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BAZHIMOVA. V.I.; GL&ZANITSXLTA, S.M. f~ Pousity of very, win4ug an no-7:6&-69 a 6o,,. I - (Varying the voomerls bmw. machines) 2ekst.prow. 20 WRA 13:7) AKRAPKIN, AlsksarAr Tatillyevich.- BAZBWOVA, Vora Illinichna [Handbook for milkmaids] Famiatka dotarke. [govosibirsk) Novosibirskoe. knisbnoo Izd-vo, 1957- 46 go (MIRA 11:11) ( Kilk'16, ag) I I TAY.Is, N.Yu., doktor tekhn. nauk; KLEYNER, M.K., inzh.; ZAVALISHIN, Ye.K., inzh.; KAWGIN,, Ya.P. inzh - FALILEYEV, I.L., inzh,; KAGANI b Pri" N.I., insh. (deceased nimali uchastiyet POPOV, V.N. insh.; CHUYK0Vv A.A*, inzh.; MINUKHINA, L.N.p inzh.; KHAISAREVICH, V.R., inzh.; TOLMACHEVA, I.A., inzh.; BAZHENOVA, V.N., inzh. Technological and thermodynamic characteristics of strip heating for the continuous furnace velding of pipes. StalI2A no.80,46-750 Ag 164. (MIM 17 19) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy trubnyy institut, Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy trubnyy institut i Chelyabinakiy truboprokatnyy zavod. BAZHEVt_AJL; BAZHEVA, V.Ya.j AVSYUK,, G.A., otv. red.; OWOVSXIY, P.N., red.; IDWA, (Novaya Zenlya]Novaia Zealia. Moskva. (Its Materialy gliatsio- logichoskikh iseledoyanii). [Ice straoture)Struktura 11d&. 1962. 173 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. kkademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geografii, (Novaya Zemlya-Ice) BAZH9VO A.B.; BAZHEVAq V.Tkoj AVS=t G.A.,, otv. red.j DWOVSKIY,, P. N. p L A. . red. [Novaya Zemlya]Novaia Zemlia. Moskva. (Its Haterisly gliatsio- logichaskikh issledownU). (Ice struature]Struktum 11da. 1962. 173 P. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akadamiya nauk SSSR. Institut geografii. (Novaya Zemlya-Ice) 4104110411*900*41 41 411 6 000000 0000 goal 4pf%%,f4Q,# " u J~ k A 4 V N IV 0 a J IL J. -a IL ip.,r. " A . o f 1 wild so" 44W is ..qvilploildw A. N, Videnhu mm 0. 1), Bs*ibm- - 00 as O"himiya 9. OwAmprotmi go by ~Makk%;W wmW as. WW. d ambsic m uld ft= wbat On &&ft m f . . o 2 p fl at- Of PW- WA vim waa*4 with i lee UILIMS. 6k- a" , abor. TM .8 1 &* of p in tka mW160. pmd" ww 2 * M 7 4"m% awr0*68dims to 2&-2m U F sm, w U WN vu a%" ta bW = so 3-27% uud* ".. mw "C"s of wickbc 4 % .00 tab.. wid CmM be Wiftiscovend. W, sebw two ' e' 600 00 ad 4 " "M Of 00 WO&Otk &WkOPWAIM COUM be de- -00 CO-Pd. ist* the atWtkrftbft&Wft by vatwo al ftwdma. " - -*o Owl. FWW '11 *Civin YWAtd a 9e,31 lift"nain ftift. Kipk ", wbam the M, zoo k ms a 00 wi muckk -Pufty of PrOIRW to blod -fk* depm&mt an U* pnom" d Im Wawa moo 9TOUPS; Of CWPODMU IN M a MkUe mim . H. Most" ;too I-ci-160 ow-~r- 460 zoo age Ire 0 0 ":4WIOCAL WIVA701 (LA$PPK#TXA Joel* 66,1 ipi'ipW-ii. g ISW a c It ft It .1 it 11 it ft It 44 o0 so 0 0 go t to 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 BAZHIN_,.A,,,.,NoR)CEN, I.,, zuypshchik domennoy pechi; GULINp Go; MYAMIIN, M.; ZOLMUMV, B. Equal possibilities but different results. Mr. truds, i sots. strakh. 5 no,7:32-33n 162. (MIM 15:7) 1. Predsodatell t4sakhkoma domennogo tsekha metallurgicbeshogo kombinata imeni Serma (for Bashin). 2. Vnesbtatnyy tekhnicheskiy inspektor Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo soveta professionallmykh soyuzov (for Gulin). 3. Predsedatell komissii okbrany truda zavodskogo komiteta Bogoslovskogo alyuminiyevogo zavoda (for Myakinin). /+. Spetaiallnyy korrespordent shurnala mOkbrana, truda i sotsiallnoye strakhovaniye" (for Zolotarev). (Sverdlovsk Province-Work clothes) BAZHIN, A.A.; NULLER, Yu.L. Use of chloracizin in the tireatmeht of depressive states. Zbur, nevr. I psikh. 63 no.10:1546-1548 163. (MIRA .170) 1. 1 P31khiatrichoskaya klinika (nauchnyy rakovoditell - prof. T.Ya. Khvilivitsk-ly), III Palkhlatricheskaya. klinika (nauchnyy rukovoditell-prof.,Ye.g. Averbukh) i laboratoriya,paiklor--makologi- (zav. -kand. med. n~uk I.F. Lapin) Nauchno-Issledovatei'slogo paikhonevrologicheakogo instituta imeni V.M. Bekhtereva, (dix. - kand. mod. nauk B.A. Labodev)., Leningrad. AL~_ NX; APW330ou SO Ct Di,',: W co 0 100"100201oc)21, AIMIOR: Nesterenko, V. B.; Bazhin. M. A.; Bubnov, V. P. ORG: IYWE tui BSSR TIM.F.: Calculation of the thermodynamic properties of dissociations nitrogen 'vetroxide taking into account nonideality SOURCE': XI; BSSR.Vests4Seryya fizika-tekhnichnykh navuk, no. 3, 1960', 20-24 TOPIC TAGS: niti-agen tetroxide, nitrogen tetroxide dissociation, entropy, ent-mapy, 71-1-PRM.00 I/ Aln M IC "'I&AC 7-/-^A/ ABS-LAACT: This study was undertaken because of the-lack of experivental. data on V-e enzh&lpy o" dissociating nitrogen tetroxide. A calculaticn of the entropy and enthalp":7 (I) of dissociating It' .204- N.0. 2NO, -*- 2NO + 0, I.Orl was Per."'ormed 'An the 300-1500'K and 1-140 at 'range, taking into account deviat' of the reaching X from ideal behavior. 204 Me calculation was carried out on tILa basis of general thermodynamic functions of the thermodynamic theory of e=pIlrical corrections and of generalized tables. The calculated S and I values were used for blotting I--S and T--S diagrams (see Fig. 1 and 2, respectively). Orig. art. has: 2 figures. (WA-771 C rd ~.G _.:L/2~___ -1 ......... . I 300 //Do 700 5x WWY, 1 Mu UP kW kg-Ceg, Fig. 2. T--S diagraw. of the dissociating system N.O. - 211:0. 2.NO'+ .C)l -2 V to L.. deg Fig. 1. 1--S diagram o' the'~.g dissociating syste M N20,,'-%- 2N0, ZVO + on SUB OC)=-: 20/ SIMM ~A7S:-23Mar66jV~-I*G-i&F: 003/ OM RE?-. 010 212- ACC NRi AP6033066 W0-,,jT3766F000/0u4/6623/6026-r ACC NR, AP7002877 SOURCE CODE., AUTHOR: Bazhin V. P.; Nesterenkot V. Be Bubnow. ORG: Institute of Nuclear Power ftinserirg, AN BUR (Inatitut yadernoy energetLkL AN BSSR) TITLE: Calculation of regeneration in cycles using vorking media with variable specific heat SOURCE: AN,BSSR. Vestal. Reryya. fitika-tekhniehrWkh nevuk, no. 40 1966s 23~-26 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine gas turbine fuel, thermodynamic cycles specific heat, chemical reactions turbine regenerators heat exchange ABSTRACT: In view of recent proposals to use chemically reacting gas systems as vorking media In gas turbiness the authors have continued their earlier research on regenerative turbine cycles (Vestal AN BSSRs oar. fiz.-takhn. navuk.. no, 1, 1966)p vhere they have shown that regeneration of heat can make a major contribution to the efficiency of the system. Calculations are presented for both uniflow and counter- flow systems, with account taken of the variation in the specific heat of the gas as a result of the chemical reactions that take place In it. The calculations are made on the basis of the heat balance equation for the heating w*A heated sides of the regenerating equipment., vith allowance for the fact that in the case of variable specific beat the teoperaturn differential within the system (relative to one of the termiml points of the regenarator) can occur not only on the ends of the Interval. Card V2 ACC NRj of variation of the independent yariable (as Is the case for gases with constant specific heat) but also inside the interval. The conditions under which maxim occur inside the interval are determined for both the uniflow mid counterflow cases. The calculations demonstrate that allowance for Vie variable specific beat alters the heat-balance calculations significautlys Orig. aft. bass I figwe wA 18 forudaso MM CMNs 2Dp 13/ MEN P=s 95jux661 OM MWs 004 Card 2/2 MMIAMA, A.~_-; 1BMj&-K-L-- - Zxperience in conducting an over-an rat control campaign in a large city, Zhurv mikrobiol. epid. I Immirn. 32 no.7s:L37-uo Ji 16o. (KM 1319) 1. Is Stalinskogo inatituta usoverehenstovaniya vrachey i Gorodskoy sanitarno-opidemiologiobookoy otantoii. (RATS-UTMINATION) AUTHORS Bazhin., No (Kazan') 85-58-7-19/45 ft TITIZ: The Kazan' Aeroolub on Its 25th Anniversary (Kazanskomu aeroklubu - 25 let) PERODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958, Nr 7. p 13 (USSR) ABSTR,ACT.- In the 25 years of its existence the Kazan' Aeroolub has trained many pilots who later joined the Air Force. These include No Stolyarov, twice Hero of-the Soviet Union . and K. Novoselov, A. Kalashnikov., B. Chekin., L* Sokolov., and No Devyatayev,, Heroes of the Soviet Union. Personalities mentioned include: Engineer No Zhen, former student of the Kazan' Aviation Institute; graduate student A. Pantyukhin., who ranks first in parachute jumping in the Republicj sportsmen-parachutists Kh. Larin, student at the State Universityj L. Belova, plant worker; V. Busarev, Club employee; and Anna Oudina., All-Uhion and world women's record holder in night jumping from a jet airplane. Others mentioned are public instructors Kh. Larin,, Yes Pagoda,, 0. Skhorokhodov,, 0. Florinskly., Card 1/2 The Kazan' Aeroclub on Its 25th Anniversary 85-58-7-19/45 Ye. Ivanov, G. VJLkharev,, G. Yaltanskiy,, V. Kahbibullin,V. Spasokiyj and in aviation sports V, Prokoflyev and Ve Matasovo Card 2/2 1. Civil aviation--USSR 15 2~ 114 22.05 S1020 WhI00610131020 a S/1 113 B103 B217 AUTHORS: leameyanov, A. I., Academician, lorshaX, V. Y.p. Corresponding Member AS USSR, Voyevodekly, V. V., Corresponding Member -v AS USSR, XochetkovA. N. Sooln. S. L., Materikova, R. B., Bolotnikova, T. N., Chibrikini V. M.,-and Bazhin, 11. M. TITLE: Synthesis and some optical-magnetIc properties of Poly- forrocenes PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, Y, 137, no, 6t 1961p 1370-1373 TEXT: The authors studied ths magnotio properties of forrooon* derivativeal 1) of the polyforrocanyl*nos (Table 1, no@. 1-6) 1 2) the polydiiaopropyl- ferrocent (Table 1, nos- 7-8), 3) the polyzethano- and 4) the polyethano- polyforrocones (Tabl* 1, nos. 9-13). They were synthetIzed by: A) Poly- recombination. To 1) and 2). 1 *ol* ferroo*n* (or of Its diisopropyl homolog) was treated with I mole tertiary butyl peroxide in nitrogen atRoaphere at 2000C.'r I ) and 2) are assumed to be formed as follows: the Bu*Wyl and mtthyl radicals formed during peroxide decomposition separate, %he hydrogen from forrocene (or the a-hydrog*o). The r&dioalo thus formed Cari llk~r S/02 37/006/P13/020 Synthesis and ooze BI 054~ recombine and for= linear 1) or 2). *&oily scluble in benzene. A-n in- soluble polymer (Table It nos* 5-6) with a 'Lwo- or tridimensional network structure to formed simultaneously. The conversion of forrocene to high- molecular products amounted to 25~. Non. 1-3 have a softening %amperature of 290-3000C and are a dark-red powder, whereas nos. 5-6 had their softening temperature at about 4000C and were light-yellow. B) Polyalkylonation of ferrocene by methylone chloride and 1,2-dichloroethane in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. Aluminum chloride solution in 50 ml of di- halogen alkana was added gradually to 40 eferrocone dissolved in 250 al dry dlh&logen &1kane. The mixture was stirred for 6 hr at the boiling tempera- ture of the solvent._ The next day, 10 g alualnum chloride in 25 ml dihalo- son alkans were added and treated for 6 hr as above. The mixture was decomposed by too and RCI and treated with sodium oulfite. The obtained and 4) were well soluble In benzene, differed, however. by their solubility In other. rable I shows the molecular weights, the always equal g-faotor and the magnetic characteristics of all substances produced. The decomposi- t1on temperature of 9-13 was 115A2000. ill substances are amorphous powder*, nos. 9 and ID light-y*llow, no. 11 grey-brown. los. 10 and 11 are of a chemical composition similar to that of no. 9 (pent&* thanodi f f a rrocone). Card 2/AJS-- t 23854 S10201611137100610131020 Synthesis and some ... B103/2217 They consist possibly of 2 and 4 molecules similar to the litter, connected by ethane bridges. 4-5 methylenes in tb* molecule of nos. 12 and 13 belong to 2 ferrocens radicals. They do'not contain halogen. The infrared spectra of nos. 9-13 have frequencies within the range i000-1100 ca-1. To I). Derivatives 1) having a x-conjugation between the forrocens links give a signal the electron paramagnetio resonance (a-p-r), similarly to the poly- aromatic hydrocarbons. This cannot be explained by the presence of a corresponding quantity of the oxidized form of the forricinium'cation. Table I shows that also polymers in which the forrooene links are separated by the -CHi-CH,7 group give an *. p. r. signal. It is known that the delocalization of the unpaired electrons between the two phenyl rings is not pr*vented by this group. In the substances described here, which give an e..p. r. signal, this signal is the smaller, the smaller the number of ferrocane links is. This signal vanishes in 2). Polymers with a low molecular wtight give no *. p. r. signal in the solution (benzene), but in solid @tat*. This is explained by the fact that the intramolecular Interactions cause in solid state a conjugation of the adjacent polymer molecules. This causes for its part an e. p. r. signal. Lll polymers Card 3 /1~5- 23854 67i 3/020/61/137/006/013/020 Synthesis and some B03/13217 giving this signal show a single symmetrical line of the e. p. r. of the Lorenz type. The 1) obtained from the reaction A yields a wide e. p. r. line of 120-160 oersteds, Its width being dependent or the polymer structure. This line becomes broader on reducing the measuring temperature. Its widt. is changed most considersbI7 in low-moletulhr polymers. The authors believe the nature of the measured be unclarified, they cannot maintain that the number N of the unpaired electrons per I member, deter- mined by a comparison with the standard, corresponds to their actual number. I may, however, be a certain characteristic of the magnetic properties of the system (no*. 2-4). X reaches an anomalous size in the Insoluble polymer no. 5. This it assumed to be connected with a collective effect of the ferromagastio type. The ultraviolet (P-) spectra of 1) dissolved In n-ootans, which give an &. p. r. signal in solid state, differ from the ultraviolet spectra of such that giv& no signal in solid state-. In the first came the UY-sp*otrun agrees completely with that of ferroceno dis- solved In CCI'. It was proved for these spectra (Ref. 7) that the charge 4 + transfer takes place here under formation of an ion pair For CC1_ On the 4' contrary, the OV-speatrum of such 1) that give qo a. p. r. signal is sisilar Card 4/1.5 23",54 S/020/6i/i37/006/013/020 Synthesis and Some ... B103/B217 that of ferrocene in a neutral solvent (n-oct&n;), 1. a. under conditions under which the charge is not transferred. Finally, the authors point out that their results concerning.,the UV-aptc*tra apparently confirm the "pseudolerromagnetism" of the polynuclootides and of the polyaromatic hydrocarbons (Refe- 5 and 8). There are I ficure-1 I table, and 8 references- 7 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. The only reference to English-langusg* publication reads as follows: J. C. D. Brand, Ref- 7; Trans. Farad, 531 094s 1957- ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorga~icheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Inatitut* of Elemental-org&nic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences', USSR) 20, 1 ck6o SUB;ZITTED; December' LeGend to Table 1. 1) current number, 1-4) linear polyferrocenylette ' 1 asoluble polyferroconyleno, 7) polydiisopropylferrocano, linear 8) ' 12 7 1 - , inaolu 1;j 9-11) condensation products of ferrocene with Di-I - b :2 chlorouthme, 19 1 jl~wsith methylens chloride, 14) ferricinium cation. II) Substance, I ofeoular weight, IV) g-factor, V-VI) line widths oerst4i Card 5/fu;- BUBNOVp N.N.j DAZHINp N*M.; VMVOX'-KIY, M. Photoseasitized decomposition ~f saturated hydrooarbons and aloohols In the solids phase. Kin. i kqt. 5 no.2057 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17t8) 1. Institut khImichaskoy kinatlki I gorenly-a Sibirskogo otdolenlya AN SSSR. U7113N, VOYEVODSKIY, V.V. I Yo-mat,ion of alkyl radicals In the phototransfer of clectromi. Kin. i Imt. 5 no-3:568 W-Je 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut khimichekoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. BAZHINP N.M.; C1111WRIN, V.1-1.; WIYEVOk"'KY, V.,J, Some types of polymers with conjugated bonds stulied by means of eleotron paramagnetic resonance. Vysokom. soed. 6 no.8:1478-11,82 Ag 164o (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut klAimichaskoy kinetiki i goreniya. HAZH7V# N.M.1 LIVIACIIEVAV N.M.1 BUENOV, W.N.; VOYMMM17, V.7. Reactions Involvinj a hydrogen atom In the system F120 +%8044M046 Reaction with ?elf . Kin. i kat. 6 no, 611105-3108 N-D 165 (MIRL 19a) 1, 3hatitut khimiobeakoy ldnetiki i goreniya Sibirskop ot- delenlyz AN 4M Submitted September UP 1964a. __L,179t'~~9-66 9WT(%)&E(j)LTLETC(m)-6 -7 ACC NR: , APbD07776 -;OVRCF COAF: L1R/0195/66/6d7'jd6i/ff6Fj6M AUMOR: azhin N. M.: Kuznetsov, E. V.: Bubnov, N. N.; Voyevadskiv, V. V. ORG: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and CMbultion. 50 AN SSR Institut k1himichask kinetiki I gorenlya SO AN SSSR) - n.,TLE: Reactions-of hydrogenIatomsein the,system water-sulfuric acid-ferrous sulfate. 11. Reactions with aturated compounds SOURCE:. Kinet 1 kataliz, v*. 7, no. 1, 1966, 161-165 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen, free radical, free radical reaction, unsaturated hydrocarbon solutions In dilute ABSTRACT;- Previous work hap shown that UV irradiation of. FeSO,, sulfuric acid at 77K leads to the formation of hydrogen atoms, which are stable at this temperature. In this workthe reactions of such hydrogen atoms at 90K and-120K with 'acetylenel ethylen Ipropylene, allyl alcohol and carbon monoxide were studied. The concentrations of hydrogen atoms and of the reaction products were measured by observing the EPR spectra of the samples. Except for acetylene, all 1EPR measurements were made at 77K. Hydrogen atoms add to acetylene to form vinyl radicals whose hyperfine structure in similar to that obtained by other workers in the photolysis of, HL in the presence of acetylene at liquid helium temperatures. In discussing the mode of addition, the authors compare their observations with other work on the addi-, tion-of hydrogen atoms to douterated-acetylene. Addition of hydrogen atoms to UDC: 541.141:546.7221226-145.2 17989-M A, ACC NR, i AP6007776 r propylene leads almost exclusively to the formation of Isopropyl radicals. rt was .observed that ethyl and isopropyl radicals do not decompose under the influence of UV or visible light under-experimental conditions. The spectrum of the reaction product obtained from allyl alcohol is very similar to those of hydrocarbon radicall and therefore can be ascribed to the radical N CH CH20H. Since a protonatedl f12~2 2 2 f allyl alcohol to Involved,.the radical in this case must be 8H2GK2UH2kjKi- The energy decrease due to the increased separat ion of the -,= aired electron and the . p charge on the hydroxyl group must be sufficient to offset the energy increase of localization of the unpaired electron on a primary rather than on a secondary carbon atom. Addition.of a hydrogen atom to CO yields a product whose spectrum consists of a doublet with a separation of approximately 132 e, and can be ascribed to the rad- ical H&. The radical decouposes under the influence of light, probably to H and CO. The authors conclude that under the above conditions hydrogen atoms can react Vith- unsaturated compounds by adding to double or triple bonds, or-to unshared electron pairs. Useful quantitative data concerning unsaturated compounds can be obtained in. this manner. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE.- 07 SUBM DATE: 14Jun65/ ORIG REF: 005/' OTH REFs 006/ ATD PRESS: Cmd .L 45776-66- - FA*P(J)ZE7Wr(M) M'(~Lvi- ACC NRo AP6030704 SOURCE'CODE: UIR/0195/66/007/004/0732/0734 AUTHOR: aqh1n--N- -M Kuznetsov. E. V.; Bubnov, N. N.; VoYevodski , V. V. ORG: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and CombustionSO AN SSSR (Institut kbimicbeskoy kinetild i gorenlya SO AN SSSR) TITLE: Reaction of the hydrogen atom in the system H20+H2SO4+FeSO4. M. Reaction with saturated organic compounds SOURCE: Kinetika i kataliz, v. 7, no. 4, 1966, 732-734 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen atom reaction, methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, isobutyric acid, malonic acid, acetone, free radical ABSTRACT: Atomic hydrogen obtained by the action of UV light on frozen H20+H2SO4+FeSO4 at 77K was previously shown to react with unsaturated organic compounds. In the present paper the authop studied the reaction with a series of saturated compounds having weak C-E hQI1A-di(methano1',j ethanolJ Isopropyl alcohol, ethylene klyc isobutyric acid, malonic actd.q and acelione). The reactions were carried out with 0. 1 M solutions of the organic reagents at 90 and 120K, and the products were identified from the EPR spectra. It was found that the reaction between H and methanol, ethanol. lsopropyl alcohol, malonic acid, and isabutyric Card 1/2 UDC: 543.ff8.546.1i.-123-145 L 45776-66 ACC NR: AP60307C4- acid resulted in the following radicals:1 6H20H, CH36HOTI, H3CI, CH3, HOOC-,6-C,OOH and H3C-~-CH3, respectively. In the 0011 case of methanol, the 6112011 was further broken down to H60, but no 6H3 could be detected. With acetone, the reaction yielded CH2- -C113 instead of H3C- ~-CH3, while in the case of ~H OH ethylene glycol, only CH2-r H and no CH20H could be detected. The mechanism by which atomic H at approximately 90K can capture hydrogen from alcohols, organic acids, and ketones is discussed. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas and 1 figure. [26) SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 080ct65/ ORG ]REP: 004 / ATD PRESS: 5084 2/2 lnzhenar. Raise *dvpr,,!r in unstAble formations. Boxop.trnda v urom. 1 no.Q: .13-11, ,;, *~7, (KLHA 10:9) (4ining eTwineering%j BAZIJIN, N.P.P inth. %tablishing parameters for the zcais of inflamee of grownd movement on development vorkinge. LTrudyj VNIMI t 6z OURA 17.'7) WHIM, N.P., inzh. %------ jz_.~ Deformations In intermittent headings in connection with the dif- ferent methods of their protection. Ugol' 37 no-3:18-20 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1.-Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy marksheyderskiy institut. (Mine timbering) (Rock pressure/ BAZHIN, H.P., inzh.; KOVALICRUK, B.V., inzh. Support of workings without pillars. (Trudy] VNDG no.40:48-63 t6l. (MIRA 14:12) (Kuznetsk Basin--Mine timbering) BA2111N, N.F. , inzh. - ------------------- Distribution of development workings in mining seams overlying worked-out areas, Ugoll 37 no.12:24-26 N 162. (MIRA 15.30) I* Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovate3iskiy marksheydarokiy inatitut. (Coal minea and mining) BAIZIHINI N.P. Results of mining an underlying seam entry. Vop. gor. davl. no.21:14-16 164. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Vaeso)-uzryj, nauchno-issledovatellskly mrksheyderskiy in- atituto RMrN, S. In a consolidated apartment-house office. Zhil.-Irom. khos, 10 no.?: 21-22 160, (XM 13:10) 1. UpraylyaYusbably dosmal domoupravlonlya No*8 Lealuskogo rayous, c. Peru 1. (Peru.."Apartment house s--ftnagemout) 0 BIZHIN, V.F.; KULIKOV, A.I.; XURLINA, I.P.; POLYAKOV, I.M.; SHIPINOV, N.A. Nitration of shale and coal phenols by dilute nitric acid. Rhim. i tekh. gor. slan. i prod. ikh parer. no.9t276-282 160. (MIRA 15:6) . (Phanols), (Nitration) (Nitric acid) Bf=HNKV, V.A.., inzbe; BAZHIU, inzhe Redesigning of BO-200 water heaters. Energetik 12 no.1:12-13 Ja 164- (MIRA 17:3) 1 BRUMNEV, V. A.0 insha; #WUN, V._I,,__inzh. Support collars and protection of the PVD system from overfilling. Energet1k 12 no.434 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:7) BAZHIN, Ye.F. Use of anWtal-caffeine disinhibition in chronic schizophrenia for psychopathological study and evaluation of therapeutic prognosis. Vop. psikh. nevr. no.10:312-326 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. I-ye psikhiatricheakoye otdeleniye (zav. - prof. T.Ya. Khvilivitskiy) laningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo psikhonevrologichookogo instituta imeni V.M.Bekhtereva (direktor - B.A.Labedev). NELYUBOVP Yu.V., inzh.; BAZHIN,, Ye.I., inzh.; SVETLICHNYY, S.I., tekhnik Vibrations of the reinforced concrete tower headframc ixWer the seismic effect of open pit blastirg. Shakht. strol. 9 no.7s2O.22 '1 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut tsvetrAvkh metalloy. BAMINA, I.A., Gind fecn Sci -- (diss) "Non-stationary ra-iiation of cirdtters witri a wave running in the directiort of uhe azimuth.11 Wos, 195b, 9 p.. (Yin of Aigner 4-mication JS."(. ~en ~-lectxiccal A:a~l,ineeri!g !,st im V.I. Ullyar;ov (Lenin) ). 100 c- ;c.,; M, V-91, 107) - pi - "E'stimation of Depend,~nce of the Scual Field In Anechalc Chambers on the Acoustical Treatment." paper presente3 at the 4t!,. All-Union Conf. (,n Acouatics, Moccow, 2") May Junc --BAZHINOVO A.G.; KAMORSKIYq N.M,* * ------------ Use of /f-propiolactons in disinfeotion and sterilization; a0cording to foreign investigations. Zhur. mikroblol. epid. i i=mn. 31 no.7: 26-30 Jl '60, (MIRA 13:9) (HYDRACRUIC ACID) (ANTISEPTICS) R17HTNOVj-A.Q.-, podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; XAMURSKIY, N.M., podpolkovnik; --- . KOHAROV, V.A., podpolkovnik,, kand.khivnicheskikh nauk Now substances and methods for didl9fecting hospital romalAs rmaled by foreign studies). Voen.-med. thur. no.7153-56 Jl 161. (KRA 15:1) (DISIMOTION AND DISOMOTANTS) (HOSPITAL"ANITATION) YULIUS, A.A.; BAZHINOV, A.G. Sterilization of solid media for fungus culture b7(L-propiolaotone. 14ikrobiologiia 32 no.ItI43-147 163 170) 1. Vaesoyuznyy naucbno-looledovatellskiy institut fermentnoy i spirtovoy prom-yehlennosti. ATRK ANDROV, N.I.1 GEM, N.Te.; BUDAK, A.P.; RUNOVA, V.F.; YEZZPCHUK, Yu.T.; WHINOV, LG. -- ----- - ----- Study of the reactopnicity of chemical3jy precipitated anthrax vaccine inmangroups of people. Zhur. mikrobiol.,, spid. i immun. 40 no.3:32-34 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:2) GEM,, Me.; RUDNEVA., O.A.; BAZHINOV, A.G _ _ Use ofp -propiolactone for sterilizing some labile biologieal pre- parations; oreliminary report. Zhur.mikrobiol. . epid. i immin. 33; no.3tlO3-108 Mr 162. .. (MIRA 15:2) (HYDRACRYLIG ACID) (STERILIZANION) (BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS) BAZHIROV, AsG*; KAMMSM9 N.H. (Noskva) .-- Sterilization of homografts by means of X- propiolactone; an revealed by foreip x+ildiea. Xhirurgiia. no.81130-133 Ag(161. KMA 150) (MUCMJC ACID) (BOHOGW7S-STEMIMTION) AZHMVT-A-.6-.; GARIN, M.S.; XAMDRSKIr, N.*.; KOMAROV, V.A. Sterilization of nutrient wdix using 0 -propiolactons, Lab.delo 8 no-5:4649 W 162. (HrDRkCRYLIC ACID) (MMA 15312) (BACTERIOWGY-CULTUPM AND CULTURE MEDIA) o1 a-, tcr.,- x. Lhe c. Z, "n pr.- i~,,-iratioris. Vc!tej I. naili iti 18:3) yuznyj trest biologicheskov RiiJ-3terstva s e s o CHUMAKOVI V.P.; BAZHINOV, A.G.; ZVYAGIN, J.V. Testing the sterilizing action of beta-propiolactone In the preparation of biological products. Veterinarlia 41 no.llt 23-24 N 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Vaesoyuznyy treat biologicheskoy prorWshlenno3tl Mini3ter3tva sellskogo khozyaystva fZSR. ABINHOOV, Sokhib; Akpj2DV,-z,4~,.-inzh.-normirovahc", ik; KIRICHUK, I.S.; KOKOREVt V.A.; KUZUETSOVt I.F.; PIVWVA, M.I.; dotsent; ZWIKOV,&, D.M., dotsent Consu2tation. Tekst. prom. 21 no.1:91-93 Ta 161. (MIPA 240) L Master lento-rovinchnogl tookka Kokand.-kogo obulochuno.- prpdillnogo 'kombinata (for IbidrJ=ov). 2. Fabrika imeni Lakina (for Bazhitov),' 3. Ma3ter remontno-monte.shnogo otdela Barnaullskogo khlopchatobumazhnogo kombinata (for Kirichuk). 4. Yesso.-uznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut Uketillnogo i legkogo mashinostroyeniya (for Kokorev). 5. Nacballnik tekhn-Acheskogo otedela Pavlov-Pokrovskoy fabriki (for KuzoetsoT). 6. Kafedra tkachestva Nbskovskop tektai:Llnogo Izwtituta (for Pav2ova~ ZhupikoTa), (Textile industry) BAZ P.Zhibril Kherumvichl, PODMPOLISHY, G.N., red, [Tetraogal.lus of the Caucanual an essay by a naturalist] 0 kavkatakoi gornoi 1ndoikej ochork natura2ista. Na2l- chik, Kabox4bo-Balkarskoe )mizbnoo Izd-vo 1962. 30 p. IMIRA 2817) 3/080/60/b33/"/015 /021 AOO3/AO01 AUTHORS: Nichkov, I.F.,.Raspopin, S.P.,,.E."hkov Yu.V. TIM: The Interaction of Uranium-Containing Melts of Halide Salts With Bismuth PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 2136-2139 urani )-1 ontaining melts of TEXT- JA The :interaction of bismuth metal with um-c R2&Msium, sodium 1,tithlum and-balclum chlorides was Investigated. In the ex- periments recrystallized dehydrated chemically pure salts were used. The ex- periments were carried out In atmospheres of air and purified argon to ascertain/ the affect of moisture and oxygen. A sharp decrease of the uranium concentra- tion to a aertain very low level was observed In the melt In all oases. 7he difference of experlmenta conducted with the air and the argon atmosphere was not considerable,, The final concentration did not depend on the-initial con- oentration. The interaction of bismuth with uranium-containing binary systems was studied on 2-g batches of a mixture containing 25 weight % of uranium tetra- chloride. The total amount of uranium passed from the melt into a crystalline precipitate of black color on the bismuth surface. The chemical analysis of the Card 1/2 S/080/6O/t33/009PI5/021 A003/AOOl The Interaction of Uranium-Containing Melts of Halide Salts With Bismuth precipitate has shown that It contains (weigi--t %): uranium 41.6-77.3, bismuth 2,5-8.5, alkali metal 2-16. Roentgen-phase analysis pointed to the formation of C a compound. In the case of the Interaotion of KC'-U~14 with bismuth probably the compounds xKC1*yBICl *-,UC13 were obtained. The dpta of the analpes make it probable that the follow tion takes place% 3Lr+4Bi--)3U3++Bi-~P. There 2n; reac are 3 figures, 1 table and 18 references: 15 Soviet, 3 English. SUBMITTED: March 14, 196o Card 212 NICHKOV; IF,; RASPOPINp S*F*; BA21xovl Tuave polarization of a liquid biewth cathode in chloride maIts. Zhur. prikl.khim. 34 no.7&1533-1536 Jl 161. WMA 14M (Biammth) (Polarization (Electricity)) (chlorides) All- -V.- - --- - --- ---- - --- -- -- - - ---- - - - --- - Cellulose Triacetate Optical activity of cellulose triacetate. Izv. AN SSSR Otd, khim. nauk. no. 2 (1952) 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jLugust 195$. Unclassified. 2 ._prepodavatell cherobaniya Development of space concepts 1n sUWants. Prof +ekh.obr. 19 no.3s24-25 Mr 162. (KrM 15 W 1. Mbsknvakoye thelesnodoroshnoye uchilishche NO-4. I (Mechanical drwAng--Study and teaching) V BAZHOVI I,, prepodavatell Laboratory practice on automatic brakea. Prof.-tekh. obr. 20 no.8s6-8 Ag 163. (KM !6:9) 1. Moskovskoye sholeznodaroshnoye uchilishche No.4. (Brakee) (Vocational education) AGAFONOV, Mikhail Ivanovich; mwvp Alskoandr Nikitioh; BE-KH-TE-W V.D.t retsenzentl BAZHUV 1 8 t retseumut; SHIBER, R.A., retsenzentl BR"VsKlrl X-9, ~F; MUTWTv P.A.r tekbn. red. (Design wA repair of automatio brakes] Ustroiatvo i rww#t avto- tormozov. Iad0'6&t perer. i'dbp. Mookyat Voes, imdatellsko- po3igr. obledinenle M-va putei soobahchaniia, 1961, 270 p, (MIU 14: 8) (Railroads.-Brakes) SHIBER, R.A.; KRUGLYY, G.T.; JAPPY, IS., inih., retsenzent; SLMOKHVALOV, S.F., inzh., retsenzent; FKDOROV, V.I., inih., reteenzent; KRUPNOV,. S.A... insh., reteansent; YESHCHIN, S.B.,, inzh., reteenzent; SARANTSEV, Yu.S., insh., red.; KRITROVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Design, montenanbe and repair of railroad cars] Ustroistvo i remont vagonov. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 395 P. (Railroads-Cara) (MMA 16:6) MISHCHUX, Ivan Petrovichl BAZHOV, I.S., red.; STEPANSKAYA, I.M., L-- 'V red. ; NESMYSWVA, R.-, - MF.--md. (Teaching students to read mechanical dravings].Obuchenis uohashohikhola obtenilu ohortesbei. Moskva, Proftahisdat, 1962. 95 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Prepodavatell Voronezhokogo takhnichaskogo uchilishcha No.2 (for Mishchuk). (M*ohanical drawing-Study and teaching) SHIEIER, Ruvim Abramovich; KRUGLYY, Georgiy Tikhonovichi BA7ZDY, I.S.'. inzh.p retse=nt; SJW.OXhTALOV, S.F., inzh., retsenzent; FEDOROV, V.A., insh.p retsenzent; OUPNOV, S.A., inzh., retsenzent; YESHCHIN, S.B., inzh., retsenzent; SARANTSEV, Yu,S,p inzh,, r*do#QjWAWAf N.A*j tekhn, red. (Arrangement, maintenance am repair of cars) Ustroistvo remont vagonov, Moskva, TranBzheldorizdat, 1963 395 (MICA .17:2~* BAZHUKOVA,- L-PA Mange@ In cells Induced 1by ultraviolet rars. Trudy LSOMI 431 146-157 159. (MMA 13:5) (ULMVIOLIT PAYS--PMIOLOGIM ZMCT) ( BAZHULINP N, Toohnioal development Is t1he bawtv for an improvement of vork- UW oonditions. Aft. tranep. AVI no.3,17-18 mr 163- (MMk 16: 1,) (Transportations Automotive-Teohnologioal innovations) 40.4 06 004, *0 90 04 so 6 0 0 0 * 6 0 4 41 1 to . Tf, 1 11 it 14n j0 a, I,. A (X 0 IS lope., Nye*& of Moft" smy" 1w rqw doftemiAmades OMW~- NNWSWPW. Sulam WW IM is DwSkAwn. A ~RAVIPWAA SerwLsew. ra.b. Pkv shlo, C. A, OR* total) it me 40 Chip 41. Oftv At. I, - -i-4- -w- - a 'r 1 *11 hit lost* IF I& Ip to 0 a of it a 49 It it a. It a aW 11 1 LIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 0 0 0 6 0 00 0,0 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 00 006 4& *1 00 00 -60 *00 .00 400 too 0 off ps 0 0 0 0 LOO $1 4 a Am 4 IT 00 AT TV 9 C V618 X L A v Oft W~C. 90 as 00 V Ul IMAO AM Ifit, *, IS 'Mloz Eit --d PEW *A pow empo"u-" podu Ole Jos 41 $wpm 9 go OF4~ PUPS& fAeripumb Do SqL Ir so V4411,144 A.. 181MOV. loor) 14,0401 .'v 4-11. 41 v -Ir ly- r-T- v I I in a m N 13 1 ar K A q q a a a It a af a Ar q ~A 1-11 x --lujuLl AbwrpOm olwwrw~ We"s In Liquift. P. Do*WW, list-Ut 10M. to Germw-7U a. sl kin. & & ft. qqmll~r~m~ -a . --I- W" invemligated by nakft on or dw dMirmcdon of U~~Ow 0- low AWftactm "S7 and "Ill (IM)t A bwd ffaft the aft pmw M INS of a vmwd AN dbtuww bvm the somm of wmd ! ,E ad ft= th- asteaft , rd ,0: s TU br4ot4pLtbm of the kdbg of 6 S & t C 0*0 cwrW out by two motbodi6 xrA dw , M 00 ompwo*o va = N of ISO I , I oftWabomptimooAdostsinthmedilmos of main oaawpotrake wwJnCC34w~flvm- J. J. S. OOS 14 - I L A ~"UA~&L URINATION CLASWICATOP 7~ - 7 - - - . - I WHO o"ART :;I .04 .00 000 see f I A low 409 low emes rwisus am -iwl -11i X,- oos ;WNW so -I IS-A b P 09 wava bw bma Dan so* 01 0 UlAwto of see 6 x too. The ~000 in 00 wA' see We* m"A"mrmj;;;v-wfi cum No""" SOO not so"" seat on allill &A V. ifs ; I , I ; u u a we ;il %I 0 1* W~See ; 00000*00*0*000 00 0 ,09000000*0000000*-, a 010606000000000 0 *0 00 00. 004 so Offeweeoposs 0 7 --'t40 0 Ow ebm?" d wb~d 1 memlabsumalmdambmi I " - . &.,Jwabdw. .00 C4=M- PON& Md. Mi. U. R. S. S. 14. 273-4(19W)ti- was wasaffud wr - a '- - - ! -00 om WtoW. For dhm k -R = WhL L .00 bKh a "WW wkb tk *W he ft tcj.=..;. OW '= de I kV boa am to 1 0 Pw a -00 sw Namely whb tamp., wbut I" ccl. but digbily st I", shm kv. we *A" ww -09 M. (1, Vandm Tkwbv off a Goo 4;09 see floe coo set 800 boo ills Ire* Joe an I Seeds 0 04 o 0;111 00 00 so 00 00, 00 00 00 000 004 00 00 00 d1l an etbw ft ON 7tM4=='do - Id. M-""- C. A, St. OW ASS.Its MevauslWAL Lmutw CLNWKAIM a x x a sea a a - , ! I : I r a 00 to umds4 .00 d WhItIL .00 00 coA% 00 dV*. and ' A". 1. 000 see ,00 R " use 60090 009000*000999~00 0 0090:040606:00000900 1#it 0o so 00 'at ' 00 l I ' 66 ' U i A j L. P. BAmvumi I - - ' 00 00 X.1 Mfg Sll# im. z now Or "so =AM Wa. at Sum 0 0 tM116 an I'v a vVm. 0, on COSSM aw f*09ary cif tjw cowl.!~:h '!zoo for KAdwe XPOO an am of AGA _1801 a for this dockaly of OW 43C t "or KIL~ rw- uld.wdvakms Aus wSt dwku narkedly boo SW d wkb an Go* 1 vakwy' Joe L B. T. logo UOO v u 404111 JA #A W p -1~ AS a op wove malls ISGIR afflows IIW 000 000:0:0000 00 O"OF 000 96'a 004 00 e 004 # 6 a 40 a 46 il 0 a' '4mm & & f I Jit- A Il of dbumak w4v" bi *Wdnbfto. P.A. Pkw-. (u. & S. It.) 3.4-11 TO" Wish); 44*1,4 (U. & R.) 9 1147 WON) (in RWOW.-A4. MA Sk- valm of Z&(CHPJ, WA La- (NDJoud sq. twkwiO A16(9DJs weft studied. to drt. the Ofect al the " 1. Mid amen of thr x4vent, The re- suke P..d wkb Ow rdalalka lb"wy for gl-- NtIALL406" WIMATIM CLAUVICAIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9900000*40*000 knot 4#4611 MA a" tot W'ImAl lease allm 1 0 6 4 0 2 0 9 * 0 0 4 0 a 0 0 4 0 : # : : 0 0 0 0 0 9 900004*0e-* * 000000 -00 .00 -00 000 000 see :00 we* goo go* see we* see I** see off NoO, gov 'i s vmvef ta WOAM- Monk MA J. . :XAAARV6 V,a bgImm. t WSW m I . M. 24. SOL a " wasox (COMPL F waves of v -d lor =Ibam bwe mmm MW 38 is plaw awwwt -k 'WOO-t P sithw 0 or I G. oome, A 10 S L A OET"LV"C&L LITI"Tbft CLAWKATWW OQ 4) 61 Op o ~' ZOO r.0: ! 000 see coo =00 aloe woo -9. woo woo u a A, w,4;jvyj;m, mole; WIN a Od 0 a I I N 11 0 A 4 31 0v To -*00000000000000 00*000900,0900000e .7.0 'A S. 4 1 4 F I a 'I a u A. a r . A 0 a a L A Rome "S"Ift of kV IS do at t M=W tlftb~ 0. S. Landebeng yu. V. Romberg and A. S. Mitt. 44-axmb- Il- R- 5- S., Sk. POs. 4, LM M(I")). -Tbr audy of Ram" saw" f1w we*= at 4LUM. dard SPWtr46 tWktd M IbC 1001 tkW %or dw 000ft me the Rants spectra. AppUm. t'n*qN W tbig "MhOd ft Ow WROMb PwPd. MIAMI. .9 Own. tempts. Sba"d vadn. RobWm Oupow boss .60 O.T 1:04 tw 19k IA a 0 00 a 0 as a Ik 9 9 a IP P 0 OR It aw a 1 14 0 0 0 0 9 of, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fie 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a man Spaxiop vu 31A b I? UVO-0--w~_ . t-, A , I S - 9- S___L_A_ -00 see ago Ago so 0 400 610 0 W 0 UZHUL31, P. A- "Hydrogenation of Homologs of Gyclopentane with Scission of the hing," in collabora- tion with D. A. Kazanskiy and 0. P. Solovovs, Inst. Organic Cher., Acad. Sci., USSR, from Bull, Acac. Sci. URSS, Clnsae Sci. CUM (U&SR) 1, 1941, PP 107-114- jui LtuliA, P. A. Assbau, P. A. Plate, A. 7., Soloy 1 0. P. mid CA: 37-5315/2 JUNuku, B. A. (LgbMAU FhZffiteal lnst-- AcAd- Sgt.. USSR. Moscov) Bull, ", sci, URSS, Classe sai. chin. IM, 13-26 Optical methods for etuiying hydrocarbons. 11. The combined scattering spectra of paraffins. Bazhulin, P. A. CAs 37-2304/4 pbysjegj Institute of The Aced. of Sci.. USSR, Hoscov) Bull. aced. sci. URSS, Bar. Phys. 12q.168-73 - English 6=marY Spectrochemical analysis of organic compounds by the Raman spectra. R~~D L 2964.. FSS-21-E-.W-T(1)1A(V-)!-j CCESSION NR: AT5023370 UR/0000/65/000/000/0094/0103 WHOR: Bsxhulin 14rtashsv1,A--.!-; Markov M. N IT-ITLE: Angular.and spectral distribution of terrestrial radiation in the infrared -legion of the spectrum 1SOVRCE:A1VMesoyu aa n!Srentoiya Vo fizike kosmiSkesl~ogq rostranstva.-Moscow, -.J1965- Isil-edavaniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva (Space research); trudy konferentaiisi. ?Ioscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 94-103 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric radiation, IR radiation, radiation detector, IR spectrom- ter* Instrumentation satellite, radiation detection STRACT- This article describes the equipment and results of op grnia- meantirenal" f the angular and spectral distribution of ttrrestrial radiation at RQA altitudC90 19 ISimultaneous recordings of angular and spectral distribution were carried out at 14-38 jj within angles of *x/2 from the nadir over the middle latitudes of the Europ ISSR on 6 and,18 June 1963. A special IR pulse spectromet veloped for the meas Lirements is shown in ?ig.* I of 'the Enclosure. It operates aW follows; A flat scan- ming mirror rotates through the angle w/2 (scanning ti" 100 sec), and a spherical Card CCESSION NR: __fiidfi570___' 0! Casse .to grainian objectives (diameter, 33 mm: focal length, 200 am) directs the radiatioh a low-inertia bolometer. The bbXometer has a time constant of 5-7 msed- re-1 'sistance of 1000 ohm, and dimensions of the receiving surface of 0.3 x 9 mm. The ,radiation beam is intersected by the plates of a rotating (7 rps) modulator. The plates are made of quartz, fluorite, and lithium fluoride, and a nontransparent metal- 11c plate is also included. The plates are situated asymmetrically-in order to code: Ithe position of signals from Individual plates in timek- The signals from the bolom- eter are'fed to-a wide-band pulse amplifier with a bandpass of 0.5-200 cps and gain of 105. T., eme he amplified signals are transmitted to the ground by the tel t~ system. The measurements yielded the following conclusions: Inthe broad bands of ithe IR spectrum, the common shApe of the curves of the angular distribution corre- Isponds to that for radiation of a relatively isotropic object. The deviation from ~the isotropy on the edges of the Earth's disk is smaller during observations at i4OO-500 km than during observation at 25-30 km. Individual measurements showed no noticeable difference in the thermal radiation intensity between-day and night A *light dependence of the shapeof the angular distribution curves on height at 00-500 km was noted. It was also found that in many cases the radiation saxim UO ~s located in the spectral region of 4.3-M p and that the effective temperatures i 'for this region are higher'(270-28PK) than for other regions of.the spectrum. Orii-.,-.' -tart. has: 7 figures and 2 lables IGSI C~.~ 21 AR S ? I TE V I i . 11 !. ; 2- -" Tu.: - orat,,ve of joil-frof ,. , an ; rzu -n i Mf? -04 and crwl t,- ~ ; ,, ~. 7- iia, 3 f _ -is. F;-!. lobt 7 no , F 'C'.5a (!.-_ru IF,:E) i. -,*,;J(-Yem, 'matit,at '-'~!SSSR !~ ~;~,!a. . - . . I ... I Y AREPYEVI l.M.; "ZHIII IU,-T..A.; MIKHAL'TSEVA, T.V. Longwave infrared transrission spectra of KF - 2FIJ4' F'jz' tver- ~ela 7 no.8:2413-2416 Ag 165. (MIRA 18;9) 1. Fizicheskly institut imen! Lebedeva AIN SSSR, Moskva. i L 2119-66 - EWT(1)/T/M)(b)-3 _,JJP(Q)__:___ ;WCVETTM*NRt APS022732 UR/0181/65/007/009/283412836 q AUTHORt ireflyev, 1. M.; Bathulin, P. A. 'Zheludev, 1. S. :TITLEs Longvave infrared transmission spectra of NH4H2PO4 4-j !SOURCE: Fizika tvardogo tale, V6 70 no* 9, 1965, 2834-2836 :TOPIC TAGSt transmission spectra, improved transmission spectra, 41olectric ABSTRACT; Transmission spectra of polycrystalline s:mples of NK4112POk ~.were obtained to the frequency range fro= 20 to 235 m-1. The curve ...of.optical density D a -IgK (where X is the transmission coefficient) shoved ten absorption levels in the investigated range of the spectruvs:~.",~. A wide, intense level of absorption with a maximum in the region of ~,40"55 cm-1 vas observed in the low-level part of the spectrums No ,changes in'the parameters of the 40-55 cm-1, level were evident from*--.,, :temperature measurements in the range froas room temperature to 148K41'. -.1 The experiments demonstrated.the presenc4 of-oscillations$ which in Card..1/2 L 2119-M ACCESSION NRI AP5022732 ..,great measure characterize the dielectric properties of the crystal& Orig, art. has: I table# I figurel and I formula. JZLJ !ASSOCIATION,. Fizicheskiy thstLtut LMO Pe - N 6Lebedeva AN SSSR$ Moaco~! ~.(Physicw tnotitutq$ AN '888R) ' '. SUBMITTEDt 26Apr65 ZNCLt -06 SUB CODEt ss -OP 015 :NO REP SOVf '003 -:0TH%Rj D ATD PRE Sst 'A" 'j, 77 .Card 2/2 EAZHULINj P.A.; KhYA7,FVp l.N., Pl"-Rt.SHt G.G. Fcasibility :f observing induced rallation in the far-ultraviolet region of the rpectram. Zh~ar. r;ksp. i teor. fiz. 48 no.3:975- 976 Mr 165. NIRA 18r6) ,. Fizicneakly institut. imati Lebedeva AN SSSR. BAMIULIN P.A.; KIYALIEV.0 I.N.; -PETRAM, G.G. Stimulated radiation from hydrogen dauterlum mo'ecules in the near infrared region of the specti-.xO Zhur.ekap.1 tocr.flzo 49 nc~,1:26-23 ZI 165. (MIRA .18:8) imeni Lebodeva 0 SSSR. Fiziobeskiy inatitut u 13 1. 5 % P v 0 C a ff 6 posts. 00%'t' vw*,, 30 C). A' I.v -I Sa l *Or -4- V- (L"O'def Iti trawl I AW .4 v I a) - qmv *Asa p-am "a vOpAim p S nnwn 1 rite &U 1% It , (01,M1, If * V '.)) 1",vem A . y-f-us" I I . q N" -3pq - sit" ' * * - ' "A ' - -- O I 1 I U P 4 p I p R fiqj IV fr V j P or Imans u- - - 20-9 O a AM - - D a 3 I q N P P R WI 1 f P ntali a jo vism sl A n s Ad l a U-9 " Vo ap p a" j tt i vi ImAil 11~&AvduW3 aq mw o" g so jog stpoM am() Inowl momAmu 9 ImAjdft Aq v% Itimm vatup" aqo wt Sal p- 1,41 -ql .616-~m - of -map ko -1 p- P"&-, 00 put amm"O"Iswatsio-et A "M ~rrg ' '-M 'JWm"vvj; A AqI7pQ IW WA I 00- u " p g % % Wj r I I A 90 -*inqj surevencItAltiaknWire %pmtwWrZ (t) ' b '-j- Imm amWj"4A j- u - Ie 00 t q !j t C Wqj " Watp W leg '3mj"AqpumjpjrZ M* posiodU 3M WtAft I * ' , (Amvm WOON)gm-pti It V 3 0 0 0.: ,net aml 00 dl,i -U"V* J'y'jj PIM VAOAOK'A *0 'ItOOSIRM 'I 'a -W4Wn 00 i 00 11 I V Istartat" A k SO . . 00 v treated 0 samin2mb Immi" PMIM OU ~ III A 14 -114 9 - 00 . a vi I U r' f -A 4 J It 9 "t I I I _0 j 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0. i;; i ; ;; iiiiiiiiiiiii9e; arl ; 1) v a u n m 9 n a a a a a A- k--A-A-L 004- M-1 *0 rA *I OW -.dd -4 bimi.. -60 aib :-eo s. 3.~T. 0 RWIAQ *Mrs, b by y pbaft wkh WOW. A"-wy withim, 1-3% i. -00 G. see Zoo 00 use 09. Fee go 1 00 go* 4 zoo I me* ts** I age 6a4L dWTALL~4L use go" 41.43A.- too & U 9 a n1; a 00 41, a, we a, On a, of U as 11 i'A 0 0 1 9 IN 0 a a I v a 10 00 0's00 006000 9 0 0 * 0000 1,** 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a -A :10 0 * 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 000006 0 001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FAZHULIN, F. A. FLATE, A. G., STERLOGOV, 0. D. and PAZHIJLIN, F. A. CA: 3c'-45c?4/2 (Moscow State Unly., and EhyAical Inst., Acad. of Sci.) J. Gen. Chen- (USSR) -4, c)55-0 (IQ44T- E~g_lish_su~~y Hydrocarbons of the cyclopentane series with a side-chain double bond. 4-cyclopentyle-2-butene and 3-cYclopentyl-l-butene. I lost of 910 fills''I" 16 IV a 9 a 39 a Is Is 0 30 a 0 a 0 AS U"Kal lnv~"testme Of by6totarlsons. IV, Rams" of . -4"1 : ArAl It, A. ktsaii.ui 1,1,1,V phy, lam. dild In.l. (kC Lisful. Acd Ss. It. Milwow WW MuKm state Univ 1 i " . jofc AbOJI. X as*. 5 -N~-N-X (),.it), Nkom. 'Mr4ok low x- 1. IAK; Cf. C.A: J4 44 , _ 00 1 11 -As of" asils" of Moody of Owbo"; 60 2 of MOWN" wanst P. A. I In 0 1 Kh.9.9torrin. tyatt'. mi. PAYS. / *0 a 1 1. 456-MIM).-The Irtoameacks and Intesspi(irs at watt d B d Goo , ere an brpum I-acto veto awasure an I texw. 1-lortent. I- me 'Ivb WmWoxv 12 2 co* 000 . w. , zw 9 , 1416, IGM 3W1. ukd 3U93 cm. -4 can be attributed to the group too 00- CHo-CH--Cff 4r -, Ow 1"t two friqiSsucia bAq chat. - 049 act of the group Cliv--. see see! 9T No too In i 1 v ow 0 a or I w a 0 0 a 10 b U a AT 10 n BkZHULIN, P. A. M 1*7 lbearptUm "Abmvum of ftpmmado V~ ft Lf*UW%o IN Aw ftswial Me .40 toontaviAt AA....A - ~9. fts bmt UwA I's lie l*b9ftv# &W Sd UWRv I Qftk Akmd ft* ftUv Baft 004 Vol Mli, So I maommes mamat report TV & IL Owavlabp vAlah ooftfim that reUmtlon Oftm an to Pull4p g =d d1speralm of 214orsoado ul"60 cmlv oonfun and complicate InterycWtation ronaltse PA 602" V. Optical y RAMAD spectra usplithmes an #81 m, T. F. liulanows, A. V, tqwfin,4, I%le, aw D. A. x4assalgil. /swat. Ab.14. Vduk I- . ~Al X N.S. K.. MM Xhim. Nook 1949. O1 -4; d C.I. 43 623JU --I I-Dimmells,leyclopentane Ifrom oi:LIA4~;; ;I 3,1-ditwayleTrialtezand! to the dimethrWi* "- mixt.. witieb an ketonimetion &W hydramuse cleavage gAvr The jw-lwt, b... 97-7.2P, uV 1.41:93. d@.- 40.75") gim luUming differnm frequencin (intensities in paten. Obtimrs): (4). KIM), IMM). 9110). M5.31. 9W5-2). IMI (5-2). U121)(12-5). 1061M.2). ItIOSM). I U-Ni 21. 11 Y.I. 2,2 1. 11N3(2). 11"131. MOM. 12*tll. t.VIKt3I. 13" V(11. 14"(39). 1463(27). 2716M. 2-,.W2). 2WIM1.01. :D#,K (M.). 2=(1W), 29M~IMV). I-),jethyl-3-pr,)pyk-ydu-- lirmasse (by bydrogenatioo of I-awthyl-3-prolivi-4. Cyriopentene; Prot"tay *temiiwmrr rum.; Ivm 148.21- 9.4'. %V 1 42H d-* 0 -7, 15): 2M(2). 31319.9). 3-519.9), 797(o). 81718), XW(15). W-5(15). M4(5-6), 92411). SM(l), 979(3). HIMM. 1(04(6A). IIAKU5.2). WOM. 11.04 7.6), 11,19M, 1191(t), 124201). l' Mr, i6.4). 1313(4 1, 1349(3.11). 104(46). 27310). 2M4(10n). 2WOMAIi.- 2MIX)). 2MIND). 2M173). srow-1.2-thmethyl- cyclobelaft (from MeMS1 and methy1cryclobeasnum. dchydratim. hydrogenation asset Inwtionation of iwmwn; NO 12,11.54.7% mV 1AMd"01772); 417(16),441(IM), ts'1174). W(O). W10). ~~(10), 749061). MM04). W(01, SUM). 947(131. WO(O). 1000(l). 1071106). 1105(2). 1166(20). 1219031, 12WIS). 12V? (12). 1343(27). 13M(27). 1446(62). 1461(52). 20)(4). 2W(3nO). 2854(2M). 2871000). 204(InO). 29IS(194).- 'M(194). JIMOD). 2975(1D). Cis analog (the 1029.($- V.8. mV 14336 d'9 0 TM): 2WOM. 315(0). =115). Wirt MOK 920(2-1. 9004). 1,111iZil. W&W41. l(W(21). Ilik)(14). l=(6). 12V(241. 1:611 110.). 1319(12). 1340(2), 1442(43). 146100), 2FMIMM), M(lnn). "9710111). &aw-l.3-l)hwthylcyck6e%Anv ipreo. simi- J44Y 0-141"IlYkIrMn4now; bove 12).4-2n.6', 94101). 955(d). 10911111. JIVIM0. 1447(u). "Auv, wV d:- 0.7W): WWII). 4WIS). 419( 391. IMM4.9). IOW(f). 1172(3,94' 1201(0), 451413). W47). 748(0)p 7,71(his). M9(1), MONO). VOW11). UMV-4.7). 1443f4l). 14012M). W-M W"(1). 9U(3). 9W3). W(13). InCID(S). 1OW 36). (11). 20)(M), 2WIPOW). ZV1,211"), 2=031)- :W3 WPM. 1112(51. 1141110-21. 1179(22). 121902), 411 51 VKI I 7 7) IMW2 INK (I-111. 3-%fcthvImI4ne tfunto McPtC0 and A M 1k =*;Tcw; i . . . ( , . 21. 13W20. 1440(26). 14010 - ful6wed bY debYtir-alm And hYdrOge"t ov)). 3rmal'- " It 190). 2W(210). UMM10). 21M % (In. 1434-1.1 % mV 1.4firiNA-0,731PRi: =4.2420114-2t. (:W'I. MWImi. The rkew"wr (Prnid. as aboW 1-37,101). 42,41111. 4410). 7.0b,O), 7-W24 MM). 7W(D. 0-9o IN 4 4.4', mV 1.4.110. d:* O.T.M.O: 314(o).M.U4 ' JIAIM21. SLV'3~. 147,40). MR01. W.M. RIAU)- WV-21. tKil). 4Millit?, 4K4199). 6^13). 7.12(121) : 144114,hl. limKIMS). 1143%AA1. MI ('I- "ItUtO.M. IM(M. 9XIM. 1411703). 1144(4 31. LAI.M. IV.012i. W3,9.m. IMCM. 1+63 POW4161. IMS(d). 11mill). 116j(171. jj1j: - (.V11. Mll.*iti)..-..'M~(ii.:WI(196).L%-3i(,").2WA(174~. VVINf4l, JAIN'q4). I-IMM, 1419142). =36(170. 41-Methy1mlaw (trum mtprco ~~04WIAV. 2MA11pus), 0=1 U11, It and Isumsjr, 44 41.1w; 1". 0 mv 1-441K do. 20124161"o m"Illflool. 1.1 11nawthVirvirkilerxim:w (by iw.7*.PtgI: ;Pesivi-m. :Witli. VIVO. W(til. hvAtivrmmq~ 41( iw%ltvn will, lot; fiv,g 119.3'. mV IAZII. 741A). 7%.411). PoUi-", Kv;~31. W-401). WC4.41. dig 0 -0141411: =0110. 34401. 40111M. 4V(31. P ill)MI) WAP 7WA # I 5 - #Wtg.2), 11131C71, 10:4.7,71, 11WISP, IMA41-7). :01 133904 14041) 1 XI). 7* (;. j, K294 . ( 1. 932(121. . 931)(111). KIM). MWO). 1IM30). JOW(Z. . -41. 1161M. U11011. 1271(10 10 14011071. 27Z,'12), 294,'0411). 20)(190). 2t"176). 111101,7-51. 115101, 1173M. 1190(23). 1:14603), 1307 3-attlythorptuo (from MI. IZQ(71. IW703). 13-MV. 14#1(51). IVIA(ZI). M I KtoCO. a- aloriv; Ina.. OW 14015. do 1 sotd(Ol % 71 4MO 2 31 ms-.Mmmatoe(from * -0 , P. . . 7*94i0j. KCIGIAO. X730). mw-d.0. 1034(21. S-romuivil. from IIMHt and HuMCUr. by dchydratim 9311LIJ. 11013(gl). 1114.149.10. 111160). 3101313), JIM43A). and bvdrnvmt+on over Pt-C; bigo., 1494'. xV 1,01M - 121hot. 121110. ILM112). 13*40), MCC%). d"'I'llr0o: - ~t 14rt'14..), 2X72(190). :W%01W. I mv. 419m. cutol. .510)). 786(t). WSM. 942(4). 31 S M - 2.4-DtuWhYI-3-ctby 1 5' 6 9, . i , WHILI). 9:101). MMI). 9T.1(2). IRM(1), . c,C0. as alvilw; bm W5 ;wntAne tIrmis 6-4 . Ifirtil' 111-9(91. 1 COR4. 1). 1 MIGH, I al? 1.4131. if:* It "IOM), 313t3). 327(4.3), 1:115(21. 13420)). 14](0). mg(m). 14,W(371. 347011. WIMP. 457441). 40CW-91. SMU). 3%'15-7), W41190). =W06)) 2PIllim) 1'01 2VAR 211RU NI) ~ jZ Wio),"- O 11 IMI t 13 3 1 . 2-Met . M ,Imrt.v. ( he%)l krt-xw loy klifigisAid rrm-tiun, 1,41-yorod bV -IcAvdia- J . , %00 ). 041t1g). 91M,1% %KtJ11:1 l ( ItWit), 1120m, 11112,6.91. 117's logg.M.11'.*V I 4113S dig tkM. 1190451. I'J1klj3 41, 11711%.I.Al, V040,41), ' V= 1 791M. )MW7~7~. Wkh2f. M3(21), 976(2). MM. 91900. 0,4 XI. IMMM. 144MAIJ. Mut 1. :x4Wjj). ~".' 1114). 210900)). G. M. EMOIAPOU BAZZLINt P. A., 8A Complex Method of Detailed Lwastigation of the Individual 4amposition of Gesolineew (NomplekwW Metod Detalizirovwmogo Isaledovaniya Individuallnogo Sostava Benzinov)t 0. S. landaborg, B. A. Issanskiyt Pe A. Bashulla M. I. BatvVevp A. L* Liberman'l A. S. Plate, and G. A. Tarasovaq edited b7 V. S. Fedorov, Gostoptekhisdat, NOBCOW/ Leniagradq 1949# 68 pagest 3 rubles. Subject method in based an spectral wwlysis. SO: U!Mekhi WWdi Vol 18, #6t 1949j Vol 19, At 1950 (W-lM3) C A Upi 4tj k) L. I tjpPA . 13 a OZA. ft, 1", :) . ) 9d,7 %141W.4).')2P74(4. b). W12(61). SOW57). P. b PAO), 2WOD. hWk- ).31 211).300).49"22).. 2). CA61). 7404"S 30). a 840). "IMS aws) 11MVIS), 12100141. 12MV. 12"91 b) IAM~11) 1364 (S. 0. 1441134t. bl. MWIT ~87 W(137). =WO b) LDMI100). a 3UM(2D$. XIM231). CJL. 302%O). 16",(711, b1, 223(83. W. 32N1, b): 61*(21). "NINS), W(2. b). mum. 721(2m). 7m (2. b? 411W3 W KAM. IMAM). 1(0N17). 100&17) 1101(1 71 1117i(lial. 124j(42). ISW42) IMIX14 Zi= ii" 17). Iii1wom. lisawl. leis 100 , 28r4 106). SYM40). SMIA(200 . 3w( I 1 1). " 4U).3=G).3D31(131), 1,8 ;Iil(2" I vrmw%). 1117091). 5700). 6 W921, WKS). 9max!). IfffL I Is RV 6). 21W(103). 2D17(310). U30. lo). 2973(20 b? 301-412d). 3023000), 3161(W). I-U*44k-C.%. =60V =X4. bL 311(01, OWIS. b). "s b), 40mill. mKO), 04.54 AXA4141.9'00) 96&12). I(MA ra), '411 12" 1 b) 13WI0. b1. 311. b)1.2'i4&7j-4. W.' 116*(1). 1817(03). riSM". -a" [is), 3vittluNt. *IiXltUl, Tbm data ore coaiiilaid go be much morr irlutile and wcw&Lo lbas previcaudy pubtisbod detus., as Ulustmud by 4 compubm at data hom oclocr sourm for p-CAMev. Tbmwwdata Coafina Alit TUIWII hilhCr int"llitr Of RAWAII U11110 Of We Inalk- CMIUI'k he emn" witel abpkatk OW aucydk empb, On the *Asiw intramly mrsk an uk" The struaff "1 ho" a, she sn"ndlc mmpds, am esp by a no. of about IOU0. ib* strousm Up" of alkythe tmpds. gott; about jW, motf of alipbstir cauPds. about dD 7U. N. Than