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ILISS. 39dit; RkLIA, BrIun TOT", I ComparaVM J"M on of Immme sera by the combination of elaotro phoresis and serological testp. Xiserlatea orvostud 9 11o-5-6:455-462 Oct-Doe 580 1. Allatgvogyassati. Oltoanyagallenorx Intezet. (IMMM SKRUM comparative exam. of various sera by electrophoresis & serol. tests (MM)) BAjjA, Lauglo; SZgNTIVANyI, Hatyus., JUHASZ-HOLGY, Sandor Blectronic pressure-etabilizer. liserlates Orvostud. 11 to-5:540-542 0 159. 1. Debrecont OrvootiAomanyl F#gyotem.Blettani Intesetes (PERMION equip & supply) BAIJA. Iaozio: JURkSZ-NAGY, Sandor; SWTIVAM, Maty" A now apparatus for the measurement of blood flow# Xleerletee Orvostud. 11 no-5:542-~~ 0 159- 1. DebrecenV6rvostudomanyi Rgyetem Xlettani Intesets. (BLOOD GIRGULILTION) MIII~ FARKAS, Bela; HOILMAUSER, Albert; FUREDI, Palj SZEPESIJ, Endr . Dr.; SZABADYj Jenoj SZEFESSYp Sandor; HAIASZ, Antalj BA SZMLY, Istvanj KOHUT, Matyw 1- - - -- Remarks on the article "Problems of technical development for the heavy industry on the basin of the requirements of industrial branches which use its products." Villmoasag 9 no.1/3:53-61 la-Yx 161. 1e A Klement Gottwald Villamossagi Gyar fomernoke (for Farkas)., 2. A TRANSZVILL Transsformtor so Villamoskeezulakgyar fcmernoke (for Holes- hauser). 3. VRRTESZ Villamoseromu Tervezo eo Szerelo VaIlalat (for Furedi). 4. H'oenergiagazdasagi ea Tervezo Vallalat (for Szepesi). 5. Klement Gottwald Villam a i Gyar (for Ssabady and Szekely). 6. Csepeli Tranozformatorgyag's ffor Halasz). 7. Ganz Kapesolok es Keezulekek Gyara (for Kohut). il V Coy- w- it 1 11!7 tra, v L f czc o- I. A!.'j E it but no* ~1, QLI~ cn, L.'OtMic" i-,-,PcAQn. "I oc rr, rt~~ 1% ~l s XkW , Aladar; S?MCZY, Gyula,- REMMIs V.; BALIA, Laszlo; HORVATH, Imre, okleveles foldmeromernok; JAKOBYNE - Society news. Bany lop 95 no.lOg694-697 o 162. 1. "BanYanati Lapok" szorkento bizottsagi tagja (for Rado). 2. Meoseki Banyamero Szakesoport Utkara, (for Horvath). 3. Dorogi Szonbanyaszati Troszt Munaki Osztaiyanak osoporttitkara (for Szenczy). BAJ=q Lo ~ , i- TeBting the immunzation ability of Ihmgarian-made fovlpox vaccines by means-of intravenousp subcutaneous and contact infeetion. Act& voter Hw 13 noe3t 245-254 163. .A 6r 1. Staatliches Kontroninstitut fur Vaterinarimpfstoffe (Direktore I.Simonyi), Ikidapeat. P SZAIAI, Dezro; Laszlo ,,wheat growing wq~erimeutss 1952-lt59"9 edited by Jano bajal~ Reviewed by Dam Swaai MA Lasslo Balla. Nagy tud 70 no.2tl48-151 F 163. 1.11~ : . 1. Magyar Tudomanym Akademia. Hezogazdasagi Kutato Intesete tudomanyos nunkaterea., Martonvaoare BA LLA, Laszlo, Dr; Animal Therapeutical Vaccine Control Institute (Allat- 'Uyogyaszati Oltoanyagellenorzo Intezet)(director: SIMONU , Erzsebet, Dr). U "Control Testing of Fowl Typhoid Antigen." Budapest, Yar,,yar Allatorvosok Laoja. Vo118. No 7, july 63, pages 292-294. Abstract: [Author's English summary modified) The testing of fowl typhoid antive n whole blood provides insufficient information on the effectiveness of the antigens and is unsuitable for comparisons. Experiments have been conducted by the author for the modification of the method. Lyophilized standard serum was used with a iiiipotency in tube agglutination test in a 1:1600,and a + potency in a 1:16,000 to 1:25,000 dilution. Three methods have undergone comparative testing-. slide agglutination in a 1-.300 dilution of the standard serum, titration with the tube agglutination technique,and titra- tion on Takatsy's plates. The slide agglutination test was most effective for the demonstration of differences between the effectivnessof the antigens, The evaluation is carried out by the measurement of the reaction times. Anti- gens are considered suitable which, with an aliquot of the 1:300 dilution of the standard serum,produce ag(;lut!Lnation visible to the naked eye in arti- ficial transparent light within two minutes. Even weakly positive bloods are recognized by the use of such antigens. Suitable color, homogeneity and development of agglutination with positive whole blood samples within three minutes are further requirements for such antigens. 3 Hungarian references. 1/1 UUA)- Laggao.0 oklevel-es bwl~rnok Is.0turs at Rudaban7a. BMV JAP 96 no-53354 My 163, BWA L. i nz. "Protection against mine waters" by Ajtay Zoltan. Reviewed by L. Balla. Rudy 11 no-10:3 of cover 0 163, SALANKI, Janos, dr.;,B,ALLA,,Laszlo Ink-lever equipment for continuous recording of activity in mussels; mussel-actograph. Annalos b1ca Tihany 31:117-121 t64. 1. Director, Research Institute, of Biology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Tihany (for Salanki). 2. Physiological Institute of Debrecen Medical University (for Balla). BALI-q', J~aszllor dr. Ev&luation and tv~rijbility tr,'Sts of fOwl pox vacc-l.nes. ~Jagy, Olatorv Aap 19 rms)04-96 Mr 164 - 4 1 3. VetlerLnery '~ixntral Lngtitut,- (Q*trector: Dr. Erzaabst Slmonyt) , *;-SIMONYI-, Ellsabeth-[Simonyi, Erzeebet] Gomparison of the virulence of fowl pox virus mtrains by the intravenous, autaneoua and aontaot routes of infection. Act& voter Hung 14 w,lil-18 t6l** 11 state Institute for the Gontrol of Veterinary Serobacter~o- logical Products, Budapest (for Ba.Ua). 2, Director, State lnstituiW for the Gontrol of Veterinary Sarobaoteriologioal Products, Budipastp (for Simonyi). .-BALLA, Lajosne '; I Com-arsion of*the effect of manures and fertilizers in e4erimental manuring connected with the rotation of crops. Pts.4-5. Agrokem talajtan 12 no.4:517-536 D 163. 1, Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemiitry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. TECHNICAL C ONTRCL. p 12. ',MAGYAR HIRA`-:ASTECllINKA) 13WAP&;T,. HUNGARY V01.. 8 NO 1/2 iu.',,E- 1957 SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF &.15T EUROPEAN ACESSIONS (AEEI) VOL. 6 NO 11 NCITEABER 1957 'BAT-1-A Pal, dr. Aerosinusitiso-Pul orr gogegrogy 6 noo3:116-119 S 16o. 1., A Haff".Nophadeereg Igesseegugyi Szolgalata as a M ker, Tanace Guali-utt Korhaza ftl-orr-gngeoestalya (Poorvos: Balls, Pal dr.) kozlemenye (SINWITIS atiol.) (AVIATION MICINS) Conimsi Istvan; BALLAp Sarolta - - - CalculatIona and investigatione of cbemical industry operations by means of electronic computers. Magy kem lap 17 zo.9-./+05-410 S 162 Ib Boroodi Vegyi Nombinat. q0TTmRP Sandorj WTAI. Gyorgy, dr.j DANK, Viktor, dr.; BMZK.. Laazloj XASSAT~ Iajos; -tUGSKO, Eva; - GALANBCS, Istvanj NAGY BIRO, Sandor; TqTH.. Janosj NMM: Mel TAKACS, Yal, &o1 SIPOS, Janos; BMGZKY, Tamas; HLMI., Jeno; KERE4ZTES, Matyap, dr.; CORNIDES, Istv~hl BATIA, Sarolta~l 'The 2d Hungarian Conference on natural Gas, Iparl energia 3 no,10:225-231 0. 162. L Nehezipari miaszter (for Czottner), VADAS, Elewr [Vadasz, Blemer), doktor yestesty. nauk, akademik; A Zoltan,*, inzh.-geolog [translator]; MILIJ;OVSKIY, Bj;U e e , ~ - '-"'* oe .; rer., MIN, V.Ye., red.; ZNAMENSKAYA, V.K.,, red. e .r (Geology or Hungary. Translated from the Hungarian) Geolo- giia, Vengrii. Moskva, Mirp 1964. 531 p. (MIRA 18:3) H/014/60/000/005/003/003 E190/E435 AUTHORS: Horva"th, Aurel and Ballet-Achn, MXrta Nrs.) TITLE: Factors Affecting Diffusion and Their Role in Metallurgical Processes PERIODICAL:Koha.-azati lapok, 1960, No.5, pp.217-221 TEXT: The basic laws of diffusion, the variation tif diffusion coefficient with temperature, pressure, concentration and structure of the material, and the mechanism of diffusion of atoms in pure metals and alloys are disCU83ed'on a basic level and the application of principles is shown on the examples o scaling and on the solid-state reduction of metals by carbon. There are 8 figures and 2 non-flungarian references. Card 1/1 ~mtBUJA-GTOZOXI. rrona,, dr, fogesekoryos es inkolafogorrom (Tissakeaske) Rural dental servioe. lopegesseegugr 35 no.llt293-295 Nov 54. (IoNTISTRY, * in Hungary, rural eery.) (RURAL CONDITIONS In Rungarn dent* eery.) BATIAGI., Aladarp. fowrnok, Cooperation among the Council for Mutual Economic Assiotance countrieo in the field of planning. Epites szemle 7 rkoo'5: 234,137 163o lo Epitesugyi Miniazterium Tipusterveso I.ntezets BALLAGI, K. An FM converter. p. 88. (Radlotechnika, Vol. 7, No. 3, May 1957, Budapr-st, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 61 No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. 91160 Vory-bilb-"VOSSY YU program tra"Milling MOIV, Ms. I P r d A a y. Magyar Hinsd4smAnike. iv. No. a, pp. 107-418, 10 figs, Vol. For PrOvIdIfis VHIP-FM UVOMIUlag Itations with Progronw, transmitting noolvers were developed for receiving the prograins from the transmissions of other VHF trommit. tins stations and utilizing " for Uw modulation of VIIV- YU kenmitting 614UNWL In designing the" receivers the beat sound quality and ths highest reliability of operation waft strived 14. IU tranian6d" Is abaradmiud by the whkk for the dwaribed apparatus Is - OU signal to noW ratio AD. Statio selectivity has been ensured on the basis, of calculations by tooons of four band-paw filters, the d to selectivity (Crow Wk) emid, also be maln"Ined desired level by the adequate design of sho, band-pass totem Distortions originating from diverse sources wereellminateAl by the adequate arrangement of blocking and desnodulating &44" an well an by the use of negative feedback. The indl. dual units are ocreened frarn each other. thereby supprem. undesired r"lations. licreening Is effoeitil by neam ar-like, design. For ensuring the continuity of rall", , d d it hi I c n 11PAPS changeover Is provi e . sw ng l h o ation fall ht ld th I . s au e one n ~equ per pme ' TV BALLAGO, Laszlo (Budapest,, VII. Hernad U- 45) Several eyes see more; a first warningo Auto motor 15 no.2:3 Ja 162. FEDYNSKIY, V.V., doktor fiz.-matem. naukp prof., otv. rea.- BALLAKH .I.Ya.p red.; PIOTROVSKIY, V-V., kand. geogr. nauiL~'Ull r ;~ 'Mmov, N.I., red.; CIIIZHEVSKIY, A.L., prof., red.; Kums, S.N., red.; CHERNYKH, M.P., mlad. red. (Earth in the universal Zemlia vo vselennoi. Moskva, Tzd- vo "Mysl" PH .1964. 490 P. (MIRA 17:10) 3 (10) AUTHORS; Ballakhq I# Ya.9 Mirchink, M. F., SOV/20-126-6-25/67 e5-`r_r_e-5`jT~-nding Member AS USSR TITLE: On the Possibility of Making Use of Seismographic Exploration for the Direct Prospecting of Petroleum- and Gas Deposits (0 vozmozhnoeti primeneniya Beysmorazvedki dlya pryamykh poiskov zalezhey nefti i gaza) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRy 19599 Vol 126# Nr 69 pp 1239 1241 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with the investigation of the influence exerted by the petroleum- and gas bearing layers upon the elas- tic properties of the rocks. The general structure of the gas- ana petroleum deposits is dealt with first, and subsequently, formula (1) is supplied for the velocity of longitudinal seis- mic waves. This formula in investigated with respect to various ratios between geodynamic pressure, layer pressuret hydrostatic and geostatic pressure. For the case of geodynamic pressure and layer pressure being identical, formula (2) is given for the velocity of these waves, By computing the velocity according to formulas (1) and (2), and by subsequently comparing the val- Card 1/2 use, the influence of petroleum-bearing layers on the elastic On the Possibility of Making Use of Seismographic SOV/20-126-6-25/67 Exploration for the Direct Prospecting of Petroleum- and Gas Deposits properties of porous rocks is evaluated. The reflection of seismic waves at the interface between water- and petroleum layers appears on the seismograme and is one of the causes for the changes in the latter. The results obtained here re- veal the possibility of mapping the petroleum- and gas-bearing layers* There are 3 references# 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute v,' t-he Geclogy rz4 Pefiatag of Mlnera:% Paaa of the Acadimy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: March 18, 1959 Card 2/2 HIRCHINK, M.F.I-JLALL JA BUKHARTSEV -4 SERGEYEV, L.A.; CHURLIN, V.V., V.P.; VETOp V.I.; KHACHATRYAN) R.O.; MUKHIN~ S.S., red.; HYLINA, Yu.V.., tekbn. red. [Evaluating the possibility of using seismic prospecting in direct oeareh for oil poolo) Otoenka vozmozhnosti primenaniia seismicheskoi razvedki d1la priamWkh poiskov neftianykh zalezhei. By, M.F.Mirchink i dr. Moskvaj Iza-vo Akad. nauk sm, i9Q. mg p. (MIRA 14:32) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh ieko- payezykh. (Seiamic prospecting) BALLAKH, I.Ya. Determination of petroleum and natural gii potentials by soian4aphic prospecting. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.'-tekh.,khim.j geol.nauk. -Aoj~t 20-25 162.' (KMk 16: 5) 1. Institut geologiii razrabotki goryuchikh iskopaysmykh AN SSSR. (Seismic prospecting) BALLAYdI, 1. Ya. ide-cf-~f- rovervoir oil on the elantio properties of porous rocks. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Sor. fiz.-tekh.j, khim. i geol. nauk no.4&62-72 161. (MIRA 14:i2) 1~ Institut gooloM i razrabotki goryuchM iskopayemylich Akadamii nauk. SSSR. (Oil reservoir engineering) 3/16 6~/000/007/038/149 D228YD507 AUTHORS: Mirchink, 14. F., Ballakh I Ya 1 Sergeyevj L. A. I Churlin, V. V., and Vetoo V. I. TITLE; Direct searches for oil pools by the seismic refleo- tion method PLIZIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika,.no. 7, 19629 23-24, abstract 7A155 (V sb. Sostoyaniye i perspektivy razvi- tiya geofiz. metodov poiskov i razvedki polezn. isko- payemykh, M.f Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 225-229) TEXT: The authors state the results of researchon whether it is possible practically to qeek oil and gas pools by direct seismic methods. Thooretical appraisals of the reflecting capacity of the oil-water contact (OVC showed that the IWC must be a sufficiently clear reflecting boundary. The dependcnee of the longitudinal wave velocity in water and oil on the methane saturation pressure was investigated (in laboratory conditions), and the velocities in wa- -ter- or kerosene- impre gnat ed sands under different pressures were Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/007/038/i49 Direct searches for D228/D307 determined. The results obtained confirmed the theoretical calcula- tions. Field observations were made on the Mukhanovskaya structure that has been drilled in detail. The productive parts of the traps were outlined by tracing reflections from the 01-IC and, less relia- bly, from the changes in the form of thexecording of reflections from geologic boundaries. The statistical processing of seismograms by a special method was applied to distinguish objectively the axes of synphasing that correspond to reflections from the OWC. The pos- sibilities exposed for the use of seismic methods for direct oil and gas;e undoubtedly of practical interest. Z-Abstrac- ter's note: Complete tranalation.-7 .Card 2/2 -BAIjAKHj- I*Xas Testing the possibility of seismic,~rOsPeOting in direct search for oil and gap deposits* Dokl*AN SSSR no,5:1174-1176 Ap 161, 4:4) 1. Institut geologii i rasrabotki gorycuhjkb iskopayenykh AN SSSR. Predstavleno akadenikox D.I.Shcherbakovym. (14AI-novo, Region (Kuybyshev Province)--Petroleum geolo (Seismic prospecting) IBAMM#- H.L. (Penza) bMarlence In carrying out Inoculationg agaillat Pollonwelitis with live, attenuated vaccine. yelld, i akuoh, 25 no.5.-64- W 16o. (PAM PJROVINM-PojjoMrjLjTjS) (NDU 13 M FllliCtc-igi, R.; ICHOMWISrA, L. - - ! 'i-i'. diol. Pol. I no.4031-336 164 P'llaus bisforiens. X&r nNIGSENt R.1 BAIIANDOWICZ. K. Systolic auricular murmur, Kardiol. Pol. 7 no.3s241-246 J 164. HORVATH,.Aurel; BAI-I,A ACHS Marta Factors affecting the diffusion in metallurgic processes. Koh lap 93 no.5t2l7--= Yq 160. * ~ , ~ 4 4'' ~ ! , , I . . I . . I . . . __.0_-4AF-9 W -9140 0 0 4, 41 41 41 4 f 8 w 4 it Ji I it a a X A 14 19 M A A; A of LL M it a I- A A jL. I_ (Willet arid 1, A -0* (Notig, 13. 49 Alositowl wV=V-11. 'Itownta 14141rd in sifel 2 avt tnt tho, stability of tow Miliku. ink tile &Walk," n( Vill tnts &M trionookletoostion hystrents. SM-441 orivinents of liminctly Changing the Irbstacteristiev of graphite Arr k1woull; varinus roddric change the prnprish-11 of Simi by their fortiIyn Igo graphite. The ivillurner n! Ni. Ct, Un and Al in Sun larivis un lwormlentily, hardnesdi. thr Igor- ;-IV.f U1111411111. M-11, 410trUtte. tri ."stant arrels and stimb ionth Wevial nitchanscal III v~jwc I in are dtwi itwil. Kiklers coo J 00 IN 00 06 Id goo 41 164 ~loo AV o a- I y It it It M At a a 0 ff if 0 0 00 0 0 9:0 0 6 0 00 0 00000 0 0 g 0 0 * 0 0 0*0 0 9 lloso 00 0 0 0 0 0 : : :~ tYa., nauchn. red.; POSTNOVA, I.D., GIWAT, S S.; BAra.,j INDAREVA, tti., tekhn. red. ;ed. 1!~ (control of the composition of the paper atock3 Regulirova- nie kompozitsii bumazhnoi massy. Moskva) TSentr, in-t tokhn. informataii i ekon. issledovanii po lesnoi, bumazhnoi i de- revoobrabatyvaiushchei prom. 1963. 30 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po prQyektirovaniyu tsellyulozno- bumazhnoy promysblennosti (for Graitat). BALUNEGETI, Robert "Soils of HungFuyll by Pal Stafanovits. Reviewed by Robert Balleneger. Agrokem talejtan 13 no.1/2tl72 Jl 164. 1. Editorial Board Member, "Agrokemia es Talajtan.11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 ,a a 0 0 v * * * 'a Z - v 0 # . ~ , -- 2 , 6 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 Oli. 0 0 0 0 'i 0 * 1;* 0 0 0 At * a s 9 ~ 0 r I I IV If u n w to to it I# is a m v A A At P u D of 0 A. 0 m J. AA. I IL A A-1. v v j it L L to I 00 ~Pvv(*mwwA.jA,"JCd Mattmocod and *oU sdonco.', a;; go J. ald 00 go 00 41 00, go , . . . 0 v v 4 Z ~ 00 .06 =Go 400 jv 0 0 zoo 600 ;,f0 Poo* Z=oo v*0 U60 s a no 0 4 a v 14 5 All a 3 It [I u 14 "it Q 11 p 3 04 It CL 9 to It N "to n I:,A * 0 0 & 0 0 - 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 a a 0 1 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 410~ 0 0 0.00 000 0 & 0 & 4 * a a 0 0 40 0 0*0 Okk j L a t lww "Ole air so is* ,,too ' ' A rtcuitWat theth"I"Y 8011 Kleate a r l t 't p t a o4 * the Fdon of Irwt t..'. ",_' H 1l a e" '6 ! . -d3(1"1:": '43- 7 n - h,-- w hk h %j% j, jai,j on the c ht' if Irlij. W Inlit tf A-A., jqj I C hrnj- analyj% tf Olvir he hll-k I h~ coo fast 00 see ;zoo Ll11q%%%rI Iti%tilki'lite - 4 ?M A 9 k 6 444 0 0:6 0 6 0 0 0 is 0. Ole c a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 w 0 0~0 * 9 * Ol 9 0 9-*- 0 -0 0 ip~*-q oe-o * 0 0 0 6 0 * * 0 0 1000-9000 00 0 606 0 0 0 0 * 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 IF 6 'M Al t a 11 0 0% 4 1 1 w. U To 15 A V 0 If 0 41 0 43 'A 411~ 0 it cog AT u n _ "OlMijittwil INA&VOILII 11w5i"411OLON 0 14.4 4 9 Wit u l 0 02 . It 0 Gem AIVIIIA IVAN *0 JI"111-111 Sill 11011 I%JA III IIIJIIIJ3 V 10 JUJUJI12114111-11.3 C. 00 up AnmIw*q2 1" )0 ItiatudoleAsp I* vivilA pespuniq evo 4 -TIN :L P J w T z r 1z f, OL 'IALLE,,,~XGGEIII, it. The past of soil research in Ifungar-j. p. 1. (KOZIEVE21YE1. Vol. 11, no. 1/h, 1957, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of Llast Luropean. Accessions (EKAL) LC. Vol. 6., no. 12., Dec. 1957. Uncl. 431 331 S76.1 : 032 -j!9I-t-WJnLLk A TOntall" AIROW111 of ibs OJAJL DiSMIA. .YMba anallsy krqwej VYWnOkr. PfIw4l4d 06MIM. No. 7 - 8, 1050. w 373 - M.3 lip., 3 tab& RePlarins the efficiency diagmin, of the numtrmts figures nrtde4. for It, by a Surfue enclooed belW"n the Atialtht line Joining two tairerne, points td the curve, and the rurve Itself. After lk certain simplifleAl,lon, the effiriency curve was rmltkmt by two straight tI- nro. "it a fcwmula drdtw*A for the calrulatitm tit We surface IF. A drerew of tht- surfam r proves that. the number rA men employed In eml winninll his i"abed. the smeral efficiency Is hkher, and oat the Mm reswu of the coillery am beurr. On the contrary. an Increase of Uw value F proves that the efficiency M the colhery, has deteriorated. Trke obmrvatlon of the value of r misht, be used by the manmers of a vollirry, yj & ytf7 helpful and Pensitivt indk&Wr of tht, VMking of the eolliery, No= 90~1101 lite 622 9M 33 BillenstMt I. An Outline *f The r"Joet for th# Wraction of Via- -ra-MIM-9 .Zarys projoktu wybierants fUarOw ochrontweh". Pr9egl4d Oor- r4w. No, 4 M: 193 -143. 3 n8s. A deatAn , ~ikg uIrty pillars is given for seam dips noL exceeding 13 ..,W-StlUng begins front lite reatre of the pW&r and prc, ~olicantrlCSW to the Limit of the safety pillar Jr IIM Oallenstedt L. Makplier Oseveyen ,141FIMW taknowe a laimuh gumowych" Prual4d 06rnIM, M, & 1931, pp. 182-183. 4 figs, Underground operating conditions for rubber twit conveyors Itif- fer considerably from those on Lhe surface. For that rrmn the. the- oreties.1 calcul0ion of the power of conveyor drives gives t7i low figures It Is better to calculate the driving power for underground oNrations from diagrams which already contain an addition of the -miter needed. (or their regular work in hard undergrouni crindt- 20I.S. -D' dW~ 1311 33197 422.11 9111clency Nomogram. ,Nomogmm w1dalnoki". Przegl4d Odrnlczy. No, 7--4, 1951. tip 249-M. I tip.. 2 t&bA. Dedwtjon of relationship betwtvn on the one hand the, ois-'Pm at the two. the undergrgund output, the general output ani on the other tho percentage of miners a, the facts and of und:rgrowitl workers fin relation to the total crowt, Oraphle prosentatit n of the*,, relationships m&W possible and (stellitaten the work of designing and the rosultant, control of a colliery. DALLUISTEDT~ LUCJAN Ballenstedt, Lucjan. Wzory i tablice do obliczen statycznych w budownictwic. 19yd. 2. Poznan, Nakl. Panstwowego Wydavm. Naukowego, 195?. (Formulas and tables for statistical calculus in building construction; a textbook. Pt. 1. mus.) I SD*. Monthly Idst of East European Accessions,, LO, Vol. ), No. 1,,: Jan. 1954, Uncl. ---BALMSTEDT,-L. Goledsinowskil Z.; &112natedtp 1. wA New Utilization of Nktorials in Coal Mining" p. 33 (Wianomosai Gorniese, Vol- 49 No, 21 ?ab. 1953, Katowice) SO: Mgnthl-v kW S_f F IM& Eurouean Agaegsigns, Vol. 3, No. 2p Library of Congreasp February, 1954, Unol. -- EALLENSTEDT7 L. -- - "Tasks which Precede the Building of a New Factory" p. 2a (Wiasomopej Onrnigzap Vol. 4, No. 9, September, 1953, Katowice) SO: Mon&UX &1d gr _91d lurMan Acceeliona, Vol. 3, No. 29 Library of Congress, February, 1954, Unol. B,A1.1h;R Juro.J. inz. . Thermal conditions in circulation channels, Vodni. hoop 14 no*8t 301-303 164. I* Research Institute of Voter Resources Management, Bratislavue --- -- - - Neumooncepbalograpby vitb the aid of the displacement technic. Neuropsihijatrija 9 no-4:286-295 161. 1. Is Nouropsihijatrijokog odjelenja Sreske bolnice u Somboru (Sef odjelenja dr Balley Rene) (MMOENCEPHALOGRAPHr) BALLEYp Rene Praotical signifioance of Hooverts reflex* Med. pregl. 17 no.92 503-504 164 1. Reuropsihijatrijoko odjeljmje Opste bolnicep Sombor (Vacelniks odjeljenjat Dr, Rene B8119y), 83571 J S/056/60/038/005/004/050 (0, zm 0 B006/BO70 AUTHORS: Ballit D.t Myuller,-L. TITLE: Investigation of the Structure of the Main X-Ray K-Absorp- tion Edge in Selenium PERIODICAL: 3hurnal sksperimentalinoy i teoreticheBkoy fiziki, 1960f Vol- 381 No.-5, PP. 1381-1382 TEXT: In order to investigate the K-absorption spectrum of crystalline and amorphous selenium, the adthors used a spectrometer with a bent crystal having a diameter of 41.6 cmj the absorbers were vacuum-evaporated or powder films 4 - 160 p thick. The position of the main absorption edge for crystalline selenium was found to be at K - 12652.6 ev (977.86 x), which agrees with.the results of other authors. According to the method of Sandstr6m, the width of the main absorption edge was found to be~ 17-2 ev (1-33 X), which is essentially different from the value of 7.9 er obtained by W. Zinn following the method of Rose. The "white" line was found to be separated from the mainedge by 5 ev, and the "black" line by 13 ev; this agrees with the results of Ref. 3. There appears a noticeable "structure" of the main absorption edge with increasing thickness of the Cafd 1/2 83571 Investigation of the Structure of the Main S/056/60/038/005/004/056 X-Ray K-Aboorption Edge in Selenium B006/BO70 absorber. This structure was observed by E. Ya.' Vaynshteyn et al. on the short-vave side and explained by him; the authors of the pzesent work have found such a structure also on the long-wave side (cf. Fig.). When the thickness of the absorber was increased to 160 0 , the point of inflection of the X-absorption e0ge was shifted by 1.'S ev toward the short-wave Bide. The results of investigations for amorphous selenium are collected in a table. The observed shift of about 4 ev for A K agrees with the results of Ref. 9. In going from the orystallinp, to the amor hous state, the width of the main absorption edge increases by (4.65 � 07ev. The selenium investi- gated had a purity of 99.9~. Even small impurities complicate the observed effects. There are I figure, 1 table, and 9 references: I Soviet, 4 US, I Japanese, 1 French, 1 Britisht and 1 Danish. ASSOCIATION! Institut atomnoy fiziki Rumynskoy Narodnoy reepubliki Bukharest (Institute of Atomic PhZeics of the Rumanian Peoplels Republic, Bucharest) SUBMITTED: October 16,1959 Card 2/2 --- - - -- - ----- -------- --- - - --- -- -- - - - BJULIJ D. [Bally, D.); WORGIUP Z.; STADNIKOVA., T. ctions of ASP Sep Sb, and To in the Total effective moutron croos 11 3.2 no,6014-519 JO energy range 0.0027 to 000,000 Atom, energe (MIM 3.5-.6) 162. (Veutrons.-spectra) I 'Braillan karat" cases In 'rr1rpt1onv Oidr, I mel. 12 no-1062-53 0 16o. (MIBA 13111) 1. Mookovekly inzhenerno-stroital'un institut (for DenisoT), 2o Bukharestakly nauebno-Iseledovatellekiy lustitut gidrotekhniki (for Ralli). , (Braila region, Rumania-Irription) . (Boil mechanics) -PETRAWUp Severl GROU, Elvira; BALLIF, Gabriela Analysis of the phe.noxyacetic acomounds by indirect method. 8tudii core chim, 7 no.41549-5ffl #59. (EEAI gi?) - I* Inatitutul de cercetari agronomice, Laboratorul do fungidde- insecticide, Bucureati. (Mixtures) (Phenoxyacetio acid) 0 0 0 0 0 RIF it it 11 Id Is Ad It it 27 0 30 1) A P a A a r .40,Ct sM .1e, .10M a 1A I - - L, 6~L The acid-bm 04tiflibrium in Nutty if An.1 1. If I hem-avil:1. BALM soc. ramon4ke ~jvM' 16. NO-W(1U1S), -A case td tetany 9 S acid.baw t-qud. Is procuird in rrfutation i : -0 411 r 0 "I the tht'ury th"It letABY is MAIM W alkallom. Thr 00 41 wirtst temkm&d virell tu CA. liarathyraid homme awl tAlItimmilct imdiathist. Station Iforti 0 zoo Zoo sic. t" 411- !.I-Sj ILI 1~1 Ol- Ali RA lRodc? 0 a 1 1ILD(I 1'1 1,145,111 It coil Ktl j[U KtIH ItU1 0 0 ZIP 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 *'0 0 0 00 0 0 0i 0 0 9 0 0 0 of 00 0000 * 0 0 0 6 0 0 Of-* 1,4 0 A 4 a ~ 0 0 0 S i b -- T 4 A a w 1, 11 n m it m it v it a v v A A a 17 a 11 v D a a 1. A p I I -.11-4 L-L- a k f C, &-1-f AA N I t t- a potif kill 7 1'11 00 Blood cb*MiAq Is tht *~Vtwbtdrowk" OYS6000. - - v l w 4 , om wm a Sn' tok ., Ovic f. I It ~Sid 1. Gherm 4 Plidweipol. 16, , " 0 a midelioil 44 avirl. hypriby'llotlesili" with = Attributo to pontliur pituitary Ily1wifutwiloo, the Wood t!~ure -" cha~t"ixcd by a phyt", alkido,44 I 0 and a mw retention of C1. Na and rbolesim,1. Mellon It."ll nee 0 coo go 200 00 z ~ gse I I zoo zoo see so so elk lkif, $L A MIALti'MICAL it, 8 it, use too (W PtUff l(Ot W f '11 -*a' KWft art A 91 n it till 6( En * 0 e 0 0 0 e 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 Is 0 4p 0 0 0 0 0 4 ' ~ 1 0 IN 0 0 0 o 0 0 s 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 OIL" 5 p # it if 11 .0 u m Is *,P)l DNA A A A A, p v -4 m a %v Al 0 0 the siffe"Unt contest of Me datenal 914001 of mite I.. liallif end 1, 01,4. r"imajor IMT7,1 00 adirtialine "Intent W the adit"I glatnia, tivid. M AU04's 4,!-, W44 OAKI'll.18 1.111. (tVSIj IJIMXIC in 3 I1Atk1lj%'AIth Wain lumvis. dying of surgk-all Awck. 0.4%7- IM g./kit. In M wit It IX-114 Nis, mllfll%ion. Iaft-11A. I Al Wil, orll P moo 00 -31- 1 patient with Vawdow'odlwaw. The nornialadivust. line CV11tent of the adrenal glands was previininly tound to Iw CAS, by Ilarger, AVIcr. Vell and At-lin. wbo rovild4sy"I I fir vime rut-I NO, 1, r.. I hot Xit"i in liar - "Chinlip Ilialiftile" I IM.D. mal~m Iturn v 00 *0 too uO op a ow a N a -1 li-,;i no e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & a 0 0 we 00 0 C 0 0 & o 0 1 0 4 0 a Eflect Df -Titotlnit and an C!Mulattry Few 1. TIP .I th- BALLIF L-A-IMIMSKU, S. (Petrescu, SO (RuzVniya)* MOSKOVICH, X- ZSKKU, N. (Lashcu. W.] (R=vni7a) Pyrogen therapy of progressive pFkralvsis using baker 's yeast extract. Zhure*nevr. i psikh. 58 no,10:1201-1203 158 (min 11:11) (PARESISP, ther fever the;. with baker's yeast extract (RUB)) CrjSV THERAPY, in var. die. paresis, bakerls yeast extract as pyrogen (RUBD (YRAST, DRM. extract. as pyrogen in fever ther. of paresie (Rue)) -U1 N L KULWY APr 5-9 1975. BORNHOLM DISEASE WITH PSYCHIC DISTURBANCES - Boala din Bornholmcutulbur5ripsthice- Haill Duca M., h1oficovic I M_ Tomescu E. andKatz D isf-Aelgl Islihiat., Inst. de Med., lagi - REV. MED. -CIIIR. IA~l 1958, 6213 (585-588) Illus. 7 A case report is presented of a grave form of Bornholm disease in a 23-year-old woman. Initial diagnosis included hepatitis and hype rthycoidism. The clinical picture consisted of acute ga3tro-intestinal disturbances, followed by generalized pains. generalized symmetrical muscular atrophy with paresis and arellexia, cutaneous hyperaeathesia. vocal cord paresis. dyspnoea. tachycardia (with normal ECG), slightly raised temperature. mental confusion with attempts at suicide. and cachexia. The ESR was only initially raised (30 mm.). Basal metabolism was 3.4 S. The CSF was repeatedly normal. Electrodiagnosis revealed decreased galvanic and faradic excitability. Some muscles were inexcitable. No EMG is reported. Muscle biopsy showed a picture of subacute myositis, with degeneration of muscle fibres, lymphocyte infiltrations and moderate oedema. Eventually. a diagnosis could be made of Bornholm disease. the patient's serum neutralizing at least 10.000 Ld so of Coxsackie virus. The patient was treated with chlortetra- cycline, thiamine, vitamin B11, and vitamin E. The course of the disease was tventually favourable. 8, 6). - - - -- --- - - -- - - - - - - - , RUXV.9L.; UNGURRMu, E.; ROMESGOPC-; TUDOSEs Mari-lena; POSTMICO,, C.; ILIES.. jMexandrina. Thirty years of activity of the Watiotherapy Center in Socolas laid. Collective review of the research of recent years, Arch, roum. path* expe microbiole 2Z no,41987-996 B-DI63 1. Travail du Centre do malatiotherap:b Socola - Am, BALLIF-UMLIGI,, %genia; CaISTANTINESODs Fierretta Therapeutic effects of a single dose of p7rimethamine In irl-- Paludation with local or imported atraina- of Pqk vivax fad Fe faloiPainime Arohe romo pathe'expo niorobiole 22 no.4 997-10OZ, S-DI63 1. Travail du Centre d'Impalidation therapeutiqual 116pital "Gh.Mkrinesc*'~* BALLING,-Mirqslay,.-inz. (Zagreb) Energetistic bases for the dimensioning of distributing notworks. Energija Hrv -11 no.7/81218-229 162. 1. "Blektra"t Zagreb,, Gunduliceva Ul. 32. JUAMO Miroslav, inz. ., r-~,-- Blectrf'catlon Of -thO KmPina Distriet. Energija Hrv 11 no.g/.Ios 323-331 162. ,. ' I.. "Faektraff p Zagrebp ofindulAoeva 32. CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical TechnologY, Chemical Products H and Their Application. Ceramics& Glass. Bind- ing Materials. Concrete. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1959, 43147. Author : 1~alling Z. Inst : *n--gYv_en. Title ; Production of Seamless, Thin-Walled Porcelain Arti- cleB and Goblets. Orig Pub; Sklar a keramik, 1958, 81 No 9, 277-279. Abstract: The utilization of normal pressing methods as well as of combination methods involving pressing and blowing does not result In the obtainment of thin- Walled articles. For the production of seamless, thin-walled castings and goblets the Hartford-HS- 28 machine is being utilized. It is equipped with Card 1/3 H-24 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technoiogy. Chemical Products H and Their Application. Ceramics, Glass, Bind- ing Materials. Concrete. Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1959) 43147. Abstract: a proportioning device with automatically control- led temperature and a high productivity device that fuses-edges of the articles. Functioning of the machine Is based on pressing In conjunction with flowing. This machine is capable of producing (tumblers, goblets and glasses) art*',cles that weigh from 28,4 to 312 gr, that have height up to 163 mm and diameter up to 101 mm. A formed article is first sent to an operation where its edges are fised with the aid of a burner that operates on a high heating value fuel. In the manufacture of 140 gr articles, the machine is capable of producing 67-76 thousand articles per day, The articles produced are characterized by the absence of seams and by Card 2/3 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H and Their Application. Ceramics, Glass. Bind- ing Materials, concrete. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1959, 43147. Abstraett high luster. The description covers Installation of such machines, technology of casting and main- tenance. The Hartford-HS-28 machine permits to lower production cost substantially, to increase productivity, and thus to supply articles at con- aiderably lower cost, -- L. Sedov. Card 3/3 H-25 L. "Experimental Study of the Dependence of lei Ti *ts Upon Flight 4peed," No 4., pp 100~-101. (Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya.9 No 0 Nov/Dec 1917-) "1' SOi U-3al8, 3 Apr 1953 ACC NRj AT6017135 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0171/0175 i'AUTHOR: Ballmann I bW ORG: Zepla Melts Business Machines Factory, Berlin, GDR (Zavod kontarskikh.mashin "T,%epla Hells") TITLE: Zellatron SER-28 electronic computer SOURCE! Sovet ekonomicheskoy vzaimopomoshchl. Postoyannaya kofnisslya po, koordinatsil nauchnykh i tekhnicheskikh issledovaniy. Sredstva i metody mekhanizatsii podgotovki i :poiska naucbno-tekhnicheskoy Informatsli, lnzhenernogo I upravlencheskogo truda (Means and methods for mechanizing the preparation and research of scientific and technical linformation and of engineering and control work); lektaii, prochitannyye na vystavke "'Inforga-6511 v maye-iyune 1965 g. Moscow, 1965, 171-175 TOPIC TAGS: digital computer, magnetic drum / SER-28 digital computer ABSTRACT: A compact,.transistorized, digital, binary-decimal computer with printed circuits is described. Since it performs only the basic four arithmetic operations it is very simple to prORram and uses The memory consists of a magnetic drum containing 127 48-bit words. Input-output is provided by the Zella- tron SE-5 electric typewriter with a paper tape perforator (25 chwacters per see)- The input is decimal, transformed internally into binary, and then transformed into decimal ,-Sard 1/2 1 -L-3498o-66-- A& -N---Rs AT-60171-3-5 at the output. The computer works on 220 v, 50 ch with 300 w power consumption. It is widely used in engineering and business administration offices4 The computer is manufactured in the GDR. [141 SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS.*6-02 Card 2/2 BALIMON, V.A.; BIAGORAZUMOV, A.P. Lincoln and Romney Marsh sheep in Alma-Ata Province. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 3 no.1:3-17 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 160) 1-1 -BALMS At Calculation of the moment of motor car enEines. p. 224. (JAW,UVEX 33 GEPEK., Budapest$ Volt Ij no* 7) JUIY~ 195h) 801 Vonthly list of East turopean Accessions (EEAL), LC3, Vol. h, No. X, Jan. 1955, Uncl. Medium spBed of pistons, p. 256. (JARMUVEK.. ES GEPEK,, Budapest, Vol. 1, no. B., Aug. 1954.) LC., Vol- 4. No- 1955., 9): Monthly List of East European,Accessionss & IUncl. Calculation of the end Pressure of motor comprebsion. p. 288. W.UU-TIVEK ES GEPEN, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 1, No- 9, SePt- 195h. SO: Ponthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC. Vol. 4, No. 5, 11v 1955. PALLOI A. *-------- The tranmdesion of a motor vehicle. p. 352. (JAM4tTVEK ES GEPEK~, Bulapeet, Vol. is no. ns Nov. 195h.) 4 J~ SOI Monthly list of East "Uropean Accessions, (EEAL), LC2 Vol, hp no. xp Ans 1955, uh'ci . BALL0j A. "Operative Rolationsldp3 for Notor Vehicles," -p. 1-3 7 of Cove.,. (JAM-17,11Z ES CEPEK. Vol. 1, 110. 12, Dec. 19511; lt-daj~c-st) JIun,,!ary.) So: Monthly List or East E-Luopemi Acces3ionox (EFAL), W, Vol* 4j No. 11, April 1955, uncl-- ;~ i ,.;. .-- 1 1 1 - -~q. W.L. LI to. ). oune ly.- (jarmuvek as Gepek) Control of compression and mechanical power of the cylinders of motor vehicles. p. 192. SO: Monthly Ust of East European Accessions, (ESAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, SePt - 1955 Uncl. BALLOI-L. - P, Controlling Uie economical operation of a motor by invesipting the eyjiaust gas. p. 1611 (Jarmuvek EezeratdasapA Gereke Volb 4) no, 4j Scpt. 1!7,57~ Rudopest, Hungary) Monthly Index of East Buropean AccesEions (EFAI) M Vol. 7) no. 2, February 19515 ULLO, Alfred, dr. Technical development of the Capital Bus Lines. Kozleked koz1 18 no.9--147-149: 4 Mr 162. BAMO. Wred., dr,,,, a muezaki tudomanyok kandidatusa High-capacity articulated highway vehicles., Jarmm mozo gap 9 no.8:304-310 Ag 162o BALLO, A.i dr., chief engineer (Ehdapest) "Thternal combustion engines* by Prof* Droj..Turek. Reviewed -by A,.BaUo. Pleriodica polytechn eng 6 no,1191-93 162 BALLO, Afrod, dr. Testing the duration of motor vehicle engLies. Jarnu mezo gep 10 no.6:230-235 Je 163. BALLOp Alfredo dr., IfDasic quoutionu rolating to traii.9portatioh economics" by GRahboin, 11. Wup,or. Roviow,id by Ali'i,(-,O t;nllo. Jamm mozo gep 10 no.10:389 0 163. - - -------- -:~-i -_ - BALLO, Alfred, dr. High-capacity articulated hirhway vehicles; excerpts from an article. Iiisz elet J!7 no.21:15 11 0 162. BALIP, 1. Operative planning to increase work productivity at eh Hemp, Jute, and Textile Industrial Enterprises. p. 21. Our Kossuth Prize winners; Ferenc Ecker. p. 25. MUSZAXI ELET, No. 10, May 1955 (Muszaki es Termeszettudomanyon Egyesuletek Szovetsege) BudapeBt SOURCE: EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST VOL. 5., N0- 1 September, 1956 BILLOj, Igor, inz.,, O&Sc. The 2d Conference on Nonlinear Oscillation* 14 no.10547 163~. Stroj can BALLO, I.P doe. inz, PICHAL, M., inz. CSc. Eleventh International Congress of Applied Kichanics. StroJ caB 16 no.3:31.2-346 165. BALLO. Ivan, okleveles mernok Artesian phenomena. Vinugyi kosl. no.j+*.492-1+99 161. I.. Alootinavidek i Vizugyi..Igazgatooag tervezeA cooportjanak vezetoje, $wpd. BALLO, Ivan Reinforced concrete prefabrication in hydraulic engineering in Hungary. Vizugyi kozl no. 4.307-)35 157. BALLO,, Janos (Budapest); CSONKA, Kalman (Budapest); CSUHAI., Donee (Budapest) I Forum of innovators, Wit lap 15 no.17:30 10 S 163. BALLO, 0. AdTD_1071-fM,-- Remarks on Dr. Attila Magyar's article t'Agriculture's Demand for Maps",- also notes by Dr. A. Magyar. p, 16q GEODEZIA ES KARTOGRAPIA, (Allami Foldmeresi es Terkepeszeti Rivatal Bud'apests Vol. 8, No. 2, 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EM) Library of Congresal Vol$ 5j No, 11,, Novw*or 1956