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DOBRZYNSKI, ZbignIew;.A ousz; KDEDCRA, Barbara; WARTZRZSIWICZ, Ireni; ww:cjw, Br,&nJLslaw;'ZALXSXA, Barbara Comparison of the early and late results of pneumotborax treatment in pulmonary tuberculosis. Grazlics, 24 no.8: 719-724 Aug 56. 1. Z Panstwowego Sanatorium Prsectvgrusliczago v Tussynka Dyraktor: dr. sad. M. Czkvianiane. (PNMOTMRAI. ARTIFICIAL, statist. conWison of early & late results) DOBRZYNSKI, Zbigniev; BAZIJEWIM..Wouss; IMKDCRA. Barbara; WARTZ US IECICZ. Iron&; VOJTAL, Stanislaw; ZALS SU . Barbara Pneumothorax treatment In cases of bilateral tuberculosis. Gruslica 24 no-8:725-728 Aug 56. 1. Z Panstwowego Sanatorium Prseciwgruslicsego w Tussynku Dyrektor: dr. mad. M. Czkwianiane. (PNXMTHDRAI. AMFICIAL in bilateral puls. tuberc.) !,.,,,7vT,-:.Iqsvl, :7. ':!ot,!s on 6irecting fi!-,hter planes at high altitudes. p. 281. PRZEfMAD LOT111MY. (Dowodztwo Ilojsk Lotruicznych) INTarssawa, Pola~id. Vol. 12, no. 1, Jari. 19:59. A,onthly list of Fast European Accessions (E-R.U) LCP j 110 - 7, JulY 1959 - Vol. 6 Uncl, VUL., A.I.., starshiy inzh. 1 _Ak~ ~K~ Engineering department of the Karaganda Post Office. Vest. aviazi 22 no,1:20 Ja 162, (MIRA 14:12) 1. Pochtovoye upravleniye Ministerstva svyazi Kazakhokoy SSR (for Vul). (Kwraganda-Postal Sr.,jimee) UMINSKI, Jerxyl TOS-LUTr,, Sabinal STRWZYNSKA, Maria. BAZYLSKA, Danuta I .!'- Studies on the animal toxoplaamosis reservoir by means of the oomplement fixation test. Wiadomosci pariasyt. 7 no.2:413-416 161. 1. 7akUd Parasytologii Viejnkiej I.M.P.H.W., LuYllin. (TOXOPLASMOSIS i o1) (COKPLDWT) I T__ _7 7 T_ %7 POLAND General and Special Zoology. Insects. P AJbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 1, 1958, 2143 Author Bazyluk Wladyslaw Inst Title Remarks on Changes Observed in Recent Years in Orthop- terous Fauna, Orig Pub: Folskie pismo entomol., 1955 (1956), 24, supl. 2, 113-121 Abstract: The observations and collection of material took place from 1938 to 1953 primarily in the Central and South-West part of Poland. New habitats and new, never previously described for Poland, "stenotopnyye" were established. It was observed that many species had enlarged their range, and settled in new areas unlike their natural habitat, by adapting themselves to other natural conditions of existence or by the Card 1/3 POLAND / General and Special Zoology. Insects P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 1, 1958, 2143 Abstract: transformation (for sub-tropical and tropical species) into sinantropic forms. The forest depletion during the Second World War and the absence of field ploughing for several years, led to temporary wastelands and to a heavy increase of dry valley species of orthopters in these terri- tories. As the broad leaf and mixed forests disap- peared, many forest orthopters, including pests, moved to and concentrated In parks and gardens. The raising of forests consisting of trees of the same species often leads to mass increases of pests peculiar to that species of trees; these pests later move to other species of trees. The regulating of rivers and the draining of fields and swamps lead to the disappearance of hydrophilic species and the Card 2/3 POLAND / Gencral andSpecial Zoology. Insects P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No -1, 1958, 2143 Abstract; multiplying of the xerophilous species - a process also helped by the several warm and dry spring-summer periods. The author considers dryness and warmth to be the fundamental cause of the mass appearance of the orthopters, and the general increase in warmth in recent years to be the condition determining the widening of the ranges in Poland of warmth-loving species. Card 3/3 BAZYLUX, Vladyslaw Materiala an Palaearctic Mattodes,I-IV* A=alss zool 19 no.11: 417-433 JI 163.. r - -T 7 vi-)('A~ V ~ L;;-f POLAID/Special and General Zoology - Insects. 0-3 Abe Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 697o4 K. Author Baz V. Inst Title Key to the Insects of Poland, Collected Works. Part II, Orthoptera (saitatoria). Orig Pab Warazava, Panstv-1Wvdawn. Nauk, 1956, 165 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 12 - B4UUK, Wladyslaw Material on the Orthoptera Palaearctic. Pts. 1-2. Anylokles sool 20 no.nt 207-M 162, BAZYNSKI, J.; MALINOWSKT. J.; TUREK, S. OAJ=s of Hydrogeology in Poland.0 p.14 (pjtzjGLkD GSOL-OGICZNT lio. 1/2, Jan./Feb. 1934 Warszawa, Poland) SO: Moutb Met 9f Ant Pdrope Accessions. 1C. Vol. 3. no. 5, Mav 1934.Unel. J. .1-w- T CIOGY Pt.:'IDOICAL: G-XIGICLI-If Vol. 0, no. 2, Feb. 195!~, 7,I~ZY""-',KIf J. The analication off photograimetri-c :)iatures tsken frw.~ the L,-*r cr lend in geiblogic rese-rc~'. p. -14. ).:.cntbZ,, List of East Lvroper-r, J.ccessions (EF.41) IL ',ToL 9, no. 4 April 10,591,, Urc1ass. Vol /Ara.. Dov.1.z;-Ant and PerapoctIvas or L1,14 )40*r,. .Cal Z1t-r;r.16qf of 0r1c,3v,0, IAF!Ok or tho loalu-r!,al nj%vt-;r%i*3 -r ~a_,,qg, t "Now Itudl*s am Or~-54%rInL;-t Volo-Ites. " Isteran mm. or ti.e :Ziogiasi ii~'%drrrisqs of .1ragov. cus- -1M_Ak--rY. PP- 131-W. "C-Arowarlattes or ft-i4ralization of t%e Sorujp~i-lce latils In t i?4 ZIIAO- &-Crav)v Y*noallne. ' ' M- to=. or V:o .7-olo,teal 1htdr;rIves or Cra:ov; StUMAFTp '.V. 138.IA4: 110ovirtnes a, V:"mitas at TZ-AdIs. (:A.or Z116SIFO." Tadevas SimXX Of tho Cozlogical MMtqr;rI4ko2 at cra- Dow; pp. iil:iso. "YrovLokis 1tsv:*%v of Study an ZtLe Utlitty of LIS ZI&I& 40*7uj slat*& (DIAta,41tess fro, Los.-CZ..t.". noar 2r%4-_ys1.,,, Misozyglaw of the 360%- g1441 Zht#rVrIM4#. Of CrA40W; V,; nAPI, 155. "A9ttVItY Of %h4 000107,1041 T::StttUtC In. w0thO4516Z,- and ScIa=ctflo-tseitcal infer-stlnn," of Us ocat Institute crnetytut --New Trends In tta Comstra,-tlom -if !Ioecrn SPIndle 31"." Jan r%r.TAZjZMZ_cf tl,.e Vara4v G"logteal rh (V%eTFV-aAI0 ?r2704A lot lur7tw7_1TWqTu__._W_1M j -,asks 46.a 41-ti of In I.!! Goolzq , Zoo*.. 3~Azr..,= of tt-.6 000120051W InAl- !Bsr~_ I --------------- - 11C-4tACd1us Y*r!04 and crstg*stas V*rta*;r%t4G 3f -01,xo- It&.;, 5~.Ofan Qrsij,"BIT, of t"~ 1401Wet' Irst.Wito. 4-69. "Jurl-tesl &:,.! Or!snizat'c"I ?z-b!0-~s," =~ Z*Ittv-%. ftazopscikt. 7p. 169.1-72. 2/2 BiZMKI, Josef Application of geopbysica in ongineeriZig geology* Kvartalnik geol 6 no.2t424,425 162, 1. MOM Geologii InVaUrWdej., Instytut Goologiesmy.. Warasava. BAZY14SKI Joeof Geological structure of the Chalmno region. Kwartalnik geol 6 no.4s773-774 162, 1. Zaklad Geologil Inzynierskiejj, Instytut Geoldfipsny, Warszawa* BJZYNM, Jozef Taske and affecte of applying geopbyviom in engineering geology.. Prsegl gool 10 no.3:162-165 mr 162. 1# Instytat Geologiesnys Wareseva. BAZYNSKI, Jozefj HALINOWSKI,'4n Significance of basic goologivAm engineering research in the Geological Institute. Prsegl geol U n( s 140-343 Mr 163. Geologlosurp Wor'pmwaG POLAIND BAZYNSKI, Jozef Department of Geological Engineering of the Geological -institute (Zaklad Geologii Inzynlerskiej In3tytutu Geologicznego) WarsRw, Kwartalnik goologiezm, No 3, 1963, PP 521-522. "Geological and Engineering Conditions of the Area of the Planned Water Degree In Cheltino". 0 a I I 00 A! *0 0 0 0 a :0 0 43 ii a! 0 z 40 00 60 00 00 00 MD Al v1:00009090999:-04414100 w v w--W-V-lw-14- t; 1 1: 1 4 "' 11 .. - - -- "II - 11, - 11, 1 M* a' c.71. unifte fee"" 6 A, CON ASOW A)", 9 N. PAJOB111A J we, V ailialu- ch MA M vM*rffwT$;;;; 11=4180 I PNOFSY IS. 3NUMIA and PPOW RVIF SM (IAMdk*) Vk 411209MM 1 an the kfiveftv t4f duco and isdavet facturv t* p"asiresthr%*% as Is is bowd an Ow tkkgt the cbwatW of the upJmvjm Curve as at= As = poor b .1 the Wdinat abia w'.'ds amodutig to 11tachass. cowwo a nvim 44 cb4aers in pbcd4wratbrels Two at of c6sove my w a , wnl~rcwvri Lwmdo to an tocft4w is P64%~-iwla. &ruvuv Whwwift Ow wool 11.16 "ftAift a- a- AN ane lo'k to 60 With sanit two&vre (A the hwk wduracv* lalic place Mwealtawoo4l sad She curvit va 4 Proolt of thatoz polot 4an Oat the trwW6 of The kW itself and sK the esteroal temp. of the ordwan K r" Qwhk ftw lbr Orraid iwx vain in reactivity. In Purral tb" conaidrf that 411' qbr'llw4-vm to phMeaval%vula am "Khios Now thiso hadkou facto" Frum the *&via -4 Wartmag and Nedritia Atf. C A. 10. AM-0J) it is SPPWOW thal the 4%wf. of utdift 6 bt 6 very " rwo sft a @=A light lat"wity. wb" Aows that tight .: .1"gestwi prorrowe wtwb is twit choose the velmoOly of pbultabow rewboas As as inevesw to the itiop. al the W %A" Plies. awrt is " limew in tranopirstift. dehydration ci the Plams. a chow its dw Placti d M In the PbMN6 ek Tlw only retwinal way of jarrow4aftV external fortare is to drt. the A co naming t-cuw- kK e I bn opy be Sound so the Warmal eyoust a# the Plaw - They entidt. tbv wwk 0 Lum6rafirdli as tho Get of C(h tones. Maki ildcMtY of light an pbc4o yralbrow Dery do In* am"T the C06 at he" as the hawking tortars. It is lh* wr kvityalt1w.Knete tkne(COkin The planow, that kr"pausibic for tbeeboagreetwerved : Under OithdoeMal lightan hicriew re the prortratim of CO, in the prataphist takm plow. nW am" t totakrupomwe It of UP. M Sam with as lwmw Is On 0=4ndr =?bW II-Irlmlis, b Of M esusser In lukw They prim fluir pdd witfs Ow mft drwrracd by Warburg. T*v - A 1 LundegArdb's vww tb&w, does not mts luou the fundameartah of flinatuan. if thr i~Mr* tbcvgirsamaWM4140elgbtaftbeautbaWcontratioatbatitbtbeI - 1 isfunn"wbichave W, for the brhavion mood. & JOPYS :r a a a 46 to 1 11 .1 -!100 -00 -60 -*o -00 -00 .0 tr 040 .06 490 =Go *0 'PO 0 ::410 40 300 1,00 -00 too :!0 0 0 " too iw, u u to R M 0 ro 0" 0 o a o o 0 4 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 , * 0 a 0 0 0 o 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 a a 0 0 0 0 0 1** 1999999 1 .1 . - I ~ I *:kG04*0*1111006664006 0 ; -, . - - . to eels 0 11 U 0 11 fa to 0 It 0 is 4 a is U a P : at w 3 so at* 1 It P. a ~A -A 0 00 Al 641 Aw, Iftr to: fe, Of: of. 1,00!6% a.. COL..-- I-DI 1.00 IU Wmader of dw I d pMwM*mj& V. A, CMAWAW AND __bL_ SON. Omed. am ww" MO. MvQf. OM4 Ck- Id. ph".-math. 10A 400- woew Of , -dwetarrud 4rtm. Uw a kd Is 00MV4 C. mw .0 b dry wt. ad 8z madw with the dilec &M 0 OWFM ad IM The in dry wL w" daL -00 by aft Immi km kw4mm wm an sy. ON of 3w - ft" dusis 0 Off& (cf- I MM' k dw dmYW bra, expIq 2 1111016 wo I- 15-d-17-4 brIll. , TU swimallfited COk smas admIL to 21111W. MW das Memo in djy wL of the m =o 0 :0 j1-; nims bsff of the Ical so estilf. nw diffeelenm gave the vam 14W Uw tmWcrnm. Joe fool TEXPLIL with Saknim hArromm culatinned am 30 hrL. the cbmW in dry WL Wag detd. OM 4 km NO Ulle finM for pbollwynthesis weft ftlearilc CaW. for " p,4W That lioCresse am dry wt- Continued up till +-a r. a. when beau. to olcmt go w 160toll"thes" Tbe -s. slimmimmiAlagbw is in the 2 brL jwt ljdwc U.=L. MW graw k- a- UCA aPP=r ILM the e it bell. alter which it eamflu&ks Ali bight The see PhD'-Yatbrtk cu".0 Jaw 3 am. with the PV4 ami1w "Pts amall, that aftiauktam Omura -ly - the w-rubW, " the ratio twtwwa the liammor in dry wL Anti Uw saks. *7 Of assimilation is lem than oft the put.-O in the tom d, phatnWathctk a=. Ourftatlawd% to the paling Of am- Uv=frmMV. Towwd ewning be ann. of tram. MOO fellmoct dcaft-s. tat a wali traadermw Cnatinues I _r t the night to the lawaing it &V- WOMMOL The mm for the differmt dagy mcs ad suminultio. -w U-4-- in that pa"to Ow the pals a MV"Z. They afty 13C a . with Moo gbc "- In -Pa. aftbe fraf cwtwbydr&Us. tb,- of the pm tacing Mdmh,,uy lont.. a" thm- of aw pultato inew. Lawn W. bm 0 lip" 1310 0 a, 0 A 110 W L 4 ad falC11011"M L"10411111111 CL&SWCOOft 100 0 U Is AT a 641 xw plan 0.10, 00,00 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 ofe 0 0~90 '0 *a. 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 see so. 0 oil 00 lots** 6 i 0 4i 0 0 0 6 0 0 1. 1 r, I I f"! I 04 F, I A A RM AL vomms ale veoplavol w"I 46 --A OWL *sffL SIL gobs an& 20, ma-K-4aw oo a dtom dbeft, -1~8 ;1"00 1 1-3 - , but me Ew pwdOmmft"mb*sOftwlht mibimw&4*cO&*ith*Gw---- um SUM. The ~Cd= d do aww krumm a* VNY"addmwwy. dw 00 8 the pw"Iftp d wMim d. FA-% to on of the vat 40M by I ftudw manwAl 608600% wft N" wh-vtmy 4,1 dw Cos -am"Cl I%- sedn of m Is un kb~ PIMA UM&W *MOW OBOdMODL L JACMMV 00 00 0* 0 0 0 00 0000,009960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 9 0 0 so -awv IG, o 090040000000000 000 0 0 * 0 a 4 0 010 0 0 0 0 401 0 0 0 0 0 - 00 .00 .00 as* a** 410* JOID 0, .00 coo see use voo too ~ 111-x n I*.-- a L A- 0 1. V 0 AT 0.0 9*101146 on ! 06"91101 " I 004 Son" as do it she" ft *0 vdw now s- I,. "m'"ar. 1 A: Cuumm. tilat MOIL ak V. X S. S, OWN so P& 41) -Tb o ab th tbW d f o tkk r b 00 6;_ co w eat r o w o r l fro p * al wv~ mlaftam by rAwN in AWkW aWw He diWk 1 b b i b i O 000 ob s t w s l w N y P obw 6. lion U dWl t u1.. bota- p "~"- Symcmasm ks' - at wA& too giaw Tb. rmw be.. ed or dw am obishm! 14m .00 ow i am the ca"Cam" PAINItAk Wbich :tg=w w m o " * = dmyt i iv ~Om 0 m b w y 40 13i, WAdhEM amistrim "8"r so see 800 got -200 A It I A. a "ASSWCAT" --1 -7- 481411111 dw 0" $1111 i no a It as 0 0 0 0 * 0 Q 0 0 0 n Its 0 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 $1* : :,: : : : 0 0 G, 0 0 0 0 4, 0 6 0 0 0 0190 A ago., -1 TV" v x a At,- ~A -D .-r- .1. P&OC96"t Me #404-1144 so a V A mod of "Oewl Met- OWN TbfF MOM 5 R V so c , . . . #ftt*l &*"anus in "ve mean t1w fttt alassimmAstift of C(*h by ti.-pl-tsis studied. , WAjert9ims, t - Wcowthbytocrtow lu mufts ca a -- of aRptL dow deal Ord tk rate cd mm"Ostim of cot per =be kd stepfew at dw VbK but b& c so effict an mm of SoRaft t& "VA&VA"" Lfffmalk" CUSUPICATIM -T- It a 6 1 L 4 1Oil r MA 5 Od 0 a le im 9 a v -i7- 10 a 1 40 1 i ; ago coo '00 .00 Ao bo 0 too boo see 0 I-t 90, ell Iv C.P#.* -of * t % L Sod &W. N, UI-47. . =. "K M. I b U fpsinains Vahmmobtaimd l l wkb nvoks of OI*r awbolk. a of M. 0. mamf w fro- S4,041 .. .1. - .- b u it AV to A- 41-1 6 4 0 OWN ONSPIV IF 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 00 &0 00 00 00 see NOO 206 a 30 a a a a m *itr al 0 a c 0 0 A L 04 -4 S t W._ I - b &-- 4, , - 4- F-Ilr or ..a I. ';~10% L11110 00 it 00 see Foe Of it It see -.I, ~6109~1 0-0 few 'in oil saw eon .0 got 'mm INW 91 psmwilv It *go 6 le'sm ftpwm wq-vma 1. AWJ" I" M"M NA-'j -V -3 '1& tiftl I NO* go, WON94"m *w IOU . "4 -8 p" "p-sio il @,t go OV 'A IP$OGMWV q M4 OPPIIP VO OU GeV go -W-7 A 4 At x a if a a of Ile :00:0000001 q9***$qO*9ooOo*o*oo:0 0 9 *!A AL A -&-& A 0 & 0 A & & W"Am" 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 ?A Z yl?INA., N. 011 Ej iz tR ed o be all 11"'No 4 A 'HI9 I. I ozo a .1 7N Ile-gi i 8 J: Z" Va V t=205 ! I ~ ", ~ - " ,.- - . .'- .. . ,~G. ::.t EAMQU, Ye 'T I-ONCITC-LT"I 1. G. and 1:0VALEV, V. 1. - - . ; -P ;.~ I & '77he grcwth of tubero im connection with the nitrate nourishmmt of lernminous plants)", Trudy Vsesoyuz. nauch.-issled. in-ta n.-kh. mikxobiologii, lasue 1 (for 19/a-1945'), 1949, P. 113-119 SO: U-5240 17, Dec. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 25, V'49). "orinta-v Uf 7-7, R P~ r~t Pb-Isiology. ?Ainer6l "utrition. Brzyrinpt, Ye.N. 1U t h :he snokov 'I 1r1t;tiT".A(-. NCA Riven r i ", a qq_%_411Osf3 Plant Caltures on L~ynthetlc Media !Orif!,. Pub.- 'T,3,_qtn. s.-kh. naWii, 1957, No. 1,, 1212128 A -tract A do3criptior Is P-1vea of :;hia apparatus employed I b., and thd teohr,1q-ua' A-or growing plnnts iri gravel an! asbestos-cement, tub-is in s circulating n)j'.'"rl:)nt solution. ksr.~~%qri wi gravel, tomatoes alded 18-20 kg/ia2, cuousibars 40 kg. The tube cultures d'-d rot always privide pnsitive results.1 Tho ooiaposit'!cn of a nutrient solLtion of pure salts 9nd fortilia-lor for tO.MtO RLd cucumber grav al oultures Is giran.--A.v. Apnfonova BAZrUXv O.P..(Frunze) Device for determining,the direction of the nap in fabrics. Shvein. prom. no.6t27 It-D 163. (MIRA 17t2) BAZYUK, G.P. (Frunze) Reorganization of the cutting shops. Shvein,prome no,1:24,-27 Ja-F 164. (MIRA -170) BAZYUK, Klara Fedorovna; KUDHIR, I,G,, red. [use of synthetic materials in the clothing industry of Kirghisistan] PrimenerAe sinteticheskikh materialov v shveinoi pron7shlennosti Kirgizii. Frunze., Izd-vo "Kyrgyzstan," 1964. 32 p. (MIRA 18:3) R IF BAMK, Gennadly Pavlovich; 4 Ar i. KUDRIN, A- Eosrwwf~ I.G., red. (Use of synthetic materials In the clothing industry of Kirghisistan] Primenenie sinteticheskikh materialov v shveinol prozWsh:Lennosti Kirgizii. Frunzev lzd-vo "Kyrgyzatan,O 1964. 32 p. (MIRA 18:3) GNFZDILOVA,, 19.A.; BAZYUR, M.T.; GORCHAKOVA, N.Ye. Urine color sediment react-ion in detarminattion of the activity of tuberculous changes in the lungs, Froblo tube 42 no.1:89-90 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1, Ukrainekiy inst-11tut tuberkulaza i grudmoy kh-4rurgii imeni akademika P.O. Yanovakogo i protivotuberkuleznyy diapanser Zheleznodorozhnogo, rayona, Kiyev. ACC NJZ- AP70057G3 SOURCE CODE: Ult/0126/67/023/00i/(j~7~)/~)16;~ AUTHOR: Pines, B. Ya.; Bazyura, R. L; Khizhkovyy, V. P. ORG: IQar1kov State University im. A. M. Gorlkly (Kharlkovskiy gosuniversitet) TITLE: Concentration dependence of the limit of linear increase in creep of Cu-Ni alloys SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 23, no. 1, 1967, 179-182 TOPIC TAGS: binary alloy, copper, nickel, creep mechanism ABSTRACT: Previous studies of the kinetics of high-temperature creep in pure metals (Pines,; B. Ya., et al. FTT, 1963, 5, 2859; Pines, B. Ya., Kbizhkovyy, V. P. FMNI, 1966, 22, 82) established that the rate v of steady-state creep depends on stress p: at temperatures T > > 0. 5 T and low values of p creep rate linearly increases with p and exponentially with T. M. p. Once p exceeds cartain critical limit (the so-called "limit p of linear increase in creep") creep rate begins to sharply increase. It was found that p is0proportional to the modulus oi elasticity. Now the authors investigate the effect of soluble impurities on the magnitude and temperature dependence of p with respect to alloys of the Cu-Ni system forming a continuous 0 0 series of -,*lid solutions (Cu + 5, 19, 15, 30, 40, 70, and 90% NQ. Finemgs: p0 and the modu- Card 1/2 UDC: 669.3:539.5 ACC__NP:_AP700z_)763 lus E of elasticity increase with increase in the Ni concentration of the alloy. in all cases po (i. e. the limit of linear Increase in creep) linearly decreases with increase in T/T m. P. and reaches 0 when T Nevertheless, p cannot be regarded as an analogue of yield TM. P. 0 point a, high temperatures at which diffusion creep occurs, because the values of P, in cold- -worked metals and alloys are lower than in specimens annealed at high temperatures. At medium temperatures preliminary cold working causes hardening of the metal and retar- dation of creep rate, whereas at temperatures close to the melting point preliminary cold working leads to "softening" of the metal- and increase in creep rate. There is as yet no un- ambiguous explanation for this phenomenon. It may be associated with the enhanced (non- her of dis- equilibrium) concentration of vacancies occurring in the presence of a large num locations which results in an accelerated climb of dislocations. " The authors are grateful to S. S. Avotin for participation in preparing specimens of the alloys. " Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE: 12; 20/ SUBM DATE: 3lMay66/ ORIG REP: 008/ OTH REF: 001 Card___2/2 S/124/62/000/002/004/014 D234/D302 AUTHOR- Bazzhin, A.P. ------------------ TITIX: Determining stream in front of a blunt-nosed body of revolution having an angular point PFMODICAL-. Referativnyy zhurnal, Yelthanika, no. 2, 1962, 25, abstract 2B145 (Inzhenernyy zh., 1961t 1, no. 1, 154-159) TEXT: The numerical method of integral relations (A.A. Dorodnitsyn, Tr. 3-go Vaes. mates. s"yezeda, 1956, 3. M., AN SSSR, 1958, 447-453 - RZhHekh. 1959, no. 11, 13184; O.M. Helotserkovskiy, Prikllmatem. i mekhan., 19609 24, no. 31 511-517 - RZhM*kh. 1961, 2BI33) is applied to determining the flow behind a shock wave moving away# in a supersonic flow past a blunt body of revolution, whose outline possesses an angular point. The case of axially symmetric flow is consideredl the gas is assumed to be perfect. In formulating the approximating equations the author uses two natems of coordinates: at the none part of the body 8, t = 2 fl/poo V-00 R (a being the distance along the outline of the body, the stream functim Card 1/2 S/124/62/000/002/004/014 Determining stream in front of a D234/D302 R the distance from the axis of the bodytD a certain point on the shock wave), and at the angular point 0, t (0 being the polar angle). An example is given - the calculation of the flow past a body of revolution With flat none part at Moo = 5.8. The solution is here constructed in the first and second approximation respectively, with linear and quadratic approximation of the functions across the shock layer. i-Abstracter,s note: Complete translation Card 2/2 L 3-1093-63 EPA (b)IEWT (121 )/~05-AEDC/AMC/ASD/AFMC--Pd-4~-WW AMCMINTINR: AP30007)a S/0258/63/00.3/032/0222/0227 AUTHMi Bagzhin, A. P. Noscov) T IT M ; On the calculation ofvu~ersordq 'flow around a flat plate with detached shock wave S 0 U.1% C, 3 Inzhan z*hurnal, v.'3, no. 2, 1963, =-227 exr~ry TCPIC TAGS: supersonic flow, detached shook, integral correlation STRAMk4t44~4 -Q6WA&i-Of-tbOr_I 1:11. pole t a f t P with detached shock in the entire subsonic region and in a part of the supersorde, An approximAte ,solution of thaflow-field problemIs obtained by using the method of integral Correlations for calculation of flow pirameters. The location of the critical point on the plate is examined under certain conditions. Numerical calculations were made at M = 5p 6.85, 10, and 20 and at angles of attack of 900, 750 ? and 650J. and * 450 ; studies at 14 = 4 and angles of 90119 750, and 650 wera also made, for comparison with available ex _perimental data. Pressure and velocity distribution and the variation of Cn (coifficient of a force normal to the piate) and of the critical point location with angle of -attack and Each number are given in graphs. The analysis of the-results and their comparison with theoretical data Card 1/2 BAZZHIN,, A.P.0 (Moskva); GUDKOV, A.A. (Moskva) ..... Solution of the inverse problem tV the eerie& rxpansion method. Insh, shur. 3 no,,N517-518 163, . (MIPA 16t10) (Series) (Aerodynamics) Pavlovokiy, Yu.N.; BAZZHIN, A.P,j ANlSHCIWMO, P.M. Symposium on the Use of Analog and Digital Computer Techniques in Aeronauticso Vast, AN SSSR 34 no. 2:101 F 164. (MIRA 17:5) J /AS Dc! C, 0 2! z 991 1W 1 /0 0 2 /0 24 2 /0 2 4 6 F--SICV IM: AIP403rD95 AVINCR, Bazztin A. ?I (miascov) TrITIZ: Flow calculatims arwrid th--,) Imer surface of dzita wins at Large wxa3--s of attm-,k S ,~C=: inthenerny*y zhurna-L, ve 4x no. 2, 1964, 242-246 TMC TAGS. ylng, superacnic flow, mZle ef attack, shock wave, lead-Ing edge, el-Uptic emical flov2 veloaily aradient, ideal gas, lnte_i7al rel,~-rim metb,W AMT.V%C'T: The aetbod; of intetp-al relationa in fir5t apprMimatim has been used to czLptLlate the flcx,; in the vicinity of a delta ving surface in aupersmic flow it lai~ge angles of The of fl--.r is cm5ldemd wbere the ba-r shock va7i~ is detarlhed frmm the lerdin,, but Z-1-ZaMn io, r:cntact --tith the sharp tip ' the .1 L -, --rla!Z nnd 'a simllax t.- sn elliptic emical f1m. 11c flov iL restric"CA 3 to the icpwer bu~'-face of ',he (Z irsinite span Wid i-z -represented by FIF,4 I the Fnclco,-a,~~. The cmc!&! f",w ~-qunticr--, (nment-,m, enerV.-- , r-ad the equatim of iiit6j-art-~~Sq7x a perfoc-~, jao 1,4, ~nd me b,'Y'-mdar7 condltlmzl at L 679G-65 ACCESSICU 11a: AP,405M5 anil Ube bcv 03mk nwtified. The solution is carried out by integrating the %nree Nitx5,aii+ e4ionti~r,~, in 0 userwe the shock layer trcm the M rical rubalt, aa bt, n,7~d Do(*") to the bov shoct- Htve --, ?~P , I or "~-C pl':~Une XATI vith 1t,3 nrid 54" tip anglez at mach 6 0 anzle af vlr,-~ tlp "171,71c tht, to spread o--,t tow-a-m! thi~- 1, tv al id ;vre ~z~- 4 tz ar-t b.-NZ t 1 -'v in; I f i ASSWINMW: nme Sm=m- C-ZeP63 NO R-';- M r, L. 0 1 -SIM CM-19'. he, w MIER 001 -A card 6790~4- Ay-*oWO95 o1 0 Pig. Card 3/3 AP6034545 Souns CDDE.- UR/0421/66/000/005/0104/0105 AUTHOR: Bazzhin, A. P. (Moscow) ORG; none TITLE: Calculating the flows over plane delta wings at large angles of attack SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Nekhaaika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 5, 1966, 104-105 TOPIC TAGS: hypersonic aerodynamics, delta wing, aerodynamic force, similarity theor, lift ABSTRACT: This paper repor,to~isystematic'calculations of hypersonic flows about the lower surface of a plane deit wing over the largest possible ranges of Mach numbers, angles of attack, and angles of sweep. Wings with 70 to 85* angles of sweep at anglal of attack a from 30 to 60* were considered in the Mach range from 4 to 10. The coefficient of normal force C. as a function of a at M - 6 and also the distributions of other parameters for various regimes ar3 given in graphs from which the pattern of streamlines on* the wing surface can be deduced. The possibility of utilizing the results obtained here to check the validity of the similarity law of the theory of small disturbances generalized by Sychev for thin bodies at arbitrary anges of attack (Prikladnaya natematika i vai&anikiv. 24, m 4 SO vkh limitation to the transverse dimensions are discussed. It is concluded that the similarity law is valid with - 0 regard to the coefficient of normal force of a plans delta vin& even when the livit- ing,condition for the transverse dimension Is transgressed. Orig. art. has: 3 figure SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l3Feb66/ ORIG REF.- 003/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 5103 S/119/60/000/012/004/015 B012/BO63 AUTHOR: Bazzhin, Yu. M. I -_ - --- TITLE: Temperature Compensation of Dynamometric Pickups With Helical Strain Gauges PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1960, No. 12, pp. 9-10 TEXT: First, the effect of temperature on the rigidity of an elastic ele- ment is studied first, and the condition P ~~ -2a for constant rigidity is derived. P is the temperature coefficient of the modulus of elasticity, and a is the coefficient of linear expansion. Then, the effect of tempera- ture on an elastic element subjected to a bending test is studied, and it is shown that elastic elements subjected to tensile and bending tests ex- hibit the same conditions for temperature compensation. Next, the conditions for the temperature independence of the characteristics of pickups with strain gauges are studied. The strain gauges are connected to a Wheatstone. bridge. Up till now the magnitude of compenseting resistance has been selected. Here, a formula is derived for this purpose: Rk = - a at + m , where m is the relative variation of the characteristic Card 1/2 Temperature Compensation of Dynamometric s/119JO/ooo/m/004/015 Pickups With Helical Strain Gauges 3012/BO63 of the dynamometrio element in the given temperature rangel a is the coef- ficient of thermal expansion of Rk; bt is the temperature range. The metals and alloys used for the manufacture of.compeneating resistors must have a high and stable coefficient of thermal expansion, and a high resistivity. The latter requirement can be met by the use of high-impedance alloys, such as nickel alloys. The alloy H, 50 K 10 (N50KIO) proved to be most favorable for this purpose. There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 .. BAZZHIN _~=I~ YULM2-_ Variations of Peadings of dynamometrie pickqm.vitb virs, con- verters, Pri6rostroeniw no.80-4 Ag 162. (MMA 1519) (Strain U, ga4es) bicharast, Farmacts, VIOI X, " 3, gar 1962 1. *Probloma of Pharmacy at the Ytrth Mntwna IGMI cr-as of Sloch-alstr7 , Moscow 10-16 Auru at 961 * ?am 0. SIWLXA.-M. Dweeartmont of Moo-wttstvv :!t-#Jra d- 1"Ohictle XACrC-*--l%Tr-M" Zut I a a, Lnotittito C3-:1 pp 119-238- 2. *ContrIbUtiong to th* VaralfacturJOW, and valuattan of Chantasu2sn In Our Countr7 * Farm Dr 0 RCYI, tabor%tor, SMA VtbtI21&TT Of Pl&ftta 01 0-A IMA Ps'374-Py (Eaborato- rul &I DIattlorts do Plant* a ParffwrWn-rM-.) , Bmsovg pp 239-W - 1 3. *Now 01st-Ant Saws for Maglakral a hot 0. MP Farm V. S1A;M1'Cv.%k =rw- 4=4 ram N (L.::;=1 4 two '31. a In 7ople-a RepubLIc " ram 0. w Iftm KRreols O?PC -Pr and Or A "13:,U.Qq r t -.1. - . Lnd-T, '. t stles fte tstutux r-ntru Controlul d- Ntat *I amn -it at Coreotag4 P*rmsepatlee); ftgUsh ~*I,; pq XW167, 110n Via Antttubaraulous A4tlvtty of C*rtaln Now.Eydresl 3mbstItutes or th*A-S-n i3is ~!~!eznnsftld S-rt-s (not. ?-of A. !TMT, Cont P. or V14rica PLALt;,t;1 chegn-r-",ta, Ins, n P. N Chentat Ritta SC t4 r 1. r r. 14~A ratcr7 JMS of fts r; d- sr"ILOO loft.) a A maceutte z=ttt4ut1p L-Mtttutu!ui 1:04too- tarmacoutle), lk"hareat: Vp 167-1.74. 6. O'las4trophoralpr" D^torxlnator (=37)96 Colon-11 Farm Dr C.J~ . trail CAAMII~Yui"Arr lbspItal, (Spitalul Kill$ tra Pp 17Y--rT6-.- 17- 'Xww Data C*naor.-'W t%- OrwanIzAtL-n of thA Oar4ow In bmharost," C, SERCUA an4 V. Fp .101: . POPESGIU, C., Professor; BRAILIgulM, Cl., MD, phannacist; BEAGA ~Iarieta, Pharmacist; PISIJLTULSU, Nadojda, Pharmacist. School of Pharmacy in BuchArest, Department of Galenic Pharmacy (Famatatea do farmacio Bucuresti, Catedra de farmacie galenica) - (for all) Bucharest-, Farmacia No 5, May 1963, pp 293-300 "The Use of Tension-Activo Agents in the rroparation of Pharmaceutical Products. Note I. Solutions." I cur, W; I A LONGIM111, S., profossor; Pop;zcu, A., MD; AMWESGO, St. , MD; MAI"- 11M, Cl. , IM, Vhax-macist; B - ~-Uarieta --acist; , li~~ Phax PISLAMSU, Nadojda, Pha=acist. 1. Clinic for Dozzatoloty (Clinica do domatologio) (for Longhin, Poppscu, and Antonascu); 2. Galanic Phax-macy, Instituto of Modicino and Pharmacy (Farmcia plonica, 1A.F.), Bucharost (for Brailoanu.,.Boaca, and Ficlarasu). Bucharost-, Fa=,tc:,a No 9, Sop 63, pp 527-537 .17he Use of Tensionactivo Agoat's in tho-Preparation of Pharmaccutia-1 J Pomulao. Noto IV. Ointments. -L--3;72 -66 AC'C N1t, -AP605157 ' JOURCE COM I bai-276!~fb arO64/0-5-91TO663-- AUTHOR: Lonphin. S. (Doctor; Professorp Lieutenant general,, Corresponding member ARM); Fopgacu, A. (Doctor# Colonel, Candidate of medical sciences); Rapascu, C. (Professor# Pharmacist# Doctor); ftEMISMsr.~; (Pharmacist, Doctor); Fica, C. ( harm& ciat); Beaca M. (Pharmacist)l d;-orsthiu, R (Pharmacist) NG t 11tw- ! ~2 3 TITLE: Protective ointment& LOM=% Revista sanitaf"Oajoil tferrailT 10a ansol' 4, 196jjj 'r- ,o 'dke 9t 9&ent, dcrmitology Tn?IC TAGSs skin Owe 0 a~ a up . ;TOACTz A report an a study of protjUtive ointments used in the proph7laxis and Lreatment of occupational dermatoses.V-Two types of hydrophobic and one b7drophilic a were studied. The b3rdropbilio ointment was found to have good cutaneous toleranoe for persons with norml cutaneous reactions# but gave weak positive reactions in allergic irAividuals.: Pbysical~dhsmical characteristics of the cintnents and the oRtimal propcTt1aa*of the ingredients were also deterainede Crig..arts bass 12 tabl f-,PsOs 33r%Q1- Strd Cowl 06/ 5MM DATEs' 2WmnO/ MG.Ws 003/ OTH MYS 014 J EWA, -- imISTO M. Prakticno tutunoproizvodstvo. SkopjPq Yugoslavia. Narodna zadruga, 1957. 131 P. Monthly List of East European Accession (EW) LC, vol. 8, no. 6 June 1959 Uncl. EZARAL_~l ~k prof. [tranalatorll BEARA, Ljubomir, ins. (tranalator] Education or valding techniciana. Uvarivanje 5 no-4-.98-97 Ap 162. L.Clan Rodakoijakog o4bora, "Zavarivanjoll (for Beara, Ljubmir), _MAU4-DAaUA-a-x prof, (tranalatorjl BEARAO Ljubmir., inz. [translator] Eduoation of walding toohnioians. ZavarivRo 5 no.5s-326-125 IV 162 e 1. Clan Hadakoijakog odbora., *Zavarivanjo* (for Ljubomir Bears.), BEARA, Ljubomir, inze Bibliography,. Zavarivanje 6 no. 11: 2621 It 163. 1. ClanRedakeijskog odbora, "Zavarivanie". BEARA, Ljubomir, ins. Competition of weldero. Zavarivanje 4 no.5/6:125-326 My-je 161. 1. Clan Readkelonog kolegijav OZavarivanjel BEARE, Ljubomir, inz. Education of welding engineers in France. Zavarivanje 4 no.10: 202-205 D 161 1. Clan Redakcionog kolegija, "Zavarivanjell. I BEAR A,Ljubomir, asistent,im. The short-arc process, 2Avarivanie 5 no.1:3-U 162 1. Vis tehnicka skola,, Zagreb; clan rodakoijokog odbma, 112:kva- rivanJe." EEARk. Bosiljka, prof. [translator]; BEARA Liu omirs inz. (translator] Education of melding technicians. Zavarivanje 5 no.08E~-97 Ap 162. 1, Clan Redskoijakog o1bora, "Zavarivanjo" (for Beara, Ljubotir). ERARA, Bosiljka, prof. I translator] I-B&APL_WubomirL inz. [translator] Education of welding technicians* Zavarivac 5 no,5:3.16-125 yq 162. 1, Clan Redakoijakog odbora, "Zavarivanje* (for Ljubomir Beara), X C. t~ A BF"s Ljub=ir, inz. *Svamcbnoo proizvodetvosw;no.4,9 1963. Revieved by Ljubomir Beara. Zavarivanje 6 no.10&238 0163. BEARA, Ljubomir, inz. Bibliography, Zavarivanje 7 no. 2:4648 F 164o 1. Member of the Board of Editors, uZavarivanje no %V., BEAVqKR. K. Wood Concrete. TEKHNIKA (Engneering)j 7-8t2710ot-Dee 55 BrAV, KR. K. RationalAzation. TEKHNIKA (Upearing)t 7-SS29tOct-Doe 55 - 0 - EKBAK,3.- - I - - - /-,7/) The histological background of fertility In an intergeneric cross. Bul Ac Pol b1ol ? no-9:371-373 '39- (1w 9;6) 1. Department of Immr1mental Zvolution and Animal Genetics, Jagellonian University, Zrakow. (Ducks) (WbrIdization) BEBLN, Franjo, inz.--- I River tugboats for the tranoNrt Of 3ijuid freight. Brodogradnja 6 no.4:154,-358 155o 1-4 Category : USSR/Acoustics - Ultrasound Abe Jour : ROf 2bw - Fizikap So 1, 1957, No 2139 Author :Bobchuk, A.S., Makarov, L.O., HoZenbarg, L.D. Mat. :Accust. Inst-., Acad. of Science USSR;.'Scient. Res. Inat. of Min. of Radio- technical Wi,l try, Moscov. Title :On the MOchAW M of Cavitational Destruction of Surface Film in the Sonic Field. Orig Pab :Akust. Zh., 1956.. 2p No 2, 113-117 Abstract, :The subject of the s#udy vas a thin layer of rosin, coated in the form of an alcohol solution on the surface of a glass plate and then dried out. The better to distinguish the fragments of the film from cavitational babbles, pulverize&'graphite vas introduced into the layer. The film. vas placed in a cuvette measuring 4 x 1 x 5 cm, filled vith distilled vater.. 2he sound pres- sure vas produced in the cuvettt vith a magnqtoitrietlan -vibrator opemtlmg at 8 kc. The distj'raction of the fils by cavitation vas photographed vith a motion-picture camera capable of up to 4000 frames per second. A study.*f the film obtained shovned that-at least tvo destruction mechanisms take place. The first is due to the flapping of the bubbles near the surfa:ce of the film, and levAs to strong local damages; the second is due to the penetration of the bubbles under the fi3m, cawing the latter to peal. Card 1/1 ~U=/Zlectronics Electronic and Ionia- Emission H-2 Abs Jbur ; Referat Zhur 0 Fizikao No 5: 1957~ 12281 Author : Handelev, B.0,j Babchuk) A,S., Glukbs eva.. N.G. Inst : Title : Application of Soule and Ultrasonic Vibrations in Technolo- gy of Manufacture of Cathodes and Heaters (Prt-lizinary Information)* Orig Pab Tr. I.-i. in-ta. H-vo radiotekhn. prom-sti SM, 1956, vyp 2-3 (30-31)1 71-73 Abstract It is reported that sonic and ultrasonic oscillations (in met cases 10 kc) have been used to obtain alundum and carbonate suspensions., for the purification of parts of electro-vacuum tubes,, and particular, for the purifica- ~JOULof the- Internal surfsee of cathode tubes. The vIbra- tions are produced with the aid of a mgaetostriction set- up vith a nickel vibrator. Good results are obtained in the purification of cathode tubes. After 5 -- 7 minutes Card 1/2 A1FTHUR--. Bebchuk, A*S. 46-1-17/20 TITIB.: PrrfobLre_M~of CaVitational destruction of solids. (Kvoprosuo kavitatsiyonnom razrusheii tverdykh tel). PERIODICAL: "Akusticheski-Y Zhurnal" (Journal of Acoustics) 1957, III, No. 1. pp. 90 - 91 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Investigation of the mechanism of cavitational destruction of surfaces of solids immersed in liquids subjected to acoustical or ultra-sonic vibrations has been carried out at the Scientific and Research Institute of Radio-engineering Industries in conjunction with the ultra-sonies labors, pr of W the AeoustJc;%1_1R�kJ=Je of Ac. of Sciences USSR TV Ministerstva Radio-tekhni Promyshlennosti and lEheskoy Laboratoria, Ultrazvuka Akustioheskogo Instituta AN SSSR). An atteidpt was made to establish criteria for cavitational destruction which could be of interest in surface clearing by ultra-sonics. The efficiency of destruction was tested in various liquid at different temperatures at 8 kels. As samples, aluminium plates 25 x 20 x 4 mm, fixed in a special holder were used. The degree of destructive effect was judged by the diffeInce Card 1/2 in weight of the sample measured with an accuracy of 10 9. ~ Graphs of results are j ven. One is relating the intensity 46-4-12/17 ~7-1-CRZ: :3ebchul: 'On the 77,7,-,-nJs-,, of li--vitation of -:)olids 17 izhio lzavitatsionno,:! tverdykh tel) T %'7 T. 'ia.,; shonrn (11,:~f.l) is a co --ecti.ora of In la and of thu v i u i 0 r.. a,,.-)u--n -i~,c~-rsure of b- a. --od anO- rraC~; at~, I xn (A r2llo ourVes -1,11 2al o.71" Dn A`U-h~~,a~ vi ai- tilac I i 1 1 t - cx :y-, -i- on -4 v 11,41 1 -:c:~'-z-u 0.7 U- U T Ju- i OUr ne z; '114Z 0 3 I ._ V --ll~l-.-."-.rC-,..:,`,- Saju"~ -T. V -f 'onp-ress. 1. Cavitation-Theory SOV/46 - 4-4~ 10/20 AUMORS: Bob-huk, A3, , Bori,sov, Yu.Ya. and Rczonberg, L.D. ----------------------------- TITLRx On the Problem of Cavitational Brosivn tK vopro-au o kuvitataionnoy arorii) PMODiC&L; Aku-stichoskiy Zhurnal, 1958, iol 4, Kr 4. pp ~Nel--30~2 kuSSR, ABS'iUCT: Card 1/3 In Refs. -1-3 It VMS shovn that the magnitude ci cavltaV-onal orocion do"ud.:t ca the number! of Ix-bblos formal and the rate or their coilapse. which determines the strength Of the shock VAV* produced on collapse of su^h bubbleT - -.Lhe m9an level of the eavitational nolse depends also on the rr=bar and rate or collapee or bubbles ani there should be, therefore, a relationship between the eavitational noi3o and the cavitational erosion. 'ilia present paper dea(ribes the experimental work. on the tu~ 49-:t of this ralatiena.6iin. The cavitational erosion was oNarved at the flat and surfa,~e ef an aluminlum sample 8ubio,:tad to 8.1 k:/s a-!ouvtic vibrations. -zhree series oi experiments ;are made: in materr, ir. %ster with a surfa,:*-aetir6 substance OP-10 and In uaUne,. In all ca%es the timo of irradiation vaij 6 minutes.. In oa,~h sorios measuremonta. were madep at throe di4tances of the acousitic sourea fr= the flat and of the aluminium nample; these distaficas were 0-9, 1.5 and 2.25 mm. -xho cav2.tavionaL ;rosion was moasur&l by On the Problem of CaviVatic~Aa,& Kromlon sov/,ib-i-4-10/20 determining the loss in -weight cr -the sample. The cavitational noise van measured with a probe %developed by Yu"'%. Borisov) consisting of a mata). rod with a barium titanate ring pushad onto it. xhis metal rod had a croes-soction, sizilar to that of the aluminium sample and was Placed in the Same Position &s the sample, with respect to the at=stic sour~a. Care was tairon to eliminate azanding waven in the probe and tran,missic,n of the acouqzi-~ an6rgy through the curved surfa-.-o of the probe: onIly the flat orA surfa,!o of the pr.-be was meant to roceive the arau,% tii, onargy. Most of the p:,wor radiated by the vibrator ~-o--re6 was dissipated in cavitazion; only a smail proportion of the power was spent on producing mound direetly. xhe results are 3howr. in th,-) fig!.-re cr. p 351. The ordinate vnews the mass lost by CaV!UtiOn tin grams) . while the abaciasa SI-es the mean sjuaro of the cavitational Fre,3c-,,re tin atmo,jp),ier&PN. xho mearing or %no exper:.mantai points Card 2/3 On the Problem of Cavitational Brosion SOV/4b-4--4-10/20 in Nhe ligure on p 651 is as foilows; 3, 2, 1 represent the results obtained in acetone; 8, 7, 6 - in water with OP-10; 9, 6, 4 - in water. Within the ranges of the erosion (lilOO) and pressure (1:50) studied by the withors the experimental points lie approximately on a straight line. zhereaft I figure, 1 table and 3 Soviet references ASSOCI.'~TIOH; Akusticheecty in-,zitut, AN SSSR, Mo2cva (Acouszical institute, Academy of Sciences or the U.S.S.R., Moaazw) SUM ITED: August 14, 1V58 Card 3/3 BLWhUXj A. S., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Investigation of tht- cavitational disturbance of solids and surface films in an acoutical field (applicable to, an untrasound puni-fication process)," Mos,.cw, 1960, 13 ppp (Accustics Institute, Acade-y of Sciences U-SM) M, 3MO, 107) 3/046/60/006/004/013/022 B019/BO56 AUTHORSs Bachak, A. S. , Rozenberg, L. D. TITLEs The Dependence of the Cavitation Erosion on the Solubility of a Gas Above a Liquid PERIODICALs Akusticheskiy shurnal, 1960, Vol. 6, No. 4, Pp. 498 - 499 TZM One of the authors (Bebohuk) showed in an earlier paper (Ref. 3) that the concentration of a gas dissolved in a liquid may, under some simplifying conditions, be given in the caverns produced by the cavitation with 6ap0 Here, po denotes the hydrostatic pressure, R is the cavern radius, D - the coefficient of the diffusion of the dissolved gas through the liquid sur- face, and a the solubility of the gas. The experimental determination of the dependence of the cavitation erosion, distilled water, and ethyl alcohol were chosen as liquids and 021 N2. and 002 as gases. The experiments Card 1/2 BEBMWK,, L.G.., inzh.; OZIMEL'YEV, A.Ya... inzh. Reducing the effect of the secondary spectrum on the quality of an image. [-Trudy] MVTU no.102,.66-69 161. (MIRA 14-.8) (Aberration) a It U 'Out f T *0 0 0 0 ## f 1 0 0 A fill, of III U 16 24 AM 0 -A-1 -j- Tarim& sattatbadw as the antracwo actirity HydIntgubses of the abpMtk at dw issiaw Istervet. I. "&d. I rkSIkd. a. NO- but. far 1047-8. d. ion (11. C. .4. Poison am im 0' , was e%. sk.. fib". avenlow. 1161bitsa am pwaWl is in tordarik." lwe"W in site c*w d Ske JwAaitd ulect Of so With ,at %04 an ia%Utkm Of the cm"'W"if sk"W"y jb,*nvpiwvdetbfi asid chimal bYlUMC tbtw 0010 wcqg depftspent even its vrry dil. "a. For this rea"M 00'3 1 htv %%*M no tw uvw.1 in UtKw. M. *oW L4 0111attuawL&I, W1,11410k U&SUPKA11ft .0 SIL; U 5 4V 7 p to It or a x a a a lot ; 000009!00000000*00060oo*040000000(000000 * T-4019 ego 0400 9*00 0 the *0 **00004 41,11W 6~149 an S*V Ist ail Is %s0 "*Iwo$* F 0000006060666 a VT I-T.. 0 0 of .000 goo :100 goo, goo goo 400 woo 0 e 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 a 0 Sol, UAWW d vulm M4110 havd a itgulatay rAw an the ;;Glcd kffl 41 whiti4saaw 11 1 11 10 lost its INS Ilk #04ii-4 b_&~ A-8 SO Or"Mi WFS I GSd KV4060h* tion rhythm of tbt (Amb"wy) Diem, Lori ftw 01 11 " 0 J!" . t to . MM = wWyW anabsedw behavior. Art. Course. (in , ffWI f h 00 rv- ww t c t e ti 0 IMO RIOH )AM i i r n OPWI to ma rs" . av m we; 4 , 33. Maral hydniv 400. vermael 10. pamI&bv& MD. 10. aulkwine am. 11#40~ HIM. The cow=, wh" Ig - - v in a%* lows. Nov. 61"1190 q w go 0 a a a It a Ic it a 't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Ij Oft #4009 7M ;i ~v4wr -4 11 %fad 0 v a I v Is 0 a 4 1 9 1:00 See see coo late 'so* ISO* ~i-- -- -- - - - - --- - - - - - ---- --- - - - - - - - - - - B2behuk- L. S. "Some ways of reducing the number of miscarriages and stillbirths under ccnditions of medical dispensaries for women", Sbornik nauch. tru:lcv (Rost. ob. nauch-13sled. akushersko-ginekol. in-t), 13SUe 3, 1948, p. 105-10. SO: U-3261, 10 April 1953 (Leteris 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 12, 1949). - - - - , L. o. .t Babchuk, L. S. "The rAternal death rate In parmw~ent dellvonry st-'Atl, n.,, n Ffostov Oblast durini~ 1947" (Author's sumnary of the paper), Sbornik nnuch. trudov (Ron't cbl. nauch.-issltd. akushesko-ginekol. in-t), Issue 8, 1948, p. 210-12. SO: U-3261, 10 April 1953 (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statcy, No. 12, 194'.")- Method for a physiological investigation of uterine contractions in animals. Fiziol.zhur. 44 no.1:73-76 Ja 158 (KIRA 1l:.3) 1. Ufedra akusheretva I ginekologii i Kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii Keditsinskogo instituta. Rostov n/D. (VIERM . physiology. contractions, technic of investigation in animals (Rua) ACC NR: AP7011367 SOURCE CODES UR/0363/66/002/011/1913/1920 AUTHORS Andrianov, K. A.; Nanetsova, 1. K.; Bebehuk, T. So; Yolchins, A.; Shaipova, 1. ORGs Institute of Organoelemental Compoundse Academy of Sciences USSR (Institut alementoorganichookikh soyedInenly AN SSSR) TITLEt Poly(diorganophosphonyl)tltanoxans oligomers SOURCE: AN SSSRa Isvestlyse Neorganicheakiye mterlalyl ve 2, no@ Ile 1966, 1913-1920 TOPIC TAGS: oligomerg organic chemical synthesisq titanium oxide, polymer stability SUB CODE: 07 ABSTRACT: This report examines the synthesis and properties of compounds with the molecular chains TI-O-TI framed by different alkyl (aryl) phosphonyl groups. The basis of the synthesis of oligomers with titanoxane chains were reactions of hydrolytic polycondensation of bis(diorganophos- phonyl)dibutyltitanates and reactions of replacement of butoxy-groups, In polybutyltitanate with the residues of alkyl(aryl)phosphinic acids. The synthesis of the original titanophosphorarganic compounds was accomplished through heatingcf ortho-butyltitanate with alkyl(aryl)phosphinic and cam 1/2 41.21 ACC "'R' AP7011367 phosphoric acidsq taken In 1:2 molar ratio at a temperature of 130-1400C. The titanophosphorgante compounds obtained are solid or resinlike products readily soluble in most organic solvents. Investigation of the stability of poly(diorganophosphonyl)tltanoxane oligomers to the action of high tem- peratures In the presence of air oxygen established that thermooxidative destruction up to 4500C occurs chiefly in the direction of the oxidation -of organic groups near the phosphorus atm framed by the titanoxane chain* No destruction at the TI-O-P bond, and also at the U-0-TI bond at this temperature is observed. Destruction of the TI-O-Tl bond, that Is the main chain of the molecule of poly(dlorganophosphonyl)tltanoxans upon hesting oligomers to 8000C vas not observe'd. Orig. art. hass 7 figuresp 3 forwulas and 6 tables. EMISs 4093i,7 Card 2/2 611.91 B3 amms YA S 1954 Uchet, kallkulyatsiya i takhnicho-skaya, otchea-~,A' mashinostroitall- nogo predpriyatlya (Registering, calculati!m, an4 technical Recounting in machine-bui lding enterprises) Izd. 2, perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1954. 195 p. Diagra., Tables. *Iapollzavanaya literatura i istochniki": p. 191. MUNTEANU, Romeo; IONESCU-TIU, C.; IACOB, E. St. (Braoov); BEDEA,__H,(Tirgovi9te); VIOREL, Grigore (Eforie) Capitan., Gh. L (Anina), Exercises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 15 no. 6:270-272 Je 164. 1. Pedagogic Institute, Bucharest (for Munteanu). BEHAK, Barbara; LUYA."ZYNSKA, Krystyqu; WD101, Danuta Oboe-vations on the symptoms of competition in mutated forms of dro- sophila melanogaster. Prace zoo-2 no.,(-.81-94 162. /1 1 1, Institute of Animal Genetics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow. BOZOKIq Oyorgy,; DOMOKOS* Gabor; MYM9 Ervinj FROKEL9 Andor; GO?MIq Eva; Do- LANIUSI, X.; MKW,:H4,W% Further investigation of high-energy jet. Koz fiz kozl XTA 7 no.6: 374-377 159. (MAI 9:8) 1. Rozmikug Sugarzasi Laboratorium, Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezet, Magyar Tudomanyos Akadenia (for Bozokip Domokosp Fanyveaq Fronkelp Gombosi). 2. Monet Tudomanyos Akademia Magfizikai Intozetep Zeuthen (for Babel, Lanius,' Wer) (Particles) (Photons) (Cascades) MILI 8 1o Political agitation work dmr ag ong voyagos.... 0 . ag , vo transp. imo.19:17-24 0 136. (MIRA 9:11) 1. Perv)7 ponoshohnik kapitam toplakhoda OAftiral Ushakov.0 (Co--ist eftoation) (Merchant mapine) BIBRI It. 1A NWHOHADIMOVP N.M. I Tanker IDzhuseppe Gariballdi.6 Btul. takh.-akon. inform. Te)d2, upr, Mj!t,; sort flota 7 no.4:12-18. 162. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Kapitan tankera wDshuzoppe GariballdiR (for Babel'). 2. Starsbiy nekhanik tankers *Dshuseppe Garibalidi* (for Neshchadinov). (Tank veseels-Design and construction) BIMNt A.;ONDEMt 2. BEBEN, A.;ONDERKk, Z. The drilling of deep holes in quarries. pe 171. Vol. n,, no. 7. July 1956 MOGOWNICTWO TECHNOLOGY Warszawa, Poland Sos last European Accession,, Vol. 6, no. 2. Fob. 1957 A. Cutting speed and the arranrement of picks in cutters with intermittent feed. p. 29L (Przeglad GornJczy. Vcl. 12, no. 7/8, JtlylAutv. 1956. Katowice, Fcl,?nd) Yonthly Inde.--. of East Buropean Accessions ( EA T) W. Vol. 7,, no. 2, February 1958 13LM I A. BEBEN, A. Handling of the compressed- air yir*s in quarries. r. 273 Vol. 12, no. 12, Dec. 1956 CMWT I WAYNO I GIPS MITICAI. SCIFNCE Wars2ava, Poland So: East European accession Vol. 69 No. 3. March 3957 BEBEN, A. A comparison between deephole quarry blasting and blockholing. P. 45 (DROWWCTkD,, VOL. 120 No. 2. Feb. 1957 Warsaw, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, NO. 9, Sept 1957 Uncl, ItIArtur,,,,-]Bgr,, inz. (Krakow); ONDIMA, Zbigniam, mgr., inz. (Krakow) Economics of firing explosives in quarries. Cownt wapno gips 16 no.Ils 356-358 161. ONDMMS Wpiew, "rop Insop (9ftkow); BE=,, Artur, mgro,, inse, Mmkow) The danger of accidents at firing explosives in quarries. Cement wapno gips 16/26 no.8/9:281-283 161. Quarries and quarrying) dustrial accidents) M BEBEN, Artur,, mgr.inz.j LOSIAX) Stanislaw) mgr.inz. (Krakow) Problems of labor mechanization in small quarries. Cement wapno gips 17 no.4slO6-108 Ap 162