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124-58-9-10057 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika. 1958, Nr 9, p 88 (USSR) AUTHORS: AAt=a1C__A_, Deryagin, B. V. , Leonov, L. F. , Nikoll skiy, A. P. , Prokhorov, P. S. TITLE: Diffusion Hygrometers (Diffuzionnyye gigrometry) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Issled. oblakov, osadkov i grozovogo elektrichestva. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1957, pp 189-191 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry 1. Hygrometers--Equipment 2. Diffusion Card 1/1 5 (4) KUTHORSt Deryagin, So V., Corresponding Member SOT/20-128-248/59 AS USSR, Za-tgZA- J, A TITLEs Investigation of Capillary Osmosis in Gases PERIODICAL% Doklady Akademii nank SSSR, 19592 Vol 128, Nr 2p pp 323-325 OEM)- ABSTRACT; The osmosis through a membrane which is permeable for both gas components is the definition given for capillary osmosis. In this case pressure differences caused by different diffusion rates of the components may occur* which vanish however when the thermodynamical equilibrium i: reached. One of the discoverers of the capillary osmosis was F. Shidlovskiy (1886, Ref 1). The diffusion depends on the ratio between the mean free path of the gas molecules and the diameter of the membrane pores as well as on the mixture processes the ores according to the laws by Pick and Poiseuille, Wgrometers Ref 2) constructed in the below cited institute take both j lors into accountf but neglect the surface effects caused by the impact of molecules against the walls of the pores. The theory of the motion of aerosol particles in a diffusion field due to B, V. Deryagin and So So Dukhin (Ref 3) requires Card 1/2 therefore a correction which was recommended by Deryagin and Investigation of Capillary Osmosis in Gases SOV/20-128-2-28/59 S. P. Bakanov (Ref 4). The present paper investigated a gas mixture passing through a porous mexbrans and meam=ed +#be exising pressure differences. Figure I shows the used eqnipmentt figure 2 the results of measurement for argon-helium, niftgen-helium and argon-nitrogen gas mixtures. The pressure difference increases according to the difference of the atomia weights of the games, The results already known for gases with equal molecular weight(ethyleue-nitrogen)t where only the differeioe'of the-molsoular radius is effective, show that in this case the pressure differences are smaller but still measurable ore are 2 figures and 5 references, 4 of which are Sovietl' ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fizicbeekoy Ichizaii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Soiencesq USSR) SUBMITTED: June 51 1959 card 2/2 Bf)TOVA, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5590 Konferentaiya po poverkhnoatnym allam. Moscow, 2960. Isalelovaniya v oblasti poverkhnostnykh all; abornik dokladov na konforentsil yo povorkJmostnym silam, aproll 1960 g. (Studies in the Field of Surface Forceal Collootion of Reports of the Conference on Surface Forces, Hold in April 1960) moscow, Izd- vo AN SSSR, 1961. 231 p. Errata printed on the inside of back cover. 2500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: *Thstitut fiziche3koy khimli Akademii nauk SSSR. Reap. Ed.: B. V. Dar7agin, Corresponding Member, AcIder$ of Sciences USSR; Editorial Board; N. N. Zakhavayeva, N. A. Krotova, M. M. Kuaakov, S. V. Nerpin, P. S. Prokhorov, M. V. Talayev and 0. 1. Puka; Ed. of Publishing House. A. L. Bankvitser; Tech. Ed.. Yu. V. Rylina. PURPOSE:. This book is intended for physical chemists. Card 1/8 Studies in the Field of Surface Yo rces (Cont.) ~OVV5590 COVERAOE: This in a collection of 25 articles in physical chemistry on problems of surface phenomena investigated at or in associa- tion with the Laboratory of Surface Phenomena of tho.Inatitute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR. The first article provides a detailed chronological account of~the Labora- tory's work from the day of its establishment In 1935 to.the pre3ent tins. The remaining articles discuss general surface force problems, polymer adhesion, surface forces in thin liquid layora, surface phenomena in dispersed systems, and surface forces in aerosols. Names of scientists who have been or are now associ- ated with the Laboratory of Surface Phenomena are listed 01th references to their past and present-assooiations. F4ch article is accompanied b3r references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Zakhavayevaj N. N. Twenty-Five Years, of the Laboratory or Surface Phenomena of the IVKhAN SSSR (Ixistitute of Physical Chemistry of:the AcadevW of Sciences USSR) 3 Card 2/8 Studies in the Field of Surface Forces (Cont.) SOV/5590 Talayev, M. V., B. V. Deryagin, and N. N. Zakhavayeva. Fa.perimental Study or the Filtration of Rarefied Air Through Porous BocUes In a Transitional Area of Preasures Deryagin, B. V., N. N. Zakhavayeva, 14. V. Talayev, B. N. Parfanovich, and Ye. V. Makarova. Matallio Dovice for Determining the Speoifie Surface of Powdered and Porous Bodies V. SURFACE FORCES IN AEROSOLS Deryagin, B. V., S. P. Bakanov, S. S. Dukhin, and 0. A. Batova. Dirfuslophorosis of Aerosol-Partleles Bakanov, S. F., and B. V..Deryagin. Behavior or a Small Aerosol Particle In a ronuniforTay Heated Mixture of Gases Strozhilova, A. I.' Differential Counter of Condensation Nuclei Card 7/'8 BATOVA, G.S.; KILIMUP TA*Io, kand.tekhn.nauk; Prinimali uchaatiyo# L.G. StabilizAlon of the thema d6composition of bigb3.y concentrated a=onium nitrate melts* Khimoprome nool:66-69 Ja 162e (KERk 3,5:1) lo Gosudaretve=W institut, 4otnoy prompblennonti. (Amwnildm nf.trate)- S/078J60/005/010/016/021 B004/BO67 AUTHORS: Klochko, M. A., Batova, K. T. TITLE: Solubility of the Fluorides-VInd Iodideekif Lithiumqnd Cesium in Water and Some Other So vents PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol- 5, No. 10, pp. 2325-2326 TEXT: The authors wanted to study the relationship between solubility and other physical data, such as ionic radius and dielectric constant. The solubility of LiF. LiI, CsF, and CsI was determined at 25G, 500, and 750C in water, hydrazine, nitrobenzene, dioxane, toluene$ and benzene$ and at 00, 250, and 500C in acetone. The experimental data for water are given in Table 1, those for the other solvents in Table 2. Table 3 shows the ratio rk/ra of the ionic radii for LiP, LiI, CeF, and Csl (according to A. F. Xapustinskiy). The solubility of these salts depends clearly on rk/ra. The more this ratio beoomes equal to oneg i.e.j the more symmetric the configuration of the salt, the lower is its solubility in water. The symmetry of the salt Is also significant for the solubility of Card 1/2 Solubility of the Fluorides and Iodides of S/078/60/005/010/016/021 Lithium and Cesium in Water and Some Other B004/B067 Solvents nonaqueous solvents. In this caset however, the solubility decreases above all with the dielectric constant of the solvent. The exceptionally high solubility of CsI in hydrazine is probably due to the formation of a compound. The authors mention I. V. Tananayev at al. (Ref. 4). There are 3 tables and 11 references: 10 Soviet and I US. ASSOCIATION: Institut obahchey i neorganicheakoy khimii im. N. S. Xurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences USSR3 SUBMITTED: July 18, 1959 Card 2/2 - BATOVAv L.D. Preparation of b1sok ourrante.for winter. Zdoravle 6 no.802 Ag I 160s (MI4 1318) (CUPUMS) BATOVAI N.1 TULUPNIKOVp A. RPrinciples and methods of preparing scientifically tested agricultural systems based on zoneaR Sbomik. Rada Zemdolaka Zkonomlka. Praha,. Czechoslovakia. Vol. 32,, no. 1,, Jan 1959 Monthly list of East Diropean Lecessions (EFAI),, LCI, Vol. 8, No. 6. Jim 59j Unclas -jj~~g EWP(J)/EWP(k)/EWT(m)/T/W(V) IJP(c) RM/RH/WW ACC Nki AR60j5914 SOURCE COD31 UR/0081/65/000/022/5065/ AUMORS Xilers 1he L.; Glisbur ) is Lee, Butova, N. I.; AndreM, Yu, re. TITLE: Mtrasord&ldQ`of productsma ido of thermoplastics IV SOURCES Befe' sh, Wittiyal Abe. 22S390 REF SOURCEs Tr., N,-i, takhnol, In-t, MM .09 19641, 98-102 TOPIC TAGS: thermoplastic materials ultrasonic welding Ab&,yAn-)i0fj ABSTRACTt Mtrasonic welding of the following thernoplastiog was studieds polyadde resin 68* cast oaW~';f brand Vo styrene copolymer jgM"polYAYrerjss4h-�1r&4#h polystyrene. 7he study established the feasibility of welding thermoplastAos with ultrasound; the unit UZAP-2.vas built for this purposes and Its technical data are cited, Me unit has an acoustic feedback for the automatic fine tuning of the gener- ator frequency to the natural frequency of the transducer and for stabilizing the aqaituds of osoillations of the instrument.. The welding was carried out at ampli- tudes of ultrasonic vibrations of 15-25 1=1, forces pressing the instrument to the put of 20-150 kgp and a time of 1.5-6,25 sea. The strength of joints aad* of high- strength po yrene was 4 times greater than that of the bass materul W instead of 1 - 9 , A "rite of data are cited on the strength of weld iguW1,40talls 4f the process, and design of the instruments, 7he main advantap of the ultrasonic welding of plastics is the liberation of the maxima amawe. of heat in the welding Card 112 - M 17!7m~iwjo~ LA/ Sig TULUFNIKOT, L.A.; SGOTIMOT, A.T.;ZNTOTA, N.T.; GATRILOT, V.I., kand. skonom.nauk; SHUMO, NJ,; PCLOTMO. 1.S.. kand.ekonom.nauk; POTAPOT, Ih.Te.. red.; OTCHINNIKOT, N.G., red.; POUOKAWAp A.A00 [Problems pertaining to long-rangs planning and systems of management on collective and state farms] Toprosy perapektivnogo planiroyaniia i sistemy vadeniia khosisistva v kolkhozekh i sovkho- xakh. Koskwa, Gosplanisdat, 1960. 681 p. (KIU 140) 1. Xoscov. Yeasoyusnyy nouchno-isoledovatellskiy inatitut skonomiki sel'skogo khozyaystva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Tsesoyusnoy akademli seliskokhozyaystvannykh neuk Imeni Y.I.Lenins; direktor Teesoyusnogo, nauchno-Looledovatellskogo Institute ekonomiki sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Tulupnikov). 3. Xamestitell direktora Yeasoyuznogo nauchno- iselodavatellskogo instituta skonomiki sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Gavrilov). 4. Rukovoditall otdals Vsssoyuznogo nanchno-iseledovetall- skoto Institute ekonomiki sel'skogo khosyaystva (for Folovenko). Collective :farms) (state farms) RUSANOVt AiK.; ~MVAq NJ-T. Iffect of the powder content on the reBults of spectral analysis;by the injuction metW. Zav.lab. 27 no-3-.299-306 161. (MM 140) 1. Vaesoyu=yy nuachno-issledovatel'ski inatitut minerallnogo syrlya. , (Sf*otrm analpisT RUSANOV9 A.K.; AiNk.-Na. Particular-features of the met.ho.d of bloving povdara into the arc in the spectra.1analysis of ores. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.4i404-410 J1 - 162, (MIRA 15:8) 1. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Mineral Raw Materials, Moscow. (Ores-Analysis) (Spectrum analysis) RUSANOV,'A.K.; BILTOVA, N.T. w.ftaUA.A-~ "Characteristio features of the spectroobamical analysis of powdered samples Introduced into are plasm by a stresm.0 A dw-i-g - Report presented*at the SpectrAscoplaung, Uth Intl* ika;loqp Belgrade., Tugj, 30 sop - 4 Oct 63e AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL. 3/040 67' 27" Ot/0-4/043 p163/B180 Rusanov, A. K., and U12YA.L N _-T. Features of the.method of blowing powders into the arc flame in the spectroseopic'.analysis of-ores Akademiya nauk SSSR..., Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheiskaya, v. 27, no. it 1963, 8-9 TEXT: The development*of,the luminous gas cloud and its content of by h- evaporation products from the powder and electrodes was studied hig speed color cinematography through a synchro'nizecirotating shutter. The first stage of the discharge, which lasts ~0.002'sec is particularly important for the powder particles vaporization and spectral line emission. The temperature of the discharge is then maximal,'and the powder particles are most efficiently vaporized and excited. Silicate powders are not completely vaporized if their particle diameter.exceeds 0.01 mm. A's particle size falls to this value the line intensity increases systematically, and the intensity ratio of-spark and arc lines debreases, which indicates a reduction of are temperature. Below 0.01 mm the intensity decreases, and the ratio of spark and arc line intensity increases, as less particles Card 1/2 S/,P4 63/027/001/004/043 Features of the method of blowing ... B163YB180 reach the discharge zone. The highest linb"and weakest Vackground intens:ity come from the central part of the are torch between.0-0003 and 0.002, see after arc formation. This part of the torch is about 4 mm wide, 2-5 mm from the electrode axis, and during this period it emits 80-90J4 of thetotal line! intensity. TO reduce -the effects composition and dispersion of~ the powder, and of the blowing velocity, on the results the following is recommended: 1) The powder should be carefully pulverized to definite size" distribution; 2) excitatidn sources should be used which have high discharge power in the first stage; 3) the powd eras hould be mixed with graphite, to improve the spraying in air; 4) chemical pre-treatment of the powder io obtain uniform distribution both of the i~lements to be determined and the internal standards; 5) if the line intensities of the test element and internal standard are to bb compared, compounds should be. used which are evaporated under similar temperature conditions. A more detailed version of the present paper is published in the Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii. This paper was presented at the 14th Conference on' spectroscopy in Corlkiy, July 5-12, 1961. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut minerallnogo syrl,ka (All-Ulion Scientific Research Institute of Mineral Card 2/2 Raw laterials RU SAI ~ . '-" ~ . a-1,TOVA , N. T . Fffc-,71. cf Particle siz,.- and fractional evapl~lrat,~Ln .1 el6v-In-ta nut thf-. intem5ity of spectral lineg wl,,~n ~o%~derZ are injEct.ed the are plas,~. Zhur. aral.. kh!m. 20 OKW, 18:7) vRet:~,yuznyy syrlya, ~~skva. I I RUSANOVP A.X.; ~~~ Effect of chemical reactions on the Intensity of spectral lines when powders are injected into the are plasma, Zhur, anal, khim, 20 no.7r769-773 165. (KIRA l8t9) 1# All-Union Sclantifio4escarah Inatituto of Mneral Resources,, Moscow. BATCTA, V. - 7 A BATOVA, V. 8. PA 47/49T43 Apr 49 Tracks, Railroad Machinery- ."Mechanization of Track-Laying Operations at Peat Enterprises," V. S. Batova, Sigr, 6 pp "Torr Prom" No ;Nsrrow.~Sauge tracks are used to move peat from operating base to Main-line railroad tracks. Briefly describes several types*of equipment ~vsed for rapid laying dnd taking up-of tracks. Tracks are laid-in prefabricated sections. Mentions methods used during vinter season. 47A9ThA BITOVAq V.S. 23228. Ratsionalizatioll I tsobrotatelletve, Torfprom - St., 1949, No. 72 c. 7-10 SOv LMPISI NO, 319 1949 "Survey of inventions and rationalization in .eat works of 'I"le 7--c-at Alainistratioll of the ministr-y of Mectri c Power St: tions. 11 0 - Torf. prom., 2,, 2L0-3 , '1952. 1, . ~~. ~ 4 1 ~., ~ . -1. "WORK 0? 77AT e!iV-r-~rl-,es 'n rationalization an,~ ill-,,ention." 7orf. pron. 29, no. 6, 195? BATOVA, V.S.. inshener. Invention and efficiency improvement work. Tort. prom- 30 no.6-.24-26 Je 153- (MRA 6:5) 1. Glavaoye upravleniye torfyanoy promyshlonnosti. (Peat industry) PATOVA, V.S.. inahner. , 'AMMXW.%6 Initiative to work on efficiency problems and innovations. Torfo .promo 32 no.1t23-26 155. - Oa" 8:3) 1e Glavtorf, (Peat industry) I BATOVA, VsSo, inzhener. ReedIts of applying wid chemking different technical Improvements and efficiency miggestione for the nechanization of bog maintenance work. Torf,pron*33 ao*2t24-26 056. MmA 9:6) 1.0lawtorf . (peat Industry) BATOU V.O-.- tiere ~~ Xquipment proposed by inTentors in 1955. Torf,,prom. 33 no*3: 26-29 '56. (HIRA 9:7) l.GlAvtorf. (Peat wAabluery) BATOTA, V*S,, inshonar. -- Work.of the enterprises on efficiency and inventions.,Torf.prom.33 no.4.-13-36 1,56. (=A 919), I.Glavtorg. (Peat industry) mr Dmo~a,,', 35 BATOVAI V.S. Seminar at Vie Irldbition of Achievemente of the National loonamy. Torf. prom. 40 no.2133-34 163. (MIRA 1614) (Peat machinery) BRAGINP N.Ao; UVIVA, V.S. Review. Torf. prom. 40 no.6sp-38 163. (MIRA 16tio) RATOVRIN, A. A. The following is among dissertations of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni Kalinin: "Electromagnetic Processes in an Impulse Machine for Welding." 2 July 1951. Development of problems of the most advantageous air gap in an impulse transformer for contact welding and spark-free operation of theswitching arrangement. A theoretical and experimental investigation is given of the electromagnetic processes which take place in an impulse transformer. SO.- M-10480 28 mar 56 %I; . I f 4 , 03 ~ . it I. I. . . - .11 1 .. I.,. I BEZUGLYY, V.D.; DKITRIYEVA, V.N.; BATlDVSUYA, T.A. Polarographic determination of acenaphthylene in polymers. ihur.- anal.khim. 17 no.1:109-112 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Monocrystals, Sointillators and Highly Pure Materials. (Acenaphthylone) (Polymers) (Polarography) 811TUIVAV, A.A., MFOUR, A.S.; ASHINA, F.I.; BATOW,*,J-.Y-Aj, T.A. Model-- of current conducting plastics, Vashinostroitell no.9;4-1 S ;62. (MRA 15:9) (Plastics) BATOVSKIY O.M GALIPFRTNII 1-.R, Automatic conductomoter. Zhur. fiz. kbim. 39 no.5i'.1273- 1276 MT 165, (M-LBA 18..8) 1. Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, BATOVSKIY.V. P-~ What the records tell; notes from the All-Union Agricultural Nihibition. Prom.)roop. no.7:26-27 J1'55. (NLRA 8:11) (Moscow--Agricultural exhibitions) GERVER, M.M.; ARONOV, Ye.G.; BATOVSKIY, V.N. Isocol, a new insulating material. Stomatologiia 41 no.4:94-95 JI-Ag ,62. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz Khar1kovskogo zavoda zubovrachebnykh materialov (dir, Ye.G. Aronov). (DENTAL MATERIALS) 1~ ARONOV, Yo.G.; GERNER, M-m-;J)ATQVaK4,,Y.N. Jet mills in medical. industry. 149d. irom. 17 no-9t46-47 S163. OUM 17:5) 1. Khartkovskiy 2&vod zubovrachebn~ich materialov. RATC!'ISYT I '?. Me administrative and territorial division of the USSR.-. 25.11 (MF,',,LAD GEOGRAFICZNY. FOLISH GEOGRAPHICAL MIMI , Vol. 24., no. 4, 10,52, ')Varszawa, Poland.)- - SO: Fast Eurof*nn L. C. Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1953 BATOYEVI Ts. Zh., Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Motor function of CLA-011 -IU".*aLMAA-44 digestive organs of sheep and goats a34~ of theft on a*940rowt rations." Lent 1957. 16 pp (Min of Agr USSR, Len Vet Inst, Chair of Normal Physiology of Animals), 100 copies (KL, 1-58, 116) - 31 - BATOZSXAYA. S.A. NThe Decisive Role Of The Etternal &rjiroment And The Functional Surroundin s Of Organisms In The Ontogenesis Of 'White Blood Corpuscules In The Horse" (p.1981 b7 V.N. NiAtin, Z.A, BatozskMM, P.S. Lyachchenko, M.I. Novikov, I.L. Poitavski, G.F. Bryazkun, and ?*Go PrikhodIko SO: Journal of General Biolog-v (Zhurnal Obshchei Biologil) Vol. XI, 19300 Xo*3 0 USsR/Biology Nucleic Acids jul/Aug 52 "Changes, occurring During the Aging Process, in"the Electro-Golloidal C'aaracterlstics of the Iso-Elec- tric Point of the, Protoplasm of Tissues of Rabbits, Under Various Methods of Rearing," V. N. Ilikitin, Yu. 'A. Basina, T. A. Batozskaya, S. A. Braylovskaya, M. Y. Volovik, A. V. Rudayeva, Khar'kov State U Zhu'r Obshch Biol, Vol 12, Do 4, pp z70_285 The ~biological Tole of nucleic acids and nuclev- proteids is very great. The protoplasmic complex ofa number of organs of exptl rabbits, raised on 26 i~modified'diet, revealeda chanegre in iso-eleetric point to acidity. It inay be considered as proven that changes in iso-electric point of protoplasmic complex take place during a-ing process of animal o.rganism. Reproduction of intercellular matter in- various tissues goes, throuTh the same biochemical aging evolution and reflects, in the main, the same regularity of ontcaenesis as does the whole organ- ism. Grovtb ck&nZts L3 elettrotoUolftl properties of mWk tissuo priftPlam in various typos fif gromb. V. N. Nikitin, Yu. A. 133&hm, T. A. WtoLskayn S. A brailov- Aaya, M. P Voluvilc, Kharkov). Zhur. Ohshrhel DW. 13. 4ock-c, paiut (11111* of karyupLmm "t cytoplum chatips during vowth, firs-i rapidly %nd then rnore.Quwly, tonvard- ther4k,41c. This isr.hWI to the Intercellula-rComptis. ~( tbt cerebral mtex itrid the cembaum; also tv the thyr(Ad ctiloids.. It -"y bc evi(kence of nuelric ucid lmpoverish- ment in"protoplasto duri!q,, growth. Changci in IRP in ClAtheliki $4t Similar to changes in other rabbitiLsues. tdo CWJPICXM are ixmrsing less htteratmeoul a as rrmth mddnues- thrre is 44 1111ft of lap to"- rd,the Wid. ". This bbift mas not ov'se"od in Protoplasm firtma In- crms vells. ju-"u F. Smit BATOMTAA S. A.9 L3=lgm" P. 3.0 vanw~ K. 1.0 PWA"I=l X. L., UKLAZMM, U j, MM&ONDs P. 0.1, ==XN9 V- ff. Dooldve rd2s of ouW m#M and ArwtionAl skate of the oromnlAft 1noogetwels of the b2cod plasm In home, th, ob9h, owus 311% Hay4ww 30. p. 198-2M 10 limekov ZODUCIrd4al institi" and KheiOkff State UrAversitro OLML 199 50 Nave# 1930 BATRACHENKO.G.M. (ftw) - "WAMOSOMOR Freqaent errors In the anal sis of problem-solving in geometry. Nat. v shkole no.4:26-31 Nat. Y shkole no.4:26-31 Jl-Ag '55. (MM 8,9) (Geometry, Solid-Problems, exercises, etc.) BATRACHENKO I.P. Thrombosis of the central retinal vein and glaucoma. Vest. oft., 73 no. 2:17-20 Mr-Ap '60, (NDAA :1) (GIAU64M) (VEINS-DISEAW) (MINA-BLOOD. SU Y) pp~ TRAPMIKOV, V.A., akademikq glavo red.; AY7YAW 9 M.A.9 doktor tekhn. nauk, red.1 AM=# D.Lp kand, tekbn. naukq red.1 ARTOBOLEVSKIrp I.I., akademikv red.-j BATRACHEM9 LiZap iuzb&p redej VOROSOV9 A*A.,t doktor tekbn. naukp red.; CAVRIIANO M.A. t doktor tekhn. naukv red. I DIVJSHINp V.1.j, akademikv red.; WIBSMq V.V.1, kand. tekbn. na#9 red.1 IDQU# B.Ya,g, kand, tekbu. naukp red.1 KRASIVSKIY# S.P.1, redj KULEBAM# V.S.t akademikp red.1 IERNM# A.Ta.j, doktor tekba, naukg red.1 L&OV9 A.H.v kand. tekbn. nauk, red4j WUOVO M.V.5, doktor tekbm. naukv red.j P*- ROV9 B.N.9 akademikv red.; FUCIACBEVv V.S.9 doktw tokbn. mukq r9o.i SOTSKOVv B.S.9 red.; STEFANIq YeoMoq kand, tekbn* naukq red,,j Irmorp A.V.9 kand. tekbn. naukv red.; TSYPKIN, Ya.Z.v doktor tekbu. nauki, prof.9- red.; CHELYUSTKIN, A.O.p kand. tekbn. naukq red.; CHILIKINp M.G.g doktor teklm, naukq red.1 NAUMOV9 B.N.v kand. tekbn, nau14 red.1 KASHMAq P.S.t tekbu. red. [Transactions of the Intervational Federation of Automatic Controig Ist International Congress, Moscow.. 19601 Trudy I MezWunarodn kon- 090 gressa gezbdil oh~oi feedeer'ataii po avtoxatiobeskow upravleniiu. Mo- skvaq Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol.2. [Thppry of discrete systemov optimal systeMaj, and adaptive automatic dontrol systemoj Teorlia, diskret- TWkbp optimallrqkb i samonastralvaiushebikheia oisteme 3-96le 996 ps (MW 3-40) 1. International Federation of Automatic Control, lot International Congress, Mosoovq 1960. 29 Chlen-korreopondent AN SW (for Sotskov) (Automatic control) BATRACRINKO, P.P., mayor maditainskoy slushby I&- Medical instructions for unit flight personnel in its training with pressure suits. Toon.-sed. shure no*3:64-65 Kr 156o (KLTtA 9:9) (AjmoNAuTics-4umxaAL ASPZCTS) VARFOIDWYEV.. Yu.M.; BkTRACHENKO,, V.A.,, inzh. Centralized boiler plant-In-Kaptevo and its operation. Gor. kboz,Mosk, 36 n6,713Z.31-11 - 162, (MMA 16s1) (Koptevo.-Boilera-Maintenance and repair) DATRAK A,I. (soft) BoUistooardlogram of patients with subacute rhmocarditis with mitax inversum visoer=, X;LU,med. no*7&Ww=, 161. (mm 1. Is-revzatologii6okoy klinfti ('sav. - doteent W.M, Shikbova) Soobl ogo naud"o-1801-davatellakogo inotituta kurortologii (dir. I- prof, MIM. Mdkhav). YMMA-PABROWTIES AND WOMMIM) MMUTIC NOT DISME) (BA=STOGARDIOGP.fM) BATRAK, A.I. I Effect of sea baths on patients with obliterating endarteritis. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 28 no.4:303-305 Jl-Ag 163. (KM 17.9) 1. 1z revmatologicheskoy kliniki (zav, dotsent N.M. Shikhova) Sochinskogo instituta kurortologii (dir, prof. M.M. Shikhov). POLISIMM, L.K. [Po3,vahchuk, L.K.1; BAD". A.P.; BILYK, L.G. [Bilyk, L.H.] Effect of p)kvtoncides of the English Walnut on certain phyto- pathogenic bacteria* Kikroblol.zhur. 21 no..3:25-30 '59. (Kim 12: 10) 1. Z Xtivalkogo derzbavnogo universitetu, lafedra fiziologii roslin. (ANTIBIOTICS pharmacol) (NUTS) 9-6 tit Go 0 -sit 0 4 so 0 00 4 1 0 0 0 so - o if it it j-0 0 1 W 1 L I p ir p a it V I AA a I v few ..4? 1.0 P-DiffI .- ..A-,, - IN lit A "Wod"U" of brimming. 've.1 t"101. Aillimilm) Nit 8 iw jiliki'%, Ill, m.111-1 A 7 0 90 A , 1*411,16,111 and Ihm lit C A IV, LMW %4, nouldwl In . 00 04 9 looming the "list. cot a vialb-A hath , if kilo with altillml . 00 chilgreal (in Ackh1w naributni and tulne'lurnt 1411fluill -00 thtoush an ordinary Mier (himtsd of "U 4 filter). thin 20 0 Obtaining a ckw VAU. will preventing 11 44 of by Clout. 0 noting the repeated liming. The orn4thitir n! SWON trimpat w" dmd. suit hv the dsRaw "del c%ikw loul bv %he 00 oil 91KI of Aviliml UW rings With a Onk Illixt still a 0 . 11 1097 90 the OPP 81199 PWhlM 4-0114UIIW &I-MK 1111' W" of list- fir.1 fulit- 4 I'mi df.q'. .4 Cl In fin, 00 H.camiddrf.erm 10yol lit 1 ass 0! - ir -.W-nn in A010, S. A. C*.-g..n see -00 a lit] L i_#iWwO_*7q i7- tisf-e-w --t 4. IF r u At .0 of; ___' -. - *is 4 g's-1 same 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0.0 see 00 see '00 '00 use ago .66400 do S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ e I else -1 XTY I 1111M ' -MAMI"wl - --ftv-- s K f"e4tut "a "00#11916 mots 00 2 Kiev, - lie. G. %vakm er- 7w=7'0= h 1w M - ' t ' yp Poo The "WitY t th 664 a e differ"A MA jo Tay Tar a go* 9 sib of a 91"M anp .-&owl% Uver" im 60wisaft Mao d 1 UMM l Moe goo Not wee ASSALA &LLbftC" %MOAIVN CLAU11FKATIN s 31 o 0 t %no "Wing - 40 f 41MY on 1410 09 1 d 1 missal WIN cow All 4-111.4do 0 WIN NSA* a At ac'nj; a" ~111 3 1 1 IS 11 %1 u as of 14 0 -,1 S I a L fl~ ii-ji-11- JLJ, IL JI!, -of. P0411, 0 Via Poo 4 G. 00 41 90 oft 00 0 - , 0 6 0 4 of 411o 0 *o 4 0 010 a v v a Is a IN v a so a at 0 a a 4. -L-ACIM-W. W.X4A__A_.L_.A_, PAIDOWLIS "i4 gy. a we* .00 -00 .00 06 a ta "ISUDO of the Us" to sideapealses OCO an Iftelailm Inw. farm" -00 Ot Simi P-001mill" Adwitislonerve-iovoitrewn. I 00 2 00 V CW. ley let-dum"j; vim- faineel yes"-Ia, 4,1 Jjac falple't car fxfSvkOv-I*imr111bkiI technieltor). 1101h the newaiiii and 0 see 00.3 tire Plustac-I li"Is khe'ris"I Imb SWHY fit alt,Oivy adiern, li 800 A tic. In fort. flat, vo,twonsmartsuff rthrelta 44 411MIalin. -4n%. %hich were lqtld, in Rirw-f.l.&*Lr "An, jurvo,"101V Soo I".1111ted 1111401011 flav ltvrl wor 11karktiliv met-441TO 414416 too 1lk,W 1.01~14 HI lef.111MIs 040. Ilver finlaws I.VPCL..# sibruplaur "An. frunicel its activitv 000 :0 he alkwh kenjIti twtW. than dw adirusliviv man. peclarl. 0 its caardirmy Ringer-Lot-ke "n. S. A. Coruna are 0 .4 f" -, --se 000 f; 0 0. see 1*41 as@ if* 0 .1tat. voteark. W* 4i; too ANA $rplies uplafrusaf 3119, go ILI 0 * 0 IOZO o 0 0001009 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OA~_ '41 0 0 IP 0 4 0 4 0 0 o 0 a 4 1 0 t A ip fil _ a 9 1 t to 11 9*9 Ki" of f l _ , vvote) Tito ids d luft Ussaft in the floostruttou of iiiie"aZem aline drocubtl" im the blood. 04J4 a'.. 16*11. b814. 00 ' 1 l : us 11vollmoly allely o I-1 injtv 11114 111vc. 1har mlor 6. .60 - 1-l"m all Tatum file left brall kl tt o 1 I l o too s oo .Altr n t 11. l I hallitwc, il"J"this that hoog tit-Ao -Iom not dorminoi 1 '00 90 J~ all eolvi'lkill"ar A. KnitalA 000 Goo 00 0 : r Coo o 41 goo 00 so* goo go* j U00 00 _ 1 wo :11116 188j"P -at 0. Zifillow.1" alkali do it, 1%_..__i-'__.C_v -.14-1 ". . - I a-vor"r-I'V111 , 01 0*30; ST :::: pollywal W4111111 loan liouan In 9000006090090006990*4 00000000000 1 4 0 0100 004900-00004000600 004000000040004 0 1 o 0 go AA-4- A-L 00 00 &V 0804111'st ANA Typo so ~ resedw is &&Nwjbo. Aviis" d Tab". S. No. a. 164(to" Ok amoebatis is dop Ofther %G==c god 06 00 00 ey"Ptouts COOM. JOW p (34 an.) or 104"0 . CoAmas. 100 P.P.M.fr4postamf caeb 6-10 min. 7U A= MKW brings a" Awn MICIlle 'WithdWardmitthe A. 1, !" Arlect io dow Sfm I WAhoat an awstbdk. 81=4 V - met bb to about 70 tow Us to about 60 smon. 9 the spiaml card Is fim =bta: kwr ow 6*MM of I two dw Mow prm-Mrs. Far. owar in the Vasommor Centers at slarwhere In Zblt nervous mptirts. Transition of am cows from stlinulatc:1 to derowd swas or Ow nwe ' an the daft, "WAM and to" al injwdow, sod on the am. ditift of tbe.noctlog arxenism. julba P. Sadth Off -09 *00 so -00 000 fta ae 0 woo Sloo -Aloo to 0 WW 0 of o 4100 Wo 0 wee 1110* see WO 0 SAAAMO Cl I Wolla Mkit OFT VW6 U 9 0 io7laqw;' 0 1 F I - 1 6 3 09 0 IF w 0 a 409 19 a fit Is in W,0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 6 BATRAY, G.Te.. professor. --- W Adrenalin shock in the cat. Yarm.1 toks. 10 no.4:36-39 Jl-Ag 147. (MIRA 7:2) 1. Is kafedry farmakologil (saveduyushchly - professor G.Ts.Batrak) Dnepropitrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Mock) (Adrenalin) PATRAK, G. Ye. Batrak., G. Ye. "On the interrelationship amonr, vegetative centers"o Vracheb. delo, 190, No. hp paragraphs 297-300,': SO: U-4392, 19 August 53, (Letop-Is lZhurnal Inykh Statey, No 21., 19h9). a jwr~w. !K P. ~vm. A =m,. 37a. %vw, A D. OWN 4. rewng The activity imi propAgaijun of pitht$cm~r frkrobIs, ;!& 1e tk chemiml wr-;liinn oit jmp4~i ~j tht. jjjft~uj t'L " cj a A L It USSR / Pharmacology and Tbxicology--Medicinal Plants V-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol, No 23o 19587 107377 Author : Batrak, G. Yesp LIVOV, Ni M. Inst % Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute Title : On the Clinical and Pharmacodynamical Properties of the Sand Knotweed Orig Pub: Sb. nauchn. rabot. Dnepropetr. mad. in-t, 1956, It 11-13 Abstract: No abstract Card 1/1 ~. [Problem of anosthexia] Problema obezbolivanila. Kiyev, Goo wedisdat, USSR, 1957. 201 p. OCRIL 12:1) (ANESTHE.SIA) 1, j;i BATRAK. G.Yo. [BATRAX. H. IN.), YMYDLINA, A.Z. Iffect of morphine-other anesthesia on blood sugar absorption by the cerebral cortex. Fisiol.shur. (Ukr.] 4 no.3:395-40 W-Je 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Dnipropetrovelkiy nedichniy Institut, kafedra fnrankologii. (CEnBRAL CORM) (BIM SUGAR) (NORPHI=) (WHIR (AINSTHIS IA) BAN~9-6(10-61669 T. KO,V.I., URUSTAINTo S.I. Nothod for Implanting electrodes. Fisiol.xhur. 44 no.IOPJMI-IM- 0 158 (XI&A 2281) 1. From the department of pharmacology, Xedioal Institute, Dnepropetrovsk; (PMIOU)GYO implantation of electrodes (fts)) RATRAK. Grigor ly-I&Yzeyevich- [Nov drugs of vegetable origin; experimntal and clinical characteristics] Novye lakerstysum" sredstva rasti'tellnogo prolakhozhdaniia; ekqmrinentallno-klinichaskaia, kharakte- ri8tika, liev, Gosmadisdat, USSR. 1959. 131 P. (MIRA 13:9) (MUGS) - I BATRAK,; YM. I.T.; XERUSTALN, S. I. Pbarmacologleal properties of Palmatilla ulgricans. yarn. I tokg.. 22 no.4.-320-324 JI-Ag 159. (XIBA 13 rl) 1. Tafedra farmakologil (say. - prof. G.Te. Batrak) Dnepropetrovskogo maditainakogo iustituta, (I~AWS, MlOnU Pbarmeol.) BATIUK, G.Ye.; DORONIN, A.G. Influence of morphine on the resistance of anima2s to ether during ontogenesis. Fo=. i toks. 24 no-4:4io-416 il-Ag 161. (MIR1.1419) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. G.Ye.Batrak) Dnepropetrovskago meditsinakolzo instituta. 114ORPHINE) (ETHER (ANESTHETIC)) (GROWTH)- RATRAKI G, Ye.; DUBIGH., S. YA. Effect of vagotawy on the stamina of the organion,under can- ditions of morpbln"ther anesthesia in ontogen"Im. Famakol. toksik. 26 no.3t259-266 "e'63 (KIRA 17t2) 1. Kafedra farmakolegii 7ANIO - prof* G. Ye. Batrak) Dbepro- petrovokogo meditainakogo inatitutas 1'3 LA ju, (P:~ :L818) BATRAK,t_ GrijoriL.Layseyevi chi MAKSIMOVICH, Ya. H., red. 4WA-00 -- [Pain, shockt anesthesia; on directed stabilization of the brain hemispheres based on the example of morphine. Boll., shok,, narkoz; o napravlennoi stabilizataii bollshixu polusharii golovnogo mozga na primere morfina. Klevp Zdorovlia, 1965. 212 p. (MIRA 19:1) I BATRAK, G.Ye.; Cf:'~FLIM.'K!Y, V.ya. Effent of eth6r anestheala on chrriges in tho prolkirtLos of the blood serum. &-rm. 1. 28 r2u.6-710- 73 3 N-D 165. 1.9a) 1. Kafactra ramakologit (zav. - doktor med.nauk p~of. r,.Te. Batrak) Dnopropetrovskogo meditsinskogo I.n.-A!".uls i zt~vol bakteftypykh prefaratov (dir. V.S.SotnJI-o,.,'/, 15,nep:,opetrovsk. BATRAN, 1. "illing honorably the obligations of the second year of the sevs&-ysaw plan. Muk.-slev. prom. 26 no*6s8-9 Je 160. OCMA 13:12) 1. Direktor Gusevskogo xavodoupravlenlya ND.2. (Gusev-leed wins) SILIVINSKAYA, Kira Alsksandrovna; !~~T~~OVAS, T.A., red.; CHURAKOVA, V.A., takhn. red. I--- (Design of equalizers and filters using water forms]Ras- chat vyravnivatelai i fil'trov pri pomoobohi shablonov. Moskvap Sviasliadat., 1963, 95 P. MRA 16.9) (Electric filters) 51-6-10/25 AUTHORS: Chentsova, L. G., Grechushnikov, B. N., and Batrak, Yeo N. TITIB: Investigation of Temperature StimAsUm of Crystalline Qaartz Excited with X-Rays.. (IssledovanUe temper- aturnogo vysvechivaniya kristallicheskogo kvartsa, vozbuzhdannogo rentgenovymi luchami.) ARIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol. III, Nr. 6, pp N 619423. (USSR) ABSTRACT: N,E. Veden6yeva and G*G. lammleyn found that the samples of quartz which luminesce strongly can be coloured intensively by the action of X-rays. The identity of the colour centres and the capture centres which produce thermolumi-nescence in melted qv)rtz was ]proved by Iautout (Ref.1). There are two points of view on the nature of capture centres. In the opinion of Ybkota (Ref.2) the capture centres are due to oxygen defects. Other workers ascribe colouring on irradiation to the presence of impurities in quartz which are in atomic-disperse state. The Card 1/4 authors investigated properties of samples of natural 51-6-10/25 Investigation of Temperature Stimulation of Crystalline Qgaxtz Excited with X-Rays. crystals from several places of origin. These crystals are: (A) Qaartz from Volhynia, which can be intensely coloured by X-rays. (B) Qaartz f rom South Urals,, which is more difficult to colour. (V) Quartz from Polar Urals, and (G) Qgartz from .Aldan - samples of the latter two groups can be only weakly coloured by X-rays. (D) Quartz from Elba, which cann be coloured by the action of X-rays. All samples were heated to 4000C and then irradiated with 180 kV X-rays. Stimulation was r duced by uniform increase of temperature (2 de;/mlno). Fig.1 shows the thermoluminescence curves for X-irradiated quartz A (curve 1 1 hour' s irradiation, curve 2 -, 2 hours' , curve 3 6 hours'). On all the.curves of Fig,1 clear maxima appear at 175 and 2900C. Fig.2 showa similar curves for samples of quartz A. and quartz B, irradiated with X-rays for 3 hours. Card 2/4 The maximum at 1?500 is much stronger in quartz B. 51-6-10/25 Investigation of Temperature Stimulation of Crystalline Quartz Excited with X-Rays. Fig.3 shows the thermoluminescence of samples of quartz V and G subjected to 30 hours of irradiation. Quartz V has an inflection around 1750C, and a wide maximum at about 2800G. Quartz G has several maxim Samples out from two portions of the same crystal G, separated by a crack, have quite different themo- luminescence curves (Fig*4). Heating of uncoloured quartz D did not produce any emission. In the opinion of the present authors the differences between thermo3i,minescence curves of quartz from various places of origin support the impurity hypothesis on the nature of capture centres. Quartz possesses structural channels (pores) along the C-axis: when ions of IJ.+ and NA+ are introduced into these channels by electrodiffusion, quartz does not lose its ability to be coloured on X-irradiation. Fis-5, curve 1 gives thermoluminescence of quartz A before intro- 'duction of fo3Mign ions; curve 2 represents the same quartz Vith 1J. ,r ions, and curve 3 - the same quartz Card 3/4 with Na' ions. In each ease the sample was irradiated 51-6-10/25 Investigation of Temperature admiktim of Crystalline (;bmrtz Excited with X-Rays. for 6 hours. Introduction of U* ions strengthens the l?,50C maximum, while introduction of NO destroys the 1?~OC maximua and depresses the 2900C maximum. It follows that the depth of the capture centres producing thermoluminescence is affected by ions such as Li+ and Na+. There are 5 figures and 6 references, of which I is Ruissian, 4 English and 3 French. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Crystallogra 7. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. (Institut krrsltallografii AN SSSR) SUBMITTED; February 11, 1957- AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 SUBJECTs USSR/Luminosc*nc* AUTHORS: Chentsovap L.G., Gr*chushnikov, B.N. and Batrak, Yo.N. TITLE: Investigation of Temperature Do-Luminescence of Crystalline quartz Excited by X-Rays (Iseledoyaniye tomperaturnogo vysvoohi-* vaniya kristallichookogo kvartea, vozbuzhdonnogo rentgonovymi luchami) PERIODICAL: Izveatiya Akadezii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizichookayaq 1957, Vol 219 #59 pp 699-700 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The temperature do-luminseconce of natural quartz samples from different formation sites was investigated, The curves of 11 amples taken from different sites differ both in intensity of luminescence and in the number and temperature of peaks. This difference indicates the different nature of admixture ions which induce the formation of capture conterao Alkali "compensating" ionag which presumably are Xocated in the structural channels of quartz, affect the thermal d*-luminea- c9nce* Card 1/2 The experiments carried out have shown that after migration of 48-~z--.~ /;t6 TITLEt Investigation of Temperature Do-Luminescence of Crystalline Quartz Excited by X-Rays (Issledovaniye tomperaturnogo vysvochi- vaniya kristallichookogo kvartea, vosbuzhdonnogo rentgonovymi luobami) Li and Na ions through quartzg they did not loss their abi- lity of being colored by Irradiation. Absorption spectra of the samples subjected to roontganization after the introduction of Li+ and Na + are very similar, whereas their curves of ther- mal do-luminescence differ considerably. The investigation performed has thereby shown that admixture ions, which create charge defects in the crystalline lattice, and ions compensating these defects played an essential role in the formation of capture centers. The report was followed by a discussion. One Russian reference is cited. INSTITUTIONt Institute of Crystallography of the USSR Academy of Sciences PRESENTED BY& SUBMITTEDs No date indicated AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: SOV/70-3-1-23/26 TITIR: Centres of X-ray Irradiated Crystals of Quartz with xa impurity Ions (TssledovaniYe tsentrov zakhva4%ja rentgenizirovann~ykh kristallov kvartsa s vvedennymi ionami Na) PZRIODICAL: Kristallografi7a, 1958, 'Vol 3, Nr 1, pp, 104-106 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the work reported in this paper was to obtain quantitative thermal characteristics of the trapping centres in X-ray irradiated quartz,, namely, the thermal ionisation. energy and the parameter po which characterizes the probability of isoenergetic trans- itions of the sybtem from one state to another. A natural piece of quartz was chosen which had.only two well reproducible maxima on the thermal luminescence curve and also a piece of quartz which had impurity sodium ions in it and for which the corresponding thermal luminessence curve had only one high-temperature maximum at 578 K. The specimens were irradiated using a 37 kV X-ray tube with a molybdenum anticathode (current = 15 mA). Cardl/2 To obtain the thermal luminescence curves, the photoelectr:~,,- SOV/70-3-1-23/26 A Study of the Trapping Centres of X-ray Irradiated Crystals of Quartz With Na Impurity Ions method described by Lushchik and Zaitov in Ref 3 was used.0 In all experiments, the rate of heating was 0.06 /see. The table on p 105 gives the data obtained. It was found that the thermal ionisation energy . -1 ST =-1.27 eV and Po is of the order of 3 X 10' see Both these quantities were obtained for a specimen of clouded quartz containing Na ions. It was found that crystal subjected to multiple radiations gives stronger luminescence, i.e. specimens can be "trained" to luminesce. L.G. Chentsova and B.N. Grechushaikov are the ed f or supervision. There are 2 figures, 1 table aiid 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.8c.USSR) SUBMITTED: October 29, 1957 Card 2/2 !UTHOR.- r SOV/?0-3-5-18/24 TITLE: On a Model Representation of Colour Centres and Luminescence in Quartz (0 modellnom predstavlenii tsentrov okraski i evacheniya v kvartse) PZRIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 5, pp 626-627 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of the introduction of Li and Na ions into the lattice of smokF quartz has been studied. The charge of these ions is balanced by the substitution of Si by Al ions. An ISP-51 spectrograph and "V1 photographic plates of sensitivity 360 GOST were used for the optical measurements. Both the Li and Na curvea of the spectral distribution of the luminescence show peaks at 4450 A with half widths of about 500 A. These are not to be explained by O'Brien's theory (PRS, A 231, 1955, p 404), which postulates that under the influence of X-rays an electron is torn from an 0 ion (connected to an Al ion by a donor bond) and, is trapped by an alkali ion. Light absorption takes place ifi centres not depending on compensating ions. Tenperature luminescence in X-irradiated quartz is therefore not explicable by this model. On the basis of absorption Card 1./3 spectra, thermal luminescence curves, thermal decolorisatibn SOV/70-3-5-18/24 On a Model Representation of Colour Centres and Luminescence in 4uartz curves and emission spectra a model can be proposed. The substitution of a Si ion by an Al ion has an action logous to that of an activator in a crystal phosphor. It provides a'deep level a little above the fundamental band, which acts as an eiectron trap., Under radiation, electrons are raised to the conductivity band (the characteristic absorption of the crystal) from the lower band and also from the activator trap (a smaller energy difference - the activator band). The fundamental absorption band is about 1 500 A. The absorption band begins at about 3 000 A and continues to the shorter w.1. side. Electrons in the conductivity band can fall either to the traps or to the local lower levels. The latter are associated with the presence of canals of compensating alkali ions. Heating an excited crystal frees the electrons but is accompanied by discoloration. As an electron freed from a trap must go through the conductivity band, the luminescence spectrum of the crystal does not depend on the nature of the traps. Here, Card2/3 the luminescence is independent of the SOV/70-3-5-18/24 On a Model Representation of Colour Centres and Luminescence in Quartz nature of the compensating ions. Hence, the colour centres and the luminescence centros must be separated. There are 3 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Cr7stallography of the Ac.Se-.USMI% SUBMITTED: June 11, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHOR: - Batrak, Ye.N. SOV/70-3-5-19/24 TITIR: Temperature-Ii-a-mTRescence and Decolorisation of Crystals of X-irradiated Quartz (Temperaturnoye vysvechivaniye i obestsvechivaniye kristallov rentgenizirovann go kvartsa) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 5, pp 627-629 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Chentsova has suggested (Kristallografiya 1 1956, Vol 12 p 484) that when alkali ions are introduced into quartz, they must displace ions already present in the canals which compensate charge defects in the structure. The different forms of the curves of temperature luminescence from irradiated quarts with Li and Na introduced serve to eonf irm tb .4s. These are reproduced$ the rate of beating being 0. 06 /see. Li and Na can substitute for each other with some difference in the depth of the traps. As the spectra of the supplementary absorption of smoky quartz has two extra maxima at 4 500 and 6 300 A, the curves of the thermal decolorisation are changed at these two wave- lengths. The sharp fall of the absorption coefficient for both bands agrees very well with the thermal luminescence peak at 308 0. These new data confirm that the absorption bands of quartz in the visible region are connected with Cardl/2 SOV/70-3-5-19/24 Temperature Luminescence and Decolorisation of Crystals of X-irradiated Quartz the localisation of electrons in the levels of traps formed in association with Li and Na ions. There are 4 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Orystallograpby of the Ac.Se.USSR) SUBMITTED: July 11,'1958 Card 2/2 I BATRAKS ye.N.., Cand Phys Math Sci - (diss) "Study of %A& - - centers of engagess" in crystals of smoked quartz." Mos, 1959, 12 pp (Inst of Crytallography USSR) 150 copies (KL,, 33-59., u6) - 2 - BATRAKOV Ye.N. URB-ZAV drilling rig. Nefte khoz. 42 no,2t62-63 F 164, (MIRA 1733) '.. ... - . 4. , -W BATRAK, Ye*Toj BUBINA., N.G.; GOREWVA,, T.N.j KOIWIN, Yu.A.j KUROV, B.I.; KMSHKIRA, I.N.; LAZAWAN., V.A.; POIZAKOVAO Zh.D.; SHLBARSHOVA., A.V. (Dnepropetrovsk) uStudy of regular displacement behaviours of bulk matadal over vibrating rough surface realizing given motiomP report primented at the: 2W All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Januaz7 - 5 Februw7 1964 1102A , Ya,,N = ;;P;7~~Of `Oaptu~4oeuterx of Y,-rayadquarts crystals containlag Wooted Ik louse' Pristallogrefla;ltlO4-106 158, (KUL 12s5) I 1; Ustitut kriatialoCzefli AN SSSL (qmrts orystals) (Bodim) (ZrV*) 4 1, BATRAKOVs A. B. 2. UZSR (600) 4. Technology 7, Story of the televisor. (Blia nachinaiushchego tolazitelia). Moskvap Goamergoisdat; .1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Janumry, -1953. Unclassified. BAT.RAKOV$ A. D. I 191ementgrnaia radiotekhnilm f1wic radio engineerinZ7. moskva, Gosenergoizdat. Part 2. 1952. 240 p. SO: Monthly Lig& of Russian Accessions, Vol 6 Wo 6 September 1953 3ATTIAKOV, A. D. "Elementary Radio EnCineering',11 Gosenergoizdat, Noscow, 1951 M.M. December 1952 BATRAKOVI A. D. Elementarnaia elektrotekhnika dlia radioliubitelei.Z-Elementary electrical en- gineering for amateurs_7. Rekomendovano v kachestve posobiia dlia radioklubov i radiokruzhkov. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1950.- 176 p. illus. (Massovaia radiobiblioteka, VYP. 58) DLC TK9956.B35 SO: Soviet Transportation and Coffffmications., A Bibliography, Library of Cohgress, Reference department, Washington, 1951, Unclassified. ..- L-.,--,". . .-tLl . .Rasskaz o teievlzom (Story of a tr-levisor). , . !1.6. !!o~-',:-.,a, Gosener-o-L'Aat, 1 1 '!assovala ralioblnliotelca, vy- 951. 56 p.