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S/185/62/007/004/012/018 Influence of regions... D407/D301 scalar wave equation for a field Y in a medium with fluctuating permittivity is AY + k 2 (& (z) + 8 F (XIYIZ)) 0 (2) where 8e (x,y,z) is the permittivity fluctuation. The problem is solved by the method of successive approximations, setting 'Y = YO + Y l , (3) where Avo is the solution of Eq. (2) for 0. The case is considered of a finite Jump in permittivity. The boundary condition ik E (0) + Y (8) 2 k2 ~2 Card 2/6 S/185/62/007/004/012/018 Influence of regions... D407/D301 is set up. The solutions for the wave equation are obtained. The intensity of the scattered radiation is expressed by the formula CO 00 C 2 k2 1 R1,212 dz 0( 1/2 (C>O) 2p ( oo) = ) W - PZ101 PZ z dPZ P (Z) P(Z) 0 (10) where R 192 are reflection coefficients, r - r', and W is the correlation function for the permittivity fluctuations. Further, the scattering of electromagnetic waves in the presence of a turning point is considered. The boundary conditions are chosen in such a way that the,field vanishes exponentially for Z-1, - 00 , and that it passes into a wave which propagates to the right for z-4 + m . With z----,oo, the solution of the Card 3/6 Influence of regions... S/185/62/007/004/012/018 D407/D301 inhomogeneities only. Further, Maxwell's equation for the i-th component of the electric field E is considered in the perturbation-theory approximation, viz.: ~ IE 2 26F E A Ei + Ez + k E Ei k 01 -) xi dz C C (EOV~E X, where the subscript 0 denotes the field with 86 0. From Eq. (18) it is evident that with & = 0 the coefficients, as well as the right-hand side of the equation, become infinite. The infinite value of the scattered field is the result of ne- glecting nonlinear effects and extinction. There are 7 Card 5/6 hilig S/056/62 043/CO4/045/o6i B125/ 18~ AUTHCRS: Bass, F. G., Blank-, A. Ya. TITLE: Theory of transformation and scattering of waves from fluctuations in a plasma PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperiment4l'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 43, no. 400), 1962, 1479-1488 TEXT: The scattering and transformation of different types of waves in a non-isothermal plasma xesulting from interaction with the thermal fluctuations are inveali&ated. When T > Ti,.four types of normal waves ate possible in a non-*sothermal plasma, which can eiiher be scattered or G~ b F;;transformed into another type. The number of transformations possible in this case is limited by the conservation of energy and momentum. T e and Ti are the electron and ion temperatures in ev. WO and ~0, or d!and Z, are the frequency and wave vector of the incident or outgoing wave respectively. When a transverse wave is scattered from a longitudinal waves the scattering equation of the longitudinal wave reads Card 1/4 S/056 62~043/004/045/o6i Theory of transformation and BI X18 as (L3 - 6) )2 2 + s2(~_Z )2 The symbols are defined in the work of 0 e e 0 jL. 1. Akhiyezer et al. (Zhl-'TP, 33, 750, 1957). Scattering from a longitudinal wave transforms a longitudinal wave into a transverse wave. Waves cannot be scattered by other waves with the same dispersion law* Transverse waves having frequencies below 2 e cannot be propagated in a plasma. The transformations discussed here are caused by the spatial dispersion; therofore the present problem'is investigated in kinetic approximation. The interaction of the waves necessitates the following correction to the equilibrium distribution function: Ft((oo, k')/Op+F.(w. kI)df,(we, ko)/4 (20). /3 (k, to - ky + I/v The spectral correlation function is expressed in terms of correlators between the distribution function and the field fluctuations. The final expression for the spectral intensity of electromagnetic wave emission when longitudinal waves are scattered from transverse waves is Card 2/4 i S/056/62 43/004/045/c6i Theory of transformation and ... B125/BIUO 1 61 (kn) (0 ' I E~ JIW, I ((o - 0.) 0 ~~ 0 x V lft~ W2 CI x (61A nink) ncgno. (6p, - n;n' ) r,,~rt, + (33). k k' no n= p n' = 1r; ke (000 a,) we 14 (400 -.0)s - 4 0,2-OSIO) ef- (4- may + emkO08)] 2 (wso - as cost 0) A similar formula holds for the scattering of longitudinal and transverse -'waves from transverse waves. Effective fluctuations can also be caused by Card 3/4 S/05 62~043/004/045/W The6ry of transformation and ... B125Y.918 turbulence in the plasma. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainskaya, SSR), SUBMITTED; May 3, 1962 Card 4/4 BASS, F.G.; Mi.. A.V. k , -1,111, Spatial correlation of the fluctuations of waves propagating in an infinite turbulent medium. Akust. shur. 9 no.3:283-290 163o (MM 16:8) L Institut radiofizW i elaktroniki AN UkrSSR, Mzrlkov. (sound waves) BAW, F.G.; BIAM, A.Ya.; KAGANOV, M.I. Galvanomagnstic phenomena in a variable electromagnetic field. Zhur. eksp. I, teor. fiz. 45 no.4:1083,.1086 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki AN UkrSSR i Fiziko-tokh- nicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. 6Z42- pt-if)/Pi-4 IJP(c)/ L 1 65 ME (c)/ESD(t)/ESD(,Tn)/c-~SD/PFt',L/.~~SD(a)-r,/AS(r-.p)-2/AFMD(C)/AFETR/ R,~EM(a) GG ACCESSION NR-- AP5001)654 6/0181/64/006/012/3577/3684 AUTHOR: Bass, F. G.- Gredeskul S. A.;_N_4gapov M I. t TITLE: Interaction betiveen charged particles and a piezodielectric SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 12, 1964, 3577-3584 TOPIC 7AGS: piezoelectric crystal, dieleotric crystal, charged particle interaction, Cerenkov radiation, acoustic radiation ABSTYL-kCT: The authors consider the passage of a single particle and of a compensated beam through a piezodielectric, which for simplicity is assumed to be isotropic in its el:i~tlc ind oloctric proj~ortlvs. From the coupled system of equations of elasticity 3CVOUnt Of ,,iscosity) and electrostatics they calculate the acoustic Cerenkov radiation produced by a particle traveling along the axis of a piezodielectric, and the coherent interaction of the compensated beam of charged particles with a piezodielectric. Since direct passage of the particles through the piezodielectric is not realizable, the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR.- AP5000654 authors consider the minimum channel that can be out through the dielectric and for which the resultant equations are still valid. It is also indicated in a postscript that the f esults agree with a recent article by Tsu (J. Appl - Phys - v. 35, 12 5, 1964). Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 21 formulas. ASSOUNTION: Institut j adlofiziki I elektroniki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics AN UkrSSR): Khar~kovskiy L--3sudaratYenny*y universitet (Kh=`kwv State- UniverR!tjh Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy.inatitut AN UkrSSP, Khar1kov (physicotechnical stitLie AN UkrSS SUBMITTED.. 28May64 ANCU 00 Sug CODE: SS NP NR REj? SOV. 006 OTHER: 60"3 Card P 2/2 L 1349 ENT (I )/BVG(k)/EPA(sp)-2/4PA(w).~2/EEC (t)/T/EEC(b)_2/EWA(m) -2 Po-4/ P1 -4/ P~z Pab-10 I JP (C )145 (0p) -t/ARID(t )/A~`D (a ) -51RA0,11 (a )/ESD (dp)/F-SD(gs )/ESV (t) AT ACCESSION NR: AP4047900 S/0056/64/047/004/1322/1341 AUTHOR: Bass, F. G. TITLE: Kinetic theory of propagation of strong electrw-Aagnetic ,waves in semiconductors and in a plasma_~\ SOURC&:- * Zhurnal ekeperimental Inoy i- teoretichookoy fiziki, 470-- ,no. 4, 1964, 1322-1341 TOPIC TAGS; electromagnetic wave propagation, kinetic equation, dielectric constant, plasma resonance, cyclotron resonance ABSTRACT: The effect of the heating of electrons in a plasma. and in semiconductors by an electromagnetic field and of the associated nonlinearity, on the propagation of the electromagnetic field is considered with allowance for the influence of an external magnetic fiel6. The only hitherto published article dealing with this subject AA. V. Gurevich, Radiotekhn. i elektron. v. 3, 704, 1956) was con- Lc_and v3 LLU04.~W :ACCESSION NR: AP4047900 .fined to conditions prQvailing inthe ionosphere, disregarded the ex-4!.. was based under the assumption that the ternal magnetic field, and electron gas'filled a layer with smoothly varying properties. In the present,.arti-cle the ca=iers- are.assumed to fill a half-space, 7in accord with experimental conditions prevailing for semiconductors and =-lasma under laboratory conditions. The kinetic equation and the dielectric tensor are derived, and the character of the field attenuation in the medium is considered both off-resonance, when the nonlinearity of the MaxwelVs equations is small, and in the case of magnetic-plasma and cyclotron resonances, when the nonlinearity is strong. The dependence of the surface impedance on the amplitude and frequency of the incident electromagnetic field and on the ex- ternal constant magnetic field are determined. Comparison shows that in --the-linear- -theory--thu -field __ attenuates-- with depth- exponentia1_ly_----------! and~the, a.linear function of the coordinate,-so that the phase velocity is independent of the time. In the nonlinear theory off resonance, the phase is-likewise linear in the coordinate, but Cord 2/3 ~L 13494-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047900 the field attenuates in accordance with a power law. In the pre- sence of resonance in the nonlinear theory, the field attenuates wit'h increasing coordinate in accordance with a power law, and the .phase has a complicated logarithmic dependence, making the phase velocity an exponential function. "The author thanks M. 1. Kaganov .and M. Ya. Azbel' for discussions." Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 67 formulas. !ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki Akademii nauk UkrS&R-Qnstitute of Radigpbysics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences,UkrSSR) StMMITTEDs 27Feb64 ENCL: 00 ACMSION NR: Ap5oo6o34 s/ o14i/6-14/oc7/oo6/-u-qF,/ 498 AUMOR: Bass. F.- G. -Khankina. S. 1. TT'.P.7Y- CvArlbution to nonlinear tbeor-y of qUerq=n-etic waves ".n semiconduct- ors and im a plama SOURCE: Irizz. Radionzika, Y. 7, no. 6, 1964, uq~-i-,98 TOPIC TAGS: elect:,amagnetic waye propagation, nonlinew- tbeor;, Flmnlconducto*r wwve pi-opagut ion, i;"=L wwe inte-ra-c-ti-n., caxTler ~enLity, ABS7WT-1 An earlier stvdy of the propAgu-tion and absorption of atror~_g electro- a-rA ir3 a -,!,~,Fm" (R-ass, LtFTF v k-rA -R:Driance im tne of e-1-It-inc. &Dd hcnle~- wttlh i r ", -?e i fl n'q Fumen '~ D:- e:a -I -;7)rvA;;r- c-,r r-ic. riw~- rur thr~ wnv'~' '%mPlItudt, tbe carrlltr t~-rqpersV-re, wrid the c&rrie.- tt!.-o-'eratur~ for tbe thr-.4: cai~---B acnzidere-a abow- a--,. 1a& Cwd 1/2 ASSOCIATION: Institut RwA'vofi2ikl i alektraniM AB UkrMP (Inativult of R&dicz ___Fb-ralcs ead Mectro-mics Al; UkrSBP) smc= , o&kpr64 MiCLs 00 MB CODE sa, n M M7 BOV. 003 OMM: 000 !Card 2/2 , 13-h", F G - KIIANUN~ P j. J.. Nonlinear theory of electromagnetic waves in semicona-actors and in a plasm. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz. 7 no.6:1-195,-1198 164. 04HU 18:3) 1. Institut radlofiziki- i elektroniki AN UrSSR. BASSY F.G. __ _ Kinetic theory of the propagation of strong electromagnetic vavex in semiconductors and in a plasma, Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no. 4:1322-1341 0 164. (HIRA 18:1) 1. Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki AN UkrSSR. AUMR I Base -emr-rent abaruteristics with4"' negati" differo&ial condulctivitY, and runavay elev,,troas MT-PCIR, Zhurr-p-i I teoreticheskM fizLkl. Y. 48, no. 1, 1~ts. 27 5 -289 galvancmagpetle 4"ect, differential conduAlvity. neg-netive reaist- race, iWixity scattering, phonon scattering ABSTRACTi The deTeenden-ce of conductivity in semiconductors on the external elec- O~L-We'- r~~! t i Dn-" an'-- of rM.1' qCIr)e7e- on I. !--iz V-fln F. Ell tne rcr' L ACC'MSIOV NR. 1 AP50N4-1~ equivUent to s=e dagree to the so-called elemmtary Vxeory, widely used in the st'14 of nonlineaf prapa6uti= of clectrcm-nutettc waves im the Ionosphere. A.,. ",-mtlan le derlvpd fnr I~he offectiv- gnz, 17, "I f f~ AS,90CIATIOR iInatitut radiofizikl I eIer'roa-IY-I kzad4tm:~! nauk Ukrm- f f, 13AI OphCY E' ~LdK Oni ": g , A - f S SR. SUB NR IW SOVt 013 OMMu OD3 COF6 2/2 _V.00346-66 - EWT At UR/00 ACCESSION _.WR I AP50=h9 56/65/049/001/0329/0334 t AUTHOR;,, Bass j F. 0 EpLV* Do TITM: Qu"Ilinear tbeory:of.a weekly turbMjtat plasma vith ace wt of correlationt - : . of the electric fields v. h9 no.: 1 1965'. S(XMCE I Mrarnal eksperimentaillney I teoreticheakoy fisiki$ 329'33h TOPIC TAGS x turbulent plasmas plasmabeaminteractlon, plasma electron oscillaticne.:'! "me electron temperature, plasma stability ABSTRACT% Inasmuch as:the eideting quasilinear theory is based on, the. premise that'd:. the correlation time is Infiniteg the authors derive the equations, for a tu~ulent plasma with account of the influence of the finite time of correlation of-tbe elee- 'tric microfields. This approach is shown to. be valid for a plasma placed in an ex-~ ternal electric field whose phase and amplitude vary at randome-7he model assumed for the plasma Is that To He Stix (MATT-239 . Preprint j 1964)# wherein . the plasma consists of alternating regions in each of which the. phus is fixed 9 but the phasi* change- 8 from region to: region are random* The particulae case considered: is. that of a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in the: direction Card 1/2 L 58402-65 Acassiow KR: Ap5ol6ogg UR/0053/-65/086/.002/0189/02.30 538.3 OR: Laos, V. G.1 Yakovenko, V. M. th --Of- arge passing cally- irh sion-or-A ph rough -an electH mogeneous medium SOURCE., Uspekhi fizicheakikh nauk, v. 86 no. 2. 1965, 189-230 TOPIC TAGS: transition radi Lation~linhcmogeneous m(!dium, charged particle, phase velocity ABSTRACT: The prresent comprehensive review paper (teals with radiation emitted by a charged particle passing through a dielectrically inhamogeneouB medium. Althoug) transition radiation was discovered by V. L. Ginsburg and I. M. Frank in 1946, ac- cording to the authors of the present paper this reviev is the first 3ystemat'Ac ex- positioD of the subject. The major topics covered in the p6per are as follows: 1) transition radiation of a charge passing through a bbundary betveeis two media, 2) radiation of a charged particle passing throigh a moving boundtxy, 3) transitioni 1 no-& res an dei ult or-&-eb ct On a undarii raikiation vith spatial dispersion of the dielectric constant taken into account-; 15) radiation of a point Aarge-passing through a plate, 6) radiation of a particle 112 bard-- L 58402-65 !ACCESSION NR: AP5'Ol6oq0 moving in a medium vith periodically yaryinnroperties, 7) radiation of a partlele;' Ifin a medium with fluctuating dielectric constant, and 8) radiation of a particle in'. ~the Dresence of obstacles. The review is based an 131 papers, all but 10 of vhich were publAshed by Soviet scientists. (The actuall number of papers listed in the 1,bibliography is 145; hovever, 14 of these deal vith propegation of a charged particle ,parallel to a plane boundary-a variety of Cerenkov radiation-and with emis.sidn of- .a charged particle in a waveguide and are referred to but not discussed in the re- view.) Of the 10 Western papers, three American articles deal with electromagnetic radiation from thin films attributed to radiation of plasma oscillations and plasmori which according to the present authors Is well explained by the tran- ~sition radiation theory. Orig. art. has: 141 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none .SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL- '001. SUB CODE - Ntp NO REF SOV: 133 01M.. 011 A19) PRESS: 404Z i Cord 2/2" __L -1-228o-66 _E_nfn(1)jT/EWA(h) IJF(c) -W/GG/AT- ACC NRs AP5024713 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65/049/003/091)~/p 4 AUTHORS: Bass,-F. G Levinson. I. Bs 6 6 ORO: Institute of [Adi2bhxsjcs aw Elect f - nAq C. my UkrSSR.(Institut radiufiz1ki--i elektroniki Akademii na k UkrSSR) U _MsTlftute of Physics-'and' Mathematics.. Academy ot Sciences Lithuanian' SSR (Institut fiziki i matematiki Akademil nauk Litovakoy SSR) g11 q41 S 15 ITITLEs- Cyclotron-phonon resonance~in semiconductors SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v.'49,-no. 3,0 1965, 914-924 TOPIC-TAGS: cyclotron resonance, magnetic resonance, absorption co- efficient, phonon scattering, electron collision AlEISTRAOT.- Cyclotroll-p-b2nop resonance is defined as resonance in which the transfer of electrons between different energy levels-is the result of the simultaneous action of both nyolotronand magnetopbonon~resonance so that the aboorption:of a*quantum of the high-frequency field is ac- companied by simultaneous emission or absorption of a phonon. It is assumed that the frequency is high, the magnetic field is strong and tion quantizing, and the phonon frequency is monochromatic if interae takes place with long.-wave optical phonons. The absorption coefficient Card 112. Pn - "FIr 'P 6 4055-6 5 -4 =4 S S, .4 ACCESSION NR: AP501333 5 26-- _UR_hQ1Q9J6_5_/01010D5/-08 910 7, 621. 371. 165., 621. 396.96 P, AUTHOR: Bass, F. G.; B11okh, P. V.; Fuks, 1. M. (b TITLE: Statistical characteristics of a signal scattered by randomly moving Yeradiators located on a plane interface SOURCE: Radietekhnika i elektronika, v. 10, no. 5. 1965, 859-867 TOPIC TAGS: millimeter wave, radiowave scatter ABSTRACT: The scattering of radiowaves by vacillating reradiators randomly arranged in a flat high-absorption interface is theoretically considered. At variance with W. H. Peake's work (IBX- Nat. Conv. Rec. , 1959, 7, 1, 27), all reradiators are approximated by plane perfect-conductance plates whose characteristic dimensions considerably exceed the radiation wavelength. The .scattering capability of the interface is characterized by the so-called "specific differential effective scattering cross-section" which is a ratio of the power Czrd 112, L 63,055-65 !ACCESSION NR: AP5013339 scattered into a unit solid angle by a unit area of the interface to the density of the eaergy flux falling onto the interface. Formulas for calculating the coherent component of the scattered radiation are derived. 'rhe effect of the anisotropy of the reradiator conductance upon the mean-field polarization is inveStigate(4. Formulas for the dispersion index are developed for various polarizatior28 of t~ic transmitting and receiving antennas. The time correlation functions and the spectra of the incoherent component of scattered radiation, for various modee, are determinee. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 48 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 12Mar64 NO PLEF SOV; 0 0 3 ENCL: 00 OTHER. 004 SUB CODE: EC, DC r-4 7 /7 -66 in (I)IZPA, P) V LIR/0.10.15POdf/di "760 30 AUTHOM Bang F G, GrjdeWmLA,-&,.; 4&M -Theoretical basis,for-the TI TLEt use of 'a beam of charged particles tb amp JLi;Z3~a In SOURCE:' I no. 109 1965, 3090-3098 ITOPIC TAGS. _piezoelectric crystal,~ultrasonic.amplification. disversion equat authors -Aftdy.,,~de"abv-,ioun rid d- iatibn from a uniformly charged:Ala- in- i -,as in -a - 'ie i0electric crystal. The'mechanism of ultrasonic am-.., g n lot stal ~ P~` a lifi ion by the cry Ined 'and formulas are derived for the co~fflci~nt p cat tio ultrasonic amplifica n by unf6cused'plasma beam moving in a slot in a piezo-:,~-.~ electric crystal and in a flat waveguide'filled*with a piezoelectric medium.',.Elimi- j ion of the requirement for.a focused-beam,simplifies the experimental condition and brings, about some interesting effects Crystals ~ in the T~ class are examined-6' the assumption that they are-sotropic with respect:to. e Th lastic properties. a'. IMU d may be used for calcUlating.radiation fr lasiderive -om a cluster of charged pirtt clesif the dimensions of'the cluster are c siderably.Aess'thana wave Thee length..,-- -Card-: IIZ--. hM-66 ACCESSION NR,: APS025391 '-7. 'dispersion equation for a. beaafi of.,charged particles moving',in a-slot-in.6 piezoelec;. tric crystal depends owthe dielectric c6nstafit of the.,crystal due to the fact that the dielectric plasma wave'is'a s cen- urface,wave.' The energy of the-wave is con it-ra. ted close tothe plasma tal'.interfar., therefore the dispersion equation' -crys 6 a ill always dep nd on the cr-rstal"characteri d wave is e stics~ The amplified soun ropagated in a direction opposite~to thel'otidn' of the beam, Orig'.;~art'.- has, 6 Igures, 37 formulas. 14)- SOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki. I:: eleit;~8ntkt AN VkrSSRi ]Kharlko4 (Institute of, ._UkrSSR),-Khar_1 sidio Engineering and:Electron1c'6`.AN k~4skly -jokidarstve-nnyy - univers 1' ! hayl lrr%u _rtnta 11"iVa"C24+10k Vh_,"f1ee%u ~.o 77' :7 7~o,, Wt F.G.,- GFUEDESKUL, S.A.; KAGANOV, M.1. Theory of sound amplification In piezoelectric subsLances by a beam of chargod particles.' Piz. bver. tela 7 no.101,3090- 3098 0 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut radioftziki. i elektroniki AN 1haGSR, Khar1kov, Kharlkovokiy gosudarstvenny univprsiteti, Piz lko-tekbn icheskiy Institut AN UkrSSR, Khar1kov. WC-CNR- AP6031445 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/0511002/0536/0555 AUTHOR- Rasa. F. G-L., G-urevich. Yu. G. "'A - ORG: Institute of Radioplivaics- and Electronics- Acgdemy. of SeienCes Mrainjan.- S~R (Institut radiofiziki. t elektroniki Akademit nauk Ukrainskoy SSR) TTI-T~E: Nonlinear theory of wave propagation in semiconductors SOURCE: Zhur eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 2, 1966, 536-555 WiPIC TAGS: nonlinear theory, wave propagation, electron temperature, electromagnetic wave, electron gas, skin effect ABSTRACT: The propagation of electromagnetic waves in a semiconductor is investigated in consideration of nonlinear effects due t neating up of the e ectrons bythefteld. Nonlinear anomalous and normal skin effects are analyzed. The- nature of field attenuation and the dependence of effective electron temperatures on -the frequency of the incident field and its amplitude are studied for resonance and nonresonance. It is shown that the effective temperature with resonance exceeds that with nonresonance. It is found that the attenuation depth of the electron temper ature in the anomalous case is greater and in the normal case is of the same order Card 112 A C NRt AP6031445 of magnitude as that of the attenuation depth of the field. The dependence of the surface impedance on the amplitude and frequency of the Incident electromagnetic field and the stationary magnetic field is found. The specific interaction of electro- magnetic waves due to heating of the electron gas is analyzed. It is shown that the propagation of small-amplitude waves may considerably change in the presence of a large amplitude wave. Orig. art. has: 83 formulas. [Based on authors, abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 15Feb66/ ORIG REF:0081 OTH REF: 002/ Card 2/2 L22125-66 EwT(l) lip(c) ''Go. 926.' SOURCE COM uR/0056/66/050/001/0102/0111 Ace im: Ap6oo4 IV AUTHOft: Bass F. G. hw*im s. I.; Yakovenkof V. M. ow: institute of R%diopbyslas and jjggjrWSs., Acadew Of ScieW28#1MU gag (Institut radioflzikl e elektronUd Akademll nauk Ukraiuxkqy~ SSE) TITLE: The low-frequency properties of a semiconductor plasm situated in a con-;: stant electric field SOURCE: Murnal eksperlmentalluay I teorsticbeskay fizikip Ve 50) Doe 10 19"P 102-111 plasms, plasm conductivityp plasma beat ~di Sion TOPIC TAGS: Semiconductor' Ing., sper equation, electron collision., kinetic equation., electron distributions '-distribution function plasma wave, LF propagation, constant magnetic field, electric field, electro etic wave ABSTRAM. In view of the fact that nonlinear effects begin to manifest themselves in semiconductors even in relatively week fieldas and lead to phenomena of 'pract-i- cal interest such as negative conductivity., interaction between electranagnetic f waves of different frequencies., and otherej, the authors ezudne certain properties.-_ of low-frequency electLaqgDdic **a Prowtion associated with the appearance of electron beating as a result of negative dJLH=-*ntial conductivity. on in. LCurd .1/2 L 24104-66 &1T(1)/T.;_ Jip_(G)__,___GG/AT _.ACC NR: AP6014610 BOURCE.CODE: uB/oW/66/003/009/035~/o361.~,..',,-,- AUTHOR: Basal F. G. ORrj:. - Institute of RadigWics and Electronics.. AcaderW of Sciences SOB (Institut radiofiziki i' elektroniki Akademli nauk Ukrainakoy SSR) zETLE-i A new.resonance connected vitb mutual dragging of electrons and phonons SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy~i teoreticbeskoy fiziki. Pis'ma v redaktgiyu. Prilozbehiyep Y. 3p no. 9,p 2Wj 357-361, TOPIC TAGS: electron interactionv.pbonon interaction,, kinetic equationp distribu- j tion function, uhf vave propagation, cyclotron-resonancep semiconductor carrier ZI! ABS7RACT: The author analyzea,the mutual gggg of Alentrgna and #feet of 74 vhonons on the propagation of electftmagnetic vayes in semimetals and dege-ne-r-a-te semiconductors situated in an external magnetic field. The field is assumed weak, and spatial.dispersion is neglected.. A set of kinetle equations is derived for- the electron distribution functions by means of procedure used by Lo E. Gurevicb 1 -856. and L Ya. Kormt1it (Fn Y -.6.. 196k)., assuming the eiectron~-phonon'scattering to be e1witic. From an analysis of the expression for the current obtained from these distribution-functions-it foLlaws that at sufficiently high frequencies the i Card V2 ACC NRi AM030979 SOMCS CONS 6&/dc6jdo9/2?0 AUTAHOM Bassp F. G.; Yakovonko,, V. 1-4 CRG3 Instituto of Radi2physiqs and Eloctronioss M__UkrS5R, Xh~rkov (Institut radio- fitiki i eloktroniki X~ UkrSSh-)- T =11 Rdsonanco amplification of associatod oloctromannatio and sound waves bV ZECT-5-cm __UK_rS__ electron ch-ift in gomiconduct ors Imo SOURCEI Fizika tvordogo tol&#.V, 8v no. 9,1966# 2793-2795 TOPIC TAGS1 electromagnetic wavep sound waveg electron ABSMICT: In the presence of _ojogtro drift-v arising in semiconductors and somi- motals in a constant aloctrie.field, a resonance amplification of associated waves (Whichare produced by the interaction of woak37 damped eloctromagnoticoscinations is possible, The physics. of this phenomenon is describod. The following dispersion relation is deriveds in kv (iv =t- oil)] (.2 - kl,;)X P k3l ,2, :P .kv $'V 4- Solution of W by successivi approximations yields two independent equations L 06262-67 ACC NRi --D663-0-9-79' Oct kv -4- Ot (2) :t ks. The first is a dispersion 'equation for.olectromagnotic wavest the second a disporsion~ equation for sound. In a resonance into ractions the frequencies and wave vector's of both waves coincide; the corresponding branches of the oscillations and resonance points are shown in Fig. I As an exa!Vle, the interaction of the electromagnetic wave (1) W = kV -(4 k2c2/Zt with the sonic branch o = ks is considered. The case Vnere the frequency of the sound wave does not coincide with the frequency of the electromagnetic wave (nonresonanpe, case) is also discussed. Authors thank S. A. Kaner for discussing the-results"and for his coments. Orig. art. has 1 .1 figure -4~Ai- 7 formwlas. .14 2/-3 ACC NAt ~?603*79 Fig. 1. D3pendonco of t~o fro- quency on tho wavo vector'for sow-&, wd elootromagnatio wavos in tho presence-of electron drift*v>a. .SUB C012i 20/ SUBK DAIM' 02Apr661~'_ MM RZF% 002/ Orif RM 004 Cftrd 'Ah -24V as BASSy Ges kand.teldm,nauk 1% Water,disoharge in the flushing of rapid filters. MLU*4=. khoa. 11 no.7:24-25 JI 161. (MM 14:7) (Water-Purification), 69481 S/055/59/000/05/014/020 AUTHORSs Bass G. ., Koutyuchenko, A. 0. Y' Ko Gj TITLE: 'On the Prinef-pple of the Limit Amplitude PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khimmi, 1959, No. 5, pp. 153-164 TEXT: Let the-Cauchy Problem (2) V + L (.:L a V f (x) 8 I C40 w(mi) . 0 (3) V(x, 0) = J~ -t be considered, where x - (X x L(-Lt a positive operator n %X (L(s) k 0 for real s), f(x I finite and sufficiently smooth functionj let LGS) be a homogeneous polynomial of degree 2m. Theorem 1; Let n >2m. Then in every finite domain there exists uni- formly with respect to x the boundary value _'wt lim V*(x,t)e U(x), Card 1/2 69481 S/0554/59/000/05/014/020 On the Principle'of the Limit Amplitude where u(x) is the solution of the equation, Lu - w2u . -f(x). (1~iinciple of the limit amplitude). Another possibility of determining the solution of (1) shows the principle of the limit absorption (see (Ref-1,3)). For this purpose the authors consider the equation Lu -)~u = -f(x), where w + ie, Im w = 0, and prove that lim R),exists, where R is the unique resolvent. %-4. 0 J. G. tetrovskiy is mentioned in the paper. There are 7 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: JulY 3, 1958 Card 2/2 BASS. G. M., Nngineer "Determination of the Intensity of Rated Rainfall in Designing Storm Sever Pipes. 0 Sub 13 Deo 47, Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Construction Ingineering Inst Imeni V. V. Kuybyshev Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947 SO: Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55 BASS. G.14.. dotoerit, kandidat tekhnichoskikh ntAik. (Industrial sewer systems) Nanalizatsionnaia set' prorwablenufth predpriia- W. Koskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-rv po stroitel'styu. i arkhitektare, 1953. 139 P. (MUU 6:8) (Sewerage) ___ -BASS -9-G.-M.-Odes a&)-- - - --- "WOMMMI r6 On the water Impermeability of sewage pipes placed below the ground water love;, Yod, I M, takb- no-70-3i Jl 156. (MMA 9: 10) (sewer pipe) BASS, Grigoriy Mandelevich, kand. tekho. nauk..- R27 ICAMO. ZILMOVA, To., t ekha. red. LConstruction of water-supply and newer systems; organization and operational Soorushsnis Yodoproyodnykh i kanalizatsionnykh astai; organizataila i proisvodetye ra'bot. liev, Gee. izd-vo lit-ry pa stroit. i arkhit. USSR. 1958. 19? p. (KIRA 11:12) (Vater-supply onlineering) (sewerage AA ' BASS. _~,,!~!nd.takhn.nauk W"4WAM"M 1- - Kethods of protecting sower systems from pollution witb gases. Zbil.-kom. kbos. 8 no. M5-16 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Sewage--Purification) (Gases-Aspbyziating ani. poisonous) BASS. G.M. (Odessa) .............. Use of mdcrostrainers in water works of Zngland. Vod.1 san. takh. no.9:34-36 S 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Great Britain-Vater-Ilurification) (7iltere and filtration) BASS,_.Ij. ; IIIKOIAYBY, N.V. (Odessa) Reducing the cost of purification vorks in vater-suppl3r systems. Vod. i san. tekh. no.11:22-24 X 159. 1 . (MITJA IJ:3) (Piltere and filtration) ZHIU) V-P-j, k"o- tokhn. nauk, Prin'sopli uchastiye: BAW, -G.S., inzh.; YOROBITEV., 1.1.3, kand. tokbn. nsuki TELISAVITSKIY, A.G., inzh.j PAVWVA, M.A., at. in9h.j.SM=B=p S.Asp doktor tekbn. usuk; LUKIYANOV3, A.K... red.; VINTOROVA, Z.N.p tekbu. nauk (Units and mechanisms of machine tools; survey of foreign design] Uz3y i mekbani2xV metalloresbusbabAb staukov) obaor zarubesbmykb konstruktaiio Moskva., TSentre in-t =obno-tekbno Wormatoii, 1961. 53 P* (min 34: n) (Maebine tools-Design and construction) ITIBERG~, N.Ta.; YELISAVEETSKIY, A.G.; BASS, G.S. Diak-type friction clutches with remote control. Stani in3tro. 33 no.9:30-38 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (clutches (machinery)) BASS# I.A.- ILITASKWO, B.N. -L=:U-z Reproduction of pbage In calls of penicillin-treated Ischericibla, coll, Mikrobiologiia 28 no.5t?30-735 S-0 159. (KMA '13:2) 1, Iustitut bIofIsIkI AN SSSR i Institut epidemiologii t mikrobiologii In. N.Y. Gamleya ANN SSSR. (ISHC M ICHIA COLI pharzacol.) (PMCILLIN pbarmool.) (BACMIOPHAGA) 17 (2) AUTHORS: Bass, 1. A., Broker, T. I., Golldfarb, D. M., SOV/20-129-6-61/69 - Ill orTWORM k N M h B . G M. en yas op ., .9 i Nankina, V. P., Khesin, R. B. TITLE: Infectious Properties of Injured Phages PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI 1959, Vol 129, Nr 61 PP 1421 - 1423 (USSR) ABSTRACT: D. Fraser and co-workers (Ref 12) concluded from their investiga- tions that the infectious activity of the destroyed preparations of phage T2 is related to the desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which was liberated from the protein covers of the phage particles by the effect of urea. The results obtained by the authors, how- everp were rather divergent. Therefore, they thoroughly investi-~, gated the preparations formed from bacteriophages by treatment with urea. The following dysentery phages were used; T4rt DN (isolated from the soil by T. H. Broker), and N-2 (obtained by F. 1. Yershov, 2-y Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy meditainakiy institut, Second Moscow State Medical Institute), The offeot of the phages was tested on protoplasts (bacteria without cell walls)# The authors obtained them from cells of the following Card 1/4 bacterial strains by means of lysozyme according to R. Repaske Infectious Properties of Injured Phages SOV/20-129-6-61/69 Ref 13); E- coli B (sensitive to phage T4r and DM); E. coli 600 resistant to all three phagee mentioned); and Sh. dys. New- ~ castle (obtained by F. 1. Yershov, sensitive to N-2). Suspen- sions of phagesp concentrated'to 10 12 particles in 1 ml, were treated with an 8 X urea solution. Thereafterf the action of phages on intact cells was completely eliminated. They showed an activity of 0.00001 to 0.001~ on protoplasts. This effect concerns bacteria strains sensitive to phages as well as those.- resistant to phages. Thus, this remaining activity cannot be due to the preservation of a few phage particles. Further ex-- periments showed that the above residual infectivity is not re- lated to the free DNA which has left the virne particles. Thust It could be assumed that only the part of the DITA is active which is protected against the used desoxyribonuclease by other components of the phage (probably by proteins). In order to check this assumption, the proteins were separated from the pre- parations by phenol or chlorqform. The preparations were com- pletely inactivated in spite of the proved extensive separation Card 2/4 of the proteins from the DNA. This proved again thatl after Infectious Properties of Injured Phages SOV/20-129-6-61/69 treatment with ureal infectious activity is not due to free DNA. On the other hand, it has-been known that the protein com- ponent isolated from the phage cannot cause phage reproduction in the bacteria. The only assumption is that one complex of the DNA with the protein has infectious activity. It was serologi- cally proved that the proteins of the active complexes mention- ed are similar to the antigenee of normal phage particles. The transition of 80-90A of activity into the precipitate could be achieved by centrifugation of virus preparations treated with urea as well as by suspensions of intact phages. The electron microscope showed that the above complex has corpuscular struc- ture and that it is of about the same size as the intact phage. Figures 1 and 2 show thatl apparentlyp urea destroys only the distal parts of the processes. Thual the phage, particles become incapable of depositing on normal bacteria. The inner part of the process axis which consists of protein is uncovered by the urea effect. Further experiments with trypsin, which destroyed the uncovered part, brought about complete suppression of ac- tivity. Thus, the protein in the axis of the phage particle is necessary for the occurrence of the infectious activity of the Card 3A preparationsmentioned. There are I figure and 13 references. Infectious Properties of Injured Phagee SOV/20-129-6-61/69 ASSOCIATION: Institut biofitiki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR). Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. N, P. Gamaleya Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni K. F. Gamaley of the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: June 10., 1959, by 1. L. Knunyants, Academician v B'DWITTED: May 29, 1959 Card 4/4 BASS I.A.- BROKER T.N.,- GOLIDFARB.. D.M.,- GORLENKO.. Zh.M.-, n'YASHENKO,, B.N.;. NANKINA, V.P.;. JqMSIM, R.B. Signifimince of proteins for the-Anfeetivity of beLoteriophages treated with ure4.,.Bidkh4mJia 25 no.2060-367 Mr-Ap 160.' (MMA 1415) 1. Institut bioflaild Akademii nauk MR i Institut, spidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. N.F.Gamaloya Akidemli moditsinskikh nauk SSSRI Miskva. (BACTERIOPHAGE) (UREL) (PROTEINS) 0DINTSOVA, H.S. Prinimali uchast1yes H&IJWVA# M.GO; KOSAREVAi, Ye.A* LA. translator]; BMMIAP R.M. (translator]; CNOZDBV# V.A. ans omdmjp GOP* Etranalatorl; GMUEVSKAYAs N.A. -translator IWJMA0, Ye.B. Ltrauslator]; MILIMAN, L.S. translator HIEWIDVAI, U.S. r I HMIDVAp IsMs :* I ranalator]; SALIKOVA# Ye.P. trans PIRMI Te.A t trans SAXARDA# 0 P. [translator]; CHERTSGV# Yu.S. trans to VETR(YVAj, I.B.j, red.izd-val DOROXHIRL; ION.,, -it (Funottonal biochemistry of cell structureel symposium 21 Funktaionaltnaia biokbimiia kletochrWkh struktur; simposium IL 1962. 324 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. biternational Con&-ess of Biochemistry. 5thp Hoscovp 1961. (BIOCHMSM-40NGRESSESI KHESIN, R.B.; GORLENKO, Zh.M.; SHRfMIN, M.F.1 A.A. Relation between protein syntheais and the regulation of the formation of messender WA in the cells of Eschriohia coli, B during the development of T2-phage. Biokhimiia 28 no.6:10,70-1086 N;.-D 163 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Thstitute of Atomic &ergy, Moscow. o1-7-1100 39233 S/218/62/027/003/005/005 1018/1218 AUTHOR: Shmerling, Zh. G. and Bass, 1. A. TITLE: Amino acid activaai enzymes and transfer-rna in Escharichia coli PERIODICAL: Biokhimiya, v. 27, no. 3, 1962, 502-511 TEXT: The problem is whether E. cofi cells *infected with T2phage retain their amino acid activating cn- zymes and the transfer-RNA or whether the s-RNA formed prior to phage infection is capable of binding the activated amino acids. In the experiments, lysatcs of E. coli sphcroplasts were used. Amino acid activation was ascertained by the hydroxamate formed. s-RNA activity was determined by the use of labelled amino acid and isolation of S-RNA-amino acid complex. It was shown that during phage infection, the enzymes which catalyze the formation of amino acyl-adenylates are fully active, i.e. they are not affected by phage infection. The activity of enzymes catalyzing the transfer of activated amino acids to s-RNA as well as the activity of s-RNA (the capacity to bind arnino acids) are not affected by infection with T2 phage. The authors conclude that in the synthesis of phage protein participate amino acid activating enzymes and s-RNA of E. coli formed prior to phage infection. There are 3 tables and 2 figures, ASSOCIATION: Institut atomoni c'nergii im. 1. V. Kurchatova Akademii nauk SSSR, Moscow (Institute SUBMITTED: of Atomic Energy im. 1. V. Kurchatov. Academy of Sciences USSR) December 7, 1961 Card 1/1 BPLSSJ9 I. A., PROZOROV, A. A., KHESIN; R. V., S104YMN, M. F., and GOMMKO, G. K;.q "Synthesis of specific RNA on Different Sites of the Phage T2 Chromosome in vivo and in vitro." report submitted for the 11th Intl. Congress of Genetics, The Hague, Netherlands, 2-10 sep 63 NR_--A&u0U_J.~U_f 4 AUTHOR: Shemyakins M. F.; Bass, 1. _A.; Kamzolovap S. 0.,; aorlenkop Zh. M,; Astaurovap 0. B.; Xffies-iii.,'R. B. ORG: Order of Lenin Atomic Energy Institute im. 1. V, Kurchatov, Imoscoll (Ordena Lenina institut.atomnoy energii) TITLE: Specificity of RNA synthesis in phage infection SOURCE: Biokhiniiyas V, 31$ no. 5, 1966, 910-917 TOPIC TAGS: RNA, RNA synthesis, infective disease, bacteriophage, jbiochemistry, biosynthesis, A. W16-.6, polymerase, ABSTRACT The specificity of RNA synthesis in different phases of :T2 bacteriophage infectious of H. Coli B and in an in vitro RNA polymerase system va*s investigated using labled RNA. In early and late infectious stages, mRHA in synthesized largely on different regions of the T2 phage chromosome. Results of in vitro experiments shov that RNA polymerase synthesizeaRNA on the same regions of purified T2 phage vhich are active in intact calls during early states of in- fection. Orige art. has: Ifig. and 1 hble [LP) (WA-50; CBS No. 141 SUB CODE: 06/ Sum DATE: 15Nov65/ ORIG-REF-0-004/ OTH REF: 014 Card 1/1 1547-963-3 8(0) SOV/112-59-5-9501 Translation from: Referativnyy zhxrnal,. Elektrotekhaika, 1959, Nr 5, p 149 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bass, I Z TITLE: ical Primary Element for Size Control PERIODICAL: Vestn. tekhn. inform. Tsentr. byuro tekhn. inform. trakr. i s.-kh. mashinoctr., .1957, Nr 6, pp Z3-26 ABSTRACT: Disadvantages of electric contact heads manufactured by the "Kalibr, ZIL, and other plants are noted. Electric primary elements are suggested that have this distinctive feature: -when the item being machined reaches a certain size, the primary element instantaneously breaks the contacts; this feature eliminates electronic measuring schemes and intermediate relays. Such a primary element can watch a number of limit sizes simultaneously. The contacts that have operated on one limit size are blocked until the contacts of another limit size will operate. The electric primary detector can realiie the control in three ways. by visual signaling, by an indicator, or by an auto- matic action, that is by removing a cutting tool when a specified size has been reached. Its error is 1-2 microns. Card 1 / I P. V. N. BASS, IA., Inshener. 11~- I . IkolutIon of the actual role of counterveighte of cranksbafts of ZIS-120 &rA ZIS-123 *Dense. Vest.zmh. 34 no.6:27-33 Je 154. (Cranks and cranksbafts) (KM 7:7) BASS, I. Z. Naketyvanie rez8by i novaia goometriia nakatnogo instruments. Mookvap Hashgiz, 1949. 167 p. Thread rolling and the new geometry of the knurling tool. SO. Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. BASS, 1. Z. No. 37342--Rez'bonakatnye plashki novoy geccetrii. Stanki I nistrurent., 1949 No.12, a. 15-17. So: Letopial Zhurnellnykk Statey, Vol. 7, 1949. BASS, I., Z. Cand Tech Sci - (ddas) "Examination of the process of'knurling screw threads and of a new geometry for a knurling instrument.2" Moscowl 1960j, 15 pp, 120 cap. .(Moscow Automechanical Institute) (KL., "-Ws 130) BASS, J. BASS, J. The pressure of rocks and tunneling. p. 340 Vol 4. no. ?, July 1956, INZENYRSKE STAVBY (Ministerstvo stavebnictvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia SOURCE: EAST EURDPFAN AcCWSIONS LIST (EEAT) VOL 6 NO 4 APRIL 1957 BASS t J. Protective methods in adit driving. P. 377. (Inzenyrske Stavby. Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1957. Praha,, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East Haropean Accessions (EM) LC, Vol* 6. no. 10, October 1957- Uncl. BASSp Kh. F. "Data on the Study of the Biosynthesio of Protein and Vitamins FRom the Carbohydrates of Plant Raw Materials." Cand Biol Soil Inst of Experimental Medicine, Acad Sc.i Latvian SSR, Riga.. 1953. (RZhBiol,, No 81 Doe 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutiona (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 1Gcountry USSR catosory I.Viaroblology. Physiology and Blachomiatry. libs. Jour lef Zhur-Riol., No 23, 1958, No 103650 Author : t zi sum A. 1. Inst itUt. :Aaadezy of Scien;G Latselt Titlo '.The Assiallation..of Cobalt by Toasts. Sooond Report. Distribution ot the Traae Zlemont Cobalt in Yeasts, SaoohRromyces oarevisiae. Orig Laty. PSR zinatnu Almd. Vastis, lay. AIN LatvSSR, 1956, 8, i0q.114 Ab8tract 'It was showh that f rom 40 to 63% of the Co assirmillated b t;ssstv (RZhBiol, IQW, 62037) is bound to protein rubstaveae. Thereby, it was shown that one part of the Co (up to 30%) is hound to the proteins in a relatively labile sanner and is liberated during autolysis and poptelysis of the yeasts. The qthor ptrtlju~'to 32.5%) forms a stable conpound with pratsins.-Y. 1. kuJryavt8&v1 Card: 1/1 F-11 BASS, L.It Cases of extrauter-ine, pregnancy. Aknah. i gin. 39 no.3tl26-327 My-1063 (MIRA 17t2) 1. Is khirurgieheskogo otdoloniya Novo-Kubanskoy uehaetkovoy W Initay (glavnyy vrach T.G. Dolgopolova) Mortandinskogo rayms. TSelinograftkoy oblasti. L 05050-67 '~XW ~7116027920 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0057/0066 ;:AUTHOR: Germogent;va, T. A.- Suvorov A. P.i Utkin, V. A.i Bass. L. P IORG: None TITLE: Neutron transfer n normultiplying systems with spherical symmetry SOURCE: Voprosy fiziki zashchity reaktorov (Problems in physics of KS!~~ iing); abornik statey, no. 2. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1966, 57-66 ~1 TOPI TAGS: neutron radiation, radiation source, scattering cross section ABSTRACT: The literature on methods for solution of radiation transfer problems is briefly reviewed and the problem of an isotropic point source is considered. Since the problem of an isotropic point source in an infinite medium has been studied in more detail in transfer theory than the case of a bounded medium, the solutions for these problems are compared on the basis of the one-velocity model with isotropic scattering for spheres with finite and infinite radii. A comparison of formulas de- scribing the asymptotic behavior of the density of a finite sphere with a large radius shows that the results of calculations of the density of scattered radiation from a point source in an infinite homogeneous medium may be directly used for determining the density only when absorption is less than I everywhere except in the region ad- jacent to the boundary z--R. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 9 formulas. SUB CODE: 20, 18/ SUBM DATE: 12jan66/ ORIG REF: OOT/ OTH REF: 002 Card 1/1 W-s -m. A. 1674 . BASS M. A. Clinical aspects of primary (infective) polyradioulonsivitis Neuropathology and Psychiatry, Moscow 19,49., 18/3 (61-64) A survey of the frequency of symptoms. The author saw the syndrome in various degrees; sometimes with a fatal outcome. It is not rational to differentiate between a curable and a fatal type of polyradiculonsurLtis, both of them occurring after the same infection, the only difference being the passing over of the second class of cases into a paralybis of the type of Landry. He recognizes only a more or less generalized polyradiculonsuritis. The disease may occur in a pasudomyopathic form and be diagnosed as a myopatby. If this were generally known, probably the diagnosis would be more frequent. Boorman - Chasm SO. NEMWLOGY & PSYCHIATRY Section VIII Vol. 3 Jan-Jun 1950 Excepta Modica LYMMUDROV, V.Ye.; USS, M.A.; SKOCHELYAS, A.R. Early progressive and late anthraoooio. Khim. med. 38 no.5t65-72 My 160, (LUNGS--DUST DISEASES) (MIA 13:12) MURZEIJKO, D.I.; BASS, M.A. Clinicorcentgenological characteristics of anthracosis in per- sons working in soft coal mines. Vast. rent. i rad. 38 no.5: 31-33 S-0163 (MMA 16 s12) 1, Iz kafedry ren.tgenologii i meditsinskoy radiologii. (zav. - dotsent I.A. Kunin) Donetskogo meditsinskogo inatitua, i Donets- kogo institute, fiziologii trude, (dir. - dotsent L.B.Zhislin). CURNOMORDIX, A.B.; BASS, T.M.; BASS, M.A.; KOVALENKO, F.N.; ZAVADSKAYA, TS.Ye. Neomycin-resistant forms of colienterites in children and their treatment. AntiLiotiki 10 no.9:859-861 S 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Otdel antiblotikov Kiyevskogo instituta epidemiologil i m1krobiologii. BASSO M. G. Stroitell stvo doro i mo to v Awkve v 194&1950 gg. fRoad and Bridge construction in Moscow in 1946-50 3. (9:rodskoe khoz-vo Moskvy, 1946, no. 9-20). DIZ: HW,&n.M6M SO: Soviet Transportatio and Commuideationg & BibIlographyp Librar7 of Congress, Raference Departmentp Washington, 19520 Unclassified., 1, BASSO M. G. 2. usm 6m 4. Moscow - Streets 7~ Directions of the great leader enrich our daily creative experiencep Gor. khoz. Mo3kp 23, No. 12, 1949* 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessionsp Library of Congress, A2ril -1953, Uncl. I . 12, 7. S s, -.C'. "Furt' or levelopmrmt of highway and bridge con.-truction ii i..'oscow.11 Gor. khoz.-osk., 26, no. 3, 1952 BASS. M.G., insheiter. 7or lower street and bridge construction costs. Gor.khoz.Hosk. 27 no.8:23- 26 Ag 153. Off-WA 6:8) (Moscow--Road construction) (Road constmetion--Moscow) (Bridges--Construction) BASS., N.G.LInshener. Nora*attention to engineering problems In the reconstruction of Moscow, Gor.khos.Monk. 28 no.3:17-19 My 1.54. (MM 7:6) (Moscow--City planning) (City planning-Koncov) BIM. M.G., in2hener. Roads on the grounds and approaches to the All-Union Agricul- tural lxhibition. Gor.khoz.Hosk. 28 no.8:16-18 Ag '54.(NLRA, ?:9) (Moscow-Agricultural exhibitions) (Agricultural exhibitions-- Moscow) (Moscov--Roads) (Roads--Moscov) BM , M.G.$ inshener. Mechanization and industrial methodA of road and embankment construction. Gor. thoz. Moak. 29 no.4:16-19 Ap 155. (MLRA 8:6) (Moscow--Road construction) (Moscow--Imbankmnts) BAS S, M. G. - - - - ~. ~ -~ 4 The Lenin Central Stadium in Moscow, Gor. kbos. Moak. 30 no.9:9-13 S 156. (MERA 9:12) 1. GlavWy Inshaner Upr&vleniya strottel'stva, stadiona. (Moscow-Stadium) BASS V LCHANOV, Tu.A., inzhener; _.G.. Inshener; KATIAGODIN, T.L., Inshener: NO KALITSKIT. S.I., Inzhener; UUZMY, T.Ye., Inzhener; USR"M, T.S., Inzhener. Collector with driven in sheet-piled walls. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 31 no.9:38-40 S 157. (KIRA 10:9) (moseew--sewers. Concrete) - - __ - 7 ,'r ---- - - - BASS, M.G.; AISSLIROD, L.S. I OWPOW61 Building concrete roads in Moscow. Gor.khos.Kook. 31 no.12:ig-26 D '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Moscow-Roads, Concrete) ,R&SS, 14, inzh. - . . I Apartment bounes on pile foundations. Na stroi.Mosk. 1 no.9: 18-21 S 158. (HIm 11:12) (Foundations) (Piling (Civil engineering)) BASSp Moisey Grigorlyevich, 1VANOVj Nikolaq Nikolayevieb; KAIABUKMVp Fedor Vasillyev 04~ROVp Voevolod Tikhonoviob; NIKOLISM9 I*S.p red,j ZUBKOVA, M.S.f red, izd-vsfj DONUUAf G,D,t tekbn, red. [Eleventh International Road Congreesp Rio de Janeirop 1959] n Hezbdu=odrqi dorozbnyi kongkessq Rio-do-Zhaneiros 1959 g. Moskvaj Naucbno-tekbn. iad-vo H-va-avtomobil'zogo transp. i shosseirqkh dorog RSFSRI, 196LO 163 pe (KM 34:9) (Road construction-Congresses) BASS, M.G. Precut elements of engineering structures& Gor.khoz.Hosk. 35 12004s29-312 Ap 161* (KMA 240) 1. Glavnn A-zbener Upravloniya dorozbno-mwtovogo stroitelletva Glaymovatroya. -,(Precast concrete construction) (Monoow-Kmicipal angineiring) Biss- ,0 M. M. Major scase of Partial Guantimso mdramiyas, No.5,, 1948 ClUdc og %Ud Surgery BASS* M. M. Me rmb]Am of Local Tismatic Catalopys* Mdrmvirs NO-31 1949 - --- - 1-1 - T - - . - ~- - I I i . :~-- il-- -- I.;- - . . BASS, N.M. .---Mwmm~ Data on alloplasty in surgery, Vast khir., Noskya 73 no-l;3lw34 Jan- Yeb 1953. (CIML 24:3) 1. Docent. 2. Of the Department of Children's Surgery (Read - Prof. A. Ta. Sheftell), Kiev Order of the Red Banner of Isbor Xedical Institute imeni Academician A. A. Bogomolets (Director - Docent T. U,,Xaliuioheu- ko). BASS, h. h. Traumatic Diaphratmatic Her-das. VOMINO-UTSINSKlY ~.HUW" (IfILITARY K&DICAL JOMNAL), lio 12, 1954. P.N.