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ACC NRs AP6007068 perpendicular to the conducting plane, but it the direction of motion of the charged particle Is neither perpendicular nor parallel to the direction In which the plane conducts, the radiation reaction has a nonveniabing component perpendicular to the direction of notion of the particle. Orig. art, has: 20 formulas. SUB CODE: 20 SM DATE: O3M&y65 ORML RRF: 002 OM REY: 003 ard 2/2 L 26057-66 W(I)IEWA(h) ACC NR: AP5022799 SOURCE CODE: UR/0141/651008/004/0760/0767 AUTHOR: Bar-92 t2v. K. A..;,.Bolotovskiy. B. M. ORG: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute im. V. 1. Lenin (Moskovskiy gosu.darst- vennyy pedagogicheskiy institut) TITLE: Oscillator radiation in nonhomogeneous and nonstationary medium 14 SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 8, no. 4, 1965, 760-767 TOPIC TAGS: oscillator theory, laser radiation, travelling wave p fT~equency multiplicationj electromagnetic wavep cha. r1rd pa,-Ucle ABSTRACT: Studies of nonstationary anA non omogeneous media were related to uses of nonstationary media for frequency multiplication and parametric amplifi- cation. This initiated interest in a strong electromagnetic wave (for example, laser radiation) which in passing through the medium changes its properties: the medium becomes periodically nonstationary and nonhomogeneous. The radiation of a charged particle moving in nonhomogeneous and vonstationary medium has been investigated. The process of radiation in s4ch a medium involves the energy and impulse being transferred to the medium. It is interesting to investigate the' Card 1/2 UDC: 530.1 L 26057-66 r--- .. ...... ACC NR: AP5022799 radiation of those systems which possess degrees of freedom also moving in a nonhomogeneous and nonstationary medium. The radiation of a point oscillator moving with a constant velocity in a medium whose properties were modulated by the travelling wave law are examined.. As an example, the radiation of a station- ary electric oscillator has been considered. A previous study wss.related to locating the transverse field of radiation of a moving oscillator. It is not difficult to see that the longitudinal field is determined by the same method. orig. art. has: 32 formulas. SUB CODE: SUBN DATE: 06Nov64/ ORIG RM 007/ OTH REF: 000 Card 2/2 L 33415-66 ACC NRi AP3015300 SOUMB CCDH: URIOO~Y16G76j'670057080010805---~ (A P u) AU-1210a: Barsu%ov,-K. A.; Naryshkina, L. G. 0:23: Moscow State Pcdagogical Institute im V.I.Lenin (Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy pedngogicheskiy institut) TIT'-7':': On the Vnvilov-Corenrcov effect for surface waves SOUXE: Zhurnal to)dinichcskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 5, 196G, 800-805 TOP7 C TAGS: Cerenkov effect, Corenkov radiation, surface wave, dielectric layer, diclectric constant, isotropic plasma, charged particlo AWT,V.CT: The authors discuss surface waves induced on the infinite plane interface between a dielectric and the vacuum by a charged particle moving with constant velo- city parallel to the boundary. Surface waves can propagate on such a boundary only if -,he dielectric constant of the dielectric Is negative. When this is the case surface waves are excited by the chargad particle regardless of its velocity. The case is discussed in detail of the boundary between the vacuum and a plasma whose 2 dielectric constant is 1 - fWf(f - IF). where f, is the plasma frequency, f is the wave frequency, and F is the effective collision frequency. Formulas are derived for the energy and spectrun of the induced surface waves. When the velocity of the charged particle is very low the frequencies of the induced waves are concentrated Card 1/2 UDC: 538-567 L 33415-66 ACC NRi AP6015300 1/2 near the value fc/2 where they are strongly absorbed and cannot be observed; the induced waves become observab b2 only when the velocity of the charged particle is large compared with 2.4c(F/10 , where c is the velocity of light. The conclusion of A.G.Sitoako and V.S.Tkalich (ZhtF, 29, 1074, 1959) that the charged particle loses energy by polarization radiation at certain discrete frequencies is shown to be in- correct, and the mathematiCal error that led theme authors to this incorrect conclus- ion In pointed out. Orig. art. has: 24 formulas. SUB CCDEt 20/ SUBM DATE: lMtar65/ ORIG NW: 006/ OM RM Card 2/2 BAILSUT.'OV, K. :. and s,,*D,-..j,ZE,,., 11% 11 ) I 11 Locatini- tl'.c' POInt Of DamaCc in Cabless," Ralb. onerf- I- ; I L. 1952 ., ', 1170-7., Tc~7ti 7. Detectcr of ri~f ect'; "f C:~ble. 27, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, reor,~-,Z-v -1953. Unclassified. BARSUKO-V, K.U.- Som.automatic proportioning of h7pochlorite 3olution. 2,um. prom. 36 no.12:19 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Kraonchamskaya bumazhnaya fabr.,ka 13pravlaniya proi-.vodstvo:!i gosudarstvennykh znakov, monet i ardenov. (Ilypochlorites) (Papomaking machinory) BERGELISON, L.D.; VATER, V.A.; BAP-SUKOV, L.I.; SM-MIKIII, M.M., akademik MecYanism and steric cour&e of the 'Wittig reaction as affected by external factors.. Dokl. Ali SSSR 143 I'x 162. (IMIRA 15:2) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Wittig reavtion) (Stereochemistry) BFRGEL'SON, L.D.; VATER, V.A.; BARSUKOV, L.I.; SHEMAYIN, M.M. Stereochemistry and the mechani8m of Wittig reaction. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.kiiim.nauk no.6:1053-1063 Je 163. (MIRA 16-7) I 1. Institut khimil prirody soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Stereochemistry) (Wittig reaction) B-:--.RGvL'SON, L.D.; VAWM, V.A.; BARSUKOV, L.I.; Sff---MYAKIN, M.M. Intramolecular acylation of phosphoryl-ides arid a new way of synthesizing o( -substituted cyc lope ntanone s. I zv. AN SSSR. rjtd.khim.nauk no.6:1134-1136 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut khirrdi prirodZ~,`- h sovedineniy AN SSSR. (Cyclopentarione) (Phosphorus organic compounds) BERGELISON, L.D.; VAVFR, V.A.; BARSUKOV, L.I.; SHEMYAKIN, M.M. ... Unsaturated acids and macrocyclic lactones. Report No.11: Total synthesis of cis-8-hexadecenoic, cis-11-hexadecenoic (paimitvaccenic), cis-7-octadecanoic, and cis-9-hexacosanoic acids. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.8:1417-1421 Ag 163. (KIRA 16:9) 1. Institut khimii prircdnykh noyedineniy AN SSSR. (Hexadecenoic acid) (Octadecenoic acid) (Hoxaconnnoic ficid) T PIKOLAI-AL cwrl-l DU ACC NRa - AP6017362 SOURCE CODE! tIR/0062/66/000/003/0506/05n AWMOR: Bergellson, L, D.1 Vaver, V. A.., Barsukov..-L.1.: Shemyakin, M. M. ORG: Institute of Chemistry of NaturalCompourds, A -S R (Institut khimii prirodnyld soyedineniy AN 553H) TIM: SterebreguNted synthesis of unsaturated compounds. Report 10. Stereochemial of the reactions between aldehydes and phosphonate- and phosphinoxide-carbanions SOMCEI AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya khimicheakava'. no. 3,*1966 506-L TOPIC TAGS: stereochemistry, organic synthetic process, aldehydet organic phosphorus compound ABSTRACT: The reaction between phosphonate- and phosphinoxide--ca:rbanions with aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes leads selectively to the trans-olefins. The steric trend of the reaction does not depend or the polarity of the medium. Orig. art has: 5 figures and 2 tables* CJPRS] SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE 05Nov63 ORIG REF: 008 OTH REF.- 009 iiiiAfoii science kpr 1948 Colloids "Soil as a Colloidal System," L. N. Barsukov, All- Union Lnot Fertilizers, Agr Tecb and Agr Boll Studies imeni Gxedroyts, 11 pp *Pochvoved" ~~o 4 Colloldal-chemim- of soil studies hati re- ceived much attention :Ln laet tan years. B*3k knovn as "The Soil - A Dispersion System" released some 30 years ago by Vigner was first indication that soil was a colloidal system. Irplains Idis- persoldologicall point of view of studying soil. IM 69noe %r, C-, r-; t 53, US 0 Vk The role of frost in the annus) cvclr (A the &frurfurs: Condition of the soil I ', , I ,I / , ! 1,3. - - ~ I I s ~ V 1, A -f K I r -11 11 "111 1 't-11 Y.d 'N"T, m, .-f fr, Ifw," l."', .,!h , -.!., m.1 01, -w"I 1'.. 1.1-1 1 11-:~ -0 1-. A I I -t fiv, , w r. I I.. . ... o 11" 11 t"', " -,"I f flut th, -g1, ff~, -!g u. p t, , hl,h, I.-Fly l" lh~ -11 .,1. 1 m, 11, 1!,~ "llf cl N BAR-SUi.OV, (Cand Agr Sci) USSR/Btology - Ultrasonics Sep/Oct 53 "Effects of High-Frequency Oscillations on Gemina- tion of Seeds and Development of Plants," L. N. Barsukov, Cand Agr Sci, and K. M. Zabavskaya Agrobiol, No 5 (83), pp 80-85 Brief exposure (1-3 minutes) of seeds of cultivated plants to powerful mech oscillations of sonic fre- quency, has the same effect as exposure to ultra- sonic oscillations, i.e. it accelerates germination, facilitates more rapid plant development and hastens 276T2 maturation. High-frequency oscillations are of particular value in the cultivation of crops whose seeds are characterized by retarded and imperfect gemination and development. Illustrated by charts. Uss"R/Cultivatc-1 Plants - Grains. 1,14-2 Lbs Jour : Ref 71iur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 29659 i*.,uth,:;r : Barsukov, L.N. Inst The 'Lll-Uniozi Institute for Fertilizers and Soil Science. Title Working the Soil for Surrier Crops in the 14on-Chernozem Soil Zone. Ori U Fub Ze--LOCeliYa, 1957, No 2, 55-6o. Abstract At the All-Union Scientific Research Institute fur Fertili- zers anc! Soil Science a number of variant soil working sys- torr.9 wore studied. The basic nethrx! of soil preparation f',:,r surner crops rerninod -the tilling system composed of shallow stubble plowing, oarly autumn tillinE, early spring harrL'Wilig and pre-sowin(~ cultivation. In Olifforent concre- to caces it is practical to use other nethocis too. Card 1/1 - 12 - RA,R U.KUV, L.N. , 1M ad. se I I r!:okhozyo~ ', :-%uk.; ;~.- "A, 1-Y. , sotrudnik;UANOVA, T.I., L'Otrudaik Importance of turnin,,- over furrows. Zemledelie '? no.11:u7-71 N '59 (HLqi, 13-3) 1. Vze5o5,uzrtyy iustitut iidobrenV i agr07)ochvovedeyiI.ya. (Plowing) BARSUKOU m-lP-; YUSLIUNOVA, Ye.V., relaktor; I3VOb7]CVSELYA, L.G., tekhniche- -1 "-IIPWA"ftktor [K.Y.Kriuchokle instruments. devices and methods of marking] Instrumenty. prisposobleniia i metody razmetki novators. K.F.Kriucheka. [Leningrad] Leningru&akoe gozatno-zhurnallnoo i kn-vo, 1952. 37 P. [Microfilm] (MLRL 9;8) (Marking devices) ". ". . I "UnlillcrrLl An,.)aratus for I'arl-inr- Pa-ts it '!O,-t. nash --2, :c,.2, 1~2 .1 ) I FAVISUCH~XKO, T..Ya.; JARSUKOV,_M,F., red. [hepresentinf-, the roghn(ss of' part surfaces on drawings; manual on the drawing of working sketches in a course of mechanical drawing) Oboznachenie na chertezl-4Lkh shero- khovatosti poverkhnostei detalei; uchebnoe posobie k vypol- nenAiu rabochikh chertezhei detalei v kurso mashinostr(itell- nogo cherchenlia. LeninE,,rad, Leningr. tekhno2o,-icheskii in-t, 1964. 48 p. (NII.LA 18:7) BARSIJKOV, M.I., Prof. (14oskva) Problems in the stndy of the theory and histo-.r of medicine in the U.S.S.R. in the light of the decisions of the 21st Congress of the Gonrrmlst Party of the Soviet Union. Sov.ned. 23 no.7: 3-12 JI '59. (MIRA 12:11) (MICIIFA) (HISTORY OF M=ICI1&,) 001-94UNISM) BARSUKOV, M.I., prof.; ASHUMKOV, Ye.D. Felix Beng6is. scientist, fighter, friend of the V.S S.R.; obituary. Sov. zdrav. 19 noJ-1s89L-90 160. iMikA 13:11) I.Predsedatell VsesoyuznoCo nauchnogo.ist3piko-meditsinskogo obahchestva (for Barsukov). 2. Predsedatell Moskovskogo nauchnogo istoriko- meditsinskogo obshchestva (for Ashurkov). jnmm, FELIX,, 1890-1960) L Fab-10/ -ACCESSION NR: AP4048556 Pq-4/Pt_10/Pu_1s S/0286/64/000/019/0032/0032 W41WH AUTHOR gorod ki I I Bondarev, K. T.; Barsukov, M. I.; Lazore.ko!~~&= . V. Mitkevich, G, I.; Parvenkov, G. S.; Bo ko, G. V.' TITLE1 Method for manufacturing flat foam pyroc,!rnm products. Class 32, No. 165528 SOURCEt Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarny*kh znaKov, no. 19, 1964, 32 TOPIC TAG51 An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of mAnufacturing flat foam pyroceram (sitall) products based on glass made from slag. The glass is heat-treated in two stages in order to obtain a porous surface, while maintaijiing 3 nonporous subsurface. While the subsurface in being cooled. the surface is heated to 100-150C above the crystallization point to a viscosity not to ex- ceed 400-500 poise. and maintained under these conditions for 10-30 minutes. ASSOCIATIONi none Card 114 ) 1, Wl MIA, ri bill' n A T 711. Z lee IL Xftdcf,,mbrOtt~upO~6 changes-on'the strucimm, and proper a N, -AN SM" h6eldys materisirt v.. 1. no. 6~ 94-3"946 "raceramic, gUms stmotare gla ob Mac$ ay" pyrocs~w I ,I ~ I. . . - _... ~!: ~ I ASSMCT4 Samples Of wrin I acerammics were oubjeoWA6 additioid vnwdrm Wwtho:~ ~Wwtlpte,h nd were then ad -NP sjttdt)lSl* temperaturle., T6 of tW Oisinid changes vate tm: raiurila. I= chomb by sHowIng. Mr, Ow4tres- sual"14 wu-lmkvrW odwitba.VAS ri. ftructaral dbuges were -EM4 0106trad P m lawrosooped H-was Irbund that ussualli laimm 2-3 days and changing Into recrys4MU proo, BARSUKCIV, V v marter -jo ooytt,,,vm rabolan (g. Berdichev) -.JQ r o 7. h rw~ ~,z,UsiV, the f illing method in elraitlrtenire, tra.-k laid on reinforce,d con3rate ties. Pull i nut. kho-z. no. R-11-12 Ag (Y,m ll:~) (Railroals-Track) SERGIYENKCi. V.V,.; DAK."MOV, M.F. Maintenance and renair of continuous tracks. ',ut' i put.khoz.5 no.2:1"-20 F 161. (,vJPJ' 14: 3 ) 1. liachalln~k Kazatinskoy distant.-ii puti, Yugo-Zapadnoy dorci;-' (for Sergiyenko). 2. Inzhener po opytnym rabote-m-P stantsiya Kazatin, Yugo-Ze.:adnoy dorogi (for Barsvkov). (Rallroads-Maintenance and repair) BEZRUKOV A.M.; FRIBUDIKO, N.S.; EARSUKOV, M.M., inzh. w OL= methods of maintenance of tracks of the new construction type. Pat' i put.khoz. 6 no.1l12l-22 162. (MIRA 16sl) 1. Nachallnik Kazatinskoy distantsii Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Bezrukov). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika Kaza%inskoy distantsJi Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Baroukov). (Railroads-Maintenance and repair) BEZRUKOV, A.L,j BFLOV, N.A.; BARSUKOV, M.M., inzh. Method for restoring the strength of dowels. Put' i put. khoz. 7 no.11:18 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Nachallnik Kazatinskoy distantsii puti Yugo-.Zapadnoy dorogi (for Bezrukov). 2. Starshiy inzh. Vsesoyuznogo naucbno-issle- dovatellskogo instituta zhe1eznodoro:,hnofo trarisporta Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya (for Belov). 3. KnvAtiiiskaya d1stantsiy-q puti Yugo-Zapadnoy doregi (for Barsukov). BF-AL51).6, I.Te., inzh. , red.; BARSUEUV, H.N. , rod.; PETROV, S.P., [Matbrials of tile 5th World Power Conference in Vienna] Matarialy Piatoi -Arovoi onargetichaskoi konforentaii v Vene . Hookva, TSentr.biuro nauchno-taklm.informataii tiazjiologo i3ashinostroeniia. Vol.l. [Steam boilers] Paro- vya kotly. 1958. 284 p. (MIRA 13:1) 1. World Power Conference. 5th, Vienna. 1956. (Boilers) A. I.; R A R-11L IF, OV, M.K. , i n,.-.h. p o opy r,:-, I) o Yalntenance of tracks Itild on reinfc)rc-d bincks. Pu,tt i piit..khoz, 9 no.4:9-12 I ~', 5 . ( m I" bi 1. s : --, ) 11 ilachalinik Kazatinrkoy distantail piti 'I'ugo-Zapadnoy doro.~i ( for Be z r-uk ov) . 2. Kn-,atns'T-,ay-- pitil Ylif:c-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Bursukov). BARSUMV, N. Onr rocke-n aqpault o-uter P.-)ace. Zrian.ta pratnia nf).2116-17 F I ~Q. (14IRP, ik~-.Io) (Rockots (Anronauticq)) BARSUKOV, N. A continent of science; the antarctic in 1985. Znan.ta pratsia no-7:19-20 Jl '59. (MMA 13:2) (Antarctic reclons) BARSUKOV, H.,_i.nzh. On the eve of our jump into space. Znan. ta pratsia no-5:2-4 My 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Astronautics) BARSIXOV, Nikolay-Aleksandre"ch; PROBATOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; ALIN, Oleg Dmitriyevich; GRINSHTEYN, I., red.; NIKOLAYNVA, T., [The Baltic Sea; a geographical essay] Baltiiskoe mora; geografich6skii ocherk. Kaliningrad, Kaliningradakoe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1959. 92 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Baltic Sea) BARSIJKOV, N.A., inzh.; TSVYATKO, A.V.,inzh. Machine for flanging conical bottoms of reservoirs. Suggested by N.A. Barsukov, A.V. TSviatko. Aats. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.15:24-25 ,6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Nikolayevskiy zavod metallokonstruktaiy. (Reservoirs) BARSTJKOV. ~ N.,L , ~ dot B ent. Methods for irradiating nninwtIR with ultruviolet rays. VeterinAriia 34 no.4:(,?-69 Ap 157. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Moskovskaya veterinarrLaya akademiya. (Ultraviolet rays-Therapeutic use) (Veterinary medicine) - -3ARSUKOV, N.A., dotsent Treatment of wounds with limn tar. Votoritwxiia 36 no.101-45 0 159. (MIR,, 13:1) 1. MoskovBkaya vaterinarmya almdemiya. (Lima(Tre)--Tharapeutic use) BARSUYOV. N.A. Linder tar in treating eczematous processes in IAGU No.6:41-44 159. (Linden) (Wood tar-Therapeutic use) animals. Uch.zap. (MIRA 13:12) (Sczema) BARSUKOV, N.A. Prophylactic ultraviolet irradiation of animals. Uch.zap. IAGU No.6:45-49 159- (MIRA 13:12) (Ultraviolet rays-Therapeutic use) BARSUKOV N.A. Treating infected wounds with linden tar obtained from d7 distilla- tion. Uch.zap. IAGU no.6:51-54 '59 (MMA 13:12) (Wounds--Treatment) (;Anden) (Wood tar--Therapgutica use) BA.ISUKOV, N.A. Study of concentrations of white streptocide In dog tissues and a blood followinE its adninistration by the electrophoretic methods. Farm. i toks. 24 no.5:594-599 S-0 161. (MIU 14-,-10) 1. Yakutskiy Cosudarstvennyy universitat (rektor - dotsent I.G.Popov). (SUISOIWIIDES) (ELT--,CT,;iOpIIORES is) BARSUKOV, N,A-, dotsent Novocaine electrophoretic treatment of wounds. Veterinariia 38 m.1:56-57 Ja -'61. (KIRA 15:4) 1. Yakutskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Wounds-Treatment) (Electrotherupouties) (1kvocaine-Therapeutic use) B.RSUKOV, N~A~, dot-rorit Klthc-ds for the electrophortaig of norsulfuzole. Veterinarlia 38 no.7:69 .70 J-1 l61. (MIRA 116,8) 1. Yakutsk~y go5udarstvennyy universitet.. (Salfathlazale) (Electrophoresis) BA;SIJKDV, N.A. Studies on penicillin concentrations in dog tis:.lues and blood after administration with the aid of electrophoresi3. Antibiotiki 6 no.5:42?-431 14Y 161. (11-M-A 14:7) 1. Yakutskiy gosudarstvarinyy universitet. (PENICILLIN) (ELFCT--,'.OFH0:, IS) BAMMOV, N.A., doUent Studies on the passage of penicillin into the tissue from dressings soaked with its solutione Khirurgiia 37 no*4:109- 111 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz Yakutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (rektor - dotsent I.G. Popov). (maCILL170 BARSUKOV) N. A. (Docent, Yakutsk State University) "Experimental duterminfation of' the electrcphoretic meth(A of' tetracyclines in purulent inflEamation processes"... Veterinari-ya, vol. 3--?, no. 8, August 1962 pp. 4-)- BARSUKOV, N.A., dotsent Treatment of wounds by calcium electrophoresis, Khirurgiia 38 no.10:41-44 0 162, (MMI 15112) 1. Iz Yakutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (CALCIUM) (VOUNDS-TRHAIMT) (ELECTROPHORESIS) BARSUKOV, N.A., dotsent; ALIPEROVICH, B.B. (Yakutsk) Treatment of suppurative inflammatory diseases by a modified method of sulfanilamide preparation electrophoresis., 40 no.10:104-108 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Iz Yakutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (rektor - dotsent I.G.Popov) i Yakutskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach N.N. Butakova). (FUCTROITORESIS) (SLU,'ANILAMIDIZ) (SUPPURATION) BARSUKW -,.A., -~otsent Experimental study of strcptorqycin electrophoresis in suppurative inflamatory diseaFes.,'. 26 no.ltl29-133 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Iz Yakutskogo universiteta (rektor - dotsent I.G.Popov). (STREPTOMYCIN) (EUXTROPHORMIS) (SUPPURATION) BARSUROV, N.A. Use of norsulfazole solutions in diluted hydrochloric acid for electrophoresis. Vop.kur.,, fizioter.i lech.fiz.kullt. 28 no.ls31-33 163. (MIRA 16W 1. Iz Yakutskogo universiteta, (ELEGM OPHOPM IS) (SULFATHIAZOLE) - ~ARSUKQV, ll?.A. liovoc!aine electrophoresds in tPe treatment of experimental wounds. Vop.kur., fiz;oter. i. le(-Ii, fi7.. kullt. 27 no.4:304-307 Jl-Ag'62 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Iz Yakutskogo 7usudarstver-nogo un-~,,rersiteta. )k BARSUKOV, Y.A, Distribution of antibiotics of the tetracycline g--oup in the body under varying methods of administration. Antibiotiki 7 no.7:646-650 J1162. OURA 16:10) 1. Yakutskiy universitat. (A.I:TIBIOTICS) BAF-SIC `:C~': !7. Formation of a "skiln depot cf ions" -dur-4i...- elr:sD. b.,ol. i med. -.,,4 no.8:~:~-62 7os~,darotvEnnot-o ,~n".,?rsiteta dots n, i ym . BARSUKOVY ].,.A., dot:3ert Itybc3jip~.-L-A-~ 25mjv,2) Methodology of biomlicin electrophoregAs ir. the treaLmerit of suppurative infla-,.matory processes; experimental research. Ortop. travm. i protez. 24 no.2tIl-54 F163. (1-11,71A 16:10) 1. Iz Yakutskogo univerS4 teta (rektor - dotsent I.G.Popov) BARSMKOV, N.A. FXT;V-1- study r~f C., " : "n; ',It! 1 -;:;15 . ", " -,, . ". 1- r , , ~J,~c 16.~. fi .z1oler. 1 lf.-ch. fiz. ."T nrj.4.126-~,A, T ~ ( ",!-r ~~ ,, -1. -, . ) ~ 1. lz Yulfutskopo easu~,,imitvennogo .. * , - F - F", - : ~ ". :. -.'' . . I . I - I ~ ; , 1'. ... , , - .. ; , . I . . : - . . . : . , . ~ . v . I .~ .. '-Z%~",annogo cu. 2 n:-, t-'1: e! cf' .-!..,ricultur~,l itt- I crcv. t rk D s F ~-r t n t, ic. r'o r h,! Se-i-no"O 1,~tu)ls', No. 18, 11)56 .~~Iwuuv, N.I., kz)'skokhozy5i-stvon.-,vkh nauk; KI-MTHIN, A.D., doktor Eml skokhozyayrtvonn3,klh nauk; PW%IKz;VICH, Y.A., ':bnd.sel'skokhozyay- stvennylkh nauk; 30MUSOU, i:-ronom; Icand. sal'r.l:okhozy,-yqtven-nykh rzuk-, G.~_':-!~;L-A, dcktor biol. naukk; ~,Ur((XHOV. mquk; ~;UBKIli, S.M., )ajnd. votorinarny'kh nauk; YW,!TG'Vj,, L.I., k~-,,-Id.sel'skol-,I-iozyaystven- KOCVHXII~~, V.A., agronom; nyrch nauk; KOTT, S-V-, dol-tom biol. luillk: U113114, A.:;., dcktor biol.rjuk-; L:-B-I;Ji;V-A, Ye.M. , &'z7onom; ltAUKJi(JVLXlY, A.Ys., doktor sF-I'E-kokhczynystvw-,nyVh miuk; MAYBORODA, N.M.1 kand. sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nF-uk; l-!AYDAJIYUK, 1.1;-, zootekhnik; UV6yL'lNll:0V, G-Ye., ka rid. sel I skokhozyays tvernykh nbuic; P.,?HUI, ?.A., kw,.d.biol.pauk; P0G40*-u;LC)V, P.Y., arronom; POLK06HNIKOV, M.G., dotsent; Rt;WilcD, G.K., kand. sel'skokhozybystvennykh ritiuk-, 4U'li(KIN, V.14., Prof.; "ifflilli, H.M., ka rid. c-~~l'skckhozyav s tve nnykh ru-)uk; TOIIOL'~iKIY, V. Yh. vetvrach; TYL-,~-WL',11YOV, k,,ri~l.-,el'skokliozyaystvezinykh wiuk; Milli, I.I., lzqiid.sel~skel-'ioz~,aystv(iriny'Kli natek-, ir';IDOROV, G.V., kand.,,,al'E31-o't:hozyay~itvonny~-h nftuk; CIIHETCV, J-I-, 7ootokhnik: T6III(;OVAT(-)V, V.A.. prof.: 6HViOJOVAI knnd..-,q1'siKokzhozyaystven- riykh nauk; SHiMX.~G114, A.I., kari'~.E~el'skokhozy-riystveinykh nauk; SMWI&VSKlY. A.A., ved.; GCLU!31N-'iK--sYn. Ye.-~.. red.; ILXHAY.&`V.~, Ye.G., rod.; FAiis6YPKIllh, red. [Siberian agronomist'-3 re4erence manugll Spritvcchnaia kniga agronoma Z;ibiri. M-!;*t-Va, GOS. i7d-VO ~el ~71107. !it--.V, V01,2. 195?, T39 P. (Sibaria--At-r~culture .) (Illu 11:3) th USSR Cultivated Plants. Fruits, BerrIeB, Nutbearing, M-6 Teas. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Blologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6413 Author : Barsukov, N. Inst ; Omsk Agricultural Ins'itute Title : Longevity of Rennet Or-',`iards In 31beria Orig Pub : S.-kh. Sibirl, 1958, No 2, 68-'170 Abstract : Stem grafted rennet--a,-ple orchards perish during their 14th - 15th year in Siberia. However, seedlings and rooted trees produced with cuttings or root scions (from rooted plants), live up to 60 years and are hiShly productive. This method of propagation, verified at the Omsk Agricultural Institute, Is recommended. Card 1/1 129 !!=OY ~0- - mladshiy zxauchny7 sotrudnik. Qa&ntitatiTe determination of porosit7 on the basis of the neutron- gamma-ray method. Trudjv ME no.15:196-213 '55. (XLRL 9:8) (Porogity) (Oil well logging, Radiation) 15-5-7-1-994 Translation fron: Referativnvy zh,-mal, GeoloFiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 157 AUTHORS: Kholin, A. I., Kantor, 3. A., Larionov, V. V., Farsukov, 0. A. TITLE: The Influence of the Size of Probe on the Results of Measurements by the 1~eutron Ga=na Mlethod (K voprosu o vliyanii razmera indikatora na rezul'taty izmereniy neytronnym gamm-rietodom) PFRIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. neft. in-ta, 1955, Nr 1b, pp 236-246. APS"RAC"': In association with the ultimate size of a Drobe for gamrzia radiation during radiometric investigation of drill ftole3, the intensity of secondary gamma radiation ir~c is distinguished from the theoretical I re~, ca culated on the assumntion that the indica?or accurate, in the follOWIng, relation-, 1 2 sh( Card 1/2 rec Io rec ,,, '~ta/2), 15-57-1-994 The Influence of the Size of Probe on the Results (Cont. ) whereJ-t is a coefficient depending on the hydrogen content of the rr medium, a is the leni-th of the probe, and sh is the hyperbolic sine. To deter-mine quantitatively the Dorosit,r ',,y intensity of secondary E:amrrA radiation, it is exDediant to use a probe of minimum length or to introduce a correction to the value of the recorded intensity for the length of the -)robe. Curves are supplied to show the relationship I)etaeen the correction factor and the value of 1Aa produced. The ultimate len th of the probe leads to a distorted actual length of the sol~de ~lact ) by the neutron gamma method, calculated from t'L,-,e computation~5f 1 between t-he source and the L middle of the ind' cator To obtain an approximate calculation of the actual lenjth of the sonde, the following formula is reco.-mmended: lact. = pq/q - p lol-, q/r,, viliere p and _q are the distances from the source of neutrons to the first and second ends of the indicator (counter). Card 2/2 N. A. P. JWSOK eV, J AID F - 3058 Subject USSR/Geology Card 1/2 Pub. 78 - 12/20 Authors Dakhnov, V. N. , k. I. Ydiolin and 0. A. Bnrsukov Title Segregation of beds according to thoir oil-water saturation in cased oil-wells, by the neutron- gamma method Periodical Neft. khoz., v. 33, no. 8, 50-56, Ag 1955 Abstract In order to determine the line of demarcation In an cased oil well between the oil and i,:ater beds, the radioactivity logging method is suggested, whereby the natural radioactive emanations coming from the various beds around the dr".1.1 hole are measured. Different types of beds have different types of radiation. Two types of radioactivity are measured, gamma and neutron. Different formations yield gamma rays in different'. degrees, whereas the neutron curve Is primarily a measurement of the amount of fluid, gas or water, the neutrons reacting to the hydrogen AID P - 3058 Neft. khoz., v. 33, no. 8, 50-56, Ag 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 28 - 12/20 and chlorine content of the fluids. The hydrogen content of oil and water is approximately the same. However the chlorine content in the underground water is higher, and therefore the radioactivity In water sections of the drill hole Is higher and their penetrating effect greater. The authors do not describe the radioactivity logging instrument used. With this method several cased oil wells have been logged and the results are shown in charts and tables. Institution : None Submitted ; No date 15-57-8-11545D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 8, pp 209-210 (USSR) AUTHOR: Parsukov, 0. A. TITLE: oi~ eu ~Investigational Methods for Distinguish- Use ing Petroleum-Pouring Strata From Water-Bearing Strata (Primeneniye neytronnykh metodov issledovaniya dlya razdeleniya neftenosylch plastov ot vodonosnykh) Author's abstract of his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, presented to the Mosk. inzh.-fiz. in-t (Moscow Institute of Engineering and Physics), 1956. AFSTRI~CT: The use of radioactivity logging to distinguis'n water- bearing and petroleum-bearing strata in eased wells is based on the differing content of chlorine in such strata. Chlorine is carried in solution by the for- mational water below the petroleum. Since chlorine has a large section of entrapment for fast neutrons, it is Card 1/3 possible, in principle, to solve the posed problem by 15-57-6-11545D Use of N'eutron Invostig-atiollal Methods for DistinruishinY (C rit. measurinC the density of fast neutrons in the drill hole (metl-,Od of neutron loCCinr, designated as the NIK method) or by measuring of the Y-radiation caused by bombardment by the neutrons (method of neutron , designated as the 111K method). ~Fi rf- The i)resence of gamma log N"T various disturl-tinces often excludes the possibility of obtaining appreciable differences in m, asured values for the Detroleam-be&ring and water-hearing parts of the stratum. Hence the author Used the revised methods of radioactivity logging to Insure optimum conditions for tLe distinguishing of the petroleum from the water. The revised methods were checked under laboratory find field conditions. It was established thit the indications given by the INK met~iod were weaker at the water-bearing part of the stratum than at the petroleum- bearing part; the greatest difference in the indications of t~ie NK method with respect to water and petroleum is obtained by use of an N'K prohing device 20 cm to 50 cm in size and the largest possible drill with an aluminum allo1v case. With the NGK metnod, the indications with relation to the petroleum-bea-ring part are less pronounced than with relation to the water-b8Lring part. This is associated with the -oredominant effect produced by e-radiation which. originates from Cbrd 2/3 15-57-e-1 1`4 5D Use of Neutron Investigbtional Yethods for Distinguishing (Cont. entrapment of the fast neutrons by -toms of chlorine. When the "GK !',lethod' is used in a 25 cm hole cased by a 15 cm casing, a sharp decrease in the difference of the indications for petroleum and water is observed, and even a change to the opposite sign of tne effect may be noted. The latter fact is associated with the effect of the casing and is eliminated by isolating the appuratus by a screen of 'boron compounds. The use of an NGK probing device 20 to 30 cm long, as well as the use of an aluminum-boron alloy casing, considerably reduce the effect of the well casing and of the iithologic compo- sitlon of the rock on the readini-s, so that the water-bear'ng strata -.-;ill stand out very well on the charts. The nossibilitv o- dis- tinguishing petroleum from water increases sharply with the use of the ~r-spectroscope method. Here the best results are obtained by use -)4-' b pro-Ing device of small dimensions and by intercepting the -rndiation with energy of less than 4 or 5 Mev. N. A. Per1kov ASS OC I I'ITI ON: ~,Iosk. inzh.-fiz. in-t (Moscow Institute of Engineering L,nd Physics CLril 31/3 v D. A. F'rir,-i.T)le3 of the Usc- of l7clitrcT. the of Petroleum a-c! ',,'atL-r Bearirg -Formatio,.s," Utili2atic,:, cf :~adlioactive Iso-to-,cs L ir. "I'le F.~'Lrolciir, In2ustry 77-77,, 1'~-trcllcum Inlustr.- 4- r-f the Join~ cession of the rD--,chi.ict~l M,1,:-cj-' ~-f !.'In ~-f ~-)cl . rund Teclimc-i-cal 4) PHASE I BOOK EXFLOTA',,ON 30V/2124 Pl.thrugovakoye goveahchanlye p0 vopm3o~o r0voY tek-"I" v "rtyanoy promyon2ennaatl. Mo.cow, Pax,eda,a I razr,.bDt)1,.'.1ef- xlykh I f.zc,~Y-h -;-or m3-1y; y $- Dh~ tomb I th-."-CJ1 11~11 ;Q;-- a bat"Oll r- orIto; ~Onr *.a. $01, 10' "s. .11n rQ C", Oo8tQpt.khIzdwt, 19 1 P. Lr 4.% iP M"rtd, 1,500 oopl.6 printed. IN Sdo.t 1. M. Fmf::oor, Sc-enc&-. an *raftI'.%, ccie- ; k4i ,Board K F. ;~nl 9, c , P -It (Rep. Ed.), 1. M. Pro TI kh'-I ro Cxndidate of Economlc2l' ScIenc to. V. 7, or.Eca oe,icai sciences. x,cmh P "or..." yt. M. Du 4YO X-r' hem-~h~ r,f ~f 50 Al ChIll, 0. Pon. X.v% rofar, y 'r '_~ th.nk ?rofoosor,V D.~.h,o to .I " )i =~Xn, 'Loc or dor 0. lor 1 an PUI 'I'.1 3c%I_4 .R or CA ml, 1 3c 1. en-_,9, M_ A. Alm'_-, voc;rit, V. X. VInogradov, on T.Ck'nical ?Id.t. of d _n; Mecutivi Ed.1 N. P. Dobr nina; ech. AM k~. -:11,abo 0~(IInt.-,I~d for nrln- 'ro ."I . 1, t f c per- FUR;= Z ' 'I pet-jeun 1~0'rtryu'811 -~t jzeI.:I 1-0 e 5t for od~arc,d .1. 1 'n t' of lollel-Y vtuzos. - C'VLRA'E:BcThe 'o okncontalno articles wrlt!,en a Ur ~ o~ the pq~ 0., Oroz yy, ~d tv at Kuy 't" c nd 1.11r., Ax.rb d7l,,.n (Ur' r r~h I -t Reo 1t...%rch lnft%_4tv.e of Oil or ".' '! I'3 P.trol.- Inot.'e, -.he 1~.' .~tThse p-,rl . d ;. -"';, r'. *-n' "ez "ty " "_ " l .. scI-tIr,_cr , Itn _ .t_' 14'n t C_ P -rot %I~c. 1";'~ ilat. I*= lodu3try In rodi-ed n 5 8 to the Importance of, rrI --t drIl;'rj. 9-;,4y6!cft. Prooptcting. or~ I naof011 andFa.d, ;,:a,to,-j -r~ u~ '. "r le. 3-11"a XPlOYtd In 01- nd K~q -e ~,2 references; 44 SovItndefx'g.' Ish. L. K. V. , )j. ao_h.r~v ~XQst?v~ Petroleum Inotitu...]. Potrolle-_J~*, 1'1':;~"F The ""re at.t. tt't P't"~ td 'eg uset tr I t;7,- -t on rot - t~'-t z t output The --I of Iftry ~~ricl:n t ror ap--ng rc, In a.. prer Ity ed 'u e' wn-re tne T'd br th'plodutiv. It"'r"t t I1J.Mats." w4y pp~ d ell I-do .1.,, ,o,, u, r ~~th low P t'Y- So r* 'z In d'llling d'd der cuxpl- co",rt'r In drilling deep and Ryabink-9n, L. A. [Moscow n2t-".utf- 1. R-!Alvn of -he M' Selsic-Mithod hnd the Gro.pIng P.IftoAs 159 -IT.: out "' recent,~,,'drv~lnpel at a, I th Inshtl'ut a Be. a. bostof .1) th, Id - ~VNII (AII-Uni~ Research Institute) ~f 3-pAysles and passed on to th:,pttrol.- Industry lie =On'!zr.8 the results cb*al~td In ft d and labor& to ry testing wn!le using a basic modifleat.tcn of the RNP method. 6bdullaxey.- A. -A. [Azerbaydzhan Ind~strlall Institute). Precise and Approx.Last:vM for Interprwtatllon of Trave-TIme Curves of Rt f,d:thods 17~ h.l:.ctt.'0rWrecorda several approxI-mate and pr~clpe anslytl~a: .3 traph.1. methods for deter-can-'rr effective speeds with the us, 0r tree ol -time curves or waves. I.h, A. A. (KINP - Design Cff'~, for Petroleum Ins-rum-t Te. "%Y-I- , ',o Iof *,t-ltc- "p, "c3 P"'d rot The nut or at '. c. C.Oprled with th.~d.- Ign of~. e: ote!hthMe4e;&,rUN? sff 11- ln'tr- G~ 'bor 'Fttr~.-I ~'.). -1.a f tG*oPhy3ic sn~ !he Mytlshcn!-_'y In manufacturing the gr~-* of new Indu5tr!al grop~;y- sical eq%apment In the Petro Ie_- -_~-Itry*Baca-s~ of' U- -g, 4. 11 ary,the vo.~~ ---oduc -f: &and by the 1 du t. ed by -no rJWr .: t Inadequate and proclacti-crn at in 9~7. The UN? wa: &M0 h. xporlmental plant, a m~!e: ship, and laboratories. Dakhnov V. X and Arh.ll~ 't'-1'". On f?R, Idual Oil S4-.ura- at t a"R.0a,moIr Car;..,, 0..-~"" pt1'.Ja Q' 0 Th . tor sta - ch at the -,.-zI;:t_-.n or the type or li;ui. h4.t9Urt-hg th e 1. orm .~F on ~. r"!r -cavod In the well' to we of the ..J~r prob-'-, for A~~-lng the teCn11~:.Fy P70:7rol- exploration. Cons,-:. '. ot vation of the move-rits an oil co w"Is se`tl&!' crn and the -&a:tl cw&ter devnt~&~;--' en 531:nIT55 d rhdi= el el. LAboratory Wr I of the PNI (X.03C~ Petrole,-nstl-..te), .'Ich bolP:,d*-*rrUne, the *.rp. or 1114.1~ OXI the purpose. P-tml-- :nz'-'t~tel. So- 7r-r,tlca_' Prom Water-bs_1-_ ~' Method- for ng u 'he a to tt'. c~'d'cted at th. PNI -j other orX&rjza.otj: to the 'nt t h od: too, sar:tal -ater-b~,rlnr_ he do& r!~u~ ev,r pr. tnat tk, PI.T, d~r- boutmn ~y .at ho4s and Presents ptrt.'nent avaluating cal- auls-1-2. C114-yy I1x.3co:..fe-rc!eu= zrst_t~--]. One of the nt-q-.rft.' zqu.t on 'T -on _."ory &-' ~~=e 3v lo P' ~ The author &!ve. a detailed n. of an or the r,_*.r.-._-~11 Lhelry. B.1a.h, F. x [K'-o- C..' Eq,,-l ... used for Det mi Y..-dl _46 The u L"or at, T the airrer-I!,l eqjAt.-~ of tllt'st!~' .11 the -4.,tIon, .:' ?~Fkb:ch-v' 0 p 10roztiyy Yetr,ol.- 1'r.5 or. of ;n L'-totarlhg F-at'lon X--n, rat lo h Th f.;.:.-ho, r,~I- filtration In mxt! anj lave 2~7 t ions ool submits quAtIo'n3. Md1a;Jaro.. S. rh. -he Role, -d sits cance or A Hrdraulle 3 a In L-,- It tlo. or oil I>epo. ?be author - o pose~j to the exp!c.. v w1. .ol . g : p of new deposit ~h dim v d. in P troloom procjct- ~,jer prevaq nlQjcs durln~ the .1ing tech- an d Initial P~rlo% P-1---t-larly when 11. Is in- t do to correct the conditlon y eth.da. -'hl. sy.t:. has b-h, f,r,d le*-ng.~j-y old pctr.leun~ d P it a I e 0 (Baku, Clmznyy, jr~xs o;.r, etc PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 749 11,1'na V~,borny-h O'er, Aleksanli- V71-P; Gruiln, Yuri.2, Dakllrlov, Vladimir y `kolayevlch; Larionov, Vyac1,o..-,!av Vasillyevic`: Kholin. Arkadly Ivanovich RF,-,iJ-3,5k'.L%rrkyye metody Issledovaniva neftyanylkh io,,-:zovykh skvazilin f;J.1.riik-active mvthods for Explo,:-irg all itnd Ga~~ ":(?113) Moscow, L,otoptek-hizdat, 1958- 314 1,-). 5,000 eopit~s prir-ted. R,:! v 1. e w e- rs :Tarlftov, A.G., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Pr,-,.fessor, Department of Ore Geophysics of the Sverdlovsk Mining Lnstitute imeri V.V. Vakhrusheva; Executive Ed.: Shorokhova, L.I.; Ed. -. Polosina, A.S. FURPOSE, Thc7 book was au0,,,)Y-iz--,d a.,i a by tl:e Mtnistry of llc,'h~-r EducaTIon for students of geo-1cgir--all V and geophy~3ical Sections p,?tro -leum vuze3. It is also i-.,,tended as a handbook for geologists C~ and geophysicists deallng witb the theory and ~~,-h!,iques of modern -iods of oil ,-!ell explerw-lon. udioactiv~-~ metl Card 1/10 ,~ I ') Radic,active P-lethods for Exploring (Cor)'~. ) COVERAGE: Th.-:- authors stress the physical of* a%d ~,,a3 de3cr-1t)e the operaL JE.,~~T;t,'j and measurIng procedures ', a,.-.d interpi-et 1..1n., Dbtafned data. 1~-., 19'53, the authors working al- Hadioaktivnykh aniya Skvazh1n ;i.-idiaictive Oil We"! Iedov. -VEI Logglngr) ol' the Mo5co;~. Petroleum .,J(,!-e th,-~ "ll-'t. "o Sj- ~~,ne of the most important prob--ems, A.e., tne -,~se ol' radloa,,Aive determiine ~-he ocat on --,f oiifle" J ,-;ater in eased we17 s. al,~h.-ws developed the radloautive, iz3otoie wet.Y.-od and the sr-ecial modif'12ations of neutron Tner!:~-Is fo- survuying which lia%,~ been used extensively by indi;stry since 954 in the explora of i)-~troleum resources. A method using sodium activation to the location of ollfield wa~,er was developed in 1954 at ~111ko Petroleum Institute of' the USSR 111,~ademky of Suiences. Bij-nov -,~irote chapter !; V.N. Dakhrlov, *,.he introduction and ch;ap,,ei,s II, V, and VII; A.I. Kholir, chapter 111; 0.1-1. Arutinov, Rai 0. rsukov, Ya. Ya. Gorskly, and V.V. Lari,,~nov, chapter IV; V. V. Larlonov and A.l. lCholin, chapter V1, Y,--.A. Gulin and I . I. Felldman, chapter VII; O.A. Barsuk,~v and K.A. --Parsu1,-,:Dv, ., VIII; O.A. Barsukov.. IX; O.A~ Barsulkov and chapter X,,. and S.F. Vybcrnykh,. -'iapter XI. There are ~)6 i-eferennes scattered throug'-1 ~he bcok, of lqhl-h a,,,e Soviet, an'JA T,-,e rest English. The boolk ,~oni-.alns 21 tabli?s and 146) drawings. Cai,d 2/ ", - 0 ,'.71cl I c) a ptLvt- Mtthods !-(1]- 74,? L-'-,- 0 F C 0 IN" T F, N T 3 Tn~;rodu(, tion Ch. 1. rhysi,~dl ri'lliciploo, ot 1 R%dioactivity and the 'La~,.., ol' `IoLctive radlatiwi -id thei,~, A I~l,---C cizta on the structui-e of the at.,mic oi.-,tillielal transformation ot' an,,.i nucl~-al- .~-,&actioll~; 2'3 5 ,!f~,utrcn ~,ouzrces 27 c- Interaction of particles witl-- mattui, 0 I T Characturistic:'. 47 a4 rac. lloactivity 11 ',:t-,jtr-)n characterlstics of rock,~~ 59 Induced radioactivity of 6) 6 C a rd 0 I I I Ariadloactive 14t2thod3 for Explorin~; (C..-,'~ Ch. 1 TI. Metb&ds of Nlell Radiornctry f '--erai data and classification ()f o 11 U rad i ome t ry 69 I I h. r o~ natura'I radio-activitV of rock.-s 71 ~:ethod (-)i' i h 7 3 1'~ . ;%'-- thod of scattered gammiiL 78 i1i . "eutron-neutron method 79 -c,n ethuj -utui . -j,' mma Tn 81 16. j%'ethod of induced activity 83 17. Spectrometry of garima radiation in 85 T ',.T. Radlometric Instruments 88 lc- data and specification-3 to b,: met by radio- !Petri~ i-struments 88 19. Gaipina-ray indicatur:~ 89 '20 . First radiometric 'v;eli 95 I c-ne-channel instruments -,i,-ation on a cable 9 6 "'e;o-chinn-cl tnstruments mc)&~l) 1~ oil 100 j.nstruT,,1.ePt:, .'tnd .1) "CII, radiometric o,!t e- 1.11-0 1, 11 od s r o i ,xp 1 o 1- 1 n g ( C o n 1- . )749 instouments fur the ab:3ence of the interrelation of c,h~-innels and for linearity ill Frocedure. of measurements In wells 113 C. Selection of conditions of measurement 115 2~7 'duality control of measurement 119 Piodels of radlome,~-ric instruments 120 Ci,. V. Theoretical Principles of the Gamma method of lvlell Su ~-veyj ng 137 V1. Intr-rPri,tation of Results of I'lea.3urements by the Natural - Radioa,,~tivity Method tortions 151 1 J. of fluctuation dis 151 DIstortions of gamma-method diagrams cc)nnected with !-,~-asu_rement procedures and operation of the instruments 15 (6 .L, _, gamra-method readings to uniform well conditions ;~cjap~inr 158 32. E3zab-_Ishing the boundaries and determining the thick- ries3 of Layers according to intensity curves of natural r&dIation 16~) C a rd ~.,)/j 0 Radlc)_~ctive Method2 for Exploring (Cont.. 74~ a r-c at on or relative int(,.rlL;lty of' g~i= -Ilia evaluation of radlo,~ictlvlty of mine ral 176 C-,-j,c-ja~jon c)f i.,,ell profiles accordIng to intensity 0 ol, natu'..'11 garuiia radiaticn L! thological di,;Integratlon of well pi,ofiles 37. Use of gamma-method data in studying collector :haracteristics of rocks 1 Ch. VITI. intepretation of Diagr~ams of the Scattered Gamm, -adiation Method ib--, '18. PrIncIples of the theory of the scattered gamma- i~~adiation method 183 ElIrr-Irtation of the Influence of changes in the density 11-11c, ,Ivill,ng solution 191 10. D.,aluation of the density of rocks 41 1. E%,aluation of the porosity of rocks 195 4 , 21 more precise the litholo,--ical characte.ristics C-,, the 7.1ell P1.0file 196 Depth of' prospecting method of scattered gamma radiation t'i_. co-11ar Influence 199 it.-tt rminatlon of cement elevation 200 Radioactive Methods for Exploring (Cont.) 749 Ch. VIII. Principles of the Theory of Neutron-Neutron and Neutron- Gamma Methods in Well Surveying 203 45. Distribution of neutrons emitted by the point source of thermal neutrons in an infinite homogeneous medium 203 46. Distribution of thermal neutrons in rocks of varying water cc-.itent in the case of a fast neutron source 207 47. Distribution of neutron-gamma radiation in a homogeneous medium 222 48. Distribution of neutrons In media of varying neutron properties 225 Ch. IX. interpretation of Diagrams of Neutron-Neutron and Neutron-Gamma Methods 239 49. Evaluation of diameter influence, types of well filling and bracing 239 50. Dotermination of' correction, taking Into account the indicator length ~,_47 Card 7/10 Radioactive Methods for Exploring (Cont.) 7119 51. Lithological breaking-up of rocks and the correlation of well profiles according to neutron-surveying methods 21--0 52. Method of determining porosity 21::4 Ch. X. Use of Neutron Methods for Breaking-Up Oil and 'Water Saturation Collectors ID, 00 53. Physical principles of breaking-up oil-bearing and water-bearing layers by neutron methods) - 01 ~14. Analytical evaluation of the difference in the intensity of neutron-gamma radiation in water- and oil-bearing layers 262 55. Measurement procedures 266 56. Interpretation of measurement data 269 57. Breaking-up of oil-and water saturation collectors by the spectrometric method 58. Breaking-up of oil-and water saturation collectors by the neutron-neutron method 273 Card 8/10 Radioactive Methods for Exploring (Cont.) 749 Ch. XI. Procedure and Diagram Interpretation by the Tagged Atom Method 276 59. Selection of radioactive Isotopes and technique in preparing activated liquid 276 60. Some general directions on conducting well surveys by the tagged atom method 279 61. Determination of absorptive layers and piping between layers in working and pressurized wells 281 62. Determination of damaged spots in the column and zone losses in clay solution circulation In the drilled well 290 63. Determination of' the height of cement elevation in back of tile column and of the thickness of the cement ring 2101 054. Testing the hydraulic break of the layers 95 65. Making more precise the depths in perforating the eased columns 301 Card 9/1o Radioactive Methods for Exploring (Cont.) 749 66. Basic trends in the future development of the Isotope method 302 Ch. XII. Use of Radioactive Methods in Exploring and Surveying Other Natural Resources AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 10/10 IS/Jmr 11-26-5B BAPSUKOVI O.,~.; AVZYANOV, V.S. Space-energy distribution of neutrons in a borehole - stratum system. Atom.energ. 10 no.5:478-486 My 161. (KM 14:5) (Neutrons) BARSUXC(V,, O.A.1 AVZYANOV, V.S. Metml - water shit~lding for point. no,,~ijtron nourcea. Atom. energ, 16 J& 164. , ~(WRA 17-2) .1 ~ a L o6451-67 E7Ar JP/JR ACC NRi Ap6o24539 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/021/001/0027/0035' Baraukov, 0. A.; Avzy&nov, V. S.; Ivanov, V. N. ORG; none !TITLE: Study of spectra and doses produced in an iron-water shield by a monoenergetic ;neutron source 1SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 21, no. 1, 1966, 27-35 i ~TOPIC TAGS: reactor shielding, reactor neutron flux, radiation dosimetry I !ABSTRACT: Results are presented of many-group calculations of the passage of neutrons emitted by m6noenergetic sources through water (62 cm), iron (62 cm), and 10 cm of iron surrounded by 52 cm of water. The spectrum of the neutrons after passing through these shields is calculated in the 20-group diffusion-transport approximation, using ~ a difference factorization method modified by the authors earlier (Atomnaya energiya I ;V. 10, 478, 1961). The data on the various neutron parameters and the energy depen- Idence of the microscopic cross sections were taken from various published sources. A de' tailed investigation was made of the high-energy region of the spectrum, and re- iveAled certain signulariti6s in the migration and slowing-down of the neutrons in the ,shields. Dose curves are platted for neutrons with different energies on the basis of I I - ithe.computation data. 7be results also make it possible to determine the neutron dis- Itributions for sources with arbitrary spectra. It is concluded that the use of iron !is nort justified at all at energies below 1 Mev and that at energies near 10 Mev the 2 uDc: 621.039-58: 539-125.5 L 06451-67 ACC NRt Ap6o24539 addition of iron reduces the neutron dose by one-half order of magnitude. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 1 formula. SUB CODE: 18/ Sam DATE: 16sept65/ ORIG REF: OOV 07H RiF: 002 Card 2/2 BARSUEDV -0 O.H, Measurement errors of an elliptically polarized electromagnetic field. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.geofiz.uo.2:226-231 155. (MMA 9:7) I.Akademiya nauk SSSR, Geofizicheekly Institut. (Y.94~nettem, Terrestia6l) J,H~Bs Ll av, 9 c, r\-1 USSrfthysics of the Earth - Geophysical Prospecting, 0-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Mika, No 12 1956, 3646,, Author; Barsukcv. 0. M. Institution: None Titlet Method of Calibrating Electric Prospecting Measuring Instruments Original Periodical: Izv. AN SSSR, ser geofiz., 1956, No 11 109-111 Abstract: Under 'Pield conditions. the calibmtion of irstruments having a suffic-fently high input resistance can be accomplished by al- ternately connecting known resistances kl, k2, k3, ..., ke, in parallel with the input of the instrument. The depenOence of the readings n of the instrument on the voltage R is generally expressed by a polynomial, E = ko t kln + k2n- + . + kmnmj where the k's are the unknown constant coefficients. From Ohm's law we obtain an equation of the type R/Ri-t- z = kc-t kln:L + ' e reading of the instru- k2ni2 + - + kmnm + Ej, where ni is th ment when ;be resistance is connected., and e~ is the deviation Card 1/21 - - ------------------ ------- --- ---------------------------- - - -- --- - -------------- - ---------------------- --- BARSUKOV, O.H. A means of combined excitation of nn alternAting electrommgnatic field. Izv.AN SSSR '56. (MIRA 10:10) 1. AN SSSR, Geofizicheskiy institut. (Itlectric fields) AUTHOR: Barsukov, 0. M. 49-3-13/16 TITLE: On the relaticon between the chanEes in amplitude and phase of the electric field and the elements of a magnetic polarisation ellipse. (0 svya--i izmeneniya amplitudy i fazy elektricheskogo polya s elementami maCnitnogo ellipsa polyarizatsii). PE'RIODICAL:"Izvesti,ya A!,-.ademii Nauk, Seriya_Geofizicheskaya" (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Geophysics Series), 1957, No.3, pp.404-4(Y6 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Iii electric prospectinG for ore deposits a.c. currents are used for various purposes, includinL the szudy of the amplitude and the phase characteristics of the electro- ma6netic field. The effecLive.-ess of inCiividual methods of :.ieasurement depends on the Eenera,! structure of the field, the comuosition of the rocz'~-s aLd of the ore substance, interference, method of excitation etc. Compensation methods of measurement elimin&t~e some of the meterinL-- difficulties since they permit the measurement relatively simply and accurately of the ratios and phase differences of any two components of the field in one or ti,.,o points. However, transition from these values to absolute ones involves Mrd 1/3 numerical inte6raLion tk,..-d cozi~;ider~-ble cruors which outwei')l tde accuracy obtained in the measurements. Therefore, in