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Publication Date: 
December 31, 1967
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~!i L.wlkT--- rIW ACC NRt AT6030384 ----SOMCE CODEt---UR/0000 00000000 AU-MORS BalAkin V. A. ORG i nono TrrLEt Spooial charACteristics of friction and wear of materials at hi slidinit ~Volocities SOURCE: AN SSSR. Nauchnn sovet po treniyu I smazochnym Aaterialam. Novoyo, v toorii troniya (Recent developments in the theory offriction). Moscow, Izd-,vo Naukap 1966, ELI-90 TOPIC TAGS: 1he coefficient of friction depends on the following factorst the material and the state of the ci~n-UiTt-surfaces; the construction of the friction joint or unit; and the operating conditions (the sliding velocity V; the specific load Fspt* the temperature & ; and the temperature Cradlontc)60/D z in the contact zone). 1h0 article considers the motion of a real point H of r-mss m , which is subjected to the action of a, constant vertical load P = ccnst ovor an absolutely ririd wavy sinusoidal surface, for which the wavelength ~ is slanificantly largor than the amplitude 2'7 200a); this Is valid for a real body for i4iich tho linoar dimonston L is substantially loss than the v.-avolength (V. (,f /5)). On Vio above basis, the author devolops mathematically four possible cases. It Is demonstrated that in determination of the friction coefficient and the wear of materials at high sliding velocities, it Card ACC NRt AT6030384 Is necessary to take into account unsteady state friction processes caused by the presence of factors such as undulations and variations in form, 13io author oxpresset. his gratitlide to his scientific supervisor Prof03sor 10 V. KrMelIBLdZ for assistance given in setting up and conducting this investigation and for discussing the results. OrIg, art, hass 26 formulas and 8 figurese SUB COM It/ SUBM DATE: 22peb66 C -P-f /Z 16(1-) .AUTHORs Balakln,V,,Bo SOV/41-11-2-10/17 TITLEs Two Sided Approximation of the Solution of the Equation .M. Oxty) PERIODICALt Ukrainskiy matematichookiy zhurnal, 1959, Vol 11, Nr 2, pp 203-207 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author uses the method of differential inequations of Chaplygin f-Ref 12 for the solution of YW- gr,y) - 0 Y(X Yo, YI(x Y o 0 0 0 0 0 r Lot the function f(X,Y) be continuous on IXO, .3in x and lot it satisfy in y the Lipschitz condition with the constant L. Let (n) _ f (. Z0 '.0 VO(x)> 0. then z.~;#y on [xO,x1j. For a(x) - so-y we have the equation (4) (A)- t(.,. 0) + f(xty) - VOW with the initial conditions a(Xo 0, a,(x 0) ft 01-18, )(Xo).O. Card 1/3; Two-Sid d Ap~roximation of the Solution of the 307/41-11-2-10/17 Squatio: y (n . f(x,y) Instead of (4) the author considers AN + Lao- v W, 0 0 where L is the Lipschitz constant of f(xty). lie have X aOW - JP~X-Qv 0 (t)dtf X 0 where P(x-t) is a certain combination of er onential functions. R7placing in (4) a(x) by the solution of M, then &0n)_ f(%,Y+a0)+f(x'y)+Lfto_L&O_vo_V 0 (x). -f(x,y+a 0)+f(x'y)-IattWO and, herefrom aO