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---BAXUIZVl V.T.- (Moskva) Caloulating the turbulent immersed jet of a real gas* Inshashur, I noJoO-74 161. (MIU 1512) (:eta-Fluid dynamica) ADRAMOVICH's G.N.; UKUU-V, -V-.1.; OOLUBEV, V.A.; SMOLIN, G.G. (Moscow) "Investigation of turbulent plasma and real gas jets" report presented at the 2nd All-Union CongTess of Theoretical and Applied Mechanicas Moacowj 29 January - 5 February 1964 Ltj ra tL.X i a L,~v, ,oy ,and the raAi&l momentum by At P, for th- MWn t 1, thon Xtvp_ with the auxiliary boundary equations -9- Za'~O)s'~O) and zl(l) 0. I -in The energy equAtIon it, obtain*A IM1018tPlY A-Ad ito Bolutlen represented by 'Pnf; qt# thAVI bxnVAR~ 't n,vOr ar?qA t4 ~m q j(jVc ob tA i TvQd - uminq tha "!Orkin method rapresanting a oy ca" 4/4 A Orl N R Q64 !h- P, -tit ~,,ir, JA SW (x WW/JW /9WTW/ZWVP)~" ACC NRi AP6010859 SOURCE CODEi UR/0421/66fOOO/O6i-/-6l,54zc~i~6---I 'AUTHOR: Abramovich, G. He (Moscow); Bakuley.-Y,,.j _(Moscow); Makarov, I. S. (Moscow);I iKhudenko, B. G. (Moscow) j iORG: none ~TITLX: Investigation of a submerged turbulent stream of real gas i iSOURCE: AN SSSR. Izveotiya. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 1, 1966, 154-158 TOPIC TAGS: axisymmetric flow, turbulent flow, real gas, gaseous substance, Prandtl number, nitrogen., /LI OU/0 A100WO(CFA) ON/ ABSTRACT: The results of the experimental investigation.of the axisymmetric flow of liguid pitrogentlat supercritical pressure in gaseous nitrogen are pre's-ented. The ob- servation-of -the flow with ordinary and shadowgraph cameras indicates that the liquid flow is distinguished by the absence of droplets at the boundary layer, due to vanish- ing surface tension at supercritical pressure. The conditions of the experiment and the apparatus used are described (the Reynolds number at the exit nozzle was in the range of 1.7 to 5.8-105). The kinetic pressure and temperature profiles were measured at upper and mid-stream sections of the flow and the data are compared with the theo- retical computations. The Prandtl turbulence number was so chosen that a phenomenolo- gical constant employed in the comparison of the results was about the same for the Card 1/2 L 3218~-bb ACC NRt AP6010859 'kinetic and thermal profiles. It was found that under these conditions two density re igimes were formed in the stream and the relative width of the cold nitrogen stream is !smaller than the isothermal stream. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. !SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: IOMar65/ ORIG REr., 003 BAKUllk"I Ye.A. ... I,.-,"- -. - I...- --.. Study of the mlative difference in the mobJlJty of Isotope Ions in electrolyte solutlon3. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.5cl065-1067 11-y 165. (IPUPA 18:8) 1. Fiziko-tokhnichea~iy inmat%it irmn" A,F. Joffe, AN ;3~ZR. EWT(I)/%TC/*SpF(n)-%Itoo(m)/tPA(w)~2 JJP(c) AT AOMSION MRt AP3020729 up/007/65/035/00/1419/1422 MINIM askUlinlYs, A, I StOPIN-YeeNs I Shaherbininal V1 V4 TITLEt Investigation of the electric J;7uble layer In a plesma_ SOURCRt thurnal tekhnicheakoy fisiki, vo 33, no. 8# 1965# 1419-1422 1 TOPIC TAMI discharge plume, plasma struoture, electric copsaitance,, morcuryl space charge ADSTRACTs The authors have determined the thickness of the double layer at the boundary of a cylindrical object In a mercury plasms, by measuring its capacitive reactasme.. The plexua was produced by a low-voltage mercury vapor discharge be- tween a hot cathode and a I cm diameter cylindrical snoda and diffused into the Interior of a 11 cm diameter 30 to long metallic cylinder which was electrically connected to the anode. Centrilly located within and coaxial with thin cylinder was a 1.18 on diameter 7 an long cylindrical electrode, the double layer at the boundw7 of which was the object of Investigation. The concentration. and tempers- ture of the plasma were wassured with an 0.1 mm diameter 5 mm long cylindrical probe* The capacitance of the cylindrical electrode *ss measured at electrode po- tentials from 20 to 100 V below the smode.pot*ntial by a resonance method at 007 cc" 1/2 'Ord 2/2 C -- T1 I ETA -y -L4 - P,, - - - "Treatment or Acute Suppurative and (Incipient) Serous Mastitie,,ll Akusher. i Ginekol.,, No*5, 1910. Dept. for Treatment of Mastitis, Lying-bi Home No.3.. Moscow L. F. WULEVA, L. P. -- "On the Contractive Functicn of the Uterus and Its Fole in the Biomchanism of Childbirth*" Second Moscow State Medi- cal 1nst, imeni. Is V. Stalin. Yoscow,, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences)o Soes Knizhnaya Letopist, No. 2,, 1956. PIWTAMOVI L.S --- Gt -BAKVLVA. tP., landmed.naukj GRYAZVOVA- I.H*--; -PprO VOLINO Gas Mecography in the diagnosis of gynecological disease&. Akush.1. gin. no.6t62-66 t60. (MIRA ~4tl) I* Is k&fedr7 akusberotva i ginekologii (sav. - proG L.Se hrolminov) leababoop fakulitsta i katedry rentgenologii (sav,, - prof, B*A* D'yaebenko) n Nbakovokogo meditoinakogo institute imeni Nole Pirogora. (GM=URUARY ORGAM-RADIOGRAM) (PNEMOPMITONMHO AMMCIJAQ B AK 11; i F V A, N' , S . Fxamination ot sr~me trAc.0 elements in th(- b.ccd of hculthy dogs with lesions of' the stomach nnd liver. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 9 no.2242-46 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kafedra patofiziologii (zav. - prof. S.S.Polt~,rev') I kafedra obshchey khimil (zav. - dotsent N.1-1,Chistyak-ov) Ivanovgkogo medl- tsinskogn instititta. The clinical use of polyglucin. Probl. genat. I perel. krovi 3 no.3t 45-47 S-0 158. (KML 11111) 1, Is kliniki khirurgichaskikh bolesney (dir. - prof. PX% Belfteovskly) Mookov.skogo seditsinskogo stq=tolo&hsskogo instituta, (=TRAX, related c6opoands pollgluain, ther. use in various troun. oond. (Rum)) (WOUNDS AND INMIN, therapy polygluoin traneftsions, In varlous traux, oond. (]Me)) -lip ,I) ol, jrlrp I,. c, C, E'F,r_~.TA YrE' 9 Vol 13/12 Surgery Doe ~q 7083. (1593) METHODS OF ADMINISTRATION or fit oon sunrlTUTES (Rus- sian text) - B a ku I ev a T. P. - KIIIRURGIYA 1959, 3 (56-60) Illus. I Proceeding from ine patn5l-enetic assumptions In treatment of shock the author modifted Sellsovsky's anti- shock f luid b-Y adding bromine and caffeine to it. Follow- ing experimental investigation an toxicity, the fluid was used in the clinic for treatment of traumatic and surgical shock of the tat and 2nd degrees with success- ful results 1100 observations). There were no untoward side effects or compli - cations. Positive results were obtained with another blood substitute - polyglucin. rolyglucin infusion was employed In 104 patients with grave traumatic Injuries and acute blood lose. A positive hatmodynamic effect was obtained. It gave no post- transfusional reactions or complications. In terminal conditions blood sobalituICH were Injected not only 1. v. A complex method of revival of the patients was carriell out In 28 cases. DLfferent methods. of administration of blood substitutes (poly- glucin and Seltsovsky's fluid) and of blood plasma were studied and assessed, In all cases of intra-arterial injections of the above -mentioned substrates similar therapeutic effects were obtained, except in case of Seltsovsky's fluid. The latter gave a painful reaction In the extremity Into which the intra-arterial Injection was instituted (at the moment of injection). This is explained by a sharp irritation of the angio receptors with eftl alcohol contained in this mOdure. The new modified Seltsovsky's fluid poss*ssesan anti-shock effect and may be prepared in any phar- .--BAKULEVA, -1,2. (Hooky&) Punction of the pancreas in hypert^nsion, 36 no.101 98-103 0 158 (MIRA litil) 1. Is kaffidry goopitallnoy terapil (diro - daystvitell"y chlou ANN SSSR saslyshenW deyetell nauki prof* A,A* Dagd"arov) pedistricheakogo fakullteta 11 Xoskovoskogo meditainakogo instituti iment. Nelo Pirogova; (HYPIUMION, inhysiol, pancreas OiWs)) (PANCIMAS. physiol. In var. die* In hypertension (Rue)) BAKULEVA,, V. P., Candidate Ned Sci Was) -- "7he functional state of the pan. creasin hypertension patients". Moscow,, 1959- 12 pp (Second Moscow State Med Inst im N. 1. Pirogov), 250 Copies (KL~ No 25, 1959P 139) Using wlthdrawal~le furnaces with water-cooled wall*, Hias, Ind, SSSR 29 no,2%24-25 158. (KIRA 11:5) l.Patropavlovokly "okonservny7 kombinat. (Furnaces) ----------- USM/Forestry - Forest Culture j-4 Abe Jour Referat Zhur - Biologlyap No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 69132 Author -J3Wviljq,, A.A. Inst Title Forest Growing Conditions of Eterev and Khopersk-Don Sandy Mountain Ranges. Orig Pub Tr. Stalingr. a.-kh. in-ta, 1955, 6, 152-163 Abstract Ten types of sandy soils are distinguished. The group of very good growth conditions includes soils of meadow sandy loam and sandy soils, sandy loam with deep humus and sandy loam with a clayey interlayer. The group of good ones inclucle the buried sandy loam soils, saMy soils with a clayey interlayer, and sandy soils. Adequate soils include growth locations represented by sandy soils with plantings of piney III bonitet, weakly formed light humus, and semibroken and weakly formed sandy soils with plantings of III and IV bouita. The Card 1/2 - 55 - -USM/Forestry - Forest Culture. j-4 Abe Jour Referat Zhur - Diologiya, no 16, 25 Aug 1957, 69132 group of poor soils include underdeveloped sandy soils of steep slopes and the summits of hillock sands and un- developed soils of empty hollows. The best species in sands is the ordinary pine. The Crimean pine is useful only for cultivation in better places for growth. Plan- tings of deciduous trees are expedient on meadow sandy loam and sandy soils with close subsurface water. Here pine cultivation is characterized by intense growth in height and thicknese from 10-20 years of age. Better re- sults are obtained from cultivations of medium density. It is emphasized that plantings in conditions described are developed in conformity with the same conditions that exist in a forest zones The mo3t successful natural pine reforestation is observed on meadow sandy loam soils and sandy soils with subsurface water not deeper t1m 2 to 3 m. from the surface. Card 2/2 - 56 - UKULIN, A.A lavn-yy mekhaulk (at. TS&ritsyno Hoskovsko-Kursko-Donbeaskor- doro~l Prepare machinery for summer operation. Pat' i put. khos, no,,2.- 22-23 7 159. (MIRA 120) (Railroads--Track) (RAilroads-1quipment and supplies) SKLYAPOTKO, V.M.; PAVASOV, A.Ye., starshiy inzli.; BAKULM, A.A. Letters to the editor,4 Put' i put* khoz., 5 no. ItO Ja 161* (MIRA 3.4: 5) 1. Ilachallnik etroitellnogo otdola Giprotranskarlyera (for Sklyuenko), 2, Nachallnik otdola puti, zdaniy i sooruzhonly otdoleni~a dorogi, ate Shaulyny, Litovskoy dorogi (for Bakulin). (Railroads) ACC NRt APT000365 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/022/0!hO/0140 Mashnikov, Yu. I.; Lebedev, 0. N.; Treekov,-V. V.; Dozenberg, 14. Me; 1~41n,.A- I-; Boyko, Is 1.1 Krupenya, B. I. JORG: None :TITLE.- A,mechanism for forced impact destruction of a diaphragm. Class 47, No. ISOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlemWe obraztsy, tovarnyye znead, no. 22, 1966, 14o ITOPIC TAGS: pneumatic device, gas pressure ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a mechanism for forced impact destruc- ;tion of a diaphragm. The unit consists of a striker and a bal.1 catch which holds the latriker in the cocked position. The kinetic energy of the striker is increased by !rigid connection to a piston which uses gas pressure to move the striker &fter the ~ball catch is released. 621.646.824:621. ACC- NRI AP7000365 -- --------- 1--strikeri 2-piston; 3-ball catch SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE.* OlFeb65 1 CorJ 2/_2 3/19 61/000/012/044/097 D256YD303 AUTHORS: and Radchuk, I. I. T1TLE: Detecting defects in carrying cables of cable ways P1.210DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 12, 1961, 27, abstract 12V230 (Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta pod"yomno-transp. mashinostr. 1960, no. 9,3-33) TEXT: A &scription is given of an experimental arrangement deve- loped by VNIIPTMASh for testing carrying cables of cable-ways. It was required that the Instrument should show internal defects of the cable along its total length including both open and enclosed sections, i.e. including the union couplings and pillar shoes, For this reason two kinds of instruments were devised: Electromagnetic and ray-type; and a detailed description of the theory and construc- tion of both types of instruments is presented together with the results of laboratory tests, The methods of cable testing used on cable-ways in other countries are also discussed. There are 26 fi- i,,,ureb and 12 references. /-Abutractor's notoiComplete translation.-7 Card 1/1 BAXIMIN, A.S. .1"rove'ments In the derrick of the AGWJ derrick car. Blek. I tepl. tiaga 2 no.9t2l 8,058. (WRA 1ljlO) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika 2-go uchamtka anargoonabehenlya ~bekovsko-luruko-Donbasekpy dorogi, (Railroads-Derrick cars) (Cranes. dorricke. etc.) I D In the Council of Scientific and Technical Information of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian B.S.R. Vissyk AN URBR 24 no. 10 17617 0 052. (NMA, 919) (Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.) -- - - 'DAMIN,- D-.---- -- - --- - ---- -- - - - - - lit the Council of Sclpntific and Technical Information. Vissyk AN URSR 24 ne.11:77-?A 9 152. (KLU 9:9) (AcAdany of Sciences of the Ukrainian BoSeRe) BAKULIN. D. Propags.tion of science and technology in the B*O#Paton BleotrIc Volding Institute and the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Visnft Alt URSR 2W73 D 153. (KLR.L 7:3) (Velding) (Ukraine--Geological wassums) (Geological nuesuns-4kraine) IMNOV, K.K.g R&KMN, D.I. Jourma .0 vlsnyk AN URMt 26 no.1:79-80 Ja 155a (Welding-Periodicals PALIADIN,, A.V., akadomik; FEDORCHMO, I.M*,, akademik; GULYY,, M.F., akademikj,PWLIU,jD.I.; MELINIKOV, N.P., kand.tokhn.nauk; OKWLOMj Neves prolo, dokwr zekhn.nauk; LTUBAVSKIY, K.V j prof doktor tekhnnauk, laureat StalinskLkh premiy., PORTNOY, N:D kandetekhn.nauk; TSIBANI, N,G.; K'=KGVP M.S.# doteent; AGRONOKN, SoNs, inzhol POLYAKOV, V.A., inahol SHERSTYUK,, V.N., inzh. Congratulations on the publication of the issue no,100 of the "Avtomaticheskaia Svarka" journal. Avtom,evar. 14 no.7.- 3-8 J1 161. (I-IIIIA 14-7) 1. Prezidbnt AN USSR (for Palladin). 2. AN WAI, glavuyy uchenyy a9kretarl AN USSR (for Fedorchenko). 3. AN LISSA Fodsedatell re- daktsionno-indateltakogo soveta AN LISSH fo ( r Gulry . 1, Uchenyy, sekmtar AN USSR (for Bakulin), 5. Diroktor instituta "Proyektetallkonsti~*talya- (for Holinikov). 6. Predsedatel oaktaii ovarochnogo proizvodotva~ Teklmiko-ekonomicheskogo ooveta Leningradekogo sovnarkhoza (for Okerblom). 7. Glavr4y ovarshchik Uralvagonzavoda (for Portnoy). S. GlavWy inzh. zavoda im. Nosenko (for TSyban'). 9. Dallnovostochnyy politekhnicheskiy institut im. V.V.Kuybyshove (for Kulikov). 10. Dallzavod.(for Agronomov, Polyakov), 11. Dallnevostochnyy --i nauchno-isaledovateltakiy inotitut po.atroltellstvu (for Sheratyuk). (Electric welding- PerVAIftle) BAKULLIJ. Y.G. Constructing highways leading to diamond deposits. Avt.dor. 22 [1.9-231 no-9:25 8 060. (MIRA 13:9) (Takatia-Road construction) " BAKULINI F.G. - Concerning M.N.Golidahtsin's hypothesis of moisture migration aod ice formation In freezing ground. Wt.i& o9n.uch.o mors.son.som. kory no.2:34-37 155. (MLRA 13:9) (Soil freezing) r.G. Defining the concepts of the 'moisture and Ice content of frozen ground.* H&t.jc onn.uch.o mars. son. sam. icorjr no.2:52-56 '55. (MIRA 13:9) (frozen ground) USSR/tngineering - Soil Science ---FD-3230 C, Author Bakulin, F. 0. and Zhukov, V. F., Moscow Title Deformation of Frozen Spread Soils Duzing Thaving Periodical Izv. AN SM., Otd. Tekh. Nauk 7, 132-1.36, Jul 55 Abstract Reviews conclusions or Soviet literature on subject. Considers influence of thickness, compactnesej moisture content, rate of freezing, inclusions, and mineral con-tent of defox tion. Con- siders influence of configuration and compactness of individual mineral componentsp with moisture-content slightly above plasticity limit, on volume increase during freezing and the influence of external surface loading on deformation after thawing. Four graphs. Ton references, all USSR. Institution Submitted 27 May 1954 TSYTOTICH, N,A.; MSISOTA, Z#A.; BOMMOVA, A.P.; TATTUNOT, LA.; DOMTALOT, B.No; SHVWSKIT, P*A.; SAVILMIT IB.A.; ZHUXOT, NARMOT. 04,; TTAIDY. SeSs; SHUSMINA, To.?. Physical phenomena and processes in froesingt frozen, and thaving sollol general coments, Hat, po lab, lool, moral, grunt, no,3t?- 114 157. (MMA lot1l) (Frozen ground) m;_ A i.- ; , , -i . - - - T -I f - !-, T -f- ~Tflis-r 1 -.1, - -- - - 11 - ~ -1 - -- I DMMWOTA. A,P,j BAKULIN, ING. ~ Xxperio!"tal study of mechanisms of moisture movements in. fressing ground Hat. po lab. tool. marsl. grunt. no,3:117-128 '57, (;oil moisture) (honan gmind) (KIRk 10:11) BAMIN, -redor Ori&or'Xutk%U -N=ESOVA- - Z.A., kRnd.geologo-minoralogichaekikh neuk, otvatetvannyy red., KOTLY;RVSKAYA. P.S., red.tzd-va; POLYAKOVA, T.V.. tokhn.rod. (lee and sediment in thawing of perennially frozen ground Quaternary deposits of Vorkuta District) Vdistoet' i osadki pri ottelvenii mnogoletnemertlykh chetyartichnfth otlozhanii Vorkut- skogo ralona . Moskva. lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 19.58. 94 p. (HIRA 11:6) (Vorkuta District-4rosen ground) --- BAWLIN, F. (;, - ---- -- - -- -- - -- - - - -- Settling of frozen ground during thaving at experimental sitea. Hate k. oens uche o mam son* some kory no.6s!34-142 160. (MIRA lN10) (Frosen ground) ,e .DAXULI-?(s-,F#-A,. Cand Mod Soi .. (diss) *Stimulation of-owboaregeneration in -6 ** 10\ 6 4~ L! -4ss&ssW,' the treatment of fraotures vdth intrit-terinl 0100k*-Or navo6ainj. and W~ I .1~ morphine*" Gorskiy, 1957, 12 pp (Gortkiy State 'Jed Inst iin S. Y. Kirov), 200 Oopies (XL, 45-57, 99) -24- BAKULIN. F,H., mayor med.sluzhby ww"*OwNw"ww-, "010 Result ;'f'the use of internal fixation of frreturne. shur. no.12153-54 D057 (MIRA 110) (7RACTURICS, surgery, nailing, result (Rue)) BAKULIN. P.M., podpolkovnik med.slushby. Stimulation of bons regeneration it the treatment of fractures by an Intra-arterial novocaine block with morphine. Yoen.-med.shur. U0.12t 19-21 D 158. (MIRA 12:12) (MOTURNS, ther. Intra-arterial procatte block with morphine, stisralation of bone regen. (Run)) ("DMM, ther.use. fract.. with intra-arterial procaine block, stimulation of b6te regen. PuW (PROGAINN, ther. use, fract., Intra-arterial block, with morphis, stimulation of bone regen. (Rue)) JARISMSIA, RIGIONLL, in var. die. Intrao-arterial procaine block in fract., with morphine, stimulation of bone regen. (Rue)) BAEUT'Ic SAM Unusual case of severe closed abdominal trauma. Khlrurgila, Moskva 34 no.lltII4-115 N 158. (MIR& 12%1) (ABDOMIN, vda. A inj. closed, unusual case (Ibis)) BAKULIN. reN. (Perm') Two cnees of severe open fractures of the long bones treated by metn1lio osteosyntheeiso Ortopstraym, J protes 19 no,2:63 Mr-Ap 158 (MIRA 11t5) (YRACTUR39S, surg. metallic ostoosynthesto of open frActe (RUBD BAKULIlq (Perm') Case of the sucesoaflul use of tranedlaphragmatic, drainage of the mediastinum in jeophageal perforation. Khirurgiia VoJ1126-129 163s, 1 WRA 1615) (ESOPHAG12-WOUNDS AED IFJURIM) (ARAIVAGEO SURGICAL) BAKUIJNv F.H. Two cases of serious multiple combined fractures of the long bones. Qrtop.,travm. i protoz. 22 no.4871-12 Ap 161. (MIRA 14211) (INMAL FIXATION IN FRACTURM) (MMITIES, IDWM-.,MCTURES) BAKULINp I. L "Rational Production of Shovels for Aspen Planks," Lea. khoz.0 No.10 1952 USSIVAtriculture - Cattle Breeding Card 1/1 Author I 9&kuliq,,_jj,,__Cand. of Agricult. Sciences Title I The Azerbaidzhan Zebu (cattle) Periodical s Pr1roda, 5. 108 - 110) May 1954 Abstract The large cattle In southern Aterbalfthan has Its origin from the Zebu and its hybridization with local Caucasian stock. The milk from Zebu-cows has a higher fat content, up to 4.64% in the summer season. The milk also has a higher content of albumin 3.4 - 3.7% and mineral substances (calcium in particular) 147.2 - 156.s mg% Zebu milk has a high content of nicroolements: cobalt, copperp iron# zinc. The content of microelements in Zebu-milk is two (2) to two WA one half times (21) higher than in the milk of Caucasian stock. Photos of Zebu cattle and hybrid cattle are included. Institution t Acad. of Se. USSR Submitted 1 00.0 MULINt 1. 1. MR/Agriculturo Duffnio rairing Cold 1 1/1 Authors Unkulin, 1. 1., Candidnte of Af:riculturvl 1',ciencen Title I Lonkorm bifftlos Perlodiml Prirodn, 43/7, 107 - 109, JulY-1954 Abstract T~--,concentrntion of buffalo raising, in 6outhern Azerbiijan near Lonkornn is doucribod.rnd,detnils of Vic production of cannercial products from thic animal are given. Illustrations. Institution cul"ittod TWWPI110T, A.L. Prinimali uchastiye: BAKULIN. 1.l.; VIK&TATSV, A.P.; WWROT. N.T.; ZABANOT, P.N.; -PjSikWjT, I.G.; POPOV, N.J.4 SMTIYEV. A.Vol prof*, doktor Gkon.nauk, reteentent; NAKAROV, I.P., prof*, doktor skon.nauk, reteensentl OORTACHKIN, X,I., kand.nauk. reteenzent; OXEMIN, X.A., kand.nauk, rateentent; RUtAKOV, 0A., kand.nauk. retsensentl NUUTOT. D.G.. kand.neuko reteensent; XLr6HXIN, S.D., kand.nauk, reteensent; TOWV, Y.Y., reteensent* Elconomic basis for acricultural administration] Voprosy ekonomi- cheskogo oboanovanlis sistem vadoulla sellskogo khoziEkietva. Koskva, 1960. 275 P. (KMA 13:6) 1. Moscow. Vassoyuznyy asuchno-issladovatellskiy inatitut skonemiki sellskogo khosynystva. 2. Veasoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inati- tut skonomiki sallskogo khozyaystva (for Bakulin, Vikhlyayev, Daborov, Kabanov, Pielmennyyo Popov.) (Parm management) BMLIN,, I.I., starehiy- zmuchnyy ootrudnik; DOGACRIK, I.A., starshLy - ootnuinilrl KNYMV, N.K., otarohly nauchnyy notrudnik; HASHKEVICH, N.G., otarshiy nauchnyy sotrudzdk; PIStMENM,, I.G.p starshiy nauchuyy xotra~ik; UDOVENKO, YeJa., otarshiy nauchnn sotrudidk Speoialization qjSfarms for securing the supply of fresh milk to the populatfoWof large oities. Zhivotnavodstv0*23 no.7:16-23 JI 161. (MfM 16: 1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy inatitut ekonomiVI sel'skogo khosyaystva. (Dairying) -- -- ---- r- AMT1 TINI 1 -1 .- IN . -- -- - -- --- --- -- -- - - , --- - ---- - --- Forests and Forestry Propagandizing the importance of the forest among the peoples IAse khozo 59 no. 7, 1952. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. September ?M. Unclassified. 1, IAMIN' I.N. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Torest Xanagement 7, Theory and practice of improvement cutting. Lee. khos. 5 no. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - February .1953. Unclassified. BUWRINI N.V.; BAK-JILINO K*A* Structure of the velocity field of winter flow In the Borok- Koprino cross section. Trudy Inat. b1ole vnutro vod noo6:25EL '~i9 163. (ICRA 18:1) PAMIS, X,V.,- DUDINA. N.A., tokhnichookly rodaktor Co'oordiuats-base work on large ploco*3 Itoord I nat no-bas oval& )bm 'botka krupnykh detalels Hooky&, Gov. nauchno-tokhn, itd-yo maohlno strottellnoi I sudostrottellnoi lit-ry, 1953. n. P. (MLRA 7:8) (Drilling wA boring) AID P - 4303 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 3/26 Authors Bakulin, M. V. and V. M. Kopikygorenko Title Examples of adjusting the deisign of construction details to a technologically-resonable machining. Periodical Vest. mash., #3, P. 17-19, Mr 1956 Abstract The authors give numerous examples from the shops of the Ural Machine Plant (UraliTash-zavod) showing how relatively small changes in the design of machine details can make a great time- and inoney-saving difference in their machinimg. Diagrams. Institution : None Submitted ; No date KITSEN-3 ZKDLIS, loglp 3qlomoO**jcb; EDPAYGORUKO, V.N..Inzhener. reteenzent: BAKULIN.NoTe Inshonfra retsonsonfe.TARTOm. rar;$Okb%~"~~,w rodaktore [Stand imothod for maebtalac large parts.' vork prfatices of the Ural Mmoblue INctory) Stsndwrala obrabotka krapnykh dptalet; is opyta Urilmashsaveda, Moskva. Oon.n&uchno-tskhn.ixd-v4 wAshinostroit,lit- t7, 1956. 41 p. (MM lotO (Machine tool Industry) (Rolling milli) BAXUL-114' " KOPATGORMO, Vusilly Kalmrovich; SWASHOV, mmufte'um A 4X, - CF.. 6621"Ca!ti toW"ne esklykO nauk, roUsenzent; DUOINA, N.A., tokhnIchookly rodaktore (Planning the application of now techniques to every mchine tool; according to thapractless of the Ural irachinery ?1ant] Planirovanie vnedrofiiia novol -tekhniki n& Imabdom stiknks; po opytu Uralmobsavodae Koskva. Oo*.n&ucbno-tekhu.izd-v* u&*hiuostrott.lIt-ry, 1956. 42 p, I Nachine tools) (KLRA 10M BAKUINj X.Y.1 OXROXLI, S.00, Insh. C-... transportability of structum. Kashinostroitell U0.909-40 8 '37. (Mahins-bhop praotioe) (xLRA 100) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 342 Mitsengendler, Iosif Solomonovich Stendovaya obrabotka krupnykh detaley; 1z opyta Uralmashzavoda (machining of Large Parts on a Platform; Experience of the Ural Machine Plant) Moscow, Mas4iz, 1956. 41 P. 3,000 copies printed (Obmen tekhnicheakim opytom). Reviewers: Kopaygorenko, V.M., Engineer, and Bakulin, M.V.,, Engineer; Tech. Ed: Duzina, N.A. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for engineerin nd technical personnel of machine-building plants. COVERAGE: The author describes a progressive method of machining large parts. The method employed at the Ural Machine- Building Plant is based on the use of machine tools assembled from standardized componants and technological processes of serial production. The machined part is a steel casting of a rolling-mill frame weighing 78 metric tons, with dimensions of 23.4 ft x 11.6 ft x 6.2 ft. Card 1/2 Application of the new methods results in completion of the Machining of Large Parts on a Platform 3k2 frame machining in five days as contrasted with the 2-3 months required for this cycle previously. The booklet describes the tool set-up and all the consecutive oper- ations of the old and new methods of machining. The general conclusion of our experience based on successful utilization of the new method permits reduction of the production cycle time for large parts up to 1/3 - 1/4. There are no references or personalities mentioned. TAUE OF CONTENTS: Introduotion.- 3 The Machined Part 5 The Old Technological Process T Specialized Machining Sector 11 The New Technological Process 26 Conclusion 41 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JA0/MTL Card 2/2 may 29P1958 BAKULIN, M.T. Now technIqM for horizontal adjustment of larle,parte. UZU no-7:181-1M '58.. R RA 12W (PechinR-shop practice) BAXULIN, N.- Further simplification of planning and accounting records is necessary. Muke -elev *prom* 21 no-3830 Mr '53- (XMA 8: 5) I* Holdavskays, respublikanskVs, kontors. Eagotserno. (Grain trade-Accounting) I I , I "U", IN D. I Ca.-A Led Sci - ((a "-s) 4 ri tlv~ - cli vity of caijv- , I ithhydrace in tho ctrobram ,na blood o~' im,-ar tho offect of .opo- rific :,nd vtimul:--tin,- subotanceo." Kuybyshev, 1(,# 5 P, .11 pp, (KLi.,rbysl,(,,v St:ito Lod Inst, Chair of Bioollwnintry), 220 co;dnn (KLPO-51",142) - -, 4j- - BAKULINp N.D. Simple method for preparing a suspension of medullar matter. Iab. delo 7 no.106 Ja 161. (MIU .14:1) 1 IL, Kafedra biokbimii (sav. - dotsent Yu.D. Ryzhkov) Chitinskqgo meditainskogo institute, (AUTOMIGAL SPECD-IM) BAKULIN.- N.D.-- - - - - - - Taist tube holder equipped witha Weguard. 1~b. delo 7 no.321 4&47 D 161. (miaA ion) 1. Kafedra biokhimii (sav. - dotaent Yu.D.Rphkov) Chitirwkogo meditainskogo inetiiita. (LABOR&TORIES-OFAMUS AND SUPPLIES) PEM I BOOK mawrUTION SOV/3895 Moscow. Tsentrallm nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut chernoy metaLlurgii. Institut pretsitionnykh splavoy Pretsizionnyye splavy (Precision Alloys) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1960. 283 p. (Seriesi Its: Sbornik trudoy, v7p. 23) Errata slip inserted. 2.525 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agencyt USSR. GosudarstvennVa planor" koxisslys, Ed.: D.I. Gabrielyan; Rd. of Pablishing House: Ye.l. 14vit; Tech. Ed. t Te.B. Vaynebteyn. PMUM: This book Is intended for engineers and scientific personnel in the metanurgicall instrunient-prodaction, and electrical-equipment industriesp as well as for industrial personnel engaged in the production of precision alloys. It my also be useful to students attending advanced technical schools. COVERAGN: The articles in this collection present the results of investigations conducted in recent years by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Card 1/ 6 Precision Alloys W715895 Ferrous Metallurgy (Teantrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut, cbernoy metanurgii). The articles deal vith inftstrial techniques of producing soft magnetic alloysp properties and structure of the alloys at extremely low texperstures and in high-frequency magnetic fields, deformation textures., magnetostriction., the galvanomagnetic effect., volume changes., ate. Sam articles are concerned vith the investigation of deformed bard magnetic alloys. No personalities am mentioned. The articles am accompanied by referenceBp both Soviet and non-Soviet. TANX OF CONTKM-. Sokolov, V.I. Developwnt, of Metbods of Obts.1,ning 50N and 19M Soft Magnetic Alloys With Good Magnetic Properties 5 Bakulin., M. Rolling Iron-Nickel Povdere Into Strip 23 Gratsianov.. Yu.A. and A.A. Gerasimenko. Nov Soft Magnetic Iron-Nickel-Bilicon Workable Alloys 34 Gabrielpm, D.I. and G.N. Xadvkqva. Improy d Dynamo Grade Electrical Sheets flith Al and As Additions) 47 Card R/ 6 28545 8/137/61/000/009/013/087 A060/AI01 AUTHORi. Bakulin, N.I. TI=t Rolling of nickel-iron powders into tape PZMODICAL3 Referativnyy zhurnal.. M*Wlurgiya, no. 9, 1961, 3-4, abstract 9D22. ("Sb. tr. Teentr. n,,,i. in-t chernoy metallurgli", 1960, 23, 23-33) TMM: The research was carried out with iron nickel carbonyl powders each particle of which had the required composition. The design of the experimental laboratory mill of TsNIIChM and the technology of the preparation of tape with composition H50 (N50) and M 65 (N65) are described. After molding and s:Lnt6rtng In,a protective medium, cold rolling with intermediate annealings, and trimming of edges one obtains the tape N50 with cross neotion.0.005 x. 10.0 mm with density 8,2 &/o;3. Oraphe are given, showing the dependence of the magnetic properties h=, Ho (after vacuum annealing and thermomagnetio. treatment) on the tape thick. nee* within the limits 0.005 - 0.05 mm, and &~so graphs of electric resistivity and (tensity vs tape thickness after molding, sintering, and degree of deformation under further rolling. The electric, resistivity tells off regularly with inereas- Card IP X Rolling of n1okel-Iron powdora Into tape 28545 S11,37A 1/000/009A 13A87 A060/A101 ed reduction on account of the increase in density and reaches considerably lower values than,in east alloyq,.4u* to the greater.purity of the powderd uoed.for rolling. [Abstracter's note3 Comp~fje translation] V. mezis Card 2/2 ~Vtak-visws is a* 6"id utimmo. P. INM3 IN "111414-1th 1. 4 I'liatilwy, 1111A., Amot. 3D). 14 41%0-14mlol 4 t-A-imigMe mithoklina in IM fAimne iv"* I(Of i. t"ob,"I trk Ow 14ivov RE ~-n In IPM vie". A- h4,h to 13.2 Intl% 4 "o. iWellill' V#-pf' its I-tit"Ki. hA%r I'"" off-wi,j"41 m"41 0 twlk "selpi,W1 ,J I.I.artleng r-i tilling. k fo~sna Ivird. Nod-l*p I- Iwmp iwo--twti I.v w4rcls--to of MCI% vkMtng 1".2 BAXULU, F- Creative approaahe MoteuA. 9 no.UslO D 160, (MM 13112) (ftla Basin-CoWL min" and mining) VIADDUROV, Nikolay-Pe-trovich-;- "T L-11 EP?I'CV Iva n- Alekneye VI ch BXLOGLAZOV, Vnsllly Ivraovich; PUSHYJJiEV, Leonid Vasillyevich; ZERLOV, S.A., Jnzh., retsenzent; AGAFOV, A.D., kapitan, retsenzent; PYATWN, A.A.,kapitan, rrtqenzent,- 4WLIN,.P.F., kapitan; retsenzent; MOSKVIU, S.V.p kapitan-nastavniks retsenzent; POROCIIXIN, Ye.M.# red.; MAYI(WAIINA, A.N., red. (Special sailing directionn. for the Volga-Kama and Don River basins; Moscow Canal, Volga River from the Ivankovo Hydraulic Development Complex to 13ortyull, Kwm Y'vor from the city of Perm to its estuary, Vol-L-Von Canal, To"Imlyansk Reservoir, and the Don River from the T~".ml;vannk Re-~ei,oir to the city of Rostov] Spetslotsiia Vo1zhsko-Karskogo i Donskogo basseinov; ka- nal im. Moskvj, r. Volga ot Ivanlkovnkogo g1drouz1a do nas. p. bertiull, r. Fama ot g, Perm' do uatlia, Volgo-Donskoi. kanal im. V.I.Lenina, TSimlianskoe vodokhranilishche i r. Don ot I'Simlianskogo vodokhranillshcha do g.11o6tov. Moskva, Trm sport$ 1964. 288 p. (FIRA 17:10) 7BAMI-1--t IF. -1.- -- - -- 27584. siuAba vremeni. Miks v shfkole, 1949, No. 4, s. 6-16. SO: lAtoplal Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 37, 1949 --BAKLLI -- - ---- -- Bakulin, P. 1. - "On certain problems connected with tile use of tne printing chonograph", Soobshch. Jos. Astron. in-ta i,,r.. Shternberga, No. 31, 190) P, 17-19. SOt U-hIlO, 11 July 53~ (toetopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 19, 1)49). VBWAXtrO=W - TIM 81pab sep/oat 50 00onated Moment* of Rhythmical Time Signals for *7 - 1948," P. I. Bakulinp State Astr Inst ineni. 8htenberg *Astron Zhur" Vol XXVIX, No 5, PP 305-31k Includes tables and graphs of.tImisignal variations V*rsuf time (Jan-Dec,, 1945 - 1948). Calculation and publication of collated moments In USSR has been 46up since 1 Jan 49., by Cen Sci Reg Bu. Unified Time By. Presents hitt= of vork of State Astr Inst Iwni Shtenberg'on time service for 1947 - 1948. ?'A A , r . : . BAEMIN, P.L. redaktor- DMWOTSUY, I.I.;'KASICTICE, A.G.; PARXIAGO, P.P.; I - Mr "OP. 1. 0 [Astronomical calendar. Yearbook. Section on variables. 19541 Astronoxiohaskii kalendar'. Ishogodnik. Peremennaia ohast'. 1954. Red. kollegilag P.I.Bakulin, K.K.Dabrovskii, A.G.Rasevich, P.P.Pare- nago, P.I-Popov. Kookys,. Go*. isd-vo takhniko-tooratichookot lit-ry, 1933. 207 p. (MULA 7:7) (Astronomy-Yearbooks) BAMINS F.I. ."M __ r Determining procession from proper motions of stare of plate subsystems. Astron.tair. no.139:6-7 Je '53. NLRA 7:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheakiy Institut imeni Shternberga. (Precession) (Stare--Proper motion) KMNDI, B.S.; RKMIF* Pjt,, redaktor; SARSONIINKO. L.V., redaktor; redaktor [Principles of the astronomicai method of measuring time) OsnoV7 astronomicheekogo motod& Irmerentla vromento Pod red* P*I.Bakultna. Hookya, Goo* Isd-vo takhniko-toorato lit-ry, 1954, 60 p. (HLRA 7111) (Time measurements) P.I., otyetstv*My redaktor; LUBROMIT, I.K.; KASIVICH. A.G., "U e Uft,' PAMMAGO. P.P., redAktor; POPOV, P.I., redaktar; RAKKI-IN, r I.Y9., redaktor; AXMANOV, S.N.. tekhniohookly redoiktor. [Astronouloal calendar-, yearbook. Variable Wt 19551 Aetronomicho- skil, kalendar'. Bahagodnik. Peresenmia chast' 1955. Red. kol. P-I-Ba- kulin, I.K.Dubrovskil i dr. Xoekva. Goa. isd-vo tekhaiko-teorst. lit- ry, 1954. 231 P. (Vossoiusnot astronono-goodesicheakoe obahchestvo, no.58) [Microfilm] (am 821) (2phemerides) PLAZHIO, S.N., professorl P61., redaktort RAXIMIN. X.Te, redaktor; OATRI14MI. Bass$ to n chfwskty red&ktor (Course In spherlo4 astronoiVI Mars oferichaskoi astronomil. lade 2-e. Fri red, uohastil P.I.Bakulina. Moskvao Gos# lid-vo tokhniko-toorst. lit-ry, 1954, 332 p. CMicrofilQ MRA 8:1) 1e Xomkovskly ordena Lenin& gosudarstyanM universitst im. MoVeLomonosova (for BUM o) (Astronomyt Spherical and, practical) MIKHATLOV, Alsk"ndr Aleksandrovich; BAKULIV, P.I., redaktor; kandIdAt fiviko-satenaticheskikh nauk; NFU OV.3 redaktor; !SLIWTIT]WA. P.G.. takhnicheekly rodaktore [Pulkovo' observatory] PUIkOW0691A observatorits. Moskva, lsd-vo "Znanle," 1955. 23 P. (Yessolusnos, obahchestvo po rasprostraneniin politicheakikh t nauchoyth snanti. Ser-3. no.41) (KLRA8:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AkpAemil nank SSSR. (for Mikhaylov) (Pulkovo Astronomical Obsorwatory) BAMIN,J~J2,,rsdaktor; DUBROVSKIT, K.K., rodaktor; KASIVICH, A.G., ~riktor; PARENAOD. P.P., rodaktor; RAKHLIN, I.To., redaktor; AIDWOV, S.N., takhnichaskly rodaktor. (Astronomical yearbook. Annual. Section on variables for 19561 Astronoolebeekki Yalendar'. Ishogodnik. Peremannals, chast' 1956, Red.kol: P.I. Bakulln. I.I.Dabroypkii I dr. Moskva, Goo.ixd-ve takhnike-tooret.lit-ry, 1955. 24? p. (Yesediusnoo astronomo- goods 11 10sakcs dbshchestvo no.59) (MLRA 9:1) (AstronovW-Yearbooks5 - UnLIN. P.I. 1486 Of 4001tioa and amended proper notions J939 stars, TrWW GAIU 26t167-253 133. (KM loo) (etars-Catalegs) WA/ A3tronomV - Co5mio radiation CArd 1/1 Pub- 6 - 4/13 Authors Bakvlin, P. I., and :~hklovnkiy. I. S. TWO Occultation of two discrete f4ources of radiation by the gDoon Periodleva I Antron. zhur- 32/1, 29-)2, Jnn-Feb 1955 Abstraot t A tiew method of studying the nattirc of discretv sources of 008=0 rmiinticn Is bvjj~tftvd- This r,othod consists *..n the analysis of observed data on the (.)c,,:ultnti(,n of such sources by thu moon. Data for two powerful discrete tiourc, v of cosmic mciatlc,n is presented tind diacussed. One vf thtmis the tLurus-A ('( z '5h3lm34.5,; 8 -220 Oil tht other it near the ~? Gem-ini with the coordinates Ix t 6hlJ'37'; 5 :: "2() 38' -Fivc refort~ncev- j UZ7R and 2 USA (19.51-1954). Tables. Institution I Tho Shternberg, Stato Antroncimicnl Inntituto SubmAtted I IE&I-C 0 1 U ~U, 195i; Daternlalng the proolemion constant from proper notions of store with & flat OONPonout, Trudy UISH 26tl24-166 155, NIU 1013) (Star&-,Pr*per notion) Orecession) 4% BAKULIS P.I., oty6tstvannyy redaktor; DUBROVSKIT, K.K., redektor sod) -, KUIAGIH, S G. # redaktor; HASIVICH, A.G., redektor; P1=00. P.P.., redaktor; RAKHLIN, I.Te.. redektor; MURASHOVA. N.Ya.. takhnicheakiy redaktor [Astronomical calender. Yearbook. Variable section for 19571 Astronomichaskii kalendar'* Xzhegodnik. Peremenne is chast' 1957. Redo kolleglia P.I.Iskulin t dr, Moskva, Oos, izd-vo takhniko- tisorets lit-ry. 1956- 288 P. (Tsesoluxnoe astronamo-goodesicho- skoe obahchestvo. no.60) (K6RA 100) (Astronovw--Yearbooks) -I- -BMILIN- P-1- -* -DIAZHXD--ZOSG --- --- . -, , , 0 0 90 9 Studying the movement of Riefler's clock no.323 from 1945 to 1948. Trudy GAISH 27t157-163 '56. (IGRA 12i1) (Astronomical clocks) T~7 BAKULIN otystst"nVy reds; KUIAGIN, S.G., red,; XASNYICH, A.O., red. rMUGO, P.P., red.; RAKHLrN. I.Te., red.; AXHIAXOY, S.N., [Astrotionleal calandarl a yearbook* Variable mection, 19581 Astronoulabeekti kelandarlt Ithegodaik. Persucatists chast', 1958. Red.kollegiia F.I.Bakultu.i dr, Moskva, Oos, isd-vo takhniko-toorst, lit-ry, 1957* 303 p. (Yassotu2noe astronomo-goodestcheskoe obehahs- stvo. no,61) (MDU 11:2) (Astronow-Yearbooks) TA_ XULAGINO S.G.; KOYBASYUK, L.D.; DAGAYNY, M.N.; ROMBLYUH, N.D.; YEGORCON10, I.Y.(Irkutsk): KATnIN, A.A. (Irkutsk); KONSTANTINOTA, T.G. (Irkutsk): =QaAl Tjs (Irkutsk); XMIN, G,T, (Irkutsk); SAZONOTA. Z.O., (Irkutsk): CMMM, L.I. (Irkutsk)j CWWTEH, H.S. (Irkutsk); DIMIDOBICH, Te.G.'; BROWSHTIN, T.A.1 TAKHONTOTA, H.S. (Leningrad); PIROVA, W.B.1 DOOCKAYNTA. O.D.; XATASV, L.A.; KLYAKOTIO. N.A.; PARINAGO, P.P.; SHCHIMINA,-SAMOYWVA. I.S.; MVICH. A.G.; RYABOT' Yu.A*; SHCIMGLOTt V.P.; PX='# Tu.Gs; KARTINOTj D.Tes; FIDYNSKIT, T.T.; YORONTSOT-YXLIYAMINOT, B.A.; ZIGEL', F.Tue; _AAMIT, P,I.,,,, RA IN, I.Ts.. red.; AKHLAKOT. 5.N.. tekhn.rd [Astronomical calendar) Astranomichaskii kalendar'. (A yearbook; va-kable section for 19391 Ishogodnik. Paromennais cha,st', 1939. Red.Wlegils, P.I. Baimlin I dre Moskva, Goo.izd-vo fisike- moten.lit-ry, 1958. 370 P. (Tsesoluznoe astronom*-goodesichookoe abahchestva. no.62) (MIRA 12:2) 1. Gosudaretvonnoys antronomo-goodesichaskoye obohchostvs (for Wagin, Koybasyuk, Domidavich). 2. Moskovskoye otdeleniya Yeasorusnogo astre- namo-goodesichaskogo obahchestva (for Dagay9T, Rozoublyum, Broughton, Parovs). (Astronomy--Yearbooks) KULAGIN, S.G.; KOYBASYUK, L.D.; DAGAYST, M.N.; LAZARRYSEIT, V.S.; XAMIN, A.A.; KUKLIN, G.V.; CHIRNYXH, M.S.; MIKIDOVICIT. Te.G.; BRONSHM, V.A.; TAKHONTOVA. M.S. (Leningrad); PMIOVA, N.B.; DOLUCHATITA# O.D.; XATAS.XV, L.A.- MASIVICH, A.G.; SHCHWINA-SAMOYLOVA, I.$,; ARSZNTIYICV. V.V.; IRANK-KAHMMSKIT, D.A.; LITKIN, G.A.; SHCHBGLOVg P.V.; PwmI I TU.G.; BAIMTN,_P.j..; KASNVICH, A,G., red.; PARUAW,P.P., red.; RAXHLIN, I.T6., r6d,; AMMAKOV, 6,1.9 tekhn,red, (Astronomical calendar. A yearbook; variable section for 19591 Astronomiohaskii kalendart. Exhogodnik. Peremannaia chast', 1960. Rad.koll6gil& P.I.Balailin i dr. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo fisiko- mat6m.lit-ry, 1959 351 V. (Veasoiusnoo aistronomo-podesicheekoe obahchostvo, no.63i (KIRA 13:1) 1. Gosudarstvannoys astronomo-goodevichookoys obahchastvo (QAGO) (for Xulagin, Kovbnsyuk. Lazarevskly, Damidovich). 2. Hoskovskoye otdolenlys Veasoyusnogo astronomo-goodesichookogo obahchastva (KOVAGO) (for Dagayev, Broushten, Parova). (Astronouir-Tearbooks) POLAX. Iosif Fadoroviah: BAX1ULI1,,-jj,, _rmd.: RAK IN. I.Te., red.; XDIMSNIXOTA, A.P., ' [line and calendars) Tremia I kalandart, lxd,4, Pod red. PelsBakulina. Koskvs, GosJud-vo fialko-matem.lit-ry. 1959.8 46 P. (MIRA l2t7) (ties) (Calendar) BAX'ULIN* P,_I,,.otv.r9d.; DAGAM, M.N., red.; KULAGIN, S.G., red.; XIIROCHKIN, N.Ye., red,; KASXVICH, A.G., red.; RADU IN. I.Ye., red*; AUMANOT. S.L. (Astronomical oalender. Yearbook. Varying part, 1961) Astrono- micheekli kalendarl. Zzhegodnik. Peremonnain chast" 1961. Red.kollegilat P,I.Babilin L dr. Moskva, Goo,isd-vo fisiko-maten. lit-ry, 1960. 330 p. (Teesoiusnoe astronomo-goodesichaskoe obahchestyo, no.64). WRA 14a) lo Hoakovskoye otdolaniye Tsesoyusnogo astronomo-goodesichookogo obehohostva (for Degayev., Xuroahkin). (Astronomy--Yearbooks) AUTHORSt TITLEt S/0.35/t I /UW/006M5/044 A001/A101 Bakulin, P.I., Podobed, V.V. On some problems in operation of the time service FERIODICALI Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 6, ig6ii 12, ab. stract 6Aio6 ("Tr. 14-y Astrometr. konferentaii SSSR. 1958', Moscow- Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1960, 319 - 322, Discus.322-323, Engl, aummary~ TEM The authors present data which Indicate some lag of tile Soviet time services from the best foreign ones. 7he work of 13HAOTPA(MIFIRI) on the problem of determination, storing and spreading of time signals is criticized. It is proposed to enlist the services of the Academy of Sciences USSR to the scienti- fic, coordinating and planning guidance of the Soviet time services (instead of the Committee of Standards), A. ch. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 HARTMOVO DaLi+.riy Yakovlevip~; BAEULINp P.Lt rod.1 TERMOV9 MS.p tekbn. red, (Centuries and movental VWm I ngnoventia. Moakwag Isd-vo Hoak., univet 1961. 85 p. (Tim) (KUU 3417) XULIKOVI Konotantin AlsksoyevioN BUUWp P.1 r*d,; PONCYM, low*# rode j MURAWTAP N.7'ast tolfti-m-, (Course in apbariaea kstronaq] Kure oferiabsOwl astronomij, Pio- skvat Goa# izd-vo fisiko-eates, lit-ryq 1961,,,174 pe (KIRA 14i8) (AstronooWp Spherioal wA praottoal)