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-.14stri '413d AW ~~i lot ~nos)AO4 kops O%Utatloa of the Ra ab" S,k-- Sapt, I j67. 17D. glit PA-"ALrch'V use T he welgWA ivAerns of pidid" With it sivoA spili, Tames - - W6*" Importwe to calmals re c!rxwA tlo" tn'the pr~ockicUojp;Iwory for the ab iM )V, and 1. 1t P,~- n -1 c 't J- 1, rt i c I t~ 7, .70 1 c-, jc T~ 11D T C! -rc;babi~---iess o"" particIr production in ni,,cl.-on-nuc-leon co'l~sibns -1e p at an cner,-- r)~' been calunlatc~d us-L-u- otal-stican' by ta]~in~ -into acconnt the conscrVation S c;nin ac w211 as resonance pion-nucleon inter ctir)n in the 7 Ft, Uc-. Var-io"Ic S-pace volu-,ioc; in ; I , 11 " I W, A. 1-T. ;-Alt' `1111~'OV,_O. N. and POIL t1 "Ei* _~4 nation of 'IfDration of tho Armature ol' tM Relay T--i--24) Eie~,,. Sta., 23, No.2, 1952 C."'a ii-I the Southern Fl (st-fati hy untclv- N ien Ehan 1241, h3 1") BARRASHINOVA, V.11. Stratigraphy of Mesozoic deposits of the Tilrgay lowland according to a study of the spore and pollen complex. Trudy Lab.geol.ugl. no.2:204-209 '54. (Turgay gates--Geology, Stratigraphic) (MLRA 8:7) BARBASHU Spore and pollen complexes of Mesozoic deposits in the northern part of the Turgay Gates. Trudy Inst.geol.nauk All Kazakh.SSR no.1: 143-273 '56. WRA 10:.5) (Turcay Gates--Spores (Botany), Fossil) (Turgay Gates--Pollen, Fossil) --BAIMASHINOVA, V.N. Petrographic &iaracterietico of co!XlEi in thp Millerovo P,0010gical region of the Jonets Basin. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.peol. 25 no.l: 98-101 Ja 160. (MIRA 13-8) 1. Volgo-Donskoye geol.upravleniye, g. Rostov-na-Donu. (Dinets Basin--Coal) BARBASHINOVA, V. N. Character-of coals and the tectonic position of the Miller coal- bearing area in the Greater Donets Basin. I,,,v. AN SSSR Ser. geol. 27 no.10:74-83 0 162. 04IRA 15:10) 1. Dallnevostochnyy geologichaskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Donets Basin--Coal geolop,7) I- n 1AARIMMUOVA, V.I. Petrographic studies of anthra:~ites in the southprn -.-3F--,2tor of "lle Sn1R synclino. Izi,. vys. zav.: reol. i razv. I A,- 158. (MIRA 12:9) 1.Rosto,iskiy gosudarqtvannyy iiniversitet. Kafodra istoricheskoy geologii. (Donets Bas~--i--Anthracito coal.) 21(1,8); 24(5) PEASE I BOOK SUL401TATICH SOV/3369 i7i Tsesoyncnaya mozhvuzovskaya konrerentslyn po kvantovoy teeril poley > I teorli elmentarnykh chastit3. Uzhgarcd, 1958 elementmrnykh chantItS. N?. 2: Trudy Problelmy sovremennoy teorIl konferentali... (Problem I n tn~ Mrdern Thcor7 of Hi-entar7 . Particles. Xr. 2: Trnnm%otlon3 or the All-Union In~er-Vuz Confe "nee on the Quantum Field 7heory an! the Theory of _7v 92mentary Particles) Uzhgorod, 7.ikarpataknye oblastno7e lz4-vo, 1959. 214 P. 5,000 copies printed. i_11 ch. Ed..- X. Beloun. Doc T Zd.: T%L. Tcm adz nt; ~J 031: ?bd bo Is nte d d far physicists, particularly those i n : : :k `Gl oncerned h problecla In tile fleld of elementary Particles a.nd itt ~ t ~ e h* quAnt th cry. particles ntary COVLHAGE: ThIs book contains articles on el- . ; origilmally re,ad at the All-Union Inter-Vuz jnrer nce held at < on October 26, A~mong the topics Ulthaorod Stale UnIvers- the fuslon theory, discussed ~e: the apinor field th~~y, scatcorirg, Lrrantz contractions, parity studle3, nuclcon-clecn . etc hAb3tracto acco=pny -ch art-cl. Role ences f Sokollk, G.A. New Pumulntion of Pu.!cn Theory 26 1~.Jadze Y..M" and B.T. of J.hiclngO r 4 a Varlation-Meth,,d to the ?, Th ~ r eol, 30 !Okoll-k, G.A. Golleralization of *he Wr~ntz Group 3T lvanlt,ml _7m, O.s- G,ne~.IlLe,l E-iva-nt E. _ ~terjt!al al,ld . Lnrl~_,te-1-1 Lorcz~tz ROtar7 X-tlon SOkOllk. G.A. Representation of the C-ple~e I-ent. Group 52 SOkOlIk, G.A. C-hoo~tlol Btw,- the R.p,cj. ntatic. Of the 3PAce-Tim, Inversion Oroup and 'he Paull T r.rt~at_,ons 56 Qeahkchb.yrl, B.V,, 3~A___Xd_lx _ ' _ _ and A.P. RO!I-Conss~atl~l n oj pLrIty In ILE 5.3 BI 1&n'kl7,--S and R.1q. Rydjj,. D.t, of p& ty qM- ic t1,3 63 icss&dz-, yu-M. The Possible Ver~l- or -h. Jr T D ecay becry 69 vmrashil, I. L.-zt!zr._ ~f L;,d 3--Q Jplh.r 'VE-14-Puncti.n. -..G. Co ... motion of th. Cc=,,.e, _ ,, , . Y, Pundoolental .. o, a Lavr of ~he 5;=.t.-y In Nllt, ~e d3 Qfffhlrenbeyn, B.V.,jxe,jcn or Elec trons Conversion Jubaequent to or the Inner Dtc.y Tj~ J' I t , , n o Account , the ILI*ctrlc Field of the Nucleus .99 Itenko,_.~.a. N*u-'-on cr th* 3 U ,drlr the , t"PPI-g R~5`rtl-n In the 11 V), M,, g ,, l Ra , , y 6: i 99 ~-Wa~. Equations r.r particle. 1L-9 ]3mrashenkov, V-3., and B.& LLr_LpA~~. !k1me R-ka on the Inner Structure of tile Soloylyov, V.(;. 97-7 127 on the superfluld State of In Ate. Nucleus 1 7 BARBASHOV, B. 14. V. S. Barasheril:cv and B. 1-1. Barbashov "The Electrical Polarizability of the Meson Cloud in the liucleoll" Nuclear Physics, 9, 1,10- 3, Jan. 1059, 4'16-)128 (Elorth Hollaild Publishing Co., z'ciisterdam) .1 1 - u Jci-nt Insti-llute of laiclem- Research, Laboratory of Tlieoretical 1hysics, Difbna,, USSR 21(l) AUTHORS: Blokhintsev, D. I., Barashenkov, V. 3., SOV/56-36-5-7 3/7 6 Barbashov, B. M. TITLE: The Electromagnetic Structure of tho Proton and of the Neutron (ElektromaEnitnaya struktura protona i neytrona) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tuoretichoqkoy fiziki, 19519 Vol 56, Nr 5, pp 1611-1612 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The experi~71ental results of the distribution of cliarge and maenetic moment in the nucleon are known to be in sharp contradiction to meson-theoretical calculations, The authors of the present "Lutter to ihe Editor" are, however, of the opinion that the difficulties -are mainly due to an inaccurate interpretation of the fact that the usual interpretation of Hofstadter's experiments is actually neither unique nor accurate, but only posoilile. The discrepancy said to exist between the distribution law of meson charge density according to Yuk-awa (r-e- url,,2 C~ Card 1/3 and the experimental one (-e-l~r) is of no real importance Thu Llec tic Structure of the Proton and 3 0 V1 5 4- - 3 ~Sw~ - 5 -- 7 37/7 r"S of t~)u because the ranCcs of applicability of' these expressions are quite different. Proceeding from the expressions .01MIa Uy Oal:~:-lan (Ref 1) for the tctal char~-e densitY / and from the ;aagnetic moment of the me son + ~ k (r) cloud m(r) m (r) + mi (r) (one-pion state), tile cutoff IT 4 rmethod is briefly investigated, and for the electric radius of the pion cloud n M e P (0-7f )2 is obtained, which af~rees well -,,iith the exj~e, A -FiEure showL; the charCe di6trib,ition d(r) for proton ~,nd neutron and their cures. The stat-2ment made by the autnors shovisthat the result obtained by Hofstadter ;,iay be considered to agree very satisfactorily tl--e -- e S of the meson theory. There are 1 fi6ure and 4 r,~ferences, ASSOCIATION; Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy ~'joint Institute of Nuclear tesearch) 1,,~59 Card 3/3 21 (1) AUTHORS: Blokhintsev, D. I., Barashenkov. V. j., SoV/53-68-3-5/11 Barbai3h~v, B. M. TITLE: The Structure of Nucleons (Struktura nid-Ilonov) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskilch nauk, 1959, Vol 613, Nr 3, PP 417-447 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In chapter 1 (introduction) the authors discusvYlkawals Theory of nucleon interaction by ,-ieruis of a ineson field as well as the physical model of a nucleon representod by figure 1 with core, pion, and K-meson shell; the core dimension is -iven as amounting U to -A/mc z= ,.1.10-'4 C111. J11 tho followill,-, Chapter 12 Lho mothod", of investigating particle structure are (dealt with. Besides the recoil effect the inelastic interaction proces,,.-es are discussed in detail. Table 1 shows the statistical e-rors~ of cross section measizvements of inelastic collisions of n with Fe-nuclei at hi~-h enor~ies for four :e U 6 Lrd "blac*."" domains in the nucleon axe dezi_~t rLth 2). 3 o~_-ie Wier methods are mentioned and a table L31icr~,,s the wave lelirrths -tia~-r L of various rays. In chapter 3 the elec* rc, -,tic structure of the nucleon is theoretically dealt quid the theory developed Card 1/4 by Chew and Low is especially taken in-~-o UC--ount. Table 3 The Structure of Nucleons SOV/53-68-3-5/11 re-prosents the distrIbution of tho L)Lectric ch:xL-a in the J)jon cloud of the nucleon. The mo,,A experimeatal. result:; tire ;,iven separately for proton :;-zid neutron. Chaptor 4 is entitled "Critical Remarks mid mn Analysis of the 4yperii-nerit"'. Carried out-by 11ofstadter"; in the individual parts the limits of electrodynamics, the part played by inelastic processeo, 4,_nd the analysis of the scattering of electrons on protons and neutrons is discussed. Figuxe 6 shuac the electroma,3netic structure of protons Lind neutrons in form of ddaIIIrLu:is. The curves dp(r) and dn(r) were taken from rapers by Pofstadter. Chapter 5 deals-with some structural effects of nucleons. 'I~wo uroblems connected with the electromagnetic st_--ucture of nucleons are discussed: the electric polarizability of the electron cloud iij the nucleon according to Chew; the factor ccof P, = ol is -iven 0 as amounting to 4.10-43 CM3 4 Ok 1-~ 1.1t.1()-42 CM3 ~ ~--ihich is lower than the value given by Yu. A. Aleksandrov. In the second part of this chapter the electromagnetic mass of the nucleons and the stability of protons (according -to reference 59) are Card 2/4 investigated. Chapter 6 deals with theoretical experiiirients The Structure of Nucleons SOV/53-68-3-5/11 carried out for the purpose of inte-7preting the electromagnetic structure of the central nucleon ranges. Whereas in the preceding chapters the peripheral ranges of nucleons were dealt withi the following chapters deal with the theory of central parts. Indiv-idually, the influence of strange particles, the contribution of nucleon-antinucleon pairs (according to I. Ye. Tamm, fig-are 8), and some details of the theory of the form factors and dispersion relations are dealt with. Uhapter 7 deals with the nuclear structure of nucleons. Several problems connected with the electromaEnetic interaction of nucleons in the nucleus (nucleons amon- thems-elves, nucleons with pions, K-meBons, and antinucleons) are investigated. The cores of the nucleons are briefly dealt vith (several experimental results obtained at the OIYaI (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) are given. - Figure 10: Histograms of pp- arid pn-collisions at 9 Bov (proton-synchrotron) are ~;iven. The optical model of the nucleon is discussed in dotail and so is pion-pion interaction. In chapter 8 the authors deal with the theory o 'f the optical nucleon model: the enuation for nicn-nucleon scattering is given and discussed, arid so are the conditions for the occurrence of Uard 3/4 a complex potential. Ghapter 9 finally gives quite a short The Structure of 1.-.,ucleons su-mary. The material of this origin. There are 12 figures, '27 of which are Soviet. SOV11 53-68-3-5/11 surv3y is mainly of Western 5 ta~oles, iLnd 60 references, Card 4/4 MOROZOV, I.N., inzh.; RARBASHEV, G.K. Electromagnetic circuit breaker of a piston expander. Kislorod 12 no.5:40-41 '59. (MIU 13:2) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) (Circuit breakers) SlialKERA S.I.,, inzh.; BARBASII'EV,-G.,K'.-'-, in-,h.; 'SHll'VEi,EVA, Q.11.1 USTINOV, A.A., inzIl. Operation of automatic ~31iaft furnaces. TSement 31, no.1:16-18 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Slantsevoldy tsemontnyy Zuvod. MRRASHBY, II., doktor pedRgogicheskikh nauk. "Lower vocational education in the R.S.F.S.R." A.N,.Veaelov. Rayiewad by.N; Rarbashe*,, rrof.-tekh.obr-13 no.9:30--31 S156. (MMA 9: 10) (Vocational education) (Yeselov, A.B.) p I BARBASHEV, NIKOLAY ILLA UL , joNoI!-J-CaFcfAorp C. 163 Naval Architectura 1964 FA 12/49T44 UM/Engineer,ing jul 48 4droelectric Plants Rain "Deteraining the Maximum Rainfall When Making Compu- tations on Hydrotechnioal Installations," X. I. Barbasher, 1 3/4 pp "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 7 Report of a discussion on this subject in the Sec on Sci Res on Hyaraul Problems. -Ow 12/49144 ~-'A 3 '30~ -I~ Hyaraulics Potamology Fab 49 'Viscussion. of the blethod of Utilizing River Flow," N. 1. Barbashev, I p IIIz Ak Nauk SSSR, OtIel Tekh Nauk" No 2 The report, I%seo of the Theory of Regulation. and Utilization of River Flow," by S. N! Y.rit8kiy and M. F. Menkel, vas discussed at a session of Acad Sci USSR for scientific develop- ment of hydroeGonomio problems on 11 Nov 48. BARBASHEV) if. I. ?A 169-T3 USSSR/At--adery of Sc'aleticc-,z, - Hydrology Jul 50 "Chronicle - In the S-e-tic-. on th-~ Scientific Solu- tion oi' Prat.1~7rs W~%,.~r A-zuIwi-iv of "I;: Ak Nauk SSSR. Wel T~~'kh Nauk" Nc 7.. -1-102- 1104 During Feb-Apr ',Q, lil-ld number of se-minars wi-t-h lectures by Ecientists~ N. V. Mastit- skiy 6 "The Significance of a Varlable Hydraulic Regime in th~-, Water-Pouer RoFuiatlon o^ the ~apay- ity of Hydroelectric Flant,'- ani M. P. Fel'aman s "Report on Experiences Gatned in the Planning and Utilization of.Regulating F~vdroelectric Flauts." 4M 162-13 /Hydrology Tun 49 Vater Purification "Report on Scientific Principles in Regulating, the Quality of Ordinary and Drainage Waters, " N. 1. Barbashev) 2 pp "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 6 In a recent report, V. T. Turchinovich pointed out the necessity for protecting water reservoirs and rivers from pollution by residential and industrial drainage waters-While much has been done to solve this problem, it is still far Trom solved due to lack of a single approach to the 52/49T48 USSR/Hydrology (Contd) Jun 49 complex use of reservoirs and drains. Pro-poses that a single standard for regulation of water qwaity be established to unite all, disciplines now concerned with this subject. 52/49T48 YORONTbOV, N.M., nauclmyy sotrudnik; RARBASHIN, RAM., starshiy master blyurdnga Cold working blooming mill rolls. Hetallurg 4 no.2:27-28 F '59. tMIRA 12:1) l.Ukrainakiy institut metallov (for Vorontsov). 2.Alchavskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod tfor Barabashin). tRolle (Iron mills) Oteel-Cold working) YAKIMENKC, G~S.; BAR13ASHIN, starshiy master blyuminga --------- -- Metal marMng in the productim line. Yletal2urg 6 no-7:23-25 J3 161. (MIRA 14:6) L Alchevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. 2. Zamestitell nachal'nika obzhimn-~F,o tsekha iUchevskogo netallur richeskog~ zav0da (fir Yakimenko). (Rolling (Metalwork)) GORODETSKIY, L.N.; CHIGIRINSKIY1 V.M.; 11AFfULOVICH, DAUCU,"I'0) N.F.; MEMIYANOV, V.P.; In rolling all over the country. Metallurg 6 no.8:25-28 Ag 161. (MI!,',A 14:8) 1. Rellsobalochnyy tsekh zavoda im. Petrovskogo (for Gorodetskiy, G,higirinskiy). 2. TSentrallnaya zavodskaya laboratoT~iya ~~avoda im. Petrovskogo- (for Naftulovich, Danchenko). 3. 1',';ecnitO'gorskiy metallurgicheakiy koqbinat (for Yemellyanov). 4. Starshiy master blyuminga, zavoda im.-Voroshilova (for Barbashin). (Rolling mills) BkBASI-11INP B.M.; YAKDONKO, G.S. linproving the method of rensiov-'~ ng f.-- fro,,Z '. 'c 1, 1."0 slahbirig mill shears. Met.i gornorud. pron. 1:-D 16,i. (MIRA 18:1) YERCHLNKOV, G.; 'BARB.ISH114,,14. Ways of a further expanvion of tho resources of raw materials for the moat induntry. Mias.ind.SSSR 33 no.5:4-2-41~ 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Gosudarstvennyy kwinitet zagotovok Soveta Mnistrov SSSR (for Yerchankov). 2. Gosplan SSSR (for lk%rbftshin). (Moat industry) SOROCHKIN, Igor' Milchaylovich; GRISHIN, Leonid Iv,~,novich; ZI.IJUVKIN, G.S., retsenzent; BARRASHINI, 14.K ret-senzent; KC.RBUT, L.V., red.; SATAInVA, A.fC, tekhn. red. [Org,gnization of work and wa[!es in meat combines] Organiza- tsiia trudEt i zarabotnoi platy na minsokombinatakh. Moskva, PishcheDromizdat, 1963. 202 p. (MIRA 16:6) .i eat industry-l-lanaFament) W (1%'ages-Ment industry) B !A I.M.; FALMV. G. 9964. WM-- Let us catch up with the United States in the per capita production of meat, milk and butter. Mias.Ind.SSSR 28 no.4:1-5 157. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Gocudarstvennoya planovayn komiselya po vosstanovlaniyu khozya.79tva i protyahlennosti pri Sovete nnrodnykh ministrov SS6R. (Meat induatry) UqbASHIN, N.N. CAND TECH SCI Dissertation: "Investigation of the Method for Manufacturing Cast Iron Crankshafts for Compressors and their Substitution for Forged Steel Shafts." 23 may 49 Moscow Order of the Labor Red Bauner Higher Technical School imeni Bauman. 0"'*, Vecheryaya Moskva 0V SUM 7 11 MYSHKINA, H.I., bibliograf; LOBANOVA, K.N., biblio.-raf; '-RUDAKOVA, V.I., bibliograf; GORDON. L.L., bibliograf; SOKOLOV, N.V., prof., nauchnyy red. (deceased]; BARBASHIN, N.N., dotsent, kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; MODUI, B.I., tekhn.rad. [Founding; a bibliography of the literature publisned before 19551 Liteinoe proizvodstvo; bibliograficheskii ukazatell literatury po 1955 9. -Red.N.V.Sokolova. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroitlit-ry, 1959. 687 p. (MIRA 12:7) (Bibliography--Fonnding) MY&MIUA. M.1., bibliograf; LOBANOVA, K.N.. bibliograf; RUDAXOVA, V.I., bibliograf-, GORDON, L.L., bibliograf; SoKOLOV, N.V., prof., nauchnyy re(l'. (deceased]; BARBASHIN, M.N., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; MODEL', B.I., (Founding; a bibliography of the literature published before 19551 Liteinoe proizvodstvo; bibliografichaskii ukazatell lite- ratury po 1955 g. Red. N.V.Sokolova. Moskva, Gos.nnuchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 687 P. (MIRA 12:7) '(Bibliography--Founding) KASEZOV, Mikhail Ueksanclrovich; BARBASHIN, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk# retsenzent; IUMOKOV, B.P-O-'-Y-and-.--teIhx.naukq red.; SOBOLETA, G.N., red.izd-va; TIIMMOV9 A.Ya., [Forging and smaU casting furnaces] NuznecliWe i malye plavill- nyo pechi. Moskva, Gos4n.-uchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit lit- 1 1961. 186 p. im~u 14 t 67 (Metallurgical furnaces) ALEKSEYEV, S.A.; PALABIN, V.V.; BARBASHIp'N.N.; GORSHKOV, A.A.; MARIMIBWlf.--L M RUBTSOV, N.N., doktor tekhn. ZHARDV N.T.; nauk, prof.[deceased]; SERGEYEV, V.S.; SOSNENKO, M.N.; FROLOV, V.V.; KONSTA1.9TINOV, L.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; CHERNYAK, 03.3. red. i:zd-va; UVAROVA, A.F., tekhn. red.; TIKHOOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red. [Fondryman's handbook; general information on founding]Spravoch- nik liteishchika; obshchie svedeniia po litliu. [By)S.A.Alekseyev i dr. Pod obshchei red. N.N.Rubtsova. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 524 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Founding-Handbooks, manuals,atc.) RUBTSOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich, zasl. deyateP nauki i tekhniki, Laureat Gosudatstvennoy premii, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.fdeceased]; RARBASHIN N N kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; STEPANE~KO, N.S., red. izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhn. red. (History of founding in the U.S.S.Rjlstoriia liteinogo proiz- vodstva v SSSR. lzd.2., dop. i pererabotannoe. Moskva, Mash- giz, Pt.l. 1962. 287 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy mashin i avtomatizatsii liteynogo proizvodatva Moskov5kogo vyashego tq~Wcheskogo uchilishcha im. Baumana (for Rubtsov). (Founding) VARIYENBAKE, LJ,.~ BPdtBASHIN, lj,~.N,, [Fouildry furriace:3.1 PE dop. d per~!~r, F. ACC NRt AP7002565 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/023/0053/0053 I'NVENTOR: Suminov, V.M.; Promyslov, Ye.V.; Kuzin, B.G.; Skyorchevskiy,,: A. K. ; Barb ashin , 14. 14. ORG: none 'TITLF: Pneumatic sizing of microholes. Class 21, No ' 189083. [Announced by the Moscow Aircraft Technological Institute (1405ko-'faklyI aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut)] SOURCE: I zobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki , no. 23, 1966, 53 TOPIC TAGS: microhole drilling, laser drilling, laser machining, microhole sizing., .4~,ye.42 4PPuct9-17o-V, 01-?// 1-1,V6 4>700CHIN& ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of sizing microholes made with a laser beam. To improve the precision of the microhole, the material melted or vaporized by a laser beam is removed from the hole with .a compressed air jet. (ND] SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: lONov65/ ATD PRESS: 5113 Cord 1/1 UDC: 621-375.8:621-735.6 OYKS, G.N., doktor tekhn.nauk-;- BUB&SHIN, O.A., inzh.; KALTYGIN, V.P., inzh. Changes in steel composition in the process of pouring. Sbor. Inst.stali no-39:40-46 160. (MIRL 13:7) 1. Kafedra, metallurgii stali Moskovskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni inatituta Fitali im. I.V.Stalina. (Steel-Yietallurgy) PHASE I 1300K 11PLOITATION S(W/4782 Moscew. Inatitut stali ft-ol"odstvo I obr&botka stall I oplavov ( Production and Treatment or Steel and Xlloya) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 196o. 462 p. (30-1638 Its. Sbornlk, 39) 2,100 copies printed. Ed.t Ye. A. Berko; Ed. of Publishing House: S. L. ZInger; Tech. Ed.- M. R. Kleynmnnl Editorial Count,- of tho Ina'Ltwto: M. A. allnkov. Profes3cr, Doctor of Technical Sciences; R. N. Orlgora5h, Do,ctnt, Candidate of Technical Sciences; V. P. Yelyutin, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; A. A. Zhukhovitak-ly, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences; 1. N. ?UdIn, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; B. 0. Uv*hIts, Prefei3or, Doctor of Tech- nical Sciences; A. P. Lyub.--oi, Profcaaor, Doctor or Technical Sciences; 1. M. Pavlov, Corresponding M~=ber, Academy Or Sciences U=vk, and A. U. Pokhvionev, Professor, Doctor or Technical 301ence5. PURPC,33i Thin book In intended for technical personnel In Industry, scientific Institutions and a-hools of nIgner education, dealing wit.1h open-hearth and aloe tric-rurnace metal roll-Ing, physical matallurg;j, atall.&r.phy, and no it - treatment. It =aY card 1/10 "d' ,'to be .cd by Z~u ---..Ilzlng In these fields. _;p COVERAIIEv: The book contaIns results of theoretical and cxp~rl=cnt- &I investigations or metallur.~Ical and hc3t-&Ineerlng pro-13el In Open-hearth and electric farnaccs. Data are inclludvd cn the following: desulfurizzing of pig Iron outside the !~I-t rjrnace, interaction of Oxides of the carbldc-ro:=.Ing -tal's wl= solid carbon, the change or content Of gases In the bath of tn~ open- heartlh furnace in various periods of mc!-Ing, intensifl-catlan of the electric melting of steel, etc. Other -tIlc3 deal with the conuniformity of dero-.-a-.on In rolling, the study of the continuoua rolling process, the dependence of' trio friction - slippage coefficients In rolling on a n-ber or, anl other problemn In the pre-working of metals. Articles an physical metallurgy and the tneoreticall pr.-n=1plcs ind teenniqies of the heat treatment of stecl are also inaluded. No per3onftli- ties are mentioned. References accorpany most of the articles. ?.hot* are 207 references, both Soviet anJ non-Soviet. Card 2110 Sobolev, S. K., Engineer, V. A. K,~drin, Card-IdAte Or Technical Sciences 0. N. Oyka and X. C1. T-abin, Doctors of Technical Sci- .mass tDopartment or Metallurgy of Stool). Dea.iturim-Ing Pig IrOn vutside the Bleat Furnace by Lima Wl'th the Addition or Aluzi- 5 n= Powder P.vlcv, ru. A., Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences (De- partmen, ol -o Metals Matallurzy~]. Interaction Betw"n Oxides 16 of Cax-bide-FormIng Metals and Solid Carbon Can didato of Technical Sciences, and K. 0. Trubin Metallurgy of Steel]. Content of Gases in Chrom- I=-Xickal-Molybdenum Steel Ing~ta and Rolled Stock 23 _P. -Oyks 'W.. ba-zhin, Engine,%tand,L K or e.1 . CN--_h&_ In Steel jcngl. EDpartment df_M4t&Itar6;- kc Cc=;, Mich During the Te-Ing Process Card 340 CHERNYAK, Ya.N., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BARBASHINA, L.I.. inzhener. Semi--dry pressed facing 29 no.3:15-16 RL 155- (Walls) (Clay slabs made from light c"',-ay-s. industries) Gor.khoz.Mosk. (MIRA 8:5) BARBASHINA, Yelizaveta Gaorgiyevna; KKIN, Gavril Fodorovich; KRYLOV, V.I., nauchnyy red.; RDGACIM7. F.V., red.; RAKOV, S.I., [Handbook for the young founder] Spravochnik molodogo liteishchika. Moskva, Vses. uchobno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudrozervizdat, 1953. 347 p. (Founding) (MIRA 12:1) ALEKSANDROVp R.G.; BARBASHINA9 Te.G.; BASIKOv K.P.; VARTANIYAN~ A.& ; VASILEV- SKIY, P.F.; GLAGOLEVA, L.A.; DUBIND.1, N.P.p prof., doktor t.,3kjjr. -nn,,i KONSTANTINCIV, L.S.; KORGTKOV, A.I.; LES-11ITOT-KO, V.L.; 1-~AJ;FILGV, Ye.A.; TRUKTSYNp N.A.; TIJC.'=, ICH, N.M.; FADFMv A.D., FOKINv G.F.; MARTENS, S.L., inz.h., red.; SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekbn. i,:~d. eel casting; foipidrymenls handbook] S-tallnoo litle; spravochnik ,a masterov liteinogo proizvodstva. Moskvaq Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd- mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 887 p. (IURA 14.8) (Founding) BARBASHINOVA, V.I,', Sapropelites in the northeastern part of the Greater Donets Basin, Izv.vys.ucheb*zav.; geolo i razv. 5 ;ao.5:59-66 My 162. (MJRk 15:6) 1. Novocherkasskiy politekludehoskiy instit,.it. (Donets Basin-Sapropelit-3s) MBASHOV, A zasi. zootekhnik RSFSR; FATS, G., otv. za v)-pusk; _____MACM4KOY F.y tekhn. red. [Increasing production in swine breeding] Dollshoi rezerv svino- vodstva. Kishinev, Izd-vo Sell)-hoz. lit-ry MSKh MSSRy 1962. 13 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Direktor eksperirentallnogo khozyaystva Vsescyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta zhivotnovodstva, scvkhoza "Klenovo-Chegodayevoll Podollskogo rayona Xoskovskoy oblasti (for Barbashov). (Moldavia--Swine) BARBASPOV, B.M.; YEFROV, G.V. Green's function in the model of scalar charf:ed mesons with a fixed source. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no.1:198-200 (Jan 160. (MIRk 14:9) 1. ObIledinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Nuclear models) (Fotential, Theory of) (Mesons) BARBASIIOV~ B.M.; YEFRIOV, G.V. [Properties of the solution to Low's equaticn for a model in the local field theoryl Svoistva resheniia. uravroniia Lou dlia odnoi modeli lokallnoi teorii polia. Dubna, Obtledinenniy in-t ladernykh issl., 1961. 14 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Nitcloar models) (Field theoi-j) I BARBASHOV,-V-M.; YEFIVOV, G.V.; SARMITSEVA, V.R., tekhn. red. [Remark on unrenomalized theories] Zamechani-3 o neperenorrul- ruerykh teoriiakh. Dubna, ObIledinervVi in-t iaderiWkh issl., 1962. 5 P. (Quantum field theory) (MIRA 3 5 : 6) BARBASNOV, YEFrIOV,, G.V. C- Properties of a solution to Lows equation for a local field theory model (with swu-iary in English]. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 42 no.2:520-525 F `62~ (IMU 15:2) 1. Obllyddinennyy institut yedernykh issledovaniy. (Field theory)(Nuclear models) 83195 S/056/60/039/002/032/044 BO06/B07O AUTHORS: Barbashov, B, M, Yefimov, G V, TITLE- A Method for Field-theoretical Problems Involving a Stationary Nucleon Iq PERIODICAL-. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39i No 2(8), pp. 450 - 460 TEXT- In the present paper the authors consider -,he example of an interaction between charged scalar mesons and stationary source and develop a new method for the solution of mesodynamacal equations of this class of models. The applied formalism is not related to the coupling constant-\ It is based on the matrix method of solution of differential equation0given by I. A, Lappo.-Danilevskiy,, The new formalism is equiva-_ lent to the perturbation theory; if the Hamiltonian of the system of neutral mesons and a stationary nucleon is taken to be the unperturbed Hamiltonian- While in the perturbation theory the approximation can be made only by taking an arbitrary number of terms of the series, the new method gives in a closed form the value of the n-th term of the Card 1/3 83195 A Method fur Field-theoretical Problems S/056/60/039/002/032./044 Involving a Stationary Nucleon B006/BO70 approximation. This fact also allows, in principle, the test of the con- vergence of the series. Thus, the field-theoretical problem is solved in the form of a series whose n-th term is known, Since the coupling con- stant does not act as the parameter for the expansion of the series, no assumption need be made about its smallness. The advantages of these facts are discussed, An investigation of the renormalized coupling con- stant leads to the conclusion that, in the exact solutions for some models, there exist poles at the point g-0. This fact makes all the methods doubtful when they are based on an expansion in terms of g. The renormalization constant is calculated according to the proposed method,. It is found that the renormalized charge g r has no logarithutic singular- ity in this model when a transition is made to thE point interaction Finally, it is shown that the method of functdonal integration, still only imperfectly worked out, leads to correct results in the given case. The authors hope that after further development, the method would lead still more efficiently to exact solutions of the field-theoretical problems. The authors thank Professor D, I. Blokhintsev and Academician N, N. Bogolyubov for stimulating discussions, Tamm, Dankov, and Card 2/3 83195 A Method for Field-theoretical Problems S,/056/60/039/002//032/044 Involving a Stationary Nucleon BoC)6/BO70 D~ V. Shirkov are ment--oned. There are 9 referenc#~s- 4 Soviet, 4 US, and A/- 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (joint Institute of Nuclear Research) S -LTBMITTED ,March 18, 1960 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: TITLE: Barbashov,-B.-M., Yefimov, G. V. S/056/61/040/003/017/031 B102/B205 Model of local field theory with finite charge renormaliza- tion PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental~noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 40, no. 3, 1961, 848-859 TEXT: A method previously developed by the present authors (cf. ZhETF, 38, 198, 1960 and R, 450, 196o),has now been used lo treat the modified Lee model of local field theory T. D. Lee, Phys. R,Bv. 0-, 1329, 1954) proposed by I. Bialnicki-Birula Nucl. Phys. 12, 309, 1959), in which the condition of cross symmetry is satisfied. FoTthis model in which the .fixed nucleon appears in two states of different maoses, the S-matrix and the renormalization constants are determined first. The solutions are obtained in the form of expansions in series of the renormalization con- stants 6m (Am is a physical parameter corresponding to the difference in mass between the two fermion states in the model); these series converge in the ultraviolet (E)~ 6m). The principal feature of the model is its Card 1/6 Model of local field theory... S/056/61/040/003/017/031 B102/B205 finite charge renormalization in all orders with respect to Am for point interaction (unlike the Lee model where the problem of zero charge arises). On the strength of the Hamilt-onian H = r1to NINI) -1- ~ dx - In' (x) + (VT (-,)), ++ 2_ + g ~dx (p (x) 8 (x) + Amo WTI*), the adiabatic S-matrix, S", was found to be 00 ST, Q = I - 12 (1,44,) d~, x: exp i (IrTjl~) gdS P, SAP (S) C-MIS1 q exp lt ds, ds-e-205,1+1%,!) 11 P(~/-SOA(SI-s-)CRi-S.-) x x exp ME (3) Card 2/6 j~-i Model of local field theory ... B1021B205 This expression is exact up to a phase constant. The matrix elements of the S-matrix were investigated, and EIV = lim (A' I S' (0, - oc) I jV> 00 CO CO m + 6,vAm I (- 6,%,AM)q dxl ... dx,xj ... X4 X X exp 12g! 121 (- IY+M exp (- (a 2 X/)I (6) k 1-1 rn-I + I Aas nPOTOtia (N = p) (rrr-'-sil auee I AAR MfiTpOlia (N - n). (neOrt i) M = J710 - 2 (a-2' (6') k Am = Anto ex P 92 Z (,,-3k. (6-) k Card 3/6 22137 Model of local field theory ... S/056/61/040/003/017/031 B102/B205 was obtained for the eigenvalue of the energy of the single-fermion state. The renormalization constant of the fermion field is determined by the square of the matrix elementt i Z'v= I 12= I I"= zCX ri 00 CO (8,VAM)q dxl... dxxl ... x. L-q-0 0 0 X exp gt + [- 2] (-1)' ex dxl ... dxq '13 P k +2Z Z I)'+- ex p(3 XI)IJ] (7) 1-2 M-1 I-M 3Aecb K A C. 3~ exp -, 2 W_ Z k where Z2 holds for scalar mesons, and N> denotes the single-nucleon state of the total Hamiltonian. As usual, the coupling renormalization constant is given by Card 4/6 S/056/61/040/003/017/031 Mkodel of local field theory ... B102/B205 g, /P IP~Tjl~! n) I i M g Q_o S' (-. - -) p> 6(pi - pl) -2,x i6 (w, - w1) 00) d-0 26A,9! Ant 00 00 W I (- AVAM)q dx, ... dXqX q_q Card 5/6 x [ q + I exp ( 10, v/) + exp ita, XI) X 1=1 i-M I-M 22137 B/056/61/040/003/017/031 Model of local field theory ... B102/B205 co X(- 1)q~ dy~ dyq Fy- X Xq X ex p 2g2 1)11,n iW YM. k 1-1 1?1-1 Next, it is proved that the series are convergent for E , Zn, and g p 2 r' Professor D. I. Blokhintsev is thanked for his interest in the work and for a discussion, and also L. G. Zastavenko for a discussion of mathematical problems. Several mathematical problems are dealt with in appendages.- There are 11 referencesi 4 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. The three references to English language publications read as follows: R. Arnowitt, S. Deser, Phys. Rev. 100, 349, 1955; L.'N. Cooper, Phys. Rev. 100, 362, 1955; S. F. Edwards, R. E. Peierls, Proc. Roy. Soc. A224, 24, 1954. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTEDs September 30, 1960 Card 616 BAREASHOV. B.M. [Dynamic reconaricen in nolutions to Lowir, equation for curtnin models in the field theory] 0 dinamichoskikh rezonansakh v re- sheniiakh ura-vneniia Lou dlia nekotorykh modelei teorii. polia. Dubna, Ob"edinenrqi in-t iadernykh issl., 1961. 19 p. (MIRA 15-1) (Quantuin field theor7) BARBASHOV, B.11-1.; YBFIMOV, G.V. 1'-bdel of local. field theoi-I with finite ch&xge renormalization. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 40 no.3:848-859 lhr 161. (MMA 14: 8) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Quantum field theory) (Nuclear models) D2 1 3 in 'U"Ic !jc, !u tions o 1, Z3 t3 10 1 t 1 C) 0 d, I S i 1 e ti en t ~ 1n o i t c~ C) r c t i C' :00 1 n 0 7 c, o D n a ne r i s n t-e sc:itcrin~ c % s 0 o: n I' Z E. ~j i C 2:,~ sCj Y) 0 0 6 o-f t".0 a t 1 c:~ua-~ion is stud' e ~'or renorma' ized non-renol,:~~- i c; a - 7 4 e,,) ~, e t --' c-,- I :., cc I sch!ir ed-i.,a;~L)n --o"... t'-. -, - ~; -- -)c)scd on tl-,,~ -C CG,~, , L -:~~ .~; tra 4r n ty condition, rvsonancoss arise for certain va`ucc of c ou c3ns~zint n4 -parz-,.meter only in no, "renor...E.- 7 -- C,E S. nce in the ron-r~,,-.orzializcd scalar car,-Ol --e- -40 thc- j- ~.,4asc~ in t".-e Sca"Of-inc, =:01itudc" t',:C~ as an effect, of -a centrifuLal bar--ier; tl.,-~ bc-'-avior of t',,~c '0 b-, 43/601 c rc~z;cnances in ... 3 1 C) 2B 106) so--.1nr ar to Of P--Dhasc s'l~~ft in the U. L 4 n s t ~ ,u t j o n t 1 n o o nn is-- t~:aowani,,/ o-' Nucleai- Research) c c o::;b e r 0 ,1961 S/056/62/'042/002/033/055 BlN/B104 AUTHORSt Barbashov, B. I.1., Yefimov, G. V. TITLEj Properties of a solution of the Low equation for a loc2l field theory model PERIODICALs Zhurnal,alcaperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizilci, v. 42, no. 2, 1962, 520 - 525 TEXTt The Low equation is solved for a simple model of elastic scatterin, of a meson from a stationary nucleon., The latter may exist in two statc~- whose difference & in MRSS is less than the mass of the meson. The amplitude of S scattering of a meson with energy (o ~k I is 26N92, A --grbNA (2n)' 4H V~r--Sz + TM~-, soluiion has poles at the points* tA . The additional oole in the ,:er,ial which would contradict to the assumed anqlyt-ical propz-t4-~.- of can be eliminated by imposing restrictions on the coupling Con- 5 f VI which are due to the single-particle unitarity relation: Ca rd S/056/62/042/002/0 Properties of a solutioJi... B108/B104 g,' A g;A, 4jY + 4.n I-' ~-A:2 92/4,-x < In an earlier paper (ZhETF, 40, 848,11961) the authors have obtained the scattering amplitude in the form of a power series which they derived on thE basis of the llar~.iiltonian formalism from the Schro"din-er equaiion. Co,mp3rison bet%',,een the two solutions showed that at ener 'gies U