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.7311-66 Elffrbl- AR602C-'.;,.-,. SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/005/0052/0052 AUTHOR: Banin, V. G. TITLE: Motions effecting an asymmetry in emission of flares SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 5. 51. 410 REF SOURCE: Solnechnyye dannyye, no. 6, 1965, 47-51 TOPIC TAGS: solar flare, flare emission, solar flare model, flare emission asymmetry ABSTRACT: A critical analysis was carried out of flare models formulated by M. Ballario and FriLsov. These models did not explain very well the ob3crved features of emission line profiles in flare spectra, The flare model proposed by the author represents two loops with a common base. The matter moves from the tops of the loops to the base, while the velocities in both loops are different. Such a model explains the nature of the asymmetry of the flare emission lines and r.,,i 1/ 2 'UDC: 523.75 4731 J.--66 kCC NR: AR6028404 the changes in this asymmetry when the lines pass from the center of the Solar disk to its edge. Orig. art. has: 13 reference items. [Translation of abstract] [FM] SUB CODE: 03/ 0 . n In KRINCHLK, G.S.; Ye.S. blatural frequencie3 of n, ckel and nickel a I I r,ys in the infrared region of the specti-LL-q. "ClMr. Asp. i teor. fiz-. 49 no.2~470- 4?5 Ag 165. (PURA 18:9) 1, Moskovskiy gosudarstventin univorsitet. BOTINAp .. N..N. Opalina Parasitic protozoa (protociliates) of tail-loss amphibians of the Soviet Union. Uch. zap. Len. un. No. 141, 1952. 301 Moa-~hly List of Russian Accensiona p Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. BANINA, N.N., kand.biol.nauk Karl Fedorovich Kessler as a scientist and public mn. Trudy Inst. ist. eat. i tekh. 24,1776~195 1~8. (mm 11:8) (Kessler, Karl Pedorovich, 1815-1881) -BMINAt--~N-N--r-kand.biologicheskikh nauk SCientific philosophy of I.I.Kessler. Trudy Inst.tat.est.i tekh. 31:247-267 160. (NEU 13:8) (Kessler, Xarl ?P~toravich, 1815-1881) BARINA, Nina N~ ho_P-Vnai-RMK0V, B.Ye.,, prof., otv. red.; EMTM, L.J~%. red. izd-va; SOROKINA, V.A., tekhn. red. [K.F.Kessler and his role in the development of biology in Russia]K.F.Kesslar i ego roll v razvitii biologii v Rossii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 139 p. (M3RA 15:11) (KESSIER, YARL FMRMICH,, 1815-!881) (BIOLOGICAL RESEAWH) RANINA, N.N. Zoologist, ecologist and zoopeographer Modest Nikolaevich Bogdanov. Trudy tekh. 40i292-301 162, (KM 15,9) (Bogdanov, Modest NikolaMbh, 1841-1888) BANIS, A.P. Breeding work in the Lithuanian S.S.R. Zhivotnavodstvo 24 no.6:59L-62 Je 162. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya po plemennomu delu Ministerstva. proizvodstva i zagotovok sellskokhozyaystvennykh produktov Litovskoy SSR. BANIS, T.Ya.; VEBA-'~ AOIS; POZHELA, Yu.K.; PXTSHAS, K.K. [Repass, K.1; rnrft'~b6p V.1. [Silalnikas, V.] Heating of the current carriers in semiconductors in strong electric fields, Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.9:1519-1522 S 162. (MIRA 35:9) 1. Institut fiziki i m&tematiki AN Litovskoy SSR. (Electric fields) (Semiconductors) L 24324-66~ EWT(1)ITIEWA(.h)_.. JJP(c)- AT-,.- ACC NR: AT6009584 9OURCE CODE: UR/2910,163/003/03-/Olllg/0425 &I AUTHORS:- P~mis, T. Ya. Banys, T. Pozbela, Yu.__K._ Pozela J IORG: Institute of Physics and MatbemajLg_q_, _AN illaqa,(Institut fiziki J_._m_aT&-matiE AN ffit-SSR, _jjjp,__a~a~e PedaaoZical Institute (vilinyusskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogichesidy iTIT12: Determination of the inertia of carrier heating in a aemi- :conductor :SOURCE: AN LitSSR. Litovskiy fizicheskiy sbornik no. 3/4, v. 3, 1963, -419-425 TAGS: semiconductor carrier, relaxation process, germanium, volt ampere characteristic ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Radiotekbnika I ielektronika v. 7, No. 9, rig, 1962) dealing with the relaxation of :the resistance of a semiconductor, and the time lag in the heating of. ;the carriers in a semiconductor by flow of current. Inasmuch as the 'heating and the c-ooling of the carrier gas in the semicohductor -Card L 24324-66- ..ACC NR: AT6009584 -,cannot occur instantaneously, the authors propose to investigate the -:relaxation of the resistance of germanium by determining the zeroth harmonic of the current flowing to the sample placed in a strong biased alternating electric field. It is-shown first that the zeroth',: ,harmonic is strongly dependent on the relaxation resistance time. The' idifferential equation for the resistance relaxation is solved and the*: :equations for the integration constants are determined from the conditions. It Is then shown that by comparing the experi- :mental null current in semiconductors having a prescribed volt-ampere; ..-----.,-:-characteris-tic-it--is-pos.-.'Ible--to-determine tbe--relaxa-tion time of the: -it possl'ble to determine- carrier energy_. e met od-, described makes very short relaxation times by microwave techniques. Preliminary ~,,-j,.measurementd of the relaxation of carrier beating In germanium, car ried out at 10 Ges., show that the time Is sborter than 10 see. _IThe method can be extended to include arbitrary volt-ampere ebaracte1*11, Astics and arbitrary resistance-relaxation processes. It is shown that in the fields whose period is close to the relaxation time of the carrier energy the zeroth harmonic of the current is very sensitive to the change in the relaxation time, which can be determined experi-~ mentally.' Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE.- 28Dec62/ ORIG REP: 002 Card ___2/2 L 362't'-*,-6(,- ~ACC NR: AT5028691 SOURCE'CODE: UR/2910/f)q/004/004/01479/0434 AUTHOR: Banis. T. Ya. -- _pAnyq, T. ;. Pqzhala. Yu, K. -- Poz ORG: Villnyus State Pedagpgical Institut-e-URInyusskiy GosudarstvennTy pedagogi- cheskiy insTitut); Institute of P~Xsics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences.Lithuan-___' ian SSR.(In-stitut fiziki I matematiki Akademii nauk Litovskoy SSR) TITLE: Harmonics of ci current passing through a germanium sample in a stronL~~ ft,eguency electric field SOURCE: AH'LitSSR. Litovskiy fizicheskiy sbornik, v. 4, no. 4,1964, 479-484 TQPIC TAGS1' microwave, current carrier, waveguide, germanium JVF_, 9STRACT: The dependence of zero and higher harmonics of the current in n-type ger- manium as a function of the amplitude of the applied electric field is computed for diffe-rent cases of inertia of heating of current carriers. In.--rtia of heating is ex- pressed as E - E dE c dt T where E is the kinetic energy of ahot electron; Ec is the kinetic energy of a hot electron In the steady state and -rC=f(E), but for purposes of calculation, is assumed Card 1/2 L 3621-C-66 ACC NRs ATS028691 constant. The applied electric field was taken to consist of a strong variable fields E sin wt, and a weak constant field ED, ED ~c E . The formula m m 2n - msinm+n dot. 2nn f r . 0 is derived for the amplitude of the zero harmonic, a=wt. An expression is also deriv-1 ed for the amplitude of the kth harmonic. Using these equations, zero and higher har- monies were calculated on the BESM-2 for various values of E M. , ED, and w, and a presented graphically. Experimental data was also obtained on germanium blocks l.Ox xl.OxlO (or 5) mm3. A limiting waveguide appropriate to the base frequency of 9.3 gigacy6les was used as a filter to isolate the higher harmonics. Two types of filters were used, corresponding to waves of mode H10 and H30; two measuring lines whose re- sonators were tuned to the double and triple frequencies, respectively, registered the higher harmonic signals. The second harmonic amplitude is plotted as a function i.of field amplitude E for EO=125, 100, and 50 v/cm and the third harmonic amplitude is M plotted as a function of the power of the basic-frequ~ncy UHF signal. The powerof .the third and fourth harmonics is on the order of tenths of watts, giving an efficien- cy coefficicient of a fraction of a percent. The authors thank A. 1. V for his help with the measurements. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 9,formulas. SUB COM 09,20/ SUBM DATE; 22Jan64/ ORIG REr: 002/ OTH PEr: ooi 2/2 Ae,11, DOGADKIN. B. (Moskva); SANISXA, 1. (Bratislava). Study of the action of vulcanization activators [with Inglish summary in insert]. 11oll.zhur. 18 no.2:167-179 Mr-Ap '56. (Mm 9-8) 1. Momkovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy takhnologii Imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Vulcanization) DANISYAK, V. !. BANI3YAK, V. I. "The exclhanpe of materials as a single proc,--~o," Trudy Smol. i-tos- mcd. in-ta, Vol. 11, 1948, p. 27-34. SO: U-4393, 19 AuFust 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Iny1ch Statey', No. 22 191,9" J. Come of vi-ldcd I'li,ir-c ~n t.),r (st,n-.,arz,vs:~e. nie Tnzynierow i Poland. 'Vol. 11, "'ont'h1v lislu r)f Zast ':'uro-;enn L-C. Vol Y10. CO changn pvvormmltal~l by a mm"t Win Owl `ietoad" of pmrd. cad arv dcaribm * The 11 Lim Uml Con. ,.,~ :n C114. and bad a ak 8497 kcal. T.M.. 6.d i-mbustim, the test rr of the gas was tvtloftd Ittma fl aim. (at dtHmy) 10 0.1 aim.. The gas vms cmmlully dirivoitord. stud it now mis lnjmar wto drm[pal. A'bm and other onrch. huprowrmento enabkd an 00, 1 13 tons of Maker per hr. m . ROYAK, S.M.; BANIT, F.G., Eng. Dust - Removal Dust collecti-on with moisture in cement mills. TSement, 18, No. 3, 1952. Monthly List of TNssian Accessions, Library of Congressy October 1952. Lrj%CLASSIFIED. ANDROS', CV YIA. A.., EANIT.IF..Go., RUDENKO, G..1.7,-SAININCj.L.-YA. ENGS -I Kilns, Rotary Performance of a reconstructed rotary kiln. TSement 18, no. 3, 1952. Monthly List,2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952. Unclassified. SAPOEMUKOV, H.Ta.; BANIT. F*G.; STOLTAROV, S.A., redaktor. TWIMO--"V~ [Repair and assembling of equipsient in plants of the building materials industry] Remont i montash obortAovanita sarodov promyshlennostl stroi- telonykh materialov. Isd.2., perer.i dop. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry p0 stroit. materialam. 1953. 5o6 13. MRA 7:6) (Kachinery-ftintenance and repair) (Building materials) - - - - - - - - - - F. 4,Banit, "d -f ','S-to vnm Neuch-1:1-4-d-, bljsj.,-F'~M~r;-.~. YWr'.1- 1954, IN, S,, ZJ~u,., K~m 1~55, Abstr. No. ~,SS21.-The test m5i.,Izs of recorstructed rounrig kiln5 of 5tverd factor;cs art dmrribed. The reconstructiDn consnts In'tinly in a 401-ZG~*'p irm?-.5c 01 the heat-tra nsfer surface in tht evkiji~,. wil prcheating xcues. The irldinte that Ott inlrodilced ;T,:rmse the pmlw fivity. 30GAN?V, Aleksand~ Ivanovich* BANIT F.G., redaktor; TrU7nnfIK, H.S., redaktor; LYOKOVSKAYA, tekhniche;klrTe-dMF-o-r. [Fachanical equipment of cement factories] MekhanicheBkoe oborudovanie tsomentnykh avodav. Izd.2-e, perer. i dop. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po s'roit.materialam, 1955. 291 p. (MLRA 8:12) (Cement - iadustries) RANIT,-Lk. inzhener; VAYUSHTMI, D'.M.; GOLIDFARB, Yu,14., in7hener. Radioactive slurry gauge for rotary kilns. TSemant 22 no-5:13-15 S-0 156. (MIRA 10:1) (Gamma rays-Industrial applientions) (Kilns. Rotnry) SUBJECT: USSR/Kilning 101-4-2/13 AUTHOR: B&nit, F.G., Engineer TITLE- Some Results of the Investi ation of Kiln Processes Obtained with Radioactive IsotopeE, 70 nekotorykh razal'tatakh issledo- vaniy protsessov obzhiga a primeneniyem radioaktivnykh izotopov) \1 0 vP-) PERIODICAL: Tsement , 1957,A#4, PP 10-159 (USSR) ABSTRAM In order to improve the burning process in rotary kilns equip- ped with built-in filters and pre-heaters, radio-aotive level- meters were used. Observations have shown that fluctuations in the f?,ow of slurry were due to thermic conditions within the drying zone. Experiments were conducted in the NIZHNIY TAGIL plant with radio- active isotopes, to establish the speed of movement of slurry in different sections of rotary kilns. The tests were conducted with the isotope Fe59 in compound with Fe20 , which radiates inflexible T rays with energies of 1.1 and 1.3 megaelectron volt. It was established during the studies that the speed varied in different sections of the kiln as a result.of the retarding Card 1/2 actions of the chains, and the changing properties of the slurry 101-4-2/13 TITLEt Some Results of the Investigation of Kiln Processes Obtained with Hadicactive Isotopes (0 nekotorykh rezul'tatakh iseledo- vaniy protsessov obzhiga a primeneniyem radioaktivnykh izotopov) in the course of the drying process. The article contains 2 figures, 2 tables# 1 diagram, and 1 reference (Norwegian) INSTITUTIONStNIZHNIY TAGIL Cement Plant PRESENT: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress Card 2/2 IVA L&,L.,,Luzhener; TOLOCHKOU, M., inzhener; TMYAKOVA, V., inzhoner. LA k - Use of radioactive Isotopes for Investigating clinker kilning and milling processes. Stroi-mat- 3 noJ132 Mr 157. (HIBA 1014) (Wioisotopes-Industrial application).01ilno, Rotary) (Brickmaking) BANIT., F. G., Cand Tech Sci (diss) -- "In-vestigation of the processes occurring in the built-in filter-heaters of clinker-roa6ting rotary-furnaces using the wet production system". Moscow, 1959. 18 pp (Min Higher and Inter Spec Educ RSFSR, Moscow Order of Lenin Chem-Tech Inst im Mendeleyev), 200 copies (KL, No lo, ig6o, 129) BANIT, F.G.; SHPAYER, A.L., red.izd-va; GIIMON. P.G., [Internal dust-collecting devices for rotary kilns] Vnutri- pechnye pyleulavlivaiushchie ustroistva. Moskva. Goi3.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.j arkhtt. i strolt. materialam 1959. 126 p. (Hoscow. Gosudaretvennyi vseaoiuznyi nauchno-isaledovatel'skii institut taementnoi proiVehlennostie Trudy, noell) (MIRA 12-.8) (Kilns.-Rotary) (Dust collectors) SATARIN, Vladimir Ivanovich; PIRLI, Semen Borisovich; BUIT F G inzh., nauchuyy red.; TTUTYUNIK, U.S., red.izd-va: 0;;i;~ (Motion of and removing dust from gases in mamifacturing cement] Dvizhenie i obespylivania gazov v tsementnom proizvodstve. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. 1960. 304 p. (HIPA 13:10) (GaBes-Purification) (Cement plants-Aquipment and supplies) -BAKITg--F-,G-., kand.tekhn.nauk; KHOLIN, I.I.-, kand.tekhn.nauk Construetion materials factories need new dust elimination equipment, Stroi. mat. 7 no./+tl-6 Ap t6l. (MIRA 14:5) (Dust collectors)- BANIT, F.G., kand,tekhn.nauk; KHOLIN, I.I.-, kand.tekhn.nauk Construction materials factories need new dust elimination equipment. Stroi. mat. 7 no.4:1-6 Ap 161. (NIRA 14:5) (Dust collectors)' KHOLIN, I.I.; BANIT FOG* Problems of dust elimination. Moment 27 no. 2:4,6 Mr-AD 161. (M& 14:5) (Dust-Removal) (Gementplants) -BMIT, F., nauchn. red.; ROYAK, S.M., red.; MESHIK, T.G., red.; DANYUSPXVSKAYA, Z.D., red. (Dust elimination from technological processes; a~,6ol- lection of translationel Obespylivanie tekhnologichoskikh protsessov; sbornik perevodov. Moskva, No.l. 1962. 259 p. (MIJRA 17:4) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy vsesoyuz*y nauchno-issledovat-11- skiy institut tsementnoi prowyahlennosti. BANIT, F.P.; GERSWAN, M.I.; LEON'TINKOV, A.I.) OLEYNIKOVA, N.I.; PMTSIX, n.G.; PIROTSKE, V.Z.; SLIVITSKMA, F.R.; IUJOKHLOV, V.K.; ASTANSKIYj L.Yti.., nauchn. red.; TYUTYUNIK, M.S., red.iza--va; BRUSBIA, LA..~ tekbn. red. [Cement industry; its presea status and prospeets for de- velopment] TSemontnaia pror7ohlermost'; sostoianie i per- spektivy razvitiia. (By] F.G.Banit i dr. Moskva, Gosstroi- izdat, 1963. 258 P. (MIRA 16:12) (Cement industries) BANIT, Peofan Gavrilovich; YAKUBDVICHi Boris Isayovich; AVSKIY, A.K.,j inzh., retsenzent; VYBORNYY, X.R., inzh., retsenzent; KRIZHANOVSKlY, G.S., inzh., retsenzent; ZAYCHIKOVA, E.A.j red.; GOLIBERG, T.M., tokhn. red. (Operating, repairingt and assembling equipment in build- ing materials plants] Zkspluatatsiias remont i montazh oboru- dovaniia zavodov stroitellwkh materialov. Moskva, Stroiiz- dat,. 1964. 234 p. (MIRA 17:3) zh. BAMAKMft,, p in features in t p y V GALIFERIN, G., kwAidat takhnicheskikh usuk; BANIT, re., inzhener. Ventilating grain in silos b7 means of air ducts with louvered oat- late. Muk.-elev.prom. 21 no.1:13-14 J& 155. (MLPA 8:5) 1. Odeeskiy takhnologichookly institut im. I.V.Stalina. (Grain-Storage) BANITo Te.A.; PTATONOVs P.39. Preemwe of a free-flowing meM-um during transition from the state of critioal equilibrium into motion; Izv. Tye. uchab. sav,; pishch; takti. no*'1:92-96 158, (MM 11:8) 1,.Odesskly takhnologicheskly institut imeni I.V. Stalina, Xafedxa pod!~-~transportrqkh mashin- (;bII medhazd0s) BANIT. YO.A.; PLIkTONOV' P.N. Rate of flow of loose materials through apertures, Izvevyse ucheb.zav.;pishch.tekh. no.5:115-118 '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Odeaskiy takhnologicheakiy institut imeni I.V-Stalins, Wedra. pod"yemno-transportufth mashin. (Xaterials handling) (Solids) FLATONOV. P., kand.tekbn.nauk; BA411&,ZA&-L inib. Draw-off gate capacity of storage bins and hoppers. Mr-k.-Olev. prom. 24 no.8:28-29 Ag '58. (WRA 11:10) 1. Odeaskly takhnolngicbe.okly institut in. I-V- StalinE. (Grain:elevators) BMIT, Ye. A.) Candidate of Tech Sci (diss) -- "Investigation of the processes of Pouring out granular materials from the openings of containers". Odessa, 1959. 15 PP (Min Higher Eduo Ukr SSR, Ode5ga Tech inst im I. v. Stalin), 150 copies (XL, No 22, 1959, 114) BANIT, Ye.A.; VAYNBM, A.A.j DUDAREV, I.R. Principle of the operation of a centrifugal flowmeter. Izv. vys. uchab. zav.; pishch. tekh. no. 2slOir-107 161. (MMA 14:5) 1. Odeaskiy takhnologiaheakiy institut imeni LV. Stallna* Kafedra tekhnologiches2b oborudovaniya. -.N %Owmetel./ BR IV j t,, , I J.- I -RANITA. L. --- ... Plant in a heroic city, Mor,flot 17 no.11:15-18 N '57* (MM 10: 12) 1.0deaski.v sudoremontnyy zavod. (Odessa-Shipbailding) KHEYMS, V., inzh.; BAITITA, L, Contribution of the Odessa ship repair workers tc; the servon-7ear plain. Mor.flot 20 no.1-.8-1i ja '6o. (MIU 13:5) l..Rukovoditell grUpP7 DOvO.7 tekhniki Odeaskogo sudoremontnogo zavoda No.1 (for Kheyfets). 2. Obvetstvenny7 sekretarl mnogotirazhki Odesakogo sudoremontnogo zavoda. No.1 (for Banita). (Odessa-Ships-Maintenance and repair) BANITA, L. Factory training Mor. flot 21 nasiO:42-43 0 161. WILA 14:9) iships-Maintenanme and repair) '- -1 .-- 'i-L. BANITA, L.; ROZENBLYUM, Ye. ---- 1-- Progressive'Wrkers are revealing potentialities. Mor. flot 23 no.11:5-6 N 163. (MA 16;12) 1. Sotrudnik mnogotirazhnoy gazety "Sudoremontnik" (for Banita). 2, Zameatitell nachallnika otdela truda i Mirabotnoy platy Odes- skogo sudoremontnogo zavoda No.1 (for Rozenblyum). BANITA, L.; KLYU-SHNIGIENKO, 17. For advanced and progre.9cive riethodz. Mor. 1"'Int. 25 r,:~.2-36-37 F 165- MA 18;4) (MT 1. Otvatstvennyy sekretarl gazety ",-.1%iloremontnik" (~ .Lor Banita). 2. Rukovoditall gruppy khimicheslzoy taklmologii OdeiqElkogo sudoremontnogo zavoda No.1 (for Kiyushnielienko). COUILITRY : a a CAUGORY Gititil-ktod ?Ianta. Fruita, Berrie3. ABS. JOURI I PMMCIII, Ro, 23j, 19581 flo, 1045L1 l B i A THOR . Bal U ta~~ $ INST, ITLE Dutex-,AnzVion of tlha Beat CmO.Itions I'Vor -Uie "';rafting &nd U'r,:)wina T,-i;.!ethpr of Grarevine 'lanes. OPITG. PO. : An. Inat. careetari a--,ron.. 1-957, Jo. 5, 53-519 0 0 ABSTRACT' : As the resultv of st-~tdies at 'Llie cyparivient stutione of and 4recAyanel (1)51-1953)s it is rocoramended to storo, stocks in winter beforo mdtin-- in the form of.whole canes or c'ut to the length three times ~11~~t of the scion. ~iith tne storage of the stocks of Berlwidlyeri x -Aip-:,xia Teleki 3_') and Shasla x Ber- landi~eri !+IL vit to the swaa or donble 1,3-~ -th of, tile , scion, 3-6-8li fewer 3r~fta of t7he first ,,lass were ob- 113 127 COUNTRY CATEGORY RZ~~iol.y No* 1953, No. 104311 I Z) AUTUOR IFST. TITLE DRIG, PUB. : .,o t',-e A RSAP RA C- T : !r, co,;-Parlson w-, n "a ocint"rol ~Stoclc aut t u, n lho 1-7~ of b, for 7-2tin" u- Or i little n s- ran- -A n,3 -~'r 17.~ nt h i f t e stw~k and sr,- --)r, t;u'us st -i~an-- illf)er. -ri-~t be I ;-n!. :,ie lar33st fV: ~43-b')' of tlfla diced by rs t 1 s s v, c r ~) o 3-.,rt - he s:r--11,3:3t 1~azrcr- -4) bise of --aq..3 (39 frou, taa taD of tile eaaxe. lhe o)t,-Ml*X-. ~e-,.~eratare ;_.i CARD: 2/3 COM?TRY CAT'X-,;ORY .ABS. JOUR. RZhBiolo> NO, :L95 . trot 101j311 AUTHOR PIST. TITU OPTO. PUB. AFSTFACT iurLa!~ Lie grovini~ of afts tojether in t.~-,e cienhollse .1:z; 0 at 47;i~ of first" class 7 afts were obtal raai ana at thD temrer~-.tare of 35o - 36.3j,u' of first cla3s ,rraft~- (3t,tion in Irowin- tbe r.,rafts to- ,ar acaord:imr, to %dshurenk, mathod s le crop -P t~ a ed t.1 of first class yoiLn- :)1:4-its by 26.3 -' in comparison with tLe us-azil me-Viod. Y,5. 1. 41iukovskaya [CARDi 3/3 &4N 7-S'6 / P, RMNIA/Cultivatod Plants - Fruitse Barrios, Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolep No 4) 1958) 15790 Author : S. Popa) B. Baltadzhip P. Banitse, Ch. Shtefanosku Inst Title Thinning and Side-Shooting in Cultivating Grape Vine Stocks.. (PMre2hiVUniye i pasyiI'dwvaniye pro vyrashchivanii podvoy6v vinogradzykh ~ 1w) Orig Pub : Gradina, via si.livada,. 1957, 6, No 6., 30-34. M. Abstract : It was established by experiments 195o-1954 that when the thinning and side-shooting of stock vines is pro- parly carried out the number of grape stalks and the percentage of grafts of the prime variety are increased. With the side-shooting of green shoots better quality grape stalks are obtained as vell as more thanwith the side-shooting of lignified shoots. The viability of grafts of Fetyaska bolaya x Kober 5BB Card 1/2 148 RUMANIA Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries, m-6 Nutbearings Teas. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6461 Author : Stefanescu, Gh.; Banita, P.; Baltagi, B. Inst : Not given Title : Study of Dry FrunInS of Rootstocks of Grapevines OrIS Pub Comun. Acad. RRP, 1957, 7, No 8, 727-732 Abstract It was established at the experimental stations of viniculture of Dragashan and Krachunel (Rumania) In 1951-1954 that the dry pruning of grapevine stocks (Berlan- dieri x Riparia Teleki 8B and Berlandieri x Riparia Cober 5BB, Riparia Gloar), when small branches of 2 am with two and 4 buds are left, causes the vegetation of shruhs to Card 1/3 152 RMIANIA Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries, m-6 Nutbearing, Teas. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6461 begin 8 10 days earlier In comparison with the control (pruning without branches left). The more branches were left, the greater the average Increment of sprouts was, up to the moment of the first cultivation. The growth and the size of sprouts in prunings where small branches were kept, especially if they were 2 cm lonS, were more uniform, than in variants where the branches were removed. The greatest yield of stock scions (with hilling of shrubs) was obtained by pruning and by keeping branches of 2 cm long (178.04, the smallest yield resulted from short pruning (without branches) - 171.500 scions from 1 ha. It is recommended to hill the shrubs for the winter Card 2/3 RUMANIA / Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries, M-6 Nutbearing, Teas. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6461 time only; the layer of earth should be 10 - 15 om. The pruninS of stock vines while conserving branches of 2 cm In length is recommended. -- E. T. Zhukovskaya Card 3/3 153 00 0 ACCESMON NR: AP50198 J- (Fn-ineer); Baniukdewiez. E. Stepnia,", S. Weglet-.!~'Lr, J L!~ 7 . (Master emrineei') TITLE: Ionic fire prevention semor SO URCE: ?rzeglad posarnic:r-y, no. 7, 1965, 19-20 TOPIC T%(,5! firt, prevention, fire alarm, ionic fire sensor -"n(, ri;r-'O descr"be. an iome gensnr for detectinly tOp- outuru" 6 a fir'. ~t t(le SM11t: "liL- Card I ; I.- ~C` t' I -~ 1 1 , ~ ~ Ln , - .. . t :.: .: , . - . I ~ . VcdIstil rellegrapil, and Telephone Strvice) S 11 PIM 1 -,-r 22 ~4;-, F7. q ENC' : Ol - - .1 NUHL;- OUIU OTHER~ 000 Cord 2/3 -ACCESSION 4NR- APS019800 ENCIM- TurRE: 0l y Z 2~j 7- Tr -gas. BAIIJAC t J. Ur, ca2a); Given Hamea Country: Yugoslavia Aaadmdc De pref_K3: Tnot giveg A 16filiation: Z'not give !9 Source; Belgrade# Arhiv za Farmacilu, Nr 5. 1960t pp 368-370. Data 'Control-and ImmirAtion of Antiblotioni Chemical VAthads.1 Given Namea Yugoslavia Not gaven. Not givon. Galenilm, Belgrade, Vol 7 , No 5, 1961, PP 3058-370 "The Control and Investigations of Antibiotics. Chend6al Methods." BANJAD, S. BANJAD, S. The first year of the school for the fish-canning industr7 in Zadar. P. 223. Vol.. 8. No. 7, July 19%. MORSKC RIBATC5TVO ' F T ~GRICITLTURE Rijeka, 'Yurroslavia So: East Furorean Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, February 1957 MOTM,Otto,dr.; 3IRK,Irma,inz,i BANJANAC,Mihnjlo Behavior of alloys for hard welding. Zavarivanie 4 no.9:186-189 N 161 BANJANIN, Zoran Importance of the investment Ila the modernization of merchant marine. Vbdun tranop, 8 no*8:555-556 Ag 162. BANJANIN, Zoran The first Yugoslav pushing tugboat is launched. Medun transp 8 no.4:267-269 Ap 162. BANK, Anna (Mrs.) AAMME, ISM011 HTIGARY Agricultural University,, School of AgXonony,, Department of Animal Food and DsLiry Farms (Agrartudomanvi Egyetem Mezogazdasaotudomanyl Ear Takarmanyozasi as Tejgazdasag- tani. Tanszake)s Godollos Budapeatg AjlattqU2qz&e8v No 3t Sep 620 pp 259-270# "2rovidine Chicks with Vitamin A With 'Aquital' and Alfalfa Flours* Go-authorG: ,.,-)4rs* BAKEp nee BIRO, Annai,)Agricultural Universityq Sohbol Of Aeronomy# Department of Animal Food and Dairy Farm, Godollo BANK# Henrik, Agricultural University,, School of Agronomy Department of Animal Food and Dairy Farms, Godollo, GORBACM, B.G., BANK. A.S., SOWD, G.I., SHORIN, Y.G. Inertia brakes for mino cars. Bauch. trudy MG1 no. 20:248-258 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Mine railroads--Cars) (Railroads--Brakes) YARINA, V.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; BANK, A.S., inzh. Overall mechanization of ahaft vinking In Karagunda. Shakht.stroi. 8 no.12.-l-5 D 164. (MI RA 18 11) 1. Kombinat Karagandashakhtostroy (for Yarema). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatePskiy i proyektno--konst-rwktorskiy Instit-ut pofterulogo 1. -,bakhtnogo stroitel'stva. (for Run4). 7SUKERVANIK, I.P.; BANK, A.S. Method for syntheslzing,-~ -naphthylacetic acid. Uzb.khim.zhur no.3:41-44 161. (MIRA 14;11) 1. Taahkentskiy gosudarstvennyy imiversitet imeni Lenina,- 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN UzSSR (for TSukerwmik). (Acetic acid) - BANK9 A.S. - I Pheumatio-trans.portation of rock in sinking a hoisting shaft with the FD-lm unit at Mine No. 122,, Saran Combine. Trudy TSNIIPodzemahakhtstroia no.ls79-87 162. (KMA l6t8) (K& sin-Pneumatic conveying) reg' "(SM"'Lft"Isinking). ASKAROV, M.A.; BANKI A.S, Synthesis of some acrylic acid eaters by the reaction of acryloyl, ohloride with alcohols* Khim. i fiz.-khim. prirod. i sint. polim. no.1t172-176 162 (MIRA 18s1) -- BANK, A.S.; ASKAROV, M.A. Emulsion copolymrization of acrylonitrile with acrylates. Uzb.khi,m..zhur. 8 no.4t7l-75 164, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institO khimii i tekhnologii khlopkovoy tsellyVlozy i furanovvkh soyedineniy. W/RM ACC NR, AP6019539 (A) AUTHOR: Askarov.-M. A.; Bank, A. S. _=CMDOMENEW". SOURCE CODE: UR/0190/66/008/006/1012/1014 q , 8 ORG: Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Cellulose, AN - UzSSR (Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii i tekhnolo*gii tsell-vulozy AN UzSSR TITLE: Investigation of the copolymerization of acrylonitrilelwith benzyl- and tetra- nyarorurv.LaQM11A.UL SOURCE: VysokomolekUlarnyye soyedineniya, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1012-1014 TOPIC TAGS: acrylic plastic, polyacrylonitrile, copolymerization,filler, acrylic co- polymer, ,9ee)JJ_ooV1 rR1.4 e, ABSTRACT: Copolymerization of acrylonitrile with benzyl- abd tetrahydrofuryl esters of -crylic- and methacrylic acids was studied in oil solvent at 600C with 1.22.10 2 molil dinitrile of azoisobutric acid. The object of the work was to examine the ef- fect of structure of the acrylic esters on their reactivity in copolymerization reac- tion with acrylonitrile. The dependence of the copolymer composition upon the ratio between starting monomers and the dependence of copolymer softening temperature upon their composition are graphed. It was found that the benzylic- and tetrahydrofuryl esters of the acrylic- and methacrylic acids are more reactive in copolymerization with acxylonitrile than the corresponding (same carbon number) aliphatic esters. This r,,4 1/2 UDC: 66.095.26+678.13+678.744+678.745 L 01046-67 ACC NRa AP6019539 r difference in reactivity is due to the steric effect. Very man variation vity war. found among various benzyl- and tetrahydrofuryl esters of the acrylic- and methacrylic acids. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 table, 1 formula. SUB ODDE: 07/ 4UBM DATE: 29May65/ Our. REr: ool/ OTH MF: 009 awm r~~. rA 2 / 2 BAUK, B. Fainleeo labor with narcormnal-oeminarcosin. Orv. Zetil., Budap. 92 no.341ll,07-1109 26 Aug 1951. (GUIL 20:11) 1. Adjunct Doctor. BANK, 2. , .- Artificial insemination in sterility, Kaff. poory. lap, 13 no. 9:317-320 Sept. 1952. (CM 22:3) 1. Doctor. 2. Obstetric-Oynecological Department (Haad Physi- cian -- Prof. Dr. Pal Salacz), Kutvolgyi-uti State Hospital. I Box, X. Successful therapy of sarcoma of the round ligament. Mw. noorv, lap. 16 no. 1-2:60-61 Jan 1953, (GLKL 24W 1. Doct or. BANK, Phdre, dr. Intracardial lobeline In the treatme-ut of asphyxia neonatorum. Magy. noory. lap. 18 no.4:242-248 July 55. 1. A Fovarost Tatenyt utt Korbas (Igazgato-foorvoo: Zallner, Pal dr.) k szulesz'et-neg7ogyaszati oestalyanak (oaztalyvozato-foorvos.- Zagon, Andras, dr.) koz1mmenye. (ASPHYXIA NMNATORUM, ther. loballne. (Hun)) (LORELINE, tbow, ties asphyxia neonatorum. (Hun)) ABS9RACT: In-tracardial injections of lobeline were administered to 17 asT)hyctic neonates. Thirteen of the children were savea by the method. Before the introduction of this therapy, 19 out of 22 asphyctic infants died in a same period to time. Vaczy-Budapest (X,7). TkA 7adre. dr. Survival or monominlotic twins, with intertwined umbilteal cords,. Maky. noor'v. lap. 10 no~1:47-40 Jan 56 1. A favor-oal TeUwyi utt Korbas (igugatogoorylos: Z#Uer-pai ar.) Ssulessetl so Nog3rogyassati O.atalyanak (oastalywax6to foor'Top: Zagon Andras dr. .) i;pzlemenys mononamiotic. with Intertwined umbilical cords, survival of both (Hun)) (tmnjmo coo intirt*ined in monommiotic twins. mvival of both (R=)) BANK, Endre, dr. Douglasecopy. Orv. hetil. 97 no*40:1114-1116 30 Sept 56. 1. A Tatenyi uti Yovarosi es Kutvolg3ri uti Allami Korhaz Ogasgato-foorvos: Zellner, Palv dr. e9 Hancook, MariU82, dr.) Siguleezet-Nog7og7aezati Oaztalyanak kozlemenys. (MMSOOPY culdoscopy (Hun)) WN K. k M t Oft. m Combined hyason infiltration - ultrasonic therapy in gynecology. YAU. noorv. lap. 21 no.5:294-297 Oct 58. I..A Kutvolgyi uti Allami Korhaz (Igazgato-foorvos: Fenjvvesi Jozsef dr.) ftulesset-Rogyogyaozati Oaztalyanak (FoorvoB: Herschler lure dr.) koz- lemenye. (GYNECOWGICAL DISSASIOS, ther. inflamm.. combination of hyaluronidaBe infiltration with ultraBonice (Ekm)) (HULTIRONIMI, ther. use g7necol, inflamm., combination of hyaluronidase infiltra- tion with ultrasonics (Eban)) (ULTRASONICS, ther. use Mecol. inflamm., combination with byaluronidase infil- tration (Eftm)) BANr. Indre, Dr. lbxpture of the aunion 127 days before delivery. Orv. 65-66 12 Jan 58. hetil. 99 no.2: 1. A Favarosi Tetenyi-uti Korh as (imzgato-foorvos: Zellner Pal dr.) SzuleszM;nogyogyaszat!L Osstalyanak kozlemenye.. (AMNION early rupt. followed by normal delivery (Ehm)) BANK, Endre, Dr. Sterogenol in the prevention of mastitis. Orv. hetil. 99 no-23t791-792 8 Jbme 58. 1. A Tetanyi-uti Fovarosi es a Natvolgyi-uti Allami Korhaz Szulesxeti- Hop,yogyaszati Osztalyainak (igasgato-foorvosok: Zellner Pal dr. es Fenyvesi Jozaef dr.) koslemenye. (YASTITIS, prev. & control cetyl pyridinium bromide in puerperal mastitis (Run)) PUARPXRIUM, comple mastitis, prev, by cetyl pyridinium bromide (Han)) (ANTISBPTICS, qUkT3PITART AMNIUM, ther. use cetyl pyridinium bromide in prev. of puerperal mastitis (Ran)) BANK, 'Sadre, Dr. Effecto of cervix conization on fertility And gentational processes. Orv. hatil. 99 no-30:1042-1044 27 July 58. 1, A tetenyi titi Fovarosi es a Xltvolgyi uti Allami Korhaz SzuleBZeti- No;- ..,ror,yasznti Oaztalyainak kozlemerqe. (CIRVIX, UTIRINN, dis. erosion, surg., electroconization, eff. on fertility & pregnancy (Han)) (-VMTILITY eff. of electroconization in cervical erosion (Him)) (PRBGNANDY same) BANK, 3ndre, Dr. Advice6 for the therapy of trichomoniasis. Orv. hatil. 99 no-52:1834- 1835 28 Doc 58. 1. A Budapeati Kutvolgyi uti Korhaz (igazgato-foorvos: Fenyvesi Jossef dr. ) kozlemenyes (VAGINITIS, TR CHOMONAS, ther. cetyl pyridinium bromide bath using solutions of high con- centration (Han)) (ANTISEPTIOS, qUATRMWRY AMONIUM, ther. use cetyl pyridinium bromide bath in trichomonas vaginitis using solutions of high concentration (Hun)) .BANK, Endre, dr. Restoration of patency of the fallopian tubes with the aid of hyaluronidase,solution introduced under pressure. Namr.noor7* lap. 23 no-5:306-309 S 160. - (YALWPIAN TUBES) (STERILITT FMTZ ther) (HTAIVRORIDASE ther) BANK, Badreo dr. -----Artifioial luseiiination vith the homologous sperm. Methods and results, Orv.hetil, 101 U0,9:307-309 F 160. 1. 3kdapeBti Tetenyi uti*Kovhazq Nogyogyassati oaztaly. .(INSAKINATION ARTIFICIAL) RAEK, Endre, dr. Manual colposcope. Orr.hetil. 101 no.50:1783-i784 11 Do6o. 1. Orozagoo Onkologiai Intozet. (EMSCOPT equip & supply) BANK, Endre., cir, Metrosoopy. 14agy.noorv.lap. 26 no.6:375-379 N '63. 1. Az Orszagos Onkologiai Intezet k6zlemenys. BkNK, Ilen-rik HUNGARY Agri.cultural UrAvorslty# sohool of AgronoaWs Departaent of Aamal Food &M Ddrl Forms (Aarartudownyl 4yUen MezogazdasaEtudonanyl gar TekarmnyOftsl 08 TejgazdvOflg- tani TannZeks)o 0040110- BUdapast# Ajjatj=gqZjZgr no 3# Sep 62# pp 259-270* "PrOvilling Chloks With MURIA A Wltb 'AqUlUl I and Alft;lft Plourv coaWL-utumst MrSt BANJE# WC BIROV MAR, AgrieultUral UnIvernityl, Z'ohWl of Agron*ays Department of Ardm--l Foot and 'Inalry Forst ---Godollo - - --------- Henrikor Agrioultural Univernityp Behool. of AeronovW Departi~ni of Animr-I Food and Dairy Fares, Oadollos BANK, I Norms for industrial water consumptIon. p. 277. HIDRDIXIAI KOZWNY- HYDRDIDGICAL JOURNAL. (Magyar H-1drologial Tarsasag) Budapest. Vol. 35. no. 7/8, July/Aug. 1955. SOME;: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Vol, 5, No. 2p February 1956 BANK, I. BA14K, I. Possibilities of utilization of sewage water in our agriculture; also, remarks by E. 14olnar and others. p. 69. Vol. 36, no. 1, Feb. 1956 UOUMU4 HIDIROLDGIAI MiZLONY. HYDROU)CTCAL T t AL. GEOC-PAPIIY & CEOLOGY HMG-"Ry So: East Europeon Accessions, Vol. 5, No. 9, Sept. 1956 BANK, LB. Self-clamping mandrel. MAshinostroitell no,7:21 je 165. (MIRA 18z7) BANK, I.L.; RABKINA, S.A.; VASILENKOt Ye.A.; BEWUSOVA, N.M. Water-borne outbreak of-dysentery. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid.i immm. 32 no. 12:3-18 D 161. NERA 15:11) 1. Chelyabinskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Chelyabinskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy staiAxii. (DYSL4TERY) REDVXMO, A.I., dotBent, kand.tekhn.nauki HALIOVANOV, D.H., lmud.tekhn. nauk,; BANK, I.I. . red.; SIGITULLINA;- R.I., -- (Meahanism of rook abattering in impact boring; second lecture] Mekhanizm rasrushaniia gornykh porod pri ndernom barenii-, laktaiia vtoraia. Koakvas Yeesetaochnyi, 1959. 1 3i P. (MIRA 13:4) (Boring) A 66/49776 MR/Mvdiolai - ftweLl"In krlr 49 Vaccine Therapy "Experimental Therapy.of Brucellosis by Eno- dermio injections of Vaccine," L La Bank, Chief,, Obair of Thfootious Dissasea,.Chelyabinsk Med I-ast, 3 pp 611in Ned" Vol IMVIIf No 4 More than a 7ear of tests proved that hypoderaic vaccine produced no secondary effects. Observed only favorable effects during the whole course of treatment. Treaineut bad to be repeated in resistant an& ebronic oaseso Simplicity of the treataent. is an added reason for its wide use.- 66/49TT6- BANK, I.L., doteent (Chelyabinsk) Effectiveness of treating brucalloais with intracuteneous injections of brucelloeis vaccine. ]Qin,med. 35 Ii.e.341 no.1 Supplement:37 Ja '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz kafedr7 infektaionnykh boleiney a apidemiologley (sav. - dotsent I-L-Bank) Chelyabinskogo maclitainskogo institute. (BRUCELLOSIS) (VACCIURS) BANK, I.L,.-_BDBHbVA, F.N. i Heterohemagglutination and inhibition of heterohemagglutination in the diagaosi6 of epidemic hepatitis; abstract. obiol. epid.i immun. 32 no.3:W Mr 1619* (F= 14--6) (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (BLOOD-AGGLUTINATION) .-B-A-INK, Istvan; MOMAR, Endre; 70ROX., Piro8kav dr.- RWARYI, Arpad,,dr..*, 11 - .. - IV -Istvan; FIVALY, Iajos; VAGY L. Denes; SZABD, Zoltan, . MDft dr. Possibilities for the agrimatural utilization of sewage waters in H=gax7, Ridrologiai komlony 36 no.lt69-76 F'56- 1. *Hidrologiai Koz1ony'4'szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Szabo). ittim-4ul simuun in ati. I. nq I'xi