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BAMM. A.A. I RV, Capricorni. Per.svezdv 9 no.3.-21?-219 -Ta 153. Mu 7:7) 1. Astronomichookaya observatortya Rostovskogo goeudaretvannogo universitat46. (Stars, Variable) BATTMIV. A.A. ......v..... . , IN Librae. Per.xvosdy 9 no.3:223-226 Ja 153. OMU 7:7) 1. Astronomichooksys. obsermtoriya Rostowskogo gosudarstvon- nogo univeratteta. (Stars, Variable) - BATYR W; A.- - A. - - - - -- I--- ---- - - -- Astrophysics, Observations of Stars (lu66) Peremenrome Zvezdv Vol 9. No 4, 1953, pp 30D-301 BATTM. A. A. wDV Pegasus" Gives results of valuations made in 1952 of the brightness of DV Pega3us, SO: Referativnyy Zhumal-Astronomiya i Geodeziya, No 1, Jan 54;(W-30785. 28 July, 1954) BATYFZV, A.A. - T 341 Aquilae. Astron.tsir. no.134:11 7 153. (MM 6:6 ) 1. Astronomichookaya Observatoriya Rostovskogo gosudarstvannogo univarsi- tot&. (Stars, Variable) I A BATIav , A.A. T 341 Aquilas. Astrra.tsir. no.144:12-13 D 153. (KLRA 7:6) 1. Astronomichookaya observatoriya Rostovskogo Goeudarstvennogo Universitets. (Stan, Variable) ,,~TYM. A.A - 3Z Gomlnorum. Per.vmmW 9 no.5:330-332 Jo 154. (nU 7: 8) 1. Astronomichookaya obsormtorlya Rostovskogo gDoudaretvannogo universitata imeni V.N.Molotova. (Stars, Vari-.ble) Borm. HO Vulpeculae. Per.s"sdv 9 no.5:336-338 Jo 134. (MMA 7:8) 1. Astronomicheskays, observatorlya Rostovskogo gosulwotTeumco universitata imeni T.M.Nolotova. (Stars, Variable) BATYnV,A.A. - WWO CP Aquarli. Astronomichookaya oban-vator4a Rostovskago ;o universiteta imeni T.K.Kolotova. (Stars, Urlable) WYM.A.A. llrjr?,"~" V.341 Aquila*. Perosvosd. 10 no.P;:118-120 Js 154. (NI& 8:9) 1. AstronovichookWa observatorlya Rostarokogo gosudaretyennogo universiteta, isoni Y.N.Nolotava. (Stars, Variable) 3r wgj&e. A. Visual observations of four short-period Cepbeids. Per. svezdy 10 no-5:292-301 155. (RLRA 9:9) 1. Astronomtchas)mya observatoriya Rostovskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta. (Stars, Variable) BATYMW, A.A. abort-parlod Capholds. Per.svotdv 12 no.2:137-147 N 15 7. (MIRA: 13; 4) 1. Astronomicheakeya observatorlys Rostovskogo gosuda.~stvannogo univerettatao (Capbside) SOV/35-59-8-6259 Translation from: Refeistivnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 8, p 22 AUTHOR: Batyrev 9 A.A. TITLE. KX Lyrae N^/ PERIODICAL: Astron., tsirkulyar, 1958, July 3, Nr 193, p 25 ABSTRACTt Five moments of luminosity maxima of the star XX Lyr are given, derived from the observations of 1955 - 1957. 612 estimates of the luminosity weroobtained, which allowed one to obtain the following elements: Max hel JD - 2429752.408 + Od.44o9ol86 E. Card 1/1 ,,- BATIM, A.A. Plemm of the Committee on Variable Stars of the Ac.ademy of Scienceo of the UoS.S.R. Per.zvesdy 13 no-4323Y-2%f* 161. (Stars,, Variable) - (MM 150) 1 38 5 1 ACC NR. jm6o20760 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Batyrev, A. A. TITLE: Three RR Lyra-type starg UR/0269/66/000/003/0029/0120 SOURCE: Ref zh. Astoron, Abs. 3.51.253 REP SOURCE: Peremenenyya zvezdy, v. 15, no. 3, 1964, 278-286 TOPIC TAGS: star, star type, stellar system ABSTRACT: The results of visual observations conducted in 1953-1962 of three RR Lyra-type stars are presented. The stars studied are SZ Gem, HH Lib, AN Ser. The maximum momenta, observations, and the mean brightness curves are presented. N. K. (Translation of abstract] CKPI SIT3 CODE: OV SIM DATE: none/ VAYNER, Sh.A.v inzh.; VAYNER, S.A., Inzh.; USO.LITSEV, V.A., inzh.; FOKIN, V.M., inzh.; SOTSKOV, N.I., inzh.j ZAMBERG, S.A.0 inzh.; SIGAREEV, V.S., inzh.; BRONSMYN, L.M., inzh; YUNGER, S.V.., kand. tekhn. nauk; BATYREV A.V zh.; BODvhKIN, Yu.F., inzh.; RYZHKOV, N.r-.*iiZ~--I- ~ AKH A.L,, insh.; FRIDKIS, 7.1., inzh. Furnishing the SGU gas-cutting machine with a FOS-4 scale' photocopying control system. Svar. proizv. no.9-.34 S 165. (HIRA 18:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut takhnologii mashinostroyeniya (for Sh.Vaynerj S.Vayner, Usolltsev, Fokin,, Sotskov). 2. Volgogradaki-y zavod im. Petrova (for Zandbarg, Sigarevp Bronshtep), 3. VPTI khimnefteapparatury (for Yunger, Batyrev, Bodyakin). I+. Ura.1'skiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (for Ryzhkov, Yakhninq Fridkis). B.4Tv!T-V, A.V. At the 11 Anril 1050 Session of the MDscow L%thenmatics Society A.V. Batyrev, from Rostov-on-the-Don, gave the report I'Critleria of Transcendence and H,,Tertranseendence of Analytic Functions" W 15114 10 14ovember 1950 Oil Cfitexia ,w. iry and hyfFef- vr~ ni :ni a I it ol I i, If r, I I Sourcei Mritherratical ReV~CL13. F-9VTev,A.Iv'. On the Lest apmliin',-, 40analytic-fur-c- 4-JULILL.ILLIMAUMM -70 MA cul -10C. fo-f- a -4 ''it CI. 0101 till I 't";;I ,9 Y. 13ATYREV, A. V. "Twisting of Cylindrical Rods,, n Uch. sap. Rostovsk. -na-Donu un-ta, Vol 18, No 3, 19531 PP 3-16 By methods of the theory of functions of a complex variable, the author derives formulas for the components of stress and the rigidity during twisting ofa cylindrical rod. The formulas apply when the cross section of the rod is an analytic curve and when a region external to the contour of the cross section can be mapped conformally onto a region external to a circle of specified conformal radius. RZhMat, No 3s 1955 in a comple'i cclni!luon;- f tit rcsalt. ilovicv':1, r- Gilt 151. FIX., aL r-_- tun, Won Yr. J. amlaae 'or the --emnnn-pol J-1 k'S Call Nr: AF 1108825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont.) MOSCO.' Jun-Jul '56, Trudy -56 v. 1 Seat. Rpta., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR MOw, 1956, 237 Pp. d Kolmo orov S a ti f ~ ~t N M i d e o erns . . n en on s ma eyn, , g Arin', E. I. (Riga). On the Concept of Partial Continuity of Function. 75 Balk, M. B. (Smolensk). On an Analog of the Uouville Theorem. 75-76 There is 1 USSR reference. _Z~~v~,A. ~V. (Rostov-na-Donu). On the Stability of a Solutfo-n -of Hilbert Boundary Problem. 76 B61inskiy, P. P. (LIvov). On.the Existence of a Solution of Variational Qaasi-conformal Mapping Problems 77 Bredikhina, Ye.A. (Kuybyshev). On the Best Approximations of Almost-periodical Functions. 77 There is I USSR reference. Card 23/t0 SUBJECT USSIt/XLTMUTICS/Theory of functions CARD 1/2 PQ - 5318 VUTHOR BLTYRIV A.Ve ~ TITLE Approxima, solution of the Rismann-Privalov problem. PZRIODICAL Uspeohi mat.Nauk 11 5, 71-76 (1956) . reviewed 1/1957 Lot a simple,closed rectifiable curve L decompose the %-plane into the outer region D and the inner region e. On L lot be given two continuous function* G(t) and P(t), where G(t) is different from zero on L. Determine two functions V(z) and +_(z) being analytic in Dt rasp. B7 and which in 7 and D do not vanish and on L satisfy the condition (1) + +-(t) + F(t). 4 (t) - G(t) The exact solution of this problem and a complete investigation of all possible cases has been given by Gachov but it is difficult for applications. Therefore the author proposes two methods for the approxinatIve solution of the problem in question. In both cases the exact conditions SM or a con- dition arising from (1) by taking the logarithm) are replace by approximated ones by taking a rational function which approximates G(t) instead of G(t) itself. Por such rational approximations the author proposes sections of the RLTTUV, A. V. Ths UDS unit. Diul. tokh.-skon. inform. no.601-33 158. (MIU U:8) (motors) :'6/; 7 jL lipA a ;I 1, P. R A 1 1, ; IV ~t I ~ V,.3 1 A '41 v d di "Id Ali Is Z110, 1 13 9- Joe to* IV z Wl I 9 Z di-u A _-3 DITSXM, S.A., BATYRU, V.A. Zffect of absorption in the emitter on the form of X-ray spec- trum lines* Trudy Inst, not, no.6:70-72 0609 (Him 13:8) (Absorption spectra) (spectrum, X-ray) 2193,5 S/125/60/000/011/010/016 m61A133 AUTHORS: Salimon, V.S., Tsipenyuk, Ya.I., Batyrev, A.V., Sabanov, A.G. TITLEs Universal automatic gas-electrie welding assembly for annular seams on amall-diameter tubes PERIODICALs Avtomaticheskaya avarka, no. 11, 1960, 57-61 TEXT: Automatic annular seam welders of existing designs of the Electric Welding Institute im.Ye.O.Paton (Ref-1-4) and others (Ref.5) can only be used for parts similar in shape and not too different in size. The described new unit developed by SNIITMASh permits the welding of parts of different dimen- sions in vertical and horizontal position. It can weld annular seams on tubes 20 to 100 mm in diameter and 200 to 13,000 mm length (on roller sup- ports), join flanges by unilateral or bilateral inside and outside welding to tubes 20-100 mm in diameter and up to 13,000 mm length,weld annular seams on workpieoes up to )00 mm. in diameter and up to 300 mm height, with flange diameters up to 500 mm (on a separate table). The machine (Pig.l)consistsof a frame (1), control panel (2), floating pneumatic olamping devioe on roller Card 1/6 21915 B11251601000101110101016 Universal automatic gas-electric welding... A161/A133 supports (3) a current conductor to the workpiece (4) on roller supports; a welding head with a hose, torch and adapter (5), table (6), duplicating push button panel (7), electric drive (8) for rotating the workpiece.; and station- ary (9) and mobile (10) roller supports. Components of the standardA - Jqc 1000-2 (ADS-1000-2) motor welder are used for the welding wire feed drive and the workpiece rotation drive. The component parts of the assembly are shown in figure 2. When welding is done on roller supports, the workpiece is installed in horizontal position. Butt joiuts on tubes are made using the stationary (2) and the mobile (4) roller support. Flanges are joined to tubes of UP to 500 mm length on the stationary support. All support rollers are driven; the rotation is transmitted to the mobile support through spline shafts (5). A gantry moving on rollers is provided for the welding of parts longer than 1300 mm, designed to support the overhanging tube ends. The . welding speed on the supports is adjusted smoothly within a range of 10-1i'5 m/hr. The floating clamping device with rollers (7) is actuated by air cy- linder (20); holding is possible by one roller only or by two. The clamp- ing mechanism consist of double-action cylinder. (20~ connected to valve (01 shaft (16) on brackets (18)1 shaft (6) joined with shaft (16) by crosspiece (14) and passing through holes in levers (8). Shaft (6) can swivel and be Card 2/6 21915 5/125/60/000/011/010/016 Universal automatic gas-electric welding.., A161/AI33 fixed by a cotter M). Levers (8) and crosspiece (14) can travel along tht machine on shaft (16 and fixed. The clamping device is actuated by turning handle (23) on the air valve. Torch (9) is positioned with the aia of hin- ges (10) and (12) and by turning the welding head around the vertical axle (17). The torch is connected to welding head (13) the hose (11). The weld- ing wire feed is independent from the arc voltage and can be adjusted be- tween 50 and 440 m/hr. Current is sup lied -to the workpiece by an automatic contp,et of copper-graphite brushes ( ~. The quickly detachable table (21) is provided for welding short angular joints, The workpieoe is clamped with a three-jaw chuck or with special deviceal the welding speed is adjustable between 45 and 610 rpm. The control buttons are duplicated and placed out- side on a separate panel (22) for convenience. The welding angle is com- pletely automated, and the operator has only to press the "start" button. A I-E -5211 (E-52) time rolay works automatically. The unit is equipped addition- ally with a d.c. generatorm-70/50 (ZP-7-5/30) with rigid or slightly raising volt-ampere characteristiol a balloon with carbon dioxide, a reducer,' and a heater for carbon dioxide. Welding is effected with inverse polarity; electrode throat 10-14 mm; C02 consumption 13-17 liters/min. Welding cur- rent of'160420'amp and 20-24 volt, and welding speed of 28-33 m/hr is us,,d Card 3/6 21915 S/125/60/000/011/010//016 Universal automatic gas-electric welding... A161/A133 in welding tubes with 30 mm-wall with 1.2 mm wire. Smal ''er wire diameter may also be used. The process changes only slightly for attaching flanges to the same tubes. Welding flanges to tubes with 3f6 mm wall with 0.8 and 1.0 mm wire is difficult and not recommended. For welding butt joints on tubes the torch is displaced 4-8 mm off the top of the workpiece to the side opposite to the rotation sense, and set at a 10-200 angle to the vertical. The gap between tube butts is 1-1,5 mm. For the joining of flanges the torch is placed at 40-600 angle to the vertical and moved on the flange (1 mm from the tube). The process is stable, with little splatter and good weld shape, The unit is suitable for lot production of an extensive nomenclature and small series of parts being welded, e.g. for drilling equipment. There are 5 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Stalingradskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii mashinostroyeniya (Stalingrad Scientific Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology) SUBMITTEDt May 5, 1960 Card 416 Universal aut0matiC gas-electric welding... Figure 1 "VVI- K 21915 3/12 60/000/011/010/016 A133 133 YA Card 5/6 Inivereal.automatio gas-alelotric wo.lding.s. 7*,,-'7- Card 6/6 Figure 2 21915 - . I 3/125J60/000/011/010/016 A161/A133 vx I :-,g I I - I I S/044/62/000/012/004/049 Ao6o/Aooo AUTHOR: Bat rev, A TITLE: Boundary characteristics of solutions of Hilbert's boundary problem PERIODICAL: Referativnyy.zhurnal, Matematika, no. 11, 1962, 30, abstract 12B131 (In collection "Issled. po sovrem.,probl. teorii Nnktsiy.kompleksn peremennog0l. Mosedw, Fizmatgiz, 1961, 412 - 419) TEg: The solutiori of Hilbert's boundary problem au + bv - a (1) is investigated for the uhit circle in.the case when the coefficients a, b, c be- t o certain classee 4 functions. It is established that: 1) if a (e) - arc tg b (0) is continuous, and c (e) 6 Lp, then F (e) - u (e) + iv (e) G Hp a (9) 2) If OL(e) has a bounded variation and its greatest positive jump exceeds Ot, then 'there exists no solution of the problem having a summable real part. If that jump is less than St and c GLp, then there exists a solution belonging to Hp, 3) If cL(8) has a denumerable set of discontinuities of the logarithmic type and a (e) 6 Lp, then the solution belongs to Hp. 4) 'If ot (8) 6 Lp, then a Card 1/2 M Boundary characteristics of solution of .... S/044/6P-/000/012/004/049 A060/AOOO case.1s possible where no summable solution of the problem (1) exists. (Abstracter's note: Co mplete translation] V.D. Gakhov Card 2/2 17 29345 S/044/61/000/007/014/055 C111/0222 AUTHORe Batyrov, A.V. TITLEt Conformal mappings of little different regions PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal.Ratematika, no. 7t 19619 15, abstract 7 B 63. ("Iseled. po sovrem. probl. teorii funkteiy kompleken. peremennogo" V., Pizmatgiz, 1960, 358-365) TEM The author considers methods for the approximate construction of conformal mappings. The methods join the variation methods of N.A. Lavrentlyev and the method of Teodorsen. The bGse is the well-known non- linear singular integral equation with a Hilbert kernel. Some useful estimations of integrals with a Hilbert kernel are given. On this base, in connection with the application of successive approximations, the author gives new estimations of the errors of the first approximation. For a non star-shaped region the author establishes an analogous equation with a Hilbert kernel. It is asserted that in this case the Galerkin- method converges under weaker assumptions than the method of successive approximations ; calculation diagrams for both methods and proofs of convergence are not given. Card 1/2 -IN 29845 3/04 61/000/007/014/055 Conformal mappings of little ... ClIIYC222 Reviewer's remark i In the equation (3) on P- 359 the function v(#\) has no unique reversion function so that the scheme for the application of successive approximations in the case of a non star-shaped)region is not 4*" clear. In the paper by B.A. Vertgeym (It zh Mat, 1959, 5742 the applicability of-Newton's method is founded for the approximate solution of an analogous equation which is connected with a non star-shaped region. [Abstracter's note s Complete translation Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Batyrev, G.R. , Engineer. ir)4-4-9/4o TITLE: On the inspection of metals in high pressure power stations. (0 kontrole za metallom na elektrostantsiyakh vysokogo davleniya) PERIODICAL: "Blaktricheskie Stantsii" (Power Stations), 195?, Vol.28, No.4, pp. 31 - 34 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: This article continues a discussion in the journal of the procedure for measuring the creep of high pressure pipe- work in power stations, with particular reference to an instr- uction on the subject issued in 1954. It is contended that the instruction does not devote sufficient attention to check- ing the quality of the initial metal and welded joint, but gives very detailed attention to the inspection of creep and of structural changes in the metal. A fundamental part of the instructions is observation of creep of straight sections of pipework by measuring deformation on high pressure pipe- work of internal diameter greater than 50 mm- Creep and stru- ctural instability of a given brand of steel depend on varia- tions in the composition, the treatment that it has received and the operating conditions. For the section of pipework 1/3 examin d to be representative of the whole the operating con- ditions in it should be representative which is the case when On-the inspection of metals in high pressure power stations. (Cont.) lo4-4-9/4o that bends are not inspected although in some respects they operate under more severe conditions than straight sections of pipework. If the thermal insulation is left off places of measurement the temperature may be reduced sufficiently to halve the rate of creep at the place of measurement. Measures to overcome this difficulty are described. It is important to inspect the properties of welded joints using gamma radiography /3 as well as the more common methods and it is recommended that 3 all high pressure piping should be inspected in this way. There are 3 tables. AVAILABLE: KOHNOV, J.P.; KOSILOV, I.N.1 BATrM, I.D. ladle firebrIck made of-Kirorograd and Pologi clayes. Opeupor7 28 no.6:249-251 '63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Chasov-Yarskiy kombinat ognoupornykh izde3.iy. Firebrick) Kirovograd region-Fireclay) iPblogi region:-Pireclar) BATYRZT, N.A. Postoperative meteorism. Vest.khir. 77 no.lOs84-87 0 156. (MLU 9:12) 1. Is Yelan'-Xamyshinskoy rayonnoy bolluitsy Balashovskoy obl. (glavnyy vrach - N.A.Betyrev) (ABDOMEN, die. tympanites, postop., ther.) (SURGIRY. OPZHATIVJ, compl. tympanitle after surg. of abdom. organs) Q BATIMp N.A. Surgeon's tactics in combined injuries. Ortrop.travmA protes. 22 no.4.-60-63 Ap 160. (MM 230) 1. Iz khirurgichookogo otdeleniya (Savo - Ya*A* Lesin) Volshokoy (Stalingradskoy oblaati) gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavMy vrach - K.G. Churilov). (SUFCJM f OFEWIVE) - RATYliEV N.A zasluzhernvy vrach HSFSR Some advice regarding the treatment of sepais during the period of wound healing. Vest. khir. no.12:80-82 162. (MMA 17: 11) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya, (zav. - N.A. Batyrev) Yelanskoy rayonnoy bollnitay Volgogradskoy oblaoti i khirurgicheakogo otdaleniya (zav. Ya.A. Lesin) Volzhskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR M.G. Churilov). BAMW 9 V * On an incorrect theory of valuest Don. i kred., 19 no. 1-.7-17 A 161 (Economice; money and price under socialism, (KCRA 14:2) 1. . ~ IFinance in sociaUst reproduction" by (prof.] A. 14. Aleksandrov. Reviewed by V. BatMv. Vop. ekon. no.3-.107-112 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Finance) (Alakoandrov.. A.M.) BATYRIV V, -1;. * Increasing the role of #redit in the material atimulation of the vork of an enterprise. Don. i kred. 21 no.3sl2-20 Mr '63. OW 16t 3) (Credit) I .1i I BATYM. T. Price detezuivAtion and material incentives. Vop. skon. no.5t 103-116 My 163. (MIRA 16:6) 01rices) (IncentLves in industry) BATfREV, V. i4oney and its Pametion as a. meamue of value in the building of coutunism. Dan. i kred. 21 na.3.2:3-3.1 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 't i. AN SSO Dw I BATM., Ve' A._L_BoROVSKIY, 1. B., and DITSMAN, S. A. x 'I-ray Spectral Investigation of Molybdenum L SPectra in Some Alloys and Compound" Materials of the 2nd All-Union Conference on X-ray Spectroscopy; Moscow, January 31 February 4, 1957 (Materialy Il Vsesoyuznogo, saveshchaniya po rentgenovskoy spektrosk-opii; Moskva, 31 yanvarya - 4 fevmlya 1957 g.) Izvestiya Akadenii rauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheslaya 1957, Vol 2, Nr 10, PP 1341 - 1342 (USSR) Boiovnu, I.B.; DITSKAN, S.A.; BATTM Role of small replacevent additions in alloys. Part 2. Isslo. po zharoyr. splav, 2:246-25o 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Alloys--Metallography) (Spectrum analysis) ADTHORs Borovskiy, I.B. , Gurov, K.P. , Ditsman, B.A., 48-10-U/20 Batyray, V.A., Lobanova, N.D. TITL19s I-Ray Spectral Investigations of Solid Solutions (Rentgono- spektralluM issisaoYanva tvezd.*h rastvoroy) PURIODICAL: Izvestiya M SBSR Seriya ftsiohemkaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Nr JO, Pp. 1401-1411 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the basis of experimental investigations and the theoretical analysis of the prdblm of diluted solid solutions the authors draw the following conclusions: 1.) In diluted solid solutions war the admixture atcas with a negative exoessdinve "atcMdoblocks" are forsied with an off active radius of i0- I M (if the &t0= of A, the basis or* &to= of the elements of transition groups). Within the boundaries of these blocks an additional play of forces de- velops. The potential of these foroex has the character of a short- acting (out off) potential. 2.) The influence exercised by theme "blocks" in an energetical. electron spectrum manifests itself most in-so-far an there, is no interaction between the admixture toms- 3-) The additional binding which develops azia which is of character, is oonserved within the limits of a large inter- = Card 1/2 val of concentration modification for solid solutions of the GUMOT9 Aleksandr Dmitriyevich; LABAZOV, Tseiliy Ivanovich; ISMSOIKOT Nefodiy Naumovich. Prinimal uohastiye DTMITS, I.A. [doomasedi. BATMW V; NMZMIZA, A., red.izd-va: TIMINA. To, [Ourrency airculation and oredit in the U.S.S.R.] Daneshnoo obrashchenie i kredit SSSR. Koskva, Goefinisdat, ig6o. .30 (Km 1403 (Pinance) BOROVSKII, 1. B. ; BATYRZV, V.A. Characteristics of the fine structure of the rain I-OdgS in the X-ray adsorption spectrum for the elements of the iron transition group. Trudv Inst. met. no-6:60-63 160. (14IU 13:8) (Absorption spectra) (Iron-Netallography) 7-.M- ~1911,1, SIAVNY'Y, Isaak Davidovicb- BATYREV V otv red.; POGODIN, Yu.,, .Y . V red, izd-va; TEaGR~~ red. [Studies in planning currency circulation) Ocherki planiro- vaniia denezbnogo obrasbaheniia. Moskva,, Goafinizdat, 1961, 270 p. (Money) (MnA .15:3) 24 It" AUTHORS: TITLE; PERIODICAL: fte)X61102 5/008/004 /009 B104/D202 Batyrev, V. A., Bogdanovq Ve Go Vacuum X-ray spectrometer with ionization recording Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizioheakaya, v. 25, no. 8, 1961, 933-935 TEXT: The present paper was the subject of a lecture delivered at the 5th Conference on X-ray Spectroscopy at Kharlkov from January 30 to February 4, 1961. The authors describe the mechanical part of the X-ray spectrometer with ionization recording which is suitable for the studies of the fine structure of X-ray lines. This mechanical device was developed at the Institut metallurgii All SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy AS USSR) upon suggestion of 1. B. Borovskiy. Figs. 1 and 2 show schemes of this device. By means of a thread the crystal and the counter slit can be moved on one axis along the straight line AA'. The mounting of the crystal is fastened to a table which can be rotated around an axis passing through the center of the crystal. This table is rigidly con- nected with the rod OK which lies in perpendicular to the tangent drawn Card 1/3 26331 S/048/61/025/008/'004/009 Vacuum X-ray spectrometer with ... B104/B202 to the center of the crystal. This rod is the radius of the Rowland circle and ends in the ball bearing LU . The axis of the ball bearing leads through the center of the Rowland circle. The rod 0< is fastened to the rod by a spring. Thus, the counter slit and the crystal are moved along the chord of the Rowland circle while still remaining on the Rowland circle. In the case of such a shift the rod OK rotates the crystal. The instrument can be used for measurements in an angular interval of 20-700. The greatest advantage of the device described con- sista in the fact that the counter always lies in the straight line AA, and hence, in the immobile crystal, always the intensity of one and the same wavelength is recorded. The measurement accuracy thus only depends on the accuracy of the determination of the angle of rotation of the crystal with respect to the straight line AA'. This rotation is moa*ured from the amount of the shift of the crystal on the straight line AA'. In studies of the fine structure the shift of the crystal is determined by means of the micrometer 0 . The X-ray tube and the part of the mechani- cal device of this instrument with which the crystal is shifted are housed in a vacuum chamber. The correct position of the focus of the X-ray tube with respect to AAI is of great importance. The use of a Card 2/3 2633.3. 7 IS/048/61/025/008/004/009. Vacuum X-ray spectrometer'with ... B104/B202 monitor 91heme permits operation with non-regulated current supply. The' mechanism described here has the following advantage over other conatruc tions, 1) high measurement accuracy of the wavelengths in the spectra studied; 2) simple adjustment which consists in the determination .Of tbe exact radius of curvature of the crystal and'in the adjustment Of,the rod 0~; 3) possibility of operation with non-regulated ourrent'supplyl 4) the small dimensions of the instrument. Thd authors thank I.B.. Borcvskiy ~for valuable advice and assistance in the studies. There.are 5 figures and 3 references: I Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. 47 Card 3/3 BiTYRR V.A X-ray, study of intmetiaUo d9 in ~ POM Izv. AN SSSR. Ser, fis.'25 noig:997-998 Ag (X-ray zpeat~oaaopy) Intormetal 14 c compCAMUO) pper-sino anoys) M the "stem ou-Za. 161 jMIFA 14:8) PO-31"YJ I _Boroveklyp I,B. 1.:Batyrev, V. A., and Kozlenkov, S R TITLE: A met hod of determining the asymptotic scattering phasa on-the' basis of experimental-data for the fine structure of X-ray ab-~ sorption ~Speotra_:-._, PERIODICALs Akademiys mukSSBRO Izveatiya. Seriya, Micheskayal 27, -no* 378,:. 3P0: TEXTs A"method-is suggested.16i~_-determining ~,'he scattering phase that agrees best with experim'erit,wb~en'..sub6tituted in the following'.'equation-to describe the fine structure of.absorption spectra: A ain (2kr + 2 iE 'the radius of.the-ooordination sphere; A the ampl u th Here r it doo e t scattered wave; he asymptotic scattering phase. To determine this phase'from experimental:data it~ iri expedient to divide (1) into two added gart /046/61/027/005/6'13/025. A method of determining the.,, B117/B?34 Cos 27?1 I-A sin 2 kr + sin 21, Aa cos 2 kr2 (2) where is the scattering phase for the X absorption,spectra. The sums of sin 2kr and,cos 2 kr are calculated beforeh&nd, whereupon the wave numbo2 S "kit is'so chosen by trial-and-orror as to make the extreme values from M agree.with those-found by experiment. In calculating sin 2 kr and 8 oos 2 kr it is necessary to know the number of spherical coordinate systems thathave to be taken into account, which can be found by calculating those, of such systems as correspond with the average fields of atoms, and by exact calculation of the A a values. As already shown (A. I. Kozlenkov, 1. v. 27, no. 3, 1963t 364) the smallest value of N /r. (where R is the a S S number of atoms in the coordination sphere) needing to be taken into account- depends-.on the average lattic6 potentialo -The i5catteriniz phase mu t be so to eliminate the uncertainty as* chosen as sociated with cos period. This can be achieved if the scattering phase is calculated by the Wentzel-Kramers- Brillouin method from the potential read off the curve of effective Slater Card 2/3 S/048/63/027/003/0(1 31025 A method of determining the. B117/B234 charge (J. C. Slater, Phys. Rev., 36, no, 1, 57 (1930)). To facilitate'the choice of adattering phase it ia.desirablo to convert the experime'atal.c.urve of the absorption spectrum to the scale the wave numbers E 0i 2k2 /21). + A where A Uo with Uo as the lattice potential and the work function., It was shown that possible experimental errors may cause the errors in determination.of.the scattering phase to be 0.13T~ A) (k being in r in 1,'E in ev)., -The aocuracy of the determinatiIn. '--an :_be regarded as constant over-the whole range of wave numbers and aqua-17- to 0.1 0.2 radians. There are-21igures..' i .:ASSOCIATIONt-Institut metallurgii'Am. -A. A. Baykova (Institute of Ngtillurgy' Ameni A. A. BaykovY Card.3/3 AQPZSSION-Nft.- AP4038786 8/0048/64/028/003/0897/0903 'A WHOR: Baty*rev, V,A* TITLE: Investigation of the &syNpto%jQ scattering phases for metals Of the iron transition group and copper-nicktl alloys fKaport, Seventh Conference on X-Ray Speo- troscopy hold in Yerevan 23 Sep to I Oct 2969 a SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Striya flidchaskAya. v.28. no.5, 1964, 897-905 0 TOPIC TAGS:_x-ray spectrum, x-ray absorption, line structure, chromiun, Iran, nick- el,-.nickel alloy, copper alloy AMTRACT: Vhe K absorption spectra of Ti, V. Cr, Fe and Ni and of Ni and Cu in a -series-of.Hi-Cu alloys were recorded out to several hundred *Iectron-volts from the --edge-, -and.-tho-asymptotic scattering phases that occur in the s4ort range order the --orty-at.the absorption coefficient (A.I.Kostarov,Zhur,oksp.1 toor.lia.9,267,1939; A. -I.Kozlenkov,lzv.AN SSSR,Ser.fix.27,367,1963) were calculated by the method of I.S. --Sorovskiy, V.A.Baty*rev and A.I.Kozlenko (Ibid.27,378,1963). The investigation was undertaken to obtain data for judging the possibilities of this method. The TiV ad Cr spectra were recorded photographically with a curved quartz crystal vacuum spec- Card 1/3 ,ACCESSION XR: AP4038786 trometer, employing second order reflection from the (161-0) planes. The Fe spectrum was recorded similarly with the same Instrument but with first order reflectionflom, ~the (1d-40) planes. The Cu and Ni spectra were-recorded with an ionization chamber, employing first order reflection from the (1340) planes of a curved quartz crystal. The surface density of the Ti, V and Cr absorbers was 3 or 4 me/c=2. Polls from 5 to 25 microns thick served as absorbers in obtaining the Fe, Ni and alloy spectra. T~e spectra and the asymptotic scattering phases calculated from them, including the phases for Zn and Cu from an earlier paper (V.A.Daty*rav, Izv.AK SSSR,Ser.fiz.27, 381,1963), are presented graphically. The asymptotic phases (as functions of the wave number) all have a single maximum, but the curves differ considerably from each other in shape. The only obvious regularity is that the height of the maximum in- creases with increasing atomic number; but V, Cr and Fe are exceptions to this rule. The absorption spectra of the pure metals were calculated from the asymptotic scat- tering phases end are presented graphically for comparison with the experimental da- ta. The calculations were performed for different numbers of coordination spberes, and taking more coordination spheres Into account did not always improve the agree- ment with experiment. The distances of the fine structure features from the absorp- tion edge for N1 and Cu In the alloys varied somewhat with the --centration. These CWd 2/3 -ACCES&ION NR: AP4038786 shifts. however, except in the alloy containing 10% Ni, were proportional to the .1attice constants, and the asymptotic scattering phases, with the one exception no- ted, were accordingly Independent of the concentration. It in concluded that the Asymptotic scattering phases are given correctly by the method of Borovskiy, Baty*- and Xozlenkov (loc.cit.), and that they vary considerAbly from metal to metal -only slightly with Foncentration In solid solutions. rurther investigation of ~Ptallic compounds is considered desirable. "In conclusion. I consider It my -asznt duty to express my gratitude to I.B.Borovskiy for discussion and for valu- able-advica during the course of the work." 12 figures and 4 tables. r.4--ASSGVWIOXz Institut metallurgli 1m.A.A.Baykova (Institute of Metallurgy) -ELMUMMMI -00 DATS ACQ: 12Jun64 EWLt 00 %Sus GME: OP NR REY SOVz'007 -OTM:001 -=ACord 3/3 VOWO/o2j/oo~/014/025' A106/B238 AUTHOR: Batyroyl.. Vo A. phases in--97 ev metals and alloys*on the basis of the fine struature of the_X-ray speotra PERIODICAL; kkademiya nauk SSSR' ', Isvestiya. Seriya fiiiaheakaya, 27P~ no, 3t 19631 -.TEXT: -The asymptotic scattering:phases were determined for two inter- u a metallio compounds in the Cu Zu system: the P-phase, with 50 C -body-centered cubio lattice, and a valency electron cioncentration,g' ' 1 .5,:. and the E-phasey.with 18A Cu,~ a hexagonal, lattice with c/q a 1.63, and a Valenoy electron concentration of 1.75. The method used is described in Ref. 1 (Borovskiy 1. B. Batyrov.Y. A., Kozlenkov A. I., Izv..AN ASSR'. Ser.. fiz. 27, no# 3t.376 (1963)). The sensitivity of the mothod to changes in the field of the absorbing atoms was determined. and it o-iinteract ions in metals and alloys was tested. It was found that whereas the scattering phases of Card 1/2 S/048j63/027/003/014/0-25 Daterminat ion of,asymptotio B106/B238 --do-not -differ from -th of'' -P--j)h"e-tAd7-ZinG--iA--th& -phaie copper in the 00e the corrispondiiig pure metals, the soattoring phase of copper in the -q)hase.deviates o6naiderably from that of the pure metal. These-resultel! j a 7, how:.1) The sensitivity of.the method described in Ref. I is too low to enable small changias in'the fields of-,the atoms making up the alloys to be determined, while larger changes, such as those in alloys, can be clearly established. 2) When the changes in the scattering phases cab be.: deteoted-by the Refe I method, the potential curve can be found by solving the converse oattering problem-(Fadeyev.L. Do, Usqekhi matem. nauk, 144 no. 4 57.045)). This curveie used in aesessing-the interactions 'of atorAs in metals and alloya. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova (Institute of Metallurgy imeni-A. A. Baykov) Card,2/2. BATTREV, VA.; USOSK3, M.N. [Short-term credit and the organization of currency circulation in the U.S.S.R.] Kratkoerochuyl kredit I organizatelia deneshnogo obrashchanila v SSSR. Moskva. Gonfinisdat. 1952. 171 P. (XLU 6:10) (Credit) (Banks and bankin) (Currency question) BATTRIV V . [Organization and planning of currency circulation nisatsii& I. planirovanio doneshnogo obr&shchoniia - kachestys ucheb, poso'biia dlia finansovo-okon. vuz,v Gonfinisdat. 1952. 287 P. in the U.S.S.R.] orsL- SSSR Dopushchsno T I fakul'tatov. Koskva, (KLR& 6:5) (Ourrency qmostion) at 1--i-r-w A.. 77 -1 i 2 Cirg -Ij,zats-a 1 Planirovani,,e Denezhnoc-o 0Ura!-7hc!,cn4.,!a V SS'R L, a _.r c I (Orr:ani-:~ation anti I'lanninr of Circidatiou of Ow-rency In tile Ij-'SR, 11y) V. F.. Patyivv., 0. KaCanov,, I I. Yafrodin. 1,:osI,vaj Cosfinizdat, 1955. 161.- 1'. Tables. RLTYMW, T. The sixth fivo-year plan and tasks In planning currency eirmaatlon. Den.i kred. 14 no.5:13-19 Ny 156. (02A 9:8) (NOMY) BATTREEV. V.____ Lawq of monetary circulation and the economic principles of monetaI7 planning under vocialism. Vop.ekon. no.6:53-64 479 157, (141RA 10:7) (Money) Necessity and the nature of commodity production under socialism. Vop. ekon. no.8:10&115 Ag 158. (MIRA 110.9) (2cononice) BATTM. Vladimir-1,41kheylovich; KAGANOV, Odaliy Vullfovich; TAGODIV, Tevgenlyevioh; KMYAVTSEV. A.A., red.; HAIZZHDINA, -A., red.: T=GINA. T.. (OrganIzation and planning of currency circulation in the U.S.S.R.] Organizataila I planirovanie denazhuogo obrashchs- nlia v SSSR. Pod red. A.A.Xurdiavtseva. Moskva. Gosfinizdat, 1959. 183 P. (money) (MIRA 13:1) UTYUV, V. M I-- Problem In the theory wA practice of crodit in the U*S.B,R,. Voy, skon. no,1008-39 0 159. (MM 12:12) (Credit) IKORNIKOV,W., prof, Prini=11 uchastive: GUSAKOV, A.D.,, prof.; SHENGER, Yu.ys:,, prof.; BATY .. doktor skon. nauk; KAZANTSEV, A.I., dots., BUZYREV, V.M., prof.; BYSTRC)V, F.P., prof.; NADEZHDINA, A., red.; POGODIN, Yu., red.; TEMINA, T., tekhn. red. [Monetary circulation and credit in the U.S.S.R.]Denezhnoo ob rashchenie i kredit SSSR. Kollektiv avtorov pod rukovodstvom V. Ikonnikova, Moskva, Goofinisdat, 1962. 470 p. (MIRA 16-.1) (Money) (credit) - 1.11-1. 11-.1 1 * ' I'-- ~ ---, - ' ', - 7 ; -I.-I IT 1-1 1 1 . A , I - - 13T-1 Y . . ;, . . , . . ; _ .7 "BCG Dry Vaccine," Zhurnal Mikrobiol. 10-11, 42,47, 1944. Inst. Epidemiol. & Microbiol., Rostov-on-Don. BATYRAVAp A.A* Use of luminescence microscopy for detecting tuberculosis bacteria in cerebrospinal fluid. Lab. delo 3 no.2:42-45 Mr-AP '57 (MIRA 10:5) 1. Is skeparimentallnogo sektora (zav.-prof. N.A. Rozbanekly) Rostovskogo-na-Donu naucbuo-iseledovatellskogo institute akusherstva i .Adiatrii Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (FLUORiSCIM011 MICROSCOPY) (TTjBXRCUWSIS) (CERMOSPINAL FLUID) . nauohV7 sotrudnik Imperimoutal tuberculous meningitis In dogs. Probl.tub. 37 U0.71 90-92 159. (MIRA 1314) 1. Is sksperimeatallnogo saktora (sav. - dayetvitalinyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. N.A. Roshaaakly) Rostovskogo-na-%nu u&uchuo-ivvledov&tel'- skogo instituts, akusheretva I pediatrii (direktor - kand.wad.zauk 7.0. Saranovskays., uauehMy rukovoditall - prof. I.Ta. Serebriyokly). (TUBIM=818 XMIGRAL experimental) BATYREVA, A. A., Cand Bio Sci -- "Experimental tubercular meningitis in puppies Novocherkaosk, 1961, (Min of Higher Ed USSR. Novocherkasak Zoovet Inst im.%ho lst Cavalry Army) (KL, 8-61, 236) - 134 - ne YERHOLOV, V.I.; L A.A..; VOMMMO, K.L. Effect of cortisone, on the couroe of experimantal tubei merdiw-ji,Lo in puppies. Proble tub. no.8s95-98'62.(V-TRA -16:9) 2. Izz Rostovskogo-na-Donu nauch-no-iasledovatellskogo, insti- #ta akusherstva ipediatrii (dir. - kand.mad.nauk F.t. jkranovskaya, nauchM rukovoditell - doktor med.nauk T.V. Loverdo) i kafedry mikrobiolggii (zav. - prof. A.LaWhayeva)., kafedry patologicbeekoy anatomii Rostovskogo ms~Utsinskogo instituti (sav. - prof* Sh,I.Xrinitokiy [deceaBed)), BATTREVA, A.A.; SMARTS, A.L. Effect of corticosteroids on the course of experimental tuber- culous meningitis. Probl. tub. 42 no-3:65-69 164. (MIRA 181-) 4 I* Rostovskiv-na-Donu nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inst~tut akusberstva i pediatrii (direktor F.S.Baranowkaya)a Y,UTATOVA, N.N.; BATYREVA, A.A.,-kand, b1ol. nauk; PETRASHEVSKAYA, MAS kand. gHTEYNEUKH, N.V., kand., mad. nauk Diagnosis and clinical aspects of toxopliammovir, in women with complicated obstetrical antamnan's. Alaimb. i g.ii. no.1:133- 136, 165. (MIRA l8sIO) 1. Rostovskly-na-Donu nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut akusherstva i pediatrii (4-r.- kand. zed. nauk F.S. Baranovakaya). SMZHNIK()Vp Mikhail Mikhaylovich; RMNINp Rita Illiniabna; GORYACHEVAv Im Alekoandrovnaj ZHABIU# XNMwita Dmitriyevna; BAIAPAI_ (Alina Vladimirovm; TZPWVp A.V,,, doktor tekbn. naukv prof.0 ; ~ ~,. . ~,'red. izd-va [Tables and ==grams for the byftfLwUc calculation of plastic pipes] TILblitoy i mom gr"' dlia tWavUohesk8go rasobeta p3As+, S&soovykh *ub. Pod red. A.ToToriovii -I;Ouin&adg 1961, 7 p. lableso. (Lmaingradakil Dow nootino-takha. propajand .Y. Obwen pore aovym OPYtm. Seriiat Stroitelluaia pronyobleradstf9 no.3) (PIP99 Plastic-Tables, calmdations, ate.) (KM 34:7) SMDRCHK(YV, Is! Yo.; TSEYTLINg S.G.1 BATYREVAI N.N. Forms of uranium occurrences in granitoid rocks of the Kuraza zone - NO Asia). Trudy IG&M no.99s6O-67 163. (KM 160) . am Range-Uranium oree) (Chatkal Ranp-Uranitm orea) BATrWA., Taisi" Alskasyevna For the Question of the Morphology of Nerve Apparatus of the Upper Larynx Dissertation for candidate of Medical Science degree,, Chair of Histologyp (head, Prof. N.G. Kolosov) 1949 BATUMA, T.A. (Saratov,, B.Gornaya ul., 353, kv.41) Sensory innervation of the duodenim. Arkh. sinat. gist. i embr. 40 no.3;27-30 Mr '61. (MIR& 14:5) 1, Wedra gistologii (zav, - prof, G*A*Koblov) Saratovskogo meditbinskogo Instituta. (DUODFIWH--IMRVATION) YRSATEV, A*D*; RATTRIVAI, VeA,; MIZDVIDOU, LB, Agropyrou ramosum (Trin,) Richte In the artificial limno of the i tram -Tolp region. Uch. sap. Bar. goo, pedag, inst, no,27-111-125 '57- iMM 3-1:7) (Volp Wley-Agropyron) BAM-,REVA,,, V. A., Cand Jbio Sci - (diss) "Vegetution and flora of the artifical estuaries of the Stalingrad bank of the Volga," Saratov, 1960, 21 ppj 175 COP- (Saratov State U im ". G. Chernyshevskly) (KLI- 42-60, 112) BRPI,*DT, S.B.; G!,bla)V, P,S.; lT3ATYi!-:U.,PZAYSJ, A.S. Det,--inlnatior, of radin-rinic argc,ii in mJ.-~ral uS!Jig is-Oltope dYllution methods. Vielod. opr. ab.,i. vozr. gCol, GhT. llr,.C,: 53-4,2 1(4 IMIRA 38:21) Use of A.N. Filatoy's serum in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Akt.vop.perel.krovi no-7tl85-186 159. (MMA 13:1) 1. Dagestanskays. respublikansaltaya stantsiya perelivanlys, krovi. (ASTHNL) (SXRUN TEMAPT) BATUOV , A. , History of studying the p1mming and construction of Kara Kum Canal. V"'Im AN Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.503-41 161. (MIRA 14312) 1. Turkmeaskiy gonudarstvennyy pedagogiohes4iy inst#ut imni V.I.Wina. (KARA KUH CAWQ UTYROV, :MKYKIIII, Z.G., kand. geogr. nauk, red. Karakum Canal; a short study of the territory of Southeastern Turkmenistan in connection with the construction of the Karakum Canal) Karakumskii kana:* ocherk istorii Izachenila territorii Augo-vostochnoJ Turkmenii v sviazi so stroitellstvor, Karakilm kogo ka- nala. Chardzhou, Turkmenskii gos. pedagog. in-t'1961 31 p. (MIPA 1817) PUNIN, G.G.: BATMV.- B.A. SpeatrocheOdeal characteristica of igneous rocks in the Akbty- chay Basin. Mrudy Geol.inst.Dagefile AV SSM 2tZ28--236 160. (MM 15:12) (Akhty-Chay %Iley-Rooko, lpeous-Spectra) BATIROV, G., Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda Co22eclive farms got assistance from the All-Union Vo3=teer Society for Assistance to the Army., Air Force and Navy* Za rul. 19 no.7:3 Jl 161. (MM 14:8) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza. imeni Kirova T7uryakurganskogo rayona Farganskoy oblasti., deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta Uzbekskoy SSR. I (Uzbekistan-Pam mechanizatign) BATrROVO KI-A0 - ~ I , I , I - .--, .". - --.7 Device for preearving the stabiLity of inmLUting mehines. Stroi. truboprov. 8 no.9t26 S 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Glavnyy melchanik Stroitallpogo upravlaniya No.1 treata Ukrgazneftestray,, Mozyrl. IVANGV, G.I.; KBIN, N.Kh.; BATYIIC.,V, Kh.M. Hydraulic sand-jet perforation in fields of the of the Aksakovo Petroleum Trust. Nefeprom.delo Oil Field Administration no.500-34 164. (MIU. 17: 9) 1. Neftepromyslovoye upravleniya "Aksakovneft"I. KULITEEV, A.M.; BAII)TOV, M.; WR.,~'DOV, F.N. P-Hydroxyethylation of alkylthiophonols. Azerb. k-him.zhur. no.4:25-17 -54. (MIRA 18: 3) K1112TP~; A.M.; BATYROV, Y.- MAMEDOV, F,H. - - p SynLhesis of alkylarylmereaptoacetie ae.46s. Aserb. khim. zhur. no.5:15-17 164. (MTRA 1893) RLTMff-,I.X,.,~pmoahchnik burill shchika We desire to work and live in the commanist mnnere leftianik 5 noe5zlO My 160. (NEU 13:6) 1, TSekh kmpltallnogo remonts, skrashin neftepromyslovogo upraylenlya Arlannefti. (Petrolens industry)