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L 5315-66 ACCESSION NRs AT5023642 q Cz ,stages and 2 af stages* The arrar Im the absolute -value of the intensit;r of cosmio radio emission was ! 30% for 1525 ko and (+30t -50~,g for 725 kc. The measurement reaults were proceaued by converting the output voltages to the effectiv'3 tampers- tu--e of radio emission. Values or effective temperature T !or a 2-hr flight nears eff the apogee are given in Fig. 1 on the Hnolosurso where the points corres 'wnd to 1525 kc and the crosses to 125 ko. h1l of the data on the spectrum of o)smio radio i ~enLsvion indicate that for f4 3-5 Mc its intensity decreases irith frequmcy. The profile of the electr Congentra-tign ~n the ignoop4pre.was determined from its effect on radiation resistance and capacitance of tii~_Atenna. A graph ;f electron concemtration N versus altitude h is shown in Fig. 2 on the EnvloBure. Sporadic radio emission from the earth's atmosphere considerably exceeding the cogmic radio remission in intensity was recorded at both frejuencies. A correlation batween radioi iavion and the intensity of sort-electron flux is found. Ths distribution of i KLv ~io_gmjuiw indicates that electron fluxes pynetrate the iorios ore primarily at I 0 latitudes of,30-50 , The 94thore think Yu. V.-xAbraqqvp A. A.4n=onov,:). N. Ii Boikin, V. L?-'-)Ginzburg, V.5V. Zheleggy1koy, 1~ ~~S. XRx%v YMC- Sku.-:Cdin, and V.IXu. Trakhtengerte- f or aid in preparing the experiment and discussion of the results# Origs art. haas 14 gmPhao 1 diagrast 1 obartt 3 tables,: and 11 formulas. Card 2/5 L AM1'A NRt AT5923642 ASSOCTATIONs Veasoyuznaya konferottalya po fisiko koemicheakogo prontranstval Moscow (All-Union Conference on 81m,ce PlWaice) SUBMITTEDi O2Sep65 MPLi 02 0DE: ES, SP NO REP SOTi Oll OT s 007 Cord 3/5 L 5315-66 ACCESSION fiRs AT5023642 yll* ops Fig. 1. Effootive ENCLOSUREt of.SSW so00 a 0.0 06. *6 0% L 531.5-66 ACI-ISISSId NRt AT5023642;- EVOLOSME 02 6 IT, 10 Fig. 2 Bleatron ocnoottration rwmw altitwe Cold 5/5 ...... ------ F11VFSS-2jtYq(1)A v -3 Cd) ..4 ACCESSIOWNR# &25021254 UR/0293/65/0031004/0614/0617,' 523. AUTHOR: Benediktov. Ye. As: Gatmantitev. G. G.: Sasono . Yu. jarAjoy. -5 zr !r 3 TITLE: Preliminary results of measurements of the Intensity-of distributed cosmic radio emission by the Elaktron-2 satillj&s SOURCE: Koemicheeklye issledoiranlya, v. 3, no. 4, 1965, 614-617 TOPIC TAGS: radio emission, cosmic ray intensity /Elaktron 2 ,ABSTRACT; Preliminary resulto of maisurements of the Intensity of distributed case; mic radio emission condu.:ted by Elektron-2 are presented. A 4-m rod antenna colt- nected with two receivers was uned it the measurements. The receivers operated at fixed frequencies of 725 and 1525 kc. Passbands were 3.9 ke at 725 ke and 7.4 kc at 1525 kc. Time constant of the output circuit was 1 sec. Some readings taken at the apogee (68,000 %M) showed chamoes in cosmic radio emission levels with tillel these were attributed to the spin:of the satellite. Absolute values of the affacti vs temperatures of the sky at 725 and-1525 kc were 3.2 x lD7K and 1.2 x 107K, respec-t tively. An increase in absolute effective' temperaturawas noted with decreased frequency, and, conversely, radio emIssion intensity dropped with decreased frequency* Cc rd -1/ 2 L 1322-66 ACCESSION no. AP5021254 CI Maximus emission was observed at latLtudes of *401-50". The intonaity of distTib-I uted commic radio emission at 725 ke was 0.51 k 10-10 w i-2 cps-I sterad-I and at 1525 kt, 0.67 x 10-20 W jr2. cps-, at'arad-1. Orig. art. bass 3 figures. IPWI' ASSOCIATIONi noas SUBNIVED: 16Ju.164 ENCL: 00. BUD CODSt NO REP SOV: 002 OrH5R: 002 ATO ?KISS$ Card 2/2 L 1713-66 EWT(l)/FCC/SWA(h) GN ACCSSSION Nit: AP5020999 UR/0203/651005/004/C,69610704 550.3118. 3050. 365.2 AUTHOR: Beitediktov. Yo. A. 1 1;21Mkk0'!k_j!L*_E- I TiLlsmicheve. A. V. TITLE: Anonalous ionization of the Lower LagaRhW ver temperate -latitudes dur global geomignatic storms SOURM Go(magnetiza I seronomiye, it. 5, no. 4, 1965, 698-704 TOPIC TAGS: ionospheric absorption, Ionospheric talwoogeneity, !MetIc.!tormj 4eomagnotic disturbance radio won Altoorption I Ib.- ABSTRAM Anomalous ionization of the lower Ionosphere, causin;i; addItLonal *b-_ sorption of radio waves, in observed during global 1jeompatic istorm ovoir temporal geographic latitudes. This paper reports on measurements of f 111reuple !nIrgdio wave ionospheric absorption made at 31manki near Go:rky % - 56 09', 5011211) during global geonagnatic storm on July 15, 1959, April 1. 1"0, and October 28, i1961. The first two storms were rag3stered at 25 w2d 18.6 Hc, 4od the last one was tracked at 9, 13, and 25 Mc by nians of synphasis sulti-dipo'Le antonmi system. The following fludinso were made. * 1) Anomalous absorptions appoare'd In the form ol iconsecutive absorption bursts lastLnS frou several -minutes to several do:nn winutei :1 Ccmrd 1/3 MEN L 1713-66 ACCESSION NRs AP5020999 2) They appeared regularly at the end of the first phase of the simpatic storn and continued to appear while the storm developed. 3) In the case of tho last two storms, some correlation apparently exists between the geomagntitic field variations and the absorption occurrances. 4) During the same two storm, short (5 min) fade-outs of cosmic radiatio-,i were observed over periods of several hours prior to the appearance of anomalous absorptions. These fadeouts were not accom- panied by solar chromospheric flares. 5) The ratio of absorption intensities tit two frequencies was smaller than the inverse of the ratio of the squarots of the respective frequencies. 6) Numerous bursts of solar radiation at 18.6 and 25 lic were registered on July 25j 1959j by the side lobes of the antenna. 7) The magni- tude of the anomalous 13-Hc cosmic radio wave absorption 450 over the horizon did not exceed 0.2 to 0.3 dk while the xenith absorption at the same frequency reached 2-3db. 8) Changes in the 27.8-Mc cosmic radio wave intensity observed by IZMRAN i at Krasnaya Pakhra on July 15, 195% led the absorption bursts at Zimenki by 8-12 i minutes. 9) At the vertical probinj; station, the reflected al4nal was idsiling during the periods of abnormal absorption. Analysis of ionospheric coa-vic radiatio6 and absorption results shows that, stionalous ionization occurs at altitudes of approximately 50 ka and the tilectron concentration attains 103 electrons/cAS. The authors discuss and give an oistlasto of the primary electwo flux needed for the generation of the observed lavel of anomalous ionleatioa. "The auibors cwd_.._2/3 L 1717-66 ACCESSION Nit: AP5020999 thank A. A. Beloborodo" for help during the processing of data." Orig. art has; T -forva-as, I figum, and 4 I:ablev. (0811 ASSOCIATION: Radio fisicheakly Institut pri Gor1kovskom Vaudarst"unmi univeralle.t (~~P~hA.J.cs Institute at Go LAltaLq_VAjyjxlWl SUOMITTSDi 2AAu&64 ISM 00 SUB (0119: 88 No Rzr SOVI 006 (MR911 009 L 6345-6.k FBD/I;WT(l). (;W/'WS-2 ACC NR: APS025618 SOURCE CODE: UR/0033/65/042/005i'1011/1013 AUTHOR: lwtemlyeva, G, M,; BeniadD,tov Ye A.; R;ipoport, V. 0. ~xm~;M' am, ;. ~ - 65 ORO: Radio-physics Institute, G:,r1kiy State Univeility (Radiofizicheakly Ltitut Gorlkovskago gosudarstyennogo) 0- TITLE: Relationship between sporadic solar radio emission in the decanteter range and chrommPheric flares 1). 154') . SOURCE- hstronomLcheskLy thurnal, v. 42, no. 5, 1.965, 1011-1013 TOPIC TAGS: emission, soltir chromosphere, solar radio emis- sion, solar radiation effect ABsTRACT: Data on solar radio omission bursts in the decameter range and the para- meters of chromospheric flares mv compared. 850 bursts were recorded at ZlmeWcakh, using apparatus designed for radio astronomical investigations of the ionosphet4l and investillations, of the spectimm of cosmic radiv emission at a number of fixed frequencies in the range 6-25 Mn/s. Observation3 were made in differerit ;eriods frota July 1.959 through September 1162. All burstu were divided into two groups according to whether or not they coincided with chromospheric flares. Although Card 1/2 UDC: 623.75.164 L 6345-66 ACC KR: APS025618 -this separation was arbitrary it Indicated a correlation between solar radio emis- nion bursts in the dec=eter range and solar activity in the optical range. FcW taxemple, of the 131 bursts Ob3ervad from 25July 1959 through 20 October 1959, 74 1:57%) coincided in time with chranospheric flares. During the same time there ijere only 57 bursts when no chromaspheric flares were present. Statistical analy- ;5is reveals that the probability of occurrence of bursts of the second group iv :5 times less than for the bursts d the first gmup. Statistics for the first 11roup of bursts were analyzed to determine a possible dependence between the in- -terisity of the bursts and their spectral index, and also such flare parameters as areas, brightness, wi dth of the H. line and position on the solar disk. Although no clear relationship was discovexed between the parameters of the bursts and Flares brightness or area, there Is a definite dtpendence between the probabUity of appearance of solar radio emission bursts at A > 10 m and the width of the fic line. Further analysis revealed presence of an cast-west asymmetry of the distri- bution of radio emission bursts iD the decameter range en the solar disk. "T1wL authors express appreciation to LU_g# Paylov for assistance in analyzing the date'. Dri.g. art. Ms: 3 figures. SUR CODE: AS/ SUBM DATE: CQDec64/ ORIG REr: 003/ OTH FEF: 005 nw Cani 2/2 T. cc N AP6018928 SOURCE CODE: Ul1/0203/(jf,/C06 '00'~/06500/0602 acheva, A. V. AUTHOR. BelLkovich, V. V.; Bunodlktov, Yo. A.; Tolm. ORG: Institute of Radio Physics, Gorl -Statc University (Radlofizichesidy institilt pri Gorlhovskom gosudarstvermom univeraiteta) TITLE: A possible interpretation of the frequency dependence of anomalous absorption of cosmic radiation SOURCE': Geomagnetizrn I aeronomiya, v. 6, no. 3, 1966, 600-602 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic radiation, radio wave absorption, rragnetic storm, Ionospheric absorpt'."on ABSTIUCT: The authors have proposed their own explanation, based on a nonuniform or heterogeneous ionization regiowin the horizontal,,Plane, of the test results for the anomalous absorpt".on of cosmic radiation'in the ionor-pherdon severa:. fixed frequencies observed during three world-wide magnetic disturbances, (Ated in a previous paper (Ye. A. Bened.1tov. Yu. S. Korobkov, A. V. Tolmachova. Geomagn. I acronomiya, 1965, 5, no. 4, 698). On the as- sumption that the radiation Is uniformly distributed over the sky and by substituting for the Cord 1/2 UDC: 550.388.2 L 05421-67 ACC-NR, __AP601bk_~_ real rad-lation pattern of the antenna a certain effective patOrn described only by the solid angle Q0, formulas are obtained for the recorded level of cosinic radiation and for the ratio of the quantity of absorption as measured radio-astronotnically to the "true" quantity. It is shown that the problem of determining the frequency dependence of anomalous radio wave ab- sorption in the Ionosphere becomes vastly more complex, unless additional information Is availablei regarding the degree of Ionization homogeneity In the horizontal direction. Using formula obtained, an attempt is rnade to define the heterogeneous structure of the lonlza- tion region through a computation of the frequency function P (w) on the basis of data from the three M.Lgnetic storms. The examples givon show that'the -presence of a nonuniformly struc- tured anomalous Ionization region can significantly distort radlo-astronomIcally derived in- formation regarding the altitudes at which zadio waves passing through the Ionosphere are subject to maximum absorption. OrIg. art. has: 2 figures and 3,formulas. OE SUB CODE: 04Y SUBM DAM 280ot65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REFi 002 Card 2 /2. L 23279-66 FBDJEVr(j)/V .2 ACC =R, -RP-60iL921 GOURCH ODDS: U/01417WRW002/0399 13 00 , I AUrJIOR: J)eIikodgb,.y,_X.;I2!~kt /711 ORG- aCjjWjjSjj earch TantItUtg QjC S"Un glWairg rark3C rt L-HU pit (Natichno-."Lsi3ledcivatellakiy radiofizicheekiy institut prL Gorlkovokom univereLtete) TITLE: Additional absorption of \~Lh t,he j2nqjqJm= 2201d-. MAIO-r-gi pion durJng I~ie' ionospheid.c disturbance of 18 April 1965, SOURCE: IVUZ. Radioflzika, v, 9, no. 1.2, 1966,-399-400 TOPIC TACO.: radio wave absorption, ionotipheric radio wave, cosmic radiation, iono- spheric absorption, ABSTRAM' Prelimi~ary findings on the polar-type anomalous absorption recorled at the Zimcn)--i station on 18 April 1965 art reported. Mewuremente; of -cosmic emission intensity were niade at 2h.6, 13.0, 8.9, and 8.5 Mc. Anienna radiation patte:ms for the frequencies of 24.6 and 13.0 Me vem 250 x 180 at the half-pover points. Fbr 8.5 and 8.9 Vc, they were 250 z 35* and !;0 x 8*, respectively. The &2omalous aboorp- tion begazi at 0950 hours f4oacov time and last-ed till 10)0 hours. The intensity of the anorielous absorption reacheo 1.5-2 o1b at 8.5 and 8.9 Mc; at 13 Re it was two or three times lean. At 25.0 Me, abaozj)IAcn intensity ,raz about 0.2 db. Wkthin the lini's of rieaBurement error, the* velvia are in accordance with the lav of 'the in- ven;e dependence of absorption on the square of the opexating.frequency. It is urcs . 621.371.177 L 23279-66 ACC NRs joirted out in conclusion that the occurrence of polar type absorption in tho middle latitudes As very rare, The author Is grateful to BeloborokylL for her. assistance in pr!)cessing the data. [c;sj 6 UB COM 3.7/ SUBM DATEt ohoct65/ onn my.. oo2/ ArDpimss 4y 'v L_CG?d 2 ACC_-NR,_A F 6 0-3'2 ~'9_9 used square-law detection of the signal, which was then rec:)rded by EPP-09 automatic tape recorders at speeds of 240 and 120 mm/hr. Hour calibration of the measuring equipment was made using a noise generato Absorpitons for the two received frequencies wore plotted (absorption of higher frequency as abscissa and that of the lower as ordinate) on the same graph as the calculated value. A comparison of the experi- mental curves with the calculated. ones indicates that no additional absorption occurs at altitudes of' 50-60 km and below during sudden atmospheric disturbances. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 formula. SUB CODE: 04, 20/ SUBM DATE: 1',?May65/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REP: 002 -Card BENEDIXTOVA, A. A. USSR/Chmistry - pi"tice Jan 53 "The Relationship Setween Oxidation #j,nd Polymeriza- I tion of' Methyl Met:hacrylate," G. F. raletskiy and A. A. Benediktova,':-Saratov State U ivi N. G. Chernyshevskiy DATT SSSR, Val 88, No I, pp 67-70 2- The sequence of the reactions of oxid.ation and polymerization of metbyl methaerylate was estab- lished and the Lnhibiting action of cxygen pointed out. The induction period was interpreted as the time for the formation of peroxides. The start of the decompn of these pernyides, possible only on 262T1 26M collision with activattd mole of the monomer, dets the start of the polymirization process. Presentod by Acad A. V. Topchly4rr 6 Nov 52. 68947 1-rop6oo SOV/81-59-24-BB478 Translation from: Referativnyy zhunial. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 24, P 582 (USSR) AUTHORS: Benediktova, A.A., Ponomarev, A.A. T-TTLE; Materials on the Problem of Utilization of jetrahyd furi Substancies as Plasticizer of ~~Pol:rmers.'j PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vopr. ispolIzovaniya pentozansoderzhaahchego syr1ya. Riga, AS LatvSSR, 1958, pp 341 - 349 ABSTRAC'r: A large group of tetrahydrofuran substances (THF) was investigated, which differed in molecular weight and In the structure of the side chain, in order to discover the most suitable among them for utilization as plasticizers of high polymers (HP), and the effect of structural pe2u- liarities of THF on their properties was investigated. The swelliqg capacity and the solubility of U in THF and the change of the frost- resistance, the electric Insulation and the mechanical properties of HP films under the effect of THP additions in various quantities were deter- mined. The most Important physioal-mechanical properties of various THF (alcohols with &lkyl and aryl radicals, ethers and esters, and compounds Card 1/2 with two tetrahydrofuran rings) were presented, as well as the changes in 68,947 SOV/'81-59-24-88478 Materials on the Problem of Utilization cf Tetrabydrofuran Substances as Plasticizer of High-Polymers the tewile strength and tensile lenStI%ening of films of perchlorov1nylic resin, acetobu-tyr,ate- and ethyl-cellulose containing additions of various quantities of THP and corrrentional plastlclzers.171t has been established that among W, especially among some alcohols and their esters, e.. large group of compounds can be singled Dut which can be used as plasticizers of HF, and the dominating majority of THF are good .high-bolling solvents for many HP. N. Gardenin Card 212' _E TO AUTHOR: Benediktovaq A. A. 32-2-50/60 TITLE: A Laboratory Inatrument for the Determination of the Resistance to Frost in Highly Polymerized Films (Laboratornyy pribor dlya opredeleniya morozostoykoati plen0k 7y8okopolimerov). PERIODICAL: Znvodskaya Laboratoriva, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 2, pp. 243-244 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method described here is a mod.ification of the method pro- posed according to F'OCT-596o-51. The newly constructed device is smaller and needs less freezinC,- mixture Othanol and dry ice). Moreover it is now possible by its means to investigate dissolv- ed polymers. In a tube-like container three aa2ples (12ox1o am, 30-12o/,- film thickness), fastened by screws, are spread in a kind 6T wire frame. The container with the samples is placed in the freezing mixture for one hour, and then the sa::ples are exa- mined. We define that temperature as frost resisting temperature where the film suffers bending without any changes. Compared to the FbCT 596o-51 method a good coincideftce was obtained with a sample of perchloro-vinyl as '13 st.own by the results given in the table. There are 1 figure, 1 table. Card 1/2 A Laboratory Instrument for the Determination of the Resistance 3ZI-2-5o/6o to Frost in Highly Polymerized Pil;is. ASSOCIATIONs Samtov StAte L~Avwrslty Iteni 11. G. Chernpbevsldy (Saratovokiy gosudavetvennyy univeraitet im. 111. j. Cherrqehevs- kogo). IVAILABLEs Library of Congress 1. Plastic film-Test methods Card 2/2 BENFDIKTOVAp A.A.; PONOMAREV, A.A. -1 ---, Frost resiRtance of higher polymer films with the additiom of plasticizers of the tetrahydrofuran series. Uch.tap. SGU 75:44-49 162. (MIRA 17-3) KISHKIF, S.T., doktor takhnsnaukl BJMDMTA, O.P., insh. Strength of alloyn In contact with sodixm Trudy KAI no.123:43- 52 16o. (KIR& 13:8) (Alloys-Tooting) (S(dlum) (Ruclear reactors-MaterWo) T T I ~ I I c -~" D I KTO'h'~~ G.1 ., Vand. tekin. rwi;,; K.L . . I y 'SHKIN, S.", ~.auj: Bihall! jr of alloys in c-ciltact wit'- a stwr- of atv2s. TnAy MAI no.158:29-"I.I. 164. ( .i . - L, t.TP c) ACC Nki APM.6595 (A), SOURCE COM I UR/0129/66/000/005AVO/00557 AIUTHOIIS iNzediktovaj Go Pol Dabirdii Go No; larninj Mo q Shtherbodbokiy, Go- TaXIMEWT TMLZ iRiffuXIOU f P-t4501 In Mcco- 4W P017M7Vt&llltw N01Ytd8v=_;j SOMM Metanovede4lo i termichoakep obrabotka setaUcyt no. 5. 1966, 55-57 TOP1.0 TAW# potassium, MAYW'emn, voital diffusion# VIW*Ioal diffusion to oretture dependence 1*17maw Z SIRPJ' Ns The diffusloi% of potAeslua into mono- and polyoryst&Uine mc4bdenum at a numter of texperatures (800j,900j, 101). andnooc) uis studied. 'rho sivariwata were ciaTied out by exposing mono- auul polycrystalUm specimens of Mo to =~Lten 101 or notallio K contaWmg radioaot.".ve K44, The diffusion coefrioiamts were dotonWlaied from the concentration digiribution of KV 'in the surface layers- o:r* the or 01MInas The experixental resulte 4" presented in graphs and tablee (ties Fig. 1 - The diffusion coofftaients for dJfflusion into =ino- aW pojycMt&Ujne solybdom otoyed the relationships, 'Dam 9.34 1 2,85 10-10 1/2 L Ccwd UDGs 539912AM669*24128 T mol -ACC Nib AP6M6595 Fig,, Is' Tomprature dependonas of th~ diffaoion ooefficlonts for tho diffmalon of potessim Into ON molybdoumt a - p*4"Ua,,: b - isowarystAlo 2/2 1~9NEDUT-OVA,&B.; ZAKiATIN, S.R.; ~EMONOVA, T.V.; SOLOMDNOV, re.F. Manufacture of resin and dolomite firebrick and its testing in service. Ogneupory 27 nt,0151-155 '62. (NIRA 1514) 1. Kuznetskil metallurgielieskiy kombinat, (Firebrick) BENEDIXTOVA, R.N. Carboniferous of the Saran-Altai mountain system. Trudy SNIXGUMS no.210-45 162. Germiral paleontologic char-icterisUce of Um Carboniferous in -the Sayan-Altai, aroa. Ibid, 153-55 - (KnU '16 132 ) BZ?MDIKTOVA, R.N.1 MUROMISEVAO V.A. Phylum Mollusca. Trudy SNIIGGIMS no.21:193-211 162. (KWA 16:12) HENEDIXTOVAO R.N.; BETEKHTINA, O.A. Pkkflum Molluwa. Trudy SMIGGIMS no.2L425-W 162. (MIRA 36:12) .BXMIKT(NA,R.N. Lower Carboniferous deposits in the Gorlovek:iy Coal Basin. Tnidy Gor.-geol.inst. Zap.-Sib.fil,AV SSSR no-13:103-109 153. (KMA 8:12) (Gorlovokiy Basiri-Coal, geology) AKSARIN&A.Y.; AVAN'TIVqAJ?.;_MjVXTOVA,R.N -. GCREUNOV.K.G.; GRATSIUOVA, R.T.; TBGCROVA,L.I.-. ITAU ETA. V.A.-j-MYVSK&TA. L.N. ; EUMCPIIYXVA, P.S.; LABJM,I.Y.; IMOVITSUTA,K.P.; PMNTAYEVA,O.K.; R0002:IH,L.A.; RAWHINKO,G.P.; RZHCINSJIITSIAYA,M.A.; SIVOV,A.G.; FORICIM.Y.D.,- XUIO- FINA,V.K.; MIALFIN,L.L.; CEMYSMA,S-V.; NIXrTUA.Y.N., reclaktor: GUROVA,O.A,, tekhaichookly redaktor [Atlas of leading forms of fossils in the fauna and flora of Western Siberia] Atlas rukovodiashcbikh form iskopaemykh fauny i flory sapad- noi sibiri. Pod. red. L.L.Ilialfina. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tokbi.isd-ro lit-ry po geologit i okhratte nedr, Vol-l-, 1955. 498 p. Vol.2. 1955. 318 P. Nicrofilul (RIBA 9:3) 1. Tomsk. Politekhnicheaki), institut insul. Kirov&. (Siberia, Woutern-Paleonto%ogy) BENEDII(TOVA, R.N.; IVANOV, K.V.; MUROMTSEVA, V.A. Stratigraphy and age ()f clay schists in the surroundIngs of Tomsk. Trudy SNIGGINU no.8:108-126 160. (MIIU 1529) (TOML3k region--Pale:)ntology, Stratigraphic) (Tomsk re~lon-Clay) BEZNOSOVAF R.A.; EE?MDIKTCVA,,..j!,V,,.; SARYCHNVA, T.G.; SOKOLISKAYA, A-11. Fhylum Brachiopoda. Tru4.r SNIIGGIMS no,2ltl43-184 162. (MIRA 16-.12) BENEDIKMVA-LODOMUUYQOVA-i N.V-0- Photometric determination of copper with cK -furil d1oxime. Zhur. anal. khIm. 18 no.11il.322-1325 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Leningradskoye otdeleniye Matematicheakogo instituta imeni V.A. Steklova AN SSSR. flErIp"I', I F"fCjjl~. t I I I TK OV A, 11,11. t. --l"..- j , :,~oto,vttrlc datgrin-Ination c1l rnppor with ,('-furil dioxims. Trudy WZGET 117,45-48 164. fMIRA 17:9) CZECHOiLOVAKIA SN'GiMBERTH, 0., Jz-ZKOVA, Z., BLERA, 0., JUALEX, J., &U-0L-J6.'T.- 1.Thirc. Clinie of Internal Medicine (III vnitrni klinika), (for 7); 2o Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusions (Ustav homatologie a krevni transfuzo) (for ?)- 3.First Obstetrical Glinio 4orodnioka klinikal, (for ?5; 4-Second Obstetrical Glinio (II porodnioka klinika), (for 7). Progues Vnitrni jghaXst:&,0.Ko 8,, August 1965,, PP 737-714- "Autoantibodies in Sheskuin's syrArome,w RNEDI'KI, 'Janusz --- - 3elentlon of mo)'Whodei ~jc, nrane -2,iblna in metallurgic .. -a -my pj -- fitorlen. Pro bl,, -oj hu, r,-,aszyll ' rr, .12 068---Y'~ D 16'). 1. Blprohutp BMMVTK, G. CommAcation and Traffic Following the method nsed by the Latvian communication workers. Sov. sviaz. no. 11, 1951. 9. ~2pLhly LIst of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August-ISt5Z--M[,NY Uncl. a c C, 71 ;Eo--.,n- .,)n of L f c C) It! 2 Ll ys k s M-1 ftccorGlr.~, to ti-.t s r y 5~1'~TT)YIX2.'sKil M. ';,'e Are working with the books 2t hani. -). "I. (Gospoclarka Miesn-1, Vncl. ~11 No, 4, J)mo 2956, '.-3rsaw, Polani) SO: M,-)rAlily Ljvt )f East European Acces,-I-ms (FEAL) LC, VoI. 6. No. P. Aug 1157. Trel. BENEDUCINSKI, S. Journal of the Science of Food find Agrioulturo w U'C w UFO. gad Nay 1954 -14Cdykciaski.jF"m. *1110 Ran., 1953. 4K 3, 5-19).-Und, Africulture and Hcrticulture tAl conditions Okim milk in the ration w" mpkoxi by blOcki -1 OIP to 200 9. Per head daily) irlttmmt W A supplement 01 green fodder W" found desirable. A. G. NuAltv. STRAWMAll, Y.I.; RENIOTMO G.L.ClIenfidiuk, H,O.l Distribution of murtre rodents in plAnt associations of the Borzhavekly mountain vall-syse Pratat Inst,. arrobiol. IN URS-R 5:91-112 154. OU"U 11:71! (Borzhav:ikLy Range-Yield mice) =- 1, Sandor What factors ensure the 'ralue of the Hulig arc -)g nd garian kad '.a w,,.a is it worth-vIdle to color it? ~;let t1ul 18, 1--o.37:11' 15 3 16,:., ') I I lo Alfoldi AUami Pinm;azdasag igazgatoja, Keeskemet. ACC MPj AP(yMOSSO SMRCZ CCMl a7baiV6 )/M 4ift"Aw AUTEOR: Be!Z~Bed~rich (Engin*or)j ~achej. Vladio I (Zngineor) ORGI Trinec-IrolD ftkL.Mg Tringg (Trinticke selesorny VMR) TME2 Modifications of sinterinMlint equipment from the viewpoint of increasing the output and reducing cNit SOME: Hutnicke listy, no. iOt 1,065, 689-694 TOPIC TAGS: sintering, meitallurgic m1kchinery al' ABSIMACT: Tbe intenalf.1c the sinterihg process is -discussed, f1mis t~e viewpoint of the o1mcific condi-.* tions existing at the sintering plants of the Trinee Iran end Stwel Works. An Increase in the performance of the sinteAng Untie and a rvilmiction of dwt were achieved through modificatione In the equipments-particulwAy.b7 reds- signing the chutes, exhaust tubes, aid the ~athq 4tog vhlch t1wi sintered product is tr-ansporteds' Orig. art** h""'A 6 figures and i taus. OB GM: 13# 11 WMI DAM nave V. C.. CAP K A" foul. Pf* b. k.- 0.0 labod be QM4? W tbo d" vearmw ft. Md do a ftl tole of so Ova di va 3~ *%,W L Me oft" il b04 08 *6 MA awbods of "k It BENMOO B.; GRONIOWSKI, J.; SZOSTEK, H. Utero-sigmoid fistulas. Polski pr"gl.r&diol. 25 no.3:469--474 W-Je 161. 1. Z Zakladu Hadiologii Lelaroklej AM v Warosavie nauk mod. W. Zavadowski Z I Kliniki Chirurgicsnej Kierowniki prof. dr mod. J. Nielubowics. Kierownik: prof. dr AM v Waxa-mvis (INTESTIMAL FIS7UIA radiog) (UTERUS dia) (FISTUIA radiog) t 0, Eloguslawa; OLSZEWSKI, Waldemar lhtero-gastric invagination following gastric resection. Pol. przt3gl. radiol, 26 no.3*99-204 '62. 1. Z Zakladu RadiologiJL Lekarskiij AM v 'Wkmzavie Kierownik: prof. dr na,uk mod. W. Zavadowski Z I Kliniki Chirukgicznej AM v Wareravis Kierovnik: doc. dr med. J. Nislubovicz. (W.TRECTWr coup]) (IN EPTION etiol) M-A B&MD10" -!30$wlawa On cases of medlastinal aTd trubeutaneous empbysema. Fol. praegl. rudiol, 27 163- 1. Z Zakladu Radlologil lAikaroklej AM v Warssavis Klerowniki prof. dr nauk med. W. Zavvidowski. (MEDIASTINAL EKWSDU) (EKPIrrSEMA) BACZKOI Aurelia; RYISKI, Miroslaw. Two cases of staphylococcal septicemia associated with pnett.- monia. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 noo44sl649-1651 28 0'63. 1, Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych AM u Varszawie (kierowrilkl D.Aleksandrow),Pz Zakladu Radiologii Lekarnkie~ J94 w Warsmwis. (kierowrill a doe. S.LZglicz-ynvki). A 43LEI~D9--KAEll LUIaEL m awa _22~ t1 Intravenous ,holangiolyra 'phy u!jizig Po'. 1~rzegl. radiol. 29 nO.lt6l-65 Ja,-E'165. 1. Z Zakladu Radlologii Lvkarskipj Akad.3mii Medycznej w Wars-zawis Mloroiniik: pi-:)f. dr. med. S.L. Zgliczynski). -,,.L.; D. J-.&Ijographic examinaticii In the diagnools of renal ~,ypertenniorl. Fole arch* meds wewnet. 35 no.6:755-7&) 165. Bopislawa; LITIWAR, A--r.,,)Id Calcl~im -milk ~n The klfhno-ys. Pol. pr7c,,71. rfirlir,!. 2'-,, n-,.1.1 0-7 3 Jll~-F 165 1 . Z Znklfi(:hi RAdlologyi I I ek a rok I e I Ak ad em IM . -,c--nF% War.-,niuvie (f'.i,,ro-.TiJki w-cf. dr. rlk-,d. L. Z,~Ilt*7*,.~F~,.') KI i:~ ik 1 1 M(Aycznr I w Vsl! pro". dr. wft,3rAo,.j;,k4.1- BEIMIDO-NIEDVIECKA, Alicja On the treatment of pemphigus with cortlcoateroids. Polskl- tygod. lek. 17 no.22:876-M9 28 My 062. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej AM v Gdanakut kierownik: prof. dr Franciszek Miedsinaki. (ADRENAL CORTEX HOPNONES ther) (FEWRIGUS ther) BMUSCIN, A., mister (g.Bortmov) MFONV-.,. Good re.putation, Prom, knop. 12 no.,10:5 0 '58. (ICIPA 11:10) (~oris(m--Shnn manufacture) X&SHYAROV. losif Mikhaylovich; RUMD111, I.D.. rodaktor; EM SON A.1 . redektor; IAZOYBXIU, L.P.. takhaichesidy, redektor M=aL=L.;= ~ (Fire prevention isethodu In libraries] Frotivopoxharnye meropritattia v bibliotakakh. Pod roil. I.D.Rassadkina, Nook-va, Goo. Isd-yo ball turno-proevet-9t. lil,-17, 1956. 20 p. (HULA 10: 1) (Libraries-lirets end fire prevention) ODMMG, F.S.; TSYSTATIVA,Ye.M.; -PAYATSYK. Y.T., redaktor; BIRINSO;-, A.N.# relaktor; ROZIN, B.A.. takhatchesicly redaktor SWANSON"" [Let us increase tka production of potatoeB and vegetables; an naotated bibliography) Uvelichim proisvodstvo Imrtofelia i ovoohchai: anottrovannyi ukaratell literatury# Hookv-i, Go@. Izd-vo kullturno- : proevatitalluoi lit-ry, 1956. 36 p. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Yossoyusnaya aktidemiys: sel'skokhozyayotwennykh nauk iment V.I.Lanina. (Bibliography-Potatoes) (Bibliography-Vagetable gardening) GINZBtW, F.S.; YEGOROV. V.L. red& Itor; _j&Q&Q"A,"edakt or; YNTAGIN, A.Ye.,tekhnicheskiy radaktor (more fruit, berries, and grapes; annotated. bibliograptW] Bollshe plodov, isgod i vinctrada; annotircivannyi ukazatell literatury. Moslcva, Goo. izd.-vo Icullturno-Troev. lit-ry. 1956. 63 p. (NLRA 10:10 1. Moscow. ?Bentrallnaya nauchnaya sell skok:hozyaiatyannaya biblioteks. (Bibliography-Prull; culture) ARIBIPOVA, Marina Konstantinovna,; LIVIN. Mikha.11 Israilavich, ; BUINSON, A.M., red.; TBLAGIR, -A.S., takha. red. z I (Literature on economics) Literaturs po skonomike. Mosirva, 1211-vo "Sovetskets Roosts n 1958. 51 p - (NI" 11:11) bibliograptW-1conomics) KTJZNF,TEOV, Nikolay Vasillyevich-, ILIMWA, Norma Vladimirnw-A; PIATILISHCHIKOV, N.N., doictor btolog.nauk, red.; HINUEON, A.N., red.; HIM-DIVA. R.A., .. [Nature in a regional imseum] Priroda v kraeredcheskom wisea. Moskva, Izd~vo "Sovetskais Rosuiia," 1958. 76 p. (MI- RA 12:2) (Taro slayl -41atural history museums) ~ -. 41 . -- . 1. ~. . -1 1-1! L "k:, 0-211AW4 IJP(C:l t 01146('-66 V ACCESSION NRi APS016655 UR/0382/65/000MIX080/0088 533.25 5390"It-'31W,.313.12 AUTHOR: Ben4ason. E. D..' Genkin. A. TITLE: Frinj',* effects in a "peto j~~ic gene -ator I SOURCE: Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, no, 2, 1965, 60-80 TOPIC TAGS: MHD generator. electrodo,potential, electric insulatar ABSTRACT: The dependance of HHD gen e3sator efficiency an the frirq;e effiscis cecur- ing in the ccmverter channel is studicd theoretically. The finitts length of the insulators soparating the continuous olectrodes froMthe grounded parts it. tAken into account In computation of cWmni: and potential distributions in the channel, Alsorcomputed are losses due to retvali currents and lpmund leakage currents which depend on ttm insulator size. The jimbim is approximated by asimming thal The first order upproximation to the hydnKlynamic parameters are knom from cceptitation~ for Infinitely long channels and elW:rodes. It is chown that increase of itaula- tor length, up to some limiting value, decreases losues and ground leakage. rur- Card 1/2 L 01466-66 BMNSON, G.R. 'Wood invthe national sconoor of tlie UiSRN Mnsicya, os. les. Itekha.. 1947 BM-17-ISON, ry. I.- Woodv,or,: FroblemE3 in -.'i,t of t!~,t 1-Lunter -nc~ woodv.,,)rklr,,, !n-,-.i;tr,-. L*i- ~, 1- - I 1951- - gre r, ~I . 195"% UN 0 1 A S)'E 17" 1- ,~:.,)nthly LiFt -)f Luzoirn Accezgiono, Libr~ry -)f Conk, 1, S !D 31li-E~!A'A, G. wrhc forest iniustry on Uie road to goci-illst induAr I Aliza Lion." 16'r. fj%)n tiia 1). !j2. (A!.I,,L;, ShRIA Ui,.i*~;JLUI Sl ii. HiiitrLial Vol. 7, seria a II-a , no. 31, July/Aur- 1952.$ucuresu.) ,~'U: Ecnthl- List of h4W-l k-umpean Vol. 2, ilo, Li )rare, )f L;cn7re.,-s August, 19'53, Uncl. 1IMNSON, 0. R. "Lumber industry on the road towari socialist Indutrializationo Les. prom. 12, no. 4, 1952 ]3Fsr-, , I , r, . ""', )rm- .,r,-blr-wnnost' r nrr,o>-Ino-n kho?'~qlqtvo SIM fTi,,b3r in,!ust -Y Tn !.'- n, tion - I nn-nomv ol* t,!ho 17. _7. )12 p. ii,ntb"'v -Tlst ol Rimitim lccssnlon~i, Vol. 6, r0. :~, .,,y 1(?r,3 P!(): f. - I - 'BIRME SON, G.M.; BOG.I9, G.Ke ~'4:.'- ".~' low wholesale price list on, baber and the Vlanning of forest trmnsportatioa~ Les.1prom. 14 no.6:28-30 Je '34- (ICEaA 7:6) (lumber-Prices) (lamber-Transportatiacm) REINE1420fl, C.". WuAidat skoittvichaskikh nauk:. 'World resources of w9c4pulpj paper, end raw materials (abstracted f rou PAO 1954 publication IWorld, Pulp and Paper Rosources and Prospectil and 'Pulp and Paper Vurld RaviswO no.8 1956). Bum.prom. 32 no,2:22--25 F '57. MRA 10:5) (Woodpulp-Stittletice) (Papor-Statistict) :, 4 , I . , I I Z' / , * V , , ~-, "I I I - " A "-.- / , - BENINSON, G., Icandidat ekonomichookikh nauk. Sawmilling in the prerevolutionary Russia. Kast.lesa. no.4:22-23 Ap '57. (KIRA 10:10) (Lumbering--Ilistory) SKOBLOV, Dmitriy Alekseyevich; BRUNSON G.M. red.; MIDI, V.M.. red.; KALYUGIN, V.I., red.; iA- 9 A., red.; USPAMSXIY, V.V., red.; COMAK, H.Ya., red.; SWS, N. ., red.; MORSKOT, K.L.. red. i2d-va: TXHKINA, Te.L., takhn.ror. [Lowering the expenditvre of wood in tuildingj Snishenie raekhoda drovesin,v v stroitellstyeo Koskva, Gco.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i utroit.materialam, 1959. 4.1, p. (MIRA 12:12) (Buildina materials) (Buildirz, Wooden) ,BE9JWS(Y.Np Grigoriy Molseyevichj 33WTSOV, Sergay AlekBandroviohl BOUATIN- SKATA , rqtAiili 86rge'Y"M-6; BURKOV, V.I., red.; VOL0121OKSKAYA, L.V., red. izd-va; BACHURIKAp A.M., takhn. red,, [Prospects of the distribition of sawmills mid woodworking industries] Perapektivy- ra=eehoheniia losopillnogo (terevoobrabatyvaiushchei pro- myshlennosti. Hoskyap Goulesbumisdat, 1960. 206 p. OMIA UsO 1. Laboratoriya skonomiki TSentrallmogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta mekhanicheekoy obrabotki drove-viny (for Benemson, Obraitaorp Bolyatimskaya) (Woodworking induntries) (Inclustriesp Location of) I BENIMS011 Gri or4_.~otsjjq_yjg)j_j hmd. ekon,nauk- GMKOV, N.Yeop red.; '-_--ig~ ~A,9.D.,-redoizd--va:; PARALIEWAY N*Jr,.p tekbn. red. [Specialization and cooporation in the :L=bar and woodworking Industries] Spetoimlitatiiila i kooperirovanis v lasopillno- dereboobrabatyvaiushchei promyohlemost.'L, Moskva, Goalesb=izdatp 1961. 112 p. (MIRA 14:L!) (Woodworking industriaij) (Sawmills) (Industrial organization) BENINSON, 1. 09novy planirovaniia per vo%,ok. ZP-ljrzdng principles of transport7. (Sots. transpox-t, 1931, no. 1-2, P- 99-UT MG: RL7.36 SO: Soviet Tr naports I a Itign wxLV'Q=uu;;LaWnn3- A Biblio;rupl 0 Library of Congress Ibiference Department,, Washlngton, 1952, Unclassfiel. MUNSON. I., kand. skon. nauk; ITANOVA. To. Development of the interurban bus servLce and rate scales. Avt. transp. 37 no.2:34-36 7 '59. (KIRA 13:1) (Not.)rbus lines) ARTEMIYET, S.P.; APARASIM, L.L.; BXLDU=l I.I.; RnMLqW.,,~m.; 13RONSH7M. L.A.; BUYANOVO V.Aj MIDNOV,t D.P.; (;OiljNoVt A.V.p- GOMMMIt IX.; DAVMVICHt L.N.; DEGIMPIEV, G.N.; Zl,*ONKOVt V.V.; KAUMMIOV, F,,V.; KWAROV, A.V.; KUDRYAVTSEV, A *S*; LIMANT, Ya.A.; PMOVj A.P.1; PE7ROVt V.I.; TARANOVt A.T.; TIKHOK$LMp N.n.s- FEDOROV, V.F.; CHUMMOV, A.A.; SHUPLYAKOV, S.I.; YANXINq Tu.S. Anatolii Pavlovich Xleksandrov; obituary. Avt.transp. 38 no-9:57 s 860. (MIRL 13:9) (Aleks.udrov, Anatolii Favlovich, 1903-1960) ~ BANIMNO I.Sov ordinator Case of polsoning from a tincture of Stroj*anthus with recovery. Ked.zhur.Uzb. no.7162-63 JI '58. (MM 13:6) 1. Iz Il terapaytiabeskogo otdolentya Tanhkentskoy klinichaskoy bollnitsy neotloshnoy pomombehl. Ikuchny]r rukovoditall - prof. A.S, Nelit-Karnayane (&=FIlANTHII[-4WI=MT) BENENS011 I.S.; IULISII, F.M. ,--, I Transitory cardiac ribrilation. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.10:47-49 161. (MI'm ]-/.: 10) 1. Iz 1-go terapevtIchas):ogo otdeleniya (nauchnyy rulcovodi-tell - prof. O.N.Pavlova) Tashkontokoy klinichookoy bollaitsy neo-tlozhnoy . mouhcM. P o (AlUiHYTI[MIA) L. S. WOR/Blectronics - Waveguides Apr 52 "Cozputing the B=itation of Waveguides," L.S. Benenson 4 "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XM , No 4, PY 559-578 Author refers to works by U.N. Feld ("Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVII, No 12, 1947; Vol XVIII, No 10, 1944 He generalizes particular cases discussed 'by Feld and derives formlas for the computation of coeffs In the eqw. Up also solves an auxiliax7 probles concerning the eicitation of waveguides with l&&ds at the terminals. Indebted to Prof U.N. Feld. R*:eived 10 Sep 51. SOV/109- - -If-3-10/38 AUTHORS: Ya.N. Felld, and L.S, Benenson TITLE: Calculation of tre ~PhaseVeloci_ties of the Waves in an Artificial Metallin, Dielectric (Raschet fazovykh skorostey voln v i.,;kusstvennom metallodielektrike) PERIODICALS Radiotelchnika i Hlektronika, Vol 4, Nr 3, 1959, pp 1+17-1+27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A general method for deriving-the characteristic equation for determining thc! phase velocity of a metal-dielectric system is presented.. The system considered is in the form of a three-dimensicnal grid containing metallic elements. It is assumed that the waves propagate along one of 'the axes of the grid, e.g. axis z Th overall surface area of the elements of the grid is* 6 6 , where 3 is n n n the area of the n-th element. A wave propagating a ong axis z induces a surface curront of den-city It on the surface of the eloments. The total field in the system is, theref ,ore, in the form of an integral operator of the current X) that is If the current at the .0 := Aj zero element is 1, V 7 the aL.rrent at an arbitrary Card 1/L~ element is expressed by Eq (2) where h is the wave number and f(n) ii; the unknownfunction of n , which SOV/109- -4-3-10/38 Calculation of the Phase Velocities of the Waves Ln an Artificial Metallic Dielectric is identical for all the elements lying lit the same plane z = const; A is a constant. Tho chaVa~.:teristi- equation for the phase velocity can be writter ass S I'C' F. Ili dB = 0 (3) Sn By substituting Eq (2) in Eq (3), the latter -,.,an be written as Eq (4) where 1, is given by Eq (4a). Hq (4) ~an be used to evaluate the phase velocity in an artificial metal-dielectric. In particular, it can tie employed to evaluate the velocity in the system shown in Fig (1); this is in the form of a rectangular three-dimensional lattice formed of metal stubs having a length t and a iladius a ; the spacings between the stubs in the three directions are Lx I Ly and Lz For this case) Eq (1+) is in the form of; I Al 2 eihf (o) S ' 1:,,,-ihf (n) In '~t dS = 0 (13) SO n Card 2/4 This can also be written as Eq (13a) or Eq (15), where Zn Calculation of the Phase VelocitiGs cf '-,*(-.-e Wav,~-3 in ar. A.-U-.5'1,zial bletallic Dielectric is defined by Eq (11+). This -~tn fur~*.ler be transformed into Eq (17) where 7.(,x is deEned bf Eq (16). z -K is the impedance irdu,-.ed into the stu',- by all tEO stubs situated in the plane z = c-,notant. The 'UrIpadar.,,e! 7,0) can be evaluated f:?ora Eq (18), or Eq (20). 1-. can also be written in the form of F.,q (21:-), waei,c 1; --3 defined by Fjq (21) while f is giver. ~jy Eq (22) the Parameter 'I is the propagation constant of the p-wave in a waveguPd(3 which is eq*,;ivalent to a t"T,ro-dimensional lattice shown in Fig 2. Tae ,- asistanzq of a sirgle st-ub in the equivalent vaveguide is gi-.,rGn by Eq (25). On the basis of the above expressions it is shown that th3 characteristic equaticn of the :-Iy6ter, ~.s --*.ri I.-',Ie form of Eq (32). where X(h) iii --.`.ven ~.Y Eq (31), in ~Gnese equations Y1 = k .and Xp= imp. By ui%alycling Eq (32) it is found that he region of .he transmi3sior. of ~.he waves through tho lattice is defined by Eq (42); t *-. e boundaries of tile trarksmission :-egion ctan 'ja fo-.ind from Eq (42) Eq (32) was also used to evaluate the -;ralues Card 3/4 of hL- (k)L, for various ROC/XOO . Thp .30V/109-- -4--3-10/3& Calculation of the Phase Velocities of the Wave:, in an Artificial Metallic Dieiectric resulting graphs are shown in Fig These do not take into account the e:cisten-_9 of attema~,-,d elglan-wa;*es. e values of similar functionz. whi-,h tak,3 int-o a:icount' the higher-order waves ara plotted in Fig (4). From Fig (4) it is seen that the existan::,3 -if *;he Iii gili e~- order waves may lead to it substan'Zial ,.hang6 of the phase constant. Card 4/1+ There are 5 figura.,;7 an Appen(I.1% an,! 7 of which are Soviet and 3 Englj.!,',,.. SUMITTED's November 6, 1957 AUTHORs Benenson, L.J. SOV/109-- -4--3-23/38 TITLE: -In-i-sotropic Properties of a Rib-Type Jela-T Structure (Anizotropnyye svorstva rebristoy zamedlyayushchty struktury) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i glektronika, Vol 41 Nr .3, 1959, PP 517-520 (USSR) ABSTRACT; A rib-type delay structure, shown in Fig :L fulfils the surface boundary c,)nditions given by Eq (Ii. The surface wave propagating o-ver the structure can bg des-ribed by the Hertz vectors as expressed by Eq (2), where -the quantities a, 0, y obey the relationship expressed by Eq (3). Mille:,- (Aefs 1 and. 2) showed that the parameters obey Eq 00, in whic:h the symbols are defined by Eq (5). On the basis of Eqs (3) and (:+) it is possible to determine the-mignitude of the phase v9locity in the direction of the pliase normal and the angle between the direction of the rays and the phase normals. Since the quantities y and 0 in Eq (3) represent the projections of the phase constant re on to -the aXeS 2 Card 1/3 and X , these can be expressed. bys SOV/109- - -4-3-23/3,13 Anisotropic Properties of a Rib-Type Delay Struoture Y = r r c:os(e, r cos z z P = rx r cos('e, Tx) r sin tf (6) R = + y tg cf (?=+are tg Y where cf is the argle between the normal of the phase front and the axis 2. . The angle ,Ls expressed by Eq (12) where r0 is defined by Eq (10). The curves calculated by employing Eq (12) are shown in Figs 2 and 3. The direction of the rays or the direction of the energy transmission with respect to the axis z is defined by: tg Y = !1 (13) Sz where Sx and Sz are compononts of the Poynting vector. These componentS are expressed by Eq (14). The field components can 'be found from Eils (15) and (16); consequently the Poynting vector components are given by Vard 2/3 Eq (18), aad the direction of the energy propagation is SOV/109- - -4-3-23/.38 ArAisotropic Properties of a Rib-Type Delay Structure defined by Eq (19). On the Nksis of Eqs (6) and '%7), Eq (19) can bee written as Eq (21). The functional dependence of the angle Y on if is illustrated in Card 3/3 Fig 1+. There are If figures and 2 Soviot references. SUBMITTED: November (3, 1957 - H9XWDrp* L,S. Induced vitrator resiatuwas in a vave guide, Hadiotakh,i alektrotio 6 no,6&926-933 Jol I&L, (MIRA 1/46) (Wave guidaim) 13 AUTHOR: TITLE: 24464 8/1.09/61/006/006/005/016 D204/3)303 Benensonj L,B. Induced resistanceo of an iris in a wave guide PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i olcktronikat vs 6p no* 6j 1961t 926 - 933 TEXT: In many problems of electrodynamics dealing with the perio- dic structure of irises, it is necessary to determine the complex impedance and current distritution in the elements o,! this struc- ture. The problem reduces, under certain conditions, to evaluating amplitudes of current harmonics aS and of imped"ances ZSkP result- ing from each other. The impedance of radiation Z can be represen- ted by Z ajn'wzj". (1) Card 1/7 24464 8/1,09/61/006/006/005/016 Induced resistances of an ... D204/D303 and since the coefficients of itnknown amplitudes a, ure R'so Zjkv it is clear that the possibili,*,y of determining them is of great importance. In the present artl.ole the author shows theref ore how to evaluate Zsk in a problem oj! iris designp which iii situated either in a two-dimensional lattice or in a, rectangular wave guideo The case of a cylindrical rodp intersectin4 completely an ideally magneto conducting rectangular wave guide (Pig. 1) it considered first. The field excited in tho wave guide by.the rod. is equal to the field of a series of in ph;-,se rods obtained by mirror irises in the walls of the wave guide, the current distribution in all of them being determined by its Xy component of "'e- - "K. . ,~ i,,cosn(p. (2) where angle ce is counted starting from the direction of the wave guide axis Z. The field of the n-th harmonic of one rod is evalua- ted with the help of the electric hertzian vector. A case of prac- Card 2/7 (5/109/61/006/OOC/005/016 Induced resistances of an 2)204/D303 tical interest is considered nexto i.e. the case of an iris which does not intersect completel2r the waveguode (Fig. 3). The resis- tanae ZpMIp pm induced by the harmonic with indices pm into the haxinonic with indices.p1ml act determined by L 2 2x E(MP) zPIM"PM Y " COO PICP Cos (2m'L+ lWy%dcpdy. (22) (2jco,)-' 0MP 1 -L 2 ~ 7 Finally, after certain transformations, (-lp-mlT2Cos 2 n-rek (2m+l-,,)(2m 1 +1 n Lv L 1 0 zPIMIPPM = N-Ly X 2 2n 2j 2m'+l 2_ 1 (23) (71 U=L+ - L L -4) - t z) n= - o-o Ty- y Card 3/7 Induced resistances of an 244 h 8/1109/ %061006100511)16 Dd'C!04/.D303 j P06PPIE(2) C0,43), (YnCL) [I+ P+P PNO) x (E P (Yn P+P tLx)+ 11(2), !23) ( Yn P-P (YntLx).,,j is derived. Of tractical. interest is the magnitude of Zoo,oo, equal to the im:pedance of the rod in the equivalent wave guide under the assumption that current distribution can te represented by one harmonic of zero order only. This value is given by Zoo 00 (kL )+ "(ka)0*H")(ktL.)- H(I (ka 21', qL (24) 41 cost R V7 K. (8.a) + I_( bil Card 4/7 2h464 S/109/61/006/006/00r)/016 Induced resistances of an D204/D303 + 21c'(8,a) i KO NLX) .(24) which can be used directly for more exact determination of the phase velocity in the structure using Eq- (30) as given in Ya-R. Pelld (Ref. 4: Padeniye slektromagnitnykh voln na 'Ivoynye besko- nechnye reshetkil Dokl. AN SSSRt 1956, 107P lo 71). T'he induced im- pedance of rods in metal wave guides can be determined in the same manner, remembering only the different disposition of image rods and that the main wave is TEA by Hol. The above results can also be used for a more general case of arbitrary direction of wave pro- pagation In metal dielectrics. Table 1 gives the relative discre- pances between exact and app:roximate values of Xoo/Roo =g . It may be seen that this discrepanc;r increases with the diminishing perio- dicity of the iris structure (i.e. when -,he interaction between the actual and image rods in,-,reases). For small periodicity values Card.5/7 24464 Induced resistances of an 3)204/D303 values 0.1 - 0.2) th13 error is c*onsiderable (of the order of 10-30y) even for not too thick rode ('a/.A 'W" 0.025-0-045)o There are 5 figures, I table and 4 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: July 28p 1960 Fig. 1. I r Card 6/7 r I 11YO i'1 L.0 3/10 61/006/007/011/020 D262 306 YD AUTHOR: Benensonp L.S. TITLE: Evaluat" ofi'of phase velocity in an artificial,.metal '6 dielectric current harmonics at the structuree element PERIODICAL: Radiotekhniket i elektronikap v# 6f nos 7P 1961t 1128 - 1135 TEXT: In this articl(% the. author derives &.generalized charaoterist- tic eqUEO",iOn valid for ar,y current diertribution. The problem is tolved for the case of wavee being propagated along one axis of the etruc4-uro whilat its solution for the caue of arbitrary propagation can be easily provided using the method given in L.S. Beneneon (Ref. 2: Fazovaya skorost'voln v anizotropnom isliusstvennom metal- lo-dielel:trike pri proizvollnom napravle-nii rasl)rostrananilya. Ra- diotekhnika i elektronikap 1959, 4p Up 1806). The phase velocity constant h in the structure Is-derived by establishing a eyetem Card 1/6 24871 8/109 61/006/007/011/020 :3valuaV.on of phase D262,YD306 ""0'. P)) Ot p - 1# 2, . (4) of homogeneous linear equations with respect to the unknown amplitu!- ties aiof current harmonics. In this equation L z is the axiAl lat- tice period of the equivalent waveguide and E. do ZO., P in the resistance induced by current distributed at'the n-th element and current distributed at the zero element having a V2 and T-a factor equal to the perimeter of!the cross section Cof the structure element. For the rLon-trivial ablutions of Eq. (4) to exist the determinants- Card 2/6 Evaluation of phase ... 24871 S/109/61/OC6/007/011/020 D262/D306 A00, A10, , o 9 A01, All, * * , 0 (6a) of the system must be equal to zero# whps -ihnL A 0 ZA (6b) A onp p' Eq. (6a) is the required equation for detormining -the phase oon- stant h of waves in the structure, Approx:~matigns a:!e obtained b.g. the zero order approximation Is A (11) - 0. 00 The face term in Eq. (9) inco:?porates X -adiation reac-, 00,00 the i~ Card 3/6 8/109,/61/006/007/011/020 Evaluation of phase D262/D306 te.nee of the element of the struoture. If only the approxinate our- rent distribution at the struoture elements is givenp one ahould assiUme it to be that corresponding to the distribution at a single element, placed in an eqUivaIgnt waveguido excited by a TMI Wave. The current distribution'will then be detornined by K. with the proviso that factors a~ should bo det6rmined first from a system of linear equations usftng the method of induced ezfle..It can be shown that theii OKI o. e,29): PJ holds. It oan also be eargily jieen that Card 4/6 7 S110916110061001110111020 E'valuation of phase D262/D506 7 aja* Roo,pi Roo and p J+p even represent t~e real (R 00) and reactive in equivalent waveguide (or --,wo-dimenBiorial apV p P a a* X a X i P 00,Pj 00 J+i)=even (Xcio) impedance oT thi posts lattice) when ci7Lrient is propagated. If an infini"o lattice of posts is given in vfliich the current distribution is ~'eacribed by + al -cos -f (32) according to L.S. Benenson '~Itef- 51 Navedennye soprotivleni7a vi- bratora rolnovodet RadiotakhrLika i elektronika, 1961, 6, 6, 926) Card 5/6 '. JP 24871 C,1/10Y61~006/007/0111/020 Blvaluation of phaso, 111262 30 D Z 0 -00-00 j,2 (ka) Z00.11, *0 (33) 1~1', - ROO.11 -,.- 11, (k.) . A, (k.) e, t. -VT-j ~u_ T,,7o o 71. (k are obtained. There are 1 figure and 5 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: July 28p 1960 Card 6/6