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ACC-NRt AT6036932 temperature range from 200 to 1400C. The oxporimental results are shown graphically (see Fig. 1). It was found that the moaaured values of Plectrical resistivity were "I C', VC fln FiG-* 1. Dependence of s ocific resistance p of corundum on its 4?ovositiono 7 A 5 4 . . . . . . . to .6 a 1.0121.4..1618 20 22 2426 28 3032 AJ6 JO 4 0 42 46 9?%t CrA - M. 2 A1.0a - 0M. Cr.0 10%.. 81%; Crj(h - 13%; 4 - AIj0j 100%; 3 - A1,O,-85%:. C-3rd2/ ACC NRi AT6036932 practically identical with the values obtained by other workers for the same matorials,measured in air. Orig. art. has: graphs. SUB CODE: U/ SUBM'DATEs 02Nov6.r,/ Card 3/3 ACC N% AT6036939 SOURCE CODEt UR/=/66/000/000/0178/0202 _4 AUTHORS: Polyakt B. L; Poluboyarinov, D. N.; Balkevich, V. L ORG: none TITLE: Conditions for direct thermoelectric firing of silicon carbide heating elements SOURCEi Nauchno-tekhnichaskoye ob~hchestvo chernoy metallurgii, Moskovskoye pravleniye. Vysokoogneupornyye materialy (Ifighly refraotor7 materials). Moscow,, Izd-vo Motallurgiya, 1966i 178-202 TOPIC TAGS: silicon carbide, electric device, electric equipment ABSTRACTt The conditions for direct thermoelectric firing of moist iLnd plastic silicon carbide heating elements were studied. The study supplements the results of A. D. Svonchanskiy (Blektrichaskiye pronVahlonnyyo pechi. Ch. I. Gosenergoizdato 1958). Properties of specimens made from five different initial mixtures were investigated. Four of the mixtures were prepared by a plastic compression techniquef and the remaining one by a vibration technique. The optimum composition of specimens and the voltage and current during thermooloctric firing were determined. The re- sults are tabulated. An x-ray and microstruotural analysis of the specimens was carried out. The exporiment-&I, results are shown graphically# and a achomatio of the I Card 1/3 ACC NRi kT6036939 I ft CO -to Ow Ow Mzw ampdratim re Fig. 1. Fig. 2* Schematic of cross section of Free energy change for the firing zone., 1 Silicon, car-.. system Si-"; dashed 31net bide element; 2 firing our- overall reaction plus;. 3 fillar ;10 Ti ACC -NRi AT6036939 specimen firing cross section is presented (see Fig, 1), The behavior of different fillers during firing was studied, The study was carried out after the method of V, P. Yelyutin, Yu. A. Pavlovp and B. Ye. Levin (Forrosplavyp Metallurgizdat.. 1951)* The results are shown graphically (see Fig. 2). It was fnilnd that thermoelectric firing of silicon carbide elements yields a strong monoliWic material. The com- position of the completely fired material oonsiats mainly of hexagonal ailioon oar- Woo some cubic silicon carbidat and unroutod components. It is concluded that, to insure a high quality of product, the firing of each element must be individually controlled* Orig, art* bae3, 9 tablent 10 graphep~and 4 equationa, SUB CODE: 09' SUBM DM z 02Nov65/ ORIG REF t 016/ OTH 'REF s 001 ACC NR, AT6036941 SOURCE CODE3 UR/ODOO/66/006/-O-W-TO213 AUTHORS: Balk6vich -p L.; Polyak., B. I. ORG3 none TITLE: High-density carboru*ndum electrical heaters SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo, chernoy metallurgii. Moskovskoye pravleniye. Vysokoognoupornyye materialy (Wighly refractory, materials), Moscow, Izd-vo Metallurgiya, 1966,, 213-220; TOPIC TAGS: carborundum,, electric device, electric energy,, electric equipment ABSTRACT% The electrical and mechanical proporties of carborundum electrical heaters were studied as a function of the grain size composition of the initial materials. Mixtures consisting of three sizes were investigated. The chemical composition, density, porosityp moisture content, and electrical resistance of the carborundum heaters were determined* The experimontal results are summarized in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1).. 'It was found that carborundum heaters made of tri-fractional mixtures 'exhibit higher densities, greater mechanical strength., and more stable electrical characteristics than those of two-fractional mixtures, n CL J 6-4. -V esist 457 IS7 _ > n n z 'b Xr, - -r Fig. 1. Electrical resistance of heaters after thermoelectric firing (a) and after metallization (b).. (length - 540 mm, diameter 25 mm). I - conb voltage 80 V; II - 85 v; III - 90 v; 1 - mass- produced specimens; 2 - laboratory specimens (250 pieces) ACC NRs AT6036941 Orig. arb, has: 5 tables'and 1 graph. SUB CODE: UBM DATEs 02Nov65/ ORIG REF s' 002 -L 311U-00 ACC W AP50103116 SOURCE COM 'AUTHOR: Dalkhashov, I. (Kazandzhik) ORGi none UR/0245/65/000/004/0130/0132- TITLE: Concerning hypnopedia and the rapid learning of a foreign language SOURCE: Voprosy psikhologil, no. 4, 1965, 130-132 TOPIC TAGS: hypnopedia, psychology, learning mechanism ABSTRACT: The object of the ixperiment was to teach a 27 yr old physician-to read and. translate Italian medical literature. Thirty lessons were taped and played on an MG-56 "Molodiyall tape recorder (with the volume control set on 8) while the subject slept. The experiment was conducted over a six month period. The lessons were played between 6 and 7 am to the sleeping subject and each lesson was repeated 6-7 times. Negative reactions in the subject were noted: nightmares$ erotic dreams, violent head- aches, hallucinations, decrease in appetite.'etc..; as the experiments progressed, theal negative reactions vanished. In the final stages of the experiment, the subject com- plained of prickly sensations in his fingertips. Occasional alcohol intake produced an extremely unpleasant effect on the subject. After 40 hre of 'sleep learning', the subject could read and understand medical literature,with some facility. Memorization i ACC NRi AP5018346 of the material was greatly enhanced when thee subjec read the printed lesson and lis- tened to the taped lesson simultaneouslys Despite a negatiVe*aspects, the author concludes that hyp'nopedia is a practical learming me h6d. SUB CODE: 05,06 Card 2/2 gornyy insho -0 -GRISHINA, X-M.. gornyy insh. Dopendonce of boring rapidity-on bore head crous section when boring in ahals. U9011 33 no.2:25-27 7 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Cholyabinskiy f1iial Veaeovuznogo uauohno-issledovatellskogo ugollnogo instituta. (Boring machinery) (Shale) BALIKINt M.K., gornyy.inih. Experience in using short-delay blasting in Mine Ho.30 of the Chelyabinskugoll Combine. Ugol' 36 no.9:21-22 S 161. - (MIRA 14:9) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut gornogo delas (Chelyabinsk Basin--Blasting) BALININ~LM.K-.- KOVALEV D.T. Use of the short-delay blasting method for driving inclines. Ugoll 37 no.n:18-20 N 162. (MIRA- 15:10) 1. Chelyabinakiy nauchno-issledovatelfskiy institut gornogo delas (Chelyabinsk Basin-Coal mines and mining) (Blasting) BAIXIN-N A . otv. za vypuigk,- AZIZYAN, A.K.p otv. za vypusk,- VjN) B*A*p otvs za vypue; RE= p V.F.p otv, za vypusk,- CHWWO) M.B.j otv. za. vypusk; 14OVIKOVA, L.D.j tekhn. red.; MASLENNIKOV, V.V.,, tokbn. red,,- SHUMAN, L.I., tekhn. red. (Earth-spaoe-earth]'Zemlia - komos - Zemlia; sbornik mate- rialov., opublikovanrykh v gazete "Pravda." Fjoskva, 1962. 95 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Nik.olaev, Andriian Grig6rfevich., 1929- (Popovichj Pavel Romanovichp 1930- ) BA1YIN1 R. 1. TROP. "In Memory of V. L. Komarov, Member of the Academy" (p. I-VI) by Ba W n, R. I. Prof. (assistant editor) SO: Advances in Modern Biolomr (Usrekhi Sovromennoi Biologii) Vol. XX, No.3, 1945. PH= I BOOK nawrwiox wY13862 Raschety n& prochwstl** teoreticheakiye i eksperimentaltnyp iseledovaniya prochnosti mashinoetroitellny%konstrL%ktsiy; sbornik statey., v7p. 5 (Strength An&1,ysis; Theoretical and Faperimental Investigations of the Strength of Machine Elements; Collection of Articles, No. 5) Moscov, Xashgizp 1960. 298 p. Errata slip inserted. %000 copies printed. Ed.: V.11. Arbuzovj, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of publishing House: L.N. Danilov; Tech. Ed.: B.I, Model'; Managing-Ed. for Literature on General Technical and Transport Building (Ymbgiz): Asp, KO&IOV., Engineer; Editorial Board: O.S. Glushkov,, Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor; V.M. MWmhinj, Candidate of Technical Sciences., Docent (Secretary);- S.D. Ponomarev., Honored Scientist aind Technologist of the RMwj, Doctor of Technical Scidncesp Professor; S.V. Serensen., Member of the Acadeny of Sciences UkrSSR,, Doctor of'Technical Sciences, Professor; S.N. Solwlov., Doctor of ' Technical Sciences, Professor; N.D. Tarabasov., Doctor of Technical Sciences$ Professor,-and Ye.N. Tikhomirov., Honored Scientist and Technologist of the RSMp Professor (Chairman). Card 1/8 Strength Analysis (Cont.) sov/3862 PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers and scientists specializing in stress analysis. COVERNIE: This collection of 15 articles deals vith the design and calculation of machine elem to for strength., rigidity,, and stability. The collection is divided 11 calculation for strengtho 2) stress and strain analysis., and 3) calculition for stability. Methods and formulas for calculating strength parame-Wre are presented. Wo personalities are mentioned. References follov several of the articles. TANZ OF CONTMITS: SECTIOR 1. MBIGN OF PAM FOR STIMNGTH AND RIGIDITr Pbnomarev., S.D. Rigidity of Belleville Springs U32der Elastic Deflection 3 Load deflection characteristics of Belleville springs and height-to- thicItness. ratios are studied and the respective stress and fatigue- loadizig formulas deduced. A nev formLla is presented for computing the -ari-- c salon stress. The formula is claimed to be superior, as far as w-curacy is concerned., to the formula suggested by Almen and Laszlo. Card 2/8 Strength Analysis (Cont,) sov/3862 Determination of ultimate load responses in rigidly fixed thin trapezoidal plates-and an analysis of tension-compression charac- teristice are presented. Lqroved fornulas for flexure., experi- mentally provent are deduced. Yelpatlyevskiy., A.N. (Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Determination of the Optimm Length of a Thin-Walled Reinforcing Bar [Plate] 146 For=ilsa for stress and deflection per type of load are deduced to determine the optinum parameters of the reinforcement. SECTION II. STRESS ANALY93B OF CONSTRUCTIONAL ELEMM Berman, M.E. (Deceased) [Candidate of Technical Sciences). Stresses, in Circular Coils of Round Cross Section Loaded by an Arbitrary System of Forces 155 Stress-strain relations in circular round-vire coils [coil springs] are studied. A new formula for computing the transverse stress distribution is deduced. _jWalcip. Determination of the Bending Center in Thick- V.I. (Engineer]. Walled SfWfes 171 Bending-stress computations for an equilibrim condition are presented Card 4/8 Strength Analynis (Cont.) 8OVIW2 and equations for determining the "center of flexure" deduced. Obodovskiy,p B.A, [Candidate of Technical Scienceso Docenth Flexure of a Hollov Bar at RMptical Cross Section Yanpallskix, A.R, [Candidate of Technical Sciences., Docent]. Solution of the Problem of Torsion of a Bar for One Particular Case of Anisotropy YALkhoninaj, T.M. (Fingineerl. Elastoplastic State of Strain of an Annular Disk in the Case of Work-Hardening Characterized by Pover Function Loading of specimens until the stress enters the inelastic range and the phenomenon of strain-hardening Ivor%-hardening] am analyzed for both solid disks and disks with a hole in the center. Theoretical stress-concentration coefficients are deduced. Card 5/8 182 191 212 ACCESSION NRt AT4042450 S/0000,164/000/000/0168/0178. AUTHOR: Balkind, L. V. --------------- L~ 'TITLE: Dynamic properties of an electrohydraulic drtye with feedback' the drive mechanism rate jSOURCE:- Vsesoyuznoye soveshchanlye po pnevmo-gidravilcheskoy avtoma&.1ke. 5th, ;,Leningrad, 1962. Pnevmo- I gidroavtomatika (Pneumatic and hydraulic corttrol); materialy* soveshchanlya. Noscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 168-)78 ITOPIC TAGS1 automatic control system, automation, hydrau,lic control system. drive, feedback, hydraulic drive frequency characteristic. ABSTRA.Cf: The paper deals wl th an electrohydraulic drive with a dual amplifier hav-b ~,Inq a controlling element of the "nozzle-dampet4l typ6 and system,which Aepends on the drive mechanism rate. The purpose of the paper Is to determine the il I I'frequency characteristics of the hydraull.c drive and to study-the influence of the :Individual system parameters on Its properties. An analog computer P.1' the EMU-8 type wa erived.-After s used to solvo.the differential equations which were d stat- 40. *;Ing the problem, the author discusses: the equation of damper equilibrium In the ihydraulle amplifier; the equation of motlo~ of the distributive valve;.the equatlon~ ~_gtf,ipoWn of the rotary hydraulic motorethe equation of the 'rate feedback element;,. Card %ACCESSION NR: ATW42450 ithe system equations and the block diagram of the hydraulic drive; the selection of,,...~ I 'the basic design values; qnd the frequency characteristics of the open-loop hydraw I :ullc drive. For the last purpose,.an electronic model was constructed and numGVlcal results are given. Orig, art,, has: 4 figures, 37 formulas and I table.. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 29J*n64-- ENCL: 00 SUB CODEr' IE NO REF'SOV-*6 `004 HER- 401 OT 7 2/2 Card? BALKINDt Ya. V., Engr. Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Application of the Quadratic Integral Characteristics of Disturbances to the Problem of Rational Selection of the Damping Coefficient and the Extent of A-'f'k Airplane longitudinal Static Stability." Red Banner Order of Lenin Military Aeronautical' Engineering-Academy imeni. N. Ye. Zhukovskiy, 9 Apr 47. SO,. Vech2rrLv2Ya Y-ophya, Apr, 1947 (Projedt #17836) v V PHASZ-X BOOK RXPLOIXTATION SOV/5822 ~kekseyev,,Semen Mkhaylovich, Yakov Vladimirovich Balkind, Aleksandr ,Xironovich Gershkovicho Veniamin Semenovich Yerdi-i-n-,-niksandr, Solomonovich Povitskiy., and Naum Llvovich Umanskly Sovrem9nnyye eredstva avariynogo pokidmiya samoleta (Nodern Facilities for the Emergency Abandonment of an Airplane) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1961, 450 P. Errata slip inee*ted. 4000 copies printed. Reviewer; A, 0. Prunov Engineer,-..' Ed.: A. 1. Sokolov,, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing HoLe: A.. O.'Balevtoeva; Tech. Ed.t P. V. Shcherbakov; Managing Edo S. D. &asillnikov. PURPOSEs Thin book In Intended for engineering and technical per- sonnelAn the aircraft Industry scientific workers, and flying and technical personnel of the koviet Air Force. COVERA"i Based on non-SoTlet nouroeit the book "views briefly the development of flyers' escape equipment, describes the con- otruction of ejection seats, and gWes design and calculation, Modern F"Ilitien (Cont.) BOV/~822 data ror ejeotion.seate and ejeetion-seat parachutes. Inf9rX&_ tion Is included on the ealculation of the trajectory of the ejected seat$ its stabilization, "d the aerodynamic loads in- volved. Attention is given to methods'of escaping from aircraft flying at high speeds and at high an4'low &.1titudes. Xnforma- tion on problems connected with oxygen equipment, protective o1othin,, and testing taoilitiem In also inaluded. No porNbn- alitles Wts xsAtioned. thank A. 0. Brunov, F. D. Tkaahev, and N. I'.' Alskeandrova,, i4ineera, for valuabi* sugges- tions; and N.,A. Lobanov Candidate of Technical Sciences, for writing Subheading 9 of 6h. III. There are 34 referenoess 31 Soviet (5 translations), and 3 English. nwi * oF Comm: Foreword Ch, 1, "neral Information on Modern Isoapo Facilities for,Air- craft Crews in Distress Card 2A2 BALKLAVt A.[Balklave, A.) I I . '' Application of V. A. Kotellnikovis theorem t~ radio astronomy. Vestis latv 161. 1. Akadamiya.zauk Latviyokoy S&R, Astrofisisheskaya. laboratoriya, (Radio astronomy) BAKUV, A. [Balklavs~ A.) Restoration of the true distribution of the brightness of radio emission sources by methods of approximation, Vestis Latv ak no.2;89-94 '(52. 1. AstrofizicheeMA laboratoriya AN Latviyokoy SSR. s/141/62/OO5/oo4/ooi/ooq E140/P,435 AUTHOR: Balklav, A. TITLE-; '__N_pprox~iniatemethods of data reduction 'in radioastronomy PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh, za:vedeniy. Radiofizika, V.5, no.4, 1962, 629-639 TEM. The problem discussed-i*s that of the .er,;ror in radio- astronomical measurements caused by the.non-uniform spectrum of the receiver. Approximate methods of introducing the necessary corrections are used in classical optics and can be applied in radioastronomy. The common theoretical basis for these methods is the Fourier transform. On the basis of the formulae discussed in the article, an automatic reduc-tion.sy6tem is proposed, based on perforated tape and a special purpose digital computer. The. method used an expansion in the form of a trigonometric series due to Kotelnikov m , -1 T (n-C T ( (P )I - nT) (13) OP s in (Y - nx J) a a n=-m C'~rd 1/2 3/141/62/PO5/004/001/009, Approximate filbthods of data E140/E435 where TW)-ia theactual spectrum measured and 'C is, the constant interval at which measurements are.taken. Several reasons are given for considering this to be the most suitable of the various approximations discussed in the article. There are 9 figures. ASSOCIATIM Astrofizicheskaya laboratoriya AN LatviyskoySSR (Astrophysical Laboratory of AS LatvianSSR) SUBMITTED: Petober 28, 1961 Card 2/2 BALKIAV.-A. ~Balklavs, Investigatio-kof the spatial frequenoy vpeoV= of a regular inter- forometer having N antennas* Vestis Latfak no,7sY7-64 .162. 1. Astrofisichookaya laboratoriya AN4#tviyokoy qSR. 8/1-97/62/000/008/003/003 B117/B186 AUTHOR: Balklav, A, TITLE: Investigation of space frequency spectrum of multiple- antenna radio-interferometer with phase modulation PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Latv~yskoy S3R* Izvestiyat no. 8 (181)1 1962t 67-74 TEXT; The author investigated the prob'lem of reducing the,observation pattern of radioastronomical spatiaUraquenoy' speotra of an N-antenha radio. interferometer with the aim of obtaining the.true radiointensity of the sky. For this purpose, the author analyzed the set-up of N unequal antennas arranged in one line with different aistancee between the phase centers and different directional diagrams (radiation patterns). Thb true .directional diagram of the radio-interferometer under consideration was derived on the basis of data calculated by V. Hyle (Nature, 1948, v01. 162) and X. F. Barber (Electr. and Radio Eng.# vol. 36, 1959, No, 6). It is suggested that the signal of each antenna should pass the minimum through one triplet* In this caeat allowance is made for the branching of card 1/2 S/197/62/000/008/003/003 Investigation of space frequency ... B117/B186 triplets. When the signal from the k-th antenna, in the general case, passes through n triplets before it reaches the feed 1~ne'leading directly to the receiver, ak(T) being the directional diagram of individual antennas is to be multiplied by the coefficient n 2)- . To eliminate distortions and to obtain correct values for T observation data by using phase modulation, an optimum form of I (I/x)-sinwol/l is achieved, which offers possibilities of reco~rding observations without distortions. Thus$ it is shown that radio., interferometers with optimum directional diagrams may bedesigned by using oomparat).vely simple oircu'it diagrams and'oonsidering the proper size of aperture and proper choice of distances between the adjacent antennas. Phase-modulated raaio-interferometere have smoother spectra and are less sensitive than interferometers designed according to the equivalent antenna method or.compensation method. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Aatrofisicheakaya laboratoriya AN Latv. SSR (katrophysical Laboratory AS LatSSR) SUBMITTED:* February Sp 1962 Card 2/2 Jaw FS9 lr* ir) mv SIR* Inv I(brC fA~ -, '! - I P,.- . . f - - 4~ .I - - 14 , A , ~ ,, - " 2 ACCESSION.Nft: AP3005547 S/0197/63/000/006/0059/0064 AUTHORt Balklav, A. TITLEs Reduction in the case of.a u Iniformly illutdnated aperture SOURCEs AN LatSSR. Izveatiya..,no, 6., 1963.,~: 59-a TOPIC TAGS: antenna mroothing, radii noiseierkoerature distribution) radio bright- ness temperature distribution) apeituMunifOrmlY illumimted ape~kure, antenna aperture ABSTWT: The actual radio noise teq~eratute distr -ibution T(q) "is reconstructed from the observed distribution T. (q)), in the pase of a unifor~d~ i;luminated aperture of adio telescope Ltonria. Thetmethod involves finding a, smooth 0g r solution T of the integral equat+on T. ((P) fA (T-p) T(p)do, where A((?) is the radiation pattern of the ahtenna. The solution has the property Card lip -I-- AccEssim NRs Ap3oD5547 that fo(s) f(s) for I al a and (s) 0 for (a) and f(a) are h:op where To the Fourier tramqform3 of Tof(?) a~oi(q) and so critical spatial-f requeney. The method differs from the usual approximate methods in that it gives a solution accurate up to the critical spatial frequency. This is possible because the analytical form of the radiation pastern is assumed known and the aperture is assumed to be uniformly illuminated. In order to simplify the expression for To(f) in the case of a bourded spectrum, it is observed that sin To (on) Rio m Expressions for TO(mC which can be machine-computed., are givep. Mathematical supp;e,mants aro added to justify the operations used in the derivation of the formulas. Orig. art. has: 17 formLU9* ASSOCIATION: Astrofizicheakaya laboratoriya AN Latv. SSH (Astroph"ical Laboratory AN Latvian SSR) b 71- 21X a_ BALKIAV, A. .-I"..., Investigating the space frequency spectrum of radio interferometers of high resolving power. Izv. GAO 23 no.3:104-115 164. (MIFLA 17: U) A ' C, E I A F 4 4 621.396.67:523.164 A I'T H F~ P B a I k I a v T T E Reduction o f b r i h t n e r s 'empernz-re d i ig ! r t t~ c n v t a oL I n p L ~ o u n t r a d I Ll - i nt e r I e r a Me L 4a r -i s a o a n ci s SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 8, no. 2, 1965, 4144-250 , 7 p , C A (7. S : c o s !T c ra d o e m i s s o n T t fi i, A s t f -t p p 7 n ,I e l c e r mii n a t n r n J i W r1 1 1: t) to account t e I In d I r e Z:t t v h r q F. e P, I a 9 F. E e fr k 9 El r c 5 n r- e c n ki s e al t f, ~ p E, cc-d Z ACCESSION NR: AP5014501 ASSOCIATIONi Astrofizicheskaya ln~orztnyiva AN Lstvivsp,~v (Astrophvsics 1-3t)oratorv, AN Lat~iaii Si.,BM I I TED i29Apr64 EN-1 NO REF SOV 6 0. T ii E Rucl I A T V P ICE -S 5 1 40124 Card 4, X_(T_W_W~ 6 0 1 AUTHOR: Balklav, A. E. (Balklavs, A.) S (V? C I L-'-) D L ;L;R/C 3 '1/ 66 /'"0/00 1/ f~060/0070 ORG; AatrvyAyAiaa1_La1=At= AKA&tv. SSR (Astrafizicheskaya laboratoriya AN Latv. S-SR) TITLE: Using frequency multiplication. to form the directional pattern of radio Inte SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizichesk.'.kh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1966, 60-70 TOPIC TAGS: interferometer, radio telescope, antenna radiation patterm, frequency mul tiplication ABSTRACT: The author derives exprVssions for calculating the directional pattern of an N-antenna radio interfemmeteAf the instrume,it operates in frequency multiplica- tion conditions. F'requency multiplication befrne and after interference is considered~ Several examples are ex&mined on the basis of the resultant general expressions. It is shown that frequency multiplication may be used to constrict the directional pat- tarr, of radio telescopes and radio interfencmetpr-~. However, d~>es Wt always in- crease the resolution. Constriction of the pattF!-n takes place on the n-th hamonic of the signal. The sensitivity is m dueed in these cases since the n-th harmonic Is attenuated by a factor of 2 in comparison with the first harmonic. The signal-to- 1/2 L 2445-Na66 AC'_ NRi AP6010266 r -noise ratio is reduced by the loss in sensitivitv. Froa this stbndpoint , frequency multiplication after interference is Tpore advantazeous than llefnre irterferipnce. Ac- tually, !nTerference ta~rs r1ace on1v af1cr (ir In tho sirria' s*rP_rijr*'- fr--Wr eacl~ antenn6 in the _RSe f f -v,, ue nr v m~_ . .i e f -T- , r ! e r f v r -P n< t ~~ ere i s no; s e e no-, ne a 5s ! e, wt~ 7 "e S , ii F:' - r-'e .1 S Pt I. a t t !."E from lt~e N steps arriles at the rMce1vtr t"!etner with the useful signal. In the case of frequency MLItipliCatiOn after interf,!r-ence, only a single nonlinear step is necessary which means an increase in the signa-ro-noise ratio. The difference between the two systems is reduced when low-noise nonlinear elements are used. It is shown that the interferometer factor in the case of frequency multiplication before interference rvmains the same as fTr an ordinar-y radio interferometer except that the effective distance between antennas Is multiplied by a certain factor. The factor for-, a radio interferxioeter with frvquency multiplicat'on after interference Is the same as for is conventional radio interfer-c-met3r, but r'~ised tc the n-th power. The period of the lattice factor remains -the same in this case as for an ordinary Interferometer. Pea-king of the lobes takes place in both cases. (rig. art. has: 17 formulas . I SUB CODE:20,09/ SUBM DATE: 03Apr,6 5 ONG REr. ov OTH REP, OCK) C d turpi rnny--- E-C' - AA FIRL-L 1. w -18- ------- -- -- ,BALIKO, B.Ye. kand. biol.nauk, otv. red. [Reports of the Secon~ 4iontific Conference Dedicated to the Problems "Climate, Trai'rlng~jSportsll) Doklady II Nauchnoi kohrerentsii, posviashqbenno~,' probleman "Mmat, uchenle, spori. Tas.hke,.nt, Nauchno-is3;.. in-t,.pedagog. nuak, 1963. 237 p. (MIRA 17t8) 1. Nau6bnaya konferentsiya, poavyashchennaya problemax "Klimat, ucheniye',sport,t' 2d, 1963. BALK9, I*h&ly (Budapest) Porum of innovators. UJ:Lt -laP 17 no.9t62 18 My 165. I j - F. Fiallcoh;a, N. F. - 110~1 the a,ccelerated cominr7, Into heat of sbeep Ir the Bury& t-'.~!onfrcl ASSR", (In index: IT. F. Pall-ova), Trudy Buryat-Monvol. opyt, stantaii i'o zhivetrovodstvu, Issue 1, lc~;!9, P- 3~-51- SO: U-4631, 16 Sc!llt- 53, (Lctopis 'ZInirnal Inylli Statcy, No. 2b, 19119). BALKOVI IoYasp staroYAiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Effect of the methods of seed growing on the susceptibility of plants to smuts. Zashch.rast.ot v-red.i bol. 5 no.3 121-22 t6O. (HIRA 16f1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sel'skogo khozyaystva TSentrallnoy chernozemnoy polosy imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva. (Sruts) (Seed production) BALKOV, I.Ya. hau . starshiy * ohnyy ootrudaik 4ffect of h"Veoting dates on the infection of plants vith loooe ant. Zaahoh. rast. ot yred.- i--bol.---6 -no*8:55 - Ag--' 61. (MIRA 15:12) 1 Institut oel'skogo khospystva TSentrallnoy chernosemnoy ;;Iosy imeni V.V. Dokuchayeva.. (S=to) BAL p-&,-Atr&khovqy delegat, aleamirl --!~Rxv Sucoess depends on knowledge mW exparianoo. Okbr*truda I sots* strakh, 6 no,1*16617 A 163. (NnA 16si) 1, RharIkovskly zavod imeni Malyabova, (1harkov-Industrial bygiens) BLL&Qy.,~~ layevichoeceaaed]; KURVAYEVA, V.H,, red.; RADNAYEV, A.N., tekbn. red. (Euryat cattle,, its origin and ways for its improvement] Bu- riatakii krupnyi.rogatyi skot, ego proiakhozhdonie i ruti ulu- shchenita. Ulan-Udet Buriatskoe Wzhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 249 p. (MIRA 160) (Buryat A.S.S.R.-Cattle) S11194%000101210131015 B012/ 06 AUTHORS: Balkov DaRhevskiy, T. B., Koval', V. A., 1TkNnitskiy,..G. V.$ and Podavyadek, A. V. TITLE: Electric Crane.Weighing Machine With Tensometer PERIODICAL: -28 ''Priborostroyeniye,!1960t:No. 12, pp. 27 TEXT: Odesskiy SKBIM (Odessa SKBIM) and zavod tyazhelogo vesostroyeniya im.-Starostina (Plant for the'Construction of Hea,vy-Scales imeni Starostin) have designed a series' of eleotri6 crane weighing machines _f or--5,- -and--30- tons-Fig s,a so ema. a representation of the tensometer. The a ecic-quadratio columns made of 40 element 4 are-els. X (4bKh) steel with 2CR - 42-45..Two active.a~d-tvo compensating strain gauges are.attaohed - to each elements The.strs:ia gauges are connected to a bridge shown in Fig. 2. The-.secondary indicating and recording device is based on an automatic electronic potentiometer of the type Dnn-og (EPP-09). Fig. 3 shows the basic circuit diagram of the crane weighing machine. The dial of the device is divided into two ranges in order to increase the accuracy of reading'. The maximum permissible error in reading is � 0-5~6 of the upper measuring limit. The minimum weighing time is 8 sec. There are 3 figures. Card 1/3 S/119/60/000/012/013/015 B012/Bo63 Text to Fig. 1: Schematic Re resentation of the Tensometer of the Crane Weighing Machine; 1) Hooki 23 Nut; 3) Thrust ring; 4) Load-measuring cell-, 5) Lower-thrust ring; 6) Cross member. Text to Fig. 2: Cirevit Diagram of the Strain Gauges; 1-4.- Load-meaauring cello; 5) to the ampli.~Aer;--6) Feed of: the bridge, Text to Fig* 3: Basic O'Ircuit-Diagram of the Crane Weighing Machine With e reactive com Teneometer I a -gauge biidge; 2).,Compensation,.of th 0 Str in . ; 3) Zero adj a en't 4 ponent u im Control; 5) Rheochord; 6).Reversible motor; 7) Device for stopping; 8) MainBI 9) Adjustment of graduation; 10) Overload., )r Card 3/3 slll~BI0601000101210131015 B012 63 cvmtblif. avei M-1 DASHEVSKlYs, T.B.1 XOVALlp V.A.; LIMITSKIY9 G.V.; RMTERv StandanUsing diAl-pUte heads for welghing devices. Standarti- tateRa 24 no.5:30-32:My 260o (MM 140) (Weighing machines--Standards) BALiOVP POP*- D.P.; KOVALI, V.A.; AII-GaIj A.I. Automatie electric car ocales for loaiing co'ca ovew., Koka i khL-1. no.2:25-27 161* (,%',I:IA 11,: 2) 1. Odesskiy sovnarkhoz (for Balkov). 2. Stalinskiy kolsookhimichoskiy zavod (for Som-enenko). 3. Spetsiallnoye konstrtktorakoyc bywo ispytatelInykh mashin (for I'LovalIg Angeli). (Coko ovens) BALKOV, P.P.; DASHEVSKIY, T.B.; KOVAL', V.A.; LIKHNITSKIY, G.V6; PODSVYADEK, A.V. ' Electric tensometer-equipped scales. lzm.tekb. no.10:17-ZO 0 961. (MIRA 14:11) (Scales (Weigbing instruments)) SOV/14-57-12-25551 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr'12, p 31 (USSR) AUTHOR: Balkov, V. A. TITLE: Formation of d'ofitemporarV't4eafiderb-i-n,the Belay& River (K vorsu ob obrazovanii sovremennykh meandr r. Boloy PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Molotovsk. un-t, 1956, Vol 10, Nr 2, pp 143- 151 ABSTRACT: The author uses one meander in the lower course of the Belaya River as an example, and analyzes meander recti- fication and the changes which this process occasions in adjacent sections ofthe river. he comes to the conclusion that rectification of one meander creates a new meander farther downstream. After a meander is cut off, the spring river flow acts on the new course Card 1/2 while the o)~Jbow begins to diminish. These two BOV'/14-57-12-25551 Formation of ContwVomry Wamders ln~ the B64y& River (Cont.) processes are interrelated and.continue with an increasing intensity. Meander development studies have both theoretical and practical. im- portance. When the process is understood, it is.possible to ascer- tain the proper time at which river channel rectification can be accomplished with the least effort. Card 2/2 A* Po G* PJAII,KOV P V.A. Main geographical factors in the distribution of spring runoff of Ural rivers. Izv. Wes. geog. ob-va 94 no.4:3ZL--325 JI-Ag '62. (MIRA 25:9) (Ural Mountain region-Runoff) BALKOV, V.A., Cand Gcog Sci-(divc) "Study 67-npring~ll~"-~ of the water-collecting Perm' reservoir for the purpoBc~of forocanting." Pemill 1953- 18 pp incl cover (Yin of higher tduoation USSR. Ierml 25tate U im A.M. Gorl%y)j. 160 Copies (10,930-58s123) 14 3(7) AUTHOR: TITLE: SOY/5o-59-2-9/25 Balkov, V. At Calculation and Forecast of a Hydrograph for the Spring Water Supply to the Reservoir CmWering the Physico-geo- graphical Characteristics of the Formation of Plow in the Catchment Area (Raschat i prognoz gidrografa pritoka vesen- nikh vod k vodokhranilishohu na osnove ucheta fiziko-geo- graficheskikh osobennostey formirovaniya stoka na vodosbore) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 2, PP 39 - 42 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The possibility of calculating and forecasting the hydrograph of the spring water supply in consideration of the phycico- geographical properties of the individual parts of the catchment area is explained. The calculation and forecast of the hydrograph concerning the spring water supply to the Kamskaya GES (Kama water-power plant) reservoir is given as an example. By comparing the hydrographs of spring floods of rivers in consideration of the physioo-geographical properties and anlyses of the rainfall in 27' catchment areas it was found that the catchment area can be divided into Card 1/2 more or less similar sections according to the formation Calculation and Forecast-of a Hydrograph for the SOV/50-59-2-9/25 Spring Water Supply to the Reservoir Conaidering the Physico-geographical Characteristics of the Formation of Flow in tile Catchment Area of flow of spring floods. Based on these investigations a typical catchment area with typical conditions of formation of flow of spring floods and a typical form of the hydrograph could be found in ench section. The formulas necessary for the calculation ana forecast of the hydrograph are given. There are 2 tables. Card 2/2 MAKsDIOVICH, G.A., prof., red.;.AALKOV,_V-A-j dots., red.; VASILIYEV, B.V.,, dots.p red.; UMOMMM, K.A.p. dots.# red.) MATVEYEV, B.K.p dots-, red.; 14IKMLOV, G.K.p inzh.t red.; OBORIN, V.A., dots., red.; PECHERKIN, I.A.p dots,, red.1 STARTSEV, V.S., dots., red.; SHIMANOVSKIY, L.A., inzh., red. (Methods for studying karst; transactions] Metodika izu- cheniia karstai trudy. Perml, Permskii goo. univ. Nos. 2, 4, 5, 10. 1963. (MIRA 17t12) 1. Voesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po metodike izucheniya karsta, cl~ BAIADV# V.A. p kwA.pogratenauk - - January frosts in Perm'. Priroda 50 nools225 :* 161, (KIRA 34s 1) 1, hrmakiy govu4sretve vziversitet iu6AqMqGorlkog** (Pam P:Wovinoo-Wintar) BALKOV V A - -VIASOV, Yu.A. LbWorm features of the northern part of the Kungur :tG$WRW steppe. Uch. zap Perm. gos. un.. 15 no.2:85-91 160. (MIM -1-4:12) iRungur Dietrict--Landforms) - BALKOVt V.A.; SIIKLYAYEV, A.S. ChangeB in the broab* d&%S -of thg~-DM Rivgr net6r the 0ity- Of -Perm in connection with the warLung of the ciimate. Uch. zaP. Perm* gos. un. 15 no.4-IQ3-107 160, (KIPS 14:12) (Kama River-ice on rivers,, lakes,, etc.) .. SHUTAYEV, Alekoandr Sergeyevich; B=QY.,--.Vladimir,A2eksandrovichj VERBHININ~ T.I,# red.; YEWV, G.M., takhn. red. [Cli,mate of Perm Province] Klimat Permskoi oblasti. Perm' . Permskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1963. 189 p. (RIRA 17t2) I SEDLAK, )T.; GALAMA, V.; Technicka opolupracA*._A4j!KOy&,.jL- Acquired cystinuria, 9as. lek, cook. 102 no.39:1070-1072 27 S t63., 1. Centralne, laboratorium OM v Martimp prednoata J..S~Alak, prcrm. lekar Detske oddelenie OUNZ v Martino,, veduel IfJDr, V. Galmda. (CYSTINURIA) (GLOMULONFPHRITIS) USSR / Pam Animalbi Catitlel Abs Jour so Ref Zhur - BiOiogiyai No 2. 1959, Noi 7343 Author I Balkova - L Sh Inst Mo-gEo-W-Veterinary Academ7 Title The Dynamics of Proteins and Proteinlipid Complex Compounds of the Blood in Highly Pro- ductive Cows During the Process of Lactation Orig Pub : Tr. Misk. vet. akad., 1957, 19, No 1, 199-204 Abstract : In the blood serum of some Ostfriealand breed cows, alpha-, beta-, and gama-globulins and albumins were determined every month, as well as phosphol.ipids and cholesterol which are combined with the above mentioned protein fractions., The following data were obtained for 4 cows after their 3rd parturition (in Ms gamma-globulins amounted to 0.3 to 1 Card 1/3 USSR / Fai~z Animals. Cattle, Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 7343 (according to the months of lactation) and to 0.6 to 0.8 (during the interlaetttion period); correspondingly, alpha;globulins amounted to 0.7 - 1.6 and 1.1 - 1. and the quantity of albu- Mins to 4.2 - 5.7 and,3.8 - 4.2. correspondingly, for 5 cows after 6 parturitions the following amounts were established: gamma-globulins amounted to 0.6 to 1.3 and 0.8 to 1.2; alpha- globulins to 0.8 - 1.6 and 1.1 - 1.2, albumins to 4.3 - 5.3 and 3.9 - 4. As the milk yields de- crease, the amounts or gamma- and alpha-glo- bulins decrease, but they increase during the interlactation period. The quantity of albu- mins decreases during the interlactation pe- riod. The maximum amount of cholesterol which Card 2/3 37 uSSR / Pam Animals. Cattle. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiyaj No 2, 1959, No. 7343 is combined with gbiMa-globulinsi occurs on JaAuary-sMarchi Cholesterol which is combined with alpha^globuling,'Ihcreasos during the first months of lactation but then decreasest Phospholipids which are combined with both gamma- and beta-globulins, Increase in both groups during the first months (the maxim= is in January) and decrease subsequently. P. V. Kugonev card 3/3 USSR / Farm Animals. Cattle.' Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Bioll~, No 12, 1958, 54718. Author I.-Balkova Inst, :Not-given. Title :The Dynamics of Proteins and of Cholesterine- Protein and Phosphatido-Protein Complexes of the Blood of Cattle In Relation to Age. Orig Pub: Tr. Mosk, vet. akad., 1957, 21, 74-83. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 BAMVA,T44. 'Cand 'Bio Sci -(disr.), "Protoins --md protoo-lipoid complex compoui -idn of the bloofl sorurn of 'attlo." 'Yoz, 19 )B. 1c: pp (Von Vot Acad of At:r US24) ~ 1~-)O cullias (Y,1!j,;6-5S, 139) BALKOVAYA, Ye. N. Balkovaya, Ye. N. "Photoperiodic reaction of the eupenolic basil," Nauch. zapiski.(Diiepropetr. gos. un-t), Vol. XXXII, 19481 P. 149-52 - Bibilogt 6 items SO: U-3850, 16 Aina 53, (latopis 'Zhurnal Inykh, Statey, No. r,, Balkovaya Ye IT.- - "N the- problem of' deter-Aning, the ocnent.1al olio in _.-nall batchos," 11croch. zapiski (Dnopropetr. [o3. un-t), Vol. W11, 10148, p. 157-60. Dlblio~,: 6 Acins. Srt U-3850, 16 June 53, (Lotopis 'Zilurnal Iny]-h Statey, 'No. 5, 191,9). USSR/Cultivated Plants. Medicinal. Fzsential Oils. Poisons. M-9 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiyao No 5, 1958, 20576. Author : F n-A 16 P.A. Pozlevich inst :Not given. Title :The Dynamics of the Essential Oils during the Development of Individual Plant Phases. (Dinamica efirnogo magla v techeniye individuallnogo razvitiya rasteniy). Orig Pub: Nauchn. zap. Daepropetr. un-t, 1955, 54, 35-42. Abstract: The essential oil (I) conteut, was determined by distil- lation of the fresh plants In steam on the day of pick- ing, in the phases before budding, at budding,, flores- oence and the finish of blossoming in plant species collected In the vicinity of Dnepropetrovsk: the Artemi- sia absinthium L., A. procers Wild., A. maritina L., Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Htc1itimal. Essential Oils. Poisons. M-9 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologlya, No 5, 1958r 20576- A. austriaca iseq., A. scoparia W.K., Teucrium polium L., Erigeron canadensis L., Thymm pallesiams Braun., Th. Marschallianus Wild. In nearly all cases an increase in the quantity of I vas easerved before budding. During the budding period the plants had less yield of I. Duving florescence the am*uat of I once again grew in the majority of cases. An increase in the yield of I after fruit bear- ing was connected with the appearance of new shoots on the old bushes. The data obtained may be used to determine the periods of hawesting essential oil cultures. Card 2/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants Mocicinal. Essential Oil-Dearinj,,. m Toxins. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Diol., No 12, 1958, 53886 Autlnr ; DQLPk2!MX04.-Yq*HP, Shovchenko, AsSo last : Dneprpetroftk Uaiversity Title : East Indies Basil (Ocimm C;ratissi=a) Onder the Condi- tions of the Sokolo[.prensk Essential Oil Sovkhox Orig Pub ; Nauchn. zap. Dnepropetr. un-tj 1955, 54, 43-47 Abstract No abstract. card 1/1 BArKOVAYA, Te.N. utro"OTOMthe cultivation of essential oil planto in the southealtern part of the Ulcra$ns. Trudy Bot InsteSer*6 noo7s 91-96 59. iMIRk 13:4) 1. Dnepropetrovokly gosudarstvanMT universitqt in. 300-lotlya vossoyedinonlys UlcraizW a Rosslyay. (Ukraine-,Arovatic plants) oil K17 so; So & Wr 00 a b b V, n, 001 1, 41.p S -1 P 'ra. qo0ollmar veto IW 41inx). V-14. )mPlets penotrStlan rMly *a 33oudestructinly Only dUr- ~Kftsltlan tnta the fund state. y be 4ttected Nnd PrsvgDttd lrwt coutrol Of tompera. 174dwou in the w*14 am# or boorv&Uo* Of ft atric 0--noc A"Olorayll 4 for th* latt*r Is PrOPOSM~ 0 .00 0 wow -00, 0- 0.$L A 61TAMICKAL LITIMMOR CLASWIC&TOR 10"N 6;1 slow l4noso -a I it 1&2004 Ott aftlp oft 414111 &A 0 --- ; ; ; I - 1, i AA I t 4 IW 0 N V I W ?A 0 A 0 3 1 V -U 0 At 10 It 1l ; a, a it -a A zo Alm 0 0 0 9 OT: so 0 4010 goo 0000 000 90 6 0 0 w0 0 0 o 0 0 -00 -00 . 004 goo woo woo goo woo USSR/Steal, Stainless May 1947 Welding Steel "Spot and Roller Welding of Type 18-8 Rustproof steelf" D. C.'Balkovetsj 3pp "Avtogemoys Delo" No 5. Discusses,properties of rustproof steel, parti- ciilars-of the velding procesq and durability and operational emditions of the velding. 12T7 *0 -**so I 0 00 0 000 0 got A I A ? I # 0 1) v 1) N ,A A 0 1 m I I *04 **A tot *02 6 v Oaks xvitral" galat a &.,I -A A__A_ J -S, ra VINI 00 219-32L laftew* of lattir" Char- set"idies of Contact WtUfal Us- SlOwly of Me wtutal thimmI *m 004 rvw*e& AM Ruulan.) D, S. ID&tk 00,3 AlstuWaDe DOD iWeldinsi. Aprllllvt~ P. 16-17. 00.3 Rnt;M of theoretical and experl rnentW inveItlasUan indicate the re 00. istiontlips of Stability to cle"rival cha of tnlpniv- 00% I & ins Zoo coo 1:1 -04 too tie .to ISO., sly'llity. -7-, ._:a &71-- cl~Tw; 1114341) m4p QNV go( 631111 All I I T - 0 u 03 U ---- T -V" - ir __r ~AA L % a "A a 0 1 1 v In 0 a 4 L ; 4 at I it 1-01 It a Ki~"., I 4: 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 V: : : : : 6 0 0 * e 0 Ou 44: 0 00000 go Ip 4CP 0 0 0 * 0 0 00000*0_0 0 6 0 0 la~ r 0 om, A, A PONIMS Aw 1,1101'(471111 I-Dig Os 7 1 . Po* 00 I lie Vi Torkmallskal Propromirs of .144 WrUlIft MeAtme.. 'r -ho (Weld. (in RUSSIAR. I D. S. 8 01.q.8 "I"g"nittv Ad Ing), Oil. 1949,11.21MR1. Invoolgoolkm of above or:.vorab that I".1knoliwit'sol hAr4deristiva Of wrlding Iterldnes cGlIMA Im avett. ately ItiditeJ ao-Axittfing to extental chaoraderiblivs Ir I all, 11MA drakil). e%pteust-d by lite It.60111%hill 01 bu Isefol Owre (Adpot I(I Iond and Intemal mistsmv, oil he no; Thine. 41LIk AAA MIX T IV Vr 0 U in AT -0 0049 WARN Ran ii 01 Zo fi I 1 40 Vo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 e 0 *-* 0-0-0 0 *-*-* -0 Moo too W Is is . . I, v WO Jim Iowa&* #I a a a ape 4_.j_ 9 -'.1- 4 'IN, . !::~- -of POIK94sci 0.0A Its 1.01. ee woo N,w Drilro for fAmIrA Of (U-dill"s During CoNs. - siset Wrldi (in Iliminn.) 1). S. BAIkUUAI. Arlegen- mpe Delo (itNelding), v. 21, At- 1950. p, 24-27. it 0 * IX-jerdws cstbodc-ra)- ok-il6groll alThl-AbIr for 844 i o6 vir Olmlint varlow -AvIding vwsroiiw~vvs. it ikoiniv - drsiPed for thwillic- Ilwasurcellent of % Avial go* r Y r M"Ulxy cterrent is oho t4-Ayil"I. 110101"i vircilit 004 SOW Wo WOO 0 - I L n 04ULLUE"At Ll"INAVUH CLs%WKATft 0 U v; if f0 U &JI 7 Is t Is tM 41 a At III a of a Of six oloda*136 K*4 f- 04- Wg ll~ 0 40 0 9. 0 0 a g a 00 0 9 0 0 0~0 0'$ *01 U, USMVtagifterIft Welding,,:-Etuipment Apr 50 Welding, Machines ."Nev Equipment for Operational Control of Resis. tance Welding," D. B. Balkovets) 21 pp "Aytogen Delo" No 4 Equipment designed by All-Union Inst of Avn Mate- rials (VIM)) consists of cathode oscillograph with prolonged glow., and ammeter for measuring current of short impulses. Instruments recom, mended for applicatica in all velding shopo*and plant laboratories. 15&f35 BALKOVETS, D.S. USSIRAEngineering, Welding,Control Aug 51 "Instrument for Dilatometric Control of Spot Welding Process," D. S. Balkovets, Cand Tech Sci, A. P. Pomortsev, Engr "Avtogen Delo" No 81 PP 10-13 Describes hydroelec instrument based on .-registering expansion of metal upon melt ing in spot velding of parts of ferrous alloys, not over 4 am thick. Consists of bydromercury signal Cenerator, transmit- ting mechanism and el,,ic signal device. App may be used for preventing lack of penetra- tion. Use under industrial conditions for .6mos shoved satisfactory results. 2ooT49 ASOSO Tbr 'Nalorr of Nomfw.lbu During %pal wrilling. (in Himilln.) 1). S, I AtImcripuic Ork %% 22, Mv. A slistly wu made of dr1rdive %ImA welds In various %lovis aml vig-mfer;Aptis allm-c A Irg for lack fif fit0ou using the r4ormoo- xkihity of Ow wrld 14 tlmtilwtl. Ilitt4trated. Olt i!,TLSD S USSR/Metsls Welding, Processes War 52 "Investigating the Beat Processes of Spot Welding Using MDdelsoll D. S. Balkovets.. Cand Tech Sci 11Avtogen Delo" No 3~ PY 13-16 Describes method of wedge-shapecl modele to dot effect of various factors on to% field 1A spot being volded, 1A Vartioularp Mthod was used to investigate radial distribution of temp in zone surrounding central motel colunn of welding aoa- tact and permitted exptl deta of beat quantity required to heat this zone. CoxWes results with data caled by suggested and improrfed forma&. 212TBS BALXOVETS, D. S.- Nov 52 USSR/Metal I urgy -WeldiLg, Structural Analysis "On the Ultimate Strength of a Welded Soot," D. S. Balkovets, Cand Tech Sci Avtogen Dalo', No 11, pp 13-16 Investigate* causes for lack of direct Proportionality lbetween streugth and aree of welded spots. Concludes that ultimate strength of welded spots with Identical macro- and micro-stractures depends on size of spot care: lu case of equality in thickness of welded.iDieces strength decreases with. increase In dia of core. Suggests characterizing strength of welded spot by specifying breaking load at given dia of spot core. 266T44 '. . . " -: . . . .. . ! .- S. i k A 11 t ofao, f. , 1~ ~- I ~ . e*1 -1 1 .- - I ~ . ", *, 1 . I. ..1. .; : 1'. 1 . . BALKOvE=,, D. s. - - - -- - Disasitationt "Technological Baoia for Formation of the caat zone of & spot-Welded Joint*" Dr Tech Soi,, Leningrad Po2ytechnic Instj, Leningrad, 1954. (Referativw Zhurmal--Fizika,, Moscow.9 Aug 54) SOt SUM 3930 28 Fab 1955 BALK DIS-0 kandidat-takhnicheakikh nauk; ORLOV, B.D., inzhener; __ - - ~ ~av~"Ts 41L CHUJGV=Uftff~~' POLO, Inshener, Spot welding 30KhGSA steel by a two-impulse process. Vest.mash.34 no.4:68-71 AP 154. (MM 7:5) (Steel--Welding) fW_&'C" 13- f I rxvL BALKOMS,D.S., kandidat tekhnicheekikh, nank I- Static: shear tests of aluminum alloy spot welds. Svar.Droizv. no.2:10-11 F '55. (KLRA 8:9) (Welding-Testing) DMOMS.D.S., kandidat tokhnichosirikh nauk; CHU14MIXOV,P.L.. Inzhener Stabilizing the electrode squeeze effort in spot welding. Svar. proirv. no.9:7-8 S'55- (HLRA 8:11) (Blectric welding) Gi9mv, L,V., inthener; RADASHKOVICH, I.M., inthener. D.S. Balko"te and P,L, Chuloohnikov's article "The use of the XTP and XSh? resistance welding machines for welding light alloys*". Svar,,proizv. no.8:24-25 Ag 856* (Mia 9:10) le ToesoyuzW Nauchno-leoledovatellskiy inatitut elaktroevarochnogo oborudovaniya (for Glebov).2, Zavod Illaktrik.4 (for Radashkovich). (Alloys--Welding) (Blectric veI~ing--XqmiqmqAt and supplies) (Balkovets, D.B,) (Chuloahnikov, AID ? - 5603 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 3/12 Authors : Balkovets, D, S.) Kand. of Tech. Sci., B. D. Orlov, Kand. of Tech,. Sci. and F. L. Chuloshnikov, Eng. Title : Electronic modulator for spot welding of aluminum alloys Periodical : Svar. proizv., 12, 10-130 D 1956 Abstract : The process of the formation of spot weld in bonded specimens of D16T duralumin up to 1.5mm thick is briefly outlined. The authors describe their device to control spot welding impulses. They call it the electronic modulator and claim it eliminates spattering and cracks in the weld, which are commom defects in spot welding of duralumin. Five micro-pictures, 5 drawings, 1 photo and 1 table; 2 Russian references (1951-55). Institution : Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Technology (NIAT). Submitted : No date Name.. BALKOVETS, Dmitrly Stapanovich Diosertation: Technological Principles of the Formation of the Molten Zone of a Spot-Welded Joint Degree: Doe Tech Sci Affiliatidn: Sci Res Inst of Technology and Organi- zation of' Production Defence Date, Place: 21 Feb 55) Council of Leningrad Polytech Inst Imeni Kalinin Certification Date: 13 Oct 56 source: BMvO 6157 135-8-5/19 SUBJECTs USSR/Welding AUTHORs Balkovets, D.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences. TITLE3 Effect of Current Direction on the Location of the Spoi-Weld Core in Light Alloys. (0 vliyanii napravleniya toka na raspo- lotheniye yadra evarnoy tochki. legkikh splavov). PERIODICALt "Svaroohnoys Proizvodstyo'19 1957# # Ot PP 14-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author offers a theoretical and experimental explanation of the unsymmetrical location of spot-weld oores in parts of similar light alloys of equal thickness, spot welded with similar olectrod 680 ' He questions the explanation offered by N.Kh. Andreyev (1) that the phonom.enon'of weld core shift towards the positive electrode (against the direotion of current) is connected with the rectifier effect of oxide films In the con- tact area between the parts to be welded and the electrode. The fact that a shift of weld cores toward the positive electrode is only observed, when the faces of parts have been mechanically cleaned, ioe. when the oxide films have been most completely removedg indicates that the phenomenon. can be explain- Card 1/2 ed with more probability by the Peltier effect. 135-8-5/19 TITLEt Effect of Current Direction on the Location of the Spot-Weld Core in Light Alloys. (0 vliyan1i napravleniya toka na raspo- lozheniye yadra avarnoy tochki. legkikh splayov). Displacement of a weld core - an it is usually observed - occurred also in experimental welding of lead-ooated aluminum alloy sheets with lead-ooated copper electrodes. For the purpose of utilizing the phenomenon, for instance in welding of parts with different thickneaseeg it would be advantageous to carry out welding immediately after olean'ing the faces by such means which eliminate the oxide films. The article contains I sketch and 5 bibliographical references, all Russian. ASSOCIATION: "NIAT" PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDs AVAILABLEi At the Library of Congress, Card 2/2 ----------Call-Nr:---TS-227-*B29--- AUTHORSt Balkovets, D. S.' Orlov, B. D., Chuloshnikov, P. L, TITLE: Spot and Seam Welding of Special Steels and Alloys (Tocheohnaya i rolikovayaavarka spetsiallnykh staley i splavov) PUB,DATA: Gosudarstvennoye izdatellstvo oboronnoy promyshlennosti, Moscow, 1957., 430 PP-:5500 copies. ORIG. AGENCY: None given EDITORS: Editor: Veys, A. L., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Editor-in-Chi.ef: Sokolov, A, I,, Eng.; Ed. of Publish- ing House: Bogomolova, M. F.; Tech. Ed.: Rozhin, V. P.; Reviewers: Prof. Gellman, A. S., Dr. of Technical Scien,3es, and Poplavko, M. V., Candidate of Technical Saienses PURPOSE: The book is intended for scientific research institutes of technology, as well as for a wide circle of praotic- ing engineers, designers, technologists and personnel engaged in the field of quality control and for persons _ Card 1/7 interested in spot and seam welding tewk~, iques.