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PALISHINj M,Yu,j TAOFIMVA# A,A& Aahieving strength #quiUbrium dw4ag sintering and satisatiag the degree of equilibrium of the properties of sintared porous materis,186 parashe not$. $ A6,16144A. Ag, 165, (MIM 1819) 14 Iftatitut metallurgii imeni Baykavas BALISHINj M#Yuol TRDFIMVA# Aek, Aahieving strength equilibrium during sintering and estimating the degree of equilibrium of the properties of sint6rad porous fthtbriAlla PMSh* 06to. $ AO#8140*41 ~ Al: 16$, (WA 1819) Is Institut astallurgii imoni Daykavao 'BALISHIN.t-~Yu.; LIKHTMAN, V.I. $ome problems in the thermal stability theory of ceramic metal materials. Issl.po zharopr.splav. 80.10-116 162. (Ceramic metals-Thermal properties) (NIRA 16:6) N I TRANS I -A TT(-)N - .A. n in -~nf i -f;- ..,- - - - -J~- - r ~ , - -- -' - ~- t . ; I , -, . -,, . . 1 1. 1 . .1- ".1 11 .- z, - - . BALISHIN, M.Yu. (Moskva); FEVOTGV, S.G. (Moskva) Contact and lastic characteristics of powder copper. Izv. AN SSSR. Met. no.lil65-172 Ja-F 165. (14IRA 18: 5) BALISHIN" M.Yu. New principles for the calculation and analysis of the process of powder Compaction. Porosh.met. 5 no.1212O-30 D 165, (~al RA 19: 1) 1. Institut metallurgii imeni A.A.Baykova. Submitted May 24, 1965. Lwpi L - t 2- -Q-'12 : L2 I 1-~ jT t1 T-- T ACC NRo AR6014370 ck~t~4) SOURCE CODE: UIR/0137/65/000/011/GO32/GO32 Sol AUTHOR: Bal'shin, M. Yu. ----------- TITLE: Certain aspects of formation and properties of powdered materials SOURCE: Ref. -.h. 11otallurgiya, Abe. 11G231 REF SOURCE: Sb. Poroshk. metallurgiya i metalloobrabotka. Yerevan, 1965, 50-67 TOPIC TAGPt powder metallurgy, powder metal molding, powder metal ABSTRACT: I%ny parameters of powdered materials depend on the relative contact cross section (KS) ot - S/S k' where S and Sk are properties having dimensions of kg/mm2, - relative to unit nominal cross section and KS respectively. 0( is connected vrith the porosity by,~the relationship Ot or M~:00+21nJ"' where 0 is the relative density, is the initial relative pellet- density, approximately equal to the density of the compacted material, and f1r."Z;1 -~:-Q, is the initial porosity. Parameter q9 4 1; the hieher the residual elasticity, the smaller is q9. For usual static compression where oti, and 0(_L are the relative KS parallel and perpendicular to the direction of P respectively. The process of powder compression may be divided into a number of stages. The beginning of the first stage is dominate by compaction and displacements of particles; plastic deformation if the latter is Card 1/3 os 621-762-4-001 ACC NRt AH(A)145YO 4~ absent. In this case --fi AO,: where Ek in th odulun of elasticity per unit KS . A/Pi.~!L-~O/ I - and p,, is the pressure P per unit KS, equal to ~herlhl'ardness of the powder for corresponding cold hardening. Absence of plastic deformation is the more pronounced, the smaller VP, ane tho larger 9 0a At the ond of the first stage the elaotio after effect (relaxation) is of decisive importance, which after removal of pressure decreases KS. The end of the first stage is determined by the condition c!-6Pk1qA.", or [QpkMk;~. in the latter expression p is the pressure P and Pk is the hardness of the hammer-hardened material. For a large group of materials P is limited by the first stage. The first stage is completed at p - 0.2--0.4 for Pb and.Sn; P > 4 for Cu, and P > 500 kg/mm2 for TiC. The derived compression work During the first stage, this in mainly the interparticle work of conta6t displacement, ,w,wa 10- The second compression stage is characterized by contact plastic deformatio and'negligible elastic aftereffect. For this stage V1n!r--pAO/YOt_, and there is equilib- rium between cK and 9. The transition from the second to the third stage of compression (plastic deformation throughout the bulk of the material) takes place when p approaches p k and occurs the sooner, the softer the material. Dynamical compression methods (impact and vibration) are the more effective, the harder and heavier the powder. niereby part of the work w,,, which is directly expended on compactibn;~!n-pka,/O,-('m~-'I).I where ag and 9j, are the final values of of and 9, and -af-I.tV.P. Work is lo'st during ~Zch.qycle_due to friction between the powder and the wall 0 the iress, where 1A is the coefficient of friction, g in - I- - . - . - - 4,308-3-66 ACC NRs A1116014370 coefficient of transverse compression, N ia the number of qy~lee;,,on elactio expan- Sion 22'6*E,~, and work lost in the press installationj j"(q;p4j ie ~ index of cyole))?78 V. Ap-or, ZTranelation of abotrac!7 Tes BUB CODE: 11 t110 Card L 43082-66 EWP WIEVIT W/EWP (a) /PWi, ( Q/_-;TT 1,' :~c~ J~,/.51 ACC Mi AR6014371 CAIN) SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/65/000/011/r,032/'01.2 AUTIHOR:..' Ballahin, M. Yu. TITLE: On the calculation of sinterina processes SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 11G233 REF- SOURCE: Sb. Poroshk. metallureiya i motalloobrabotlca. Yerevan, 1965, 4205-22.3 TOPIC TAGS: powder metallurgyp powder natal, metal powder, powder metal sintaring I ABSTRACT: Sintoring may be defined as the process of deformation (D) of powder particles under pressure during heating. Kinetics of hot D during the sintoring process may be calculated on the basis of model sintering experiments (kinetics of the change of point contact under constant load during impression of the in- dentor). Experiments have shown that hot D of point contact consists of two i processes--fast plastic D and a slow quasi-viscous flat;. The velocity of quas-i- viscous flow at the usual sintering temperatures is inversely proportional to the square of the load. The hot D of a conglomorate of powder contacts also consists of the same two processes-fast plastic D and slow quasl-viscous flow. Results Card 1/2 UDC: 621,762.5,001 L 43082-66 ACC NR: AR6024371 of experiments on the effect of pressure variation on the process of-hot D have shown that the mechanism of the so-called diffusion sintering is abient for both processes, i.e., slow hot D for point contact and D of powder particles with laige number of contacts.' Author's abstract. granslation of abstract SUB COM t 3.1 Card 2/2 89612 S/020/61/136/002/016/034 BO19/BO56 AUTHORSt Bal'shinp N. nd Dubrovskiy, A. P. TITLE: Some Problems of the Hydrostatic Pressing of Powders PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No.2, pp. 332-335 TEXT: The authors investigeited the hydrostatic pressing (pressure effect from all sides) of electrolytic oopper~powder at pressures of from 10 - 60 kg/mm 2, further of blow-steel powder, electrolytic nickel powder, and reduced molybdenum powder. The copor, nickel, and molybdenum powders had a grain size of < 10,k, the iron polder of 4 90~K. The specimens were pressed to rods in elastic jackets whose initial measurements were 11 mm diameter and 65 mm length, and whose final measurements were less by 25 - 30 %. Specimens were also produced by means of the conventional pressing method for reasons of comparison. In Fig. 1, the densities It of the specimens as function of the pressure p for the two ressing methods are shown, Fig. 2 graphically represents log(p) - f(logi for both pressing methods. As it turned out, the specimens in hydrostatic presses Card 1/5 8963.2 Some Problems of the Hydrostatic Pressing S/020/61/136/002/016/034 of Powders BO19/BO56 have a hardness uniformly distributed in all directions, whereas the specimens produced in the conventional manner, have an anisotropy of the hardness distribution. This anisotropy is all the greater, the harder the metal and the less is the pressure. The difference in the behavior of soft and hard metals in pressing is, according to the authors' opinion, in direct interrelation with the friction of the various metals on the walls of the press molds. Experiments, however, did not confirm this opinion. It is considered to be more probable that the particles of a soft metal harden more quickly than those of a hard metal when being pressed. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A.' Baykov of the Academy of So-lences USSR) PRESENTED3 August 3, 1960, by A. A. Bochvar, Academician SUBMITTEDt July 12, 1960 Card 2/5 Some FrOlem of the HydrOstatic Presaing of Fmodera Card 4/5 89612 S/020 .161113610o210161034 B019/BO56 896:L2 Some ProbIma ofthe Hydrostatio Pressing S1020J611136100210161034 of Powders B019/B056 Legend to Fig. 1: la, 2a, 3a and 4a holds for Cu, Fe, Ni and No in hydro- static pressingg 1b, 2b, 3b and 0 in conventional pressing. Legend to Fig. 21 Analogous to Fig. 1. Card 5/5 ORIN, Ya.A.;,. BALI SHIN) Y.G.; BARANNIK, Yu.P.; FMAYKIN, A.T. Diamond grinding of small high-speed reamers. Mashinostroitell no.10:20,21 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) Oct Siderite Prospecting "Biderite in the Devonian Deposito'of,the Western Pan of Ssshkir ASSR," V. P. Florenskiy, B. V Salt abina, Moscow Petroleum Inst imeni I - M; Gubklu, py O'Dcvk Ak Nsuk SSW Vol LXII, No rrem data,on similar',occurrences of siderite, it mV be asmmd -that it may be acewpanied by petro- lvja. Because of its magn tic suaceptibility, mag- netic core sampling and other methods of geopbyolcal 5382M (Conw) Oct 48 prospecting can be employed.- Submitted by Acad D. S. Belyankin, 17 Aug 48. 53/!!2= e,A!.SJ UV, I.F.; MURATOV, V.P.; fe.V. Information throughput of the iriage zonve-rtar. 9 9 8~ # 64. (MIRk 18:D.) __240'0313 S/186/6q/oo2/oO6/013/O26 .2 A 4 .20 0 A051,A129 AUTHORS: Balshc~va, N. A.1 Morkulova, N,.S. TITLE: Adsorption-osloatrooh6mleil naparation of radioactive cerium auid prazeo~4;illum PERIODICAL: Radl.okhimiya, Y. 2, no. 6,, 1960, 704. -- 710 TEXT: The prinolpl6s for rapid separ &tion cf cerium and praseodymium were developed in 1953 b"ed. on a. atudy of bner sAsorbability of their ions on me- tals at varioue poteatials. A z5thod i~~ deserib,.,d for sf~ps_rating microquantities of oerium and prassodymium from thtNir mixturs In aoldio n1trate solutions or on a metal surface. It 1.~! ab-ovr, ttA4.. otrium is trsnsfartd from the solution onto the electrodes made of platinum _or zti.1.n!c,;5s st"I. st pott-ntlalaa of over 1.5 v (as against the norms.1 ~Vdrcg&n elect=-del vii pr"ecdyml-~M remqSnq In the solu- tion. Praseodymium Is tr%nsf,%rz,5d to tte a:~:Ld zolutlon from the mietures of ce- rium and prazeodynLt.~.m -,n thr., metal surface under "the, aame oonditions and cerium remains on the The author3 ba3tkd th-~!r work on thA Wqeory that the differ- ence in the potentials of tr&neft~r c-f th.,, triple-ohtirges cerium and praseodymium ions to the tetra-obarge ionn 2hould b4, au~,c-r-panied 'by different adsorbability Card 1/3 Adsorption-elect-roohemlopil stzparation of s/186/6o/ow/oo6/013/026 AO,,~ I /A 129 of these ions on the _vPi.-fa,)e of the matal at various potent-!als. The experiments were conducted with a2idlo nitrato sclutionz of cerium N~ prasfo%~Ium contain- ing only the radioa,~tiye lbolocee ot tbt%.,RA -~'L-m_nt2, Ct~l 1 and Pr in radio- chemical conaentratlons. All meaeuremants of thc, Y C1. 7A e c f trie maxtrnm energy of the beta-pe-Ttioles wsre conducted on a front%l eount-?r by th,!, absorption method of radiation in alundnum. The experix.!~ntsLl ::,f-2ults ahc,,v-_,d th&t cerium and prase- odymium are adsorbed or the ele,-Arod-y a' p3entlals betgeen that of the hydrogen formation and 'ID tC, Pill'S ----.6 in t.,v,_ swt-t quant-Itativft ratio, im which they are found In thit solution aooordlng to thiir r&J:Io,~hemi-3&l ejuilibrium. An increase in the eleclrode activ:!ty tal:,r place due to and an iltivity decrea- se of the solution dui. to the dAoay of prasev:,dyml-am~ Thu~k, cerium remains on thq eleotrode.and pras6odymlur, In Lhe eolution, clianapting the rtdioa_-tIve &quilibrium. The lncreas4~ In the hct-ivity of th6 cleftrod,~ w,46n tht. ,ArrLlt5,neous drop in the activity cf the solution is noted only when the elaotrode is taken out, under a po- larizing current without changing Its pvttntial (over 1.6 v). The separation ooef- ficient of 6erium and praseodymium according to the given data Is 1.4 for tht single separation and 5.1 for the four-fold separation. The conditions of washing cerium to remove the mother liquor from it is said to be an important factor for obtain- Card 2/3 Adsorption .-electrochemical separation of 24088 s/i86/6o/bo2/oo6/o13/o26 A051/A129 Ing pure cerium on the electrode. It should always take place under anode polart- zation at a potential less than 1.6 v in diluted RWO_ The desorption'of prateo- dymium, from platinum and steel takes place in pure Z~ luted acid (HN031 H2804P HC104, HCl, eto.) or directly in the solution frop which the adsorption took place, at a potential not lower than that of th e Ce3+/Ce 't+ conversion in the given solu-' tion. The method based on the given principle of separation Is rapid and simple. .The purity of the separated products-could be elevated by the auMation of a strongly acidified gaseous medium during the aocuriuiation of Pr on the eleo- trode from the adsorbed Ca(M. There are 4 figures, 5 tables and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloo and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The references to the English language pub- lioations read as follows: J. Belloni, M,, HAssinsky, a.. Halim N.. Salama, J. Yr*'11V Chem., 6~, 6, 881, 1959; G..F. Smith, C. A. Getz, Ind. Eag. Chem., Anal,~ 10, 191, 1938. - SUBMITTED: January 11, 1960 Card 3/3 '!RF-,T,~uTIY Adsorue-. for removIng stirface-actIvo .-; -:J fz-o,-,i olectrolytees in pH determinatlan. 31 3,87 165, (YU-IRA ~l 2. Or trc.--'tona+xuktcrihoys ~nyuro avtor ~ ~-Al, y 4.)cientific-Tochnical Conforcnce...cL-Me.~-ill'ograp~-Y and Heit t __ -Mi 2. - erosion reveals the 6rain and also the f-L-ner structure. Only for alloys of a sinE;lo type an,3 asin~,le structural Group can hardness be upplied as a iactor x~-'hich has a decisive influence on the erosion stability. In his paper "On the Mechanicia of Cavitation Erosion of Metals" Engineer D. I. Ballshutkin (Kh.PI) roported on X-ray investigatfo-n-s- of carta-fr-i-p-li-enomena accouipanying cavitation erosion of metalc. The diiiension of the blocks of the mosaic otructure at the initial stage of the investiGations decreases by about 50cl; and then becomes stabilised. Distortions of the lattice reached a magnitude of 3-10-4 at -IV-he initial str-'e of 0.11e investi-ations and t"cau-ht" It is assumed on then were no longer detected U the basis of the obtained rasults that the crosion of metals under conditions of cavitation proceeds according to the schene of,impact brittle fracture. It was established that eavitatioL fracture of aluminium monocrystallites are accomp,m-ir;.d by intensive breahing up into fragments so: that Card after 45 sees of cavitation effects tho surfacc of an sinSle 12/20 crystal specimen becones polycrystalline t-o -a depth of 129-58-5-15/1? Lo Stientific-Technical Conference on Meta Dograpby and Beat Treatment, KharlIcov about 0.15 -,nm ,,,kith a Grain si=e of 10-4 cn. It .,,,as also established that cavitation loadinL; of monocryotals of aliminii-m does not bring about appreciablo dliL t- ort- ions in the crystal lattice. The obtainod rc,,Iult,,. confirm the existence of impact brittle fracture of bb:! -Jetal durinC cavitation erosion. The asaix-Aption is or-prossed that brittle fracture of the metal unde-- conditions of cavitation erosion is due to the propaSation of stroso, ,;Z"Ves caused by the shock effect of the cavitation bubblcc. Elcctro-spar'K hardenins of the curface of stool does not increase the L.) cavitation stability due to the brittloncc:-, of -the hardened layer. NitridinG improves apprecJ -ably the cavitation stability of the st;el. The prcpea~ties of the steel depend to a considerable extent on the distribution of the alloying elements between the phasec. and -,.:-ithin the limits of the individual phases. Radio-i-sotopas permit establishing the character of the distribution of alloying elements alon- the grain of t-he steel and also its changes L3 during hiSh temperature annealin',, and ~IurinZ coolip.S. Card En~,Aneer A. P. Lybchenko reported on investi,-,--tions of the 0 1312 di.'stribution of alloyinS elaments in chrwai-Lmi-nickel steels BALI sm" I. V. "Investigation of the Possibilities of Manufacturing SemireLmlar Articles With the Side Edges in a Round-Fang Automatic Machine and the Increase of its Productivity." Sub 22 Var 51., Moscow Textile Inst. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sm. No. 480, 9 May 55. -BALISIM -I V.,~Azandtekbu-0nauk Book on the nanufactura of knitted wear ORD and reverse knitting macbinee and the tecbnology of knitted wear" by R.I. Neipenkd. D.H.Pota*ln. Reviewed by I.V.Ballslm), Takst.prow. 19 no,10:87-90 P 159. (MIRk 1311) (Knitting machines) (3aipenka. A.I.) (Poterikin, R.I.) BALISIM, I.V.i kand.tekhn.nauk Review of M.S.Mirkin and S.Kh.Simin's book "Circulqr knitting machines for the manufacture ofout-3rweat tricot." Tekst.prom. 23 no.11:98-100 N '63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. ~aveduyushchiy sektorom kruglofangovykh avtomatov proyektnokonstruk- torskogo byuro ttk,~iiokogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta po pere%. re:botke iskusetvannogo i sinteticheskogo volokna (UkrNIIPV). - -- BALSIN, M.I. (BallaMn, M.I.] Some problems of the theory of sintering and era-3p. Analele metalurgie 16 no.21lOS-123 Ap-Je '62. ~10061133611339 T-nz~i-ln V. F. -"'eleYVP' L. A. '~~Ite urivor;~'~ "i M V. 11-:1MCID-roy (Mookovskly govudeLrstvenrqy TITLI; .I Elect. ron ar2mm2etic resonance of manganese ions in the A~-Se-re s4T;__ _ _ - slag SOURCEt AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 165, no. 6, 1965, 1336-1339 TOPIC TAGS: EPR spectrum, manganese ion, nonsilica glass, arsenic selenium gemanium glass, glass structural property ABSTMCT: EM spectra of Mn2* in the glasses of the As-Se-Ge systen containing 12.5-4o at% Ge have been studied in the 293-7TK range to determine the ty-pe of chemical bonding rf Mn and Ge atomB in relation to heat treatment and crystal- I i ZeLti on Af the glasses. nlass samples were synthesized f high-purity materials by melting and slow cooling in evacuat,~d quartzl7mula. All aamplea contained I at% Hn. The r(-g-)nance absorp~ ion - Irier, with g-factors of 2 and - about 4 were observed in th~- EFR spectrft of all samplea. The lines with g- factor of 2, vhich broadt-nond greatly vith a decrease in temperature,were attributed to axtiferromagTit-tic, amall-eize inclusions of Mn*e crystals. T%nt regiduRl" line with a g-factor of 2 in the EPR apectra at TTK. especi&lly 1/2 UDC: 541.67-i6i.6s538-113 Z:_ ACC NR! V'JJ,~ "5-) strong in the sample witb 40 at% Ge, was enrrelated with Mn In the glaas skeleton.The EPH lines with g-factor or 4, which become more intense with an increase in Ge concentration, were associat(--4 with an increese in concentration of [GeSe4/21 and (GeGef,/41 tetrahedral nodes in the glass structure. The presence of Mn may contriYite to the incr~nase in the tetrahedral nodes content by a mec~~anism analogous to that theoretically established for Fe3* in silicate _glasses.V The EPR line with g-factor of about 4.3 was observed earlier and Western scientists in the Fe3* containing silicate glasses. Min in the glass lattice may be bound to As by a oemipolar bond and to Se by a cov&le!nt bond. The EPP line with g-factor of 10 vftz observed in snly one glaza sample &t TTK mid vas attributed to beat treatment. Orig. &r'. hriir~' P figurva anti 2 tabluB. (JKj SUB CODE; 07/ SUBM DATF~ oPl(', RTF: 00h/ Oni PZF- 001-/ ATD PFUS:(4/Z 2/2 BALSKIp Z.j WITKOWSKIp I. Elaboration of the foundations for the automation and regulation of sizing machines. Blule&n IL19k. p. 1. PRZEGLAD WLCKIENNICZY. (Stowarzyozenie Inzynierow i Techikow Przemyslu Wlokienniczego) Wzt Poland. Vol. 120 no. 12 Jan. 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959. Uncl. BALTACHMVA- R.- [Bal t--u-c-h-eIvv-a-#-- II# I; -S)IKOLINIKCVp B p red.; PETRONYUKs L. (Kiev Zoological Park] I~rivalkyi zoopark, Kyiv, Derzh.. vyd-vo obrazotvorchoho myotetstva i muzyelmoi lit-ry URSR,, 1959. 1 v. (Kiev-Zoological gardens) (MM 3419) Ak TMA I)ZM. A. Introducing Industrial building methods into rural con- struction. Sell.stroie 15 no.81l-2 Ag 060. i (MM 1328) 1. Naoballaik Glaynogo upraylen1y% stroitel'stva Ministerstva sel'skogo khosyaystva RSPM. (Precast concrete construction) (Jarm buildings) BALTADZRI A.G. :Lnzh.; POLYABSKIY, G.I. Yiechan4zation of rural construction* Makhestrois 18 noo7slO-11 JI 161. (MLU 107) le Min4sterstvo sellskogo k?aozyaystva RSFSR. (Construction industry) UMA,NIA/Cultivated Plants Fruits* Berries. Abe Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 4., 1958, 15790 Author S. Popa, B. Bmltmdzhi,,P. Banited, Ch. Shtefanooku Inst Title Thinning and'Side-Sbooting in Cultivating Grape VIna ato6ke (Proiazhivaniye .. i- pasyrftvaniye pro vyrashchivdidi podvoyev viwgradnykh loz). Orig Pub Oradina) via si livadap 1957., 6~ No 6, 30-340 Abstract It vas established by experiments 1950-1954 that Vhen the thinning and side-shooting of stock vines is pro- perly carried out the number of grape stalks and the percentage of grafts of tho prime variety are increased. With the side-shooting of green shoots better quality grapo stalks are obtained as vell as more than vith the side-shooting of lignified shoots* The viability of grafts of Fetyaska belaya x Kober 5BB Card 1/2 148 LEBEDEV, N.M.; BALTADZHI, I.I. Kinetics and reactivity in the halogenation of aromatic compounds in the'presence of metal halides. Part 2. Chlori- nation of benzene in the presence of aluminum, tin,, and titanium chlorides. Kin. i kat. 4 no.6086-891 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendeleyeva. AUTHORS: Lebedev, N. N-, Baltadzhi, I. I. soy 156-58-1-25/46 TITLE: The Influence Exercised by the Reactivity of Chlorine Deri- vatives on the Relative Alkylation Velocity of Toluene and Benzene (Vliyaniye reaktsionnoy SP08obnosti khlorproizvodnykh na. otnositellnyye skorosti alkilirovaniya toluola i benzola) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkolyl Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiyap 19581 Nr 19 PP- 104 - 109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The velocities mentioned in the title differed in the case of various authors (Refs 1-7) according to the character of the alkylating agent and the reaction conditions (1,64 - 4,85). The authors wanted to explain in the present paper the problem mentioned in title under retention of the other conditions. This problem mentioned in the title is insufficiently investigated and the final conclusions hitherto drawn are disputed. This problem is, however, theoretically especially interesting, since it is assumed that the more active aggressive agents have a reductive selectivity in the substitution (Ref 8). Therefore the relative reactivity of toluene and benzene and the relation Card 1/4 of the developing polymers -P-' are assumed to be lower than in M_ The Influence Exercis d by the Reactivity of Chlorine SOVA56 -58-1-25/46 Derivatives on the Relative Alkylation Velocity of Toluene aziu j3enzene the case of less active reagents. The alkylation reaction is a sample problem useful for the rechecking of this assumption. The reactivity of the substituents may vary to a great extent, whereas the reaction conditions are maintained unchanged. Isopropyl chloride, tert. butyl chloride, benzyl chloridep benzyl, p-chlorine-benzyl chloride, finally m- and p-xylyl chlorides were chosen as alkylating agents. The reactivity of the extreme members differs by a factor of 1000 (Ref 4). The method of the experiments is described. The results of a direct measurement of the velocity constants are oompiled in the table. The obtained results are compared to the reactivity of the chlorine derivativea intable 3. At first sight no definite de- pendence of the relative alkylation velocity of toluene and benzene on the reactivity of the chlorine derivatives seems to exist. If, however,_t)!e' homologoits chlorine derivatives alone are observed (tert. butyl chloride >isopropyl chloride > p- xylyl chloride> m-xylyl chloride >benzyl chloride), it becomes obvious.that iji this case the higher activity of the alkylating agent causes also a greater difference of the reactivity of Card 2/4 toluene and benzene. Thus a rule was found which is contrary The Influence Exercised bythe Reactivity of Chlorine sov/156--58-1-25/46 Derivatives on the Relative Alkylation Velocity of Toluene and Benzene to that of Brown (Braun, Ref 8), The authors succeeded in finding this under completely equal conditions, whereas Brown did not pay attention to the last circumstance. The greatest difference of the relative reaction velocity of toluene and benzene is thus observed not in the case of the less active substituting agentep but on the contrary in the case of t 'he more active ones. The authors explained the rule found by them by the polarization of the aromatic nucleus at the time of the reaction. There are 1 figurep 3-tableal and 9 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOW: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologioheskiy institut im.D.I.Mendeleyeva (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D.I.Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED: September 17, 1957 Card 3/4 The Influence Exercised by the Reactivity of Chlorine SOV/156-58-1-25/46 Derivatives on the R~lative Alkylation Velocity of Toluene and Benzene Card 4/4 AUT .HORS: Baltadz" 1. 1. Lebedev, N. N. SOY/ 3,56-58-3-30/52 TITLE: The Influence of the Activity of the Exchange Component on the Relative Rates of Alkylation of Benzene and Chlorobenzene (Vliyaniye aktivnosti zameshchayuehchego agenta na otnositell- 1M skorosti al,kilirovaniya benzola i khlorbenzola) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 3i PP. 521 - 525 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence exerted by the activity of the exchange group on the relativexatesof alkylation of benzene and chlorobenzene was investigated. The alkylation reaction was carried out in the presence of aluminium chloride. The rate of alkylation of benzene and chlorobenzene increasedparallel to the rate of the reaction of the alkylating agents. The alkylating agents can be classified according to their reactivity as follows; n-xylyl chloride > m-xylyl chloride >benzyl chloride, 3-butyl. chloride;~isopropylchloridb. The dependence of the reactivity of toluene and chlorobenzene on various alkylation agents was determAned. The authors found a linear relationship between Card 1/2 the l4arithms of the relative rates of alkylation of benzene e--.Influence of the Activity of the Exchange T h , sovh56 -58-3-30/52 Component on the Relative Rates of Alkylation of Benzene and Chlorobenzene and chlorobenzene in the case of many alkylating agents. It was shown that the exchange agent influencos the reactivity of the aromatic nucleus not only by the polarization effect but also by the occurrence of the coupling effect. There are I figure, 4 tables, and 7 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im.D.I.Mendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical and Technological Institute imeni D.I.Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED: October 26p 1957 Card 2/2 LEBEDEVO N.N.; _BALTADZHIp I.I.; KOZLOVp V. Effect of the activity of catalyats on the relstive reactivity of toluene and benzene during chlorination. Zhur. VKHO 5 no. 2:236-237 160. (MM 14:2) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni D,I. Mendeleyeva, (Toluene) (Benzene) (Chlorination) -N.N*-; -BALTADMI Kinetics and reactivity during the halogenation of aromatic compounds In the presence of metal halides. Part It Chl5rination with ferric chloride as the catalyst. Kin* I kat. 2 no.2:197-204 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14t6) 1. M;okovokiy o-takhnicheakiy institut imeni D. K. Mendeleyeva. (Chlorination) Jf (Bentnene) LEBEDEV, N.N.j BALTAIMM 1.1. Kinetics and reactivity of aromatic compounds In the course of haloganation In the presence Of methl ha2ides. Part 33 Reactivity of aromatic compounds. Kin. i kat. 5 iso.21305-310 Mr-Ap 164. (MTRA 17:8) 1. Moskovskiy khimikc~tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mandeleyeva. BALTADZHIEV;. A. BALTADZHIEV,, A. electrometers. Bulgaria About border currents acting on induction wattmeters Mt P. 137. Vol. 2, no. 1, 1955. GODISHNIK. ANNUAIRE. Sofiia, SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol .6. No- K--APril 1957 LALTADVIMI) It. ELLTADZH IEV.. A. MeaBurinE ferromagnetic losses by the use of a quadrant electrometer. p. 16. V01- 5, Ho. 5, Sept./Oct. 1956. TEYHIIIKA. TFGHM!,rGy Sofii&, kulgaria So: Last Luronean Accession,,'Vol. 6, No. 3, March 1957 BALTADZHIEV,, A. "The theory of the electrodynamic frequency meters." p.22 (Tekhnikaj, Vol. 6., no. 8p 19579 Sofiia) Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East Baropean Accessions (EFAI) LCp Vol. 7j No. 8., August 1958 BALTADZHIEV, P. "Nonmetallic Fossils Used as Rav Yaterial in Industry", P. 40, (Frm DEm, Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 1954, Sofiya, hilgaria) SW Yonthly List of Fast Puropean Accessions, (EM), LO, Vole 4; Nos Ix Jan. 1955, Uncl. BALTADZIIIEV, P. Quarrying, its condition and prospects in our country. P. 36. MIhIN0 DELO, Sofiya, Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 1954. SO: Monthly List of Kast European Accessions, (MAL), LG, Vol. 4) no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. BALTADZHIEV, P. Present Stage and Prospects of our Quarry Production, Mining, #11:36zNov. 54 BALTADZHIEV,, P, ---------- Effectiveness of above ound sorting in mining., Min delo 17 no.4:21-25 Ap 162,, 1. Upravlenie na geolozhkite prouchvaniia i okhranata na zemnite nedra. lirof.;-?103V,-K-;-DIMITIIOV---Iv-* WIGHINOVA.-N.-;-I?ACMU. D.; UIPTAUMIM, M. Phlebitis and embolism in surgery, Xhirurgiia, Sofia 11 no.5-6:527-329 1958. (PHLIBITIS, surgery, (33u1)) (3MBOLISH, surgery, (Bul)) kand. veter. nauk; BALTkDZH.. O.M,, naucbnyy sotrunik Treating chickens with aseariasis. Veterinarila 41 no.6t6" 64 A !64. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy veterinamyy Instl tulb. MRAOIXOVICIT, V.V.,, ktw. b1ol. nauk, otv. red.j BIBLINA, B.1., h!trid. Pellkhoz. nauk# red.j BA~T S, V -ol. , . Aq4j _. .,., kami. bf nauk, red.j KRUSTANTBOVA, T.., red. [Polysaccharides of fruits and vegetables and their variability during ripening and processing] Polisakharidy plodov i ovoshchei i ikh izr4nchivost' pri soirevanil i pererabotke. Klshinevp Xartia moldoveniaske, 1965. 90 p. (MIRA 18:11) 2. Akademiya nauk Moldavekoy SSR. Institut fiziologii i blokhImU rastenii. BALTAGA, S. V., Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Biochemical investiC...-ation of the eating watermelon as a new source of dietary pectin." Kishinev, 1960. 20 pp; (101inistry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education USSR, Ministry of Education Moldavian SSR, Kishinevskiy State Univ); 150.copies; price riot given; (KL, 18-60, 148) BALTAGA, S.V.; SMYKOVA, N.A. Gharacteristics of the hemicelluloses of c-tron re-"ons, lzv.AN Mo-ld,SSR no,,4233-46 163. (MIRA 18x1) - -BALTUGA, S. V., I-Mah, A. V., RPYK, S. YA., GRIEFEL, 1% S., and-DV-KMMWU,--N. J. (US3R) "Pectin from the Watermelon and the Possibility of its Commercial Preparation." Report presented at the 5th InternatIonal Biochemistry Congress, Eoscow, 10-16 Aug 1961 BALTAGA S V - RAIK, S.Yas; DEGTYAREVA, V., red. I (Fectic substances and their importance in the national economy) Pektinovye veshchestva i ikh znachenie v narod- nom khoziaistve. Kishinevp Kartia Moldoveniaske, 1963. 17 p. (MIRA 17:12) - --- --- -RI'llrAGA, V. t, - ---- --- - -- - -- --- -- ---- - - ---- - - -- -- 22308 Baltaga, V. K. 0b odnom sluchaye konfomnogo otobrazheniya mnogosvyaznykti oblastey? uchen. zapiski kharlk. Gos. Un4ta im. Gorlkogo, T. XXiX, 2apiski, naLuebriseled. in-ta matematiki i mekhaniki i kharlk. Matem. %-va, Seriya 4, T. =1, 1949, S. 169-83 SO: LETOPIS' No. 30, 1949 PHASE I BOOK EIPLOITATIO-N SOV/3984 Baltaga, Vsevolod.Konstantinovich Kcmpleksnyye chisla (Complex Numbers) Khar/kov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo Univ., 1959. 103 P- 10,000 copies printid ' Reap. Ed.: M.I. Kadets, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics; Ede: A.We Tretlyakova; Tech. Ed.: A.S. Trofipenko. PURPOSE: This is a textbook for those interested in the theory of complek numbers. COVERAGE: The book discusses in detail the theory of ordinai-I.conplex numbers. The concept of free vectors of a certain plane and operations on th4se vectors serve as the starting j)oint of the discussion. The liamorphic relation be- tween the set of these vectors and the set of complex numbers, viewed as or- dered pairs of real numbers,, is established. In the ap]~endlx the problem of the possibility of complex numbers with more than two independent units is studied'. No persona3ities am mentioned. There are no ftferences. r,.,A -1 12 Complex Numbers TABLE Or CONTEM: lntrod~ction SOV13A 3 Complex Numbpre 12 lo Definition of coiwlex nmbe'rs, comparison, additio'n and subtraction 1.2 2. Trigonometric rotm or complex numbers and the multiplication of camplex,n=bers 19 3- Writing complex numbers in.aseable form 31 4. Pivision. of-complex numbers 36 5. Extraction of &-root of a compXex number 44 6. Theorems on the modulus andLargument. Substitution of ccmplex numbers by their conjugates 49 7. Various examples and applications 54 Appendix: Possibility of further extension of the concept of a number, 85 AVAILABIZ: Library of Congress Card 2/2 -3.1-6o ~"JOUMY 'ABO'. JOUR. AUTHOR IN z? T . TITLZ ORIG. PUB. Rumania Y-8 IIZBiol., No, 195,X, No. 87271 Toadcr, MI.; Baltagi, B. Mazs Selection on the Basis of Negative Characteristics of Zoned Varieties of Grapes Gradina, via sl livada, 1S-5(, 5$ No 91 .52-51t A313TIRACT No abstract. WURD., //l --RUYAITIA/Cultivated Plants Fruits ar:A-Lerries.- M-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolit 110 3, 1958., 11025 Author : Toader., M... Baltagi., B. Inst : Academy of Rumania People's Republic. Title : The Rootstock "Klon" C?_7 Craciunel 2. Orig Pub : Comm. Aced. RPR,, 1956, 6, No 2, 319-325 Abstract : A description and characterization are given of the new rootstock "Klon",, Craciunel, 2. developed in 19355 1 -c7 on the Craciunel Experimental Station (Stalinakaya oblast'.. Rumania) by selection from the plantation of the rootstock variety Berlandieri x Ripariya Kober 5BB, It is noted that the vine ripens early and that the plantk material grows well and gives a high yield. The '%Ion" is first among the rootstocks distributed in Stalinskaya oblast' of the RPR. Card 1/1 RLUTLI/Cultivatud Plants - Fruits. B,~xrics. if. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Diol. , 110 10, 19501 44334 Aut"Or MAaxa, Gr., ;~~ta,3i, B. Itlot Comm. Academy RM, . Titl,~ "Ituay of tho Root Systc~.,i of Grap,;Vincs. Ori C Iwo Co, Acad. RM, y 1956) 6, vo % 1095-1103- Xostract, Vic iip at t1ic Ex-pori-nantal Station of Viticxiltur,.! in (Stalii-L re;,ion, Rumanian P11) i*,' 1954 of -Vio root sYst,;!n'9 of 35-yonr o1r.1 vincs -~xovn imd~.r id~-,nti- cal co-lditions Qatablis"Icu-1 ti-cv.' t:-,c 1~nc;~h of thc root systom of VIO Ompe Pino3ri C;rafitod or. Dcrlmidic:ri x Ripari Kobcr 5DB and Riparii Gloir reac'1z:s horizintally 4-5 mtorn a'.Id verticall" Vlorc! than 51:1. 1.' t',Q stock Ri-oaria x Gloir a:,,-!- Riparia Riipostris 3309 t',,-, root systcm p,~~iatratus dc,::por than `e stoch Dxlanrli~;A x Carc! 1/2 Plants - FrId-ts. Ab-:1 Jour R--f Diol., Ili-3 10, 1958, 44334 Ri]pria KobQ,- 5710. Ia iscrcaoii-, talc lo,0. or, thu bush V:tu of t,',c rooll s.,-stem, ancl its, wai~-~'zt also incrcas,~. 7hus -'L--- tl:z varicty Finc-L;ri 3Taftecl on 13,~rlmidiuri n Rip .Kob,~r 5LB) nric lh,~ wA-Lt of Via roots incrcns~~a by 45'~' vi ~h the inercm: o-l" tU lold t~n 60 cycluts,"'V p,~r b*Ls*.i u 7 by 13(yi'~ with t le lo,!O~ -of 80 ~YclAs- L*, ti., var i ty c " C: on Rinarin Gloir vLi!:.'- "-'-Q roots ilcrca~c-C. by 25'~ wit'i tf,.-- i-am:cm., of t7lQ cf t"Ic bum, 1,o 60 oyAAr, mcl by 4"llj!, vin a loncl of 8o ~yvlets pcr Ic-ush. The maximtui araa of th-- spmi~l of V-1c roo'lls of lliao-Lxi is at t:i, dmth of 30-40 cm wit" --adik's of 80-100 cm aroll;10~ VIC, CarO 21,12 - 170 6OU11TRY CATWOTCY ~ m I QU1+Avqted Plants. Frutts. Berries. 105. JOUR. R&Biuloo No. 23, 1958.. 110. 10481-1 AUITIOR t 3anita. Aalta,,i B INST, ITITLE Dotermiwition of the Best Goneltions for -the Grafting &nd Gnwing Togethar of Grapovine 'Jimes. ORTO. PUB, an. Inst. crimetari a,:rron., 1957, No. 5, 503-519 ABSTRACT As the result of studies tit tne oxperiment stz;.tions of vit' c,-J.txra in Lr3geahanll and 4reahrine! (1951-1953) " it io mcoomended to ull-,ore stocks in wLqtor before ggraftingp in tho form of.whole canes or cut to t1he length three times th:~t of the scion. With the atorage .of the atooks of Berlandiyeri x Rip:~ria Teleki 8B rund Shasla x Ber- lqndiyari, 43L ant to the, sama or d-rible loi,-th of the scion, 3.6-8~ fewer _-rifts of -Vqa first class were ob- 60t 113 1?7 otil pun? (+10(,C) otao e,--4 jo G9,.-q GUq 'r,0-1,; 1;-34~4 Sq PBD.-. PC.: c: C-jot, a v-~ 10 qi;.TT,; jc -~oj;*~.jf jr, etl~ O-L-cnT -j-~,,-.pq, eq qsm ljo~;,c L-q 0-4 ~~.XT. 140-'j.-, S-411C, U(:T-ig n,~Z; 311DOIF Qtj!~ JO r,~,r 1- -10 VD,!:~ gl*. , MT-11~14 'l- E4447 'rLi'-TCS- -11 1 G UN 1 G na -xoc,,sN joj-,Nuc.~ 4r1 u.q-,m Uos-carerlov. U.-. Rqd loluo - tr W UORMY C- R-TVT-RY- CATECIORY ABSO JOUROI RzhBiolo~ NO, AUTFOR Tinz i ORTO. PUB. ABS"ACT CArLDt 3/3 195 , 1!0.1(14311 duria.- tAn grculn-5 oil 'm',ifts L-)Jethar In Cao &roenhouse 250 at 47~ of first cLiss grafts vora obtained, and at ths tomptamt-are -)f 350 - 36.3~ of first class ,,Praft8 (station in Irowin,, the arafts to- ,~ether acnordlnq to Mishm-ank,3 mat'nod in..-reas-ad the crop of first class yowng -ints, by 26.3" in co;,-parisoa with the usual mat'nod. Ye. r. ~'hukovskaya W cy- v It GY- -te to Ot 01 C;P, '00 4) 114 VP 'Cull 0l C)l A 'C~e Olp Q 01%, N OL ki ~~ ) ola (,%a Ic)r)l ~If.,te OJA A 01.1. - OT -D q, ao e 10 91% T "00 SO P.TW 0 m "t ry Catnaory bULTIVATED PLANTS. FRUITS'.- Berritall., 90s, jour- ;RE F .7-HUR-131OL-121,195e,NU-9615 4 I..' - 'r 'Toader,14ftrin; Baltagi, Rorjr~ Titlc :Graoiunel 2 arape Stock Clon. ')r'-9. 1%,,b. :G-IZidIna,vL(i vi.':,Avkxda, 1.957, 6, NO-2t 34-39 Abotract -A olon selection of vinerAock baa been oonduoted since 1935 at the 7,xDerIjzovta1 r1tation of Lower Pq "racluol Virieyti:7d. Through ttit., selection of lar- gar and iviturine vinoa of Crnaiwnel stock the Craciunel 2 clon was obtained. The morphologi- Cal and biolor.1cal charactexintion of the olon are dosoribed The Craciunel 2 vine.ripans 10-14 days earlier tAan the Cober 5BB, the Craclunal 2 clon surDassed the "Vobfir 5BB stock in the number of grape stalks by 29% (in 1949-1953), i.e. by 39t974 stalks from one vAriety per I haotare. On an Card: 1/3 C3trg'~ry '%ULT IVA-( 'L- D PL A 01 i, ': RU I TS libs. Jour. REF ZHUR-DIOL.,21,1958.NO-96154 Autbrr Ylv,tl tut. Orig. Pub. C t ravarnr..e yijld fzclm a single hact~:~~e, the Cober 5BB pro~iuct,d 125,816 grape stvlks, vilillo the Craoiu- nel 2 clon produced 1052,790. Thu pi-oductivity of vinos oi~ the basio varieties (ltnlian Riesling, "'hitieFfitiyaske., Sauvignon'~ on (!raaiunel 2 stook wa a, 29 and 309; highor than /52"Peotively' on Cobpr 5BB stock (In 195i re-) . The affirity when grafting the ba~sia varietios on vino atooks of the Clon were 17% hieber than on Cober 5RB atock and 16% than on a stock of Riparin Groar. Card- 2/3 m CULTIOTED PLANTS. FRUITS REF ZHUR-BiOL,21.1.958. NO-9615 4 m 4. L I U.t~. I in xig. Abstract *The Craciunol 2 olon oan be suocessfully substitu- ted for the distrioted variety %.rlandieri X Ripar ia Cober 5BB in the basia grape-produoing distriot; o)- the RPR.--Ye.T. 'jhwtovskaya 3/3 172 RUMANIA / Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries, m-6 NutbearinS, Teas. Abe Jour :Ref Zhur - BioloSiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6461 Author :Stefanescu, Gh.; Banita, Inst :Not given Title :Study of Dry Pruning of Rootstocks of Grapevines Orle Pub :Comun. Aced. RRPs 1957, 7p No 8, 727-732 Abstract :It was established at the experimental stations of viniculture of Dragashan and Krachunel (Rumania) In 1951-1954 that the dry pruning of grapevine stocks (Berlan- dierl x Riparia Teleki 8B and Berlandierl x Riparia Cober 5BB, Riparia Gloar), when small branches of 2 am with two and 4 buds are left, causes the vegetation of shruhs to Card 1/3 152 RUMANIA Cultivated Plants* Fruits, Berries, m-6 Nutbearing, Teas. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6461 begin 8 10 days earlier In comparison with the control (pruning without branches left). The more branches were left, the greater the average increment of sprouts was, up to the moment of the first cultivation. The growth and the size of sprouts in prunings where small branches were kept, especially If they were 2 cm long, were more uniform, than in variants where the branches were removed. The greatest yield of stock scions (with hilling of shrubs) was obtained by pruning and by keeping branches of 2 cm long (178.0061, the smallest yield resulted from short pruning (without branches) - 171.500 scions from I ha. It is recommended to hill the shrubs for the winter Card 2/3 RMIANIA / Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries, 1.1-6 A . ~ Nutbearine, Teas. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - BioloSiya, No 20 1959, No. 6461 0 time only; the layer of earth should be 10 - 15 cm. The pruning of stock vines while conserving branches of 2 cm in length Is recommended. -- E. T. Zhukovskaya Card 3/3 153 RUMANWCultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. M Abs Jox,,r Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 82539 Author Balta&ij B. Inst Scientific Research Institvte of AgricUture Title Comparative Trials of Grafting the Priacipal High-Yield Varieties of Grapevine on Different Stocks. Orig Pub : An. Inst. cereetari agroa. 1957, 24, No 5, 487-501 Abstract : Studies at the experiment station at Krechyunel de Rhos (Rumanian People's Republic) in 1951-1953 showed that the best coalescence of the majorisy of varieties was produ- ced by grafts rmde on the stock of Selektsituiya Krechyunel 2 (49.5%) and the poorest on the stock of chasselas x Berlandiyeri 41B (27.3%). The stock of Berlandiyeri x Ripariya Teleki. Buflya produced 44.9% of rrowing together with the scion and the stock of Solonis-Ripariya 1616 E - Card 1/2 - 147 - RUMANIA/C..ltivated Plants - FrL'ItS. Borries. 14 Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 82539 29.8%. The highest percmitage of plants of the let grade was also prodLiced by arafts mde oa the stock Selektsupya Krechyme! 2 (on an average for 3 years 44.3% plants of the 1st Lprade were obtained). The lowest percentage of the plants of the let Grade (22.3%) was produced by grafts on the stock of chasselas x Barlaudiyeri 4.B. Stock Selektaiunya Kiachmal 2 shoved the best affi--iity with varieties Savialon, Fetyaska belaya, Risling itallyanskiy, Muskat Ottonel) Aligote, Pinotgris; the stock of Berlandiyeri x Ripar- iya Kober 25 AA - with varieties Saixignon, Traminer Rose, Aligote, Fetyaska korolevskaya; the stock of Berlandiyeri x Ripariya Teleki Buflya - with varieites Trarainer Rose and Petyaska belaya; the stock of Berlau- diyeri x Ripariya Kober 5BB - with varieties Rislln~; ital'yanskiy, Neynburger; the stock Ripariya Gloar - with chasselas blanc and PLiot gris. -- Ye.T. Zhukovs- Card 2/2 kaya va tccl' 733 ta It gfl. ani and Dr;' t. i ~-j) L j~j Vmt!n by Vario'),'75 .9 iA,~ 0 r t e mp Grnrlina, via a! llvn6a, Ile -s 11 v "n v the Lower Cratuliel and D; -,-A h z ill 1949-195" 'Ju%t 1-1(tn the ~-'tock "Z'r1Ap'-O -ill") 0-1) a vl-elli'A .51'1~ les~-4 Slipport 1~1 e-'(pom",~A Mimi It. is L o 1) e r form t 1i e, r lcw, tJ r ~, d vc~ ge t a t It i4 h(wevc-, possible with IL'.0 pyraraid sv.-tLem to 41Y.-cat the soil .:"Aiy froat two d-irectione and provi(In better T. J p, c 11.1i r) 'g 0 i(11C. Wood. '11fe arnount of bunclic-3 4" 1 P, JW;, yo I'L 1, I--T cc the Cirnt variety wi.-'-h I haL with a culture of titock Vint) (>n V- trol-Ilin i-q tjulfll~ la;-ger than in the- pyr.,imid -sy:4tom. The out- p iAt of graft.N of' tho fiv-xt variety -irt the case Of UtillZini ~; thO -4 tOCILS grown by the pyramid my~~t:ah% was lorgqr thnn In Um culture of the, 3tock oi-k a trellis. Under the at Crill.unel and 'Prag-asaw. 44 t, " z i o 11 S . _; " I -,; re C OINITtend #? d Vie'-L ti s t o C;~, villos ba zuItilratad by tile pyrar~iei Ye.T. t,uukovqknVa BALTAU, Boris losifovichpK ZLOV, V.D., red.; VURASHOVA, N.Ya.,, tekhn. r6a-. [Diffusion in semiconductors) Diffuzlia v poluprovodnikakh. Mo- skva# Gos. izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry., 1961. 462 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Semiconductors) YBLIOKEJMSON, B. I. o. HISOIPAMVA, M.A. - GAVRILTUK-,k.-N.--, BLIftXW, )~G ' MIT LITVIIMKO, 4516#YAI)w low and useful book for industrial traAsport-yorkers ("Organisation of railroad transportation in*metallurgioal plants' by A;X.Averbukh. Reviewed by B.I.Iliokwoon and others), Hetallure 5 no.6t33 Je 160. (MIPA 13:8) 1, Zavod in, Diersbinskogoa (Rallroadeq Industrial) (Averbukh, A.J. If 13A-,,TA'r'YTE*V!'-~,IOZ!113f,l*:ti7~) A. GEOGRAPHY &GEOLOGY 11,I)KSLIP041 PUVE-SIMAI. RALTAKYTE0.1ENOZINSKIENE, A. New foms of pollen and spores found in the &~posits of the Middle Jurassic in Southeren Baltic area. p. 241. Vol. 8, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessirn (EEAI) LC Vol. 8, No. 3 March 1959, Unclass. . , : .., ; .H I . ~ I I .., . --l . - 7 BALTANOIU, M., ing.; SONTEA, G., fiz. Determining the physical constants E,G,, and by the use of ultrasonics. Metrologia apl 11 -no. 4' 153-156 Ap _rWY ~ C '1/V kA)j'L-WP k 1) lip kc I ACC NRi AP602Z600 SOURCE CODE:* Ru7W17/65/d( AUTHOR: Baltanoiu, M. (Engineer); Sontea, 5, (Engineer) ORG: "Electroputere" Works, Craiova (Uzinele "Blectroputere") TITIZ-: Detecting sufface defects b a3 ans of penetrating solutions D SOURCE: Metalurgia, no. 9, 1965, k&r-478 IOPIC TAGS: metal surface, metal inspection 0970 9 ABSTRACT: A brief description of the principle and technology of the use of )lies penetrating nolutions to detect surface defects in metallio parts or subasseml, The authors find the method a simple and effective one- capable of showing up has: 5 figures. (Based very SID:1 ects (to 0.15 millimeters). Orig. art. oil -~ '-1'31 Elng. abst.] OPMS: 33P732) SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: none Card 1/1 UDC: 62i-771.2:620-179.6 SONTEAP S., ing.; MURARBTU, Gh., ing.; BALTANOIIJ, M., ing. Influence of the chemical composition and structure on the electric resiRtance of cast-iron elements for electric apparatus. Matalurgia Rum 17 no.2:90-92 F 165. 1. "Electroputere" Plant, Cralova. SONTEA, Sever; BALTANOW, MaxLmilian (Graiova) Dilatometric studies on the plastic materials and casting resins used to manufacture the products of the "Electroputere" Plant, Craiova. Elactrotehnica. 13 no.lt28-30 Ja 165. ACC NRi SOURCE CODE,. RU/0017 AUTHOR: Baltanoiu, M. (Engineer); Sontea, S.'(Engineer) ORG: "Electroputere" Works, Craiova (Uzinele "Electroputere") TITLE: Some observations concerning the resilience of calmed and non-calmed Siemens-Martin steels SOURCE: Metalurgia, no- 7, 1965, 370-371 TOPIC TAGS: metal property, steel ABSTRACT: The authors tested the resilience at low temperatures (0, -20 and -35 diWees centigrade) of calmed and uncalmed Siemens-Martin steels. They found significantly Petter properties for the calmed samples and recomend that only this type of steel be used for larger welded constructions. Orig. art.,has. 2 figures and 3 tables* [Based on authorst Eng. abst.] (JPRS1 SUB CODE: 3.1 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF: 001 killed and rimming steels1i /0370/0371 llb UDC., 669.14!.ZL669 ACC NRt Ap6o31219 SOURCE CODE: RU/0004/65/000/001/0028/00301 AUTHOR: __Son~q_a_q!!ver~(Craiova)*, Baltanoiu, Maximilian (Graiova) -ORG: none TITIE: Dilatonetric studies on the plastics and casting resins used in manufacture by the "Electroputerell Works in Craiova SOURCE: Electrotehnica, no. 1, 1965, 28-30 TOPIC TAGS: epoxy resin,, electronic component ABSTRACT: In a pappr "for the young engineer" the authors describe their dilatometric tests on A it B ERM Resin,7520004i~ Dinox 110. The tests were perfomed in connection with the selection of casting resins for the manufacture of electrotechnica products. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 2 formulas. (JPRS1 i SUB CODE: 11, 09 / SUBM DATM none / OTH REF: 002 UDC: 621-315,616:621.3,17.39:5 6#-.Li BALTANOVA, D.G., m1ndshly nauchnyy sotrudnik 'C '. .: !:, 'I- Successful surgery of combined injury to the anterior crucinte ligament and the internal meniscus. Ortop.trnvm. i protez 19 no.2i&~-65 Kr-4p 158 (MMA 1115) I* In Kazanskogo nauchno-issledovRtellakogo instituta vos- stn-novitellnor khirurgii i ortopedii (dir. - asluzhennyy daystel' nauki TASSR prof. L.1. Shulutko). (MMB,wds. & W. combined ant. crucinte ligament & meniscus inj.. Burg, (RUG)) LIGAM W S. vda. & inj. same)) BALTA~'OVA D 0, Cand h1ed Sci - (diss) "On the problem 0f-41 .i ) - i ) w transplant-big fascia for arthroplastic surgery and plastic surgery of 4M cruciform ligaments (Experimental study)." Kazanvp 1959y 15 pp (Kazan' State 11,ed Inst. Kazan' State Sci Res Inst of Traumatology and Orthopedis) 200 copies (KL, W-59, 130) 102 -