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Constructional Materials for (Conte) SOV/5988 materials in liquid-metal media are described along with methods and results of corrosion tests in liquid sodium, potassiumo lithiumt lead, bismuthp tin# gallium, and some other liquid media and melts. Results of various mechanical tests carried out In the development of structural materials to be used In units employing liquid-metal heat carriers are dis- cussed. Comprehensive study of the corrosion properties and mechanical properties of these materials has enabled the authors to make some suggestions on the selection of steels and, alloys which can be used in power plants operating with liquid-metal heat carriers, No personalities are mentioned. There are 231 eeferencesp mostly non-Soviet, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Basic Concepts on the Mechanism of the Liquid-Metal Effect on Structural Materials 6 Card 2/4 Constructional Materials -for (Cont.) SOV/5988 1. Character of the relationship between the non-stressed solid metal and the liquid metal 6 2. The effect of the liquid metal on a stressed material 30 Ch. II. Methods or Testing Materials Intended for Power Plants With Liquid-Netal Hent Carriers 34 Methods of corrosion testing 4 Thermal-fatigue tests 5. Long-time mechanical tests 55 Ch. III. Effect of Liquid-Metal Heat Carriers on Structural Materials (Experlmental Findings) 60 6, Behavior of materials in liquid sodium and sodium- potassium alloys 60 Behavior of materials in liquid lithium 104 Behavior of materials In liquid lead, bismuth# and lead-bismuth alloys 11 9o Behavior of materials in meroury 15~ CaM 3/4 Constructional Materials for (Cont.) SOV/5988 10o Behavior of materials in liquid tin 166 11, Corrosion of materials in other llquI4 heat carriers at high temperatures 178 Conclualon 181 Appendixes I and Il 189 Bibliography 198 AVAILABLE: LIbrary vf' Congress SUBJECTt Metals an4 Metallurgy Card 4/4 DV/wro/ldo 7/11/62 20257 1416 S/129/61/000/003/()01/011 F073/1".535 ,AUWIIOTI I Palandin. Yu, rot candidate or Tachnicall Sciences TITLI;i Thermal fatigue of Me~nis PERIODICALi Metallovedoniyu I. termicheakaya obrabotka metn1lov. 1961, No.3, pp. 2-11 + I plate TUXT t Thip is a revkew article dealing with only some of the probl.ems r6j4tInq A6 mthermal Otigue. In discussing the caupot, and f*4t%!re: of therwol fatigue it in stated that sufficientty simple PorI416 ton'does not exist between the resistaiice to thermni If6tikite, the number of cycles until cracks occur and other Vgdnnical or thermophysical characteristics of materials. There te also no standard Metho of carrying out thermal fatigue testpt. ianges in the. structureIny 6tcur even af%Vr the first thermal 'ading cycles. Thesc.vunomdna have been ~studied..most oxtensively, oh metals for which thV cqsta~.Iat tic e'-doia not II&'*V'e a cubic structure tzinc, cadmium, tin,- ~agne iumj '.uranium and their n1 loys) 1n these nnip'n'-fropiei materi-a-I'S'$ liycllac' loading led to plastic deformationAhich mostly occurred in the individual grnins even after the first-thormal e cle. With increasing number oC cycles the number of grains with~slip lines increased anti the. p1natic Card 1/5 -0257 'Thrrmnl Fatigue of Mota;h S11 29/61/006/003/60 1 /o1 j IP73/1'.535 defortitntion in ilia ijUlvidunl grain) t ' )(,a firlohounced'. In addition to plnst!~4` dc in ~-- F~bw) of tile grain, formatiqll C 1e t deformation nisojoccurred on nda~~ .1tangem in tile structu~o OCCU,^1o,re qUickly npdt a Itith a more pronounced dt f feroi n/,tlie CoofficiQ11 of 1~ ear expannion In the various directions. #Pnrt1cu1nr1y, c P of urnnium, the nppenrnyice of a subitructdre do n resu orl;ng n rerinitig'is charncteristic. In isoirolfic ttinterin1jR, Ynly tyl v I thermn) strernes are observed, although An heterogeneofin al y,4, of such metillA type 11 siresmos title to diffeting propvt-tipo of ji V1(1t*n1 plinsr" 11iny nlSO havs-, nil t importnXt influenc(V 1r thO M A11111m tentiserattir- or tite evelt. in above file recrystyllixntion tel PLrature, formation or now grainp is po%si4ilj", wheiriby thImeclinnism of nlipearatice of. these grn differs"trom ordinary rhcrystallization ofter work hardening. Par,", ctil nrlyo,.d lie formation off new coarse gi-ninp during.thermnl. ftifigife tefzjt.~ of nichrome. in #onsidurnd an a process of uniTIciltion grilina i0hich are strongly Iiistorted in tile initial state. jr1notic t formation after a Iffictently large number of lienting ntid /Cool Ing,lycles may bring aboIt the formntion of' neicrocracks (pores).% j Card 214Y Therma�ratigue of t"~O:iaas 20257 5/129/61/000/003/001/011 2073/9535 During thermal fatigue tests* the pores coarsen although their number decreases as a result of coagulation of adjacent vacancies. The formation of MLOO-defeats Is considerably accelerated by the variou admixtures in the material. For instance., in pure ur&n9Wf.- practi:ally no cavi '*'ioe were detected, which is in contrast to uranium contaminat ' with admixtures* Distribution of internal micro-pores in,thel eighbourhood of foreign inclusions was also observed in nickeli see alloys.,~ The change in shape of aniantropic materials depends %great deal on teXtu_re,-1t can be considered an a. process dependin .,on the stress distribution and on the resistance to plastic defo on of the material at various temperatures. The influence of tli6, . Ioflattive on the change in shape may be linked with the d *ndence of the yield point on temperature. In studying the chang0s in shape of isotropic metals and alloys, it qu tativa difroritac'e, can""be observed, namely, that specimens of on:~~type of materia 'I (iron, low and medium alloy steel) usually bee e shorter'du'ring the tests. whilst specimens of other materials (aluminium, copper, nickelt austenitic steels) usually become longer. The",first group contains metals and alloys with a body-centered cub4c lattice; ".ilst the"second group with a face-centered cubic CarO 3/5 Thermal Fatigu*or metals S/129/6i/000/003/001/011 9073/E535 lattice, Cracks usually form on the surface of specimens'after a certain number of cycles. The track formation on the surface in attributed to the fact that the thermal stresses at these locations --ew reach a maximum and also that corrosion processes lead to the, `w occurrence of stress concentrations. An increase in the maximum,'. test temperature usually Is 'ads to an appreciable decrease in them. number of cycles until crack formation occurs, as can be seen from a diagram whIlch in quoted from the work of H. E. Lardge (Symp. on met* mot, for service at tempo above 16000F, June, 1955). This in attributed to an increase in the thermal stresses caused by the larger temperature gradient%. The same applies to an increase in the cooling spoeds The sensitivity of stress~concentratora increases 6n changing over to harder material iI and, therefore, more exacting.demands have to bo'not &&'regards th: surface quality of the material. * According to Do I- Kostenko ORef.33)t rough machined specimens way have a number of cy;les to failure (crack formation) several.times, lower than *qual specimena'with a ground surface, Apparently steels of tfielbrAtia'and pearlitic class with a body- centered cubic latticahave the highest resistance to thermal fatigue* Of carbon and low ^1197--stoels, thos'ei steels which.have Card 202 5 7 Thermal. Fatigue of Metals S/129/61/000/003/001/011 E073/E535 lower carbon contents and also steels with low silicon contents will have a higher resistance to thermal fatigue, As regards the effect of heat treatment, it was found (Refs.34 and 35) that the number of cycles until occurrence of cracks increased with the grain dimensions. However. other authors obtained results contradictory to the above. In his experiments. V. M, Stepanov found that austenitic steel sheet and nickel-base alloy steel sheet'withstand 10 to 80Y# less thermal cycles in the work hardened state than in the annealed state. This is basically in agreemen, with the. resulta obtained by L. F. Coffin (Rof.20), D~ 1'. Kostenko %'Ref.33) found that work hardening has a favournble effect on increasing the. resistance to thermal fatigue (by about 20%), There are 6 figures, I table and 38 references: 22 Soviet and 16 non-Soviet, Card 5/5 31050 3/126/61/012/004/004/021 'vori 1413 2073/Z535 AUTHOR t Balandin, Yu*F* TrTLZs Investigation of the long-run effect of cyclic thermal strosses at elevated temperatures FIRIODICALI Fizik& motallov i metallovedeniye. v.12, no.4, 1961# 519-525 TRM The influence of temperature within the range 500 to 1000% was investigated on a chromium-nickel steel X18H22B2T2 (KhIBN22V2T2) and the nickel-ban* alloy M 4375(214370. Prior to the investigations tho material was austenined and aged, for ensuring high strength at temperatures up to 700*C. The plasticity at this temperature, particularly in gradual fracture, was low. The long duration cyclic thermal stresses were simulated by periodic loading of the specimens to a given value, of deforms- tion with subsequent holding of the material in the deformed state at a high temperature. For this purpose 3 mm diameter specimens wore stretched by using special clamps in accordance with a method described in earlier work (Ref.2t8b.Notallovedeniyo, Y.4, Sudpromgiz, L., 1960). In the experiments the cycle was as Card ll~ Investigation ~f the long-run ... S/126/61/012/004/004/021 B073/9535 followst deformation by 0.3%, maintaining under load for 50 hours. The plot of the dependence of the resistance to thermal fatigue (number of cycles to failure) on the test temperature 00 is shown in Fig.1 (curve I - steel Khl8N22V2T2; curve 2 - alloy 814379). The author considered it of interest to compare the resistance to thermal fatigue at various temperatures with the creep strength and stress relaxation of the same materials. Th 0 creep strength decreases with increasing temperature but the p as- ticity increases. An objective criterion for evaluating the plas- ticity under long-duration loading in the deformation ikt the section corresponding to uniform creep. Relaxation tests were made on ring-shaped specimens as proposed by r.A.Odingl the tests were made for a given initial deformation which was maintained constant (0.3%) at all temperatures. The magnitude of the elastic deforma- tion, which changed into plastic deformation during stress relaxa- tion, was measured. The following conclusions are arrived at: 1. The resistance to long-duration thermal fatigue is low at temperatures approaching the temperature of the greatest strength- ening during agelngi 2. It is.assumed that the drop in the number of cycles to failure Card 2/~._,' Investigation of the long-run ... S/126/61/012/004/004/021 9073/9535 on increasing the temperature Is due to more Intensive sliding along the grain boundaries and the subsequent increase of the number of cycles to failure is dug to migration* of grain boundariesl 3. The resistance to long-run thermal fatigue depon4a qualitatively on the plasticity during creep failure, and it dope~ds- particularly on the deformation at the section corresponding to uniform creep, There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 8 referencest 4 Sqvist-bloc and A non-Soviet-bloc. The English-language referenceq read as followat RefAt Rachinger W.J. Inst. Met., 1952, 81t 331 Ref.5t Faman H., Sherby 0., Dorn 4, J, Metals., 1954, 6, 19191 R*f.6i Couling a., Roberts Ce J04etals., 1957, 9, 12521 Ref.8a Chan C., Machlin S. J-Met4ls, 1.957, 9, 829. SUBMITTSDt March 20, 1961 Card 3/X 1> 11 j'q400 8,/032/61/027/001/016/03T B017/BO54 AUTHORS: Balandin, Yu. Fe and Zolotukhinal M. As TITLE: New Method of Testing the Resistance of Constructional Materials to Thermal Fatigue PERIODICAL: ZaYodskaya laboratoriya, 1961, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 63-66 TEXT: The method suggested by Go. P. Lazarev (Ref. 3) to determine the deformation of cylindrical constructional materials was modified to deter- mine their thermal fatigue. Test specimens were heated in a furnace to given temperaturop and subsequently cooled by running water, The number of cracks, their shape, their distribution over the surface, and their sit: were microscopically determinedl the thermal fatigue of the test material was determined from the growth of cracks. The thermal fatigue of ~q 0726 (EI 726) stool was tested on cooling from 7000 to 1000 and from 900 to 100C. A comparison of the curves showed that cracks grow earlier and faster on cooling from higher temperatures. The now method permits a comparative investigation of constructional materials of different chemical compositions and thermal treatments. There are 2 figures and 3 reforsnoss'.~ Card 1/2 8-A284 How Method of Testing the Resistance Of Constructional Materials to Thermal Fatigue 2 Soviet. 8/03 61/027/001/016/037 B017YB054 Card 2/2 40984- S/659/62/009/000/018/030 1(03/1203 AUTHOR: Balandin. Yu. F. 4____ TITLE Behaviour or materials under con ditions of prolonged cyclic thermal stresses SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii- Issledovaniya po zharoprochnyrn splavam v. 9. 1%2 Materialy Nauchoy sessii po zhatoprochnym splavam (1961 g.), 133-139 TEXT ' Investigations of metallic samples under conditions of prolonged cycles of temperature vatiationb are rather difficult and therefore a mechanical imitation of temperature variations was chosen for this in- vestiption. Cr[Ni steels, 311-694(EI-694). 3H-726(EI-726)x ISH22B272(Kbl8N22VM) and the 3H-437b (EI-437B) nickel-base alloy were investigated. From the results it was concluded that: 1) The resistance to prolonged cyclic thermal stresses is not characterized by th.- strength of the metal, and 2) only the smallest number of thermal cycles can. be endured by heat-resisting allos at a kniperature close to that of its highest strengthering during aging. In the discussion, N. M. Sklyarov expressed the opinion that the thermal fatigue of metals cannot be attributed to only one single physical process. Tohere ate 3 figutes and I table Card III s/i-6/62/o13/001/011/010 J~ -it 3o Lo." !/I.., r80 ,X 1,110W): IMIiiiiiIiIj. Yii,F. and Bratulthiiin, V.A. 'r ITL C - Stiidy of the tnJttal zr~tnge of' therinnI fntigue by the method of microhneditosis measuremonta. PF. It I OU I CAI, tNzi1vt matallov i metallovedontye, v.13, iin.l, )9629 chroinium-nickol t; to e L I X, 13 HlLrl OK1,13NOB) contain- ing ninbium was u.4ed. The mteel ifai nust ent ti zod at 11'50%, cooled in water, and nged for 10 hours at 600%. Cylindrical sarnj)les (1~) inin diameter, 2ri min longtIO wera ciit from the mteol atid longHttidincil grooves (0..S min dej)th, I min radius) citt. in the s. The stirrace cold work from the mechnnicnI trentment was. stimp I v rvinoveil by heating for ILI min at 11500C in nonled tiibes. Testing was ciii-ried out by periodit honting of unlonded samples to 6(.10% and cooling iii rittining water. 5 to 210 cycles were used. Th e sninples were thon halved in tlicir length. One half wn.-% heated for 10 inin at 11.50*C and microsections were theii cut from both hAlves. To ensuro that no cold-work remnined, a 100 4 Inyer was removed from the 8urface by eloctrolyti.c polishing. Microhnrflres8 Card 1/23 BALANDINP Yu. F.1 KUSNITSTNAj Z, I, Investigating deformations and creep. ?is. not. i metalloved. failure in KI437B alloys during 14 no.41618-U4 0 '62. (MIRA IS:10) (Heat-resistant alloys-Testing)z (Creep of metals) BALANDIN, Yu.r. CamWison of the reoultS Of toots of ohort duration and Pro- tracted. tests for thermal fatigue& Zave 1&b& 29 no.61746-748 163. (HM 16W (Metals, lffect of temperature on) BAIANDINY TUGFO Time depeWence of 29 no.lOtl222-1225 the resistanoe to thermal fatigue, Zav. labs 163, (MIM 16s12) --. - ---- .- t- - - -- - - - , -- - 7 .,, .,,y i a , ~ t rp . , I ~ ., RUDDle7WTlT,Or--7 --- - - - -- 7 -11 -1 .. . -I-- -_o BAL.~, ~'i, , i.F.; ' V!,'-t ~,'* i'l.-Jr-) I I ,I' i.-;:: '-, , , , -, :. t! .. !-I. j , n~f),-.ttj I -o t I -,n of a mechanic a l ' ..'x/. I- . .',;I . 11 '.. fMIRA l8s4) YALAINII~~:,-Tu. N. 6735. Balandin, Yu. IN. Yetodika. takhnichookogo nomirovaniya. Dlya prakt. zanyatly studentov no 1954155 uoher. God, Soot, Yu, N. Bnlandin. M.p 1925. 23 a. ; i otd. 1. tabl. 22 sm. (Mosk. Ordena. Lanina s.-kh. Rkad. m. K. A. Timiryazeva. Kafadra oresnizntaii sots. a.-kh. redp...yatly). 1.500 ekzg B. tn. --I& obl. soot. no ukazan.-- -2844) 631.151 658.54 M SOt Wzhnaya IAtopial No. 6, 1955 TOPRDM. G.S., profeRsor; BAIAIMINA, A.I., kandidat meditsinskikh nmik. V."WWpwWVWAVWMWAw 1xclusion ~y resection and demucesation of ths, pyloric antrum In cooplicated ulcers of the duodenum. Yest.khir. 76 no-7tl03- 105 Ag 155, (KLRA 8110) I Is goopitallnoy khirargichaskoy kliniki ( G.8. T;prover) Stalingradekogo meditsinskogo Instituta (STOKACH, surge exclusion & damucosation of pyloric antrum In duo- denal 111csr@) (PVTIC ULCIR. surge exclusion & deancosation of pyloric antrum.1n duo- denal ulcers) USSR / Gonaral Problems of Pnthology. Shock. u-4 Abu Jour : Rot Zhur - Biol.) No. 10, 1958.. No 46759 Author : Kropogorskiyj A. S.;.Balandina A. 1. .- Stalingrad Institute Inst ) Title Tmumtic Shock and Its Control in the Light of I. P. Pavlov's lbachings. Orig Pub Sbo nauchu. rabot toor. i klinich. kafedr Stalingr. mod. In-tnp Stallngradp 1956, 110-123. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 2T ULANDINA, A.I., dots. Problem of preoperative treatment of the surgeon's hands with a solution from a, diocide preparation of the All-Union Chomicopharma- oeutical Solentific Ressarah Institute. Chim. I wed. no.lOt43-46 1590, (HIRA 13:2) 1. Is goopitallnoy khlrurgichookoy kliviki (say. - prof. V.S. Turov) Stall radekogo meditsinskogo Instituta. ISURGXRY$ A=FTIC AIM ANrISBPrIC) (DIOCIDI) KARPOV, A.$.; B App,_AeJ., oty. to Typask I Cftt Is konioloall Chto takos koniologile, Stalingrodakil gos*wd.ln-t$ 1939o 26 p. (Dust) Stallogrado (MIRA 14:2) nXPMMMXIY. A.S.. dote.; GIIRUSOT, Tu.H., dots.j~ BALANDINA. Mot, dote@ Profeemor VI*Aiulr Sorgeovich Mrov. Test.khir. 82 noj21155 7 1596 MIRA 12t2) (B IOGRAPH IN Moyg Vladlair 0. (Rug)) XAVOROVSKAYA, V.Ye.1 MOSOLOV, A,N.j BALANDIHAq A.M, Cultural and various antigenic properties of otrains cc the virus Isolated from patients vith rheumatio fover, Vop, virus. 5 noo 6z695-701 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta I revmatologichookaya laboratoriya, (RHEUMTIC FEVER) (VIRUSES) DRSIZIN, R-S---Y.AVOROVSKAU-V-Y--- -B"I!)IXA- A M - SHURIN, 84-11. 1 V;QUVA' N.N., GIDI; ZHDANOV, V.H. Group of nov virus strains, the so- led R virus, Vop virus. 6 no. 5021-532 3-0 161. T" I WRA l5jj) L Institut virumolokii imeni D.I.Ivarovskogo AMN SSSR, Hoskm i Novosibirakiy maditainskiy ins itut, Wovosibirsk. (VIRUSESI ZALESSKIYO G.D.; VOROBIYEVAj N.N.; YAVOROVSKAYA, V.Ye.; SHURIN, S.F.; BAIANDIKA A.M.; ZHDANOV, V.M.; DREYZ'&Ifp R.S. Study of filtrable viruses isolated from rheftmatic patients, Vest.AMN SSSR 17 no.9:85-93 162. (MIRA 15M) (RHEUYATIC FLM-MICROBIOLOGY) (VIRUSES) DRIM171, R.S.; ZUBOVA, Z.F.; YAVOROVSKAYA, V. Ye.; BOCIMOV, Ye.F.; FOKINA, G.1.1 ROMA, E.E.; VOROD'YEVA, N.N.; ZALESSKIY, G.D.; ZHDMOVt V.M. Serological properties and pAthogenicity or the R-viruB In suckling mice. Vop, virus 9 no,W62-468 31-Ag 164 1. Institut vir-usologii I-meni D.I, Ivanovakogo kill SSSR, Moskovskly nnuchno-inaledovatellskly institut vinianykh propnratov i Yovoalbirakiy meditnInskly inatitut. A.A.; BAUNDINA, A.S. Pentotal sloop in the postoperative period. Wrarglia, HoskTa no*3:3-10 mar 51* (OLML 20%.7) 1, Of the Clinic of GeneralSurgery (Head-Prof. A.A* Busalov), Taroslavl' Medical Institute. " I- I I - 7 - - - 4! - -, - -I -- -- 1 -7 - `--A-,BkLMIXA. A. S. ~ - - - BUSALOV *- A* Norocaln-pentothal anesthesia in gastric surgerys Xhirurglia. vlookya no.018-27 Apr. 1952, (OLML M2) 1, Of the Hospital Surgical Clinic (Director -- Prof. A. A, Busalov), Yaroslavl$ Medical Institute* ;HTABODA, L.G,;80L0V'Y1V, U.N. Iffect of peAtothal sodium on tissuo and organs in experimental oon- ditions, llhirurali&6 Mosk-ya, no.1102-55 NOT 1953. (C'XL 25:5) 1, Of the Yaculty Surgical Clinic (Head -- Prof 9 A* A. Dualov), Taroslavll Medical Institute. )Iawu)y, va.; ilMORODAt V.I.; XAROINo V,A*j HIRONOVA, Yo,,,,; BALAUDIVAll,Wo Now We. on the kinetics of the ripening of viscose. Collold*J* (U.S.S.10 14, 61-9 152 [in Suglieb), (CA 47 moolqtloUl 153) BAIAIM11, R.; ULANDINA, X. A "wonder discovery which was no wonder at all. Znan.-sila 35 no.W4-15 1 :60. (MIRA 1315) (Heat pumps) (Semiconductors) BALAI-MM, L.I. (Leningrads Kronverskaya ul., d.2)/5Q,. kv.63) P2astic surgery of traumatic finger stumps using free skin flaps. Testkhir. no*601&-119 161. (MIRA 1511) le Is 2-y khirurgichookoy kliniki (sav. - prof. G.A* Gomxyakov) Lieningradskogo instituta, usovershenstvavemiya vrachey im. S.M. Kirova. i bollnitay imo V*I* Lenina (gl, vrach - K.A. Shelomentseva) g. Leningrad&* (FIEGERS-WOUNDS AND IIIJURIES) (SKIN-TRANSPLANTATIO14) vlktor IviltioYM1,; 1, 1 11 T. rt!:i , f *' I .. I - - ~. --- - -.. - ~ - - (Free :-,k-'n graftit..,, irAloatloris and "t3chniques) Svobod,- tiaia poresr-Aka pokrAzaniln j tckhtlikn, Leningrad VoditsiLa, 11.5 p0 (VIRk 17:101 -2 00 001'filoah se'URCE W'DE1 U1170363/6 0 i1o AUTHORt Sharnin, A. A.; Dalandina, L. I.; Yaklmenkot_j. R. _- - --- --- - . . . 7- --- ORG 1 jA; %~U-VLLUM6".L LU2t.J.5,U'.U %ural'skly niuchw-i%sl-1mratoll- skly kbimicho9kiy in, tu-t) TITLF.t Gorrosion-or cortain motall nnd alloy-; in molton aiilfatn SOURCE: '--Zi-5TMCta motallov, volg no, 1, 1966, 108-1-10 TOPIC TAGSt aluminum compound, alloy, corrosion, alurdn=, col-,Nr, lca,i, Imn, t.1- tanium, stool. bronze, coiVrosion revist.-Ant mtal, corroslon r'3.-.1sta-nca/AV aDmi num, t M1 copper, AZhq-4 bronze,I'OF6.0.15 bronze, 5-1 lqid,1VT-l tWkniumo IXW~11;17T stevl' El-448 stool, E1-45~t~, stool'. EI-943 ~ntool 1. i t! i ABSTI~ACTI To find a corro-Aon-re5isting matnrial for nalAni, %4hich ,rn soverely corroded In production, tests worn conductr-1 to dot,.,rnino tho r.,itfi of cor- osion of various, and alloys in molten aluminum suirato. washed with a sor', ar, I f-A 'qj1 11~ .011 materials were AD aluminum, HI'copper, bronzes AZhq-4 oF6 (..o i ~-l i-,ray Iron, VT-1 titanium. and steels IKhl8N9T 4 I .---- " I- ~nd M-043. ..;AT; Or- rpnt re- -o ato ala, E~~' 't slstv~t f W tested m ri~ s 9t ~3 a Come wor de,"Minn iT~ . coppe corrosion rosist-ance of weld joints. Specimens of stool Fl-~41 woro wr.1,1-1 with ol- ectrodas from tho sam grado or stool (nomitial compo.,Ation or .0ditir, i-)d in 6 eo.-, P~,< 0.03,Cr a 22-2 . Ni r 26-N, C:,,, a 77-5-3-5, c o. o6 mn o 81 --,o.6, C. 5 and Ti 56 Woidbw~ copper rpecimeni was dorv~ with cOPT4,r ni.-cim-Ifir. 51jr- facos of the wald joints were ground even with th,~ baso metal. c~,rro- Ion of weld joints or strnl EI-943 is approximately thr) namo as the 1"Ino m-f-lt. q-QP;Nr,.'4' they corrode at a significantly highor rate than Uin Nitta motal, 'o'nlrl of coppar- and stool El-943, heataffected zonas and all renninine, surf~iccn L-f thf, wnrt%~ Ra~ 4 1WCL-.6Z0.l9,3.1JL---. ACC NR, AP60181r)l qorroded uniforray. According to tho corrosion scaln of wold JoIW5, ~jv, ;(1111tri of steel EI-94) are in the category of tho sufficiently re3irtmt, whiln Ioltlir.-Of -- 2 f,:4H,)r. copper are in tho catogory of ralativoly rosistanto (?rir,. art. lv;~~i. JA SW OODSt 13, 11 SUBM DATE.- 03JuJ65 ORIG REFt 003 8/004/60/000/02/02/006 AUTHORSi Balandin, R.1 Balandina, M. TITLEt The "Miracle" That Never Was PERIODICALi Znaniye-Sila, 1960, No 2, PP 14 - 15 TEXTi The authors discuss a heating-oooling apparatus designed in the Moscow plant 113antekhnika" and demonstrated by the plant director V. Potapov. Hewspaperi Nad puBliehad articles that this apparatus had an efficieno.T factor of 200%. Apparently this erroneous assumption was made because only the actual amount of electricity consumed was counted, neg- lecting the amount of heattaken from air. The apparatus is based on the principle of ordinary heat pumps, The Soviet physicist Professor V.A. Mi- khellson designed a heat pump already in 1920. The heat pump absorbs the amount of heat contained even in &-cold medium and transfers it to the place where it is needed, e.g., to a room;to be heated. The apparatus uti- lizes thermal energy collected from the cold medium as well as electric powert seen in this light, the heat emitted by the apparatus is always low- er than the energy consumed. The heat is simply transferred from one point to another and for this a certain amount of electricity is needed. Thermo- Card 1/2 The "Miracle" That Never Was 8/004/60/000/02/02/006 dynamic laws set certain limits to the efficiency of such a process, which is practicable only if there are no too great differences of temperature between the cold medium and the object to be heated. Thus the much publi- oi.sed miracle proved a miscalculation and it needed the authority of soi- entista like Academicians L.A. Art6imovioh, P.L. Kapitsa and I.Ye. T- Oravdall of November 22, 1959 "Irresponsible Chase in ~U-est of Scientific Sensational') to convince the public that such a miraculous device does not exist. The apparatus Is the first heating and cooling device operating on semiconductors with considerable possibilities. There is no motor and the design is simple. With certain improvements it can well become one of the most economical electric heating appliances. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 KHUDYAKOVAj T*Atj NlOffMA# L.L: BALANDINA, M.A. Chronoconductometric determination of ethylene oxide in the presence of metbacrylic acid and iron salts. Zhur.priklo khim. 35 n.o.41824-827 AP 162. (MIRA l5tO 1. GorIkovskly politekhnicheskiy inatitutp Wedra analitiche3koy khWI. (Ethylene oxide) (Conductometric analysis) ZIDBINAp T.I.; HAIANDINA, M.Ya. (Kemerovo) ------ Results of work,perforned in a hospital for patients with acute colds* Zdrav, Rose Feder. 7 no.901-32 S 163. (MM 16:10) C BALUDINA,-B.- . --_ Results of the photography contest "Pushkin and our present* organized by the A.S.Pushkin Museum and "Sovetakoe foto." Sov.foto 22 no.6:40 Je '62. (MIRA 15t6) 1. Zaveduyushchaya skspozitsionnym otdelom Gosudaretvennogo muzeyn A.S.Pushkina. (Photography-Competitione) BALANDINA, N.A. (Moak%-a) Reduition or the &niilyzer In machine -raiial&tivig. Probl. kib. no.9065- 278 163- (MIRA 3.7110) ... 1. "Physico-chemical analysis of Uie systom: Acotic acidnltric acid". MakibMilian, S. P., Trifonov, 11. A., Fedo3lev. ?I* N. and r 0 (P. ;:a) w, A. I SO.- joum)al oZ Gongral Chc;Astr-v. (Miumal Obshchol Khl.-aii) 1949, Vol- 19, No- 3- USSR/ Physical Chemistry - Therwdynanica. lbermochemiatry. Equilibriun. kialysis. Phase Transitions. Abe Jour ; Referat Zhur - Khimiyap No 3, 1957, 7494 Author : Kovalenko* K.N. and.-LilLandina N.I. Inst : Rostov-on-tho-Don Unive-ra Title : Physicochemical Analy3ls of Ardne-Containing Systems Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Hostovsk. n/D. un-ta, 1955, Vol 25, No 7, 13-18 Abstract : The viscosity, density, and surface tension (at 0,25, and 750) of the quinaline-aniline (1) system have been inves- tigated. It vas founil that cheuical reactiontakes pla- ce in the system leading to the formation of a compound which dianociates in nolution. In the region 25-80 mole peccent Ip the rdxture does not crystallize but forms a vitreous masop vhich i-nde it thipossible to obtain a com- to melting-point dingram. 11je viscosity and density 25, 50, and 750) and the stirface tension (at 25 and 500) of a dimethyl unilinu-1 mixture have been investi- gated. Card 1/2 - 1l7 - USSR/ Physical Chemistry - 11ort.,odynaiAcs. Thernochemistry. B-8 Equilibritun. Mysicocheinical Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - Khitjiyui No 3, 1957, 7494 It is shown that no chemical reaction takes place when the conponetits, are rdxed, dissociation of the associa- ted molecules taking place on mixing. Card 2/2 . 118 - KOVAIENKO, K.N.; BAUNDIIA, N.I. - I'll ~----- -- Solid - liquid and Mquid - vapor equilibrium In the tystem dioxane acetic acid. Uch.tnp. ROU 4109-43 '58. - (MIRA 15il) (Dioxane) (Acetic acid) (Phase rule and equilibrium) BAMN, MOB61, TODOROVA, G.I. Anerometrit, detemination of pallidlum by meana of thiourea uoin a rotatino p1mtinum electrode. Zhur,anal.kk-ims 19 no.lOsl228-1233 164s (MRA 17112) 1. Kiahinev State University, LOM)"B10- _lopT -Phys iology - Card 1 /1. Pub 17-3/20 Author t Balandina, 0. A. Title Unconditionel*TnT6onditioned sudoriferous reflex reactions in man Periodical Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 3, 10-14p Mar 1955 Abstract Observed unconditional, and conditional response of sweat glande in man to heat stimulus and metronome, respectively. Studied sudorif- erous reactions by means of microscopy, directly observing necretions of sweat glands on the palm side of the fingers. Table; photom4.cro- graph. Five references; all USSR, 3 since 1940. Institution: Chair of Normal Physiology (Head-Prof. P. G. Snyakin) of the Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute (Director-Prof. G. N. Beletakiy) Submitted - March 30, 1954. Presented by V. N. Chernigovskiy, Member of the Academy of Medical Sciencea USSR RAIANDLHAI_q.A?. kand. biol. nauk. Perspiration reaction of a skin graft as an Indication of the re- establishment of neural connections with the cerebral cortex. Stoma- tologlia 38 no.lt74-77 Ja-P 159. (NM 19:3) 1. In kafedry normallnoy fisiolog U (say. - prof, P. G. SnyWdn) I kafedry propodsvtlki khimrgichaskoy stomatologii (say. - dates G. A. Vaell'yev) Moskovekogo weditsinskogo stocatologiaheskogo InstitutL(dir. - dots. G. 1. Belstskiy). (SKIN GRAMI~~ (MVWS SYSTAM) BALAIMIZA, O.B.; KLINDY, v.D.: LICVSH, I.p. Studying contracted gas flow in liquids and determining specific gravity of gas-liquid emulsion. Isve AN Us, SSR, Bar. takh. nauk U905:41-51 158, (MIRA M12) l.Sredneasiatskiy litakhnichookiy inotitut. M.1d dynamics) (Absorption of gases) 50) SOV/80-32-5-17/52 AITMORS: Levsh, I.P Baland1na, O.B. TIME: The Dubbling of Air Thraagh a Layer of Viscous Liquid PERIODICAL% Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 5, PP 1029-1039 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The determination of the hydraulia resistance during bubbling Is necesuary for the calculation of rectification culumns, bubbling absorbers, etc. in ths article the bubbling of air through a layer of aqueoua glycerol solution with a visoosity of 1-80 centipoise at a layer height of 0.3 - 70 cm In investigated. The viscosity of the solutions was determined by an Ostwald viscosimotjr, the -surface tension by a Rebinder apparatus. First the hydraulic resistance of the wetted grid Is determined, then that of a 0.3 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm layer, etc. The air speed was 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 m/sec. The aharaoter of the bubbling at constant air consumption depends on the viscosity of the liquid. At 1-10 cantipolse the air first forms a tongue In the liquid, later on It moves in spirals, in the upper part of the apparatus foam is foined, At 60-80 centipoise large bubbles are formed, the nize of which Increases with the viscosity. Card 1/2 The curves 4 r-t4 show a olear maximum for w - 5-10 centipoise. The Ine Bubbling of Air TChrough a Layer of Vincoi!a Liquid sov/8o-32-5-17/52 increase of the V130031ty from 1 to 10 centipoise inoreases the hydraulic rosle%tanoe of Vie laYer 1.2' - 1.3 times, a further increa-3e loteers the re3istance due to t1he 3aturation of the system by gas and the lowerIng of the 3peolfic gravity. The comparison of the calculated, iLnd experimental ditta shaiii an ori-cr of ! 15%. The drived equation ('28) oan be used in a wide ~-,-Lngo of valuos, At a layer height H