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B/190/63/005/003/013/024 BIOI/Bi86 AUTHORSt Berlint A.~ A*# Golldanakiy, V. 1.9 Kuo Min-kao a TITLEs Kinetics of phenylacetylene polymerization initiated with benzeyl peroxide PERIODICALs Vyookomolekulya--nyye soyedi-neniya, v- 5, no. 3, 1963, 368 -372 TEXT: The decompositlon of benzoyl peroxide (BP) in phenylacetylene was studied in the absence of oxygen at 60 - 800C by iodometrically deter- mining the remaining BP, by titrating the benzoic acid formed and by cryoscopically determining the molecular weight of tne polymer formed. The concentration of the components dissolved in benzene was 1.72 - 9.11 mole/li PA, 0.0137 - 0-0840 mole7l BP. It has been found that the polymerization stops at a low degree of conversion, that the decomposition of BP i& PA takes place more rapidly than in vinyl monomersp and that the reaction is of first order with respect both to PA and to BP. The maximum yield of poly-PA is directly proportional to the BP concentration where 6.8 mole PA are polymerized per mole BP. The molecular weight of the polymer was 730- The activation energy of polymerization to 21 + 1 kcal/mole. Hence the 'Folymerization proceast following reaction order is suggested for the Card 1/2 S/19 63/005/00%;/013/024 Kinetics of phenylacetylene... BIOI~B186 k k k Re 1 2 (0) M + P -4 Re + Be I X R*; (2) M + Re RH + M*; k k k (3) M + B*::~4 Bk + Me; (4) R*U,.--- termination; (5) Me + M :14 termination; (6) Re + Re k6) termination. M is the m Ionomerp P i's benzoyl peroxide, Re is the polymer radical, Be the benzoyl radical, BA benzoic acid. Since[R ,4,M reaction (6) and reaction (4) can be neglected., W - (3 + ki/k2)k OLM31p] , holds for the reaction rate, V - 3 + k,/k. for the chain lengVh, from which it follows that at v;:~_-7, k,/k2 w 4. Conclusions In the radiation polymeri- ...zatign studied earlier (Vysokomolek. soyed., 2, 1103, 1960) as well as in the peroxide-initiated polymerization the same mechanisms are active, which is obviously a characteristic feature of tho polymerization of acetylene hydrocarbons. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. :_ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chomical Physics AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt August 18, 1961 212 ;/190/63/005/003/014/024 B100203 AUTHORSi ___Bajkajqj#- Jj_jA.L_Qoj1danskiyg Vo Iop Kotovaq Lo Met Kuzlminat So So TITLE:' Radiation polymerization of acetylene derivatives PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyal v. 5, no. 3, 1963, 373-377 TEXTs The radiation polymerization of hexyne-1, cyclohexyl acetylene, and octyne-1 up to 10-12% degree of conversion was studied by a method descriWi earlier (Vysokomolek. soyed., 2,. 1103, ig6o). The results were compared with those obtained for phenyl acetylene. The rate of polymerization de- creases in the order phenyl acetylene >octyne>hexyne, cyclohexyl acetylene, and is proportional to the first degree of irradiation intensity. The 0 polymer yield between -196 and 0 0 in independent of the radiation done. Admissio, n of oxygen does not inhibit the process. A reaction sequence is suggested which corresponds to the degradationalohain transfer: k 0 k1 k2 k (0) M. Re ; (I M + Re ; (2) M + Re - RH + Me; (3) Re + Me :4 ter-;i k k + Me termination; (5) R' + Re U4 terminationj where mination; (4) me Card 1/2 8/19 63/005/003/014/024 Radiation-polymerization of... ~B101%203 polymer radical; M' radical type R-CgC*; M monomer. since ER M reaction (1) can be ne~leoted:' If termination occurs according to (3), Y'r . (2 + kj/k2)ko1(Mj holds for the reaction rate, and V . 2 + k /k for the 1 2 chain length. If termination ocoura according to Mv W - (3 + 2k,/k 2)kOIEM] .:and V - 3 + 2kj/k2* The latter equation corresponds better to the experimental length, v 10 13. k I/k2 does not depend on the nature of :':;:the-radical. The free valence of the polymer chain is situated on a link of i`~the structure -CR-CRO. Owing to intense self-inhibition by the monomer, the Anhibiting effect of 0 2 is not effioienti,. On the contrary, the yield in- creas 6s in octyne-1 and phenyl acetylene. in the presence of oxygen due to the formation of the more aotive:peroxide.-radioals. Thero arc 1 figure and I table. ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut khimicheskoy fiziki AN,SSSR (Institutf, of Glv~ff~ical Physics LS USSR) '18, 1961 SUBMITTEDs ku a t C-ard 212 R&RUMV, I.M., GGLDANSKIY, V.I., YENIKOLOPYAN, N.S., TJ-6F1MO',7A, G.M., TEREKHOVA, S.F. Radiation-induced solid-state polymerization. PartI..Polymerization of acrylonitrile. PartII..Polymerization of vinyl acetate. Various kinds of polymerization rate temperatures dependences. Report submitted for the International Symposium of Macromolecular chemistry, Paris, 1-6 July 63 BARKALCIV, I,M.; GOLIDAT13HU, V.I,; GO YJN'-GA0 [Iruo Mdn-kao] -)nzoyl per,,xide daoomponiUon in ncetvIenic hydro- Kinatics of Lk L carbons. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.5.M23-11"t) Ag 1~3. (MA 16,9) 1. In.3titut khLmichoskoy fiziki AN 2. Chlen--korreFponOont AN SSSR (for Golldanskiy). (Benzoyl peroxide) (Hydrocarbons) /,EPP (n) 41k*hV9%T (J IT Fc-4/Pr-VPs-4 /Pu-h-. RFL/ 88 65- EW(YA)/EPF6 A ho ACGMION'NH:: AP4009153: - S/0190/64/006/001/0098/01&: AUTHORS BAdMINIA-IL i G-631-16-nakly.- Ve L; Yo Terekhoval St.. ps; - Trof1mi;Va-, - a., M - ITITLE:, Radiation pol -tioln. solid phase 2. Polymerizatio inyl ymer za n of v lacetatA tuff variation dependence o polymerization rate V okomolokulyarny*ye soyedinaniya v. 6s no lp 1964,, 98-102 SOURCE. V TOPIC TAGS.- -kinetics, polymerizationp vinyl acetatep solid state, irradiation Ther" kinetics ~of. the,:polymarisation of,vinyl acetate (VA) induced by Aev el e on acceleratoro e ectrons.,in th. electr f the Inst4tut of Chemical Physics S.MR ~.. . ..... __) was-investigated for, the, liquid, -crystalline, and glassy states in the G course of studies which were purpose to clarify the problems of, . -:-:--:-the radiation polymerization of monomers in the.solid phase; in particular, the temperature dependence,(-O*to the initial rate of polymerization was iviv6stigated ~ in connectio-n-u-W -an- attempt ~ to establish "the radical or ionic type of~the mechanim.of polymerization* Polymerization in the solid state occura with racticaDy no temperature:dapendencej and the absolute rate values are about an ordler.of magnitude higher for glassy VA than for the, crystalline product. There is 1 rization at wW,of the temperatures invastigated$ahd direct calori- -M aral7lo _1~8879-65 IACCMION NR: AP4CW153 4ric wasu 6rients have shom that cure A r '~polymerizaltlon of VA in the solid phase oc only inthe process-of irradiation;- by.n mearw is the process pur y radical., as el the process of'-pol~%Prization in the The temperature dependence ot~ the rate of radiation polymerization in-both solid and liquid phases has also beenJ investigated in the case ~of ~ methZI methacrylatel(MHA), formaldehydel(FAL), ph.2MI-__~j and isobutylene UB)e Two basil-, types of such dependence have 1 een es I ishedi. 1) It 0 for W.Iiquid and for the solid phases (VA, HKA, PAL -A and -crylonitrily ;qA64.1) RX0 for-the liquid and E) 0 for the solid.phasest with maxii4um rate at th& melting point (ID an& other,monomers, which polymerize by 1 an ionic mechanism)* -The specific-features of the rapid solid phase polymerization! in the course*of.irradiati on may. .be due ait her_to the effective participation of shprt-lived', excited statesAn the propag,~ktlon of the energy chainsor to the chh a in state of the:6 61JA "dukirg the course of theArradiationo OrIg* art& has: I 4 figures* ASSOCIATIONf. inati-.Wt ut. i4iiii6hebkok fisiki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemial Ptysics$ AN SSSR)e SUBMITTEDf 10A462 oo ENOM SUB CT'! D0)':4 AD,IREF SOVII 006.., OTHEM 007 cord 2 2 ELARKAlfill, I.M.; GOLIDANSKIY, V.I.., GO '-~JN'-GAO [Kuo M~in-kacj Kinetics of acetylenic hydrocarbon polymerizatJon initiated by azoisobut,,ric acAd dinitrile. Dolcl. AN SSSR 155 no.. ,,.883. FF5 I ~,l (',!IRA 17: 1 . TnSj.-tut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR~, 2. Chlen--kcrresponden~ A',,' ~ "o- Go 1 1 danskiy) "'R A ADADUROV, G.A.; BARKALOV I.M.; GCLlDAl:,TIY, V.I.; DRE,11,N, A.1%; IGN!"TOVI'll' - I T.H.; f4jYHAYLOV, A.M.; 'I'ALIROZE, V.L.; YM."POLISHY, P.A. Polymrizzation in a shock wav~~. V-vsvkom.,-,oed. 7 no.1:180 Ja 165. (IITR_.l IS- a;) . . .07 za 1() !.,as in- wp is:proe 2os, jr6sultE .- F.-,.-,i'sp6ed and Ahe.. poly-'rr, . cr m 3 ecu V-, ymer za oln biientOdpolymers!-i -.-.can-play-:i~e -ro e oi stric y--d6f ed a bth6tViahAhos6Abl e 9.` iene cry --Vort -a# A~l NO'PML, 17 ',7 L Al . tjj t k L 3174-66 EWT(m)/ZPF(c)/ZWPQ)/T. FM I ACCESSION NRt AP5=166 UR/0020/65/161/ ?D02/0373/0376 Ye Golldanskiy, AUTHORSi Berlins Al, A1,; Barkalov,.I&.,M.; No S** V. 1. (Corresponding mem er AWSSSR) TIT Kinetic features of nonisotropic p2~ymerization in the solid phase SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 161, no. 2, 19659 373-376 TOPIC TAGSt polymarizations kinetics., defect healing ABSTRACT-. The kinetic features of solid phase- polymerization were examined, considering the nonisotropio growth of the polymer chain. The post -po4-m rization process, during which the formation of active centers and the growth of chains are separated in time, was investigated, The authors consider three cases. The first relates to the growth of the polymer chain from an active center to a defect in a Gr7stal lattice. Starting with equations for concentration of active centers along coordinate directions,, an equation is derived to express bho kinetic curvet )? + Re whore R. is tho initial concentration of radicals per unit volumes C~( the Card 113 L 3174-66 ACCESSION NRt AP5010166 probability of encountering a defect., 6 the probabi-lity of complete destruction of an active center, k, and kZ growth cons'.-ants for two directions of growth, and t time. This equation is valid only when i~he prepared active centers quickly change to growing polymers. The second case considered relates to the situation when this changeis slows The kinetic curve then has the fom t + k' " A. (I - e"') kim where ki~`~is the initiation constant and A0 is the initial concentration.. When iki > k2l the curve is similar to that above. When ki a k2, the curve is straight.. 2.1 the curve has an induction period. When the defects are amealed and when k-,