 to 60 minutes. Changes in. t-he prop- 3OV/138-7?9-3-7/16 Variations in. the Properties of Crude Rubber Mixtures During Processing erties of xubbei, mixtures; for t res durinG processing were investigated (Figure 5). Ke obtained curves proved that approximately equal changes occur as during laborat- ory expeiiments. Changes in the strength of bonding be- tween the layers during repeated displacement are shovm to deDend an the processing of mixtures on the rollers (FiSU-1e 6). Experiments were cai~ried out on multi.- i,lomplunent tyre mixtures ba*sed on SYM-30A with a plastic- :Lty of 0.49 (accordinG to Karrer), Different clilantities of inhibitor,,, and initiators were added durin5 the poly- merisation process (from 0.02 to Z.'~ by weight . The additives were intxoduced into the cold mi:~:ture during proces6in- at tem,,-eratures of 30 and 700C over a period of 7 minutes. The plastic and elastic properties of crude mixtureB were again determined on a Goodrich plas- Card 3/55. tometer at 80 C during 10 minute deformation, and after SOV/138-59-3-7/16 Variations in the properties of Crude Rubber Mixtures During Processing a relaxation time of 10 minutes. The reactivity of the mixturt~, was defined according to the scorching tendency at 11WC. The physical and mechanical properties of the vuleanisates were also analysed. The most effective add- itives were: benzoquinonat Santovar-O and hexamethylene tetramine; these compunds were added in the form of a solution in glycerine. Changes in the propertiss of crude tyre mixtu.-res after rolling for 7 minutes at 30 C with/ without additives are shm-,n in Figure 7, The plasticitj and reactivity of the mixture increases on introducing additives; thus the tendency to scorching becomes greater arid affecto the physical and mechanical characteristics of the vulcanisates (Table 1); (increased elast"Jicity modulus and decreased relative elongation), ~~he pla5ticity and reactivity of the mixture increases when Santovar-O and benzoquinone aru added (Table 2). The physical and mechanical properties a-Le. howei7er, not affected by these additives, but the ela.,..tic modulus and tensile strength increase slightly when Santovar-O is added and the re2ative Card 4/5 elongation d~-_creasez. Deta on th.- ob.erv~~-d -M;c-".- of c-mall GOV/138-59-.5-7j'16 in Mixtures During Processing quantities additi-..'es on t1a; 1-4 and elastic propeities of mixtures during rolling agree with the results obtained by other investigators "-;refs 12 - 10"'). There axe ? figures, 2 tables end 16 rcfc-~~ncej uf 16 v.3,e Slovf_et, .-,- L~nd 1 lrerch. ASSOUATIGii: Nauchno-iscledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promysh-len- nosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Tyre Industry) Card 55 E'/138/59/000/011/006/011 A051/AO29 AUTHORSt -'RA)NrJAA K. D.t Vasillyevt A. R.& Veresotskayap N._Y_-j Novikov, M. TITLEs On the Production of Rubber Mixtures in Rubber Mixers Using an Elevated Power Input PERIODICALt Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, No* 11p pp. 27-34. TEXT% The mixing conditions of rubber mixtures and the methods of in- creasing their productivity were studied on a usualPC-2 (R3-2) mixer. The in- vestigations were based on experience obtained at various Soviet Tire Plants and on general world practice of using the method of elevated pressure at the upper look and increased rotation of the rotors (Ref. 1). It was found that the intensification of the mixing process could be accomplished by increasing the volume of the filling mixture by loading all the materials into themixer at the beginning of the cycle and by increasing the pressure of the upperlock, i.e., by the production of the mixtures using an elevated power input. The order in which the material is fed to the mixer also has an effect on the in- creased pressure of the upper lock. Fig.1 is a diagram showing the input pover used in the production of tread rubberbased onCKC-30OKSKS-30AM) with 30 weight Le Card 1/4 S/138/59/000/011/006/011 A051/AO29 on the Production of Rubber Mixtures in Rubber Mixers Using an Elevated Power Input parts of furnace and 30 weight parts of channel carbon black. Table 1 shows the energy consumption and the input power used in the production of the mixtures in addition to the physico-mechanical indices of the oor- responding rubbers. It is concluded that the mixing intensity is directly proportional to the input power* The specific energy consumption during the mixing process of mixtures of the same compositions at elevated power input and-correot mixing conditions is approximately the same as for ordi- nary conditions. The general criterion for evaluating the mixing intensity is the input power, and for the mixing duration the energy consumption at given conditions. In producing a mixture with a hardness of 500-800 9~ according to Defoe, a specific pressure at the upper lock of 1.2 kg/OM was found to be adequate, corresponding to th; highest values of the input over and the consumption of energyper unit of time. The value of 1.2 kg/om was accepted as the optimum specific pressure. The replacement of the upper cylinders having a diameter of 203 mm by those having a diameter of 407- 410 mm at tire plants in the Soviet Union is unjustified# since the mixtures manufactured in the Soviet Union are not as hard as those manufactured Card 2/4 S/138J59/000/011/006/011 A051/AO29 On the Production of Rubber Mixtures in Rubber Mixers Using an Elevated* Power Input abroad, which have a hardness of 1,200-1,500 g. The clearance between the rotor comb and the wall of the mixing apparatus has a direct bearing on the intensity of the mixing process, the optizum value being 4-5 mm, at a charge of 158 liters or a 62-5%-filling of the*mixing'ipparatus. Research carried out at theTKIIShP and various tire plan's resulted in an increase in this volume to 155-164-2 for casing mixtures and 150-155 2 for tread mixtures, depending on the mixing temperature and the distribution of the ingredients in the mixture, and also on the clearance between the rotary combs and the walls of the mixer. It is pointed out that feeding the car_ bon black into the mixer after the other ingredients can decrease or elimi- nate the effect of the increased pressure at the upper look on the mixing procedure. It is recommended that first the furnace carbon black be intro- duced, then liquid softeners, then the finely-ground ingredients, the rubber, and finally the channel carbon black. A reverse sequence ii recom- mended when producing mixtures containing lump-forming carbon blackt, such as channel carbon black and anthracene. When loading all the ingredients into the mixer at the beginning of the cycle and at an elevated pressure of Ca-rd 3/ 4 S/138J59/000/011/006/011 A051/AO29 On the Production of Rubber Mixtures in Rubber Mixers Using an Elevated Power Input the upper look the optimum duration period is 5.0-6.5 min. (depending on the composition of the mixture). The following characteristic features of mixing in the RS-2 mixer mete establisheds 1) The mixture temperature during the mixing process increases proportionately to the energy consumed in the mixing. 2) The compression system of the rotors should be improved to eliminate an increase in extruded parts and dusting. 3) In applying an elevated power input to the RS-2 mixerv the loading apparatus can be sub- jeoted to vibrations, leading to a loosening of various parts, such as the loading funnel and cylinders. It is suggested that these defects be eli- minated by close observations. Producing rubber mixtures at an elevated pover input decreases the mixing time and improves the quality of the mix ture at the same time. There are 4 sets of diagrams, 6 tables and 5 refo;_ enoesi 2 Soviet, 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry) Card 4/4 BIBRIS VEMMUTAO N.V.1 NOMOVO M.Is; AMENOV, V.I.; Effect of the vatbod of Midug ;a the properties of rubber made from oil,-extended buixaftene-styrene raw material. Kauob. i res. 22 no*631740 Je 163. (MIRA 1687) 1e Nauabno-AssledovatelIxIdy institut shinnoy preWshlennosti. (Rubber, Synthetio-Testine) BALAsHov,, A.P.; BEBRIS,.K.D.; VERESDTSKAYA, N.V.; DANOVICH, L.Ye.; DRIGUN', V."N.; KABICHKINA, S.I.; NOVIKOV, M.I.; SOKOLOV, V.D. Improvement of the methods for the preparation of tread rubber compounds based on 13R under the conditions of Dne- propetrovsk Tire Factory. Kauch. i rez. 23 no. 3:5-9 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti i Dnepropetrovskiy shinnyy zavod, "V'a Room A U TE 0 f-I 11 c b-, 4 s, E, :j Vurossn't3kaya, V. Sj, 7,; Z OPIC TAGS: syr-,LheLic rLd)Lher. rtibbar mechaaicai rti'triber mixing, rubber .1 ir, e c ac a o u a!-,1 i.' -1 ,~Lf 7n, an; C, :i, ;,C,; u C,-, i S C T Vu U011 V Luc UWU~iU5 PUT 5UUTVM-.Jg LMAUer UVTIYMIE;l Ma,~ CKMMuQ5x anu Inc, ulniTnuxn mumua of znbxdn~-, . 71- study covered .~XSX-butwfflen st, 0:50 mixture of Europrere %5, 1 7 S S s C~ll mi X, n;- L, 25265-65 -ACCESSION Nit. MelyspitestudomuWi Szemle - Vol. 5. no. 4/5. Apr. /JI.V- 1935. Tan years of development since the liberation of the Hungarian civil and construction engineering industry, 1943-1935; an introduction. p. 143. SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (MUL), IZ, Vol, 4, No. 9, Sept. 2,955 Uncl. BEBRITS, L. Fifth general assembly of delegates of our association. p-2. Our Tasks. p.1. NELYEPrMTUDOIWYI SZEMU. (Kozlekedesi Kiado) Budapost. Vol 6, no. 1, Jan 1956. SOMCE: E=,, Vol 5, no. 7. July 1956. BMIS I I&JOB TwaAam and tramportationo Kosl tud as 12 no.9:4M-408 8 162. 1e Ov*MS" Idegoeorgalid Tanaco fotitkara. BABURIBUILI, G.A-b, dots. Prolongation of the action of local anesthesia with Ivaluronic acid. Xhirurglia 33 no.10:129-130 0 157. (Km iia) 1. Is kafedry gospitalincy khtrurgil (sav. - dotsent S.P.Velesov) Chkalovskogo usditainakago inatituta (dtr. - prof. I.T.Sidoreakov) (ANKS79BSIA, I-OCAL prolongation of action with myaluronic acid (Rua)) (HYALURONIC ACID, off . on prolongation of action of local aneeth. (Rus)) BEBURISHVILI, G.A,,, dotsent (Grouburgs ul.9 yanvary&,d.9-apkv.2) -------------- Splanic torsion. Vestekhiro 89 no.9sl2l-122 8 162o (NIRA 15312) 1 Is gospitallnoy kbirargioheska7 kliniki (sav, - prof. S.P. Vilesov) Orenburgskokb mWitainskogo instituta (r8ktor - prof* S.S.Mikkiiylov), (SPLVX.ABNMMTIES AND DEFORMITIM) BEBUIRISHVIII, YE. M. USSF/Medicins - Dysentery Jul 53 "Variants of B. co2i in Children Suffering From Dysentery,* Ye. M. Beburishvili" Turkmen Inst of Epid and Mcrobiol Zhur Xikro, Epid, i I=m, No 7, p 73 Describes the properties of paragl~tinating strains of B. coli in dysentery patients. Concludes that these strains have an antigen identical to those of dysentery bacilli. States that although apthonVoin does not free the patients of dysentery bacilli and paraglutinating strains of B. coli, it reduces considerably the elimination of these microorganisra (by a factor of 2 in the case of hemolytic B. coli) 267T51 "Intestinal ParabaciU.1 of Children and TheLr 3pide.-ticlo:.-ical '"JI-Inificance." Tnst of Epidemiolor;y, Microbioln-y, anA 02U'101, No 5, Mar 55) SiLl'ferin- Fm-, Dysentery Cand Med Sol, Asbk-h,-;baJ !~,,~ieno, Ashkhabai, 1954. SO: Siri. i4o. 670, 29 Sep 55--Survey of Scientific and TecImical 'alssertntions Defended at USSi Hl I _:her 3ducational lnstlt-uti~-ns (15) PAIN, G.A.; BEBURISHVILI, Ye*M* Clbdcal imminological observations of the interparoxpmal stage of rhimmatism. Sav. mod. 25 no.11:8-13 N 161. (MIRA 25:5) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. R,G.Mezhebovskiy) i kafedry mikrobiol-ogii (mvp - doktor meditsinskikh nauk B.G.Khaykina Orenburgskogo maditadnskogo instituta 4dir. - dotsent S.S.Mikhaylov). (RHEUMATIC FEVER) 't, LORDKIPANIDZE, Konstantin, red.; BEBUTOV, G., red.; YAKIMOVA, A., takhn. red. [TbV look ahead] Oni smotriat vpered. Tbilisi, Izd-vo Soiuza pisatelai Gruzii *Zaria Vostoka," 1961. 144 p. (KIRA 15:6) (Georgia-Labor wid laboring classes) BEBUTOVA,-ju,I., red.; KOKIN, N.M., tekhn, red, [Tables of equipment for hoopitalowid polyclinics) Tabell oborudovaniia bollnits i pol-ikliniki. Hoskvap Medgiz, 1963. 263 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo zdravookhraneniya. Planovo-finansovoye upravlenlye. U.Makaff OwbL nuagwtany. 3 f*L...,- Uh CNIA. llIMU'- ream am code So a in wh" ow emr, ablag oxvmdxm. xxwmk analbft& In CM p"Wera pro0wo in CXTSCW 1000"d. 004 of w= and of tocomk n attecum am '"m dw Va cubSc uAnj ol nL ARSU* Of IMU MOCIL at boadbe am UwOndog MW =SSW wwk wwwatim bwafttilesem. Fbado" trwww sawmrim com"now nuallim ON elm GOAL mat. Rgvkw of Md q*gow cbArW 60819OW %0 ~01" ofncw 11:30111110~ am 006L bk=4 of PUMAM! rCOOM arid T*dWAng BEC, S. "Ten Years of Socialized Building; A Lock at the Past."' P. 193. (PRZEGLAD BM)WWrf, Vol. 26, No. 7, Ju]Lv 1954. Uyarszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. Is Jan. 1955v Unal. J, -I ; -_ - 7 -, ~- ~- BEC -S. A now year Of 3truggle for cost reduotion. p. 1 (Budownictwo Pmapwxlma) Vol. 4, no. 2, Feb. 1935, Warszawa. PblW SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPUN ACC&%IDNS (ESAI) L4, VOL. 7, NO. 1. JAN. 1958 BEC, S. FollowiM Soviet patter=. p. 13 (Budownietwo FrzenWslowa) Vol. 4, no. 3. Mar. 1955, Warszawa; PoIsM SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST KlUROPW ACCRSSIONS (EUI) L-C, VM- 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 - 1~- . I f-- I-- , , -BEC, S. Planning and control at the constructIon, site. P. 27 (Budownictwo Praemialove) Vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 1935, Warszawa, Poland SO: MONTHLY IN= OF UST EIROPEAN ACMSSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 BEC, S. May reflections. P. 185. PRZBGLkD BUDO.-.IAhl, Warszawa. Vol. P.8, no. 5, May 1956. SOURCE: East European Aeassion List (EEAL) Librar7 of Congress Vol. 5. no. 8, AuguBt 1956. ~"' BBC, Stanislaw Technique in long range building planning. Architektura Pol no.3:85-98 162 Poland/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Sulfuric acid, sulfur, and its compounds, 1-2 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Wnlya, No 2., 19571 5004 Author: Bee, Tadeuaz Institution: None Title: Intensification of Mechanized Pyrite Roasting Furnaces Original Publication; Chemik, 1955s 8, No 10, 266-268 Abstract: Descriptiom of plant operation experience of USSR and its utilization at a plant In Poland. Card 1/1 BECA C. Gerlovid santierelor retrclifert~ (The C~-olo,y o- Oil Pields); a bi 0k review. p. 556. "Use of Fatty Alcohols fron Neutral Poducts in the Oxidation of Paraffin" by 1. Drimus, M. Klang, and 1. Hanase; a review of an article. P. 559- Vol. 6, no. 11, Nov. 1955 RUMANIAN-SOVIET friendship Bucuresti,, Rumania So: Eastern hurorean -Accessio:: Vol. 5 No. 4 ADril 1956 IAWKIDWICZ, Vlodzimiers; MAIM, Ian Observations on the application of CB-1348 in lmhatic leukemias. Polskle arch. ned. wewn. 29 no-3:420-422 1959. 1. Z Ohdzialu Hematologiasnago lierownik: prof. dr med..W. lkwkowics Instytutu Rematologit Dvrektor: doe. dr mod. A. Trojanowski. Adres autora: Warszawa, ul. Filtrowa 62. (NITROGM MUSTARIS, ther. use chlorambucil. in lymphatic leukemia (Pol)) (IXUXOM, LTMPH&TIC, ther. chlorambuoll (Pol)) 4WL. 'A S- -let ~- J Given 11&z,-j Cotint.,7: Poland Ac,%"`z:Gi0 D-zrecj: Cnot givetj First Division of lnLernal Diseases, Y=icipal Hospital No 4 AlMllf-tion: 'UI--6d-&:EfaT-d-ho-r--o-'t;'~l-ewneLrznych Szpitala Miejskiego Rr 4), Warsaw; Or4ynator: W. KOSINSKI, Zoeent, dr. med-and Clinical Biochemistry laboratory, xxxx.r,= Instltuti--&Rei~atoloj7 (Pracownlayaloc-fie-mil Kliiiicznaj Instytutu Hezratologii)p Warsaw, Direc*.or: Prof E. KOWALSKI, dr med. XXX)W. 1-. -.1 - - -- Source: Warsaw,, Przeglad Lekarski No 5, 1961, pp 2D6-2D7. Data: "Disturbances in Blood Clotting in a Case of Post-splenectomy Thrombocytosis." Co-authors: CMMROWTCZ, H. ~epartmenr.-,of Internal Diseases (Oddzial Chorob Wevnetrznyc and ClEhical. ftoch'ei-,istry Labor-atory., Institute of Hematology.. Warsaw KRYKOWSKI, E. LAEtg~t Z.v Inatitute~,R&1,1!ematofiogKr(ruatytut Hematologii), Warsaw; or: Docent A. ANRMS me NMEWIAROWSKI, S. V-*; BOOANGVIC, X.; KAKAZIRt Di,; BECAREVIC, A,.; JOVICKIt G. Effect. of the highl3reqmlymerized desaVribonualeie acid of the Uver,on the ourvivv2 of letba3jj irradiited rats. Cytologi*qml study on the organs of the,,digestive tract., Bul scrYoug 7 no,1/2tl2 'F-Ap 16Z,4 1d Institut "B.. Kidrio.,10 Viuca,, and Fizioloski institut Veterinarskog fakulteta, Beograd*, JECARMC I ; ANKOVIC, V.; PUROVIC, S.; KANAZIR, D.; JOVICKI, G. Metabolic changes in the nucleinic aoids of some organs irradiated letbally in rats treated vith highly-polymerized desox7ribonuoisinic acid of the liver of nonirradiated rats. Bul so Youg 1 no,1/2:14 F-Ap 162. 1. Inatitut M Kidric.0 Vincap Beograd, !M - BECAREVIC, A.; JANKOVIC, V.; PETROVIC, S.; KANAZIR, D.; JOVICKI, G. The metabolism of liver and spleen nucleic acids of lethally irradiated rats treated with homologous deoxyribonucleic acid isolated from non- irradiated rats. Bul Inst Nuel 13 no.405-41 D 162. 1. Department of Raciiobiology of the Broris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd-Vine&. " !:". .1 - W." .. "La dls,.ribution du radiophosphoro P32 chez las L'obsurvation comparative chez les antmaux avac la tuneur primaim, chuz les hypophysectomises et chez les rats do controle" SO: Racueil de Travaux, Da L'Institut De Recherchas Sur La Structure De La Matiere Vol. 2, ~3algrade, Janviar 1953 Be C14fle VIC Ale, 5 eyoles loading fro quenc.y can be dot-?mIL6d by Aforrul & 'Igno 1g no g ?,k (2 "' where ')t&) 13 tLe endaranze stren gth of stee', A is the ultimate strength of steel at a oorrespondirg loadIng r%te, no !E the &amber of loading ayoles, Card 11/2 -A591 3/137/6i/000/005/04~/060 Streneth Eteel during non-nr4ltlple repeated loading A006/A,,o6 corresponding '0 cW, nk is the given xwmber of cyoles of loading. T-n a pax-tio- ,U! lar o&94, when the cc-afficlinto of asymetry 0 ths fonrala appe&rs as followat 6' V ~')R ( !.2 - 0.1. 1g z,k k There aro 39 ref6ren~os. (Abstrhat,er'S note: Complete translationi Card 2/2 BECHENEVA, Go V., Cand Tech Sci -- "Durability of materials (steel, concrete) In a few repeated loadings." Mos, 1961* ZAR tL (Acad 0 band Arohited USSR. Sci Res Inst of Concrete and ixMoncrete "NIMB") M, 8-61, 241) jr - 203 - XORCHINSKIT, I.L.; MCHENEVA, G.V. Strength of aluminum alloys subject to dynamic loads. From. stroi. 40 (Le, 41,1 no.3s43-46 Mr '63. (KIRA 160) (k1uminum alloys-Tooting) ' EECIMR, Alakeander,,_inz. A biaxial coor of the 9W type,, Prsegl mech 21 no.3.4:44-"7 25 J3. 162, RIW,NL, / ~najytioal chomistry. %mlysls of Inorgardo E-Z Substwos. Abs Jour iHot Zhur Xhim., No. 15, 1958, No SM07 Luthor Boohoroscup n2w-z--~- inst iTria-goarv, Polytochnical Instituto Titlo s"low RapiMothod of GravimatrioSomicrodotormination of Manganoso, Orig Pub sBul. stiint.,6i tohn. Inst. politohn. Timisoara, 1966, 1, No. 2, 281-284. Abstract iTho dosoribod mothod is basod, on tho prooipitation of Un2+ with piorolonio aoid (I) in tholbm of tho oaoily filto- rod yollaw fialt Vn(CjOH70SN4)2-2,5HiO, Iho oonvorsift-r, taotor is 0,0877. 1,n oxoose of 0.01 N solution of I (- doublo oxooss as stoichiomotrically roquirod) is addod to 2*- 5 ml.*of no-atral solution to bo analyzod and owntaining 0.006 - 0.015 g. of Un2 . Tho solution and tho formod Card 1/2 BECHMtESCU* D. a- -1 --- Thermogravinetric study of awe metallic compounds of picrolonic, acid. Studii chin Timisoara 6 noel/2:115..122 Ja-Je 960o (ESAI 100) (Metals) (Ficrolonic acid) BECHMSCUt D. A new rapid method for the gravinetric determination of zinc. Studii, chin Timl3oara 6 no.1/2:123-126 J&-je 060. (EW 10:3) (zinc) BECHESKU , M. [Bacescu, m. I - ComQu p'k T. (Gomoiu, ', T,); DODIANU,I I N. [Bodeanu, N.]; ~Auriana; PUU"., G. "Miuller, G. MANIAS V. (Manea, V.) Ecologic investigations of the Black Sea. Rev biol 7 no. 4: 561-582 162. C'.G 2-2 ~LT -2r, .,0..u-1 1957, 9, 13&.14-) u .,1 6 u tU*-.,) -v. ., ~l ..b,u`u 40, iin:c-ct,~L. I u 2 32 BECHET, Ion Mallophaga of RummnU. Studli -bial Cluj .12 no. 1; 92-102 161o 1. Universitatea "Babes-Bo3yail Cluj,, Catedra do soologia. - BECH-ST . I" Wlopb--ga of Rumniane III- Studii biol Cluj 12 no.2:217-227 161. 1. Universitatea *Babes-Bo2yais* C2ujv Catedra do zoologle. ,l--B-i-'CH::.T, Ion bng,o"cus (MaDophaga) species in the fauna of Rumania. Studii blol (:]uJ 14 no.2t257-263 163. 1. Chair of Zoo3ogy,, "Babes-Bolyaill University, Cluj. I N . Maria The plUcole alarompotes ,)f Rownin, Studii biol Cluj 12 no.2%199- 207 161. 1. Universitatea Mbe&4kbei 9R CluJ s, tatedra do botanica. Br.-^MT Maria- MdSAN, Aurclia ........... --L *= Ilayllosticta Pars., a new s,-*cies for Rumnian mycoficira. Studii tiol Cluj 14 no.2:167-1?6 '63. 1. Chair of Botany, "Ba)x-s-bc,-lyai" UniversiLy, Cluj. RUMANIA / Gnereral and Special Zoology. Insects. P Systematics and Faunistics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,,, No 12,, 1958,, 54230, Author Bechet, T, Inst 'AS RPIT". Title i The Species of Scorpion Fly In the Fauna of Rumania, OrIg Pub: Studii st cercetarl stlinte Acad, RPR Fil, Cluj, 1955., Sere Z., 6,, No I-Z, 53-57o Abstract: On the distribution of 4 species of scorpion fly (Mecoptera) In the Rumanian People's Republic, Including Panorpa romanica spe n. Card 1/1 4 EECHEV, B. (Plovdiv) A device producing conditioned reflexes. Radio I televislia 13 no.9t263-264 164. BECHEVS, I. BECHOVt ,I"* Stmx1ardization in heavy industry. P-32. Vol. 4, no. 9. 1955. TEZHKA PROMMMOST TECHNOIMY Sofiya. Bulpria Sol blat Im-OPean Accessioms Vol* 5, no. 5, May 1956 1. 1. Innovator activiloy, in our mining industry. p. 16. Vol. W, (I. e. 11 ) Nio. ,-. Jq2.rlAug. 19