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IADYZHENSM, Boris Niko3zqevich; BAWMAKOV, Aleksandr Dzitriyevicb; POZDNYAMAO G.L.p red, iza-va; VENETBUY, 3.1.1, IZd-Va; OBU dVSMA, G.P., tekbn. -red. [Treatment of liquid metals by povder in a gas stream) Obrabotka zhidkogo metalla porosbkoni v strue gaza. Moskva.. Goo. nauebno- tekbno izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgiis 1961& 115 Po .(Povder metallurgy) (Idquid metals) (KM 14:12) JOMRoV, N.G.. naucNW sotradnik; YOKIN, A.Do, nauchu" notrudnik; -R�MggL A-L$ naucbm" notrndn4lr; RUDAWYA, A.G., naucbnn sotrudnik; MOSEALETS, Ye.So, naucbnyy sotrudaik; 'Say, V*I,q redo; PWIRIMg B,A., red,; MYAROVA, YaJis takhnared [City of Kirov; raferenoo'book-j Gorod Kirov: sprevochnik. Kirov. Kirovskoe Imishnos lxd-,Yo, 1957* 150 p. (MM 113:8) 1. KiroveW oblastnioy krayevedchaskiy zazey (for Komarov, Yokint Bashmkov, Audakoval Mosimlets), 2. 'Direktor Kirovakogo obleatnogo krayevedchiskogo wasaya (for Nedellskiy). (Kirov) Ak KOM M V, N.G.; SOBOLIT, V.A.; BASHMOT, A.1,; IMUSSKIT, A.Vot Imnd. ; ZMA . 'A-.C-.TIWSM=bl Teess; MISMUMITO jl*Tao; KOSHCMOT, V.A.,, KARMOVA, To.A., red.; MYAWTA, Te.l., takhn. red. [City of Kirov; a referenoe book] Gorod Kirov; spravochnik. lirov, Kirovskoe Imiahnos isd-vo, 1939. 166 p. (MIRA 13:6) (lirov--Gaidebookd) 31M S/145/61/000/011/002/004 D221/D303 AUTHORS: Polyayev, V. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, and Bashmakov, Engineer _4~_ TITLE: Calculating the turbulent boundary layer during coolant feeding through a porous wall PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Mashino- stroyeniye, no 11, 1961, 118-128 TEXT: The authors consider a plane plate situated in a stream of compressed gas. It is assumed that a film is maintained along the whole length of the plate. The authors quote the equa- tions of the steady turbulent flow which are solved under the following assumptions: The speed of the liquid film with respect to the wall is neglected; the temperature of the film is equal to the boiling temperature of the coolant; the losses due to heat transfer are small, and the heat is used for raising the temperature and evaporation of the coolant; the thermal capacity of the bound- Card 1/4 31234 S/145/61/000/011/002/004 Calculating the turbulent boundary D221/D303 ary layer is constant; chemical interaction and secondary effects are disregarded, and it is assumed that Pr=l. The authors reduce the problem to analysis of a dynamic boundary layer. After mathema- tical manipulation a relationship is deduced which allows the dimen, sionless speed for a known Reynolds number to be determined. The numerical computations demonstrate that this equation is well approx- imated by a linear relationship. The latter is a function of the wall temperature, and to a lesser extent of the flow speed. RexI 2(xtfJo -1) eXtfl 1 (28) w = xCl (xi )e 0 0 0 permits also evaluation of changes in the dimensionless speed ke, during the variation of J 0 at constant speed u6,. The total flow of the coolant is considered when it is fed through a porous element Card 2/4 31234 S/145/61/000/011/002/004 Calculating the turbulent boundary ... D221/D303 of length and for a total length of plate L. This results in X 1g Re X, 'gi -1,29 (33) 0,2065 G Ab#W6 e x 00 where the coefficient of dynamic viscosity can be determined from an approximate formula due to Stepanov, c , V7. 1 _1 Mi By the -assumption of b-IrD, Card 3/4 Calculating the turbulent boundary-#*. 31234 S/145/61/000/011/002/004 D221/D303 G - 2,75A-b 11% el'935 1g Rex,w- 1,29 (34) can be used for pipes. Curves illustrating the relationship between the specific flow of coolant and the Reynolds numbers as well as experimental results of Kinney and Abramson are plotted. The comparison reveals a good agre6ment, although for higher intensity of feed there is an increase of discrepancies in the above. There are 2 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet- bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: G. Kinney, E. Abramson and G. Sloop, NACA Rep. 1087~ 1952 Aoo~_;CIATION: ATVTU im. N. E. Baumana (MVTU imeni. N. E. Bauman) Card 4/4 BASHKAKOV Aleksandr-Mikbayloviob; KOZLOVt Alskoey Ivanovich; SUKHOV., I.V., red.; TELMHDV, R.Kh.,, red.izd-va; GVIRTS,.V.L., tekhn. red. [Lifting-oapaoity liadtor for jib oranes. Self-gripping catah for obeet mta4als] Ogranichital? grwwpod"emnooti dlia otrolovykh podlemykh kromov, Samosasbimnoi sakhvat dlia listovogo xaterialoo-. Leningrad, 1963. 17 p, (Lenipgradskii AOM nauchno-tekhnichookoi propagandy-Obmen peredovym opytan Periia: Mokbanichookaia obrabotka metallov, no,12) (MIRA 16:10). (Crimea, derricket etc.-Zafety applisnoes) (Natorials Wwdling-.1quipment and supplies) BASHNMVP Boris Aleks"rovicht-KHDROSHAVINA, A.G., red.; VORONTSOVA, --Z.-Z., takhn. [Sugar beets for the fie,ids of Udzurtia]Sakharnuiu evsklu - na polia Udmurtii..Ishevsk, U~martskoe knishnoe iad-vo, 1961. 17 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. GlavW agronom sovkhoza Yashbakhtinskiy Kiyasovskogo rayons. (for Bashmakov). (Udmurt I.S.S.R.-Sugar beets) BASHKAMV, G., Insbener-stroitel's Mucational, training grounds for builders are needed. Prog. -takhn. obr. Ag '56. (MLRA 9M) (Building trades--Study and teacb1mg) :BWW&OVv G. A*. TAWW, 1100 of polyetl~rlefte v''emsels for the pvoft6tf6n-'d~d trimopcrtation of tissue cultmaq'. v0p. Vine 8 no.5s628-629 84163- Nim 17t1) 1. Virusnaya nauclmo-ia sledovatel I okayo, laboratortya i ka- fedra mikrobiologii Voyanno-meditsinskoy ordenaILeAna aka- demil imeni S.M. Kirova. SINITSKIYv A A.$ prcf.;,TARASOV, V.N.; GORVO N.Ye.; G.A. 11 may= meditsinakoy aluzbby WayB of improving the methods of virological studies; a review of the literature. Voen. mad. zhur. no.10-39-42 0 165. (M',,-RA ISM) 'AP6028731 SOURCE CODEt 0402/66/000/00h/0492/0497 UR/ AUTHOR: Tarasov, V. No; Ba8hmakoYj._G. Ao ?ORG. Virus-Scientific Research Laboratoryt Military Medical Order of Lenin Acaj- emy im. S. M. Kirov, Leningrad (Virusnaya nauchno-iseledovatellakaya laboratoriya Voyenno-meditsinskoy akademii)l Microbiology Department, Military Medical Order of~ Lenin Academy im. So Mo Kirov, Leningrad (Kafedra mikrobiologii Voyenno-moditain- skoy akademii) TITL9: Cell culture on the surface of high-molecular polymers SOURCEi Voprosy virusologiip no. 4, 1966, 4921-49T TOPIC TAGS: cell culture, high polymer, polymethylmethaerylates polystyrene, cellulose nitrate, pentoplant,.fluoroplaot, virusp cell monolayer method jej 406 -ABSTRACT: ;cell' mon'olayers 4ore giown"on various plastic's. An" shown- :by the table, the plastics find little or no biological .activity and are suggested, for use in tissue culture.-* 'The beat growth occurred on polymethylmethaerylate, poly- 7- Istyreneg cellulowe-nitratet pentaplastp and fluoroplast !our La qtLq_yRi~~on a_ of various types of vessels rd 112 UDC: 5M005.23*6TOoT ACC NRI AP6028731 icommonly ueed in vi~iu-s-"eitudiss wera teatod and found suit- 44ble. and..AoaY-qp!Lept-.!,.for,-IabQr-aAp~Fy ues... LWA-50.- CDR ILI BUD CODES 06/ SUBM DATEt i5jun6h/ ono mr: OTH REFt. Oil/ rd 2/2 ACC NRe AP6027250 SOURCE-COD38 UR/0177/66/000/00T/0044/009 AUTHORt Bashmakoy Go At (Major; Medical corps); Topleninova# No A@ ORG: none TITLE: Using fluorescent antibodies to detect tick-borne and Japanese encephalitis virus SOURCE: Voyenno-moditainskly zhurnaig no. To 1966, 44-49 TOPIC TAGS:. fluorescent antibody techniques disease diagnosis, diagnostic method, Japanese encephalitist tick borne encephalitis, virus, virus diseasel antibody, enceptalitis, fluorescence ABSTRACT: .The fluorescent-antibody technique was applied to various types .of cells'infected with tick-borne encephalitis virus to deter- mine its value as a diagnostic method, This method reveals !viruses in 18-48 hr depending on the types of cells studied,,'-- :Virus was detected in the medium after 24 hr, making this the fastest available methods .[WA-50; PE No. Ill SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none 576.858.2 :USDMOV g2orfidy M93?gnovioh I A.--- ~ Ngul control of the Internal order of collective farms] ftayovoe regullrovanle vnutronnego rasporiadka v koMozakh. Moskva, Gosiurisdat.,1960. 137 p. (KnA 14:2) (Collective farms) I.- . E EASHMA Anciejk.~!athematics in the early part of our eras Isto mate issl.'W&ol4:473-490 '161. (KMA 16%10) (Mathematica.. Ancient) POLYATEV, V.M.f kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; BASHMAKOV, I.V.9 inzh. Calculating turbulent boundary layer in supplying coolant through a porous wall. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.: mashinostr. no.11:118-128 161. (MUU 14:12) 1. Moskovskoye vyasheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. N.E.Baumana. (Boundary layer) BASHxMVIO'K'I*, podpolkovnik seditsiuskoy slushly 31pert evaluation of dry perforations of the tympanic membrane. Tom.- med,shur. no.9t74-76 8 159* (min 13:1) (TIVANIC KWRM, diej (JURISMUDIMON) medenauk (Moskva) Unusual etioloCr of perichondritis of the prinna. Vest. otorin. 21 noo3:86-88 W-Je 159. (MIR& 12:9) (MR. XMMIAL, die. perichonaritis of pinna (Rue)) BAMMMV, I.I., IwaLmedenauk Obskra) Cement plug in the external auditory canal, Vest.otorin. 21 no.51 9l,.92 8-0 159. (KIRA 13t1) (UR, IXTRiMp for,bodies) I I BASMWOV, K.J. 9 What causeo looo of the voicel Zdorovle 7 no. 4:30 Ap 161, (MBU 14: 4) (LARYNX-DISEASES) ~ I ;I"M.IKOV K.J. 36Wid Mod ntuk Itohing ears. Zdi*avle 7 no.701 JI 161. .14: (EAR.-DISMSES) d.nauk Believe in Wain viotory. Zdorovle 8 no.2tl6-17 F 62. (IWALIDS) (NIRA 15:4) BAOMKOV K godmay io an insidiou Mnoooo Sovaprofooiuzy 19 no*3130 T 163,s (TMSn&.DISnSES) (KRA 1612) 4'. 16(1) -AUTHORSt Bashmakov,M.I., and Faddeyev,D.K. SIOV/43-59-19-4/14 TITLEt On the Simultaneous Representation of Zero by a Pair of Quadratic Forms of Four Variables PERIODICAL: Veatnik Leningradekogo universitetaq Seriya matematiki mekhaniki i astronomii, 1959, Nr 19(4), pp 43-46 (usn~ ABSTRACTs Theorem: Let 2 2 2 2 [F1U a 1X1 +a2 x2 +a3X3 +a 4x4 , 0 P2= b ix1 2+b 222+b3x32+b 4x42 m 0 be a curve of genus I in the projective space over the field k the characteristic of which is different from 2 and 3. In orde? that on (1) there exist,;, a rational point it is necessary and sufficient that on the surface (2) (al+blt)x,2+(a +b 2+(a +b t)x 2+(a +b t)X 2 . 0 2 2t)x2 . 3 3 3 4 4 4 in the projective space over the field Kos k 0(t,s) there exial, a rational point; here t is.transcendent over k and 0 2 Card 1/2 a - (a 1+b t)(a2+b2t)(a,+b 3t) (a 4+b4t)' .On the Simultaneous Representation of Zero by a Pair SOV/43-59-19-4/14 of Quaaratic Forms of Four Variables A rational-point on an algebraic manifold in the projective space over the field is a point the coordinates of which belong to this field. The authors mention I.R.Shafarevich. There are 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDs JulY 1, 1958 Card 2/2 mUUM 1. BASEMOV N. 2/ USSR (600) 4. Snow 7. Aechanization of snow retention work. Kolkh proizv 13 no.1, 1953. 9. 14onthlE List of -% 1!lan Accessions- Library of Congress. April 1953, unclass. .- :~ SASHKAMV, N.A., tnithener; GRISM, F.P., inshener. Upertence with using the T-163 vibrating machines, strol, 13 no*8i25-29 Ag 156. Makh, (MLU 9:10) (Concrete) ALEKSEYEVp G.P.; ANDONIYEVp V.S.; ARNGOLID, A.V.,- BASKIN, S.M.; BASLZJWI,-.LA-,- EEREZIN, V.D.; EERHAN, V.A.; BIYANOV, T.F.; GORBACHEVO VA; GRECHKOt I.A.; GRINBUKHt G.S.; GRONDVO M.F.- GUSEV, A.I.j DEMENTIYEV, N.S.; DMITRIYEV, V.P.; DULIKIN, V.Tas; ZVANSKIYt M.I.; ZENKEVICHO D.K.; IVANOV, B.V.-j INYAKIN, A.Ya.; ISAYENKO, P.I.1 KIPRIYANOV, I.A.; KITASHOV, I.S.; KOZHEVNIKOVI, N.N.1 KORKYAGIN, B.V.; KROKHIN, S.A.; KUDOYAHOV, L.I.; KUDRYAVTSEV., G.H.; URIN, S.G.; LEBEDEV , V.P.; LEVCHENKOV, P.N.; LEMZIKOV, A.K.; LIPGART, B.K.; LOPAREV, A.T.; MALYGIN, G.F.; MILOVIDOVAO S.A.; HIRONOV., P.I.1 MIKHA7LOV, B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MUSTAFIN, Kh.Sh., kand. tekhn. nauk; NAZINOV, A.D.j NEFEDOV, D.Ye.; NIKIFOROV, I.V.; NIKULIN, I.A.; OKOROCHKOVp V.P.; PAVLENK0, I.M.; PODROBINNIK, G.M.; POLYAKOV,, G.Ya.; FUTILIN, V.S.; RUDNIK, A.G.; RUNYANTSEV., Yu.S.; SAZONOV, N.N.; SkZONOV, N.F.; SAULIDII I.P.; SDOENIKOVj D.V.; SEMENOV, N.A.; SKRIPCHINSKIY, I.I.; SOKOLOV, N.F.; STEPANOVI, P.P.; TARAKANOVI, V.S.; TREGUBDV, A.I.; TRIGER, N.L.; THOITSKIY, A.D.; FOKINt F.F.; TSAHEVt B.F.; TSPSULIN, N.A.; CHUBDV9 V.Te., kand. tekhn. nauk; ENGEL', F.F.j YUROVSKIYt Ya.G.; YAKUBOVSKIY, B.Ya., prof.; YASTREBDV, H.P.;.KANZIN, I.V.,,-prof., glav. red.; MALYSHEV, N.A... z-am. glav. red.; MELINIKOV, A.M., sam. glav. red.; RAZIN, N.V., zam. glav. red. i red. toma; VARPAKHDVICH, A.F., red.; PETROV, G.D., red.; SARKISOV, M.A., prof.- red.; SARUKRANOV, G.L., red.j SEVASTIYANOV, V.I.., red.; SMI6;V, K.I.19 red.; GOTMAN, T.P., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. (Continued on next card) ALEKSEYEV, G.P.-(continued). Card 2. [Volga Hydroelectric Power Station; a technical report on the design and construction of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Sta- tion (Lenin), 1950-19581 Volzhakaia gidroolektrostantsiia; tekhnicheskii otchet o proektirovanii i stroitelistva Volzhskoi GES imeni V.I.I enina, 1950-1958 g9. V dvukh tomakh. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2.[Organization and execution of constrution and assembly work] Organizataiia i proizvodstvo stroitellno- montazhnykh rabot. Red. toma: N.V.Razin, A.V.Arn lid, N.L. Triger. 1962, 591 p. rMIR& 16:2) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Razin). (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (Lenin)--Design and construction) BA~IIMA07, N.I., ~rintl.aal'Mco,-.bos,nuak FarvAnr T)ractices in 'dArt Kazakbstnn Province. Zemledelie 7 12-17 !,~,T 15'). (MIRA 12:?) 1. eoeuderstvennaya, eel 'skikohozyaystvaunaya opy-tnaya utantsiya. (West Knzat:hstan Prnvince-AgTicult= e) ZHOLOBOVAp Me (Rostov-na-Donu); SHCHEGOLEV, N. (Rostov-na-Donu); BRODSKIY, A. (Kiyev); BARANENKOj S.; SUbBOTIM9 G.; BASHMOL-Le, KOVALEVAt Me; GHRMIRI,~Vt-, YEGORIYEVA, A., kand.geo-gr-aT-.nauk-; PU-i-ft, V.; GOLID, M. (g.Baku) Readers' letters. NTO 4 no.1:26,27,29,41,50,56 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) .1. Predsedatell I-.veta nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva Ukrainskogo filiala Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatel'skogo instituta gazovoy proVshlonnosti (for Baranenko). 2.,Direktor Umskogo Doma,tekhniki nauchno-tekhnicheskikh obshchestv (for Subbotin). 3. Uchenyy sekretarl Leningradskogo oblastnogo pravleniya nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obabcbestva energeticbeskoy promysblennosti (for Germer). 4. Zame- stitell predsedatelya Leningradskogo oblastnogo pravleniya nauchno- tekhnicheskoe-o gornogo obshchestva (for Yegor'yeva). 5. Zameatitel, predsedatelya Latviyskogo basseynovogo pravleniya Nauchno- tekhnicheskogo obshchestva vodnogo transporta (for Puzyrl). (Technological innovations) BASHMAKC9, V-A.- R OV) N.M. starsbiy doroobnyy master 1 .9 Speed up the elluLwUou of deftetu. Put, i put.khoz. 6 no-5:18 162. WU 15:4) 1. Naeballnik liummmkoy distantaii O~tyabrlskoy dorogi (for Basbmakov). (Railroadg.-I-taintenanee and repair) 24-7500 75998 sov/7o-4-5-2o/36 AUTHORS: Kosevich, V. M., Bashmakov, V. I. TITLE: Study of the EJ-,aa-T_M5t`Fog~eso Twinning in Metal, ~- m-cv!iw.0 x1!; PERIODICAL: Kristallograftya, 1959, Vol 4,. Nr 5, PP 749-755 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Polysynthetic Or single bands of "twins," possibly form- ed due to glide and partially or completely vanishing after the crystals are releaved of load, were found to develop as the result of plastic deformations in bismuth, antimony, tin, and zinc crystals. Platy crystal fragments, 4 x _3 x 1.2 mm, were bent by a device placed on the stage of a microscope Mim-6. Applying load P to the device they produced a "twin band parallel t; (111) cleavage plane, or "twin" bands, whose width, b., was measured under microscope with an accuracy of + 0.311. Then, taking the load off, the reduced width, bol, was measured again. The Card 1/4 Study of 16he Elastic Stages of Twinning In 75998 Metal :'~-q o~~-rystale $OV/70-4-5-2o/36 difference bi -- bol 8e, represents the width-of:the elastic part of the "twin" band. Applying loads P 23 P ... , OeI2, 8el *** were obtained. 8 el proved to 3 3 increase with was reached, the increasing P, until 8 max which then remained constant despite larger P applied in the course of further tests. 8max was proportional to the length of the "twin" band, P_ * For instance In BI: 8 max (1.1 x 10-3~ -3) rm. In othEr ucrds � 0-05 x 10 max max max_--., --- I.C is a constant for a given orientation of k max 'twin" bands i yen crystal. In the'cuse of (111) n a gl position of " ~ twins, C Is about 1.1 x 10--~ in bismuth, 1.37 x 10-3 In antimony, and 0.11 x 16-3 in zinc.* !%,Card 2/4 All Generally, C is a function of the elastic limit. Study of the Elastic Stages of Twinning In Metal Vionoar~~;"I-; SOV/70 -4 -5-w/36 Since, however, cryntals ve,01-101 tho ,Aruutural ve- arrangements necessary for the disappearance of elastic "twins" after taking off the load, the experimental 8max ratio is always lower than that calculated ,9, max theoretically. The bending of a readily "twinned" crystal in the op ?I osite direction leads to a gradual disappearance of twin" bands. In the case of reversed bending - an In, 6max II Is larger th ax I of the pre- ceeding direct bending. If the bending direction is reversed once more, Kax iii>~ max ii > 8 max I' This points to the Increased resistivity of crystals after each elastic deformation. Having bent the crystals alternately in reversed directions, the resistivities could be increased to a stage at which the "twin" bands became completely elastic; i. e., they disappeared Card -3/4 when a load was applied, and appeared again when the Study of the Elastic Stages of Twinning in Metal Monocr~stals ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 75998 SOV/70-4-5-2o/36 load was taken off. Relaxation between the two successive deformations reduced the elasticity of bands. The elasticity of "twin" bands is higher in those crystals whose critical shear streSses are higher. Sn crystals, whose elasticity is high, had completely elastic "twins" even after first bending, while B1 and Zn crystals required several reversed deformations to achieve the same kind elastic ".twins." There are 6 figures; and 7 refer- ences, 5 Soviet, 1 U.S., 1 U.K. The U.S. and U.K. references are: J. J. Gilman, Acta Metallurgica, 3, 209-211 (1955); R. W. Cahn, Advances Phys., 3, 363-445 (1954). Kharlkov- Polytechnic Institute imeni V. I. Lenin (Khar1kovskiy politekhniche3kly Institut Imeni V. I. Lenina) September 1,'A, Card 4/4 KOSLIVICH, V.M.; MMZ, N.q.4; B&SHWMT. V.1. Iffect of inclusions on the twinnin of sinc crystals. Kristallo- grafiia 5 no.3-426-431 *-Je 160. (MM 13! 8) 1. Kbarlkovskiv politekhnichookiv institut im. V.I.Leniva. (Zinc crystals) J.- - --- - 68632 /00 9.900 S/126/6o/oo9/02/022/033 AUTHORS: Kosevich, V.M. and Bashmaholl,/M5. TITLE: Investigation of Twi_nningj~;f -Metallic Crystals Using a Concentrated Load PERIODICAL; Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 288 - 293 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A concentrated load was used to give a quantitative estimate of twinning in monocrystals of bismuth, antimony, and bismuth-based alloys. The loading used was a microhardness tester PMT-3 with a diamond pyramid. The type of impression obtained is shown in Figure 1. It is shown that the length of the twinned band (1) and the diagonal of the impression M are related by the equation t =-a + ad (Figure 2b, 4). The coefficient a can be used as a q-u,-Antitative estimate of the intensity njC twinning of a given crystal. With homogeneous bismuth- antimony alloys, the.value of a markedly increases with increase in antimony content, The increase is similar to that for microhardness. Figure 5 shows a (continuous line) and hardness (dotted line) against antimony content. Cardl/2 In alloys containing over 1% Sb twinning begins with th formation of elastic twinning interlayers and proceeds as intensively as it does in pure antimony. In bismuth- lead and bismuth-tin alloys, with increase in alloying element a at first slightly increases and then remains constant. This is again similar to the behaviour of microhardness with respectio alloying concentration (Figure 6). There are 6 figures and 8 references, 2 of which are English and 6 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Khartkovskiy poll.tekhnicheskiy institut (Kharlkov Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTEDs July 15, 1959 Card 2/2 KOSUICHI V#M*j, KAXOV v, I,. Studying the relmmtion of twinned single crystals. Fiz. met. i metilloved, 3-1 no. lilOO-107 A 161. (KM 14:2) 1, Kharikovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, im. V.I. Lenina. (Metal crystals) BASHMAKOV, V.I.; SOLDATOV, V.P. Certain properties of the boundaries of residual twinning streaks. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.5s768-775. N 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Fiziko-t6khnicheskiy institut nizkikh temperatur AN UkrSSR. W. TIMAKOV, V. N. Bashlaakov,, V. N. "biology of the muksun of the Oba River," Trudy Barabin. otd-niya Vsesoyuz. nauch.-isxlad. in-ta ozer- nogo i r*ch. ryb. khoz-va) vol. in, 190, p. 91-16a SO: U-3566) 15 March 53,, (Latopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 14, 1949). mm I BOOK MaWITATION SOV/4837 Baebmakov., Viktor Petrovich, and Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Dubinin =...' ii7pzro~yakt~iroyan~iye~remennykh i tseMkh peredach (Calculation and Design of Belt and Chain Drives) Kiyevi, Mmhgiz, 119591 127 P. 17,000 copies printed. (Series: Biblioteka konstruktora) Sponsoring Agency: Nauchno-tekhaicheskoye obshchestvo mashinostroitelluoy promyeblennosti. Kiyevskays, oblastnaya orgimizatsiya. Reviewer: V. N. Levinson., Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor; Ed.: V. S. Radchik, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Chief Ed. (Southern Department, MashgLz): V. K. Serdyuk, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: G. D. Tynyanyy. PURPOSE: This book is intended for junior designers. BASHMAKOV, V. V. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Theory and design of radio engineering semiconductor reversible thermostats." Moscow, 1961. 14 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSRj Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Higher Technical College imeni N. E. Bauman); 200 copies; price not given; (KLI 7-61 sup, 232) BASHMMV, Ta. Road construction in Mosdok District. Art.dor. 23 uo-1:28 ja 160. (KM 13.0 5) 1. Zaveduyushebly Mosdokskim doroshrqm otdolom, (Mosdok District--Road construction) RASIOUO'I, YU. 1. - .. Progressive method of manufacturing metal structures for a sulfute plant. Avtom. evar. 17 no.1202-75 D 164 (MIRA 18:2) 1. Mimisterstvo montazIu.-ykh i spetsiallnykh stroitellnykh rabot UkrSSR. Assembling elements of the main building of a sulfate plant by the continuous production method. Prom. strol. 42 no.12;15-17 D 164. (MRk 180) 1. Minmonta%hspetsstroy UkrSSR. 28o16 3/081/61/000/015/005/139 LID B101/B110 AUTHORSs Abdullayev, G. B., Aliyev, M. I., Bashehaliyev, A. A., Aliyev, G.M. TITLEi Effect of halide impurities on the physical properties of selenium PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaq no. 15P 1961, 29-30, abstract 1513196 (Bb "Vopr. metallurgii i fiz. poluprovodnikov", M., AN SSSR, 1;599 80-88) TEY,T: The authors studied the effect of halide impurities on the crystallization rate, electrical, thermal, and optical. properties of 6e. X-ray analysis showed that at annealing temperatures from 60 - 800C iodine impurities accelerate Se crystallization. In the presence of I and Br, Se begins to crystallize at 60 0C, 'while pure Se begins to crystallize only at 800C. Halide impurities increaso the electrical conductivity of Se by several hundred times. The dependence of the hole mobility on the Card 1/2 28016 S/081/61/000/015/005/139 Effect of halide impurities on the BiOl/B110 impurity concentrations shows a maximum. With rising temperature the hole mobility in pure Be and in Be with iodine impurities increases, while their concentration decreases. This phenomenon is explained by structural peculiarities of Be which is a polymer, and by the effect of the inter- crystalline amorphous layers acting as potential barriers. On transition from the amorphous to the crystalline modification, thermal conductivity of Be increases from 3-13-10-3 to 7-01-10- 3 Cal/cm-sec-deg (25'C). In this case specific heat decreases. At 640 m/Lthe forbidden-band width of the amorphous Se is 1.94 ev, that of crystalline Be (at 680 m/4) is 1.83 ev. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation.] Card 2/2 PAMMXOVAj A. Ya. Bashmakova, A. Ya. IIV2riation in the specias composition of the fish of the Toms. Aver within the bound2ries of the Tomsk fish factory," Trucly B2ralbln. otd-niya Vsesoyuz. nauch.-isxIed. in-ta ozernogo i rech. ryb. khoz-va, Vol. III, 19h9, p. 109-13 sor U--1%6, 15 MQrch 53, (Letopis lZhunial lnykh Staluey, No. 14, 1949). BWMAKOVA, I.B.; STORCHAK, L.I.1 DOBROTIN., R.B. - ----------- History of the natural sciences in Russia. Vol. 2. Ed. by N,A,Figurovskii and others. Reviewed by I.B.Bashmakova, L. I. Storchak,'R. B. Dobrotin. Vest. AN SSSR 32 no.5:133-lY7 Yq ,62. (KRA 15:5) (Bibliograph$-Natural history) (Figurovskii, N.A.) -- ------------- .MSEVAKOVA, I.G. Bashmakova., I.G, "The arithmetical books of Euclid's OWlementslip In the collection: =-matem. issledovaniya, Issue 1, Moscow, 1948, p. 296-238. SO:U-3042p 11 March 53, (Letopis lnykh Statey, No. 9, 1949) BASIMIKOVA, I. G. 371/a. Obosnovaiye teorii delimonti v trudakh ye, i. Zolotareva. B. ab: ist-matem, issledoraniva. Vyp. 2, Mt-L 1949, s. 2330351 SO: Letonist Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 7, 1949. WHKANOTA, I,G. -U~.~MOW Xethod of differentials In the works of Archisiedes. Ist.-mat. Isal. no.6:609-658 153. (MM 7:9) (Geometry--larly works to 1800) MSTVkathematics - Methodology Jan/Feb 53 *The 21 Oct 52 Joint Session of the Moscow Mathematical Society with the W. Semina on Marxist-LenWat Methodology of Mathematics of the Moohadoo- Mathenatical Faculty of Moscow State Univereitr" (reports) us~ Maten" Manks Vol WHT No 1(53)v p 176 I* G. Bashmalcova reported on the project for prograndag a course on the history of mathematics. In the onvulAg;,discussing the following participated: P. S. Aleksandrov, So A. Yanovskaya, S. V. Foxin, L. A. Tumarkin, A. G. Kurooh, B. I. Segall A. P. Yushkovich, and A. S. Parkhomenko. BASHKAKOVA,I.G. (Moscow); YUBMERVICH.A.P. (Moscow) Leonard Ruler. let.-mat.1sel. no.7s453-512 054. (MLRA 8:6) (Ruler, Leonard, 1707-1783) Call Nr: AF 1108825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress - (cont. ) mosew jun-jul , 6 Trdd '56 v 1 Beat. Rpts., lzdatel'stvo AN SSSR,Uoscov, 1956, 237 PP. Turkin, V.' K. (mose'0w). 'mathematical Methods in the Theory of Isotopes Separation. 226 Khokhlov, R. V. (Moscow). Certain Problems in the Synchronization Theory of Auto-oscillating Systems. 226 Mention is made of Krylov, N. M. and Bogolyubov., N. N. 226 Yanenko, N. N. (Moscow). Asymptotic Formulas for the Functionals of the Solutions of Thomab-Permi Equations. 226-227 Section of the History of Mathematics 228-237 Reports by the following personalities are included: Bashmakova, I. G.. Moscow). -Interpretation by Ancient -TReelk Mathematics of Some Problemsof Mathematical Analysis. 228-229 Card 76/80 SOV/124-58-1-23 ,Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 4 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bashmakova, 1. G. TITLE: -_TJe hitiTFcLe_an Treatise "On the Buoyancy of Bodies" (Traktat _Axx Arkhimeda 11 0 plavayushchikh telakh") PERIODICAL: V sb.: Istoriko-matem. issledovaniya. Nr 9. Moscow, Gostekhteoretizdat, 1956, pp 759-788 ABSTRACT: The author characterizes briefly the first book of the treatise of Archimedes and then focuses his attention entirely on the second book in an attempt to clarify just what methods Archimedes used in finding the position of equilibrium and to what extent these methods approach those used to date. It is pointed out that Archimedes does not provide a determination of the position of stable equilibrium of a buoyant body, but it is apparent from his demonstrations that he considered as stable that position of equilibrium toward which a body would return after finite disturbances not exceeding a specified limit; Archimedes did not introduce any concept of unstable equilibrium whatsoever. Well-known propositions are reproduced relative to the necessary and Card 1/3 sufficient conditions for the stability of the equilibrium of a bucyant SOV/124-58-1-23 -Whe Archimedean Treatise "On the Buoyancy of Bodies" body, which are currently used on the basis of the works of C. Dupin (1814) and A. Yu. Davidov (1848). Thereupon it is asserted that Archimedes' postulates may be applied to all buoyant bodies the surface of the centers of which is a surface of revolution having its center of gravity on its axis. Archimedes' demonstrations relative to the position of equilibrium of a segment of a paraboloid of revolution is tianslated into the language of analytical geometry. Thereupon the author shows that. Archimedes' demonstration may be turned into a method, with the aid of which, accordi'ng to the author, Archimedes found the position of equilibrium; the author also shows that that method is equivalent. to the di?k! rm',nat*; on ..of all possible normals drawn from the center of gravity of the segment of the paraboloid to the surface of the centers. The author points out that in the first part of the second book Archimedes did not -mploy explicitly the surface of the centers, but that in proposition 10 oi that booj~ he does explicitly examine a certain modification of the surface of the centers, which he ther. employs for the determination of the position of equilibrium. Having examined all possible positions of stable equilibrium of a segment of a paraboloid of revolution for those cases in which the base of the 'seg- ment touches the liquid surface or is partly submerged, Archimedes carries out all further discussion relative to the intersection of the paraboloid with a plane passing through the axis. In connection therewith he constructs two auxiliary parabolas, Card 2/3 SOV/124--58-1-23 :rhe Archimedean Treatise "On the Buoyancy of Bodies" one of which is the geometric locus of the centers Of gravity of segments of the basic parabola cut off by chords that pass through the point of tangency of the base of the segment with the liquid surface. The author concludes therefrom that the question OIL' the presence in Archimedes' thought of a surface of centers (even though in a somewhat different sense than that employed today) must be answered in the affirm- ative; however, no explicit use by Archimedes of the concept of a metacenter can be found. In his conclusion the author points out, and not without foundation, that the preva,l 'ling view on the science of antiquity in terms of a sharp division into theoret- ical, 'pure", and applied sectors, between whicil there are virtually no points of contact., dppears unjust. To substantiate this view the author adduces a number of add`tional examples of the close tie between theory and problems of mechanics and astronomy with reference to the third and second century B. C. A. K. Nikitin Card 3/3 B & # 7v/) P144, ~~ ~ 1~ 6 ~- BABOAKOVAl 1 0 '~ *w v" ~ Z;;Zot or 7heb'asto theorem of algebra. Ist.-mat. isel, w,lo:257-304 ~ 157, (MIRA Iltl) . (Algebra) E PRAn i MU XXIPWrfk?XON SOV/1366 Istoriko-matematlaheakiye lawledovardya, TV. n (80"areh 1n PAthematleal Mistory. wr n) 316930W, TlVMAt6lI, 1958. 792 P. 3,000 OoPles Prlntod- Im. ( tio Page in, O.F. mW rumMeTlah, A.P.) M. (Inelde bookli Konop=. A.A.j Teah. 34.s lbr&&Mva, N. Ys- MRFMi Me bo* Is later44-1 ::r mathometlolons MA OWWr$ Interested In the h1stary of mathematles wd may serve &S WW basla for a sultablo, talverelty text an 6o h1stary of mathemstles, therebT tlUU%g the soot sertaus amp In Savlat mathematical uterature. OMCPA=o This book sontUns reports *Me by imembers of the seatlan an the MUM at ma-4matles at the Vard All-Thdam, Flathematleal Oangreso Alab 41mRWd problems of the h1story of mathmatloo 04 varlous artleles an the awfloories at the Me" at matboostles cam 3/8 l"tures an t" mistory or-mmmlEme to Anal*" emove B&SHKUWVA, I*Go;. R7BNIXOV, K.A.; YUSH"T CH, A.P.; TAN75UTLO S9A. Program for the course in the bletory of mathematics at Moscow stage' University. let.-Nat.iiel. no.3-1:185-192 ',~ 1580 (MIRA 32:1) 40 R&SM&KOViL, .1.01, (Moskva) Lectures on the history of mathematics of ancient Oraeces lot.-mt9inal, nagil:M-438 158. (min 12 1) (Hathematiosp Greek) XUKMIN, Boris Vasillyeviohv prof.; RYBNIKOV, Konstantin Alaksayevich, prof.;, BASHMOTA, Izabella Grigorlyevna; YU VICH, Adollf Favlovto%rWM*AYA-ftflyo,,Mektfflftol"%; SPASSHY, Boris Ivanovioh. dotsent: HIELAYLOT. Glab Konstantinovich. starehiy nauohuyy sotradnik: KATUOT, D.Ta., prof., otv.radel GORD9 M , D.I49 prof,# red,l IVANWO, D.D., prof,, redo; KMTAYTSNV9 P.S., prof., red.; XULIKOVSKIT, r.G., doteent, red.; JMGIAN. .A*Khot prof** redo; SUEV SOV, N.Se, prof., red.; VBRMIMV, V.K., assistant, red.; KONONKOV, A.F., red.; TBRHAKOV, H.S., [programs of courses on the history of the physicomathematical sciences] Programmy po Istorii fiziko-matamaticheskikh nauk. Moskva, 1959. 40 p. (KIRA 12:12) 1. Moscow. Universitat. 2. Orgicomitat Vessoyuznoy mezhvuzovskoy konforenteli po f8torii filiko-matemAtichask1kh nauk (for Kukarkin, Rybaikov, Spas6kiy. Gordayevv.lvanenko, ludryavtsev. lulikovskiy, Kikhaylov. Khrgian. Shevtsov. Varkhaiov, Kononkov). (Physics-Study and teaching) (Kathematice-Study and teaching) B48MOXOTA, I.G. One problem to the theory of algebrato equations to the works of J. Newton and 1. Waring. let.-mat. isel. no.121431-4156 15 (Equations, Theory of) (MIRA 13:11 BURM Review of B.L. Van der Varden's boeACOAn awakening science; mthematics of ancient Imt, Babylon and Greece (translated from the Datch3. Reviewed by I.G. BasIn oviL. Usp. mt. nauk 15 no.2t253-257 Mr-Ap 160o kMIRA 23:9) .(Nathexatice, Ancient) Interuniveraity ConZerence on the history of the Physical and limthoratical Sciences. Usp. w-t. naul: 15 no. W05-214 r-D 160., CNIM 14--21' (Fhysice) (mathomatics) BASHMAKOVAj I. G. Doe Phys-Math Sci (diss) "Cycle of studies on the history of ancient mathematics." Moscow, 1961. 24 pp; (MOBCOW Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State Univ imeni M. V. Lomonosov); nubber of copies not given; price not given; bib- liography at end of text (41 entries); (KL, 5-61 sup, 190) A~ ~.~ , BASMEAKOV*,I. N. Cand Ned Soi -- (diss) "Certain biochemical indicators of the blood norm of hypertension patients and their W~M-R~ in the process of treatment." Dnepropetrovsk, 1959. 14 pp ( Min of Health UkSSR. Dnepropetrovsk State Med Lzt), 200 an copies (KL, 46-59, 139) -W- BAMUOVA, I.N. Some biochemleal indexes of tho'blood serum in bypertensiou patients and their chmWes during treatment. Vraob*delo U0.7t 2o-22 ji ,6o. (KIRL 1317) 1. Pervaya gorodob&ya bollultea, g. Dnepropetrovsk. (RTPARTMION) (MMUK) LAW92TRA ION, Minical aspeato of elootrophoretiolwroatigation of serum proteins in the blood of patients with hypertension* Torap.arkbo' 32 no4802- 75 Ag 160. (MIM 1313-1) 1, Is terapevtichookogo otdeleniya 1-y gorodokoy bolinitay Abepro- petrovoka kna ovoditell - dotsent VON. %yak). ON) (BLOOD PRO=S) DZYAK# V.N., dotsent; KUSMMUA A.G.; BASHMAVVA9 I.N. Glinical eignificancre of some biochemical indexes in hypertension. Vracho delo no,,4:140 AP 161, (MIRA 106) 1. Kafedra'fakulltetokoy terapii (uv. - prof. B.A.Zialkind) Dnepropetrovekdgo mecUtsinskogo instituta. (HrMTEMION) B&SMUMAs ION* P kftnd.wd.zi~uk Characteristics oi lipold metab olism in patients with hypertension. Sov. mad. 25 no.5t9&100 My 161. (MIR& 1416) 1. Is terapevt1dheskogo otdeleniSm I Gorodskoy bcalnitsy (nauchnyy ri4ovoditell - daktor meditsinskikh nauk V.N.Dayak),, Dnepropetrcqgok. (HIPERTFMION) (LIPIDS) WMIAKOVA~ M. A. "Experinental and Clinico-%.cterlological a,.ta on the Raising of the 'Resiatance of Flexner Dysentery Bacteria to ~9vomvceLtLin. 11 Yin Public Health USSR, First Leningrad Iled Inst imeni Academician I. P. LMPA*,~' 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Yedical Sciences) SO: Knizhna-va Latopi2l, No. 32, 6 Aug 55 STARTOY.As T.G., SHUVALOVA, Ye*P., dote., RASHMAMVAj, MvAe Increase in the resistance of Arai Yl-&--To- OmthoWcla and 1,evoWeetin. Trudy ZXZ 2:258-266 155 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Kafedra mikroblologil (zar. - prof. V-N. Usmadamianskly) i Kafodra infeKsionnykh bolesney (sav. - prof. K.T. Glukhov (deceased)) Pervogo Leningradekogo maditelnekogo Institute ineal, skadartika. L?. Pavlovft. SHIGILLA PARADYSMMMIAR) WROMYoris) M TWI339 K.D.t kandmed*-nauk; BASHKAKOTAt K*A.9 kmnd*med*nwdk OWJ"4u) hooblem of amopeoifio Immological roqatiirity in patients with suppurative ffurglool diseases. 38 no.IU61-67 N 160. (=A 13W) .1. 15 kafedry obahchey khirmVU (say. - prof. I.V. Dannoy) 1, kikfedry mikrobiolodi. (say. - prof. S.A. Mj"Ida) ftlftin- sk o meditsimakogo ftstitotao IOUPFURVICS) (metame (D"ITI) ("W"MIS) I -- ~ - 11- -1'-,,- -~v MA "A ACCESSION NRI AP4041757 S/0076/64/038/00b/1606/1608 j;AUTHOR: Hitskevich, P. K-t Bashmakova, M. 1. TITLE i Changes I n the electrical conductivity of certain organic 1~semLconductore on malting SOURM Zhurnal fisicheskoy khimii, v. 38, no. 6, 1964, 1606-1608 TOPIC TAGS1 organic semiconductor@ electrical conductivity ABSTRACTs A study has been "de of the templerature dependence of the electrical conductivity of naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrenst acridines phenazinep a- and 0-naphthoquinolineg o-phenanthroline, and benzanthrone In the solid and the liquid states. This research was done because of the paucity of data an the conductivity of simplej .organic compounds in the vicini*ty of the melting point. In the vi- cinity of the malting point, the dependence of log(conductivity) (log o) of the compounds In the solid and the liquid state was a linear function of reciprocal absolute temperaturee On melting* o jumped by more than one order of magnitude# The activation energy "C.;,d .11 / 2 ACCESSION NRs AP4041757 for conduction in the vicinity of the melting point for the solid and liquid states was determined. The logarithm of the ratio of conductivities in the liquid and the solid states at the melting point was a linear function of the melting point, on cooling of the compounds after superheating 20--40C above the melting point, conduc- tivity changed Irreversibly. This irreversible change corresponds to the region of supercoolinge *The results are interpreted In terms of changes in the energy spectrum of the compounds and In terms of the Yas I* Frankel' theory of the mechanism of melting (Ya. I. Frankel', Kinstichaskaya teoriya xhldkostey (Kinetic Theory of Liquids), Izd-vo, AN SSSRg 1945)o This work was done at the Dnepropetrovsk Con-i struction Engineering Institute* orig, art. hast 3 figures and I table, ASSOCIATIONt Dnepropetrovakiy lnahenerno-stroitell.ny*y-inotitut (Dnepropetrovsk Construction Engineering Institute) 11~SUBNITTEDt 25Feb63 ATD PROM 3066 ZNCLI 00 SUB CODEs IN NO REP SOVt 004 OTHERs 003 tord,~11 2/2 L 8565-b6 -,,Tt 1 )/Z_'viTk ACCESSION M: AP5021183 a/0139/65/CK)C,/01-)4/C,151/0155 AUTHOR: Mitskeyich. P. K.; BashmA , )y TITLE: Investigation of the electrical conductivity of oKe. ~icse~ndcoDductors on melting SOURCE: rVUZ. Fizika, no. 4, 1965, 151-155 y, organic semiconductor temperature dependence, TOPIC TAGS: electric conductiyjt activation energy, absorption spectrum ABSTRACT: The electrical conductivity of fifteen organic compounds has been stu- died at their melting point. The temperature variation of the electrical con- ductivity was exponential for all the compounds In both the Eolid and liquid state. T lbe activation energy of the conductivity and the pre-exponential factor were de- termLi-ned for both states. The semiconductor nature of the conductivity was ob- served in both states. A comparison of the calculated values of the thermal ener- p.~epe,' &nthracene phenanthrene,:&nd benz&nthrone-1 gy of activation of solid na with the long- wave I engtb fall-off of the ~_Ciorption spectra indicates the singlet excited states of tbeir molecules take part In the daTk condur!tivity. It is shown that introduction of beteroatome of nitrogen, the methyl radical, and the OH group whdch glyes rise to kWdrogen bonding into an aromatic molecule Increases the con- Card 1/2 L 8';65-66 AOUSSION 0 AM1183 ductivity at room temperature and decreases the activation energy. The transit/ilo"n from the solid to the liquid state is accompanied by a jump-like increase in the conductivity. A linear relation has been established between the logarithm of the conductivity jump and the melting points of all the investigated compounds. A linear relation was observed between the thermal activation energy wid the pre- exponential factor for the conductivity of organic compounds having conductiyitlee in the range of 10-19-10-15 ohmi-IcW 1. "The authors thank 1. D. Fozenshteyn for useful directions." Orig. art. has- 2 figures and I table. ASSOCIATIONi Dnepropetrovskiy izkzhenotrno-6troitel'myy institut (Dpeyr?petTvysk Conztructicv2 Xqgineerlmg Lastitute) I SUMTTMt 28J&n% MM: 00 SUB COM as NP w soy s oD6 07W 007 jW Card 2/2 - I . I - - .. - - . I I . . Die I eL Lr ~t - properti a 3 of c rguni- rrrri, )ndu-~i ors. ---ZVO "'p. . uf~ Ila be zav. ; 1 5, 5- 15 7'65o (MTAA 18ig) 1, Dnepropetrovskiy inzhsnerno-st,,rolteLlrqy imtitut, 410'~474' I,,- '2k;p~ 1W CIG2/00610700 AUTHOR: Bashmakova /0703 'z t" Mitskevichl P. ORG.- e ro etrovsk Engineez Llli~o 8~tr- ing and Construction ~uT 'nstitutO (Dnepropetrovskiy 'q inzhe rno-stroIt-ejT,,.Y Luau,_ TITISI Electrical conductivity and intermolecular interaction in organic compouds SOURCE: Elektrokhimiva, v. 29 no. 6. 19669 700-703 TOPIC TAGS: electric conductivity, intermolecular force, naphthalene, organic azo Cora. pound ABSTRACT: Data on the relationship between the structure of naphthalene ,'Iderivatives (amnaphtholl 0-naphtholl A-methyInaphthalene) and organic azo 3 W'f the naphthalene 0- s 4 series and their electric properties were obtained by studyingteTir eir optical absorption, spectra, recorded in benzene solutions with an SF-4 spectronhotorm+a- q%_ donor nronn"+'-- -4' nty - ACC NR. AP6018983 of intramolecular hydrogen bonds, which weaken the intermolocUar interaction. Orig. art. has: 2 figues and I table. .2 0 SUB CODEt 071/SUBM DAM 31MAA5/ ORIG REFs 011/ OTH RSFt 002 1/~r/d 2/9, ---