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L 2311-66 [ACCESSION NRt AP5020738 compared with the Debye radius, and the calculation Is performed for an operating condition In which the potential is a monotonic function of the distance from the cathode. It is further assumed that eV Is small compared with W, where V is the potential difference between the electrodes and T to the cathode temperature. From the kinetic equations are derived approximate linear intogro-differential equations for the perturbations of the distribution functions Induced by the sig- nal voltage. These are solved with tho aid of a Laplace transformation, and an Involved Integral expression to derived for the impedance. This expression to transformed In different ways for different special cases and to discussed in some detail. It is shown that ionic oscillations are not significant under the condi- tions assumtd in this calculation. The resonant behavior of the impedance at the electron bangnuir froquoncy Is very similar to that derived previously for a do function distribution, but the transit ttme oscillations found in the previous Cal- culation do not occur* of In conclusion, the author sinceriely thanks D.Ya.Mgyxhes di and D.D.LVkhtman ,foll their Interest in the work." OrIC. art. hast 89 formulas 5P, and 0 f1gurese m ASSOCIATIONs non* SUBMIrMi 02NovS4 ENCL 1 00 BUD CCV9 I U NR rar sovt w4 Orimat 001 card 2/2 EPE (c /I dF(b)/E0A(h' 3973-" EVIT(l )/EIIA(s)-2/EviT(m)/F.EC(k)-2/FIOAWG(M)/Ei'A(w)-2/T/L-'OIP(t)/E jjp(c) ' JD/#W/TT/AT ACCESSION NR: AP5024041 UR/0057/65/035/009/1621/1633 537.523.5 u" AUTHOR: Moyzhea, B. Ya.; Baksht, F. G.; 11~11klya. M. G. 77 TITLE! On the theory of low-voltage arc in cesium, 11 -~j SOURCT- Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 9, 1965, 1621-1633 TOPIC TAGS: thermlonic Snergy conversion, arc mode, cesium !ABSTRACT: The assumption is made that the concentration and temperature of electrol iare sufficiently large to mcke possible an energy exchange between fast and slow !electrons. Lhider such conditions, when the starting energies are below tile excit- I ation threshold, the electron distribution function is close to tile Maxwellian. IThe expression for ton generation and re comb Inat ion is derived along wiLh formulas for electron-electron collisions and step excitations of atoms due to electron ~inpact. By approximating the unknown functions by polynomials, the solution of the isystem of differential equations reduces to a system, of transcendental equations, ;tile solution of which can be facilitated by neglecting the effect of generation. The formulas derived are used to calculate the volt-ampere characteristics of a Iow-voltage arc-mode energy converter. Orig. art. hast 41 fomulaA and 5 ftgures. (n] Cnrd la IL 3973-66 1ACCESSION HR: APS024041 iASSOCIATIONt none !SUBHITrED: 14Nov64 NO REF SOV- 009 Card 2/2 ENCLt 00 OTHER: 008 SUB OODE: EH ATD PRESS: GZAT ACC NRs AP6007082 SOURCE CODE: tIR/OQ57166/036/002/0324/0330 AVIVOR: Baksht, F. G.; Hoyzhes, G. Ya.; Nemchinakiy, V.__ ORG: none TITLE: On the removal of energy from a plasma of a thernionic converter through the diffusion of excited atows and resonance radiation SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnitheakoy fitiki, v. 36, no. 2, 1966, 324-330 TOPIC TAGS: thermioniq converter, cesium plasma, arc discharge ABSTRACT: This Is the thirdarticleAn-a serl"-of-the-oretical studies of a thermion converter uslng~-the-_arc mode-in a Csj~lssma (See: Baksht, F. G., and B. Ya. Moythes Zh. TF, 35, 266, 1965; Moythes, B. Ya., F. G. Bakaht. and M. G. Melikiya, zh. TF, B, 9, 1965). In the first two papers, the importance of correctly evaluating the energy losses in the plasma was stressed because of the sensitivity of the ion-generation function to changes In the electron temperature, the latter being derived from the energy balance equation. In the present paper, the energy corresponding to the rexio- nance lines to shown to be insignificant in comparison to the energy given off by the electrons in the ionization process. This confirms the authors' earlier assumptions that losses due to radiations cannot substantially affect the electron tr.2erature-in the plasnj._ Much larger losses, of the order of one-third of those due to Ionization 'a ACC N& AP6007062' are caused by the drifting of the excited stoma onto the electrodes. The losses caused by the diffusion of excited stoma within the volume of the plasma are too small to be considered# Orig. art. has: 31 formulas, 1 figure, and I table. (ZLI SUB CODE% 10/ SUBM DATEt 22jun65/ ORIG REFI ODS/ OTH REF: 004/ ATD PRESSz.40019 (n) /T/DoM I TJP(C) R1W1TT1WWW1JD ACC NRI AP6031273 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/009/1685/1697 AUTHOR: Dyuzhev, G. A.; Baksht, F. G. Martainovskiy, A. M.; Moyzhes, B. Ya.; Pikus, G. Yurl Ye., yev, ORG: none TITLE: PKobe-method investigation or the plasma in therMiMic - converteics with high pressure. III. Distribution of the concentration, the electron temperature, ~Ze=,'~ke space potential in the interelectrode gap of thermionic converters SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 9, 1966, 1685-A97 TOPIC TAGS: thermionic energy conversion, direct energy conversion, arc discharge, cesium electron tube ABSTRACT., Specially constructed instruments with movable probes were used in exten- sive investigations of the operation of a cesium-filled thermionic converter. The investigations were carried out at -pressures characteristic of both the diffusion an4 are modes. The measurements confirm the theory of the diffusion mode advanced in 1960, by Moyzhes and Pikus (Moyzhes, B. Ye., and Pikus, G. Ye., M, 2, 756, 196o). They aleo show that, at low cathode temperatures, the ionization starts in this mode next to the anode in the region of the anode drop. The transition to the arc mode is I accompanied by a redistribution of the potential and a shifting of the ionization region toward the cathode. In the are mode, a substantial part of the applied volt- J/2 47035-66 FACC NRI'_ AP6031273 age drops on the near-cathode barrier and in the region close to the cathode. Next to the anode and in the anode region there is only a small potential barrier, which vanishes with increasing current. The electron temperature in the gap appears to be almost constant, although it increases slowly with increasing current. At the zame time, the carrier concentration increases rapidly when current increases. The values of electron concentration and temperature obtained by the authors agree with those obtained by other researchers in spectral measurements. While they consider their method highly useful and accurate, the authors concede that, unlike optical methods,, it does not yield information on the degree of equilibrium in the plasma. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas, 10 figures, and 2 tables. IZL) SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE; 04Sep65/ ORIG FIEF- 009/ OTH REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5089 /Card 2/2 P, of mansfusion _Lt.~ Pr ., 14-Ingrad Inot. BI"- T !V4~-~drrij 21 "Blood Transfusions in Obstetrics," Gov. Ved., No. 7, 1949. BWHT, '01. A. t IROBYWWA, V. S. Correlation of Rh-positive and Rh-negative fartor in maternal and newborn blood* Sovet. sod. no.8tl4-16-Aug 1951. (CLHL 20:11) 1. Prof. Baksht; Scientific Associate Drobyshev. 2. leninaad. BAISHT, O.A., prof.; BOOOMOLOTA, L.G., dolctor ved.nauk; YXI Z.Y.' usuebu" sotrudnik Preparation and testing of dry horvione-containing blood preparations, Akt.vop.perel.krovt uoAtI58-160 155. (MIRA 13:1) 1. taboratoriya sukhlkh preparatoy krovi Laningradekogo institute. perelivaulya krovi (say. laboratorlye), - doktor med.nauk LA. DoCo- molova). (BWM AS r= OR XKDICM) (HORMOUS' Sim) BAKSHT, G.A., prof.; DOOONDLOVA, L.G., dolctor sed,nauk: YXYXMM, Z&Y., nauoh- -- rqy sotrudallc Clinical results of the use of hamobormonestimulln. Att.Topgarel. Imovi. uoAt160-162 155, RMA 13 tl) 1. la'boratorlya sukh1kh prepantov krovi Lanitgradskogo Institute, p*relivautya krovi (say* laboratorlyey - doktor vad.nauk L.0, Bogo~- moloya). (BLOM AS YOM OR MICINA) (MaMNIS, six) --D t lye ,k ,.v3 - i"loll, Nch Sr. 111"'tirttion Of Electric 2(,, 1"C3 'Urnaces :i'or Ajjijrjq Inst Of, ,:on ?rrolir, oscow, tit ia Its '70: 7uy I') UC t I9'.)Ij RAKSHT I.V. "Electric Smelting of Secondary Alluminum Alloys in Induction Furnaces." report presented at the Scientific Technical Conference of Workers in Secondary Non-ferrous Metallurry, Khar1kovp 25-27 Jamiary 1961. 9101-b6 ENV ( d ) /LW ( 1 ACC NRj A16MI!94 SOME CODEs UJVOD 10_0_D/45D8/iki - HD22 S(X=ls Rot. sh. FlzlUp Abs. 82160 AUTHO a I Mdu_D. B. CO OW t none 477 TITIE: Dm2w-tion or eleatja"jLmti!g_ waves In an Infinite conducting layer with dieleciric content that decreases cm approaching the Interface M. In-ta radicelektron. I elektron. tekbn.,, V- 3) 104P CIM SOME: Tr. Tqpsk 2 1 YY 70FIC TAWt electr talc wave j!!:E2!ptionp dielectric constant# flat vaivegulde., dielectric VaVeg TRKMIATION: The author considers the propagation of two-dimensional electromagnetic waves In a nonconducting layer of thickness 2dj, which Is unbounded along two coordi- nates and has a dielectric constant that decreases towards the edges as I(X) - C3/(IXI + g)2. 7be Ox axis is along the propagation direction. 7he conditions for the existence of different vawes that do not depand on y are determined. It Is assuzoed that excitation or these waves takes place In a region which is Infinitely rewte from the origin* With the aid of the wave equations for the lnhOODgeneOUS medium and the conditions on the batmdaz7, separate transcendental equations are ob- tained for the prcTWtlcn constants of the even end odd H and I modes. 7h9 order of magnitude of the roots of three equations can be determined by constructing suit- L 4675-~_66 rrr (1) ACC NR: AR6004325 SOURCE CODE i UR/0274/65/ODO/009/AM7/AC27 t AUT.11011i jaksht, Kh,,,--$,- TITLEz Propagation of electromagnetic waves in an infinite nonconducting layer with a dielectric constant decreasing toward the boundary surfaces SOURCEt Ref. zh. Radiotakhnika i elektrosvyaz$j Abs. 9A207 REF SOURCEt Tr. Tomakogo in-ta radioolektron. I olektron, tekhn., vo 3. 1964P 104-118 TOPIC TAGSs electromagnetic wave, wave propagation, dielectric layer waveguidet dielectric constant OSTRAM The prop!gation of two-dimensional electrl/gnetic waves is considered in a nonconducting layer unbounded two coordinates of thickness 2d with decreasing toward the boundaries according to the law d -cons( for xjzo." The OX We is directed perpendicular to the plane boundaries of the layer,, and the OZ We is along the direction of propagation. The Card 1/2 UDOs 621.371*13 ACO NR: AR6004325 conditions for the existence of waves of various typos not depending on Y are determined. It is assumed that the excitation of those waves occurs in a region infinitely far from the origin or the coordinntes. It is shown that two even waves (11- and E-typos) exist and are propagated in a layer with arbitrary param- eters. The phase velocity of the wave propagation, when it occurs, equals the velocity of light, The ratio of the energy fluxes outside and inside the layer reaches a maximum only for the critical conditions or propagation. 2 illu3tra- tions, 3 tables,, Bibliography of 4 citations,, A* Ps 5ranslation of abstraoit SUB COIEs 20 A Card 2/2 at *VQrlA PhospUto Nkrintp ir,!I(. Bwmht,. 61 pp synesh Twe Val Ylls So T bl"uselon of dletrllmtlcn and proftetion of phosphaU lik the War varld ar"s. go rtforeme to USM. Ma. "Usat reffalme to POINA. RUBINSHTEYN, G.; BAKSHT, M. Dsvelopment of Soviet foreip trade. Vensh. torg. 42 no.4: 5-13 162. (MIRA 1514) (Russia-Commerce) -77 IWO - - - Di_rl -.1 - I ~i 17 . x~. A&wu ;~T ) 4 ~ , v . I 1-1 -- i~. A, I i:I. 11. , r=I-i - Y- 3 rr. -'vVII 64 40) TSMIKOV, A. Y., and X. Y. ,,oxidation or Buno in solution a paj.- Iff -r presented at the 9th Congress on the Chomistry ond Physics of Ifigh Polymers, 28 Jan-2 Feb 57, Moscow, Moscov Polytechnic In3titut~. B-3)OB4,P5 L 3381-66 Dn(u)/LVP(J)/T VA ACCESSION NR: APS022093 UR/0138/65t0001008/0042/0044 A,\678. 06:685. 314. 33. 002. 2 AUTHOR: Tokareva, T. Ye.; Snitsarenko, L. G.; Volkova, N. A~~-Baksht, 0. W; Zelldich. E. 1. Kheyfets, F, M. %k %k TITLE: romp u ding and technology for manufacturing winter-proof boots SOURCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 8, 1965, 42-44 TOPIC TAGS: rubber chemical, antifreeze, synthetic material, butadiene sty- rene rubber, filler, plasticizer, thermoelasticity, special purp2se clothing, rubber/SKMS-10 rubber A13STRACT: Formulations and technology for making frost- resistant boots which retained their elasticity at -50C were worked out and introduced commercially. Formulations for all parts 0cept the tricot-backed boot tops were based on frost resistant rubber SKMS-10,0and natural rubber was used in formulation for fabric application. The antifreeze effectiveness of dibutylphthalate, dibutylsebacinate, MVP oil, "plasticizer" oil and transformpr oil was evaluated. The first two compounds gave the beat frost-resiBtance-vat -50 C , and formulations containing dibutylphthalate had the greatest resistance to aging and became brittle below Card 1/2 L 3331-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022093 -65C . Different types of carbon black had.little effect on frost- resistance. Manufacturing technology for making frost-resistant regular and fisherman's boots is analgous to that for making ordinary molded boots. Orig. art. has: 2 tables ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut, rezinovykh i latekonykh izdeliy (Scientific Research Institute for Rubber and Latex Products)i avod!Xrasnyy bogatyrONras yy Bogatyr'"Plant) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MT, IE NR REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 000 Cord2/2 SOV/138-58-9-7/11 ADTHORSt Makeyevap A. H; Pozin, A. A; Yeganova, Ye. S; Baksht, 0. V. Zol'dioh, E. I. T ITLE Possibility of 'UsirZ SKP Rubber for ManufacturlrC [tubber Boots (0 vozmoshnosti primenenlya %auchulca 3KP d17a izCotovleniya rezinovoy obuvi) PERIODICAL: 11 Kauchulic I Rezinav 1958,04r 9,, pp 25 - 27 (USSR) ABSTRACT:' The output of rubber shoes is to be Increased three to four times by the end of 1965 aocordinr,, to the direc- tives of ';he May Conf 3rence of the Central Committee off the KP33. The authors tested the properties of stand~irl SKP mixtures containing atomised carbon blac% anJ mix- tures and compositions prepared under laboratory and in- dustrial conditions in the factory "Krasnyy boCatyrl". The composition of the two mixtures is given. The plas- ticity of standard mixtures containirir channel black ractically did not change after heatinC for 90 minutes ir,.l). Mixtures containirV; atomised c:irbon blue!,- U shased considerable lower plasticity after heatin_r for 40 - 50 minutes. SKP mixtures prepared under Industrial conditions could not be 4-P.,-,Led bec~luse they shor, "I'ard 1/2 tendency to scorchirZ;. This disappeared when 2 SOVZ13B-58j9--7/1l 5~ossibility of Using SKP Ibibber for Manufacturing Rubber oots z Ino benzoate was added to the mixtures (Figs. 2 - 3) The addition of this substance does not affect the properties of the vulcanisates (Tables 1 and 2). Prop- erbles of vulcanisates made from SKP and SIM rubber are compared (Tables 2 - 4). The physiao-mechanical characteristics of boots made from SKP rubbor,when zino benzoato was added,viere slichtly better than those made from BKB rubber. There are 4 Tables, 3 FiCures and 3 Soviet References. ASSOCIATIONtZavod "Krasnyy boptvr"' i hauchno-lasledoxatel'skly institut rezinovy1ch I late%snykh lzdeliy ( Km sn)y bogratyr Factory and thoSaientific Institute for Rubber and Latex Articles) Card 2/2 TOKW-VA, T.Ye.; SNITSARENKO, L.G.; VOLKOVA, N.A.; BAKSHT, O.V.; MIDICH, E.1,; KHEIFETSt F.M. Formulas and technology for the manufacture of frost-resistant boots, Kauch. i res. 24 no.8t42-44, 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellakly Inatitut resinovykh I latekanykh isdeliy i zavod "Krasnyy bogatyr', :ACCESSION HRI AP4041026 5/0120/64/000/0031010810110 AUTHORt Baksht$ Re Bo I Mesyats , C. A. 'TITLE: Circuits using ferrite* for obtaining high-voltage ,nanosecond pulses SOURM Pribory* i tekhnika skeparimentap no* 3, 1964, 108-110 TOPIC TAGSs high voltage pulse, nanosecond pulse, ferrite nonlinear element, ferrite ring ABSTRACT: A device for obtaining short pulses with amplitudes up to 20 kv by means of a nonlinear circuit equipped with ferrite rings I is described. The basic diagrams of the pulse-shaping element and the experimental unit are shown. The nonlinear element consists of a brass rod (30 mm in dismsuir and 40 mm long) with a ferrite ring (inside diameter, 30 mml outside dLamsterg 50 mol heLghto 10 mm)o ~The unit is fixed inside a coaxial duralunin chamber. Input pulses (10-9 see - 20 kv) are supplied from the generator* It is shown ithat the amplitude of the output pulse increases proportionally to that of the input pule* and to the number of rings* It increases CoM I / 2 'ACCESSIOM NRI AP4041026 with a drop in the input-pulse front durationg which is connected Iwith the rate of increase in the ferrite magnetic field intensity$ jorig. art. hast 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Tomakiy polit*khnicheskiy Institut (Tomsk Polytechnic a otituts" SUBMITTEDt 09Jul63 ATD PRESS, 3068 ENCLs 00 1' .1 ISUB COM NO*REF SOVt 002 OTHER 001 ;Card 2/2 4 ~ ~w 'Cif, r-, .- - 2- --~2 Nkt AT60il74O ;OURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/030/0165/0171 AUTHOR: Baksht, R. I.; Lemberg, M. D.; M. -zelt, L. M. ORG: none TITLE: Pneumatic automation equipment fo: controlling plants in the gas industry SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut avtomatiki i Lelemckhaniki. Pnevmoavtomatika (Pneumatic automation). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 165-171 TOPIC TAGS: pneumatic control, gas industry, industrial automation, pneumatic device ABSTRACT: This article reports on work conducted and equipment developed by the SKB for Automating Gas Instruments of the State Production Committee of the Gas Industry (SKB "Gazpriboravtomatika" Gosudarstvennogo proizvodstvennogo komiteta gazovoy I promyshlennosti) to automate gas engine compressors (GEQ and gas distributing sta- tions (GDS) by pneumatic automation means. The GEC consists of a gas engine and pis- ton compressor with a common crankshaft. The systems developed and manufactured to automate the GEC are the 1000-hp 10GC and the 1500-hp lOGKN. The GDS systems reduce pressure from 30-55 to 3-6 kg/cm2. They differ from each other in their engineering drawings (depending on the equipment used and the number of users) and in their flow- rate characteristics (from several hundred to several hundred thousand cubic meters per hour). The GDS automation system must maintain pressure within certain limits at the output, remove faulty equipment from the operation (cutting in, ctird 1/2 and make remote control of all executory mechanisms possible. The devices used in these systems may all be functionally divided as follows: (1) sources of information on the course of the engineering process (sensors with proportional and discrete out- put); (2) elements for transmitting, distributing, anti performing logic operations; for converting one sort of energy into another; and for amplification (relays, reverse and reversible valves, converters and amplifiers); (3) control elements (final cut- outs, buttons, tumblers, and switches); (4) signal (indicator) devices. Domestic Soviet industry does not produce the greater part of the listed equipment; therefore the SKB developed new units (with diaphragms, unactuated by throttle or flow rate) which require no special treatment of air or gas and are operable from.-40 to +50 C. Eleven devices are illustrated and described# Orig. art. hast 10 figures. SUB COM 13, 05- SUBH DATrt 03Feb66 UMBE.RG, Mikhail Dimitriyevich; BOLOTIN, Kh.L.p kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.p reteenzent; BURTSEV, K.V.., inzh., red.1 LESNICHENKO,, I.I., red. izd-va; UVAROU, A.F., tekhn. red. (Clamping devicos of lathea]Zazhimrwe ustroistva tokarrykh stankov. Foskval Mashgisp 1962. 150 p., (MIRA 15110) (lathea) Do' Tenc SC: Dec. C bat P 53' I - r. AXSHT, S.I., inshwisr. Inot uing the hoisting capacity of a BK-25-48 tower crane with lon,-tr )on range. Ilek.ata. 25 no.Ils52 1 154. (MUIA 7--l! ) %Cran*s, derricks, *to.) -- --- - - - -- EUUT,- -S "--- Pot inshenere 4 MOONA-mmmomom Cantilever scaffolds for building the outer walls of the main buildile Blek, at&, 26 nool:47-48 J& 155. (MIRA 8:3) Scaffolding) Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 12/33 Author Baksht, S. P.0 Eng. Title Mounting of steel reservoirs by pontoons Periodical Blek sta, 5. 44-45s MY 1955 AID P - 2413 Abstract The mounting of 2,000 cu m steel reservoirsWesented In detail with diagrams. The floating crane It installed on the pontoon within the pond filled with water and is used instead of a scaffolding in the erection of the reservoir. Two diagrams. Institution: None Submitted : No date A its ti Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 2533 Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 17/32 Author Baksht, S. P.,, Eng. NOLUMMUMM Title MountIng frames of the main building of a thermal power plant Periodical : Elek sta, 6. 43-44, Je 1955 Abstract : The performance of a L-shaped crane with 22 t capacity during the construction of a thermal power plant is reported in detail. A wider use of these cranes for the erection of frames weighing up to 2,500 t is recommended. Three diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date UISHT, S.P., insh. Upright auction fans. Ilek.sta. ducts of asbestos cement sheets for bloving 29 no.101 J& 058. (KrU 1112) (Paus, Mechanical) -RWHT$.A!P.j iuzh. Assembly of a generator stator vitbout using a crane, Energe stroi. no*22339-42 161. (HIRA 15:7) 1. Proyektnaya kontora treata. "Navkazonergostroy". (Electric"generators) L~ BAKSHT, Yuriy Vollso.y.i-ch: LOFENF-BLIDt Yevgeniy Grigorlyovich; RUSETSKIYI ---AIek-niKdr-Alekseyevioh,, Prinimali uohnstiyet MMIROSOVp G.G.; MULYUDOV, M.A.1 KATSWt F.Mop inzh.p reteenzenti TITOYs I.A.p kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzentl KAZAROV, Yu.S., red.; KOHOVENKO, Yu.N., tekhn. red. (Adjustable pitch screw propellers] Grebmye vinty reguliruemogo shags. By IU.V.Baksht, E.G.Lofenfelld, A.A.Rusetskii, laningrad, Goo. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyahl.p 1961* 327 pe (MIIIA IWO (Propellers) BAKSHTAN JAI-so EWSMMICHp M,N,o nauobmy tekhn. red, I RODOV- SWAp N.Y.p oty. %a vypusk; VOROTNIKOVA, L.F.p tekbn. redo (Hoobanization and automation in the olaswitication yards of U.S*S.,Re and foreip railroadol bibliographic index of Soviet literature publisbed from 1955 to 19601 Makhanizateiia, i avto- matizataiia na sortirovochrqkh stantailakb zbelezrqkh dorog v SSSR i %a rubasboul bibliogftficbeskii ukazatell otechestyennoi literatury 1955-1960 gg. Moskyap Vaeso isdatellsko- 11gr. obl- edinenie Vp-y& putei soobobobeniia* 1961, 14 p, rMMA 34 % 10) I* Russia (1923- U.S.S.Ro). MinisterstTo putey scobohebon4a. TSentrallwWa, nauchno-tekhnichaskaya bibliotaka, (Bibliograpby-Railroade-lards) (Automatic control) WSHTANSKAYA Ii.S.1 F.Wp G.G,p nambno-tekhn. rod.1 HODOVSKAYA# --1QV--I OtT. VI~;9j;4skj GROVOV, Yu.V.,, takhn. rod. [Use of plastics and synthetic products in railroad transportation in the U.S.S.R. and in foreign countries; bibliographic index of Soviet and foreign publications] Pri- menenie plaetzass i sintoticheakikh materialov na zbelezno- dorozhnom transporte v SM i za rubethom; bibliograficheakii ukazatell otechestyernoi i inostramoi literatury) 1950-1960 gg,, Moskva, Voes. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"adinenie 14-va putei soob- shchoniiap 1961. 38 p, (mnu 15:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) VWstorstvo putey soobshcheniya. TSontraltnaya uauchno-tokhnicheekaya biblioteka. (BibliograpbV-Railroade-Equipment and supplies) (Bibliograp~V-Plasticaj 13AKSliTANSKMA, H.S., Av. za vypusk; DROZDOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. -----TR-aiiroad nterature of the U.S.S.R. for 19611 Zhelezno- dorozbna,ia literatura SSSII, 1961, Moskva# Tranosholdor- lzdat, 1963. 458 P. (MIRA 17:2) 1, Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Rininterstyo putey nobahcho- niya, TSontraltnaya nauchno-tekhnichoskaya bibliotaka. BAXSHTAIISKAUq.-Uq4w; RAMTULINA) N.D.., inzh., nauchno-takhn. red.; ----KO5DVSKffA, M.V.j nauobno-bibl. rod.; RODOVSKAYA, W.V.,, otv. za vypusk; USENKO, L.A.j, tekhn. red. (Mechanization and automation of operations in locomotive opera- tioup saintena a aW repair in the 'U.S.S.R. and foreign countrisel bibliograpby of Soviet literature, 1957-19601 Mekha- nizateiis, I avtomatizatslia v lokonotivnom khaziaistve v SUR i z& rubashom; bibliografichookii ukazatoll otechestvemoi lits- ratury, 1957-1960 gg. Hoskvn# Tranezbeldroisdat, 1961* 38 p. (MIRk 15 5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S,S.R,) Kinietorstyo putay soobahcZ;- TSentrallnays nauobno-tekbnicbeekaysbibliotaka. (BibliograplW-Locomotives-44aintenmee and repair) BAY.'.!i" 'JN,-K.-,YA , 1, . " ; - ~ 1'('f1 a I HO 1: LIJA I I t omo.~j re. ,., f , r~,, ii. I*c.:- ] -1, i. . 0 (' I e zr. - dorozhrm i --1 11 t erntii rii , i A -. 19(14. 478 ],. ( IV" I R A 18 : 1. 1 ROS11TAKAR, E.L.; NILOVAI 0.1o Feeding habit of young Oncorhynohus gorbutche ind Oncorhynchus keta in the White and Barents Seas. Trudy no.9:106-111 165. (MIRA M12) 1. Polyarnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy A. proyektnyy institut morakogo rybnogo kbosyaystva 1, okeanotraftip Murmansk, FILONOV, V.A.; BAKSHTATEVA, LA. Distribution of radioactive of the Pripet fault. Dokl, 1, Institut goologichookikh cheskogo, komitsta SSM. Predstavlono, elements in the formation,waters AN BSSR 8 no,W20-123 F 164. (MIRA 170) nauk Gosudarstvonnogo goologi- akademikom AN BSSR G.V. Bogomol"o BARATOAW, DmItrLy Dmitrlyevleh; PRORNOV. A.P., kanlild,,, tekhnicheekikh nauk, retsenvent;JAIMTZY31, S Z kandisat tekhntMe.*Ikh nauk, ratsontent,, n SHPICHINC18111, U.B., rvf#a ; JUXAIT.VA, O.H., ro'vdaktor Isdatel'stre; LSUOMOYRU, P.G.j tekbutcheAty redaktor [Dendritic W78tallisation) Dandrittmia kristallizateits. lid, 2-os, isprA dop. Hooky&. Goo evatichno-takim. isd-vo lit-ry po cherpoi i tevetnot ustallurgii, 1957. 125 P. (KMA 10:10) (Solidification) ,q k S h, T t- 7 IV, V- USHOINSIM N-A-. kandidat tekhalebask1kh nanki OOMM, S.I.; PJLIBMTII, !:!Ix.1cwAtd&t takhnicheek1kh nauk. ------ W-Www"%, 31inination of scale forwAtion in the evaporation of solutions of sodium sulfate. 8 '56. (NM 10t2) 1, Overdlovskly filial Isuchoo-issledovatelskogo Institute, Wal- chaskogo mashinostroyenlys, I Vabsolusayy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut ;alurgil. tBodium sulfates) (Draporating appliances) ll~l -1 1- - - BAKSOVA, R. A., atid B. N. MPANENKO, and YQ. W-AFANAS'YEVA "On the chemical nature of a ncw polysaccharlde" The Chmistry and Metabo.11sm of Carbckydmtes in Animal and Plant Orsanism. Conference in Moscov. Janu=7 26,to January 30 1958. j STIPAURNKO, B.P.. JOANSITUA, Te.M., BAMOVA, R.A. Chemical nature of eremuran, a now polyeaccharide from the roots of Bremurus regelil Evith sutmary in Bnglish]o Biokhlmiia 23 U0051713-720 B--O 158 (MIRA nsll) lo Laboratorlya fistologichaskoy khimit AN SSSR i Koskovskoy farmateevtIcheekly institut, Moskva* (PLANTS. Iremurne regelit, isolation & chem, of polysaccharide aremuran tRus)) (POLTSACCHAROW, aremnran# cbeme & isolation from 11rexurus regalli (RUB)) R.A., :~,-"':AKGVA, IN.K., k T 'r. , 03TO "The llf~sorv,? In "'I'vits," qt. t!,,~ rtlj Illtil, 1) r, CO -VIC 1.9")1. STEFAMN40, Production of crystalline d-mamooo from a new raw material - the polyeaccharide ars=rm. Diokhimiia 26 no.5i835-858 S-0 161. (HIM 14:12) 1. Institute of Diochemistryo Aoademy of Sciences of the U.S.S,R. arxi the let Medical Iqtitute, Moscow, (Emmw) HAMIOSE) PE'AhOV , K. A. , BAKS4113, , k. A. -, , I V. ; SINOGLYK INA , I - 1;. ; SKU DINA T. V. L .1 0 P.-opurties of phosphinle acid Enhyrirldes. Part 1: 'Monoalkyl(aryl) phosphonatos. 7hur. ob. klilm. 35 no-4:723-728 Ap 165. (MIRA 18: 5) PETROV, K.A.;-IiA R.A~; IGIORKROYAW, L.V. Properties or phosphinic acid anhydrides. Part 3: Reactions of anhydrides of phosphinic acids with olefin orldes. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.4032-737 Ap 165. (MIRA 18- 5) L 16wo-66 zwP(j)/twT(u) ACC NR: AT6 " di--- -- "SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0310/0313 AUTHOR: WILOV, K A.; Bakeove R. A.; Khorkboyanu, L V.; Rebus~ 1. 7. A3 .4z ORG: None 6el TITLE: Properties of phosphonic nhydrides, Part 2X Synthesis and properties of atUlenediphosphonic anhydrid SOURCE: AN SSSR, Otdeleniye obahchey i tekhnicheakoy khimii. Problemy organichisko'go sGteza in oirgan-ic syn.thesiIa) M~scow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 310-313 TOPIC TAGS: organic phosphorus compound, alcohol, phenol ABSTRACT: The article presents data on the synthesis of ethylenediphosphonic an- ihydride and on a study of its reaction with monohydric and dihydric alcohols and phenols. The anhydride was obtained in almost quantitative yield in two ways: 1(l) controlled hydrolysis of ethylenediphosphonyl tetrachloride in chloroform with. !prolonged heating nC12(0)PCH2CI12P(O)CI2 + 7nH20 --* n(02PCH2CH2PO2) + 4n HC1 and (2) reaction of the tetrachloride with tetraethyl ethylenediphosphonate taken in equivolar amounts: rd, e& - - ----- L L 16000-66 ACC MR& AT6004037 nCl2PCH2CH2PCI2 + n(C2H5O)2PCH2C112P(OC2115)2 2n(02PCH2CH2rO2) + 4n HC144nClIrCH2. 0 0 0 ~thoyl*nediphosphonic anhydride is apparently a polymer with the formula and consists of a vitreous hygroscopic mass P - CH2CH2 - P insoluble in all organic solvents. It reacts 0 n , readily with alcohols, glycols, and phegpla. 0 0 Acid esters of eth4lenediphosphonic acid1were obtained In good yields trom reactions ok the lanhydride with ethyl, isoottyl, and sec-octyl alcohol and p-nitrophenal at SO- 120C. Reaction of the anhydride with 1,3-propanediol and 1,6-hexanediol produced the heretofore unkmwn polyphosphonates 0 0 _O(CH2)x-O-P-CH2CH; 41-P-O(CH2)x \OH \011 _j n x 3o 6 M COD11 07 SM DATEi 13Mst64_/t- ,0110. Ms,.003 M RM 002 IRPWj AeSs Nov design of couplings for air conduits, DerI)row. 7 no.3128 Mr 158* (MMA ill 4) LTSentrallmy usuohno-iseledovatel'skiy institut makhanichookoy obrabotki dereva. (couplings) DDLOOT, A. 1. RUST, A. S. IMT]CYW-. T.G. Machine tools for making doweled. door*. Dar. prov. 7 ro.4:17-19 Ap 158. (KIRk 110) LTSentrallnyy Dauchno-Issledovatel'skly institut mekhanicheskoy obrabotki dereva, (Doors) (Woodworking machinery) DOLGOV, A.I.; BAUT, A.S. Now mechanisms for continuous production lines. Der.prom. 9 no.g:&g 8 160. (KIRA 13.9) 1. Vauchno-tseledovatel'skiy sashinostroyonlya. (Conveyins machinery) inttitut derevoobrabatyvayushchago (Furniture industry) MAX(A"SM, Rkolay Vasillyevich; BYSUOV, G.P., doktor tokhn.nauki retBen- A-0 entL BAKST A S.p kand.takhn.nauko reteentent; KAFUSTINj 1.1.0 doktor--Uelffm~.~, prof., red.; GOSPODARSKATA, T.N... red.izd-va; PARAMUNAp N.L.# tekhn. red. (Automation of technological proceem in voodvork) Avtonatiza,.. teiia tekbnologicbeekikb protseaeov v derevoobrabotka, Moskva, Goolesbumisdatp 1961. 397 p. (MIRA 1402) (Woodvorking machinery) (Automatic control) BAXUI,Ferenc Wlt~ the Caepel metal workers, Say. profsoiusy 3 no.5:68-70 my 55. (Klft 8:8) (Ceepel, Hunkary-Steel Industry) BAKTAI. n~: !""'n Gec~ui!q-hy &- (;-nlcgy Szekelyek uzent'K.; vc,minitil utlriaplc. Kor-,.uth YonyvkWO, 195-1 ~7 p. Yc,ntl,,Iy List of' EuroTc~in Accessictis (E~AkI), LO, vc I. % r('. 4, April 1959 UNCIUS31FLED BAKTAI, Gyorgy %A Pictures from the 5th Congress of the Hungarian Sports Federation for National Defense. Radiotechnika 33 no,7: 2 of cover JI 163. A FETUS11, I.; KHORVAT, A. Indications or solar activity in the annual rings of Pinus Tarnociensus of the Miocene. Astron.zhur. 41 no.2%413-411. Mr-Ap '64. (MIRA l7s4) 1. Kafedra astronomil unlverslteta im. Etvesha, Budapesht. BAKTAI, Marial FEJES, Istvan; HORVATH, Andras Examination of the annual rings of the Pinuxylon Tarnociencis (Tusson) Greguaa. Foldt koal 94 no.3093-396 JI-S 164. --,A - 1. :-%,, 1 " llarbora-3hip,s rASED 1964 DECLji 1963 MKTAY, Gvorgy; RIVS7AME BARAN, Maria, dr. Chemi-try of aerosol preparations. Magv kem lap 19 ne.9:46*,-469 s 164. 1. Cosmetic and Household Chemical Industry Enterprise# Budapest. Hungary/Chmical Tecbnclogy. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Fate and oils. Waxes. Soap. Detergents. Flotation reagents, 1-25 Atst Jlwamal: Rtforat Zhur - KUmiyat No 2.. 1957.. 6378 Author: Baktay, Gyorgy InstItutioni None Title: Rroblems of Vegetable Oil Prvduction Original Publication: OI&J, 9-appan, koometika, 1955, 4, No 14-16 Abstract: Discussion of the problems the solution of which is needed by the vegetable oil industry in order to improve the technology of oil productlon and refinement, production of fatty acids and glycerol. Card 1/1 Distrt 495d/492c(j) Preparation and separation pf chlorinated x n derivatives of high bollizg point. Istyan RussnAk, Indre Maito) and G '* :y Baktay H~azaki lRyetem. Budapest), Magyar 146. Lapja Ill 123-5(1956),-Distn. monochlorobenzene -pro f the 5 zanuf. were studied with the purpose of developing a method for the sepn. of 1,2,4-trichlorobensens (1) for the prepn. of phthalocyanine. The material con- tains -59% Cl. It wan distd. in vacuo (19 sim. Hg) at 32-800 to obtain the light portion; at the latter temp. p-dichlorobanzone pptd, At 81-1520 the high-boiling portion was obtained. Both portions were then redistd. at atm. pressure. The light portion contained no 1# the bigh-boiling, portion contained -60%. As the high-boiling portion represtnts 26% of the total distillate, it was attempted to increase I yield by chlorinating the light portion. Fe. catalyst was usod and the chlorination was conducted at 20-300 until Bp. gr. reached 1.220 (200) and at 55-650 until it reacbed 1.335 (500). The I yield can be further increased by continuing the chlorination until reacoing, the op. gr. 1.460 (5GR). G. J. Irnyei (Retyped clipped abstract) E.%KilllisEli. L I* N 5 662.ul .10 Teploteklinicherh lye Kontmlno-I~rprJtplfnyye -ril Ory (Themo-Technical Control and Insti-ment!-, by) E. D. Kutin 1 1. 1. rrJ%t.ov-.-kIy. I?.d. 2. Isprtv, I Dop. Eorkw, Emsheir, 1955. 39Q, P. ftu!rs., Tpt-les. 1 7 :J,iY8AYTI7f X.B.; IRIKAT, G.M. Alpha-decay mechanism and reduced level vidths of Po 210 and P0212 nuclei. Izvo AN SSSR. Sor, fize 27 no.lOtl297-1304 0 *63, (KRA 16: 10) f ACCSSSION KRi AP4042969 8/0048/64/028/007/1229/2233 AVMOR.- Bakty*bayev, X.Di'l Dukat, G.M. TITLEt Reduced alpha-particle widths of bismuth 210 and the energy level spectrual of thallium 206 ffieport 14th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy hold In TIbillst 14-21 rob 104;~ SOUFKZt AN SSSR. 1xv. Seriya fisicheskaya, v.28, no.7, 1964, 1229-1233 TOPIC TAGS: radioactivity, alpha decay, nuclear spectroscopy, nuclear force, bis- muth, thallium ABSTRACT- The reduced widths were calculated for alpha decay of the ground state and the 250 koV 9- excited state of Dj2lO to the foll6wing states of T120G: tile 2- and 3- states at 800 and 654 k9V (not necessarily respectively), the 301 keV 1~- state, the 262 koV 2- state, end a hypothetical low-lying I- state, The methods am-' jiloyed have been previously, described by the authors (Izv.AN SSSR,Ser.vis.27,1201, 1.963; 28,102,1964). The calculations were undertaken primarily to determine whether the failure so far to observe alpha transition to the low-lying I- state is ccmp*17~ Ing proof of its non-exletarAe. as argued by 11*D.Zoh and MoMang (Rucl.phys629, 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042969 1 529,1962). This question to pf .9bro importance, f or it involves, tho-exiatence or non-existence of tonsor forces in the residual nuclear Interactions. The doscrip- tion of the nuclei given by L.A.Sliv, G.A.Sogomnp'ova and Yu.I.K)iaritonov (Zhur. eksp.i toor.fiz.40,94G,l0Gl;,,Izv.AN SSSR,Ser.fiz*.28,315,1964) 9n the basis of the shell modol with central residual forces was employed in the calculations. Accord- Ing to this model, the l9west states of T1206 arg those of a pl/asj/2 (0:1) doublet with. very small separation, and Vie ground state, of D12IO is a mixt4ro of many can- figurations of which 111/2116/2 and (;9/2119/2 predominnto. 71o rcdttcLd widths for transitionn from either of the two bismuth states to the low-lying 1- thallium stnto were found to be much smallor than the other reduced widths. nio relative in-. tonsition of the n1phn trnn ditions were cn1c 'uInted from the reduced widths and the barrier ivnetration f actorn , nixt they are compnrod with the experimental rosu'Ats, Excellent agreament wn!j found for the trazisitif-nfs to the 262 and 301 heV thallium levola. For the 654 and 800 heV levels, the Intensity of the trailsition to ono (do-': pending on the n9olgitmont) was in good agreeraont with, oxlvriro-,nt, and that to the other was off by a factor 4. Tito calculations indicate that about 3% of thu alpha transitions from the excited bismuth state should be to the low-lying V thallium level, Vie trattijition probability was -givon by the calculations horovor, as the 2/3 ACCESSION- NR: AP4042969 difference between two largi nuabors.,'and it might well be in fact much smaller. If; one Ignores configuration mixing and employs pure sholl model states iw'tho calcu- lations, as did Zeh and Mang (loo.cit) one finds a much larger transitizut probabi- lity. It in concluded that; the exper2ntal data are, not inconsistent with, the ox-! litonce of a low-lying M V i0vol in TI In conclusion, the authors express their deep gratitude to L.A.Sliv for his'constant interest in the work and for .number of valuable remarks." 3 formulaso I figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONt Fialko-tokhnichookly' Institut im.A.F. Ioffo Akadovaii nauk OSSA (Physi- co-toohnical Institute, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) SUBVI-1 00 SNCLZ 00 SVD CCDRa XP NR IMF SOVt 003. onwt oo 3/3 n,I-r-l --YEV, K*-- B-. ;-BUMG) - G a - M$- ---- - - "Alpha Decay and Nuclear Structure." report submitted for All-UnionConf on Nuclear Spectroscopy) Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. FTI (Physico Technical Inst) BkKTYUYET, K.B.; BUKATp G*H* Alpha-docay of Pa222 and the level struature of radm isotopes, Izv, AN SSSR. Ser, fiso 28 no.M203-1206 JI %MA 1718) in B1210 and the speotrum of levels in Ti2OO* . Bid, i'm W-. 1. Miko-taUnicheakiy institut ime A*F* Iofre AN SSSR. Wr(n) DIAAP ACC W: AT6005871 SOURCE CODE: MV0367/65/002/004/0585/0595 AM"DR: A!MXj>_aXev. 16 Bq; M. ORO: ftelootechnical Institute in. A. P. 1oiLfgx_ACA&MV_QE_ficJW.!ks SSSR (Fiziko,-~ tekhnicbeekiy instit Akademil Dauk SSSR) ~pha_ deeso structure of nuclei /4 the region of Fb208 TIM i Al SOURCEt Yadernays, fizikRp-v. 2p no* hp 196% 585-595 7 "PIC TAGS: lead., bismuth, radium, Alpha decayp nuclear structurep proton inter- actionp neutron interactionp wave functionj nuclear spectroscoP7 ABMACT: 7he authors calculate the alpha widths of the ground and excited levels of several nuclei in the Yttinity of lead, such as Po?32j. B0100 and R&222. The ~influence of the residual ifteraction,and of the structure of the levels of the parent and daughter nuclei on the relative values of the alpha-decay amplitude is investigated, The calculations employed take into account the dynamics of the in- ternal mation and explain in natural fashion Ywmq details of alpha decayp providing ,&-better understanding of the connection between Its obaracteristic and the energy and electromagnetic characterletieB of the nuclei. It Is shown that in addition to pp and nu intemtions, an Important role Is played by np interactions in the cor- Cardl/2 L 20392-6-6- ACC WHt Ar6w5871 ;relation of the four nucleons Into an alpha cluster. 7be fact that the authors used the wave fvwtions obtained by L. A. MY and his eo-workers (ZhRTF Yo A 539P 1959; Noel. Physe Vo 28p 192p 1960) without additional assumptions or nev pan., meters,, offers evidence that these functions represent vith sufficient accuracy the;, ~properties of the nucleus as a system of interacting nucleons. The results show that the study of alpha decay yields valuable information on the structure of the nuclear levels and the character of the residual interaction on the nucleons. Con- :Yercelyp alpha decay can be used for nuclear spectroscopy since it facilitates the Identification of the levels. 7be authors thank Professor L.A. Sgy for continu- ous interest In the work wA Professor J. 0. Rawwasen for a useful discussion, Orig. aft. bast I figurep 5 forwAns), &a 7 tables On CODES 20/ BUBM DAMS 25J&m65/ OM Wt Wh/ -OM REFS 012 BMUIEV.,A.14.1 PR(MIS, V.I. Experiences In the surgical treatment of coronary insufficiencys Bratial. lek. listy 2 no,98505--514 163, 1. Oddelenie cievnej chirurgie (vedual vied. Ju*3*Be2*zov (Yu.S.Berezor)) Inatitutu ardcovocievnej chirurgie (riaditelt proGS.A*Kolesnikovj vedecky veduci akademik A.N. Bakulev) Aka- demie l9k&rskych vied SSSR. 4M ni, A 0 C, . I . "Comparin- the Stability of Various 'Grades of Butter." Cand Tech Sci, Latvian Agricultural Acad, 14Faj 1954. (RZhKhi-n, no 23, Wc 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSF. tugher Educational Institutions (12) SOt Sam. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 BAKUL I B N kand.tekhn.nauk; ZAKHARENKC), I.P., kand.tekhn.nliijk; ti~ CHEFOVETSFIYO I.Kh.,,, inzh. Sharpening hard-alloy wood-cutting Instruments with diamond rings. Der. prom. 12 no,9:8-9 S 163. (MIRA 16s10) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isslodnvAtellakly Institut aintetichookikh everkhtverdykh materialov I InstruOnta. S/190/63/009/001/006/006 D251/')308 4MOM; 11rozin, B.D. (deceased), Bakull, V.1,11. mid Pelepelin, V.11. (Kiev) TITLE: Plaotic deformation of hard alloys 1"'l-MUODICAL: Frykladna melchanika, v. 9, no. 1, 1963, 94-98 T.F.%T: Since hard alloys are widely used as materials for instrument and machine-component construction, a study of their plastic properties is of considerable technological as -.;cll as theor- etical value. The existing ., infonaation on this prob1cm being licuted and scattered, the authors use a method 'Jased on the uneven conpres- sion of hoops to study the plastic defoniiation of two-phase tungsten carbide - cobalt alloys. The cobalt content varies fron, 4 to 25,~. The residual deformation is shoim to be consider:ible, being 11% for the 451~ Co alloy, 9.5'A for the 67, Co alloy, and then incrensing to IB.51*41 for 25% Co. The affect of deformation on the hardness, coer- cive force and specific conductivity is also sho,.-A-t; the hardness decreases after deformation but the other two parameters increase. Card 1/2 S/198/63/009/001/006/006 Plastic defonaation of hard alloys D251/D308 Those latter may be taken as scnc;itivc characteristics of the effect of defomation. lFurther investigations of the effect of deformation ,.rill be carried out with the aid of X-rays, metallography and assay- iiw,. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOMMON: Instytut melthaniky .0 URSR (Institute of Mechanics of the AS UkrSSR) SUM11TTED:_._ -Sept ember 1962 Card 2/2 BARTLA, N. Machine-tractor stations are responsible for the fulfillment of the plan for sugsr-beet output. D. 145. (Pechanimsee Zemedelstvi, Vol. 7, No. 7, Apr. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. - BAIUIA, s. _ BegInnIng of sometbing now* Orazbd.&Y* 17 no,6:10 .ye 160. 02A 13:7) (Air lines) 83383 ?'J/0 z/oi;/60/000/005/016/056 219 2382 AUTHORSt Bakule, R., 91chaq M.1, Vesely, V. and Kraelk, J. TITLEs Complex Conductivity of Plasma-,in a DC Glow Discharge in Noon T PERIODICAL: Ce3koslovensky casopis pro.fysiku, 1960, No. 5, P. 408 TZXT; The measurement of the concentration and collision frequency in the positive column of a DC glow discharge in neon by the high- frequency method is described. The results of the measurements show that the expression for the complex conductivity of plasma derived by Fangs is applicable to the positive column of a DC glav discharge, It in also shown that the measurements can also be analyzed by means of the Lorenz formula which is simpler for numer- ical calculations, The electron concentration ovaluated from this formula in (within the range of experimental error) similr to that calculated from the Fangs expression. ASSOCIATIONS: Katedra slaktroniky a vakuoveo fysiky Karlovy university, Praha (Chalr of Electronics and Vacuum Physics of Charles Universit , Prague) %. Pysika'*lni u"stav 6VUT, Pod1brady (Physics Institute of CVUT, Pod%brady. Card 1/1 Th* hydromat,a continuous centr1fugal (from PUltachrift fur die Zuckerinduetrie." no,,8 1956), Reviews& by B.T. Tereshin, O's, Balalloake. A". Vrom. 31 no.lt76-77 JoL 157. (K= 10-64) (Centrifteel (Sugar machinery) 00 00 go A 00 00 0 0 'J 0 *IOU :*"I gigs g4, 9 4114 04 44444 04 0 0 a 0 0 9 & 0 0 0 0 *6 to I too ......I 00 ""S fm muma ww*o bad lon"Ofts. .00 r Jtfj~ftd M. M. Krawimm. Miditio, MN41. S. ~46 1. f. _" IIKW,).- thills 21PI-I with Y, chillr4 Wmglk 4 G"", was bn"%Sfy Out dealing NI Im. I-A"t"Iftl to 2A rl". Im %lef I oil Ill, too .0 -60 z00 41 ZOO 00 WIN * tie 0 *0 90 it CtAIVOKA11" too 049 cot 00 4-00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 fA set oodl 000 a-. LN. -~ e*,*,Ow fav, & i i d i &.0 lipiol III& Selme *win Ilea# Is v 0 A 0-0 0 god; too see fe'O goo WOO, so# voo we* us* see "Thp of tlstn,,- Detachable Fiorinf- lIUtB for rrrcussive Yneu:-.rtic 1)i-Jllinl,-" TBvet, 14, No. 4-5, 1939. Report U-1506, 4 Oct. 1951. jAi- T TT 6w 1. BAKULIP VAS 2. USS3 (600) "The Hanufacturing and Threading of Rods for Detachable Boring Bits 11ade by the Kharikov Machine-Tool and Tool Plant (KhSIZ)" Tavat. Met. 14) No 9., September 1939. 9. 90 Report U-1506, 4 Oct. 1951, DAIMI T ON e, inshener, Mechanized boring of holes In granite facing details. Makh.strol.11 no.3s29-30 154. (KM 715) (Drilling and boring) (Granite) USWScientific Organization - Conferonce CP-M IA r Pub. 128 - 32/-18 Authors I &.0aas P V. N, Title I Scientific-teclmical conferenco on repcated rciatoration of cutting tools Periodical t Usto m-eh. 9j, 98-99,p Sep 1954 Abstract t The AUJUnion, Fechanical Enginc.-Ts Scientific and Techrdcal Society in Kharkov hold a conference in Dec. 1953., on problems pertaining to the repeated restorntion, of cutting tools* AltoGether 26 lectures wore read on the abovo mwitioned subject., and som 320 delegates repre- acntinG 183 machine con3truction plants attended the conference. Iwtitiition t Kharkov Division of the M-Union Mechanical Engine3rs Be'leatific anti Teclu-dcrI Society Subrp-Ittcd t ,I . /r . I b II-J R-1 i" r- - ~7~- ~/' - - - -- - - - ---- --- - ---- - - -- - - - -- BAML . Y.N.; KOSTJNXTSXAYA, G.D. -- Now TE41 hard alloy for electric drill cutter heads, U9011 33 no*2t 27 IP 158. (MIRk Ilt2) 1, Ukrtyordeplay. (Boring machinery) (Tool steel) POLYAKv A. Lot kand* tekhn. nauk; NIKOIATENKO, A. Too insh.1 GRICHENKO# R. No, insh BAKULI V, N,,, kand. tekhn. nauk; ISAKOV, Bo lot JTjR;_ - -- I insb, i S. # To Iffident gemstry and makes of bard alloys for the blades of *utter loacers Ath a planstary-cutting actuating member. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.10120-22 0 162. (MM 15,10) 1. Ukrainskty namohno-Issledovatellskiy institut organisataii i mekbanivateii sbakbtn6go stroitel'stva (for Polyakj Nikolqvnko, Gricbenko), 2. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skLy institut sinteticbeekiM sverkht"r*kb materialov i instrumntor (for B&IM11, leakay, Starkov). (Coal mining machinery) UMS. V.N kand. takhn. nauk; ABWOV,, A.S.p insh.1 SKRIPXOj O&F*p insb& Diamond coasuuption in machining various brands of hard alloys. Hashinostroanie no,1197-99 Ja-F 163. (MM 1617) (Diamondep IMustrial) (Metal cutting) BAKULlp kand..tekhn. nauk; f"KO--, Ye.P.,, inzh. Using drill Xta of amll and reduced diamtero, Yat. i gornorud. Prom. no-444-45 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut everkhtTerdykh materialov Gosplana UkrSSR. BAKULI, V.N.) Rand, tekhn. nauk; ZAKHARENKO, I.P., keLnd. tekhn. nauk Diamond wheels for grinding hard-alloy toola. Hashinoatraitell no.lOtl5-16 0 163o (MIRA 16tl2) --BAMf# V.V.p kand. tekhn. nauki ZAKHAREHKO, I*P.,, kand. takhn. nauk; '----'-CIWOVMKIY,v I.D., inzh.; STARKOV, V.I., inzh. Sectional hard-alloy milling cutter with an sceentrIc clamp, Der.,prom. 12 no.1201-22 D 163. (MIRA 17;3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iasiedovatelskiy institut sintati- cheskikh everkhtverdykh materialov I instrumenta.