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2 SOV/7 9-3 0-3 -40/69 "Ind P-me tho~xy- ('J -Ili tro- 0 NO, NO, 0 ClIgN01 (~IIJNO'j (Xlff) o N oa NO, 0 .C.It 0-Callo-Ult-C. (fJ_c.'u,-OCHr &1,N0, (XIV) Tiio~ro io I table; and 'T sovlet, 2 I U.K. The U.K. refcronc n 10" : Arndt) H,,),ie , J., J. Chem. S 0c., Leningrad S' ate Pedagcmrlo ln,,;t itute (livnin- po S I 11 ".11 '1JD . I ('J"() L 31487-66 I ACE Nib APMV n0l SOUME cz/0085/65/000/006/0158J AUMR: B r-na" ~'P 'ORG: Meteorological Instituteg MFF, UKk rague (Met. ustav M" UK) 1ITIE: Investigation of climatic changes .SOME: Meteordlogicke zpravyt no. 6. l9d9*10158-16l ..TOPIC TAGS: weather forecasting,, long range weather forecasting,,iflimatic condition,, solar activity ABnRAcT: Short term, medium term,, and long term metso ologicil -fokecasts are discussede Differences betueen abnormal weather con- ditions and changes in local olimate are evaluated& The methods" "for the investigation of changes in climate are described, The required series of observations, the relationship between various :observatories and the theory of olimatie chAnges are described* iIndividual steps in the investigation of climate variation are discussed; a special process for the investigation of the dynamics- of the climate in Czechoslovakia is described, The application of statistical methods to the evaluation of the observed data# .-their*oomparison to mateorological'aluments found in the whole 'uropet. of L _.and the influence of the solar activity upqp the s- -Zo'n ciiiate must always b' siaered. [JFRS1 SUB CODE t 04 SUBK UTE: none ORIG REF: O(Y7 / SOV M71 i002 OM REF: 034 UDC: 001.8 ;1 Cwd'1A M C~ V 26 Aff V2r T a) ACC NR. AP6023105 SOURCE CODE: cz/oWIr/65/000/006/0167/0169 AUTHOR: ~JM, . I wwow~-~~ /9 ORM Meteorological Institute, MFF UK, Prague (Met. Ustav MFF UK) -term variation in the pressure fie,4*1- TITIE Long above Europe SOURCE: Meteorologicke zpravy, no. 6. 1965, 167-169 TOP10 TA081 &tmomp"ria Vrese%jrsp o24mtologys atmoopheria alroulation ABSTRACT: Wnperiodie changes in pressure are considered to be an indication of the intensity of air circulation. The periodic nature of the time intervals of decreased and increased circulation in the Northern Hemisphere, and in Central Europe are discussed. Rhythms in the occurrence of the months with intensive air circulation in Europe are described. It seems that the periodic changes are v-^Y-wqn+.Ad lin A +.Wn VAAr t-WIA. OriOl. Art. hJqAX' 'A fiin]MR- r.TM91 BOBKK9 X., prof., dr.; BAWAL, J.., M(]Dr.; 14VLICKKO V.0 ins.j FMCHER., V., inze., Mo.; MATOUSEK,, J. J, p.l.; NCVAKt J'.., MUDr.j NOVAK, V. ; Prof,., ins., dr.; STIBOR, J.,, MDr.; EAM.A.- Ccmenting on K. Bayer's ideas cc applied meteorology. Meteor 15 no.6:179-180 D 162.~ ~~~](~are Clizatolegic evaluation of circulation conditions over Europe. Pbteor zpravy 15 noj/406-89 Ag 062. 1. TAborator mateorologle, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. BAYER, L. K. I&ROILV, I. A. Aircraft Rockets (Reaction Aviation). Second Edition, Moscow, Gostekhizdat. 19531 64 pages -; -Payer,- --M., Measuring consumption of fuel inboilerB with a chain grate. p. 176. ENFRG"IKA.. (Ministeretvo paliv a energetiky. Hlavni sprava elektraren) Praha. Vol. 6, no. 4, Apr. 1956. Source: ERAL IL Vol. 5. No. 10 Oct. 1956 AUTHOR: __~~yer,. M.Ya,j. Engineer. 334 TITR;-. on the conformal method of profiling the blades of radial- axial turbines. (0 konformnom metode profilirovarLiya lopastey radialnoosevykh turbomashin.) PERIODICAL: "Exiergomashinostroenie ". (Power Machinery Construction), V. 3 1957, No. 4, pp. 18 - 19, (U.Z.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Analytical expression of the curve of the conformal diagram, which represents a transformation of the Bauersfeld equation, proves the incompatibility of arbitrary configurations of the blade edgQs since this contradicts the original theoretical premises. The author claims, therefore, that the method of conformal mapping is inapplicable for profiling the blades of radial-axial turbines. In spite of the theoretically incorrect assumptions, it is possible, on the basis of numerous experi- mental results, to select the most suitable variant which will fully sat*isfy practical requirements. 1 diagram. 2 Russian references. dowcoe-, /_ 'Y~4e'07 BATER. 14.Ta., inzh. r--- ~Znmidering the effect of body thickness in designing and shaping blades of radial and axial flow hydraulic turbines. Bnorgo- masbinostroenie 4 no.7:16-18 JI 158. (141R& 11:10) (Hydraulic turbines) "P. L S.I N. R !2"" t C~ma a Mos Cow L~ayer, P Mo-,c,-,wP 1 val, -vA Yu, 11:,Sco-w) -ind r, allnvs :)f nick-el' with it ro~Leq 11-ri -ric.kol ISOURCE: AN SS'SJR. !zvQstiya. Metally, nc. 14, 1965, 3~-14~~ TOPIC TAGS: nitrogen, nick--I, molten mtal, nickel base all(:y, chromium contain- incy allov, molVIAen-Lim containing alloy, tungsten cc-ritaining aliny, Solubility A S 7 RA T-iie low 1 ity of nitrogen 1 t ~q f-r this ~11 the n; i eliminat ion Of T) iTr,:-~t~~) f.- r, !nt! ~g en ~~-e 1 mp c, ran Tor - 3- a m t- 1 h n t rogen e -3 u tz-, s 'e Ih "both in molten nickel and in bkaarv nickel-based contairtng azlditiuiis of !-echnically important elerent . Tt'-, experimental setur, is described in detai I . 11) 6 71 1,5a s~ dein the experiments. N-0 nickel of 99.9 purity u e --ions Were r;-;ade 1- ke~ep experimin-ntal errors to a minitnum. The results are tabulated and graphed. The I-Crd 1/4 L 65050-6:5 ~Ac CESSION HR: AP5021495 1process for dissolution of nitrogen in nickel is given by the equation Y2(gaS) IN);K= where [%N1 is the concentration of n1trogen in the metal which is the equilibrium ,cozcentration at a given temperature with partial pressure of nitrogen in the gas eous P is the activity fact-r whi-h t4les account of deviations of so haSe PS2; in IiIiijid meta-1 HuLnr~'~~ law. "J"-1themal i C i-j ilna',;~ IS he 1, ei U C~ 1 t h ~i V i Ves f~~l I ow ; ng -7-1 )a C ri f ~~,r t -f! t lthi3 reaction as a function of temperature: 3M _ 0. 973 19K 7: 19L '6'4 JT AFO (19 000 + 18.6 T, j oules / g - at (AP 16 500 + 4.45 T - cal/g , at ;It was found that chromi=, rolybdenum and tungsten reduce the activity factor of nitrogen in nickel (see fig. 1 of the Enclosure). This is apparently due to the !C.,d ACCESSION IM: AP5021.497) j7 f r s cir nes'F~e ine. n -o o 1, Orig. arr. has: f igures, tables 5 f c, rin u I a:-, . ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 1ODec64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE; MM, GC NO REF SOV., 001 OTHER: 008 L 6501550-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5021495 V, ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. 1. Effect of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten on the activity factor of nitrogen in molten nickel at 15500C and 760 ffLm Hg: 1--Ni-Cr alloys; 112 2--the sa-me from data of Hu-Inbirt and Ell iott (HumL,42rl Elliott, j. F., "S-~luhility of Nitrogen in .71',iuid Fp.-Cr-lli A.'- -6-s-1-076 -1 N --Ni W alloys, 3--Ni-Ho alloys, 4 Card LANSTIAK, Bohumil, inz.; BAYFR, Rudolf, Inz. Use of universal control System in the automatic control of a ball mill. Rudy 13 no.2:47-50 F 165. 1. Institute of Ore Research, Prague. POL/46-4-1-8/15 28(l) AUTHOR: Bayer, Ryzard, Chmielewski, Jerzy and Koba, Teresa TITLE: A 14 Channel Pulse Amplitude Analyzer with Counting Attachment (14-kanalowy analizator amplitudy z przyst- awka liczaca), PERIODICAL: Nukleonika, 1950, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 87-91 (Poland) i FS-f ) ABSTRACT: A description of the equipment with a block-diagram (Fig. 1) of the analyzer and the counting attachment is given. Furthermore the equipment is illustrated with and without the case. The range of application is out- lined in brief. Analyzer - 14. channels; width of channel gate - 2,5,10 V; impulse amplitude - 16-171 V; width of impulse - 1-5 micr.; separation time - '41.5-5 micro-see.; stability of discriminator - � 50 mV; working conditions 220 V, 900 VA; size - 570 x 360 x rz'MO mm. Specification of counting attachment: scaling factor total count stor- age 999999; resolving time - numerator about 0.1 size - 560 x 340 x 840 mm. There are 1 layout and Z Card 1/P_ photographs. POL/46-4-1-8/15 A 14 Channel Pulse Amplitude Analyzer with Counting Attachment ASSOCIATION: Politechnika Warszawa zaklad konstrukcji telekomunika- cyjnych i radiofonii (Polytechnical Institute Warszawa Department of Construction, Telecommunications, and Radiophony) Card 2/2 P/04Y6 ilo'026/011/004/004 9,4000 (1,0131 /Orq/ D256 D304 AUTHOR: -Bayer, Byezard. TITLE: A linear circuit for measuring amplitude ratios of two pul- sea PERIODICAL: Nukleonika, v. 61 no. lit 1961, 749 - 756 TEXTs The circuit was developed in order to'-analyze two incoming pulses according to their pulse-height ratio by converting it first into time so that a time of the flight analyzer could be used for sorting and displaying the spectrum. Utilizing the available time of the flight analy- zer was considered to be more economical than building a special analyzer for the purpose. The conversion of the ratio of the two voltages into time was performed in linearly by the Miller effect of a penthode tube working in a monostable screen-coupled "phantastron" circuit. In such a circuit the input signals. applied to the plate and the first grid of the penthode yield a pulai at the second grid, whose width is proportional to the ratio of the two input pulses. The performance of the linear converter is dis- cussed in comparison with that of a logarithmic circuit, and the latter is Card 1 AL P/04 986/011/oO/oO A linear circuit for D2 5 6YD 3112 shown to be inferior in particular by not being suitable for analysis at the same time of pulee-height ratios < 1 and)rl and by its rather poor threshold stability. This paper was previously presented at the Internatio- nal Conference on Nuclear Electronics, Belgrade, May, 1961. Advice by Doe- tor J. Kosacki, Head of the Electronics Department, Institute of Nuclear Research is acknowledged by the author. There are 8 figures and 2 referen-, cess 1 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the RagliBh-lan- guage publication reads as followss Millman, J. and H. Taub, Pulse and Di-- gital Circuits. New York 1956 McGraw-Hill, p. 224. ASSOCIATION: Instytut badah jfdrowych PAN, Warszawa, Dzial elektroniki (Institute of Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Electronic Department) SUBMITTEDt July, 1961 Card 2/? P/046/62/007/001/006/006 D256/D304 AUTHOR, Bayer, Ryszard TITLE: A modulated pulse generator PERIODICAL: Nukleanika, v. 7, no. 1, 1962, 57-59 TEXT: A brief description is given of a pulse generator devised for the testing and calibrating of pulse-height analyzers. The generator produces pulses from 0 to 50 V manually adjustable amplitude at a rate of repeti- tion from 0.7 to 255 ce/sec, 1.5,U see rise-time and 100/1 see duration. A provision is made for symmetrical triangular amplitude modulation of the pulses, the amplitude and the slope of the modulation being adjust- able. There are 3 figures* ASSOCIATION: Instytut badafi jadrowych PAN, Warszawa; zak)(ad eloktroniki i automatyki (Inktitute of Nuclear Research,Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Electronics and Automation, Warsaw) SUBMITTM. November, 1961 Card 1/1 BAYER, Ryszard High-level linear O.I.Aseo-, gate circuit for pulse-height ana)yzera. Nukleonika 7 no.9:592-594 162. lo Polish Academy of Sciences., Institute of Nuclear Research., Electronic Departments Warsaw. IRATRR, Ryazard I-- _M~~ Logarithmic analyzer of the ratio of the amplitude of tvo puloeoe M*leonika 8 no,2tl43-143 163, 1, InBtytut BAdan Jadrowyeh, Zaklad Blektroniki, Warazava. E BAYER,, Ryozard Triple pulse generator. Nukleonika 8 no.8:573-576 163. 1. Zaklad Blektroniki, Instytut Badan Jadrowych, Warszawa. ACC NR.7M7O00"6 SOURCE CODE: PO/0046/().)/U1U/V1Z/U61L/ AUTHOR: Bayer, rWszard ORG: Department of Electronics,, Institute of Nuclear Physics Swierk (Zaklad Elektroniki Instytut Badan Jadrowyck TITLE: A 10-mhz linear window amoliflep SOURCE: Nukleoririka, v. 10, no. 12, '1965; 811-815 TOPIC T&GS: feedback amplifier, pulse geneficor ABSTRACT: The amplifier system consists of an Initial gain-control switch (100:1), a 10 101z gain-of-four hundred amplifier with two feedback sections, a 0-30 volt discriminator (lower-level ciltoff), a pulse lengthener, and a 2 1Mz variable gain amplifier. The fast amplifier produces the requJred initial amplification of pulses which often Includes a very large fraction of small, umfanted pulses. The threshold circuit (discriminator or "rug Sweeper") pases only the-upper part of the larger pulses, the part that rises above the discriminator circuit. Having thus rejected the smaller pulses, the truncated larger pulses are lengthened and amplified. They are now suitable as Input to an analyzer which views a selected segment of the overall pulse-height spectrum. The selected segment Is controlled by discriminator and gain settings. The Instability of the discriminator setting was corrected with t use of a precision pulse generator. Theanplifier gain stability was within I percent per week. The overall amplifier linearity Is I percent. Orij. art. has 6 figures. Ccwd 1/2 L ~VCCIA,_AP`7000445 SOURCE CODE: PO/0046/65/010/01210807/0309 AUTHOR: Bayer, Ryszard ORG: Department of Electronics, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Swierk (Zaklad Elektroniki, Instytut Badan Jadrawych) TITLE: Coincidence circuit for x ray spectrometry SOURCE: Wkleoniha, v. 10, no,'12, 1965, 67-809 TOPIC TAGS: x ray spectrump spoctronetry, coincidence circuit ABSTRACT: A 0.1 microsecond time resolution coincidence circuit Is described, which consistscf two parallel circuits that precede the coincidence function, and 4 pulse shaper and linear integrator (Cooke-Yarborough count rate circuit) with ranges oi 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, and 1000 counts per second. Each of the two parallel cir- cuits preceding the coincidence function has a pulse-height discriminator, a univibrator type delay generator (relative delay equal 2 microseconds), and a pulse shaper. A plot of coincidence counts versus relative delay time yields flat-topped "curve" with a full width at half macimum of 2t equal 0.2 microseconds. Th6 work was earried out at*the Institute of Physics, PAN. OrIg. art. has: 3 figures. LI-NA] SUB CODE: 18,09 / SUBM DATE: 12 Jun 64 / ORIG RZF% 001 / SOV REF.# 001 OTH REF; 001 nz-h. SHERNOV, R.As. inzh.; A method of compiling short, -term forecasts of a r ise in the ground water level. Gidr strol. 32 no.707-39 JI 162. (KM 15%7) (Watar, Underground) "li I ., -1 1 CV , 1? . A . ; EA YF R , F, ..A . - I j "a'-. ~ Formation of Reogene water-bearing h--riz;.,,nq the effe.CL of an artificial reservoir ard irrigation sy6tom. Trudy Od. un. 152 Ser. geol. i geog. nauk no.8:123-140 162. (MIRA 17:9) BATIM, Stanislaw ir Case of go-elled spontaneous rapture of the spleen Iin pregnancy. Polski prsegl. obir. 28 no-1:83-85 Jan 56. 1. Z Oddslalu Chirurglesnego Bspitala Powlatowego w Jawors* Or4ynator dr, St, Boyer Jawor, ul, Xoperniks, 12. (SPLID, rapt. in pregn., surg., splenectomy. MID (PFMNAICY, compl. spontaneous rupt. of spleen. murg., splenectomV. Uvet. .4.411=3 ccamtx7: Ru-,:L-nia D-,;r.:e3: Dr. AffiliL-tiO-1: Institute. of 1~ntholopgy end -.nir:pl Kyi-ic~ne (Institutul do kato, lo gi c zi. If-riena ,nimala BUC,q[Lr'(-St, Problorm Lootahnice Si Vc~orin.,,,r-, Jul 62 C, Lo 7 nn '00-62. Ir 'ew D&ta on the Prevention and ' eptmont of "on-Infectious Disenses in Calves." . HAIM,, T. I., Cand. of Chem Sci - (dies) "Isotppe Fxchanje of Hydrogen and the Ability of Mathyl Producing Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles to Enster into the Reaction of Condensation," Leningrad, 1959, 11 pp (Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute im A. I. Gertsenj Chair of Organic Chemistry) (KL, h-.60, 115) -B&YER, V. ,......... :3 ....., Experiences with the now orpanization of the pa:~Cp_gj staybj Nat4omal Enterprise in Usti mad Latem. p. C-25 POZEYNI STAVEY. (YInIsterstvo stavebnicty) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no. 12, 1959 Monthly List of East F~-.roreax Acces-sious (EFAI), LC. Vol. 9, ro. 2, Feb. IP60 Uncl. BAYERO V. - I-- mRigb-frequency tranmisoion on high-voltage lines" by Me -Podazeks Reviewed by Ve Bayer@ El tech can 3.4 no92:1096-110 .163. I BLMMP.-Vilemk Inz* The new Caschoolovak otandazd 38 2520 s High-frequency commnication m Ligb-"Itage wA oxftm-bigh-voltage lines. Borgetiks. CS n 394 Ag t6l* BAM. Vilemp ins* C*Sco 9 Ilgh-frequency transmission on 400 kV lines. BrargetA Cm 12 no*7:340-3,44 J1162. L Vyzkmmy ustAv anergeticky,, Brno* k TUL, Karel, inz.; KRENEK, Jossfj inz.;_-gApR , ~nz.; PICAK, Slavoj,, ins.; VYSKOCIL, Vaclav, inz. 1. ?be 1964 Meeting of the International Conference on Large Electric Systems, Energetike. Gs 14 no.l2t622-644 D 164. BLUR2 Vilemp ins. Research laboratories and test roons in Pontenay. Energetika Cs 14 no,l2t644-647 D 164a BATF:R, V. A., Prof.; IN. V., Prof.; ~'J. I.; !~'. L., ~'rof Phanracology Pentoyyl and its use in diseases accomianied by leukopenia. Sov. mt,-d. 17, No. 2 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Con6ress, June 1953. Uncl. _4&MSRp_LQ~q MASIM, N.A.; MASLOVp S.-N.; POPOVICH=V G.D.; SOBDLEV, N.N.; KAIMHIN, A.I., insh., retsenzent; SAFRONOV9 S.P., insh., retsensentl NAUNDV, V.I., k&bd. tekhn. nauk, red.; Tu VICH, M.P., insh... red. iz&vk; SHCHETININA, L.V., takhn. red. (Mechanic for repairing sotor vehicles and tractors] Slegarl 1~o rmontu-aytomobilei i traktorov. (By] B.G. Ba6r i dr. YbWm3, Hachg1al, ~%3- 318 P, (MIRA JUW) (motor isfAcies-maintenance and r"air) (Traoi0ft-Ndntenance and repair) ALMAZOV, V.A.; K qAYFV,, S.V. PFIIJEIICV* V.I. Fur,,.ional activity of granulocytes In vitro. Med, rad. 8 no,11: 2r--24 N 163. (HIM 17; 12) 1. 1z kafedry fakulltetskoy terapli (zav. - zasluzhennyy doyatell nauki prof. T.S. Istamanova, nauchnyye rakovo4itell - pr,-f. T.S. Istmanova i starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, kwid. :red. rauk E.I. Shcherban') 1,1,eningradskogo meditainskogo instItuta imeni akade- wdka I.P. Pavlovn. BAYER; VITEK t What you do not know about meteor%V*gyw by % Sebek, S. Cernava. Revieved by Bayer, Yitek. Meteor iprivy 15 no.2:52 162. 'ACC NR- AP6036455 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/004/11'35/1142 AUTHOR: Bayer, V. N. Fadin, V. S. ; Xhoze, V. A. ORG: Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy univerattet) TITLE: Bremqstrahlung in high energy electron 'Collisions SOURCE: Zhu#nal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 4, 1966, 1135-1142 TOPIC TAGS: bremsstrahlung, electron collision, photon emission, center of mass, *wmd=;;!f mass syste ABSTRACT: Single bremsstrahlung in high electron collisions is considered. The angular diltribution and spectrum of the emitted photons in the center of mass system atid the laboratory system are calculated. Radiation due to the inci- dent particle and recoil particle is considered in the 1. s. case. The classical current and Weizeacker-Williame methods are analyzed and it is shown that the latter method is not valid for calculating the spectrum of photons emitted by recoil-, AP6-0'3-6-05~ particles if 4>n/i The authors are very grateful to V. M. Galitsidy and Ye. M. Lif4hits for discussions. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 28 formuhs. [Authors' abstrActj StJB OODE: 20)SUBM DATE: O9Apr66/ORIG REF: 005/OTH REP: 005/ ord 2/2 "~Ys A-6 T m;i~- ar 6-,; tip AUTr'M: Bwer. 7. N.; Khoze,, V. A. TT TITIZ :Photon emAsoion cbir1ri; mon Wr productioE"trj rleotron-pooitron ccllision SM-BM: 2arurtal eksperi-entallnoy i teoreticheakoy fllziki, v. 48, no- 3, 1965, 946-951 7 LWW MW: photon emisslon, nuon pair prcductlon, electron positron col-lisiom, mlliding beam experimem., differential cross section, tot&l cross section ABSTRW-N. The paper deals vi*.b the emission of ft ph-atom in the productim of a =on pair by electroz~-pozitran --ol3izlon (e+ + e- - V + + P- + T). such pric-c-escez are expected to be im-portant In the ne-a-P future in collidlrA bean. experiments. A metho~d is propose-i flor ctalculatbkg in a sin-ple mannL-r the tota-1 cross Section of this process, integrated a,~er the fiii&l =on qtates- T'he 16'ea of the nethcd 1i ln~tegrate the separate part-a of the diagram by using the properties of reinfiv-la- tic, &-wxige, and charge invariants. It IL; then t-umeceasary to make tht- very cimbei sce2e calatLLstlcm of the diffen~1&1 cross section, gince the trexaes of t-Ile ele-t- tron and macr- part-B of the dlagyy-ms are integrated directly. Thia ia & aaivefi~-a' Lcom L 47364-65 ACCESSIMI MR: AP5008755 metthod ard can be used for the calculation of the cross section for various or*- cesses of the same ty-pe. The exact formula is then derived for the total cross section of emibsion of a photon in the prcduction of a =aon pair. 7"Ine for=UIR 1:3 then &r.P-l'yZtd wad the behavlor of the cross section ul~termineid. f 0 7 t121 t 11 nj,, cases, near and far fram- the threshold. The difference- betwe7 4tbe t-..navlor a' the obt-ained ror=ulas And t"se for bremsGtrahllung in electrDn scatter-ing Is -mated out. "Me authoris than V. M. Galit!Lj~i for a discussion-" Orig. art. ~as: 1 figure and 45 formulas. ASSOCIATION: HovoBibirskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Novosibirsk State Univer- sity) SuNaTm): Osoct64 WR FXF SM I COD MEL: 00 OTHER 1 003 SUB CODE CoM 2/2 C L !.63217-65 17r, W-2 NP: AP51DNN,215 AUMOR: Bayer, V - R. ; Fa!4p-L- V. S. TITLE: Pola-rization effects in the pre-&at-ticrn of paxticles n eoIJAding bean verim-eirts SOURCE- AN ISSSR. Doklady, N. 161, no. 1, 1965, 74-77 TOPIC TAGS: colliding beam experiment, electron polarization, electron positron annibilation, pair production ABSTRACT: Tz estimate the influence of electron polarization on the fsandamentall tv'O-Da~tlcle vro--~t'-Ses Oc~currlng d7uT-Ing ~.rmlhliatlon of " e lect rur.'-poslt Tor, Dq-Ar' th'~ authors cn-culatcd the cross cections for the nroduction of' Pairs of pions, mruons, rrucleons, vi~c'-ons t-, polarized electrons and ;positrons- The puls-riza- t I is prordu:!ed vh~?n the electrons mcrve in a nnagnetic field and raeinte. e ;.:i' ion f~ ghov that 7 at! on 0r '.n~ t '~ a.' r~~ns 7-'sl I f' F, un appreclably defanzed cc~~ 3e- foT no-7,,o'a-r!Te"'-nr f~ s= - r Cord 112 L -I- c'42c ?-6D" AMEBSION A'05009215 other hard, experimeirts wl-'.,h imitiall~r polarized partitles yield no new Infor-ma- *Ion -,-, fonT., ractorQ, c-c7natired wdth e-xm2rAmen.,ts unpolmrized particli?-k. To ~;btaiz, r,--w infor-m-a-tion On the form factw-s it Is zF.3cntial to neasure the 01' the fi%a-' -~rc8ented ty 13. T. Bu-ake7.. a h--Z; 12 ZOr1vLL&b- ASSOCIATION: Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy wilvernitet (Wavosibirsk State Uni- V t Tnki-YY Mr*,aTTE).. 0-cct6); ENCLI 00 SIM CODE: up NE REV SOV- 003 Onm. (,V-V Card 2),2 L 60322-65 EWT(m)/EWA (rn)-2 Peb - 1716' )MMESIff AP50165& UP/0056/65/048/006/1708/ 4/ AUTH0R:__Aayer, V. N*; Khozep Vo A* 112 UTLE: Radiation in tvo-particle electron-positron annihilatioj~ SOUXE: Zhurnal eksperimental"noy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 48, 6~ 19165~ -170&1714 TOPIC TAGS: electron positron annihilation, photon emission, emission cross see- tio n, integral cross section, form factor ABSTRACT: The author se a procedure praposed in an earlier paper (ZhEETF v. 48, 946, 3.965) to calculatseuthe cross sections for the emission of a photon in several annihilation processes. The first process investigated is the formation of a pair of zcala particles upon a=ihilatlion of an electmn-positron pair. To take into 11 account the influence of strong interactions, form factors of the final particles are introduced and it is chm-n that by making u_~e of relativi6tic, gauge, and charge Invariance properties, it is possible, by sirmming over the gpins of the final pa:rticles, to write dcrm a universal formla for the integral cross section of the emission by the initial partticles. To take account uf the influence of strong interw.,tion on the emission by the f-.Lnal particles, the contributions of Compton-type dUgrams are taken Into account. This is done by expanding t-he 4*- cord L 60322-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5016564 plitude of the photon emission in a series and retrAning the first tvo terms. A wniversal formiala is written w--t for the first ter~m and the method of F. Low (Phys. Rev. v. 110, 974, 1958' is used to calculate the sec-and teim. The erndssion produced upon creation of a pair of pions is calculated as an example. it In shown that in all the cross sectionn in question the Interference term vanishes. -1he authors v- 3 jg.ty for numerou, discussions." Grig. art. has: 2 figures and 5,9 fa.-mulas. ASSOCIATION: Nor~rosibirskiy gosudarstvenryy universitet (NovoGibir&k State Univer- SUBta-1-1a: ujan65 MiCL: 00 SUB CODE- NP SM., 003 OMMR.- 06L Card P12 ACC NR, ~ A115027996 SOURCE CODEs LUVO386/6VO02/007/0330/0333 AUTHOR: ~Mer,, V. No Y ORG: Nwio-si-birsk State Unvi-Vmity _(Novosibirskly gosudarstvenrwy universitet) T177,E: Possible verification of nonconservation of time parity in colliding beam experiments SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheakoy fiziki. Pialma v redaktsiyu. (Prilozheniye)., v. 2., no. T, 10.5, 330-333 TOPIC T=: parity principle.. electron collision, collision cross section, electron positron pair ABSTRACT: It is pointed out that the bypo, ifeL-Bernstein., G. Feinberg, and T. D., Lee (Preprint, 396!5) that gLegt: fl fractions of strongly interacting particles are C- and T(CP)-Invariant can be verified in a series of experiments with colliding positron-electron beamop for Aich Installations are now under construction in several laboratories. It is shown that although In the single photon approxima, tion C-invariance forbids mazW processes k~ the annihilation of a positron-electron pair into a pair of strongly interacting particles, the processes e+ + i" -- -Y -- + 110.0 b~ e + 47 - op + Poo 0 0 + 0. 0 ay at + 0 -0 7F -0 W + P d) e + e - 71 0 + 0 P L 9809-66 ACC NR3 AP5M7996 can occur If the transition current, of the strongly Interacting particles contains a C-odd tem. The most realistic in colliding-beam experiments would apparently be an investigation of the asymmetries of the products of reactions of thetype e) e + + e- X+ + i, + 7" f) e+ + 07 + -1. by the author earlier :En the case of reaction (e), which was considered in detail (with V. A. Khoze, Zh=,4. 48,, 1708, 1965), the cross section of the process has a peak near the p-meson peak (I a 380 ~W)p where it is sufficiently large to be Mea surable with modern techniques# but the main difficulty lies apparently I the iden Lit Lsk- A. 4e tification of the events. Author In deeply grateful to V. M. Go for a discussions and to B. X. Pontecoryo for acquaint- 04, and A* N. Skripk Orig. art. M--3 Ing his with the work of I^*) -workers. ;fOrWAAS. ,Us co SUB cons 20/ SM PATAs MvS63/. OM MWs 003/ 07H MW& 003 card 2A2 AT kc-ch% Ap6ooinl SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/65/165/004/0783/0785 AUMOR: Dayer# V. N. ; Orlovj, Yu. F. OHO: Now--WMGBI~i University (Nmatbirokly govxWxtvwzqy universitet)-e TI M-: quantum depolarization of, electrons in a magnetic field SOURCE: AN NOR. Dokl&4, Y. 165., no. 4, 1965, 783-785 TOPIC TAGS: depolarization, cyclic acceleration, .!electron polarization Mf on of electrons and positrons in mods ABS7WT.- The authors showAhat dm~l 2'~V rn storage rings can be caused not only by resonance due to radial and azimuthal com,- ponents of the magnetic field on the particle trajectoriesp but also by the qumtum nature of the radiation. The latter Ldepolarization occurs also only in the presence of perturbing radial and azimuthal field components,, but to 'Troduced by harmonics' JL which cannot be eliminated by suitab e choice of the energy. Calculations show thw the effect depends ver7 strongly on the particle energy mid on the number of closest harmonic of the radiation,, the distance between the harmonic and the resonance) and on the vertical displacement of the particle in the orbit* It in shown by way of an C--A=Ple that in a typical storage ring the cbaracteriatic depolarization time is one order of magnitude lower than the polarization time, so that in this case the bean can become readily depolarized unless special measures are adopted to maintain the beam polarization. This report van presented by Academician G. L Budker. Orig. art. has: .17 forwAlas- on CODE: ORM RV 1 001/ OTH REF: 001 2D/ SUEN DA73: 05APZ65/ 52m Vi AL 97 L2213-6-66, EWTM 00 ACC NR: AFW9~4 SOURCE CODE: un/oD56/66/o5o/ool/o,156/o168~ AUTHOR: v0 N6 Iradinj, V. S. Khoze.. V. A. ORG: Novosibirsk State University (Nwosibirskiy gosudarstvanny universitet) TITIZ: Electromagqetic.particle pair production SOURCE: Zhurnal eknperimentallnoy i teoraticheakoy fizikl,, v. 50p no. lp 1966, 156-168 TOPIC TAGS: pair productionp particle collision, photon emission, formion col- lision cross section# electromWetic.interactionp nuclear spinp charged differential cross section, integral cross section,, quantum electrodynamics Dremsstrahlung ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of a series of e#rlier papers (ZhETF v& 48p 1708p 1965 and elsewhere) dealing with bremsstrah1vng occurring upon collision of two charged.particles, and the emission of a photon following tvo-perticle anni.- hilation of a pair of particles. The w~bod used in these investigations con- sisted of integrating individual parts of the diagrams and using the properties of relativistic., gauge., and charge invarlance. In the present article this method is used to caleulate the cross sections for electromagnetic pair production under the simplifying assumption that all. the charged particles are dietinguisbable, 1/2 C ard L 22136-.66 ACC: NR: AP600493k- 7he cross sections for the creation of pairs of fermlons vith spin.1/2 or of scaIA particles upon collision of a photon with a charged particle are calcu- lated. Exact expressions are dAalned for the differential cross sections in terms of the invariant mass of the pair of charged particles. The obtained cross sect-ions are discussed from the point of view of the Stucbr of the form factors of the particles and the check on the validity of quantum electrodynamics at small i distances* This is followed by an analysis of the annihilation of a pair of particles into two*paire of charged particles* The exact value of the differen- -tial cross section is obtained in terms of the invariant masses of the produced i pairs$ and the properties of these cross.sections are discussed. Approximate ex- pressionvare also obtained for the integral cross section. The calculation takes' into account the recoil and the contribution of the dispersioup and the Compton tensor of the fourth rank Is integrated ovez the fins.3 states of the fernion pair.1 Orig. art& has: 4 figures WA 3 formulas. MM CODE: 20/ sm ant oqjui65/ opm mw: ooB/ o7K mw: ook carc 741 WCC-NR3- - A'1DV1L'L'0?- UUMUIS UUDE: Ulf/UUUU/DI-7/WL)/UUU/UL)UI/UUUO AUMORS: Bayer, V. N.,;- Orlov.. Yu. F. ORG: . Ins-titute ot--Nuclear--PhYA31ca--Biber-ian Department AN SSR .-(Institut yadernoy fiziki Sibirskogo -o-Wele-niya-AN SSSR) ITITLE: Quantum depolarization of electrons in a magnetic field- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut yadernoy fiziki. Doklady, 1965. Kvantovaya depolyarizatsiya elektronovv magnitnom pole, 1-6 TOPIC TAGS: depolarization.. electron polarization., quantum resonance phenomenon, tranoverse:magnetic field) circular accelerator. ~ABSTRACT: 'The authors show by theoretical calculation that the polivim .tion of electrons and positrons which they acquire in storage ringg may the lost not only as a result of depolarizing resonances due to the Iradial and azimuthal.components of the magnetic field on the particle !trajectory,, but also under the influence of the quantum character of the radiation. The quantum depolarization., like the resonance depolariza- tion, is also realized only in the presence of perturbing radial and .,azimuthal components of the magnetic field, but the satisfaction of ,resonance conditions is riot -Raential in the'quantum case. The-resonanoe -L 29291t66 .~CC NM AT6012262 i required for the depolairization is produced in the quantum case by th Ie Tourier components of the energy jumps conneoted.with the quantum.charac .ter of the radiation. Although this quantum depolarization, unlike the res'onance depolarization, cannot be reduced by suitable choice of,the Particle energyp it can be reduced by minimizing the magnetic-field perturbations. Estimates for typical storage ring parameters show that 1the possible depolarization time(in the case-of a 6 Bev storage, ring with Zield 8 x 0 04 can reach 25 againsta polarization Itime of'190 seconds. Orig. arti, hass 18 formulas. SUB CODB::20/ ORIG REF.- DOl/ OTH YMPt 001 ACC N& A -01,15 SOURCE. CODEI W10367 AIM16hi Bayer, V. N.; Fadin, V, S.1 Khoze, Ve A* ORGi Novosibirsk State University (NoToxibirskI7 gonWaretvenMy univerl4tet) TITISt' Elastic and imlastio foraftotors in the oross-motions of electrovAgnetto processes SOURCEs Tedernaya Mika, vs 3, no. 20 1966, 327-3A TOPIC TAGSt photon. elastic scattering, inelastic scattering, particle annihilationt particle cross section, electromagnetic interaction ABSTRACTs General formulae for the cross-sections of 2)Attjq_ac&tter1na ahd the two- and throe-particle annihilation of a pair of arbitrary particles are derived 'in a ono-photon approximtion. The creation of a pair of particles in intoraotionj of ,Xrp~otonswith charred particles and in the inelastid ologtrompnotic annihjlation of a pair 15jonsideredo Or gs art6 hass 3 figures aid 26 formAkee ( /Based on authors RIngs libe LJ-PR3S t~ SUB CODEt 20 SUBM DAT9j 23jun65 CRIO REIPI 0&_ OM REFt 005 Cwd -141 47-M k-ACC NRa AP6010010 SOMC19 CODE:- - UR/0-367/66/003/001/0081/0088 -AUTHORS: Bayer, V. N.- Katkor, V. M. ORG; Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirskly gosudarstvennyy universitet) TMZ: Quantum depolarization of electrons in a magnetic field SOURCE: Yaderneya fizika Y. 3, no. 1, 1966, 81-88 TOPIC TACO: depolarizationo electron polarization. quantum resonance phenmenon, transverse xw4goetic field, circular accelerator ABSTRACT: Theoretical calculation are presented to show that the polarization ac- quired by electrons and positrons'in sitoralte rinxd%v be lost not through depolar- izing resonances due to the radial and azimuthal components of the magnetic field on the particle trajectory, but also because of the quantum character of the radiation. Quantum.depolarization, like resonance depolarization, also occurs in the presence of perturbing radial and azimuthal magnetic field components, but fulfillment of the re- sonance conditions is not essential in the quantum case. The resonance required for quantum depolarization. Is produced by the Fourier components of the energy jumps con- nected vith the quantum qWacter of the radiation. Although quantum depolarization, unlike resonance depolarization, cannot ba suppressed by suitable choice of the parti- cle energy, it can be reduced by minimizing the -agnetic-field perturbations. Esti- mates for typical storage ring parameters shov that a 6 Bev storage ring vith field ACC NR- AP6016810 3 8 1 10 Oe in the depolarization time can reach 25 seconds as against a polarization time of 190 seconds. Orig. art. has: 18 formulas. MM CODE: 20/ SM DATE: 23ky65/ ORIG REY: 0061 OTH REY: OOh/ C~,d 2/2 ACC NR# APbO20217 SOURCE CODE: UR/OO56/66/O50/OO6/1bl1j1b3J -76 AUTHOR: fter, V. N.; MUn, V. S. -, Kbozep Ve A* 0110: Novosibirsk State University_(Novosibirskiy gotrudarstvermy universitet) TITLES Emission of two photons in a specified angle during electron collisions SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fizp v. 5D, no. 6, 1966, 16n-i616 TOPIC TAGS: photon emission,, electron collisionp radiation detector., scattering crool section ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by one of the authors (Bayer., with V. M. G&Utskiy,, ZhETF Pis1m v. 2., 259., 1965 and earlier) dealing with the emission of two pbotons of arbitrary energy as a result of electron collisions. In view of thi great interest that attaches to this process in connection with colliding-beam, experi, ments, and in view of the fact that earlier calculations were based on the assiumption that the angular dimensions of the pboton detectors greatly exceed the characteristic emission angle,, the authors calculate in this article the cross section for the emis- sion of two photons into a specified angle, which is shown to be only a fraction of the cross section of the radiation integrated over all the angles. The final expres- sion, obtained by a combination of analytic and computer techniques, is in the form of a polynomial in the powers of the frequencies of the two photons. The numerical values of the coefficients of the powers of the frequencies are obtained in the cae-,. when the detector dimensions are of the order of mapitude of the ebaracteristic L 41742-66 ACC NRs Ap6020217 emission angle. An analytic expression for the cross section is obtained when the detector dimensions-are much larger than the characteristic angle. The results of this analytic expression agree well with the numerical calculations. The authors thank A. P. Onuchin for a discussion of questions connected with the experiment,, and G. I. Rusova and R. Z. Borovskaya for help with the numerical calculations. Orig. art. has- I figure., A -formulast and 2 tables. /T SUB CODE: SUBM DA72: 10jar,66/ oRia Rv: oo3/ oTH REF: ool c,,.d 2/2 BAYXR, Ye. ~ftfylng the pUnning with regard to hide deliveries. Miss. ind. SSSR 29 no.6:94 158. (KM 11: 12) le'Gosplan Xazakhokoy SSR. (Usakhathn-Rides and skins) bh X E- R , 'A' - ~7- - BAER2 J. G. "The Origin of Hww Tapewoms" (Translation) (P. 324) by Baer, J. G. SO: Advances in Modern Biology, (Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii), Vol. XIII, No. 2, 1940 RLY31R, YS,jj,,.~nzhener. Mechanization of plastering vork in building the Moscow University. Kekho strol. 10 no.11:23-29 1 153. OWU 6: 11 ) (Plastering) BAM, Ye. Ya. AID P - 218 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Author Bayer, Ye. Ya., Engineer, Moscow. Title Organization and Mechanization of Stone and Brickwork Periodical Sbor. mat. o nov. tekh. v stroi., 1, 4-7, 1954 Abstract The organization of bricklaying work on the construc- tion job of the new Moscow State University is described: the 5-man bricklaying teams, the machinery and equipment used, the electric power required, etc. One chart, 1 photo. Institution Moscow State University Submitted No date Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Author Bayer, Ye. Ya., Engineer Title Interior wall face tiles finishing works AID P - 367 Periodical : Sbor. mat. o nov. tekh. v stroi., 5, 16-23, 1954 Abstract : Describes methods used in placing face tiles on floors and walls in the newly erected building of the Moscow State University. Detailed schemes were applied showing all openings to be left (for pipes and other installations). A bench to out tiles for smaller areas is shown. 10 graphs. Institution : None Submitted ! No date AID P - 529 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 93 - 4/9 Author : Bayer,, Yo.. &,,,Epgineer !~4 ~0-- Title : Ceramic face lining of facades Periodical : Sbor. mat. o nov. tekh. v stroi., 7, 12-16, 1954 Abstract : Description of how reinforced concrete panels with ceramic face linings were prepared and placed on the facades of the new state university building in Moscow. 2 photos, 2 diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date BAMR. 74.7a., Jazhener. j ..~' k?Z*.h - Nectanizatiou of simallor operations in constmotion of the Moscow State University, Xokh,strol, 11 no.6:13-22 Js 134. (NLRA 7:6) (Building) (Koscow University) BAMR, Ye.Ya., inthener. Organization and machaulzation of stonework. Sbor.mat.o nov. takh.v stroi.16 no-1:4-7 '54. (KLRL 7:2) (Building, Stone) FROSKMIN. Valentin. inshaner; BAYMCR, Yevgeniy, inzhener. b"-Ww~OA414~ Builders' practices. Takh.mol.22 no.2:13-15 7 154. (MI-RA 7:2) (Koscow University) (Building) BAYXRv Ye*Yavt inzhenere Stand for making large-dimenslon reinforced concrete hollov beam floors. Kekh.strol, 12 no.1:14-18 J&'55- (MLU 8:3) (Ploors, Concrete) TSTUMJPA,A.L., inshener; BATYER.Ye.Ya, inshener mechanizing the production and Installation of large sized gypeusetag-conorets partitions. Kokh. stroi. 12 no.4:6-14 Ap. 155. (KM 8:6) (Precast concrete construction) RLTAR.Te.Ta., inthener L~tvg parquet flooring without waste. Sbor. mat. o nov. vekh. v strol. 17 no.4:23-24 153. (HLRL 8:6) (Parquet floors) "?r .-71 A'L' LR inzho: KULIGIN, Nikolay Nikol&3 BA119a.U -evich, inch.; UDALITS'OV. red.; ARSMUIYIV. L.B., (Mechanized circular building yard for woufactureing reinforced concrete parts] MakhanisirovanzWi kolltsevoi poligon dlia isgo- tovlaniia zbelesobetonnykh isdalit. Moskva, In-t tokhniko-okono inform* 1956. 16 p. (Peredovot proizvodstvanno-takhnicheekii opyt. Seriia 33s uo.T-56-183/12) (MIRA 11:2) (Precast concrete) BATUR, Tavgeniy TakovIevich- Insh.; FILAMV, A.I., insh., GHAPLTGIN. D.V., insh., red;; SOROrrvA, T.M., (Uperience in the manufacture and use of prestressed reinforced concrete elemental Opyt Isgotovlenlia i primenentia napriashenw- armirovaurqkh sholesobetonufth konstruktail. Hookys., Filial Vses.ln-ta nauchn. I tekhn. informatell, 1957. 68 p. (Peredovol naucbno-tekbnicbeskiX I prolsvodetysurqi opyt. Toms, 55, no.g-!57- 66/9) (MIRL 11:12) (Prestressed concrete) AUT13DR: Bayerp E.Ya, (Engineer) 100-5-8/10 - TITLE: Practical tackles for the assembly of precast reinforced concrete constructions. (Ratsionaltnye prisposobleni a dlya montazha sbormykh zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy PERIODICAL.- "Mekhanizatsiza Stroitelistva"(Mechanisation of ConsTRUTion)p 19579 vol,14,-No.5, ppl,23-29 (USSR)'. ABSTRACT: Aocordi to the time-studies 0 the.YuzhNIIMirimetallurg- khimstroylnlK*HWWMKgmeT&AjlyprXm~CT-POL4) the assembly of one column of 12 t weightl 8 - 12 m hight takes 30 - 50 min. and 5 - 6 operatives are required. The above colilmn can be placed in position in 5 - 10 min. by using the des- cribed and illustrated tackle which is shaped like an elongated "U"?* This lifting arrangement comprises a pivot which can be positioned along the arms'. It is widely used in the East German Republic for lifting 10 - 20 t ,. heavy column . The advantages lie in the ease of lifting from the horizontal position and that the column is in a verti- cal position during the jointing (Fig.1). Fij.2 illustrates the process of securire the upper part of a suspended column whilst the lower part is correctly positioned on the head of the lower column!. The tackle was designed by I.K"Aovtun, Card 1/6 an assembly operative of the Glavmosstroy ractoiy. For Practical tackles for the assembly of precast reinforced concrete constructions (Cont) 100-5-8/10 head th; of lower colvmn is provided this operation the with steel square sleeve with 8 short steel rods welded to the same which serve as positioning guides for the base of the upper collimn, The suspended top column is provided with a sleeve formed of angle-iroms to which 4 cables with rectifying screws are attached. Fig'.3.indicates an effect- ive arrangement of the I'montage" beams. Two-arm, double- liftirg hooks (used in East Germany)can also be used for assemblir,g small partitions and panels This comprises a ring which is attached to the hook of the crane'. Wo ropes endix in hooks are attacheff. A "U" shafed loop is formed. The a=t4ge lies in the small weightp ow cost and uni- versal use. Device for the Assembly of Lar&e Wall Panels: (Fij.4) =3 comp-r- =Ses 3 jolsts: vie -top JoIst -16 fixed in a h ri- zontal position through 2 loops and the cable of the lifting rime. On bath ends of this joist are 2 freely hiz)ged steel joists. -This American device is used for lifting medium sized panels from the horizontal to the vertical position. Balancing Traverse: Pi . TnIS is used for t e assem ly of wall panels and beams and Card 2/6 consists of rolled steel joists with holes drilled along the Practical tackles for the assembly of precast reinforced concrete constructions. (Cont'.) 100-5-8/10 web'. An attachment for'suspension from the crane is fixed through the centre hole. Cables with lifting hooks are fixed on both ends. It is used for lifting panels with vary- i33g centres of gravity. The holes in the horizontal joist are used for adjusting the position of the middle hanger to suit the centres of gravity of various panels. Liftinx Device: LFigj) Used abroad for Unimg large wall panels. It comprises 2 frames which are fixed together with horizontal members. There are 2 base cantilevered supports and 2 pairs of hori- zontal gripping arms. The slabs lie in a vertical position and the frame can be used as a scaffold for welding and fixinz- Seli--lilanoiAg Lifting Device:(Fig',I) Tb1S comprises a borizontal beam'with a triangular welded plate with a centre lifting hole. Both erdg.of,the beam are perforated and the holes are interconnected. A simple pulley arrangement is fixed through the holes and.the cable ranning over the-pulley has rings attached to both ends ,. This is a Canadian invention, the advantage of the device consisting in the self-balancing of the load in any required Card 3/6 position. Practical tackles for the assembly of precast reinfo:rced concrete constructions'. (Cont'*-) 100-5-8/10 Tube-Lifting Device:(Fig.8) 2-5MF7 c6annels are suspended on 2 cables, the chann ls being provided with 2 freely fixed loops which secure the lifted tuber. This is used for reinforced concrete tubes (diameter 300 - 600 mm) of up to 2 t weight. Device for Liftim Reinforced Concrete Tubes: (Fig'.9) Tubes of 900 - 1500 mm diameter, 1-1.35 m 16-mg.and up to 2 t in weight can be lifted by this device'. It comprises a clamp which is suspended from a cable'. The tubes are hooked at the ends and a safe grip is obtained by lifting the weight. lEplement for Lifting Concrete Piles: (Fig'.10) The plies Can De 0 - 11 m long and of Y-5 t weight*. . It comprises 2 steel channels which are welded together. It has 2 lifting cables which terminate in hooks which engage the eye concreted into the pile. 2 liftirg rods are sec- ured to the top of the channel w1iich are joined in a ring to thatjhE,A?lemjnt can %lilfIld by a crane. niveral 4 ackle: 9- Tals was designed -by 13. sen, am is mm,factured in the Card 4Z6 MosgrazhdanuglezbLilstroy of Glavmostroy'. It serves for the Practical tackles for 'the assembly of precast reinforced ooncrete constructions. (Cont".) 100-5-8/10 assembly of large building construction units. It consists of a suspendable steel joist with 2 cables (4.6 m long) with attached steel rings at 11.2 m centres. Fiaure, 12: This 1=ustrates an ancillary attachment to the previous tackle for lifting large loads. Fiere, I Wals 8 the universal taakle with the special attachment and the way of lifting large slabs in the horizontal posit-~ ion. Fig2re 14: 111UST, 8 the above tackle and the way of lifting a pre- cast concrete flight of stairs. Implement for Lifting-and Assembling Reinforced Concrete Siabs U]2 to 4 tons: (Fig 15) VEff-s-comprises a Sorizon al"steel consisting of 2 chan ls separated by a space in which 2 clamps are fixed which can be adjusted. These clamps perform the lifting. Implement for Liftim "Collector" Plate: (Fijz.16) Tue rectangular plate weighs 277 tons. The-implement has 4 Card 5/6 steel cables of 15".5 m diameter which terminate in lifting Practical tackles for the assembly of precast reinforced concrete constructions. (Cont.) 100-5-8/io- rings The upper end of the cables are connected to one ring ~or,attaching to the crane'. Figure 17: An alternative detail of the top ring of the previous tackle which is more suitable as it allows for quick exahange of cables of various lengths. There are 17 figures. AVAIIABU: card 616 ~Zhener. RMPUMMIMUNCIMM" XmIdug architectural reinforced concrete elownts. loy.tekh.i pered.op.v stroi. 19 no.1:18-26 Ja 137. (KWA 10:2) (Decoration and ornament. Architectural) (Reinforced concrete) I .. B&YYILR,YC,,_inzh. Coustruoting buildings of the embassy of the Chinese People's Re- public. Na stroi. Nook. 2 no-12:11-13 D '59 (MIU 13:3) (Moscow--Chinese embassy) 41. STIMINIZOV, B.A., prof.;-BATM, Z.N.. assistant treating peptic ulcer emearbations with a ragosMathetIc block. Ned,zhur,'Uxb, D0,1004-37 0 158. (MMA 13:6) (VAGUS NOW (PMIC =U) (NOVOGAIU) OTSYANMOT, Karp Llvovich; RAY73M, Y&Tgenly Yakoylevich- ZOLOTNITSKlY. N.D.. prof.. doktor-*ektfir.MWE9 red.; RAKOT, Met tekhn,red, [Precast reinforced concrete at the construction site] Sbornyl shelesobston na poligoni" Pod red. N.D.Zolotnitakogo. Koakva, Izd-vo. TTsSM Profisdat, 1060. .327 P. (KMA.14:4) (Precast concrete) BArM, Ye.Ya., inzk. Misebanissation of finishing operations in the Main Administra- tion for Housing and Public Construction in the City of Moscow. Makh. stroi. 18 no.120-5 D 161. (KIRA 16M 1, Glavnoye upravleniye po zhilisbchnomu i grazhdan6koma otroitellstvu v g. Mookwe. (Moscow-Finishes and finishing) I BAYYER, Ye.Ya., Inzh. Industrilization and mechanization of finishing work In fully prefabricated construction. Mekh. stroi. 20 no.10:4-6 0 163. (MM 16:10) 1. flachallnik stroitellstva No.10-S eksperimentaltnogo kvartala v Novykh Cheremushkakh., Moskva. PUSS I BOOK EXPWITATION 'ju" Zb V/W284 :Oris' Jan, ed., Engineer, Doctor, Corresponding Member of the Cz9oho- slovak AoadqzW of Sciences ?4klad1A probI46y ve stavA spalovaofah turbin (Basic Problems in the Con rVotion of Chs Turbines (collection of artiolsoj). Pragus* Nak, CAV, 1962. 62T p. Moo copies printed. -Sponsoring Ag"cyl 6"kosloveneki akademle Ad. IN. of Pub;ishlng House: Marie Moravoovii Tech. Nd.o Vmtllsk Xonhokt. PMMRt The book is intended to familiarize turbine designers with recent developments In the design of San turbines &W to present some research results. which may be helpful In designing more ef- ficient turbines. OOVZPAGSt ' The book comprises articles by leading Czechoslovak jawbine experts on'thersiodynamio cycle" oomiponents,, s, flow research In turbin. Card 1/8 Basic Problems'in the Construction (Conto) L. 141o~allcka (State Research Institute for Heat 136gineerIngp Prague). The Use of Gas Turbines in Industrial Prooesies TT J. Jerle (State Research institute for Heat Engineering.,' Prague). Combustion Turbines of HigheBt.Effioienoy _5 V. Kmonicek (Institute for Machine Research, Czechoslovak Academy of Solenoesp Prague). Some Neat Recovery Problem In Gas Turbine Cycles J 119- L. Krejci (Institute for Machine Rese"oho Ozoohoolovak Aoad- emy of Scie"Oess Prague). Problems Related to a Temperature 4 4: Increase in Gas Turbines 1 1 ~~(Inatitute for Machine Researohp. Czechoslovak Academy-' jj _ _ U-Solenoes,P Prague). The Effects of Interstage CooUng., Re- * I Cyoles heatingp and Preoooling in Gas Turbine 261 Card 3/8 If -AYER, Z . "Terephthalic fibers." CH%V-ICKY PRUMYSL, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 5., No. 10, October 1955. Monthly Li.-t of East European Accessiorw 6tUI), LC, Vol. 9, No. 9, September 1959- Unclassified. CATEWRY : Cbemical Technology. Cherical products and Their Annlications. Leather. Fur. Gelatine. Tanning ABs. jouR. : Ranim., No 17, 1959, No. 6321.5 AUTHOR BMer, 7,.; Ludviger, R. ; Jahanides, V. INSTITUM TI7u Economical Kdvantages of PreservinR Hides by Fb ,oloying SaltpContaining Antihiotics. pUB. Koza 1 obuca,, 1958, 7, No 1?, 449-453 OpIr ABSTRACT 11ased on many years" ex-)erience the results per- taining to the nreservation of hideslemi,loying sElt to which antibiotics are addedp are Dresen- ted. This method results in the sal't economy up to 501~- with tbe im-nrovement of nhysico-chemical properties of finished leather. *Materials. Industrial Proteins. Card: 1/1 P - 167 BKIER P Z * Research work in the field ef production of moire-type furs. p. 3.1 IEKA PROMISHISNOST. OW terstvo n-- lekata, promishlenist) Sofia, Bulgaria. Vole 8S no* 7P 19599 Monthly Idat of East European Accessions (EW), JZP Vol* 8m no& 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl. B#LYxR Z =L-= Method for measuring electrostatic charges in textiles. p. 11. TIMTIL. (Ministerstvo lahkeho prupWalu) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 14, no. 1, Januar7 1959. Monthly List of East Ebropean Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. B. mo. 2-12 November 1959. Unel. 27231 Z/032/61/011/010/001/007 B197/E535 AUTHOR: Bayer, Z., Engineer TITLE: Thermodynamic characteristics of gas turbines with blades cooled by air PERIODICAL: Strojfrenstvi, 1961. Vol.11, No.10, pp.723-730 TEXT; The purpose of the article is to asses the combined effect of increased working temperature and the consequent necessity of cooling and aims at optimal overall efficiency. Calculations refer to cooling by air, using data, in literature, but foe future projects the author suggests steam as the cooling medium. At first. a'schematie description is given of a single cycle gas turbine with an open loop cooling system. While it is recognised that in any particular case the lowest price per kWh should be the deciding factor, in the absence of the necessary data, only the overall thermal efficiency, the specific perform- ance and the pressure ratio of the cycle were taken into conaidera- tion for arriving at an optimum solution. The author differen- tiates between two types of losses due to cooling: firstly, the temperature of the working medium will drop faster than-without Card 1/5 27231 Thermodynamic characteristics Z/032/6i/011/010/001/007 E197/E535 cooling; secondly.-power is needed to provide cooling. The first is called thermodynamic lose, the second circulation loss. Losses due to a worsening of aerodynamic conditions are included for calculation purposes in the above two. The original analysis of the author is given in a works report (Ref.2t Zpr&va 6VS-CSAV, No.113-61) from which abridged fragments are quoted in the article. Thermal losses in the cooling channels are calculated from known heat transfer equations and the amount of thermodynamic losses are discussed with reference to literature. It is stated that those calculated by'the reheat factor appear to be too low and that substantial differen=es exist between the results obtained by using various assumptions but, up to 12000C, the differences are comparatively small. The author states that circulation losses are difficult to express by formulae. However, from considerations of geometry, the ratio of length to.radius of channels is more favourable for large turbines than for small ones and the losses would be proportionally smaller in the former. In the numerical evaluation the'polytropical efficiency of expansion and compression was taken an 0.88. the useful work per step as 40 kcal/kg, the Card 2/ 5 27231 Thermodynamic characteristics ... Z/032/61/011/010/001/007 E197/E535 inlet temperature of cooling air as 10GOrt. the temperature at the tip of the blade as 800*C and at the root iis 630*C. Diagrams are plotted in the paper for single cycles and these deal with the following% heat transferred to the cooling air dependent on maximum temperature of the cycle and on pressure rsitio; thermodynamic losses which appear independent of pressure; circulating losses which increase both'with temperature atid with the pressure ratio; the ratio of circulation-losses to thormodynamic losses; the sum of circulation loss and thermodynamic loss in relation to heat trainsferred; the amount-of air needed, which appears excessive over 11000C, and the dependence of thermal'effi6iency on pressure ratio for temperatures between 600OC-and 13500C. The article contains plots of the thermal efficiencies of various combinations of cyclea,.dependent on maximum temperature and on pressure ratios. In conclusion, the author states that for high specific loads the thermal losses due to cooling are not too serious. Above about 11000C circulation losses will rise faster than thermodynamic losses. For beat overall thermal efficiency the temperature should be about 12000C, but there will be only a 0.5% gain over about 1100*C. On the whole, in the range from 6 to 25 MW a thermal Card 3/5 27231 Thermodynamic characteristics ... Z/032/6i/oil/010/001/007 E197/E535 efficiency of 33 to 36% is obtainable, amounting to a specific performance of 230 to 340 kW/kg/s, equivalent to an air consumption of 16 to 11 kg/kWh. In comparison with an inlet temperature of 7000C the specific performance would now be doubled. The author attaches significance to the fact that actual measurements yielded a performance as calculated by assuming that c is constant. Since c cannot be constant, the author suggeRts further investi- gation Ato the cause of concordance and believe that research in that direction would be of practical importance. Finally, the author advocates the use of water, respectively water transformed into steam as a means of cooling, since steam has better heat transfer characteristics than air and would substantially reduce circulation losses. A disadvantage-would be that the steam used would have to be free of impurities. There are 13 figures and 18 references: 6 Czech, 4 Soviet and 8 non-Soviet-bloc.. The four latest-English-language references read as follows: Ref.l: Ainley, D.G.,*Internal Air-Cooling for Turbine Blades. A General Design Survey. Aeronautical Ret3earch Coitncil, Reports'and Memoranda, London, 19571 Ref-3: Burke, J.C., Buteau, B.L., Rohaenow, M.W., Analysis of the Effect of Blade Cooling on Gas- Card 4/5 27231 Thermodynamic characteristics Z/032/6!/011/010/001/007 E197/E535 Turbine Performance, 1956, XI, Transaction of the ASME; Ref.61 Eagar, J.B., Tukbihe Cooling. Transaction of the ASME, 1959. VII. Series A. p.811 Ref.8: Hawthorne, W.R., The Thermo- dynamics of Cooled Turbines. Part I - The Turbine Stage, Part 2 The Multistage Turbine, 1956, X1, Transactions of the ASME. ASSOCIATION-, Ustav pro v'zkum strojfi C.SAV 7 -4 (Engineering Research Institutel CSAV) Card 5/5 BAMs Zdanek.. ins. Chemalcal fibers and their use in the textile industry. Tooh . praca .14 no.8t636-637 Ag 162. .0