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ROYUK, Dmitriy Prokof 'yevich [Radziuk. D.P-. ]; BARMIV'PXY-..-Y, [Barmichau, Vol, red.; .... VIAMANOVICH, I., (On th3 road to a great -apsurgel Pa shliakhu vialikaha uzdymu. Minsk, Vyd-va Akad.navul- BSSR, 1958. 164 p. (MMA 12:3) (White Russia--Economic conditions) SIR it sb I it u A J4 A ?w k 11 v if M ti k V w JV v I a 0 V. i , - 1 A I I if A M M U IV 7 11 _ Refractometric determination of the oil content in Hai -00 age&. N. Rubia"kil and M. - a Zhi,ovor Pelf, ill, No, J. :',!:,IIk37t. R-alt, t,, l 0.01 -4).21 % wem Lxfnbi~trtlzly "blaill"I 11) C11101itig ~A~) 1. -00 a l r of flaitsmi in a baud mill and twiti.4mig g. .1 to, 00 tifral in a1xiterlain mitriar with I g. of "-ht,I wid f"c tnin. and then witling 7 s g. Cf.11:11i f.., an..fli,r ;I miji =00 - b l T i ti r fit va o o % ut, it i, if... -ii % t., -m- ta n & rrprcsrntA 00 plctc the filtration Ix-row life dt fit mid -tinj-v Of, i, bUlIS fill the 4 Val-~ Ihv C 11:111. 01j, 0 0 L ji : i:o 0 0 ~ 00 _~;oo 00 of t:o a A S L A to 0 WILL"GKiii. LITERAILRE CLAISIFICITIC- tic, %1. 411- ' IV u 0 of A,1 I a ew ; 0, 1', " It 91 if (4 13 n 1 1. 0 Ot 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 04 4 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 ~ ~: 0 0 0 0.0 ~ a 0 Ok a 00 09 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 w 0 * 0 * A. rui sx; tta, ~51, n, 6, p. Na reke Chusor.oi. Z On the river Chusoval. k u 2TC: -,I.V~ 31-3 5 ) - D 3-'D: Sovlet Tran3portation and (;orwiiunic,,iU,ms, A bibliography, Library Con,~~ress, Reference Der~~rlment, lj512, Uincla3sified. BAFYI-117. A. IAg--da vkusni.,,-- (Tasty berrj). Ris. L.141loredovich. leninCrad, Detfiz, 1954. 47 p. SO: Morithly Liet of Eus ian Accessions, Vol 7, 1-0 9, Dec 1~114 M823 24011 22011 ?-Tbl S/020/60/134/005/006/023 BO19/BO60 0 AUTHORS: Barm~n, A, A. and Gogosov, V. V, TITLE: The Piston Problem in Magnetohydrodynamiesi PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 134, No. 5; pp,, 1041 - 1043 TEXT: The authors studied the motion of a piston in a conducting medium without presupposing re,,3trictions in velocity or in the magnetic field, Piston 9nd medium are assumed as being ideally conductive, and it is further presupposed that the internal energy of the medium be related to pressure and density by the relation e - rp(3- - 1)Q A diagram constructed in the velocity space served for determining the combinations of propagation rates of shock waves, of rarefaction waves, and of -rotational discontinuities.. The construction of this diagram presupposes the know.. ledge of relations between the absolute gas velocities u, v, w behind the Dhock waves, the velocities of rarefaction waves, and "he discontinuities with respect to the Alfv6n velocity in the undisturbed medium, These relationships are discussed, and the diagram is then set up in the Card 112 The Piston Problem in Magnet ohy drodynaini cs S/020/60/134/00~,/C)06/1023 B019/BO60 velocity space, The mode of combination of waves in the plas%,,a is inferred from the position of the piston velocity in the diagram !,I Y4 and Y- correspond to fast and slow shock waves, P i arid P to fast and slow rarefaction waves, and A to a disc?ntinuity, Ihe following combina- tionj will be possible.- P - + Morever, *he AY .Y AY P AP arid Y AP diagram includes planes and linea, where P and Y*, P and Y , and A, respectively, are vanishing, A,, G.. Kulikovskiy, G S,- Golitsin. I~ A. Akhiyezer, R., V,- Polovin, and-=a---I-yib~-~'s-kiy are mentioned The authors thank A. -Kur-ikoV-9kiy and G. A., v for their discussions and remarks,. e are 1 figure arid 15 references: 11 Soviet and '-' US ASSNIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im, Y. V Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M- V Lomonosov) PRESENTED~ May 19, ';960.~ by L, I. Sedov, Academicl-an SUBIAITTED: May 8; 196c Card 2/2 S102,316 1/1 3 1 C, C) I It Irk, A. 1 4 e I- LI -n T iTLE-- Discont4nu4ty surf-ccs or C-cr~,- In Mai ne ohyarc) 'y n a 7:~ 4 c 7 - C, .1 70DICAT.: D o 1: tiy A 6 o r.-. i i Z337, TEYT : A study has been mnde of dis cont--*nu_it,:,~ surfaces --'n an c I c c ', Tc a Y c=luc~ive medJum (conductivitv be-= 'al:er to be -nfin-.e' arb 'rary et ic field the in t ei-n,-. 1 encr~~-,r beint, -ven lj~- p, Y ~n the d4ccon'inui U- -t-: are deccribed b-, V2~~ (Ali + h,) z + 1; v2= h,z + 1. (2) AP Ali [z V. (A/z 2111) 1; (3) AP A!lz; (4) AR Ahzl(hiz I); C:~ r d. ~,//C,2 --~scontinuity surfaces vdt", liberatJon ... U~ 2MIt [2h, - (,r " I)Ald [Ali (h2 + V2Pi + q- 2) li~Ah) + liiql - Ali fAh -i- Did 2q ~ 0. -nv- ana 2 refer to quantities beforc or ")e1i4n(i tnc cisco~ 4 t u e-L- tan ai 7 ,;here c.-i is ~Uhe ar~,le bet-,.%een the q-, ~-tic zird v - is '*,,-- cot----1--en' of tl-e anele normal 'o 'he discontinuity sur-~'ace; z '1213 '2 are t'-e !Te":)c 01 rolal4on o' velocity in 4-he di~continu-+-; --j U- 0 f d c o r. t --* n.,-i t y r e1 a t i v e t o t h ei s b e -fo r e a n d b e') nd t',, ec: e b F 7--- -re the Al-fvZn velocities beinC, given by V, j a ,,~.ioc` ies of, n + r 0 0 -e 4 n 2 the 0 _1e p 1 ) 2 4 -C. 0, 4 y 3 j f-, th c u -i of the tr)t.:z--l re s -~u .2 r, t,-. c, c o n r": ~3805 D a scoor, t, inu~ ty sil, rl~i c, s i 'I, for h,:,13s, ~j ~-j A :~t J~,- i. J14! t t., J I e s of J n,~i ar I (I r'll i s > 0) A Sur. A I f a ma Cr, e o iayd r(~ d r:FLCI i~ Wl'i Tc a F I J 71 3~3 C- e 7a f i I d a i-~ d r -4 1 7i r e t:le 1 t.~ C-:, F, 2 A F,-! 3 ~'l b i.i r: lov, 1 :~.x- z; h i o c-, r-re -~T, (~i A ,"ard 5/7 2 1805 S ,/020/6 7/ Di 9-,or, . inu, ry surf-, c;es vi, 1,1: 1 : ber;i i on 'F?0 2 A i i b u r., i rl g FC r , 1, a --? I - C I i Cl < 2 Th. i s 'a:-ar -'%'(; e1, d C S I ~A 'k, 0 C i 2 h(A d S v T L e a s - ti arr:t- 2 - aytd rise aere. ano hafi F-- rin : *- -? -.' :~ " 1 C - e s n g a S I 'v - 1; i ,.I s: 0 - "'i t'n t D S A' f ~he I-elc : 1 e 0 0 am I ponds t(-' LI ""rren- - e FOr J :1 Z~ t-~ 1 S C D! rill 1 e s tll e e C. f burning 1 ' 1 L'~ C, 'vn t 0 t e t, t i I d e r, S y the magnotio field. q , and In disc un t--nlu t I es I tn ab s,-) r.-, t. o n q < 0 ) ~11 e f o 1 1 r-'w i r',- f Y:le E3 of d I C e dist,witin'.11ty vii t!! ~11'SWIT'. Oll Q C e c I Ir. t1l Is d -o' Cy. 7.0!: e f C. I 'I I I-o "~e L" Card 11/7 23805 S1020161/1 38/00 1 /00.9/02 3 Discontinuity surfaces with liberation... B104/B201 jum7D i3 positive for small IqI, and is negative for large Jol. For a 0 - giver, q =q*(6h), AP =-Pil i.e., the pressure behind the d:soontinuity is vanisM nir, 3B) Sub-Alfv6n discontinuities with absorption of the d,~tona- V2 2 4. V2 < tion typ!?. Here, for the velocities holds: a < a' . The 1 - 1 2 2- reaction zone moves behind the slow magnetohydrodynamic shluck wave. With gufficie-itly large energy absorption this type of dis,-.ontinuily does not arise (21